Back of mouth itchy


2019.05.24 19:43 Spartan_100 TimeTravelSteve

Steve Rogers has gone back to the 1940’s to live out the remainder of his life with his love, Peggy Carter. The only issue is, Steve already knows how every major event throughout history has played out, but he still has to keep his mouth shut if he wants to keep his timeline in check to progress as it should. We document how he handles the difficulty of experiencing these moments in history without being able to change the outcome. (We make memes about Cap’s time travel hijinks)

2012.02.24 00:31 TransVoice: Share, Constructively Criticize, and Have fun!

A place to share your transgender vocal training related recordings for constructive criticism by the community

2013.11.15 21:10 TheMagicStik Dorohedoro

Subreddit about the seinen supernatural mystery manga Dorohedoro by Q Hayashida.

2024.05.15 09:05 hannah0banana terrible tooth pain, need advice

this is kind of a long story, but I’m going to try to make it as quick and simple as I can. about 7 or so years ago, I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed because they were growing in sideways. fast forward a few years to 2020 when I was seeing a new dentist. the last molar on the top left had been so pushed and twisted by the way my wisdom teeth grew in, that it was almost impossible to reach while brushing my teeth, and it wasn’t even really a functional tooth anymore. they recommended that I have it extracted and were going to keep an eye on the other back teeth. so I had it pulled, everything was fine. after that, I really neglected going to the dentist. I moved to a new state, and just never bothered finding one near me (terrible, I know). now, at the beginning of this year, I started having some tooth pain on the lower right side of my mouth. I finally went to see a dentist, and I was expecting the worse: both because I hadn’t been in so long, but also because dental problems runs in my family. it turns out I had 4 cavities on the right side (the back 2 molars on the top and bottom) and gingivitis. they did a deep cleaning and prescribed me toothpaste and mouthwash for the gingivitis. I decided to have the last tooth on the bottom right extracted, because that had the same problem where it was impossible to reach during brushing and wasn’t a functional tooth. the other cavities were going to be filled after the extraction. I originally made an appointment with an oral surgeon a couple weeks out, but pretty quickly, the pain became so unbearable that I couldn’t take it anymore and had to schedule an emergency appointment. it was weird, because it seems like the pain got so much worse after the dentist appointment. anyway, the tooth was pulled at the end of march. everything healed fine. I go back to the dentist soon after, and the dentist tells me I need a gingivectomy on the top few right teeth. I got that done, and it was fine. I didn’t really have any pain. about a month ago, I had the remaining 3 cavities filled. my mouth had been sore afterward, so I’ve been taking ibuprofen for it. well, the last week or so, the pain has gotten a lot worse. while looking in my mouth, I found a bone spur on the bottom right. the oral surgeon is having me come in this week because they want to check it out. the last few nights, it’s been hard to sleep because the pain has been excruciating. taking a combo of ibuprofen and tylenols helps, but obviously that’s not a long term solution. like I said, I am seeing the oral surgeon this week and I have an an appointment with the normal dentist just to follow up. I plan on bringing this up at my appointment, but i wanted to get some advice from others. I’m really nervous about the pain and the fact that it got significantly worse after going to the dentist. it makes me wish that I hadn’t gone at all, because the mild tooth pain i was experiencing before was at least bearable. sorry for the super long post, but i’m looking for any advice on what to do
submitted by hannah0banana to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:00 QueenDianaSpencer 53 unmarried and no kids SIL infuriating me

. Annoying
So much more. Soooo much more. I can’t stand her. I’m losing my mind.
submitted by QueenDianaSpencer to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:00 Accomplished-Gur1888 AITAH for telling my husband he needed to kick his brother out of my house?

I(25F) have found myself in a situation where I am not sure what to do. My husband (35M) and I have only been married for a year and I half. When I was 8 months pregnant, my brother in law (29 years old) moved in with us because he had nowhere to go. When we said he could move in, we made it clear that this would not be a permanent thing, that he needed to work on saving money, and be willing to help out around the house. We set ground rules as well: no drugs, ask before having your girlfriend over.
We are in month 9 of him living with us and I have had to beg numerous times for him to clean up after himself. I am a SAHM to my 6 1/2 month old and already clean up after her, my husband and 3 dogs. He uses our guest room and guest bathroom and they are constantly trashed. The girl he was dating when he started living with us, (we’ll call her L), he would always bring over without talking to us and it would turn into having her stay the night. I liked L, she was always super respectful so I brushed it off but I feel like he still should’ve asked. 3 weeks ago he broke up with L after cheating on her with his ex multiple times. We’ll call the ex C
Now C was terrible. She would use him, cheat on him, left him homeless and was an all around terrible influence. Since getting back with his C he is out all night partying. Yesterday I heard from L who reached out and told me my BIL had been doing Cocaine with C when they would go out. It was confirmed by my BIL’s best friend. I told my husband what I had heard and he brushed it off like it didn’t matter, said L was hurt and it couldn’t be true. I went out and bought a drug test and when my husband and BIL got home I had my husband talk to him. The immediate denial came and he said I was being crazy. He tested positive for cocaine and my husband and MIL just think I’m out to get my BIL.
I’m not sure what to do because my husband seems to think it’s not a big deal. I told him I want my BIL taking weekly drug tests and that this is not okay. My husband immediately shut that down and said no, not happening. He refuses to believe it. My daughter is in the phase where she is starting to put things in her mouth and is about to start crawling. She currently rolls to get places and this isn’t an environment I want her in.
Since my husband said no to the drug tests they’ve just been acting like nothing happened and that it doesn’t matter. I don’t know what to do.
submitted by Accomplished-Gur1888 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:57 decoparts Putting my money where my mouth is- Exercising Options!

I put a lot of thought into this today.
I had a $17 strike Call for late June that I bought on a whim back when we were in the $10 range.
Today, that $17 option contract was getting mighty valuable. I've played a bit at flipping contracts for profit (or in my case mostly loss)
I put some serious thought into what to do with it- A nice payout today? Hodl and hope it goes higher?
Then I started thinking about what options really mean. Literally, they are a contract that says "You have to sell me these 100 shares at the named price."
I started to wonder- What would I feel a month or two from now if I had the chance to buy 100 shares at $17? Kinda thinking I'd be kicking myself if I passed it up.
Then I started to think about my alternatives and how it would effect the (presumably) Hedgie who sold the Call contract.
Hold until closer to expiration? They'd be sweating, but so would I.
Sell it and take the profit? Nice, but who's buying? Good chance it's a Hedgie buying it back so they can cancel out their obligation to deliver in a poof of fuckery.
Here's the rub- Was that call backed up with real shares? If so, was the Hedgie who sold it actually expecting to have to deliver? If not, how fucked are they now? How VERY fucked are they if I DRS those shares once they hit my account?
Long story short, I decided to put my money where my mouth was, and transferred over the money to exercise the call. It required some scraping together on my part, but it was money I could (just barely) afford to lose. But I think I'll be glad I bought 100 more bricks at that price in the long run, and it brings my shriveled little heart great joy to imagine I totally pissed in some Hedgie's cereal by making them deliver.
Not financial advice, I fling poop and have trouble grooming myself. But if you have in-the-money calls that you are holding, give some thought to what that actually means. Never mind Gamma Ramp and cancelling out with matched puts or whatever other smoke and mirrors the suits can use to obfuscate. Set aside for a minute that the contract can be sold for profit. That Call contract at the end of the day means that a Hedgie is obligated to deliver 100 real shares into your grubby little mitts, which can easily turn into deliciously purple circles. Do with this revelation what you will.
submitted by decoparts to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:57 Cheesy-Tube Chapter 2 is now ready with an image attached

