Lego drive around games

LEGO Video Game Hub!

2013.10.29 16:29 LEGO Video Game Hub!

This subreddit is a place to talk about all things LEGO games! From TT Games' big IP collect-a-thons like LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga to new unique LEGO games takes like LEGO 2K Drive. There are no limits to how you build, play, and discuss here!

2012.12.06 23:23 AeneaLamia A sub for the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive. To be this good takes AGES.

Known as Sega Genesis in the U.S. and Mega Drive everywhere else around the world, it was the cool console to own in the 16-bit era! This subreddit is dedicated to the legacy of that console and the games that were (and are still being) made for it.

2016.06.17 17:46 Tintenseher Let's Make a Trading Card Game

Custom card creators from around the world (well, reddit, at least) join together to create the greatest card game...of all time. Or, you know, a card game, anyway.

2024.05.29 05:04 CREATERtheClown How do you progress the most?

I'm playing a bunch of matches in a row and there's not really a screen in between that tells me what rewards I got until the end of all the 20+ rounds of matches I play with an opponent.
What should I be doing to progress in this game to unlock stuff? I assume single-player stuff is important to this too but idk I've just been hanging around online.
submitted by CREATERtheClown to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:03 Angelcuddly Anybody got on or hoping to get on something like an adaptive motorcycle to go on some 'joyrides'?

