How to unblock emails

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2024.06.07 15:55 Aromatic_Chipmunk941 Ex - What was/am I dealing with?

Weeks after split, she reached out to talk and try to work things out, but she could tell by my demeanour that I wasn't in the same frame of mind as her. She also said that "I am a great guy" on those calls but there were things she wasn't happy with (Yes, I am not perfect and I have my pitfalls, but the things she had an issue with, I felt it was about control from her)
Time one stage she was constantly blocking/unblocking me on WhatsApp, sending me messages giving off, asks a question, then says don't contact me again and blocks me. Email - Sends a long email giving off, writes "Don't ever contact me again" and that she's blocking my email...I don't contact her, then she will email again, giving off once more, then says once more "Do not contact her again"
WhatsApp profile pictures - Was putting up pictures of herself in lingerie from years ago that was clearly set so it only showed to me, also putting on statements that I have abandoned her etc. yet on Reddit where strangers are, will say she "Dumped my ass" and had to "End it with me". On social media over the 2 years, would have put on how good I have been to her and her kids, but on Reddit, will be saying I am a tightass and wanted to split everything 50/50. I budget my salary, pay bills on time and help her where I can, but for most part, she did not cut down on anything to help her situation. I feel that as I own my own home and have my own bills, we don't live in the same house, that I am not obligated to help in any way, but multiple times I have been more than helpful, but it was just never enough.
She doesnt work, lives well beyond her means, gets her rent/rates paid for and has two children/young adults. I pay my mortgage and run a car, work full time and live below/within my means. I don't have any children. She repeatedly says she "Doesn't/didn't need me" but went through a stage of constantly asking for a lend of money, me bailing her out on multiple occasions (all money related).
I could go on and on but will leave it at this for now. Also, I found her Reddit username on a local forum after she posted something that identified her, just incase anyone thinks I went looking for her.
submitted by Aromatic_Chipmunk941 to AskMenRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:33 Jack52493 My (31M) ex (28M) decided to take a break from the relationship so we can “work on ourselves” but then blocks me. Last year we broke up because he cheated and left for someone else. He blocked, unblocked me and then blocked me again on IG

Hey guys this is my first time posting anything on Reddit but I’ve decided to go ahead and share because I need some support and it’s been comforting just reading everyone’s posts about their own experiences.
My ex and I broke up this past April. He was the dumper and it happened in the moment I needed someone the most and it felt essentially a repeat of when we broke up last year.
Our history is a bit of a long story I really don’t want to get into so I’ll try to sum it up. We were together for 4 years and in 2021 we moved in together. (Gay relationship between 2 males btw). I didn’t heal from baggage I came with (neither did he) and unfortunately we hurt one another along the way but we both decided to stay and work through things. I found out last May (the day I decorated the venue for his family for their cousins sweet 16) that he was cheating on me with someone and it’s been going on for months. Long story short it ended up being a nasty breakup. When I found out I reached out to the guy he was involved with and let him know what was going on and that my ex has been in a relationship with me and living with me while seeing him and the guy screenshot everything and sent it to my ex. Not even 2 minutes later my ex calls me livid, cursing me out with me on speaker on front of his sister. He tells me to not go to the sweet 16 I decorated for his family (using my flower wall, lights, canopy tent, everything) and my ex was so angry he came with his sister the day after the sweet 16 packed his clothes and left. (We just renewed our lease that month I had a pregnant cat it was a mess) and he blocked me on IG and him and the guy remained following each other and seeing each other the entire summer.
I cried for weeks. He made his family block and unfollow me, his mother couldnt even look or speak to me when I went to get my car from their house it looked like I betrayed him. He told me he was embarrassed in a way he will never forget etc. He texted me that he was going to only pay for 2 months of rent and then that’s it. As June approached I packed everything and the little stuff he left in the apartment (drawers filled with clothes, his mirror, couch, sneakers etc) and I moved out and left his things neatly packed in the middle of the living room. I painted the apartment back to white with tears in my eyes and the entire time he was out partying and posting it online and his friends and everyone were posting him. I was devastated.
When he found out I moved he cursed me out and demanded I send him the rent for June and then said I ruined his life. After I sent him the money (like an idiot) I blocked him and his entire family and was in no contact for about 5 months. He Completely gas lit me. 2 days later I found out he rented an airbnb upstate with the guy he cheated on me with and they spent the entire weekend alone in a cabin having sex. I was devastated. Cried the entire summer. He trashed talked me on TikTok, on IG and on threads and the entire time I was silent. I was afraid to fall asleep because the dreams would haunt me.
2 months later his mother emails me to my work email asking for a time me and him can meet so he can get a sweater and a broken photography light from my storage. This is a grown 6’2, 28 year old man who is bald and weighs 230lbs who wasn’t man enough to email me or confront his problem, he had mommy email me to my work email.
Fast forward to September he comes back and texts me for closure then hits me with a corny messaging saying “he’ll be at a museum at 6pm at the Egypt exhibit waiting for me because he needs to know what is and isn’t for him. If I don’t show up he will understand etc.”
We eventually met somewhere in October and spoke and decided to try again. As time progressed it was clear he didn’t do any of the work he was just distracting himself from reality and I did so much work on myself, I went to therapy and really dug deep within myself to heal past and current traumas.
January of this year I lost my job and he assured me if for whatever reason I don’t land a job in 2-3 months he will help support me. January turned to April I didn’t land a job (at this point I’m now living on my own and he is still with mommy and daddy) and me being unemployed at that point for 4 months was hard on me I got sad and depressed at times I couldn’t do much but stay locked in the house. I applied to so many jobs and it was a funky time for me. He would hang with his friends every weekend and invite me but I wasn’t comfortable because of how we turned everyone against me last year and it was just something I was still recovering from. So was intentional on building my own community and tapping into my own friends because the entire relationship I was with him and his family and friends all the time and never with mine. I moved from NYC to Jersey and I was essentially on his turf and as he saw the dynamic of our relationship was now different because of how it ended I was no longer comfortable around his people I don’t think he liked that.
April he hits me with “he doesn’t think I need a bf right now what I need is family and friends, let’s take a break and come back to this without the pressures of healing and etc. that he believes so much in the relationship which is why he is doing this.” At this point I had no money for rent, he was going to help me with Mays rent, he knew this, the night before I was going to meet my friend Nicole (who I met at a bar and she so happened to be a therapist) to speak to her about some of my worries and fears that this time I’m back in Jersey, no job, living on my own and things are rocky again with my ex. He didn’t like that and told me I was acting frantic for meeting with a friend and threw in my face “maybe she can help me with next months rent.”
Overall we had an amicable breakup he just said that he had a lot going on, didn’t want to stretch himself thin or compromise himself while trying to help me. He said “this will not be like last year, let’s stay in constant communication and come back stronger.” After that we went from texting and talking everyday to him now responding to me once a day and his responses to me were just very… different. It felt like breadcrumbing so I respectfully told him after he mentioned “it doesn’t seem like you want to speak now” I told him “ I don’t really wish to speak atm I’m just focusing on studying rn, on myself, and making sure I remain good without any added confusions or distractions. My priority rn is what’s best for me.” He told me “that contradicts everything we spoke of”
I was in protective mode at this point because this felt too similar to last year. I’m about to lose another apartment, he broke up with me, he’s backing off knowing my situation and he doesn’t want to get involved and he even told me “I don’t want to be affected by anything you have going on”
So the best thing I could do was go no contact but without blocking, or doing anything to alter or change the future we said we would come back to. I kept him on social media I didn’t check up on him, I didn’t block him I just let him know that I I didn’t want to speak in the moment and had to focus on me and make sure I was good. We didn’t end on bad terms. 2 and a half weeks later of no contact he blocks me on Instagram. A week and a half after that he unblocks me. I took a trip to Mexico for my birthday, he didn’t wish me a happy birthday and blocked me again on IG. I’m saddened and disappointed because we didn’t end on bad terms and it’s triggering and scary to me because I can’t unsee now everything he is capable of, it feels mean and vindictive like how we was last year and he’s doing everything wrong and not according to what the breakup agreement was. This time around I’m stronger but very triggered and disappointed that he’s showing me just how unhealed and very vindictive he can be. Simply because I decided to be transparent and chose me as he ultimately chose himself again so I can get through this better to revisit the relationship. Any thoughts? Sorry this was a lot. I wish I could provide screenshots but my screenshots were posted on the “ExNoContact” community and “HeartBreak”’community
submitted by Jack52493 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:21 Jack52493 My BF left me for someone else last year, came back to try again then took a break to “work through things to come back stronger” but blocked me

