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2013.03.05 19:21 topheavy_burnsides Welcome to Aggieland

Header Image:© www.thomascampbell.com /12thMan is a subreddit dedicated to Texas A&M sports. For all other Texas A&M University related questions and posts please go to /Aggies

2020.02.17 09:02 mirandaboatie IndependentWomen

This subreddit was Made By Women For Women and is here to offer Inspiring & Motivating, Quotes, Music & Real Life Stories from Us AND You, and is here to Inspire YOU to Achieve the Wonderful Fulfilling Life YOU were Born to Have……….. YOU Deserve It, So Grab It!

2013.03.08 20:07 Dorkside Killer Women

Subreddit for Killer Women, a TV series that airs on ABC.

2024.04.29 10:34 UnitTest Roblox Theory of Labor

Roblox Theory of Labor submitted by UnitTest to Gamingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 10:29 Prestigious_Wait8859 I am still so confused....

I've been quietly watching my friend suffer...I cannot hold this in anymore. prepare for a long post because I have to give you context. I've tried helping her out but there is only so much I can do.... My friend was dating a soldier who lives in Texas...we'll call him Johnny...Johnny and my best friend spent 4 years flirting, 5 years as friends, year 6 they get together, they break up, she leaves the US to teach English overseas because she felt like she wasted time chasing him only to be hurt, year 7 they both meet new people, year 8 friends partner dies, Shes a widow, Year 8 she moves back home, and they make contact again. Thats where the story starts. She flirts and she asks if he's married out of respect, he says no.
She adds Johnny on a social media platform after a few months of not speaking to him and doesn't reach out. then about 24 hours later he reaches out to her. she asks if he's married and he says yes, she says congratulations and decides to keep things friendly. but then he informs her that his current partner is a lot of drama so its probably not going to last too much longer. she asked how he's been and Johnny told my best friend he didn't feel human and he just wants to feel human again, basically making her feel like he was being mistreated in his relationship. of course after all that time knowing him and the feelings she had for him....she would get defensive and start to feel protective. she told him to come back to her but only when things are handled properly bc she doesnt want him getting in trouble. 6 days later they were back together. now she knows this isnt right, but she loved him and still did love him very much so I understand her. especially when he was in her ear telling her he was coming home after deployment and they would see each other. well he gets back to the states from deployment on valentines day, and 8 months go by. Suddenly he cant talk to her anymore bc he feels guilty {she found out he was really celebrating his anniversary} . she said okay i understand and she respected him for it. 3 months later he was back in her face again until one day his wife called my best friend and asks how long they were speaking, she said 8 years and hung up. he was caught. she didnt get any closure and when she did try to get some Johnny was pissed off bc his wife made him sleep in the car. but she didnt leave him.
so now a month has gone by without any word from Johnny, who my friend is still MADLY in love with...she reaches out to him and they spend 3 days breaking up. she came to terms with it until a month later his wife reaches out to her via text AND email which turns into a HUGE blowup ending in him disrespecting her telling her "If I loved you i would be with you" the wife saying "If you were so special why did it take me 1 year to do what you couldnt get him to do in a decade?" basically saying " well why didnt he marry you then" and asking her "why did you need closure? i think it was an attempt to reel him back into your shit" (even though he cheated on her the first year of their relationship and then proceeded to cheat through the entire marriage with multiple women.) and then he blocked her on everything after informing her that speaking to her was a mistake. DISGUSTING. My best friend isnt innocent in the situation but HE IS A FUCKING PIECE OF TRASH for that ENTIRE situation. Not to mention the wife Emailed her AGAIN 3 weeks after that blowup. It was all so fucking messy.
I have never seen her so depressed and its been about 3 months since it happened. I dont know how else to help. I know time heals everything, but I truly believe he owes her closure and a fucking apology. It breaks my heart to know she might never get one. How can I help her without making her feel like im patronizing her? I'm actually so pissed off he seems to have gotten away with his horrible bullshit.
submitted by Prestigious_Wait8859 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:53 MightEmotional To not sound antisemitic.

To not sound antisemitic. submitted by MightEmotional to therewasanattempt [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:43 MightEmotional What the hell is this?

What the hell is this? submitted by MightEmotional to ShitLiberalsSay [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:40 MightEmotional What the hell is even going on at this point?

What the hell is even going on at this point? submitted by MightEmotional to socialism [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:01 Triggerhappy62 Bad Experience with Eastern Orthodox. My appreciation for the treasure I have. Anglicanism and Western Rite?