These past like 2 days I've been seeing a bunch of motorcycles zooming around. One of them was one with three wheels. I think two at the front and I felt like I'd love to try that someday. Especially if I can find somewhere very empty that I can just ride to my heart's content.
Just for clarity: I don't mean the dangerous driving type of "joyride".
Like two days ago, I was actually driving my mobility aid on the sidewalk. When I hopped over a little uphill and just then I saw a guy walking towards the opposite direct. It made me think he's not gonna know what the little joy I just felt feels like... Then I thought I'm not gonna know the joy of walking or what it actually feels like. 😂 😭 😂 😭 😂 😂
Anyway... I think I'm gonna add it to my bucket list. 😊
submitted by Angelcuddly to disabled [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:03 hamcycle 10 Ways Narcissists Use Religion to Serve Their Own Purpose
2:22 - Why It's Important to Understand Why Narcissists Love Religion
So here's the thing about religion: religion provides a readymade context that can feed into the unhealthy things that narcissists crave the most. A narcissist has an insatiable need for admiration, affirmation, and validation, all of which are their drug of narcissistic supply. They believe themselves to be superior and grandiose, they're arrogant they lack empathy, they're exploitative, they have unreasonable demands of people. These are all traits that are opposite from the traits of Jesus Christ and yet a religious context is often the most optimal place for a narcissist to freely practice their narcissism while appearing virtuous or pious. So I'm going to share with you 10 insights into why narcissists love religion and how they use it to serve their own purposes. It's important to understand these things because Jesus warns his followers to beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Hopefully these 10 insights will help you hack into whether or not you're dealing with a true follower or true shepherd or minister of Christ or a narcissist who is posing as one of these roles instead of being there to serve.
2:51 - #1 - The Abundance of Narcissistic Supply to be Had
The first reason why narcissists love religion is because of the abundance of narcissistic supply that could be had. It's a reality there is so much narcissistic supply to be had in religious settings and narcissistic supply. As I mentioned before is the praise admiration validation honor sense of significance that a narcissist is addicted to in order to regulate their negative emotions so a religious context provides an easy platform for a narcissist because they could get access to a stage or a pulpit or a mic or some means to exert influence where they can gain all of that admiration and praise or a sense of superiority where they can present themselves as godly or pious individuals or chosen by God or specially anointed, all of this to gain validation and attention from people. And like I mentioned all of these things are a drug that a narcissist is addicted to and it is what actually feeds them, more than actually being in a relationship with God but to the pure all things are pure so there are many people in church and religious contexts who are honest good-hearted who believe the best about others and so they can be gullible to the narcissists around them who have disguised themselves as pious people for the sake of getting narcissistic supply and this is truly an evil because a narcissist pursuit of narcissistic supply comes at the cost of destroying and stepping on other people without any regard for their welfare.
4:32 - #2 - The Allure of Control and Power
The second reason why narcissists love religion is because of the alert of control and power. Religion offers a structure of beliefs and practices that can be manipulated by narcissists to exert control over others. For example a narcissist may twist and distort doctrines and scriptures to justify their authority and demand obedience from followers they could create God in their own image, which a lot of them do rather than follow and conform themselves to the God of the Bible. This kind of control feeds into the narcissist need for domination and power and it can get to a dangerous point where religious narcissist replaces God with themselves where they subtly over time position themselves as intermediaries between individuals and God. A narcissist might manipulate followers into believing that they alone possess the ability to interpret God's will or to speak on his behalf a narcissist does this whether consciously or unconsciously to elevate themselves to a divine status in the eyes of their followers and they may never say that they are doing this outright because no person would ever accept a human saying that you have to worship them like a god but a narcissist will certainly have structures and systems in place to make this a reality. And a follower or member of that religious context might not even realize what is happening until one day they notice that this narcissist has taken on an increasingly central role in their life and is dictating their decisions and their behaviors as if they were the ultimate authority. If you notice that you might be in a spiritual environment like this or someone you love might be and you're wondering if there's spiritual abuse going on or if it's a cult I put together a checklist to help you assess that situation and you can get access to it by clicking on the link in the description box below it's a really good tool to help you identify if the religious context you're in is toxic or has turned into a cult.
6:47 - #3 - Camouflage for Manipulation
The third reason why narcissists love religion is because it serves as a camouflage for manipulation. Religious contexts serve as a perfect camouflage for narcissist to disguise their true intentions these are places where it's easy for narcissists to cloak their behaviors and demands in spiritual language where they can manipulate and exploit others while appearing righteous and virtuous at the same time. And what better setup could there be for a covert narcissist who can continue acting narcissistic while appearing like a saint in the process there's no other place except churches and ministries and religious environments.
7:29 - #4 - Their ability to exploit certain teachings for personal gain
The fourth reason why narcissists are drawn to religion is because of their ability to exploit certain teachings for personal gain. Many religious communities emphasize principles like forgiveness, redemption, giving a second chance, reconciling, turning the other cheek, submitting to authority, and narcissists exploit these teachings extensively. They may present themselves as repentant as enlightened or they could be demanding forgiveness and reconciliation from others while refusing to cultivate Christ-like virtues within themselves so all this manipulation allows them to continue exploiting others behind this facade of being Godly.
8:15 - #5 - It allows them to Idolize their Self-Image
The fifth reason why narcissists love religion is because it allows them to idolize their self-image. Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe that they are special or unique so religion can offer a platform to reinforce this idealized self-image where they can portray themselves as chosen by God or having special spiritual gifts or insights or anointings.
8:44 - #6 - The Lack of Accountability
The sixth reason why narcissists love religion is because of the lack of accountability. Some denominations or churches or contacts might have more accountability than others but narcissist tend to gravitate towards those religious contexts that don't have much or have very little. Many religious narcissists exploit religious settings because they perceive them to be environments where their behaviors are less likely to be questioned or challenged so this lack of accountability allows them to continue their manipulative tactics without being questioned or challenged.
9:23 - #7 - It Gives Them a Get-Out-of-Jail Free Card from Having to Self-Reflect
The seventh reason why narcissists love religion is because it gives them a get out of jail free card from having to self-reflect. Narcissists typically struggle with self-awareness and introspection so religion offers a way for them to avoid confronting their own wounds or trauma or shortcomings by focusing on outward religious performance or acquiring religious knowledge, all this outward stuff that they can focus on. It's like Jesus saying to the Pharisees they're like these whitewashed tombs; they look beautiful and nice on the outside but inside they're full of dead man's bones. The attraction to religion allows a narcissist to spiritually bypass themselves where they can use all kinds of spiritual language like it's all washed by the blood or things like that to avoid dealing with deeper unresolved trauma within themselves and getting healed from it because there is power in Christ for healing but you have to do the work.
10:26 - #8 - Entitled and Exploit People in those Contexts
The eighth reason why narcissists love religion is is because it's easy for them to be entitled and to exploit people in these contexts in religious settings. Narcissists may feel entitled to special treatment or privileges due to their perceived spiritual status they might exploit others trust and vulnerability for their own personal gain and control narcissists may expect people to serve them like a slave free of charge for instance because they believe that they have a God-like status or they might expect people to hand their wealth over to them or neglect their own families in order to put the narcissist first all in the name of God.
11:09 - #9 - They Can Create a God in Their Own Image
The ninth reason why narcissists love religion is because they can create a God in their own image. Narcissists are not interested in cultivating Godly virtues within themselves as I mentioned before they would rather project their own traits onto God viewing him as judgmental, angry, or traits that resonate more with their narcissistic personality, more than who God actually is. And this kind of behavior allows narcissists to maintain a sense of superiority and justification for their actions.
11:43 - #10 - The Facade of Moral Superiority
The 10th reason why narcissist love religion is the facade of moral superiority religion provides narcissists with this platform to project a false sense of being moral or virtuous or Godly. And they can create this facade by practicing all the religious rituals and portray themselves in a certain way in front of people like this upstanding citizen, but in reality they could be practicing all kinds of dark deeds in private without people knowing hiding their true intentions all with this mask of piety and so that can serve very well for many narcissists and to enable them to continue their dark practices is in secret while people are believing that they are this Godly pious person and that is actually a very hypocritical way to live and Jesus actually condemned these kinds of practices because that is what the religious leaders were doing in Biblical times but many narcissists gravitate towards religious settings in order to be able to continue living out this hypocritical lifestyle.
So understanding why narcissists are drawn to religion is really important in order to recognize and address the manipulation that can happen in churches and ministries while many churches and ministries promote cultivating Christ-like qualities. Sadly those same places attract narcissist to them because of opportunities it presents for control and admiration and validation but hopefully by being aware of these dynamics we can hopefully discern between genuine spiritual leaders and those who are using religion to drive their own ego-driven motives. Remember Jesus warned against the false prophets so hopefully by applying these insights we can navigate relationships in churches and ministries and operate with God's wisdom and discernment where we can be as shrewd as a snake and as innocent as a dove.
submitted by hamcycle to GracepointChurch [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:03 Lowkey_Sus_Ngl I can't tell if I'm justified in being aggravated at this girl

