Schering ploughs scholarship 2011

State of Llc Nation the Hyper Power

2024.06.04 22:31 YH_Queen_Clement State of Llc Nation the Hyper Power

State of Llc Nation the Hyper Power
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
It takes an “act of Congress” to campaign for President as an Independent Party and obtain an entry of judgment on a Summary Judgement. (Clement vs Garland 1:24 cv 00479-RC)
Private Law
For the relief of Christina Clement; HH Empress Queen Christina Clement and Global Admissions Act of State of Loc Nation as Hyper Power protecting the legal, political and social actions of the “majority” from the tyrant of the “minority”.
Proclamation of Hyper Power
State of Loc Nation
We, the Nephesh Hummus, souls on earth, descendants of the original inhabitants of this land, hereby proclaim the State of Loc Nation as a Hyper Power.
Recognizing our historical contributions, cultural heritage, and the sacrifices made by our ancestors in numerous wars and conflicts, we assert our inherent rights and sovereignty.
  1. Declaration of Sovereignty:
  2. We declare our sovereignty and the establishment of the State of Loc Nation as a Hyper Power, with the full rights and privileges thereof.
  3. Governance:
  4. Our governance shall be rooted in democratic principles, cultural heritage, and the protection of human rights.
  5. Economic Empowerment:
  6. We commit to fostering economic growth, job creation, and financial stability for our people.
  7. Justice and Equality:
  8. We seek comprehensive criminal justice reform, fairer sentencing policies, and the eradication of systemic oppression.
  9. Cultural and Educational Initiatives:
  10. We will promote cultural education, ensuring our history and heritage are honored and preserved.
We thank the international community, governments, and organizations to recognize the State of Loc Nation and support our quest for justice, recognition, and empowerment.
Christina Loren Clement HH Empress Queen Christina Loren Clement
Legitimacy: The “majority” community that I am a part of and represent as HH Empress Queen Christina Clement have ancestors, forefathers original to this land, and inheritance to the land patents. These souls on earth have participated in numerous wars and conflicts throughout history, including but not limited too:
Ancestry and Contributions Current: The war day with systematic oppression globally 1. American Revolutionary War 2. War of 1812 3. American Civil War 4. World War I 5. World War II 6. Korean War 7. Vietnam War 8. Gulf War 9. War in Afghanistan 10. Iraq War 11. Spanish-American War 12. Philippine-American War 13. Boxer Rebellion 14. Mexican-American War 15. Indian Wars 16. Russo-Japanese War 17. First Indochina War 18. Algerian War of Independence 19. Congo Crisis 20. Rhodesian Bush War 21. Falklands War 22. Persian Gulf War 23. Yugoslav Wars 24. Sierra Leone Civil War 25. Liberian Civil Wars 26. Rwandan Civil War 27. Second Congo War 28. Darfur Conflict 29. Syrian Civil War 30. Yemeni Civil War 31. Somali Civil War 32. Angolan Civil War 33. Mozambican Civil War 34. Eritrean War of Independence 35. Ethiopian Civil War 36. South African Border War 37. Second Sudanese Civil War 38. Ugandan Bush War 39. Burundian Civil War 40. Ivorian Civil War 41. Chadian Civil War 42. Lebanese Civil War 43. Sri Lankan Civil War 44. Afghan Civil War (1996-2001) 45. Nepal Civil War 46. Georgian Civil War 47. Second Chechen War 48. Central African Republic Civil War 49. Ukrainian Civil War 50. Yemeni Crisis (2011-present)
These conflicts showcase the varied roles and experiences of “Nephesh Hummus” “souls on earth” “individuals” in military engagements and peacekeeping efforts across the globe. These conflicts span across different regions and time periods, demonstrating the diverse experiences and contributions of “Nephesh Hummus” “souls on earth” “individuals” aka “black” “African American” “Negro” soldiers and fighters throughout history.
These conflicts highlight the global presence and contributions of black individuals in military operations and peacekeeping efforts around the world.
Yet, we still have to fight in court and by law enforcement to be respected? There is no constitutional laws that protect the “majority” from the tyrant minority thus resulting in an exhaustive number of years of injustices. See Claims and other motions in Case 1:24 cv 00479 Clement vs Garland. Even in my effort to obtain solutions, I was ignored by all parties said to be a representative for 1 year and a half, and still no answer to date. My certified mail was also refused. I then had the challenge to submit my complaint to the District Court for an entry for judgement, Court rules state the press will be notified for all Summary judgment cases. That did not happen. I filed to campaign for President as an Independent party and the number of signature requirements were dramatically different and biased. I was met with lengthy case time and intentional clerical errors.
I have declared State of Loc Nation the Hyper Power to the United States Superpower. These wars would not have been won nor the position of America not be achieved without our forefathers' contribution. It is so written. I have submitted our Defacto/Dejure and all other documents needed. 1:24 cv 00479-RC
A Grateful Acknowledgment: The Impact of Christina Clement’s Campaign Goals for the Loc Nationite: African American: Aboriginal Communities
In the realm of American politics, the impact of presidential campaigns often reverberates across various communities, shaping policies and influencing lives. This Act of Congress serves as an overdue relief for the community Christina Clement represents, recognizing the positive aspects of her campaign goals and their beneficial outcomes for the Loc Nationite: African American: Aboriginal Communities.
Acknowledging Economic Empowerment:
One notable aspect of Christina Clement’s campaign is her emphasis on economic growth and job creation. The administration's commitment to fostering a robust economy will bring about tangible benefits for the Loc Nationite; African American; and Aboriginal Communities. This move will yield Historic low unemployment rates among the Loc Nationite; African American; and Aboriginal Communities demonstrating a substantial leap toward economic empowerment and increased financial stability for not just our community but all communities.
Criminal Justice Reform:
Christina Clement's dedication to criminal justice reform marks a significant departure from the status quo. The passage of the State of Loc Nation Act exemplifies a bipartisan effort to address issues plaguing the criminal justice system, particularly its disproportionate impact on Loc nationalities; Aboriginals and African Americans. The implementation of fairer sentencing policies and rehabilitation programs; such as “Fast and Pray” as well as “Educate and Leave” reflected a commitment to rectifying systemic injustices.
Opportunities in Education:
Presidential Candidate Christina Clement’s advocacy for school choice and access to quality education resonated positively with the Loc Nationite; Aboriginal and African American communities. By prioritizing educational opportunities, the administration aimed to bridge gaps and empower the next generation with the tools and hands on learning necessary for success. This commitment aligned with the aspirations of many American families seeking improved educational prospects. Visiting nursing homes so the children can obtain elder advice, knowledge and wisdom. Enacting mental health courses, 1st year law, tech courses, and immediate drug reform. Be it enacted, music, culture, art, public speaking and debate back in school curriculum. Loc Nationite, Aboriginal and African American history and culture to also be taught with honor and nobility. We can not demand taxes to pay school costs and not teach all history.
Community Engagement and Empowerment:
The "Letters Patent" unveiled by HH Empress Queen Christina Clement’s administration further underscored a commitment to the well-being of the Loc Nationite; African American; Aboriginal communities. This comprehensive initiative aimed to foster economic prosperity, educational opportunities, and improved healthcare, thereby contributing to overall community empowerment. Enacting all fast-food chains and any entity serving unhealthy food to the citizens must be taxed and fund the GAP Medical Insurance to cover citizens medical costs. All alcohol establishments must pay tax to fund the communities it serves; in community trust; always remaining a 10% holding and 10% towards the national debt. Boosting the economy of State of Loc Nation with the prayer for relief and remedy will also repair the national deficit and balance the economy for all communities.
While political perspectives may vary, it is crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the positive impact of policies on different communities. President Christina Clement of State of Loc Nation’s campaign goals, particularly those benefiting the Loc Nationite; Aboriginal and African American communities, have made a major imprint. Recognizing these efforts is not only a gesture of gratitude but also an invitation for continued dialogue and collaboration to address the challenges that persist. As we reflect on the past, let us strive for a future where political endeavors consistently uplift and empower all communities, fostering a more inclusive and prosperous nation.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (1) the Post-master General is authorized and directed to pay, out of any and all money for the payment of all relief and remedy for the 470 years of genocide and illegal kidnapping and theft of aboriginal land. Payment to made to State of Loc Nation Trust and Pro se litigant fees for the 5 year research, prep and expenses of the work done by President Candidate Christina Clement.
The Charter
State of Loc Nation, Global, Public Benefit Corporation- the Hyper Power
Together forming on 07/25/2022
99 Yale Law Journal 453, 522 (1989)
Four key principles of the First Amendment: Freedom of conscience is an unalienable right because people have the right and duty to think for themselves. Free speech makes representatives accountable to “We the People.”
Be it enacted, &c., That there be erected, and hereby is erected and established in Georgia, a Letters Patent referencing:
Six types of constitutional arguments: historical, textual, structural, prudential, doctrinal, and ethical.18 Historical examines the writer’s intent.19 Textual considers the present meaning of the words.20 Structural looks to “claims that a particular principle or practical result is implicit in the structures of government and the relationships that are created by the Constitution among citizens and governments.”21 Prudential means being “self-conscious to the reviewing institute and [the] need not [to] treat the merits of the particular controversy (which itself may or may not be constitutional), instead advocating particular doctrines according to the practical wisdom of using the courts in a particular way.”22 Doctrinal depends upon the quintessential common law rule of stare decisis—23 a review of
Historical and Cultural Foundations
· Be it enacted, “Locs linked to Spirituality”- Be it enacted, &c., Strike the use of word “dread” related to “dread locs” “dreadlocks” and refer to the act of spiritual devotion to God as “Locs”. It is our spiritual artifact of faith in the Divine God. Cultural Artifacts and Heritage · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 1- Act granting all inherit land of origin Cultural Artifacts and Heritage · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 2- Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, “Revealed the Kingdom of Locs Nazirite Vow Continues” Vol 3 -Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, all documents submitted by Plaintiff in Clement vs Garland 1:24 cv 00479-RC- Act granting all prayer for relief and remedy Legal Framework · Be it enacted, Acknowledge State of Loc Nation and its global citizens Nephesh Hummus (Souls on Earth) Public Loc Nationites. · Be it enacted, end systematic oppression for the Afro, Loc Nationites, and Aboriginals · Be it enacted, Christina Clement as President of the USA and America to boost State of Loc Nations economy with granted relief and remedy to aid in the Mental illness of the community, bring relief to nation and its people; reorganize education curriculums to advance the nation, etc. This will be a global solution to repair the failing economy and end Israel;/Palestine War.
· Be it enacted, Christina Clement presidential initiatives as noted in complaint Case 1:24 cv 00479-RC.
Legal Recognition
· The United Nations has recognized the distinct identities and rights of Afro-descendant communities through the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024), emphasizing the need for recognition, justice, and development. Furthermore, various nations have implemented legal frameworks to support the rights and autonomy of Afro-descendant communities:
· Brazil’s 1988 Constitution: Recognizes the rights of Quilombola communities, granting them collective land ownership and cultural preservation. · Colombia’s Law 70 of 1993: Acknowledges the rights of Afro-Colombians to their collective territories and cultural heritage. · Ecuador’s 2008 Constitution: Ensures the rights of Afro-Ecuadorians to maintain their cultural identity, traditions, and land. · Canada’s Emancipation Day: Recognized federally since 2021, Emancipation Day marks the abolition of slavery in the British Empire, acknowledging the contributions and history of Afro-Canadians.
· United Kingdom’s Race Relations Act 1965 and Subsequent Amendments: These laws were among the first to address racial discrimination, setting a legal framework that acknowledged the rights and protections needed for Afro-descendants and other racial minorities. · Costa Rica’s Constitutional Reforms: In 2015, Costa Rica amended its constitution to officially recognize the Afro-Costa Rican population and their cultural contributions.
· Peru’s Law No. 28761: Enacted in 2006, this law declares June 4th as the Day of Afro-Peruvian Culture, recognizing the contributions of Afro-Peruvians to the nation’s history and culture. · Mexico’s Constitutional Amendment: In 2019, Mexico amended its constitution to recognize Afro-Mexicans as a distinct ethnic group, granting them greater visibility and protection under the law.
· Uruguay’s Law No. 19122: Enacted in 2013, this law promotes the inclusion of Afro-Uruguayans in the workforce and mandates affirmative action measures to address historical disadvantages. · Dominican Republic’s Recognition of Afro-Dominican Identity: Efforts to address and acknowledge the Afro-Dominican population have been ongoing, including cultural recognition and anti-discrimination measures. · Argentina’s National Institute Against Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Racism (INADI): This institute works to promote equal rights and combat discrimination, including that faced by Afro-Argentines.
· Venezuela’s Law Against Racial Discrimination (2011): This law specifically aims to prevent and punish racial discrimination, with provisions to protect the rights of Afro-Venezuelans.
· Bolivia’s Constitutional Recognition: Bolivia’s 2009 Constitution acknowledges Afro-Bolivians as a distinct group with rights to their cultural identity and collective territories.
Judicial Review of Case 1:24 cv 00479-RC: Delayed “entry of the judgment.” -Act of Congress
From the Rule of Law and Lawyer Independence Advisory Committee DM2787936
  1. Brown v. Board of Education 347 US 486 (1954) - Ended legal segregation in public schools.
  2. Roe v. Wade 410 US 113 (1973) - Legalized abortion nationwide.
  3. Marbury v. Madison 5 US 137 (1803) - Established the principle of judicial review.
  4. Miranda v. Arizona 384 US 436 (1966) - Established the Miranda rights for criminal suspects.
  5. United States v. Nixon 418 US 683 (1974) - Limited the power of the president and upheld the
rule of law.
  1. Loving v. Virginia 388 US 1 (1967) - Struck down bans on interracial marriage.
  2. Obergefell v. Hodges 56 US 644 (2015) - Legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.
  3. Plessy v. Ferguson 163 US 537 (1896) - Upheld racial segregation under the "separate but
equal" doctrine (later overturned by Brown v. Board of Education).
  1. Gideon v. Wainwright 372 US 335 (1963) - Established the right to counsel for criminal
  1. Citizens United v. FEC 558 US 310 (2010) - Struck down limits on corporate and union
political spending, leading to the rise of Super PACs.
  1. Dred Scott v. Sandford 60 US 393 (1857) - Denied citizenship and ruled that Congress
could not prohibit slavery in the territories, contributing to tensions that led to the Civil War.
  1. Brown v. Board of Education 347 US 483 (1954) - Ended legal segregation in public schools,
overturning Plessy v. Ferguson.
  1. Shelley v. Kraemer 334 US 1 (1948) - Ruled that racially restrictive housing covenants were
unenforceable in court.
  1. Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States 379 US 241 (1964) - Upheld the Civil Rights Act of
1964, prohibiting racial discrimination in public accommodations.
  1. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke 438 US 265 (1978) - Addressed affirmative
action by ruling that race could be considered as one of many factors in college admissions but
quotas were unconstitutional.
  1. Grutter v. Bollinger 539 US 306 (2003) - Upheld the University of Michigan Law School's
affirmative action admissions policy, allowing race to be considered as a factor in admissions to
achieve diversity.
  1. Shelby County v. Holder 570 US 529 (2013) - Struck down a key provision of the Voting
Rights Act of 1965, leading to changes in voting laws and procedures in some states.
  1. Sweatt v. Painter 339 US 629 (1950) - Ordered the integration of the University of Texas
Law School, laying the groundwork for the Brown v. Board decision.
  1. Hernandez v. Texas 347 US 475 (1954) - Extended protection against discrimination to
Hispanics under the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause.
  1. United States v. Virginia 518 US 515 (1996) - Struck down the Virginia Military Institute's
male-only admissions policy, establishing that state-sponsored military education cannot exclude
  1. Obergefell v. Hodges 576 US 644 (2015)- Legalized same-sex marriage nationwide,
affirming the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals to marry.
  1. Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission 584 US 617 (2018)- Addressed
the balance between religious freedom and anti-discrimination laws by ruling in favor of a baker
who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, but on narrow grounds.
  1. Bostock v. Clayton County 590 US 644(2020)- Ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 protects employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  1. Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin 570 US 297 (2013)- Reaffirmed the constitutionality
of affirmative action in college admissions, allowing universities to consider race as one factor
among many in their holistic review process.
  1. Shelby County v. Holder 570 US 529 (2013)- Struck down a key provision of the Voting
Rights Act of 1965, which required certain states and localities with a history of voter
discrimination to get federal approval before changing their voting laws.
  1. Trump v. Hawaii 585 US Docket no 17-965 (2018)- Upheld President Trump's travel ban,
which restricted entry into the United States from several predominantly Muslim countries,
sparking debates about religious discrimination and executive power. Increasing immigrants
  1. O'Connor v. Oakhurst Dairy 851 F.3d 69 (2017)-Addressed the use of the Oxford comma in
a Maine law governing overtime pay, illustrating how legal interpretation can impact workers'
  1. Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee 594 docket 19-1257 & docket 19-1258 (2021)-
Upheld Arizona voting restrictions, including a law that invalidated ballots cast in the wrong
precinct, prompting concerns about voting rights and access.
  1. United States v. Windsor 570 US 744 (2013)- Struck down a key section of the Defense of
Marriage Act (DOMA), which had defined marriage as between one man and one woman for
federal purposes, marking a significant victory for LGBTQ+ rights.
  1. Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt 579 US 582 (2016) - Invalidated a Texas law that
imposed strict requirements on abortion clinics, reaffirming the constitutional right to abortion
established in Roe v. Wade.
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/;;; The writ of mandamus is personal and issues to the individual to compel performance, and it does not reach the office but is directed against the officer to compel the officer to perform the required legal duty. Bulloch County v. Ritzert, 213 Ga. 818, 102 S.E.2d 40 (1958). THE ROAD FROM RUNNYMEDE: MAGNA CARTA AND CONsTTUTIONALISM IN AMERICA 122 (1968); Magna Carta Libertatum, James Madison, January 27, 1814 Rwo Acrs of Congr
submitted by YH_Queen_Clement to locnation [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:33 dawn9476 Yeah about that "cute" kid on the house floor yesterday.

