Old muscle cars

Muscle Cars

2010.04.10 14:15 mrp Muscle Cars

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2024.05.16 09:22 thisshowisdecent My New Job Is Hell Because of OCD Part 2

My original post: My New Job Is Hell because of OCD: Plus a bonus rant
I didn't intend to create a series, but I have no other ideas of how to title my posts. The original post is an angry rant and part 2 will be similar because I have no outlet to voice my frustration.
I thought that I would add "Part 2" to the OCD Journal after receiving an invite.
In my original post - the now official Part 1 - I mentioned that I started working for a retailer fulfilling online orders. Customers can buy their groceries online and pick them up in person. Many of you probably use a service like this.
My latest "crisis" involves the fear of contamination and illness/death.
The other day there was an accident when a coworker helped me carry out a large order to the customer's car. Most of the time, one person can carry out an order, but once in a while a customer will order so much stuff that it can take two people to bring it outside.
My coworker was pulling the biggest chunk of the order - a cart containing ten totes as two stakes of five - while I pulled the smaller chunk on a separate cart. To give you an idea of the height for a stack of 5, the top of the tote comes somewhere at my head or forehead. For your reference, I'm 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm for our Euro buddies).
After we arrived to the customer's car and greeted ourselves, my coworker, who was still controlling the larger cart, pushed it forward to get in better loading position. But upon doing so, the cart hit a bump or a crack that caused the front stack to fall off and crash.
At first it seemed fine. Nothing looked broken and we proceeded to load the customer's car while checking items for damage as we loaded. But after a few minutes my coworker says "hold this," and upon turning around I see that he's holding a broken plastic egg carton that was still leaking raw egg even through its extra plastic bag (the same bag that you put raw meat containers in to protect against leaks).
I had to bring the gooey bag and leaky carton back to the staging area and then retrieved the replacement. I had no time to wash my hands so I used the clean hand to bring out the fresh eggs and then used my one clean hand to awkwardly finish loading the groceries.
However, I realized immediately that my coworker probably had raw egg on his hand(s) while he finished loading the groceries. And to make it worse, he also had borrowed my scanner. So in my mind I was immediately apprehensive that things weren't clean.
I took my scanner inside and set if off to the side on some random shelf in the warehouse. Then I walked to the break room, checking my surroundings for any Clorox wipes on the way, and washed my hands.
Over the course of my shift, I kept looking for wipes or thinking of how to get some, while also hoping no one touched the contaminated scanner. I really wanted to disinfect the scanner because of my fear that it would cross contaminate everything else.
I eventually remembered that the front of the store had wipes for customers to use on their carts. However, I kept forgetting to get them and eventually forgot completely before I left work.
To my horror today, that scanner wasn't in the same location, which meant it got placed back with all the others. I stupidly just left it an easily accessible area so someone easily found it.
So today I felt guilty because of the contamination and the catastrophizing about the result of the contamination.
Because contaminated scanner > contaminates other scanners and tools > workers touching those tools and cross contaminating other tools and totes > workers contaminating other groceries that they pick for customers > customers receiving contaminated groceries and dying.
There's a part of me that ironically doesn't feel much fear because it's probably far fetched that every item would receive the same level of contamination. At the same time, I still hate that I couldn't have cleaned that scanner, even though I'm not sure if those wipes actually disinfect that well.
Still, throughout work today I kept sneaking away to retrieve those disinfecting wipes so that I could disinfect my own scanner at least for that day. I feel as though I have to assume that every scanner is contaminated now.
Part of me wishes that I would've just told someone not to touch the scanner until I had a chance to clean it. But I was too embarrassed. I also feel pissed off at my coworker for contaminating the scanner and I feel that he should've cleaned it on my behalf even though I'm aware that non-OCD sufferers don't have the same qualms about germs.
At the same time, I also feel that one doesn't need to have OCD to have concern about contamination, which makes me feel afraid that maybe this was a real concern.
I'm also aware that before I even started working there, there must have been worse accidents in the past that contaminated those same tools and totes. So I probably already came into contact with contaminated items without realizing it. But because this accident happened while I was there, I feel responsible for containing the damage.
I tried ignoring the intrusive thoughts. Before one of my sessions picking items today, I forgot to grab wipes for my scanner. I was already out on the floor and didn't feel like going to the front of the store to retrieve the wipes, so I just started to pick items without disinfecting my scanner.
However, when I was picking the items I kept thinking about how maybe my hands had salmonella on them and that I could be spreading those germs on the customer's items.
For my last session picking I retrieved the wipes even though it's probably moot and I'm not sure I can do that forever.
This situation has got me feeling upset, scared, numb, insane, guilty, exasperated, hopeless, and perplexed.
I'm upset that I have this illness. I'm upset that my coworker knocked over those totes and contaminated my scanner. I'm upset that they put me into a terrible OCD dilemma. I'm upset that I am again dealing with work related obsessions (I left a previous job mostly due to OCD).
I'm scared of someone dying due to the contamination which then causes me to get arrested.
I'm numb because I'm tired of being responsible for everything which makes me want to shut down so that I don't have to feel negative emotions. I'm also tired from the burden carrying them all the time.
I'm insane because I feel like the only person around living in this OCD world.
I feel guilty about contaminating the environment at work that could get someone killed.
I'm exasperated that OCD ruins everything.
I feel hopeless because I don't know if I can ever feel normal again.
I'm perplexed that OCD destroys and ruins life so easily.
submitted by thisshowisdecent to OCDJournal [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:20 Starcrossedlover2019 Hyundai’s are they really that bad

So I just accepted by first job with really good pay, and I’m looking to buy my first new car with a car loan and a down payment. So I’m looking into car brands and I keep coming back to Hyundais I really like the design but I’m not sure if they’re reliable or not. I’ve heard mixed things like the old Hyundais or what’s unreliable then I hear the opposite or don’t buy one buy a Mazda/Toyota/Honda instead so I just don’t know what to believe. I’m really looking for if they are a good candidate for my first car, I’m also looking at Toyotas and Mazdas and also Teslas
submitted by Starcrossedlover2019 to carbuying [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:16 sentooou this is how you do chrome silas

this is how you do chrome silas
man i hate when people trash my old cars
submitted by sentooou to FRlegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:09 OswinTheGeek Toph

My sweet baby girl Toph was in some sort of incident this weekend (we assume a car) her spine was severely damaged and we had to put her down. She wasn’t even 2 years old yet. My heart is absolutely broken, I cried my heart out as I held her in her last moments. I feel like I’ll never recover from losing my little girl. My other two pets can tell, they’ve stuck to me like glue these last few days.
submitted by OswinTheGeek to petgrieving [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:06 L0WK3YLENZ Rear Ended

