Medicine for chest pain in right hand side


2011.12.20 04:32 Novelty_free Residency

The sub is currently going dark based on a vote by users. The sub will be back up tomorrow night. Welcome to the Residency subreddit, a community of interns and residents who are just trying to make it through training! This is a subreddit specifically for interns and residents to get together and discuss issues concerning their training and medicine/surgery.

2014.12.18 05:54 phizrine Hero Forge Miniatures

A collection of Hero Forge miniatures and news concerning the Hero Forge website.

2012.08.05 00:23 koolkao Anesthesiology: Keeping Patients Safe, Asleep, and Comfortable

Anesthesiology: Keeping Patients Safe, Asleep, and Comfortable. Subreddit for the medical specialty dedicated to perioperative medicine, pain management, and critical care medicine.

2024.06.10 01:05 HaxRus PSA for people living in the Whyte Ave area who use the shortcut through the train yard by MKT- They are giving out $600 fines to people crossing through (the already existing holes) now.

PSA for people living in the Whyte Ave area who use the shortcut through the train yard by MKT- They are giving out $600 fines to people crossing through (the already existing holes) now.
So there is (or was) an incredibly useful shortcut that has existed through the massive old train yard that divides the areas south of Whyte ave in half. It’s been there and easily accessible since long before I lived here so at least 5-6 years. It was essentially just two big holes in the fence along the most narrow point in the yard (circled in the image above) that led from the MKT parking lot to the other side of the train yard and through to 102 St, thereby eliminating the need to walk all the way around the entire block just to get back into that neighbourhood from the grocery shops on the other side of Gateway. The whole area is super pedestrian heavy and basically everyone I know in the neighborhood knows about it and uses it.
I’m not going to get into the ethics of right and wrong here, it’s technically private property that the shortcut leads through and someone at some point is vandalizing the fences to make the path in the first place, but it had existed for years without any issues and now suddenly they are aggressively closing it up and guarding it…. which is how I know they are now stationed in there and handing out $600 fines to anyone who as much as pops in without even a warning first, which to me is downright ludicrous.
Now I know this might catch some flak online, but I will go as far as to admit that I actually think some cops are cool and good at their jobs and making appropriate judgement calls based on situational context. I’ve dealt with them plenty in my line of work (nightlife) and as long as you treat them with mutual respect they tend to be alright overall… And yet, unfortunately I seem to have crossed paths with one who is the very polar opposite of that skill set, which is most likely why he got stuck on shortcut patrol in the first place.
So in summary, the cop stationed there is an asshole, don’t use that path, it’s not worth it. $600 is absolutely insane so I will personally be fighting it, especially since he didn’t even bother to give me any sort of kindly warning or any single other shred of good faith, just immediately pounced and gave me some line about cleanup costs, and I don’t want anyone else to suffer the same mistake.
Oh, and the icing on the cake? He still let me go out through the other side of the shortcut after hitting me with the nice $600 fine.
submitted by HaxRus to Edmonton [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:05 potsandpan21 My aunt's shotgun wedding was PURE CHAOS

In honor of my parents' upcoming 24th anniversary and my aunt's 6th I am going to share the chaos we all experienced 6 years ago today.
To start off, I will say that my aunt is not known for making good decisions or having good judgement. She gets herself into sticky situations and then relies on my mom (her older sister) or my grandma to rescue her.
About 7 years ago, after a disastrous engagement that ended explosively, my aunt started dating a new guy. We'll call him A and my aunt M. They dated for about three months before my aunt got pregnant. She was in her mid-40s at the time, so it was definitely unexpected. A wasn't super happy (I'll touch on why later), but he stepped up and accepted that he was going to be a dad. They moved in together and M said she wanted to get married.
A is an elementary school principal and M worked for a small non-profit, so neither of them were making much money. But A bought a ring and proposed and they were making things work. Then M decided to officially introduce A to the rest of the family.
We all had dinner at my grandma's house and it was super awkward. A is a loud, blunt guy who says what's on his mind, and he wasn't fond of us. My aunt later explained to my mom and grandma why.
A's parents died when he was in his early teens and he and his sister lived with his aunt afterwards. She wasn't a good guardian and he was pretty miserable. His sister was also a disaster in her own right and he was ready to get away from them all. Now, my grandma raised my mom and aunt as a single mom since my mom was 9 and my aunt was 5(?) (I don't remember how much older my mom is... oops!) My great grandma and great aunt were closely involved too, and the five of them were all super close, and still are. (RIP Great Grandma). Apparently, A was jealous and resentful of how close M was with her family and he didn't want us in their future kids' life because it was unfair.
A didn't outright ban M from seeing us but he was very vocal in his displeasure. As you can imagine, this caused a lot of fights. But they went ahead with the wedding.
They decided to get married on the beach in our town. M is Jewish, so she rented a chuppah (this is important later). She booked a few hotel rooms at a beachside hotel so she had a place to get ready and so my grandpa and his partner (who were flying in from across the country), had a place to stay. My grandpa's partner can't walk very well so a room near the wedding spot was requested by my grandpa. (Yes, they could have just been driven there and dropped off. My grandpa just didn't think of it I guess.)
My mom's contribution to the wedding was to buy my aunt her bouquet, and to surprise her by flying in her best friend from college (who lives in Kazakhstan). Part 2 of the surprise went great. Part 1 did not.
And so, we get to the fun part of the story. (Note: my aunt is 6 months pregnant at the time of the wedding.)
The wedding is supposed to start just before sunset. We arrive, we go to the spot on the beach, we say "hi" to A, and we wait for things to start. My aunt's best friend (she can be known as K) surprised her in her hotel room as she was getting ready. They had a sweet reunion and then it was K's job to come out and let us know that M was about to come out.
So, K comes out to the beach. The music starts. Good. Great. There's just one problem. The officiant has disappeared.
The officiant, who was A's close friend, apparently had a really bad fungal infection on his foot and the sand was bothering him (and because it was a beach wedding, A and M wanted everyone to be barefoot). My dad and I went searching and we found him washing his foot in the sink in a bathroom block. Super gross. Since we were in a tourist-y area, there were several stores. So my dad ran to one and bought some overpriced tennis shoes for the officiant.
Okay. Problem solved. We go back to the beach. It's getting windy now, and my grandma is worried about the chuppah. So my mom, dad and brother go to hold it in place. But with the wind comes the smell of weed. While we were tracking down the officiant, A's sister has gotten tired of waiting and decided to smoke a joint.
K starts arguing with her and it gets heated. Meanwhile, my great aunt, who has leg and back issues, is starting to get tired and sore from standing for so long. My grandma is about to go find out where M is (because she was supposed to come out ages ago at this point). But finally, we see her come out.
She makes it about halfway to us before she realizes she forgot her bouquet. For some reason, whether it be pregnancy hormones or stress or just sheer emotion, she bursts into tears and refuses to continue walking. K sprints back to the hotel room to get it, hands it to her, unpauses the wedding march music, and things start moving again.
K has a weird look on her face at this point, but we figure "hey, we're all miserable now. don't judge her", so no one says anything. My aunt FINALLY gets to A, under the chuppah (which is still being held in place by the rest of my immediate family), and the ceremony begins. It's basically nighttime now, but luckily, the ceremony and the vows were short.
There is actually a lot more chaos, but this is already super long, so I will try to wrap it up. There are rules about being on the beach at night, which we wouldn't have had to deal with if things had happened in a timely fashion, but because they didn't, we did. As the officiant says "you may kiss the bride", a sheriff comes up to us. My mom steps away from the chuppah to explain the situation and he was actually very understanding. He told us we had 30 minutes to wrap up and was about to walk away as my mom and grandma thanked him profusely. But then he sees the joint in the sand.
In my state, marijuana is legal. Littering is not. And A's sister reeks of weed. So she starts getting a citation... and then the canopy on the chuppah blows away. We're all so exhausted that A just sighs and says "leave it". So we take the chuppah structure down and load it into my family's ancient pickup truck. A is trying to wrangle his sister now, who is furious about the citation. And my great aunt, who has those leg and back issues? She is now in extreme pain and we actually needed the sheriff's help to get her to the car.
So we get into our cars and start driving to the restaurant. Nobody wants to go, but we paid for it, so my grandma insisted. I, however, am autistic. And lucky little me was so close to a meltdown that my dad took me home.
Remember when I said K had a weird look on her face after fetching the bouquet? It was because she sprained her ankle running in the sand. And when she got out of the car at the restaurant, it buckled and she fell. She managed to hobble inside though.
Apparently the dinner went smoothly, but it did end with my grandpa having explosive diarrhea in the bathroom. And I honestly think that summed up the whole experience pretty well.
M and A are still married and have two sons. They still fight all the time and A only sees us when he has to, but they are both in therapy and my cousins are happy kids.
Sorry for the length of this, but if you read it, I hope you enjoyed the ride. It's still our family's best disaster story and I sincerely hope nothing beats it... for many reasons.
submitted by potsandpan21 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:02 kaleviko [All] This is here

