Does clomid delay bfp

Respect Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes)

2024.06.04 16:25 ya-boi-benny Respect Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes)

Sylvia: All you feel is ecstasy when you kill. It’s like you’re getting off… Seriously, you need help.
Travis: Everybody deals with grief differently, right? Some people fuck at funerals. I cut off heads.
Travis Touchdown is a slacker, drinks too much, watches too much anime, plays too much video games, and buys way too much merchandise. However, when he runs out of money to buy more posters or figurines, he can be pretty slick with a beam katana. Using the Blood Berry model that he won in an online auction, Travis moonlights as an assassin and kills Helter Skelter, the eleventh best assassin in the United Assassins Association rankings. This thrusts him into a desperate struggle against the top ten assassins in the hopes of winning piles of prize money and a chance to bone the UAA organizer, Sylvia Christel.
After killing his own sister and reaching the top spot, Travis's life has become a whole lot harder. Not only do aspiring killers break down his door from time to time to challenge the Crownless King, but villains also target his friends and neighbors in attempts to break his spirit. After losing his best friend Bishop, Travis moves to the country for a quiet life, but rivals like Badman or alien invaders like FU seem to keep dragging him back into the Garden of Insanity for more bouts of bloodshed.
No More Heroes- 1
No More Heroes 1.5- 1.5
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle- 2
Travis Strike Again: No More Heroes- TSA
No More Heroes 3- 3
Hover over a feat to see where its from.


Striking w/o Weapons
Striking w/ Weapons
Grappling/Wrestling Slams


Blunt Force



Fighting Skill

Wrestling Moves

Beam Katanas

General Attributes
Cutting Force
Blocking Strength
Specific Models

Dark Side Roulette

Special abilities that Travis can make use of depending on the luck of the draw. In the first game, these trigger after killing an enemy, and in the subsequent games, they also trigger upon delivering a wrestling move.
Energy Attacks
Non-Roulette Abilities

Death Glove

When Travis was sucked into the video game world through the magic game console, the Death Drive Mk II, he was granted the Death Glove, a controller that allowed him to perform special techniques. After he escaped the console, he maintained the glove and could perform a couple special moves in the real world, too. After each use, the chosen move goes on a short cooldown before it can be used again.
Some of these clips feature characters other than Travis, as many of these moves are universal and can be performed by any playable character.
Powers from Travis Strikes Again
The last level takes place in the real world, and Travis can still use all of his Chips like normal, although that may have to do with being close to the CIA’s more powerful Death Drive Mk-II.
Powers from No More Heroes 3
Death Glove Chips
A majority of these chips offer only minor gameplay differences, but there are three that more dramatically alter Travis’s abilities.
Other Uses


Travis Strikes Back Motorcycle
Full Armor Mode
Arsenal Rollout Model

Fourth-Wall Awareness


See that… Now THAT was a battle!!! Look at this blood! We HUMANS are ALIVE! Even if we ARE assassins! Doesn’t matter if it’s a video game, movie, drama, anime, manga… We’re ALIVE!!!
submitted by ya-boi-benny to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:09 gbbabe12 RE has no hope for me

Hi All, looking for some support/encouragement here. Started my IVF journey in Feb at a clinic and the doctor basically has just been reiterating every appt that “I” am the issue (meaning my body/being DOR).
38.5yrs, SMBC, FSH 18, AMH 0.3, AFC 1-4
In Feb/Mar did my initial bloodwork, ultrasound (had 4 follicles) and we delayed until April to see if my FSH would come down (it was 6.6 in Nov, 18 in Mar). It hasn’t come down so we process to start my 1st cycle in May. He had me on bc for 3.5 weeks (I was nervous about this) and then I went on Clomid May 1-6 and actually went from 3 follicles on day 6 to 2 follicles on day 8 when I had my last ultrasound. He cancelled the cycle May 8th (that day).
Fast forward to now and I had another ultrasound today (saw only 1 follicle) and the first thing he said when he everted the room was “with your severely diminished reserves you will be lucky to produce 1 follicle each month”. Then when he was doing the ultrasound he mentioned donor eggs.
I haven’t even TRIED to stim yet so we really have no idea what works/doesn’t work. We know Clomid does not and he mentioned doing that again 🤦🏻‍♀️ It seems he’s lost hope for me before I’ve even tried.
Knowing I had 4 follicles before starting with him makes me believe there’s more “in the tank” with the right protocol. He’s also adamant bc is helping not hurting me.
Anyway, has anyone been in a similar situation? I do plan to switch clinics pending what this June cycle holds. I already have a consult with CNY June 10th but it’s just so deflating when you have a doc that has no hope for you from the beginning.
submitted by gbbabe12 to DOR [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 02:06 ThenIGetAChipwichOK Mod-approved: Seeking advice for next steps

Hi all. Mods have OK'ed this post. (Thank you to our amazing mods!!)
I have what’s essentially a recap/WTF/what would we do different if we pursue more treatment appointment coming up, and I’d love any suggestions of what not to forget to ask.
Apologies in advance for the length!I’ve done three egg retrieval cycles. All were essentially pretty standard antagonist cycles: gonal, menopur, and clomid, then cetrotide, then a dual lupron/HCG trigger. Varying dosages each time but I’d say on the higher side. All used ICSI with my husband’s sperm. Normal semen analysis for him. The last one also used zymot.
First cycle was July 2022, we got 12 eggs, two made it to blast to be frozen, one was euploid.
Second cycle was August 2022 (back-to-back with the first one), we got 16 eggs, two made it to blast to be frozen (one day 5, one day 7). Both of them were euploid.
Transfers: We did three medicated transfers (estrace pills, progesterone in oil). No issues seen with my uterus during HSGs or saline sonograms. I was on synthroid.
October 2022: transferred the day 5 embryo from August 2022. It implanted, but I miscarried shortly before six weeks. When I first started bleeding they said subchorionic hematoma but within a few days it was a miscarriage. D&C, not enough POC to get any results from genetic testing.For future transfers we added baby aspirin and low-dose prednisone.
We next transferred the day 5 from July, which did not implant. Then we transferred the day 7, which resulted in a chemical pregnancy.
After the third transfer I had an RPL panel, an endometrial biopsy, a repeat HSG, and an endometrial culture (I think that’s what it was called?), which all came back normal. (Edit: we also did DNA fragmentation and karyotype tests, normal for both of us, forgot about those.)
We did two rounds of IUI with Gonal and clomid, unsuccessfully.
Third IVF cycle (out of pocket, ouch to my wallet) was October 2023. My AMH was about half what it was when we had done our first round. I found that out right before we started and honestly the whole thing felt a little rushed. We added some estrogen priming for this cycle, to try to get follicles growing in sync. We got six eggs, all fertilized, but none made it to blast.
I thought we were done, but now we have new insurance that will cover more retrievals. So I’ve asked my doctor for this appointment tomorrow to discuss more thoroughly our prior outcomes and what, if anything, we might do differently. I am also planning to seek a second opinion.
Some questions I’ve already thought of:
-I’d like more detail than I have (or than I remember) about when my blasts are arresting... should we consider a fresh transfer?
-I’ve previously brought up some gut issues I have and she suggested a colonoscopy which I still haven’t done (I’m already getting my vagina probed often enough lmao) but I will ask again about any potential connections between inflammation etc and transfers not working.
-I’ll ask about mini-stim but my doc is pretty against it, and says IVF is a numbers game, and there’s no evidence that fewer eggs will mean they’re of better quality. (Ditto EMMA/ALICE, which she says she’s never ordered, and this is a huge clinic -- RMA of NY)
-I’ve asked about omnitrope before because it seems clear my egg quality sucks, but she says there’s also no evidence and technically it can’t be prescribed for IVF in NY.
-My weight. I am the heaviest I’ve ever been and by BMI I’m obese. I’ve not been able to get it together to lose weight on my own (and I'm trying to have grace with myself for that... obviously this has been a lot to go through!). My doctor says my age/time is more important than other lifestyle factors -- better to get eggs today than in six months even if I’m thinner. But I will probably bring this up again. I’d love to just go on ozempic and lose weight, but I know that delays the timeline to transfer because of the recommendation to stop before trying. Do I need to be off ozempic before retrievals, too, or just before the transfer? I’m 36, so not in a huge rush in terms of my uterus, but with lower AMH, I am clearly in a rush re: my eggs.
I don’t know. I’m kind of at a loss here. I don’t feel like my doctors have done anything wrong and I don’t know what else to try. But I’d love to hear any suggestions or questions you asked that you found elicited really helpful answers.
If it’s allowed, I’d also love any suggestions of non-RMA clinics in NYC that you liked working with -- feel free to PM if you don’t want to share here. RMA is extremely convenient for me, my own doctor often does my procedures and monitoring which is great, and I am very comfortable there BUT at this point I know I need to at least meet with someone else.
Sorry for the novel!
submitted by ThenIGetAChipwichOK to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 23:24 Courtcarter331 TTC 1st Rnd Clomid/ BFN / No AF / elevated rhr—confused

Hi! After ttc for awhile now, my dr put me on Clomid—this was my first month on it. According to my Oura ring/NC app/ and pdg strips, my ovulation was said to be confirmed. I’m now 13dpo, no period and several BFN :(
What confuses me is that my rhr (resting heart Rate) has been 10-20bpm higher than normal for the last 10ish days. My boobs are SORE and the fatigue is there.
Does Clomid push your cycle out?? Or does it affect the chances of getting a BFP? I just feel so defeated and would love some tips/advice 💔
submitted by Courtcarter331 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 14:00 nernygirl Question for those with success stories

Hey, just asking this for peace of mind. I’m currently TTC and seeing tons of women get positive tests starting from 9DPO. This seems super early but I decided to start testing anyway (I’m def symptom spotting and losing my patience) and I’m just getting BFN. So my question - does PCOS cause a delay in getting a BFP? For those who have had success, when did you get your positive?
submitted by nernygirl to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.01.08 09:35 AcceptableAd387 Clomid first round with pcos

