Powder burn rates

Teen Fitness

2012.07.19 14:05 sortofagamedev Teen Fitness

A place for teens to discuss fitness routines, culture, health, etc, and also a place for newbies and veterans alike to ask questions pertaining to fitness.

2018.08.16 23:49 boxnumber10053 potion.live

Potion is named after its rigorously developed formula designed to heal and sustain. Potion's formula is a result of 3 years of focused research and testing towards one question: What is the healthiest 1500 calorie, ketogenic, macro/micronutrient covering drink?

2010.03.19 23:45 I922sParkCir Reloading

/Reloading is a place for civilized discussions on the topic of Metallic and Shotshell reloading

2024.06.09 20:38 Then-Trust-9088 [PC Price Check] Groll Black Powered Rifle, worth anything or script?

[PC Price Check] Groll Black Powered Rifle, worth anything or script? submitted by Then-Trust-9088 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:15 Throwwwwawayyyyeee Seeking (FDD) Career Advice

To start, I’m a staff 2 at a Big4 firm in FDD. I did two 3 month rotations in audit and the remaining 18 months in FDD.
I have audit and FDD experience and am performing at a very high level. I was up for early promotion last year to senior after 1 year at the firm. But it fell through due to the market conditions. This year, I’ve received the highest ratings you can receive across the board and will be promoted to senior. It’s also been verbally communicated that I am on track to ‘manager’ after 1.5-2 years as a senior.
All great things except - this work is just killing me. Not the work itself but the variability. I’ve been staffed on so many shit shows that I truly feel burned out and am considering leaving for better WL balance and pay.
  1. Am I an idiot for potentially wasting the good standing I’m in for a new firm/jov? Are these people just blowing smoke to my ass? It seems legit but idk, almost too good to be true and I want to be paid my market rate.
  2. Where should I go? I love the work in FDD and M&A but I just don’t think I’ll find any sort of W/L balance in this field. I’ve read about corp dev being better but am interested in other avenues as well.
submitted by Throwwwwawayyyyeee to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:13 AMAZON_HR Rate my toilet paper black powder

Rate my toilet paper black powder submitted by AMAZON_HR to Pyrotechnics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:06 Key-Spell9546 Pork Butt on 22" Weber with Smoke & Sizzle and Spider Venom ... Bear Witness

Pork Butt on 22
TL;DR - 8LB Pork Butt, Weber, FlameTechGrills Smoke and Sizzle, Spider Venom, 250F with Hickory and Apple wood chunks, Foil Boat. The kettle was touched only 3 times; to put the meat on, to wrap/boat it up, and then to check for doneness. Seriously... look at that stability from the screen grab on the phone app (I pieced together the image and added the captions). It's got to be like +/-3 degrees.
Spider Venom could literally not be any easier. I've done about 6 smokes so far with the Venom and it's fantastic. This smoke took ~10 hours and I used the hands-free time not babysitting it to go to the grocery store, trim 3 huge hedges, trim 3 trees, mow and clean off the patio and walkways. You don't actually need the phone app at all because it has it's own LCD screen, but the app is really nice because it's WiFi, so you can monitor temps and get setpoint alerts or control it even when away from home at the store or work or something. Considering the Venom only costs $200 and I got the Webber Kettle used cheap on FB marketplace... this could be the best budget smokegrill setup around. The smoke and sizzle paired with it is awesome too because the built in drip pan directs all the forced airfow through the bed of coals making the Venom that much more efficient. Not to mention the Smoke & Sizzle is WAY cheaper than a SnS Slow & Sear plus SnS Drip Pan and it holds more charcoal because the water tray doesn't take up space.
Setup: Fill coal area with coals and put some wood chunks in there. I used Hickory and Apple. It holds ALOT of coals and gives about 8 hours of stable 250F from a full load. I left a space on the left side of the coal bed for about 10-12 lit coals that I get started in a chimney. I like to line my drip pan area with foil for super easy cleanup. I dumped the coals in the left, added 1L of boiled water, shut the lid and set the Venom at 250F... because it's set and forget to start up, I don't even have to babysit it while getting it up to temp and stable. So I went inside to prepare the pork; no binder, pepper, kosher salt, Lawry's, garlic powder and some paprika. Put it on the Weber and jammed the meat probe into the middle and I like to use a piece of foil rolled up as a bit of direct radiant heat blocker. I don't care about temps too much and only use it as a guide when to wrap and when to start probing for tenderness/doneness. As you can see, I also threw in about 1 cup of rendered beef tallow (from a previous brisket) to get nice and smoky for something later in the week (beef ribs).
Closed it and didn't open it back up until I felt it was time to wrap. I could see the graph had been flattening out on the app (stalling) and the temp was around 170 so I decided it was time to wrap. I actually like to use the foil boat method because it's easy, collects the juices for pouring back over later, continues crisping up the fat cap the whole cook, and lets me easily probe the meat if I want. Foil log is doing a commendable job keeping the nearside edges from burning ... good foil log.
While the pork was out I also decided to check my coals. Raked them out and pushed to one side, I have about 25% coals left. This jives with the fact that I usually get 8 stable hours and we've been running about 6 hours to this point. I top it back off and I know I'm good for 8 more hours. I don't worry about overloading it because when I'm done I shut all the vents to choke it out and can reuse whatever's left in the next cook.
Also look at that now golden brown tallow. Gonna be good later this week wrapped up in paper with some beef ribs. Always good to have smoked tallow on hand and it's free to render yourself from trimmings.
Let it run 4 more hours without touching it. No peeking, No spritzing, Nothing. The app let me know when the meat temp hit 204 so I went out to probe it. Thermoworks ThermoPop (they're like 90% as good as a Thermowork's ThermaPens but only $30) was probing warm-butter soft everywhere and reading 203-207. Time to pull off. Amazing dark Bark. And you can see how much coals are left - about 50%. Which again jives with the fact that I get about 8 hours stable run time from a full load and it's been about 4 hours since topping it off. If I close everything off I'll have about 1/3 load of coals for the next cook and once it cools down the drip will be easy to clean because of the foil lining.
I put the whole boat in a pyrex dish and double foil wrapped the whole thing to let rest. It took about 2 hours to rest down to 150F and the bone plucked out 100% clean and it shredded effortlessly. I mixed together a Carolina-style vinegar hot sauce to mix in with it and also made some homemade coleslaw to put on the sandwiches that was fantastic. Sorry - no pics from pulling it, because once we started eating I forgot about pics and stuff. Hell, it was so good I forgot to get out the quick pickles I made for the sandwiches. 😅 Best Pulled Pork I've ever had.
submitted by Key-Spell9546 to smoking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:56 boxofincom How Cocaine Causes Weight Loss and the Dangers Involved

Hey everyone,
I recently wrote an in-depth article about the effects of cocaine on weight loss, which you can read here. This topic is important because while cocaine can cause weight loss, the risks are severe and often overlooked.
How Does Cocaine Cause Weight Loss?
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that significantly increases metabolism and suppresses appetite. When you take cocaine, it floods your brain with dopamine, which not only makes you feel euphoric but also reduces hunger. People using cocaine might not feel like eating for extended periods, leading to rapid weight loss.
Increased Metabolism
The drug boosts your heart rate and blood pressure, causing your body to burn more calories than usual. This increased metabolic rate is one of the primary reasons for the weight loss seen in cocaine users. However, this isn't a healthy or sustainable way to lose weight.
Appetite Suppression
Cocaine’s ability to suppress appetite is well-documented. Users often go for long periods without feeling the need to eat, which can lead to significant calorie deficits and, consequently, weight loss. But this also leads to malnutrition and other health issues.
Health Risks
While weight loss might seem like a desirable effect to some, the health risks far outweigh any perceived benefits. Cocaine use can lead to severe malnutrition, heart problems, and even sudden death. The drug’s impact on mental health is equally concerning, leading to addiction, anxiety, and paranoia.
Using cocaine for weight loss is extremely dangerous and can lead to severe health problems. For a more detailed exploration of how cocaine affects weight, check out the full article on Boxofin here. Remember, there are much safer and healthier ways to manage weight.
Stay safe and informed!
submitted by boxofincom to u/boxofincom [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:51 InspectorBall Custom Twist Hero: Grand Lackey Erkh