In P17, Mr C magically materialised in the Twin Peaks Sheriff's station parking lot. Andy was first to spot him, thinking Agent Cooper had returned.
Andy: "Everyone's gonna be so happy to see you!"
Andy also pointed out he had a picnic basket, in case we thought it didn't matter.
Andy: "I was just taking this picnic basket in."
Mr C went in to have a chat with Sheriff Truman. Even if Andy stayed behind in the reception with Lucy, next he and his basket were in the Sheriff's office, helping Mr C to get a seat for himself. Then he rushed away, still excited that Cooper was back.
Andy: "I'm going to go tell Hawk you're here!"
What happened then was not clear. Andy's basket was not seen again. He didn't appear to have gone to see Hawk either as it was only later when a gun was fired that Hawk rushed to the scene. It looked as if this Andy just ran out of the story, jumping somewhere else, like Mr C had magically jumped into it. The Andy that we saw next may have been somebody else - unless then he was the same Andy, having spent some time elsewhere before thrown back to the station, now fully alerted to what was going on.
So what happened to Andy and his picnic basket?
When you jump, it can all be different, including your picnic basket.
Much earlier in P3, Andy and Lucy were in the station's conference room looking for "something" that was missing. Hawk came in carrying another kind of basket, an RR Diner coffee cup box. They had trouble figuring out what Hawk expected them to find. Andy spread his hands over the piles of folders and other stuff they had gathered on the table.
Andy: "This ... is here."
The gesture he made would have been meaningless if it wasn't the same that Cole asked Tammy to do with her hands in P7. As she spread her fingers out, Cole assigned a meaning for each of them.
Cole: "I'm very, very happy to see you again, old friend."
These two scenes also shared a red letter X, one in the EXIT sign next to Cole and another on the carton box next to Andy.
Is the old friend you are talking about in the room with us right now?
As usual, Lynch appears to have again taken things to the dreamlike absurd extreme. If the purpose was to indicate that when Andy made the same gesture, he also delivered the same message to Hawk, the scene in the conference probably was in continuation of Andy leaving the Sheriff's office with the basket in P17, whatever then caused such an abrupt jump in his story. Andy would not only have told Hawk that he was happy to have seen their old friend again - presumed to be Agent Cooper - but that this old friend was now right there and then, not just in the station but on the conference room table.
It's knot about the bunny, and probably about its basket and tie as well.
In line with this idea and suspected abstractions, Andy's disappearing picnic basket probably was to be found in the cover of the chocolate box, held both hands by the bunny. This would be followed by another throwback to the later showdown when Hawk appeared to understand what the message really was about.
Hawk: "It's not about the bunny."
This should apparently be heard a bit differently.
Hawk: "It's knot about the bunny."
There was a knot in the bowtie that the basket-holding bunny had around its neck. A bowtie can also be called as just a bow which takes us to another kind of bow, the weapon that Native American archers used to propel arrows at invading colonizers. That connected the bunny to Hawk's heritage, just like the Log Lady told him the missing "something" would.
Reflecting this back to Mr C in P17, when Mr C was shot by Lucy, Hawk rushed to the scene.
Hawk: "But that is Agent Cooper!" Sheriff Truman: "No ... it's not."
Again, we may have needed to hear the Sheriff differently.
Sheriff Truman: "No ... it's knot."
The knot and the bowtie.
That this was the intended approach was suggested a bit earlier when Mr C walked in to the station's reception. Andy turned towards him.
Andy: "Lucy, look who's here!"
On the other side of Mr C, visible through the glass doors and also in the line of Andy's sight, there was a quick glimpse of a white 2015 Chevrolet Trax parked in front of the station. Famously, Chevrolet's logo is a bowtie, thus connecting the knot and the bow again, like the bunny did. As a reminder that this wasn't to be missed, Cole arrived to the scene with another kind of Chevrolet the bowtie of which was pushed at the camera at 30:02.
Chevrolet Trax made space for a basket case.
If we pondered whether this really was something to pay attention to, the same Chevrolet Trax made a more pronounced appearance a few episodes earlier in P15 when it left the RR Diner just as Ed arrived there. Ed was dressed in a plaid shirt that had the same colors and very similar pattern as Andy's picnic box. Ed was excited about his freedom, but something wasn't right, and Norma looked at him with friendly pity, as if he was a bit of a basket case.
We got a further suggestion what to do with all this abstract strangeness when Cooper rushed to the scene and placed the green ring on the lifeless doppelganger's left hand ring finger. That is often regarded as the finger for the wedding ring.
Tying the knot.
If you marry someone, you tie the knot. There was a quite literal performance of this in P15 when furious Audrey tied her hands around her mystery husband Charlie's neck, after feeling she was "knot me" in P14. Here then, Cooper would have used the green ring to tie the "knot", causing the doppelganger and the green ring to disappear. But only the ring fell on the Black Lodge floor, leaving it for us to figure out what really happened to the doppelganger when the knot got tied.
She gave the basket to Mr Toad ...
Elsewhere in P5, basket-carrying Rebecca "Becky" Burnett was asking money from her mother Shelly while Norma watched on, playing with her bow - the rim of her eyeglasses - that between the cuts suggestively jumped here and there on the table. When Steven and Becky drove away, there was a subtle play with her green eyes that connected her to the knot of Cooper's tie, seen last in P6 on the Jones's table among piles of folders that reminded us of the piles on the Sheriff station's conference room table surrounding the bunny with another kind of tie.
In line with these connections, the name Rebecca means "to tie", here in likely further reference to her having tied the knot and married Steven.
... and the Country Squire gave it then to Andy.
There probably was another amusing play with contexts here. Becky left the basket with Toad, the diner's cook. The most famous toad is probably the one from The Wind in the Willows, Mr Toad, the squire who lived in a country house and was passionate about cars. This takes us back to Andy and his picnic basket that he took from the trunk of his 1979 Ford Country Squire, parked right next to that white Chevrolet Trax, these two cars now suggested to be abstractions of Becky and Toad and thus Andy's basket the same that Becky had, whatever that would then mean.
Steven was introduced in P5. The scene started with an exterior establishment shot that featured a large Chevrolet signboard, equipped with its bowtie logo. Mike asked to send Steven in. In the reception, Steven was sitting close to the glass doors through which we could see the same Chevrolet bowtie in the distance. As he walked in and sat down, the bowtie remained right next to his head.
This is a tight knot to open.
Comparing the scene to the Sheriff station's reception when Mr C walked in while another Chevrolet was visible through the glass doors, they also shared a lifesize duck figurine and a man carrying a large case. As a further reminder to think about the tie, when Steven left in anger, he was tearing his tie off.
As it seems, mindless Black Lodge doppelgangers needed someone to possess them before they got anything meaningful done. Here, we got good hints that the "knot" coming to the station as Cooper's doppelganger was actually Steven, the knot Becky had tied, the problem to solve.
Figuring out what this might mean, it is something to think about that both Mike and the Sheriff's office had two deer heads mounted on adjacent walls. The round, black top of the chair on which Steven sat was framed so that it resembled the round black mould that held BOB's head inside.
submitted by kaleviko to twinpeaks [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:02 notouchmygnocchi Prison School Ending Retrospective Analysis

The first half was masterful, so much intricately connected storytelling and humor.
Unfortunately, by the last ~100 chapters (after Mari breaks out before the the sports festival arc), the author had not put as much thought into it (the art stayed great though).
(He was doing ~60 pages/month for 7 years without break. You can't expect anywhere near the entire thing to already be planned out, and without much time for anything but drawing detailed art, of course the story would suffer) (He also concurrently did a few chapters of that other music manga of his during the last ~2 years)
The main plot points themselves were fine in theory, but how it was done, with so much filler, contrivances, and pointless side stories, so much poor characterization, flipflopping, so little connection with anything that happened before... it essentially just wastes your time for almost the entire last half the series, devolving into frayed storylines that mostly go nowhere.
Hana x Kiyoshi: People say that Kiyoshi got his just reward by losing Chiyo for lying and being a pervert with Hana, but:
his 'perversions' are just typical heterosexual guy stuff (breasts, butts, wet T-shirts, holding hands, kissing), all the pee-fetish stuff was explicitly not his interest, forced on him, kicking and screaming, at knife-point by homicidal Hana. Hana (sexually) assaulted him so many times, such as by pulling down his pants the first time and while he was giving up his dignity to help Mari (on top of the second time in front of Chiyo, bullying him by destroying his chances with Chiyo, and let's be real, he'd unalive himself again after that since Chiyo was the only thing stopping him and this scenario where she wants him to die was exactly what drove him to just days before). The kinkshaming narrative people (and the author) try to apply to him is laughable.
Hana is a sadistic sociopath who got a teehee character 180. There's no accepting that as a valid relationship foundation for a Hana x Kiyoshi while writing off the one with Chiyo he never had a chance to pursue, let alone by justifying it with how he's not a perfect chaste monk. Kiyoshi was entirely single, he was not dating Chiyo. He was under no obligation towards her or Hana, him having a sexual history is not a valid issue. It's like watching a rape victim get bullied and victim blamed by their rapists. Hana admits to sexually assaulting Kiyoshi under threat of murder-suicide, while Chiyo's all: "Oh, that's ok, Kiyoshi, I'm just so understanding, I forgive you for having a sexual history with other women when we aren't even dating. But Stockholm crossdressing with your abuser and getting RKO'd by her while she strips you when you really needed to go pee is too far, boys are bad."
His main lie was about not being part of the boys spying on the girls' locker room (entirely unaddressed in the plot as it was unknown to Chiyo to the end). Chiyo admits she was aware that he exaggerated about liking sumo as an excuse to hang out with her, taking interest in things she likes (as any good partner should), it doesn't even count, that eraser was really his, his grandma really told him all about sumo, and he told her the truth about it the moment she asked in the end.
The only lie he got punished for was wearing Hana's panties to a confession to Chiyo. Him choosing to wear Hana's panties, the girl he turned down and sees as a sister, who sexually assaults him, broke his arm, etc., despite the fact that he's going to confess to his actual crush at a party by the water where they'll definitely go swimming and so would've obviously worn a swimsuit... It's all way too poorly written and literally relies on Kiyoshi's "I'm literally too stupid to think right now" so the contrived plot can happen. It's a stupid nonsense gag which is entirely fine for gag comedy scenes, but it should not be central to the crux of affecting actual plot points let alone the climax of the ending.
Mari did not let her misandry hang ups go in the end. She entirely abandoned all her promises to all the boys after everything they had sacrificed to help her and left to not have to deal with any of them with a final "I hate men" line utterly undoing her entire character development arc. She promised to treat the boys to a bbq party, she promised to celebrate with everyone after getting out, she promised to explain Kiyoshi's perverted actions to everyone and smooth things over with Chiyo, she was supposed to be there for her sister on her birthday instead of deliberately buying a ticket on a plane to leave without even going... her crows ceased to exist... etc. It's just bad writing.
Andre and Risa are just another instance of the the author kinkshaming by writing a narrative arc of Andre being "fixed" by randomly overcoming his fetish in order to achieve a romantic good ending. Go ahead and replace BDSM with homosexuality and tell me more about how great Andre's arc of half-assedly recovering from sexual deviancy is. (No wonder why Joe's BL character development arc was dropped forever when the author only treats BL as a running joke)
Practically all the other boys' and girls' PBR garbage, the chairman, Mari, Kate, Vice President, were all tossed away as pointless filler in the end.
All the interconnectivity and tons of the plot points were dropped for a bare bones ending: Joe's ants ceased to be a thing, the chairman's beahoney bs adventure and getting randomly arrested for no reason, Kiyoshi having essentially given his life to help these girls and then they all immediately don't care about him, the wet T-shirt party, Mitsuko's double lewd apocalypse that did barely anything and went nowhere, the pointless track race, the pointless shoulder wars, the pointless PBR idiocy, Mitsuko being into BL, Joe being into men, Andre being entirely into BDSM, Kate and Meiko chasing the president having any relevance, etc... it all just goes nowhere. Bad writing.
submitted by notouchmygnocchi to manga [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:01 ZachTheLitchKing [SerSun] Serial Sunday: Beauty!

Original Prompt

Chapter 30
Blood had a unique taste. Metallic, warm, and almost soothing. Not tasty, not good. Empowering. It was the taste of victory. Cass opened her jaws wide enough to encompass the scream solder's neck and-
"Cass?" A voice echoed through the air. The ground shook. The starry sky cracked open and light flooded her eyes, blinding her.
Cass sat up with a start. Charis was sitting on the edge of her bed, their hand on her shoulder. Long black curls framed their pretty face, eyes wide and brow furrowed with concern.
"What?" Cass asked breathlessly. She felt winded, like she'd just run several miles.
"You were tossing about and yelling in your sleep," they answered. "Anatu was concerned you were...turning." Their eyes glanced down to Cass's bandage-wrapped arm.
"No, no, I was just having a...bad dream." She tried to recall it but it had already slipped away. "I think."
"Do you have nightmares often?"
"I don't think so. But usually, I have enough wine on hand that I don't really dream." She laid back down and groaned. "I miss the army. There were enough wagons and wine to keep me plenty drunk during downtime."
Silence filled the air for a moment. Cass looked back at Charis, who was eyeing her arm again. She could read the curiosity on their face and unwrapped the bandage. Their eyes widened in surprise at the stark difference from when they'd seen it the night before. No stars and no deep void. Just ashy black skin like burnt wood.
"Have you ever changed in your sleep before?"
Cass shook her head. "So far it's only ever happened because I wanted to. Never been an accident or a surprise. Well, except the first time, but Helen walked me through it."
"The High Priestess was there for your first time?" Charis's question got a smirk and a chuckle out of her.
"For a few first times," she joked slyly, "but yeah she was the one who told me how to do it." Cass looked at her hand, carefully flexing the thin, bony fingers. "Back then it was only part of my hand. These three fingers." She held up her pinky, ring, and middle. "Every time I change, the curse spreads further up my arm."
She could feel the curly-haired Sammosan's gaze climb up her arm to the shoulder where several thin tendrils of the black skin spread like the roots of a tree, standing out against her natural tanned olive tones.
"It looks awful, I can't imagine how it feels."
"Actually, it's pretty nice." Cass clenched her fist and winced. "Well, not like this. During the day it hurts. But at night, or when I immerse myself in it entirely, it feels amazing. I feel...very powerful. Like I can do anything."
Charis raised an eyebrow and crossed their arms over their broad chest. "You say that like you aren't the most powerful person in Sammos."
A smile creased Cass's face and she chuckled. "I guess. But it's so much more than being strong. When I give into it, the curse bestows me with-"
Her tent flap opened up and Glaukos stuck his head in. "Hey! Love birds! Time to eat." He looked at Cass's arm. "You're gonna want to cover that up, the sun's real hot today."
Charis left with Glaukos and Cass got dressed, covering up against the evening sun. She shielded her eyes and went over to the fire where everyone had gathered. Maar, Nuu, and Anatu were sitting across from Mica and Kher, who were serving Iuven and Glaukos small platters of whatever Kher thought was best to start the day with this time. Cass got in line behind Charis, watching Mica balance several small wafers of bread on a wooden board with a bowl of green sauce.
"Dhourra cakes and zhoug. Let the bread soak in the sauce for a few minutes to soften," she explained, smacking one of the cakes against the iron pot. It was very hard bread.
"Takes more than a few minutes," Nuu grumbled, stirring the hard lumps of bread around in their bowl with a dull clatter. Their sister was nowhere to be seen, which was fine by Cass.
She picked up one of the dhourra cakes, dipped it in the zhoug, and bit into it. It was definitely harder than normal bread, but it didn't inhibit her.
"Sheemsh fine tchoo me," she said around the food before swallowing. "Want me to chew it up and feed you like a baby bird?"
This got a bunch of chuckles from everyone. A loud, almost braying cackle rose higher than the rest. Cass was more than surprised to see Anatu covering their mouth, almost doubled over. They glanced up from the ground and noticed all eyes were on them.
"Now that's a laugh," Glaukos muttered. Cass nudged him as Anatu got up, red-faced, and retreated to their tent.
"Hey, shut up."
"What? I didn't say anything mean. It's just..." he glanced over at their tent. "It sounded weird. Maybe Anatu's actually a demon trying to bamboozle us?" He grinned playfully but Cass didn't return it.
"Don't be a shit, Glaukos," Mica joined Cass in the argument. "People can't help how they laugh."
"You stared too!"
"Well yeah, I was surprised. Never heard Anatu laugh before, didn't think they knew how."
"I'm not crazy here, right?" Glaukos asked, looking around, "It sounded weird, right?"
"I don't know about that," Cass said, taking Anatu's seat by Nuu and Maar. "It was kind of...uh cute? Not cute. What's atfos pou empneei?"
"Endearing is the word you want," Charis answered.
"Yeah, that sounds right." Cass nodded. "Endearing. I'm glad they found something to smile about for a change." Knowing Anatu had a sense of humor gave Cass hope that she could get to know them better now.
"I'm glad they stopped making that freaky sound." Glaukos said, followed by a loud thunk and an "ouch!". Mica had thrown one of the cakes at him.
submitted by ZachTheLitchKing to TomesOfTheLitchKing [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:01 A215fiend Issued a citation outside officers jurisdiction?