Hey guys was stopped at a red light and got rear ended by a truck that had a hitch with some tools for their landscaping job. Not sure if the weight of that plus the truck made the impact felt harder then it did but it’s the first time this has ever happened to me. The rear seems okay but I’ll definitely bring it in to get checked out. Three year old was in the back and he seemed okay which was my main concern. I got out the car and asked what happened and it seems that he didn’t brake on time. I tried to get a witness that I waved down and asked to pull over ( she ended up saying she didn’t see the accident happen) so no witness.
We pull into an apartment parking lot try to exchange information but he was having the hardest time presenting his drivers license let alone some ID. He said that he was feeling very anxious and nervous which took him forever to finally give me some ID that came up to be a picture on his phone a long with his drivers license number. I took pictures of him, the plate, his insurance papers. I was trying to explain that we got to call ICBC and report what had happened. He seemed very lost and confused about what to do next.
I just wanted to know if this guy doesn’t call ICBC to explain what happened is there anything I can do to be pro active. It been nearly 10 hours and I can definelty feel some whip lash side affects. I’ve been stretching and icing for hours just to minimize the pain as best as I can so it doesn’t come all at once in a day or two. I’ll call my family doctor and describe symptoms I’m feeling. I know ICBC has changed a lot of their rules, do they cover car seats that have been involved in accidents. Am I entitled to any kind of compensation through this claim. Will this effect my premium (10 year+ discount). I’ve never dealt with any kind of accidents before and really don’t know what to expect from any of this.
Any kind of advice, information, comments would be much appreciated
Thank you
submitted by L0WK3YLENZ to icbc [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:00 Mizzno [H] Games [W] Cornucopia, Headbangers: Rhythm Royale, art of rally, Games (Listed Below), Steam Gift Cards

N.B.: I'm mainly looking for the games listed in the title and at the bottom of the thread. Feel free to post other offers, but if I haven't responded to your comment(s) by my next posting, I likely wasn't able to find a trade that interested me.

For sale (for Steam Gift Cards or gifted Steam Wallet balance):

For trade:
*signifies that a game is tentatively up for trade, assuming I buy the bundle


IGS Rep Page: https://www.reddit.com/IGSRep/comments/ti26nz/mizznos_igs_rep_page/
submitted by Mizzno to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:57 Different_Maybe_2348 Rent-A-Center Harrassmemt …?

Rent-A-Center Dilemma
I signed up for a rental agreement with Rent A Center back in November 2023. They were very unorganized but moving forward, I had my delivery set up. One of the managers Stephon and a driver delivered my washer and dryer set. The manager was friendly and I was just ready for his ass to get out of my house. So moving forward, I receive a text and it’s from an out of state number saying that it was him. The damn manager! 1.) I did not give you my number at anytime inside my home so why would you feel comfortable texting me!!? This manager had gotten my number off of my paperwork. I was so confused and pissed THE F**K off that I said my dryer is missing a component just to try and not overthink that he was overstepping boundaries. He stated that he would check in the back of their warehouse to see if they had the piece I needed and he would come put it on. Well they didn’t have the piece. So I ordered it and told him I think I can manage putting it on myself. Y’all !!! Why did this man come over on his launch break that he gets like 45 mins to an hour break. He took every bit of 5 minutes to put the part on but would not LEAVE ! He was asking about my cooking. Asking me was I single. Told me what type of man I deserve. Told me he scanned the parking lot and knew which car was mine. He was very weird. He basically stayed his entire break. I was so weirded out and tried not to overreact because of the business contract. Not knowing what to do. I also was home alone with my 22 month old son at the time. He was sleeping upstairs. So I ended up telling my boyfriend and he’s like why did this manager try and pull this mess while not there. Here’s the kicker you guys: I have a ring doorbell camera and it has record of all of this and the time stamps and days. Fast forward to January 2024, the manager texted me happy new years !! Like what? Why would you do that and I haven’t shown any interest in you!!? So moving forward I got behind like a few days on my weekly payment actually because I forgot and called to try and work a payment date out with them. Tell me why he went off on me, told me he was not going to help me and that they were coming to get my stuff and that the manager I needed to speak with was not in and ended up hanging up the phone in my face. I tried calling back and no answer. So I called the headquarters and told them what happened. They acted like they were going to do something and I told them about his personal number and area code which I shouldn’t have known and also where he told me he was from which why would I know. I also mentioned other things. Do you they didn’t offer anything for the hassle and weirdness. Nothing at all. So my job closed down and they started calling me from a new number. I had old them I would come in to pay cash. So I get up there and the credit manager had already given me the amount I needed to pay and was like yea I’ll work with you cause you always pay on time. I get up there like 10 mins later. Tell me why I pay for both weeks and they do not give me my change back and say we credited it. I’m like I didn’t ask you all to do that. Then it’s 3 men in the store (including the manager I had originally had an issue with texting me) all employees only and they are discussing my biz and the one who had given me the phone call with the amount I owed was right there as well. And I’m like why would you all not return my change. That’s not how it works. Ya’ll didn’t state that beforehand. So I walked out and the manager that I had to deal with months before who still has his job was like what’s wrong as I’m walking out. I was just disgusted. It was doggish and I’m just going to sue them at this point because you’re not going to take my money and then think it’s cool to harass me and I’m a paying customer. I was wanting to hear some feedback to see if I’m tripping or what… I’m also wanting to see if maybe I had a possible case. Because I believe so wholeheartedly !
submitted by Different_Maybe_2348 to SexualHarassment [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:43 palmosea Did the definition of AI change?

Hello. I know this might be an odd question.
But I first learned about the concept of AI around 2016 (when I was 12) and relearned it in 2019 ish. I'm a Comp Sci major right now and only have brushed the very basics of AI as it is not within my concentration.
The first few times AI was defined to was something similar to just the simulation of intelligence. So this included essentially anything that used neural networks and algorithms. Which is very broad and of course does not literally mean it's going to be on the level of human intelligence. Sometimes the programs are very simplistic and just be made to do simple things like play chess. When it was redefined to me in class in 2019 it was made to seem even broader and include things like video game enemies that were not being directly controlled by a person.
This year I've been seeing a lot of threads, videos, and forums talk about AI and argue that none of these things fall into the AI definition and that we haven't truly made AI yet. I am also in a data science class that very basically overviews "AI" and states that no neural network falls under this definition. And when I learn more about where they are coming from, they usually argue something like "Well nueral networks don't actually know what these words mean and what they are doing". And I'm like, of course, but AI is a simulation of intelligence, not literal intelligence . Coming from when I was younger taking lower education comp sci classes, and watching MIT opencourseware, this definition is completely different. Which formally to me it was a range from simple predictive programs with tiny data sets to something as advanced as self driving cars.
I am having a hard time adjusting because this new one seems almost sci fi and completely subjective, not something that even has a purpose of having a meaning because it "doesnt exist yet". At least the old AI definition I knew had somewhat of a meaning that mattered in society. Which was to say that something was automated and functioned based on a well developed algorithm (usually neural networks). This new AI meaning (literal human intelligence) would rely on a society that had advanced machines that completely mimiced human brains. Which obviously is completely fantastical right now, and thus doesn't actually have a meaning as a word anymore than skynet does. Am I missing something?
submitted by palmosea to compsci [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:41 Equivalent-Radio-559 Kid harassing me for driving old school Benz

u/illustriousfarmer119 is making fun of me for driving a r350 v8 real Benz and the new cars look bad and I can’t get them but they look bad and stuff and it hurt my feelings. I’m 55 years old.
submitted by Equivalent-Radio-559 to u/Equivalent-Radio-559 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:36 Vinylmaster3000 Fan-Made chronological timeline of the games