Custom Twist Hero: Grand Lackey Erkh
Deck Intro: A deck with a focus on utilizing Lackeys and 1/1 minions to invoke multiple Galakronds in your deck. The goal of the deck is to overwhelm your opponent with a constant flood of 1/1 minions that let you chisel away at your opponent's life total until you can play your fully upgraded Galakronds to seal out the game.
Grand Lackey Erkh class: Rouge (with some Warlock and Warrior given the extra Galakronds)
Grand Lackey Erkh starting Health: 40
Hero Portrait:
\"We have a high turnover rate...\"
Hero Power:
Fantastic Destruction!
Twist Effect:
Deck / Class Interaction Notes:
Galakrond the Nightmare is your Primary Galakrond as Erkh's class is a Rouge. As such, cards that Invoke Galakrond only invoke the primary Galakrond for your class, but they will still count towards the upgrades for all of them no matter how many Galakronds you currently have. If you change your class by playing a Galakrond however, it will cause any future Invokes to affect the played Galakrond's hero power. The special twist effect for Erkh lets you Invoke all three and get all three bonuses unlike how the interaction normally happens, and even if you've already played one of your Galakronds.
Decklist (40 cards):
"Praise Galakrond (1)",
"Disciple of Galakrond (1)",
"Sinister Deal (1)",
"Improve Morale (1)",
"Bloodsail Flybooter (1)",
"Mecharoo (1)",
"Ritual Chopper (2)",
"EVIL Genuis (2)",
"EVIL Cable Rat (2)",
"Rat Sensei (2)",
"Cavern Shiny Finder (2)",
"Sonya Shadowdancer" (3),
"Seal Fate (3)",
"Stoneskin Basilisk (3)",
"Fiendish Rites (3)",
"Awaken (3)",
"EVIL Recruiter (3)",
"Live Wire Lance (3)",
"EVIL Quartermaster (3)",
"Moroes (3)",
"Devoted Maniac (4)",
"Dreadstead (4)",
"Twilight Summoner (4)",
"Veiled Worshipper (4)",
"Shield of Galakrond (5)",
"Time Rip (5)",
"Shadowcaster (5)",
"Burning Blade Acolyte (5)",
"Replicator-inator (5)",
"Sandbox Scoundrel (5)",
"Kronx Dragonhoof (6)" - Draws a Random Galakrond if you are not already Galakrond,
"Imp King Rafaam (6)",
"Heist Baron Togwaggle (6)",
"Furbolg Mossbinder (6)",
"Galakrond, the Nightmare (7) - Grants a random Lackey when you Invoke",
"Galakrond, the Wretched (7) - Grants 2 1/1 imps when Invoked with Twist effect",
"Galakrond, the Unbreakable (7) - Grants +3 attack when Invoked with Twist effect. (This means you can have attack on your hero on your opponent's turn if they are not careful with killing 1/1's)",
"Shu'ma (7)",
"Gurubashi Hypemon (7)",
"Darkmoon Rabbit (10)"
submitted by InspectorBall to customhearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:36 meerkat855 Detailed step by step SA experience, for anyone curious

I just had a surgical abortion done 2 days ago, and wanted to document my experience in great detail for anyone who may be anticipating their own and looking for a thorough firsthand account. I was extremely nervous to get my abortion and was scouring the internet reading people’s experiences in order to calm my nerves and have some idea of what to expect, so hopefully this is helpful for someone else. My procedure took place at a Kaiser in the SF Bay Area of California.
I had originally wanted to go the medical abortion route but went in for an ultrasound and found out I was already past 10 weeks, and so was told I could only do the in clinic procedure, which they scheduled me for 3 days later. I asked if I could be asleep for the procedure and they said that no, I would be awake but given pain relief to make me more comfortable, and would need to have someone drive me home. I asked what kind of pain management I would be getting, and they said I would be given some pills and an injection before the procedure, injections to numb my cervix during the actual procedure, and likely some prescription pain meds to take home with me.
I went to the medical office at 2pm with my boyfriend. The nurse asked him to stay in the waiting room at first and brought me back alone. Asked me the usual questions, including if I felt safe at home, and then brought me my stuff for pain. I expressed that I was really anxious about the pain during the procedure because I have a high tolerance for pain medicine, and I was worried it wouldn’t be enough to make me comfortable. She said that I could express my concern to the doctor once I went into the procedure room and she could potentially give me more. She gave me 2 Norco pills (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) and 4 antiobiotic pills to prevent infection. Then she gave me a Toradol shot (basically like extra strength Tylenol) in my left butt cheek, which actually burned quite a bit. The nurse gave me a cold pack to put on my butt afterwards haha.
The nurse told me there’d be a bit of a waiting period while those pain meds kicked in, and that my boyfriend could come back and wait with me, which he did. Then at 3pm they took me to the procedure room and told my boyfriend to go back into the waiting room.
Once I got in the procedure room i undressed from the waist down (I kept my socks on) and sat on the chair with a paper sheet to cover my lap. The doctor came in and asked how the medicine was kicking in. I told her how anxious I was about the pain and that it didn’t feel like enough medicine, and she basically said she understood how I felt but that they don’t like to overmedicate as there are increased risks involved. She said she would put in a prescription for extra strength ibuprofen and a small amount of Norco to take home with me. She said the cervix injections would help numb things and that what I would mostly feel was bad cramping, and that the best thing I could do was focus on my breathing. I laid back in the chair and put my feet in the stirrups, and the nurse gave me a hot pack to hold on my lower belly.
The doctor inserted the speculum into my vagina and then gave me 3 injections into my cervix to numb it. I felt a slight pinch on the first one and flinched a bit, but did not feel the next 2. After a minute I started to feel numbness in my lips and asked if that was normal, and she said yes that was a good sign that the medicine was moving well through my body. Then she started to dilate my cervix in order to make it large enough to fit the suction tube through. This involved inserting increasingly larger rods to slowly stretch open my cervix. This step is when the cramping started. I kept my eyes closed and just focused on slow deep breathing, in through nose, out through mouth. This part of the procedure took about 5 minutes, and the cramping was about a 5/10
Once my cervix was dilated enough she inserted the suction tube and turned on the vacuum, and began suctioning the tissue out of my uterus. The cramping immediately intensified and got up to about an 8/10. Again, I just focused on my breathing and held the heat pack firmly to my belly. I could feel her moving the tube around the walls of my uterus and lots of pressure, and I did get some tears in my eyes at this point from the pain. The doctor just kept telling me I was doing a great job with my breathing, and that it wouldn’t be much longer. She had to stop for about a minute to adjust the speculum, which gave me a little bit of a break. Then she went back in to finish the suctioning. This part took about 5 minutes total and felt the most intense. I found it helpful to just keep reminding myself that it would be over very very soon.
As soon as she finished with the vacuum she inserted an ultrasound wand to make sure there was no tissue left behind. She let me know my uterus looked “nice and empty” and that it was all over. Then she removed the wand and speculum. The abortion procedure itself took about 12-15 minutes from start to finish.
I felt very lightheaded once the procedure was over, and the doctor told me I looked very pale and to just keep breathing nice and slow. I stayed laying back in the chair with my feet elevated. I kept the hot pack on my belly as I was still feeling cramps (about a 4/10), and the nurse gave me one cold pack to hold on my chest to calm my heart rate, and placed another cold pack on my forehead, which made me feel a lot more comfortable. Another nurse gave me a box of orange juice to sip on. The doctor stood next to me for a couple minutes comforting me and letting me know I had done a great job. I cried a little bit and thanked her for being so encouraging. She said that I was already getting my color back after just a couple minutes. She reminded me that if I got a fever or was bleeding so heavily I was having to change my pad every 1 or 2 hours that I needed to come in to the ER, and told me to just take it easy the next couple of days and get lots of rest. Then she left and it was just me and one nurse in the room. I stayed laying down for another 5 minutes or so.
The nurse asked me how I was feeling and if I wanted help getting dressed. I told her I was ready to stand up and that I felt I could dress myself. She gave me some moist towelettes to wipe myself and a maxi pad to put in my underwear. I was bleeding similar to a heavy period, but my cramps were almost gone. The nurse walked me back out to the waiting room once I was ready. Physically I felt a little shaky and weak but was able to walk fine on my own.
We stopped at the pharmacy on site and picked up my prescriptions, and then stopped at Walgreens on the way home for maxi pads and snacks (gushers and pringles ftw).
I had gotten to the hospital at 2pm and was home by 4pm. I spent the rest of the day resting in bed in my pajamas and watching movies. Around 8pm I started to feel crampy, so I used my heating pad and took 2 Norco pills and was able to sleep pretty well.
Since my procedure I’ve only had mild cramping, and have been bleeding like a regular period. Recovery has been less intense than I anticipated, which I am grateful for. I definitely bought way too many pads haha. Ibuprofen has been enough to manage the cramps. Emotionally I mostly just feel relief that the experience is over, and proud of myself for getting through it. I’ve had moments where I get teary eyed remembering how vulnerable and intense the procedure was, but those moments pass relatively quickly. Of course, everyone’s experience will be different, and it’s totally normal to feel a range of emotions or even not feel emotional at all.
Overall, it was more intense and painful than I expected. I thought I would be more heavily sedated for the procedure and not as aware of everything that was going on. But ultimately I’m sort of glad that the surgical abortion ended up being my only option. After reading a lot of negative MA experiences, I’m grateful I was able to have my abortion dealt with quickly and handled completely by professionals. 2 days later I am feeling almost completely back to normal.
To anyone needing an abortion who is dreading the experience, just know that you can do it. Your body can handle whatever pain may come, and you are strong enough to get through it. Soon enough it will just be a memory. Be gentle with yourself, and allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel through this experience. You will be okay.
Feel free to comment or DM me with any questions you may have, and I will do my best to answer them thoroughly. 💜💜
submitted by meerkat855 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:32 nkufrfbhh Java Burn Reviews Safe Weight Loss Coffee Powder or Over Hype? MUST READ!