Hope this finds everybody well.
This morning I was on my way to the gas station when I noticed an officer turning From a side street into the road I am traveling on so knowing that I had expired plates I got over into the far right lane and turned into an interstate here in Missouri. Once you hit the interstate this county line of the officer that pulled me over ends. However he was stuck behind a mini van. So I got about a half mile down the interstate and he flew up behind me and threw his lights on so I pulled over to the shoulder of the highway. We had passed a sign about a half mile back saying we are in a new county. So the officer approached my passenger side window and immediately asked for all my information which I provided and then asked the officer if we aren’t a bit out of his jurisdiction. He was immediately hostile and acted like j was in the wrong for asking. I asked to speak with a sergeant which he began to talk over me and say he’s not going to argue with me. I advised that I do not want to argue either I was just curious if we were in your jurisdiction. No answer. Walked back to his cruiser and about 10 mins later issued me 3 citations. I again asked him if we weren’t out of his jurisdiction and he asked what I did for a living to which I asked how that has any relevance. Ended up telling him I work in logistics and he pulls the “would you like if I came into your office and told you how to do your job” to which I replied no I wouldn’t but I am not a police officer. Again I wasn’t trying to be rude I just wanted him to admit that we were not in his jurisdiction. He hands me the tickets. I asked if his body cam was on and he confirmed it was.
As I got home I was looking at the ticket and he said we were pulled over on the main road that I turned off of to enter the interstate which is back in his jurisdiction but that is not where this took place nor is it where he initiated the stop. We were out of his jurisdiction before his lights came on.
So my question is. Does he have authority to pull me over in another jurisdiction for my expired tags? I would understand if I were speeding or if it was some sort of moving violation but it was not.
Honestly the plates are my fault and I have been meaning to update them. I very much support police officers and can admit when I have done something wrong. Which I had. Driving on the expired plates. I really wasn’t even trying to give the officer a hard time I just wanted my questions answered. I’m just not so sure he has any legal authority to do what he did and would obviously like to be able to use that as a defense to get the tickets tossed.
Again this happened in the state of Missouri.
I would appreciate any input!
submitted by A215fiend to Ask_Lawyers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 A215fiend [MO] issued a citation outside officers jurisdiction?

Hope this finds everybody well.
This morning I was on my way to the gas station when I noticed an officer turning From a side street into the road I am traveling on so knowing that I had expired plates I got over into the far right lane and turned into an interstate here in Missouri. Once you hit the interstate this county line of the officer that pulled me over ends. However he was stuck behind a mini van. So I got about a half mile down the interstate and he flew up behind me and threw his lights on so I pulled over to the shoulder of the highway. We had passed a sign about a half mile back saying we are in a new county. So the officer approached my passenger side window and immediately asked for all my information which I provided and then asked the officer if we aren’t a bit out of his jurisdiction. He was immediately hostile and acted like j was in the wrong for asking. I asked to speak with a sergeant which he began to talk over me and say he’s not going to argue with me. I advised that I do not want to argue either I was just curious if we were in your jurisdiction. No answer. Walked back to his cruiser and about 10 mins later issued me 3 citations. I again asked him if we weren’t out of his jurisdiction and he asked what I did for a living to which I asked how that has any relevance. Ended up telling him I work in logistics and he pulls the “would you like if I came into your office and told you how to do your job” to which I replied no I wouldn’t but I am not a police officer. Again I wasn’t trying to be rude I just wanted him to admit that we were not in his jurisdiction. He hands me the tickets. I asked if his body cam was on and he confirmed it was.
As I got home I was looking at the ticket and he said we were pulled over on the main road that I turned off of to enter the interstate which is back in his jurisdiction but that is not where this took place nor is it where he initiated the stop. We were out of his jurisdiction before his lights came on.
So my question is. Does he have authority to pull me over in another jurisdiction for my expired tags? I would understand if I were speeding or if it was some sort of moving violation but it was not.
Honestly the plates are my fault and I have been meaning to update them. I very much support police officers and can admit when I have done something wrong. Which I had. Driving on the expired plates. I really wasn’t even trying to give the officer a hard time I just wanted my questions answered. I’m just not so sure he has any legal authority to do what he did and would obviously like to be able to use that as a defense to get the tickets tossed.
Again this happened in the state of Missouri.
I would appreciate any input!
submitted by A215fiend to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:00 yellow_chocolatecake I can't get over my disaster of a sweet 16, and it's been 6 months

My birthday is in october, but due to scheduling issues with family, my sweet 16 ended up happening mid-late november. I'm homeschooled and my parents dont like throwing parties, and I had to beg them for MONTHS to allow me to have a sweet 16 because for stupid reasons I cant remember at the moment, they didn't want to. So after weeks of pulling the "But [older sister's name] got one, so why can't i?" card, they finally gave in.
It was expected to be super big, and I even got my family from different states to come dow, which was a big deal because they never come down for anything. I invited all my friends, even ones I had a bit of a falling out with, but we're cool now, just not close like before. I'm homeschooled, so all of us are a bit awkward with each other irl despite meeting a few times.
The setup was amazing and me and my favorite cousins mapped out and strategized the best place to sit the night before, so we were all prepared. I gave them heads up on each of my friends and what to expect from them so that they dont worry. But even with all this, I was a nervous wreck.
I have selective mutism, which is a severe social anxiety disorder I was diagnosed with when i was in preschool, but have gotten a bit better over the years but it still affects me to this day. So I was feeling very overwhelmed but excited at the same time. I kept thinking "What if my family doesnt like my friends?" "What if my friends dont like my family?" "What if something goes wrong and drama starts?"
When the party started and my friends arrived, thats when it started going downhill. The things i worried about never came true though, I'll give it that. But things that didn't even occur to me, however, did happen. For example, I expected my friends to come sit with me at my table. None of them did. 8 of my friends sat at another table (I invited 9) and the only one who did sit with me was my best friend, who was the last one to arrive. And that was because I didnt even give her the chance to go over to the others' table, and plopped her right down at mine. Also, the friend who arrived before her, I offered her to sit at my table but she ended up going to the others'. (also forgot to mention, but some days after the party my bsf told me that they were inviting her to sit with them, but she declined. My friends never invited me though)
During the party, my table was the only one that wasnt full. That doesnt sound that big of a deal, but I have a past of people abandoning me and purposely leaving me out and developed FOMO because of it, so it was really triggering me.
I normally don't express my emotions, and I've gotten quite good at keeping a stoic look on my face, so much to the point where everyone thinks I'm "emo" (i have an RBF), but at the party, I allowed myself to show my sadness so my cousins could see it. I know that sounds pick-me, but I wanted them to see how it affected me without having to say it. They caught on too.
At some point in the party, speeches started. My aunt grabbed the mic and went to my family members to give a speech. It was okay, as I had asked this for my party a few months prior. However, it was going on for so long and what I thought would be like 3-4 family members turned into closer to 20. I became so embarrassed and I made sure to show my facial expressions to my cousins, while also trying my best to smile so I didn't look mean.
When the speeches were over, I felt a sense of relief. Until my aunt grabbed the mic and announced a "special dance" to take place. I immediately knew what was about to go down as she called up my dad and announced for a surprise father-daughter dance. I turned to my cousins and gave them a pleading look as my dad came over to my seat, but I knew they couldn't do anything. And they knew it too. I felt like I was gonna have a full breakdown in the moment. I was so embarrassed and helpless.
I know I sound bratty, but I don't like being the center of attention unless asked for it. That's why I told my mom that one thing I do NOT EVER want is a surprise party. I also hate dancing in front of other people, as I know I'm bad at it. So this was a nightmare. We made it to the dance floor and I turned my stoic phase back on to shield the tears I could feel coming if I didnt.
My memory of the dance is quite foggy, I wonder if my subconscious did that on purpose because it was too painful for me, but I do remember at one point my dad pulled me close and for a second, I felt comfortable and calm. That was until I remembered all eyes are on me, and I pushed away without thinking.
After the dance was over my dad made his way back to his seat and I stood there like stone. Idk why, but when I'm overwhelmed with emotion I freeze. It's almost like if I move, it makes the moment too real. And so I stay frozen. I knew I couldn't stay there for long though bc that would be awkward.
My aunt came over and asked if I was glad she kept it short, because my other aunt wanted it to be a long dance but she said no. I didn't respond. She also asked if I needed anything, and I told her I needed to go to the bathroom and asked if she could go get my mom. I really needed her in that moment. She sat me at a nearby chair and I didnt want my friends to see me sad, because then they'd come over and try to comfort me. And I didnt want that. So I went for a sort of bored look so they wouldnt be concerned.
My mom came over a few minutes later and walked me to the door, then two of my cousins ran over and asked what happened. I told them I'm fine, but it wasn't convincing because my eyes started welling up with tears despite the smile on my face. My mom impatiently assured them that I was fine and led me out the door. We went into the hallway and hid behind a wall. My mom checked if anyone could see us, then she turned to me and started scolding me. She asked me why I was crying, but not in a worried way, in an irritated way. I was trying to tell her that it was all so overwhelming, to which she replied "Well it's over now!" all mad. she scolded me for about 5-10 minutes I believe, which felt long in the moment. When I was finally done crying she took me to the bathroom to clean myself up. My mom then told me that when we go out, if she looks over at me during the party and I'm not smiling, I'm gonna get it.
As we were leaving the bathroom, one of my friends (we'll call her P) happened to be entering the bathroom and asked if I was okay. Remembering what my mom said, I smiled and told her I was alright. When I made it back to my table, one of the two cousins from earlier asked if I was okay, and I smiled and said yes. I could tell she didn't believe me but she didn't press any further.
The rest of the party my parents told me to go be with my friends, but I didn't want to because I felt that they didn't want me there anyway. Still, I did what I could to be near them. Pulling up a chair, standing by them and asked how they were doing, but I could tell they weren't all that interested. I looked clingy. And I have a thing where if someone doesn't want me around, I'll avoid them because I know what its like to have someone bothering you after you made it clear you want them to go away.
Towards the end of the party, my friends wanted to go to the nearby park, and my best friend came over to tell me, and said she wanted to wait for me and the others already left. I told her that I cant go, because I would be ditching my own party, and she understood. The others still left though. That wasnt that big of a deal, but it still left a bitter taste in my mouth.
And the last bad that that happened at my party was when I was playing hot-hands with my cousin and we were standing right next to my friends. All of a sudden, I noticed in my peripheral vision that my friends were gone. I looked around, assuming they all had to leave and forgot to say goodbye, when I spotted the. All 9 of them at the photobooth. and they were taking a group picture without me. My cousin noticed my sudden change in expression, and looked where I was looking. I watched as they all took their group photo smiling and happy without me. I changed back to stoic as I saw them finish up and my best friend walked back towards me. the rest of the night was a blur, but next thing I know, I'm standing outside as everyone starts leaving and I watch my friends head to their car. I yell out a goodbye, but none turn back to me. I make a joke to one of my cousins saying "wowww they dont even say bye to me? such fake friends!" (i was joking though, not serious).
I was riding home with my cousin, but her parents were helping take everything down, leaving only me and her in the car. I started crying and bawling my eyes out in the car. Then when I got home I was crying in the shower. I know that on paper, my (bitter)sweet 16 wasnt that bad. The party itself was amazing (except one of my friends later calling it "thrifty" and made a comment on how the DJ sucked... my aunt was the DJ), and I know everyone had so much fun, but for some reason its been 6 months and I still cant get over it. especially since the day after the party, I woke up with swollen eyes and a headache from crying all night. The cherry on top was my parents scolding me for hours about how I ruined my own party and humiliated them, and i made thousands of dollars go to waste.
I dont know what to do or why Im so hung up on this event. Im suffering from maladaptive daydreaming bc every single day I daydream about the party going differently. And secretly, I've lost so much trust in my friends over this stupid party, and hold a bit of a grudge over them for it. My friend who didnt attend the party told me how unhealthy it is that im still moping over it, and he says my party just sounded like an average family reunion. And said that if the party happened last week or a month ago, it would be understandable. But 6 months?? But yeah, anyway. Can anyone please tell me how I can heal from this? I'm so sick of being easily hurt and dramatic
submitted by yellow_chocolatecake to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:59 Apprehensive-Fan708 Not sure what's going on