So I found this unofficial fan-timeline, which implies Unwound Future to take place in 1964 due to this official artwork found from the Japanese website. This is an interesting find because most concept art I've found shows the '1' obscured by Layton's hat, with the '974' being visible.
I think if you generally accept the 60s timeline then many aspects of the games seem to fall into place, for instance in Diabolical box it's shown that the ballroom pictures in the Herzen Castle were painted - as this was quite common during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Many of the identifiable cars within the series are all from the mid 20th-century as well, and many of the weapons shown are most certainly from the inter-war or post-war era. I think the most damning of them all is Emmy stating that Big ben is approximately 100 years old during Last Specter, which means that LS could take place in 1959. There was a similar scene during Last specter of a dude talking about the Internet where the characters assume he's from "another time", I think a bit of an easter egg in a way.
I genuinely never really considered the series to take place during the 21st century, it really does feel like a homage to the 20th. Of course, it's not our 20th century, it's one with steampunk mechs.
(Timeline does not include the Anime, though that could take place in the 80s).
submitted by Vinylmaster3000 to ProfessorLayton [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:35 Repulsive-Dot553 Cleaning away the DNA and blood

Cleaning away the DNA and blood
An often repeated false trope is that "it's impossible to completely clean DNA from the car". This is perhaps so much repeated because it is disproven by two endeavours that some more devout Probergers seem averse to - washing and science. This recaps the peer reviewed, published science and some real cases that prove it is easy to remove DNA and blood given much less time than Kohberger had.
We see anti-scientific nonsense such as "DNA is sticky", "it's impossible to wash off all DNA", "it's cellular so can't be removed". Passing over Proberger confusion of incelular with cellular, DNA is (as a rough, illustrative analogy) structurally similar to a cross between starch and protein - it has a starch-like backbone with the functional nucleotides (the G,A,T,C's which code for proteins) spaced along it, similar to amino acids on a protein - it is not "sticky" nor harder to wash away than most proteins or starches. If Probergers think it impossible to wash away or degrade starch I'd strongly recommend not eating in their kitchens.
The peer reviewed, published science shows it is easy to wash away all DNA and blood, beyond forensic profiling or detection (studies linked for each point):
The idea DNA cannot be quite easily removed, and/ or degraded beyond forensic use, quite simply is total nonsense.
Many murder cases involve scenes where people were stabbed to death being cleaned of all blood/ DNA in a very short time, often only a few hours. A few of many such examples:
Robert Wone - fatally stabbed, lost 2/3 of his blood volume in the house. Scene was sealed within 50 minutes but no blood or DNA was found other than a spot on the bed police thought was staged. 3 male residents of house appeared freshly showered when police arrived, and were suspected of washing/ staging the scene.
Samantha Koenig - murdered by serial killer Israel Keyes; sexually assaulted and murdered in his garden shed. Her body was kept in the shed for 2 weeks, mutilated, dismembered and then transported. Keyes boasted the FBI would not find any DNA - no DNA or blood was found in his shed or the car used to move her body.
Claudia Maupin and Oliver Northup - stabbed, mutilated, disembowelled and dismembered by a 15 year old school-boy, Daniel Marsh. Marsh left none of his DNA at the scene or on the bodies (despite sexually motivated assault, organ removal and insertion of objects into chest cavities) and cleaned away all traces of victim blood and DNA on him, tracking zero DNA to his home.
Given 7 weeks to repeat wash a car where no one was actually stabbed (and where the starting amount of victim blood/ DNA may have been limited by simple measures as removing an outer hoodie and gloves) surely Kohberger could clean as effectively as a 15 year old school-boy? It seems that, for some, ignoring science and real case examples is the only rinse and repeat they entertain with regard to the car cleaning.
Color safe bleach - \"active oxygen\" peroxide products
submitted by Repulsive-Dot553 to Idaho4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:35 Simple_Commercial211 Oil life percentage

Oil life percentage
My car says oil life is at 29% should I change immediately or could I wait on it new to these newer cars I had a old Pontiac that’s why lol
submitted by Simple_Commercial211 to Mustang [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:33 meginoz How do I deal with regret?

Long story but I think I need to get it out for therapeutic purposes
TDLR: Ended up spending everything on a lemon, how do I make myself ok with this?
Also, I want to note that I fully understand that this is a privileged problem to have, with so many currently homeless or in the rental crisis.
In 2020 my partner and I built our first house. We were both low income with a dependent so we couldn't afford to build much. We went with a small bit of land in a very cheap suburb. We built our first house on a tight budget. I designed the floor plan, together we picked the finish. It was beautiful. Sadly though the backyard was too small, we couldn't sleep for traffic noise and we had an abusive neighbour. We decided to sell and walked away debt free (including personal loans etc) and over 100k profit, this was the start of the property boom.
Moved into a rental and planned to build a bigger house now finances were a bit better without the debt. Partner bought his dream car but we were left with enough for a build deposit. We purchased rural land and designed an amazing house. Due to job changes though the distance became an issue and we had to sell prior to building as it wasn't feasible. Luck was on our side again though and we made 10k profit from the land.
We planned to build local and purchased land. This is when building prices sky rocketed though and we were struggling to get what we wanted in budget. We also discovered my child needed access to swimming for therapy. Being in a rental the blow up swimming pool was not allowed and was about to cause us huge issues.
We found a house for sale that was large. On 700m2, had a beautiful pool and spa. It was listed for $599,000 to $630,000. The market was extremely competitive, and from previous experience when we sold our first house we went in with our best offer subject to building inspection. We offered $650,000 and had $30,000 left over for house improvements, we planned to heat the pool for our daughter etc. We got the building inspection and that came back with no defects and that the property was in good condition.
We moved In and everything went to hell from there. Turns out the flooring was a DIY and the grout was never sealed or whatever so our feet were constantly black. Even now 6 months later with constant cleaning the tiles always look dirty. We didn't realise things like linen cupboards were gutted. The spa does not work and needs to be chucked (bubbles work but doesn't heat and shorts out)the pool needed massive repairs (all this was meant to be checked by the specialised building inspector) the roof needs 20k of work, there's a leak behind the wall in the bathroom, the electrical work was a DIY job and a safety hazard, it's just endless issues.
Obviously our money quickly went to fixing the safety issues with nothing to spare and nothing to show for it. We can't heat the pool for my daughter so that can only be used in the height of summer. The spa was the back up plan for the dead of winter but that doesn't work and is so old would cost too much to fix. We don't even have access to a bath as she needs me in with her for regulation and it's so small I literally don't fit, I'm now squeezing in everynight and dealing with bad leg cramps each day. We knew the bath was small but figured the spa would be a happy replacement for water regulation. The floors have to be washed twice a day and are doing my head in. Can't fix any of the cosmetic issues like we'd planned.
I'm so angry and disappointed with myself for making the decision to buy this house but also not listening to my intuition. When we inspected the house privately the owners were walking out the front, and the female owner gave me a look and my intuition screamed don't buy, we fell in love though so I ignored it. I'm extremely angry at the building inspector who missed everything, we would not have bought this house with even one major defect since we had such limited liquid funds. I'm angry with my partner because he is not open to selling it and moving on, he wants to settle which I get, he hates moving as does my child, but it will be a very long time before this house has enough equity for any renovations.
How do I deal with the fact I was handed this golden opportunity to have a really nice house for my child and I blew it on this? How do I accept that I should have gotten two building inspections?
submitted by meginoz to AusPropertyChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:30 kurin93 Can someone recommend a lanolin free ointment?

