Lolicon game

Made in Abyss

2017.04.23 08:20 geodesy Made in Abyss

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2024.05.11 02:56 Nori_o_redditeiro Being a lolicon should never be considered a crime

Human beings are hypocrate and have a double-standard all the time. And I am myself included. We apply a moral principle to something, but then turn a blind eye to another thing. And this topic couldn't be any different. I don't get it. The same people who are against those who say "Enjoying any violent content makes you violent" a lot of times are those who say that enjoying a fictional 2d character who represents a child in a sexual way should be a crime, and that those who enjoy it wants to do it in real life. And this always confuses me, like, why the double-standard? Maybe someone could argue that "Feeling sexual aroused to a lolicon content is different from enjoying a violent game"
Yes, it is different. In one scenario you're enjoying one kind of crime in fiction, and in the other you're enjoying other types of crimes in fiction. But they would all be considered crimes if they happened in real life, period. You can't say "Killing, stealing and torturing is not a crime if you're doing it in fiction" While saying "If you enjoy lolis it should be considered a crime" Like, fiction is fiction, up until you don't want it to be?
So, this is my very unpopular opinion.
Edit: After seing some responses, I realize that people who think that it's ok for one to enjoy commiting crimes in fiction, but it's not ok for one to enjoy lolis in fiction ("comitting this specific crime") are speaking from mere personal taste alone. "All those crimes are ok, as long as it stays in fiction. But this one that I don't aprove of it in fiction is not, because I find it gross" is basically all people can say.
submitted by Nori_o_redditeiro to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 13:13 No_Fondant_9050 There is nothing wrong with lolicons or shotacons and it should remain legal /become legalised.

Lolis aka the short girls in Japanese are a type of VIRTUAL ANIMATED characters in Japanese anime and apparently their fanbase lolicons are apparently witch hunted by rest of the world.
They are fictional. we can prove this by comparative analogy, videogames even gore and violent videogames where you kill, loot or even torture animated characters who LOOK LIKE REAL HUMAN BEINGS, even though ACTUAL MURDER OR TORTURE is bad, videogames are ok and apparently people enjoy the thrill of killing, theft in games like GTA (people play those games to enjoy it right?). So why one premise is morally apprehended while other is allowed? (answer is sensitivity of society towards actual CP which is GOOD but lolicons are facing burnt for none of their fault )
YES they look like children, I am not the one who will argue with no substantial basis, so yes many of they look like children. BUT SIMILARITY DOESNT MEAN EQUALITY. They are NOT children but far from it. they are literal pixels controlled by fking transitors unlike some biological cells what real children have.
Even though considering only appearance, THE LOLIS HAVE EYES WHICH IS 50 PERCENT OF THEIR FACE, NO LIPS NO NOSE , HEADS ARE MUCH BIGGER THAN BODIES AND THEIR EYBROWS LITERALLY FLOAT IN MID AIR, I am yet to see any real child having these characteristics.
psychology denies it, basically if you go for a test you only state that you like lolis but have no attraction towards children you will come out tested as non pedophile.
the whole assumption that every lolicons is a pedophile is nonsense, its like saying every person who enjoys shooting people and killing people in games is a PSYCHO of sorts, no psychologists say they are perfectly normal people.
I do have a legal gun in real life but you will never see me play real life GTA
Unfortunately in reddit community pedophile term is reduced as a mere throw word to each and everyone whom this community doesnt like.
have you read a logical fallacy named moving the goalpost?
and the answer to your question is THEY ARE CUTE, even i am attracted to some lolis like arisu sakayagi , and hana uzaki , and I mean why not? smug lolis are the best
huh? slippery slope fallacy bud, I need anything more to explain it? DRAGON OF REASON from ted ed made a perfect video about it, check it out
basically every criticism for lolicons revolve around 5 things
  1. continum/inflation of conflict
  2. strawman
  3. no true scotsman
  4. slippery slope
submitted by No_Fondant_9050 to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 23:24 Critical_Coat1512 been a year porn free/masturbation free and 2 years free from extreme kinks.

same as everyone here, we'v all fought for probably years trying to get rid of this stuff. same was with me, although my condition was probably worse. i was addicted to lolicon, bestiality incest hentais and all the shabang. i tried really everything, forcing myself to resist, only pornogrophy no hentai, only masterbation no anything. all of this was useless. what freed me were these things.
  1. having a good faith in god, he taught me if i even look upon a woman with lust i commit adultry, so i stopped looking at any media that could provoke my lust. helped alot, however that meant, cutting out video games like overwatch, anime etc.
  2. sacrifice, even with my greatest efforts sacrifice is key, also time. here's a good quote,

The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world.

i actually got this quote from full metal alchemist xdxd. but it means if you want to live a new life you must destroy the old one. i did this by throwing away my xbox, leaving my computer and phone at another house for months, leaving myself no avenue to return watching porn or anything. so creating an environment that gets rid of the possibility of falling into lust is key. and eventually you can take back all these electronics, I'm porn free and i have my computer now, however i still always need to be careful not to subject myself to lustful media.
  1. be busy. a busy man has no time to be sad. same applies to lust. if you have to get 2- 3 jobs. read books. find something that forces you to expend your time. also, if you are a student, i put my computer somewhere else for studying however if that is even not enough perhaps you could get rid of your computer and only use a computer at the library for works sake.
so, to surmise.
  1. you need understanding. that lust, that is the enemy. amongst other understandings
  2. an environment is needed to afford proper healing. such requires sacrifice.
  3. idk what to say being busy is, however, to be busy you'll not have enough time to even think upon lust, your mind will be focused upon work.

this has been what's helped me to be 2 years clean of lolicon, bestiality, incest hentai, and 1 1/2 years just about free of any porn/ masturbation usage. i fought to be free of porn for a good about 4-5 years. i hope this helps and God bless.
ps. one last understanding I came to as well was (you cannot hope to be free of something, if you still enjoy it) perhaps it will aid you. good luck.
submitted by Critical_Coat1512 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:03 wyjif2 Ideas for fanfictions I have but will never do because i'm too busy