Will be headed to a neurologist soon and I heard an MRI and a CT is not the same thing? I had a CT in the ER and it showed nothing.
Newcomer: Sutter after cannabis OD
New Comer Here looking to make buddies to talk to for recovery motivation.
Male 19 years old. Used weed for the first time out of a bong my friend gave me and overdosed. I had a derealization, passed out when the medics came and had a panic attack while unconscious. I don't know how bongs worked so my friends gave me too many and I took 3 heavy ones which I about 6 "rips".
I thought I died, saw only white and thought I was paralyzed, so I tried to kill myself by holding my breath. It was soothing thinking I was dying as I saw nothing but I did hear the nurses talk, and then saw myself gain consciousness again and felt disappointed I did not die.
I was given benzodiazepine by the medics. I was fully conscious during the period by was unconscious body wise.
I feel the anxiety and the panic attacks that may come. Right now I am trying to figure out why I have a fuzzy numb feeling in my right side of the head.
I am still stuttering, my speech is bad. I have heard recovery is made after awhile.
While I was high I could not think and felt right side of my head as if something was attached to it. My right eye was dented and at a different angle compared to my left eye. I saw everything out of a box.
I have heard people who experienced what I did recover after 4 years. I wonder if I have created some sort of permanent brain damage or something that may lead to a stroke in the feature. Has anyone experienced this?
It has now been 24 hours but still feeling weird. Entering my second day. On Monday I will find out if I have recovered to a degree.
I feel less alone here. My family is all the way back in the mother country.
I am traumatized. I have seen people die in the ER, I have felt the pain and sadness before death. I do not understand, what the purpose of living is. I did not choose to feel all of this pain. 07/06/24
Update 06/09/24
Hi, right now I am back home, had one panic attack in the plane and two doctors on flight made me feel more safe. I was gasping for air and twitching. That’s gone now. I found out that the stuttering is caused by trauma. I feel as if my brain cuts out during the sentence I am speaking.
Sometimes it feels like my brain is shutting down and getting numb. Reading books exhaust me, I am very tired. Sleeping is hard.
I am kind of dazed and feel confused…sometimes I am scared that my brain will fail on me. Sort of like brain dead ish, exactly like it felt while smoking…never again.
I am looking for a friend group to talk to.
submitted by Apprehensive-Fan708 to stroke [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:58 pepperskin Dog has been discharging blood from the penis

I have a male 5 year old American bulldog. For the last 2 weeks he’s been on antibiotics for some allergy’s sore like pimples that came up on his mouth from eating beef . So the vet recently called to ask about him I said he’s fine, he’s got about 3 days of meds left . She told me his body is going to still be having medicine in it and releasing the medicine for 2 days after his pills are done. Today is second last day of meds but I noticed he’s dripping blood everywhere from his penis . It’s a constant drip and hasn’t stopped for about an hour should I be concerned? Is this his body dropping out the medicine? Do I take him to ER? He doesn’t seem to be in any pain I’m going to call vet tomorrow but would this be an emergency for me to go in right now?
submitted by pepperskin to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:55 MommaRN112 So sick of the neck/headpain!

I've had an MRI brain that was deemed "normal". I have severe headaches that stem from the base of the right side of my neck that feels like someone took a sword right around c2-c3, occiput region all the way through my right eye. the pain in my head and neck is constant but sometimes for days at a time it'll creep up to like a8 or 9 and make my cognition bad. i get dizzy spells, have the hardest time with word finding, numbness and tingling in my hands, nausea, easily gagging on stuff as well as feeling "SOB" like I can't get air in the correct way which makes me gag and inevitably vomit. I get random bouts of heart palpitations and dizziness to the point where it feels like I'm about to pass out. I'm so tired of the never ending pain. I have chiropractor, i ice, heat, pain management for corticosteroid injections/ nerve blocks and honestly, nothing is helping. I've tried your typically migraine medications, steroids, muscle relaxants, nerve pain meds (gabapentin) and even nsaids. I'm at my wits ends. I'm an RN and it makes my job nearly impossible and I'm tired of looking stupid in front of my patients when the pain gets bad and i have trouble with word finding or getting coherent sentence out.
submitted by MommaRN112 to chiari [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:51 Royalchariot 3 dentists have me going back and forth. Pain for 2 years after their work

I’ll keep this as short as possible. 2 years ago I needed some work done. Upper right back teeth needed work, I ended up getting root canals on two teeth side by side.
I saw an Endodontist for the root canals and a general dentist for the crown and placement etc.
Since the crowns were placed, I have had pain, swelling, bleeding, and sensitivity in that area. The space between these 2 crowns is very narrow (according to the dentists) and is always swollen and painful.
I went back to that general dentist with complaints of the ongoing pain. They did thorough X-rays and found nothing wrong. They agreed that my gums were inflamed. I asked them if the crowns could possibly be slightly misaligned or something? They said not really and stated removing them would be next to impossible.
I went back to the Endodontist who also did X-rays and like a special 3D scan and found nothing wrong. He pinpointed the area of pain but was puzzled about it. He suggested maybe inflammation from all the work done and prescribed antibiotics and special mouth wash. For a couple days I felt relief but it didn’t last long.
On to another dentist. (Specialist is too expensive). Xrays look fine. She did a cleaning and used numbing cream on the area and had to stop a few times because it hurt so much. she said rinse with hydrogen peroxide nightly. Here we are with the same problem. It’s been 2 years and a lot of money. Since every xray is fine, maybe it’s just my gums?? Im ready to take a scalpel to the area and just cut it out of my face.
submitted by Royalchariot to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:48 Long_Class2980 Am I (23M) trying too late to save my relationship with my wife ? (22F)

This all started when recently, I'd accidentally left a window open. In doing so, a (give or take) amount of 30 or more flies got in our windowsill. I sprayed the flies after trying to kill them with a swatter, even Though my wife said not to. Afterwards she slept in the couch for the first time since we've been married. She said she felt disrespected, and, it opened a can of worms of how she feels like she's lost interest. "I feel obligated because my family and you are close and I can't just put you on the street" as I live with her family in a sizeable house. It was due to me not making progress in my life, and feeling like I was holding her back in hers, stating I had nearly 5 years and still am having the same issues I had 5 years ago. Financially, but also haven't gotten my license yet. I had a few conversations with her, and, after showing her that she's made just as many bad decisions, showing her that I haven't restricted her as much as she thinks, and basically making my case to her. Since then, she's reciprocated that she doesn't feel passion anymore. I had a few more conversations with her since then, (mainly one sided with her listening) and after I'd say a week she's starting to.. I'm not sure what I'd call it- but she's being nicer ? Like, we're talking more in person, we're doing little things together like playing an app together, and she's showing me jokes and tiktoks on her phone. She hasn't displayed this kind of behavior since around our Wedding day. (she's a very non emotional person in general, and is typically cold even when she's loving) And I'm confused about how to continue. She's stated she's willing to try to fix things, but doesn't know how she feels emotionally right now about me, as her emotions are "Wacky right now" as she put it. I'm honestly terrified and not sure how to approach this situation. I know counseling the main approach. But am I overthinking this? Did she just need to get it off her chest ?
TL;Dr Did wife just need to get something off her chest, and things can improve with hard work, or am I a dead man walking ?
submitted by Long_Class2980 to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:47 Smooth-Ad5561 Bactrim (SMZ/TMP) side effects or something else?

I was given a 2 week dose of SMZ/TMP for what I'm hoping is either a very pissed off UTI or prostate infection based on my urologists assumption after certain STI testing.
I'm 5 days in on a 14 day prescription, and about two days in I've had a slight sting to the left side of my neck. Similar to when you get a throat infection and it hurts your lymph nodes when you swallow. I've checked my lymph nodes and they're not swollen. I mean, they probably are now since I keep pressing them.
It's just on one side and it only happens when I drink cold drinks or something acidic, along with a feeling of slight tight discomfort at the lower end of my esophagus that is probably a trailing side effect of Doxycycline. It's not very painful, but more of an annoyance. The wiki says to go see a doctor if you experience a sore throat, but I imagine that's more if the throat is feeling simliar to like strep and is painful to swallow in general or just painful, right?
I've also found myself somewhat feeling like I have a fever, but have checked and temperature is perfectly fine. I don't really have chills either, it's just a feeling of exhaustion or off feeling. Also my mouth has felt super dry since I got on this stuff. Can't drink enough water to keep my mouth/throat hydrated.
I'm not gonna stop taking it , of course, but I want to know if other people have gotten weird side effects from this as the "common side effects list" online is massive haha. Apparently it's a pretty strong antibiotic.
All this to say that none of the side effects are "major" or bothering me enough to stop or go to the doctor. They're all just kind of light for the most part, but I've never felt a medication do the whole "fever" feeling. Usually I feel something similar to this when I actually have a fever and take something to kill it off.
submitted by Smooth-Ad5561 to Antibiotics [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:46 Possible-Worth6446 I blocking my ex friend after she did the same thing to me

