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2024.06.08 06:56 Slight-Carrot-1091 TS Escorts

Is she a scam any reviews on her?
submitted by Slight-Carrot-1091 to tsescortsnj [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:26 micheal_pippen A $120,000 jury bribe disrupts US charity fraud trial - GREEDY IDIOTS!

A $120,000 jury bribe disrupts US charity fraud trial - GREEDY IDIOTS!

Seven Somali immigrants in Minnesota are accused of stealing millions in pandemic-era federal funds meant for needy children
A trial over one of America's largest pandemic-fraud schemes has taken a mysterious turn following an alleged attempt to bribe one of the jurors.
The juror was dismissed after she claimed that a woman dressed in black visited her home and offered her a bag filled with $120,000 (£93,770) in cash. In return, she was to vote to acquit the seven defendants.
The juror was part of a trial that centers on the alleged theft of more than $40m from a taxpayer-supported food aid program for children.
All of the defendants were arrested after the juror revealed the alleged bribery scheme to the court.
"This is stuff that happens in mob movies," Assistant US Attorney Joseph Thompson, a government prosecutor, told the court as he requested the arrests.
“Let’s be honest, it wasn’t someone outside of this room."
The bribe occurred as the jurors were set to begin deliberating after one week of jury selection and five weeks of witness testimony.
Bribing a juror is a felony that carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. The seven people currently on trial - six men and one woman - already face a total of 41 charges including wire fraud and money laundering.
Prosecutors have argued the defendants - all of whom are Somali immigrants to Minnesota - operated their charity as a front to receive funds from the federal Child Nutrition Program.
Providing fake names of non-existent children they were claiming to feed and creating a fraudulent paper trail of how those numbers skyrocketed during the Covid-19 pandemic, the men allegedly pocketed millions of dollars.
Jurors were shown evidence of how this money was allegedly spent: on Porsche and Tesla convertibles, a luxury vacation in Dubai, real estate purchases in Kenya, among other things.
The joint defense has cast doubt on the FBI's sprawling investigation as well as on the credibility of the prosecution's star witness.
But six of the seven defense attorneys rested their case without calling any witnesses, while the seventh defendant took the stand himself.
With closing arguments due to wrap, Mr. Thompson disclosed the episode of attempted jury tampering that had taken place on Sunday night.
He said a woman had dropped off a gift bag filled with wads of cash at the juror's home.
“This is for Juror 52," the woman allegedly said. "Tell her there will be another bag for her if she votes to acquit."
Jurors in the case have not been publicly identified, as is common practice, but attorneys and defendants briefly viewed their names and addresses at the start of the trial.
Juror 52 is a 23-year-old woman who, according to the Sahan Journal, was the only person of color on the panel.
"This can't be allowed," Mr. Thompson said. "This strikes at the integrity of our system."
An FBI affidavit describes a black woman, “possibly Somali, with an accent, wearing a long black dress”, approaching Juror 52's home in a Mazda.
The juror was not at home but her father-in-law reportedly answered the door, collecting the white bag packed with $20, $50 and $100 bills.
Juror 52 immediately reported the incident to local police and turned over the money to the FBI. She was excused from the jury on Monday.
US District Judge Nancy Brasel agreed with prosecutors that “someone obviously has the addresses of the families of these jurors”, ordering the detention of all seven defendants.
The court later granted a search warrant that led to the confiscation of cell phones belonging to the defendants.
The men were escorted from the court in handcuffs, some openly weeping and embracing their family members before they were led out.
Judge Brasel questioned all the remaining jurors to determine whether they had experienced something similar.
In a rare move, she also "reluctantly" sequestered the jury for the remainder of the trial, removing them from all outside contact and barring their use of electronic devices until the trial has finished.
Monday's twist was the latest in an investigation that has seen prosecutors indict 70 people. Eighteen defendants have so far pleaded guilty and the government has recovered about $60m of the stolen funds.

Another case of having a good play but your greed over powers your common sense. Why the fuck couldn't the just take a million a piece and calm the shit down?? GREED! oh well I don't feel sorry for these idiots. Leave a comment on what you think about this story.

submitted by micheal_pippen to Learn_How_To_Scam_Now [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 05:10 Slight-Carrot-1091 Do you guys know of any Ts escorting in Far Rockaway ny?

submitted by Slight-Carrot-1091 to tsescortsnj [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:04 frostingvelvetcake ✨REVIEW TIME✨Chanel Classic Flap Lambskin Heidi 187 Factory

Preview: Hello my fellow repladies! This was my very first high tier bag that I purchased. I had intended to buy a bag from Heidi for a while now and I finally caved in and bought one! Heidi knows that I am doing this review but everything is my true honest opinion and this is not a paid review. I opted for Heidi because she is known for 187 king. I know theres a couple other TS who source from 187 but Heidi seemed to be the go-to seller for 187. I purchased a couple rep bags backs when I was in SK. I didn’t have any incentive to buy a bag when I was on vacation but oh my god, Asia has so many rep bags wherever you go haha. Now, I did alot of research and knew I wanted the chanel cf in lambskin. I originally wanted caviar but lambskin leather is so beautiful and looks so luxurious. But ofc, after this purchase, I am thinking of getting one in caviar leather as well but unsure if I would get it in black or beige.
Price paid: 579 + ~22 paypal fee= ~601 total
May 4th: Got Heidi’s whatsapp number and sent an inquiry
May 6th: Confirmed that I wanted the bag to her after pondering if I really wanted to take the leap and purchase one lol
May 7th: I sent a 100 dollar deposit.
May 12: I got PSP for my bag. I originally ordered my bag in lghw but it looked too silver so i asked for an exchange to ghw. She said “ok ill change it” and was super chill about it! I was surprised because I heard 187 doesnt take any exchanges but I remember someone saying that Heidi is a top seller for 187 so she can do exchanges. This made me feel more reassured about going with Heidi.
May 13: She sent me the new PSP of the exchanged bag in ghw. It was beautiful so I confirmed that she can ship. Then she refunded the 100 dollar deposit right away. It took about 4 days for the money to transfer into my bank from paypal.
May 15th: I sent the full amount to her via paypal. She then said that she would ship.
May 20th: I finally got my tracking number. I was worried because I got the tracking number later than I anticipated.
May 22nd: No movement so I asked for a quick update. She told me to wait so thats what I did haha
May 24th: Now this is where i got worried because my tracking statues stated that there was an issue so I quickly texted her but she again reassured me to wait.
May 29th: My tracking FINALLY updated and it showed that my package was in Dubai first, then Italy, then Tennessee. It showed that it was going to come that day but it ended up getting delayed because it was still in Tennessee for another day.
May 30th: I got another update saying that it would come that day and i looked out my window and checked my phone for any tracking updates at my local fedex constantly hoping that it would arrive any second. Then bam I hear a fedex truck but it left without my package. I was starting to lose hope. Then around two hours later, another fedex truck came and I knew it was for me so i literally ran to my door to meet the fedex driver. When i opened up my package, it was PERFECT. I loved everything about it.
Accuracy: 9/10 Im giving one point off because the bag has a slight difference on the diamonds.
Diamond/quilting: 9/10 Here is a link to see the differences between the authentic and rep. The back is also slightly different on the diamonds.
[My photos:] https://imgur.com/a/CGqMBd3 https://imgur.com/a/9awR1ra
Hardware: 10/10 It’s perfect. Nothing bad to say about it. Heidi told me that 187 factory updated the gold hardware!
Seller satisfaction: 10/10 Heidi was patient with my inquiries. She did reassure me when I asked about tracking. It did take a while to update though without any movement. But after the initial update, my bag arrived pretty fast. Im pretty sure Heidi did the triangle method because it went through europe for quite a bit of time. Abit slow but came through.
Final take: Would I wear my bag confidently at a big gathering with a bunch of other fellow luxury ladies? Probably not. Only because there are some obvious differences, of course if you know what to look out for. But then again, who is going to REALLY inspect your bag on a quick pass by? Probably noone lol. I would wear this bag probably when I go out for dinner though or on a date. I think in the future, i will buy one in caviar leather. But overall, Im very satisfied with my first bag and tempted to buy more!
submitted by frostingvelvetcake to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:32 Willing_Bike_1927 Oklahoma Incident. Did Drake lie under oath? Implications?