Hello everyone! I just want to ask, does clomid delay period? This is the first round of it, and usually I have my period every 29 days, I have PCOS And I'm actually confused, I felt the PMS 2 weeks ago and I still have it, feeling moody, tired, sleepy, tender breasts.. The period should have come yesterday but it didn't show up, and I have read that clomid could delay it.. that's why I'm really confused.. could it be pregnancy? Or it's normal to be delayed because of Clomid? The problem is that I'm having a really bad cramps and a lowback pain.. I forgot to mention that I took 50mg from the 3rd day of my period till the 7th and I'm 30 yo Thank you all⚘️
submitted by AcceptableAd387 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.01.07 05:37 AcceptableAd387 Clomid

Hello everyone! I just want to ask, does clomid delay period? This is the first round of it, and usually I have my period every 29 days, I have PCOS And I'm actually confused, I felt the PMS 2 weeks ago and I still have it, feeling moody, tired and sleepy, tender breasts.. The period should have come today but it didn't show up, and I have read that clomid could delay it.. that's why I'm really confused.. could it be pregnancy? Or it's normal to be delayed because of Clomid? Thank you all⚘️
UPDATE: my period is delayed for 3 days now
submitted by AcceptableAd387 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 05:30 AcceptableAd387 Clomid

Hello everyone! I just want to ask, does clomid delay period? This is the first round of it, and usually I have my period every 29 days, I have PCOS And I'm actually confused, I felt the PMS 2 weeks ago and I still have it, feeling moody, tired and sleepy, tender breasts.. The period should have come today but it didn't show up, and I have read that clomid could delay it.. that's why I'm really confused.. could it be pregnancy? Or it's normal to be delayed because of Clomid? Thank you all⚘️
submitted by AcceptableAd387 to Maternity [link] [comments]

2023.12.08 04:38 Majestic_Car Just so over this

Hi all,
I reached a breaking point this week... I was told I could get started with a transfer in December if I wen on birth control to wait until the lab opened again.... only to hear back from my RE that the HSG I did three weeks ago (which I should have been told todo MONTHS AGO) (RE FINALLY F*ing looked at it...) showed some scar tissue and they want me to do a hyssteroscopy to remove it then transfer after two cycles. I just broke.
For backgroud, I found out I have low ovarian reserve just after getting married sept 2022, we tried to go directly to IVF to do embryo banking, but the clinic we were seeing just kept doing months and months of timed intercourse and wouldn't communicate anything or move forward (despite telling them multiple times we wanted to bank before getting pregnant. So, extremely frustrated I switched clinics in January 2023. Got started with a work up and was supposed to start IVF in March 2023. But just beforehand I had a positive pregnancy test. I was over the moon, but at 12 weeks we found out it had trisomy 18 and major abnormalities. I felt so robbed, everything up until the NIP was perfect, heartbeat, growth, everything... Started IVF in July - out of 9 eggs 3 were normal embryos. Did a second cycle, got 16 eggs. I was so excited that maybe I wouldn't have to do another cycle... but only 1 normal embryo. My husband and i took a break, finally went on our honeymoon, and had a third cycle. Out of 13 eggs, again only 1 normal. I was so frustrated at this point with my clinic, they were pushing the stims longer and longer each cycle and I felt like it wasn't because I needed more time but that they had a packed scheduled and couldn't retrieve me any earlier... the third cycle my estrogen started dropping before my retrieval. Any attempt at getting answers was met with short answers to only a few of my questions.
I'm just really tired of this road, im tired of the meds how crappy clomid makes me feel, not being able to work out, and now most likely I won't even get the chance to have a kid by 2024 (if I'm even lucky enough to get one). I feel like every single step of this process has been met with issue and delay, one after the other. I email my RE asking why he didn't recommend an HSG in the fall when we had a break, by now I could have healed and done a transfer. I'm so angry and sad and just f*ing over it. My family has no idea, they just keep telling me that it'll happen one day, but damn it how much more does someone have to take just to have a f*ing kid?! I'm really at my breaking point and just need to rant. Thanks for reading especially if you've gotten this far,

Edit: here is my cycle data: *all cycles primed with estrogen and cetrotide/ganirelix, clomid Day 1- 5 of cycle.
ER1: priming: estrogen patch for 1 week before period + 3 days cetrotide before period. Stims started with menopur 150 and Gonal F 300 + ganirelix (had reaction to cetrodtide). Stimmed for 12 days, then trigger with HCG. 9 eggs collected, 7 fertilized, 4 blasts, 3 normal
ER2: same priming as before. Started microdose lupron D1 of cycle. D3 of cycle started stims with meonpur 150 gonalF 300. Stimmed for 15 days. 16 eggs retrieved, 11 fertilized, 5 blasts, 1 euploid
ER3: Same priming (switch cetrotide for ganirelix). Stims with menopur 150 and Gonal F 300 for 14 days, added ganirelix. trigger with lupron and HCG. 13 eggs, technically all fertilized, but only 9 grew past day 1, 5 blasts, 1 normal, 1 low level mosiac.
My clinic has a weird way of rating embryos - but they said I have one excellent (65% chance of implantation) and 1 at 50%, 2 at 35% chance), one that they didn't tell me as I don't want to know sex and quality (found out it sex instead of grading)
submitted by Majestic_Car to IVF [link] [comments]

2023.10.27 23:20 katchikatchi88 Somebody come and discuss this mystery with me.. confused about letrozole/Clomid and follicle disappearing

UK-based and taking part in a study where PCOS women either get Clomid or Letrozole with lowest dose to start with. I am on my first cycle on either 2.5 mg letrozole or 50mg Clomid. Without medication I ovulate naturally but on day 45 + and have never had a BFP.
UK-based and taking part in a study where PCOS women either get Clomid or Letrozole with lowest dose to start with. I am on my first cycle on either 2.5 mg letrozole or 50mg Clomid. Without medication, I ovulate naturally but on day 45 + and have never had a BFP. id without flashing which is a first too) and a near-positive OPK strip. I had a feeling my ovulation was getting close so obviously I was really happy about this and we have been BDing every second day since day 12. I go to my scan after a couple of hours and on the scan, they cant find the bigger follicle, only smaller follicles measuring around 8 mm. She could not find corpus lutem either. The Dr wanted me to do a day 21 blood test (I did it today because the clinic is closed tomorrow) to confirm ovulation. I feel so deflated after this. I know its just cycle 1 on medication but I feel so disappointed that all the positive feelings I was building up ended up being so wrong. Would really appreciate if someone can just share your wise thoughts on the below. I feel like I am going a bit crazy over all of this!

  1. Can follicles just disappear and what does that mean?
  2. If I ovulated somehow this morning, I assume the progesterone will not show anything since it hasn't been enough time for the progesterone to rise. I was pointing this out but the Dr seemed more focused on the fact it was day 20 rather than that its actually around 7 days after ovulation. I am worried that they will want to increase my dose to next cycle based on the wrong data.
  3. If my follicle simply just disappeared - what does my OPK and smiley mean? Will I ovulate on the small follicles and what do I go from here? I know I naturally ovulate on my own later in the cycle so should I just wait? Should we continue to BD or should we give up given there are no mature follicles?
submitted by katchikatchi88 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2023.10.21 20:01 rangernumberx Respect Emu Hojo, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)

"Do you really think there are patients we can choose to ignore? It doesn't matter if they're bad! Any life is worth saving! I can't just leave a patient to suffer alone."
When he was young, Emu Hojo required life saving surgery after being hit by a car. This event drove him to become a paediatrician himself, and after a period as an undefeatable pro-gamer under the alias of M got himself an internship at Seito University Hospital. When one of his patients fell ill from a mysterious illness, he uncovered that the Bugster virus was threatening the lives of their victims while bringing video game bosses into the real world. Taking a device designed to fight these creatures, Emu became Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, continuing his studies while fighting to save the life of anyone infected with the ailment.


# - Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
G-# - Kamen Rider Ghost
M-100 - Kamen Rider Ghost the Movie: The 100 Eyecons and Ghost's Fateful Moment
M-PM - Kamen Rider Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Riders
M-C - Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen
M-AE# - Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: Another Ending
M-F - Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Final: Build & Ex-Aid with Legend Riders
S-G - Kamen Rider Ex-Aid "Tricks": Kamen Rider Genm
S-KS# - Kamen Sentai Gorider
S-P - Kamen Rider Ex-Aid "Tricks": Kamen Rider Para-DX


"I'll clear this with no continues!"


Durability - Blunt Force
Durability - Other


Game Related


Transformations - General

"I will change the patient's fate!"

Gamer Driver


Levelling Up

Gashacon Breaker

Blocks / Power Ups



Level 1 (Mighty Action X)

Click and load! Let's game! Super game! Ultra game! Whatcha name? I'm a Kamen Rider!




Speed / Agility


Level 2 (Mighty Action X)

Level up! Mighty jump! Mighty kick! Mighty Mighty Action X!


Striking - Gashacon Breaker
Striking - Other


Blunt Force



Level 3 (Gekitotsu Robots)

Gotcha! Knock 'em dead! Charge on ahead, clash and bash and punch! It's Gekitotsu Robots!





Level 3 (Shikariki Sports)

Pump it up, we're going extreme! Shikariki Sports!

Level 4 (JuJu Burger)

Burger! Burger! JuJu Burger!

Level 5 (Drago Knight Hunter Z)

Gotcha! D-D-Drago! Kni-Kni-Knight! Drago! Drago! Drago Knight Hunter...Ex-Aid!
While using Drago Knight Hunter Z's power on his own, Ex-Aid is granted its full power, though he isn't capable of controlling it. This causes him to attack uncontrollably before ultimately being forced out of his transformation, though he later became able to use this form without rampaging.11
The power can be split up between himself, Brave, Snipe, and Lazer, allowing them to control the power while working alongside each other.11 There is still only one real Gashat, with the others' disappearing after being used.10

Level 10 (Mighty Brothers XX)

I am you! You are me! We are mighty Mighty Brothers! Double X!

