Bully worksheets for 1st grade

College Memes

2012.02.10 07:01 EffanWoks College Memes

Welcome to MEME101. We'll be starting tutorial sessions next week, weekly laboratory meetings are mandatory and carries 20% of final grade. Exams are worth 50% and are 100 questions each with a 1 minute time limit. Arrange an appointment if you need help, my office hours are 1:00PM to 1:01PM.

2024.02.06 04:58 PM-ME-good-TV-shows lowerelementary

A subreddit for educators and parents of children in PK, Kinder, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade!

2011.01.21 03:16 d0ncab San José State University

A community of prospective and current students, alumni, faculty and staff, and locals of Silicon Valley. Share and discuss anything related to San José State University. Spartan Up!

2024.06.09 14:44 Educational_Cup_1958 TV Series Idea

I was thinking about a potential CHERUB TV Series and how it would be structured. I believe the best way to do it would be 2 books per season. This would mean that the original 12 book would cover 6 seasons. I also decided to include Dante Scots origin story as a series of post credit scenes between seasons 2-5, rather than just introducing a brand new character at the start of season 6.
I've done an outline for what the 1st 2 seasons would look like, might do the rest later if I have time.
Season 1: The Recruit + Class A Episode 1: The Recruit: Chapter 1-11. Basic Plot Points: James mum dies, goes to the childrens home and meets Kyle. Gets caught trying to steal beer. Wakes up at CERUB and completes the recruitment tests. The Episode ends with James and Kyle leaving the childrens home.
Episode 2: The Recruit: Chapter 12-18. Basic Plot Points: James learning to swim and running laps to increase his fitness. Getting drunk at Amys birthday. Goes into town with Kyle and Bruce to meet Lauren. Gets caught participating in a mission he shouldn't have. Starts basic training. Episode ends with James and Kerry sharing dinner at the end of the 1st day of basic training.
Episode 3: The Recruit Chapter 19-27 Basic Plot Points: Basic Training, Large punishing James and Kerry at Christmas. Trekking through Malaysia to complete basic training. James reuniting with Lauren. James getting into the routine of life at CHERUB. Episode ends with James, Kyle and the rest of the gang going out to the cinema.
Episode 4: The Recruit: Chapter 28-Chapter 34 (Could probably include Kerry's 1st mission aswell Basic Plot Points: Its 2 months later and James is unhappy that he hasn't had gone on a mission yet. Amy gives him his briefing for his 1st mission. James meeting Ewart and going to Fort Harmony with Ewart and Amy. James gets in to a fight at school and meets Joanna.
Episode 5: The Recruit: Chapter 35-41 Basic Plot Points: James might have Anthrax. Everyone getting kicked out of Fort Harmony. Saying good by to Joanna. James talking to Mack and being unsure if he did the right thing. Difference from the book, James does not get his Navy shirt here, he will get it later on. End with the characters being excited about going to the summer hostel
Episode 6: Class A: Chapter 1- 7 Basic Plot Points: Mission at the summer hostel. Kerry and Bruce get into a fight and they all get sent back to CHERUB and get punished. Lauren being worried about basic training. Difference from the book rather than James getting Kyle to get Nicole on the mission because she's hot. Have James ask Kyle to get Kerry on the mission, when Kyle asks why have james admit to him that he has a crush on her. Have the episode end with everyone moving to Luton.
Episode 7: Class A: Chapter 8-14 Basic Plot Points: First Day at new school, befriending Junior and shoplifting. James joining the boxing club and starts dealing. Lauren's Birthday. Breaking in to Thunderfoods warehouse. Episode ends with Lauren leaving to start basic training
Episode 8: Class A: Chapter 15-20 Basic Plot Points: James and Kerry being robbed. Stealing Crazy Joe's car. James Birthday. Nicole and Junior doing drugs. Ends with Nicole going to hospital.
Episode 9: Class A: Chapter 21-24 Basic Plot Points: Mr Singh being arrested. James being drug tested. Nicole being kicked out. Computer training with Amy.
Episode 10: Class A: Chapter 25-32 Basic Plot Points: episode starts with Lauren tell James about hitting Mr Large with the Shovel. Lauren being punish by MAC. James tells Kerry he likes her. James going to Florida with Keith and Junior. Getting Attacked by the Lambayeke Cartel. James killing the cartel member. Keith Moore gets arrested. Change from book, James gets his navy shirt.
Season 2: Maximum Security & The Killing
Episode 1: Maximum Security: Chapter 1-8 Basic Plot Points: Lauren completing basic training. James Kyle and the gang get into trouble at the bowling ally. James get the mission briefing. Episode ends with James telling Lauren About the mission.
Episode 2: Maximum Security: Chapter 9-16 Basic Plot Points: going to America, James crashing the car. James and Dave getting sentanced, then going to prison. James nearly getting killed because Dave fell asleep. Episode ends with Dave getting thrown in the hole.
Episode 3: Maximum Security: Chapter 17-22 Basic Plot Points: James get protection from Elwood and befriends curtis. James tells curtis about the escape plan. Episode ends with James and curtis getting out of prison.
Episode 4: Maximum Security: Chapter 23-25 Basic Plot Point: Lauren picking up James and curtis. Confrontation with the cops. Getting Paula to drive them to California. Episode ends with Curtis telling them he's going to contact his dad.
Episode 5: Maximum Security: Chapter 26-33 Main Plot Points: Getting picked up in the limo. Getting taken to the country. Lauren getting the tracking devices. James and Becky. Eugene tries to kill Lauren. Jane and Curtis get caught. Heading back to campus. Reuniting with Kerry.
Episode 6: The Killing: Chapter 1-9 Basic Plot Points: James and Shak mission at the school. Training mission with the eggs. Mr Large bullying Lauren. Breaking up with Kerry. Episode ends with James being punished for beating up Andy.
Episode 7: The Killing: Chapter 10-18 (Episode could start with the books prologue) Basic Plot Points: James completing his punishments. James and Dave going on the mission. James getting into a fight with the thugs. James getting arrested, then bailed out by John. Befriending Leon Tarasov.
Episode 8: The Killing: Chapter 19-24 Basic Plot Points: James and Dave working for Tasarov. James working on his assignments. James and Hannah. Hannah giving James the computer. James and Dave finding the bag in the back of the computer. Episode ends with Dave and James and Dave checking what's on the CD.
Episode 9: The Killing: Chapter 25-28 Basic Plot Points: Hannah telling James about Will's death, James telling Dave what he's learned. Lauren and Kerry breaking into Patels house. Episode ends with everyone meeting up with John at the hotel to go over everything and discuss plans.
Episode 10: The Killing: Chapter 29-36 Basic Plot Points: Setting up surveillance. James kissing Kerry. Waiting in the surveillance van. Breaking into the patels house. Patrl and Taserov fighting. Patel gets arrested. James heads back to CHERUB and texts Kerry.
Post Credits Scene: Brigandes MC Chapter 1-2 Basic Plot Points: Dante beats up Joe at the club house. The Furher tries to get Scotty to sell the clubhouse. Ends with Scotty stabbing Felicity.
submitted by Educational_Cup_1958 to CHERUB [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:52 Icy-Election1518 Loretto Abbey C.S.S?