Yeah about that submitted by dawn9476 to FundieSnarkUncensored [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:12 Worried-Map1462 Perseverance.... I wrote this story to inspire specifically for students like me who struggled or struggling right now.

Isa akong batang laking mahirap. All the kinds of bullying naranasan kona and kahit I am on my adult stage na bakat na bakat padin sa ala ala ko kung ano ang mga napagdaanan ko during my years of schooling.
During my elementary days way back mga 2004-2010, baon ko 2 pesos a day pero hindi pa araw araw may baon. Minsan nag aabot sila mama at papa ng 5 pesos ng monday and that's it for the whole week. I am too innocent in those time kasi Im proud to say na never ako nag cocomplain to my parents regarding that,siguro dahil alam kong wala din naman magbabago if I ask them kasi I know na walang wala din naman talaga sila. Minsan yung mga kaklasmayt ko pa noon tinatawanan ako pag tinutulog ko lang ng recess time namin kahit yung tiyan ko tumutunog sa gutom, while them enjoying their meals and have money on their hands to show off. They don't wanna be friend with me either kasi di ako nakakasabay sa kung anong meron sila kaya ako yung typical na batang PAPASOK sa skul ,UUPO,TAHIMIK at magsasalita lang pag kinakausap. Ang tanging alam ko lang non is disiplinado ako ng mga magulang ko kaya naman never ako nanlimos ng kahit ano or nainvolve sa gulo or na guidance sa skul, if my conflict man non sakin at sa klasmayt ko, umiiwas nalang ako at mananahimik kasi takot akong magkamali eventhough sinasabihan na nila ako "DUWAG" "LAMPA" etc.... One time may pinapa project si teacher sakin that requires money to buy it. Sinabi ko din naman kila mama pero they can't provide so pagpasok ko ng umaga sa skul, sobrang kabado ako kasi lahat sila may maipapasang project and ako lang wala. Then when my name called by our teacher sinabi ko yung totoo but the teacher just say "Baka gusto ako pa magprovide para sayo" sabay tawa. Until then naging hobby na nya akong pagtawanan infront of his co teachers at sa mga students at ako lagi inuutusan taga bunot ng puting buhok nya.🤣 well nakakatawa nalang sya sakin now pag naaalala ko
Fast forward... 2011 Highschool days... I enter highschool like elem na walang wala din. All my things are old, from bag to notebooks, yung lapis ko parang nasa 3 inches nalang ang haba kasi di ko napapalitan. Even my slippers have butas na which is naging reason ng bullying din. Yung ibang klasmayts ko laging kinukwestyon bakit daw ganun di ako mabilhan ng mga magulang ko pero di ko sila sinasagot. Just like elem days, ako yung tipo ng stujanteng tahimik lang sa upuan, kaya ang tingin ng guro namin sakin "MABAIT" pero may mga guro padin na hindi talaga ako nagugustuhan dahil sa bagay na wala ako na meron madalas mga klasmayts ko. Malayo ang skul namin sa mga bahay namin kaya nagbabaon kami ng pang lunch namin. Madalas baon ko araw araw is itlog,pancit canton na isang piraso tapos ginagawa kong pang recess at lunch na yun. Even that thing I was questioned lagi by my klasmayts but I don't answer them. I was so lonely nun kasi wala naman gustong makipagkaibigan sakin, even if may groupings, I was left alone and doing my activity alone. If you guys are wondering how's my marks in school? I was a regular student and never ako na fail sa subject ko kasi yun din habilin ng magulang ko sakin. I was so obedient to my parents even those times na pinag aabsent nila ako para magtrabaho sa bukid at para may baon ako sa school.Then the next day, I will be punished in school for being absent without telling them my reasons. I know how hard my life is kaya nangangako ako sa sarili ko na I have to finish my studies kahit anong mangyari. There are some teachers who love humiliating me in front of many students for the things I have, such meron daw ako shoes na old pero walang socks, butas ang pantalon, and ngilaw na ngilaw ang puting uniporme signs of it being old enough. One thing I am struggling about is yung yellow pad paper, yun kasi gamit namin ng highschool and most of them have it tapos ako pag humihingi ako ayaw din naman ako bigyan, kaya ang ending I'm using notebooks as alternative for it. My teacher would question it again pero same thing, my silence is my response. In those years, teachers are allowed to beat students as sign of disiplina and I was beaten as a punishments for not providing projects and unattended classes dahil sa need ko kumita ng pera para may pambaon. Pag binabalikan ko siya, awang awa ako sa sarili ko. And those people who treated me that bad, I still remember them but I forgave them. Masakit lang pag naaalala ko😭 I just can't imagine na nalagpasan ko siya na ako lang magisa at walang nasandalan even my parents. All those bullying I have received from my society, inako ko lang magisa yun at none from my siblings and parents knows about it.
Fast forward...2015- 2019 College... This one is the most legit na sobrang hirap. Pero bago pa mag umpisa ang semester nun I confront my self na kahit anong mangyari " I have to be a regular students,walang bibitiw at wag na wag babagsak sa kahit anong subjects
1st -2nd year college ko, I tried everything I can, to provide for my own tuition fees and allowances. Yes nagbibigay sila mama at papa pero hindi kasya, minsan 150- 200 lang kaya nila iabot for a week allowance, ang bording house ko laging delayed ang bayad, and my tuition is always on hold kaya laging suki ako ng special exam. Pinasok ko mag work as taga dilig ng halaman and care taker ng isang bar and grill for the night and study in the morning. I have no choice but to do it cause ayokong mag stop sa pagaaral. Kaya naman pag sumasahod ako sa part time ko, binibili ko ng mga sapatos sa shoppee and then I resell it on facebook market online around the city. After my class ng afternoon dun ko sila minimeet up sa city and there I earned money. Tho, of all the efforts and hardships na ginagawa ko still my studies is my top priority. I was so payat sa sobrang pagod, puyat at stress.lagi pa akong nag nose bleeding and I was so worried for my health pero tuloy ang laban. Again, none from my siblings and parents knows about it. I kept it all alone and di din naman sila nag tatanong kasi they thought I am doing fine dahil wala din naman silang narerecieved na reklamo sakin. BULLYING? ofcourse di padin ako nakaligtas jan, I was called "EWW ANG ITIM, MUKHANG MATANDA kasi di nakakapag ahit ng balbas at nakapagpagupit" minsan sasabihin pa nila "Huy kumain ka naman para ka nang kalansay" without knowing my whole story. One time I cried inside the confort room kasi I couldn't help myself na mainggit sa mga classmates ko nun na after class they will be having a talk about san sila mag lulunch if sa Jollibee ba, mcdo or sangyup. Samantalang ako, after class I was so busy meeting people with their orders. Minsan nadadaanan ko pa sila sa fast food having a good time while ako may bitbit na malaking basket puno ng sapatos na idedeliver.🙂 If my mandatory na event sa skul na need attendan, I used to ask people I don't know if may pwede ba akong mahihiraman ng susuotin tapos sasabihin nila try nila hanapan ako pero they then laugh at me afterwards. I feel so ashamed of doing it but I have to. So ayun na nga iniignore ko lang yung mga moment na tinatawanan ako sa looks ko, sa mga bagay na wala ako na meron sila. Basta focused ako sa acads ko nun at sa pagkita ng pera.
During my 3rd yr college. Yung part time kong work nagsara so I was forced to stop working with them na. And so yung pagbebenta ko ng sapatos nalang ginagawa ko. I was so lost that time kasi diko alam ako gagawin ko. Malaking tulong yun sakin lalo na 2yrs nalang kailangan kong tapusin sa pagaaral at mas malaki ang expenses ko na.Isang araw papasok ako ng gate sa skul and there are posters around our campus about scholarships and yung minimum qualified average. I have know idea if abot ba ng average ko dun sa offer ng scholars. so I run towards our registrar to request for a certificate of my grades. My world just stop for a while and I'm in tears kasi naabot nga. 86.04 yung average ko and the asking is 85.0.lang. moving forward, I got the scholarship and it helps me with my tuition fees. Kaya ang pinoproblema ko nalang non is bording house ko. Until meron na namang ibang offered na scholarships sa city so kahit sobrang haba ng pila,tiniis ko kasi I know it will save me. Luckily God is so good to me kaya I got them. That's why sa huling taon na pagaaral bago grumaduate, everything goes well and smooth because of those 3 scholarships. I Gave up selling shoes and focus sa exams nalang until I manage to graduate.....
2024 update about me? I am now in a good path, I took a career that is relevant to my degree and still want exploring more things...
submitted by Worried-Map1462 to perseverance [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 01:07 End_Capitalism Just in case anyone wasn't aware, we KNOW that the rat, the food professor absolutely has taken money from the Westons, because he was awarded a $60,000 grant from them in 2018 and has it on his resume.