Oklahoma Incident. Did Drake lie under oath? Implications? submitted by Willing_Bike_1927 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 22:23 Doc_single How can one find a serious relationship in Dubai?

I am single doctor in my early to mid 30s, well settled and accomplished. Iv recently moved to dubai and wanted to find a nice girl for something serious. However what I have noticed is that most of there girls here are just looking to drain a guys pocket or scam him. Many are just offering escort services. How can I find someone serious here. I tried dating apps and most of them have scammers or escorts. Is there any way to find a serious relationship here?
submitted by Doc_single to DubaiCentral [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:30 Dog_Man-Star AITAH for not allowing my husband's baby mama to live in my house???

AITAH for not allowing my husband's baby mama to live in my house??? submitted by Dog_Man-Star to redditonwiki [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:38 MonthFar2068 My common law husband is in Dubai and his side piece showed up at my door with their baby. Aitah for kicking her out even though she is basically homeless?

My husband and I, 40f and 41m have been together for 10 years and I consider them years to be very loving and happy but apparently not for him since he had a side piece obviously. I make furniture and make around €1M a year. My husband is a teacher. It goes without saying that I provide for us. I don’t ask what he does with his salary. We live way below our means however because we are both minimalists but we have a big house, nice cars and lots of art. Everything is mine however.
Apparently he met his side piece (f25) under false pretenses and told her that we were legally married so he owned 1/2 my company and everything else I own. When she got pregnant he started spending his salary on her (I wasn’t alarmed because I didn’t know what he did with his money). Now he is in Dubai on vacation and her lease on her apartment expired so she just showed up at my door with her baby. She told me she was his gf and that he was getting a divorce so she might as well live in his house and I could live in a hotel because I could afford it. She didn’t have any money or home. She literally refused to step out so I called the police and locked myself in the greenhouse. When the police came she was literally unpacking the child’s clothes in the living area. They escorted her out. I was very shaken. Later I found out all the details I included above.
My husband’s mother thought I was an ah for kicking out a little baby on the street. That was her only grandson. I used and abused my money and power to control everything around me.
But honestly, teachers make 60k a year so if as I found out later, he gave her his salary I can’t understand why she would be so homeless and destitute? She had big designer bags, designer stroller and these Van Cleef& Arpels jewelry when she showed up to my home. But now I am the AH?
submitted by MonthFar2068 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:01 EmpireDynasty From Yachting to Dubai Porta Potty: The Overlooked Role of Money Addiction in Prostitution

Can we talk about money addiction in prostitution?
In anti-prostitution circles, it's often discussed how women get into prostitution through trafficking, grooming, drug addiction, debts, desperation, and similar bad circumstances, but rarely about money addiction. It seems that in our capitalist world, money addiction is seldom addressed and is often viewed either positively or downplayed rather than as a serious addiction. Money addiction (greed for money) is often even seen as an personality trait rather than an addiction. Therefore, many people who are addicted to money don't even recognize their own addiction to it or think it's fine.
Money-addicted individuals exhibit behaviors, such as an insatiable desire for more wealth and possessions, often at the expense of others or to the detriment of their own well-being. So it's really not as harmless as people perceive it to be. Money addiction often stems from a deep-rooted need to compensate for feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or emotional pain. However, overvaluing money and becoming addicted to it can also be a result of societal conditioning and affirmation from parents and society.
Research shows that most prostituted women don't want to be in the sex trade, and only a small number of women want to be in it. I want to talk about this very small group of women who claim they want to be in it. From what I've noticed, some of those women seem to participate in the sex trade because they are addicted to money and they are often times expensive escorts. These escorts are usually the ones who are advocating for prostitution on various podcasts & Co.
Many already very rich and famous celebrities, as well as popular influencers with a (very) good income, also participate in yachting (escorting on a yacht) or Dubai Porta Potty (traveling to Dubai to get pooped and peed on by wealthy Arab men for large sums of money, it often involves bestiality as well). At this point, it's not even a secret. Yachting, in particular, is constantly talked about. There have been many podcasts and posts all over the internet about rich celebrities and influencers doing it. In fact, it has helped normalize and accept prostitution, and even glamorize it. It has taken away the focus on how prostitution looks for the majority of women and how most women aren't in it because they want to be.
(Trigger Warning - Disgusting Sexual Content:) Let's face it, would you really be willing to have gang bangs for several days to a week with a bunch of (probably) ugly, old guys who don't respect you, want to beat the shit out of you, humiliate you, piss on you, poop in your mouth, and make you have sex with an actual animal (bestiality) in a country where it is illegale (risk of being imprisoned) for €30,000 if you were already financially stable? Would you do the same if you were offered one million euros if you were already a famous celebrity worth €100M? I doubt it, unless you are addicted to money. However, this is what is being offered (30k - 1M) in Dubai Porta Potty for all of those things combined to people who most of the time already have money (influencers and celebrities).
Sure, one could argue that porn has desensitized or even groomed many people to like some of those practices, and the "no kink shaming" crowd has helped normalize it, but still, those are not everyday normal practices, especially bestiality, which is illegal in many countries, including the United Arab Emirates. Even someone who doesn't mind BDSM wouldn't just do all of it with strangers in another country, where it is illegal and they are not really in dire need of money if there isn't an underlying issue (like a money addiction) behind it.
I think this aspect of money addiction is crucial to understand when discussing the complexities of prostitution. The conversation often neglects the psychological and societal factors that drive some women to enter and stay in the sex trade willingly. It's also important to challenge the societal norms that glorify wealth accumulation at any cost. Money addiction really needs to be talked about more often and be taken more seriously.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
submitted by EmpireDynasty to antisexwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:49 CTV1225 [FH5] Autumn Information Thread - Series 34

Hey everyone! Sorry about the delay again. This time, my PC malfunctioned and I had to use the laptop instead.
But, without further ado, let's continue on with the Autumn Season!
Stay safe and have a great week ahead!  
A Super Wheelspin is available for completing the Super7 this week.  

Forzathon Shop

Note that the current Forzathon Shop will change on June 6th, 2024 @ 14:30 (UTC).

Festival Playlist Rewards

Hot Wheels Events - 7 Points

Exclusive to Hot Wheels Owners; the respective Academy Rank must be unlocked. Not required for Season Rewards, Series Completion, or the Min, Meet Max Achievement.  

Rally Adventure Events - 7 Points

Exclusive to Rally Adventure Owners; required for you to be Horizon Badlands Champion. Not required for Season Rewards, Series Completion, or the Min, Meet Max Achievement.  

Forzathon Weekly Challenge - 5 Points

Earn 80FP for completing the weekly challenge, double if you own La Casa Solariega. Must be done in sequence to count.

Forzathon Daily Challenges - 1 Point Each, 7 Points Total

Each challenge is open for 7 Days from 14:30 UTC of the start day. Earn 10FP per Challenge, double if you own La Casa Solariega.

Seasonal Events - 35 Points Total

The reward listed for Seasonal Championship events requires you to place 1st against at or above the Highly Skilled Drivatar difficulty setting; the Trial requires Unbeatable difficulty and is accessible after entering the Hall of Fame.  