I am looking for all girl high schools in Toronto, North York, or Vaughan- catholic or public, but no private schools please, not in this economy lol. I recently stumbled upon Loretto Abbey C.S.S. The reviews look good but I was hoping for something more in depth. I have a few questions and would be grateful if anyone could answer them :)
How's the school's learning environment?
How's the diversity in the school?
Is there bullying in the school and to what degree?
Are the teachers strict, and how strict?
Is there a Muslim population in the school at all?
Would it be a safe place for two Muslim girls-? Keep their head down, study, open to making friends, prioritize grades, etc. Girls are currently enrolled in another catholic high school, so they know how catholic schools work in terms of mass, uniform, religion studies etc, don't have an issue.
Do you have any concerns with this particular school?
Additionally, if anyone knows any other all girls schools, please let me know, I'd be super grateful.
submitted by Icy-Election1518 to askTO [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:38 ImCravingForSHUB What game is it for you

What game is it for you
I meant so that I can play it at home anytime I wanted but I do know that internet cafes existed heck I used to be an internet cafe kid playing with my cousin's account on the game's he played
For me that game would be Lego Universe, first found it in 2010 when I was in 1st grade elementary school and was about to play it when I finally got my own laptop in 2017 when I was in middle school only to find out it already closed its servers back in 2012
Still can't get over it even until now
submitted by ImCravingForSHUB to videogames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:01 EHKTasin AITAH for suggesting my friends not to be influenced?

Concerned about my best friends
Hello. I'll be using fake names to describe my situation.
My best friends are Jack and Harry.
I have two friends from a different friend group. They are quite popular in my high school and passively pick on me. We'll call them Jim and Ben.
One thing about me is that I have a girlfriend who is medically diagnosed with ADHD so I have to spend a considerable amount of time with her rather than my friends. Let's call her Mary.
Jack and Harry have been my best friends ever since 1st Grade. Recently we've finished our last public examination and are in a relaxed mood but my girlfriend still has her exams going on. I have to pick her up and drop her home on certain days so whenever my friends (Jack, Harry, Jim, and Ben) hangout, Somedays I have to leave early to pick Mary up. Over the last couple of days, Jim and Ben have been making inappropriate jokes about my girlfriend regarding her ethnicity and their sarcasm is influencing Jack and Harry to make similar jokes about the matter.
This makes me extremely uncomfortable.
Now, Jim and Ben are making plans to go to a resort out of town and inviting Jack and Harry to go with them. I will NOT be going because honestly, the entire trip they will ridicule me for committing too early and about my girlfriend. Finally, last night Jack started behaving rude to me when I told him not to get too influenced by Ben.
AITAH? What do I do from here onwards? Jack and Harry are my best friends for over 12 years and I do not want to lose them over some silly fight.
submitted by EHKTasin to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:40 ZealousidealAide1131 Reena Virk reminds me of myself

Growing up, I was definitely an outsider, on top of having strict immigrant parents. I was the only black person in my grade in Elementary school and I was severely bullied. I once had a girl throw water at me and all I could do was cry. People would call me ugly, touch my hair and I absolutely hated my body. I would starve myself to try and become skinny. On top of having a terrible school life, I also hated my home. My mom is a strict Christian. I wasn't allowed to have any friends, or even get a haircut. I could only wear jeans and pants. I wasn't allowed to wear skirts or shorts, even if it was 100 degrees outside. For mandatory school marathons, I literally would run a mile in skinny jeans. I wasn't allowed to go to school events or dances. I began to self harm whenever I was alone and fell into a deep depression. I became friends with this girl that my family absolutely hated because they thought she was a bad influence. While she did smoke, I never smoked with her, and to this day, I've never smoked. When my mom told me to stop hanging out with her it made me really upset and rebellious because she was my only friend. This made me resent my mom even more. I started to talk and act like the girls at my school in hopes of fitting in, but the truth is I never fit in with them because I didn't look like them. Back then, just like Reena, I would've done anything to leave home. I even ran away a couple times. Back in 2022 when I was 18 I ran away from home and stayed with my abusive boyfriend who attempted to kill me on one occasion. I sympathize with Reena so much because growing up in a strict household, on top of being bullied at school will really make you hate your life and the world around you. You'll do absolutely anything to escape the pain you're in, even if that means lying and running away.
submitted by ZealousidealAide1131 to UnderTheBridge [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:25 Party_Capital2764 AITA for arguing with my dad over previous arguments

Sorry for the strange title, I haven't done any AITA yet.
I (14) had a very heated argument with my dad (50) yesterday because he was grumpy from his challenging work and I was playing video games on the weekend after doing GCSE mocks. He came into my room and called me lazy for not doing the cleaning in the house, despite doing the dishes, hoovering and toilet cleaning in the house whenever I see the mess or when I am asked.
I was already stressed from the mocks as my mum really wants me to have good marks and my future seems to depend on the grade of it.
He pulled my chair into the living room and locked the door and argued and I snapped. I mentioned how he shouted at me because I had a bullying issue when I was in primary school and my teacher was questioning him about how I am, and because of that he thought I (11 at the time) was talking to the teacher about him behind his back.
He also had a relationship with Scientology. My mum is a muslim and she did not agree with Scientology. My dad brang me to the Scientology place in London and tried to bring me in but when I didn't want to go because my mum put it in my head that they were terrible, he was pissed at me. He said 'don't even look at me' and those kinds of things and had a huge tantrum.
I respected my parents at this time, I still do. However, my parents have treated me differently since then and I can't help but be a bit cross at my parents for this. They give me things like my PC, which I am doing this on, but I've always wondered if I have been spoilt or in the wrong all this time.
submitted by Party_Capital2764 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:16 Nervous_Ad_4695 Controlling and Abusive Parents

How abusive and controlling were your parents during your childhood and how did you deal with it?
In my case my mother was very abusive. She used to push me to the bed and "punch" me for not getting marks in 4th standard. Once when I was in 1st or 2nd grade, while combing my hair she pushed me to the ground because the comb got stuck in my hair or smg. My knees had a huge wound from that. Oru acre skin poyyi. Used to force me to wear churidhar only till 10th. Now whenever I point it out she will go defensive saying "I loved you more than your sister, I have bought you whatever you asked for. I have spend a lot of money on you". Now my dad is a don't care guy. Not abusive or anything. My mom hated the fact he had no steady job and used to yell at him, bitch about his family and made me hate him and his family. As a family we never went for trips or movies. According to this woman, cinema theatre is for bad people. She never lets me leave the house alone too. She was against me going abroad for higher studies as well, if I go abroad she can't control me so.
I am someone who suffers from anxiety issues. Trying to take therapy. My mother is opposing that saying "ithokke alkarku kandupidikan pattum and arum kalyanam kayikkan varilla".
Now she is planning to get me married. She says need to marry in a year and she won't give me my matrimony profile. She tells me to start learning how to cook so that "kettiyavante kayyinu thallu kittila". I don't know how to deal with this woman.
PS: My sister didn't face any of this shit. She had a very lenient life.
submitted by Nervous_Ad_4695 to KeralaRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:11 sweetlikehannie Is this normal, or am I just fucking insane?(long)