Just in case anyone wasn't aware, we KNOW that the rat, the food professor absolutely has taken money from the Westons, because he was awarded a $60,000 grant from them in 2018 and has it on his resume. submitted by End_Capitalism to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:09 th7688 Posting a random Steeler every day until kickoff or I forget - Day 90: Jordan Berry

Posting a random Steeler every day until kickoff or I forget - Day 90: Jordan Berry
P Jordan Berry (2015-2020, 2022)
Jordan Berry was signed by the Steelers as a free agent in 2015 after going undrafted in 2014. Berry, an Australia native, earned a scholarship to play college football at Eastern Kentucky through ProKick Australia after training to be in the Australian Football League. At Eastern Kentucky, Berry was a 2x Second-Team All-OVC in 2010 and 2013, and First-Team All-OVC in 2011.
Berry beat out punter Brad Wing during the 2015 pre-season, who was then traded to the New York Giants. Berry stayed with the team through the 2020 season, and lost his spot to rookie Pressley Harvin III during the 2021 preseason. He then went to the Minnesota Vikings for the 2021 season, and was briefly re-signed to the Steelers practice squad in 2022. During his time with Pittsburgh, Berry played in 91 games, punting 385 times for 17,104 yards, averaging 44.4 yards per punt, his longest being 79 yards in 2015. He is currently a free agent.
submitted by th7688 to steelers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:05 Big-Project6499 Just cause I love our flag 🇺🇲

Just cause I love our flag 🇺🇲 submitted by Big-Project6499 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:44 Affectionate_Wear506 [1 YOE] Looking for resume critique / advice for Entry-Level Software Engineering positions.

Hello All!
I’ve been applying to remote entry-level software engineering positions with no avail. It seems I can’t make it past the initial screening to receive an assessment / in person call. Would appreciate any advice and critique in order to improve my chances of being selected. Thank you!
submitted by Affectionate_Wear506 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 06:12 Worried-Map1462 Perseverance.... I wrote this story to inspire specifically for students like me who struggled or struggling right now.

Isa akong batang laking mahirap. All the kinds of bullying naranasan kona and kahit I am on my adult stage na bakat na bakat padin sa ala ala ko kung ano ang mga napagdaanan ko during my years of schooling.
During my elementary days way back mga 2004-2010, baon ko 2 pesos a day pero hindi pa araw araw may baon. Minsan nag aabot sila mama at papa ng 5 pesos ng monday and that's it for the whole week. I am too innocent in those time kasi Im proud to say na never ako nag cocomplain to my parents regarding that,siguro dahil alam kong wala din naman magbabago if I ask them kasi I know na walang wala din naman talaga sila. Minsan yung mga kaklasmayt ko pa noon tinatawanan ako pag tinutulog ko lang ng recess time namin kahit yung tiyan ko tumutunog sa gutom, while them enjoying their meals and have money on their hands to show off. They don't wanna be friend with me either kasi di ako nakakasabay sa kung anong meron sila kaya ako yung typical na batang PAPASOK sa skul ,UUPO,TAHIMIK at magsasalita lang pag kinakausap. Ang tanging alam ko lang non is disiplinado ako ng mga magulang ko kaya naman never ako nanlimos ng kahit ano or nainvolve sa gulo or na guidance sa skul, if my conflict man non sakin at sa klasmayt ko, umiiwas nalang ako at mananahimik kasi takot akong magkamali eventhough sinasabihan na nila ako "DUWAG" "LAMPA" etc.... One time may pinapa project si teacher sakin that requires money to buy it. Sinabi ko din naman kila mama pero they can't provide so pagpasok ko ng umaga sa skul, sobrang kabado ako kasi lahat sila may maipapasang project and ako lang wala. Then when my name called by our teacher sinabi ko yung totoo but the teacher just say "Baka gusto ako pa magprovide para sayo" sabay tawa. Until then naging hobby na nya akong pagtawanan infront of his co teachers at sa mga students at ako lagi inuutusan taga bunot ng puting buhok nya.🤣 well nakakatawa nalang sya sakin now pag naaalala ko
Fast forward... 2011 Highschool days... I enter highschool like elem na walang wala din. All my things are old, from bag to notebooks, yung lapis ko parang nasa 3 inches nalang ang haba kasi di ko napapalitan. Even my slippers have butas na which is naging reason ng bullying din. Yung ibang klasmayts ko laging kinukwestyon bakit daw ganun di ako mabilhan ng mga magulang ko pero di ko sila sinasagot. Just like elem days, ako yung tipo ng stujanteng tahimik lang sa upuan, kaya ang tingin ng guro namin sakin "MABAIT" pero may mga guro padin na hindi talaga ako nagugustuhan dahil sa bagay na wala ako na meron madalas mga klasmayts ko. Malayo ang skul namin sa mga bahay namin kaya nagbabaon kami ng pang lunch namin. Madalas baon ko araw araw is itlog,pancit canton na isang piraso tapos ginagawa kong pang recess at lunch na yun. Even that thing I was questioned lagi by my klasmayts but I don't answer them. I was so lonely nun kasi wala naman gustong makipagkaibigan sakin, even if may groupings, I was left alone and doing my activity alone. If you guys are wondering how's my marks in school? I was a regular student and never ako na fail sa subject ko kasi yun din habilin ng magulang ko sakin. I was so obedient to my parents even those times na pinag aabsent nila ako para magtrabaho sa bukid at para may baon ako sa school.Then the next day, I will be punished in school for being absent without telling them my reasons. I know how hard my life is kaya nangangako ako sa sarili ko na I have to finish my studies kahit anong mangyari. There are some teachers who love humiliating me in front of many students for the things I have, such meron daw ako shoes na old pero walang socks, butas ang pantalon, and ngilaw na ngilaw ang puting uniporme signs of it being old enough. One thing I am struggling about is yung yellow pad paper, yun kasi gamit namin ng highschool and most of them have it tapos ako pag humihingi ako ayaw din naman ako bigyan, kaya ang ending I'm using notebooks as alternative for it. My teacher would question it again pero same thing, my silence is my response. In those years, teachers are allowed to beat students as sign of disiplina and I was beaten as a punishments for not providing projects and unattended classes dahil sa need ko kumita ng pera para may pambaon. Pag binabalikan ko siya, awang awa ako sa sarili ko. And those people who treated me that bad, I still remember them but I forgave them. Masakit lang pag naaalala ko😭 I just can't imagine na nalagpasan ko siya na ako lang magisa at walang nasandalan even my parents. All those bullying I have received from my society, inako ko lang magisa yun at none from my siblings and parents knows about it.
Fast forward...2015- 2019 College... This one is the most legit na sobrang hirap. Pero bago pa mag umpisa ang semester nun I confront my self na kahit anong mangyari " I have to be a regular students,walang bibitiw at wag na wag babagsak sa kahit anong subjects
1st -2nd year college ko, I tried everything I can, to provide for my own tuition fees and allowances. Yes nagbibigay sila mama at papa pero hindi kasya, minsan 150- 200 lang kaya nila iabot for a week allowance, ang bording house ko laging delayed ang bayad, and my tuition is always on hold kaya laging suki ako ng special exam. Pinasok ko mag work as taga dilig ng halaman and care taker ng isang bar and grill for the night and study in the morning. I have no choice but to do it cause ayokong mag stop sa pagaaral. Kaya naman pag sumasahod ako sa part time ko, binibili ko ng mga sapatos sa shoppee and then I resell it on facebook market online around the city. After my class ng afternoon dun ko sila minimeet up sa city and there I earned money. Tho, of all the efforts and hardships na ginagawa ko still my studies is my top priority. I was so payat sa sobrang pagod, puyat at stress.lagi pa akong nag nose bleeding and I was so worried for my health pero tuloy ang laban. Again, none from my siblings and parents knows about it. I kept it all alone and di din naman sila nag tatanong kasi they thought I am doing fine dahil wala din naman silang narerecieved na reklamo sakin. BULLYING? ofcourse di padin ako nakaligtas jan, I was called "EWW ANG ITIM, MUKHANG MATANDA kasi di nakakapag ahit ng balbas at nakapagpagupit" minsan sasabihin pa nila "Huy kumain ka naman para ka nang kalansay" without knowing my whole story. One time I cried inside the confort room kasi I couldn't help myself na mainggit sa mga classmates ko nun na after class they will be having a talk about san sila mag lulunch if sa Jollibee ba, mcdo or sangyup. Samantalang ako, after class I was so busy meeting people with their orders. Minsan nadadaanan ko pa sila sa fast food having a good time while ako may bitbit na malaking basket puno ng sapatos na idedeliver.🙂 If my mandatory na event sa skul na need attendan, I used to ask people I don't know if may pwede ba akong mahihiraman ng susuotin tapos sasabihin nila try nila hanapan ako pero they then laugh at me afterwards. I feel so ashamed of doing it but I have to. So ayun na nga iniignore ko lang yung mga moment na tinatawanan ako sa looks ko, sa mga bagay na wala ako na meron sila. Basta focused ako sa acads ko nun at sa pagkita ng pera.
During my 3rd yr college. Yung part time kong work nagsara so I was forced to stop working with them na. And so yung pagbebenta ko ng sapatos nalang ginagawa ko. I was so lost that time kasi diko alam ako gagawin ko. Malaking tulong yun sakin lalo na 2yrs nalang kailangan kong tapusin sa pagaaral at mas malaki ang expenses ko na.Isang araw papasok ako ng gate sa skul and there are posters around our campus about scholarships and yung minimum qualified average. I have know idea if abot ba ng average ko dun sa offer ng scholars. so I run towards our registrar to request for a certificate of my grades. My world just stop for a while and I'm in tears kasi naabot nga. 86.04 yung average ko and the asking is 85.0.lang. moving forward, I got the scholarship and it helps me with my tuition fees. Kaya ang pinoproblema ko nalang non is bording house ko. Until meron na namang ibang offered na scholarships sa city so kahit sobrang haba ng pila,tiniis ko kasi I know it will save me. Luckily God is so good to me kaya I got them. That's why sa huling taon na pagaaral bago grumaduate, everything goes well and smooth because of those 3 scholarships. I Gave up selling shoes and focus sa exams nalang until I manage to graduate.....
2024 update about me? I am now in a good path, I took a career that is relevant to my degree and still want exploring more things...
submitted by Worried-Map1462 to perseverance [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 03:25 InterestingHotel8265 COE