Idea 1
Nicole and Jecka never become friends. They become enemies instead.
First day of school, Junior year, Nicole becomes "friends" with Jeffery. (To bully him, of course. You played the game.)
Nicole and Jecka start to hit it off (because duh, of course the two hottest bitches in school have to become friends!) until Jeffery comes along and acts buddy buddy with Nicole. Jecka sees this and becomes disgusted, ditching Nicole, assuming she is just some loser who likes anime.
But when Nicole comes up to talk to Jecka the next day, for whatever reason, she still gets ignored. Nicole writes it off like "Fucking preppy bitch, didn't want to be her friend anyway."
She skips lunch in the restroom, because sitting alone at lunch is for bitches with acne.
But when she comes in there, Jecka's there. And she's with some of her popular skank friends. (Emily, Kelly, Ari, even fucking megan.)(Nicole thinks they're all friends but really everyone is in there just to buy Adderall from Emily)
And when Nicole comes in there, she tries to make friends with the hot bitches. (Because duhh, Nicole is a hot bitch and she has to be friends with hot bitches.) but then. Jecka shuts her down.
"Sorry freak. We're skipping lunch in the bathroom to do drugs. You're doing it because you have no one to sit with. Go away. Maybe your boyfriend jeffery will share his tuna with you."
Everyone laughs.
Nicole. Is getting... Bullied?
This won't fly.
And the rest of the fic is going to be Nicole elaborately plotting her revenge on jecka, and Jecka also retaliating. In a rapidly escalating series of pissing contests. I think Emily will end up as Nicole's bestie, and of course they make each other worse. I think i want this to turn into a toxic yuri thing where Nicole is lowkey obsessed with her "hatred" for jecka. (because who doesn't want to ruin the life of the hot bitch who bullies you?" At best they'll just end up angrily making out at a party and at worse kill they'll actually kill eachother.
Idea 2
A fic from the perspective of Nicole's mom. It starts off with the suicide ending. Nicole's mom bursts into Nicole's room, expecting Nicole to just be listing to MSI and reading a magazine or something. Instead she finds Nicole hanging from the ceiling. A suicide note on her computer screen. Everything goes black.
The next day she wakes up. She remembers everything. She has a panic attack in her bed. She runs into nicoles room to see nothing. It's a mess.
Maybe it was a bad dream? She frantically runs to the kitchen to see nicole sitting there. She practically tackles her into a hug and cries hysterically over her shoulder.
Nicole is mildly annoyed by this.
Nicole's mom drives her to school. Nicole is like "I am not going to be the bitch who'se mommy still drives her to school. Hell no. I'm getting a ride from jecka."
And nicole's mom practically begs her, even bribing her with mcdonald's breakfast. Nicole thinks "why the fuck is my mom being so nice? is she finally trying to make up for the past 17 years of being the worst mom on planet earth" (she is.)
Later on in the day, after some early morning wine and shitty daytime television, she flips the channel to see the news.
A shooting.
At Nicole's school.
She hops in her car and speeds down the highway.
She arrives at the school to see police and news cameras and ambulances and a crowd of parents and crying students.
And on a stretcher she sees her. Or what's left of her.
Nicole's body.
Everything goes black.
Again, she wakes up in her bed. And again, she goes into the kitchen and sees nicole.
And yeah you get the gist. Basically its higurashi without the edgy gore, lolicon, braindead main character, or yuri-bait. Nicole's mom is forced to live the bad endings of the game over and over again until she gets her shit together and becomes a better mom, and the win condition is to see nicole graduate and actually have a good relationship with her daughter. Oh yeah and she fucks principal lynn but thats just a fun side thing. But honestly AbsolutionOfSainthood on AO3 gots a simmilar fix it isekai story thats leagues better than anything i could ever write so just read that instead.
Idea 3
a shitpost story about nicole and her secret obssesion with Peanuts (the comic strip) and snoopy in particular. For whatever reason, her shrine to snoopy and collection of peanuts memorabilia and baby photos of her peanuts themed halloween costumes and birthday cake is discovered. and at school she comes to a simmilar scene to what happened to jeffery but instead of giantesses and catgirls, its snoopy and peanut's refrences.
The punchline is that she says "good grief" and then maybe shoots up the school idk
submitted by wyjif2 to Classof09Game [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 22:27 RzNafi About this game and it's Target demographic.

So I recently saw some mutuals on Twitter and Discord jump into this game after a recent characters getting added. And looking as that game released last year, i wanna know if this game was pandering to the lolicon crowd since the beginning or it's more of a recent development. Note that I do not mind either way because I already play Blue Archive and enjoy everything it offers and I read lots of Visual novels which will make even this game look tame. But I wanna know regardless to make a decision whether I'll enjoy the game and get along with this community in the long run.
submitted by RzNafi to BrownDust2Official [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 19:17 Atsuma_890 I do not get it- Kenji v Sayu

I understand what it means to be a shotacon and lolicon, and I personally do not enjoy that type of content. However…, how Kenji is calling anyone that likes it’s a P*****. Then shouldn’t he be calling more people that?
This might be completely wrong, but here is my piece. Sayu has always joked about this within her Zaion and Sayu accounts, and it was ALWAYS towards those in games. Like Genshin, I know for a fact that there were characters at the time that were younger, but overpowered. Which was the first case I saw of Sayu. This is where she said “I like little boys”, and it was to this game.
Yet… that’s a P…? That doesn’t make sense it’s clearly a joke and it’s directly ENTIRELY at a game. That is what most of Hololive talents do too. They have animes they like, games they and many more DIGITAL/MANGA based things with that content in it. so… does that also make them a P???
Then let us get down to another claim that Kenji made. That Sayu is a terrible person for making a SA joke. Okay, yeah she admitted she messed up in that one and has apologized; however, this is when she was Zaion. You know that infamous scene about the skinny lady.
I personally don’t see anything wrong with it, but that is probably because I haven’t experienced anything like it; HOWEVER, as a dark joke enjoyer and the fact it was a joke for someone in a game. I don’t see the harm (please help me understand if this upsets you). Yet he keeps bringing it up…
HOWEVER— doesn’t other popular talents do these jokes too? Why isn’t he calling it out too? It only seems he calls out things that people do if they are against him…
—Now… from what I recall. Kenji was called out for basically spreading Zaion/Sayu’s info on stream by reading it aloud. Okay… but isn’t that still saying said info and shared it to others?!?! Weird…
ANYWHO, I wish both sides would just stop at this point. Both sides are at fault, but I understand why one would point this out…. I get why Sayu made her postings to him, but…it was poorly timed and should have never been said. Which only caused Kenji to keep being stubborn and double down on things he doesn’t fully understand.
So… what do you think…?
submitted by Atsuma_890 to kurosanji [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 14:06 Resident_Evil69 PSVShell and OverClocking