So I don't have social anxiety, but it felt like the right place to post this, I mean, I literally made an account for this, please send help!
First, I'm a hardcore introvert and very, very, VERY shy, and a teenager(triple kill). I think being shy since childhood made me an introvert as well, but I really don't mind. I enjoy alone time and I don't like spending too much time with people, hence I get really tired and pissed off. I don't have many friends, and even if I do, I have a very on-and-off relationship with them. Their beliefs and morals are completely different from mine, and I sound close-minded now, but I really can't deal with racism, ableism, homophobia, etc. on a daily basis. But that's out of topic, lol.
I'm also pretty self-aware. I know I spend too much time home, I am very bad at public speaking/performing. My body gets really sweaty, my hands shake, my heart beats too much and all that simple stuff. I've also puked multiple times because of social interactions, it's becoming more common these days. I've heard that anxiety and nervousness causes your stomach to hurt, but I'm sure that's not very usual. I don't really know, I wish I did. Then I probably wouldn't be writing this.
Now, one big problem that I have, is that I physically cannot talk to strangers. Whenever I'm in a bus station, a random lady comes up to me and tries to ask me a question. Something completely simple, like, "Would you mind telling me what bus goes to -whatever place they want to head to-?" and I would freeze up. Even if I try to get a singular word of a no out of my mouth, my throat refuses to make a normal sound. Even when I finally let out a 'no', my voice just comes out all groggily and broken and way too quiet for someone to understand. Sometimes I'm able to nod, but that's just out of luck. If my body that day decides that I deserve to be a little less embarrassed, then I might nod. But usually the person just asks me a couple times and then walks away annoyed. I always feel guilty, but I'm literally incapable of talking to strangers.
It's not only with strangers, though. The same thing occurs to relatives I don't see often, show workers, hair dressers etc. But most of the time in those cases I'm able to at least shake my head or nod or whatever. Sometimes, I would want to talk, and not really be able to. I don't really know how that makes sense, but let me give you an example. My mom could be scolding me about something, grades, chores, not talking to people(very often, usurprisingly). And I would really, really want to give her an answer, to apologize, or whatever. But I just would not be able to, my mind would create the reasonings to why I did this and that, but I wouldn't be able to voice that out. Same with teachers, relatives and stuff like that.
I've always been this way, Shy, reserved and very easy to confuse with social interactions. I understand social cues pretty well, but I don't know how to act on it and just get frustrated. When I'm mad I just go silent, completely ignoring everyone, even people who are not at fault. This has resulted in a lot of my family members thinking I have autism(I don't know if I should laugh, or cry). I'm sure I'm not autistic, but I'm kind of thinking I might have some sort of anxiety disorder or something. Or maybe I'm going insane, I have no clue. I've had a great childhood, sweet parents. Not very supportive, but honestly nobody around here is so I'm just grateful to have what they've given me. So I'm sure I don't have any heavy childhood trauma except from just a little bit of bullying. At the time I did think it was horrible, but now looking back it was just usual pre-teen beef between some little girls.
I'm good online, still kind of awkward in calling, but much better. I'm no dry texter, I know how to strike up a convo with strangers online. I have people that I know in real life, but have never talked to. But in texting I have all of their social media and am kind of close with . But maybe talked to them like what, 3-4 times in total? Mind you, they are people from my country, most are from my school, and in the same communities as me. So it's not like I can't see them, it's just I can't talk to them, you know?
The country I live in does offer therapy and recognizes mental illness. Though very badly, but these days it's getting better. It's something that my parents can afford, I think? I really, really want someone to teach me how to talk to people. Help me through this stupid self-help shit. I have a new guitar teacher, and I cannot answer her questions. I haven't been able to say anything in the past week that she's been teaching me. barely nodding while not even making eye-contact and just the usual. I really want to get over whatever this stupid shyness is. It's seriously ruining my life and it's not gonna get better when I get older. I won't be able to apply for jobs, make friends, partners and what if I need to go to the doctors or something without my mom?
My main question is. Is this fucking normal or am I going crazy? And maybe ways to get rid of this and stop being a pussy.
Thank you for reading, that was longer than I expected.
P.S: I also have a very bad habit of not greeting people. I know it's very impolite and disrespectful, but again, strangers. lolol
submitted by sweetlikehannie to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:26 Aekvil My parents won't believe that Maladaptive daydreaming is a mental illness and it's fake, I need help, how do I convince them that it's real

About 2 years ago (not completely sure) I started to notice that my actions were starting to get really weird, like walking around the room in circles without stopping, listening to music for hours at full volume, get weird boosts of energy out of nowhere and unhealthy obsession over daydreaming and doing it without stopping.
At first I though I might have autism, but after a few months later, I searched up why I was walking in circles and daydreaming for hours, and I finally got the answer that was very close to my actions, it was called "Maladaptive daydreaming". Before I was sure that I was actually a Maladaptive daydreamer, I took a couple tests to see if I was right, and every test had the same answer.
The first time when my mom asked me why I was acting like that, I didn't really know the answer and always answered with "I don't know." (This was before I knew about Maladaptive daydreaming). I said to my mom that sometimes I got a weird boost of energy out of nowhere, but my mom just always replied the same thing "it's because you're using your energy not in a right way, it want to be released from your body. You need to start to work out.". But the problem is wherever I do release the energy by working out, being all tired and stuff like that, after about 5 or 7 minutes later, the energy just gets back like I've never been working out.
The first time when I told my mom about Maladaptive daydreaming, my mom just ignored it and continued to do her own thing. The second time I told her about that I might be Maladaptive daydreamer, she just didn't look like paying any attention. The third time happened this year during April, when I was having a mental breakdown. I haven't told any of my relatives how I felt since 1st grade. Yet she still didn't pay any attention what I've said and I just acted the next day the same way as if I've never told her how I felt. The fourth time I told her about it was yesterday, while she was resting with dad. When I told them (my parents) again, my dad just said "it's an adultery" (but the fact is that I'm not even an adult yet.), and about mom.. she said "Its a fake mental illness and there's no way you're mentally ill.".
I'm clearly disappointed in my parents. It's a literal internet, how the hell is it fake?? IVE NEVER ACTER THIS WAY BEFORE, AND HOW DO YOU KNOW SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE INTERNET?!
submitted by Aekvil to MaladaptiveDreaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:19 Dry-Ad796 PUP BSA or UPD BS Math

Hi! My dream course is BSA but UP is my dream uni. Since I got accepted in UPD with my third choice program which is BS Math, I only have the option to shift to BSBAA or kung may qualifiers appeal man. Sa PUP naman, I got the 1st day of enrollment so I think secured na naman ang slot ko sa BSA. To narrow it down, I have other factors pa as to why I’m really torn between the two:
UPD BS MATH Pros • UP itself is prestige na, so I can’t really let go. • They said UP provide better quality of education and have better facilities. • I like math and I took STEM kaya may konting background na ako esp. Calc and Stats. • First ever UP student in my fam :) • I already have dormmates and naghahanap na lang din ng 1-2 pa para makapirma na ng kontrata, we already have a place in mind.
Cons • As I have said, BSA ang dream course ko kaya baka hindi ako maging ganoon ka-passionate. • I don’t know what path I’ll take if I graduate in this program. • Although I get high grades in my math subjects noon, I know my limitations and I’m still scared kasi syempre UP yan, mas maraming magagaling and nasa puso ko ang accounting, madedelay ako kapag mags-shift ako and kinakabahan din ako sa standard ng UP.
PUP BSA/BSMA Pros • Secured slot for my dream course, BSA. Parang hindi ko naeenvision ‘yung sarili ko with other courses T__T • PUP produces topnotchers, I think it says a lot naman as to what level of education they provide lalo na sa accounting. • Iska pa rin! 🥳
Cons • Ayon nga, may mga profs daw na ghoster or basta hindi nagtuturo. • Puro online class daw. Underfunded as well. • Hindi ako nag ABM, so need ata ng bridging and baka hindi ako makasabay sa kanila (willing to learn naman kasi passionate ako kasi dream couse ko ‘yon). • Need to hanap dorms/dormmates na kasi baka magka-ubusan.
Ang qualifiers appeal sa UPD ay hindi pa sure, pero kung magkakaroon, baka before ng gen appeal so any date between june 14-19 po siguro. July 16 naman po ang enrollment ko sa PUP.
Hindi ko alam kung saan ako mas maggogrow. Either way, kailangan ko pa rin mag-aral nang todo kung gusto kong maging CPA. Nasa puso ko ang accounting, unless may qualifiers appeal sa UPD at matanggap ako sa BSBAA, for now, nagli-lean ako sa PUP. What do you guys think? Should I give up UP and embrace PUP?
submitted by Dry-Ad796 to PUPians [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:18 Dry-Ad796 BS Math in UPD or BSA in PUP