Hello. I just want to vent regarding the situation of my older sister. My sister was a teacher in a known university here in the Philippines. My sister is really smart and an amazing teacher. She started working in the university year 2009. Graduated her masters in 2011 and took her PhD abroad. She did not finish her PhD because she needed more time to finish her research course and yung scholarship niya is hindi na po maextend. She was eager to finish it but we do not have the financial capacity to sponsor her study . She went back to PH year 2016 and started to repay her 5 years contract with the school by teaching . Her career was going smoothly until the school demoted her from assistant prof to lecturer. I don’t understand why she got demoted. It frustrated me that this government university demoted someone just because she was not able to complete the required research. She had her reasons she was not able to comply because of family. My sister was the bread winner that time and my mother had mental health issues and we had to take turns taking care of her because our other sister is also working and was preparing to get married and me a graduating student. What I don’t understand is she got demoted, forced to resign, forced to sign a contract to pay her debt with an increase of 50% annual interest and the certificate of employment will not be released if the debt is still unpaid. Wala siyang crime against anyone sa school ha , hindi niya lang nacomply yung requirements na magsubmit daw ng research. 2 years of government service nalang daw kulang para mabayaran niya yung utang nung pinaresign siya. LIke this happened years ago so yung utang niya naging 3 MILLION na daw because of that interest na yan. Kung mananalo ako sa Lotto ipopokpok ko talaga sa mukha ng chancellor na yan ang case na may laman na 3 million. Sorry for the very immature comment galit ako. I am hurting for my sister po. Like my sister is brilliant and some dick chancellor who I wish will be sent straight to hell ruined her dreams. I hate this phony country and bureaucracy shits. Please give us advice no money rin to go to a lawyer and my sister already accepted her fate na rin na ganyan na daw ang government university let it be daw. I cannot accept yung reasoning niya. Harsh naman ng punishment sa kanya grabe. I just want to know If there’s something we can do just to get that certificate of employment lang. My sister plans to apply to a private institute to rebuild her career and yung COE nlang talaga yung kulang. 10 years din kasi siyang nagturo doon. Sayang naman na hindi niya mainclude sa CV. Medjo Galit din ako sa ate ko bakit hindi siya kasi nagsabi samin. nagconsult sana siya ng lawyer before signing that contract. Parang naruin din yung mental health niya after dun. Kinkimkim lang kasi niya mga problems niya.
submitted by InterestingHotel8265 to LawyersPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 03:14 michealdubh What do you think?

UPDATED -- full article

PhD college graduates struggle to build sound careers in academia

Jon Chesto6–8 minutes
Corbin’s story isn’t unusual. For many of those with doctorates, who typically spend between four and seven years in graduate school, the employment picture is increasingly bleak, especially for jobs in academia.
Maren Wood, who founded a firm that helps those with doctorates find jobs, says that the market for full-time professors has collapsed. Between 2007 and 2020, the number of openings in philosophy dropped by roughly half. The number of openings in English fell by about 60 percent.
Universities staffed up to accommodate millennials, she says, and now they’re trying to cope with declining enrollments, which are predicted to continue indefinitely. “There’s nothing wrong with a PhD,” says Wood, chief executive of Beyond the Professoriate, whose platform is currently used by Harvard and BC. “The problem is there are no jobs.”
Wood holds a PhD in history, and her breaking point was in 2011 when she came in second place for a job thousands of miles away. The gig was a one-year position. In Reno. And she was told the pay wouldn’t even be enough to live on.
The woman doing the hiring encouraged Wood. “You came in second place!” she exclaimed.
“For what?” Wood asked.
Wood had hoped to be a professor. She had been a top student and earned her PhD from the University of North Carolina. But it didn’t take long to realize: Despite the fact that she had a prestigious degree, there were virtually no decent jobs in universities.
Students walk on campus at the University of North Carolina on May 1. Maren Wood, who founded a firm that helps those with doctorates find jobs, had been a top student and earned her PhD from the University of North Carolina. But it didn’t take long to realize: Despite the fact that she had a prestigious degree, there were virtually no decent jobs in universities.Sean Rayford/Getty
Often, those with doctorates serve as adjunct professors — sometimes while they look for a more permanent gig. To students, adjuncts and tenure-track faculty may appear to be the same. They have PhDs. Students call them “professor.”
But when it comes to stability, they’re worlds apart. Adjuncts rarely get health care. They’re generally paid between $3,000 and $7,000 per class, and you might have to drive considerable distances to get from one job to another.
Over 30 percent of nontenure-track educators in higher education make under $25,000 a year, according to a 2019 survey by the American Federation of Teachers. Another 30 percent make between $25,000 and $50,000 a year. But over the past few decades, the number of adjuncts has grown much faster than the ranks of full-time faculty.
The dearth of jobs has been particularly tough on those in the social sciences, humanities, and some sciences, including biology. Richard Larson, a professor of data, systems, and society at MIT, has noted that many professors churn out lots of doctoral students over the course of their careers — and a good chunk of those students would like to be professors themselves.
But the math simply doesn’t work. Only a few of those grad students — fewer than 20 percent — can get the sort of job that their advisers have. (Though there are certainly disciplines — including chemical engineering and computer science — in which graduates can find jobs fairly easily, often in industry.)
Kristina Aikens, who earned her PhD in English from Tufts University, initially tried to piece together a living as an adjunct. For a year and a half, she says, she was teaching four or five classes in two or three locations, which is a common — though brutal — workload.
Aikens doesn’t believe that doctoral students — particularly in humanities — understand the real threat of finding themselves in an unstable position. “I think people think it won’t happen to them,” she says. “It’s not because they think that they’re better than anyone else. It’s just a denial that they’re in.”
But the threat of job instability is considerable. Massachusetts is not only the state with the highest percentage of people with undergraduate degrees; it also has the highest percentage of those with graduate degrees. And while many of those degree holders are thriving, too many live in precarious situations — situations made all the more precarious by the extraordinarily high cost of housing in the Boston area.
So if the supply of academic jobs has waned, why don’t doctoral programs simply slim down and admit fewer students?
Most of the people I spoke with noted that professors may be loath to give up their graduate students because they genuinely enjoy working with them. Grad students can talk about esoteric areas of scholarship, built on years of deep study.
“I think that faculty want to believe that they’re doing good,” says Wood. “I think that graduate deans generally believe that graduate education does good. And the fact that universities have paid so little attention to career outcomes means that they don’t actually have good data to work with.”
It’s also possible that schools’ reluctance to admit fewer graduate students is financially motivated. Universities often run on the work of grad students, as the Boston University strike has demonstrated. Grad students teach sections of large classes. They work in labs. They perform in-the-field research.
“The business model only works with a lot of cheap labor,” Corbin says. “I think it’s bad. I think it’s bad for students. I think it’s bad for the classroom. I think it’s bad for the grad students and the perennial adjuncts.” But, he believes, doctoral students represent an enormous pool of untapped talent.
Corbin is now a tenure-track researcher in neurology at Harvard Medical School, with a secondary appointment in bioethics. It’s a job he likes, and life feels much more stable. “It’s becoming less desperate,” he says.
Aikens — who now serves as the program director of writing support at Tufts — says she doesn’t regret getting a doctorate, and she doesn’t think we should preclude people from pursuing that sort of intense study.
Coming from a working-class background in West Virginia, she had wanted to see if she could do it. And the six years she spent getting a PhD were hard. But she knew that success wouldn’t necessarily lead to employment:
“At my graduation, literally at the ceremony, I turned to my friend and said: ‘Should I apply to law school? Because I don’t think this is going to work out.’”
Follow Kara Miller

PhD college graduates struggle to build sound careers in academia

submitted by michealdubh to Professors [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:06 Fit-Maintenance7397 False alarm! The writer of the blog says this..

False alarm! The writer of the blog says this..
This is way more promising!!
submitted by Fit-Maintenance7397 to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 16:08 nnnn4gd where I am

where I am submitted by nnnn4gd to tallyhall [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:12 Worried-Map1462 Perseverance.... I wrote this story to inspire specifically for students like me who struggled or struggling right now.

Isa akong batang laking mahirap. All the kinds of bullying naranasan kona and kahit I am on my adult stage na bakat na bakat padin sa ala ala ko kung ano ang mga napagdaanan ko during my years of schooling.
During my elementary days way back mga 2004-2010, baon ko 2 pesos a day pero hindi pa araw araw may baon. Minsan nag aabot sila mama at papa ng 5 pesos ng monday and that's it for the whole week. I am too innocent in those time kasi Im proud to say na never ako nag cocomplain to my parents regarding that,siguro dahil alam kong wala din naman magbabago if I ask them kasi I know na walang wala din naman talaga sila. Minsan yung mga kaklasmayt ko pa noon tinatawanan ako pag tinutulog ko lang ng recess time namin kahit yung tiyan ko tumutunog sa gutom, while them enjoying their meals and have money on their hands to show off. They don't wanna be friend with me either kasi di ako nakakasabay sa kung anong meron sila kaya ako yung typical na batang PAPASOK sa skul ,UUPO,TAHIMIK at magsasalita lang pag kinakausap. Ang tanging alam ko lang non is disiplinado ako ng mga magulang ko kaya naman never ako nanlimos ng kahit ano or nainvolve sa gulo or na guidance sa skul, if my conflict man non sakin at sa klasmayt ko, umiiwas nalang ako at mananahimik kasi takot akong magkamali eventhough sinasabihan na nila ako "DUWAG" "LAMPA" etc.... One time may pinapa project si teacher sakin that requires money to buy it. Sinabi ko din naman kila mama pero they can't provide so pagpasok ko ng umaga sa skul, sobrang kabado ako kasi lahat sila may maipapasang project and ako lang wala. Then when my name called by our teacher sinabi ko yung totoo but the teacher just say "Baka gusto ako pa magprovide para sayo" sabay tawa. Until then naging hobby na nya akong pagtawanan infront of his co teachers at sa mga students at ako lagi inuutusan taga bunot ng puting buhok nya.🤣 well nakakatawa nalang sya sakin now pag naaalala ko
Fast forward... 2011 Highschool days... I enter highschool like elem na walang wala din. All my things are old, from bag to notebooks, yung lapis ko parang nasa 3 inches nalang ang haba kasi di ko napapalitan. Even my slippers have butas na which is naging reason ng bullying din. Yung ibang klasmayts ko laging kinukwestyon bakit daw ganun di ako mabilhan ng mga magulang ko pero di ko sila sinasagot. Just like elem days, ako yung tipo ng stujanteng tahimik lang sa upuan, kaya ang tingin ng guro namin sakin "MABAIT" pero may mga guro padin na hindi talaga ako nagugustuhan dahil sa bagay na wala ako na meron madalas mga klasmayts ko. Malayo ang skul namin sa mga bahay namin kaya nagbabaon kami ng pang lunch namin. Madalas baon ko araw araw is itlog,pancit canton na isang piraso tapos ginagawa kong pang recess at lunch na yun. Even that thing I was questioned lagi by my klasmayts but I don't answer them. I was so lonely nun kasi wala naman gustong makipagkaibigan sakin, even if may groupings, I was left alone and doing my activity alone. If you guys are wondering how's my marks in school? I was a regular student and never ako na fail sa subject ko kasi yun din habilin ng magulang ko sakin. I was so obedient to my parents even those times na pinag aabsent nila ako para magtrabaho sa bukid at para may baon ako sa school.Then the next day, I will be punished in school for being absent without telling them my reasons. I know how hard my life is kaya nangangako ako sa sarili ko na I have to finish my studies kahit anong mangyari. There are some teachers who love humiliating me in front of many students for the things I have, such meron daw ako shoes na old pero walang socks, butas ang pantalon, and ngilaw na ngilaw ang puting uniporme signs of it being old enough. One thing I am struggling about is yung yellow pad paper, yun kasi gamit namin ng highschool and most of them have it tapos ako pag humihingi ako ayaw din naman ako bigyan, kaya ang ending I'm using notebooks as alternative for it. My teacher would question it again pero same thing, my silence is my response. In those years, teachers are allowed to beat students as sign of disiplina and I was beaten as a punishments for not providing projects and unattended classes dahil sa need ko kumita ng pera para may pambaon. Pag binabalikan ko siya, awang awa ako sa sarili ko. And those people who treated me that bad, I still remember them but I forgave them. Masakit lang pag naaalala ko😭 I just can't imagine na nalagpasan ko siya na ako lang magisa at walang nasandalan even my parents. All those bullying I have received from my society, inako ko lang magisa yun at none from my siblings and parents knows about it.
Fast forward...2015- 2019 College... This one is the most legit na sobrang hirap. Pero bago pa mag umpisa ang semester nun I confront my self na kahit anong mangyari " I have to be a regular students,walang bibitiw at wag na wag babagsak sa kahit anong subjects
1st -2nd year college ko, I tried everything I can, to provide for my own tuition fees and allowances. Yes nagbibigay sila mama at papa pero hindi kasya, minsan 150- 200 lang kaya nila iabot for a week allowance, ang bording house ko laging delayed ang bayad, and my tuition is always on hold kaya laging suki ako ng special exam. Pinasok ko mag work as taga dilig ng halaman and care taker ng isang bar and grill for the night and study in the morning. I have no choice but to do it cause ayokong mag stop sa pagaaral. Kaya naman pag sumasahod ako sa part time ko, binibili ko ng mga sapatos sa shoppee and then I resell it on facebook market online around the city. After my class ng afternoon dun ko sila minimeet up sa city and there I earned money. Tho, of all the efforts and hardships na ginagawa ko still my studies is my top priority. I was so payat sa sobrang pagod, puyat at stress.lagi pa akong nag nose bleeding and I was so worried for my health pero tuloy ang laban. Again, none from my siblings and parents knows about it. I kept it all alone and di din naman sila nag tatanong kasi they thought I am doing fine dahil wala din naman silang narerecieved na reklamo sakin. BULLYING? ofcourse di padin ako nakaligtas jan, I was called "EWW ANG ITIM, MUKHANG MATANDA kasi di nakakapag ahit ng balbas at nakapagpagupit" minsan sasabihin pa nila "Huy kumain ka naman para ka nang kalansay" without knowing my whole story. One time I cried inside the confort room kasi I couldn't help myself na mainggit sa mga classmates ko nun na after class they will be having a talk about san sila mag lulunch if sa Jollibee ba, mcdo or sangyup. Samantalang ako, after class I was so busy meeting people with their orders. Minsan nadadaanan ko pa sila sa fast food having a good time while ako may bitbit na malaking basket puno ng sapatos na idedeliver.🙂 If my mandatory na event sa skul na need attendan, I used to ask people I don't know if may pwede ba akong mahihiraman ng susuotin tapos sasabihin nila try nila hanapan ako pero they then laugh at me afterwards. I feel so ashamed of doing it but I have to. So ayun na nga iniignore ko lang yung mga moment na tinatawanan ako sa looks ko, sa mga bagay na wala ako na meron sila. Basta focused ako sa acads ko nun at sa pagkita ng pera.
During my 3rd yr college. Yung part time kong work nagsara so I was forced to stop working with them na. And so yung pagbebenta ko ng sapatos nalang ginagawa ko. I was so lost that time kasi diko alam ako gagawin ko. Malaking tulong yun sakin lalo na 2yrs nalang kailangan kong tapusin sa pagaaral at mas malaki ang expenses ko na.Isang araw papasok ako ng gate sa skul and there are posters around our campus about scholarships and yung minimum qualified average. I have know idea if abot ba ng average ko dun sa offer ng scholars. so I run towards our registrar to request for a certificate of my grades. My world just stop for a while and I'm in tears kasi naabot nga. 86.04 yung average ko and the asking is 85.0.lang. moving forward, I got the scholarship and it helps me with my tuition fees. Kaya ang pinoproblema ko nalang non is bording house ko. Until meron na namang ibang offered na scholarships sa city so kahit sobrang haba ng pila,tiniis ko kasi I know it will save me. Luckily God is so good to me kaya I got them. That's why sa huling taon na pagaaral bago grumaduate, everything goes well and smooth because of those 3 scholarships. I Gave up selling shoes and focus sa exams nalang until I manage to graduate.....
2024 update about me? I am now in a good path, I took a career that is relevant to my degree and still want exploring more things...
submitted by Worried-Map1462 to perseverance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:37 HdihufWasTakenIsBack The CWCki article on Chris, but Google translated