My BF left me for someone else last year, came back to try again then took a break to “work through things to come back stronger” but blocked me
Hey guys this is my first time posting anything on Reddit but I’ve decided to go ahead and share because I need some support and it’s been comforting just reading everyone’s posts about their own experiences.
My ex and I broke up this past April. He was the dumper and it happened in the moment I needed someone the most and it felt essentially a repeat of when we broke up last year.
Our history is a bit of a long story I really don’t want to get into so I’ll try to sum it up. We were together for 4 years and in 2021 we moved in together. (Gay relationship between 2 males btw). I didn’t heal from baggage I came with (neither did he) and unfortunately we hurt one another along the way but we both decided to stay and work through things. I found out last May (the day I decorated the venue for his family for their cousins sweet 16) that he was cheating on me with someone and it’s been going on for months. Long story short it ended up being a nasty breakup. When I found out I reached out to the guy he was involved with and let him know what was going on and that my ex has been in a relationship with me and living with me while seeing him and the guy screenshot everything and sent it to my ex. Not even 2 minutes later my ex calls me livid, cursing me out with me on speaker on front of his sister. He tells me to not go to the sweet 16 I decorated for his family (using my flower wall, lights, canopy tent, everything) and my ex was so angry he came with his sister the day after the sweet 16 packed his clothes and left. (We just renewed our lease that month I had a pregnant cat it was a mess) and he blocked me on IG and him and the guy remained following each other and seeing each other the entire summer.
I cried for weeks. He made his family block and unfollow me, his mother couldnt even look or speak to me when I went to get my car from their house it looked like I betrayed him. He told me he was embarrassed in a way he will never forget etc. He texted me that he was going to only pay for 2 months of rent and then that’s it. As June approached I packed everything and the little stuff he left in the apartment (drawers filled with clothes, his mirror, couch, sneakers etc) and I moved out and left his things neatly packed in the middle of the living room. I painted the apartment back to white with tears in my eyes and the entire time he was out partying and posting it online and his friends and everyone were posting him. I was devastated.
When he found out I moved he cursed me out and demanded I send him the rent for June and then said I ruined his life. After I sent him the money (like an idiot) I blocked him and his entire family and was in no contact for about 5 months. He Completely gas lit me. 2 days later I found out he rented an airbnb upstate with the guy he cheated on me with and they spent the entire weekend alone in a cabin having sex. I was devastated. Cried the entire summer. He trashed talked me on TikTok, on IG and on threads and the entire time I was silent. I was afraid to fall asleep because the dreams would haunt me.
2 months later his mother emails me to my work email asking for a time me and him can meet so he can get a sweater and a broken photography light from my storage. This is a grown 6’2, 28 year old man who is bald and weighs 230lbs who wasn’t man enough to email me or confront his problem, he had mommy email me to my work email. I will provide screenshots of everything.
Fast forward to September he comes back and texts me for closure then hits me with a corny messaging saying “he’ll be at a museum at 6pm at the Egypt exhibit waiting for me because he needs to know what is and isn’t for him. If I don’t show up he will understand etc.”
We eventually met somewhere in October and spoke and decided to try again. As time progressed it was clear he didn’t do any of the work he was just distracting himself from reality and I did so much work on myself, I went to therapy and really dug deep within myself to heal past and current traumas.
January of this year I lost my job and he assured me if for whatever reason I don’t land a job in 2-3 months he will help support me. January turned to April I didn’t land a job (at this point I’m now living on my own and he is still with mommy and daddy) and me being unemployed at that point for 4 months was hard on me I got sad and depressed at times I couldn’t do much but stay locked in the house. I applied to so many jobs and it was a funky time for me. He would hang with his friends every weekend and invite me but I wasn’t comfortable because of how we turned everyone against me last year and it was just something I was still recovering from. So was intentional on building my own community and tapping into my own friends because the entire relationship I was with him and his family and friends all the time and never with mine. I moved from NYC to Jersey and I was essentially on his turf and as he saw the dynamic of our relationship was now different because of how it ended I was no longer comfortable around his people I don’t think he liked that.
April he hits me with “he doesn’t think I need a bf right now what I need is family and friends, let’s take a break and come back to this without the pressures of healing and etc. that he believes so much in the relationship which is why he is doing this.” At this point I had no money for rent, he was going to help me with Mays rent, he knew this, the night before I was going to meet my friend Nicole (who I met at a bar and she so happened to be a therapist) to speak to her about some of my worries and fears that this time I’m back in Jersey, no job, living on my own and things are rocky again with my ex. He didn’t like that and told me I was acting frantic for meeting with a friend and threw in my face “maybe she can help me with next months rent.”
Overall we had an amicable breakup he just said that he had a lot going on, didn’t want to stretch himself thin or compromise himself while trying to help me. He said “this will not be like last year, let’s stay in constant communication and come back stronger.” After that we went from texting and talking everyday to him now responding to me once a day and his responses to me were just very… different. It felt like breadcrumbing so I respectfully told him after he mentioned “it doesn’t seem like you want to speak now” I told him “ I don’t really wish to speak atm I’m just focusing on studying rn, on myself, and making sure I remain good without any added confusions or distractions. My priority rn is what’s best for me.” He told me “that contradicts everything we spoke of”
I was in protective mode at this point because this felt too similar to last year. I’m about to lose another apartment, he broke up with me, he’s backing off knowing my situation and he doesn’t want to get involved and he even told me “I don’t want to be affected by anything you have going on”
So the best thing I could do was go no contact but without blocking, or doing anything to alter or change the future we said we would come back to. I kept him on social media I didn’t check up on him, I didn’t block him I just let him know that I I didn’t want to speak in the moment and had to focus on me and make sure I was good. We didn’t end on bad terms. 2 and a half weeks later of no contact he blocks me on Instagram. A week and a half after that he unblocks me. I took a trip to Mexico for my birthday, he didn’t wish me a happy birthday and blocked me again on IG. I’m saddened and disappointed because we didn’t end on bad terms and it’s triggering and scary to me because I can’t unsee now everything he is capable of, it feels mean and vindictive like how we was last year and he’s doing everything wrong and not according to what the breakup agreement was. This time around I’m stronger but very triggered and disappointed that he’s showing me just how unhealed and very vindictive he can be. Simply because I decided to be transparent and chose me as he ultimately chose himself again so I can get through this better to revisit the relationship. Any thoughts? Sorry this was a lot. I attached screenshots
submitted by Jack52493 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 03:49 Jack52493 2 months no contact, Ex blocked, unblocked and blocked me again (I’m the dumpee)

2 months no contact, Ex blocked, unblocked and blocked me again (I’m the dumpee)
Hey guys this is my first time posting anything on Reddit but I’ve decided to go ahead and share because I need some support and it’s been comforting just reading everyone’s posts about their own experiences.
My ex and I broke up this past April. He was the dumper and it happened in the moment I needed someone the most and it felt essentially a repeat of when we broke up last year.
Our history is a bit of a long story I really don’t want to get into so I’ll try to sum it up. We were together for 4 years and in 2021 we moved in together. (Gay relationship between 2 males btw). I didn’t heal from baggage I came with (neither did he) and unfortunately we hurt one another along the way but we both decided to stay and work through things. I found out last May (the day I decorated the venue for his family for their cousins sweet 16) that he was cheating on me with someone and it’s been going on for months. Long story short it ended up being a nasty breakup. When I found out I reached out to the guy he was involved with and let him know what was going on and that my ex has been in a relationship with me and living with me while seeing him and the guy screenshot everything and sent it to my ex. Not even 2 minutes later my ex calls me livid, cursing me out with me on speaker on front of his sister. He tells me to not go to the sweet 16 I decorated for his family (using my flower wall, lights, canopy tent, everything) and my ex was so angry he came with his sister the day after the sweet 16 packed his clothes and left. (We just renewed our lease that month I had a pregnant cat it was a mess) and he blocked me on IG and him and the guy remained following each other and seeing each other the entire summer.
I cried for weeks. He made his family block and unfollow me, his mother couldnt even look or speak to me when I went to get my car from their house it looked like I betrayed him. He told me he was embarrassed in a way he will never forget etc. He texted me that he was going to only pay for 2 months of rent and then that’s it. As June approached I packed everything and the little stuff he left in the apartment (drawers filled with clothes, his mirror, couch, sneakers etc) and I moved out and left his things neatly packed in the middle of the living room. I painted the apartment back to white with tears in my eyes and the entire time he was out partying and posting it online and his friends and everyone were posting him. I was devastated.
When he found out I moved he cursed me out and demanded I send him the rent for June and then said I ruined his life. After I sent him the money (like an idiot) I blocked him and his entire family and was in no contact for about 5 months. He Completely gas lit me. 2 days later I found out he rented an airbnb upstate with the guy he cheated on me with and they spent the entire weekend alone in a cabin having sex. I was devastated. Cried the entire summer. He trashed talked me on TikTok, on IG and on threads and the entire time I was silent. I was afraid to fall asleep because the dreams would haunt me.
2 months later his mother emails me to my work email asking for a time me and him can meet so he can get a sweater and a broken photography light from my storage. This is a grown 6’2, 28 year old man who is bald and weighs 230lbs who wasn’t man enough to email me or confront his problem, he had mommy email me to my work email. I will provide screenshots of everything.
Fast forward to September he comes back and texts me for closure then hits me with a corny messaging saying “he’ll be at a museum at 6pm at the Egypt exhibit waiting for me because he needs to know what is and isn’t for him. If I don’t show up he will understand etc.”
We eventually met somewhere in October and spoke and decided to try again. As time progressed it was clear he didn’t do any of the work he was just distracting himself from reality and I did so much work on myself, I went to therapy and really dug deep within myself to heal past and current traumas.
January of this year I lost my job and he assured me if for whatever reason I don’t land a job in 2-3 months he will help support me. January turned to April I didn’t land a job (at this point I’m now living on my own and he is still with mommy and daddy) and me being unemployed at that point for 4 months was hard on me I got sad and depressed at times I couldn’t do much but stay locked in the house. I applied to so many jobs and it was a funky time for me. He would hang with his friends every weekend and invite me but I wasn’t comfortable because of how we turned everyone against me last year and it was just something I was still recovering from. So was intentional on building my own community and tapping into my own friends because the entire relationship I was with him and his family and friends all the time and never with mine. I moved from NYC to Jersey and I was essentially on his turf and as he saw the dynamic of our relationship was now different because of how it ended I was no longer comfortable around his people I don’t think he liked that.
April he hits me with “he doesn’t think I need a bf right now what I need is family and friends, let’s take a break and come back to this without the pressures of healing and etc. that he believes so much in the relationship which is why he is doing this.” At this point I had no money for rent, he was going to help me with Mays rent, he knew this, the night before I was going to meet my friend Nicole (who I met at a bar and she so happened to be a therapist) to speak to her about some of my worries and fears that this time I’m back in Jersey, no job, living on my own and things are rocky again with my ex. He didn’t like that and told me I was acting frantic for meeting with a friend and threw in my face “maybe she can help me with next months rent.”
Overall we had an amicable breakup he just said that he had a lot going on, didn’t want to stretch himself thin or compromise himself while trying to help me. He said “this will not be like last year, let’s stay in constant communication and come back stronger.” After that we went from texting and talking everyday to him now responding to me once a day and his responses to me were just very… different. It felt like breadcrumbing so I respectfully told him after he mentioned “it doesn’t seem like you want to speak now” I told him “ I don’t really wish to speak atm I’m just focusing on studying rn, on myself, and making sure I remain good without any added confusions or distractions. My priority rn is what’s best for me.” He told me “that contradicts everything we spoke of”
I was in protective mode at this point because this felt too similar to last year. I’m about to lose another apartment, he broke up with me, he’s backing off knowing my situation and he doesn’t want to get involved and he even told me “I don’t want to be affected by anything you have going on”
So the best thing I could do was go no contact but without blocking, or doing anything to alter or change the future we said we would come back to. I kept him on social media I didn’t check up on him, I didn’t block him I just let him know that I I didn’t want to speak in the moment and had to focus on me and make sure I was good. We didn’t end on bad terms. 2 and a half weeks later of no contact he blocks me on Instagram. A week and a half after that he unblocks me. I took a trip to Mexico for my birthday, he didn’t wish me a happy birthday and blocked me again on IG. I’m saddened and disappointed because we didn’t end on bad terms and it’s triggering and scary to me because I can’t unsee now everything he is capable of, it feels mean and vindictive like how we was last year and he’s doing everything wrong and not according to what the breakup agreement was. This time around I’m stronger but very triggered and disappointed that he’s showing me just how unhealed and very vindictive he can be. Simply because I decided to be transparent and chose me as he ultimately chose himself again so I can get through this better to revisit the relationship. Any thoughts? Sorry this was a lot. I attached screenshots
submitted by Jack52493 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 02:05 Ambitious_Cancel1387 I dumped a younger guy and now he’s harassing me