So, there's this girl, I'll call her Kacy.
Kacy, she's incredibly aggravating and I'm torn between giving in and just being aggravated or defending her to myself and force myself to like her.
She is sweet, and she is smart, but holy shit. It's just everything with her. She's incredibly sensitive, constantly trama dumps, gets herself into preventable awful situations, and is generally just a buzz kill.
She has autism, and she uses that as an excuse for everything. Her autism isn't the issue, almost all of my friends either have autism or ADHD, including myself, but it's like she is using it as an excuse to not learn. She keeps saying how difficult it is to be the oldest in the friend group [she isn't in our friend group] whenever any of us make any jokes about literally anything [we're all 17, she's like a month older than the next person] but then in the same breath will say "I can't help it, my autism gives me the brain of a 12 year old." Like, make up your mind, are you too mature for us or are you just a baby?
Currently, she's engaged to a guy she just met. Her parents are angry, understandably, they've never met him. She keeps saying how she's so scared and how she's gonna get kicked out and how her parents are furious, but when we told her to just break up with him until she's stable enough to support herself, she refuses. She says she can't hide it for however long that is.
Now, me and my friend, who are both Actually hiding stuff from our parents that could get us kicked out or worse, tried explaining to her that this relationship isn't worth her life. I think it's the first one she's ever been in. She refuses to listen. She's engaged but she acts violently repulsed if anything even hinting at being promiscuous mentioned.
She keeps asking us if we think she has a "dark side" or what the craziest thing we think she's done is. Like, Kacy, honey, you can't drive, you act like anything that would make my Catholic grandmother blush is a sin against humanity, you can't hide shit from your parents, and your guilty conscience is too much to bear. The most you've ever done was poorly try to hide this new fling you've got.
And she Never Fails to talk about how horrible her childhood was, completely ruining the mood. Shit about foster care, shit about her parents being strict, just venting 24/7. I get needing to talk to someone, but there's a time and a place.
I try to be tolerable, but I find myself dismissing everything she says. I'm sorry, I really am, but she's exhausting to be around. She can't relate to anything any of us talk about, the most current show she's seen was I Love Lucy, and I think if I ever hear her speak again I'm going to reach up my nasal cavity and yank my brain through the hole.
I'll admit, she's been through a lot, and she's been very sheltered her whole life, but damn girl. There's only so much I can take. I've tried my best to be loving and understanding to as many people as I can, but it's like she drains my ability to do so.
submitted by Lowkey_Sus_Ngl to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:03 notrafs Being introduced to the game