Hi! My dream course is BSA but UP is my dream uni. Since I got accepted in UPD with my third choice program which is BS Math, I only have the option to shift to BSBAA or kung may qualifiers appeal man. Sa PUP naman, I got the 1st day of enrollment so I think secured na naman ang slot ko sa BSA. To narrow it down, I have other factors pa as to why I’m really torn between the two:
UPD BS MATH Pros • UP itself is prestige na, so I can’t really let go. • They said UP provide better quality of education and have better facilities. • I like math and I took STEM kaya may konting background na ako esp. Calc and Stats. • First ever UP student in my fam :) • I already have dormmates and naghahanap na lang din ng 1-2 pa para makapirma na ng kontrata, we already have a place in mind.
Cons • As I have said, BSA ang dream course ko kaya baka hindi ako maging ganoon ka-passionate. • I don’t know what path I’ll take if I graduate in this program. • Although I get high grades in my math subjects noon, I know my limitations and I’m still scared kasi syempre UP yan, mas maraming magagaling and nasa puso ko ang accounting, madedelay ako kapag mags-shift ako and kinakabahan din ako sa standard ng UP.
PUP BSA/BSMA Pros • Secured slot for my dream course, BSA. Parang hindi ko naeenvision ‘yung sarili ko with other courses T__T • PUP produces topnotchers, I think it says a lot naman as to what level of education they provide lalo na sa accounting. • Iska pa rin! 🥳
Cons • Ayon nga, may mga profs daw na ghoster or basta hindi nagtuturo. • Puro online class daw. Underfunded as well. • Hindi ako nag ABM, so need ata ng bridging and baka hindi ako makasabay sa kanila (willing to learn naman kasi passionate ako kasi dream couse ko ‘yon). • Need to hanap dorms/dormmates na kasi baka magka-ubusan.
Ang qualifiers appeal sa UPD ay hindi pa sure, pero kung magkakaroon, baka before ng gen appeal so any date between june 14-19 po siguro. July 16 naman po ang enrollment ko sa PUP.
Hindi ko alam kung saan ako mas maggogrow. Either way, kailangan ko pa rin mag-aral nang todo kung gusto kong maging CPA. Nasa puso ko ang accounting, unless may qualifiers appeal sa UPD at matanggap ako sa BSBAA, for now, nagli-lean ako sa PUP. What do you guys think? Should I give up UP and embrace PUP?
submitted by Dry-Ad796 to peyups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:02 ScienceOfAchievement Why Geomaxxing Works For Short Men [Explained Genetically] Geomaxxing To Spain, Portugal, Korea, Thailand, Philippines

Problem: I can get a gf.. but can't get a facially cute, slim, tanned, girlfriend (my type). Treated like shit by guys due to low social status due to height
Goal: a slim cute tanned gf & be treated like a normal person by guys.
How to achieve it: I need to increase my SMV and height
  1. I will wear 1-3 inch lifts
  2. Geomax to shorter countries where my coloring is also desired
  3. I'm verryyy white like an albinos and 5ft5
  4. I could get this all over with and go to philippines. But I dont want to sacrifice my quality of life unless I HAVE to. So I will try nicer countries first
  5. all of these avg heights ive listed below are in the young 19yo generation from this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country#Second_table:_estimated_average_height_of_19-year-olds_in_2019
  6. I have a remote job so can live anywhere
1. My country
❌ I'm 5 inches below avg height even in lifts so treated like shit by guys annd bullied
❌ They hate white skin, they like "tall dark handsome"
❌ My country is known for being good looking. so my face is just seen as average/below average. so hard af to get a cute slim gf
✅ My country is great to live in quality of life-wise
2. Geomaxx to spain
❌ 5ft9.5 avg there so im 3 inches below average in lifts so pretty terrible height still, ill be low status
❌ I think they also dont like white skin, and prefer tans
❌ Known for being good looking too.. so ill be average/below average so hard to find a cute slim gf
✅ Might find a latina which are smaller and prefer white skin guys so higher chance ill get a cute slim tan gf
❌ Speaks moderate English
✅ Amazing quality of life
3. If Spain fails I'll geomaxx to Portugal 5ft8.5 avg height
❌ I'll be 2 inches below average in lifts so higher chance ill be treated normally by guys
❌ I think they also dont like white skin, and prefer tans
❌ I think I'll be average looks there still
✅ Much better english than spain so might have higher chance to connect with people
4. If Portugal fails ill go to Korea 5ft8.5 avg height
❌ I'll be 2 inches below average in lifts. not ideal height but acceptable and treated normally by guys i think
✅ It's known they prefer white skin on guys
✅ The beauty standard in korea is to have caucasian facial features so I'll be above average facially https://ling-app.com/ko/korean-beauty-standards/ so higher chance much ill get a cute slim tan gf
❌ Speaks moderate english
✅ Great quality of life country
5. If Korea fails ill go to thailand 5ft7.5 avg height
✅ I'll be 1 inch below average height in lifts so can finally be treated like a normal person
✅ It's known they prefer white skin on guys
✅ The beauty standard is same as korea, they prefer caucasian features so i'll be above average facially so higher chance ill get a cute slim tan gf
❌ Very low english proficiency so will be hard to connect with people
❌ Highly polluted, lower quality of life compared to previous 1st world countries
6. If thailand fails, I'll go to philippines...although i dont want to...
✅ I'll be 1 inch above average height in lifts so very higher chance ill get a cute slim tan gf
✅ It's known they prefer white skin on guys
✅ The beauty standard is same as korea, they prefer caucasian features so i'll be above average facially
✅ Great english proficiency so I'll be able to connect with people
❌ Very highly polluted, very lower quality of life compared to previous 1st world countries, and even worse than thailand
It's hard... as a short guy, the more you want to be treated more normally by guys and higher chance to get a slim cute gf... the worse low quality of life countries u have to go to. So I think it's best to find somewhere in the middle. And test
submitted by ScienceOfAchievement to shortguys [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:19 Playful-Rate-5349 I'm transferring to MAPUA Makati but I will receive my last sem's grades after MAPUA's deadline of requirements

Hi! Is it possible to submit grades only from 1st and 2nd sem to MAPUA for transfer? The deadline of Requirements is a week before our sem finishes which we still won't have any record of when deadline passes by. If someone is going to answer, thanks. I already e-mailed MAPUA however they only redirected me to their website. I might go there to confirm.
submitted by Playful-Rate-5349 to mapua [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:30 -CORSO-1 1x Godot Super Wizard (Revshare) Flashy & pretty remake, 90's Top Down, super/hypercar racer with bizarre twist.


LONG POST! Image heavy (and shitty loading times). 5 Pages! Apologies for the length, trying to pre-empt your questions and show fixed scope.


One person with excellent, higher-order programming skills in Godot GDScript who could pair with my graphics and programming abilities for a highly popular 1990's game title, top down racer remake.

Game Synopsis:

Single player, Super Cars Clone but more realistic + crazy + more detailed and prettier graphics. With 1990’s styling and Roguelite-ish collect & combat precepts throughout.
Image set

Citing the Original Game:

Explanation video of Super Cars 2, 1990’s charm: Descriptive Video
Just flick through these next two videos, no need to watch to completion. This is to show you how dated they are.
Long Play video of original Game: Amiga Super Cars 2:
Earlier Super Cars 1: Long Play Video

Proof of Concept Test Video:

Here is a proof of concept video with artwork (no props except for road elevation).
Concept Video

Proof of Concept, Playable Game:

You can download and play it here. Do note: Road elevation changes marked by Red and Green rectangles on track, in case you’re confused about varying accelerations. AI is hypershit.
Playable Game Link
Some of the old video’s on there show the lo-res flippers, water cannons, pits, pins, rough roads, trains, etc, in working order.