So, I’ve been meaning to OverClock my PSTV, since it doesn’t have to restrict itself for battery usage, but I fail to find any useful post or guide regarding it.
I’ve seen people talk about mainly 3 of them(LOLicon, PSVshell, PSVshell+) with wildly varying results and problems being listed by different users, but never actually specifying which values should be at what… well, appart from the now classic "CPU at 500 instead of 333", but what about the 3 other values? ES4, BUS & XBR are never discussed (at least I couldn’t find anything on them).
So, what’s the best plugin, and what are the maximum values I can set system wide? (I don’t want to fiddle with it on just every games)?
submitted by Resident_Evil69 to VitaPiracy [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 23:00 The_Loli_Otaku [Rewatch] Ro-Kyu-Bu! Episode 7

Don't give up. And do your best!

"Falling in Love With Your Bud"

Extra Info and Links

ANN MAL TV Tropes Wikipedia

Comment of the Day!!

This time yesterday Zadcap still believed in Subaru. I wonder if that still holds true.
Redemption is still possible for him, but he has not reached it yet. You can do it Hina, turn this useless boy into one worth existing! Ouu!
Specs64z is very invested in serious mode Subaru, which I sorta agree with XD
The voice change as Subaru goes hero mode is my favorite bit so far, though admittedly it has nothing to do with the show. He just happens to sound like Eren (same VA), which contrasts with the absurdity of the mission in a way that I find amusing.
RadSuit binged the whole series to catch up to us only to make a total shitty take.
Mihoshi is cute! Cute!!

The Loli Otaku's "Loli of the Day Corner!!"

Haa~? Ojisan, kimoii~ I couldn't think of a more reasonable excuse to move onto this subject... Today we are talking about the infamous female mesugaki brats. These perverted, overly sexual semen demons are the natural predators to the poor innocent ojisan.
Now, a big thing that I'd like to just sorta spell out about Mesugaki is that there is a holy trinity type triangle that they're part of. You have Mesugaki, Kusogaki, and the Erogaki. They key difference between them is on sexuality, confidence and brattiness. Mesugaki are erotic brats that can and will tease adults with their sexual knowledge, Kusogaki are absolute shitheads who are spoiled rotten and instead of simply sexually harassing adults will be far more likely just to bully them to tears, and lastly the Erogaki who are pervy dopes who lack the outward confidence and sexual knowledge of the other two but are incredibly curious about the subject and will likely innocently commit war crimes that leave their caretakers traumatised, think pee drinking or stripping in public.
For examples I would never live it down if I didn't bring up the cocks from Cunny Itchy Tsubaki! Cunny Itchy is an absolute goldmine for bratt content. Cocks are my highlights but there's also Blue Archive, of which I think I choose]Mutsuki From our own watches we also haveMitsuba the fat loli from Mitsudoumoe, Rin from Kodomo no Jikan, Mikazuki from PissxSis, and there's also a few vtuber examples but this section is way too long already. We have three days of brat examinations after all!


  • Who is your favourite female Mesugaki brat and how would you correct her?
  • When you go shoe shopping what are your favourite brands to wear? Are you big on trainers? Sandals? Geta?
  • Is there a less romantic gift you've received on a date than a pair of sweatbands? Would that gift have worked for anyone other than Tomoka?
  • So your best friend has outed themselves as a massive shotacon/lolicon, what are your first steps for rehabilitation?
  • Does Subaru have rizz or is he just a natural flirt with these girls?
  • Was Tomoka bumping into Subaru during the pool date a coincidence or was Tomoka jelly?
  • Poor age appropriate love interest got hard done by today... Please say something nice to her to raise her spirits.
  • I wanna reuse my wheel!! Since today's episode is largely about age appropriate love interests... Eheheh, alright!! Your challenge for today is to spin the wheel and then try to pick an anime/game guy or gal that you think would make for an age appropriate love interest. Be sure to tag them too, I wanna see the reactions of people XD

Abyssbringer's "What is the thematic purpose of this scene corner!!"

Sara's got our Prompt down pat! Creep in the sheets, gent in the streets! Write that down pal!
Prompt: Even if you're a creep in the sheets, that shouldn't stop you from trying your best to be a gentleman in the streets. Always try to show respect to others.

Yesterday's Prompt!

Today's Prompt!

Tomorrow's Prompt

Try your luck, and fight chin-up!!
submitted by The_Loli_Otaku to anime [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 23:01 The_Loli_Otaku [Rewatch] Ro-Kyu-Bu! Episode 4

Don't give up. And do your best!

"Wish Upon a Subaru"

Extra Info and Links

ANN MAL TV Tropes Wikipedia

Comment of the Day!!

Xtsim makes me wonder if people have died because of this.
Yeah I am carrying someone to the nurse's office but first I gotta take off my shoes is the most Japanese thing I've seen in a while.
SilkyStrawberryMilk wants to make boobs confident but is too short
Funniest way to get her to be confident. on your Tippy toes “wow you sure have gotten shorter”.
Silcaria pointed out unironically the exact thing that we needed yesterday. Leave the game until today and give us like a five minute fenis monja scene
You need montage, even Rocky had a montage.

The Loli Otaku's "Loli of the Day Corner!!"