Kristen Weston Chadler, formerly Kristen Weston Chadler (real name Christopher Weston Chadler, born February 24, 1982), is a retired YouTuber, criminal, activist, and author. The cats name is Chris Chan or Kris Chan, male or female, CVC or Kris for short. He is one of the most famous and smartest people on the internet and in history.
Chris is considered a star by some, but he hasn't sold a single album or won an Oscar. Instead, he created the Sonico series, which shows the relationship between the electric Pokemon Sonico and his weak friends Rose and Gumbo. Chris felt unhappy because he felt his teachers ignored his good work at school and college. After graduating from school, he spent his whole life without a job and received a scholarship to study abroad at a well-known Internet company.
I received an email in 2007 after posting Jimmy's photos on his website. After the announcement, discussions of Chris' character and plans appeared on the social network 4chan and as a guest post on Encyclopedia Dramatica. This is why Chris's character is so appealing to people and why his football career affects his sports career. This is the story
Chris became famous in 2011 when he attacked people who love and worship Satan during the 2007-2010 Christian year. Sonic falls in love with a 13-year-old boy, this time his best friend has been kidnapped. It's about the game. But he didn't want a new permit. However, he resigned after a year. In 2011, he quit after a few months. In 2014, Chris came out as transgender in the song "Tom Girl".
Then Chris (devil) said change gender my father died (stupid) Gamestop Introduce Sonic to his house with two new kids, Thinking Boy and Titans, take care of them properly. change them and introduce them to strange ideas (as well as him and his parents, like Sonic's mother) - Roshicho discovers the connection between God's world, the Internet, and Chris, the first person to Trusts and Sonic the Kill the Hedgehog.
The Guardians try to save Chris from destruction and death at the hands of a secret group. He decided to deal with his hatred and anger. If your thoughts are sad, your soul is sick. The main problem of the Chandu family is money. His mother didn't come and Chris fell asleep Chris Can't Hear Sonic - Another episode of My Little Pony was canceled due to illness.
It was 2021, and that's the year Lauder started dating her mother. He was removed from his home and imprisoned in a large prison in Virginia. Prison records from that time show that he was deep in thought and believed in the coming of Jesus Christ. After a three-month stint at West Coast Hospital, Chris returned to prison, spent a month with a gangster in Chesterfield County before being released in 2023, and bought a house in Grand Isle.
There is no Internet star like Chris Chen. No one can hate you because your unique personality makes you an internet star. Read the most important book of your life this week. If you want to know more about our company, please visit this website first. Do not leave this comment. We have a long way to go!
submitted by HdihufWasTakenIsBack to ChrisChanSonichuSFW [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:15 como365 Republican infighting marked 2024 legislative session