Out of sheer curiosity, I dated a younger guy. 5 years may be insignificant to some, but I could feel the tension of an age gap between a millennial woman and a gen-z boy. I dated older men before, but diving into the dating scene as the older person in the relationship was certainly new and peculiar for me.
To be fair, he was romantic, attractive, and talented. He was the perfect poster child for the term 'eye candy'.
In my eyes, he seemed like a lovesick puppy and his presence brought me great comfort in a way. In his perspective, I was a stable force in his chaotic life and deemed me as his 'woman of his dreams'.
Unfortunately, everything else lacked in comparison and those were the ones important in building a relationship. There was no emotional maturity in his part, no intellectual stimulation, and barely had any similar interests with me. I learned all of these in a span of a week.
I could list down the instances that proved his immaturity and scenarios where our age gap was highlighted, but alas, Reddit's character limit would be a hindrance.
He pretended to be mature (or at least intended to be one, but failed miserably), assuring me that despite his young age, he has the maturity of an adult man. Spoiler alert: it was all bullshit.
After two weeks of dating, it dawned upon me that we were going nowhere. He was a pretentious and pompous ass. After all, how can I be in a relationship with a fuck boy masquerading as a nice guy?
I told him over the phone that it was over. Boy, he didn't take it too well. He bombarded and blasted me with profanities. He called me names and I realized that his frail ego couldn't handle that I was the one finishing things and not him.
When I finally couldn't handle the constant curses he sent, I texted him: "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" and "Pangit ng pagpapalaki ng nanay mo sayo."
This halted him in his tracks. I knew that bringing someone's mother into the fight was a hit below the belt. I also knew how much his mother meant to him since he was raised by a single mom. Nonetheless, I still brought it up and it worked.
He replied with an "Ok.." and I assumed that was the end of it. I blocked him in all of my social platforms and I thought I would never hear from him again.
Not until after a few weeks, he convinced his friend to message me in Instagram. He professed that he was sorry for acting like a brat and he wanted to rekindle the flame that died out. He also said: "I know that you loved me."
What the actual fuck? GROSS, CRINGE, CRAZY. grosscringecrazy
I politely replied with a "No, thank you. I never loved you and never will." Then I blocked his friend's account, hoping they won't disturb my peace again.
I was pretty direct so I assumed this short chapter in my life was closed. Another spoiler alert: it wasn't over.
Over the course of the next few weeks, he persistently emailed me with half-assed apologies and still insisted that I was in love with him.
I couldn’t comprehend how twisted his delusions were.
The straw that broke the camel's back was when he messaged someone in my workplace. He convinced my officemate (who I barely know) to tell me to reach out to him. He must have just randomly looked up people who were working in the same company as I do.
It was ruthlessly embarrassing, but it worked in his favor. I unblocked him in IG and saw that some of his posts were about me.
Samples of his posts:
I told him to stop bothering people around me. I was furious but he didn't seem fazed at all. In fact, he seemed to relish that I was finally talking to him again. I blocked him for good this time.
I wish I could end this post with an ending that he didn't bother me again, but even up to now, he keeps creating extra accounts to convey his idiocies.
submitted by Ambitious_Cancel1387 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:23 arckadventure Getting Her Back

33M 28F
Together 5, married 2.
Overall a wonderful relationship.. Years of marriage were more stressful than they should have been.. mainly due to me and how I failed to manage stress.
We moved into an older home that required a lot of work and maintenance... leaks, mold termites, rotting wood, ...
I got stuck in a routine where I was spending too much time on the house/yard/chores, and not enough time doing the things to keep our love alive..
Since I was so stressed, I feel that I wasn't super fun to be around. I constantly had to ask my wife to help with dishes, move her shoes, throw out trash, etc. I was always on her case.. not intentionally.
I never lost interest in my wife.. I love her deeply and wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I just never realized she was unhappy... looking back, I could pick out some signs, but she never communicated it to me.. I'm not a mind reader!
I realize now that I could have initiated more, more dates/flirting, fun and not stress, ...
There were a few days the month prior where I was working on projects and she clearly wanted sex, but I sort of had her wait until I was finished with what I was in the middle of.
I suddenly found out she wanted divorce and is interested in pursuing a relationship with another man. She had no interest on working things out. Already filed.
She never gave me an explanation, only that she no longer loved me like a wife should love her husband, she felt like a stranger in her own home, and dreaded coming home to see me. All of this caught me by surprise.. the week prior she was telling me how much she loved me, etc.
I apologized for what I believed to have been the problem in the moment, and expressed my love and interest in working things out..
It's been several weeks of no contact besides things we were required to talk about.
Since our first talk, I've realized other things I failed with as a husband.. do I reach out again and emphasize how sorry I am and check to see if she's changed her mind?
Since seperating, some of her actions and behaviors have been confusing... she 1st tried making small talk while we moved our things, then got cold when I became distant and suggested we reduce conversation. She took some of my things seemingly to make me reach out to her about them. She linked my email to her uber account (to make me jealous?). She repeatedly tells me how stressed she is and isn't trying to be a "bitch". I've been getting a lot of phone calls from odd numbers where no one is on the other line (her calling to hear me?). She unfriended me on social media, then blocked me, then unblocked me.
If I wanted to try and make this work? What is my best option mov9ng forward? Continue NC while I wait for divorce papers? Try reaching out again? ... I truly feel that I've recognized the problems and know how to be better, to be the man she wants.
submitted by arckadventure to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:59 SupraabThackur Seeking Urgent Help: Bank Account Blocked for Two Months Due to False Cyber Complaint

**Hello everyone,**
I'm reaching out to this community in desperation, hoping someone here can provide guidance or assistance. I am residing in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, and for the past two months, I have been dealing with an extremely distressing situation that has caused severe financial and mental stress.
**The Issue:**
Two months ago, my bank account was unjustly blocked due to a false cyber complaint filed at the Madiyaon Police Station (Acknowledgment Number: 33103240038757). This complaint pertains to a legitimate cryptocurrency P2P transaction I conducted, which has no connection to any illegal activity.
**My Attempts to Resolve:**
  1. **Emails and Calls:** I have sent numerous detailed emails to various officers in the UP Cyber Crime Department and Madiyaon Police Station, explaining my situation and requesting help. Despite my repeated efforts, I have not received a single response.
  2. **Contact Numbers:** The contact numbers provided by the department are either switched off or unresponsive, leaving me with no way to directly communicate with anyone who can assist me.
  3. **SHO Office Call:** I received a call from the SHO office stating that they did not block my account and that it was blocked jointly by the portal and Madiyaon Police Station. They instructed me to contact Madiyaon Police Station, but even after following their instructions, I have not received any communication or support.
**Impact on My Life:**
**My Demands:**
  1. **Immediate Investigation:** I need a thorough investigation into the false cyber complaint to prove my innocence.
  2. **Unblocking of My Account:** I demand the immediate unblocking of my bank account to access my funds and resume normal financial activities.
  3. **No Objection Certificate (NOC):** A NOC confirming the closure of the false complaint should be sent to me and directly to my bank to rectify this unjust situation.
  4. **Proper Communication:** Establish reliable communication channels so that I and others in similar situations can get timely help.
**Why I'm Here:**
I'm turning to Reddit in the hope that someone here might know how to expedite this process or have contacts within the relevant authorities who can assist me. This situation is unbearable, and I feel completely helpless and abandoned by the system that's supposed to protect and assist law-abiding citizens.
**Please, if anyone has any advice, contacts, or similar experiences, share them with me. I need to resolve this issue as soon as possible to regain access to my funds and peace of mind.**
Thank you for reading and for any help you can provide.
submitted by SupraabThackur to CryptoIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:53 mattridd SMTP from Azure hosted VM

Hello, Struggling to find a definitive solution for this.
Currently we use the SMTP server in IIS6 to send emails to our O365 tenant from appliances / MFD's etc.
From what I can tell this then connects to our O365 tenant using port 25 (TNC can only connect on TCP 25).
As we are migrating all of our servers to be hosted in Azure we have noticed that port 25 is blocked & cannot be unblocked on a VM running in Azure.
As such I need to find a way to send emails as multiple different emails ideally connecting on port 587.
I have had a look at this, but only option 1 can use port 587.
From what I have read the exchange connector that will need to be created (already have one) will only listen on port 25 if using an IP address as the connection point. Dont really want to be using a 3rd party solution for this as well, would expect something to be available from microsoft.
Any advice on this would be appreciated.
submitted by mattridd to o365 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:21 throwaway2983_Lost My Q is a narc - I wish people saw through his act - it's sickening

The back story: My ex and I had a turbulent three-year relationship. He relapsed during the relationship and I went through hell trying to support him. Everyone here can probably predict what came with it - tons of lying, stealing, ostracizing me from his family, etc.
He ultimately ghosted me in rehab and that was his way of breaking up with me. I spent weeks waiting around for a phone call and never got one. It was completely heartbreaking and dehumanizing. I spent three years with him, supporting him at his lowest and I was repaid in such a humiliating way.
Fast forward to now: He's been trying to get in contact with me for the last 6 months. He's sent me tons of emails begging to be unblocked and promising he's serious about a relationship.
Surprise, surprise - when I unblocked him (against my better judgement) he completely did a 180 and acted like he never made any promises to me. When I asked him why he said these things if he was not going to be accountable for them, he snapped and told me he did have time to date - and in fact, had dates lined up for the weekend with other women. I feel completely shattered again.
What I'm really struggling with is the fact that no one seems to see how much of a piece of shit he is. He doesn't act this way to his recovery friends because he knows there are repercussions. But with me - there's no repercussions. I don't know his recovery friends, so his secrets end there.
He puts on a Mr. Nice Guy act in front of his recovery community friends and sponsor, but behind closed doors, he's narcissistic, manipulative and just a bad person.
My question: Do people ever see through these Mr. Nice Guy acts? I want to scream from the rooftops about what he did to me and how he is continuing to behave - but I know that won't help me in the long run. It feels like victims of addicts are constantly silenced and told to be the bigger person.
submitted by throwaway2983_Lost to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:09 LoveGuineaPigs Do I have enough to get a restraining order against my ex? Or just report him in general to the police?