Chapter 2 is now ready with an image attached
Chapter 2 - Scouting and Selection
On the ships, the vikings had reached the foggy place they went to before, in the previously failed attempt to take the nest the previous time. And while Stoick looked out on the blinded horizon, he would call out orders until he was approached by another viking.
Phlegma: “Erm, Stoick?”
Stoick: “What is it Phlegma?…”
Phlegma: “Is everything alright?… You’ve had your nose incredibly out of joint after what Hiccup revealed and now this?… Is there any reason to it at all?”
Stoick: “The plan is simple Phlegma… Find the nest, destroy it and kill the dragons off…”
Phlegma: “I know but why attack now? It doesn’t seem… You know… Quite as planned out as the last few times we did this…”
Stoick: “Why are you questioning me about this?”
Phlegma: “You’ve hardly said a word besides barking orders at us, even Spitelout is getting concerned…”
He just ignores her, and continues to stare out into the fog.
Phlegma: “Did something else happen with Hiccup?…”
Stoick: “Don’t ever mention his name again…”
Phlegma: “What? Why?…”
Stoick: “He’s nothing to do with me anymore…”
Another viking on his ship who hears this, then approaches Stoick with a question.
Hoark: “Stoick?… Did you disown your boy?… Over this?…”
Stoick: “Well I’m not holding a banner about it but yes… He sided with the dragons and now my credibility here is just about ruined…”
Spitelout: “Well good riddance I say, that kid’s been nothing but trouble, I just hope he hasn’t influenced my boy-o to do something similar.”
Phlegma: “Hey! Don’t you start Spitelout, or I’ll toss you overboard!”
Stoick: “Everyone shut up! This isn’t helping… Just get back to the search.”
He barked out as everyone with disapproving, tense or frightened looks continue to manage their posts. Avoiding sea stacks, and keeping an eye out for any dragons that would try to approach.
Meanwhile back on Berk, Hiccup and Astrid reach the arena, eyeing off a cage thinking about the dragon that would suit her best, as well as trying to look for Toothless.
Astrid: “This is… Definitely crazy…”
Hiccup: “Like I said earlier Astrid, crazy is what we do best here.”
They then hears footsteps approaching, which Hiccup didn’t anticipate since everyone else had left the island. After a few seconds they stop, and as they turn around to look who it was, they see the other four dragon training students. One of them, Fishlegs, then starts to speak.
Fishlegs: “If you’re planning on getting eaten, I’d definitely go with the Gronckle."
Astrid: “What are you guys doing here? And why would you say something like that Fishlegs?”
Fishlegs: “Sorry… Group anger makes me nervous and I’m just trying to fit in with it…”
Hiccup: “Save your breath… It’s not like you’ll be using it much to curse me out anyway…”
Snotlout: “What even are you planning?”
Hiccup: “Self imposed exile… It’s better off this way given the circumstances, and don’t you guys try and talk me out of it… There’s nothing left for me here on Berk, I’m essentially just another mouth to feed and I’ve just eaten my last morsel…”
Fishlegs: “Hiccup, I know what I said earlier may have come off as harsh, but we’re not here to ridicule you.”
Hiccup: “You aren’t?”
Tuffnut: “We aren’t?”
Fishlegs: “Of course not guys, we talked about this earlier?”
Ruffnut: “Oh right, we just tune out a lot of the time.”
Snotlout: “Ugh… You two…”
Fishlegs: “Anyway we’re here because we want to come with you both.”
Hiccup: “Wait, what!?”
Astrid: “And how do you know I’m going with him?”
She asks in shock, as Snotlout then points to her basket of assorted items.
Snotlout: “We figured it out as soon as you ran out of the house with that basket.”
Fishlegs: “And after what we saw you attempt to do today, we connected the dots with the previous lessons we all had.”
Hiccup: So… You knew?…”
Fishlegs: “Yes.”
Hiccup: “And you’re not upset at this? You don’t think I’m a traitor?”
Fishlegs: “Absolutely not.”
Snotlout: “Not really.”
Ruffnut: “I’m actually very impressed by this.”
Tuffnut: “I’m still slightly confused but it seems everyone’s in agreement with you here so, I’m with you little dude.”
Hiccup: “Guys… I- I don’t know what to say…”
Astrid: “Well you can start with what your plan is for us to leave here.”
Hiccup: “Good point, but what I need to do first is find Toothless.”
After he explains this, he hears Toothless’s trademark roar in a cage next to the Gronckle’s, and saw a flash of purple underneath the door. Deducing his best friend was locked up in there, he approaches the cage, opens the door and in a flash ends up on the floor with the Night Fury licking his face.
Hiccup: “Aaahhhh! Agh, hey, I’m glad to see you too bud! It’ll be okay now that you’re out of there.”
Toothless ends his lick barrage and lets out a purr, before seeing Astrid, and smiling at her. Eventually turning to the rest of the teenagers with a snarl, and charging up a fireball until Hiccup intervenes.
Hiccup: Whoa, whoa, Toothless, Stand down! They’re not going to hurt you.
The dragon then lets the fireball dissipate in his mouth, after letting out a cough and continues to stare at them.
Fishlegs: “Oooh! A Night Fury! I never dreamed I’d see one in the flesh!”
Tuffnut: “Um… What happened to his tail?”
Hiccup: “Oh, er… Well you guys remember when I said to my father that I shot down a Night Fury and none of call believed me?…”
They all nod with scattered ‘yes’s and ‘uh-huh’s after he asks this.
Hiccup: “Well that was the result of it…”
Fishlegs: “And did you make that artificial one for him?”
Hiccup: “Yes, because otherwise he wouldn’t be able to fly.”
Snotlout: "Oh great, not just great, perfect even. The dragon lover has hurt one of his closest friends.”
Astrid: “This was before he and Toothless became friends”
Tuffnut: “Why does he call him Toothless? All dragons have sharp teeth.”
Hiccup: “Show ‘em bud.”
Toothless then demonstrates to them all his retractable teeth, forcing them into his jaw and allowing the group to admire it for a while, before unsheathing them again.
Hiccup: “That is why.”
Ruffnut: “That’s incredible! I’m very impressed Hiccup~”
She responds in a strangely flirty tone, causing Hiccup to become nervous and Astrid to stare her down.
Fishlegs: “So… Um… How do we get our own dragons?”
Hiccup: “I’ll show you, just do as I tell you, and you could very well make a fire-breathing friend for life.”
He begins to explain with a more confident smile, as he approaches the Deadly Nadder’s cage, and opens it.
Back with the boats, Stoick’s crew ends up becoming more despondent as after a considerable amount of time they still don’t end up closer to the nest. Assuming they merely went in circles, he then orders the ships to split up and take other paths, causing more confusion in the soldiers.
Stoick: “I don’t care if you don’t like it, I’m the chief, and my way goes!”
Spitelout: “Stoick, we’ve done this once before and we never return with a full crew afterwards!”
Stoick: “Oh would you like to be running this particular mission?”
Spitelout: “I’m just pointing out that maybe-”
Stoick: “Well you’ll have time to point things out when we get there, now keep your positions!”
He goes back to eyeing out the fog, while Spitelout angrily informs the rowers to keep moving, and orders two ships to split from the main group and row further to the starboard side.
Back at the arena, and Hiccup gently coaxes the last dragon to exit his cage, the Monstrous Nightmare.
Hiccup: “It’s okay… We’ve done this once before big guy.”
He leads him further out into the arena. Even though the teens had already seen him doing this with the Gronckle, the Zippleback and the Nadder, they still watch on in awe. Hiccup, then having lead the Monstrous Nightmare out, then leads him to Snotlout.
Snotlout: “Wait! What are you-!?”
Hiccup: “Whoa, just relax… It’s okay, It’s okay.”
He replies to both Snotlout and the dragon, as he grabs Snotlout’s hand. Putting it gently on the Monstrous Nightmare’s nose, causing the dragon to purr, and Snotlout to have a small giggle in disbelief.
Snotlout: “Okay, this is amazing! Hey, where are you going Hiccup?”
Hiccup: “Well, you’re all going to need something to help you hold on for a while, because we’re going to be riding these guys, to find ourselves a new home. Now there has to be some rope in here somewhere…”
He begins to look through the munitions trough, then hearing a voice by the gate calling out to them all.
Gobber: “Actually Hiccup, you could make them their own saddles, you have the time after all.”
Hiccup: “Gobber? How did you know about that? And why are you not with the rest of the village?”
Gobber: “I heard there was a slight tiff between you and your father, and wanted to at least try and help you out.”
Hiccup: “Well that’s an understatement… As far as he’s concerned he’s not even my father anymore…”
Gobber: “So I heard, and that was wrong, so I didn’t join him on his insanely deadly mission. What I will do though is help you kids out, so what can I start with?”
Hiccup: “Well if you insist Gobber, and we’re going to need measurements for everybody and their new dragons. Just to make sure we have enough material to make the saddles, and ensure they don’t come off while we’re flying.”
Gobber: “Righty-ho, I’ll see if I can find the tape measure!”
He replies with determination, as he and Hiccup rush off to the smithy to get the saddles ready, while the rest of the teens acquaint themselves with their new dragons.
Tuffnut: “I still don’t get why we have to share one…”
Astrid: “Because all the other dragons have been taken by the rest of us.”
Fishlegs: “Plus, among certain disciplines you guys work far better together, instead of apart.”
Ruffnut: “No denying that!~”
Fishlegs: “The Zippleback is much the same way, and with you guys sharing him, it would be far easier for things like rescue missions, search and seize-”
Tuffnut: “Ultimate destruction?”
Fishlegs: “What!? No!-”
Snotlout: “Leave it Fishface, they’re already engrained in it…”
An exasperated sigh escapes Fishlegs’s mouth, as he, Snotlout and Astrid are forced to watch this spectacle go on. Hiccup meanwhile, ends up having another heart-to-heart with Gobber.
Gobber: “So how long has this thing with dragons been going on?”
Hiccup: “Er… Sort of on and off since the early morning, raid months ago.”
Gobber: “When you said you hit a Night Fury?”
Hiccup: Yeah… Anyway it turned out you and everyone else were right… I’m not a dragon killer… Not even a proper viking in their eyes… But what I became, was something more valuable. A dragon trainer.”
Gobber: “Dragon trainer?”
Hiccup: “Understanding their ins and outs, gaining trust with tossing away weapons and feeding them fish, and in Toothless’s case, helping him regain his ability to fly.”
Gobber: “That’s quite the achievement.”
Hiccup: “Heh, you must be the only adult here that thinks that… Everyone else had kind of deemed me as an outcast… No one looks in my direction just like they used to before all this, and now even my dad doesn’t want a bar of me…”
Gobber: “Hiccup… I know you’re going through a rough time at the moment, but is this really the way to go?… You’ve got an entire lifetime laid out ahead of you lad. And I-”
Hiccup: “What life?… It honestly feels like I’m no longer welcome here by anyone, especially my own father… I’ve mentioned to you before that he doesn’t listen to me… I just wish for once he would realise that I could have valuable insight into all this stuff about Berk, vikings and the dragons, but he’s just too… Stubborn and set in his ways…”
Hearing this soliloquy, Gobber simply sighs and puts his hand on Hiccup’s shoulder.
Gobber: “I’m sure things will turn around for you soon Hiccup… In the meantime at least you’ll have your friends around you… Speaking of which, we should make a start on their saddles, shouldn’t we?”
Hiccup: “Yep, you’re right Gobber, now let’s get that forge lit-”
Not realising Toothless had followed them there, he lets out a plasma blast reigniting the coals. Giving Gobber a surprised gasp, but Hiccup looks over at the both of them with confusing before turning into amusement.
Hiccup: “Just so you know Toothless, you didn’t have to do that, because you’re not a tool, but thanks.”
He replies to his best bud as he sets some old discarded metal on top of the hot coals, and begins pressing on the bellows. After some time, they arrive back at the arena with the finished saddles. And after putting them onto the dragons, get ready to set off.
Hiccup: “Well I guess this is it Gobber, I’ll make sure to write every so often.”
Gobber: “Och, I have faith in ye, lad. Don’t ye worry”
Snotlout: “Yeah, but it’s going to be ages before the mail arrives at either location.”
Hiccup: “But it won’t have to”
He replies to Snotlout with a grin, as he unleashes another secret weapon, in the form of a Terrible Terror with a cylindrical container loosely tied around his neck.
Snotlout: “Whoa!”
Tuffnut: “What the-?”
Fishlegs: “Wow.”
Hiccup: “Gang, this here is Messenger. He’s going to be part of our new mail delivery service, or Terror mail as I like to call it”
Gobber: “Terror Mail?”
Hiccup: “Yep, this little tube around his neck, will be used to store telegrams and all sorts of written documents, and transport them to the recipient carefully without getting dropped, drenched, or torched”
Astrid: “And what if Stoick were to see him arriving on or leaving Berk?”
Hiccup: “Honestly, I can’t even try think about it… But that’s why Gobber when he arrives with anything, you are to keep him in the shop, hidden up in the back corners so no-one discovers him.”
Gobber: “Er… Righty-ho, I’ll do my best…”
Hiccup: “Good, ready to fly gang?”
Teens: “Yes!”
Hiccup: “Alright, now hold tight.”
He informs them as he sets his leg into Toothless’s mechanical stirrups.
Hiccup: “Let’s go bud.”
With a mighty roar, Toothless rushes upwards into the air, the rest of the teens follow suit. Astrid taking the position directly behind Toothless and Hiccup, Snotlout close behind them, the twins slightly lagging due to another argument, and Fishlegs pulling up the rear with his Gronckle. Gobber watches them fly off, giving them a send off wave as he heads back to the blacksmith stall.
And that's the last teaser I put out, the rest will be on Wattpad
submitted by Cheesy-Tube to httyd [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:51 ThrowRa_lost-life I (25F) married to 33M for 3 years. What do I do?

Asking for a friend.
So I (25F) was really drunk after an office party and came home to DH (33M) who was all very sweet and talking all of a sudden. All of a sudden why? Because for the past almost 5 months, we’ve had a lot of fights and haven’t been speaking to each other, at least I haven’t since he’s accused me of cheating on him. He doesn’t even think there’s a need to have a conversation after what he’s accused me. How can I be okay with it?
After coming back home, it shocked me to see him take care of me (mind you, this isn’t the first time I’m coming home drunk in the last 5 months) and he’s never done this in the past few months. I’m still trippy with the alcohol and the next thing I know is he’s forcing himself on me and he did have forceful sex with me. I couldn’t even scream out loud because we have guests staying with us. It’s so painful firstly because it’s been over 6 months since I’ve had sex, and secondly he’s so heavy (he weighs 98kgs). I couldn’t breathe. But all I knew was this was happening and he was very rough, biting me everywhere and slapping me. This isn’t the first time he’s tried this with me. He’s always failed cause I was sober and I would do anything to get out of the situation, but this time I was so tipsy I couldn’t move. I told him I don’t want to be with him also, but he told me not to blabber when I’m drunk and closed my mouth with his hand so I don’t talk.
It’s the morning and he acts all cool as though he didn’t do anything and is trying to be sweet to me. Why tf would I even want to talk to him after what he did? I understand he’s my husband, but he cannot take advantage of my state and do as he pleases. Not now, not ever.
Do I tell him I don’t want to be physical or even be with him anymore? I don’t want this to happen again and I don’t want to go through this again or anymore. I don’t want to have his kids either. I don’t. His mother has always been an issue in our marriage as well, but it’s become very evident in the past 3-4 months. She needs to be involved in everything and it pains me to see he would rather listen to her on how to run our family and marriage than listen to what I have to say about things.
submitted by ThrowRa_lost-life to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:49 casefilesofVJ The Love Tunnel