Java Burn Reviews: Can You Lose Weight with This Coffee Supplement?
~Java Burn is designed with convenience and simplicity in mind.~ Imagine starting your day with your usual cup of coffee, but on this occasion it helps you lose weight. Java Burn delivers on this promise.
This supplement promises to speed up your metabolism, give you more energy, and improve the way your body burns fat.
The best part is that it doesn't change the flavor of your coffee, making it easy to use.
What is Java Burn Coffee?
~Java Burn is a natural weight loss supplement made from professionally sourced and tested ingredients.~ The formula targets the underlying causes of weight gain and a slow and non-habit-forming metabolism.
Objective third-party laboratories test powder to ensure it is free of impurities, including artificial colors, additives, preservatives, gluten and GMOs. Java Burn ensures overall health although weight loss is considered the main benefit.
It improves your energy and mental clarity, while keeping your blood pressure, diabetes, and digestion at healthy levels.
The manufacturer of the dietary supplement states that it is manufactured in an FDA registered facility in the United States under strict, hygienic, GMP certified procedures.
Java Burn is a coffee supplement that comes in a bottle containing 60 easy-to-swallow capsules, enough for a month's supply.
submitted by nkufrfbhh to nflstreamsbaltv [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 volgensmij520 My experience so far getting Botox in my armpits

TLDR: loving the Botox right now. 40ish year old female.
I got Botox in my armpits about 2 weeks ago for hyperhidrosis. First time treatment. So far, this is my experience. I'll break it down by my treatment experience first. Then I'll break it down on how the outcomes affect my life.
Treatment Experience
Outcome Experience First take:
It is almost hard to have known how badly my sweating affected me until after the procedure. Some of my own reflections:
Overall, 10 out of 10 will get the procedure done again when the effects have worn off.
submitted by volgensmij520 to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:27 thegreat11ne Pretty Good

Pretty Good submitted by thegreat11ne to emiliemains [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:12 arekban Harmless Human Sacrifice 11