Synopsis of Theme:

You are an up and coming racecar driver. It is the 1990's when flamboyant super cars, daring films(James Bond esq) and thrilling car races are all the buzz. Catching this excitement, a movie studio has noticed your driving talent. During a racing season, you'll be given access to 'unique' races at movie locations. Ie: "Blues Brothers Mall scene", or driving through a mine site with giant excavators and blasting of rock walls for that all important movie-shot. Or, many other weird and unusual prop-heavy locations, like a slime factory, or an industrial petrochemical plant complete with fiery explosions and other such spectacular events. To achieve access to these, you need to prove your worth on the daily race track. Many are non-ordinary tracks. They'll have things like giant water canons to push you around, wobbling roads, uneven rocky tracks, dips, jumps, giant pinball flippers, oil firing canons, trains and other devices all while in furious and intense competition with other NPC drivers.
Be forewarned, the video’s below show a distinct lack of polish. Ie: skidding-black level on packed dirt, no inertia correction in skid, no proper power to gear ratio etc, etc.
Mine Site and Prop Test Free Drive:
This one would be more or less representative of a special type track (due to location).
Katawarra mine
Plugin Functionality test:
Plug-In, Multi-Prop-Installations (shopping centre test), farmland, pushroads and cutaway view of mountains.
Plug In Building Test
And have another jungle track for good measure.
Jungle scene free-drive

Overview of Game ‘Chunks’:

Some Cars
Ok. in absolute brief: You start at ‘D’ category, have access to those cars and parts at that level. Above, cars on the left are ‘D’, then the next two are ‘C’, then next two are ‘B’, ‘A’, and the last two are ‘Ultra Class’ category. Each Category is an entire season of 10 tracks each. Including special event tracks.
On the roads, there are props, you plough into them for rewards, and special things called ‘chits’. Props are fences, oil drums, wood piles and anything that looks like it needs a good smashing.
Ultimately, Chits are used in a mini game (like Wheel of Fortune), to earn higher grade parts, cash prizes and even a better car than your current season’s level cap.
There’s a parts shop, a car shop, a Tv studio(for the WoF bit) and your assembly garage.
When you complete a season, if you make it into the top 3 racers at the end, you can upgrade to the next season D -> C. That means better and faster cars, higher grade engine parts, more challenging drivers, more tracks and bigger prizes on the Wheel of Fortune spin mini game. And you keep going until you reach Ultra class, where you’re driving monstrous hypercars against the best to win the entire full season.
It is meant to be a difficult game, just like the original. Practice makes Perfect.

Market Expectations:

Do note: Top down racers are NOT big money earners, so don't expect a huge audience. We would probably be lucky to fit just Below 'Make Way' at position 15.
Steam stats

What Happened and why am I doing this:

Me: Senior IT Manager. (BMech Eng.). + Hobby Artist (Pretty OK & particularly fast) + VB6 Coder (Strong skills). Was working on a BIG VB6 program for enjoyment. (https://nelfid.com/)
(https://www.reddit.com/roguelikedev/comments/1aeaoo8/2024_in_roguelikedev_monstergirl_resonance_call/ )
Had to stop. Looked at Godot for continuation, seriously impressed, started learning it, WOW. Decided to build a racer for shits and giggles and to learn from it. Ok, fun, easy, cool, and then decided to upgrade it with pretty graphics and decent gameplay. Game testers went nuts, I went nuts. Too much fun.
But, I’m long suffering from a sleep disorder. So re-re-re-learning Godot between medical hiatuses isn’t fun. However I can churn out art and Godot prop code no matter my condition.
I’m still a beginner at Godot, an advanced coder in VB6, I can prototype well. HOWEVER, I’m better at smashing out tracks worth of art, cars portraits, cars sprites, car cutaways and Godot track and props setup.
What I am NOT good at is the higher order setup of minimising repeat code and proper setout of node hierarchies (I haven’t learned it yet). I’m tired of bashing my head against, all the old vector math, engine math, gearing data and power curves. (I graduated that stuff at University too many years ago.)
I’m looking for someone who likes THAT, car-frictiony-enginey-handling-math. Someone who likes building car-part-shop-garage-drag-drop-thingy-interfaces. Someone who enjoys a good thrash and smash car game with a penchant for comedy and silliness. Someone who’ll also help with all the OTHER things needed to put a game on Steam and random marketing functions. Someone who knows how to handle multi-packed scenes and not build shit code.
As needed, I’ll be covering ALL the art, all the interface art, you-name-it, you just make it work. I’ll also be building and drawing all the tracks. Ideas and creation for silliness, wackiness, interesting tracks, cool props, etc, will be a duo effort for building them. If you have art skills too, great, join in.
Do note: I’m aiming at hand-drawing 50 tracks in grand total, their props and variants. This is an astronomical amount of work. I WILL get burnout, and the contingency is to ask the audience for fun and silly ideas too. This way, the track-select-bucket can be filled over time. Even after Steam’s Early Access commences. Seriously, you’ve got to go above and beyond to stand out nowadays.
Have SQLite skills? Good, because we will be using it.

Build Time:

Speculatively guessing for build time. Minimum time 3 months. Maximum time 6 months to complete.

Goal Post 1:

Schedule I'd like to do: Prep the game with a first stage demo. As per above, but with say 3 tracks, and 3 different user cars and proper NPC AI. Chuck that on Steam as a first port of call. This shouldn't take long as the shop/parts/Tv studio are not relevant here. Just racing and a simplistic track select menu. Car types can be basic hard coded engines and handling here (ie: no part swapping yet).

Goal Post 2:

Second stage demo: and with it, Early Access. Entire Season 1 Tracks ready. All stuff is here, shops, parts, Tv studio. Category 'D' racing is fully open here. The user can run through the whole 1'st stage, 10 tracks (with celebrity tracks included). However, more difficult grades C, B, A and Ultra cars, parts and other tracks are not available. This is so the users can get a 100% feeling for the game, and if they want to go to the next level (more difficult, more tracks, more parts, more cars, more excitement) they'll have the incentive to purchase the full game. Early access means we'll start dumping down new tracks and celebrity tracks as they get made so EA's can get them in the random bucket as we go along.

Goal Post 3:

Real Launch: Everything done, but tracks might not be fully complete yet (at least 50% done). Track selection is done from a diminishing pool randomly selected per each season. If short, it will select from the bucket again. At this stage the entire game should be coded in full, with the exception of new props for upcoming tracks. Which you'll be helping out with.


Marketing is informal at the moment, and happy to share ideas and discuss approaches accordingly. Currently I've been collecting relevant forum/group websites for those who love or may love this stuff.


Music and sound effects assets will be from sites like Zapsplat and other affiliate style sites. (So we'll need to program in a car CD Player or Tape Deck, lol) If worthwhile to translate for other languages, we can do that as it's not a text heavy game.


Rev share will be pinned at 50/50 unless there is some other extenuating circumstances. Official company setup and final legals will occur immediately prior to Early Access -> pending interest level by users.
You won't be 'just' coding. Wherever we can both cover each other's backs to smash things out as fast as possible, you'll need to be flexible. Game's are not just coding and artwork.
I expect you to be proactive because I’ll have my hands full with art and technical props.
Let’s do our best to get it over the line.


I won’t be responding to Discord currently. My account seems to have been inactive-erased, I haven't ‘dug’ in my records for it, that’s a ‘later’ thing. DO NOT DM me, myself and others want to see and verify who you are first, exclusively write below.


East-coast Australia timezone, happy for any talent, anywhere. English language only.