Every kid growing up in Gympie in the early 90- 2000s knew about the Love Tunnel.
The love tunnel was located over the hill from the skatepark on the Riverbank. It was a massive storm water drain filled with spray paint and lore unbound throughout the generations; the glowing dick, whose name is the furthest in, the people who live inside, the bull shark that lived under the bridge just outside, all that fun stuff.
It collapsed in the late 2000’s in a flood and was eventually rebuilt, but it was all fancy, modern, safe and not the same. Back in the day it had decades of graffiti, crumbling cement, jagged metal pole framing bent and jutting out from the sides. You know, real character.
I remember when I was just a kid at the skatepark and I spotted a bunch of other kids at the metal grating of a drain. I joined them and gazed down a few metres to some older teenagers, they had trekked through this “love tunnel” under the massive hill all this way. Badass I thought. LEGENDARY.
I talked about it at school, about this mysterious “love tunnel”. It was in view from the road when I crossed the bridge everyday on my daily commutes from the backseat of mums car.
I would gaze down at the weir and see the top of the love tunnel, sliightly hidden from view by a hill. It fascinated me.
I learned all these mysterious tales; this person slept with this person there, someone took a dump at the entrance and some other girl stood in it and now she had a nickname, someone found needles, another found a homeless woman and she screamed at them. I was pumped for the next weekend. I was going to go see it for myself.
I saw too much.
Early Saturday morning I was riding my push bike through town and toward destination adventure! I started out at the skatepark, met up with a few of the regulars, a mix of 5-19y/o everyone on the half pipes and ramps had a code of comrady that I've never found in a public place anywhere else and you always had someone to hang with.
My usual crew slowly arrived through the morning, a bunch of other 10/11 year old misfits like myself and we headed on our first place on our journey, Hungry Jacks. Now we never technically stole, we found a loophole…
One or two would order a stunner meal, then we'd take privilege of the free refills and fill up the empty plastic 4L juice jugs that we all had prepped in our backpacks. Coke and red Fanta for days.
So we got our supplies and headed behind HJ, past the volleyball courts and headed down a bush track down to the river.
We walked along the banks to loop back down to where the bridge was, we passed a few teenagers fishing and a couple other groups of kids swinging from rope swings into the water or huddled in groups smoking things they shouldn't.
We eventually arrived at the weir and the stormwater drain that I had been so intrigued by. The Love Tunnel.
Climbing up the hill and seeing it up close when you were just a tiny human. It was like staring into the dark abyss of hell.
There was a small stream of water flowing out of the big grey cylinder and it was covered in multicolored quotes and crude pictures that was very eye opening at the time.
Our voices echoed as one by one we climbed up the grassy, eroding clay edging that was the makeshift path into the mouth that probably changed each time it rained. Each of us had pulled out clumps of grass that we thought were handholds. If you fell, you fell down an embankment of slippery jagged rocks poking out from the fast flowing river.
So were inside and began to walk a couple of metres in then around us the light abruptly disappeared into complete darkness. And I remember the way the sounds traveled you could feel it through your chest it was mesmerizing.
I remember bravely stepping into the darkness and taking five or six steps in. That thick darkness was something else, I ran myself back to that entrance and light, heart pounding from the adrenaline.
This turned into a game of who could go in the furthest. This stopped when one of the boys screamed out from the darkness in pain.
He was back in the light teary eyed a few moments later wet on one side and feigning a laugh. He'd slipped down and cut open his knee, it was hilarious. We teased him saying he was going to get gangrene and leprosy and a myriad of other ailments we had no idea actually was.
We decided to bail, we forgot torches, we didn't plan that part out too well, and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon being little menaces.
We met the next day with a game plan, we had an array of various sized torches, from small ones that didn't do anything, one of those giant rectangle ones that was our main light source, a couple of handheld ones, one which flickered and the other stopped working before we even got into the tunnel.
We got in safely and tested out our torches and began walking into the unknown. It was pretty much the same as before, but there were strange things, old makeshift bongs, shopping bags, random shoes, a shopping trolley, a mattress that was all moldy and rotted. I still to this day do not understand how people managed to get that shit in there.
We passed a section where someone had thrown a can of red paint all over the walls, the amount of those ‘S’ symbols was more terrifying.
We saw light up ahead, we were passing our first grate. It was kind of daunting looking up towards it. Even getting on each other's shoulders we couldn't reach. There was an array of broken beer bottles and glass was everywhere, under the grate was a dead snake amongst some debris.
We had a debate whether to go further, we ended up going on at least until the next grate, we came to a fork, one seemed like a smaller offshoot so we stuck to the bigger side.
There were more offshoots and we came to a part where the big pipes split off into three under another grate. We gazed up hoping to get an identifier of our location, but all we could see was blue. We called out to see if we could get anyone's attention.
“Cooooweeee” we shouted in unison, the sound echoing in all directions.
We were laughing and having a grand time until something shouted back, something that still shakes me to my core to this day.
Some yobbo crackhead chick in her fifties with this ratty pink tank top that was all stretched half showing her saggy titties. “What the fuck you think you little cunts doing down here.” This chick screeched at us through her few teeth or something along the lines of that. She just exploded at us with a barrage of threats.
We were shocked silenced moving together to make one mass.
One of the boys screamed when a skinny guy emerged from the darkness. He was covered in tattoos with scraggly hair and a beard, he was all crazy eyed and pantless.
Someone yelled out to run and it was all the motivation we needed.
We could hear them screaming and the guy ran after us, we heard glass shattering behind us, they must have thrown a bottle. We were legging it.
We got split up in our running, I fell down, tripping over some rubbish, one mate stayed back to help me, this left us without a torch. We came across the same kid who slipped over yesterday, he had slipped down again cutting open his other knee. He wore those with badges of honor at school, but he was blubbering like a baby at this point.
He had the flickering torch and it disoriented us more than helped, as it turned on and off every time he took a step. I thought we were lost but we found the other grate, then eventually the entrance.
The others were already climbed down, we were soon by their side panting in the grass and wiping away our tears so the others couldn't see.
We ran back over to the skatepark and immediately told every kid we saw.
That was the wildest shit we had ever experienced. Sure we’d seen crazy up on the street but to have it jump out at you from the shadows in a storm water drain was next level.
By that night one of the other boys had spilled to his parents about our escapades and a couple of other mums got phone calls, three got in trouble, two of us didn't, including me.
I never stepped foot back in that tunnel, I swam at the weir more times than I could count afterwards though and never encountered anyone else too sketchy.
I think only a year or two later I saw on the news people dying in storm water drains somewhere else in Aus, we never realized how dangerous they could be back then. Lol.
Every party or get together afterwards it was a crowd favorite to bring up. It was a good conversation starter and joined the tales amongst my friends of the weird shit that happens in ‘Helltown’.
Growing up and looking back they were probably just homeless drug addicts freaked out from a bunch of children's voices yelling out coooweee from the underground where they thought they were alone. That would have scared the shit outta me if I was them.
Good times.
Tl:Dr kids go into storm water drain and find creepy couple who scream at them.
submitted by casefilesofVJ to creepyencounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:44 Kamisasaki Does INFJs have god complex?

So yesterday I posted on the MBTI subreddit asking for the answer why an INFP girl rejected me.. And accepted an ENTP guy who always made fun of her...
And I really hate that guy bcs he doesn't respect her even a bit and bad mouths her behind her back...
And on that post I constantly told that I am worried about her bcs that guy is not right....
He is a liar and that he is kind of like a delinquent...
and people kept downvoting me saying that I have a god complex..
According to them, I think that I am a god and I must help everyone and that I must stop this kind behaviour.....
Is it just me who just got misunderstood without any reason for wanting to help someone or other INFJs go through these too...
submitted by Kamisasaki to infj [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:42 Neverlannnd93 Newly diagnosed. Now what?

Hi All,
30yo female, uk
Last year I had a big trauma in the form of a minor health problem that was misdiagnosed/mistreated to the point where it became chronic (took 6 months to get rid of a sinus infection and I'm now on a wait list to potentially have surgery on my ear since that hasn't resolved).
I started off with tingling in my hands and feet that quickly spread to my entire body including parts of my mouth. This is a 24/7 symptom. I've had periods where I experience numbness (normally in my calf, wrist but the main place it flares in my face) but I still habe sensation like running a hairbrush off the numb patch i still feel it and if it's in my face I can still move my muscles etc. I've also had headaches that go on for about a week but both those seem to be more like flare ups and eventually they go. My more recent symptom is sharp shooting pains that are more intermittent and again seem go be all over (like i'll be chilling and it'll jolt in my wrist or part of my thigh). I put this down to the condition since it came on in the lead up to my finally having my neurology appointment so naturally i was really stressed and scared.
I've had extensive private bloods, as well as many public healthcare ones over the past year and all that was picked up was iron and vit d deficienes which are resolved now. I had a private MRI of my spine and brain as it was suspected MS and that came back normal as well.
Coming up to a month since my neurologist appointment where I was officially diagnosed with FND. He was very validating and had clearly really taken the time to read my notes etc from the fact some of the questions he asked had info in that I hadn't present to him myself. I had my millionth functional physical neuro tests and they were normal again. As it seems to be moreso sensory for me, i've just been given a neurophsycology referral and discharged from neurology and i had no date of when i'm gonna be seen.
I'm already in private therapy and she's helping me manage anxiety and work on redirection to just start getting my life back a bit.
I joined one FND forum and got really upset because it was a lot of people just telling me i've been misdiagnosed and it's xyz etc but for me it just seems like the right diagnosis. Also made my symptoms flare more.
It just really sucks that it seems you're given a diagnosis then left with nothing other than "find a support group in the meantime." I'm just scared of the possibility of ignoring a new symptom (like the shooty i have now) cause situationally i can pin it on stress and fnd and it turns out i'm ignoring something bigger.
Hope you lovely lot can provide ways to help me manage and hopefully some of you have experienced the same as me.
submitted by Neverlannnd93 to FND [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:41 Ravens_Quote The Hangknell Leper- Chpt. 1 (might write more, idk, depends on feedback)