Challenges - 7 Points Total

Monthly Events - 4 Points per Season (16 Points per Series)

Get soaked in the Horizon Retrowave!  
FH5 Release Notes: May 21st, 2024  
Experience Track Toys in Forza Motorsport Update 8  
Forza Motorsport Hotfix 8.1 Release Notes – May 16, 2024  

Miscellaneous (Off-Topic) - You don't have to read this, but thanks if you do!

submitted by CTV1225 to forza [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 14:08 howardscurlywig She did some modeling in Europe, picked up a few languages.

She did some modeling in Europe, picked up a few languages. submitted by howardscurlywig to howardstern [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:00 KatashaMercury What Happened to the Little Girls in England?

What Happened to the Little Girls in England? submitted by KatashaMercury to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 15:03 The_JG_Man Eventful - Ep. 7 - Breen Chel Boalg Warship

Eventful - Ep. 7 - Breen Chel Boalg Warship
Breen Chel Boalg Warship
Welcome to Eventful, my chronological run through the T6 event ships.
How it works - using my intentionally modestly equipped level 65 Romulan engineer I play a ship to complete its mastery doing content no harder than advanced through a mix of patrols and RTFOs.
Previously I explored the Xyfius Heavy Escort.
I don't like the Chel Boalg. I mean yes the ship is fine, great even, it's just that this updated take on the Chel Grett doesn't work for me. Now with time I can say that the Boalg does go for some uniformity of design with the later Plesh Tral, yet that shared aesthetic loses a lot of what makes the Grett so good. As the only canon Breen ship that we see of its time the Grett was a striking approach for any Trek race to showcase with its revelry in asymmetrical design. Where the Boalg specifically fails for me is that it is too narrow, too weedy to have the same impact as its predecessor. The Grett at least gives the impression of being equally weighted all around, whilst the Boalg is too forward. Hey, not every ship can be a winner for everyone, right?
Dissipated Energy
How's the general lay-out?
Of the four Breen ships the Chel Boalg is the most balanced. As a warship it's about average, with a decent hull, unexciting shields and agility I would label as 'fine'. I suppose the best comparison for this purpose would be the Nandi. The Nandi is far more science oriented and with some determination could be made into an EPG machine. Despite the LtC Sci/Int and the LtC and Ens Uni allowing you to lean into science more, with only three science consoles you'd be pushing your luck to do the same here. What I really think that LtC Sci is there for is to slot GW1 so that your AoE firing modes can hit as many targets as possible. Or for cooldown reduction with PO2.
When I did use it on release I tried replicating my original Chel Grett build, using that LtC Uni for engineering giving me plenty of space for A2B, EPtW3 and other niceties. Throw in OSS3 and you're going to be running with some high power levels, enough for you to charge into the middle of the fray, throw down your weapons and get away without too much of a dent. Hell, slot Kinetic Magnet and you've got some means to be a torp boat, dropping down that weapon power and empowering auxiliary to get more use out of a GW for grouped TS hits. What the Chel Boalg offers is a ton of versatility. 4/4 on a commander tactical ship might seem a bit awkward, but I like to think of it as giving you options.
Customisation options?
Like the other Breen ships you get the Upgrade and original hull materials, as well as some choices for your windows. Fortunately in my having the ability to use the Chel Grett model, I'd ordinarily switch to that in a heartbeat.
How's the trait and console?
For reference Attack Pattern Beta 1 grants -30 damage resistance to a target of your weapons. Not the longest duration, but with everyone focusing on it, it adds up. Cryonic Siphon places a -15 damage resistance debuff on the target of your Energy Siphon with a side helping of shield resistance reduction. The duration is longer than on APB1, but that's a boff ability. Of which boff abilities are less of a premium than your trait slots. Is this trade worth it? Remember, for this to work you need the trait and a boff ability. Well, for a FTP player, I don't think it's terrible. The problem is it has such strong competition that I'm not really sure it can hang in that fight. Perhaps on elite where enemies are much tougher with shields to match it could find some use, however I remain doubtful. It certainly pales compared to the next Breen ship's trait, that's for sure.
For the console the obvious point here is that stat wise it's actually pretty strong. Flat 1% crit chance is nothing to be sneezed at and drain/resistance is always going to be appreciated even if it's not necessarily prioritised. That's the easy part. The active? Well, it's a bit useless? For sure on normal difficulty and probably on advanced too. In elite it perhaps can find a niche against certain bosses? The problem is that power drains on AI enemies are weak. Sure the capability is what the ship in the show can actually do, but it being accurate doesn't make it good.
Where I think it could potentially have a big impact is in PvP, but as an area I have rarely ventured into, I'm not even sure of that. The drain itself is a projectile which can be shot down resulting in any vigilant player putting you on a two minute cooldown with nothing to show for it and at a guess PvPers probably have drains in mind so will have ways to mitigate their effects. If the cooldown scaled with the target, or you got multiple charges or something perhaps it'd be more useful.
Any other fun toys?
The Breen bridge. Breedge.
Overall thoughts...
Artistic preference aside, along with the trait and console active being niche at best, it's just a great ship. You're given a lot of options for how you wish to build it, the console lay-out means you can go for your spire or isomag consoles with even benefits and it'll go where you point it to without much argument. It can easily take a blow and more than easily dole them out. In some respects the more open a ship is, the less specifically there is to talk about with it. If you get the Boalg you get the chance to tailor it to your needs. Once again 4/4 weapons on a commander tactical ship is not optimal for DEW, but it doesn't exactly mean it's bad, just not ideal. That's assuming too you'd be going with forward facing weapons as beam arrays work plenty fine with a ship that has more agility than your average cruiser. It's just a solid, strong ship.
Next time?
Goes great with a dip.
submitted by The_JG_Man to sto [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:04 Jhonjournalist Business Class in IndiGo Airlines on Domestic and International Routes

Business Class in IndiGo Airlines on Domestic and International Routes
  • The underlying value contributions will be severe to confront rivalry with its nearest matches, Air India and Vistara.
  • IndiGo’s endeavor into business class drew blended responses from specialists.
  • This evaluating system could assist with drawing in travelers searching for premium administrations without the superior sticker price.
IndiGo Carriers are sending off business class seats on some airplanes that will fly over noticeable homegrown and global courses, CNBC-TV18 detailed.
During the new income telephone call, IndiGo’s President Pieter Elbers uncovered the aircraft’s introduction to the business class section.

Business Class in IndiGo Airlines

Accordingly, according to media reports, business class seats will be accessible on India’s most noticeable carriers, with 10 to 15 airplanes working on significant homegrown metro courses. Suburbanites in metropolitan urban communities — Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Bengaluru — can expect a top-notch travel insight with Delhi-Mumbai, Delhi-Bengaluru, and Delhi-Chennai flights offering this business-class administration.
IndiGo’s global business class administration, as would be considered normal to be accessible on noticeable worldwide courses, including Delhi-Dubai, Delhi-Singapore, and Delhi-Abu Dhabi, will start soon.
As per flying specialists, IndiGo might carry out its business class seats at lower costs to take special care of travelers searching for premium administrations without the superior sticker price.
Nonetheless, notwithstanding its exceptionally alluring estimating systems, IndiGo is set to confront fierce opposition from laid-out full-administration transporters. Nearest equals offer predominant types of assistance and conveniences that fundamentally increment business class travelers’ worth, even at a greater expense. Administrations like an escort, a devoted premium parlor office, and immovable registration counters probably won’t be accessible with IndiGo’s expected lower passages.
Some acclaimed the move, guaranteeing that it mirrored the aircraft’s development and strength in the Indian market, revealed CNBC-TV18. Others, in any case, prompted alert, noticing that notwithstanding the move’s true capacity, it represents various difficulties, particularly in comparing the help norms of global full-administration transporters.
Prominently, the aircraft intends to uncover more insights regarding its business class system in August, when it will commend its eighteenth commemoration.
Learn More: https://worldmagzine.com/business/business-class-in-indigo-airlines-on-domestic-and-international-routes/
submitted by Jhonjournalist to u/Jhonjournalist [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 05:00 Darren716 Post WWE Raw 5/27/2024 Show Discussion Thread