Yes!! Believe it or not The Loli Otaku is a believer that oppai loli are real loli!! Just because I utterly loath lolibaba and find small kids the cutest doesn't mean I won't accept loli's with boobs!! They're legit!! I do however have issues with the categorisation of oppai loli. Let's start from the beginning.
The ideal of oppai loli comes from the simple desire to see underage girls who puberty hit like a truck. However there is an important caviat that I think is often ignored. Oppai loli still should be loli First and foremost. There is a massive difference between a little girl with big boobs and big boobs on a little girl. The key focus should always be that the character in question is still a little girl. She may be precociously developed, she may be mistaken for a joshikosei or even a young woman in extreme circumstances, but she's still a young child and thusly it's important to have her act that way.
Quite often a pure oppai character will go through puberty storyline which are a plot I'm personally a large fan off due to my fondness of say Mimi from Kodomo no Jikan. Serious stories will touch on her issues connecting with friends despite her early puberty or being the first one in her class to wear a bra. It can also be used for comedic purposes with them acting far too young for how they look like Hotaru from Non Non Biyori.
Often these girls will be massive softies. They'll always call their father "papa" or "daddy" and if they have a brother they'll want to marry him when they grow up. You see, despite the allure, these are some of the purest girls around!! And you mustn't bully them by calling them boobs or big guy or anything of the sort!!
Basically the most important distinction I'm wanting to make is to show you the difference between oppai loli and who is just a short stack. Thusly, my recommendation corner is going to be on short stacks often misidentified as oppai loli. This is actually more important than it sounds because short stacks are the missing link connecting the oppai loli and the mesugaki family lines.
First off, Ilulu from dragon maid S2, goddamn Sugoi Dekkai from Uzaki,


  • Who is your favourite oppai loli!?
  • On the topic of cuteness aggression... Would you push over Hinata for £50?
  • Did you enjoy our first basketball match? Any particular observations about how the show plays with sports tropes?
  • Swimsuits, Maids, or gym clothes?
  • Here's a fun one. With Tomoka earning her chuuni nickname of "Shiny Gift" I want to play a game. Follow this link to the wheel of cunny chads. Spin the wheel and come up with a chuuni esque nickname for them. Have fuuun!

Abyssbringer's "What is the thematic purpose of this scene corner!!"

Sara gets it!! She didn't see Subaru as a creepy lolicon like the rest of you bullies!
This whole scene has a very warm vibe to it mainly due to the lighting. I think is shows the warmth and positivity that these characters are bringing to each other. Tomoka gets someone who supports her and Subaru gets someone who inspires him. This whole scene was really nice!

Yesterday's Prompt!

Today's Prompt!

Tomorrow's Prompt

Try your luck, and fight chin-up!!
submitted by The_Loli_Otaku to anime [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 23:11 The_Loli_Otaku [Rewatch] Ro-Kyu-Bu! Episode 3

Don't give up. And do your best!

"The Pass That Leads to Tomorrow"

Extra Info and Links

ANN MAL TV Tropes Wikipedia

Comment of the Day!!

RadSuit gave us a pretty good sports anime analysis. This ain't just some normal loli slice of life!!
One problem I always have with sports shows, you need 2-3 times as many players as you can have in game at once. There's usually different setups for offense and defense, and single players don't usually play every second of the game. Much less every player playing the entire length. That's not even accounting for injuries, one sprained ankle and they'd have to forfeit the game.
PS Toradora sucks.
IceSmiley got me laughing, as well as other viewers, by the idea of how utterly mundane Subaru's hoops were when you took away the flashbacks and inspiring music.
I thought it was weird that all the people at the sports center were gathered around enraptured by Subaru making 10 shots, you'd think he was making half court shots at Madison Square Garden! They must not live the most exciting lives if a 1000 yen gift voucher is the most amazing thing ever :x
Zadcap drops my favourite comment in a long time. "Child please get hurt today" is such a great line~
I mean. Oh my gosh. It has been a while since I have so hated children this much. "They don't deserve to have fun, what we want maters more." Child please get hurt today.

The Loli Otaku's "Loli of the Day Corner!!"

Denpa is a psycho concept born from old Japanese occultism magazines focused on the idea of cults, subliminal imagery, and of being controlled through poisonous electric waves being aired through TV, phone lines, and of course the Internet.
This is more of a niche genre than I'd regularly like to touch on and the connections to general lolita is questionable at best. Heck, what brought about the boom of Denpa Kei wasn't even media focused at all, it came from a string of murders where the ojisan responsible pleaded that "the electromagnetic waves" made him do it. Yet... it also has a rather strong hook in The Loli Otaku Legacy. Quite a few works that I've hosted over the years, including our previous rewatch Serial Experiments Lain, have been influenced by Denpa works.
So how do we define a Denpa character you say? Well... its less strict definitions and more a cultural vibe. It's especially rough since we're looking at specifically "loli" Denpa characters when arguably the most recognisable trait among modern audience would be chuunibyou traits. Purists likely would disagree with the concept but Denpa has evolved from it's occultist roots into becoming an encapsulation of the weird and wonderful and likely a little bit gory. Basically, weirdo girls. And as we all know, most little kids are absolute weirdos.
For examples, probably the most common one, and one which was my very second rewatch in fact, way before we had our Abyssbringer prompt and I knew how to actually format shit, Erio Touwa the talking futon from Denpa Onna, lost vtuber child Hatoba Tsugu, there's Cait Sith Nekono from Yume Miru Kusuri, the first Denpa Girl Ruriko from Leaf's "Shizuku" Mutou Aoi from You and Me and Her, mai daughteru Yashiro from MuvLuv, aaand Ayana from Subahibi. Disconnect from reality and embrace the space relays! Pass on the meme for the meaningless future!!


  • Who is your favourite Denpa chara from any media?
  • Has Hinata's moe charms convinced you to sign up to the Loli God Cult?
  • Come up with three ways to describe something large as small!
  • Does the Nurse, Touko, give out better nicknames than your host... Be honest! I promise I won't cry!
  • Whilst I desperately want to defend him today's actions have brought Subaru's innocence into question. Is Subaru sus?
  • What is the strangest location you've ever found yourself going to sleep?

Abyssbringer's "What is the thematic purpose of this scene corner!!"

Sara gets it!! She didn't see Subaru as a creepy lolicon like the rest of you bullies!
This whole scene has a very warm vibe to it mainly due to the lighting. I think is shows the warmth and positivity that these characters are bringing to each other. Tomoka gets someone who supports her and Subaru gets someone who inspires him. This whole scene was really nice!

Yesterday's Prompt!

Today's Prompt!

Tomorrow's Prompt

Try your luck, and fight chin-up!!
submitted by The_Loli_Otaku to anime [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 13:07 xtian923 Dude got dunked on and called a real pedo by lolicons in the Genshin sub and in other Hoyo sub for saying they are disgusting.