To live in the Undead Burg is a daily test of one’s wit and their will. The brutish and dull fall to the cunning, and the weak intellectual tears their own mind asunder. For those who escape the Asylum, it is sometimes enough to make one consider voyaging back to their cell.
After all, only a few are Chosen.
In the lower levels of the Undead Burg, a cloak of rat skin fluttered behind a walking corpse as they hurriedly turned the corner of a short length of stone stairs, slamming the shield of a hollow soldier against the ground just as the claws and fangs of the first hound rose to meet it. In truth he lacked the strength to properly defend himself with the thing, to raise it with only one arm and withstand a blow with the same, but it didn’t matter here. The lower corner of the shield lay braced against the bottommost of a length of stone steps. This, with his shoulder pressed against the shield’s top, made progress against him nearly impossible for a foe so light as this.
If idiocy was to lose one’s common sense, then it couldn’t account for the stupidity of an undead hound. The corpse raised a spear over the shield and swung it downward in a pathetic arc, the wood slapping against the metal with hardly a noise to report. Seeing the motion, the dog leapt sideways out of some horribly trained reflex, and in this manner crashed into large pile of eternally burning corpses. It yelped as the heat caught it, spasmed as it searched for purchase amidst the mass of charred bones and melted flesh, and promptly died. The commotion brought with it the sound of distant footsteps, and soon another beast had run headlong into the shield. This one took two similar “attacks” of the spear to repeat its fellow’s mistake, and the one after it four.
To think he had once been terrified of these things, and discovered his tactic in panic.
Beside the steps was a well, and (after a moment to ensure no further dogs were coming), it was this against which the corpse laid his heavy shield. The next test between him and his goal would require agility, something ill-afforded with such heavy hardware. For this, he turned his attention to the well’s crank, and set thereafter to turning it. From the depths was raised a target shield tied in place of a bucket, and upon it a collection of bones, a severed hand, a ring, and a candlestick. The corpse laid the miscellaneous treasures aside, untying the shield and equipping it to his left arm.
The first two thieves were marked by buckets… or rather, the buckets were set in place to tell the thieves which doors were to be hid behind. As travelers came and went, the buckets would roll down the hill as they were knocked aside or blown by the wind or carried around by the dogs, and thus the thieves’ stations would move. When it was determined one had rolled too far down the decline of the alleyway, an annoyed thief would inevitably carry it to a more desired station, pretend it had always been there, and hide themselves behind the newly marked door. It was possible some band of thieves set this tradition in place long ago and retained the habit after they’d eventually gone hollow, but proving this thought today would be nearly beyond impossible. The reasoning didn’t matter to the corpse, of course, but the effect he used to his advantage.
The tops of the doors he adorned with knives from the Lady of Moss- blades up, such that the forceful opening of the door would spin the knives just right to sink their poisonous bile into the victims below. What additional wastes and acids the corpse had applied need not be mentioned by name, only that they shared their patron creature with the leather cloak on his back. With his work done, he now walked the side of the alley as any clueless traveler would have, and awaited the springing of the trap.
As always, the third and lowermost thief signaled the attack by kicking open their door. The two now behind the corpse followed, and shortly thereafter issued their raspy exhales of pain amidst the clatter of falling steel. The corpse charged. The leader hurriedly reached for their throwing knives but was swiftly force-fed the edge of the corpse’s shield, thusly to be brought to the ground. Here was the corpse’s blade drawn, its cracked and jagged tip turned down towards its latest prey.
When skinning rats, it is important that one carries a sharp blade. This both to pierce the thick hide, and to avoid unnecessary damage to the intestines, stomach, and other usable bits lying beneath. Replacing the rat with a hollow, the corpse preferred the tip of a broken straight sword to the edge of his usual dagger. The motions made indeed bore some crude similarity to his work when harvesting leather, but the abandon of care became only more evident with each forceful cut and flailingly resisted gouge. In the end, what remained could hardly be discerned from a spot of muck on the road, a hollow-faced madman above it.
Further down, beyond a second set of stone steps, was another favorite spot of ambush for the thieves. The mutts at the end of the alley had long since devoured whatever scraps had been used to position them, and so readily charged forth at the beckoning call of the corpse. They found at his feet the now separated legs of the corpse’s most recent kill, adorned in many fresh gouges and oozing with a pungent liquid. The source of this meal mattered not to them, and so they eagerly set to work engorging themselves on the new flesh. So single-minded were they, intent on ridding themselves of the insatiable undead hunger that plagued them, that neither one slowed as a white foam began to pour from their mouths. Their stomachs first bulged, then split apart and spilt what little they had for content as the acid worked its way through. Their legs gave way from beneath them, first the hind, then the front, and yet still they desperately swallowed more of the decaying flesh and embedded stomach-skin pouches that rapidly digested them in return. When at last the pair had at last lost such strength as to no longer reach the meals inches away from their first gasping, then whining maws, the corpse delivered their mercy. A swift kick, and what little remained of their necks gave freedom to their lifeless skulls. The thieves, meanwhile, bore no challenge the corpse had not already faced. Knives over the first few doors, the greeting of jaw and shield, the pillaging of another victim. Nothing unusual, and nothing of note.
With the capra demon gone, some “chosen” adventurer having long since vanquished it from realm, little now stood between the corpse and… her… save only one thing. The corpse took the last flight of stairs three at a time, ricocheting off the wall on the outside of its only turn and bounding towards his target.
There she was, out in the open as always. The corpse sprinted down the stairs and, after passing a blind corner, set his left foot forward and crouched to halt his considerable momentum. The ambusher behind him was easily parried as he brought his shield up and behind him, cracking something in their forearm or perhaps their wrist. Not bothering to waste time, the corpse’s broken blade was brought upwards through the ambusher’s jaw until it snapped the bit bone between their eyes. This done, the corpse wrenched his weapon up and sideways with a hollow “pop” as the neck gave leave of its skull. The body collapsed to the side, its head twisting unnaturally upwards and backwards as it freed itself of the blade. The corpse, unbothered, bore no interest in holding either aloft. Now he turned, inspected the last of the thieves, and after a moment returned his blade to its holder.
“You are Patient.”
This first time he’d uttered the phrase, the last word was merely an attribute. ‘Twas a description of the one hollow that could be shot with any arrow, afflicted with any pain, and would yet remain loyally in her position. To be fair, it wasn’t for great gift a choice, as the position of “live bait” was reserved only for whichever of the thieves had been deemed least desirable by the rest. What caused this, and whatever penalties lay for abandoning of the post, were matters the corpse could only assume. The important part was that it was her, the thief who had become “Patient” by name. At their first encounter the corpse had considered dispatching her like the rest, but had hesitated in piercing her skin. He still bore the scar about his neck that she had given him for his idleness, and she still wore the rat skin “grieves” he’d forcefully tied to her for a marker. As time passed, the two gradually traded more scars and more black fur hide between them- the corpse receiving the former, Patient gaining the latter. He had stripped her and tied a pelt about her chest which lay now beneath her leather armor, he’d fashioned a double-thick leather stock to protect her neck, and though he tied gloves to her at a point she’d taken great effort in cutting them off. All this he had done across many visits, through much pain, and at expense of his best materials. Todays gift had by far been the hardest to craft- a thrice layered leather helm affixed on one side with a jawbone to replace what he’d broken so long ago.
His approach was slow, and well-rehearsed. At about ten paces, Patient’s patience finally broke as she ran for him. Today she chose to hesitate upon reaching him, though he'd learned this was by chance of random choice than any form of compassion. The corpse waited for the attack, not daring to kick another outcast as he had once been in life. She tried first her more viscous pattern, a pair of vigorous strikes that slid across the corpse’s target shield rather than bouncing away. She completed the maneuver and immediately prepared for a more powerful, slamming attack, granting the corpse the opportunity he had been seeking.
As she brought her blade down, the corpse deftly batted her strong hand away and gripped her shield with his open hand. Having no further need for his own shield, he cast it now away and spun the patient thief ‘round. She made as if to leap upward and over the corpse, but the maneuver was one he’d long since learned to counter. He stepped back, spinning himself so as to bring her sideways and around and down into a prone position with his right elbow along her back and his left hand pinning her knife arm down.
His next task, before gifts could be given, was to ensure he received no further scars in return. Placing his knee at her back to free one of his hands, he drew from beneath his cloak a coil of red twine fashioned from the same rats he’d skinned for his gift… some of the same, at least. With great effort, the twine was managed around the thief until she could no longer terribly well resist, and her hood was pulled back from her head.
Seeing the sunken red skin, the glowing eyes, the bare teeth, it reminded the corpse of life in the Pit of Outcasts. It was there he’d met the kindest of the living, the most desperate of the poor, and occasionally even a soul or two willing to speak or come close to him. ‘Twas a place for the diseased, the undead, and those criminals deemed too vile to disgrace the hangman’s noose with their neck. It was there he’d learned to knit and to sew, skills gifted to him from an undead woman not terribly discernable from the one before him now. The main difference, at least for now, was the slack jaw broken in uncountable pieces during their first encounter.
Casting the memories aside, the corpse set to his work. The leather about the thief’s neck stilled her head a little, but precisely cutting the skin beneath her jaw to remove the old bone was still a difficult task. The end result was unsightly, and it involved more than a few excessive cuts from the patient’s constant struggling, but it was enough to work with. Removing the old bone took a great deal of time thanks to the many fragments hidden in odd bits and pockets of flesh, but sliding the new one into place and wrapping it in the old muscle proved as easily said as done. The most tiring part was retying the cuts back closed, as the thief regained and continually demonstrated a greater ability to bite and snap as the corpse made more and more progress. The last of these gaps closed, the corpse finally wrapped the rest of the leather helmet about the thief’s skull and tied the loose end to the other side of her new jaw with more twine. It wasn’t his best work, but it was the best he’d done on something still kicking around.
Patient’s hood was returned to its proper position, and the corpse took hold of a length of twine connected to a slipknot in the middle of her back. Midway up the last stretch of stairs he’d come down, the twine was pulled and the knot it held gave way, restoring the thief her freedom. Knowing better than to stick around, the corpse fled to the top of the stairs, standing on the bridge overlooking her station just beyond where she would pursue. He watched as she freed herself of the last of the twine, as she looked to him, and as she eventually returned to her post. He said then the same thing he always said to her, though still he knew not if she recognized it.
“I am Aldin Paltry, the Leper of Hangknell. I will return again.”
He watched a moment more, but was paid not a glance in return. Back through the alley he went, bound for the dragon’s bridge.
submitted by Ravens_Quote to darksouls [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:39 wholeclublookingatus I just really need to get this off my chest. This just happened to me and I really ned to get it out, I’m so sorry if it isn’t the right flair

I really don’t know what’s going on… I’ve been dissociating since I was in his apartment I think… was this my fault????
Met up with this guy from Grindr he told me he is 37, I’m 18. He told me he was just looking for friends, no sex, which is what I’m looking for, we meet at a park and he starts making me touch his dick and touching him. He said I was looking tense and I wasn’t really talking much (I was pretty nervous, was shaking and pretty tense). He told me he’d get some alcohol and we’d go to his apartment so I could drink and loosen up. At this point I didn’t want to go but we were on the street.. how do you fucking run away?????? I could’ve try to run away but he was waaay bigger than me and if he caught me I was scared he would’ve beat me up… (he kept bragging abt how we was so good at fighting and he would fight anyone, etc… big red flag but I was too scared to go). We got to his apartment which was sketchy afffff, not really an apartment but a room. He got completely undressed and said he was a nudist, so he wasn’t doing anything sexual. And blamed me for implying that him being naked was sexual and I ended up looking like the horny one… kept insisting I took my clothes off but I told him no. He then grabbed me and started rubbing his dick against me. I wasn’t engaging at all but he kept doing it. For so many other reasons he was a weirdo and a creep… but I was in his apartment and it would’ve been difficult to escape, so my plan was to turn him off, talk for a bit and then go.
But he kept insisting and then he physically grabbed me and started being all over me and tickling me… 😓this sounds so pathetic ik but I’m really ticklish and he kept saying he’d stop if I took off my tshirt. Even though he kept tickling I resisted and didn’t take off my shirt. Eventually he got tired and took it off me. He commented on my body and how I was too fat… but I’m so confused… why’d he try to have sex with me if I’m not hot???????
Once I was shirtless he kept grabbing me and pinning me down, I couldn’t move and I was scared that if I tried to get free he would think I was trying to escape and not let me go/get violent… all of this time he kept asking for me to kiss him, and he tried to manipulate me by telling me that if I really wanted us to be friends and for him to be my boyfriend I had to do what he wanted me to do in order to satisfy him… told me that was the point of a relationship, making the other person happy even if you don’t wanna do something… he kept trying to convince me to kiss him… alternating with “oh it’s okay if you don’t wanna kiss me, I would never force you” bullshit…
I was really not into him and he was so fucking ugly (looked way older than 37, at least 50) so I obviously didn’t fall for any of that crap, but it didn’t matter that I didn’t believe it, he forced me into the bed and he’d rub his dick on me, he’d lick my fucking face and my ears, his dick smelled and his body was greasy… it was extremely disgusting, he was ugly, but he thought he was so hot cause he’s muscular, had a big dick, and according to him all guys were after him (he’s a foreigner that’s why). But it literally didn’t matter, he was so disgusting to me… every now and then he’d try to take my pants off or he’d touch my crotch, I was soft af 💀💀💀and he’d ask me why im soft… bruh, i had been physically resisting… i was not into him AT ALL, it was fucking disgusting…. I just wanted to go or find any excuse to go.
When he’d pin me down and force my arms he would bite my nipples… which hurt so fucking much. It progressively got worse and worse to the point that it felt almost like he was torturing me (???), my nipples are extremely bruised rn and they hurt so much. I tried not to move cause he was biting so fucking hard I thought it would ripped them… this was extremely painful. I was telling him to stop but I guess he took it as if I was into bdsm or I was into pain?????? I never told him that? I think he was trying to hurt me. He kept trying and insisting in taking my pants off. He said plenty of times he’d stop if I took of my pants. When I resisted he’d bite me like this or tickle me… every now and then he managed to open my pants and take them down a bit… but I always managed to get them back up.
One of this times he was pulling my pants down he also pulled my underwear and put my dick in his mouth… this was so fucking intrusive and I got so fucking scared. i resisted and told him “yeah we’ll do it just wait” but he was pulling me to him. I quickly put my dick back in (I stayed soft through all of this, mind you). And I got on top of him, like engaging… I found out this to be a good tactic. When he was trying to pin me down or getting to much I would “take control” as he said and make him think I wasn’t trying to set myself free, but trying to “ride” him(?). That was so relieving cause I could be free for a little bit. When he got to pin me down he’d put his dick so close to my face, thank god it didn’t touch my face, I was so grossed out. IT LITERSLLY SMELLED!!!
This was so fucking scary…. My glass with the alcohol he had poured me was in the counter, next to a kitchen knife. I kept leaving my glass there after I drank so I could reach for the knife anytime. Every now and then I would ask him to stop so I could drink, but he didn’t let me and he kept getting all over me.
All of this time (like 2 hours) I refused and managed for him to not kiss me. But at the end, some times I let my guard down he literally kissed me… fuck that was nasty. It happened like 4 times. Obviously they were quick kisses since I would move my head out instantly…
A little after that we went out, I told him I’d let him fuck me at my house… so we were walking outside and a crowd walked past us, it was the perfect opportunity (he was walking in front of me) so I blended with them for a little and then I ran. I hopped on a random bus that was going by and kept going until I was far. Then I went home…
All of this happened like 4-5 hours ago… I told him to fuck off on Grindr and it says he’s 0m away… I’m scared as fuck. When I was at his apartment he kept talking how he would beat up my dad or brother if they ever hurt me or said something bad abt me… if he’s actually around here I think we’re in danger. But has anyone had that glitch???? I immediately turned off my location permits for Grindr after I ran away so could it be that it’s glitched???? But I’ve refreshed so many times and it keep saying 0m. Every single profile does update the location but his keeps saying 0m. Is it possible that he followed me???? Or is it just a glitch?
submitted by wholeclublookingatus to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:27 yourscorpiobaby Cat Has Attack Mode?