I (16f) Had one of the worst friendship breaks with my family friend(16f) let’s call her G. Its been almost 3 months and its still affecting me I want to move past this but i cant does anyone have any advice
here is what happened
Me and G were playing a game together, and she got into an argument with someone in the game. I poking fun. like (Haha her name is Roach) that was the name of the girl she was arguing with. G was getting annoyed and said “ Like bitch it’s not funny shut up “ I was stunned and a bit hurt because I thought she called me a bitch, I ended up hanging up and closing the game because I thought I would be best and then come back later.She started texting me on Snapchat saying she was sorry for yelling and taking her anger out on me. I wasn’t mad that she was annoyed by me just about how she called me a bitch, I didn’t appreciate it and I texted her and said that. I just wanted an apology for her calling me that but as we were texting it seem like she didn’t want to take accountability for calling me a bitch but saying it wasn’t directed to you I just said it cause I wanted to and also G trying to put the blame on me like saying “ I wouldn’t have said that if you were supporting me and not disrespecting me and being a bully. The “fights” with have are usual jokes and we often jokingly insult each other and I tell her if I do or say anything that hurt her to tell me so I won’t do it againThis was when things started to escalate And We started arguing I was trying my best to keep calm the only thing I wanted was an apology for the bitch comment and we would have probably started playing again but she kept escalating it bringing up things from before and saying that I’m not supportive of her when I do my best to listen and talk to her when she’s having problems I openly listen to what she has to say because I know that just having someone to listen helps. So it stung when she said that.That’s in itself brought me back to a few weeks ago when she was upset because we couldn’t go to the mall together and we were playing Roblox, G usually the one to pick the games and for once I wanted to pick a game. When I picked she was saying how the games were not good and we already played before but we didn’t and I was saying “Why can't I pick a game “ I was talking when all of a sudden she hung up the call and BLOCKED me on everything I was confused but I remember thinking ill give her some time because her blocking me as this has happened 2 times before. 4 DAYS went by and I was concerned, thinking I had done something wrong, or maybe I was being a bad friend. My mind was spiraling does days. So I called my mom asked what happened and asked her to talk to her mom to find out what was going on. Later that night we called and talked because I wanted to know what was going on and know why she blocked me. G Said that I wasn’t being supportive of her but all I wanted was to pick a game for once and if she needed a break she could have told me she said my mom said some mean things about her and I apologized I just wanted to know what was going on.Back to the Snapchat conversation things are heated right now Then G calls me a Bitch. I was made and said to her “This shows what kind of person you are ass” I was very mad all I wanted was an apology and I would have apologized to her for the unpleasant nagging. I end up blocking her on Snapchat. At This point, I’m crying because this did not need to get to this point when I get a message from Instagram From G saying “I CALLED YOU OUT FOR BEING A BAD PERSON AND YOU CRY BECAUSE UR BITCH ASS CANT TAKE THAT UR A BAD FRIEND” I was Mad and told her Fuck you she said “IF YOU THINK FOR ONE SECOND UR SAD DEPRESSED ASS IS BETTER THAN ME THINK AGAIN” This message right here Made me rethink Everything about our friendship things For almost a year now I have been battling depression seeing my doctor, social workers even my guidance counsellor to help me get through the school year. I trusted her with something like this, she knows what I have been going through and she used it against me, it makes me even more upset because she also has depression she has also been going through things she knows how it feels to be in a state were it seem like everything is hopeless and she used it against me. even saying she does not want to be here anymore after talking to me.Somehow were calmed down and called I don’t remember much but I do remember telling her that bringing up my depression was hurtful and unacceptable. What made me more upset was that she said she was sorry and that she wanted to say more hurtful like this. At that moment I thought “I don’t want to be friends anymore “Before we ended the call we decided to take a break from each other. FOR A WEEK STRAIGHT I was debating whether or not to stay friends I talked to my support group at school my sister and my mom Before I made a decision What sealed it for me was when my older sister said “If she can escalate it quickly something like this will happen again and maybe even worse. so I made my conclusion and Blocked her on everything even deleting the Instagram chat Even my mom said I should block her thought that was the end of that 2:00 am in morning, I got a notification from her alt account and someone else called me a hypocrite because I blocked her without saying anything. My account was not private at the time. I think I should have told her that I wanted a break but I felt like my reason was much clearer than she. I started crying like I just wanted to be left alone and not have to deal with her toxic energy.I go to school the morning of and at the end of the day WHILE In a meeting with the school social worker I'm getting notifications from comments under my post from her and the same person. I blocked the other person and told her I would talk with her later when getting on the bus she was arguing in the comment section of one of my posts I do have a screenshot of the conversations coming up but not of the Instagram or Snapchat because I did not think I would have needed them but il summary here: G is saying that I'm a hypocrite and a bullied telling me about all the time I made her feel bad or hurt her. (quick note I know I have stuff that has hurt her and when they happen tell her I'm sorry and do all that I can to make sure it does not happen again I even tell her when I do something that hurts tell me so I can change)and how I was still friends with another family friend she did get along with. I knew about that and because of that I limited my contact with her and tried my best to make sure they were not around each other. we ended up calling later I was at the mall at the time I don't remember much from it but I do know this is where I started to get angry. I was yelling in the comer of the mall where nobody was around but I was still getting looks, to begin with, the only people that were involved were people, adults that I trusted, I was not going to get any of our friends involved until she said oh I was blocked by some of our other friends so you may have told me the themWhen I ended the call I'm "You think I'm talking shit NOW I am "I call up my other family friend Let's call her MM is the girl G does not like even going as far as to shit-talk her to me sometimes. I Call M, at this point, I need to get some steam off my chest I tell her about how Fake G is and she's like " thought so "She even asks if G was talking shit about her and I confirmed all of that to her. The whole walk home I was cussing G out because I was done trying to be friendly and at the end M like you should warn R . She is another one of my family friends. I agreed because R is a super sweet person I did not want her to do something like this to her so we made a group chat with R and I recap her and M even my older sister on it. When I told them about the time she blocked me for 4 days and the other times they both were like "She's Done this before multiple times "something I wish I picked up early on. R told Us that the last night of me blocking her G went straight to her and when she talking she was leaving out a lot of details. While I was talking to them I was getting messages from her telling me to admit that I'm a bully and a bad person but I told her I WILL NOT ADMIT TO YOUR DELUSION OF ME. Like I was not hearing her out and I did not want to. even messages from other people telling ME to apologize LIKE NO.Later on, I GET a message from some random 18 year old CALLING ME NAMES LIKE PUSSY FUCKGLY BITCH, MANIPULATIVE FUCK ETC and in my head, I'm like WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, YOU DON'T NOW SHIT NOT ENOUGH to be IN MY DMS. I'm texting back in Fort with her and she tells me I'm an embarrassment and that I should OFF MYSELF IM AN EMBARRASEMENT AND THAT I SHOULD OFF myself and yet I'M THE BULLYI GET YET ANOTHER MESSAGE FROM SOMEONE ELSE A 17-YEAR-OLD CALLING ME NAME AND TELLING ME TO ACT LIKE AN ADULT MIND YOU BOTH OF THEM ARE OLDER THAN ME AND YET IM IMMATURE IM THE FUCKING BULLY IM THE BAD PERSONI take screenshots and send them to R and M, saying this is what she's doing now and yet she is still convinced I'm a bully. I showed it to my sister, and when I did that I should take this to Mom and I did show it to her she called G's mom, and I told g's mom about everything up to this point. About the messages and harassment online the insults FROM OTHER PEOPLE and even when she said she did want to be here when she was talking to me. she was NOT happy at all with what her daughter was doing while on the phone I'm hearing G yet again trying to blame me and even LYING about her wanting to off herself. I was pretty clear G's mom was NOT on her side.after I had one final chat with her in a group chat with R and M so everyone could see and she couldn't twist my words anymore. I told her about the threats and showed her the screenshots and she's like "Oh I'm sorry I didn't think they would do that " like she was not the one to give them my iG in the first place. even calling me immature for how I responded to them TF YOU EXPECT ME TO BE RESPECTFUL TO THEM AFTER SEEING those MESSAGES? She pissed me off here but it did not appear until later that night. Even after all this she still thinks I'm this horrible bully of hers saying I was lying about when she said she wanted to OFF herself. why would I lie about that not gaining shit from it. while we are talking M is talking to supporting me and saying things I should have said to her and not be as passive as I was. Finally, in the end, G gave me an ACTUALLY APOLOGY for the one thing I wanted from the beginning the the half-baked one she was giving me. I accept this one cause this is what I was waiting for. I said my apologies cause I realized I did things wrong too but I wanted to take back my apologies when she was like "Now you're not ignoring my apology because people can see and call you out for ignoring it. At the end I said if we can take a break and come back maybe and she's like " oh you told my mom I wanted to off myself I'm never talking to you again. LIKE DID YOU NOT SAY THAT TO ME, DID YOU NOT GET PEOPLE SO INSULT AND TREATIN' MY LIFE? we agreed to be decent but now looking a this I do want TO BE DECENT NOT WITH YOU The gravity of the situation did not hit me till about 2 am the morning with me on the phone crying to people from the crisis line, even scared I was going to wake up to New messages from other people It’s been almost 3 Months and I’m still affected by this thinking of how I lost yet another friend. I thought FINALLY I have friends to rely on and then she stabbed me in the back like this I would rather now be alone than deal with something like THIS AGAIN To make things WORSE I wanted to off myself For a bit during the end of April I went BACK doe’s message telling me to off myself and thinking maybe there’s were right maybe I should and maybe I am a bad person. I EVEN WAS THINKING OF MESSAGING HER Because I was lonely. Thank god I didn’t
sorry for the long rant I needed to get this out of my system
submitted by Possible-Worth6446 to lostafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:45 PsychologicalWay2691 Advice please

I'm desperately in love with my "abusive" ex boyfriend
Hey, I made this account for this and haven't used reddit before so I'm sorry if I do this wrong, and english is not my first language.
This requires a good amount of backstory.
I(19F) am from Louisiana and so is my ex(20M). We met when we were 14 because we were in the same grade at the same highschool. We hit it off immediately and became really good friends. After being friends for about 3 months he got the courage up to ask me on a date, and we started dating. We were together from then until we were 15 and 16, and got back together after I turned 16.
About 2 months into us dating this second time, he had a mental break. I have a lot of trauma that caused me to feel the need to stay with him despite the way he treated me at that time. He never cheated, but seemed to think it was funny or entertaining to do everything in his power to make me think he was, and to make me think it was with some of our close friends. He got distant and snappy and would yell at me over little things a lot. He tried to hit me out of frustration one time but I personally grew up in the hood and do not take lightly to being attacked so he got smacked right back and never tried that again. At this time his parents(they were practically my parents too, mine have never been good to me and they did and still do care a lot more about me then my own do) told me he was having a mental break and that I should leave for my own good but also that they understood why I was staying.
Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and right before the start of our senior year we broke up(both 17). Throughout senior year he would spread rumors about me, a lot being about us having sex, though I was still a virgin and me and him never went farther then me performing oral on him. I distanced myself from him as much as possible but we were both in our schools top band and jazz ensembles as percussionists and were in constant competition with each other.
We ended up going to the same college, and we are now going into our junior year in a few months. I never had friends in highschool, my friends were just his friends and everyone "didn't pick sides" when we broke up. which they just said to me because I wasn't trying to make anyone pick a side but they really did just pick his, except our friend who I'll call Dan. I'll also call my ex Joe. Both are far from their names but I'd like to stay anonymous. Dan told me he understood that Joe was lying and spreading rumors, but felt to bad cutting him off as we all knew he was having a break, as did I.
This year Joe was set to be loving in a dorm right across the hallway from mine. When we had gone home for the summer I made no effort to reach out or see him as our friendship in freshman year of college was just not really there. Though all this time I really have missed my best friend, I've never felt like anyone has been as close to me as he was or understood quite like how he did.
I ran into him during move in day this year. He looked a lot less erratic then he had been the past couple of years and seemed a lot calmer. That night, I was leaving my dorm to go on a midnight walk downtown when I found him sitting on the front of his door in the hallway. He looked like he had been crying. I saw him and decided to quietly sit down next to him and sheepishly ask if he was okay. He said he wasn't, and asked what I was doing, so I invited him to come with me and he did. We left the dorms at about 10 pm, and didn't get back until 6 am. We walked and talked for hours about everything, and he might've apologized for the way he treated me a million times. He explained what happened that caused him to break, and told me he had a realization about it that led to a meltdown, placing him in the psych ward at the end of our freshman year. He was now medicated, healthy again, and finally in therapy!!! I was so insanely proud of him. I called him parents because I wanted to confirm and they confirmed he was telling the truth. From there, we rekindled our friendship and have been back to best friends ever since.
It's been a few months now, and we both have moved back home for the summer, both with plans to love with some friends in apartments starting when fall quarter begins. Recently my mom died in a car accident. She was an abusive neglectful parent who should have never had kids as she truly didn't view me as a human. But despite that, I've been struggling a lot with her death. Joe has been very helpful through this, as he is the only person I've ever told about what happened with my mom throughout my childhood. Yesterday was a particularly hard day for me, and he invited me to do my absolute favorite activity, night drive and smoking.
So now we get to the actual story and where I need advice.
Last night he came and picked me up at about 10. When I got in he handed me the rolling tray and had me roll a blunt for us while he drove to our normal parking lot. This whole time I couldn't stop staring at him and couldn't figure out what it was. When we stopped he turned the music down and faced towards me so we could talk properly and we started smoking and talking. Eventually, this dialouge exchange happened.
Joe - "No it just didn't work out with them so we broke up." Me - "Well what happened?" "Well a lot, but it boils down to they don't understand me in the way I would need my partner to" "How so?" "Well for lack of a better way to put it, the way me and you understand each other"
This lead to us talking about had gone wrong before, and eventually, he told me I looked really pretty and kissed me. I lost my virginity to him in his car last night, and it was more amazing then I ever imagined it could be. I never thought I would be someone who enjoyed sex but I have genuinely been thinking about that and him ever since it happened. When we finished, we took about 5 minutes of laying still and occasionally just muttering out a "Jesus christ that was amazing" before we eventually moved back to our seats. He took me to get ice cream and then brought me home.
I miss him, he's so amazing!!! The sex was great but that's not even what I'm worried about, I just couldn't stop staring at him and I still can't stop thinking about him.
I need advice. I want him back so bad, but is it worth it? He completely destroyed my confidence and love for myself in a way that has not recovered. I truly want to believe he's changed and all signs point towards him changing. I know if I asked him out again he'd say yes immediately. But I'm at a crossroads. Most of me wants to forgive and forget as he truly is the love of my life but that part of me that spent my childhood being abused by my parents has a little Itty bitty voice in my head telling me he isn't actually changed.
Would I be crazy if I went back to him?
submitted by PsychologicalWay2691 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:44 Tasty-Performance275 what’s your ear ache taylor song??