Dude got dunked on and called a real pedo by lolicons in the Genshin sub and in other Hoyo sub for saying they are disgusting. submitted by xtian923 to Gamingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 18:26 Shiningc00 Why is anime the only industry where pedophilia is actively promoted and defended?

First off, I want to say that I'm Japanese, so none of that "that's racist" crap. I just had the misfortune of looking into an anime series called "Gushing Over Magical Girls" because I saw it on Reddit, which features highly sexualized 14 year old girls, and one of them is even 9 years old. The anime is extremely sexual and is only a step away from being a porn/hentai.
You can even look at them on their official website, which immediately features highly sexually explicit depictions of characters which are underaged: (might be NSFW)
They've even created this fucked up "strip the girl Breakout" game, seriously WTF: (might be NSFW)
Unfortunately, this is nothing new by now, and plenty of animes and mangas now casually feature sexualization of underaged girls.
Heck, even the producer of hit anime "Your Name" and "Suzume" was just then arrested for raping a 15 year old girl and producing child pornography, and the guy just casually admitted it like it was no big deal:
So ok, I know, the typical anime defenders are coming with their pitchforks and downvotes, so let me answer them already:
1. "It's fiction"
A: Yes, but you don't see this kind of pedophilia being promoted and defended on Hollywood movies, video games, comic books, etc. So my question is, why is it only okay for animes/mangas?
2. "It's a niche"
A: If it was so "niche", then this kind of anime wouldn't be discussed and shared on a very mainstream site called Reddit on a very mainstream anime sub. If it was so "niche", then almost no one would have heard of it, unless you really look for it. And yet the people on the anime sub were bragging about how much the anime sold, as if they WANTED the anime to become popular, or perhaps it already was popular.
3. "It's their culture/that's racist"
A: Yes, it's true that this kind of pedophilia is now huge in Japan, and that's a problem. And it hasn't always been that way. Apparently up until about the 1980s, underaged girls weren't considered to be romantically or sexually attractive, for obvious reasons. These "lolicons" used to be mocked as disgusting, socially inept otakus. But there has been this huge push of pedophilia from the anime otaku crowd and how it's okay to sexualize underaged children. And after decades of their propaganda, unfortunately it is working. Animes and mangas are now so popular that it commands a huge social influence. And if most of the animes and mangas sexualize children, then people are going to have warped perceptions. Which is why so many underaged girls in Japan are sexualizing themselves, and so many grown ass men think it's okay to see underaged children in a sexual way.
4. "But the age of sexual consent in Japan is 16... etc."
A: This is a common misunderstanding. The age of sexual consent being 16 simply means that any adult having sex with a 16 year old and younger automatically becomes rape. It is still a crime to have sex with, and also to sexualize a minor under the age of 18, if you're an adult.
5. "This is just Japan shit! Sort out your own problem Japan"
A: This is true and is a valid point. However, it's also spreading to the West and it's attracting many pedophiles from the West. While it's doubtful that pedophilia will fully spread to the West, the decades of pedophile propaganda being pushed in Japan is a cautionary tale, where after decades of pushing pedophile propaganda through anime, they have successfully created a strong pro-pedophile society where any criticisms of pedophilia are shouted down, harassed and attacked by the pedophile defenders. It's almost impossible to have a rational discussion in Japan because you get shouted down, bombarded and harassed by the pedophiles and pedophile-defenders.
In the West, they use the exact same tactics of attacking and harassing anyone who criticize pedophilia in anime.
6: "You're just distorting things! This isn't real!"
A: I assure, this is all true. And it is truly fucked up.
7: "I'm going to downvote you and harass you to make you change your mind and accept pedophilia in anime!"
A: Sorry, no I won't, LOL, so don't waste your time.
submitted by Shiningc00 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 23:00 The_Loli_Otaku Ro-Kyu-Bu Rewatch 24h Reminder

Don't give up. And do your best!

Extra Info and Links

ANN MAL TV Tropes Wikipedia
Ball is life. Everything else is a Distraction
Subaru Hasegawa has the ambition to become one of the best basketball superstars of all time. However, this comes to an apparent halt when his school's basketball team ceases activities for a year, in no short part due to the coach being a dirty rotten lolicon. Shocked by the news, he decides not to involve himself in basketball anymore.
One day, his aunt Mihoshi Takamura invites him to coach the Keishin Academy elementary girls’ basketball team on how to play the sport, and he excitedly reluctantly agrees. He meets sixth-graders Tomoka Minato, Maho Misawa, Airi Kashii, Hinata Hakamada and Saki Nagatsuki, and begins training them in the sport with only one goal! To cutely demolish any and all strong opponents along the way.
Ro-Kyu-Bu! follows the effort of five elementary girls and their coach as they improve their cute style of playing basketball.
From MAL~
Ro-Kyu-Bu is a delightful light novel series from long time Dengeki Bunko Magazine contributor, Sagu Aoyama. Since the LN first debuted in 2009, it has spun off into manga, visual novels, games, and what we're here to enjoy the anime. This was the debut project of Studio Blanc and Project No.9 who gave us such joys as "My Girlfriend is a Shobitch", "Recently My Sister is Unusal", CDF Darling "Love after World Domination," and my personal favourite "Butareba, The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig"
Our director is actually someone who we've talked about before a few times. Keizo Kusakawa worked as episode director for key episodes of Lyrical Nanoha, including the very first which many of us know for its unique animation. He took over full time by Strikers. He's also the chief director of Aho-Girl the top comedy of 2017, and one of Vaadwaur's favourites which I swear we'll get around to, the fluffy intergenerational romance Happy Sugar Life!

Why should you watch it?

If you like loli, SoL, and sports, sure. It's pretty cute~
Why are we back to elementary schoolers? I wish I could say... Ro Kyu Bu is a show that's been recommended to me for years now. It is a classical mix of loli slice of life before it became weird has a great cast, talented staff, and rather than leaning on its lolicon elements tends to actually take itself shockingly serious for how the series may look at first glance. Also, LOLI HANAKANA LOVE!!
Now... I cannot lie to you, Ro-Kyu-Bu may have been an influential anime for its time but there are many aspect of the show that can and will show its age. There is a sort of clumsiness to the project that comes from being a debut work for the studio and writer, this was before most companies were able to really get a grasp on how best to adapt their light novels. It is also a blatantly loli anime. The lolicontent can and will put many of you off and whilst I'm still happy to have loligaggers in the audience I just want to make you aware that despite how the author's works look, you don't have to be a lolicon to enjoy yourself.
The series is sadly to my knowledge not available currently on steaming services. There was a dvd release titled "fast break" that's accessible but you may need to do some spelunking.