Synopsis: Markus is summoned from Earth by evil beings looking for a 'weak and primitive' creature to use as sacrificial entertainment. What they got instead was a human. Immediately after arriving, Markus awakens to an ability so rare, so powerful that it makes every god on Firellia desperate to recruit him as their new champion.
Learning to control his innate mastery over mana, Markus will devour the very essence of any monster, demon, or god that dares get in his way, determined to never lose his freedom again.
First Prev Next Patreon
Markus felt the air slicing right past his shoulder, but the blade never made contact. With an explosion of pain and power, he forced the goblins away with intangible, spiritual force, a white-blue energy emanating from him as he clutched his axe hard, fresh blood leaking onto the handle.
[Mana Capacity at 366%. Overcharge, E Grade is in effect. Growth increased. All physical stats temporarily increased by 75. Physical damage resistance increased.]
[Mana Poisoning II is in effect.]
He stared out at the five targets before him, all of them frozen, inert, watching to see what he’d do next. The injured sword user still stared dead at him, but it wasn’t just hatred in his eyes, no. Not anymore.
There was another feeling in there, one that grew with each passing moment as Markus began to close the distance between them. Now it was his turn to advance, theirs to shy away, to back up, to brandish their weapons wildly in an attempt to deter his hellmarch.
Markus had started off limping, but he soon managed to stand tall. His injuries barely affected him in this state. They still hurt, they still throbbed, they still itched and burned beneath his skin, but the pleasant, stimulating, thrumming warmth of mana flowed through him at full tilt, guiding his motions and giving him clarity of vision, confidence in his gait.
His heavy, deliberate steps crushed the sand below. He was no larger than life, yet a monster of gargantuan proportions in the face of these pitiable beasts.
They swung and stabbed forth with such forlorn intensity, such maddening whines. They sensed the danger, backing up continually even as they continued to try and keep Markus at bay, huddling in a tenuous attempt at a battle formation.
None of this deterred Markus. He could see their attacks for what they were now. Untrained. They’d used their weapons far more than he ever had, yes, but they were still clumsy. Slower than he’d been with the glaive. Moving aside to dodge a sword swing or the poke of a spear was rudimentary at this point. Almost effortless.
Still, dealing at four weapons thrusting in his direction at once was still difficult. When another rock sailed past his head, this one just barely missing due to a split-second reaction, he instinctively responded, chucking the hand axe straight at the far off goblin with the slingshot.
His weapon travelled about ten feet before embedding itself directly in the creature’s chest.
He fell in an instant. There would be no survival, no miraculous return to his feet. One strike was all it took.
He’d given up his weapon. It didn’t matter. Markus had a thousand other ways to make the remainders’ defenses crack.
Shield user was heading up the middle of their formation, which made the most sense, the two polearm users standing at either side a small distance behind and continually thrusting with their spears. The four of them were stood in something almost akin to a V formation, the leader pressing his right arm into the chest of the goblin beside him and encouraging them to keep backing up.
Markus attempted to draw out the Flame Mana within his body. He was still clumsy, still having difficulty with selecting specific mana types to use, and when he attempted to focus his Flame Mana on a point and ignite one of the specific goblins, he found that having a point in Pyromancy didn’t just give him the power to spontaneously combust things.
Well, at least not yet.
So Markus settled for a different method. He attempted to use Manifest for the first time, drawing the Spirit Mana out of his body and attempting to form it into a shape, something long and sharp, resembling a blade or a stick or a poker, an instrument he could use to break up their formation, to make himself an opening. He continued to visualise as he walked, imagining his desired extension of Spirit as best he possibly could and attempting to bring it into the waiting world.
When the object first began to form within his hand, he found it to lack a handle, a shape, a curve, any delineating feature that might mark it as a distinct object, that might give it purpose. As it stood, the object looked something akin to a plain blue quarterstaff, its shape uniform as it lengthened, its colour a consistent, shimmering blue all the way along, complete with white rings that circled its length over and over as it continued to grow in length.
Markus shifted his focus over to Empower. He gave the makeshift weapon a test swing as he began to coat the surface of the ethereal staff in an orange glow, markings both spreading and radiating in each direction of the conjured weapon and warming Markus’ hands. It felt light in his hands, lighter than a baseball bat. Lighter than his glaive. Attunement didn’t apply here. This weapon was an extension of him. He understood how it moved.
There was a collective ‘what the fuck’ on the face of the goblins. They stood their ground, weapons stilled, ready to deflect his strikes as in the background, the announcer went through his latest bout of losing his damn mind at the spectacle unfolding before him.
The crowd seemed to have changed their tune. The cheers and cries of excitement from above were overwhelming—Markus put them out of mind. Stored them for later. Removed them from his focus.
All that mattered now was advancing. Surviving. Winning while he still had mana to spend.
Markus swung forwards with all of his might. Sparks and licks of flame alike danced through the stifling air, roaring upwards as his weapon collided with the middle goblin’s shield, staggering him and shaking all four of them in turn.
He could feel the reverberation coursing through him, but he stayed the course, retracting the weapon and reengaging with a lunging thrust, one leg extended, power and momentum coalescing even as he focussed the tip of his conjured staff into a red-hot tip.
The sparks that flew as the staff collided served as ample kindling, the wooden shield on the goblin’s arm catching flame. He waved his arm madly as he struggled to detach the large slab of wood from his arm, disrupting his comrades as Markus swung forth again, smacking the same goblin again in his sword arm and causing him to drop his weapon, staggering backwards and howling as the flames along the shield continued to spread, threatening to melt his flesh any moment as still he fought to detach it with no arms to do so.
Markus stared at the spreading flame, feeling intention rising within his body as he focussed the same energy he could feel dissipating from the staff after his second strike, retaining the feeling while he still recognised it and aiming it directly at his last point of impact.
The rate of the spreading flames doubled, a roar erupting from the shield as the wood split and frayed, the goblin screaming and throwing himself to the sand below, desperately attempting to douse his shield.
Markus ran forwards the moment their formation was broken. He focussed the leftmost goblin first, this one with a poleaxe, smashing the long staff into its side and then uppercuting the goblin’s chin with the staff’s backend, closing the gap between them in moments and sending the monster flying.
Markus felt a spear strike him in the right arm once more, and immediately felt the weapon he held in his hands dissipate.
Earlier, he might’ve panicked. Now, he grabbed the wooden pole sticking out of his arm before it could be retracted and snapped it in half.
A speartip embedded in his right arm, at least three other stab wounds littering his body, various cuts and scrapes and bruises forming even as he continued to defiantly march forwards, the glowing aura still pulsating and bleeding through his pores even as he bled into the sand, Markus must’ve looked like a fucking nightmare.
He felt like one. He didn’t take pleasure in the suffering of the goblins, but he almost wanted the fuckers to get back up. He wanted to show what came of taking him so lightly.
What he did to every goblin here today, the lengths he’d go to in order to win this, he wanted that to echo through the minds of every sick, terrible creature that thought to torture or torment him, a reminder that while so many might dwarf his power, while so many might make him look weak and helpless now, he would only grow stronger, and he would only get better.
And while Markus survived each horrific encounter he was thrust into, while he learned from his mistakes and devoured his enemies and consolidated his strength, he’d remember the ones who put him here…
And they’d be lucky if they weren’t [Devoured] next.
Markus punched the goblin to his right, swinging a left in a narrow arc. He heard a crunch, watching the goblin hit the floor as Markus adopted a boxing stance, left foot behind him.
He felt weird strange unorthodox, but even with the regeneration and pain reduction flowing through him from Overcharge, he’d still been stabbed in his right arm twice. He couldn’t rely on it for power now, so he was a southpaw until further notice.
That was fine. There was such power even behind his lefts right now that he floored these creatures with almost every strike. Overcharge was no fucking joke.
Not only that, but as Markus swung for shield goblin, who’d finally sprang to his feet and charged him, left arm looking slightly mangled, he realised that his fluidity of movement was only increasing the more time he spent on throwing these punches. He was improving as he went, adjusting to the change in his agility, tanking yet another grazing slash against his torso before kneeing the offending goblin in the face, sending the creature flying back to the dirt.
Pain exploded from his right leg as soon as he did so, and he had to fight to remain balance. He took a couple more slashes as once again he focussed power into his punches and concentrated on trying to take the creatures down, but the more he attempted to repeat the process, the more they kept getting back up, and the more Markus began to wonder what would wear down first at this rate, the four enemies he was fighting or his mana reserves?
He could take more punishment, but he needed to be able to give some back out. A good thrust from one of these goblins could still be lethal, and even if they were a lot slower than him, it was difficult to dodge multiple attacks at once when stood around sand.
Markus decided to change his approach, attempting to coat his knuckles in mana. Manifest created small protrusions at the end of his knuckles as he poured focus into the prospect. They weren’t spikes, he apparently couldn’t be so exact yet, but they at the very least seemed solid.
When he punched with them, he’d expected it to hurt pretty badly, but if anything, it cushioned the blow against what were surely broken knuckles by now. More than that, however, was the effect, a concussive blow that seemed to knock the first goblin he struck silly, allowing for an easy follow-up, and then allowed Markus to take the second one out with a single punch to the chin.
Two down, looking they wouldn’t get up for a minute, Markus singled out a third, the goblin with the burnt, broken shield, charing him and piledriving him to the ground.
He ignored the uncomfortable crunch below him as he drove his fingers into the goblin’s neck, choking and stabbing his fingers into his flesh simultaneously as the creature latched on and attempted to throttle him in turn, claws scratching in final, fitful jolts as the life was forced from his eyes.
Markus managed to drain a little from him and activate [Devour] before he returned to his feet, having only spent moments executing the creature.
As the new power flowed into him, Markus felt a stick smash against the back of his neck. He gasped, sucking air through his teeth as he turned to find the sorry culprit.
It was the goblin whose spear he broke earlier, the one whose metal tip was still embedded in his arm. Markus stared at him. Raised a finger at him, as if he were about to reprimand a child.
Then Markus punched him. The creature once again went flying backwards as Markus continued to rub his pained neck.
It was almost laughable, but this one minor injury hurt more than any of the others. Maybe it was because he hadn’t expected it. Maybe because he’d discounted that goblin from the fight already, disarmed and seemingly out cold.
The other two were still rising to their feet. One the leader, still injured, the other the poleaxe user, using his weapon to help raise himself to his unsteady feet.
He thought Overcharge would make this fight easy. He thought this fight was meant to be easy in general. A showcase of power. More like a showcase of struggle. Overcharge might’ve turned the fight in his favour, but each second of this battle was grueling, even with many of the enemies dead or out of commission.
And these things were pretty relentless. He almost respected the drive these things had to keep going, to stand up over and over no matter how many times he put them down. They must’ve been hoping they could wear him out eventually. He wasn’t gonna let that happen, though. Not while he still had a say in things. All he needed to do was single another one of them out and—
Poleaxe swung past his face, almost giving him a triple-close shave. This weapon looked sharper and shinier than the other gear the goblins boasted, and he didn’t wanna get nicked by the blade, so Markus attempted to once again yank the weapon away from the offending goblin, placing both hands on the pole, but the creature pulled back with such force that it threw itself back to the floor, causing the weapon to slip from Markus’ grip and cut both of his palms on the way out.
The goblin barreled back with his momentum, rolling, but before he could find his feet again, Markus was behind him. A kick to its head pushed it back into the sand, and two more kicks followed by a single stamp solidified the goblin’s defeat.
As Markus turned to face the leader, the goblin kicked sand in his face.
He was immediately blinded, unable to defend himself as the goblin stabbed him directly in the thigh with his short sword and immediately barreled into him, driving him to the ground and pounding his head against the floor beneath repeatedly, biting a chunk of flesh from his cheek as it dug its fingers into his neck, intent on crushing the life out of him once and for all.
This was fucked. He was going to die. He’d made one fucking slip-up and he was going to die! Markus kicked and thrashed with all of his might, but it was all too soon ebbing, and with the size of the creature and its pressure on his chest his legs couldn’t find any purchase. He attempted to move his arms up, to find a spot to drain the goblin from, but he wasn’t going to be able to drain the thing faster than it choked him out.
Markus attempted to wrap his arms around its back, to simply crush it with his enhanced strength, but even when he squeezed with all of the death-defying strength he could conjure, he could barely do more than force a strangled crunch! from the goblin’s ribs.
He needed to break its grip. His thoughts were slowly fading. He needed to break its…
He bit the creature right back, right on its chin, causing it to flinch back just long enough that he could snake his right arm from where it was pinned and grab its left with both his slippery, bleeding hands. He attempted to prize its hands apart, but its focus was too great, its determination too single-minded to give up its endeavour even as he pulled it from his neck with all of its might…
He barely got seconds of breath, only able to break its hold for moments at a time, his neck raw, his gasps pained, laboured, and above all infrequent.
If he couldn’t stop it from grabbing him again every time he pushed its arm away…
Then he’d have to take its arm.
Markus focussed as much of his mana as he still could into his bleeding hands, seeking a means to pierce the goblin’s arm. His world slowed as he desperately attempted to coat his hands in energy, to bolster his grip, to pinpoint an area around the elbow that would allow him to pull at full force without slipping, without allowing the strength to fade from him entirely…
Markus closed his eyes. He was playing tug of war for his life, heart, and soul. Everything he’d ever known and cared about were on the line. Dreams, thoughts, wishes, emotions, all of them drifted by in the miasma of intangible nothingness that gently beckoned him past the epoch, that told him to let go, that told him he didn’t need to worry and fight anymore, that he’d bled enough, that this next breath could be his last…
Markus pulled. He pulled with the scream spilling out from his soul, for his lungs couldn’t carry it, with a bellow that shook the foundations of peace, for even in strangled silence, his spirit was unfathomably loud.
And the world trembled. Heaven’s gates closed. He tugged with all of his might, and above him, Markus heard a sickening snap.
His body flung back into the sand the moment the goblin’s arm dislodged. It stared at him in abject horror, attempting to move its dangling appendage, but seeing an opportunity, Markus moved faster, took advantage of its distraction, forcing the goblin off of his chest and smashing it into the floor.
It attempted to swing for him, but he beat it with more intensity than it could muster, his heart a war drum, lungs igniting with sulfuric heat as he gasped and panted for breath, his very existence a testament to the will of man.
He beat and smashed the goblin with his fists, even through the pain of his broken knuckles, but when the fucker still wouldn’t die despite his many concurrent blows, when it still attempted to claw and bite at him with every spasmic motion of its beaten body, Markus ripped the flailing arm from its side and drove the appendage into his face, able to use his full strength now that his body wasn’t the conduit, smashing the goblin with its own arm over and over in a fervent expression of vitriolic irony, for they’d sent him here unarmed, and now he was very much armed indeed.
The death gasps of the goblin leader were punctuated by bludgeoning strikes from its own broken, mangled, severed arm. Markus leant over him, body littered in wounds, looking as if he might die or ascend to Valhalla at any moment, as the crowd clapped and cheered and roared in satisfaction.
“Yeah?” Markus coughed the word out. He could barely speak. His voice was only scarcely being held together by the tendrils of overwhelming mana. “You like that, you sick fucks?!”
He raised himself to a sitting position, bathed in crimson, looking over the battlefield, staring out at what he’d done.
There was a chance he’d die to these injuries. Even Regeneration surely had its limits. He stuck his fingers to the throat of the dead goblin beneath him, attempting to drain some residual mana from his body, poisoning be damned. He hoped he could at least get something to stem the tide of his many wounds. He [Devoured] the creature’s core, too, just to be thorough.
His focus was broken by the sound of the final goblin scurrying up beside him. It was the one whose spear he’d broken. The one he simply punched away earlier.
It stood holding a short sword, one he must’ve picked up from one of his dead comrades.
He looked at Markus. He poised his body, as if he were ready to strike.
Markus simply stared at him, raising the dead goblin’s arm as he did so.
The little goblin held that position for roughly three seconds, not moving even a single inch, Markus doing the exact same.
It dropped the sword, then ran as far as it could in the opposite direction, crouching and covering its head with its hands as the crowd laughed and jeered.
Markus sighed a laboured breath as the announcer took over, his complete victory having been finally declared for all the rabid, screaming onlookers above.
Good thing he looked so terrifying right now. He was pretty sure one good hit would’ve been all he needed to do him in for good.
Hell, even a bad hit probably would’ve done the trick at this point.
He saw a digital image of himself projected up high, though he could barely make it out through the blurring of his eyes.
He looked as if someone had painted half his body red. He felt as if he’d been ran through a woodchipper.
If I survive my injuries, I’d better get a fucking good reward for this.
Markus would survive his injuries. And he would get a fucking good reward.
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A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed, and that you enjoy what comes next! What do you think Markus needs most in his situation, besides a way home? I'm curious!
If you wanna help support me and this story, or you just can't wait for the next chapter, the next eight chapters of this story are available right now on my Patreon!
submitted by arekban to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:07 Kaydie its been said 1000 times but blood shards should be added to tob's table.