So, my new friends from work convinced me to give FAB a try and we are gonna pull an all nighter this saturday to get me and another guy to try the game.
I've played very little TCGs before, like Pokémon TCG for a couple of weeks and casually played some seasons of heartstone. But I am BIG into RPGs and they want me to DM a campaign already. I'm very excited about the idea of FAB and I am looking for some commoner blitz deck that I might like.
They warned me that getting any of the new 3 heroes from Part The Mistveil might not be the best idea as they are very new and these friends won't be able to teach me something they themselves don't know yet and one of them told me about Heavy Hitters.
I loved Kassai and was thinking in going full Kassai.
What is the general opinion around that ? Is Kassai a good introduction Hero and later Will she be a good Hero to play without losing too much and getting frustrated ? Or are there far supperior options ?
View Poll
submitted by notrafs to FleshandBloodTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:02 Keeshuu 4 years of D&D and still don't know what to do

Problem: I struggle to think of things I want to do in D&D
Things I think are contributing to this (but if you think there's something else please ask/tell!): - Lack of experience making characters: Usually I mold myself to the most interesting set of characteristics based on my limitations. With D&D there is no limitations, so it's hard for me to pick since it's hard for me to pick one thing over another since there's examples of me having fun with any sort of character in some video game/media. Trying to make a character based off myself is hard because I usually view myself as the most boring person since I am myself all day everyday - I don't know what I want to do in D&D: Probably ties in with character creation & the character's motivation, but I as a player don't know what I want to do. It also makes it very hard that I really really enjoy just sitting around relaxing while people are doing stuff. However if I am doing that I may as well just watch critical role or something. I'm trying to get creative and interact with the world with my friends since I know it is possible to get to something that is significantly more fun than just watching people do stuff - Overly afraid of taking up too much time/making decisions that force players to go a certain way: No one has every been bothered by me taking up too much time, rather they are bothered by my lack of doing anything. They try to be supportive, but there's always part of me that worries too much that it'll make it a bad/boring experience for others. It's not like super massive anxiety like I used to, but there's this lingering feeling of "Uuugh... I reaaally don't want to deal with that right now. I just wanna chill" sort of vibes
Summary of Experiences if you want context on my experience with D&D: - 1st and current Campaign gone on for 4 years once every week: Started off trying to be a Paladin because I wanted to fill the tank & healer roles, not realizing that's really not that important in D&D. Though since it was Paladin, I kinda went full on lawful good paladin, so I was probably putting a lot more restrictions on myself that I didn't need to do. Later was more neutral good due to the rest of the party kinda resembling an loot goblin type party, and it is kinda hard to justify their actions (which also made me feel a bit out of place) After a while after taking a large risk in a dangerous zone, my character got turned into a Hydra (and then later on full on multi-headed dragon and stuff for other reasons). Everyone loves the fact that it's a big ol' dragon and stuff, however after a while it feels like the hydra thing is a crutch, and that it's gotten repetitive at this point since there's not much else to the character than that. Don't think it's a problem, but I do remember old power gamey member (who later left for reasons) being jealous of how strong the hydra was, and being mad at me for not using it's power to just destroy everything. Then my DM was also very confused why I am so afraid to initiate combat with anything. I just don't want to get into combat fights if it means one of my team members might die, especially since I find RP type alternatives much more interesting most of the time. Combat still fun though, it's a nice little break from all the RP stuff. Longer fights do end up feeling like just doing spreadsheets though, and they do tend to make me get a little too relaxed that I start to get very sleepy Recently I've tried to make a more normal character that is just an artificer armorer that wants to research the world, but I realized just how absolute trash I am at making characters once I gave it a few test runs. Even though it's the same level, it's interesting going from my OP other character that has gotten power ups for doing certain things, and being rich from hoarding thousands of gold (since I'm afraid to spend it on anything, or nothing interests me enough to buy), to going to a character that does like 1/3 the damage of other characters and 10 gold. That said, really makes me realize I really can't care about how strong/weak my characters are at all. Again, makes me feel out of place among my loot-goblin party members
Any questions or suggestions?
submitted by Keeshuu to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:02 Grifter1441 [USA-NY] [H] 3900x, 2080 Super, ASRock x570 wifi w/ 32gb, desk mic and cam, more [W] PayPal