Level 1

Mighty brothers! Two Riders from one body! Mighty Brothers! Two for certain victory! X!
Mighty Brothers XX is unique in having its own variant of a Level 1 form, before Emu enters the 'true' Level 10 state and splits into two fighters.




Gashacon Key Slasher


Level 99 (Maximum Mighty X)

The highest level, the most powerful body! Wham and kerblam! Zippy-zabang! The highest level, the most powerful body! Maximum Power X!




Blunt Force


Suitless Physicals

While level 99, Emu can leave his mech suit to fight with his level 2 form, albeit with the strength of being level 99.30

Bugster Virus Restructuring

These can be done in any form by using the Maximum Mighty X Gashat in a weapon.29

Mobility Abilities


Hyper Muteki

Invincible! The shining spark and strength of a shooting star! Golden gamer, strongest of all! Hyper Muteki Ex-Aid!







Continued in Comments

submitted by rangernumberx to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2023.10.02 17:10 flyingsquirreltree Low HCG at 6wk - can thyroid impact this? Trying (and failing) not to worry.

So grateful to have found this community. I'm hoping for some honest feedback, but also hoping for support.
I got my BFP at 17DPO, was already a dye stealer. I was very surprised, was sure that my period was just delayed due to jet lag. But, hooray, BFP! Have definitely been feeling symptoms too.
Was overseas at the time on holiday though, so I couldn't get betas done until today. And I'm deflated and anxious now. I'm at 28DPO (6wk0d), and HCG is only measuring at 1200. I know it's technically within the range, but it seems low?
Today's blood test also showed that my TSH is high. Am on meds for it, so this was to be expected and am waiting to hear from the doctor about upping my dosage. But now I'm also wondering if my delay in getting this tested could have impacted my HCG levels? I tried to look this up, but couldn't find anything. Of course my brain is now scared that my going on vacation has now affected things, that I could have done more to help this little bean stick if my blood tests hadn't been so delayed.
Is it worth doing another beta later this week? Have an US scheduled for Friday (6wk4d), but now I'm just trying to prepare myself for bad news. Or maybe I should at least postpone it?
Brains are mean. Anxiety is a bitch. Why does this have to be so hard?
Update (Sad): US at 6w4d confirmed in utero, measuring a few days behind, but no heartbeat. MC began later that day. Shittiest weekend. Trying to look forward now.
submitted by flyingsquirreltree to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2023.09.24 09:03 gopher_treats Do you have to see an RE for treatment /medicated cycles? Or can you see an OB or family Dr? How do the two experiences differ?

Currently in the US for context.
I see people talk about being put on clomid and I think letrezol by their OB and am a bit confused. I formerly had thought you could only receive these prescriptions from an RE?
How does an OB manage this type of prescription? Is ultrasound monitoring always required?
We have never done IUI, only medicated monitored cycles with timed intercourse. The main reason we had to stop treatment through our RE is because we were paying for meds and ultrasounds out of pocket and the multiple ultrasounds a month were so expensive.
I ovulate on my own, but it is delayed at CD25+ and I was told this can mean the egg is overmature by the time it’s released. Thus, I was told the letrezole and a trigger shot would regulate my cycle and would make it more likely for me to produce healthy, viable eggs.
Is this worth exploring with an OB? Am I less lielly to need elective ultrasounds if I go through an OB? Or am I truly at the end of the road with medical treatment?
Subsequent bonus question: is it really worth using non-prescription supplements to continue TTC? I’m at 2 years of trying. 1 MMC and 1 chemical. Never used supplements before this. JUST got on metformin for the PCOS last month.
submitted by gopher_treats to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.09.17 01:06 Independent_Peanut11 Testing out of Ovidrel

I did clomid+trigger+ TI this month.
They checked my progesterone levels on Thursday and it showed I ovulated, but they also did an HCG test (I’m not sure why), and it showed my HCG at 10.
I did my trigger shot exactly one week before the hcg test. We all assumed this was just residual hcg from Ovidrel.
Does anyone have a clue how fast that low amount of hcg should be flushed out of my system? I have been trying to test out, but i keep getting a faint line (today is 9 days post trigger and 7dpo)… I’m not expecting a real bfp yet, but I feel like the ovidrel is sticking around a ridiculously low levels, and I’m surprised (and a little annoyed) I keep getting positive tests.
submitted by Independent_Peanut11 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2023.09.07 22:45 Kaotix_Music Experience with TRT without HCG?

About mid 2020, I went on TRT from Core Medical. My T was extremely low for being 28, I went on it and I felt pretty damn good and then leveled out and felt overall very good. Injected Test C twice a week (25 mg split both injections), Gonadorelin Acetate twice weekly (dont remember the dosage), .25mg of Anastrozole twice a week and my free test, total test, and E2 levels were fantastic. Early 2022 I bought a house, and for some reason, I still cant figure out why....I stopped. 8 months later I met my girlfriend and we had MAJOR bed room issues. I am so insanely attracted to my GF, but sex was just never on my mind and I never noticed it. I never initiated anything with her, I had delayed ejaculation issues, and then it hit me...I need to go back on TRT.
I've been back on it now for about 2 months and I FEEL THE DIFFERENCE once more. Libido increased no shit 500%, morning boners, more leveled out mood, everything...but I still dont feel TOTALLY there yet. Maybe 2 months isnt enough? I cant remember how i felt the first time because I wasn't really sexually active at the time but i do remember better sleep and better energy, which I do have now, but not like it was before.
Todays story:
I've seen the research on Gonadorelin. Alot of it is conflicting as hell. Some say "nooo it works great!" Others claim due to its EXTREMELY short half life, its money down the drain and does nothing for you unless youre injecting every 90 mins of your life. I asked my clinics doctor "Do i REALLY need this?" and talked about fertility. She laughed and said "We dont follow the *bro science* here, ill send you an article on Gonadorelin to read." and ill be honest, what she sent me just seemed like a made up piece of crap. It didnt sell me. She said throw the fertility issue out the window, its not about fertility....its about if you ever had to suddenly stop. This is why I gave my back story. Well - I did suddenly stop. In Feb 2022, and I didnt go back to where I was before TRT the first time around, I was 3x as worse. So, I thought - go on HCG instead! It wasnt offered at first as she said some patients tend to not like HCG (as ive also read on here, some claim the same)
But is HCG really worth going on? Is Gonadorelin really BS? Im on Gonadorelin now, but should I expect even more changes if I switch to HCG? Will I not? Is clomid a better option? Educate me here please lol
submitted by Kaotix_Music to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2023.09.06 07:17 rjekaf My Red Scrotum Syndrome Story - Full Detail