The only 2 I know of are retaine and bauche &lomb soothe pm. My eyes do not tolerate retaine and it smells like plastic and something you'd smell under the hood of a car. The bauche and lomb one was great until something eith the formula changed. I tolerate older lots but all the new ones are alot more watery thin compared to the old and don't give me that barrier.they also make my eyes ache and bother my eyelids and it also has a strong plastic scent to it . Quality control is supposedly looking into it but so far getting the run around. I found something called hydramed lanolin free sensitive but I have a sensitivity to chamomile and I guess that's in it
submitted by kurin93 to Dryeyes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:27 IloveColdCruncPickle I can’t get along with my mom, what should I do?

This is my first time posting so I’m sorry if it doesn’t make much sense or I’m trauma dumping a lot also a couple trigger warnings, I’m not sure where to start off with. Me and my mom used to be pretty close I’d say up until I started high school. Middle of eighth grade I moved to a new city so I was back to trying to find some friends. I’ve been moving around since I could remember, I used to live in Germany where I moved twice, then moved to the US around the Silicon Valley, moved again, and again and again now we’re here. I wouldn’t be explaining this part of my life if I felt like it didn’t have any weight in this situation. Middle school I found a friend, me and her got pretty close, stuck through Covid together. My mom hated her and not even two years into our friendship my mom started accusing her of stealing from us, being a bad influence and overall just being trashy. Her parents were in the middle of getting a divorce and she had a lot of things going on in her life. I dyed my hair red during this time too while being friends with her, she probably was a huge influence on me but that’s also because it was covid and I was bored and who doesn’t start irrationally bleaching and coloring their hair at 14. I think my mom thought she was a bad influence on that part too because she's the one that first started off coloring her hair like purple and pink etc. My mom never of course said anything to my friend but she made sure I would hear of her disapproval concerning her bad influence in my life. I stopped being friends with her freshman year since my parents banned me from having her over or going to her house, I couldn’t drive neither could she and hanging out at each other's houses was pretty much what we did 80% of the time. I was so frustrated and felt trapped because the only friend I really cared about was someone I wasn’t allowed to associate with anymore. I told her I was done being friends with her over text and blamed it on me just being in a dark place and breaking it off. She was confused and called me a week later about something personal but I just dismissed it. Granted there were other things going on in our friendship but I felt terrible about it especially since her parents were going through that divorce and I just left during such a sensitive time. I hate to admit it but I felt so much better since I started making new friends quickly and started sitting with a new group the next day. Mostly guys and other two girls, it worked out fine for the next year. Junior year my grades started dropping so my parents got stricter, started taking my phone, looking through it, screen time etc. I felt like it was a huge invasion of privacy since my mom would look through my texts. Me and my mom also started arguing weekly about whatever it was but when I mean arguing I mean like full on yelling for two hours down in the living room with no stopping. I can’t do anything about it because whenever I say something remotely disproving her so called “facts'' since she always speaks with so much authority on subjects she wouldn’t even know about I’m the one that has to quiet down from my fathers perspective, and I know this will be mostly about my mom but me and my dad have always been close even when we’re fighting within a week we at least make it up. We play the same sports, have the same humor etc. I understand this might look like us disregarding my mom and I know she cares and loves me yet in certain circumstances she doesn’t show it so of course there’s going to be reasons as to why I’m closer with my dad than her. For example I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 4th grade and of course I wouldn’t expect anyone to know that when you're low you need carbs or when your blood sugar is high you need insulin but my mom to this day still does not understand it. I wouldn’t care even if it’s my friend but as my mom you take so much authority over my life and who I can’t or can hangout with but you don’t know the basics of how I have to manage my life behind closed doors in the house that you and I live in every day. That might sound overdramatic but it’s just something I think about. Also growing up, I’m an only child by the way, I would always play by myself whenever we went on vacation for example to the beach etc. it was always my dad that came and played with me in the sand while at sharing his time with me and my mom so my mom wouldn’t gets upset over him leaving her to go play with me. Even now I notice how my mom would always make snarky comments regarding how my dad always treats me like a princess and cares too much over me. Anywho, since I know this is getting pretty long I’ll try to sum it up a bit more. I started liking one of the guys from that group, I would text him on a daily basis just about whatever. We were pretty awkward in person since I’ve never really talked to that many guys and I don’t think he really had much experience either so we stuck it to mostly phones, everyone else in the group also didn’t know. Once my mom went through my phone on one occasion that night, because she would collect it on some nights and read through my messages in bed she saw one message from that guy calling my mom bipolar and me responding with something like it’s fine like I still love her she freaked out. She told me to never talk to him again and that I’m a brat for talking about my family issues outside of the family etc. I honestly had nobody to talk to. The other two girls in the group didn’t really talk to me at this time, I later became really close with one of them though more on that later and I had no other friends in that town so it was really only him. He had a plethora of family issues that I couldn’t even imagine so I felt like he understood where I was coming from at times better than other kids with American parents. Not sure I mentioned but my parents were both born in Eastern Europe and grew up during heavy communism so that definitely affected them and their parenting style. Anywho, my mom sent me a paragraph to show to him, basically telling him to never talk to me again and that he has to apologize to her etc. After a couple months I think he took me out on a date. I'm not sure what to make of it since it was pretty casual. We just got ice cream. I told my parents that he was only picking me up so we could meet with the rest of the group when of course we’re not. The rest of the guys saw us downtown and found out about it. That kinda really sucked since I’m pretty sure one of them liked me so he got really mad and it kind of ruined the group dynamic. The guy I liked stopped talking to me a couple months in since I couldn’t really do much or go anywhere and dating as a result would be hard so he stopped really talking to me it was pretty off and on since I would get mad stop texting him and then he would try to get back texting at me and once I showed him I cared he’d stop. I was so mad at him and the situation that I refrained myself from talking to him, two weeks later he killed himself. I found out because one of the guys from the group faced me and told me. I went downstairs and started crying and formed the sentences explaining it the best I could, pushing a couple words out at a time. In that very moment I felt