About you:

If you are interested and have some seriously strong Godot skills, please introduce yourself, what you've done, programming background, any training or other videos you've made (please link them). Can you program caengine physics and road AI exceptionally well already? How do you avoid spaghetti code? How long have you been tackling Godot? Do you know shaders? What are your daily hours/location? What can you do for your 50/50 rev-share of this project?
Have some AI Generated art for theme and ideas fishing. Note: I won’t be using AI art anywhere, this is only for sticking into the ideas-box and to give you a feel for what the game is about.
Coverart Ideas
Lastly, if you’re good and we work well together, I’m happy to discuss any future projects that require similar arrangements. There is a mountain of short-term, popular 90’s and similar games begging for modernisation and graphical updates.
submitted by -CORSO-1 to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:12 peachblossom65 Moving from 5th Grade to 1st Grade ICT

Hi fellow teachers! I'm in need of some support/advice. I have been teaching for 3 years in NYC, and I am entering the 4th (my tenure year) in the fall. Up until now, I have taught 5th and 6th grade (gen ed, ict, and g&t) with great feedback from my admin. I am being placed in 1st grade in an ICT setting for this upcoming school year. I am excited to learn a lot and wanted to explore lower elementary grades, but also feel nervous about making such a huge jump. The first graders will be more dependent than the fifth and six graders I have had.
Any advice would be appreciated (about anything, such as: essential anchor charts to buy, good modeling videos to watch, helpful resources, health tips, best practices or websites, etc.). I will be meeting with my co-teacher soon and believe we will work with a para as well. The co-teacher has been in lower elementary, and is also newer to teaching. Any tips on how to clearly set expectations with my co-teacher would also be appreciated.
submitted by peachblossom65 to NYCTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:10 peachblossom65 Moving from 5th Grade to 1st Grade ICT

Hi fellow teachers! I have been teaching for 3 years in NYC, and I am entering the 4th (my tenure year) in the fall. Up until now, I have taught 5th and 6th grade (gen ed, ict, and g&t) with great feedback from my admin. I am being placed in 1st grade in an ICT setting for this upcoming school year. I am excited to learn a lot and wanted to explore lower elementary grades, but also feel nervous about making such a huge jump. The first graders will be more dependent than the fifth and six graders I have had.
Any advice would be appreciated (about anything, such as: essential anchor charts to buy, good modeling videos to watch, helpful resources, health tips, best practices or websites, etc.). I will be meeting with my co-teacher soon and believe we will work with a para as well. The co-teacher has been in lower elementary, and is also newer to teaching. Any tips on how to clearly set expectations with my co-teacher would also be appreciated.
submitted by peachblossom65 to teaching [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:54 peachblossom65 Moving from 5th Grade to 1st Grade ICT

Hi fellow teachers! I have been teaching for 3 years in NYC, and I am entering the 4th (my tenure year) in the fall. Up until now, I have taught 5th and 6th grade (gen ed, ict, and g&t) with great feedback from my admin. I am being placed in 1st grade in an ICT setting for this upcoming school year. I am excited to learn a lot and wanted to explore lower elementary grades, but also feel nervous about making such a huge jump. The first graders will be more dependent than the fifth and six graders I have had.
Any advice would be appreciated (about anything, such as: essential anchor charts to buy, good modeling videos to watch, helpful resources, health tips, best practices or websites, etc.). I will be meeting with my co-teacher soon and believe we will work with a para as well. The co-teacher has been in lower elementary, and is also newer to teaching. Any tips on how to clearly set expectations with my co-teacher would also be appreciated.
submitted by peachblossom65 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:14 anon-honeybee You ever feel like your (divorced) parents resent you for reminding them of their marriage?

Context: I'm an adult in college. Dad is a victim-mentality narc, Mom is divorcing him. I don't talk to my Dad much anymore, I mostly do it out of a feeling of obligation more than anything.
My dad sees my mother in me. My mom sees my father in me. I can tell they notice and I can tell they don't like what they see. Neither of them would admit it to my face, of course. But I notice.
These were two people who didn't know who they fully were before having kids, and upon seeing their own traits reborn into their offspring, failed to realize that I and my brother were just reflections of them.
Yes, there is an element of randomness to children. But how can they be so blind to realizing that their children are a product of themselves? You created me with your genetic material and then raised me with your behavior. None of those parts should come as a surprise.
Was I just a do-over? A way for you to bully and shame yourself by way of someone else's body and mind? You two, so smart with your masters degrees, couldn't realize that if your child exhibited some unexpected behavior or personality trait at a young age, that it probably had something to do with you? That your teen acts the way they do because of you? That your adult child didn't spontaneously gain all the wisdom you failed to teach them, and therefore bears the unhealed scars of their upbringing?
And it's just so wonderful that you're both in therapy now. After putting me through it first as a confused child and watching it fail because the problem was you, not me. I didn't need therapy back then, I needed love. Now you have all the vocabulary in your arsenal to completely emotionally detach yourself from this mess you've caused.
Nice job on your inner child work, dad. Amazing how you are so kind playing pretend with child-you, when you couldn't exhibit a fraction of that patience with either of your real kids. Sorry I remind you of a woman you don't like.
Glad your therapist is helping you be your own person, mom. I'll try to be okay with all the ways you continue to upset me because I know you're doing your best to work on yourself. Sorry my depression is still here and reminds you of the person I inherited it from.
I just feel like I don't belong in my family at all. Ideally my brother would be close to me but we were not raised to have a strong bond. He doesn't seem to want one, anyways. We're cool as adults and I love him very much; I just have residual feelings about what it was like growing up.
He had his own issues and traumas for sure. Most of which I didn't directly see. But what I did see was the older child with the good grades, the one who plays my dad's favorite sport, the one who graduated with honors and got a high paying job that makes his parents proud. The one who likes what my mom likes and doesn't ruin the vibe on accident. And the one who, despite all of that, kept telling me that I was the favorite, not him.
Whatever. I just feel like I got both my parents' flaws, and because one of those flaws is chronic shame and self-doubt, they project that onto me when they see me reflecting it. They want to destroy the ugly parts of themselves that ended up in me.
submitted by anon-honeybee to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:43 ihateabusers5 The abuse will never go unacknowledged, bullies

I can't stand the fucking demons. they're abusers and assholes. my whole life the asshole bullies constsantly lied on me. constantly lied to me, about me, for me. all of it was lies. lies lies. lies. lies . lies .lies. i hate those assholes. today was another one of those fucking lies. my eggdonor asked me to clean the microwave. i said 'okay' and went to go clean it. the delusion demon started saying "Why are you being so disrepectful?" I told her I was not b eing disrespectful. nothing was wrong. i didn't do anything. the ugly demon started saying I was being disresepctful that was when my sperm donor got in my face and started yelling on the top of its lungs. "WHY ARE YOU SO DISRESPECTFUL? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" Then the sperm donor slapped me across the face. My egg donor started yelling "SEE THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T LET HER STAY IN MY HOUSE. WE HAVE TO PUSH HER ON THE STREET."
And this has been my whole life living with those demons. always lying on me. always spreading fucking lies. When I started defneding myself and telling the truth, telling them that there was no problem that I wasn't doing anything, the sperm donor told me to stop talking. to not say anything and go clean the microwave and stop causing problems. I told it that i wasn't causing any prolblems, that I had peacefully agreed to clean the microwave and they started attacking me. That's when the sperm donor started telling me to stop talking and go back to work. When I was crying because of the verbal attack and physical attack my egg donor pulled out its phone and started recording me crying. It started shaming me saying, "Look at this big grown woman crying all because we took her phone away" she said behind the screen.
Evil liars. I will always hate them for nothing else except for all the lies they've tried to convince me of. My entire life they've tried to convince me that I was a bad child, a problem child. Always tried to convince me that i didn't deserve anything. always tried to make it seem as though I was causing the problems. from when I was a young child it was always put on me. the lies. so much was taken from me. a normal childhood. a normal sense of self. i was always a smart kid who excelled in school, a good , nice, polite and gentle kid. My evil cowardace bully parents used my softness as an easy target for abuse. theyve tried their whole life to convince me i was some problem child but the problem is that it's not true to reality.
They never even let me defend myself. even against the most disgusting abuses. I was always suppoised to take it up the ass with a smile. and when it was all done the evil demons would gaslight and say 'nobody has ever done anything to you.'
I will always hate them for the lies. for the late nights stahying up so they could bully and atack me for no fucking reason. screaming and yelling at me while beating me until 1, 2, 3 in the morning on a school night. it's a miracle i still got good grades. they were so selfish too. got angry at me for prioritizing my school work and my extracurriculars like my peers, they yelled at me and told me i should be lucky i have a home to do my homework in the first place. they wanted me to priortize doing housechores over my homework. the crazy part is that i always did my house work. i did everything i was supposed to do. they tarfetted me and abused me for no reason. and then they lied. the bullying and lies all went unacknowedlged. 'nobody no do you nattin.' what losers.
I'm not 'acting out' for no reason fucking bullies. stop bulling me. stop picking on me. stop provoking me like you've done my entire fucking life. youve already taken so much from me. i hate you. i will always hate you for what you've done to me. for gaslighting me my entire life and acting like it wasn't always abuse. i will always hate you for the anger you projected on to me. the neglect and aggression you put on me. for you harvesting my energy for your own wickedness (noticed when I left for college you evil assholes started falling ill, it wasn't until i got back things slowed down). I will always hate you for making me small and making me too scared to ask for anything. always depriving me. always deprving me of things i need. taking away things i need. making me too scated to ask for things i want and need. bragging about provindng the bare minimum. YOU"RE SUPPOSEd TO DO ALL THOSE THINGS> I DONT ASK FOR ANYTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY. wicked monsters. i will always hate you. youre not gonna ruin my life. i hate you.
I will never forgive them for their cruelty towatds me (always speaking negative on me and attacking me for no reason) and their crueilty towards my siblings as well. I hate bullies. I despise abusers.
submitted by ihateabusers5 to africanparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:40 DemolitionMatter Research does not show masculinity is harmful for men.