Preface: The below provides perhaps more information than may seem relevant, but I want to provide as much detail as possible in case someone reading this sees some pattern or connection I have missed.
First, some context/background:
I am a 40 year old white male in good physical health. I eat well (although probably drink too much alcohol) and workout a few times a week. My external stress level is low (I’m secure financially and my current business is more of a passion project), but my internal stress is high (the stress related to RSS, primarily). I’ve struggled with anxiety and panic disorder most of my adult life. I get especially anxious in social settings. Although I rarely take any medications for my anxiety, I often use alcohol to reduce my anxiety and feelings of panic. I often feel like I’m not totally “myself” until I’ve had a few drinks. I’m generally a very fidgety person (most evident by my constant nail picking, but also my fast talking and some facial tics). I took Anti-depressants for about a year in college for my anxiety, but since then have been “white-knuckling” it through.
Around 2013 I started to have symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction related to stress. I had pressure and discomfort in my lower abdomen and I constantly felt like I had to urinate. I was tested for STD’s and other bacteria—one urologist thought it was some form of prostatitis—but eventually found a urologist who posited pelvic floor dysfunction and sent me to a pelvic floor physical therapist. After a number of sessions the symptoms dissipated and eventually resolved. I went back to that pelvic floor physical therapist sporadically over the following years as any symptoms would flare up.
In early 2022 I got Covid, which put me on my ass for 10+ days. Nothing dangerous, mostly just fatigue and lethargy. But after that bout of Covid I started to feel very depressed and anxious. It was so bad that I would wake up in the early morning with my stomach churning and my mind racing. This lasted for weeks. I started to research treatment options and eventually tried some Ketamine treatments (not great success), and then TMS treatments. Although there were some ups and downs, I felt like the TMS treatments were helpful. It was around this time that I had my second flare up of RSS, which is described in more detail below.
First bout of RSS:
In the later part of 2020, I started to take some testosterone boosting drugs, specifically Clomid, Danazol, and Anastrazole in order to help my strength training and recovery after a surgical procedure to repair a torn right hip labrum I underwent in October of 2019. I was still experiencing chronic pain and was trying anything and everything to get my body right. My physical therapist said I just needed to build muscle, so I went to a local doctor that I knew provided hormone therapies, and got on a regimen to boost my testosterone levels. My testosterone levels weren’t low to start (around 600 I believe), but the therapies worked and my levels shot up over 1000.
I actually started to feel pretty good—I was sleeping better, my energy levels were better, my pain was reduced—I was finally seeing a light at the end of the long tunnel of chronic pain related to my hip/back I’d been in since 2017. The testosterone also had the effect of, for back of a better phrase, making me horny as f***.
I had girlfriend at the time, but she spent most of her time living in another city. Because of our distance, she had allowed me to have some indiscretions in the past. And so I justified my subsequent infidelity by telling myself that because she had given me permission before, the door was already opened and so it wasn’t really that big of a deal (obviously very selfish reasoning in retrospect).
I wanted to be discreet, so I got on a sugar daddy app and started a sexual relationship with two girls. One girl I saw over the course of a number of weeks and we had sex maybe a dozen times. She was a single mom, was very sweet. The other girl I slept with only 2-3 times and it was much more transactional. There was definitely guilt and anxiety around these encounters—my brain was very active in successfully keeping both sides in the dark. But these encounters also provided intense feelings of excited anticipation.
I believe it was the combination of the anxiety and the excitement (possibly boosted by my increased testosterone) that caused me to have the first symptoms of RSS (symptom type 1)—a tingling in my scrotum when arranging/thinking about/embarking on these encounters. I think the best way to describe the sensation is when you get excited about something, or nervous about something, you feel it in your scrotum—the skin pulls tighter, you get that wave of nerves in your stomach, for me there is a slight pins and needles tingle in the area. I listen to a sports podcast where they refer to the nerves during a sporting match as “nut crunch time,” which I think is a euphemism for a similar sensation. Soon after this tingling sensation (a couple of days perhaps), I started to notice redness and extreme sensitivity in my scrotum (symptom type 2) which caused a lot of discomfort.
This sensation (symptom type 2) is also hard to describe—it’s an intense awareness of the scrotum skin, and an extreme sensitivity to any kind of light rubbing or chaffing. The friction in the underwear from something as simple as walking down the street can be extremely uncomfortable. The feeling isn’t always at the same part of the scrotum. Sometimes it’s more anterior, sometimes more posterior and can even creep into the perineum region. Sometimes it’s very red but not as sensitive. Sometimes it’s not very red but extremely sensitive. Occasionally, there is some itch, but that is more rare. The doctors I’ve seen like to use the word “burning” but I’m not sure that is how I would describe it necessarily. For me, it’s better in the morning and as the day goes on it gets worse (more on this later).
Post symptom onset and eventual remission:
After the onset of symptoms, I stopped my affair. I contacted the doctor who was prescribing me the testosterone boosting drugs. He said he’d never heard of such a reaction, but said I could certainly stop taking the medications and see if that helped. My primary care also recommended I stop taking the medications. So over the next few weeks I tapered off of those drugs. I also went to a dermatologist. He prescribed me some topical steroid cream (of course). This did not help. I went to another dermatologist who (I think accurately) diagnosed this as a “nerve” issue. I asked him if he thought it was related to my hip surgery—I was dubious because it had been about a year and a half since the surgery and that seemed like a long period of time before onset of symptoms. He did say that nerves take a long time to grow and so it was possible. I asked him if he’d seen anything like this before, and he said yes, in someone who had been in a motorcycle accident. He prescribed gabapentin and I started to take one 300mg pill at night. The gabapentin seemed to help the symptoms. Over the next few months I also tried Tacrolimus cream but that really burned so I stopped (maybe too soon after what I’ve been reading on here?).
I started the gabapentin in March of 2021. At the time, I was also having some more typical nerve sensations in my leg which was attributed to my ongoing back/hip issues/recovery (still very much in chronic pain at that time). In September of 2021, I went back to where I had my surgery and had an injection in my back. I decided to stop taking the gabapentin at that time to see if the back injection helped with the nerve sensations I was having in my leg. I don’t remember exactly when the RSS stopped being a dominant issue, but I’m guessing it was somewhere around this time, because if I felt comfortable stopping the Gabapentin, then it must not have been effecting my quality of life. I also remember going to a bachelor party in Cabo San Lucas in April of 2022 and going in the hot tub, etc., and it not being an issue. So sometime between/around September of 2021 and April of 2022 I was in remission. I wish I had kept better “records” of my condition at the time, but I wasn’t thinking this would be something that needed precise documentation.
Second recurrence of RSS:
In May of 2022, I was still dealing with chronic pain issues and so decided to switch physical therapists. I started to develop feelings for my trainer at that PT office. She invited me to a park one Sunday and then we ended up walking and talking and grabbing a bite to eat after. During the dinner I could tell I was really falling for this person. There was a problem though: I was still in a relationship with that same long distance girlfriend. I remember driving home that evening feeling nervous and excited and anxious and telling myself I had to finally break up with my girlfriend (which I did a week later) and all of a sudden in the car I felt that tingle sensation again (symptom 1). I said to myself, I bet this is going to lead to that same redness/discomfort (symptom 2), and sure enough, a day or two later, it did.
This was, to me, confirmation that this issue was likely a psychological one (when this first occurred in 2020, I still thought that this could have been a nerve issue related to my hip surgery). Now the pattern seemed clear—thought, tingle, future redness and discomfort. And to be clear, the tingle sensation (symptom 1) is very short lived, specific to a thought or situation, and not particularly uncomfortable, but the scrotum sensitivity and discomfort (symptom 2) is constant and chronic.
I started to be much more keenly aware of what led to symptom 1—there really was a pattern of anxious or anticipatory thought or nervous excitement, and then that tingle feeling in my scrotum region.
The symptoms were present but manageable until a few weeks later when me and my new girlfriend had sex in and out of my hot tub and then things really flared up. I started to take the 300mg of gabapentin again, and that seemed to help a little bit, but certainly didn’t lead to remission.
My RSS remained prevalent throughout our tumultuous 8 month relationship. I won’t go into too much detail but she ended up treating me very poorly and causing me a lot of stress and anxiety. I should have ended the relationship after 2 months, but it took 8 months for me to finally come to my senses. All the while, I was very much tracking the symptom 1 pattern—anxious/anticipatory thought —> tingle. And this went up and down with the swings in the relationship. The RSS (symptom 2) stayed pretty constant throughout.
At some point during this period I upped my dose of gabapentin to 300mg in the morning, and 300mg at night.
We broke up in February of 2023. Getting out of that relationship was really hard for me, especially because I was dealing with the RSS and feeling like that was going to make it really hard to date or find a new partner. I started getting increasingly depressed and anxious and so started to look for treatment options. I also at that time discovered a medical paper that showed anti-depressants as a possible remedy for psychosomatic dermatological disorders. I talked to a psychiatrist and started a low dose of Zoloft.
It made me feel awful and so I got off of it a few weeks later. I then tried some more ketamine treatments and eventually did another round of TMS (which again, I do think had benefits for my mental health). The one thing the TMS seemed to do was make me more “durable” and resilient. That is, it made me more willing to push through the discomfort of RSS and not let that stop me from living my life. And in turn, not letting the RSS control me seemed to help with the symptoms. A little bit of the, “the fear of the thing is worse than the thing”, maxim. And over the past few months, I’ve certainly noticed this holds true. Often times, the anticipation of some event or some activity I know (or think) will exacerbate my RSS will cause me to focus more on my RSS and therefore the symptoms to feel more acute.
Past few months and present situation:
I’ve been dating a new girl since May of 2023 and she’s wonderful. I haven’t told her about my RSS yet. The flare ups have been manageable and I’m able to still do most things with mild to medium discomfort. But sometimes I get flare ups and it’s miserable and I start to spiral. I wonder if this will ever end. I wonder if I’ll ever get to actually enjoy basic things like traveling or exercising or being in a pool or being in hot weather or having sex without the worry that it’s going to cause me discomfort. I wonder if I’ll ever get to live a “normal” life.
In July of 2023 I spoke to my primary care doctor and told him I really needed to get a handle on this because it was really negatively effecting my quality of life. He suggested seeing a neurologist. I saw two doctors in the neurologists office, and the conclusion was that this was a nerve issue and that the dose of gabapentin I was on was too low and to up the dose. So a few weeks ago I upped my Gabapentin dose to 600mg a night and kept taking the 300mg in the morning. The increase made me drowsy during the day at first, but after a couple of days that waned. I also was feeling hopeful that the Gabapentin would help, and that gave me a little bit of a mood boost and I felt that made the RSS symptoms more manageable.
But about 2 weeks into the higher Gaba dose, wham, really bad RSS symptoms returned and it really sent me spiraling. As Red says to Andy, “Hope is a dangerous thing…”
So here I am, feeling dejected and back to square one and wanting desperately to figure out a) what is causing this and b) how to cure it (of course).
Regarding the mystery around RSS, I think not knowing what’s going on is one of the more stressful parts of this whole ordeal. It makes it really hard to talk about (I’ve only ever told my two ex girlfriends, my therapist, and my mom about it), because what do I even say? I have this mystery ailment called RSS that causes this weird, embarrassing redness and discomfort on my balls that may or may have not been brought on because of my guilt over cheating on a past girlfriend? Not exactly something I’m dying to share with even my closest friends.
And then of course there are the physical symptoms and the toll they take mentally. Dealing with RSS is a constant battle of mind over matter. I try so desperately to not let the RSS change the way I live my life, but it’s a struggle. Sometimes I win, and I still go do the things I want, even knowing they will be uncomfortable and dealing with the pre-activity anxiety that comes along with that. And sometimes the RSS wins, and I don’t do things I know I normally would if I didn’t have this awful condition.
I get so jealous (and angry) of people who can go for a walk, or play a sport, or go on a hike, or hang at the beach, or go in a hot tub, or have sex, or any myriad other seemingly simple pleasures that most people don’t think twice about doing. The seemingly simplest activities cause me anxiety (before) and discomfort (during) to the point where I rarely can enjoy the things that I used to love.
Couple the physical and mental anguish of the symptoms themselves with the reluctance to talk to anyone about it and you can see why this would cause those afflicted to become so depressed. At least with my hip/back injury I wasn’t (as) embarrassed to tell someone that I was in pain and had to bow out of an activity—daily pain is something tragically common and a lot of people can relate—but with RSS you mostly suffer alone.
But I take some solace that this group exists and that I’m not alone (as Tobias in Arrested Development said, “there are dozens of us. Dozens!”). And maybe my story spurs an idea in someone reading this and helps solve this thing for all of us. Either way, I know this is insanely long, so thanks for reading.
Also, I’ll update this thread as I try new treatments, etc.
A "summary" below:
Possible causes/factors:
Pelvic flooSomatic stress response - As described, I hold my stress in my abdomen. First it presented as pelvic floor symptoms, then as a super tight psoas muscle (which I think very much contributed to my hip injury, chronic pain, and delayed recovery after surgery), and now perhaps the somatic response to my stress has moved to my scrotum.
The hormone drugs I was taking to boost testosterone, lower estrogen, and lower sex hormone binding globulin - I don’t think this was the primary cause, as my second recurrence of RSS happened a year after I stopped, but they could have been a contributing factor.
Sexual contact - No doctor or dermatologist I’ve seen thinks this is any kind of STI, but this could have been a contributing factor—some kind of contact dermatitis causing increased anxiety and therefore focus on the area which led to the onset? An underlying fungal or yeast infection brought on by sexual contact? But these theories are countered by the second occurrence of RSS where no sexual activity took place.
Anxiety/Guilt/Stress/Excitement, etc., around my infidelity - I give this theory a lot of weight due to both onsets coming at a time of excitement mixed with anticipation and anxiety. But why, years later, does the RSS persist? I do not know.
Covid - I had a doctor bring this up as a possible cause. I am not so convinced. I did have mild covid in early 2020, before the first onset of RSS, and then the more impactful covid episode in 2022 before the second onset of RSS.
Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder - Had a sexual health doctor posit this as a theory, but a lot of the symptoms of PGAD don’t align.
Things I’ve tried that help:
Gabapentin - I’ve been on gabapentin for the second recurrence for almost 1.5years now. I think it has helped a little, but going up in the dose didn’t seem to do much so now I’m not sure.
Cold Plunge - This is the one thing that actually gives me some short term symptom relief. I bought a cold plunge and use it daily. The water is 45 degrees and I sit submerged in it for 5min. When I get out, my scrotum is way less red, often to the point where you wouldn’t even suspect any issue, and the scrotum skin is taught and thick (not stretched out or tacky like when the RSS is at its worst), and the skin is less sensitive. The effect only lasts an hour or two at most.
I told the neurologist about this routine and he said that makes sense from a neurological perspective. He said the groin area is the most innervated area of the body (due to its function in procreation) and so there’s this feedback loop that happens where your brain is constantly checking to make sure all of your parts are still there. His theory is that my feedback loop is on hyperdrive and that sending so much signal down there is what’s causing the issue. The gabapentin is supposed to disrupt that feedback loop (note: I am probably butchering this explanation from a science/medical perspective, just going off memory of how he explained it). But he said that cold water is like a nervous system reset, which makes sense. For this reason, I rarely ever take a hot shower anymore—I feel like I’m constantly trying to get my core temperature lower so that my scrotum doesn’t sag and therefore cause more irritation. I’ve actually had serious thoughts about moving to a colder climate (I live in southern California) because I think it would help my symptoms. But those thoughts make me depressed—that I would actually consider ripping apart my life and moving away just to get relief. This would be the ultimate, “letting the RSS win.”
Zeasorb powder (regular, not the anti-fungal) - I apply this after my shower (which is after my cold plunge). It actually really helps with the friction and keeping the area dry and therefore less tacky. Of course when it’s really hot it doesn’t matter—eventually the powder loses any positive effect.
Clonopin - I’m not sure if this should actually be on the “didn’t help” list. I have a prescription for clonopin (anti-anxiety med) that I take very rarely, but I do think it helps slightly with the symptoms. Although it’s probably just a matter of “not caring” as much as it is the symptoms actually getting better.
Things I’ve tried that didn’t help (or unsure if they helped):
Doxycycline - I read that this might be helpful so I asked my primary care doctor to try it. He said if it was going to help I would know after 2 weeks. I think I took it for 3 or 4 weeks and didn’t see any change so I stopped. But maybe I didn’t take it long enough.
Zoloft - could never get to a therapeutic dose because the side effects were so awful. I am not ruling out anti-depressants as a possible treatment—if the theory is that this is mental/anxiety based then you’d think they would help—but I’d really like to avoid these drugs because they take so long to start working and the side effect profile is daunting.
Voltaren cream - this is a topical anti-inflammatory used primarily for arthritis that my primary care doctor suggested I try. I applied it once or twice a day for a couple of days but I felt like it wasn’t doing much. Although I’ve been using this again during a most recent bad flare up and I think it might actually be helping with symptoms.
Tacrolimus cream - Tried this for a few days, but it really burned. Maybe should have given it more of a chance.
Changing underweachanging body wash - Upon first onset I thought perhaps it was some kind of reaction to my soap or my underwear or something, so I changed out my body wash and got tighter, more form fitting underwear. The soap change didn’t do anything, the underwear change provided some symptom relief but only because less friction.
Things I am interested in trying:
CBD - If this condition really is neurological and related to anxiety, perhaps CBD would help. I wonder if anyone has tried this and can comment?
Anti-depressants - I’m not against trying again, but as mentioned above, I’m not looking forward to it. But if it really could help provide relief, and I could find one with a mild side effect profile, I’d be all about it.
Anti-inflammatories - I’ve seen Indomethacin recommended here, and the doctor at the neurologist office recommended the same. I have a pretty sensitive stomach so that would be my only concern about long term use. I tried meloxicam after a shoulder injury a few years ago and it caused real GI issues for me.
submitted by rjekaf to RedScrotumSyndrome [link] [comments]

