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TV Shows Suggestions

2017.12.27 06:58 Tevesh_CKP TV Shows Suggestions

In the mood for a television series? Saw something interesting and want more? Have Television shows you're itching to share? Make those TV Show recommendations.

2013.09.26 01:42 Molster_Diablofans Heroes of the Storm

Reddit community for Blizzard's MOBA game - Heroes of the Storm

2012.05.28 12:43 Tomatosaregood Karl Pilkington

Welcome to KarlPilkingtonFanClub. A sub-reddit for the fans and critics of the the man himself, Karl Pilkington. Discussion of his shows, pictures from his shows, memes and anything else.

2024.05.15 06:00 GNRreunion2016 VPN for Fire Stick suggestion from Reddit?

I just wanted to talk about how my Firestick VPN worked. I decided to buy one so that I could watch more foreign flicks and TV shows. It's changed the way I stream in every way. A VPN that is known to work well with Firestick because it is easy to set up and connects quickly was the one I chose. Getting it from the Fire Stick app shop was very easy, and I was up and running in no time. I no longer have to wait for video from the US, UK, and other places to load. Has anyone else tried connecting their Fire Stick to a VPN?a
submitted by GNRreunion2016 to vpn_online [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:57 droppinham Spotting the avoidant early

The dating pool is saturated with avoidants. It’s estimated somewhere between 50-70% of men on dating apps have an avoidant attachment style, and that’s a SERIOUS problem that requires intensive therapy and if left unaddressed WILL prohibit the establishment of a healthy relationship. Every time. But it takes time before rearing itself and the problems begin… usually takes about 3-6 months and only once real feelings begin developing. This equates to wasted time and a broken heart.
So it’s important to recognize signs of an avoidant partner as quickly as possible. I spent over a decade married to a malignant narcissist and entered the dating scene with a keen eye on how to spot early signs of abuse. However, I was woefully unprepared to spot avoidants and ended up pursuing relationships over the past year and a half with two men who both eventually revealed themselves as avoidants. I think I was especially vulnerable to not spotting the signs given my history…compared to an awful, violent relationship with a narcissist, any non narcissist who wasn’t abusing me felt like a dream come true. But it was only a matter of time before it all unraveled and there was nothing I could do besides walk away in tears.
Given I didn’t know what was normal or what to expect outside of an abusive relationship, I missed the signs…rather I saw them, but I erroneously believed they were just normal personality variations.
A few of them were:
-Not asking many questions to initiate conversation or follow up questions. Little to no curiosity about me. -Not offering me bites of food off his plate even after I would offer mine -Not inquiring or following up about things he knew I was doing that day -Not wanting to do little activities that pass the time and promote bonding such as playing a board games -Recognized and called out his own lack of initiative but didn’t make more of an effort after this (“I’m such a lazy boyfriend, haha!”) -Claimed to be a “bad texter” and would only talk on the phone if I called first -Didn’t plan dates -Never asked for my input about anything -Picked whatever movie/show he wanted on TV without asking me first. Then if I said something, he’d hand over the remote and go to sleep. -Didn’t notice nice little things I did for him like folding and putting away towels he left on his bed.
Notice it’s almost all about a LACK of something.
Add the early signs you missed.
submitted by droppinham to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:57 Original-Bottle-7001 Actress Gudrun Ure, Best Known as Supergran, Passes Away at 98

Gudrun Ure, the beloved Scottish actress renowned for her iconic role in the Tyne Tees TV show “Supergran,” has died at the age of 98. Her portrayal of the feisty and fearless superhero grandmother captured the hearts of children and adults alike in the hit TV series that aired from 1985 to 1987.
submitted by Original-Bottle-7001 to tscnewschannel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:55 Imaginary-Forever-96 Bad ass women!!

I’m watching season 11 episode 24 + 25 and let me just say the female drs never cease to amaze me and how they face these situations head on. Obviously that’s the point of the tv show but it definitely reminds me of how fearless these characters are!
submitted by Imaginary-Forever-96 to greysanatomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:54 andy_jay_ CPU encoding not respecting bitrate setting