Venue: EnMarket Arena (Savannah, GA)
Attendance: ~6,500
Winner Loser Match Finish Stipulation
Braun Strowman JD McDonough w/ Finn Balor and Carlito Tilt-a-Whirl Power Slam
Ricochet Ilja Dragunov DQ when Bron Breakker appears and spears the shit out of Ricochet
AOP w/ The Final Testament The Creed Brothers w/ Ivy Nile What A Rush
Lyra Valkyria Kairi Sane w/ Dakota Kai Crucifix Pin
Rey Mysterio w/ The LWO Carlito w/ Finn Balor 619
Bronson Reed Otis w/ Chad Gable Tsunami
Liv Morgan (c) Becky Lynch Liv Escapes through the Door Steel Cage Match for the Women's World Championship
submitted by Darren716 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:36 AwayDare3072 What were the messiest Love Island splits?

What were the messiest Love Island splits?
My picks are
  1. Davide and Ekin - she claims he cheated with at least 4 other women while they were together; he used to secretly record her when she was angry at him to use at blackmail; he used to manipulate & galght her; he used to get her to delete any comments from Pilot Pete on her social media; he would follow all her The Traitors co-stars keeping tabs on her; he always made her feel like the ‘psycho girlfriend’; she found sexual messages between davide and a girl on his laptop; he used to accuse her of cheating even though she never did; he brought an escort away to Morrocco and lied to Ekin telling her he went alone; he disrespected her mum on instagram; he tried to do a fake proposal to Ekin; he shouted at her mum to Fcuk off in Rome in front of people; he shout “fcuk Ekin” in a bar in Dubai;
  2. Scott & Kady - he was arrested for domestic violence against Kady; he was verbally abusive to her; he had a drinking problem; he allegedly cheated on her with Amber Davies;
  3. Adam & Paige - he allegedly cheated on her several times at PAs / university fresher weeks; he said he never loved her; he said he used her as a game plan for air-time;
  4. Sam & Georgia - she allegedly cheated on him with her ex boyfriend and tried to deny it saying she called over to his place in the early hours of the morning to collect some of her items; he also found text messages confirming she cheated….even though she continues to deny deny deny. We saw how he confronted her on the Christmas reunion and she tried to turn the tables around and blame him as blowing things out of proportion.
submitted by AwayDare3072 to LoveIslandTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 10:52 EmirTanis ground wouldn't load, what's that room over there?

ground wouldn't load, what's that room over there? submitted by EmirTanis to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:16 Alternative_Cake7855 Virgin to escorts and TS

I know I am really living on the edge lol. I am in south jersey near Philly. If anybody is familiar with providers in my area thay they would recommend feel free to share. Thank you
submitted by Alternative_Cake7855 to tsescortsnj [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 05:27 josephliyen A Review of all Marriott Properties during my recent trip

I recently went on a 4 weeks trip across 5 countries to celebrate our 14 year anniversary with my wife. We stayed at the following properties:
Fairfield Seoul
Ritz Carlton Kuala Lumpur
Marina Bay Sands Hotel
St. Regis Singapore
Ritz Carlton Fari Islands Maldives
Grand Sheraton Dubai
JW Marriott Dubai
Al Maha, Luxury Collection
Other than the MBS Hotel in Singapore, which was a bucket list hotel I really wanted to stay at, all other properties were under the Marriott portfolio. In this review, I will cover each of their stay impression from a Titanium Elite perspective. YMMV.
On this trip I experienced amazing service at almost all the Marriott properties. In fact, starting with the St. Regis in Singapore, the staff and elite recognition team coordinated with each of the subsequent properties I was going to visit and provided a bit of an over arching, consistent service experience. For example, the JW Marriott in Dubai requested a photo of my wife and I from the St. Regis Singapore team, which they made into a custom anniversary card and placed it in our suite as we checked in. They also received pointers on our favorite tea from the Ritz Carlton Maldives and added them to our room. Multiple Marriott properties on our trip teamed up and worked together to make our trip absolutely unforgettable. I have never felt so valued in my travels.

Fairfield Seoul

First up is the Fairfield Seoul. The location isn't the most amazing since it takes about 30 minutes to get to any major tourist attraction. However, it is right next to the yeongdeungpo train station so it is quite accessible in general as you can catch the train to go pretty much every direction in seoul. There is a coin laundry store 1 block away that opens 24 hours a day, and the airport transfer bus stops right in front of the hotel as well. In terms of amenities the hotel ticks all the right boxes.
Unfortunately for any Marriott loyalist, your elite status won't get you anything here as they don't offer free breakfast. There is also no nicer rooms or suites. The best they offered me was a higher floor room, which was like a shoe box. I had some pretty servere allergy when staying here as well, I think the ac unit aren't properly maintained and cleaned. It can be a cesspool for germs if not done. Although the elevator set up is nice and modern, where you swipe your card and it tells you which elevator to get in without you needing to press the floor button, higher floor sometimes still takes a long time to get into an elevator.
The restaurant on site, if you do want to have a breakfast buffet, has a fairly decent selection and is reasonably priced for western standards, at around 17,000 won. They claim it is independent from the hotel so no free breakfast for anyone. Nice for them to have the convenience of locating directly inside the hotel though, I wonder what their main clientele is?
Moxys will give you free breakfast and their locations are a bit better than fairfield. They cost slightly more per night. Something to consider.
Staff wasn't very friendly. They do speak very good English in general, but aren't keen to help you much. For example, there was a pretty big pool of water on a bench in the lobby. I almost sat on it while I was waiting for my wife. I informed the front desk about the water, just letting them know it's there. 20 minutes after I was about to leave, the water was still there. Tells you how much they actually care about their job.
The good news is, this was the worst hotel on our entire trip, it is onward and upward from here.