so hurt and vulnerable by what just happened my mom responded by just looking at me and saying that he had it coming for him since he probably vaped and drank. My dad ran downstairs since he probably heard me crying and the first thing he did without asking me any questions was hug me. For the first time ever he told my mom to shut up since her trying to ask me questions about how he died just made me sob harder. Over the next week my mom was pretty lenient about letting me go out. The next week she started asking what happened to him. Me and my mom were not close at all anymore at this time. You see mothers and daughters talking about guys or what dress they’re gonna wear to the prom etc in the movies. Me and my mom are not like that. On top of that I was overwhelmed with what happened and as someone does overthinking how things could have played out differently. Anyway I refused to tell her anything saying I was too uncomfortable and over the course of the next couple months of senior year she would get progressively mad and irritated at me to the point of arguing and yelling at me for not trusting her and telling her how he killed himself. I to this day told her nothing but she stopped asking. I don’t know how my dad feeds into this since he’s always so Switzerland about everything when I know I’m right in an argument between me and my mom, however when my mom has leverage he takes her side. Anyway, the beginning of senior year was rough. I hated being in that house and really started seriously considering the only options I felt like I had at the time. I started becoming closer to that one girl from the group earlier, spoiler alert my mom strongly dislikes her now too since she’s a liar and since she’s close with her mom but not her dad that means her parents are having marital issues and therefore her mom is a cheater etc. I don’t understand how she goes from one topic to another and sorts these things into her head. She’s my only friend that I’m really close with and I have been for the past these almost two so hearing this is very disheartening since I’m sending off senior year and I can’t do this again being so close to the end of the year. I forgot to mention but during homecoming I drank for the first time and I had one of my guy friends with his girlfriend and that friend that I’m not friends with drop me off. When he dropped me off he didn’t wave to my mom so she now thinks he’s a bastard in her words and disgusting and she deserves and apology for all the times he’s been over to my house etc. which I honestly think is insane because how do you always have so many issues over my friends and why are you so obsessed with 16 year olds, like you really have beef with high school kids as a 50 year old. Anyway the reason I bring that up is because I invited him over a couple weeks ago for some drills to help one of my other friends with mma since me and him used to wrestle and my mom got mad despite him not being there for me but for my other friends benefit. I’m not sure if this makes any sense. I'm trying to explain the issue best I can without saying too much. Anyway my friend, the one that I’m friends with now, the girl and that guy from the group that didn’t wave at my mom are both Latin so my mom started calling them cheaters and dirty etc when they had nothing to do with anything. This argument spiraled over me asking my mom if I can have a sleepover with those friends since we want to bring a new series on Netflix. Also during prom I asked my parents for 10 dollars since I already had twenty in my account and I wanted to buy hair stuff for prom. They gave me the 10 and I said how I was going to catch a ride with friend A so that when friend A picked me up but friend B that I did not mention in the plan picked me up my parents started calling and texting me. To give some background friend B has been close with me since freshman year, probably the only friend my mom has liked and also the only white friend I have not sure if that has anything do with it but there’s that. She’s really sweet and has been invited over multiple times to my house by my parents, they do really like her. Anywho yet since I didn’t mention that friend B was driving the car since my parents didn’t recognize the new car and knew it wasn’t friend A driving yet assumed it was indeed friend B but since I didn’t mention that they took all the money I had in my account which was only 30 dollars but it was what I needed to get my nails and hair gloss and hair spray for prom, I just started breaking down in the middle of target. I was so excited to get my stick on nails etc since I couldn’t afford to get the acrylics since I was paying for all my prom stuff for the most part. By the way I know that the 10 dollars was initially there so I understand taking away that but the other 20 I made selling my clothes on mercari and I had nothing else like no other cash nothing that was the money I worked on to get my prom stuff. It was mostly my dad actually that got mad at this point taking my money etc and than following a got a text from my mom saying I got what I was coming for by acting the way I have been. There were 3 others with me while I was at target so having three of my friends see me breakdown from me only having 14 cents left in my account was so humiliating. I ended up looking great at prom neither less so don’t even worry about that, my hair looked great and I found some old stick-ons in my laundry room and painted them white lol a couple of them popped off during prom but whatever. This has been really long and thanks to whoever spent their time reading through all of this I’m sorry if the read is a bit of a struggle but I just don’t know what to think or do of this situation. Keep in mind I’m 18 now, never have had a boyfriend, never have do anything, kissed, even held hands romantically etc. it’s one thing you know to not care about any of that but the thing is I do and I want to experience being a teenager and going out and going on dates and not worry about my mom flipping out on one of my friends. While we were in Italy one of the tour guys told her to move on the bus to make more room for others and she started cussing him out telling him to f himself etc for telling her a paying customer where to sit. Everyone started staring at us. I did not want to be there. I just kept my head down the entire time and didn’t really talk to my mom out of embarrassment for the next two days. Also after that prom incident I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere after as a result of go to friend B's birthday bash the next day so my mom texted her without my knowledge and told her not to tell me about how I’ve been acting up and one day I’ll learn when I’m her age but it will be too late and that I don’t know what I’m doing and finishing off my apologizing on my part for my behavior and I’m the reason why I can’t go to her party. Which I find so infuriating because one of the main reasons why I don’t tell my mom anything about my personal life is because I simply don’t want her to have that control of knowing what my life is like, I probably tell the teacher I TA for more than my own biological mother. The fact that she preached family issues in the family so heavily and that you should never talk about issues to others yet goes behind my back and tells my friend that my indecent behavior is the reason why I can’t go is so beyond me because where did your ideals go that you preached so heavily about. Every time I’m around my mom especially when she has her flares of anger I just start shaking like you know when you drink something with a lot of caffeine in the morning and you don’t eat anything so mid way through the day you just start getting jittery and anxious, kind of like that. Ok I think I’m done anyway thank you for tuning in cause I really have to start studying for human geo, thanks for reading up until here 🙂.
submitted by IloveColdCruncPickle to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:26 Fourteen_of_Twelve Took a year, but I rebuilt my Celica, Ember.