2023.07.15 09:44 rangernumberx Respect Emu Hojo, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid)

"Do you really think there are patients we can choose to ignore? It doesn't matter if they're bad! Any life is worth saving! I can't just leave a patient to suffer alone."
When he was young, Emu Hojo required life saving surgery after being hit by a car. This event drove him to become a paediatrician himself, and after a period as an undefeatable pro-gamer under the alias of M got himself an internship at Seito University Hospital. When one of his patients fell ill from a mysterious illness, he uncovered that the Bugster virus was threatening the lives of their victims while bringing video game bosses into the real world. Taking a device designed to fight these creatures, Emu became Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, continuing his studies while fighting to save the life of anyone infected with the ailment.


# - Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
G-# - Kamen Rider Ghost
M-100 - Kamen Rider Ghost the Movie: The 100 Eyecons and Ghost's Fateful Moment
M-PM - Kamen Rider Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Riders
M-C - Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen
M-AE# - Kamen Rider Ex-Aid: Another Ending
M-F - Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Final: Build & Ex-Aid with Legend Riders
S-G - Kamen Rider Ex-Aid "Tricks": Kamen Rider Genm
S-KS# - Kamen Sentai Gorider
S-P - Kamen Rider Ex-Aid "Tricks": Kamen Rider Para-DX


"I'll clear this with no continues!"


Durability - Blunt Force
Durability - Other


Game Related


Transformations - General

"I will change the patient's fate!"

Gamer Driver


Levelling Up

Gashacon Breaker

Blocks / Power Ups



Level 1 (Mighty Action X)

Click and load! Let's game! Super game! Ultra game! Whatcha name? I'm a Kamen Rider!




Speed / Agility


Level 2 (Mighty Action X)

Level up! Mighty jump! Mighty kick! Mighty Mighty Action X!


Striking - Gashacon Breaker
Striking - Other


Blunt Force



Level 3 (Gekitotsu Robots)

Gotcha! Knock 'em dead! Charge on ahead, clash and bash and punch! It's Gekitotsu Robots!





Level 3 (Shikariki Sports)

Pump it up, we're going extreme! Shikariki Sports!

Level 4 (JuJu Burger)

Burger! Burger! JuJu Burger!

Level 5 (Drago Knight Hunter Z)

Gotcha! D-D-Drago! Kni-Kni-Knight! Drago! Drago! Drago Knight Hunter...Ex-Aid!
While using Drago Knight Hunter Z's power on his own, Ex-Aid is granted its full power, though he isn't capable of controlling it. This causes him to attack uncontrollably before ultimately being forced out of his transformation, though he later became able to use this form without rampaging.11
The power can be split up between himself, Brave, Snipe, and Lazer, allowing them to control the power while working alongside each other.11 There is still only one real Gashat, with the others' disappearing after being used.10

Level 10 (Mighty Brothers XX)

I am you! You are me! We are mighty Mighty Brothers! Double X!

Level 1

Mighty brothers! Two Riders from one body! Mighty Brothers! Two for certain victory! X!
Mighty Brothers XX is unique in having its own variant of a Level 1 form, before Emu enters the 'true' Level 10 state and splits into two fighters.




Gashacon Key Slasher


Level 99 (Maximum Mighty X)

The highest level, the most powerful body! Wham and kerblam! Zippy-zabang! The highest level, the most powerful body! Maximum Power X!




Blunt Force


Suitless Physicals

While level 99, Emu can leave his mech suit to fight with his level 2 form, albeit with the strength of being level 99.30

Bugster Virus Restructuring

These can be done in any form by using the Maximum Mighty X Gashat in a weapon.29

Mobility Abilities


Hyper Muteki

Invincible! The shining spark and strength of a shooting star! Golden gamer, strongest of all! Hyper Muteki Ex-Aid!