Feminists demonize masculinity and describe hypermasculinity as bad for men and deadly. Well, that's all bullshit. Being masculine actually can be a great thing for men.
In fact, research shows negative perceptions of masculinity is linked to worse mental health in men, and the phrase toxic masculinity could contribute to men perceiving masculinity that way. A meta-analysis of 58 studies from 1978 to 2021 found that while androgyny was the biggest protective factor against depression for both men and women, being undifferentiated (i.e.: normative) was the least likely to be a protective factor. Masculinity was a strong protective factor against depression for both men and women and femininity was slightly a protective factor against depression for women and both male and female college students, but that protective factor from femininity only began to emerge with the slow increase in the national education and income index from 1990 to 2019. However, as life expectancy has increased, this negative correlation between masculinity and depression has become less significant, but it's still moderately correlated and thus still a moderate protective factor against depression. They believe it's possible that back when life expectancies were lower, masculine people were less likely to admit to depression, but this might not be plausible given that masculinity was associated with less depression not only for men, but women, too, and women's feelings receive more empathy. The traits of masculinity measured include self-confidence, perseverance, standing up for oneself under pressure, competitiveness, independence, etc. Research has often overlooked that masculinity and femininity were positively correlated because social support and help seeking was labeled as feminine traits to be measured, and these traits were associated with a protection of a confident, masculine outlook backed up by social support and help seeking behaviors. Nonetheless, this doesn't mean men need to just get therapists. Men prefer doing something about the problem, whereas women prefer talking about the issue. Group therapy between men with goal-oriented tasks and activities tend to be more helpful for men than talk therapy and this is often due to evolutionary/biological reasons rather than socialization.
That can also be why masculine men don't seek social support alongside society being dismissive towards men suffering and these men dealing with society's mean gender roles toward men. It's not that they're refusing to get help when society offers help just to be manly. Femininity was measured as gentleness, helpfulness, etc. Among male college students, femininity was a protective factor against depression and was correlated positively with masculinity for this reason. People who scored low on both masculinity and femininity (undifferentiated) was more likely to be depressed. Androgynous people, however, were not actually androgynous. They scored high on both masculinity and femininity and I already elaborated on how they measured masculine and feminine traits and how they both help when these traits are combined together.
This study found that certain masculine traits, like winning or emotional control was associated with health benefits for men but other traits, like self-reliance, recklessness, playboy behavior, and power against women) were associated with health-risk behaviors. This study found men who perceived themselves as more masculine were far more likely to have better mental health, have better emotional control, have high high confidence, have high ability to take risks, be married, have a college degree, lack depression, have good relationship quality, have a good body image, be happy, be satisfied with life and be rich. They also were more likely to have been aggressive, take advantage of others, take charge, or enjoy fights. There's some negative aspects but far more positive aspects. Nonetheless, these men were talking about whether they view themselves as masculine rather than objective masculinity. This study found 4 categories: extreme hypermasculinity (characterized by medium dominance/aggression, somewhat higher sexual identity, and very high anti-femininity or devaluation of emotions), traditional masculine (characterized by medium dominance/aggression, and somewhat lower anti-femininity attitudes and somewhat lower sexual identity), traditional hypermasculine (characterized by higher dominance/aggression, higher sexual identity, and somewhat higher anti-feminine attitudes and somewhat higher devaluation of emotion), and non-hypermasculinity (low scores on all of those traits). Non-hypermasculine scored the lowest on hostility toward women and depression. Traditional hypermasculine and extreme hypermasculine scored higher on hostility toward women and depression. Traditional masculine men scored in the middle of the two measures. Extreme hypermasculine score higher on self esteem whereas the other 3 were similar on self-esteem. The traditional hypermasculine group had a disproportionate rate of fraternity members.

Handgrip strength associated with better life outcomes for men.

Men experience scored lower on fear, anxiety and emotional dependence than women, and the reason had to do with differences in physical strength.
Two studies found that differences in physical strength accounted for why men are less fearful or anxious than women. This study by Nicholas Kerry and Damian Murray found that because women score higher than men on neuroticism (a big 5 personality trait), it was due to differences in grip strength between men and women. They found that gender differences between men and women on the anxiety facet of Neuroticism was explained by differences in grip strength. This means that it did not account for differences in overall neuroticism, but the anxiety facet of neuroticism. This other study also found that the gender differences between men and women in anxiety were explained by grip strength differences. Cross-national research has shown that women in all countries scored higher than men on all 4 facets of emotionality, and the gender difference was bigger in rich, egalitarian countries except the honesty-humility facet. In a study of 1,399 undergraduates at 4 universities, the researchers found that grip strength accounted for more than half of the gender difference in fearfulness. In fact, the 8% of women who were stronger than the average man were less fearful than the 22% most fearful men. In two of the 5 samples, grip strength completely explained the gender experience, and when controlling for it, the gender difference was entirely gone. It did not explain the difference in sentimentality, but explained a considerable portion of the gender difference in anxiety and emotional dependence.
Handgrip strength tends to be evolutionarily beneficial for men.
Another finding is that differences in handgrip strength was correlated with promiscuity, shoulder-to-hip ratio, age at first intercourse, and aggressive behavior in men but not women when studying college students. In a meta-analysis, handgrip strength in men was correlated positively with facial attractiveness, self-perceived mate value, walking style attractiveness, dance quality attractiveness, hunting reputation (among hunter gatherers), number of sex partners, male typical body morphology (shoulder-to-hip ratio), self-reported popularity, number of children, self-reported aggression, self-perceived fighting ability and facial dominance/facial aggression. Handgrip strength in men was negatively correlated with being victimized by others and handgrip strength was associated with earlier age of first intercourse. This study found among Spanish teens that fighting ability and physical aggression were associated with each other for boys, but this relationship decreased with age. By late adolescence, fighting ability and anger become linked together for boys, which means their aggression strategy shifted from physical to nonphysical with age. Among late adolescent girls (ages 17/18), fighting ability and aggression have no association together.
Muscularity leads to better mental health for men.
A study of 9,000 adults had them squeeze a gripper to measure their maximum strength. For every additional 5kg that a man can grip, their risk of suicidal ideation decreases by 16%. A meta-analysis of 21 studies from 26 countries and past 80,000 participants found that muscular strength is associated with less depression among adults.