When comparing the quality difference between cpu and gpu transcoding of an MPEG2 file, I noticed that the CPU transcoded file bitrate is about double of what was set in the flow (2775 vs 1000 kbps). The GPU transcoded version bitrate was also higher at 1223kbps, but i'm not as concerned about that.
How can I get Tdarr to respect the bitrate setting when CPU transcoding?
The CPU Transcode execute command
19 2024-05-15T11:39:55.170Z cMAC9h9l9:Node[MyInternalNode]:Worker[only-orca]:Running tdarr-ffmpeg -y -i /media/hcok/REDDUST/C7_t08_HC.mkv -map 0:0 -c:0 libx265 -crf 15 -preset medium -b:v:0 1000k -map 0:1 -c:1 copy -vf yadif=mode=0:deint=1 /temp/tdarr-workDir-node-BNJK9sVj3-worker-only-orca-ts-1715737180110/1715737192793/C7_t08_HC.mkv 
The GPU Transcode execute command
19 2024-05-15T13:00:24.679Z qaHd_g_8A:Node[MyInternalNode]:Worker[lean-larva]:Running tdarr-ffmpeg -y -hwaccel qsv -i /media/hcok/REDDUST/C7_t08_HC.mkv -map 0:0 -c:0 hevc_qsv -qp 15 -preset medium -b:v:0 1000k -map 0:1 -c:1 copy -vf vpp_qsv=deinterlace=2 /temp/tdarr-workDir-node-BNJK9sVj3-worker-lean-larva-ts-1715742010799/1715742021738/C7_t08_HC.mkv 
Original File
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CPU Transcoded file
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GPU transcoded file
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submitted by andy_jay_ to Tdarr [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:52 knightcheese512 MTVs Undressed 1999-2002

MTVs Undressed 1999-2002
About a bunch of college aged people navigating their lives through various sexual follies, or misadventures. It was pretty open and covered some pretty crazy topics for a cable tv show.
submitted by knightcheese512 to ForgottenTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:50 CuriousThunders 35 [M4F] - Online/East Coast - What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Hi! How’s your week going so far? Is it going by slow or seem fast? Do you have something that you’re looking forward to this weekend? Maybe it’s a new movie coming out, a sporting event, meeting up with old friends or just relaxing.
I’m looking to get to know someone who I can connect with over our similarities and differences. Talk about our days and see how we click! No preference on age or location! It can be short term or long term. Let’s see how we connect!
I’m 35M, white, brown curly hair, blue eyes and a slender build. I love to watch movies, tv shows, sports, play trivia, play games (video, board, and card) go on adventures, travel and meet new people.
Personality wise I’m sarcastic, flirty, goofy, open minded and empathetic!
Really would love to get to know someone new! If interested send me a chat or a message!
submitted by CuriousThunders to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:49 Jazzlike_Cook4603 AITAH for watching Ren & Stimpy

I(16f) was with a friend Nikki(18f). We wanted to watch a show that we weren't allowed to watch. The show was Ren & Stimpy. My grandparents told me Not to watch that show because it's "inappropriate". So me and Nikki watched it on her computer. We are watching it and my aunt walks in and is furious. She started yelling at us. She was mainly yelling at Nikki saying "How dare you let her watch that? That's so inappropriate. She's a "good" girl". Nikki had to go home. My aunt grabbed me and forced me into her room. She hits the back of my thighs and says "Don't do that". I yell "what was that for". This was the lecture. I didn't say anything during the whole thing. "You are a "good girl". You need to stop getting involved with older people. I don't want you to be involved with her. Don't look at me look like. I love you so much but you need to have respect for the rules. If you ever decide to go behind our backs like that again, it will not be pretty for you. Come on get me a hug". She hugged me. My grandparents were less than thrilled. I got my TV took away for 2 weeks. I still have no TV.
submitted by Jazzlike_Cook4603 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:48 julceballos Porqué los reality show de parejas en México son tan malos?

Acabo de ver 10 minutos de un programa en Amazon Prime llamado "Sueltos en los cabos", literalmente tomaron un formato asiatico y lo convirtieron en algo supuestamente para la audiencia mexicana, es decir: Todos los protagonistas son de piel clara (Porqué no habemos prietos en México), están mamados(Gordos y flacos ALV), tienen mucho libido, son irresponsables, claramente tienen problemas con el alcohol y problemas emocionales. Exactamente como todos los mexicanos. Que coraje, entre eso y los reality shows donde alimentan el sentido de competencia en vez de una colaboración. No sé cual es la intención detrás de producir ese tipo de programas.
submitted by julceballos to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:48 Jazzlike_Cook4603 "Don't do that"