Took a year, but I rebuilt my Celica, Ember.
See prior post for full story - https://old.reddit.com/RWBY/comments/11nd8f7/i_totaled_my_celica_embe but short of it is, a Tesla stopped in the middle of the road with no warning and wet pavement made me slam into them and wreck the front of my car. After asking around for local shops who could straighten my subframe for under a thousand, I was able to fix the entire front. Spent a good while at the scrapyard to find new fenders, a pristine intake manifold since my old one was broken apart, replaced the bumper, bumper cover, crash bar, radiator, air conditioning radiator, radiator fans, front headlight, and hood. Also got a new rear bumper and foglights to finish it up. At estimate, if I scrapped the car, I would have gotten $900 and had to spend $15,000 to get a new car. Instead I spent 10% of that to rebuild Ember.
Don't have the front plate anymore, sent that to Barbara last month once I saw that RT was closing. Hope she and Trevor are doing okay.
It's been fun, guys. Hope to see RWBY Volume 10 announced soon.
submitted by Fourteen_of_Twelve to RWBY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:18 TombSludge I’m so tired.

I’ve been stuck in a horrible, hateful, isolated town for nearly 15 years. There’s no one I can relate to here and I’m so bitterly lonely. We’re under constant threat from wildfires during the summer, and insane cold (-50C) during the winter. The stress of this wreaks havoc on my mental state, as well as my arthritis. I’m in constant pain, constantly afraid, constantly miserable. I can’t drive, always been too scared to. Even if I could, I’m on disability and couldn’t afford a car. I can’t work because I can’t stand for long periods. The jobs that don’t require standing require driving. I can’t afford to live on my own and am hopelessly tethered to my husband and his finances. There’s no way out and I’m so tired of stagnating. I lost my youth to this place and even if I do escape someday, I can’t live with the regret. I’m 35 years old and my body is already breaking down from the stress of living here. I don’t leave my bed for months at a time. I go weeks without showering or brushing my teeth. I starve myself because I’m simply too depressed to eat. It’s been this way for years and I wish I’d hurry up and die, but it’s not happening.
MAID takes too long to get approval for. I want to finish this miserable existence this week. This ain’t worth it.
I’m so tired and sore and defeated and I can’t live with the regret and pain anymore.
submitted by TombSludge to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:16 Actempo121 Best Places to Visit Near Delhi for Couples 2024

Best Places to Visit Near Delhi for Couples 2024
For couples looking for romantic getaways near Delhi in 2024, here are some top Places:
Agra: Agra is just a few hours' drive from Delhi. Besides the Taj Mahal, couples can explore Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri, and enjoy a romantic walk along the Yamuna River.
Jaipur: Known as the Pink City, Jaipur offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and romance. Couples can visit attractions like the Amber Fort, City Palace, Hawa Mahal, and indulge in shopping at vibrant bazaars.
Udaipur: Often referred to as the City of Lakes, Udaipur is famous for its enchanting palaces, serene lakes, and romantic ambiance. Couples can enjoy boat rides on Lake Pichola, visit the City Palace, and explore the picturesque streets of the old city.
Shimla: Nestled in the Himalayas, Shimla is a popular hill station known for its colonial charm and scenic beauty. Couples can stroll along the Mall Road, visit Jakhu Temple, enjoy panoramic views from the Ridge, and indulge in adventure activities.
Rishikesh: For couples seeking a blend of spirituality and adventure, Rishikesh is an ideal destination. They can enjoy river rafting on the Ganges, attend yoga and meditation sessions, visit ashrams, and enjoy the serene surroundings.
Nainital: Surrounded by lush greenery and picturesque lakes, Nainital is a romantic hill station perfect for couples. They can enjoy boating on Naini Lake, visit Naina Devi Temple, take a cable car ride to Snow View Point, and explore the vibrant Tibetan Market.
Neemrana: Known for its majestic Neemrana Fort Palace, this heritage destination offers a unique experience for couples. They can enjoy a royal stay at the fort, indulge in zip lining, explore the Baori (stepwell), and relish the royal cuisine.
These destinations near Delhi offer a mix of romance, adventure, history, and natural beauty, providing couples with unforgettable experiences and cherished memories. If you want to go from Delhi you can take best Taxi Services in delhi at affordable price.
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submitted by Actempo121 to u/Actempo121 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:16 fujiwara_tofuten gonna buy an old car when MOASS

gonna buy an old car when MOASS submitted by fujiwara_tofuten to GME [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:15 vegansender Unable to give up on the AM process

Lifetime pro on 2 matrimonial apps and 2 dating apps. 5'5", Fair enough but not very Fair. BE, MBA. 50+LPA. Own house. 2X cars.
I look younger for my age - matches my age or even 4-5 years younger look old to me when I meet them. It feels like we don't look like a couple and I'm not even attracted to them. Ofcourse there are girls my age who I am attracted to. But I don't get good matches on dating/shaadi apps maybe because of my height or looks. Also from the AM perspective, I am from a veg caste but eat non veg. I am also an atheist. I don't hide my diet or (social)drinking when I meet girls.
But in the real world, in the gym, at the club, on trips, I can talk nice, flirt a bit and get girls easy. 90% chance everytime I try. There's just one problem - I end up meeting girls way younger. Never crossed 25. Even if these interactions go beyond the first meeting to multiple dates and trips, they rarely go into marriage. 3-6 months max.
I live alone in my own house. I have lots of friends in the city. A blessing at this age. Friends keep visiting, parties keep happening. I am active, run marathons, play sports, a bit of adventure. I take couple of international trips each year - focussed on an experience or an adventure. I cook, bake, care for my plants.
I am not really worried about age or marriage. I just want stable companionship and may be kids. But I'm stuck in the filters of these apps. I am confident that I will meet someone right and I am Ok to wait. But family and society are not willing to wait. The pressure has impacted my relationship with a lot of family members. The apps and the arranged marriage process is a lot of pressure on myself too. It's quite depressing sometimes to see rejections by such lame girls or when I am made to talk to someone I have zero interest in just because of family pressure.
I just want to give up on the AM process, live life happily and wait of the perfect girl. Maybe I'll meet her in a club or a trip or at the finish line of my next marathon!
submitted by vegansender to Arrangedmarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:13 Balancedasis Does anyone wanna be lonely together, maybe make a new friend?