they're up to 13m and only rising.
Either make them more common, less incentivized to bot, or fix the damn interaction with the scythe causing it to burn a bloodshard at 3 times the rate of other weapons, i've been grinding pet at colo and i am spending 1100-1500 charges per clear. it's actually insane that i every 7-8 kc i have to replace the shard. this grind has cost me over 200m in shards alone which is just nuts, i dont know how an iron would ever be able to sustain this many lol
also due to the fact that you guys have done literally nothing to curtail all the colo wave 1 farming bots (https://www.reddit.com/2007scape/comments/1coavfj/the_colo_bot_situation_has_gotten_out_of_hand/), i actually am spending more GP per clear than im making in shards/quivers if i turned them into shards. that's ridiculious.
those bots are still running btw.
speaking of bots - bloodshard bots are everywhere making billions farming them and the incentive is only going up as the price soars
its a pretty easy fix people have been asking for forever, jagex please. it's a simple change that helps everyone and makes basically everyone happy except botters, basically a win win.
submitted by Kaydie to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:04 Orarcher3210 Electric service on exterior wall

I have an electrical box on the side of my house that has a T shaped plug “fuse” or something like that. I’m fairly certain it supplies power to another small building on my property. I would like to know if there is a way to add an outlet here that has 30amp. We need to plug a travel trailer in here.
submitted by Orarcher3210 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:04 Disastrous_Story8570 The difference between HRSH and Aux Boiler

Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSGs) and utility boilers are both types of steam-generating equipment used in power plants and industrial settings, but they have distinct differences in terms of their design, operation, and applications. Here's a detailed comparison:
  1. Purpose and Application:
Purpose: HRSGs are designed to recover waste heat from the exhaust gases of gas turbines or other industrial processes. The primary purpose is to enhance overall plant efficiency by utilizing otherwise wasted heat.
Application: Commonly used in combined cycle power plants (CCPPs), where they are paired with gas turbines to form a combined cycle power plant. They can also be used in cogeneration plants where both electricity and useful heat are produced.
Utility Boiler:
Purpose: Utility boilers are designed to generate steam for power generation, industrial processes, or district heating. They burn various fuels (coal, natural gas, oil, biomass) to generate heat.
Application: Widely used in standalone power plants (thermal power plants) where the primary purpose is to generate electricity. They can also be found in large industrial facilities requiring significant amounts of steam and power.
  1. Heat Source:
Heat Source: Utilizes waste heat from the exhaust of gas turbines or other industrial processes. It does not have its own fuel combustion system.
Utility Boiler:
Heat Source: Burns fuel directly to generate heat. It has its own combustion system to burn coal, natural gas, oil, or biomass.
  1. Design and Structure:
Design: Comprises multiple sections (economizer, evaporator, superheater) to maximize heat recovery from exhaust gases. Typically has multiple pressure levels (high, intermediate, and low pressure) to improve efficiency.
Structure: Usually designed as modular units, can be vertical or horizontal, and tailored to match the exhaust flow of the gas turbine.
Utility Boiler:
Design: Includes components like a furnace, economizer, superheater, reheater, and air preheater. Typically operates at high pressures and temperatures to maximize efficiency.
Structure: Usually a large, standalone structure with a tall furnace section to facilitate efficient combustion and heat transfer.
  1. Efficiency:
Efficiency: High overall plant efficiency when combined with a gas turbine in a combined cycle configuration. The efficiency of the HRSG itself depends on the temperature and flow rate of the exhaust gases.
Utility Boiler:
Efficiency: Standalone efficiency depends on the type of fuel and the design of the boiler. Modern utility boilers can achieve high efficiencies through advanced combustion technologies and better heat recovery systems.
submitted by Disastrous_Story8570 to powerplants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Beaches in South Florida