Hello all, I have essentially a whole set up for sale, plus extras.
PNY RTX 2080 Super - $210 OBO shipped No OG box.
Ryzen 3900x - $125 shipped. CPU only.
Ryzen 3200g - $40 shipped OBO CPU only.
ASRock x570 phantom gaming w/ m.2 wifi - $100 OBO no box/accessories
32gb 3000mhx XPG RGB DDR4 - $50 shipped
Crucial P1 1tb m.2 nvme - $43 shipped
4tb 5400rpm hard drive - $40? OBO, or add on
ApexPower 750M Gold PSU - $50 OBO?
Generic 120mm Asetek CLC w/fan - $10 + shipping?
Accessories - bundle if possible:
Logitech c922 Pro Stream - $25 shipped
Razer Seiren X Desk Microphone -$25 shipped
Razer Naga X wired - $15 plus shipping
Razer Naga Chroma wired - $20 plus shipping
Razer Blackwidow Tournament Edition Chroma TKL Green Switches - 25 OBO + shipping
model#: rz03-0177
Razer Ornata chroma full size "Mecha-membrane" - 25 OBO + shipping
model#: rz03-0204
Razer RGB mousepad (if anyone actually wants this) - $3.50
submitted by Grifter1441 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:01 amcd_23 Thoughts on selling my house and going back to renting?

Hey everyone!
I’m in a somewhat unique situation. I bought my current house 2.5 years ago in a somewhat developing area with a 3.5% interest rate. It was a good price for a solid house, and the value has gone up quite a bit and I’ve made a lot of upgrades (brand new appliances, brand new AC and Hot Water heater).
The problem is, that I’m in a decently high crime area. It’s starting to make me very frustrated when there are a lot of car break ins, drug deals right behind my fence and loud noises all times of day. I’m in a gated section so the risk of crime inside is low, but my fence faces a giant parking lot and it stresses me the hell out. I’m an avid runner and I love to go out for a run and I haven’t been able to do so for years without getting in my car and driving somewhere. My girlfriend who I’ve been dating for 6 months (and who I plan to marry) says she feels unsafe in my area and I don’t blame her; I don’t even want to walk around. I used to travel 180+ days a year so I wasn’t super bothered before, but now that I’m home all the time I have started to hate it.
Me and her aren’t ready to move in yet; we’ve talked about this, and we want to eventually buy a house together, but she’s still under her rent contract for at least another year and a few months. But I am sick of my house now and the whole area. Stuff breaks down and I have to go and fix it all the time to where it’s very annoying.
My thought is I can sell my house now, invest the money in a HYSA or index fund, rent for a year in a better area (for likely less than my mortgage since I will not need nearly as much space) and then a year and a half from now be able to buy a house with my girlfriend.
I’ve heard from people this is a stupid idea and once you’ve bought a house you shouldn’t rent again, but it would do wonders for my mental health in the now and make it a smooth transition to move in together later.
submitted by amcd_23 to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:01 Sheriken 24 [M4F] PA/USA - Lonely Guy Looking for Something Real

Hey all! I’m Josh, 24m just south of Philadelphia. I’ve never actually never been in any sort of committed relationship before. But I’ll be honest I’ve been super lonely, and would really like to form a connection with someone. I want a girl I can truly fall in love with. Someone I can relax / cuddle with, converse with, spoil each other, explore the world and experience new things together! I’m definitely a hopeless romantic tbh 😅
A few things about me: - I just graduated college, and work in sales - I’m 6’1” white, and chubby (Down 45lbs rn 😎) - I’m a huge nerd (love gaming, fantasy, D&D, Warhammer, movies / anime, etc.) - I’m a big fan of live music (Some bands I’ve seen: MCR, Sum 41, Muse, Weezer, and more!) - I drink socially, but never smoke / do drugs - I really wanna be a dad someday! Though not anytime soon 😂
What I’m looking for: - Someone around my age (19-28) - Great sense of humor, likes good banter - Preferably close to PA or on the east coast (though I don’t mind distance if we plan to close it someday!) - I’d also really like if you shared some similar interests
If you’re at all interested feel free to shoot me a DM! We can chat and get to know each other a bit. Hopefully call on discord or something! 🌹
submitted by Sheriken to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:01 ManagerSensitive Why do customers need so much hand holding?