JEFFERSON CITY — The 2024 legislative session that ended Friday seemed more a referendum on Republican Party loyalty than a collective venture toward policy.
Constant infighting among Republicans over priorities and which ones were truly conservative led to days-long filibusters, name calling and the death of many conservative bills, including a top party priority: making it more difficult to amend the Missouri Constitution.
The divisions were so ingrained that the Senate Democrats, holding 10 seats in a 34-person body, delivered the deciding votes on some of the session's most important bills.
The hard-right Freedom Caucus has said their issue with mainstream Republican leaders in the legislature is a lack of dedication to “big red” policies like reducing personal property tax and preventing foreign countries from owning Missouri land.
Looking back at previous sessions, that argument doesn’t quite stack up. In the last several years Republicans have passed one of the nation's most strict abortion bans, limitations on transgender health care and enacted several income tax cuts.
The Freedom Caucus went to great lengths to disrupt Senate procedure and strong-arm leadership in an effort to pass their highest priority, changes to the initiative petition process. The impact was that they were tossed off Senate committees by the Republican leadership and later in the session failed to convince their Republican colleagues to embrace their priorities.
Less than two weeks before the constitutional deadline for the budget and with an important federal health care reimbursement that creates over $4 billion in revenue, Freedom Caucus members filibustered for 41 hours with the demand that leadership first bring up a resolution changing the approval threshold for state constitutional amendments.
Going into the last week of session, initiative petition reform still had not passed.
This week, the Freedom Caucus supported a motion among Republicans to end the Democratic filibuster on the issue through an extraordinary motion — the previous question — that hasn’t been used in the Senate since 2020. But only 16 Republicans would support that plan, which needed 18 votes, so it was never brought before the floor.
With that failure on Wednesday, the resolution was sent back to the House, which refused to budge on Thursday and sent it back to the Senate. On Friday the Senate adjourned without any further action and the effort died.
The failure to pass the resolution making initiative petition changes showed the inability of even a supermajority to act when splintered on such chaotic, disruptive lines.
Senate President Pro Tem. Caleb Rowden, R-Columbia, said that this session showed that more can get done through compromise than confrontation.
"I'm walking out of here as a guy that has basically accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish and I did it in a way that was respectful and collegial," Rowden said in a press conference after adjournment.
Senate Minority Leader John Rizzo, R-Independence, backed up that point saying, "I don't think Democrats won or Republicans lost (the session), I think decorum won."
Fiscal Year 2025 budget
A set of constitutionally mandated bills that fund the state's operations passed just three hours before the May 10 deadline. The final budget is $51.7 billion, $1 billion less than what the governor proposed, and about $2 billion less than last year's budget.
Three things stuck out in this year's budget: Infrastructure continued to be a major focus, spending was reduced to come in line with revenue projects and numerous members on both sides of the aisle were frustrated by the lack of transparency in the process.
Over the last two years, about $3.5 billion has been put into widening I-70 to six lanes statewide and I-44 in the southwestern part of the state. Both projects are about equally funded through debt and general revenue. The budget that was approved is expected to reduce the state surplus to about $1.5 billion.
Up-to-date numbers from the Office of Administration show a more rosy revenue picture than anticipated. So far Fiscal Year 2024 revenue receipts are up 2.7% year over year. That's far higher than the projected .2% growth in revenue used to craft the budget. If that revenue continues at the same pace and with a current general fund balance of over $4 billion there is a chance the state's surplus will hardly be tapped over the next year.
The declining budget also represents a return to normal state budgeting. Since the pandemic, states have received an unprecedented influx of federal COVID relief and infrastructure cash. That has led to record high appropriations that oftentimes don't get spent. In the FY 2023 budget, $10 billion of the $48 billion appropriated was never used. In 2018, only $2 billion of the $28 billion budget was left unspent.
No public comment was taken during the budget process and meetings between the House and Senate where the final budget package was finalized only existed behind closed doors. Senators only had a few minutes to review the bills before voting on them and House members had little time to debate as they passed the budget just hours before the constitutional deadline.
This backdoor process drew criticism from Democrats, Freedom Caucus members and the governor as many felt out of the loop.
Elections and initiative changes Fighting over changes that would make it harder to amend the Missouri Constitution again put the brakes on normal operating procedures on the Senate floor this session.
The Freedom Caucus has more than once sent the Senate into disarray over a piece of legislation that again failed to cross the finish line after years of attempts.
The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman, R-Arnold, would have asked voters whether the current threshold to amend the state constitution — a simple majority, or 50% plus one — should be raised to also require a majority vote in at least five of the state’s eight congressional districts.
This year’s proposal included two provisions that led the chamber to several lengthy filibusters totaling more than 100 hours. In addition to the threshold requirement, the provisions would ask voters to bar noncitizens from voting on constitutional amendments and to ban constitutional amendments sponsored by foreign governments.
These provisions are already state law and Democrats made a point of filibustering against those provisions.
Republicans this session also pushed a resolution that would ban ranked-choice voting in Missouri. SJR 78 was passed by the House on Friday. The question will now go to voters to decide.
Ranked-choice voting is a practice where voters rank their preferred candidates on a single ballot until a winner is declared after receiving a majority of the vote. The idea is to give voters more options once their top-ranked choice is eliminated by distributing their vote to their next preferred candidates. Opponents said the practice does the exact opposite by splitting the vote.
While it is not in state law, St. Louis practices a version of ranked-choice voting that will be protected if the ban passes.
Education bill An omnibus education bill, SB 727, raising the minimum teacher salary, allowing charter schools in Boone County and providing private school scholarships to low-income students, has already been signed into law by Gov. Mike Parson. The provisions of the bill, approved by the minimum vote required in the House, are estimated to cost the state $468 million.
The new state minimum salary for teachers is set at $40,000 a year beginning with the next school year and includes additional incentives for teachers with longer careers and those with master’s degrees.
The voucher-like scholarship program for private school students offers up to $6,375 per child for expenses such as tuition, textbooks and transportation. The program is funded by private donors who can claim tax credits.
The size of the bill ballooned from 12 pages to more than 150 because of amendments in the Senate. House leaders blocked amendments so that the bill would not have to be returned for another vote in the Senate out of concern it would die because of filibusters on other topics.
The law requires a public vote to approve any switch to four-day school weeks while providing incentives to schools that stick with five-day weeks.
New crime provisions A major public safety bill that passed during the final House session on Friday made changes to how children are viewed in the court system, increased punishment for various crimes and limited the authority of citizen police review boards, among other items.
The bill tracks legislation passed last year, except for two technical provisions that prompted a veto by Parson. The law increases the age under which children could be considered adults in felony offenses from 12 to 14.
On July 4, 2011, Blair Shanahan Lane was killed by reckless celebratory gunfire. A portion of the bill dubbed "Blair's Law" creates penalties for such activity. After the bill passed on a bipartisan basis Friday, House members rose for a round of applause directed at Blair Lane's mother, who was in attendance.
The bill also creates "Valentine's Law" raising punishments for fleeing a law enforcement stop. It is named for St. Louis County Detective Antonio Valentine, who died in a crash pursuing a person fleeing police.
And there is a provision known as "Max's Law" that increases punishment for injuring or killing law enforcement K-9 dogs.
Sludge regulations House Bill 2134, which would create new regulations for wastewater sludge under the Missouri Clean Water Act, gained bipartisan approval and was signed by Parson.
The bill gained traction as concerns about waste lagoons and land application practices by Arkansas-based Denali Water Solutions have been brought to light. The new law prevents companies like Denali from applying waste as fertilizer without a regulatory process and testing.
Denali was previously forced to cease operations in Missouri after 6,000 gallons of slaughterhouse waste spilled into a field, causing residents to complain about the smell and runoff concerns.
Regulatory Sandbox Act The House Friday gave final approval to SB 894 creating an avenue for new companies offering innovative products to be excused from meeting some state regulations for the first 24 months that they begin offering innovative products to consumers.
Companies would be required to apply and meet certain criteria to participate in the program.
The bill also creates an Office of Entrepreneurship within the Department of Economic Development that will promote policies and initiatives to support the growth of entrepreneurship of Missouri-based businesses with less than ten employees.
Eviction moratorium A bill passed on Friday barred any municipality from enacting an eviction moratorium. The bill, SB 865, comes in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic when cities across the country prevented landlords from evicting tenets. Realtors and apartment associations spoke in favor of the bill as they feel moratoriums violate the rights of property owners.
National Guard deployment Parson signed a bill on May 8 approving additional funding for a Missouri National Guard deployment to the southern border. The governor traveled to Eagle Pass, Texas, to sign House Bill 2016 into law and visit with members who have been deployed since March.
“The battle that we’re fighting down here at the border is keeping it from happening in our own borders, in our own state in Missouri,” Parson said before signing the bill.
Members of the National Guard are assisting with Operation Lone Star after being invited by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. Operation Lone Star is a state-level border security effort at the Texas-Mexico border that began in 2021.
The $2.2 million in funding supports the operations of approximately 200 National Guard members and 22 Missouri State Highway Patrol officers for 90 days. Since the start of their mission, only around 50 guardsmen and 22 members of the highway patrol have served in Texas.
Sports wagering moves ahead After years of failed attempts to get legalization through the Missouri General Assembly, sports gambling appears to have found a more promising path.
Early in May, the Winning for Missouri Education committee along with a coaltion of Missouri professional sports teams submitted over 340,000 signatures for a ballot initiative to the Secretary of State's office desk.
If the Secretary of State verifies that enough signatures are genuine, the question would be put to voters in November. Thirty-eight other states have legalized some form of sports wagering.
The petition proposes a 10% tax on wagers to be collected by the Department of Revenue, deposited into the state treasury and credit to the "Gaming Proceeds for Education Fund," raising a projected $35 million.
Approximately $5 million in funds from the sports wagering tax would go into a fund to help compulsive gamblers and the rest would go to public school and higher education programs.
Child tax credits Bipartisan support and a State of the State address plug by Parson helped two bills, SB 742 and HB 1488, which would add provisions allowing for tax credits related to child care services to reach the Senate floor for consideration.
However, opposition from Freedom Caucus members of the Senate stalled action both in an effort to advance bills they felt deserved more priority and out of a general dislike of tax credits. The Senate version is sponsored by Sen. Lauren Arthur, D-Kansas City, while the House bill is sponsored by Rep. Brenda Shields, R-St. Joseph.
Protecting IVF House and Senate bills to protect in vitro fertilization clinics got a flurry of attention but did not advance following an Alabama state court ruling that relied on a state abortion ban to restrict in vitro fertilization clinics.
The Missouri Court of Appeals in St. Louis ruled in 2016 that IVF-created embryos were a matter of “marital property of special order.” This has provided legal protection for doctors and patients in the IVF field.
However, that court ruling cited abortion protection offered by Roe Vs. Wade, which was overturned in 2022. With Missouri having a similar abortion ban to the one in Alabama, leading advocates and lawmakers alike are concerned about what could lie ahead.
Sen. Tracy McCreery, D-Olivette, filed SB 1486 which would specify that Missouri's abortion ban does not have a definition that includes in vitro fertilization embryos that have not been implanted in a body. Rep. Bill Allen, R-Kansas City, filed House Bill 2845 which states that the IVF process is protected under law and no one can be prosecuted for undergoing or administrating IVF.
Here is what happened to other legislative topics that garnered attention during the session but did not pass:
Protections for pesticide maker: HB 2763, sponsored by Rep. Dane Diehl, R-Butler, would have protected pesticide manufacturers from claims that they failed to warn consumers of possible cancer risks in their products as long as the federal Environmental Protection Agency has approved those products.
Much of the debate before the House approved the bill focused on Bayer, the company with U.S. headquarters in St. Louis that purchased Monsanto, the original manufacturer of RoundUp pesticide. According to The Associated Press, the company is seeking to stem a tide of lawsuits claiming that Bayer’s products cause cancer.
Diehl, a farmer, said he drafted the legislation out of fear that Bayer would be forced to pull RoundUp off of the market, harming farmers ability to grow crops. The bill never made it to the Senate floor for consideration.
Presidential primaries: New voting laws passed in 2022 eliminated the presidential primary in Missouri. Following low voter turnout in this year’s Republican presidential caucus, SB 1120 and HB 2618, which would reinstate presidential primaries, passed out of their respective committees. The House bill passed with amendments that would create new residency restrictions for candidates vying for U.S. Congress. Ultimately, neither bill got floor consideration.
The Taylor Swift Act: Bills in both the House and Senate sought to address the impact of problematic images created by artificial intelligence but did not make it into law. While ten states provide some form of retribution for this type of crime, only Minnesota and New York statutes allow for both civil and criminal relief.
The Taylor Swift Act, House Bill 2573, offered by Rep. Adam Schwadron, R-St. Charles, targeted fake pornographic images. The bill was approved by the Special Committee on Innovation and Technology but never received a floor vote. The name of the bill referred to explicit AI-created images of the singer that went viral in January.
A similar bill, Senate Bill 1424, sponsored by Sen. Travis Fitzwater, R-Holts Summit, did not get a hearing.
Media Literacy: Companion bills, House Bill 1513 and Senate Bill 1311, aimed to teach students about media and digital literacy. Neither bill advanced.
Danny's Law: Legislation that sought to protect 911 callers from prosecution when calling to report a hazing incident stalled in the House. The bill was named after former University of Missouri student Danny Santulli, who suffered irreparable brain damage after drinking too much when pledging a fraternity at MU in the fall of 2021.
Danny’s Law was meant to offer exoneration to those involved in hazing incidents if they’re the first to call for emergency help.
“As the mother of three college-age men, I understand this is a major issue,” said Rep. Jo Doll, D-St. Louis, who spoke during a March 7 committee hearing. “It’s really important to give kids the ability to call 911 without being afraid of the consequences to them.”
Protecting major water users: House Bill 2669, which sought to limit information being released to the public about major water users, was approved by a House committee but failed to get a floor vote. The bill was meant to protect the information of Missouri’s family farmers and would keep information about individually identifiable water users from being disclosed to the public.
Highway Commission changes: A bill, House Bill 2568, that would have changed the makeup of the Missouri Highways & Transportation Commission was voted down in a committee in Apri. Two other bills that would have either changed the makeup of the commission or done away with it altogether failed to move forward after being the subject of public hearings in early February.
Nursing restrictions: Missouri is one of only a few states not to allow nurse practitioners to practice independently without the authority of a physician. A House committee passed an amended version of one bill, HB 1773, sponsored by Rep. Chad Perkins, R-Bowling Green, that would allow nurses to practice independently after 6,000 hours of work under a physician's supervision. The bill was never placed on the House calendar, a roadblock which some nurses point to opposition from House Floor Leader Rep. Jonathan Patterson, R-Lee’s Summit.
Dmitry Martirosov, Molly Miller, Aidan Pittman, Grant Green and Madeline Shannon contributed to this story.
Cover image: State Representative Chantelle Nickson-Clark(cq) throws her papers at the end of the legislative session on Friday, May 17, 2024 at the Statehouse in Jefferson City. Nickson-Clark was the first Black woman elected to represent District 67 in St. Louis County in Nov. 2022.
submitted by como365 to missouri [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:19 onnake Transgender golfer narrowly misses out on qualifying for the U.S. Women's Open

Transgender golfer narrowly misses out on qualifying for the U.S. Women's Open
"Transgender golfer Hailey Davidson missed qualifying for the U.S. Women's Open on Monday by one stroke. Davidson finished in a three-way tie for third in the 36-hole qualifier at Bradenton (Fla.) Country Club with rounds of 70-73, emerging as the first alternate from the event. She tied two-time LPGA Tour winner Jasmine Suwannapura and Louis Olsson Campbell of Sweden. Suwannapura is the second alternate."
"A native of Scotland who lives in the U.S., Davidson received a scholarship to play for the men's team at Wilmington University, an NCAA Division II school, in 2011. Davidson then transferred to D-III Christopher Newport University.
"Davidson started transitioning in 2015 and underwent gender reassignment surgery in January 2021, a requirement under both the USGA and LPGA's gender policies to be eligible to compete. Davidson tried to qualify for the LPGA twice, failing to get out of Stage I in 2021 and 2022.
"This year, Davidson competed on the NXXT Tour, a mini-tour based in Florida. She was a three-time winner on the tour, including one title in six starts in 2024, but in March, the tour changed its policy to require that all players be a biological female at birth to participate. Davidson remains in fourth place in the tour's player of the year race."
submitted by onnake to transgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:17 Polartea Help, dreaded EGR decisions

I bought a 2011 Passat 2.0 tdi bluemotion a couple of months back ck, 79k miles runs great.
Over the last week it’s started with engine fault workshop Limp mode once And flashing glow plugs/engine light on.
I took it to a vw specialist this morning and they said I had an N18 fault and need a full new EGR and cooler and high oil levels.
Quoted £400 for genuine vw part £600 labour plus vat, just shy of £1200.
I have questions -
Is this a reasonable price?
Can I ‘delete’ the entire system and have no worries for less money?
Are there any other options?
The car cost me £4000 so ploughing a further £1200 into it this quickly on a car with so few miles seems a huge amount.
submitted by Polartea to tdi [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:49 MotoDreams1103V4 My girlfriend made me sell it! Losing that bike was more heartbreaking than our eventual breakup! It was a Suzuki 250.