Best Beaches in South Florida
Best Beaches in South Florida Are you ready to embark on a sun-soaked adventure in South Florida? Join us as we uncover the hidden gems and breathtaking beauty of the best beaches in this tropical paradise.From the secluded paradise of Cayo Costa State Park to the family-friendly shores of Siesta Key Beach, there's a beach for every traveler. Whether you crave tranquility, family fun, or a vibrant beach scene, we've got you covered.So grab your sunscreen and get ready to make memories that will last a lifetime.Key TakeawaysCayo Costa State Park is a secluded and remote beach accessible only by boat, offering a peaceful and tranquil experience.Clam Pass Park provides easy access to the beach through a scenic boardwalk, making it convenient for families and those with mobility concerns.Siesta Key Beach is known for its powdery white sand made of pure quartz and offers family-friendly amenities, but it can get crowded during peak season.Sanibel Island is named as one of America's top beaches, known for its sugar white sand beach and wildlife, and offers various activities and surrounding attractions.Cayo Costa State Park: Secluded and Heavenly State Park With Pristine BeachesWe should definitely consider visiting Cayo Costa State Park for its secluded and heavenly beaches. Cayo Costa State Park is often referred to as the hidden gem of South Florida beaches. This remote paradise offers visitors a peaceful and tranquil beach experience that's hard to find elsewhere. With 9 miles of pristine beaches accessible only by helicopter or boat, Cayo Costa State Park provides a sense of seclusion and privacy that's truly unparalleled.One of the highlights of Cayo Costa State Park is its untouched natural beauty. The beaches here are untouched by development, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the serenity of nature. The soft, white sands and crystal-clear waters create a picture-perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation.While Cayo Costa State Park offers a remote and secluded experience, it's important to note that it may not be the most convenient getaway. Visitors must arrange for boat access to the park, which can be a bit of a challenge. Additionally, the amenities and services on the island are limited, so it's advisable to come prepared with food, water, and other essentials.Despite these potential inconveniences, Cayo Costa State Park remains a hidden gem that's worth exploring. Its secluded and heavenly beaches offer a unique and unforgettable beach experience that's sure to leave visitors feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.Clam Pass Park: 35-Acre Park With Powder White SandsClam Pass Park is a 35-acre park located just 6 miles away from Naples, offering easy access to the beach from the parking area, making it convenient for families and those with mobility concerns.One of the highlights of the park is its scenic boardwalk, which takes you through a beautiful mangrove forest and provides a unique and picturesque path to the beach.With its powder white sands and a range of amenities including a snack bar, picnic area, and water sports, Clam Pass Park is a family-friendly destination that offers a unique boardwalk experience and a perfect beach day.Unique Boardwalk ExperienceAfter walking along the scenic boardwalk through the mangrove forest, we reached the unique and beautiful Clam Pass Park beach. Here, we discovered a world of hidden gems and unique beachside activities. Let's share with you the four highlights of our boardwalk experience:Serene Nature: As we strolled along the boardwalk, we were surrounded by the lush greenery of the mangrove forest. The peaceful atmosphere and the sound of birds chirping created a sense of tranquility.Spectacular Views: The boardwalk provided us with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. We could see the sparkling blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the vibrant colors of the sunset, and the diverse wildlife that calls this area home.Accessible Beach: One of the best features of Clam Pass Park is its easy access to the beach. The boardwalk leads directly to the powdery white sands, making it convenient for families and those with mobility concerns.Exciting Activities: Along the boardwalk, we found various opportunities for adventure. We could rent a kayak or canoe to explore the park's wilder side or enjoy water sports such as paddleboarding. Additionally, there's a snack bar and picnic area where we could relax and refuel.Overall, the boardwalk at Clam Pass Park offers a unique and unforgettable experience. It allows visitors to immerse themselves in nature, enjoy stunning views, and engage in exciting beachside activities. Don't miss out on this hidden gem on your next visit to South Florida!Family-Friendly Beach With AmenitiesDuring our visit, we were impressed by the family-friendly amenities and convenient access to the beach at Clam Pass Park.This 35-acre park in Naples, Florida, offers a scenic boardwalk through a mangrove forest, providing a unique and beautiful path to the beach. Families and those with mobility concerns will appreciate the easy access from the parking area.While the park can get crowded during peak tourist seasons, it's worth it for the activities available. Renting a kayak or canoe is a great way to explore the park's wilder side, and there's also a snack bar, picnic area, and water sports to enjoy.If you're looking for beachfront accommodations and a wide range of family-friendly activities, Clam Pass Park is a fantastic choice.Siesta Key Beach: Family-Friendly Beach With Azure Waters and White SandsSiesta Key Beach is a family-friendly beach on Siesta Key that boasts azure waters and powdery white sands made of pure quartz crystals. With its lifeguards and playgrounds, it provides a safe and enjoyable beach experience for kids.However, it can get crowded, especially during peak season, and parking availability may be limited, so it's best to arrive early to secure a spot and beat the crowds.Crowded During Peak SeasonWe should plan our beach trip to Siesta Key Beach, despite it getting crowded with tourists and limited parking, because of its azure waters and white sands. Siesta Key Beach offers a unique beach experience that's worth braving the crowds. Here's why:Pristine Beauty: The beach boasts stunning azure waters and powdery white sands made of pure quartz crystals. It's no wonder it has been consistently ranked among the best beaches in the United States.Family-Friendly Amenities: Siesta Key Beach is perfect for families, with lifeguards on duty and playgrounds for kids to enjoy. You can relax and have peace of mind while your children have a blast.Vibrant Atmosphere: Despite the crowds, Siesta Key Beach has a lively and energetic ambiance. It hosts popular sand sculpting events and offers various water sports and facilities to keep you entertained.Alternative Beach Destinations: If you're looking to avoid the crowds during peak season, there are alternative beach destinations in South Florida. Consider exploring secluded and remote beaches like Cayo Costa State Park or Clam Pass Park, which offer a peaceful and tranquil beach experience.Despite the beach's popularity, there's a downside to consider: limited parking availability.Limited Parking AvailabilityDespite the limited parking availability, we can still enjoy the family-friendly beach with azure waters and white sands at Siesta Key Beach. This popular destination on Siesta Key is renowned for its powdery white sand made of pure quartz crystals, which feels incredibly soft and cool to the touch. It's the perfect place for a day of relaxation and fun in the sun.However, finding parking can be a challenge, especially during peak season. But fear not, there are alternative transportation options available. Consider carpooling with friends or family, taking a taxi or rideshare service, or even using public transportation to get to the beach. Additionally, some hotels in the area offer shuttle services to Siesta Key Beach, so be sure to check with your accommodations.Don't let limited parking availability deter you from experiencing the beauty of Siesta Key Beach.Family-Friendly Amenities AvailableFinding parking at Siesta Key Beach can be a challenge, but there are plenty of family-friendly amenities available to enhance our beach experience. Here are four reasons why Siesta Key Beach is a great choice for families:Beach Safety: Siesta Key Beach has lifeguards on duty, ensuring the safety of all beachgoers. Families can relax and enjoy the beach knowing that trained professionals are watching out for their well-being.Beach Activities: From building sandcastles to playing beach volleyball, Siesta Key Beach offers a wide range of activities for the whole family. Kids can splash in the gentle waves while parents soak up the sun or take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline.Playground: Siesta Key Beach features a playground area where kids can swing, slide, and climb. It's a perfect spot for little ones to burn off some energy while parents relax nearby.Picnic Areas: Siesta Key Beach has designated picnic areas with tables and grills, making it easy to enjoy a beachside meal with the family. Pack a delicious lunch and savor it in the beautiful surroundings of the beach.With these family-friendly amenities, Siesta Key Beach is the ideal destination for a fun and safe beach day.Now, let's transition to our next topic: Sanibel Island, a 324-acre park known for its sugar white sand beach and wildlife.Sanibel Island: 324-Acre Park Known for Its Sugar White Sand Beach and WildlifeSanibel Island is home to a 324-acre park that is known for its sugar white sand beach and abundance of wildlife. This park offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and recreational activities for visitors of all ages.Wildlife Conservation EffortsBeach Activities for KidsThe park is dedicated to wildlife conservation efforts, providing a safe haven for various species. Visitors can spot sea turtles, gopher tortoises, and a wide variety of birds. The park's commitment to preserving these animals' natural habitats is commendable.Kids can enjoy a range of beach activities at Sanibel Island. They can build sandcastles, search for seashells, and explore the tidal pools. The calm and shallow waters make it safe for children to swim and play. The park also offers picnic areas where families can enjoy a beachside lunch.The wildlife conservation efforts at Sanibel Island are essential for preserving the diverse ecosystem and ensuring the survival of these species. It's a great opportunity for visitors to learn about the importance of protecting our natural environment.In addition to wildlife conservation, Sanibel Island provides many beach activities for kids. The soft sand and gentle waves create a perfect playground for children. They can engage in building sandcastles, collecting seashells, and exploring the fascinating marine life in the tidal pools. Families can also enjoy picnics on the beach, creating lasting memories together.Sanibel Island's 324-acre park offers a unique experience where visitors can appreciate the beauty of nature while engaging in fun beach activities. It's a destination that caters to both wildlife enthusiasts and families looking for a memorable beach getaway.South Beach: Vibrant Neighborhood in Miami Beach With a World-Renowned Beach SceneWe can't wait to explore South Beach, as it's a vibrant neighborhood in Miami Beach with a world-renowned beach scene. Here are four reasons why we're excited about South Beach:Vibrant Beach Scene: South Beach is known for its lively and energetic atmosphere. The beach is always bustling with activity, from people playing beach volleyball to sunbathers enjoying the warm Florida sun. The vibrant energy of South Beach creates a unique and exciting beach experience.Luxurious Waterfront Hotels: South Beach is home to some of the most luxurious waterfront hotels in Miami. These hotels offer stunning views of the beach and provide top-notch amenities and services. Staying in one of these hotels allows you to indulge in the ultimate beach vacation experience.Trendy Nightlife: South Beach is famous for its nightlife scene. The neighborhood is filled with trendy bars, clubs, and restaurants that come alive after the sun sets. Whether you're looking for a laid-back beach bar or a high-energy nightclub, South Beach has something for everyone.Wide Range of Activities and Attractions: In addition to the beach, South Beach offers a variety of activities and attractions to explore. You can take a stroll along Ocean Drive and admire the iconic Art Deco architecture, shop at the trendy boutiques on Lincoln Road, or visit the vibrant outdoor markets. There's never a dull moment in South Beach.With its vibrant beach scene, luxurious waterfront hotels, and trendy nightlife, South Beach is a must-visit destination for beach lovers.Now, let's transition to our next topic: Hollywood Beach, a sandy stretch between Miami and Fort Lauderdale.Hollywood Beach: Sandy Stretch Between Miami and Fort LauderdaleLet's explore the sandy stretch of Hollywood Beach, located between Miami and Fort Lauderdale, and discover its oceanfront bars, restaurants, and year-round events. Hollywood Beach is a vibrant destination that offers something for everyone. Whether you're looking to relax on the pristine sandy shores, enjoy a delicious meal with an ocean view, or immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of the renowned boardwalk, Hollywood Beach has it all.To give you a better idea of what Hollywood Beach has to offer, here's a table highlighting some of its key features:FeaturesHighlightsOceanfront barsEnjoy a refreshing drink while soaking up the sunRestaurantsIndulge in a variety of cuisines from seafood to international fareYear-round eventsExperience live music, festivals, and other exciting happeningsRenowned boardwalk for oceanside funTake a leisurely stroll or rent a bike to explore the vibrant sceneHollywood Beach is not only a haven for beach lovers, but it's also a paradise for shoppers, with world-class malls and boutiques just a stone's throw away. So, whether you're in the mood for relaxation, entertainment, or retail therapy, Hollywood Beach is the perfect destination.Now, let's head just a few miles north to explore Fort Lauderdale Beach, where you'll find four miles of striking coastline and an array of colorful cafes, entertainment venues, and exclusive shops.Fort Lauderdale Beach: 4 Miles of Striking CoastlineAs beach lovers, we can't wait to explore Fort Lauderdale Beach and its stunning 4 miles of striking coastline. Here are four reasons why Fort Lauderdale Beach should be on your must-visit list:Striking Coastline Attractions: Fort Lauderdale Beach offers more than just pristine sands and clear blue waters. You can visit the Bonnet House Museum, a beautiful historic estate with lush gardens and art collections. Or, check out the Downtown Hollywood Mural Project, where vibrant murals adorn the walls of buildings, showcasing the city's artistic side.Blue Wave Certified Beach: Fort Lauderdale Beach has been awarded the Blue Wave certification, meaning it meets strict criteria for cleanliness, safety, and environmental responsibility. So you can swim, sunbathe, and enjoy water activities with peace of mind.Fort Lauderdale Beach Development Plans: The city has exciting development plans for the beach, including improving pedestrian and bike-friendly infrastructure, enhancing public spaces, and creating more recreational opportunities. This means even more amenities and attractions for visitors to enjoy in the future.Colorful Variety of Cafes, Entertainment Venues, and Exclusive Shops: Along the beach, you'll find a vibrant mix of cafes, restaurants, and bars offering delicious cuisine and refreshing drinks. There are also plenty of entertainment venues, from live music to comedy shows. And if shopping is your thing, Fort Lauderdale Beach boasts exclusive shops where you can find unique treasures.Fort Lauderdale Beach truly has something for everyone, from natural beauty to cultural experiences. So grab your sunscreen and get ready to explore this striking coastline destination.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Beachfront Hotels or Accommodations Available at Cayo Costa State Park?Yes, there are beachfront accommodations available at Cayo Costa State Park. Visitors can stay overnight in rustic cabins or go camping for a unique beach experience.As for Clam Pass Park, some of the best beach activities include walking the scenic boardwalk through the mangrove forest, renting a kayak or canoe, and enjoying the snack bar and picnic area. These activities offer a wonderful way to explore the park and make the most of your beach visit.What Are the Most Popular Water Sports Activities at Clam Pass Park?Popular water sports activities at Clam Pass Park include jet skiing and paddleboarding. These thrilling activities allow visitors to explore the beautiful waters and make the most of their beach experience.Jet skiing offers an exhilarating ride, while paddleboarding allows for a more peaceful and leisurely exploration. Whether you're seeking an adrenaline rush or a relaxing adventure, Clam Pass Park has something for everyone.Can You Rent Beach Chairs or Umbrellas at Siesta Key Beach?Yes, you can rent beach chairs and umbrellas at Siesta Key Beach.It's a family-friendly beach with soft, powdery white sand made of pure quartz.The beach can get crowded, especially during peak season, so renting beach chairs and umbrellas is a convenient option.They provide shade and comfort while enjoying the azure waters.It's recommended to arrive early to secure parking and make the most of your day at Siesta Key Beach.Are There Any Guided Wildlife Tours Available at Sanibel Island?Yes, there are guided wildlife tours available at Sanibel Island.These tours offer a fantastic opportunity to explore the island's diverse ecosystem and observe its abundant wildlife.From bird watching to nature walks, these tours provide an immersive experience in the natural beauty of Sanibel Island.Whether you're a nature enthusiast or simply looking to connect with the outdoors, these guided wildlife tours will surely leave you with unforgettable memories of this enchanting island.Is There a Specific Time of Year When South Beach Is Less Crowded?The quietest time to visit South Beach is during the off-peak season when crowd levels are lower. To avoid the crowds, it's best to visit South Beach during the weekdays rather than on weekends.Additionally, visiting during the shoulder seasons of spring and fall can provide a more peaceful beach experience. However, it's important to note that South Beach is a popular destination year-round, so even during quieter times, there may still be some level of activity.ConclusionIn conclusion, South Florida offers a beach experience like no other. Whether you're seeking secluded and heavenly beaches at Cayo Costa State Park or the vibrant beach scene of South Beach, there's something for everyone.From the powdery white sands of Siesta Key Beach to the abundant wildlife of Sanibel Island, these beaches are truly breathtaking.So grab your sunscreen and get ready to explore the beauty and charm of South Florida's best beaches.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:53 Reddit_n_Me Perk Currency Converter