Fun Stuff

Daily QotD's, as I do, but whilst I will be doing my Comments of the Day, the corner where I nominate my favourite one liners, favourite observations, and just plain neat comments from rewatchers that definitely replied to at least three other users. I will also be bringing back our much beloved...
Abyssbringer's "What is the thematic purpose of this scene corner!!"
Each day I will post a Prompt as a sort of preview for the upcoming episode. Take this Prompt and write something charming~ Be it a quippy one liner, a prediction on what the scene could possibly be, or just take it totally out of context and try to confuse any tourists that are lurking! If you're confused or need more elaboration I will be happy to discuss further. You may also check out my many previous rewatches for references.

Tomorrow's Prompt!!

I have one more section!! Too long has anime and the Cunny Defence Force of CDF gone without true lolicon education!! I will be teaching each and every one of you about the culture, specifications attributes, and guides towards loli content. It is time... or...
The Loli Otaku's "Loli of the Day corner!!"
Each day I will showcase a specific subsection of the Cunny culture. From imouto to bakadere to spit Lolibaba, I will do a deep dive into key loli pioneers throughout history!!
Index Thread Weekly Reminder

Dates, times and plans

So then! The rewatch will begin on Monday, April 1st at 22:00 UTC, 17:00 EST 16:00 CST, 15:00 MST, 14:00 PST So 10pm UK time. We will be doing one episode per day with a series discussion to wrap up. Our watch order will be OG Ro Kyu Bu, then the strawberry flavoured ova "Tomoka no Ichigo Sundae" and afterwards we will do SS, the second season.
Try your luck, and fight chin-up!!
submitted by The_Loli_Otaku to anime [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 18:24 Few_Earth_8083 We dont shit on leakers enough [rant] [spoiler]

Finally reached the end of the patch. The Sam revealed was cool or at least it will be cool if it wasn't spoiled months ago.
And yes i know le@ks arent allowed here, cool, what what about every other corner? Wanna take a shit and scroll tiktok? Bang Le@k. Scroll youtube? Fucking again because people whose existance is argumen pro abortion cant stop themselves, even Game-rant plastere Her splash art, we reach the point where soon you wont be able to open your fridge without le@ks being there. And its not just probably with Hsr, Genshin, its fucking everywhere. You watch some show? You can be sure the script for next season will he released by janitor. This garbage infected pretty much everything before you had to speed run reading/watching something because otherwise you will get spoiled, now that's even isnt enough. Im getting sick of this shit because you have to go offline months before the new patch. What's the point of writers even trying to make plot twist if some mf who should pay tax on oxygen will leak it, its pretty much a reason why devs see no point in hiding easter eggs, because data miner will le@k it.
At this point, the best way to enjoy anything is to treat the whole community like plague, a communiteless community. We should treat le@kers the same way we treat lolicon, ostriches them until they stay in small cumbox corner.
At least we still got Gallagher plot twist
submitted by Few_Earth_8083 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 22:18 Teniol Disable list help

Disable list help
I see a lot of post about disable lists and they always disable big bundles
But wouldn'it disable also the top characters ?
Also, I tried making a disable list for $wa in order to roll more characters on the $top but I don't have a lot of luck.
I also heard of anti disable list but I don't understand how it works and what I should put inside

Here's my disable list (irl and western are deactivated) :
Any advice on what to do to roll better characters ?
submitted by Teniol to Mudae [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 22:07 The_Loli_Otaku Ro-Kyu-Bu Weekly Rewatch Reminder

Don't give up. And do your best!

Extra Info and Links

ANN MAL TV Tropes Wikipedia
Ball is life. Everything else is a Distraction
Subaru Hasegawa has the ambition to become one of the best basketball superstars of all time. However, this comes to an apparent halt when his school's basketball team ceases activities for a year, in no short part due to the coach being a dirty rotten lolicon. Shocked by the news, he decides not to involve himself in basketball anymore.
One day, his aunt Mihoshi Takamura invites him to coach the Keishin Academy elementary girls’ basketball team on how to play the sport, and he excitedly reluctantly agrees. He meets sixth-graders Tomoka Minato, Maho Misawa, Airi Kashii, Hinata Hakamada and Saki Nagatsuki, and begins training them in the sport with only one goal! To cutely demolish any and all strong opponents along the way.
Ro-Kyu-Bu! follows the effort of five elementary girls and their coach as they improve their cute style of playing basketball.
From MAL~
Ro-Kyu-Bu is a delightful light novel series from long time Dengeki Bunko Magazine contributor, Sagu Aoyama. Since the LN first debuted in 2009, it has spun off into manga, visual novels, games, and what we're here to enjoy the anime. This was the debut project of Studio Blanc and Project No.9 who gave us such joys as "My Girlfriend is a Shobitch", "Recently My Sister is Unusal", CDF Darling "Love after World Domination," and my personal favourite "Butareba, The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig"
Our director is actually someone who we've talked about before a few times. Keizo Kusakawa worked as episode director for key episodes of Lyrical Nanoha, including the very first which many of us know for its unique animation. He took over full time by Strikers. He's also the chief director of Aho-Girl the top comedy of 2017, and one of Vaadwaur's favourites which I swear we'll get around to, the fluffy intergenerational romance Happy Sugar Life!

Why should you watch it?

If you like loli, SoL, and sports, sure. It's pretty cute~
Why are we back to elementary schoolers? I wish I could say... Ro Kyu Bu is a show that's been recommended to me for years now. It is a classical mix of loli slice of life before it became weird has a great cast, talented staff, and rather than leaning on its lolicon elements tends to actually take itself shockingly serious for how the series may look at first glance. Also, LOLI HANAKANA LOVE!!
Now... I cannot lie to you, Ro-Kyu-Bu may have been an influential anime for its time but there are many aspect of the show that can and will show its age. There is a sort of clumsiness to the project that comes from being a debut work for the studio and writer, this was before most companies were able to really get a grasp on how best to adapt their light novels. It is also a blatantly loli anime. The lolicontent can and will put many of you off and whilst I'm still happy to have loligaggers in the audience I just want to make you aware that despite how the author's works look, you don't have to be a lolicon to enjoy yourself.
The series is sadly to my knowledge not available currently on steaming services. There was a dvd release titled "fast break" that's accessible but you may need to do some spelunking.