I have a 7 month old male cat. He’s been neutered since April 1 2024. We found him alone stuck in our shed when he was only 1-2 months old. He was a fan of biting and scratching hands since day 3 of having him. As he got older he quickly started getting more aggressive & get in his “attack modes” as I call it. He’ll LATCH onto me and won’t let go. Completely unprovoked. I could be watching TV and he’ll run up and start attacking. I’ll walk by and he’ll grab onto my legs with his mouth and claws like he’s trying to tear meat apart. After I try to get him off sometimes he’ll come back immediately after for more… like he’s completely locked in on hurting me. I’ve cried in pain, dripped blood, and the scars on my arms and legs make me very insecure. Even though he’s done this to me almost everyday since i’ve had him, I love him, so rehoming isn’t an option. He’s part of the family now. He does cuddle and is calm sometimes but he gets in these moods EVERYDAY. No triggers. I just want to know if anyone else deals/dealt with this and what tips you have that can help. I’ve tried spray bottle, tapping his butt, cat nip, cat nip treats, anything else?
submitted by yourscorpiobaby to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:26 Aeogeus Do Not Fight Monsters

“What do you mean it’s wrong?” said Tamara, becoming frustrated with Samuel.
“I'm trying to tell you that plants do not eat earth. They just absorb nutrients from it,” Samuel replied, equally annoyed as this was the fourth time he had explained it. “Look, just take my word for it, OK,” he added.
“Fine, but you will have to explain it again,” Tamara retorted.
Samuel and Tamara were partners in a scientific study of their forest home. It was genuinely idyllic in every sense of the word; the trees stretched high into the sky, and everyone was covered in succulent leaves, a deep and gorgeous shade of green. Around their trunks were rings of flowers gathered from every continent, and a thick carpet of grass lay on the ground.
The two sat underneath a chestnut tree, writing up their findings for the day. It had focused mainly on tree sizes and growth rates, and they had continued this study for, on and off, almost a year.
Samuel turned to look at his assistant and found that she was just as remarkable as the day they had first met: golden locks, like living sunlight, tied neatly in a bun. Her eyes were an emerald green, and all in all, she was gorgeous. However, it was when you came to her waist that things became truly incredible because rather than a pair of legs, there was a long and wide snake’s tail.
It was huge, at least seven metres long and as wide as her torso. The scales were the same beautiful colour as her hair and reflected the sunlight in such a way that she appeared to glow. She was wearing an ultramarine tunic with a black diamond in the centre. She was like this not because of a plague, a curse or some mutation; Tamara was a Lamia; it was how she was born.
Samuel, on the other hand, looked far less impressive. He was around five foot ten, with dull brown hair and equally dull eyes. His stomach stuck out from the rest of him. No amount of exercise was able to get rid of it.
He was by every description a ‘dull as dishwater’ human. His clothes, however, were slightly more interesting. He wore a navy blue tunic with a thick leather belt wrapped around his waist. On his feet was a pair of excellent leather boots, able to withstand whatever the world threw at them and on his forearms and shins, he wore something Tamara had never seen or even heard of before: a pair of vambraces and greaves, Samuel called it armour.
Three strips of rugged leather layered on top of one another made up each piece, and between each layer was a collection of tiny metal beads. When Tamara asked what they were for, Samuel said they were for protection.
All of this would have been inconceivable to Samuel two years ago, but he had become used to it in time. Samuel was not born into this world; he had arrived. How? He did not know, but he remembered it all vividly; his senses had been overloaded, and at first, he believed he had died.
“What’s wrong?” Tamara asked Samuel, who had been silent for over a minute.
Samuel snapped out of his daydream and said: “nothing, just thinking about that day again.”
Tamara nodded and said nothing else; she knew exactly what was wrong.
Samuel went straight back to writing. When Samuel first showed up, there had been no paper or pens, but what was even stranger than the lack of these apparent necessities was that Samuel had had to invent both of these items.
Tamara and those like her did not possess a written language; they relied entirely on their memories, and until Samuel had shown up, Tamara had not even conceived of the notion, but she had picked it up astonishingly quickly.
“It still sounds like eating to me,” said Tamara, bringing the conversation back to the original topic.
“Well, it isn’t; eating requires a mouth and stomach,” Samuel replied.
“Says who?” Tamara asked defiantly.
“Says me,” Samuel answered.
Samuel jotted down the last of his notes and left the pages to dry in the sun. Samuel then turned to his right and looked at a large book, the size of a chair’s seat, bound in yellow leather and knotted by animal tendons. He picked it up and began to leaf through the pages.
His eyes glanced over paragraphs about oak trees and orchid flowers until he finally reached the section he sought; the page was titled Silver Birch (Betula Pendula).
“Have you finished the drawing on Silver Birch yet?” Samuel asked without looking.
Tamara was currently focused on a drawing of sunflowers, but she understood his request and, without looking up or saying a word, handed him the picture he wanted.
Samuel took the drawing and took several moments admiring it. Like all her work, the picture was astounding; not only did it look like an actual Silver Birch, but it also seemed to be alive, as though it would start blowing in the breeze.
Samuel punched four holes along the sheet's left side, undid the tendon strings and then attached the drawing behind the title page. He added eight more pages to his book, four of text and four illustrations.
Their work was now done; there was no more writing or drawing today, and he placed their work into a knapsack Tamara had brought with her. Samuel turned to his partner and asked: “so what do you want to do now?”
Tamara looked up through the canopy and could make out the silhouettes of several birds and finally said: “I’d quite like to fly.”
Samuel smiled, chuckled and said, “Yes, so would I, but that would require every member of the village working together for decades.”
Tamara looked Samuel in the eye and said: “are you making fun of me?”
Samuel did not reply; he just looked Tamara dead in the eye. She observed every minute twitch on Samuel's face and concluded he was not.
“How could a person fly?” She asked, suddenly intrigued.
“I don’t know, I’m not an engineer,” Samuel answered, “So apart from flying, what else do you want to do?”
Tamara let out a sigh and said: “I guess we will just have to walk.”
These were the moments Samuel lived for, just a quiet afternoon with his best friend enjoying a stroll; he was utterly content.
“You seem chipper,” Tamara said, noticing the growing smile on Samuel’s face.
“That’s because I feel chipper” he replied
They passed through the trees, heading towards their favourite spot, a beach by the side of a lake so large you could not see the other side.
“So, how is everyone?” Samuel said, trying to spark a conversation.
“You mean every single one because that could take a while?” Tamara replied.
“Let’s start with your mother” he clarified.
Tamara’s mother, Pancha, was more or less just a larger version of her daughter, just as brash and headstrong.
“She’s fine; she has finally stopped asking me what happened every time I come to meet you,” she said.
“Really, and it only took her two and a half years,” said Samuel with a smirk.
Yes, that first year here, had been a real trial. Samuel had never felt so scared, isolated and persecuted in his life. When he thought about it, he could still feel the fear and the hopelessness.
A gust of air slammed into Samuel’s face, bringing him back to the present, and what a wonderful time it was. The water was crystal clear, the beach was covered in sparkling white sand, and the distinct aroma of water wafted through the air. Samuel breathed it all in as Tamara spread herself over the beach.
The cooling breeze that Samuel found so enjoyable, Tamara found far less agreeable. Tamara was ectothermic or cold-blooded. She could not maintain her body temperature; she needed to absorb it from her environment, and the wind was slowly draining her.
“Comfortable down there?” Samuel asked.
Tamara turned her head, looked up at him and said: “Actually, yes, not as good as my bed, but still fine.”
Samuel left Tamara to her thermoregulation and strolled down to the water’s edge, “stay where I can see you!” Tamara called.
“Yes, MOM,” Samuel answered sarcastically, though he knew it was more for Tamara’s sake than his; she had a problem with open spaces.
Samuel closed his eyes, stretched his arms above his head, feeling his muscles strain against the tension, and yawned. Small tears formed in his eyes and wiped them away. He had only been up for a few hours but was ready for bed.
“Too much thinking, that was the problem,” Samuel mumbled to himself.
The sunlight sparkled on the water’s surface. It seemed as though millions of diamonds were suddenly brought into existence, danced for a few moments, and then vanished as quickly as they came. It was beautiful, just like everything else here.
He climbed up a rock that jutted from that sand and sat down, his legs dangling over the edge. As he kicked his legs, a ray of sun caught his greaves, and although the leather was rather dull, it still dazzled him.
Samuel heard a sound reminiscent of sandpaper brushing against wood, and he knew at once what it was. He waited four more seconds and said, without moving an inch, “Don’t even think about it!”
“How did you know?” Tamara asked, feeling simultaneously impressed, confused and disappointed.
Samuel looked her in the eye and replied: “who do you think you’re dealing with?”
Tamara had not clambered up the rock like Samuel; she had simply raised herself on her tail so she stood over two metres high.
“Are you feeling better?” he asked.
Tamara smiled and answered, “yes, thanks for asking.”
Tamara moved behind Samuel and then began to coil around the boulder, and if he had not experienced it all before, it would have been unnerving. Tamara was only twelve and a half, yet she was already far stronger than him. Samuel was sure if Tamara really wanted to, she could crush a bison to death. After the graceful dance around the stone, she sat down beside Samuel.
The pair was silent for a few minutes, except for a quick coughing fit by Samuel; they took in the unnatural beauty of their surroundings.
“Hey, I have a question,” said Tamara, coming back to her senses.
“What is it?” Samuel replied.
“You still haven’t told me why we are studying the forest?” She asked.
In an instant, Samuel became deeply confused. To him, it seemed all too obvious why they were doing it.
“There is no practical reason for doing it. We do it so that we know,” Samuel answered.
Tamara became silent. Samuel realised that she was deep in thought and decided to give her all the time she needed until she finally said: “Is this one of those human things?”
Samuel, upon hearing this, gave a small chuckle and answered: “yes, if you like.”
Suddenly, something caught Samuel’s eye. It was a crab, no bigger than a golf ball. Its back was powder blue, and it held its arms upright, its claws pointing down. The tiny creature would walk forward, scoop some sand into its mouth, and then leave a small pellet behind.
“Look at that!” said Samuel, nudging Tamara’s shoulder and pointing at the tiny crustacean. Tamara turned her head and looked directly at where he was pointing; she strained her eyes at what she thought was a pebble; she was about to climb down and collect it when it suddenly moved, and she squealed.
Tamara dragged the bottom end of her tail up from the beach and timidly said, “What’s that?”
Samuel remembered that tone of voice all too well, and it brought with it some unpleasant memories, but he pushed them to the back of his mind and said: “it’s a crab.”
Samuel was certain he had seen this type of crab before but could not put a name to the image. Samuel was sure he had read about them, watched a documentary, or attended a lecture, but he could not remember. Ultimately, he decided to drop it for now and see if the answer would come to him.
Tamara kept staring at it as though she believed it would pounce if she took her eyes off it for one second.
“Is it dangerous?” she asked, her voice hushed to ensure the creature did not notice her.
Samuel sighed and answered: “it’s a crab, Tamara, unless you happen to be a nematode then…”
Samuel paused mid-sentence as his brain finally connected the dots and asked, “Wait, you have never seen a crab before?”
This perplexed Samuel for a moment until he remembered that Tamara did not have a television, a car, and she could not fly a plane, so it was not unexpected that she would not know what a crab was.
Tamara shook her head in response to his question, and Samuel added: “you know what a woodlouse is, right?”
Tamara nodded and said, “I like woodlice.”
“Well, a crab is just a type of woodlouse that lives near water,” Samuel concluded.
However, he could tell from her face that she was unconvinced, so he got off the rock, walked over to the tiny creature, wary of its pincers, and picked it up by its backside.
“What are you doing?” Tamara called in alarm.
Samuel held the animal, its legs flailing wildly in an attempt to escape, and said, “showing you there is nothing to be worried about.”
Taking care not to crush it, Samuel clambered back up the rock and presented the animal to her. Tamara stared at it for some as the crab bobbed its eye up and down and tried in vain to find a part of Samuel it could nip.
“It’s actually kind of… cute,” Tamara said after two minutes of silence.
She relaxed her tail and let it rest on the beach once more. “Can it hold it?” She asked Samuel, fear being replaced by interest.
“Of course, you can. Just make sure you hold it by its back and be careful of the pincers; if they get you, it will hurt.”
Samuel handed the crab over to her and watched as Tamara began to inspect the animal from every angle. The crab had a white underbelly and purple joints.
“You think you could draw it from memory?” Samuel asked.
“Hmm?” Tamara replied. Samuel let out a sigh and repeated. After three more attempts, Tamara finally took notice and said, “Yes.”
Five minutes later, Samuel said, “we should probably put him back now.”
Tamara moaned about it, but Samuel said: “he has his own life, Tamara; you can’t keep him!”
She conceded, grumbling under her breath, and gently placed the animal back on the sand. As the crab dashed away, the two noticed that while they had been fixated on that single crab, thousands more had emerged on the beach.
Upon seeing the swarm of animals make their way across the beach, Tamara let out a squeal and once again pulled her tail up off the beach. The army of crabs marched along the shore. The collective walking produced a sound loud enough to hear from fifty metres away, and at last, Samuel remembered what they were and said, with no small amount of satisfaction in his voice, “they’re soldier crabs.”
“What are they going to do?” Tamara asked, concerned by the sudden appearance of so many creatures.
Samuel kept staring at the gathering, but he heard her question and replied, “They’re just feeding,” and added quickly, “But we are far too big for them.”
“That's odd,” Samuel said under his breath.
“I know there are so many of them,” Tamara said, deeply unnerved by the sheer vastness of the swarm.
“No,” Samuel said, “There should be this many of them; it’s where they are that is strange.”
Tamara momentarily took her eyes off the army and asked, “So where should they be.” There was a slight flicker of fear in her voice at the prospect of being invaded; rats and mice where bad enough. They did not need another pest.
“By the sea, not a freshwater lake,” he answered.
“The Sea?” Tamara almost yelled. Samuel was a little surprised by this enthusiasm and turned to face her.
“Yes,” he said.
“Have you ever been to the sea,” she asked.
“Yes, many times,” Samuel said, uncertain where this was going.
“I bet it’s wonderful,” Tamara added with a smile.
Samuel was silent as his brain connected a few dots and asked: “how can you know about the sea if you don’t know about crabs?”
She smiled; Tamara enjoyed it when she knew something that he did not, “there is a story that my mom told me that before we came to this forest, we were a different people that lived by the sea.” Tamara paused for a breath.
“But then humans came and drove us from the water, and we fled inland. Our people split into two. One half went to the mountains, and the other settled in the forest.”
Tamara finished and waited for his reply. Samuel, however, just kept looking at her. Tamara was concerned that she had upset him; he did not like it when humans were labelled as the enemy, yet his face and posture were not those of one who was sad or angry.
“You people blame us for everything, don’t you?” Samuel said with a chuckle.
“If there is a fire, it’s a human’s fault. If there is an earthquake, it’s a human’s fault. If a little Boreray boy drinks all their apple juice in one gulp, it’s a human’s fault.”
“So, getting back on topic, where did these “Soldier crabs” come from anyway? We have visited this lake for over two years and never seen even a glimpse?” Tamara asked. Samuel looked back to the slowly advancing army, and several ideas flashed through his head.
“Maybe they have been dormant up until now; perhaps they make a large circle around the lake shore, and it’s simply luck that we were here on the day they passed by, or maybe the migrated here from somewhere else.”
They watched the crabs' ceaseless march until Tamara said, “These things are still giving me the creeps. Can we go now?” Samuel could not argue that there was something eerie about all of these animals appearing, seemingly, from nowhere; however, there was still one thing he had to be certain of.
“You think you could draw one from memory?” he asked.
Tamara’s face contorted in a scowl. Samuel, for all his good points, could become far too focused on his research, which often caused him to become ignorant of other people.
Yet she knew sitting here yelling at him would accomplish nothing, so she told him the truth: “Yes, can we go now!” Samuel nodded and then slid off the rock. Tamara copied him, and they both slinked back to the cover of the trees.
Now that she was beneath the canopy, Tamara let out an enormous sigh of relief as the anxiety slowly left, and the close air warmed her body. On the other hand, Samuel began to chafe at the stagnant air while his head began to bead with sweat, but it was nothing he had not experienced before, so he gritted his teeth and bared with it.
With their plans now ruined, Tamara and Samuel wandered aimlessly through the woods, chatting about what they could do to fill the rest of the day. Several ideas arose, including visiting a nearby waterfall and a set of monument stones, but none truly appealed to them.
In the end, Tamara said, “how about we just call it a day?”
Samuel was happy about this. Tamara was his only form of human contact, yet he could not deny the pointlessness of wandering around the woods, so he said, “Ok, but let’s take the long way.”
Samuel heard a sound above him and saw a red squirrel scampering through the trees.
“Is it difficult?” Tamara asked.
Samuel looked at Tamara and replied, “Well, it can give me a crick in my neck sometimes.”
Tamara let out a short laugh and clarified, “No, I mean, is it difficult being so inquisitive? It looks exhausting.”
He was not entirely sure what she meant by that. To Samuel, Tamara was every bit as curious as him, so he stated: “you tell me, you went out looking for me just because you wanted to know.”
“True,” answered Tamara, “and everyone has always said that I am always asking questions, but you’re like a boar that just ate sugar beat.”
“I have no idea what that means,” Samuel said, shaking his head. “But I do know that people always told me, when I was a boy, that humans are, by their nature, infinitely curious, but personally, I think that it’s just how I was born.” there was a pause, and he quickly added, “just like you.”
Tamara’s fingers started to numb as she brushed them against the bark of passing trees. She took a good look at the trees around her. Tamara had lived her entire life sheltered by these trees. This place was her home, her family’s home and her friend’s home, and she loved it, a perfect example of the innate beauty of nature.
Samuel, however, was of a different opinion this forest disturbed him, though this feeling had diminished with time. The trees all grew in perfect symmetry, four and a half strides form each other.
From Tamara’s perspective, there was nothing strange about this, yet Samuel often said that this should not be possible, that the wood should be a mess and that the trees should grow in an unorganised fashion. Yet to Tamara, the idea of messy forests was just as impossible as a structured one was to him.
Noon came and went, and Samuel’s stomach began to rumble. His breakfast was becoming a distant memory; he thought he might be able to bear it for another hour or so, but as they travelled closer to the village, Tamara started to become irritated by Samuel’s constant growling.
“We need to find you something to eat before that sound drives me nuts!” Tamara stated bluntly.
“That’s all well and good, my dear, so long as you can materialise food out of the aether,” answered Samuel, with just a hint of condescension in his voice.
Tamara did not know what the aether was, but it did not matter. “No, but I do know a nearby tree with some great fruit in it,” she replied.
Samuel found this strange for two reasons. Firstly, he found it very difficult to believe there was a source of food in this forest that either he had not found, or Tamara had not told him about yet.
Secondly that, Tamara would know much about something she could not eat. Tamara was strictly carnivorous; she ate nothing but meat.
He wanted answers fast and asked: “So why haven’t you told me about this before?”
“Because I can’t stand the smell, that’s why, and I didn’t want you stinking up the place,” she explained.
“If it smells disgusting, what makes you think I will eat it?” he asked.
“Because the Boreray can’t get enough of it, some of them say that they taste like all the best parts of every fruit and vegetable we grow, which is a shame because they smell like all the worst,” she added.
He asked no more questions. He was too busy thinking; this fruit sounded so familiar, but he could not remember. The need to survive day in day out had pushed most of his standard learning, from school and university to the back of his mind, not forgotten mind you just buried.
I'm back with Tamara and Samuel latest adventure. If you like what you've read so far and want to know where it's going you can find the complete story by following the links below.
If you do decide to read ahead please leave a review or rating, every single one helps immensely, and helps me keep doing what I'm doing.
Also the e-book will be at a reduced price until the last chapter it published on reddit.
submitted by Aeogeus to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:13 bobgoesmeh Terrible experience with ML Beauty Salon!!