I honestly don't understand, but I am a person who would rather do everything on my own than ask an employee a question.
I work at a pet store and these are some of the interactions that drive me crazy.
Today a man told me he was looking for a toy for his dog. I led him to the toy aisle. He asked for suggestions. I gave him a few which he didn't like. I don't understand why this needed to go any further than me just showing him the toy aisle. I don't know what his dog likes. It's all up to personal preference and budget for what kind of toy you'll get your dog.
The other day someone told me they were looking for dog food with chicken in it. That's 90% of our dog foods. I pointed them to the dog food section. They wanted me to show them. Use your eyes. Theyre literally everywhere. It's the most common flavor.
A customer asked me which fish they should get. I told them it's up to them. Theyvwanted suggestions. I pointed a few out that I liked, they didnt like them.
Lastly, the worst. "my dog is allergic to _. Does this food have ___ in it?" This always results in me following the customer around and reading all the ingredients on the bag. Why can't you do it yourself? I don't spend my spare time memorizing the ingredients of each dog food.
Seriously, I don't understand why people can't just use their eyes and make a decision.
I got a new job in an office and I start next week. Thank God. I'm sure I'll have annoying clients still finding me there though.
submitted by ManagerSensitive to retailhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:00 tyedye632 help

i have three games on my hard drive and they’re all formatted correctly but when i open nintendont this happens, can anyone help?
submitted by tyedye632 to GCNintendontLoader [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:00 Drip451 Why do people say video games are bad for me?

I am 17 and have averaged around 50 hours every 2 weeks playing video games for the past 5 years. Despite this it does not hinder me in any way as I still do good in school (grades wise) and am looking to go to college.
I don't understand how playing Video Games as a hobby is any different than reading a book, watching TV, going outside, etc. I use Video Games as something I do in my freetime, I understand I am still a child and have much more of that than an adult but then what is wrong with adults playing video games in their freetime?
Could someone please enlighten me I would like to see different perspectives.
submitted by Drip451 to StopGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:00 AutoModerator Wednesday Discussion Thread

Great place for team discussion/whatever Serie A related topics you would like to bring up. Examples: Transfers, rumors, players from other teams, things you miss about the old days etc. Whatever you want as long as it isn't too off-topic.
Also a good spot to ask about the stadium, the city of Milano, bars, fan clubs in your city etc.
Here are some important links for new members:
submitted by AutoModerator to ACMilan [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:00 yellowumbrella Wu-Tang Clan's Method Man Shares Workout at Nearly 50 Years Old

Cliff Smith grunts as he wraps his hands around the barbell, bends his knees, and lowers his six-foot-three frame toward the floor. He tenses his entire body, exhales twice, and starts pulling 455 pounds upward. His legs shake as he stands fully upright, and then he lowers the weight, breathes deeply, and does it all over again. He does five total reps, then drops the bar and smiles. "Ain't even winded," he says. "Holla at me. "
The five reps are a personal best for Smith (better known as Method Man), who loves starting his day by chasing PRs.
On this morning, he's in a Staten Island gym pondering his next milestone birthday (he turns 50 in March) and crushing sets of deadlifts, pullups, and barbell rows. "I gotta get my roses now," he says,"because I'm almost 50 fucking years old. Damn near 50 years old, bruh. "The Grammy Award-winning rap veteran has focused creativity into a host of projects lately. He appears in Starz's drama Power Book II: Ghost (returning for the second half of its first season in December); he voiced the character Ben Urich in Marvels, a narrative-fiction podcast; and he's working on new music.
His morning workout has readied him for all that-and it's kept him from predawn video-game marathons. In 2018, Smith says, he was battling insomnia, frequently waking at 2:00 and playing NBA2K. Realizing he was "just wasting time," Smith searched for a more productive use of his early-morning hours. "So at 4:00 , I find myself in the gym working out," he says. "Two days turned into three days. Three days turned into five days, and I've been consistent ever since. " Bonus: His insomnia is gone.
Smith now weighs 219, 12 pounds less than he weighed when he first started training. He hits legs Mondays, shoulders Tuesdays, back Wednesdays, chest Thursdays, and arms Fridays. "He's a beast," says his workout partner, Joey Crespo. "Our routine has only been heavy, heavy, all year round. "
At the moment, that means gritting out three sets of seated lat pulldowns, followed by a core exercise that has him on his knees, rolling a wheel forward, challenging his abs. He finishes the session by sitting on a bench with a harness connected to his forehead, a weight hanging in front of his chest. He lowers his head to look at the ground, then flexes his neck muscles to raise his head and look straight ahead, an old-school neck exercise that few gym-goers will do. Smith does it regularly. "Regardless of how tired I get, no matter what the workout is, I at least will try it," he says between deep breaths. "I'm not going to say no to anything. "
You may not have Method Man's fancy neck-training gear or his deadlift weight. But if you have a resistance band, you can try his favorite at-home regimen.
Do 25 to 30 reps. Aim for 5 sets.
Banded Curl
Stand on a resistance band, its ends held at your sides, your core tight. Curl up, squeezing your biceps; then lower. That's 1 rep; do 15 to Do 5 sets.
Banded Shoulder Press
Stand on a resistance band, its ends held at your shoulders, your core tight. Tighten your shoulder blades and press the band overhead. Pause, then return to the start. That's 1 rep; do 15 to Do 5 sets.
A version of this story originally appears in the November 2020 issue of Men's Health, with the title "The 6 Workout w/ Method Man".
submitted by yellowumbrella to HealthyZapper [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:00 Drip451 Why do people say videos games are bad for me?