Is this enough reason to get a restraining order against my ex?
I dated my ex for 5 years. He was a classic abusive narcissist who had a drug problem. He ended up being mentally institutionalized because I was honestly scared for my life around him and he was refusing help. He would claim I was conspiring against him with neighbors I never met and he would sit up all night with a knife “protecting” me.
After he got out of the mental hospital he blamed me for ruining his life. Once I fully cut him off, he would harass me over email, make various fake accounts and post harmful things about me etc. it was awful. Eventually he stopped after awhile and I was hoping he would turn his life around, but recently a mutual friend reached out saying he posted some messed up stuff and there were pictures of me on his profile.
I got curious and unblocked his insta and I got sick to my stomach, I mean instant panic attack and throwing up. He posted back to back, photos of me juxtaposed against various automatic weapons and guns that he seems to be in possession of. His face isn’t in any of the photos of the guns but I recognize his hand on them. I couldn’t stop crying because I was hoping he would never come in possession of any weapons since he was admitted to a hospital and diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
I just feel sick that he even referred to himself as Elliot Rodger, the incel mass shooter from 2014. None of the picture he posted of me were incriminating and he didn’t write any threatening captions but just the fact that he posted them back to back with guns is freaking me out.
Is this something I can take to the police??? I have a whole file of screenshots I took of everything he ever sent me or posted about me but they vary is dates, some being five, four years ago.
Part of me is so scared of taking any legal action against him. I’m scared of him finding me and harming me, I have constant nightmares about that happening. I’m also scared that if I don’t do anything, he might actually commit a crime and harm someone and I will forever live with the guilt of that.
I also struggle with the thought of him being in jail because of me. I’ve done so much therapy because of the shame and guilt I felt regarding that relationship. I blamed myself for getting him hospitalized and because of that he wasn’t able to finish his degree. And if I report him to the authorities, that will be the last nail on the coffin and I would actually ruin his life with a criminal record or jail time.
I’m seeking any advice in what to do in this situation and it would be great to hear others stories of how they dealt with a situation like this.
submitted by LoveGuineaPigs to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 12:40 FromAnotherTime Bitcoin Scam? Need Information

I just got a phone call from a person telling me I have bitcoin in a wallet I haven't accessed since 2018. Sounded like a scam, so I continued the call (I was bored).
They gave me a password for their website (google says it's a legit site). So I entered using my email (they already had my email) and the password. Immediately I'm greeted with +60k in my account. Sure sure....
But it says it's suspended, because since i never entered my account they suspended it for fraud... lol
The website is the following:
Is this a legit website?
They said that to unlock my account I needed to deposit 1% of the amount of the bitcoin I have to unblock it. I just said I had no money, and to call me another day. They hanged up.
In this website it gives my private wallet address, code that if I search on those websites that show the amount in the wallet, this information says it has 0 money.
This obviously sounds like BS, but that's why I'm posting here, I would like some information. I did ventured into bitcoin sometime, somewhere, in my life. But I'm definitely a noob about this.
Yeah... I just was able to edit my transaction in this website, and now I have more than 30 million in bitcoin... This website is just a portfolio i think. Whatever is happening, is definitely a scam haha. These scammers created an account in this site and created a fake transaction.... Ah Beware!
Ok. I just deleted my account on that website. Will they create a new one? to be continued...
EDIT 2:------------
How could I forget! They kept calling me from different national numbers that had different names... Spoofing or stolen I don't know. Kinda funny though.
submitted by FromAnotherTime to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:53 Useful-Schedule-2619 Zelle Payment Failed Reasons and How to Fix It?

When initiating a transaction, encountering a “Zelle payment failed” notification can be frustrating and confusing. This article explains why these Zelle payment failures occur, exploring the common reasons behind unsuccessful transactions and providing practical solutions to resolve them. From understanding the technical requirements to ensuring compliance with security measures, we will guide you through the steps to minimize the chances of a payment failure and provide a smoother Zelle experience.
Top Zelle Payment Failed Reasons and How to Fix It?
Using Zelle for Business
Zelle has gained popularity as a platform for peer-to-peer payments, providing users with a convenient method to send and receive money directly from their bank accounts. However, like any payment service, there are occasions where a Zelle payment might not process successfully. Here are some reasons why this could happen:
  1. Incorrect Contact Information:
Incorrect contact information is a common reason for digital payments, including those made via Zelle, to fail. Even a single erroneous digit or character in the recipient’s contact details can cause a transaction to fail. If your Zelle payment doesn’t go through, you must verify that you have the correct information for the recipient.
Zelle identifies users by either an email address or a phone number, which acts like a username or contact point within their app. When someone sends you money, they use your registered email or phone number. Since Zelle accounts are linked to one email address or phone number at a time, using incorrect details will result in a failed transaction. Always double-check this information with your recipient before initiating a transfer. Similarly, if someone is sending money to you, ensure they have your correct details.
You can verify or update your contact details directly in the Zelle app or through the Zelle section of your banking app. You can toggle between your email address and phone number and add new contact information if necessary.
One effective way to ensure accuracy is to use Zelle’s payment request feature. By sending a payment request, the recipient can prompt the sender to authorize payment using the correct details, reducing the likelihood of entering incorrect information manually.
  1. Insufficient Balance:
The transaction will not go through if funds are insufficient in your bank account to cover a Zelle payment. You will receive an automated error message explaining why the payment failed.
The solution to this issue is simple. You need to deposit more money into your bank account linked to Zelle to ensure adequate funds are available for the transaction. Once you have topped up your account, you can attempt the payment again.
  1. Technical Issues:
Like any technology-driven service, Zelle payments can be disrupted by various technical issues, such as:
Server Issues:
Many users occasionally experience difficulties connecting to Zelle’s servers. This is relatively common since the Zelle app relies on the company’s internal servers to facilitate communication between networked banks. If there is downtime on Zelle’s servers, the only option is to wait until Zelle resolves the issue.
While server downtime at Zelle usually resolves within a few hours, recognizing the significant impact such disruptions can have on users and their operations, it’s helpful to keep the Zelle customer support number handy, which is available 24/7 for any assistance during these periods.
Remember that just as server issues with Zelle can prevent successful transactions, downtime on your bank’s servers can also hinder your ability to transfer funds through Zelle. Unfortunately, like with Zelle server issues, the only solution is waiting until your bank’s servers are operational. However, you can contact your bank directly for an update on the extent of the issue and an estimated time for their services to be restored. Typically, such downtimes are resolved within an hour or two.
Poor Internet Connection:
If your Zelle payment fails, the first thing to check should be the quality of your internet connection. Zelle requires a connection through its servers and those of your financial institution to process transactions. If your connection is unstable or slow, it might hinder the app’s ability to complete the transaction. To address this, try connecting to a more reliable network. Ideally, connecting your device to a WiFi network and staying close to the router can improve your connection stability and speed, enhancing the transaction process with Zelle.
Zelle App Bugs:
If you’re facing payment failures and suspect issues with the Zelle app, there are several steps you can take to resolve these glitches. First, try simply closing and reopening the app, as this can often clear up minor glitches. If the issue persists, consider rebooting your device, which can help resolve deeper system issues affecting the app’s performance.
Additionally, make sure your Zelle app is up to date. Updates typically include fixes for known bugs and app stability improvements. These straightforward actions can help get your Zelle app running smoothly again.
  1. Account Status ‘Suspended’ or ‘Closed’
Dispute A Zelle Payment
Your bank account needs to be active and open to send and receive funds through Zelle. An account in any other status may encounter difficulties when transacting through Zelle.
If your Zelle transfers are consistently failing, the first step is to check the status of your account. Ensure that your account is active, in good standing without any negative balances, and free from any legal holds. If all these conditions are met and you still face issues, the problem may lie with the person you are trying to transfer funds to.
Advise the other party to check the status of their account activation as well. Sometimes, issues arise because individuals link their Zelle to a checking account. In this situation, the recipient must restore their account to receive payments. Typically, this involves contacting Zelle support directly to resolve the issue. If they registered their Zelle through their bank’s app, they should also contact their bank to have the account unblocked. Once Zelle or the bank reinstates their account, attempt the payment again. It should process successfully this time.
  1. You are a ‘High-Risk’ Merchant
Zelle restricts the use of its services for certain types of businesses, typically those classified as high-risk. A high-risk merchant is often a business seen as having a greater likelihood of financial losses or chargebacks, which could be due to the nature of their products or services, their industry, or their track record with credit card transactions. Merchant service providers view these businesses as riskier, leading to potentially higher fees or more stringent restrictions on their credit card processing capabilities.
If you are found to be using Zelle for activities related to any prohibited industry, even if your business operations are legitimate, Zelle may suspend, freeze, or terminate your account. This is a common policy across many digital payment platforms and wallets, including PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Cash App, which all avoid facilitating transactions for high-risk businesses.
However, there are still viable options for high-risk merchants. Merchant services providers specialize in offering safe and flexible payment processing solutions tailored to high-risk businesses. These providers accommodate various payment methods, catering to the preferences of different customers, and typically do not freeze client accounts due to their capability to handle the demands of high-risk industries.
  1. You’ve Reached Transaction Limit
The transfer limits for Zelle vary depending on the bank and can range from $500 to $2,500 daily, with weekly limits varying from $1,000 to $5,000. Zelle limits the daily and weekly transfers and the amount per transaction over a month. When setting up your Zelle business account, it’s crucial to confirm these transaction limits with your financial institution to ensure smooth payment processes and to avoid any failed transactions.
Zelle will decline the transaction if you attempt to make a payment that exceeds these limits. In such cases, you must wait until the next limit period begins to make further transfers. For example, if you reach your daily limit of $500, you must wait until the following day to initiate any additional transfers.
What if the Payment is Deducted But the Transaction is ‘Failed’?
What if the Payment is Deducted But the Transaction is ‘Failed’?
If your Zelle payment failed but money taken, the funds have been debited from your account, checking the payment status is important. If the status shows as “pending,” it could mean that the recipient hasn’t yet signed up with Zelle. They should receive a notification with instructions on enrolling, and once they do, the funds will be transferred to their account.
Suppose the funds have been taken from your account, and the transaction failed for reasons other than enrollment issues. According to your bank’s policies, your account will automatically be credited within 3-5 working days since Zelle acts merely as an intermediary. It’s advisable to inform both your bank and Zelle’s customer support about the issue and wait for at least five working days from the transaction date. Check your bank statement after this period to confirm the reversal.
Dealing with Zelle payment failures can be frustrating, especially when you have time-sensitive transactions. However, understanding the reasons behind these failures is the first step toward resolving them effectively. Whether the cause is incorrect contact information, insufficient funds, technical issues, account status, merchant classification, or transaction limits, practical solutions are available to help fix the problem.
Users can mitigate the risk of failed transactions by verifying recipient details, ensuring adequate funds, addressing technical glitches, checking account status, exploring alternative payment solutions for high-risk merchants, and staying within transaction limits.
In addition, it’s recommended to communicate promptly with both the receiver and Zelle’s customer support in case of any issues, to speed up problem resolution and ensure a hassle-free payment experience. By being diligent and aware of these possible drawbacks, users can make use of Zelle’s payment platform for seamless and efficient online transactions.
What should I do if my Zelle payment fails but the funds have been deducted from my account?
If the payment is pending, it may be because the recipient isn’t enrolled with Zelle. Contact your bank or Zelle’s customer support for resolution.
How can I prevent Zelle payment failures?
Ensure stable internet connectivity, verify recipient information, and check your account balance against transaction limits to prevent failures.
What are Zelle’s transaction limits?
Zelle’s limits vary by bank, ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 weekly and monthly limits from $4,000 to $20,000. Check with your bank for specific limits.
How long does it take to receive money with Zelle?
Zelle transactions typically occur within minutes for enrolled users, but timing may vary based on the recipient’s bank processing speed.
submitted by Useful-Schedule-2619 to u/Useful-Schedule-2619 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:03 Lazy_Equipment9484 I think my father get scamed? Life savings down the drain?