hey guys! what’s the taylor song that makes you want to rip your ears off?? mine would probably have to be:
submitted by Tasty-Performance275 to swiftiecirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:43 BigMikeyP72 Envirodome Part 2

Barely standing and gasping for air, Nathan takes a moment to stop running and realizes he has no idea where he is going. He begins looking around to see if there’s anywhere to hide or even, hopefully, find food or at least water. After a moment, he finally spots a few buildings in the nearby distance. With high hopes, Nathan sprints past the remaining trees ahead and makes it to the buildings. Only one specific building catches his eye. A large sign that reads GROCERY stares at Nathan from the top of the building. Without hesitation, he rushes inside and much to his amazement, there are aisles! Nathan quickly but quietly scans each aisle. Sadly, he sees nothing. Not until he sees a small pile of snacks lying next to a fallen end cap at the end of an aisle. Excitement dances through Nathan’s body as he runs to the food and begins eating it like a wild animal. He devours every ounce of food he finds until he suddenly hears an unnerving sound. Listening closely as possible, Nathan hears the sound of cracking bones and ripping flesh. Afraid, yet curious, he looks around the corner of the aisle and spots the legs of a woman lying in her own blood and entrails. Upon further inspection, Nathan sees what he believes to be the creature he and Charlie had seen before. It’s a large thin four-legged animal that most likely was a wolf at one point but is now just a beast. It’s feasting on the entrails of the woman’s corpse and refusing to take its taste buds away from its food. That is until it hears Nathan, who accidentally steps on a bag of chips. It swiftly averts its attention to Nathan and the sight of its face is terrifying. Its face is half torn and its eyes show exactly how bloodthirsty it is. With blood and entrails dangling from its teeth, the beast fully turns its body to Nathan and lets out a deep and disturbing growl. Believing this to be his final moments alive, Nathan backs up and stumbles into the wall with his eyes closed and fists clenched. He is ready for the reaper to take his soul. The beast closes in on him and readies itself to charge its prey but is suddenly distracted by the voice of unwanted company. “Heel, you stupid mutt!” It’s once again Subject Zero, who is this time covered in large amounts of blood. The beast diverts its attention to Subject Zero and prepares for a fight. Unsure as to why Subject Zero didn’t just let the beast kill him, Nathan, stands and stares in terrified confusion. As Nathan watches, Subject Zero is attacked by the beast after a failed attempt at taming it. Directly after its attack, the beast is grabbed and bashed against a wall then thrown to the floor. The animal, no longer looking like a beast compared to Subject Zero, stands again and viciously sinks its teeth into Subject Zero’s arm but its life is soon ended. With a large and swift pull on the animal’s rear legs with its teeth still bore into Subject Zero’s arm, its body rips apart and its entrails fall out onto the floor. “I knew you were a waste,” Subject Zero says with disappointment in his voice. Nathan quickly snaps back to reality and runs out the nearby emergency exit. No longer caring about hunger or thirst, he just keeps running and doesn’t stop even when he stumbles from exhaustion. Inevitably, any hope he once had, is lost when in the not so far distance he hears, “Just because the mutt didn’t kill you, that doesn’t mean that I won’t!” Still running further into the woods, Nathan begins to stumble. He finally stops and falls to his knees as he begins to believe he is going to die here. He falls onto his back and lies in the grass around him while releasing a long but relaxing sigh. Nathan can feel the cold hard ground beneath him as he looks up to the sky. Filled with raging guilt and regrets, Nathan stares up to the sky in silence. It gets so silent, he can hear everything around him. He hears the wind sing through the leaves of trees. He can even hear water flowing nearby. Water! Unsure of where, he looks up quickly and listens. Finally, he spots a creek nearby and climbs to his hands and knees. Unable to fully stand, Nathan crawls his way to the creek ignoring all of his surroundings. He reaches the creek and practically bathes himself in the near freezing water in an attempt to feel refreshed. Afterwards, he begins to guzzle the water in handfuls. After many handfuls of water, Nathan notices something odd. The water tastes metallic as if you were sucking on an old copper penny or silver spoon. Upon this realization, he also notices the color of the water seems off. Unsure of why, he looks around only to find something far more disturbing than he imagined. An amalgamation of mutilated corpses sit nearby rotting on the rocks of the creek shore. Realizing he had just drank water contaminated with rotting corpses of innocent people, Nathan starts getting a sick feeling in his stomach and attempts to look away but can’t get his eyes off the sight. Finally breaking, he begins gagging vigorously. He loses control and starts puking uncontrollably before ultimately collapsing from pain and disgust. Nathan finally gets up after lying on the ground for a moment. Hoping to find at least some form of shelter, he manages to get himself up to his aching feet and stumbles his way down the creek. Eventually, he reaches the end of the creek where a large pipe is sticking out from the ground at an angle. The pipe, being large enough to fit a man, seems like a perfect place to shelter in. Before fully deciding to sleep there, Nathan looks inside hoping that it may lead to an exit from the dome but is quickly disappointed when he sees only dirt and mud. Nathan no longer cares and decides to climb into the pipe. He manages to make it an adequate resting area. Soon after, he is unable to keep his eyes open and finally falls asleep. “Nathan, wake up. You’re going on live television.” A very familiar voice whispers to Nathan. He opens his eyes expecting to see different surroundings, but instead, he sees Charlie sitting next to him in an unfamiliar building. Obviously confused, Nathan hesitates to even move but decides to go with it. He’s led out to a room with a male interviewer, revealing that he is on a live television interview. The interviewer looks to the camera and says, “Welcome to TalkTime, I’m your host, Tim Wiesly, and today, we have Nathan White. Just in case you don’t know, Nathan is a brilliant reporter and reports anything in the most brilliant ways. One specific story he covered about his near-death experience is what we would like to talk about today. So, Nathan, could you tell the viewers more about your experience?” Nathan hesitates at first but oddly starts believing that he made it out of the hell he was in and just dissociated. He starts telling the interviewer everything that happened to him. “Well, Tim, for starters, my colleague and I had found evidence that Envirodome was a test facility. Little did we know, one test they ran there was still in the facility after decades. We then found all the missing people over the years but they were unfortunate and passed away at the hands of the facilities test subject. I eventually lost my colleague and had a run in with a rabid animal as well but I got away and managed to find a place to sleep. After that, I climbed out and decided to… to…” Nathan stops in his tracks as he realizes he can’t remember what happened after the tunnel. “Wait. Wait, this can’t be real. I vividly remember Charlie going insane. And all those other people started losing their minds and they all started killing each other. I remember all that, yet I can’t remember a damn thing after falling asleep in that tunnel! What the fuck is going on?” Charlie comes running out and attempts to calm Nathan but fails as Nathan screams back. “You’re dead! You’re fucking dead! I know you are! You aren’t real. None of you, none of this! None of it is real!” Soon after realizing everything is fake, all of Nathan’s surroundings start changing. Everything around him becomes morbidly dark and people become mutated corpses, all of which walk over to him. They all start screaming at Nathan, resulting in him breaking and he loses his mind to the brink of insanity. Out of the dark shadows, Subject Zero walks into the area as if he were a dark god who created him and was ready to destroy him. Suddenly, everyone surrounding Nathan abruptly stops screaming and looks at him. Then they all in perfect sync say, “You’re losing control, Nathan.” Nathan angrily stands tall and yells, “Leave me alone!” After this fierce scream with his eyes shut, Nathan suddenly hears nothing but the sound of running water. He opens his eyes only to find he was still in the town under the dome. Only, now, it is somehow nighttime. Suddenly, he’s startled by the sound of splashing water. Nathan quietly looks up from the inside of the tunnel he’s lying in. In a decent distance away, Nathan sees two mannequins throwing multiple bodies into the already corpse-filled creek. Although, one body stands out amongst the rest. Charlie's. His body is mangled and mutilated. Nathan feels sick and guilty as he stares at his dead friend. Soon, Subject Zero’s voice is heard, resulting in Nathan realizing he needs to sneak out of the area. He quickly climbs out of the tunnel and looks around. He decides his best option is to go in one direction until he hopefully reaches an edge of the dome. He believes it may help him reach the overseer’s office where the self-destruct button is. With his new plan, Nathan quietly sneaks away until he accidentally rams into the edge of the dome. He becomes angry at first for being dumb enough to run into it, but eventually realizes he could be on his way to salvation. Nathan, still tired, stumbles around the edge of the dome and looks strange considering the walls are simulated to look like more land. Even though Nathan can barely handle all the stress, he still forces himself to keep moving with high hopes to avenge his deceased friend. He keeps going until he stumbles over a small brush pile. He falls onto his face and notices blood pouring from his nose. Assuming his nose has broken from the fall, Nathan quickly checks it but oddly there is no pain and the bleeding has already stopped. He’s confused but doesn’t care as he’s determined to escape. He gets up and eventually reaches an odd looking spot of the dome wall. With a closer look, he realizes it’s a door. Full of hope, Nathan quickly opens it and discovers a staircase leading to the overseer’s office. Nathan runs up without hesitation. He reaches the top of the stairs and makes it to the controls. Being dark, Nathan feels around for a light switch but as he thinks it, the lights come on. Now with light, he sees papers lying everywhere, all with information of the dome. Apparently, the government had the technology to make all this without ever letting the public know. It was built with a self-destruct button as safety measures if anything within the dome went horribly wrong. Although Nathan thought it would be an explosion as most self-destruct buttons cause, the dome was made to disassemble itself as it counted down, allowing the slight possibility of reaching the only entrance and exit doors of the facility. Nathan realizes he may actually have a chance to escape this hell and avenge his friend. After a small pause, he gets back to searching for the self-destruct button. He stumbles across a glass casing labeled ‘FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY’. Nathan opens the casing and prepares to press the button but is quickly distracted as a voice breaks the silence. “This place hasn’t been real after all these damned years?” Subject Zero reacts angrily as he slowly walks toward Nathan. “I knew this place seemed a bit small, but now that I know I can get out of here, I’ll bring my tests to the whole damn world!” “Why would you even want that?! Every single test you have done with that fucking serum has been a failure!” “No… No, I’ve perfected my serum.” “What the FUCK do you mean?” Without a single other word, Subject Zero rushes toward Nathan. Nathan quickly reacts and raises his arms in defense. Suddenly, Subject Zero flies backwards as if he was shoved with incredible force. They both now know Nathan was the cause. “That. That is what I mean.” Subject Zero says with a grin on his face. “No, no, what the fuck. How?!” “You really think I didn’t take the opportunity to inject a new version of the serum into you.” “But- but there wasn’t an injection hole. Everyone else had one.” “That’s the great thing about it. I perfected it so much that your healing is far greater than even mine AND you didn’t lose your mind like I did. That’s all I ever wanted…” “Screw you…” Nathan clenches his fist and swings a punch at Subject Zero. Realizing things move just from his thought now, Nathan opens his hand and telekinetically throws things at Subject Zero. The two begin to have an all-out super powered brawl as Subject Zero explains to Nathan that the serum is why every pain he’s felt while in the dome went away nearly immediately. The telekinesis just happened to come into play later on. Then suddenly, Nathan is slammed through and out the overseer’s office windows. Subject Zero jumps down onto him. Nathan gets weaker with each hit he takes but still fights on. Before he gets up, he notices that where the broken window is, the walls show their true colors of concrete gray and glass. Aside from the window, Nathan notices the door to the office is still wide open. He quickly gives Subject Zero a powerful kick to his abdomen and jumps up to run. Nathan runs quickly up the stairs and to the self-destruct button after leaving his enemy on the ground outside. As he reaches the button, Nathan looks out the broken window at Subject Zero and prepares to press the button. Nathan slams his hand onto the button as Subject Zero yells out in hatred. Nathan, expecting something to happen, waits. Subject Zero laughs hysterically but then suddenly is cut off by a loud voice projecting across the whole dome. “COMMENCING SELF-DESTRUCTION SEQUENCE.” Nathan notices Subject Zero is distracted and uses this as his chance to escape. 10, 9, 8…… The countdown begins and the sun begins to rise as Nathan runs out of the office and past the unaware Subject Zero. 7, 6, 5…… The countdown continues and the facility begins to collapse as Nathan passes through the woods where he drank from the creek and soon passes the concrete room where the other people were held captive. 4, 3, 2…… The countdown gets closer to an end as the dome collapses quicker and Nathan rushes past the old house he was stuck in before. Soon enough, he gets onto the road that led him and Charlie to the town inside the dome and gets even closer to the door but suddenly Subject Zero is following behind. This time, he’s so angry and determined, Subject Zero uses his telekinetic powers to control the mangled corpses that he’s kept. He’s headed for either the door or Nathan, but Nathan doesn’t care. 1…… The countdown comes to an end and the entire dome collapses above. Subject Zero, far behind with his army of corpses, stops and accepts what is coming but Nathan keeps running in hopes to escape before the weight of a million tons comes crashing down onto him. Soon enough, the dome becomes nothing but rubble. The entire area where the dome once stood, is now a ginormous pile of rubble and all that stands are a few trees and small bits of buildings. Nothing could have lived from inside. Unless you were close to the doors. Nathan, barely standing or even really alive, stumbles around the rubble. With his new powers, he uses his telekinesis to move a large piece of steel revealing a small group of men nearby. Within this group are a couple of men who are clearly scientists of some sort but the others are clearly military. Nathan runs to them with hopes of help but suddenly… “Stop right there!” One of the men yells out angrily but with a quiver in his voice. “Put your heads above your head and don’t speak!” “Wait! I just need help!” “I said put your hands above your head!” Nathan is confused so he looks around in the hopes that maybe Subject Zero is who he spotted. Sadly, the guns are all being aimed straight for him.
submitted by BigMikeyP72 to creativewriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:42 ThrowAwayGay0892 AITAH for being offended by the f slur?