Fun Stuff

Daily QotD's, as I do, but whilst I will be doing my Comments of the Day, the corner where I nominate my favourite one liners, favourite observations, and just plain neat comments from rewatchers that definitely replied to at least three other users. I will also be bringing back our much beloved...
Abyssbringer's "What is the thematic purpose of this scene corner!!"
Each day I will post a Prompt as a sort of preview for the upcoming episode. Take this Prompt and write something charming~ Be it a quippy one liner, a prediction on what the scene could possibly be, or just take it totally out of context and try to confuse any tourists that are lurking! If you're confused or need more elaboration I will be happy to discuss further. You may also check out my many previous rewatches for references.
I have one more section!! Too long has anime and the Cunny Defence Force of CDF gone without true lolicon education!! I will be teaching each and every one of you about the culture, specifications attributes, and guides towards loli content. It is time... or...
The Loli Otaku's "Loli of the Day corner!!"
Each day I will showcase a specific subsection of the Cunny culture. From imouto to bakadere to spit Lolibaba, I will do a deep dive into key loli pioneers throughout history!!
Index Thread 24H Reminder

Dates, times and plans

So then! The rewatch will begin on Monday, April 1st at 22:00 UTC, 17:00 EST 16:00 CST, 15:00 MST, 14:00 PST So 10pm UK time. We will be doing one episode per day with a series discussion to wrap up. Our watch order will be OG Ro Kyu Bu, then the strawberry flavoured ova "Tomoka no Ichigo Sundae" and afterwards we will do SS, the second season.
Try your luck, and fight chin-up!!
submitted by The_Loli_Otaku to anime [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 03:49 Perfect-Result5275 submitted by Perfect-Result5275 to subredditpromotions [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 00:11 The_Loli_Otaku [Rewatch] Ro-Kyu-Bu! Index Thread!

Don't give up. And do your best!

Extra Info and Links

ANN MAL TV Tropes Wikipedia


Episode Title Date Episode Title Date
EP 01 "Here Comes an Elementary School Student! Yay! Yay! Yay!" Apr 1st S2 EP 1 "Innocent World!" Apr 14th
EP 02 "A Little Girl's Wish" Apr 2nd S2 EP 2 "Flying Battle!" Apr 15th
EP 03 "The Pass That Leads to Tomorrow" Apr 3rd S2 EP 3 "Paradigm Ginga" Apr 16th
EP 04 "Wish Upon a Subaru" Apr 4th S2 EP 4 "The Stupid Otoko" Apr 17th
EP 05 "Get Fired Up!" Apr 5th S2 EP 5 "Overnight Sensation!" Apr 18th
EP 06 "Iron Master" Apr 6th S2 EP 6 "Aoi Wins?" Apr 19th
EP 07 "Falling in Love With Your Bud" Apr 7th S2 EP 7 "Win, again?" Apr 20th
EP 08 "Stairway Towards Reincarnation" Apr 8th S2 EP 8 "I Wish with You" Apr 21st
EP 09 "Running Side-by-side Towards Freedom" Apr 9th S2 EP 9 "Don't Wanna Cry?" Apr 22nd
EP 10 "Beautiful Star of Tragedy" Apr 10th S2 EP 10 "Wanna Be A Gamemaker" Apr 23rd
EP 11 "Five Bridges" Apr 11th S2 Ep 11 "Dearests" Apr 24th
EP 12 "I Dream Your Dreams" Apr 12th S2 EP 12 "Because You’re Here" Apr 25th
OVA "Tomoka's Strawberry Sunday" Apr 13th Completed "Series Discussion" Apr 26th
Ball is life. Everything else is a Distraction
Subaru Hasegawa has the ambition to become one of the best basketball superstars of all time. However, this comes to an apparent halt when his school's basketball team ceases activities for a year, in no short part due to the coach being a dirty rotten lolicon. Shocked by the news, he decides not to involve himself in basketball anymore.
One day, his aunt Mihoshi Takamura invites him to coach the Keishin Academy elementary girls’ basketball team on how to play the sport, and he excitedly reluctantly agrees. He meets sixth-graders Tomoka Minato, Maho Misawa, Airi Kashii, Hinata Hakamada and Saki Nagatsuki, and begins training them in the sport with only one goal! To cutely demolish any and all strong opponents along the way.
Ro-Kyu-Bu! follows the effort of five elementary girls and their coach as they improve their cute style of playing basketball.
From MAL~
Ro-Kyu-Bu is a delightful light novel series from long time Dengeki Bunko Magazine contributor, Sagu Aoyama. Since the LN first debuted in 2009, it has spun off into manga, visual novels, games, and what we're here to enjoy the anime. This was the debut project of Studio Blanc and Project No.9 who gave us such joys as "My Girlfriend is a Shobitch", "Recently My Sister is Unusal", CDF Darling "Love after World Domination," and my personal favourite "Butareba, The Story of a Man Turned into a Pig"
Our director is actually someone who we've talked about before a few times. Keizo Kusakawa worked as episode director for key episodes of Lyrical Nanoha, including the very first which many of us know for its unique animation. He took over full time by Strikers. He's also the chief director of Aho-Girl the top comedy of 2017, and one of Vaadwaur's favourites which I swear we'll get around to, the fluffy intergenerational romance Happy Sugar Life!

Why should you watch it?