Hello my english is solo self lern from web so sorry for grama/miss spelling. Im also complete noob in terms of my knowledge of cryto just have some overral understanding and what i was able to educate myself from those past 2days.
TLDR on the bottom.
So my father was searching for some investing opportunitis and come across pulse investments ( the site looks scammy can't find information about it on the internet and those key word looks way to good to be true) Make account and then get some personal assistant(scamer) loaded the account with around 7k$ and get acces to trading platform they use. The asistant basically trade for him, just tell him what to do he follow and they bring the account to i think 11-13k$ i think it took like 1-1.5month(i dont think any of this is real and its a scam from the begining). Then the real opportunity arrives arbitrage trading you know you can't lose on it... but its good only with bigger account... So they start that and they imiddietly get good resoults and he get convinced to load the account with more, those oportunity dont come often so he did with i think around 9k$(also i think he took loan for this...) they make the account to almost 70k$(more then he ever has, he was raising me and my sister alone from very early) and then he wanted to withdraw to pay the loan and get the initial investment back so he will be left only with the "profit" for futher investments.
The asistent say to him there will be big tax to pay(19%) but theres a way to avoid it with cryptocurrency. Basicaly when you trade on legitime trading platform you need to pay 19% from wining im my country, but any crypto currency is not yet regulated so its free from tax atm. So instead geting the money directly to his bank account from this scam trading platform he get convinced to make Metamask wallet and he will get pay with cryptocurrency and then they can convert this to fiat currency avoiding tax. And he may have some overall idea what crypto are but he didint educate himself enought. So they sent him those ~70k$ in tokens that they tell him is Tether USDT his accoun addres 0xb67D725052638cB88F5D5333160C6cc6BC659A30. He did receive 69546 tokens that are named USDT but they looks to me like they are personal tokens that are just named this way and have 0$ market value, token addres 0x56f19562f2f25b4f9bd61f2e8319528c2a3ea6bb
After receiving those tokens he did get email from MetaMask support (whih its not posible from my research MetaMask never ask of your email unles you contact theirs via chat and want to submit ticket, i checked this making my own metamask account and chating with assistent from MetaMask on their site and confirmed this to be true) that hiss account is blocked due to receiving bigger than the average amount of money and they need to check from what resource he get it they afraid of money landry, gambling, human trafik etc... and this need veryfication and he need to veryficate his MetaMask account to. ( And again from my research MetaMask is decentralized platform on web3 that will never ask for veryfication?) But he ofcourse can unblock hiss account if he send 2.33ETH on his own account confirming he has acces to this kind of money on regular basic, but he has only 3days to do so or the account is blocked to futher veryfication. He did tell the whole story to hiss assistant from that scam trading platform he tell him that it might happen and if they dont send that 2.33ETH that account might be blocked for long time and they might pay tax if MetaMask send info to authoritis. So he take a loan around 9-10k$ for that 2.33ETH to unblock MetaMask(ofc it never ben blocked but he didint thought of even trying if he can send those tokens somewhere, or he did try but diding know you need some eth on your account to pay gas fee for transfering tokens) and his assistant help him send the money but they were sending from fiat currency to ETH so they overshot and send 2**.**3519 ETH insted of 2.33 u can se it on eth scan transaction from 05.29 10:07 and this eth was transfered 8min later to unknow addres that token he received is either malicious contract or his PC must be compromised i guess ? I did check the contract on revoke and his adress dont have any aprovals confirmed but i also read that malicious contract need approfal forr all other curreny but not for eth is that true?
Then he get another email saying that he send to much of eth and theyirs bot didint detect it and they cant unblock it manually only the bot can do that but he will need to send another 2.33ETH but id need to be exactly that ( like you even can transfer exact number when you converting from fiat and transfering from 1platfor to another i think thats not posible right? theres to many variables to do that) He did get also another email from "fca"(Financial Conduct Authority) that his account is under veryfication and he need to send more informations including of his id photos for his account to go from normal account to licensed account and ofc he didint check the email adres and send all the info and id photos on the whim...
Btw i might mention that my dad did invest his money for like 15/20years but he was doing it on normal legitime platforms just normal stock platforms, never ask for money to invest anythink never take a loan to invest in anythink, and from what i know he was on small + around the same as inflation so it was better than the money layin on the bank account. So i thought he knows his way around the internet and trading market and will not get scamed but it sems he break all the rules in the book.
And thats when i get a calll from my dad that he need to borrow 9k$ he did say he win some money but his account was blocked because they send all the money in one go instead of small amounts, then he did try to unblock it by sending money but they send to much and he need to send another 2.33ETH. From the first time he tell he need to send money to unblock somethink i was worried because theres not even 1legitime firm that would do that, no one would simply use it. I jump into my car and go to him to se whats up with all of it he showed my that site and his metamask wallet and those emails. First thoughts the site promise things that way to good to be true for free. In email they say he need send minium of 2.33 not exactly thats another think, but i didint belife those emails from the start but was trying to explain to my father that it makes no sense and theres always a way to do somethink manually in financial sector not only with bots. Also the tokens he received on MetaMask wallet has no evaluation to $ that sems weird to me but dad say thats because the wallet is blocked. I did try to convert those tokens to anythink else or send them somewhere to se if that accound is actually blocked but didink know at that time you need some eth to cover gas cost. Did also check that he indid received that 2.35eth he send but his wallet showed no eth that also sems weird to me, even if account is blocked that eth should be on the wallet in the balance thats what i thought.
I did remember that you can check wallets in crypto so i did sit down and educate myself for some time and check his wallet adrres on ethscan and follow on that token adress he received and on the site that adres has poor reputation and is checked with spam and phising with big fucking red alert and from that on i started slowly realized what is hapening. Asked father to not send any money futher its all looking fucking sketchy as fuck. Did also checked that 2.35eth he send he didi receive it but it was send to some other adres like 7-8min after receiving it. I beg father to dont do anythink futher and go home and educate myself whats going on. What i figure out : I think that pulse-investment is a scam from the start and its all fiction he get scam from the begining there was no trading at all just some fake program imitating it. MetaMask don;t have your email adres so logically they can't send any to you, and theres only 1person know that dad received tokens at what day and at what time and thats his assistent so its phising email from that site. That token he received is some kind of personal token with 0value that is just named USDT(dad thought is Tether USDT) idk if its malicious token or not ? MetaMask is decentralized on web3 and will not ask you to verificate your wallet so his wallet indid is not blocked he just dont have eth for gas so it just sems he can't use it. I did send him some eth oh his wallet to prove him his wallet is not blocked and he send my some of his token and send himself on his KuCoin adres to, and it all go thru so i was right his wallet is not blocked and this is some fake token just with the same name. U can se this on ethscan its all those 1/2/2token transfers.
Idk what to do i think he slowly starts to realize what the fuck happened but still is disbelif(like sayin his email is integrated with chrome so thats how MetaMask know his adres...). Also i think im the only person knowin of this should i tell his wife and my sister i think they should know. But he did cover for me when i was teenager(self harm) and now it fills like i will betray him, but this will effect not only him but his wife to.
Also i think that money is all gone and theres almost 0% chances to recover it thru any legal actions, at least thats what i read its almost imposible especially that cryptocurrency.
Our actions should probably be report to police, he should block his all documents and make new one. Should close his other trading platform he send his info and where he have other accounts to speed up the verification proces thats what he was told in that fca email, can they make some mess in there? What else we should do.
TLDR Father looks up investments oportunitis finds pulse investments they "make" money fast on fake platform. Want to withdraw been told he can avoid tax with cryto, make MetaMask wallet been sent fake USDT token, then receive email hiss account is blocked send 2.33eth now to unblock it he did that, but it was not exact number. Then ask me to borrow and i get very suspicius form the start.
His Walet Adres 0xb67D725052638cB88F5D5333160C6cc6BC659A30 Token Adres 0x56f19562f2f25b4f9bd61f2e8319528c2a3ea6bb
I think he still don't belife he get scamed idk what to do
submitted by Lazy_Equipment9484 to CryptoScams [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:02 StockNews8975 Worried single mom