Throw away account. This is also my first reddit post so I'm sorry if formatting or wording is wrong.
I just want to start with some context. I [31M] am gay. I also have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder.) I will be the first to admit that I can feel pretty heated if I think someone is doing something offensive that can be harmful to others. I know that there have been times where I've overreacted to things in the past, and I have been in therapy for years to help me get my emotional disorder under control. I want to say I have a pretty good handle on it now, but I know that there are still times where I slip up and let it get the better of me.
The next bit of context you should know is that this story involves my friend [24F] who I'll call Lacy. I met Lacy through her boyfriend [24M] who I'll call Steve, about a year and a half ago. From the moment Lacy and I met, her and I hit it off extremely well. She is an amazing person, the type who would literally give the shirt off of her back just to help someone in need. She can also get along with just about anyone. I consider her to be one of my best friends, and we even joke around that her and I get along better than Steve and I do sometimes. I literally call her my wifey, and she calls me her gay husband. Lacy and Steve have owned a Discord server together since shortly after I met Lacy, and I was an admin in it up until about an hour ago. This server is full of their friends, some of whom I am also friends with, and others who I don't know too well but get along with just fine. This group of friends is a bit of a mixing pot. Lacy is black just for some more context, but there are people of all different races, genders, and sexual orientations in this group.
On to the last bit of context here. There have been occasions in this server where I will be in one of the VC's (voice chats for anyone unfamiliar with Discord) and people have used some type of (what I consider to be) slurs in normal conversation. I have heard the r slur (the one usually used against those with intellectual disabilities,) the n word, both with and without the hard r at the end (the one used against black people,) and the f slur (the one used against people in the queer community.) Whenever any of these words have been said, it always leaves this knot in the pit of my stomach. I just feel like nobody should be made to feel bad about something that is out of their control, like with mental capacities, race, or their sexuality. I honestly hate confrontation though, because I definitely have trouble staying calm due to my BPD when I get worked up sometimes.
Now when it comes to the n word, while I am not comfortable with anyone other than black people using that word (even with a "hall pass" so to speak,) I typically don't say anything (I'm white btw) because that is a word that Lacy does not take any issue in other people using. If it were something I heard someone saying on the street, then I would absolutely call someone out for it. To her though, it's just a word, and that's just how her and her friends interact with each other. (They use insults as a form of showing love. Not really my thing, but as long as no insults are thrown at me, I could honestly care less how other people show their love to one another as long as it's consensual, lol.)
The problem arises when I hear the r and f slur being used. Typically in that group, if they find someone or something to be stupid, they'll use the r slur instead of just calling it/them stupid (And tbh, it's a word that is said a lot on the internet, not just in that server alone. Regardless, it's a word that has never sat right with me because I know that there are people out there who would use it as a way to insult and belittle someone, and I don't think that that's morally right. It's a word that I don't really like hearing.) Now with the f slur, I will say that technically it hasn't really been directed *at* someone in the server. It's mainly been when people are playing competitive games with people online and lose. They'll call their opponents the f word. I have called people out for using both words before, but it tends to be an "in one ear, out the other" situation because those words are still used despite being told they aren't really good words, although they aren't used *as often* as they used to be. I have mentioned in the past to Lacy that those types of words make me uncomfortable, and to her credit she has been really good about reaching out to the people who use them to have more in depth talks with them and to let them know how it can be offensive to others.
Okay, thanks for bearing with me on the context. Now onto the story:
A few nights ago, I hopped into VRChat to hang out with Lacy (think public or private chat rooms but with avatars in VR) She was hanging out with two of her friends (I'll call them Tony and Kate.) Now I had not met Tony or Kate before that night, but they seemed like decent people. Definitely fit into the "insults to show love" crowd that my friend Lacy likes though. Everything was going fine until Tony was talking to Kate and called her the f word. Kate dished it right back and called him the f slur back. That's when I got super uncomfortable. I did not know these people, I have no clue what their sexual orientations are, but from context clues through the night it seemed like they were into one another. I definitely did *not* get the vibes that Tony was interested in men at all, but again, not my friends, I don't know them well enough, so I bit my tongue. I logged out shortly after since it was almost time for me to go to bed anyways.
The following night, I was in the server VC with like 8 other people. Both Lacy and her boyfriend Steve were in there as well. Two of those people happened to be Tony and Kate, who I did not know were both in the server until that night (Again, it is my friend's server and she is allowed to invite whoever she wants, obviously.) We were all just kind of chilling and playing our own games while talking to each other, when out of nowhere, Tony calls Kate the f slur again. Now I'll admit, I was a tad tipsy at this point. I spoke up this time and basically said that that's not a nice word to use, that I'm not comfortable with it because people in my community have been targeted with that word. And there was silence after that. Neither Lacy or Steve said anything. Steve tried to distract me and change the subject, but I was so uncomfortable and pissed that I just kind of left the VC in frustration. I messaged both Steve and Lacy to let them know why I'd left and went to bed. I woke up and Lacy's only response to me was "I understand." I was still a bit upset so I messaged her back. (I'll copy and paste what I wrote to her because I'm not the best at paraphrasing. Names are edited for privacy):
"No, like I honestly don’t think you do. Because the other night in the movie world, both Kate and Tony said it as “insults” to each other, and I had to bite my tongue because they’re your friends and not mine. It’s a word that got used in my face time and time again whenever someone would push me “jokingly” in school before I even knew/accepted that I was gay. It’s a word that gets spat into gay people’s faces before, during, or after they get unjustly attacked or even killed simply for holding their partner’s hand in public. I don’t think you actually understand the weight that that word holds for people in my community. It’s literally the equivalent of someone calling a black person the n word with a hard r simply for being black. And the two owners of the server said nothing. Absolutely nothing after that word was dropped like it’s just casual conversation."
I waited all day for a response and didn't get one from her. In fact, I was still waiting until an hour ago when I decided to leave the server altogether. *That's* when my friend decided to message me. She asked why I'd left, then immediately called me. Talking with her, I found out that she did have a chat with Tony (okay, how was I supposed to know this if it wasn't communicated to me?) She never responded because she honestly wasn't quite sure how to. Because as the server admin, she was put in a bit of a bind. According to her, Tony's response was that that's just how him and his friend Kate interact with one another. (Side note, she doesn't know Tony's sexuality, but Kate it bisexual.) And now here's where I'm wondering if I'm the AH. Lacy reached out to not only some of the other people who were in the VC that night who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but also other server admins who are a part of the community as well. None of them seem to have any issue with the word at all. They also think that it's just a word and that it doesn't hold any power unless you let it. And while I completely agree with that sentiment, it's unfortunately not that easy for me to look at it that way. That word is a trigger, both from religious trauma and bullying in my past. So Lacy fees like her hands are tied, because I'm saying that it's an offensive word while others in the server are saying it's not that big of a deal.
So reddit, AITAH? Did I overreact? If no one seems to have an issue with it, then is this just my BPD making me think/feel irrationally again? As it stands, I have no intention of returning to the server. Regardless of my judgment, this is something that doesn't sit right with me, and even if I'm wrong, I don't want to go back and get triggered again, so for my own mental health, I know that staying away is probably for the better. I was just always taught not to judge others for their appearances, and that includes using words that could be considered offensive to others. But now I'm wondering if I'm overreacting. So am I wrong?
submitted by ThrowAwayGay0892 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:41 SubstantialBite788 Rabbits Don’t Run Fast Enough