Hello! My name is Joesph! I’m 27 years young. I have a 11 month old daughter named Izabella she’s my world! I work 3rd shifts as an Operations Supervisor. A little about me, I’m a major fan of Star Wars LOTR and Harry Potter. I watch a little bit of anime but not a whole bunch. I’m a very outgoing person. I tend to shy away from people in real life as my anxiety tends to get the best of me but I’ve been working on it. I have a vast variety of interests. I love to go hiking or just being outside. I play some video games here and there. I’m a huge horror fan! I’m a big sports fan as well I also love muscle cars. I collect watches, embroidered patches, and playing cards. I’m the black sheep in my family that being said I have 2 sisters and a brother. I love to learn I’m always looking up a topic or listening to a podcast. In my opinion knowledge is power and the only dumb question is the one that’s not asked. I have zero interest in people who are rude and have zero morals. Respect is a huge thing for me. I’ll always respect your boundaries please do the same for me. I have a miniature schnauzer! Her name is Rosie! If I sound like someone you could be friends with please don’t hesitate to message me! No matter what you choose I hope you have an amazing day!
submitted by Balancedasis to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:10 Sad-Pop6649 Lunetten, Utrecht, Netherlands, a higher density green suburb?

Lunetten, Utrecht, Netherlands, a higher density green suburb?
This might end up as a bit of a weird post. But mostly a very long one. I don’t think this place I’m presenting here is heaven, but without SuburbHeaven Thursday this subreddit may give viewers the idea that we’re all just hating, and this case study may help illustrate some of the alternatives and what one could like and dislike about them. I know that yelling “the Netherlands!” on any urbanist platform is overdone and so 2 years ago, but I also feel like the available “Netherlands!” content is giving people an incomplete picture. So I’m going to discuss a suburban neighborhood, Lunetten, in Utrecht, where I’ve lived for about a year now. It’s a place built in the 70’s and 80’s, housing about 11,000 people in 5,500ish homes, for a density of just over 4,000 people/km2, 10,000 per square mile.
Obviously that’s pretty dense. In a North American context Lunetten may count more as an example of the “missing middle” than a true suburb, but I feel it still works as a comparison because it is situated at the edge of a city* and it offers features people often look to the suburbs for, like a low noise environment, plenty of green and child oriented features. So, what can we find in this example that people may like or dislike in their suburban areas?
If you want to look along on your favorite online map: 52° 3'53 N, 5° 8'13 E.
Traffic and transit
Lunetten has a clear main road (middle left image, bright pink line on the map) that serves as the main way of getting around by car. It is the only road where the limit is 50 km/h (30 mph), not 30 km/h. The main road has priority over all side roads, indicated by the exits or all side streets being raised a bit. The speed bump automatically makes one slow down to yield to the traffic on the main road. In the places where people’s front doors open towards this main ring there are service roads for them to do their parking and loading and such on. In the busiest part of the ring the road was raised a few meters so pedestrians and cyclists can pass underneath through tunnels. So while the maximum speed cars can go on most of the roads in this place is quite low, the time to destination is pretty good, because a lot was done to ensure a good flow of traffic.
A more debatable feature is the lack of through-traffic options. If you want to leave Lunetten by car there are two roads leading West, connecting to the rest of the city and to the 70km/h raised road that serves as the exit from the city. There is also one small road going South-East along the train line, and that’s it. Despite being next to two highways Lunetten has no direct on- and off-ramp accessing it, and even no direct way across the highways for cars. Cyclists and pedestrians do have options leading in basically all directions. On the one hand this does wonders for how quiet the neighborhood is, but on the other hand that one road taking people in and out of the city is still more prone to blocking than a direct ramp to the highway, so car owners will experience some travel delays because of this.
Lunetten is no public transit hotspot, but there are like two bus lines both going to more connected places including the city’s central hub, and the train station is two stops from said hub as well, which happens to be the biggest train station in the Netherlands.
Public Spaces
Even by Dutch standards Lunetten has a pretty urban-ish density. There’s a mix of mostly rowhouses and midrise apartment buildings, mostly gallery flats up to 5 stories tall, including the ground floor. To give you an idea of Dutch standards for density: I grew up in a commuter town of about the same size as Lunetten, housing 1,000 less people (present day numbers) on roughly 1.25 times the surface**. But what I find interesting is what that space is used for. In Lunetten, on the outer ring of the neighborhood, adjacent to the two highways, busy raised road and train line that surround the neighborhood, there are quite sizable parks (bottom right picture). There’s plenty of space for dogs to run off their leash, there are football/play fields, there are two skate parks, two ponds for amphibians to spend the winter in (granted: that’s an amenity most people could live without) and an entire petting zoo, in case you had doubts this was a suburb. Together with a football/soccer club, a tennis club, some allotment gardens and a small business park near the train station these parks take up most of the space where traffic noise is an issue. There is room for recreation and other daytime activities in the noisy bits (there are sound screens, but that’s not blocking all of the noise) so that peoples’ homes can mostly be in the quiet parts, shielded from noise by trees and stuff. And then there’s the neighborhood interior. You’ll see on the map a few yellow locations marked as “playground/square”, but in reality many, probably most, of the dark green “courtyards” contain a little playground too. All of the courtyards have grass, most if not all of them have trees, many of those trees being taller than the midrises. Some of the courtyards feature parking space as well***. The middle right image is far from the greenest example. The combination of the parks and the courtyards make Lunetten much greener than the actual smallish town I lived in mentioned previously. Plenty of birds live here too, including a bunch of water birds who enjoy the ditches and canals. In the smallish town much more of the space was simply used for row houses with pretty large gardens, and in the newer parts a bunch of four home and two home units and free standing homes as well****.
Which brings me to the reality check. With all these pedestrianized public spaces around and loads of playgrounds, is Lunetten actually a good neighborhood to raise kids? From what I can tell, opinions are mixed. Because one thing that does tend to come with density of people is density of crime. In my year here I have personally witnessed a man snorting coke off his bicycle saddle, in broad daylight, in the middle of a bike lane near a skatepark with playing children in it*****. There is also the occasional lost shopping cart dumped in a canal and apparently there was a pretty shocking supermarket robbery just before I moved in. Especially if your budget only allows for an apartment and not a house I could imagine feeling a little scared to let young children wander around near the house on their own, also maybe because of the canals and ditches they might fall into. The sweet spot age for children in Lunetten is probably around 9-12, old enough to be trusted with their own safety around water and some minor drug use and vandalism, yet young enough to fully enjoy all the outdoor play space.
The blame for the crime is often put on the street pattern that is said to attract drug dealers and the like who love having good get away options, and the many green public spaces and nice dry apartment building entrances are certainly not the worst place a homeless person could go to for another night of hopefully not being bothered by the police. More recently developed neighborhoods have tried to avoid these effects by using a “cauliflower pattern” for their streets, branched streets ending in a bunch of (at least to cars) dead ends. The downside of that pattern seems to be less sense of community. The more direct neighbors you have, the more interaction. That’s why cul-de-sacs can be so isolating after all. Lunetten is not the worst crimey part of its parent by a long shot, but it’s noticeable enough to be worth mentioning.