I am 17 and have averaged around 50 hours every 2 weeks playing video games for the past 5 years. Despite this it does not hinder me in any way as I still do good in school (grades wise) and am looking to go to college.
I don't understand how playing Video Games as a hobby is any different than reading a book, watching TV, going outside, etc. I use Video Games as something I do in my freetime, I understand I am still a child and have much more of that than an adult but then what is wrong with adults playing video games in their freetime?
Could someone please enlighten me I would like to see different perspectives.
submitted by Drip451 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:59 cooperthomas1022 Twice this week

Twice this week
Can someone please explain if this is some new wacky animation glitch that has been around for some time, and my friends and I are just now running into? First video was in my game, second was from another friends game. Blocked shots instantly turning into a shooting foul?
submitted by cooperthomas1022 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:59 sLpFhaWK [USA-MA][H] Dan A4 H20 mITX Build, SSUPD Meshilicious mITX Build, PS5, Jailbroken PS4, Retroid Pocket 3+, Retroid Pocket 4 Pro w/ Accessories, Analogue Pocket w/ Dock and 2 M30 2.4g Controllers, M2 Mac Mini with USB Dock, 2 Asus PG27UQ 4k 144hz Gsync Monitors [W] Local Cash

Was forced to buy a new car and the excise tax bill came in, selling some tech to pay that bill but mostly cuz it's tech I'm not using.
Post here before PM. NO CHATS!
Timestamps Sorry they're just all thrown into 1 folder. I want to let everyone know these are posted on local facebook marketplace as well, so if something sells there I will update this post.
I am looking for trades, possibly the Apple Watch Ultra 2 and a NAS 8 bay or 4 bay with 10+ tb drives. (need at least 20tb to migrate my stuff over)
For now this is LOCAL ONLY, I am local to Malden 02148
Dan A4 H20 mITX Build. Asus B550-I Gaming Mobo, Ryzen 5900x, 64gb DDR4 3600 Memory, 2 TB nVME, EVGA 2080 Super, Lian Li 750w SFX PSU, and a 240 AIO Water Cooler. $700
SSUPD Meshilicious Build, Asus B450-I Gaming Mobo, Ryzen 3600, 16gb DDR4 3600 Memory, 512gb nVME, EVGA 2080 ti Founders, Corsair 650w SFX PSU and a 280 AIO Water Cooler. $500
Sony PS5 Disc Console with 2 controllers, charging dock and 2 games brand new, Final Fantasy Rebirth and Stellar Blade. (note on stellar blade, it's open but gamestop considers it new because it was their display copy so they put the stupid sticker on it, I haven't opened it so it's still sealed and considered new. I have receipts for both games.) $450
Transparent Green Analogue Pocket with Dock and 2 8bitdo Sega M30 2.4g Wireless controllers. (Have original boxes just not shown) $500
Retroid Pocket 3+ $100
Retroid Pocket 4 Pro with Carrying Case, Grip and Tempered Screen protector $200
Jailbroken PS4 on 9.00 Firmware comes with power, HDMI and 1 controller and I will supply the USB Drive for the exploit $250
M2 Mac Mini 8gb with USB Hub $450 (Pending Facebook pickup Wednesday)
2 Asus PG27UQ 27" 4k Monitors 144hz Refresh Rate with GSync. Willc some with HDMI and Display Port cables with it's OEM power brick. $275 EA
That is everything for now, I need to wipe both PC's and do a fresh install of Windows 11 Pro, the OOBE will need to be finished by you the buyer. Or you can wipe and install fresh, up to you.
submitted by sLpFhaWK to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:59 neotxpes This mf be foul baiting me when he was down 50 and when i got too much penalties, he got the dub 🤣