A postal carrier, that anonymous stranger who knows your first, middle, and last name. They know if you’re married, single, or divorced; if you’re struggling to pay the bills, called to jury duty, or how well you’re liked by the amount of Christmas cards you receive. They know more than they should, and yet we know nothing about them. That never bothered me until my new postal carrier introduced himself with a complaint about a nonexistent problem.
One evening I came home from the office, and as I was launching my briefcase up into the air, aiming for the couch, and loosening my tie, I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and standing on the front porch with his arm extended, was the postal carrier holding a piece of paper. Was he new? Didn’t seem familiar but then again all I ever saw of the postal carrier was a shadow sitting in a tiny truck.
He was covered in dark, matted hair. I could see neither the skin on his arms or legs. The pale pigment of his skin revealed only under his grey eyes above a thick long beard and mustache.
He handed me the piece of paper. It was a form with a checkmark by one of many categories of complaint, of which I was accused of parking in front of the mailbox. On the very bottom was penciled: Please kindly move your vehicle from in front of the car.
It was a strange request since I never parked on the street. In fact, I never parked in the driveway. I always put my baby in the garage.
“But I’m not parked in front of the mailbox!” I explained. He simply flashed his pearly whites and walked away.
The very next afternoon the doorbell rang again. It was him, with another piece of paper in hand.
“This is ridiculous. I’m not parked in front of the mailbox. Holy shit, I’m not even parked outside!”
He grunted and shook his head no and pushed the note into my stomach. I grabbed the piece of paper. This wasn’t a form, but lined paper with a note:
This neighborhood sure does have a lot of rabbits, Jerry! You must be a very lucky guy.
Confused, I handed him back the letter. Jerry, great, he knew my name. Well of course he knew my name, but just to see evidence of it- that unnerved me.
“Yeah, well I don’t know about lucky,” I said as I tried to turn away.
“Why are rabbit feet so lucky?” he asked in a barely audible whisper.
“What? Rabbit feet?”
He cleared his throat. “Is it an award for catching them. Is the luck in their belly at first and then it just kind of sinks down into their feet. Seems a little weird to me. So, if I catch a rabbit and cut its foot off, how long will that luck last?”
“I got to go…” I tried to answer.
“I bet its only for about a week. I mean they’re real easy to catch. Doesn’t seem right you would get much luck for such an easy task.” He was excited about the topic and unwilling to stop the conversation, so I abruptly walked into the house and shut the door behind me. I could hear him still talking for a bit before he finally realized I wasn’t there.
“Ok Jerry, we’ll talk tomorrow. See ya, buddy.” I watched through the door lite as he walked back towards the mail truck.
“I like Jerry. That was a good talk. He don’t know much about rabbits though,” he said to himself.
For a third day in a row the doorbell rang. I refused to answer the door and stayed upstairs in my room. He was a stubborn carrier, that anonymous whoever standing on my front porch. He rang the doorbell for over an hour. When he finally decided to quit on the doorbell, he stepped out into the front yard and yelled up at my bedroom window.
“Ok Jerry, we’ll talk tomorrow. I left you something on the front porch. It’s a whole lotta luck. Should last you about three months.” I heard the truck door shut and the engine fade away into the distance.
I pulled the shade down to make sure he was nowhere around. I saw that the truck was gone, so I made my way downstairs. Outside on the front porch was a green plastic tote, with a flip-top lid. Flies were buzzing in and out of the partial opening where the two sides of the lid did not fit tightly. I could see dried blood on either side of the tote. I searched around the yard and found a stick. I took the stick, forced it into a small opening and lifted open the lid. The tote was filled with severed rabbit’s feet, what looked to be the remains of a whole bunch of rabbits. There on top was a piece of paper that read:
Jerry, I like you. Here’s some luck!!!!!!!!! Hope it lasts a long, long time.
Rabbits are so slow. It’s funny. Why are they lucky? But if that’s the rule.
Your friend.
The bottom of my throat bulged with the contents of my stomach. I vomited into the tote, not so much out of disgust, but out of fear. I went inside and called the police.
The police came and took my report, along with a detective that wanted a statement.
Detective Fletcher had a few questions. It wouldn’t take long. “What did this man look like?”
I explained to the detective as much as I could remember but felt it a little unnecessary since he worked for the post office. How hard could it be to apprehend him?
“No, this guy doesn’t work for the post office. Your postal carrier is on vacation this week. There was a report of a stolen mail truck, but we haven’t tracked it down. Seems like the carrier filling in runs earlier in the day. This other sick fella came afterward.”
“You guys are going to catch him, right?”
“Well…,” he shrugged his shoulders. He then pulled out a card and handed it to me. “If you remember anything else give me a call, otherwise call 911.”
Not feeling very confident with the detective’s answer, I decided to buy a gun. I found a pawn store on Dickerson Road and bought a small caliber revolver. Being that I had never owned a gun, or shot one for that matter, I resolved to get to the firing range and practice, but instead I tossed it unloaded into my nightstand and forgot all about it.
Months passed and the regular postal carrier resumed his route. Mike was his name. I forced myself to get to know him. I owed it to him, and I was thankful that he wasn’t a rabbit obsessed loon. He was rather confused by my unwarranted admiration, but we got along well. Mike had gone to Panama City Beach the week of my strange visitations. He had bought some bright yellow socks with palm trees embroidered across the seams. He wore them every Friday as a reminder that he now had less than a year before his next trip to the beach.
“Man, I wish I was back on the beach, but I wouldn’t feel right leaving you with my substitute. I hear the U.S. Post Office will hire anybody. Maybe next time I’ll leave you a rabbit foot for protection,” he would often say, never realizing that he had said it to me numerous times already. I would always laugh even though the joke had long run its course. Yet, I felt safe with him around. Everything was fine and right until that November.
Thanksgiving was two weeks away and I was getting ready for a trip back home to visit my parents. By the end of the night, I was exhausted from packing, planning, and the general chaos of holiday maneuverings. I laid down on the bed to take a load off my feet, and unintentionally fell asleep.
I was awakened by something landing on my chest. The lights were still on, so it didn’t take my eyes long to focus. There standing at the end of my bed was the crazy, fake, not-so-real postal carrier. The hair on his body had grown long, and hung in twisted, filthy knots. His eyes were dark red, and set deep under his protruding brow. He flashed his teeth, but this time there were long incisors situated on both his upper and lower jaws.
“I thought you would like the luck I gave you.” He struggled to speak through his fang-fitted mouth. “But maybe it wasn’t enough. My gift was not so good, so I got you something better.”
I pulled my eyes away from him and looked down at my chest. It was a severed human leg wearing a bright yellow sock with Panama City Beach embroidered across the seam. I shoved the leg off of me and onto the floor.
“Don’t do that,” he admonished. “I worked hard for that. He fought real hard. That kind of fight-back has got to be worth a lot of luck.” He lumbered over to the side of the bed, picked up the leg, and tossed it on my lap.
I quickly moved to the other side of the bed. This offended him; he growled and hunched over in an intimidating stance of defiance. “Jerry, you make me confused. Why don’t you like my gift?”
“I do. Believe me, I do. I appreciate the gift.”
“And the pretty sock?” he added.
“Yes, and the pretty sock.” I slowly reached over and pulled open the nightstand drawer to get the gun. He saw what I was doing and hurried around to the other side of the bed to accost me. I pulled the gun out and aimed, but there was nothing but a click. I had forgotten that the gun was empty.
“Jerry tried to kill me,” he bellowed in anger.
“No, no. I was just getting my gun to go hunt rabbits with you. I like the yellow sock, but you still got to get rabbits for luck. Human feet just have a very little amount of luck. I don’t know why but for some reason rabbits are magical and they got a lot of luck stored inside them. You said I didn’t like your first gift but that’s not true. Man, that was the best time of my life. I had all kinds of good luck flowing around me. Thank you. Now, I need more.”
“Really, Jerry?”
“Yes. Now I want to show you a special place where there are lots of rabbits, so many in fact, they fill up a whole field. You can just step out and pick one up without even chasing or shooting it.”
I convinced my bestial antagonist to wait outside while I got the car out of the garage. I told him that we had to drive across town to get to the field. I opened the garage door and backed out. I was hoping he was in the driveway so I could run him over, but the goon was waiting in the yard. He opened the door and hopped in the passenger seat. He smelled awful, like a wet dog, and his foul essence exuded throughout the interior of my car. I feared I would never be able to wash the stench out of the seat fabric. His labored breathing was loud and obnoxious. I was ready to be rid of him.
I drove over two hours to the next county, deep in a rural, swath of hills and patchy forests. I spotted a dirt road to the left and turned down it.
“This is it.” I stopped the car.
“Where are all the rabbits?”
“It’s on up the road but we got to get out and walk from here.” He looked over at me with a quizzical look. “Well go on. I just got to get something out of the trunk. You’re going to miss out on all that luck.”
We both got out and he walked on ahead as I walked around to the back of the car. He looked back, but I motioned him to move forward. I opened the trunk to complete the ruse. As soon as he was a good distance up the road, I closed the trunk and jumped in the car. I reached over and shut his door as well, pushing the button to activate the door locks.
He hadn’t noticed anything at all was awry. I was tempted to slowly roll up on him and then run him over, be done with the threat of him forever, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I put the car in reverse and slowly backed out onto the road. At that point he turned and ran towards me, wailing like a child, begging me not to leave him. I put the car in drive and sped off.
As I turned onto the road that led to my neighborhood, I noticed an abandoned postal truck parked up at the elementary school. It was at that moment I realized a crucial mistake in what I had done. Although difficult, I should have finished him off. I should have put him down. I traveled a long distance to rid myself of this ragged old dog, dropped him off in the country, in the middle of nowhere, as so many other irresponsible pet owners have done in the past, but unlike all those other pet owners, my damn dog can drive.
submitted by SubstantialBite788 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:39 Jeepsandhoes AITAH for not paying for my coworkers lunch?

This is genuinely the dumbest AITAH I’ve ever made/read, but here we are. I’m a first responder and was riding along with another shift for training purposes. The first day we drove through chic fil a. I ordered a small Mac And cheese, in our area that’s about $4. He ordered a whole meal. When we got to the window, they gave us 50% off making mine $2. The guy I was riding with said “Don’t worry I’ll cover you”. Cool, thank you for covering my $2 I appreciate it lol. Second day we went to a local bistro that’s decently pricey. I ordered a salad that was about $10. His meal totaled out to just over $20. When we went to the register to pay he told them “She’s going to cover mine” while pointing at me. To say I was appalled is an understatement. The cashier looked at me and I calmly stated “No, I will just be covering myself”. The guy I was riding with got mad and started saying he covered me for lunch yesterday so it’s only right that I cover him. I’m not confrontational, but I’m also no punk lol. I calmly stated “$2 does not constitute $22 (or whatever the total was). If you’d like me to give you $2 to cover my small side I ordered yesterday I will absolutely do that. But I will not be paying for your meal” and handed my card to the cashier. He paid for his meal and we went outside where he refused to let me get into the vehicle. He continued to argue and cause a scene in the parking lot. He told me I’m not longer allowed to ride with him, so I called for a supervisor. Once the supervisor arrived he told them that he covered my lunch yesterday and that I refused to extend the same courtesy and that I embarrassed him and caused a scene and he no longer feels comfortable riding with me. I explained my side to the supervisor and apologized because this is literally so ridiculous lol. The supervisor essentially said I was wrong because I should’ve just been respectful and paid for him like he did me. At this point I was pissed and told them this sounds like extortion and that I wasn’t going to be taken advantage of. I told them that $2 is a whole lot different than $22. We’re first responders, we don’t make a lot of money. I continued to say if he wanted me to buy him a drink from the gas station or give him $2 I had absolutely no problem doing so, but I was not going to be bullied into covering his meal because he covered mine. I ended up riding with someone else because obviously riding with him is no longer an option. The person I switched to also said I was wrong and should’ve just paid for his meal. I don’t think I’m wrong here. Had I known the previous day that I would be expected to pay for his expensive meal after paying for my $2 Mac and cheese I would’ve never let him cover me. I feel like since he put me on the spot, me putting him on the spot in return was only fair. I don’t feel like I caused a scene, I wasn’t the one who argued and refused to unlock the doors. But now everyone’s saying that I’m not a team player and I embarrassed him as well as our place of work. Am I wrong here? AITAH?
submitted by Jeepsandhoes to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 00:36 lvci_frr One week dry —> concerns

I’ve done my fair share of googling pretty much everything about alcohol abuse and it’s recovery. However, I would like to get some actual insight from individuals who have gone or are going through the exact same thing. Tomorrow will be one week sober after almost a decade of alcohol abuse. I’ve had a few instances where I tried to quit when I was younger and less “deep” into it so I never really experienced side effects. It’s definitely different this time.
I feel so much better already in all aspects, but one thing that concerns me is my food intake this past week has been absurdly high. Google searches have led me to believe that this is a normal response to quitting alcohol and that it should subside, but is that a reasonable expectation? Or do some people permanently replace their alcohol calories with food calories? I’m kind of letting myself just enjoy the pleasure of food for right now since I don’t want to bombard myself with the struggle of quitting drinking and of limiting calories and eating “healthy” simultaneously. Another concern is the pain I’ve experienced in my chest and flanks. One of the driving factors that pushed me to quit was that when I drank excessively, I would wake up with severe chest and flank pain. However, the days when I didn’t drink as much I wouldn’t have the pain. Now that I quit, I’m experiencing it EVERY time I wake up. I’d like to know if others had similar pains and if they needed medical attention or were just part of the process. I dont have a primary care doc and won’t be able to see one for months. And last time I went to the ER, it was $1000 just to be there (not including the work they did).
I appreciate any insights and welcome any additional information on what to expect the weeks to come 😄
submitted by lvci_frr to dryalcoholics [link] [comments]