Ritz Carlton Kuala Lumpur

While we were still in South Korea, Ritz Carlton Kuala Lumpur's team reached out to me. To my surprise, they offered me access to the club lounge, free breakfast, room upgrades, the whole 9 yards. You know, things that Ritz Carlton isn't required to offer to elite members. I got them all.
As we approach the hotel, we entered through a separate entrance, where club lounge access is located. For guests that have club lounge access, we checked in at the club, instead of going through the lobby. It was quite late by the time we arrived at the hotel, around 8pm. The Assistant Club Lounge Manager, Musaddiq Bin Muzafar, warmly greets us. I mention his name here because he is one of the finest, polite, and professional gentlmen I have ever encountered on my travels. He sat us down, took care of our luggages, then went through every little details on how the property was going to pamper us. The club lounge served 6 different meal services a day, it was just over the top. He apologized for not having mobile keys at the property, no big deal whatsoever. We had access to a 24 hour butler service, where we could get non-alcoholic drinks completely free any time of the day. The list went on and on.
The hotel is around 25 years old. However, you can definitely tell they spared no expense building this property. The marbles ran up and down the walls in addition to the floors. We were upgraded to a gorgeous one bedroom suite. Our hotel room was adorned with balloons, cholocates, towel arts to celebrate our special occasion. The rooms all have high ceilings. The entire bathrooms were marbled on all surfaces. The bed, on the firm side, is one of the best hotel beds I have ever rest in. The Mrs. agreed.
We had the option of dining in the lounge or their main restaurant for breakfast. The latter was full of selections from the east and west. Some of the highlights included the freshly made roti and nasi lemak, the unusually thick cut smoke salmon, smoke duck, and crab omelette.
We tried all the meal services other than lunch in the club lounge. The staff was very attentive, and we had the pleasure of Ms. Shi Ying taking care of us on many meal services there. Although she is fairly new at the hotel, her bright smile and quick to attendiness made our day just so much more relaxed. She comes across as geniune and enjoys her job very much, and was always quick to provide assistance and take our food and beverages orders. We know the hotel is good when we have a hard time wanting to leave the hotel and go see attractions, because the hotel is so comfortable.
Originally, we planned on getting a spa treatment once we are in another country. However, the world class service we received from the staff in Ritz Carlton Kuala Lumpur intrigued me to inquire about their spa facilities, and upon review, we made a couple bookings and were glad we did. I didn't get my massage therapist's name, but she was absolutely amazing, and is one of the best massage therapists I've ever encountered. I usually go with male massage therapists because of their stronger pressure, but this lady massage therapist at Kuala Lumpur was amazing and able to exert as much pressure as I needed. The 2 hour session practically flew by, and I was thoroughly relaxed after climbing 300 stairs at the Batu Cave.
I casually mentioned to Mr. MD Monayem, another club lounge gentleman, that our flight out of Kuala Lumpur will be really early and thus we would unfortunately miss the world-class breakfast at their propertly. He promptly asked about my flight details, and proceed to arrange for a to-go breakfast for two, plus coffee, for 4:30am in the morning, all ready for us at the lobby when we check out. The butler swiftly brought our luggages down as MD planned a few days ahead, and we arrived in the airport without any surprises.
The Ritz Carlton Kuala Lumpur is one of the very best properties I have ever stayed in, not just because of their beautifully appointed facilities, but most importantly, their professional, caring, and warm ladies and gentlemen serving us. I will make it a point to return to this hotel next time I am in Kuala Lumpur, and ensure all my friends and acquaintances know about its legendary service.

Marina Bay Sands Hotel

Leaving Malaysia early in the morning, we arrived in Changi airport around 9am, and through the MRT, got to Marina Bay Sands Hotel's check in counter around 11am. Knowing that we were going to arrive early, we sent an email to the hotel a week early to see if there would be any opportunity for an early check-in. In the response, they mentioned the possibility subject to availability.
Upon arriving at the check-in desk at Tower 1, the atmosphere was quite a contrast from the friendly possibility conveyed in the email response. It first took us about 10 minutes of waiting, until someone approached us at the line. Before even looking at our booking, he told us promptly that check-in is not available until 3pm. I mentioned about the email corresspondence, and that is when he reluctantly took my reservation number, then told us to head down to Tower 3 and enquire there, since we would be staying at Tower 3. He also then said there will be a charge for early check-in if it is available.
When we got to Tower 3, the check-in counter had 2 people on staff. One was helping a customer while the other stood there and looked at the other person, walking back and forth. Including us, there were 4 more sets of guests waiting in line. It took 30 minutes, I'm not exaggerating here, until that person that was doing nothing, acknowledge the guests in front of us in the line to go talk to him. Then another staff waved us down to go to the check-out counter to help us. The first couple was still standing at the counter, 30 minutes after, talking to the first staff. While we were waiting, the 4 of us in line started talking about how this extreme wait in line seemed to be a tactic from the hotel to discourage anyone to attempt to have an early check-in. To be honest, all I wanted to do at that point was to drop off my luggages for storage so we could be on our way.
At the Check-out counter, the lady kindly let us know it's because it is around their check out time of 11am, so they are mostly busy with checking the guests out. After some discussions, she advises us that if the room is ready before 3pm for early check-in, they will send us an email. She then proceeds to tell us in great details of all the fine-dining restaurants the hotel has to offer, including their multiple signature dishes from each restaurant. I then realized why it took so long for the preivouis guests. We wanted to get out of the hotel to go enjoy our day, so we wanted to leave. She then further informed us that there are renovations going on at Tower 3, and we are on the lower level. While the renovation is on the higher levels, we may still hear noises. I then asked if we could be moved to either Tower 1 or 2 to avoid the noises, she responded that our rate would not allow us to be in the nicer, newly renovated rooms of Tower 1 or 2, but she will do her best to give us the best room in the category in Tower 3. Considering the rate of booking this hotel was just shy of $1,000 SGD, I really didn't like hearing this information. Not only did MBS not inform us through email communication prior to our arrival, but the way the lady informed us the situation made us felt like we were some sort of poor guests that should've spend more to avoid noise inconvenience. We left the hotel a bit miffed, and went about our day. We were given temporary keys so we could access the rooftop pool, one of the main highlights of the hotel. We spent about an hour there before we left. It was nice, had a great view of the city, although a bit hot and smog. After the pool we went about our day.
We got the email notification that the room was ready at exactly 2:58pm. Once we checked into our room, my previous frustration with the frontline staff pretty much went away. The room was gorgeously appointed. The view to the Garden By The Bay (GBTB) was beautiful. The room itself was quite large, and the bathroom was marbled throughout, nothing short of a luxury hotel, and easily rivaled the Ritz or JW of the Marriott brands. The entire minibar was free as well. Shortly after our check-in, a gentleman arrived to provide some turndown service. He was quite eager to help, and provided us multiple bags of chips and more coffee and drinks.
I visited the pool at night for the second time, and this time I felt the magic of this rooftop infinity pool truly came alive. The lighting of the pool was a beautiful hue of turquoise. By now the city is lit up, the temperature dropped a bit, and people are clubbing in one of the rooftop bar with great music. Generally it had a great vibe. The view at night is nothing short of magical, and the pool wasn't very busy either so I never felt crowded. I ended up staying in the pool until it closed at midnight. This was one of the highlights of my Singapore visit.
The night view of GBTB from our room was even more beautiful than during the day. I took the opportunity and walked around the hotel, and all the way towards GBTB, pass 1am, and took in all its amazing architecture. This hotel is definitely an architectural and engineering masterpiece.
In the morning, the gentleman from the evening turndown service returned to offer more tea. I asked for his name this time. Chang Cheng was very courteous and we really appreciated his attententiveness during our stay.
Although we were offered a discount at their Rise restaurant for breakfast, we decided to go to the casino solely to have a lobster laksa noodle soup from the restaurant within. It was delicious. I also browsed the gift shop situated within the hotel, and bought a book that talked about how the MBS hotel was built.
Throughout our stay, we didn't hear the noise from renovation at all. And upon our check out, the frontline staff graciously offered us a 1-hour late check-out without any hesitation, which we really appreciated. As we called our grab to leave the hotel, the bell service staff checked our Grab details, invited us to wait inside the air-conditioned space, then queued us to head out as our Grab arrived, which we also very much appreciated their care in the service.
Overall I was quite satisfied from this stay, minus the initial impression during the arrival process. I recognize the staff warned us about the renovation noise to temper expectation, but perhaps the delivery could be better, and really don't let your guests wait in line for more than 10 minutes if possible. The hotel's hard product is world class and top notch, while the soft product could use some improvement.