If you like loli, SoL, and sports, sure. It's pretty cute~
Why are we back to elementary schoolers? I wish I could say... Ro Kyu Bu is a show that's been recommended to me for years now. It is a classical mix of loli slice of life before it became weird has a great cast, talented staff, and rather than leaning on its lolicon elements tends to actually take itself shockingly serious for how the series may look at first glance. Also, LOLI HANAKANA LOVE!!
Now... I cannot lie to you, Ro-Kyu-Bu may have been an influential anime for its time but there are many aspect of the show that can and will show its age. There is a sort of clumsiness to the project that comes from being a debut work for the studio and writer, this was before most companies were able to really get a grasp on how best to adapt their light novels. It is also a blatantly loli anime. The lolicontent can and will put many of you off and whilst I'm still happy to have loligaggers in the audience I just want to make you aware that despite how the author's works look, you don't have to be a lolicon to enjoy yourself.
The series is sadly to my knowledge not available currently on steaming services. There was a dvd release titled "fast break" that's accessible but you may need to do some spelunking.

Fun Stuff

Daily QotD's, as I do, but whilst I will be doing my Comments of the Day, the corner where I nominate my favourite one liners, favourite observations, and just plain neat comments from rewatchers that definitely replied to at least three other users. I will also be bringing back our much beloved...
Abyssbringer's "What is the thematic purpose of this scene corner!!"
Each day I will post a Prompt as a sort of preview for the upcoming episode. Take this Prompt and write something charming~ Be it a quippy one liner, a prediction on what the scene could possibly be, or just take it totally out of context and try to confuse any tourists that are lurking! If you're confused or need more elaboration I will be happy to discuss further. You may also check out my many previous rewatches for references.
I have one more section!! Too long has anime and the Cunny Defence Force of CDF gone without true lolicon education!! I will be teaching each and every one of you about the culture, specifications attributes, and guides towards loli content. It is time... or...

The Loli Otaku's "Loli of the Day corner!!"

Each day I will showcase a specific subsection of the Cunny culture. From imouto to bakadere to spit Lolibaba, I will do a deep dive into key loli pioneers throughout history!!
Weekly reminder 24H Reminder

Dates, times and plans

So then! The rewatch will begin on Monday, April 1st at 22:00 UTC, 17:00 EST 16:00 CST, 15:00 MST, 14:00 PST So 10pm UK time. We will be doing one episode per day with a series discussion to wrap up. Our watch order will be OG Ro Kyu Bu, then the strawberry flavoured ova "Tomoka no Ichigo Sundae" and afterwards we will do SS, the second season.
Try your luck, and fight chin-up!!
submitted by The_Loli_Otaku to anime [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 15:18 Wonko_Bonko What are the biggest slaps to the face people have had in experiencing representations of their sexuality in games?

Kinda wondering if people had some stories to tell about this, cause the idea of how non-straight people get represented in media had kinda been on my mind lately and I wanted to get peoples experiences with their sexuality being negatively represented, be it after an initial positive impression or no.
So, just to give an idea of where I’m coming from with this question/venting and ranting a little, be me, gay early 20’s dude late February 2022 playing Elden ring for the first time, loving it of course the game is genuinely in my top three to this day, and I eventually make it to the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds, and because I had done Varre’s questline, I was passingly familiar with Mogh (and I think anyone that is familiar with Elden Ring can guess where I’m going with this lol), and was kinda hyped to meet him, thinking he might be a covenant leader or something. Come to be surprised he’s a boss, and, dare I say, one of if not the best in the entire game. Presentation? 10/10. moveset? Challenging but fair. Music? Incredible! Battle arena???? A FLAMING TEMPLE OF BLOOD ATOP A MOUNTAIN, ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? This dude was a slam dunk. So of course I start poking about for his lore, and before anything else I hear whispers that “Oh hey, this character is, at the very least, heavily implied to be homosexual!” And I was sitting here like “bro, if that’s true, Fromsoft COOKED with this guy.” Of course then I get into his actual lore aaaaaaaand well it’s a bit of a bummer.
So, for anyone unfamiliar with Elden Ring, the character I’m talking about here is gay (hooray!), both in lore implications and subtext surrounding him he’s very heavily implied to be at the very least. However, he’s also, in no uncertain terms, in a nonconsensual, borderline explicitly sexual, relationship with his half brother (who’s also incapable of aging, so he’s a lolicon as well. And if we’re just being honest, a pedophile). Why that’s icky aside, even if it’s not intentional on the part of the devs, there’s something very pointed about making a queer character have these extremely negative things associated with them, never mind that this character is (to my knowledge) one the few gay characters that’s even in the setting.
Rambling about that done, I remember have this “don’t meet your heroes” esc moment when going through all the lore about this guy (which was weird since he’s a video game character lol), and I remember thinking “Man, everything cool and positive about this guy I previously felt in my mind is kinda just completely overshadowed by the lore surrounding him”. Sure enough, here we are two years later and a lot of discussion about this guy inevitably falls back to “he’s a lolicon lol” jokes, far from being a iconic gay villain, even if everything that makes him a, to be clear genuinely compelling , queer charactenarrative is very much background information, it’s still rather disappointing.
But yeah, does anyone have other experience similar to this? I’m genuinely curious to hear other people’s stories.
submitted by Wonko_Bonko to gaymers [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 21:29 cunniseurOwO It's crazy how antis think people don't enjoy violence in violence video games

When we say their moral panic toward lolicon is the same as moral panic toward violence video games, they always argue that people only like the challenge and competition in video games. They don't enjoy the violence. Some also argue that the violence in video games are potrayed in bad light, not being encouraged like how lolicon encourage sexualisation of loli.
I'd say they don't play enough violence video games. They probably play kids game like Super Smash Bros and think that's violence. Or play superheroes game like Batman which obviously all about heroism.
Games like Mortal Kombat show excessive gore and mutilations for no reason. The brutal murder aren't there for the challenge. It's just there for fan service. People who fans of Mortal kombat mostly enjoy the brutality and want to see more gory stuff.
Games like GTA and Payday encourage and reward player for doing violence, murder and robbery. Not to mention more controversial title like Manhunt. All these games aren't about heroism, and they romanticize crime.
In short people not only enjoy the violence in video games, but some game also romanticize it. Despite all that, it still fine to have those kind of games since it's just a fiction.
submitted by cunniseurOwO to Antilolitaryd [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 12:30 New-Day4845 Real?

Real? submitted by New-Day4845 to japanpeopletwitter [link] [comments]

2024.03.05 19:01 ralph_butterwinkel blue archive discourse

blue archive discourse submitted by ralph_butterwinkel to bluearchivecirclejerk [link] [comments]