A planned neighborhood
The big advantage I think Lunetten has over a lot of other places is that it was designed in one go. The land it was built on was part of the Dutch Water Line******, and had to stay free of buildings and obstructions that would block the firing lines of defending artillery. (That’s what the two weird shapes in the northern park are: old fortifications, called Lunette 3 and 4. Hence the suburb’s name.) When the line was legally disbanded in 1963 Utrecht started planning to build a new neighborhood here. Because of the highways (current configuration built at the same time as the suburb) and the train line that surround the place it was very clear to where the neighborhood would stretch. And it shows. The suburb is designed as a cohesive whole. There’s a neighborhood shopping center (bottom left image and the main soft pink blob on the map) at the heart of the neighborhood. It has two supermarkets, some small other shops, several small fast food/lunch places in different styles, two bicycle shops and repair places (it’s the Netherlands), a restaurant (there’s another one on one of the forts in the park, which doubles as a sort of social work place), a community center which houses some clubs and such (not the scouts, those have a place in one of the parks) as well as a library. There’s even a bar (I think, I should maybe go there ones), and some space where small neighborhood markets and events turn up with some regularity. The other main soft pink and yellow blob in a convenient central location on the map is two elementary schools*******. In many more organically grown neighborhoods or places the amenities wouldn’t be so conveniently centralized or would eventually be “centralized” on the outskirt of town.
The Bijlmer comparison, what not to do
Another interesting point of comparison I think is the Bijlmer (Bijlmermeer officially) in Amsterdam, another green neighborhood designed as one big plan outside of its parent city’s core, yet quite different. The Bijlmer is nationally famous as a bit of a ghetto, a place where you don’t want to live. (To be fair: the plane falling down on it didn’t help its case.) A lot of work has been done to improve the place, but its initial “ghettoization” was surprising because the Bijlmer was never intended to even be particularly affordable, but more of a vertical suburb, spacious family apartments (around 120 m2) for 100,000 people or more in large highrise buildings with between them plenty of green. A quiet place, with quick access to the city, using density to save on land use and travel time. There are three main differences I see between the struggling Bijlmer and “doing pretty well” Lunetten: 1 The Bijlmer has a higher density through the use of massive apartment buildings, literally and figuratively increasing the distance between people’s homes and the public space. 2 The Bijlmer is a much bigger place, I’m not sure they ever got to those 100,000 inhabitants, but it certainly loses that towny vibe. 3 They’ve been correcting this in the rebabilitation, but as designed the Bijlmer had basically no amenities. It wasn’t a town or city, it was people storage, housing for people who mentally lived several kilometers away but couldn’t afford it there. See the rest of this subreddit for why that doesn’t work for many people.
Interdependency with other suburbs
Looking back on growing up in that smallish town I notice that there really isn’t that much of a difference in amenities. The town offered much of the same things Lunetten does. But Lunetten’s status as a suburb gives it a big advantage over that town. Because while suburbs mostly serve themselves, they also serve each other. Take sports: there’s a football and tennis club and two indoor sports halls in Lunetten, but what if I want to swim or throw spears instead? Well, there’s a pool in a suburb to the North, as well as an athletics stadium. After elementary school there’s no middle/high school in Lunetten, but there are in nearby neighborhoods, and there are even college options******** spread throughout different suburbs and neighborhoods. These things are closer than they are in a small town not because the suburb is associated with a city center, but because it is associated with other suburbs. There are things I liked about the commuter town, but having to take either an honestly too long bike trip or a bus ride that only went whenever it was not convenient for me whenever I wanted to do something my town didn’t provide, like going to school, wasn’t one of them. And I say that even as a spoiled person whose commuter town at least had buses and bicycle paths.
And that is I think the main takeaway from this absolute wall of text: suburbs don’t have to be places where there’s nothing to do and you feel disconnected from the world. That’s the entire point of living in a suburb instead of in a town: there are other places nearby. There is a balance to be found between private space, public space and connectivity. Essentially, in a neighborhood of 10,000 people, for every 100x100 meters of public space or amenities either every person gets 1 square meter less private space or everybody gets maybe a few meters of extra travel distance on the average trip. Lunetten probably provides too little private space for the taste of many North American suburbanites, but it does show I think that there is quite a bit of room on those sliders. A green place with amenities sort of near other places can still be built with more spacious houses. (Just maybe go easy on the sea of lawns?) And that’s when all the separated bike lanes and other urbanist talking points really start making sense: when you found the balance between having your own place, having local places worth going to and being close enough to other places worth going to, then you want a good way to get there.
The other takeaway I feel is that it pays to design neighborhoods as a unit. And that’s another reason why suburbs can be better than towns. A town of 10,000 residents can’t plan ahead for the next 10,000, but a city of several hundred thousand people can. And it pays off. Don’t lose track of the human scale though, planning 10,000 residents ahead might actually be better than planning 100,000 or 1,000,000 residents ahead when it comes to suburbs. It is still supposed to feel like a quiet little place with maybe a bit of its own identity.
* On the other side of one of the highways there’s a bit of forest tied to several historic estates that’s very nice for walking in as well as a golf course half as big as this entire neighborhood, this really is the edge of town and will be for the foreseeable future.
** I’ve also lived in several other cities since then, near the city center, further out and on the far edge in a highrise neighborhood. Honestly I might still prefer the smaller cities I’ve lived in, being near everything the city offers and even to some of the stuff outside of it. But work took me back to a larger city (pretend I said “less tiny” if you’re from Mexico City or something), and I could honestly have landed in a much worse place than this particular suburb.
*** Fun fact: this is one of the very few neighborhoods of Utrecht where parking is currently still free, because of enough parking space and enough distance to the city center. It really is a suburb.
**** In the 90’s a style of more expensive neighborhoods called “Vinex” set standards for the ratio of more expensive to cheaper houses in those neighborhoods, and ever since both contractors and local politicians refuse to let go of those ratios everywhere. A newer, competing vision is that we shouldn’t be building new neighborhoods at all, just filling in the gaps in our cities. So now we mostly build quite large houses, but only in very small spaces. We’re still not sure where that massive housing shortage came from, somehow.
***** I stopped and addressed him because I thought he was having bicycle trouble, chain ran off or something. Quite a chill dude, very apologetic, but still maybe not exactly what the average parent is looking for in a neighbor.
****** More accurately: Holland Waterline, because it wasn’t the only Dutch waterline, but it was the main one defending the part called Holland. But that sounds a bit off in English.
******* We have a bit of a weird school system, for every public elementary school there is at least one other founded on religious grounds or based on some specific didactic theory. That’s why there are two schools in the same central location instead of just one bigger school or two in separate locations.
******** If I start going into the differences in advanced education systems we’ll be here all day, but there are options within cycling distance ranging from trade school to university, depending on the field you actually want to study *********.
********* I could start using other symbols instead of these confusingly long rows of asterisks, but where would be the fun in that?
submitted by Sad-Pop6649 to Suburbanhell [link] [comments]