This mf be foul baiting me when he was down 50 and when i got too much penalties, he got the dub 🤣
Theres this one player who had a 100ovr klay and 100ovr kareem and his shots were getting highly contested and blocked and i was up 50 then on the second half, he keeps driving to the rim to foul my frontcourt duo (goat c/pf shaq, and dm sampson) and when i got too much fouls, it gave the mf the option to quit the game and receive the win or keep continuing..ofc most people with these players are gonna want the dub 🤣🤣 fuck 2k sincerely 🤣🤣 also why tf is this even counted as not completing games 😭😭
submitted by neotxpes to MyTeam [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:59 Usxafiy My life is so screwed up, I need help.

I (15M) have fucked up my life by getting addicted to gaming at around 7 or 8. My mom (54F) and dad (64M) do so much for me and I dont really do much for them. All of this started around 2 years ago, when I got sent to a new, harder school. I slacked off, and got yelled at for it nearly every other day. All I would do is come home and play on my computer. When I got grounded for months on end, I would just continue on my laptop. Around the end of that school year, i got everything back and went back to how I used to, playing games. During the summer, all I did was go to work for 4 days a week then come home and do nothing besides play games. I didnt realize it but it was slowly destroying my mom just being cooped up in my room all day. This continued to about 3 weeks ago, where everything came to a head. I missed a few homework assignments and my mom snapped, screaming at me while I was mid call. I put my PC in the closet for about a week, and took it back out over the long weekend. Instead of studying for my finals, I went outside, and when I did come in and get on, I barely studied and just played games. Tonight things got bad and I realized im messing up my life, destroying my moms mental health, my own mental health and more. My PC is gone again, this time seemingly indefinitely. So thats why I came here, I need help. Just anything at all just please help.
TL;DR: Ive been destroying my and my moms mental health for more then 2 years by me being addicted to gaming, and I need help and advice on what to do.
submitted by Usxafiy to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:58 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - Caitlin Clark notches first 30-point game in WNBA in incredible all-around effort NY Post

[Sports] - Caitlin Clark notches first 30-point game in WNBA in incredible all-around effort NY Post submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:58 drhoome Open Source Android Backup / Sync

Currently I'm using Nextcloud to backup / sync the most important folders on my phone to my NAS (not only my phone but my family that lives with me). I also use it for other apps like News and Notes. But not much more than that.
Recently Nextcloud 28 became kinda not nice to work with, having some cron issues plus the News app currently has no maintainer so its kinda broken on 28, sync problems and so on. And because of that I'm trying to find suitable alternatives to the features I use.
For now I'm tryng to find a way to backup my phone data, not the whole phone but specific stuff like my photos, documents and messages. Since i'm gonna be using with my family I need some app that supports multiple users. It can be over SMB, WebDAV, SFTP, anything really, can also be some specific protocol like syncthing (the only reason I dont use Syncthing is because it doesnt support multiuser). I found out about seafile which looks nice but its Android app does not support syncthing a folder from the phone. But people seems to work around with WebDAV, the problem is that the only client I found for WebDAV sync on android was EasySync which doesn't allow you to select which folder you want to backup, and the problem is mostly WhatsApp which store its database backup to a bespoke folder. I'm not targetting seafile specifically. I just really need something that syncs my phone data to a remote location of my choosing and supports more than one user.
I also dont want to use some proprietary app to sync all my phone data. If that was an option I would just sync all my data to Google Drive and let google peruse to all my personal data hahaha.
submitted by drhoome to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:57 confusedgraphite 2006 manual EX stalls on idle

Cross posting from Facebook for a family member who doesn’t use Reddit:
2006 manual EX, when first started up, will sit idling around 1k for a good 5 - 10 minutes if left alone, no problem. Once you start driving it, and putting the engine under load, it drops the idle down to like 400, and then stalls. You can have it up at highway speeds, doing 70 ish, and if you put the clutch in, it drops the revs and stalls - at which point you pop the clutch in 5th gear, and you are happily running again. Until you come to a stop sign, or get behind a school bus, or any number of valid reasons where you might like to just idle, it will stall. I replaced the throttle body. I have run the "idle re-learn" process multiple times. Highly frustrating. Thoughts?
submitted by confusedgraphite to HondaElement [link] [comments]