Just came round to share my experience and prevent other people like me from the terrible experience :(
I did waxing at their salon a while back under a package and experienced redness and itchiness afterwards. Normal sign post waxing but even after a week there were still signs of redness and itchiness. Didn’t want to continue with them and told them I wanted a refund of my package balance. Note that no contracts were signed at the point of payment that gave them a no-waiver clause or no-refundability clause.
Salon quoted reasons such as “payments have been entered into their books and hence no refund can be given” and instead offered the alternative of asking me to try their other services. Valid but I was quite distressed about the whole adverse reaction and didn’t want to have anything to do with them in case I suffered another allergic rxn. Asked for refund again and they refused.
They then asked for proof of the redness and I sent over a dr’s memo explaining that it was indeed an allergic reaction. Salon actually questioned the validity of the memo, suggesting that I may have gotten my own friends and family to issue it. Then asked me to go down for them to see the red area (mind you, it’s the pubic area) so that they could prove it themselves?! This is the part that rly gets to me bc they were the ones that asked for the dr’s memo and yet refused to accept that afterwards.
All in all, terrible experience, unreasonable management and I really regret ever stepping foot into the salon. For all other ladies (or even men) considering services from ML, pls pls think twice if you don’t want to end up like me…
submitted by bobgoesmeh to SingaporeBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:12 magenta_stardust Graveyard Shift Tarot & Oracle of the Cauldron

Graveyard Shift Tarot & Oracle of the Cauldron
Have any of you backed the Graveyard Shift Tarot & Oracle of the Cauldron yet?
It’s a really neat combo of both tarot & oracle/playing cards that can be used in tandem with each other as well as a game that can be played with the oracle deck. There is even a board that you can purchase to streamline playing.
Each card of the tarot deck depicts at least one unique Graveyard Shift character, each individually chosen from a plethora of monsters, creatures, and cryptids; from myths, folklore, legends, and fairytales from all corners of the world.
The Oracle can be played as a game called Shallow Graves, which “is a unique two player strategy card game where the goal of each player is to build and fill their morgue by collecting the dead from their respective gravestones. Each player will face their own undead against one another to see who collects the most corpses upon each turn.“ You or your opponent basically get to play graverobber, which is sounds really fun!
It’s almost close to funding and has a lot of amazing stretch goals that I’m itchy to see get revealed. The Publishing Gobbling has even given this his seal of approval. 😎
💡REMEMBER to use my #loveoftarot hashtag at the end of the Kickstarter campaign to let them know I sent you over. 💗
Link to Kickstarter 👇

tarot #indietarot #kickstartertarot #graveyardshifttarot #oracleofthecauldron #kickstartergames

submitted by magenta_stardust to TarotDecks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:05 Quirky-swaggurl-420 I have no idea where to work and my appearance doesn’t help, any advice??

Kind of long, but any advice or input would be greatly appreciated :)
I (22F) have been working in fast food/ retail since I was 17 and I’m finally ready to take that leap to leave my current job and find one that will help advance my career and give me at least some financial stability. I also live in NorCal for context (not sure if I’d be willing to move quite yet.) I’ve been at my current retail job since 2021 and was honestly just going to stay there until I was completely finished with college but I just received my AA and the current management im under is so difficult to work with and extremely offensive I can barely take it not to mention I’ve been in management for about 2 years now and have gone from at least 20hr a week (part time) to less than 10hr a week, less than some associates and they’re all 3 hour shifts so I’m not even allowed to take a 10min break though im not even sure if that’s legal??
I am very fortunate to not have to pay rent as I live with my parents and I only have to worry about paying for my car, gas, phone, school, necessity’s etc. So no rent is a life saver in this economy. With that being said I don’t necessarily need the highest paying job quite yet (willing to work my way up or gain helpful experience) though that would be ideal for anyone. I just want to be able to find something that fits with my personality/ needs and also doesn’t care the way I look. I know sometimes you have to do what u gotta do but I cannot take working somewhere I’m miserable at and I understand that is a privilege within itself so I’m just trying to use the time I do have to really find what I’m passionate about and not be scared to try new things.
I still want to go back to school to get my bachelors degree since it’s always been a dream of mine, but since I pretty much pay for everything out of pocket besides some degree of financial aide, I don’t want to just aimlessly transfer somewhere with no clue on what to study which has been my issues for some time. I feel like my interest haven’t changed much and neither have my dreams to further my education so I’ve pretty much been saying the same things since probably before high school and I still have no clue what exactly the direction is I should go. I would love to gain some first hang experience to know if getting my B.A. is even worth it for the field I want to go into or what major would benefit me the best.
I have many interests and ideas as to what I could possibly do but I feel like as much as I say them out loud no one really relates so I always feel alone or like there’s no possible job for me that I’ll feel happy in. I mean I think majority of people would rather not work and focus their lives on their hobbies and passions but unfortunately that’s not in the cards for most people and though I sometimes live in that dreamland that doesn’t change the fact that I’m extremely dedicated, hard-working and really want to make a difference in whatever field I end up in. So I guess I’ll leave a list of the things I’m interested in, in case anybody has some advice or input on any occupations I’ve listed or have experience in anything I’ve listed.
I guess another thing to mention is that I was recently applying to a lot of jobs in childcare and pretty much every interview I went to turn me down on the spot because of my appearance. Of course I hear the stories of looking less professional due to your tattoos, piercings, etc., which I never understand. I don’t even have a single tattoo or piercing, not even my ears, but I have bright pink hair and that has been such a downside for the interviewing processes, even some retail jobs like Box Lunch for example doesn’t accept colored hair when they’re literally a pop culture store and share the same company as Hot Topic. I don’t want to have to change my appearance for a job. I know it’s just hair but I was never able to express myself the way I wanted to and the amount of money and maintenance that goes with having colored hair would not be worth it to me to color black just to get a job. It would feel like I’m altering myself and changing something that makes me feel good about myself is unfair and already puts a bad taste in my mouth about the company because they are willing to look over my qualifications and work ethic due to one minor detail in my appearance. One of these jobs I even had two on the phone interviews that went amazing and was going to my final in person interview and was literally meeting with a family for a behavioral technician job and the first thing they (the company) told me was I would need to change my hair to even be considered and I had to eventually politely end the interview because they still wanted to me to meet a kid despite straight up telling me they will not hire me if I didn’t immediately change my hair… and I’d be working with a family, not even in a ‘ public setting.’ I would just love to be able to work in a community that embraces people for their differences for the way they express themselves, and encourages self expression.
Anyways, here are some of my interests and I’d be eternally grateful to hear any feedback! Maybe you’ve worked in some of these environments and have advice or horror stories, if you have similar interests to me let me know what kind of job you have because I’m sure I don’t even know the formal titles to half of these jobs, or even have other ideas that match my interests. Thank you thank you thank you!
TLDR: I have so many interests and have no idea where to go with my next steps in my career and schooling, and would love some advice based off of my interest and experience. My unnaturally colored hair gets me nowhere. My experience and interests are listed below.
My schooling/ experience so far: * 5 years of theatre under my belt (onstage/backstage/management) * Just graduated with my AA in Social & Behavioral Sciences (Random but was recommended to do so based on all of the same interest I told my counselor some odd years ago) * Most of my college classes were focused in sociology, psychology, and child development, which has been super interesting so I am willing to branch out from my interest because I did find a lot of interest in the classes I’ve taken previously. * Have worked in retail for four years; Pretty well received by people * A nanny to 4 kids (ages 4-16) for about 3.5 years as well
My personality: (not sure if this will help with knowing if I would be a good fit for any of the jobs listed )
i’m extremely bubbly and can have my extroverted moments, but I can also be introverted at times and when work needs to get done, I will figure out the best way to do it and get to work. I work pretty well with a team and always have ideas flowing and bouncing around, but I can also excel working on my own/have no issues being independent with my work. I don’t have a huge preference on a fast versus slow paced work environment. I would like something flexible, but I have no issue with getting into a routine. I feel like I am truly pretty flexible when it comes to my work environment, I just really want a place that I can express myself and be surrounded by a community of people similar to me. I love to be innovative and creative.
My interests/ ideas: (sorry kinda random and jumps around)
As you can see, most of my interest have to do with childcare and the arts, which are some of the lowest paying jobs/difficult fields to get into, but it’s what I most passionate about and what I can actually see myself being happy doing for a long time. i’m also not opposed to working in one certain field for a while and then branching out to something different or related further down the line, I just want to know what step I should take next so I’m not just floating around doing nothing and being/fill, I just want to know what step I should take next so I’m not just floating around doing nothing and being/feeling useless.
Thank you so much to anyone who responds with advice and kind words :)
submitted by Quirky-swaggurl-420 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:04 FluffPuppers Allergic reaction that won't stop