My 4 year old son is receiving child support. Sperm donor hasn’t asked for my son, spend time, or visited not a single time. I believe I’m baby mama #5 and my son is child #6. He does not spend time with 2 of his kids, 3 with my son. Recently, his excuse is “I’m disappointed with you, you tell people that he (our son) calls your dude “dad” and I didn’t want to disturb the peace”. Every time we argue, he blocks me from facebook and unblocks me then like 3 or 4 months later. His oldest daughter warned me when I was pregnant that her dad will not be in my baby’s life, but if he is, it be like once or twice a year and act like father of the year. I don’t want him in our lives. He’s never contacted me. He does have my phone number, email address or he can message me through facebook messenger. I want to move on and marry some day. But how can I have sperm donor sign off his parental rights? I’m not sure if he sign off or fight. I’m in Texas Btw.
submitted by StockNews8975 to singlemoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 Lazy_Equipment9484 I think my father get scamed? Life savings down the drain?

Hello my english is solo self lern from web so sorry for grama/miss spelling. Im also complete noob in terms of my knowledge of cryto just have some overral understanding and what i was able to educate myself from those past 2days.
TLDR on the bottom.
So my father was searching for some investing opportunitis and come across pulse investments ( the site looks scammy can't find information about it on the internet and those key word looks way to good to be true) Make account and then get some personal assistant(scamer) loaded the account with around 7k$ and get acces to trading platform they use. The asistant basically trade for him, just tell him what to do he follow and they bring the account to i think 11-13k$ i think it took like 1-1.5month(i dont think any of this is real and its a scam from the begining). Then the real opportunity arrives arbitrage trading you know you can't lose on it... but its good only with bigger account... So they start that and they imiddietly get good resoults and he get convinced to load the account with more, those oportunity dont come often so he did with i think around 9k$(also i think he took loan for this...) they make the account to almost 70k$(more then he ever has, he was raising me and my sister alone from very early) and then he wanted to withdraw to pay the loan and get the initial investment back so he will be left only with the "profit" for futher investments.
The asistent say to him there will be big tax to pay(19%) but theres a way to avoid it with cryptocurrency. Basicaly when you trade on legitime trading platform you need to pay 19% from wining im my country, but any crypto currency is not yet regulated so its free from tax atm. So instead geting the money directly to his bank account from this scam trading platform he get convinced to make Metamask wallet and he will get pay with cryptocurrency and then they can convert this to fiat currency avoiding tax. And he may have some overall idea what crypto are but he didint educate himself enought. So they sent him those ~70k$ in tokens that they tell him is Tether USDT his accoun addres 0xb67D725052638cB88F5D5333160C6cc6BC659A30. He did receive 69546 tokens that are named USDT but they looks to me like they are personal tokens that are just named this way and have 0$ market value, token addres 0x56f19562f2f25b4f9bd61f2e8319528c2a3ea6bb
After receiving those tokens he did get email from MetaMask support (whih its not posible from my research MetaMask never ask of your email unles you contact theirs via chat and want to submit ticket, i checked this making my own metamask account and chating with assistent from MetaMask on their site and confirmed this to be true) that hiss account is blocked due to receiving bigger than the average amount of money and they need to check from what resource he get it they afraid of money landry, gambling, human trafik etc... and this need veryfication and he need to veryficate his MetaMask account to. ( And again from my research MetaMask is decentralized platform on web3 that will never ask for veryfication?) But he ofcourse can unblock hiss account if he send 2.33ETH on his own account confirming he has acces to this kind of money on regular basic, but he has only 3days to do so or the account is blocked to futher veryfication. He did tell the whole story to hiss assistant from that scam trading platform he tell him that it might happen and if they dont send that 2.33ETH that account might be blocked for long time and they might pay tax if MetaMask send info to authoritis. So he take a loan around 9-10k$ for that 2.33ETH to unblock MetaMask(ofc it never ben blocked but he didint thought of even trying if he can send those tokens somewhere, or he did try but diding know you need some eth on your account to pay gas fee for transfering tokens) and his assistant help him send the money but they were sending from fiat currency to ETH so they overshot and send 2**.**3519 ETH insted of 2.33 u can se it on eth scan transaction from 05.29 10:07 and this eth was transfered 8min later to unknow addres that token he received is either malicious contract or his PC must be compromised i guess ? I did check the contract on revoke and his adress dont have any aprovals confirmed but i also read that malicious contract need approfal forr all other curreny but not for eth is that true?
Then he get another email saying that he send to much of eth and theyirs bot didint detect it and they cant unblock it manually only the bot can do that but he will need to send another 2.33ETH but id need to be exactly that ( like you even can transfer exact number when you converting from fiat and transfering from 1platfor to another i think thats not posible right? theres to many variables to do that) He did get also another email from "fca"(Financial Conduct Authority) that his account is under veryfication and he need to send more informations including of his id photos for his account to go from normal account to licensed account and ofc he didint check the email adres and send all the info and id photos on the whim...
Btw i might mention that my dad did invest his money for like 15/20years but he was doing it on normal legitime platforms just normal stock platforms, never ask for money to invest anythink never take a loan to invest in anythink, and from what i know he was on small + around the same as inflation so it was better than the money layin on the bank account. So i thought he knows his way around the internet and trading market and will not get scamed but it sems he break all the rules in the book.
And thats when i get a calll from my dad that he need to borrow 9k$ he did say he win some money but his account was blocked because they send all the money in one go instead of small amounts, then he did try to unblock it by sending money but they send to much and he need to send another 2.33ETH. From the first time he tell he need to send money to unblock somethink i was worried because theres not even 1legitime firm that would do that, no one would simply use it. I jump into my car and go to him to se whats up with all of it he showed my that site and his metamask wallet and those emails. First thoughts the site promise things that way to good to be true for free. In email they say he need send minium of 2.33 not exactly thats another think, but i didint belife those emails from the start but was trying to explain to my father that it makes no sense and theres always a way to do somethink manually in financial sector not only with bots. Also the tokens he received on MetaMask wallet has no evaluation to $ that sems weird to me but dad say thats because the wallet is blocked. I did try to convert those tokens to anythink else or send them somewhere to se if that accound is actually blocked but didink know at that time you need some eth to cover gas cost. Did also check that he indid received that 2.35eth he send but his wallet showed no eth that also sems weird to me, even if account is blocked that eth should be on the wallet in the balance thats what i thought.
I did remember that you can check wallets in crypto so i did sit down and educate myself for some time and check his wallet adrres on ethscan and follow on that token adress he received and on the site that adres has poor reputation and is checked with spam and phising with big fucking red alert and from that on i started slowly realized what is hapening. Asked father to not send any money futher its all looking fucking sketchy as fuck. Did also checked that 2.35eth he send he didi receive it but it was send to some other adres like 7-8min after receiving it. I beg father to dont do anythink futher and go home and educate myself whats going on. What i figure out : I think that pulse-investment is a scam from the start and its all fiction he get scam from the begining there was no trading at all just some fake program imitating it. MetaMask don;t have your email adres so logically they can't send any to you, and theres only 1person know that dad received tokens at what day and at what time and thats his assistent so its phising email from that site. That token he received is some kind of personal token with 0value that is just named USDT(dad thought is Tether USDT) idk if its malicious token or not ? MetaMask is decentralized on web3 and will not ask you to verificate your wallet so his wallet indid is not blocked he just dont have eth for gas so it just sems he can't use it. I did send him some eth oh his wallet to prove him his wallet is not blocked and he send my some of his token and send himself on his KuCoin adres to, and it all go thru so i was right his wallet is not blocked and this is some fake token just with the same name. U can se this on ethscan its all those 1/2/2token transfers.
Idk what to do i think he slowly starts to realize what the fuck happened but still is disbelif(like sayin his email is integrated with chrome so thats how MetaMask know his adres...). Also i think im the only person knowin of this should i tell his wife and my sister i think they should know. But he did cover for me when i was teenager(self harm) and now it fills like i will betray him, but this will effect not only him but his wife to.
Also i think that money is all gone and theres almost 0% chances to recover it thru any legal actions, at least thats what i read its almost imposible especially that cryptocurrency.
Our actions should probably be report to police, he should block his all documents and make new one. Should close his other trading platform he send his info and where he have other accounts to speed up the verification proces thats what he was told in that fca email, can they make some mess in there? What else we should do.
TLDR Father looks up investments oportunitis finds pulse investments they "make" money fast on fake platform. Want to withdraw been told he can avoid tax with cryto, make MetaMask wallet been sent fake USDT token, then receive email hiss account is blocked send 2.33eth now to unblock it he did that, but it was not exact number. Then ask me to borrow and i get very suspicius form the start.
His Walet Adres 0xb67D725052638cB88F5D5333160C6cc6BC659A30 Token Adres 0x56f19562f2f25b4f9bd61f2e8319528c2a3ea6bb
I think he still don't belife he get scamed idk what to do
submitted by Lazy_Equipment9484 to Metamask [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:51 ContributionLive3126 Unblocking people

Me and a friend have been blocked from playing with each other since the first time we tried playing with eachother months ago. We have both emailed asking for each other to be removed from the block list but have had zero response.
When the hell is an unblock button coming to the game I know so many people with issues due to how easy it is to accidentally block someone
submitted by ContributionLive3126 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:09 Ok-Accountant8637 Why Your Zelle Payment Failed