I'm a Layperson of a midwest Episcopal Cathedral. It is a beautiful church. It truly feels like the virtues of equality, dignity, and Love are there. It is a HUGE church, but is poor compared to one of the local eastern churches that I attended. My mom and brother asked me to look into orthodoxy. Due to my baptism as a child.
I took a DIVE into the Eastern Orthodox church. I was Baptized and Christmated in the Antioch church that does Eastern Orthodox Rite as a baby. I am trans MTF so my old saint was John of Damascus but I adopt St. Barbara now.
I went to a eastern Orthodox Greek church and an OCA eastern church with excitement as I wanted to learn about old Faith. But sadly I was met with a group of leaders who saw me as a transgressor against Gods creation and an antagonist to them. There were not treating me as they would have wanted to be treated. Pointing out something that I never saw as sin as it was a step that saved my life. It was so bad they ended up telling me that if I had show up to a confession with the wrong articles of clothing they would not have absolved my sins.
I forgave the priests who were reviling and condemning me because they felt it was Gods rules & Canons of men that rebuked me. But really the eastern church has no real policy on trans people. Just Clergy Canons that are ANCIENT against my eunuch ancestors sadly. ( I have been told not all eastern priests are rude like this though I just found some bad ones I guess.) The Lay people of the Eastern Churches were very sweet though. They treated me truly like their neighbor even if they didn't understand everything.
Sadly the Opinion of the Eastern Orthodox church on if LGBT people are EVEN allowed to go to church has been brought up recently with the Ukrainians and Russian synods. The Bishop Saba of NA Antiochian Church wrote a letter calling such hatred phariseeism. https://orthodoxyindialogue.com/2024/02/23/a-new-pharisaism-metropolitan-sabas-lette
It's "Don't ask, don't tell" in eastern churches.
The fallen sexism about Church Mothers that the eastern church holds. I do not agree with. One of the Most Famous Celtic Saints was a possibly Sapphic Woman Bishop. Who is legendary. Brigid of Kildare. https://qspirit.net/brigid-darlughdach-saint-soulmate/
I came back to the Episcopal Anglican church eventually. I realized it was the place I had all along that loved me and showed me true compassion. My treasure I had from the start with Jesus. Orthodox Practice is in my heart and actions not my church.
I cannot understate the sheer Light that radiates from Priestess of my Cathedral. They have saved me from losing faith in Jesus when I was emotionally and spiritually cut down twice by the eastern churches priests. The Mothers Saving me and my faith through compassion and wisdom. As I was extremely distraught in trauma and sadness.
I don't think God Really Cares about gender in the long run concerning his ceremonies. Jesus upended so many gender norms that the judaic patriarchs enforced. No Jew or Greek, or Male or Female. Which was used in the oldest form of the baptismal creed. Even St.Paul quotes it.
What I'm Going to talk about below is silly, outlandish even. But It's sort of my weird hope someday.
The past decades the Western Orthodox Rite or pre-Pope west Europe service has been springing up slowly around the USA Via the Antioch NA church. This type of Rite was possibly done in the Celtic Church Prior to the papacy. I'm seen one anglican offshoot group that agrees with this concept but they are small.
Here are some things that I as an american Irish person would love to see, but that will probably never come true. It's a wish-list of "This is how traditional I'd like to see it." An Anglo/Celtic/Isles based church that is very much in the Orthodox Tradition with the ideals we see in episcopal Anglicism without the Biased bigotry we see of so often from eastern orthodoxy. God Deserves Reverence and We are already quite Reverent. But I just want a bit more mystery. To be transported to the past like I have felt at russian churches. But without the cruelty I've experinced.
A Incorporation of some old concepts from old western rite pre-pope. 1.A tinge more reverence in some spots 2.More Western Saints who were orthodox, not throwing out our own. 3.confession before communion, Catechism. Technically we have this" 4.Just a few more Icons please. For Real I could use some more icons in my church. 5.Risen Bread. Old Eucharist. 6.The censur with the jingly bells please. 7.Jesus/Bishop seat please with a icon of HighPriest Jesus. 8.A Celtic/western design and feel. "We kind of already have this" 9.Equality among the sexes in clergy. 10.Welcoming everyone! That means people who felt discriminated at other churches. 11.Acknowledgement of Monogamous partnerships between LGBT folks as valid relationships between adults.. 12. Zero Tolerance for Bigotry and extremist politics on either side of the spectrum. Policy of peace. 13.Acknowledged by the east as Western Celtic/anglo Orthodox Catholic, but not entirely controlled by the eastern ideals. The hope is communion with the east. But recognizing the Wests tradition and cultural values as their choice. (The Oriental church are sadly not in communion due to different traditions as well so I doubt this one would happen.) 14. A Re-evaluation on the roman traditions we still use. Possibly even throwing them out due to the destruction they caused to the Celtic church.
While there are tiny self run celtic monasteries they are not in communion yet with the east sadly. I just want us to all be united under Jesus and find peace for all of humanity. To understand Love, compassion and humanity. To find humility when we are wrong. To Obey commandments and Learn to know the Perfect all encompassing love of Jesus.
Truly this is a "Have my Cake and Eat it too." Scenario. But The Eastern church would NEVER agree to women in clergy due to a DEEPLY ingrained in-hospitality and sexism to the Gender of womenfolk.
Same with the modern affirmation of the Joy of union between my LGBT neighbors. I can ATTEST to you that the Love between two of my local married Gay Neighbors who attend is SO STRONG. They are VERY well educated on Theology as well. The LGBT parishioners show up the most out of all of the congregation. 50 percent are under 40. The ones who show up more often are the young LGBT Christians. What I find fascinating is one of the Church Mothers has a VERY similar viewpoint. She prays for reunification as well. But if that Happens AT BEST she would have to become a deaconess if the Eastern church lords over us?
But who knows, a lot of the anti women canons are very levitical and cruel, most sexist canons come off that way. Some of the Earliest Canons were sadly in opposition of people like myself eunuchs/third gender. Pauls words are valid, but people use them as a cudgel without context. https://youtu.be/Q06uQR_0ul0
I'm sure, I'm very much misunderstanding how this all works. But either way this is just a hope. More Traditional flare and less roman. Without compromise of true open arms.
I love My Church and It is the only Place I feel safe to worship Jesus in Peace. I appreciate what I have there. Changing it isn't really needed, but I do find these concepts as romantic or idealized as well as being neighbors to our non papist tradition neighbors. As a dream. But Really I do believe the Holy spirit is with the Anglicans too. But why not do more without compromising the message of equality.
TL DR; Eastern orthodoxy is sadly filled with bigotry, I want to see western rite old orthodox concepts reincorporated more with Anglicanism, a celtic/anglo Orthodoxy without the bigotry of the east.
submitted by Triggerhappy62 to Anglicanism [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 07:02 BevoBot [4/29/2024] Monday's Sports Talk Thread