[Continued in Comments]

submitted by rangernumberx to rangernumberx [link] [comments]

2023.07.11 13:44 Financial_Table_8470 My Experiences (Success)

I'm hoping some of this information helps those that need it. Please note I am not a medical professional and this is just what I did :) .
We had been trying on and off for three years. 2022 we got serious and consulted a fertility clinic in October. Admittingly I was stubborn and delayed getting tested (men - just do it, its not that bad), but first results in November were the following:
Wife - no fertility issues/concerns from any of her tests
myself - 5'10, 280, 31 at the time.
Volume (5.1), Progession (2.5), Morphology (0%), Count 4.4 million/ML.
Clinic had no concerns with progression and morphology, even though that was 0%. Majority of "defects" were oval heads. Issue was counts. No changes made at this time but I did get bloodwork done. FSH at 3.6, LH at 3, and Testosterone at 239. All significantly low. For insurance to cover any kind of treatment I needed a second test done in 30 days. Second test came back at 290 testosterone in January. Insurance denied assistance because I needed two tests under 250. I opted to see urologist anyway. Urologist did another test and was at 242, prescribed TRT. After discussions with doctor I did in depth research (I have a master's and will research any topic) along with impact of testosterone and TRT. I took TRT for a month and honestly have never felt better in my life. After additional research into TRT and impact on fertility, I opted to ask for Clomid instead and was given 25 mg/day. I had zero real symptoms of low testosterone that I knew of other than difficulty with muscle. No libido issues etc.
I had second semen analysis done before starting the clomid as it had been three months. counts went down to 3.6 mil/ml. no other changes. Also had genetic tests done nothing came up.
Based on my research and discussions with various doctors I took the following (please consult your doctor if needed before starting):
- Clomid 25 mg/day - Please be aware of the side effects of this drug. I experienced moodiness, easily agitated/annoyed and started having some vision changes. Since getting off of it all have subsided within a month. I do see a therapist once a month for general health and so I'm usually aware of mood changes with the help of those sessions.
- Men's one a day multimitan
- 15 mg Zinc (don't underestimate zinc, it increases sperm counts on its own)
- 1,000 mg Vitamin B12
- 1,000 mg Omega 3 Fish Oil
- 1,000 mg Vitamin C
- 300 mg CoQ10 - (,-100-softgels.product.100029983.html)
- This - (,-120-capsules.product.100232207.html)
(note - this is the most disgusting pill I've ever taken in my life. I stumbled across it at costco as I was looking for a good source of Ashwaganda.)
I did all of this from January until June. Some quick notes on it - I had to limit my Zinc because it was making me nauseous, took me while to figure out the cause and it ended up being zinc intake. The vitamin B12 intake is WAY in excess of what the body needs, so you will pee it out. Pee will be dark yellow/orange and smell, it was concerning at first until I found out it was just overkill on the b12 - stuck with it though. I had no real life style changes except the ATTEMPTS to eat better and exercise a little more. Walking on week nights and walking 9 holes of golf during week instead of cart. I lost no weight during any of this process, even on Clomid surprisingly. I did get tested for Testosterone in April (2 months later) and skyrocketed to 866. Clomid does cause water weight gain in my face and with the help of the testosterone sub-group I was able to just add potassium to my diet to help alleviate that. They do make pills to counter water retention but I never investigated. Clomid WILL fix any libido issues in majority of men, significant increase to sex drive and other aspects related to it happened for me. It may also be a factor I'm from the mid-west so the start of these tests were in winter and the success was in June, warm climate does have a beneficial impact on sperm parameters.
We met with one of the head doctors at fertility clinic first week of June regarding progress and what to do. She advised we had less than 2% chance success of IUI from everything she had seen and I asked if Clomid was going to make a difference because the price was going to go from 60 a month to 140 a month (its hard to get). She said she has never seen statistical increases to the level I would need to change her diagnosis from IVF so I was going to use my last dose of it and stop. We had everything set up to start IVF in August with implantation in September. They gave us 60% chance success rate for first round of IVF and would cost around $30k all said and done.
June ovulation cycle we decided to give it one last go and positive test on 4th of July.
I have not had a last semen analysis done since all my changes - but I am planning to start TRT injections and will be freezing some sperm samples, which they should run a count test on. Opting for injections to limit any risk of contact exposure on wife/baby from gel. I will most certainly update this thread once I have that done in about 2-3 weeks as that will be a true indicator of improvements.
I'm available for any questions and will respond as I can
edit: add 1,000 mg fish oil I forgot about
submitted by Financial_Table_8470 to maleinfertility [link] [comments]

2023.06.14 09:28 Cado111 How do we feel about the new content this season?

I just wanted to see how everyone felt about Season 5 so far. Feel free to discuss how you feel about the following additions to the game.
Reclaimed: honestly one of the better maps in the game in my opinion. Up there with Orbital, Exposure, and Spearpoint. I am a much bigger fan of Reclaimed than I was of Flashpoint. Solid like 8 or 9/10 map for me.
RPG7V2: I think DICE didn't doo the best with this. Only being able to start with 2 rockets feels really limiting and the increase in damage over the M5 just isn't enough to warrant using it, at least from what I have used. I really think 2 rpgs to the back of a tank plus an at grenade should kill it but it doesn't. Not super excited to use this when I play engineer. Lis+AT mines or C5 reigns supreme.
Mini Grenade: these serve their purpose but seem really inconsistent. They are very bouncy and I don't see much of a purpose to them.
AT grenade: fantastic idea. Does decent damage, but I have a bug where it bounces off of tanks maybe 10-15% of the time.
Spring Grenade: I don't really see the point of this one. It is a Frag with an extra delay and a way to avoid damage. Not something I think I'll use much.
XCE BAR: I was really let down by this. It is a decent CQC sniper but no short barrel makes it worse than the SWS at this role. I prefer the GOL for medium range and the DXR for long range. This weapon seems really boring to me and something that doesn't really add much to the game.
GEW 46: man I have changed my mind about this thing. I didn't like it at first but this thing hits pretty hard. I have been enjoying it. I like it about as much as something like the AM40. It's a fun gun though I wish there were more attachments.
BFP 50: Ooh yeah. This thing is fun. Again I would have liked a few more attachments if possible but it is really fun. Might be my new go to sidearm.
Squad rework: I barely noticed the changes since I already play with friends, but this is great for people who needed these changes.
Vault weapons getting 2042 attachments: overall good but man some of these weapons got very few attachments. I was hoping they would have as many as most of the AOW weapons but they almost all have less in every category. They feel more competitive but maybe not as much as they should be. A step in the right direction but they still need a little more help in my view.
Vehicle loadout rework: excellent change. Less spammy explosives from LATV4... now we just need them to change transport helps more.
Overall: This is a pretty mixed bag. We got a great map, 2 good guns, one sniper that is a let down but okay, 1 great new throwable, 2 let downs of grenades, and 1 okay launcher. Decent step forward with AOW attachments for some vault weapons. Good ideas with squad management and vehicle reworks.
This has been a decent season so far but is probably down there with Season 1 for me in terms of quantity of content. No new vehicles sucks even though I don't usually use vehicles too much. And to be honest the new grenade types don't feel more impactful as a new specialist.
Tldr: Map good, guns mixed, gadgets not very good, changes mixed but mostly good.
submitted by Cado111 to LowSodium2042 [link] [comments]

2023.05.12 16:53 AwesomePBST My Full Guide on an Ultra-Reformist Run

My Full Guide on an Ultra-Reformist Run


Well, about time I share my own experiences on playing Suzerain. Personally, being a Reformist Capitalist is the easiest path in the game, with it being easily manageable economy and politically wise. This guide however will push reformism to the extreme. If you play your cards correctly, Ultra-Reformist Rayne is almost as easy as a pragmatic Rayne. You don't even need corruption or please the oligarchs - it's that easy.
Here is my full guide to an Ultra-Reformist Playthrough, with you also being a wholesome boi.
Normal text means that this step is recommended, but not needed to succeed.
Bold indicates that this step is important, and makes things easier.
Bold and Italic indicates that this step is crucial to the run succeeding. Not doing it = you're screwed


(note that I skipped the pretty useless choices)
  • Pick Lachaven (rich) to lobby the assembly later on.
  • History (most useful)
  • Agree with a young Deivid in his lectures
  • Protest with the Students and hold your ground (I think that improve Franc's feelings towards you later on)
  • Human Rights (pretty useful for your foreign decisions) or Political Debate (speech buff)
  • Not joining any youth groups (you ain't commie or nazi)
  • Vote USP (slight buff to the party trusting you? idk)
  • Let refugees through (why not, you want to be wholesome)
  • Spend time with Family (wholesome)
  • Join the internal opposition (Your policies will align with Alphonso more, and you are Trialing Soll too)
  • Vote Alphonso (I think that makes the reformists like you more, Nia mentions it before the salad meeting)
  • Campaign for Alphonso (stay consistent with Alphonso support lol)
  • Advise him to step down (You don't want to piss off the capitalists)
  • Promise democratic reforms (bruh obviously)


  • Promote Free Market (Capitalist, BRUH)
  • Relaxed Immigration (obviously, lmao)
  • Align West (DUH)
  • Healthcare, just in case (promise anything is okay)

Turn I

  • Say anything in your inauguration speech, I would focus on change and unity and all that stuff
  • Be nice to Serge plz, say the phrase when you say bye
  • Political Situation one, you can drink with Petr if you want to, tell both him and Lucian that you want to work with the Reformists
  • Say that you will write a democratic constitution
  • Media Strategy - Keep the media independent because you are not authoritarian
  • Agree to the meeting with Marcel (build a good image there lol)
  • Economic situation, choose the supply and demand rule one, say that you won't let Arcasia control Sordland (bit of a lie, you might join ATO), and thank Alphonso
  • Choose Privatization or Market Economy for Symon's final thoughts comment, DO NOT CHOOSE State Control
  • Pick Free Economy as promised, duh
  • Veto the Campaign Finance Bill (duh)
  • Invest in Mega Infrastructure 1 [+3 GB -> +2 GB]
  • Choose L-1 (the railway one), H-3 doesn't help much and it's suggested by L\leas*
  • Invest all 3 PW onto Armadine (you need a lot of PW to lobby later on) [3 PW -> 0 PW]
  • When the reporter asks you about the questions, be honest about the changes
  • Agree to Monica declaring her intentions of improving women's rights at the Ball
  • Comfort your family after the shooting
  • For the emergency meeting, DO NOT agree with anything Lileas says and agree everything that Nia says, because f*ck Lileas