Zelle began as a popular payment platform to make quick transfers to friends and family; in the wake of P2P success, Zelle business accounts have become equally useful for instant, no-free transfers between customers, businesses, and vendors. However, many users have reported that their Zelle payment failed at some point since they started using the service.
If this happens to you, there’s no need to panic. Zelle payments may fail for many reasons, and easy fixes are usually available. In this guide, we’ll look at possible reasons your Zelle payment failed and how to rectify each situation. We’ll also shed light on possible repercussions of payment failures and offer guidance on recovering funds when they disappear despite a transaction failure.
Top 6 Reasons Why Your Zelle Payment Failed & How to Fix It
A red X above the front and back of a pink credit card after a Zelle payment failed.
Failed payments are frustrating, especially when action from the recipient is dependent on the receipt of your payment, as can be the case with P2P (Peer-to-Peer) payments. For instance, suppliers often won’t release stock until they receive a payment from you, and some contractors won’t start work until they receive a deposit. This can present a setback in stock availability or delay projects.
In some cases, securing a property, booking travel, or securing a seat at a conference is subject to receipt of a payment. If your payment fails, you may risk losing out to someone else who snatched the last available spot.
The first step to fixing a failed Zelle payment is understanding why your (or your customer’s) payment didn’t go through. Here are six of the most common reasons for failed Zelle payments—and what to do if they happen to you.
  1. Technical Problems and Glitches
As with any tech-driven solution, glitches and other technical issues can cause Zelle payments to fail. These issues might include server downtime, Zelle app bugs, or device or internet connection problems.
Server Downtime
The Zelle app depends on internal company servers to maintain communication between network banks. If Zelle servers are experiencing downtime, there’s usually nothing you can do except wait until Zelle resolves the issue on their side. You can check websites like DownDetector to see if there are any known outages.
Server downtime generally doesn’t last too long, as Zelle understands the impact these issues can have on its clients and reputation. Zelle thus aims to minimize server problems and sort out issues ASAP.
Application Bugs
If you’re using the Zelle app on your mobile device and experiencing payment failures due to a buggy application, try updating the Zelle app. On an Android device, open the Google Play Store, search for “Zelle,” and tap on it to open the app page. If updates are available for download, you’ll see an option to do so.
On an iOS device, launch the App Store. Tap on your profile picture, scroll down to “Available Updates,” and look for Zelle. Tap the “Update” button if available.
Device or Internet Issues
Sometimes, payment failures result from issues with your device or internet connection. Ensure your device has a stable internet connection, and try restarting it to troubleshoot any temporary glitches. Additionally, clearing your browser cache and cookies can sometimes resolve issues if you are accessing your bank profile in a web browser.
  1. Closed or Suspended Recipient Bank Account
The reason your Zelle payment failed could also be due to a problem on the recipient’s end. Zelle will decline your payment if the recipient’s account has been blocked.
In this case, the recipient must restore their account to receive payments from anyone. They will usually need to contact Zelle support directly to address the issue. If they enrolled through their bank’s app, they may also need to contact their banking institution to get the account unblocked.
Once Zelle (or the bank) reinstates their account, try making the payment again. It should be successful this time round.
  1. Incorrect Recipient Contact Information
Even if it’s just one incorrect digit or character, wrong recipient contact information arises as a frequent cause of digital payment failure. If your Zelle failed payment, check with the recipient to ensure you have the correct details.
Sending someone a payment request from Zelle is an easy way to ensure that the paying party uses the correct information. By issuing a payment request from the recipient’s side, the sender has to respond by authorizing the payment—instead of entering their details from scratch.
Zelle will decline the payment if you send a payment to an email address or mobile number that does not exist. However, if you send a payment to an incorrect mobile number or email address registered with Zelle, you will send money to the wrong person. As part of the user policy, Zelle will not reverse or refund payment once you have authorized it.
Always confirm that you have accurate recipient details. After successfully making the first payment, save the recipient in your profile to have the correct information for future payments.
New Recipients
If you are sending a payment to a new recipient, such as a supplier who recently signed up for Zelle, verify they are enrolled with the service beforehand. With US Bank, for instance, a purple “Z” will appear below the recipient’s name if they are registered with Zelle. This way, you’ll know you have the correct details.
A person holding their card next to an oversized phone, realizing their Zelle failed payment.
If the recipient is not registered with Zelle, they will get a notice after you pay. The notice will provide instructions on how to register and access the funds. They will need to do so with the mobile number or email address you sent the money to; if they don’t register within 14 days, Zelle will return the funds to you.
  1. Insufficient Funds
If you try to pay with insufficient funds in your linked bank account, the payment won’t go through. You will receive an automated error message; the notification will usually explain the reason for payment failure.
In this case, the fix is pretty straightforward. You must transfer more money into your Zelle-linked bank account to ensure enough funds are available. Once you have done so, try again.
  1. You Have a High-Risk Business
Zelle prohibits using its services for certain business types, often classified as high-risk businesses. This includes the sale of firearms and related products, pharmaceuticals, sexually oriented materials, gambling, cryptocurrency, and pyramid schemes, among others.
Zelle will suspend, freeze, or terminate your account if you are suspected of using the service for any prohibited industry activities—even if your business is legitimate. Most digital payment platforms and wallets, including Venmo, PayPal, Cash App, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, prohibit high-risk business transactions; however, all is not lost.
A merchant services provider can help find safe and convenient payment processing solutions for even the most high-risk merchants. They offer multiple payment methods, allowing your customers to pay in a way that suits them, and they won’t freeze client accounts since they’re equipped to deal with high-risk industries.
  1. You’ve Reached Your Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Transfer Limit
Every bank in Zelle’s network sets limits on the maximum amount of funds you can transfer. Limits vary by bank and can apply to daily, weekly, and monthly transactions. When registering your Zelle business account, it’s important to confirm transaction limits with your financial institution—and plan payments accordingly to avoid payment failures.
Zelle will decline the transactions if you try to make any payments over the transfer limit. In this case, you’ll have to wait until a new limit period starts. For instance, if your daily limit is $500 and you have already reached this amount, you’ll have to wait until the next day to complete any further transfers.
What to Do if Your Zelle Payment Failed But the Money’s Gone
If your Zelle payment failed but money was taken from your account, check the payment status. If the payment is “pending,” it means the recipient has not yet enrolled with Zelle. They will, however, receive a notification with instructions. As soon as they complete their registration, they will receive the funds.
On the other hand, if the payment status says “completed” but the recipient did not receive the money, contact your bank or Zelle ASAP. They can investigate the issue and determine the reason for failure if it is not automatically returned.
Before contacting your bank, ensure that you have used the correct sender details and have not exceeded your payment limits. Zelle payments are irreversible and cannot be canceled or refunded if you make an error. Furthermore, Zelle does not offer purchase protection.
Given these caveats, Zelle may not be the best payment method for transactions in which you’re not entirely sure of the receiver’s safety or legitimacy. Consider using a credit card instead when purchasing supplies or services from new vendors—this way, you will at least have some purchase protection.
Payment Methods for Success Beyond Zelle
Whether it’s a frustrated customer, delayed arrival of stock, or overdue wages, failed payments can cause many complications and have numerous knock-on effects. Although Zelle offers free and fast transactions, its limitations can make it less than suitable as the primary payment method for a growing business. Its lack of versatility and business integrations makes it time-consuming for business owners to manage their finances and offers little payment flexibility or security.
submitted by Ok-Accountant8637 to u/Ok-Accountant8637 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:49 Country-Genius 140 days NC and … finally … I got the hoover

Almost five months on now since I broke up with her and went NC because I realized there was no other alternative for my mental and emotional health.
I was discarded three times over six months last year and the discards became nastier each time with the last one pushing me right to the brink of a breakdown. Still, I went back she hoovered. Sadly, I loved this woman more than words. But, when the cycle was repeating yet again, I found the strength to leave.
It was the correct move, the only rational one. But I’ll be honest. There were times I wished, even prayed, for the hoover. Hoping for a letter in the mailbox or on my doorstep. An email from some unblocked address, a text from another number. Realization, awareness, true regret. The lottery we’ve all hoped to hit in one way or another. Such thoughts are unhealthy. But love is love. Even when you fucking well know better.
Two days ago it happened. A text from a number I didn’t know - she’s blocked everywhere. She has had a traumatizing event in her family and wanted to tell me. Said I don’t need to respond but told me how sad she is.
Of course it was about her. No apology, no asking how I’ve been. Just emotional disregulation and a desperate attempt to vampire me to prop herself back up. I know better this time.
I cried for a minute. Went to my therapy and talked it out. I’m handling it. It’s harder than it should be. I still love her. But she is poison. I can’t. I won’t.
submitted by Country-Genius to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:55 hyperglhf desperately need to hear other personal stories on toxic families not accepting your hellenism

long story short, brother's family is extremely Christian, I went to them several times over 2-3 years on how to handle their young daughter's growing questions on my faith, or other things, like vegetarianism, or why "some guys dress like girls." answering these questions with simple, kid appropriate responses, like "some people are different" or "not everyone believes in the same God," etc., has, over time, cause my brother & SIL to berate me & make me feel awful, it's led to episodes (I have mental illness), sleepless nights, nightmares, they've gaslit me so many times. i've said things I regret to them too, basically it's all around just been a decaying relationship with them, & i've struggled for half a year now on cutting my brother off, completely.
i'll block him, then a month later unblock him. i'll block him after a week or two, then my mom says it would mean so much to her if i at least didn't block him, to have the communication lines open. the hardest part about all of this is that i do believe, at least my brother, genuinely does love me. it's mainly his religion, & my SIL, that has over time, become more & more strict. they've told me I'm not allowed to wear any religious items to their house, or answer any religious questions. i asked him if this may change in 10+ years, he said no. they are telling me what I can say and wear, for the Gods' sake! i only have inner peace completely when I block my brother, knowing i'm truly leaving behind this toxicity. but then i feel bad, what if he reaches out to me? i want to make my mom happy more than anything, so why not leave communication with my brother open, but just delete his number, maybe? technically even if i blocked him he could reach out somehow, email or discord, etc. it all just hurts so much, just because i worship Athena & Zeus & the Theoi, i've been treated so badly, but also not 100% intentionally, by people i love so much.
i really need to hear that i'm not the only one. i need to hear personal stories from you guys if that's okay, i want to hear how you guys dealt with these situations, maybe friends or family, what did you do? did you block them completely? how long has it been? did you find inner peace? what Gods (other than Athena & Aphrodite) can help me get through this? did you send them a last lettetext explaining why you're cutting them off?
tl:dr; brother [33m] & SIL [32f] is extremely christian & toxic, tell me [35m] what I can wear & say, i feel better if I block them completely, but wonder if i'm overdoing it, but they love me & invite me over still
submitted by hyperglhf to Hellenism [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:56 hardyrz My account got closed