If they are going to continue to reward us this useless perk currency, then offer a way to trade it in for useful Fighter Currency or Gleamium; I don't even care if the conversion rate is a scam, at least getting something useful for something useless will actually be an insentive. Perk currency is burning a hole in my pocket, and I don't need to spend anymore, because I've got all the perks I actually need unlocked already.
submitted by Reddit_n_Me to MultiVersus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:09 ImLivingThatLife The struggle for men can be real

Chris rock once said “ Only Women, children and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something.
This is facts, nobody cares about men’s struggles, a man can’t cry without being called weak or soft. Nobody cares about men’s struggles. That’s why they’re self deleting at a rate 4, now it’s only 3 times as many. 75% men to 25% women) times that of women. Men don’t dare open up or show vulnerability to a partner because most women either use it as ammunition against them later, or in the best case scenario they subconsciously see it as weakness and lose attraction for him leading to the relationship ending. People brush that off as redpill nonsense, but it’s true in my own case as well as many others I’ve seen. Never be vulnerable with a woman you’re romantically involved with or the relationship will take a nose dive. I don’t believe this dynamic will ever change in my lifetime or even several generations more.
Even if SOME women are accepting enough to support a man in his vulnerability, it will take tremendous trust for him to really know for sure that she actually is such a woman. If he’s EVER gotten burned in the past, he likely will never open up again.
submitted by ImLivingThatLife to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:47 taiyuan41 Luoyang

~Part 3 Luna~
A woman like Chang’e lived on a moon. Far away.
You can refer to me as Luna.
At the age of 19 I was diagnosed with a severe nerve pain condition. It is called trigeminal neuralgia but you can call it TN for ease.
I was frustrated. I had completed a degree in international finances from Chongqing University of Business and Technology. The boom of the economy was not the same. There was an urge to “lay flat”—to not try as a form of opposition to everything going on in a waning economy in China.
All are elephants chained for an audience. People love to peek and stare as though they are glass doors without hinges—to be made feel useless.
I developed TN at the age of 19, and was now 22. It came as an arrow, and quite literally to the face. It’s a rare nerve pain disorder often considered one of the most painful conditions known.
The illness involves intense nerve pain throughout the left side of my face. It felt like someone was trying to pull all of the teeth on the left side of my face without anesthesia. The pain can leave me falling to the floor unable to speak or move while screaming profanities while choked by pain. A feeling of a knife to my face over and over again. It leaves me in absolute shock. Like Roman candles to the face. An absolute hindrance. The anticipation of not knowing when it will happen again is a nightmare at times.
The disease is often called the suicide disease, apparently up to 26% try to take their lives. In a state of panic during one of the nerve attacks I began swallowing any pill near to me. I went to the hospital to have my stomach pumped when I was found comatose by my mother.
I want to be Chang’e and on the moon and away from a world I have had enough of.
Gossip spread around the workplace that I attempted suicide over an affair with a married man. There was too much guilt to return to the workplace. COVID did have an impact to the economy. I still remember my hometown having dirt and trees piled onto the exits and entrances to the city keep people in their places.
The work I did find felt beneath me. China has what is called the great firewall that keeps something in and out of the country’s networks. A VPN was necessary to access American TikTok as it was used as opposed to the Chinese version.
Feels humiliating the nature of the outcome for me—I gave up in many ways like so many Chinese youth. For work I would go to a local office building. Amongst a long hall would be rooms for live stream performers. I would entertain with watchers while trying to obtain virtual gifts for actual money. I despised it—sometimes the conversation could be funny or interesting but it felt hollow.
I would paint flowers on my face and wear hanfu clothing while doing ASMR. Competing in battles while dress cute and facing off with others. I would encourage and flatter those that send virtual gifts that could be exchanged for gifts. I would message and ask for WeChat account numbers to talk to them and I would be an emotional prostitute pretending to love and be interested in them for the hopes of more gifts. Methods of manipulation would be used as in begging, guilt tripping a viewer, and love bombing them. Often middle aged men would pretend to be the female host.
I had a mind of sparklers burning until it burnt and stung like wax—like I had the option to stop and cry and those tears stuck as wax and burnt or I soldiered on and grew accustomed to the pain. I was an elephant chained. The audience watched and interacted with me on the live. I was a chained elephant when it was found out about my previous attempt and when the rumors spread.
Too many thorns in life. Nails hitting at the wrong points like an equation for something terrible to eventually happen—a life set to end in misery—a fate.
My favorite dish was Henan noodles. I often cooked it with my mom. It provides great memories of childhood. I hadn’t talked to my mother as much as before. She moved to a job in Taiyuan.
Sometimes I would go up to visit her. But it was harder as she worked more and more hours. Sometimes voids build even when going through extreme nerve pain. And with trigeminal neuralgia, the pain was so intense that I would freeze and scream in pain. It cannot always be hid. It made me an elephant tethered.
Life can be like a pressure like no other. Too much stress. Makes one feel irritable with a mouth like a sprinkler of napalm when someone is too close. Life feels like a lit fire cracker held—in the end it would tear my hand up. Things kept building while the other side of my face began to hurt too recently. This was rare and not so common. My eyesight was becoming blurry too and it seemed I might have multiple sclerosis as the pain was on both side, it was not common for my age, and the blurry eyesight. An appointment was scheduled and I felt terrified to know what was going on and wondered if it was best to not even know my health.
I walked out of the studio and had a cigarette. My boss came out and joined to talk. He was concerned about view count and wanted me to do things to increase it that made me feel uncomfortable. He made a few comments I found incentive.
The boss sure liked to criticize and apply pressure. He was not impressed with my work and thought I could do something different. In China an application is used called WeChat. This application has many uses. People can display and share moments like a Facebook wall, message each other, send money, video chat, and even has a feature to find people near to you who are also looking for people near to them. I was to attract people onto dates. The idea was they would be lured in and the men would go to a set destination to a planned tea house that served snacks. When the men arrived (they had no knowledge of the setup) the bill would be at an absurd rate and if the men refused to pay larger men would use their size to force them to pay up.
I was not sure at the time yet if I wanted the job. Being worried about ethics and safety. It was something I would have to think about.
My medical expenses were growing and I knew the nerve disease could be expensive to treat with surgery. All I had was thoughts while looking at the moon.