St. Regis Singapore

After a bit of a lackluster service at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, the St. Regis Singapore promptly reminded me why I remain loyal to Marriott properties. As we sit at the individual check-in desk (nice to be sitting down and check-in), Ms. Syikin, the Guest Relations Manager drops by and personnally welcomed us to the hotel. This was our very first time staying at a St. Regis, and immediately we were greeted by her warm welcome.
We were provided a beautiful, classically appointed Caroline Astor Suite. All the blinds were automatic, all the furniture were exotic solid wood, and the living room had a gorgeous view over the area. Our bedroom had a beautiful art adorn above the headboard, and similar to the Ritz, the bathroom had marble throughout all its surfaces, while having a beautifully symmetrical his and her sink. In addition, this is also the first hotel i stayed at where the shower has side jets that provides a nice soft massage during shower. The slight improvement this suite could have would be having some additional universal plugs at the nightstand tables. unfortunately because all the furniture feature set wood types and unique pattern, it would have looked out of place if they replaced those night stand tables with modern appointments.
Although the hotel did not feature an executive lounge, an afternoon refershment for elite member was offered in their Astor Bar. the cheeses offered were absolutely amazing. I especially loved the goat and blue cheese. We also witnessed for the first time, the St. Regis tradition of the sabering ritual, where they took a 2 feet long saber and pop open a champaigne. It was quite a sight to see.
The breakfast at St. Regis Singapore is one of the best breakfast offerings I have had on this long trip, across 9 hotel properties. They had the eastern offerings on the buffet table spanning chinese, indian, and japanese, while the western offerings can be ordered off their menu, all inclusive to the buffet price. Some of the highlights included the Uni Inari sushi, the kaya toast, and the made to order eggs benedicts. Towards the end of our breakfast, Syikin drops by to say hi, and provided us with some beautiful tea blends exclusive to St. Regis Singapore, as well as a luxurious luggage tag that I now adorn on my luggage. Upon our conversation, turns out she knows a few colleagues at the Ritz Carlton Maldives, where we are headed next, and sent them an email to inform our arrival.
I can confidently say that St. Regis Singapore is one of the very best hotels I have ever stayed at. We truly appreciated Ms. Syikin's attentiveness to her brand loyalists, and look forward to return to the hotel in the near future.

Ritz Carlton Fari Islands Maldives

The Ritz Carlton Maldives is the pinnacle of our hotel stays to date. Coming in with a hefty price tag, this resort has an unparalleled hard product, and top notch service. The experience starts as soon as we landed in Male. The Ritz is one of a few luxury resorts in the Maldives that doesn't have its own dedicated arrival lounge in the airport, so they took us to a restaurant that we were able to order anything off the menu with them taking care of the bill. However, it took us a while before we were greeted onto the vessel as they had some issues with their standard high speed boat. So as a trade for our inconvenience, we were greeted by a beautiful yacht that took 85 minutes instead of the standard 45 minutes to reach the resort. I have heard a lot of other reviews regarding the high speed boat not being the most comfortable vessel and some guests got sea sick. This yacht was nicely appointed and had onboard wifi. We also headed to the upper deck and enjoyed the view. Generally it was a very comfortable ride and we definitely travelled in style to the resort. Onboard the yacht, the staff provided a beautiful snack box and would be refilled on demand, not that we could eat anymore given we just had multiple meals in the airport lounge, on the plane, and now on the yacht.
Our Aris Meeha (personal butler) Shuhu, greeted us at the arrival jetty, along with the guest experience manager. Shuhu drove us with a buggy, while leaving all of our luggage behind for the bell service to take care of. Each and every one of our luggage was given a beautiful Ritz-Carlton Maldives luggage tag, with our room number and details written on there. As we arrive to our villa, we see our personalized bicycles with wooden name plates, and a beautiful sand art made on the bridge to our Villa that welcomes us "home".
We opted for the overwater, 2 bedroom villa. This is by far the best hotel room I have ever had the blessing to stay in. The villa had the best of both worlds in terms of its location. It is located on the main island, with its own lush vegetated private road for added privacy, then a bridge that connects from the end of the island towards the villa itself, which completely sits above the water. With just under 4,000 sqft of total liveable space, the living room and both bedrooms have floor to ceiling windows that can fully open to the deck, which features a full length private pool. To the side of the pool there is a outdoor dining table, 2 full size circular sofa beds, and the ladder access directly into the lagoon.
As a toss up between the Ritz and St. Regis Maldives, I picked the Ritz for its newer villa in exchange for a lack of established coral reef. To my pleasant surprise, because of the way this particular villa is situated off the island, there are quite a bit of established reef to the side of the island, meaning I had some of the best snorkeling just outside of my own villa. It was also quite a delight to snorkel under the villa and its connecting bridge to the island while chasing fishes, adding some terrain variety.
The villa itself is well appointed with technology. In addition to the 3 very large screen smart TVs, a Bang & Olufson bluetooth headphone was provided, which I enjoyed using during my stay. The master bedroom's bathroom had a dual interioexterior shower, which we used multiple times a day. Our housekeeper, Arif, also provided us an exquisitely laid out bubble bath for our arrival and a couple days in. It is absolutely heavenly, to have the ability to go snorkeling right outside of our villa, come up and swim in the private pool, walk over for a nice shower, than jump into a bubble bath, every single day during our stay.
Speaking of Arif, he was perhaps the most detail orientated housekeeper we have ever encountered. I had some pollen allergy when I arrived on the island. Arif came by the second day with extra tissue boxes for my comfort. He also noticed we like our water cold, so he cleared the mini bar fridge (which was all included except for alcohol), and placed all of the supplied water in the fridge for us. As a part of the stay, many snacks are provided in the villa, which he would refill twice a day if consumed.
We were invited to a couple elite member appreciation reception. There were quite a bit of drinks and fancy appetizers served, including caviar on smoke salmon. During this event a few restaurants and food selections were recommended to us, which we tried later. Some of the highlights included the In-Villa-Dining's Veal Cheek Soup, and the waffle during breakfast. The former had some of the most tender beef I've ever had in a Taiwanese style beef noodle soup, while the latter was literally the best waffle I've ever had, it was soft and fluffy on the inside, while featuring an extremely thin, and not overly crispy outer shell. The breakfast buffet had a healthy amount of selection, although not the most elaborate I've ever seen, but has a Chinese noodle soup station, and an Indian masala dosa station, with made to order western eggs and desserts varieties. Some of the highlights for me included the lobster chilli omelette, the really authentic chicken noodle soup, the waffles, and the Shakshuka (a middle eastern dish that has spices, bell peppers and sunny side up eggs).
There are quite a number of premium restaurants on site. We tried the tum tum food truck which featured Taiwanese style gua bao with fancy fillings such as lobsters or softshell crabs, and Arabesque which featured indian and middle eastern style cuisines. At Arabesque, we had a lightly battered, spice blended, Egyptian seafood platter, which featured freshly caught local fish, and the largest prawn I've ever seen in my life. The minced lamb wrap was also very delicious. These 2 restaurants are located in a nearby island with another resort, which has regularly scheduled ferries servicing between it and the Ritz island.
The highlight of our culinary delight on the resort however, had to go to Summer Pavilion. This restaurant's food is at a Michelin Star level. Our server, Eliza, took great care of me. I went to the restaurant alone, while my wife stayed in the Villa, a bit under the weather. Shuhu passed on this information to Eliza, and I planned to pack half of my food back for my wife. Eliza added a chicken noodle soup to the order considering my wife's wellness. I've never seen such care in a Michelin stars restaurant, let alone a regular restaurant. I had the privilege to try out 3 dishes, the Lobster Rice Soup, the Crab Fried Rice, and the Chilli Oil Prim Rib. The first dish was creative yet not pretentious, while the 2 latter dishes are the best variation I've ever had. After the meal, instead of me carrying the takeout back to the villa, the restaurant prepared dedicated room service and delivered the food to us.
I tried out the Signature Spa package at the resort, a 180 minute experience that did not come cheap. It was an amazing massage with a full steam sauna, coconut bath, dry sauna, and coconut scrub treatment. Very relaxing, but had 3 showers as a part of the experience, which I thought could probably do with one less, and I thought the value proposition isn't as good as a few other spa I have visited around the world.
As we depart the resort, we were treated to a completely different yacht, leaving yet again in style. Once we arrived at the airport, the Ritz staff took care of our luggage all the way till the flight check-in, without us needing to lift a finger. He even came with us through the primary security screening to further help us with our luggage. In the end, I look back to this particular resort with fond memories, and the legendary services provided by the staff like Shuhu, Arif, and Eliza. However, as we are not so used to such an attentive service in our travel, it was a bit overwhelming at first. I think Shuhu quickly noticed our style and was able to adapt. I think it may be worthwhile for the Aris Meeha to ask the guests initially what their service interval/intensity preferences are, to further tailor to their liking. We also felt there was a bit of sale pressure from the staff regarding restaurant bookings, spa product offerings, excursion bookings and such. Maybe they were just trying to be helpful as those things would be what fill an itinenary in a Maldives resort island.
Finally, I think it would not be a fair review without talking about the value proposition at this resort. This is the best hotel property we have ever stayed at in our entire life. The service, the villa, and the facilities are all world class, and I've had some of the best meals of my life at this resort. Considering it is literally in the middle of the Indian ocean, thousands of miles from major culture centres, it is nothing short of a feat to have such high quality, international cuisines all available at this resort. But other than the meal at the Summer Pavilion, I still have a bit of internal challenge justifying spending $50 USD on a personal sized pizza, $480 USD on a spa treatment, or $2,000 USD on the yacht rides to and from the airport.
Bottomline is, the Ritz-Carlton Maldives is the best hotel I have ever stayed in my life. Although a bit overpriced in some regards, the service and attention to details of the staff, the design and appointments of the villa, and the world class facilities and location together made memories that we will never forget.