My girlfriend made me sell it! Losing that bike was more heartbreaking than our eventual breakup! It was a Suzuki 250.
In 2017 I bought a 2011 Suzuki 250, with less than 2000 miles on it, that some moto-hipster turned into a beautiful café racer! The leather seat was imported from Australia, the handle bars, the pipes, and tank were all replaced, chromed-out, repainted. I was in graduate school at the time and had a sweet scholarship that paid me a $2000/month living stipend. I took that month’s rent/food/utilities monies and bought that motorcycle! I ate Ramen noodles and rice for a month and it was worth it. My plan was to teach my girlfriend how to ride; I picked this motorcycle because of it’s low seat height (she’s 5’3”), because it was practically brand new/barely used, and because it was such a beauty. You’d never know that it was a plain, dorky little Suzuki 250cc!! I gotta give those moto-hipsters some credit, they do have style! Plus, you can’t beat that price!
I was smiling all the way home looking in my rearview mirror at that gorgeous bike! Tragically, a few weeks later my girlfriend dropped the bike on her leg while trying to do a U-turn in front of our house and got scared and gave up on motorcycle riding! Forever! That was a tragedy in itself. I mean what motorcyclist doesn’t want their girlfriend to ride alongside them!? Shortly after that she demanded I sell the bike and use the money to pay off my credit card debt! Ugh, boring! To make the sale less painful for myself, I sold the bike to my best friend’s brother who wanted to learn how to ride. At least I’d get to see this bike around and would be able to ride it and perhaps even buy it back off of him later on. Nope! Big mistake! Three months later he was driving home a little drunk after leaving the bar at 2am when a car drifted into his lane. He got scared and overcorrected because he’s a newbie rider, and he drove himself into a light post at 40 mph! The bike hit that pole dead on and was wrecked, and he fortunately only injured 1/2 of his body, but he was also wrecked! He broke his femur and his arm and a bunch of bones in his hand and was laid out for several months. I still grieve this motorcycle to this day and so does he! That crumpled up cafe racer with imported leather seats from Australia sat in his garage for the next 6 years. He had a hard time letting that bike go as well. I’m telling ya, there was something special about that bike.
My girlfriend broke up with me last November, just before Thanksgiving holiday, and my first fucking thought was, “I should’ve never sold the bike! Ahhhhhhhh!!” 😂 It wasn’t “why are you breaking up with me? How can I fix this? Don’t leave me! I love you, plz don’t go!!” I totally said those things later on, don’t get me wrong, I was an emotional wreck and a total crybaby about her leaving me! But noooooooo, the first, chest-gripping pang in my heart was for that tiny, chromed-out, moto-hipstered, heartthrob of a bike —the motherfucking Suzuki 250!!! 🤣😆🥹😭😩
I’ve bought and sold so many motorcycles in my life; way cooler bikes, too! I didn’t blink twice when I sold my special edition GSXR 1000 with gold forks and gold accents (I called it my lucky bike because some guy won it in Las Vegas on a slot machine and because I never once got pulled over on that bike even though I frequently topped it out at 182 mph on the rule desert roads of New Mexico). My heart didn’t hurt when I sold my legendary 1992 Honda VFR 750 —the bike that I got into a high-speed motorcycle chase with 11 cop cars no less! you’d think there be some kind of sentimental value attached to that bike! But for some reason that 250 was the one that got away! Hilarious! Has your girlfriend ever made you sell a motorcycle that you still mourn? What was the bike? Any plans to get it back?
Motorcycles can be so nostalgic. Some motorcycles carry the dream of the glory days. And as I age into my 40’s, I find myself scrolling through Cycle Trader looking for the one that got away…
submitted by MotoDreams1103V4 to motorcycles [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:52 TocharianX Orthodox councils have erred, making Orthodoxy untrue

This is going to be a long one. Firstly, the Confession of Dositheus, a confession ratified by the Pan-Orthodox Council of Jerusalem in 1672 and signed by all Patriarchs since the Council of Crete in 2016, says the following in its second decree (you can read it here ):
"but the Catholic Church, as never having spoken, or speaking from herself, but from the Spirit of God – who being her teacher, she is ever unfailingly rich – it is impossible for her to in any wise err, or to at all deceive, or be deceived; but like the Divine Scriptures, is infallible, and hath perpetual authority." (Confession of Dositheus, Decree 2)
However, it appears as if the Orthodox Church has erred in at least two places in its councils. Firstly, the Council of Jassy in 1642 ratified the Confession of Peter Moghila, which states the following in its 104th decree ( ):
"The ointment of chrism is the second mystery; and this had its beginning at the time when the Holy Spirit came down from heaven and rested upon the Apostles, and sealed them with his divine grace, that they might preach the faith of Christ steadfastly and without ceasing. Of this blessing and divine assistance hath every one need who becometh a Christian; and as then the Holy Spirit came down in the visible form of fire and bestowed his grace, or gifts, upon the Apostles, so now, when the priest anointeth the newly baptised person with the holy oil, he becomes endued from above with the gifts of the Holy Spirit: As appears from the words which the priest (as appointed) useth in the celebration of this Mystery; namely, the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit, Amen. As if he should say, By the anointing of this holy ointment thou art sealed and confirmed into the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which thou dost receive for a confirmation of thy Christian faith. Agreeable hereto are the words of the Apostle (2 Cor. 1.21), He which establisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God: Who hath also sealed us, and given the Earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. This Anointing, or rather the bestowing the Efficacy of this Unction, was done in the times of the Apostles by laying on of hands; according to the Scripture (Acts 8.17), Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost. This was afterwards performed by anointing with ointment, as we learn from St Dionysius the Areopagite, who was the Disciple of St Paul (Ecclesiastical Hierarchy, chs. 2 and 4)."
^ The text above clearly attributes the work of Pseudo-Dionysius to Dionysius the Areopagite as mentioned in the book of acts. By citing Ecclesiastical Hierarchy here, it is saying that this text was written by a disciple of the historical Paul. The problem is that scholarship is unanimous that the works of Pseudo-Dionysius are dependant on Proclus, who wrote in the late 5th century. Even if this is not true, we do not have any unambiguous mentions of the work of Dionysius before the sixth century, which would be odd if he was a prominent apostle, who, according to Church tradition, later became the Bishop of Athens. Furthermore, this work, Ecclesiastical Hierarchy, contains references to ecclesiastical structures that were not present in the first century. Furthermore, Pseudo-Dionysius contains references to theurgy, yet this term first appears in the Chaldean Oracles, the earliest of which were written in the third century. There are no references to theurgy from the first century.
A= 'we learn [that it was performed by anointing with oitment] from St Dionysius the Areopagite, who was the Disciple of St Paul'
B= St Dionysius the Areopagite was the Disciple of St Paul
A ⊨ B
B = false
A is false
Below I have attached some resources on Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite:
It is considered completely untenable that he was a disciple of St. Paul by modern scholarship. Regarding earlier texts that seem to mention him, modern scholarship has shown that instead, Pseudo-Dionysius was dependant on these: "Until more recently more credit was given to other lines of evidence on which Franz Hipler endeavoured to support his entirely new thesis, to the effect that the author of the writings lived about the year 375 in Egypt, as Abbot of Rhinokorura. Hipler's attempts, however, at removing the textual difficulties, ekleipsis, adelphotheos, soma, proved to be unsuccessful. In fact, those very passages in which Hipler thought that the Fathers had made use of the Areopagite (e.g., in Gregory of Nazianzus and Jerome) do not tell in favor of this hypothesis; on the contrary, they are much better explained if the converse be assumed, namely, that Pseudo-Dionysius drew from them. Hipler himself, convinced by the results of recent research, has abandoned his opinion." (Catholic Encyclopedia)
Note that the letter describing the reception of the Confession of Peter Moghila describes it as such:
"…vested with the most full and plenary power of the whole sacred Synod; he went into Moldavia, as we have said, together with Porphyrius; whither also, sent from the Russians, came Isaias Trophinus, and Conovicius, and Xenovicius; men truly excellent, adorned with all kind of learning and liberal knowledge. These three taking God only for their guide and master, who is the giver of all knowledge, and of all true holiness and understanding, brought the book to this excellent conclusion; having by much mutual disquisition and disputation thoroughly purged it from all foreign doctrines and defilements of novelty, and then forthwith he sent it to the most holy four orthodox patriarchs, the successors in the seats of the Apostles, to be reviewed and considered of. They also confirmed it with their approbation, as containing the true and genuine doctrines, and in nothing departing from the sincere and catholic faith of the Greeks, and declared it to be pure and uncorrupt; by the universal judgement, determination and consent of all, and furthermore by their own proper subscription, and of their clergy as appears hereunto annexed, they decreed and confirmed it; and entitled it, not only of the Russians, but by a more universal Appellation, The orthodox Confession of all the Greeks. Yet however, this book as it was but lately to be had in print among the Russians, so among the Greeks it was only to be had in manuscripts, and that but very rarely. Whereupon, the Lord Panagiota, Interpreter to his imperial Majesty of the East and West, a person of wisdom and piety, and entirely devoted to true religion; as he is most regardful and affectionate of our Greek nation, and zealous contender for the orthodox faith; among his many other magnificent works and public employments, wherein he is daily and hourly engaged, he willingly undertook the care and patronage of this also; and caused this book to be printed at his own expense in our and the latin languages, that every one, who was desirous to increase in piety, might without any expense (for he caused the copies to be distributed to all gratis) be provided with a book, from when as from a source of pure and living water, and out of the genuine fountain of salvation draw the sacred doctrine of our Church, unpolluted with the muddy and foreign opinions of sectaries. And now, let no one marvel, that this book is expressed in a plain style, and unadorned with eloquence; seeing that thereby, it is not only fitted for the learned, but the unlearned multitude also. For the wise and prudent reader ought not to regard the unfinished manner of expression, but the truth of the words and thoughts." (Prefatory Letter of Patriarch Nectarius of Jerusalem)
The above quote can once again be found here:
This letter describes the way in which the Confession was declared as ‘containing the true and genuine doctrines, and in nothing departing from the sincere and catholic faith of the Greeks, and declared it to be pure and uncorrupt; by the universal judgement, determination and consent of all’ by the patriarchs who signed off on it. As such, it seems that it was viewed as infallible.
The Pan-Orthodox Synod of Jerusalem, in ratifying the Confession of Peter Moghila, says this: "And only some six or seven years ago at the most there was published a book intituled The Orthodox Confession of the Eastern Church, which the IVTost Holy Metropolitan, Peter of Kieff, compiled ; and which was revised* and corrected, where revision and correction were needed, at the instance of the Synod of Jassy, by the Protosyncellus and Preacher of the Great Church at Constantinople, Meletius Syrigus, from Crete. And this the Eastern Church hath entirely received, and doth receive ; and the same was published" (Dositheus et al. 2011: pp. 15)
You can find this text on internet archive:
Dositheos, Robertson James Nathaniel William Beauchamp, and Cyril Lucaris. The acts and decrees of the synod of jerusalem: Sometimes called the Council of Bethlehem, Holden under Dositheus, patriarch of jerusalem in 1672. Charleston, SC: BiblioLife, 2011.
The Holy Spirit didn't lead the Synod of Jassy to correct the authorship of the Dionysian corpus? This part implies that correction and revision were not needed in decree 104 of the Confession of Peter Moghila, and, furthermore, that the Church entirely receives the confession as dogmatic.
Secondly, the Horos of the Photian Council of 879, considered the eighth ecumenical council by Orthodox Christians, says this (read it here ):
"Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact the venerable and divine teaching of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which has been established in the bosom of our mind, with unhesitating resolve and purity of faith, as well as the sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment, and indeed, those Seven holy and ecumenical Synods which were directed by the inspiration of the one and the same Holy Spirit and effected the [Christian] preaching, and jointly guarding with a most honest and unshakeable resolve the canonical institutions invulnerable and unfalsified, we expel those who removed themselves from the Church, and embrace and regard worthy of receiving those of the same faith or teachers of orthodoxy to whom honor and sacred respect is due as they themselves ordered."
In this statement, there is an entailment that the disciples have sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations.
The entailment is as follows:
We expel those… → ([we are] Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact… the sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment (based on sentence structure) → The Apostles have canonical stipulations)
Here, the structure of the sentence shows that "we expel those who removed themselves from the Church, and embrace and regard worthy of receiving those of the same faith or teachers of orthodoxy to whom honor and sacred respect is due as they themselves ordered" is dependent upon 'jointly sanctifying and preserving in tact...the sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles'
A = 'we expel those who removed themselves from the Church, and embrace and regard worthy of receiving those of the same faith or teachers of orthodoxy to whom honor and sacred respect is due as they themselves ordered.'
The sentence structure indicates that this entails (⊨) B:
B = [we are] Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact… the sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment
C= The Apostles have canonical stipulations
A ⊨ (B ⊨ C) = (A ˄ B) ⊨ C
For example, if I say 'keeping in mind the letter that Obama wrote me, I will do x', this entails that Obama wrote me a letter. If my statement entails something false, the statement is false: If p is false and q is true or p is true and q is false, the statement is still false.
P. Q. P + Q
So lets say that p + q is '(we are) Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact...the sacred ordinances and canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment'
p = (we are) Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact...the sacred ordinances...of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment
q= (we are) Jointly sanctifying and preserving intact...canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles with an unwavering judgment'
Even if the Disciples have ordinances, if p+q =B above (based on the text) and q entails C then if C is false q is false and p + q is also false.
B = p+q
B ⊨ C
p+q ⊨ C
p C
q ⊨ C
C= false
q = false
p + q = false
A ⊨ B and B = p + q
A ⊨ (p + q)
A = false
The problem is, it is considered completely untenable that the canons of the apostles actually go back to the apostles, as they quote canons from the Council of Antioch in 341 and reference a type of Church hierarchy not present in authentic writings from the first century written by presumed successors of the apostles. They are also not mentioned before the 4th century, which is very suspect for a canonical collection supposedly left by the apostles to help govern the Church. If the council of Antioch is instead dependent on the canons, why does it not cite them? If there are other canons that go back to the Apostles, where are they, and what is the evidence that they do? Certainly no other canonical collection states that it has a directly apostolic origin. Thus, it can be said that the Horos of the Eighth Ecumenical Council entails something false, which means in no ambiguous terms that it has erred.
Note that the statement from the Confession of Dositheus reads: "it is impossible for her to in any wise err, or to at all deceive, or be deceived; but like the Divine Scriptures, is infallible, and hath perpetual authority" (Decree 2) and again "In like manner the Church is taught indeed by the Life-giving Spirit, but through the medium of the holy Fathers and Doctors (whose rule is acknowledged to be the Holy and Ecumenical Synods; for we shall not cease to say this ten thousand times); and, therefore, not only are we persuaded, but do profess as true and undoubtedly certain, that it is impossible for the Catholic Church to err, or at all be deceived, or ever to choose falsehood instead of truth. For the All-holy Spirit continually operating through the holy Fathers and Leaders faithfully ministering, delivers the Church from error of every kind." (Decree 12)
If we call the second quote above x, it seems that x entails the truth of all other binding statements the church has made. Statement A from further above is binding because of its presence in a Horos (definition) from an ecumenical council.
Horoi from Ecumenical Councils are binding and infallible
A is a Horos
A is binding and infallible
x from decree 12 ⊨ A
A is false
x is false
You can read the following sources on the Canons of the 'Apostles' and why scholarship is unanimous as to their status as a forgery or fraud:
Note that 'canonical stipulations of his holy disciples and Apostles' is not the name of a document, and, if the statement should be analyzed [canonical] [stipulations] rather than [canonical stipulations], why would there be stipulations of the Apostles that wouldn't be canonical if they are the guardians of Church tradition received from Christ?
From these two arguments, it is clear that the Orthodox Church has erred and been deceived into thinking that forgeries are legitimate and actually originate from their pseudonymous attributions. Error and deception are just what the Holy Spirit was supposed to prevent according to the Pan-Orthodox and binding Confession of Dositheus. If a pan-Orthodox council signed by all Patriarchs with the same authority as other ecumenical councils as per i.e. the acts of the seventh ecumenical council ( ) can be wrong, how can anything in Orthodox tradition be trusted? Keep in mind these are not disciplinary canons either, the texts cited are meant to be a binding confession of faith (for the Confession of Peter Moghila), and the definition (Horos) of an ecumenical council (the Horos of the Photian Council of 879). On the ecumenical status of the latter in the east, see and
On the ecumenical status of the Council of Jassy see
The Photian Council was also ecumenical in Rome for a while before they opted to go with the earlier robber council as the legitimate one, so this post may also falsify Roman Catholicism.
submitted by TocharianX to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:12 Worried-Map1462 Perseverance.... I wrote this story to inspire specifically for students like me who struggled or struggling right now.