Today I got this email after several weeks trying to unblock my account.
Thank you for reaching back to us. We understand that you are asking how you can transfer your funds to another account. We're sorry for the confusion regarding this matter. We truly appreciate your time and effort regarding this matter. Allow us to provide clarity on this one and help you sort this out.
We understand that you had a previous account with Coinbase that is now closed, and your account’s funds have been reported and delivered to the State of Wyoming as unclaimed property.
The reason your account was sent to the State of Wyoming is because you established your account with Coinbase Kenya Ascending Markets, Ltd., which shut down. Coinbase made multiple attempts to contact you at your verified email address to inform you of the closure, requesting that you transfer your account to an external wallet. Unfortunately, we did not receive a response from you, and as a result, your account was transferred to our affiliate, Crypto Services, Inc. The crypto assets in your account were liquidated, and the resulting funds, in US Dollars, were reported and delivered to the State of Wyoming.
To reclaim your property, you will need to contact Wyoming's Unclaimed Property Division directly by following the steps outlined in our Help Center:
For any inquiries or concerns, it's recommended you contact the Wyoming Unclaimed Property Division directly, as Coinbase cannot provide further support regarding the funds.
We regret to lose you as a customer, and we understand that this situation may be disappointing. At the moment, we may not be able to offer any services related to your closed account, however, we’re constantly working towards expanding our offerings and improving our services. We hope to have the opportunity to serve you again in the future. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding regarding this process.
I've had my account since 2017 and I have nothing to do with Kenya or the State of Wyoming. I'm really concerned about what could have gone wrong.
Please help!
submitted by hardyrz to CoinBase [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:22 SilentWanderer02 Microsoft Teams Calling in and out blocked with "We couldn't complete the call. Please contact your admin." I am the admin, and support isn't helping.

Microsoft Teams Calling in and out blocked with
On a relatively new (3 weeks old) tenant, set up cleanly, with paid subscriptions and proper, correct licensing for Teams Calling, PSTN calling has been working fine since implementation.
But last night I received multiple emails stating "Skype for Business all users blocked for PSTN calling - We have detected what may be fraudulent calling activity for one or more of your Skype for Business users. In order to prevent financial risk to you and your business we have disabled calling and/or conferencing services for all users:"
I got an email for each user, AND an email stating that ALL users were blocked.
This is a brand new tenant in Teams-only mode, SkypeForBusiness doesn't even show up in the tenant. There is no "Reports->Skype for Business->ANYTHING" option in the M365 Admin Center.
Entra Admin Center shows NO logins or unknown activity for any of the users (all of which are protected with 2FA and authenticators). The Teams Admin Center Usage Report shows only two calls made in the past 24 hours - both were test calls from me to my cell testing out call forwarding. The Teams Admin Center Blocked Users Report is broken and crashing.
I tried to test with the self-help diagnostics. Interestingly, the diagnostic fails saying there is no number assigned to the user:
Except that there is. In the assigned numbers screen, everything shows up properly and correctly.
The emails state: "If you determine the call(s) were not fraudulent, please: Contact Microsoft Support. A customer support agent will assist you in unblocking the user’s calling and/or conferencing capabilities."
The problem is that the support engineers I'm getting are on the other side of the planet, with an accent very different than mine. They can barely understand me and I can barely hear them. Worse: they kept attempting to debug using Get-CsUser - which is a fully-deprecated and no-longer-working cmdlet, and then basically gave up, saying they would "escalate it to their back office."
I've had no updates since.
Does anyone know why this happened or how to fix it? No fraudulent logins, no compromised accounts, no strange calls, no nothing... and yet the entire tenant is blocked? I've gone through most of the PowerShell cmdlets I can think of, compared them against a working tenant, and they're all identical - yet both incoming and outgoing PSTN calling remains blocked.
Can anyone help me either fix this, or teach me how to get past the front-line support at Microsoft to someone who knows how to unblock this?
My users are already looking at Google Voice... ugh...
submitted by SilentWanderer02 to MicrosoftTeams [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:26 jcomylosaurus Is he worth meeting MY Son?

15 years ago, it was my first day of training at a BPO along Ayala Ave. I was late that time so when I went inside the traing room, all of them are looking at me and it's really embarassing. I saw this guy, chinito and moreno and there's no other seat available aside sa tabi nya. Since I have no choice, I have to seat beside him. Pasimple ako sumusulyap sa kanya. He's cute, makapal kilay, matangos ilong, medyo dark ang lips and I was thinking, Ah! Smoker to. But he smell good. Parang fresh from the shower ang scent.
I can say i'm an ambivert. "Tahimik lang sa umpisa". But he is an introvert. I can tell it kahit one week pa lang ang training namen kasi he only talks to me using his notebook. Yes, we "talk" pero sulat sa notebook ang means of communication namen. I'm a funny girl kaya siguro ako ang trip lang nya kausap sa wave namen. Maybe he's being careful din coz he has a girlfriend that time. Different account but same company.
So long story short, naging close kame. Then one night, break namen, he asked me na samahan sya magyosi sa labas. Since crush ko sya, I said, "okay". He then confessed to me that he likes me. I was shocked not because he confessed his feelings. I was shocked because he asked me if we can be in a relationship since he felt din na I like him. I know it's mali pero nanaig ang pagiging malandi and I said YES.
Months passed and we're happy. I introduced him to my friends and family. Then, I found out I was pregrant. I thought delayed lang because of PCOS but we consulted with an OB Gyne and it really is positive. He cried and told me na he's not yet ready to be a father. I was devastated but I accepted it because I love him. He was still in a relationship with his original girlfriend that time and everytime magkakasalubong kame, it really hurts! Fuckin hurts!
He then told me his plans of working in Singapore. Dami nyang plans. Good thing is kasama "daw" kame ng anak nya sa plano nya. He wants to work there para makapag ipon for our future. I was so happy that time. He also told me na he broke up with his girlfriend.
First few months, we're okay. Although may Facebook na that time, he prefers daw na we communicate via email na lang kasi di pa daw sya nakakabili ng phone and naniwala naman ako. But I was wrong.
I don't know but maybe women's intuition. I know something is not right. I can feel it. Then I stalked his "ex girlfriend's" account and that's when I saw his picture... with his girlfriend... in Singapore... and they looked happy. Bakat din ang cellphone sa bulsa ng pants nya. That's when I realized everything.. na kaya pala gusto nya via email lang kame mag contact kasi constant din ang pagpunta ng girlfriend nya sa SG. Na siguro kaya ayaw nya ibigay un phone number kasi he knows na I will call or text him all the time. I don't care if mahal ang magagastos sa call and text. I was so mad that I sent him an email and asking him to choose between me and his girlfriend. My emotions were high that time and nakapag salita ako ng masasakit sa kanya. I even cursed him. He replied and told me to give him time to think. I said okay. 3 days passed and he said mag log in sa google chat so we can talk. He did not answer my question kung sino mas matimbang. But I won't forget what he told me. Na "Pag nagtanong na yun bata kung nasaan ako, ang sabihin mo patay na ako". He then logged out after that. At never na nagparamdam at all.
My son is already 13 years old and I can say we are doing okay. We are surviving with the help of my parents kahit walang sustento ang sperm donor nya. I can buy him things na gusto nya. We go on vacation once in a while, we eat sa mga gusto nya kainan. And my mama heart is happy as long as we are together. By the way, I also found out that my ex got married in 2017 with a different girl.
Last year, I received a random message sa messenger asking how I was doing. The name seems off so I blocked it right away. Malay ko ba kung ang kasunod na message is mangungutang. Then 2 weeks ago, my brother videocalled me and asked me when was the last time na nakausap ko ang Ex ko. I told him, sobrang tagal na. He fowarded me screenshots of messages from my ex. Asking my brother kung kamusta na kame ng anak ko. I froze, grabe kabog ng dibdib ko. Bigla ako napaisip, ano meron? Bat nagmemessage to? Akala ko ba patay na sya? Bat nabuhay?
Then I suddenly remembered, this is the same account who messaged me last year na nablock ko agad. I unblocked him and replied to his message. "Ano gusto mo pag usapan?" He replied after 2 days and just said na he wants to know kamusta na kame. And I was like, WHY??? BAKET KELANGAN MO MALAMAN KUNG KAMUSTA NA KAME? I have so many questions pero I tried so hard na maging civil ang usapan namen. Kaso he triggers me. Na the way he talks to me is parang kasalanan ko lahat ng nangyari. Gusto ko sya murahin. Gusto ko sabihin na hindi sya biktima. Kung meron mang biktima dito, yun anak ko yun.
We talked for almost 5 hours and most of our conversation that time is puro sumbatan. I can't help it. He left me, he broke me and he married someone else kahit nag promise sya kay Mama na he'll be back. And his purpose for reaching out is because he wants to meet my Son. He wants his family to meet him. But why now? Why is that no one from his family tried reaching out to me? It's been 13 years. I was crying because it pains me. Bumalik lahat ng galit, ng sakit, ng trauma. He left me kasi duwag sya. I loved him... I cared for him... Pero puro sakit sa damdamin ang kapalit. Now I'm confused if he is worth meeting my son. Our son. I know he has the right, because he is the biological father. But it's also my right to protect my Son kung sakali na iwan sya ulit. Ayoko maranasan nya un sakit na naransan ko nun iniwan ako ng Ama nya. Pero ayoko din alisin ang karapatan ng anak ko na makilala nya ang tatay nya....
submitted by jcomylosaurus to pinoy [link] [comments]