Grand Sheraton Dubai

Exchanging the beach for the desert, we head into Sheraton Grand in Dubai. Upon our arrival around 3pm, the front desk invited us to the executive lounge first while preparing an upgraded Deluxe Suite for us. We enjoyed the afternoon tea in the lounge, which consisted of many sweet and savory selections. Amongst the many choices, the shrimp with caviar was my favorite.
Upon entering the suite, we were provided with a beautiful spread of towel art to celebrate our anniversary. A nice card and a cake was also provided. The suite itself had a gorgeous view over this cool looking, seesaw like tower, as well as the trade centre roundabout, which I quickly dubbed "the roundabout from hell". Nevertheless, we absolutely loved the metropolis view this suite provided, given we just spent a week in front of the beach. The hotel offered complementary valet service, which was a godsend for us as we rented a car during our stay.
The breakfast spread at the restaurant Feast is really impressive, essentially featuring all the international dishes we grew accustomed from our time in the Maldives. Surprisingly, one of my favorite dishes from this huge selection was the seemingly unassuming hashbrown. It is really crispy and light, compared to some other buffets that sometimes have it soggy as it sits in the hot plate. Another highlight is its really thick and fluffy french toast, it had a generous amount of eggs.
The staff in general are very friendly. We did run into a few small hiccups that the lovely Ms. Shahenda in the executive lounge addressed for us on multiple occasions. Upon check out, Mr. Youssef, the Room Manager, personally greeted us and took notes of the situation, which in turn gives me full confidence future guests will experience the smoothest service this hotel offers. As we are heading to other hotels, Mr. Youssef also sent a personal note to them to coordinate our arrival, which we very much appreciated.

JW Marriott Dubai

For a hotel that has 1600 rooms, JW Marriott Dubai did not disappoint in the service department. As soon as we arrived at the property, valet swiftly opened our doors, unloaded our luggage, provided claim ticket, and escorted us straight to the elite check-in counter. The check-in staff seemed really prepared for our arrival, from recognizing our names, knowing we came from Sheraton Grand, to highlighting our upgrade to the Deluxe Corner Suite with a view to the Burj, and congratulating on our anniversary, elite status, plus the details of the facilities at the hotel, the entire check-in process showed the property is a very well oiled machine in terms of its top notch service.
We were absolutely floored when we checked into our room. Needless to say, the beautiful towel arts, flower petals, and a prepared bubble bath in the luxurious suite already went beyond our expectation, but what blew us away was on the table in the living room, accompanying the chocolates and macaroon was a custom made card, with a photo of us. The team at JW coordinated with our previous stay at the Singapore St. Regis and obtained our photo to put up this surprise for us. In addition to all these extravagance, the team also included a nice JW braided reusable bag on the side.
The club lounge's evening service had amazing food throughout our stay. I loved the laksa from the hot station one night, but the chicken tenders, satay beef, chicken quesadilla and shawarma are all great tasting. Staff at the lounge are very attentive, with the managers personally come over to thank us for our loyalty with Marriott. Furthermore, on our last day, the staff in the lounge collectively brought us another tiramisu cake to enjoy, and congratulated on our anniversary with a signed card.
JW Marriott Dubai stood out amongst all of our recent hotel stays with its over the top service, great food in the club lounge, and beautiful rooms. I cannot recommend this hotel more.

Al Maha, Luxury Collection

After a full week in the metropolis Dubai, we head out to the desert to experience Dubai's another side. Al Maha staff takes good care of us as soon as we arrive, first by valeting our car, unload our luggage, then welcomes us to an isolated room of the main reception for the check in process. We selected our included activities, enjoyed our welcome drinks, then went on our way to our suite.
The suite is unique in the sense that it has a tent-like ceiling, and perhaps the largest oversized king size bed I've ever slept in. Unfortunately the bed although comfortable, is too soft for my personal preference. We loved the chaise in front of the bed for us to sit and take in the view. The bathroom is quite roomy and comfortable. I loved the aesthetic design of the private pool, but there were a lot of bugs inside the pool so we didn't use it at all. It served well as a water source for nearby birds though.
The camel ride was really nice. the guides planned the tour well so by the time we arrived at the spot, the sun is just about to set, and they had a nice reception set up with refreshment and snacks. Back in the reception area during high tea, we tried the camel milk, let's just say it's an aquired taste.
The dining at this property was just out of this world. All the meals we had were amazing, with the dinner under the moonlight, breakfast in the air-conditioned restaurant, and lunch in the suite. Some of my favorites include the Omani Prawn, Al Maha Um Ali, and the Lamb Chops. All 3 locations are extremely romantic, I highly recommend for honeymooners.
Contrary to other reviewers, I personally felt a 1 night stay at Al Maha should suffice, since you really can't do anything outside from 9am to 5pm due to the extreme heat. For most of the day, we stayed in the suite and just relaxed and enjoyed the view, watching the animals come and go. It is a surreal experience to be in the middle of a desert with all the first world luxury available to us.


We thoroughly enjoyed almost all of our stays at the Marriott properties, and because of that stay at MBS, it further showed how far my elite status were recognized and honoured in all the other properties. What really blew me away was the collaborations between all the properties to make our trip extra special. It almost felt like the hotel staff travelled with us to the next destination. This experience has been so great that I would likely remain loyal to the Marriott brand for many years to come.
submitted by josephliyen to marriott [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:09 Reality_Thief2000 Advent's Amazing Advice: The Lost Mine of Phandelver Fully Prepped and Ready to Go! Part 1 Cragmaw Hideout