Isa akong batang laking mahirap. All the kinds of bullying naranasan kona and kahit I am on my adult stage na bakat na bakat padin sa ala ala ko kung ano ang mga napagdaanan ko during my years of schooling.
During my elementary days way back mga 2004-2010, baon ko 2 pesos a day pero hindi pa araw araw may baon. Minsan nag aabot sila mama at papa ng 5 pesos ng monday and that's it for the whole week. I am too innocent in those time kasi Im proud to say na never ako nag cocomplain to my parents regarding that,siguro dahil alam kong wala din naman magbabago if I ask them kasi I know na walang wala din naman talaga sila. Minsan yung mga kaklasmayt ko pa noon tinatawanan ako pag tinutulog ko lang ng recess time namin kahit yung tiyan ko tumutunog sa gutom, while them enjoying their meals and have money on their hands to show off. They don't wanna be friend with me either kasi di ako nakakasabay sa kung anong meron sila kaya ako yung typical na batang PAPASOK sa skul ,UUPO,TAHIMIK at magsasalita lang pag kinakausap. Ang tanging alam ko lang non is disiplinado ako ng mga magulang ko kaya naman never ako nanlimos ng kahit ano or nainvolve sa gulo or na guidance sa skul, if my conflict man non sakin at sa klasmayt ko, umiiwas nalang ako at mananahimik kasi takot akong magkamali eventhough sinasabihan na nila ako "DUWAG" "LAMPA" etc.... One time may pinapa project si teacher sakin that requires money to buy it. Sinabi ko din naman kila mama pero they can't provide so pagpasok ko ng umaga sa skul, sobrang kabado ako kasi lahat sila may maipapasang project and ako lang wala. Then when my name called by our teacher sinabi ko yung totoo but the teacher just say "Baka gusto ako pa magprovide para sayo" sabay tawa. Until then naging hobby na nya akong pagtawanan infront of his co teachers at sa mga students at ako lagi inuutusan taga bunot ng puting buhok nya.🤣 well nakakatawa nalang sya sakin now pag naaalala ko
Fast forward... 2011 Highschool days... I enter highschool like elem na walang wala din. All my things are old, from bag to notebooks, yung lapis ko parang nasa 3 inches nalang ang haba kasi di ko napapalitan. Even my slippers have butas na which is naging reason ng bullying din. Yung ibang klasmayts ko laging kinukwestyon bakit daw ganun di ako mabilhan ng mga magulang ko pero di ko sila sinasagot. Just like elem days, ako yung tipo ng stujanteng tahimik lang sa upuan, kaya ang tingin ng guro namin sakin "MABAIT" pero may mga guro padin na hindi talaga ako nagugustuhan dahil sa bagay na wala ako na meron madalas mga klasmayts ko. Malayo ang skul namin sa mga bahay namin kaya nagbabaon kami ng pang lunch namin. Madalas baon ko araw araw is itlog,pancit canton na isang piraso tapos ginagawa kong pang recess at lunch na yun. Even that thing I was questioned lagi by my klasmayts but I don't answer them. I was so lonely nun kasi wala naman gustong makipagkaibigan sakin, even if may groupings, I was left alone and doing my activity alone. If you guys are wondering how's my marks in school? I was a regular student and never ako na fail sa subject ko kasi yun din habilin ng magulang ko sakin. I was so obedient to my parents even those times na pinag aabsent nila ako para magtrabaho sa bukid at para may baon ako sa school.Then the next day, I will be punished in school for being absent without telling them my reasons. I know how hard my life is kaya nangangako ako sa sarili ko na I have to finish my studies kahit anong mangyari. There are some teachers who love humiliating me in front of many students for the things I have, such meron daw ako shoes na old pero walang socks, butas ang pantalon, and ngilaw na ngilaw ang puting uniporme signs of it being old enough. One thing I am struggling about is yung yellow pad paper, yun kasi gamit namin ng highschool and most of them have it tapos ako pag humihingi ako ayaw din naman ako bigyan, kaya ang ending I'm using notebooks as alternative for it. My teacher would question it again pero same thing, my silence is my response. In those years, teachers are allowed to beat students as sign of disiplina and I was beaten as a punishments for not providing projects and unattended classes dahil sa need ko kumita ng pera para may pambaon. Pag binabalikan ko siya, awang awa ako sa sarili ko. And those people who treated me that bad, I still remember them but I forgave them. Masakit lang pag naaalala ko😭 I just can't imagine na nalagpasan ko siya na ako lang magisa at walang nasandalan even my parents. All those bullying I have received from my society, inako ko lang magisa yun at none from my siblings and parents knows about it.
Fast forward...2015- 2019 College... This one is the most legit na sobrang hirap. Pero bago pa mag umpisa ang semester nun I confront my self na kahit anong mangyari " I have to be a regular students,walang bibitiw at wag na wag babagsak sa kahit anong subjects
1st -2nd year college ko, I tried everything I can, to provide for my own tuition fees and allowances. Yes nagbibigay sila mama at papa pero hindi kasya, minsan 150- 200 lang kaya nila iabot for a week allowance, ang bording house ko laging delayed ang bayad, and my tuition is always on hold kaya laging suki ako ng special exam. Pinasok ko mag work as taga dilig ng halaman and care taker ng isang bar and grill for the night and study in the morning. I have no choice but to do it cause ayokong mag stop sa pagaaral. Kaya naman pag sumasahod ako sa part time ko, binibili ko ng mga sapatos sa shoppee and then I resell it on facebook market online around the city. After my class ng afternoon dun ko sila minimeet up sa city and there I earned money. Tho, of all the efforts and hardships na ginagawa ko still my studies is my top priority. I was so payat sa sobrang pagod, puyat at stress.lagi pa akong nag nose bleeding and I was so worried for my health pero tuloy ang laban. Again, none from my siblings and parents knows about it. I kept it all alone and di din naman sila nag tatanong kasi they thought I am doing fine dahil wala din naman silang narerecieved na reklamo sakin. BULLYING? ofcourse di padin ako nakaligtas jan, I was called "EWW ANG ITIM, MUKHANG MATANDA kasi di nakakapag ahit ng balbas at nakapagpagupit" minsan sasabihin pa nila "Huy kumain ka naman para ka nang kalansay" without knowing my whole story. One time I cried inside the confort room kasi I couldn't help myself na mainggit sa mga classmates ko nun na after class they will be having a talk about san sila mag lulunch if sa Jollibee ba, mcdo or sangyup. Samantalang ako, after class I was so busy meeting people with their orders. Minsan nadadaanan ko pa sila sa fast food having a good time while ako may bitbit na malaking basket puno ng sapatos na idedeliver.🙂 If my mandatory na event sa skul na need attendan, I used to ask people I don't know if may pwede ba akong mahihiraman ng susuotin tapos sasabihin nila try nila hanapan ako pero they then laugh at me afterwards. I feel so ashamed of doing it but I have to. So ayun na nga iniignore ko lang yung mga moment na tinatawanan ako sa looks ko, sa mga bagay na wala ako na meron sila. Basta focused ako sa acads ko nun at sa pagkita ng pera.
During my 3rd yr college. Yung part time kong work nagsara so I was forced to stop working with them na. And so yung pagbebenta ko ng sapatos nalang ginagawa ko. I was so lost that time kasi diko alam ako gagawin ko. Malaking tulong yun sakin lalo na 2yrs nalang kailangan kong tapusin sa pagaaral at mas malaki ang expenses ko na.Isang araw papasok ako ng gate sa skul and there are posters around our campus about scholarships and yung minimum qualified average. I have know idea if abot ba ng average ko dun sa offer ng scholars. so I run towards our registrar to request for a certificate of my grades. My world just stop for a while and I'm in tears kasi naabot nga. 86.04 yung average ko and the asking is 85.0.lang. moving forward, I got the scholarship and it helps me with my tuition fees. Kaya ang pinoproblema ko nalang non is bording house ko. Until meron na namang ibang offered na scholarships sa city so kahit sobrang haba ng pila,tiniis ko kasi I know it will save me. Luckily God is so good to me kaya I got them. That's why sa huling taon na pagaaral bago grumaduate, everything goes well and smooth because of those 3 scholarships. I Gave up selling shoes and focus sa exams nalang until I manage to graduate.....
2024 update about me? I am now in a good path, I took a career that is relevant to my degree and still want exploring more things...
submitted by Worried-Map1462 to perseverance [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:55 YodelingYoda Gentlemen, a short view back to the past.

Gentlemen, a short view back to the past.
I was in the process of cleaning out my old stuff and came across a couple of old Lacrosse Magazine from 2011. I figured you all would appreciate some of it. It’s been so long since I’ve had anything to do with lacrosse but it was a nice bit of nostalgia for simpler times.
submitted by YodelingYoda to lacrosse [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:47 KeySoil4033 cross commission

i know there’s something in the 145-1 regulations about cross commissioning from army rotc to other branches, but i was wondering, does anyone know how this works if you’re on a GRFD scholarship? can you serve that reserve contract in a different branches reserve component?
my wife is a Marine and i read an old 145-1 from 2011 saying that you can commission into the reserve component if your spouse was currently serving in that branch but obviously it doesn’t hit on the scholarship portion.
submitted by KeySoil4033 to ROTC [link] [comments]