I(16f) was with a friend Nikki(18f). We wanted to watch a show that we weren't allowed to watch. The show was Ren & Stimpy. My grandparents told me Not to watch that show because it's "inappropriate". So me and Nikki watched it on her computer. We are watching it and my aunt walks in and is furious. She started yelling at us. She was mainly yelling at Nikki saying "How dare you let her watch that? That's so inappropriate. She's a "good" girl". Nikki had to go home. My aunt grabbed me and forced me into her room. She hits the back of my thighs and says "Don't do that". I yell "what was that for". This was the lecture. I didn't say anything during the whole thing. "You are a "good girl". You need to stop getting involved with older people. I don't want you to be involved with her. Don't look at me look like. I love you so much but you need to have respect for the rules. If you ever decide to go behind our backs like that again, it will not be pretty for you. Come on get me a hug". She hugged me. My grandparents were less than thrilled. I got my TV took away for 2 weeks. I still have no TV.
submitted by Jazzlike_Cook4603 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:47 dog_snack Do the political views of a creator influence how you view/enjoy their output?

Let’s say you come across your new favourite band/song in the world, or the funnest video game you’ve ever played, or a TV show that keeps you on the edge of your seat, or the most entertaining and life-affirming movie you’ve ever seen, or a novel that made you think and feel things you’ve never thunk or felt before.
And then you find out through interviews with the main creative mind/author behind it that they’re a complete anarcho-communist who believes capitalism should die once and for all, that we should abolish police and prisons, that Reagan and Bush Sr. roast in Hell, that tradition and religion are for suckers, that Israel is committing genocide and the kids camping out on campuses are in the right, that [thing you disagree with vehemently], that [idea that makes you angry].
Does this then colour how you perceive the work(s) in question? Do you stop liking it as much? Or does it make you question your own beliefs and think this creator maybe has some points? Or is your love of the work unchanged? Or does a secret fourth thing happen?
submitted by dog_snack to AskConservatives [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:43 LoonstersBoomsters I am still looking for a great great roleplayer! I hope you are good at it!

Ciao! I do rp lotta stuff! From animated tv shows to movies I like, games and more! they are mostly cartoons because I’m a huge toon fan. I rp as canons but I only have one oc to play as. I am mainly looking for a cartoon/fandom roleplay! I am 19 so I comfy to rp those around 18+. . I write in third person btw, but sometimes I do first person.
Genres I am comfy with: -slice of life -casual -comedic -fandom -romance?
RP Pairings: MXF/MXM
Literacy: Semi lit to lit, and possibly novella. One liners aren't my thing. :p
There so many things I rp, so many, that I had to make it into a google document so here are some of these ones if anyone knows but I can send my rp list once you dm me if you want or I dm you if you are really interested in my idea. I like to do OOC too!
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Super Planet Dolan
Bojack Horseman
Little Dogs on the Prairie (I love that series of episodes!)
Animal Crossing
Bremen Avenue Express Experience (Look it up!)
Zorori (If you know the anime, with the fox.)
If you know any of these, I'll be extremely happy with you to be my new friend or rp partner! I know you don't know some of these fandoms, but I promise you, you are going to like my rp list, since I keep updating it now and then if I forget some cartoon I have to put. Anyway, if you read it, that's good! I hope you get to see me soon! If you have any favorite cartoons you like to rp on, ask me! We might have something in common!
submitted by LoonstersBoomsters to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:42 LoonstersBoomsters [M4F] I am still looking for the great great roleplayer!

Ciao! I do rp lotta stuff! From animated tv shows to movies I like, games and more! they are mostly cartoons because I’m a huge toon fan. I rp as canons but I only have one oc to play as. I am mainly looking for a cartoon/fandom roleplay! I am 19 so I comfy to rp those around 18+. . I write in third person btw, but sometimes I do first person.
Genres I am comfy with: -slice of life -casual -comedic -fandom -romance?
RP Pairings: MXF/MXM
Literacy: Semi lit to lit, and possibly novella. One liners aren't my thing. :p
There so many things I rp, so many, that I had to make it into a google document so here are some of these ones if anyone knows but I can send my rp list once you dm me if you want or I dm you if you are really interested in my idea. I like to do OOC too!
Brandy and Mr. Whiskers
Super Planet Dolan
Bojack Horseman
Little Dogs on the Prairie (I love that series of episodes!)
Animal Crossing
Bremen Avenue Express Experience (Look it up!)
Zorori (If you know the anime, with the fox.)
If you know any of these, I'll be extremely happy with you to be my new friend or rp partner! I know you don't know some of these fandoms, but I promise you, you are going to like my rp list, since I keep updating it now and then if I forget some cartoon I have to put. Anyway, if you read it, that's good! I hope you get to see me soon! If you have any favorite cartoons you like to rp on, ask me! We might have something in common!
submitted by LoonstersBoomsters to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:41 Shidell What's the best recourse for electronics that are impaired by firmware update(s) after their return/warranty period has expired?