Turn II

  • Be nice to your family in the first dinner scene; say that you don't want the nation to suffer another Soll and be calm when Franc snaps
  • Don't tell Monica to just worry about dinner, she thinks that you are sexist
  • Threats against Sordland; same as Emergency meeting (agree with Nia and disagree with Lileas)
  • With Iosef and Valken, salute the latter (show them respect); tell them that you will increase budget and will find allies (be honest), then when Iosef tells you the bad news, tell them to stay calm
  • Scold Tusk when he tries to bribe you, but be nice to him
  • Visit towns in person (always the best option)
  • Choose Taurus for first contract (you'll see why later on, alternatively you can pick Underhall) [+2 GB -> +2 GB] (I'll be using Taurus)
  • Stimulus Cheques (PO Increase, always good) [+2 GB -> +1 GB]
  • Also be nice to Marcel, but reject his deal (corruption)
  • Let the Red Youth members in with no guards (don't piss the Commies off too much)
  • Attend the Funeral of Bernard Circas, just DON'T choose the bottom options, you aren't a commie; also recite the poems and call for a moment of silence, and finally scream the Phrase
  • Diplomatic meeting, agree with Agnolia and Wehlen bonuses, Lespia's riches but say no to Valgsland; assure Iosef of the Rumburg problem is your priorities
  • Close the Dome Consulate (extra PO)
  • Agree with all of Nia's points (she will get pissed off if you disagree too much)
  • End Hawker's meeting ASAP, SCREW HIM, like ACTUALLY

Turn III

  • Be Nice to Franc for Barbecue, tell him everything (I think it improves your relationship with him by a lot)
  • Narbel trip, be nice to Serge but you don't have any PW left so you can't pay for his daughter's education (F)
  • Welfare meeting, agree with both Ciara and Paskal (their points are similar)
  • DO NOT BAN EITHER GROUPS (makes things worse)

Constitution Draft

This is REALLY important because that's like the whole point of the playthrough. Your constitution should look like this:
  • 2/3rds Veto Override (Do not remove veto completely, you WILL regret it)
  • Remove Supreme Court's Vote (automatic)
  • Assembly and Supreme Court Impeachment (gives you extra leeway if you get in trouble)
  • Confidence Vote for Ministers (freebie)
  • 3% Threshold (Ultra-reformist, duh)
  • Remove Decrees completely (also ultra-reformist)
  • Two-term Presidency (another freebie)
  • Judges Impeachable by Assembly (you want this to trial Soll and get rid of Hawker)
  • Abolish Member of Honor (same for this one)

Rest of Turn III

  • Business Council, say capitalist things and nice things
  • You can ignore Tusk, he's just there for another bribe
  • If you go with him, reject the bribe too
  • Fund ALL FOUR MINISTRIES (you can afford it, watch) [+1 GB-> -3 GB]
Situation at the end of Turn III. Looks bad, I know, but it will only go up from here.

Turn IV

  • Veto Worker's Rights Act (required for Underhall if you don't want to run into debt or cause massive PO loss)
  • Law Enforcement Budget, go for full Ministry of Justice because once again, screw Lileas
  • Agree to form ACP (crucial for your next moves)
  • Just agree with Monica's ranting about Sordland's crappy women's rights, and agree to let her do the speech over the misogynist (Curtan Leste)
  • Invest in Lorren (synchronizes well with L-1) [-3 GB -> -4 GB]
  • Tax System change, raise taxes on the rich, and stay the same for small and medium businesses (you need to do this or Trade War) [-4 GB -> -2 GB]
  • Workers' Strike on L-1, go back and re-sign the WRA else the project gets delayed (and yes, this is the Taurus exploit) [-2 GB -> -3 GB]
  • School Tour, disagree on how the Sollist school is run; agree with the girl (make your stance clear)
  • DO NOT TAKE DOWN THE SOLL PORTRAIT. You don't want to be seen as anti-Sollist that early.
  • Reform the education system, it will succeed and you want to slowly eradicate Soll's influence
  • Initiate privatization of schools to bring your budget back into the safe levels [-3 GB -> -2 GB]
  • Meeting with Gloria, treat her nicely but she will never support you, don't worry about it
  • Meeting with Albin, no issues, he will agree right away without the bribes
  • The Speech to the USP - don't target anyone, focus on the Party itself; just don't threaten them to vote yes, it's not very nice
End of Turn IV. Disaster Averted.

Turn V

  • Assuming that you followed my guide, you should be at -2 GB, and therefore safe from the Trade War event
  • Accept Arcasia Aid (extra budget is always nice) [-2 GB -> -1 GB]
  • Veto Religious Harmony Bill (duh) [-1 GB -> -1 GB]
  • At this point, Gus will inform you of the gains, and you'll earn 6 PW; more than enough for lobbying and later for Franc [0 PW -> 6 PW]
  • Private Party, I would suggest that you invest in the Vineyard to keep the PW you need for Franc later on [6 PW -> 5 PW]; the rest of the event doesn't affect much
  • Iosef will question your decision to let Arcasian planes in, don't worry about that
  • For the immigration one, keep immigration relaxed, ensures the better deal with Agnolia
  • Benfi - Do whatever you like EXCEPT kicking Curtan out, not a good look
  • Agree to let Monica enter politics (you can't stop her anyways and she will love you even more than ever)
  • ACP Targets - If you want to form your own party, direct it to the Oligarchs; if you want to stay in the USP, target the Old Guard
  • When Iosef brings up the Arcasia deal, tell him to ensure that Arcasia does not forget that they are in Sordland (probably pleases him more)
  • Modernize the Military (keeps the war victory option open)
  • Agnolia Trade Deal: Wave at the crowd, shake (or hug) Maartin, give him the sword (no puppies lol), get Agnolian vodka and don't mention the protests. Be respectful and turn down his first offer, then ask if there's no room for discussion and he will offer the Heijiland deal instead; accept the alliance next (don't worry about Valgsland, Lespia trade deal cancels them anyways) [-1 GB -> -1 GB]
  • Wehlen Trade Deal: Basically do whatever in the visit, and turn down Smolak's first offer - agree to the second offer
  • Assembly speech - Focus on yourself, don't target Soll or the Supreme Court, and don't refer to the USP to prevent antagonizing Ricter. Gloria will interrupt you, be respectful and disapprove of her action of disrupting your speech
  • ABSOLUTELY do not say Putting Soll on trial - instant fail if you do so
  • Address Kibener and Ricter - you can say anything tbh, but don't bring up the potential coalition with the PFJP for Ricter (at least not now)
End of Turn V. Still looks bad, but be patient - as they say: A Morgna Wes Core!

Turn VI

  • Remove conscription (duh), let Valken speak and respect him but don't revert the decision
  • Upgrade the Air Force (safest bet, Army is also acceptable if you're confident in getting 10 ED)
  • And now, the L-1 has been completed. Drive the train to Lachaven - to be fair, you can do whatever you want here, it doesn't affect much.
  • With both trade deals (I can't tell which is which) giving you two extra GB and two extra ED [-1 GB -> +1 GB]
  • First economic meeting report, don't skip the project discussion
  • Second Infrastructure Megaproject, go for either Benfi (to increase trade with Lespia) or Conriat (to increase production) [+1 GB -> -1 GB]
  • At the healthcare meeting with Paskal, don't privatize healthcare, unnecessary [-1 GB -> -1 GB]
  • Improve rural treatment, fixes the red modifier
  • Ricter will agree immediately, you can bring up the Arcasia deal, and say that you still support him after hearing this
  • Choose whoever to do the airport/industrial zone. It's the exact same. [-1 GB -> -2 GB]
  • At this point, Gus will inform you of the successful purchase of the Vineyard [5 PW -> 6 PW]
  • Education meeting with Ciara - New schools, improve quality of rural education (also fixes the red modifiers)
  • Creationism vs Evolutionism: Don't ban creationism but mandatory Evolutionism (you don't want to absolutely piss off the conservative voters)
  • Lobby Intensely, click the vast sum of money one (4 PW), CRUCIAL to getting your constitution passed [6 PW -> 2 PW]
End of Turn VI. The economy is coming back alive...

Turn VII

  • End Marcel's call as soon as possible, you don't need his help
  • Choose privatize the companies, CRUCIAL to getting extra budget
  • Be honest with Lucian about the phone call
  • As you don't care about the conservative votes in the assembly, just go bonkers with privatization - full SSC and Nedam Privatization (you can do Nedam only and it alienates less conservatives but also 1 GB less) [-2 GB -> +1 GB]
  • Reject Marcel and Tusk's bribes and tell them to fight for the shares on the market like everyone else
  • Veto the UELA (I mean OMFG, if you don't you are dumb)
  • The Constitution Vote at the Assembly - Go down the hall and at this point, Leke should approach you and confirm his support, don't bother Soll
  • If all goes well, you should pass the Constitution 179-72.
  • Accept the Coalition offer from Ricter (show that you're friendly lol)
  • Accept the Rumburg Whistleblower (why not)
  • Do whatever at movie premiere, you can even disrespect Soll and nothing will happen
  • Franc's Future - You have enough money to send him to Arcasia, do it [2 PW -> 0 PW]
  • Day of Descention event - Confess something, and do the ritual correctly: Touch the sceptre with the left, altar on the right; then kneel to the archpriest; then touch the sword with the right; sceptre to the archpriest and sword to a disciple. Mess it up and your PO definitely suffers.
  • Negotiations Meeting: At this point, Valgsland will despise you and you cannot negotiate with them, so just say yes to the Lespia trade deal talks.
  • At this point the ED will jump up massively, good job
  • The Edmonds meeting: Just look up the Neoseeker guide on how to do the talk. If something comes up which wasn't written on the guide, choose the most passive and neutral option. She will ask you about Arcasia and the threshold, pick the most neutral one. Remember: ORDER SALAD.
  • Don't bother with Heron. You already got enough votes to get the constitution passed.
  • Assuming my maths aren't faulty, you should pass the constitution 6-5. GG.
  • In the first meeting after the Supreme Court vote, do new plans and say BOTH that you will put Soll on Trial and replace Heron as Justice.
  • Might as well change the manifesto while you're at it. Don't worry, you can show your true colors now. Also announce that you will form the alliance with the PFJP.
  • Press down with either the Old Guard or the Oligarchs (depending on your choice) with the ACP. You want to get them later on.
  • National speech - Say whatever, you can reveal your true self now, but don't look like a Western simp. Sords don't like that.
End of Turn VII. Vectern Sis Da!