Jocks in high school and college tend to fare better in life, debunking the "peaked in high school" myth.

Contrary to popular belief, it's not the jocks who fare worse in life. It's the outcasts and bullying victims. A 2001 study found that young adults who were jocks in high school, despite higher levels of drinking, had less social isolation, lower suicide attempts, low depression and high self-esteem at age 24. The people who identified as the princess in high school (i.e.: popular girl) had neither worse nor better outcomes in life than others, but the smart people and jocks fared the best and criminal teens fared the worst. This study also found that sports involvement had more associated with drinking but better academic achievements, and that jocks and popular girls did not fare worse academically, and many went to college. The criminal students fared way worse than anyone else. Jocks also were more likely to be fit and in shape as adults, had better jobs in the future, earned more money as adults than band geeks and yearbook staff, and had lower self-harm or suicidality rates. College athletes also had better wellbeing and job success later in life, but less physical wellbeing if they played football/basketball, presumably due to concussions, joint issues, diabetes, etc. This study also found that college jocks earned more than their peers, including the nerds, and had more prestigious jobs, even if they came from socioeconomically diverse sports teams or joined teams with lower academic thresholds. The only disadvantage is they were slightly less likely to be picked for research/data analysis skills. Jocks in high school also self-harmed less and had less suicidality whereas teens in alternative subcultures (like goth, emo or punk) were more likely to self-harm or have suicidality. Middle school and high school jocks both had better grades, too. In fact, being an athlete without labeling oneself as a jock for boys was only associated with the winning masculine stereotype, whereas identifying as a jock was associated with most of the 5 masculine stereotypes measured (including being a playboy).


Hypermasculinity can be good for men. This doesn't mean we should force it on men or ridicule them for defying masculine traits, but we should not demonize masculinity either. Masculinity can be about being aggressive to protect others and be assertive and fighting back, or being able to handle life struggles (although we shouldn't condemn people if they continue to suffer due to their struggles in life), or being muscular, or being able to get a relationship. Nonetheless, men who fail to conform to these traits should not be ridiculed, and if they experience distress from being able to achieve these goals, we can help them figure out how to achieve them.
Masculinity is not necessarily about being a violent person in general or being a womanizer or being reckless or being mean.
submitted by DemolitionMatter to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:33 Pently73 It's just fully sunk in how my mother has never been in my corner.

Not really used to Reddit, I've only really heard stories through Youtube-reddit-story readers (The Click, or that one skeleton guy) or just Tiktok. So, sorry if this is formatted poorly, or grammars off, or just anything wrong with how I posted this.
I don't really have a lot of friends I could go to with this, all my irl friends would probably not know what to say, and I don't want to bother my online friends.
Minor mention of CSA for people who are sensitive to that
I was SA'd thrice (?) when I was 7 (Potentially by the same person when I was 3.) I finally told her what happened when I was 13, and since then she has made no effort to keep him out of our house. She uses the excuse that my Grandmother owns the house we live in, and that the person who SA'd me is the first grandkid, so my grandmother would always pick his side. (We're black, so she's probably right.) I think she just doesn't want to cause ripples in the water. I could cope with it, if she just didn't talk to him so softly and if she just didn't bother having long conversations with him while I'm in the room. A bit ago my mother renovated the guest bedroom after our extended family left, during the time he was over I hid in it to avoid him, and she fucking brought him into the room to show him and his wife what she did with it. My grandmother didn't ask her to. She did that all on her own.
I could cope with her just liking him more than me, But she seems to pick everyone else's side but mine.
I was bullied and harassed by 2 family members from 5-11, they'd take my toys, they'd start physically altercations with me for the hell of it, they were just not nice people. I'd complain to my mother, but she just seemed like she was drunk, always brushing me off and excusing their behaviors. I just stopped coming to her for help. I hid in closets to just avoid those 2, often skipping dinner to just stay in the safety of that cramped space. They eventually stopped after the main antagonizer got busy with school, and the other one just kind of sizzled out on their behavior.
During this time I was also being bullied at primary school, (1st to 5th grade) but it wasn't as severe as home was. If I could choose which bullying I'd pick the school kind. The other kids chalked it up to play (Even though I was obtaining physical scars.) I only realized I was being bullied when my older sister pointed it out after a group of kids stole my bag and pretty much played a forced game of monkey in the middle with me as the dumb idiot trying to get my bag.
I was also bullied from 11-14 by my older brother, before he went off to the military. He was a terror on everyone in the family and she just seemed to not do a thing other than beating on him or just politely telling him to stop. (Which never fucking worked.) My mother never stepped in when he was physically hurting me or my other sisters. My eldest sister actually got a black eye when she tried to fight him. I took a lot of mental and emotional abuse from him, being told your stupid every step of every day did a number on my self esteem. And she never fucking stepped in.
The only reason I wasn't bullied in MS was because I closed myself off to anyone who tried to talk to me. I was critical, I was rude, I fought other kids If I thought they were even slightly thinking bad about me. I pretty much only had 2 friends- borderline acquaintances the entire time, I spent my lunches in the school social worker's or my school's art therapist's office. They were like my moms.
She has never stood up for me, Never went out of her way for me, Never asked me how my day was, Never bothered to ask if I was okay. I just wish she'd like me.
submitted by Pently73 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:31 Affectionate-Sea8358 AITA for calling my coworker a bully after he made a big deal over a small mistake I made?

I (23F) started working at a psych ward 3m ago. And since the 1st or 2nd week I began working my (40s M) coworker was giving me trouble. He would try to make fun of me with other coworkers (they would not comply), create rumors about me, complain about me to others, try to turn other coworkers against me, ignore me whenever I would talk to him about job related things, make me clean the poop of the patients (he never does it), try to convince my other coworkers that I’m bad. I would ignore him but I would tell my coworkers the situation. They agreed because everyone have noticed this. Also, at my job people say that he acts this way because he is short and I would laugh about it which I think was my mistake (this only because he has been “bullying me”)
These past few days I’ve tried to stand up for myself instead of ignoring him because he is driving me to my limit. But it got worst a few days ago. I was assigned to take the patients to the cafeteria. When asked how many patients were going down, I stated 9, instead of 7 since I did not double-check that the new patient was already in the system and I thought the second new admission was arriving around noon or lunchtime, so I ordered two extra trays of food. As I returned to the unit, I encountered a disproportionally frustrated coworker. His frustration was accompanied by angry and annoyed gestures -nodding his head, making audibly annoyed sounds- and words of complaint and disapproval that he was repeating in front of other patients. The complaints and the frustration continued even after the cafeteria employees were aware of the situation. I decided to respond in the best way possible which was to tell him that it was not a big deal. He aggravated the situation angrily raising his voice asking me in a threatening manner to not talk to him. After that, he began cussing me out w the secretary, claiming that 'it was not him but me' and that he was trying to 'be professional'. He proceeded to say that he was going to 'talk to them' ( the higher-ups), to which I responded that I was going to do the same. Then after saying a few more things to me I called him a bully. He complained to the ANM and she said that I hurt his feelings when I called him a bully. Also, she said that according to him I “threatened him”. She proceeded to mention how of a great worker he is and that he has been there a long time. Likewise, she said that we both were in the “wrong” and that other coworkers complained about me because apparently I’ve called him a bully many times in front other patients (this is not true). I ended up staying overtime to write a letter about the situation to tell me side. My coworkers told me that they were on my side, and that they have seen how he treats me. I’ve also been praised about my great performance so now it feels it is a lie. or maybe it is just a few coworkers that have complained, who knows AITA in this situation?
submitted by Affectionate-Sea8358 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]