I purchased a soundbar from Vizio, the SB36512-F6, years ago, for around $500.
This soundbar had some minor problems initially that Vizio attempted to correct over time with firmware updates. As this is the norm with modern technology, I trusted that they would eventually rectify the small problems. Unfortunately, the problems became worse with each new release, introducing new problems. Unbelievably, the last firmware update Vizio released was pulled after a few days, as it was significantly worse than the other releases. Those of us who updated (which was an automatic process if you connected your soundbar to the internet) are stuck, as Vizio has no method of downgrading firmware.
Amazingly, they simply gave up on the entire series. No firmware improvements has been made available since the last (which they pulled), two years ago.
I have been stubbornly fighting with this device all this time, because it can work, and when it does, it's great. But I am really frustrated that Vizio basically made my experience with this device worse over time, and then abandoned it.
I'm wondering what suggestions others might have for such a scenario. I can dig up dozens (if not hundreds) of comments from owners of this series of sound bar (on reddit, facebook, AVS forum, etc.) with similar anecdotes. I can also film my own experience, showing the different problems occurring and the steps I need to take on a regular basis to accommodate/resolve them.
Is that my best recourse? Doing so, and then suing Vizio in small claims court?
In the grand scheme of things, $500 isn't really much. I could simply buy another soundbar. Honestly, it's just the fucking principle of the matter--the fact that Vizio left me (and a bunch of others) stranded after spending our money with them makes me angry.
For context, here's a link to the Vizio subreddit regarding the last (official) firmware for this series:
Edit: As an example of the problems this soundbar faces, when I adjust the volume up or down, I need to mute and then unmute in order for it to apply the volume change. It also periodically will not recognize input from my TV (power on to a black screen.) It will also occasionally fail to handshake with my Chromecast with Google TV (plugged directly into the soundbar), and will tell the CCGTV that the soundbar isn't capable of Dolby Atmos decoding (so only 5.1 shows up in content, and if played, plays 5.1 audio instead of Atmos, which is easily discernible as an LED on the soundbar lights up white or teal depending on the audio encoding being decoded.) These problems can generally be resolved by unplugging and replugging the soundbar (reboot), which implies to me that it's a handshake or memory leak issue (as after a reboot, it will work fine, until the next day, where these problems occur again, and I have to start over.)
submitted by Shidell to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:41 thedevilsaidso Any movies or TV shows that triggered a downward spiral?

The main one that comes to mind for me is 'All Of Us Strangers', I wish I'd never seen it.
submitted by thedevilsaidso to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:41 ElectronicLecture811 LG C2 service menu doesn't open?

LG C2 service menu doesn't open?
I tried opening the service menu on my LG TV using the service remote IN START and the passcode 0413, but it didn't work as expected. The image below shows what I saw. I'm unable to navigate to the specific settings I need, such as "12. OLED - TPC Enable (on/off) - GSR Enable (on/off)," which I had modified before. Did I miss a step to access the full service menu settings?
submitted by ElectronicLecture811 to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:38 Chrontius Onn Pro Software Bugs

BLUF: Half-baked buggy software ruins promising hardware.
Got an Onn Pro last night. Initially, it was great -- real pain points resolved, compared to the CCwGTV. I can plug in thumb drives full of media! :D
That's when I ran face-first into the software. Setup was fine, not great but fine. Wi-Fi setup on Android using "quick sharing" is a fucking mess, but that's just a Google thing.
No, what I hated was more blatant. For starters, that you can't add apps from the device itself. You click it, the panel pops over and the app description kinda wants to start loading, but then it drops back to the Google Play screen. No way around this.
Pandora has a different app for TV, and they don't make it easy to find in your search results. I tried sideloading the phone version, and it wouldn't log in. Lo and behold, Pandora for TV is suggested in an unrelated search, but not accessible when I type "Pandora" into the search box. WTF.
No Apple Music. Not Google's problem, but it sideloads nicely. Apple Classical isn't so elegant; it's fixed in portrait orientation. But new app, needs more time in the oven, no huge problem.
And wait, now we get back to software hell! This one's definitely a deliberate choice. You plug in an old Onn stick, and the Apps tab shows you a grid of installed apps in an easy-to-parse arrangement. You go to the same tab on the Onn Pro, and it shows you the Play store -- completely nonfunctional, remember -- and a 200 pixel high row of little round icons for your installed apps, with no way to actually see them all. On your "Home" tab, there's no longer a slot for directly launching favorite apps.
And just to piss in your Cheerios, the star button. You tell it to control inputs, it says it did, then pressing it again brings up the setup view.
You get curious and tell it to launch a favorite app. It tells you that this button can be adjusted in settings. You click it, the app launches. Yay! But I needed an input switcher, and at the very least, I want it to launch Apple Music, not YouTube music. First off, you can't set it to launch sideloaded apps. Second off, there's no place in Settings to actually adjust the behavior of the star key!
And at no point do the ambient mics work for Hey Google.
This thing is in DIRE need of some day-1 DLC, ffs.
submitted by Chrontius to AndroidTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:38 NidoranAway Is this dementia?