Welcome back to Advent's Amazing Advice! The series where I take popular One-Shots, Adventures, Campaigns, etc. and fully prep them for both New and Busy DMs. This prep includes music, ambiance, encounter sheets, handouts, battle maps, tweaks, and more so you can run the best sessions possible with the least stress possible!
The Lost Mine of Phandelver is a classic, one of the very first Mini-Campaigns that new DM's run. Hell, it's part of the starter set after all! The issue though, as with many other Campaigns, is that it doesn't describe the best way to transform the contents of the book into an actual session. The Book-to-session conversion can be difficult. Between figuring out when things should happen, understanding motivations and even balancing encounters.
Well fortunately for you 99% of that work is done! Only a few things are really left:
  1. Consider the needs of your group. As you've heard or are about to hear a million times, every table is different. If you plan on combining this with a campaign you'll have to make tweaks here and there. (Bonus points if you include your players' backstory)
  2. These notes aren't meant to be end-all-be-all. Tweak to your heart's content and don't consider any of what's written to be set in stone. For me, having notes like this helps give me the confidence to go off the rails and follow along with what my players want. It helps me understand where things were meant to go and why. Having that understanding allows me to guide the players and create other new and interesting stories. These are all things that will come with experience though, so don't freak out and enjoy the journey!
Without further ado:
As always, if you see something you think I can improve, add, change, etc. please let me know. I want this to be an amazing resource for all DMs and plan to keep it constantly updated!
Cheers, Advent
I can't fit everything due to Reddits formatting, but the proper color coding, playlists, etc. are available in the Google Docs!
The Lost Mine of Phandelver
Part 1 – Cragmaw Hideout
Recap – How you start this session will be different for every person, I had my players play A Wild Sheep Chase as a session 0 followed by Death House in order to get them to level 2, due to the fact that the start of this module is extremely deadly (Some may call me crazy because Death House is also extremely deadly!) Below is my recap followed by what the start of the session looked like. One alternative if you don’t want to start the players at level 2 is to have an npc cast Aid on the party in order to give them 5 temporary hp for 8hrs. This can make the first encounter much more survivable!
Play Forest Music
Narrowly escaping the cascading mist, all that lies before you is the Tower which you awoke from and the surrounding forest.
Play Tavern Music
Play Travel Music
More Travel Music
  1. Roll perception check
    1. As you come around a bend, you spot two dead horses sprawled about fifty feet ahead of you, blocking the path. Once a beautiful white, but stained with crimson. Each has several black-feathered arrows sticking out of it. The woods press close to the trail here, with steep embankments and dense thickets on either side.
      1. With high perception point out(This helps avoid surprise tpk)
    2. What do you do?
      1. If player look at horse
Play Ambush Music
  1. “Surprise” Attack by goblins (Roll stealth check vs perception)
    1. After 3 are down 4th goblin attempts to escape down trail
Play Forest Music
  1. Heading down Goblin Trail
    1. Looking about the area you find a trail hidden behind some thickets on the north side of the road that leads northwest.
      1. Survival Check DC 10
    2. Marching order
      1. Lead Character
      2. Lead Character
Cragmaw Hideout
  1. Cave Mouth
    1. Following the goblins' trail, you come across a large cave in a hillside five miles or so from the scene of the ambush. A shallow stream flows out of the cave mouth, which is screened by dense briar thickets. A narrow dry path leads into the cave on the right-hand side of the stream.
      1. Thicket is impenetrable from west side
  2. Goblin Blind
    1. Having a moment to peer around you notice that on the east side of the stream flowing from the cave mouth, a small area in the briar thickets has been hollowed out to form a lookout post or blind. Wooden planks flatten out the briars and provide room for guards to lie hidden and watch the area.
      1. 2x Goblins hiding (Fight Music)
Play Cragmaw Hideout Ambiance
  1. Kennel
    1. Just inside the cave mouth, a few uneven stone steps lead up to a small, dank chamber on the east side of the passage. The cave narrows to a steep fissure at the far end, and is filled with the stench of animals. Savage snarls and the sounds of rattling chains greet your ears, where three wolves are chained up just inside the opening. Each wolf's chain leads to an iron rod driven into the base of a stalagmite.
      1. Wolf x 3 (Fight Music)
      2. Animal Handling DC 15(10 with food)
      3. Fissure
  2. Steep Passage
    1. As you move along you can see that the main passage from the cave mouth climbs steeply upward, the stream plunging and splashing down its west side. In the shadows, a side passage leads west across the other side of the stream.
    2. If Players have darkvision
      1. Because you have darkvision you can just barely make out a dim shape in the shadows of the ceiling to the north, it appears to be a rickety bridge of wood and rope crossing over the passage ahead of you. Another passage seems to intersect this one, twenty feet or so above the floor.
    3. Western Passage
      1. You can see that the passage is choked with rubble and has steep slopes leading up
  3. Overpass
  1. If goblin spots them, screams to trigger flood and throws javelins 1d6
    1. Only if goblin did not sneak away earlier
  2. DC 15 Athletics to scale wall
  3. Bridge AC 5/10HP
  1. The passage is suddenly filled with a mighty roar, as a huge surge of rushing water pours down from above!
  2. DC 13 Dex or swept away to the start of the cavern
    1. Prone + 1d6 Bludgeoning damage
  3. Second flood if they succeed and goblin isn’t killed
  1. 1 x Goblin
  2. Goblin Den
  1. Enemies (Battle Music)
    1. 6 x Goblins
  2. If players are about to win Yeemik(Big goblin) grabs Sildar and says:
    1. Truce, or this human dies!
    2. Kill Klarg, Bring Head. Human go free. Me new boss.
      1. Will ask for ransom if they are successful anyway
  1. I’m a member of the Lord’s Alliance. I was investigating a missing Wizard who was also part of the alliance. That’s when I met Gundren in Neverwinter. He spoke of an old mine in Phandalin that had the power to both create and enhance powerful magical items. Apparently his brothers and himself discovered an entrance to Wave Echo Cave where the forge may lie and so I agreed to accompany him back to Phandalin. Where better to find a wizard, than a place where magical items could be made.
    1. Tharden and Nundro (Gundrens Brothers)
  2. From what I overheard, Klarg wasn’t only the leader of these goblins. He was ordered to bring Gundren to someone called the Black Spider. If I’m being honest I’ve never heard of someone by that name
  3. Gundren did have the map to the entrance of Wave Echo Cave on him. Which I can only assume is why he was taken. If they were to bring him anywhere I would imagine it would be Cragmaw Castle. That’s where the chief of these goblins calls home. Unfortunately I don’t know where it would be. Your best bet for information would be someone in Phandalin
    1. Now I do appreciate you saving me, but I’ve got two favors to ask of you. One can you put an end to the one that did this to me and two would you mind escorting me back to Phandalin. I’m in no shape to make it there myself. I’ll even throw 50 coin your way. I’m sure I can take out a loan when I get back.
  4. Twin Pools Cave
  1. 3x Goblins
    1. One goblin immediately runs to warn Klarg
    2. (Fight Music)
  2. Klarg’s Cave
  1. A larger opening leads north down a set of natural stone steps, the roar of falling water echoing from beyond.
  1. Will hide(for sneak attack) if warned
  2. Boss Music or Boss Music 2
  1. You see a spear fly through the air as he screams:
    1. Klarg will build a throne from your bones, puny ones!
  1. You find a series of crates with the name of Lionshield Coster Phandalin Branch. They’re rather large and wouldn’t be easy to transport without a wagon.
  2. You also find a treasure chest behind Klargs makeshift throne.
    1. It contains 600cp, 110sp, two potions of healing and a jade statuette of a frog with tiny golden orbs for eyes(40gp)
Play Phandalin Theme
submitted by Reality_Thief2000 to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 02:37 mattiamilu Manga in Arabic

Hi guys! I’ll be traveling from Rome to Dubai next month and since I have some time to gather some info, I started learning a bit about the dos and don’ts concerning this wonderful city.
Now, I’m a subtitler and translator and I have a quite peculiar concept of “souvenir”. Since I’m a big manga fan, I usually buy one volume wherever I go. Point is that I’ve seen a lot of manga shops in Dubai only displaying English versions of the books. Is there any way to get some in Arabic or will I have to stick to English?
submitted by mattiamilu to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 05:34 methidzz Emma TS - Still around?

Emma TS - Still around?
She was absolutely the prettiest and most feminine TS I've ever been with but she disappeared.
Anyone know her whereabouts?
submitted by methidzz to tsescortsnj [link] [comments]