About two weeks ago I had an allergic reaction to socks. I'm allergic to latex and maybe a few other synthetic polymers used in elastic. I broke out in hives and just took some benadryl and went to bed just a little itchy.
Since then every tinny little thing has the hives coming back. Tight clothes, shampoo, etc. I went to urgent care and got topical steroids. (I'm diabetic and steroids send me into DKA) It helps a little but I am slowly going insane and can't realistically use this tiny tube every where. Any advice before I commit a day of my life to the ER just because I'm itchy.
submitted by FluffPuppers to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:04 Coidzor Looking for advice on what to pick for Magical Secrets for a high level Lore Bard.

I have a Lore Bard that just hit level 14 and with it, I need to pick some more Magical Secrets. I've managed to lose my notes on what spells I was going to pick, so it's back to the drawing board. So far, Find Greater Steed is already slotted in for level 14 and Wish is slotted in for level 18, but the second pick for both of those levels is wide open. My feats are Inspiring Leader, Ritual Caster, War Caster, and Moderately Armored.
My current Magical Secrets are Haste, Counterspell, Telekinesis, and Wall of Stone.
Haste was chosen for cases where the solution to an encounter was more Divine Smites from our Paladin. Wall of Stone was chosen for a combination of story reasons and the permanence of the wall playing into the DM's style. Counterspell and Telekinesis were chosen for reasons of pure power.
The party consists of a Vengeance Paladin, Dragon Sorcerer, Light Cleric, and a Moon Druid.
The Paladin primarily smites but does occasionally use spells for movement. The Sorcerer primarily uses Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and Scorching Ray. Our Cleric favors primarily using either Spirit Guardians or Sunbeam. The Moon Druid is a fairly even split between using Call Lightning and melee Wildshape.
So far I've bounced between crowd control, buffing, and blasting as seemed most advantageous at the time. Often I'll lead with a Hypnotic Pattern or a Wall spell or Haste and then in subsequent rounds either throw out a Blindness or blast. I keep wanting to use Animate Objects or Telekinesis but it just never quite seems to be the right moment for them.
Simulacrum has been considered, but it would probably be an extended period of time before I'd have both the 12 hours to cast it and the ruby dust to spare.
Contingency is one that I'm interested in, but still a bit unsure about what spells I'd really want to use with it and how useful it would be.
Plane Shift is another I thought about, but it is of questionable use given the cosmology of the setting we're playing in and the nature of our current adventure with difficulties traveling between Feywild, Material, and Shadowfell.
I've been considering grabbing Aura of Vitality to help the Cleric feel less obligated to healbot or Heal for an emergency mid-combat. I briefly considered Revivify but decided that between the Paladin and Cleric, if both of them were dead and I somehow survived, they're just going in the portable hole.
I've got so many Concentration spells competing for my attention that I'm not super keen on ideas like Circle of Power even though I have used it with other characters and loved it, and it feels like there should probably be enough blasting between what I already have and the rest of the party that something like Destructive Wave is less called for.
I've been considering Wall of Force since I don't know how long it will be until I can actually use Forcecage, but I do currently have 3 flavors of Wall spell already at this point.
I'm probably just overthinking it, but I keep having this feeling that I'm overlooking something that might be obvious to an outside perspective.
Full spell list as follows. Note that our DM allows us to have an additional spell known per spell level for spells that we're playtesting for him.
Cantrips - Minor Illusion, Mage Hand, Siren's Shout(single target blast, ranged spell attack, Thunder damage), Flash of Foreboding (Green Flame Blade clone, Psychic damage, rider effect requires downing an enemy in that encounter), Razor Edge(Shillelagh + damage buff), Prestidigitation
1st level - Faerie Fire, Dissonant Whispers, Speak with Animals, Hidden Bolt (single target Force damage blast)
Rituals: Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Floating Disk, Identify, Unseen Servant
2nd level - Blindness/Deafness, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Bone Fiddle (Conc., single target speed debuff + Psychic + Slashing damage over time), War Cry (bonus action, AoE minor Buff to party + Wis save vs. 1 round Frightened on enemies)
Rituals: Augury, Gentle Repose, Magic Mouth, Skywrite
3rd level - Dispel Magic, Hypnotic Pattern, Major Image, Slow, Ghostly Charge (30' Cone AoE Psychic damage blast, Int save for no damage)
Magical Secrets: Counterspell, Haste - Rituals: Phantom Steed, Tiny Hut, Water Breathing
4th level - Confusion, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph, Psychic Lance, Songbird (10 min Conc., gives an additional, less powerful Bardic Inspiration die to a 2nd character each time Bardic Inspiration is used)
5th level - Animate Objects, Synaptic Static, Telepathic Bond, Wall of Thunder (10 min Conc., 5' thick, semi-invisible see-through wall, Con Save vs Thunder damage + Deafened, Disadvantage to ranged weapon attack through it, blocks sound)
Magical Secrets: Telekinesis, Wall of Stone
6th level - Mass Suggestion, Irresitible Dance, Flock of Retribution(10 min Conc., Crown of Stars meets Armor of Agathys, Shadowfell-energy-based, Psychic damage single target blast, 1 per turn, no action or reaction beyond the initial cast)
7th level - Forcecage, Mirage Arcane, Wall of Dread (Conc., 20' thick Wall of Magical Darkness + Difficult Terrain + Wis save vs. Psychic damage + Frightened + Bonus Action single target blast + save vs. Frightened)
I also have some items that give me access to 1/day of Detect Magic, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Fly, Ice Storm, Invisibility, Levitate, Protection from Evil and Good, Shillelagh, and Speak with Animals.
submitted by Coidzor to dndnext [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:02 little-asskickerr Jaw positioning for elastics

Hello, I got triangle elastics today for the first time. They are 1 point of contact for top canine and the other 2 at the bottom canine and tooth behind it.
For context, I have an overbite, so I would usually push my jaw forward to make it look/feel more aligned. It wasn’t until recently that my ortho realized it, as my bottom teeth were starting to get out of alignment (my bottom front teeth were pushing against my top front teeth due to my jaw posture. If my jaw was further back, they’d be fine and behind the tops). She had me touch my tongue to the back of the roof of my mouth, which forced my jaw back. I noticed today they noted “pt sticks jaw forward” in my patient notes thing.
My question is how do I want my jaw to be positioned? I got so used to sticking my jaw a little forward, but the combination of wanting to keep my bottom teeth behind my top teeth and the elastics make it clear I shouldn’t be. But I also don’t want to pull my jaw as far back as possible. Do I want to make it so the elastics have the least amount of resistance? Do I want to position my jaw so it is further back and lets the elastics do its thing and let them have some resistance?
Edit: also, do you want your teeth to be touching/jaw clenched or separated?
submitted by little-asskickerr to braces [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:01 SharkEva WIBTA if I turned down a promotion due to my original transfer being blocked?

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/Used-Register3714 posting in AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC
Ongoing as per OOP
2 updates - Long
Original - 2nd March 2024
Update1 - 14th April 2024
Update2 - 11th May 2024

WIBTA if I turned down a promotion due to my original transfer being blocked?

WIBTA? Little back story, I started working for a company in early 2022 as what they labeled as Admin, but don't let that fool you we were no admins, we worked 3 different departments that they combined into one with 3 people to cover everything, plus we were constantly fixing Customer Service mistakes.
Nov 2022 I met with the director of the Benefits Dept at work because I was interested in transferring and we went over the department, what the job entails and what I could start working on to better my chances at transferring. I checked in with the director many times as I finished different tasks such as completing the training courses, shadowing members of the team, and taking part in live trainings.
Early 2023 the director got a promotion to be the director of another department. In March a spot opened up in Benefits and it was a little outside what I knew, it was more a specialized position, but I still applied. I met with a few managers and the new director for interviews. We discussed many things and it was a positive experience, they were even happy with the steps that I had taken with the previous director. However, because it was such a specialized position they didn't want to throw me into the deep end, so they told me to apply for a different position when it opened up.
In May the other position opened up and I applied and basically skipped the interviews. The director and I meet and we discussed getting me transferred and doing it in a hybrid type manner. That worked for me and it worked for my current manager at the time too. Sadly, it feel through and I could never seem to get an answer as to why. It started out as budget reasons, totally understandable, but then it switched to not having troubleshooting knowledge that I would have if I had worked in Customer Service.
I had meeting with my (admin) manager and director, she covers both admin and customer service, I asked more clarifying questions as to why the transfer fell through but no one could give me a straight answer. We developed a plan to get me transferred to Benefits that caused me to route through Customer Service. I was transferred into Customer Service in November 2023.
Our CS team is split into basically 2 levels, 1 being online requests which is where everyone starts. You work a variety of requests and can gain a lot of knowledge. This is currently where I am. The second level is working the phones and helping the people that call in. This is more limited subject matter and can also carry a lot of "downtime" as they cannot work the online requests like the first level can because they will be on and off the phone all day.
Here is where I am wondering if I WIBTA. I have figured out, though not confirmed, that my directors boss is the one that blocked my transfer back in May and she is just a bitch/micromanager in general. Now someone from out phone team is leaving and it has been hinted that I might be the next one to move up. While it would come with a pay increase, not a lot or enough for the crap that we go through, I don't want it because I see it as more detrimental to me possibly transferring to my preferred department.
WIBTA if I said no because it would do more harm than good. Then turning around and asking how much longer I needed to be in the Customer Service department before I could apply to another position in the Benefits Dept?
Maybe helpful to also know that my customer service manager is not the best, she seems to bow down the the micromanager and she can't seem to manage a team of 10ish people, nor was she able to do half her job for moths and my admin manager was the one doing her work.