I watched Luna from Zhengzhou. On a screen. My name is Luo. I tap away on my phone in a dormitory in a Foxconn factory. I was a migrant worker from Luoyang in the province of Henan. My wife was in Guangzhou and I was in Zhengzhou. Far from each other. We could not be together. We were migrant workers. In China we use Hukos—a government document used to list family members like a tree—and it determine where you were tied to geographically. I could only get access to government resources if residing in your home province that your family originates from. This meant my daughter could only go to school in the province and city she originates from. I was stuck in zhengzhou at a Taiwanese own factory making iPhones. It was during the pandemic. COVID and restrictions. Felt claustrophobic. Could not leave the factory grounds due to orders. But my alienation was okay—manageable. I did it via numbing myself via sending virtual gifts to Luna. Like a noose around my neck in debt.
Workers were getting mad because we weren’t being paid our allowances. And we found ourselves restricted to staying with workers who were positive for the virus. Anger was growing. And I was feeling upset like everyone else. Isolated on a moon with Luna to talk to.
Pressure grew—discontent. People rushed to the courtyard where people in hazmat suits came with batons to face a mob of angry workers. Shouting and throwing of projectiles. Chaos grew. I stood amongst them just as angry. Fists clenched.
The feeling towards Luna was polar to the situation at hand. I figured I would be pulled apart into shreds. Hooks everywhere. A piñata to be busted with all my anger and frustrations to fall out like candy for Luna to eat on. In three weeks I grew exhausted and found my own moon off the edge of a bridge —parasitical love is thin.

submitted by taiyuan41 to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:44 Aggressive_Air_9400 AITA

I recently left a job in Corporate America mental health. When I started there I thought it was a great opportunity with good pay and benefits. I had to leave the private group I was in prior as I was getting divorced and needed benefits. As I worked there, and worked my way up, not only was I hearing horrible complaints about customer service and billing on our admin side, but I was seeing more and more how things worked. No one on the business side seemed to care about our clinical services- which is the entire product- and its MENTAL HEALTHCARE. Higher ups didn’t listen to the clinical side and often times wrapped benefits or procedural changes up in a box with lovely packaging and a bow, but sooner or later it was apparent it was not much benefit if any at all. For example, I met the stock option bonuses every year totaling about $50K which turned out to be $38 and some change. I get its stock, but the way it was sold to us made it sound like it was a real benefit. Also their BBB rating is an F. The kicker for me was when I realized how much they were charging our clients for mental health care and how they weren’t even paying us 1/3 of that. When I resigned it was obvious no one besides my immediate office mates cared that I was leaving and gave me a lovely last day and gift. I am so grateful for all of them. They made this job bearable and they are wonderful clinicians who provide great care for clients. From the Operations side- There was no meeting, no exit interview, nothing except what furniture will you be taking out of your office. Let me add in I’m a top earner there, so you’d at least think they’d care about the $$. I’m not special in this treatment. It seems to be a standard operating procedure as I’ve learned from others who’ve left prior. I also realize we are all replaceable at work. I did receive a follow up survey. At first I was so mad I couldn’t even fill it out. Finally I did. In that survey they asked why are you leaving. I told them in a very diplomatic way, but then it came over me and I ended it with… Basically blah blah blah company looks great from the outside, but it’s really just the pie served up in The Help. Let me add I’m not worried about burning bridges here and I’ll be just fine apart from the company. AITAH for telling them they are the pie served up in The Help?
submitted by Aggressive_Air_9400 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:09 Existing-Hand-1266 Favorite high calorie, low carb/low saturated fats foods?

I’m nursing, so burning an extra 600-700 calories a day. I’m on 1000 mg metformin trying to eat a minimum of 2000 calories and 100 g carbs a day, but that’s still too little. I’m at 4’11” 100 lbs right now, trying not to go below 100 lbs but it’s been difficult. At a rate of losing .75 lb a week for the past 8 weeks. I want to nurse for longer but also don’t want to wither away.
I’m trying to constantly fill up on nuts, Greek yogurt, a protein shake/bar, or eggs between meals, but it still isn’t enough. 😩
submitted by Existing-Hand-1266 to prediabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:05 YoungReaganite24 Slight itching/burning in urethra

So, I recently came back from a 10 day vacation with my long distance girlfriend. We hadn't seen each other or had sex in about 4 months, so naturally we were going at it quite a lot, all unprotected (she uses NuvaRing). She had a full STD panel done before we started dating and I have no reason to suspect infidelity on her part, I've been faithful as well. I haven't had a full one done in a while, but I hadn't noticed any symptoms, and my condom use rate before my GF was about 95%. I'll certainly be getting a full panel done now, as I should have done before we started dating.
It's worth mentioning that I tested positive for chlamydia once a long time ago, in December 2020. I did the whole treatment regimen and tested again 9-10 days later, came back negative. My GF also has genital HSV-1, but she was infected almost 3 years ago and she takes viral suppression drugs whenever we're going to be together.
My only symptoms right now are an occasional, very slight but noticeable burning sensation during and after urination, and an occasional very slight itching of the urethra near the head of my penis, which I can only relieve by squeezing just below the head of my dick. I haven't noticed any discharge yet. I also had a sore throat starting the day before I left to go home, which lasted for 3 or 4 days, but it wasn't scratchy or painful except for when swallowing, and my lymph nodes weren't swollen.
Given my previous experience with chlamydia and the slight chance of exposure to something in the past (though it would have had to have happened at least 11-12 months ago, or more), I'm feeling a tad paranoid. What could be causing this? Possible non-STI bacterial infection from all the unprotected sex? Not always urinating after ejaculations? Using lubricant that's 3 years old?
submitted by YoungReaganite24 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:01 FlyNSail22 New SUV while in Flight Training

I currently have a 2019 Sonata that has been having signs of the engine going out. I am out of warranty as I bought it used, looking to get out of it before something goes wrong (currently burning oil and low gas mileage).
I’m heading to AF flight school this fall. I’m eligible for military discounts but seems to be around $500 for most makes.
I’m looking to get an SUV preferably with some sort of tow rating, however I’m mainly going to use the hitch for bikes and possibly a kayak/small sailboat so I really only need 1500, but more is always better.
I prefer better gas mileage and lots of technology features. Hopefully something around 2021 or newer. Off-road capability is always a plus, but I also don’t do anything too crazy (Midwest camping).
I have done a decent amount of research and have friends in the car sales industry, but wanted some Reddit advice as well.
Seems like if I buy new, most SUVs with mid to high trims are around $35-40k for standard compact (RAV4, CRV, CX5, etc) and if I buy a used vehicle of equivalent models there really isn’t much of any depreciation.
This has led me to look into used luxury SUVs that have taken $20k depreciation hits, however I do not know much about them. Think 2021-2023 Audi MDX, BMW X5, etc that still are in the $35-40k ballpark with about 40k miles.
If you were looking for a car would you get a new standard SUV or a used luxury? What would you be looking for?
Hoping to have some solid ideas before the end of the month so I can hopefully take advantage of last minute end of quarter deals.
submitted by FlyNSail22 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]