  • Be nice to Franc, and be sweet to Monica as well when Franc leaves for Arcasia.
  • Officially change the manifesto to liberalism.
  • Pick the most experienced judge. You NEED this to ensure Soll gets sent to prison.
  • Lespia will request 1 budget for Wehlen oil. Do it, that's the budget you saved from the Agnolia Good Deal. Ally with them. Also don't touch the teapot. [+1 GB -> 0 GB]
  • As for the entire Petr scandal...if you are not going to war, keep him. He comes in handy if you leave the USP for your own party. If you ARE going to war, shoulder the blame and pick anyone else as VP. Don't pick Clavin as VP though, because...well, you know (you can also force him to resign, but he will commit suicide)
  • Literally just agree on everything that Ciara and Monica says. Allow them to form the commission.
  • DO NOT TRANSFER THE GENDERMARIE. Because yet again, screw Lileas.
  • Sign the Equal Ability Bill (you need positive budget to get this), also free PO [+0 GB -> -1 GB]
  • Allow the mandatory vaccination program. It's a bit authoritarian, but necessary to protect Sordland and Paskal's job.
  • Medical Program - Go for eye tests or Dental care. You want that extra PO.
  • Sign the Less Smoke Bill if possible (I didn't get it on my tutorial run, you need to be at the negatives for this to happen) [0 GB -> +1 GB]
  • I have no idea what happened here, but your and increase your budget by 1 [-1 GB -> 0 GB]
  • Attend the Aschraf Anniversary WITHOUT the convoy, pick up a NORMAL candle (red candle is disturbing Aschraf's spirit according to the Bluds), light together and go for a unity theme.
  • DO NOT SAY FREE PEOPLE OF BLUDIA OR YOLLAK BLUDERAT. That makes you look like a Bludish simp and your PO will suffer.
  • Industrial Expansion - Electronics or Automobile if you're not going to war, military if you are going to war. This one is a cherry on top. [0 GB -> -2 GB]
End of Turn VIII. With Lespia, the Sordish Dream has begun!

Turn IX

  • Be nice to Franc again. Do the call first to prevent the first debt crisis trigger.
  • Sign the Womens' Liberation Act (about time) [-2 GB -> -4 GB]
  • Veto the Human Dignity Bill (bruh)
  • You should have a meeting with Mansoun Leke, and he will ask you to pass a bill that will free the Bluds basically. Do it, it's free.
  • Sign the Minority Right's Act (the bill I was talking about) [-4 GB -> -4 GB]
  • Sign the Alcohol Tax Act to get an extra modifier and to get to the safe zone [-4 GB -> -3 GB]
  • Sign the Luxury Tax Act (it's communist, but the Assembly will override your veto anyways because your GB looks bad) [-3 GB -> -1 GB]
  • Don't fund either youth group (pretty obvious) [-1 GB -> -1 GB]
  • Condemn Rumburg in the plane incident. Agree to the military parade.
  • If you are going to war, reject the invite. If you are not going to war, accept the invite.
  • Do an extravagant entry to welcome President Walker, and when he basically flirts the First Lady of the visiting country, interject.
  • Join the ATO if you got to this point.
  • When Monica comes back home happy and drunk, be as sweet to her as possible to be super wholesome, and then you can...get on it with her in bed.
  • You can go talk to Alphonso, but DO NOT INTRODUCE FALSE EVIDENCE against Soll. He'll be deemed guilty and sent to life in prison.
  • If you vetoed Luxury Tax Act, the Assembly will force-pass it here, meaning that the final budget will rise to -1 with full 10 ED. Congratulations. [-3 GB -> -1 GB] (if you vetoed it initially)
  • At the Anrica Rally event (if you went for the Old Guard), Lucian will reveal that the Old Guard orchestrated Circas' murder AND HSU Archives fire. Start a mass purge against the Old Guard, and obviously arrest Lileas. (If you went for the Oligarchs), Lucian will reveal that Tusk has been funding Rumburg. Get him.
  • As for the actual Anrica Rally, just say whatever.
  • You will get one more budget from ATO and end with exactly zero GB. You can enact one of Symon's plans if you want to. [-1 GB -> 0 GB -> -3 GB?]
  • Be passive-aggressive when Sacker asks you about the Wehlen thing.
  • If you went for the Oligarchs, Lileas will officially challenge you here. If you went for the Old Guard, Lileas will be in prison and you meet her at Antel.
  • Have fun at the military parade.
Turn IX. Bye bye Lileas, as the Real Morning is on the Horizon!

Turn X

  • Alliance of Nations, react to anything. It doesn't matter even if you go to war.
  • For the actual speech, reveal Rumburg nukes, weapons and admit OBT was a mistake.
  • Deivid will retire after this. No matter what you do, he will retire, so don't worry about it.
  • The final dinner scene can see you retire or stay. You can do either, to be honest.
  • If you went for the Oligarchs, you WILL lose to Lileas. Tell your VP that you will form your own party, and if it's Petr, he will follow you.
  • Your next speech will see your official declaration of defection. Say whatever, you can even trash the USP.
  • The Presidential Debate will happen afterwards, and obviously side with Ricter and Leke's points. You can do a bit of funny with the space thing.
  • The Final Speech. Just say anything as well, and invite Monica and Petr to the stage.
Your final screen. A Morgna Her Coren!!!


  • You easily win the 1957 election, in or not in the USP. CSP, WPB and BFP will all make it into the Assembly. This is exactly what you want, good job.
  • Promise the new amendments, and on inauguration day, hold Monica's hand.
  • And here are the final results.
Here are a few notes about how to deal with other situations.
  • If you get protests, do NOT sign the Security Act, negotiate with the protesters and sign the Freedom Act instead.
  • If you are going to war, wait for Beatrice to declare war on you, and then call in your allies. Do Pincer and straight to Thornborough, with Lespia covering your flanks while Wehlen go in the East if possible. Agnolia can attack Dome. Rumburg will definitely lose no matter what.
And that's it! That is your full guide on how to be the Liberal Revolutionary, and be the most wholesome President ever. A Morgna Her Coren! Greci Sordland!
submitted by AwesomePBST to suzerain [link] [comments]

2023.04.04 23:12 Hot-Engineering-8426 Clomid 50MG + Ovulation

Hello my support group, I have been ‘resting’ from IVF Stims and medication since my last (3rd cycle) ER in mid November. Since January 2023, we’ve been tracking Basal temp, testing ovulation starting day 7 until my highest peak which is typically around the 14-16 day of cycle. This month, I decided to reach out to my IVF doc, they were able to prescribe me 50MG of clomid to take for 5 days. Side effects have been bad. I’ve taken Clomid previously with my cycle 2 and 3 so didn’t think it would be crazy without Stims. Anyhow, I’m on my day 14 today. Usually I see a blinking smiley but it was a circle. Does clomid delay ovulation or give longer ovulation days? I’m just confused and want to know how things worked for everyone else. What did you guys do to track your progesterone levels at home?
FYI: we are doing unmonitored clomid cycle. So no ultrasounds and blood work. I’m tired of the wand poking me since 2021 so I was okay with knowing my follicle count. Also nurse disclosed possibility and risk of multiples which honestly at this age (36) and circumstance it would be a blessing!
submitted by Hot-Engineering-8426 to IVF [link] [comments]

2022.11.08 03:03 Careful-Vegetable373 My clinic won't wash ICI sperm for IUI. Is that normal?

Hi! I'm 27 (cis lesbian) and currently TTC. I have had 4 unsuccessful at-home ICI cycles and have decided to move on to medicated IUI. I am working with a clinic and have had a couple of appointments with them. I do not love my clinic but they are affordable and in my area--and I cannot really travel monthly for IUI for who knows how long. I am lucky to have other clinics available if I do choose to switch.
I am trying to get a vial of sperm from the bank to the clinic, and at the last minute the clinic called and said, hey, sorry, but you need to get IUI-ready sperm, we can't wash ICI-ready sperm. I'd be willing to buy an IUI vial if the donor had one available, but he doesn't. So, the clinic gave me the choice: a) switch donors, or b) switch sperm banks (and therefore donors). However I have already had to switch donors once because of limited vial availability. I am not willing to sell back all 4 vials of sperm from this donor, I would lose about $1000 (which is more than I've spent with this clinic) and need to pick a donor I like less. I would also need to make the decision in the next 24 hours, and I feel that is not enough time to choose a donor. The clinic does not seem to see why this would be a problem for someone.
So, I declined to switch donors and stated I will just do home ICI this cycle again. I am already on Clomid so this will be a medicated cycle. I am frustrated because to my knowledge, there is no difference between washing thawed sperm and washing fresh sperm, which the clinic does every day (for straight couples....). I could be mistaken but it feels like the clinic is being difficult on purpose. I am considering trying to switch clinics, in part because I worry that if an IUI vial from my donor doesn't appear in the next 4 weeks, they may not agree to continue prescribing Clomid for subsequent cycles (should this one be unsuccessful). But going back to the drawing board will mean delays and additional costs for the consultation and initial appointments.
So, it is typical for clinics to be unable or unwilling to prepare ICI-ready sperm for IUI? Can I get a vibe check on this experience?
submitted by Careful-Vegetable373 to queerception [link] [comments]