My dad has had scans and done tests and the doctors say he hasn't got it, he's being treated for ocd, depression and anxiety. He normally just sits in a chair watching TV or doing a puzzle, some days he's just quiet and somedays he won't respond at all. He has a good day like twice a month where he's happy and will do more things or want to go outside.
The worst days are when he doesn't respond at all, refuses meds, food and sleep, he just stands up for hours (up to 24hours) and paces a bit, refuses to come downstairs or change. He will just shake and look at you and look away or around. When you give him food or meds he will just look at it and look about the place and back away from it. When he's like this it feels like it has to be more to it than what he's being treated for.
His memory seems OK like he was fine with memory tests, but when he recalls things he will think it happened a lot sooner than it did. Like thinking something closed down 3 years ago when it was really over 10 years ago. Sometimes though when we watch quiz shows and you try to engage him he will not know the answer to something that he might have previously known before like a subject he likes or not know an answer to something that seems obvious.
You also have to prompt him to do things like go outside or have a drink. He used to read a lot too like a book a week but now he doesn't read anything but on a good day will randomly read something for a bit.
submitted by NidoranAway to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:35 BeardSweater Red Rising TV Show Update?

Has there been any real update on a Red Rising Tv Show?
Also, would you prefer live action or anime? Jk lol
submitted by BeardSweater to redrising [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:34 autobuzzfeedbot 23 Fictional Men That Are Undeniably The Worst Ever

  1. Martin from Fleabag
  2. Fitz Grant from Scandal
  3. Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother
  4. Jonathan Byers from Stranger Things
  5. Omar Shanaa from Elite
  6. Hughie Campbell from The Boys
  7. Will Schuster from Glee
  8. Randall Pearson from This Is Us
  9. George O'Malley from Grey's Anatomy
  10. Jim Halpert from The Office
  11. Tom Haverford from Parks and Recreation
  12. John Dutton from Yellowstone
  13. Eric Forman from That '70s Show
  14. Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  15. Ezra Fitz from Pretty Little Liars
  16. Jordan Catalano from My So-Called Life
  17. Coach from New Girl
  18. Landon Kirby from Legacies
  19. Dawson Leery from Dawson's Creek
  20. Roland Schitt from Schitt's Creek
  21. Will Truman from Will & Grace
  22. Cesar Diaz from On My Block
  23. Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory
Link to article
submitted by autobuzzfeedbot to buzzfeedbot [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:33 majorp2730 Help Mounting TV

Help Mounting TV
How do I get the TV mount centered on the wall? The middle piece of tape is centered on the wall. The other four pieces marks the studs. Mount is about 19” wide, so can’t span across to the two furthest studs. I can’t figure out a way to get it on the studs and get it centered. Will I have to mount it off the studs? Or is it possible to adjust the TV back towards center with the chance of the mount showing from the back and being off center with the middle of the mount?
submitted by majorp2730 to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:33 Avocadoyumm New to the competition dance world

Hi new ish to Reddit and dance moms! I’m binging the show I’m already mid season 4 and absolutely obsessed! I danced ballet for 15 years so I enjoy watching the girls improve season to season. I’m obsessed with the Royal dance Abby gave her original team and think it’s an absolute crime they didn’t win first and Chloe should be dancing with Maddie more often.
I do have some questions about the competitive dance world.
Why do all the solos end with the girls on the floor? Why do they almost always end their dance after the music finishes as well? I think this is something I noticed because I have watched 4 seasons in about 3 weeks. Are these normal in the competition world or just a ALDC thing?
Are the songs they show the girls dancing to on tv the same songs they are dancing to in the competition? Sometimes the dances look just a little off and makes me think the show had to use different music due to licensing or legal reasons.
I love watching the show for the first time and feel like a time traveler. Watching these 11 year old girls and knowing where them end up after the show is so fun.
submitted by Avocadoyumm to dancemoms [link] [comments]