They're screwing you around. If you're good at your current role they don't want to move you. You could tell them that they transfer you or you leave, but they probably don't care about you much. Alternatively, just coast along, do what you must to keep management off your back and find a new job.
OOP: I've been thinking about coasting and just working my job description. Our phone team is technically down one person, and we have to help cover the missing persons time on phones. It's split, between most of us that work the first level. I might come out of that meeting with no phone time because it's not part of my job and you are probably right they don't want to move me because of that.

NTA you do not have to stay at a job where you feel like you’re not growing/moving up. do not let any employer trick you into thinking that you owe it to them to stay there if it no longer works out for you. time to update your resume and start job hunting to see what’s out there.
OOP: Already started. I even interviewed for the same company that my coworker is joining. It will be interesting if we end up working together again.

Update - 6 weeks later

So I was an idiot and decided to take the promotion. Not my finest moment.
However, things have taken a turn for the interesting.
A week after I took the promotion another team that I have been interested in but never thought I could work in tapped me to transfer to their team. I ended up reaching out to our HR team to gather some guidance and spoke with our recruiter that works internally and externally.
He gave me some good pointers and helped me navigate how to best approach the conversation. The conversation then turned to my manager and I let him know all the issues I've been having with her, including not approving PTO till timecards are being turned in amongst other issues. Turns out I am not the first person to bring these concerns forward and HR is actively looking into the situation.
I ended up having a conversation with my manager the following week and from the start of the conversation I knew it wouldn't have the outcome I was hoping for based off of her body language. And I was right, even with laying everything out I was denied my managers blessing because I just moved tiers.
But the fun part of all of this is that she tried to pull the 6-month rule as to why I couldn't apply. The 6-month rule is part of our handbook. "You have to be in your position for 6-months before you can transfer internally for non-exempt employees." I asked my manager to get us clarification since we both had different understanding of the rule.
I know position could be tier, however I asked our HR team and the said position is department based. A better wording would be in my department for 6-months.
The following week she director was out so can't do anything that week so the following week I asked for a follow up. Guess who forgot to follow up with me. Not the first time she has done this. She is now saying it is tier based and I have to be in my position for a YEAR.
I reached back out to HR and we are now looping in the head of HR to talk about this.


Why did you take the promotion when you knew this person was playing games with your career?
OOP: Believe me I am pissed at myself for taking it. I have been a people pleaser for so long and it's something I've been improving on and I was caught in a weak moment. I did have some hope that the agreement that was in place before this person became my manager would be honored but I was naive to think so.
I can always back out of the new position if need be, which I have been think about.

Ask HR if you can apply for jobs in the other department as an external candidate instead of an internal one. When they ask why tell them that quitting and reapplying seems to be the only way to avoid your current department managers trying to ruin your career.
OOP: This is a thought that I have. Going to wait and see what happens with my next meeting with HR. They seem supportive of my transfer so they may be able to pull some strings to make it happen, but this is on my radar.

Update - 1 month later

So it has been a month of back and forth, and we still don’t technically have a resolution but I thought I might give a quick update.
After our director was back I reached out to my manager to ask if they had received clarification and they said: “if you move tiers your clock restarts and I have to be in my department for a year”. That still didn’t sit right with me, I had previously contacted HR as a minor inquiry if the clock was tier or department and they had said department.
I reached back out to the head of our HR team and set up a meeting so that we could discuss this. In that meeting, HR agreed with me and said that they would speak with the director to get clarification on what was going on and she would get back to me by the end of the week. She did and told me straight up that I met the tenure requirements to be able to apply for a transfer. Now I was supposed to get an update but it was postponed due to people being out of the office and things like that. But I finally got the update last week. They are saying no for two reasons now, I don’t meet the requirements of the job, such as a degree, and performance. But my performance has never been addressed. When I have made mistakes, I informed and the mistakes never happened again.
As for the degree thing, that can be worked around, and that is something that the manager or that team is working on for me.
But now they are saying that it is a big concern of theirs. My question at this point is if it was such a big concern why was that not brought up from the beginning? Why were we only discussing my tenure as the reason that I couldn’t apply?
Honestly, I almost quit in that meeting right there. The only reason that I am even thinking of staying is that the team that I would be transferring to is amazing and I already know how they operate and I already work closely with them.
I should be having another meeting next week with the manager and director and I am going to likely loop in HR as well.
I have decided that if I am blocked from applying I will be leaving and I will be citing that as well as many other reasons as to why I am leaving. The least of which is the fact that I now know that the director has gone and bad-mouthed an employee to another manager that someone was hoping to transfer over to.
Edit to add: I just spoke with a coworker who left a few weeks ago. They pulled the same things with him. He wanted to go to another department but they had a meeting with him saying that they saw him on a different path, one that kept him in the department. He said they did that to our other coworker who left just before him too.


Update resume and GTFO now.

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP. Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:54 Quirky-swaggurl-420 I have no idea where to work and my appearance doesn’t help, any advice???

Kind of long, but any advice or input would be greatly appreciated :)
I (22F) have been working in fast food/ retail since I was 17 and I’m finally ready to take that leap to leave my current job and find one that will help advance my career and give me at least some financial stability. I also live in NorCal for context (not sure if I’d be willing to move quite yet.) I’ve been at my current retail job since 2021 and was honestly just going to stay there until I was completely finished with college but I just received my AA and the current management im under is so difficult to work with and extremely offensive I can barely take it not to mention I’ve been in management for about 2 years now and have gone from at least 20hr a week (part time) to less than 10hr a week, less than some associates and they’re all 3 hour shifts so I’m not even allowed to take a 10min break though im not even sure if that’s legal??
I am very fortunate to not have to pay rent as I live with my parents and I only have to worry about paying for my car, gas, phone, school, necessity’s etc. So no rent is a life saver in this economy. With that being said I don’t necessarily need the highest paying job quite yet (willing to work my way up or gain helpful experience) though that would be ideal for anyone. I just want to be able to find something that fits with my personality/ needs and also doesn’t care the way I look. I know sometimes you have to do what u gotta do but I cannot take working somewhere I’m miserable at and I understand that is a privilege within itself so I’m just trying to use the time I do have to really find what I’m passionate about and not be scared to try new things.
I still want to go back to school to get my bachelors degree since it’s always been a dream of mine, but since I pretty much pay for everything out of pocket besides some degree of financial aide, I don’t want to just aimlessly transfer somewhere with no clue on what to study which has been my issues for some time. I feel like my interest haven’t changed much and neither have my dreams to further my education so I’ve pretty much been saying the same things since probably before high school and I still have no clue what exactly the direction is I should go. I would love to gain some first hang experience to know if getting my B.A. is even worth it for the field I want to go into or what major would benefit me the best.
I have many interests and ideas as to what I could possibly do but I feel like as much as I say them out loud no one really relates so I always feel alone or like there’s no possible job for me that I’ll feel happy in. I mean I think majority of people would rather not work and focus their lives on their hobbies and passions but unfortunately that’s not in the cards for most people and though I sometimes live in that dreamland that doesn’t change the fact that I’m extremely dedicated, hard-working and really want to make a difference in whatever field I end up in. So I guess I’ll leave a list of the things I’m interested in, in case anybody has some advice or input on any occupations I’ve listed or have experience in anything I’ve listed.
I guess another thing to mention is that I was recently applying to a lot of jobs in childcare and pretty much every interview I went to turn me down on the spot because of my appearance. Of course I hear the stories of looking less professional due to your tattoos, piercings, etc., which I never understand. I don’t even have a single tattoo or piercing, not even my ears, but I have bright pink hair and that has been such a downside for the interviewing processes, even some retail jobs like Box Lunch for example doesn’t accept colored hair when they’re literally a pop culture store and share the same company as Hot Topic. I don’t want to have to change my appearance for a job. I know it’s just hair but I was never able to express myself the way I wanted to and the amount of money and maintenance that goes with having colored hair would not be worth it to me to color black just to get a job. It would feel like I’m altering myself and changing something that makes me feel good about myself is unfair and already puts a bad taste in my mouth about the company because they are willing to look over my qualifications and work ethic due to one minor detail in my appearance. One of these jobs I even had two on the phone interviews that went amazing and was going to my final in person interview and was literally meeting with a family for a behavioral technician job and the first thing they (the company) told me was I would need to change my hair to even be considered and I had to eventually politely end the interview because they still wanted to me to meet a kid despite straight up telling me they will not hire me if I didn’t immediately change my hair… and I’d be working with a family, not even in a ‘ public setting.’ I would just love to be able to work in a community that embraces people for their differences for the way they express themselves, and encourages self expression.
Anyways, here are some of my interests and I’d be eternally grateful to hear any feedback! Maybe you’ve worked in some of these environments and have advice or horror stories, if you have similar interests to me let me know what kind of job you have because I’m sure I don’t even know the formal titles to half of these jobs, or even have other ideas that match my interests. Thank you thank you thank you!
TLDR: I have so many interests and have no idea where to go with my next steps in my career and schooling, and would love some advice based off of my interest and experience. My unnaturally colored hair gets me nowhere. My experience and interests are listed below.
My schooling/ experience so far: * 5 years of theatre under my belt (onstage/backstage/management) * Just graduated with my AA in Social & Behavioral Sciences (Random but was recommended to do so based on all of the same interest I told my counselor some odd years ago) * Most of my college classes were focused in sociology, psychology, and child development, which has been super interesting so I am willing to branch out from my interest because I did find a lot of interest in the classes I’ve taken previously. * Have worked in retail for four years; Pretty well received by people * A nanny to 4 kids (ages 4-16) for about 3.5 years as well
My personality: (not sure if this will help with knowing if I would be a good fit for any of the jobs listed )
i’m extremely bubbly and can have my extroverted moments, but I can also be introverted at times and when work needs to get done, I will figure out the best way to do it and get to work. I work pretty well with a team and always have ideas flowing and bouncing around, but I can also excel working on my own/have no issues being independent with my work. I don’t have a huge preference on a fast versus slow paced work environment. I would like something flexible, but I have no issue with getting into a routine. I feel like I am truly pretty flexible when it comes to my work environment, I just really want a place that I can express myself and be surrounded by a community of people similar to me. I love to be innovative and creative.
My interests/ ideas: (sorry kinda random and jumps around)
As you can see, most of my interest have to do with childcare and the arts, which are some of the lowest paying jobs/difficult fields to get into, but it’s what I most passionate about and what I can actually see myself being happy doing for a long time. i’m also not opposed to working in one certain field for a while and then branching out to something different or related further down the line, I just want to know what step I should take next so I’m not just floating around doing nothing and being/fill, I just want to know what step I should take next so I’m not just floating around doing nothing and being/feeling useless.
Thank you so much to anyone who responds with advice and kind words :)
submitted by Quirky-swaggurl-420 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:49 DearExtension5397 My boyfriend is incredible except for his loud eating - what do I do

I’ve had misophonia since being around 10/11. I remember the day I realised sounds triggered me to this extreme. On holiday with my auntie. Prior to this I have always been overstimulated with sound.. I watch shows with subtitles because as a child I could not differentiate between importance of multiple sounds - if the tv was on and there was a background conversation in the house I couldn’t focus on one of the other because my ears hurt. Always overstimulated by a lot of noise.
I used to eat alone in my bedroom due to the noises my step dad made eating.
I’ve been honest with my boyfriend about eating being by biggest misophonia trigger. But we recently moved back to his home country, America, and he was already the loudest eater I’ve met, but has since become at least 50% worse.
When I mention it to him, it causes an argument because his dad was really mean to him as a child about how loud he would eat, so he is now convinced he’s quiet. Let me tell you he is not. Now due to the arguments I say something at the most, 5% off the time, to save getting heated. But that means I suffer a hell of a lot, he’s a big eater and trains a lot for triathlons. But I end up eating more because if I eat it drowns his noise out even just a tiny bit. I’ve asked him to read about misophonia at least 6-7 times in the last 8 months ( we’ve been together longer but this is when it has gotten much worse) since it’s gotten worse. He still hasn’t.
I’m not expecting him to understand just try and understand how it can make me feel.
He is incredible in every other way and I can’t imagine my life without him, but I am seriously at a loss with this now because I’m keeping my mouth shut about his loudness to avoid arguments but he’s just not doing his part in trying to understand to do the same.
What do I do
Edit: to add to this, I’m at the point where I won’t even eat walking down the street because I’m Embarrassed I might make a sound someone else who suffers from misophonia might hear, and I don’t want anyone to feel the way I do. I struggled with restaurants for a while but now go to places that are loud. I have refused to go to family Christmas gatherings over fear of hearing noises or me making people hear my eating noises ( even if subconsciously I know I’m not a loud eater)
submitted by DearExtension5397 to misophonia [link] [comments]