/LonghornNation Daily Sports Talk Thread

Today: 4/29/2024
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Here's a look at upcoming Longhorn Sporting Event(s):

  1. 4/30 6:30 PM University of Texas Baseball vs Sam Houston
  2. 5/3 University of Texas Track & Field / Cross Country at Arkansas Twilight
  3. 5/3 University of Texas Men's Tennis vs NCAA Championship First and Second Rounds
  4. 5/3 6:00 PM University of Texas Softball at Texas Tech
  5. 5/3 6:30 PM University of Texas Baseball vs Oklahoma State
  6. 5/4 University of Texas Women's Tennis vs NCAA Championships First and Second Rounds
  7. 5/4 1:00 PM University of Texas Softball at Texas Tech
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2024.04.29 07:00 BevoBot [4/29/2024] Monday's Free Talk Thread

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  2. 5/3 University of Texas Track & Field / Cross Country at Arkansas Twilight
  3. 5/3 University of Texas Men's Tennis vs NCAA Championship First and Second Rounds
  4. 5/3 6:00 PM University of Texas Softball at Texas Tech
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2024.04.29 06:59 crazyretics Jesus claimed in Luke 24:39 that He was not a spirit and that He had a flesh-and-bones body. How do you relate this to the Watchtower teaching that Jesus was raised as a spirit creature without a physical body?

"In order to convince Thomas of who He was, He used a body with wound holes." You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth" 1982, p. 145
Further Biblical support for a physical resurrection can be found in Christ’s own words recorded in John 2:19-21, which—in the New World Translation—reads, “In answer Jesus said to them: ‘Break down this temple, and in three days, I will raise it up.’ Therefore the Jews said: ‘This temple was built in forty-six years and will you raise it up in three days?’ But he was talking about the temple of his body.”Jesus said here that He would be raised from the dead bodily, not as a spirit creature.
In addition:
1) Jesus’ resurrection body retained the physical wounds from the cross. Indeed the resurrected Christ revealed his crucifixion to the disciples (Luke 24:39) and even challenged doubting Thomas to touch His wounds (John 20:27).
2) The resurrected Christ ate physical food on four different occasions and he did it as a means of proving that he had a real, physical body in (Luke 24:30; 24:42,43;John 21:12,13; Acts 1:4). In the above quote from “Live Forever In Paradise On Earth” the Watchtower is essentially saying that Jesus was using deception as proof of his physical resurrection as if he had not resurrected a physical body by showing wound holes from another body. Wouldn’t this deception also be continue by Jesus if He was engaging in the eating of food as a proof of His physical body?
3) The physical body of the resurrected Christ was touched and handled by different people. For example, He was touched by Mary (John 20:17) and by some women (Matthew 28:9). He also challenged the disciples to physically touch Him so they could rest assured that His body was a material one ( Luke 24:39).
When Christ ascended into heaven, He did so in the same physical human body — as witnessed by several of the disciples (Acts 1:11).
Information obtained and quoted from “Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah’s Witnesses” by Ron Rhodes pp. 187-89
submitted by crazyretics to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:55 crazyretics Jesus claimed in Luke 24:39 that He was not a spirit and that He had a flesh-and-bones body. How do you relate this to the Watchtower teaching that Jesus was raised as a spirit creature without a physical body?

"In order to convince Thomas of who He was, He used a body with wound holes." You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth" 1982, p. 145
Further Biblical support for a physical resurrection can be found in Christ’s own words recorded in John 2:19-21, which—in the New World Translation—reads, “In answer Jesus said to them: ‘Break down this temple, and in three days, I will raise it up.’ Therefore the Jews said: ‘This temple was built in forty-six years and will you raise it up in three days?’ But he was talking about the temple of his body.”Jesus said here that He would be raised from the dead bodily, not as a spirit creature.
In addition:
1) Jesus’ resurrection body retained the physical wounds from the cross. Indeed the resurrected Christ revealed his crucifixion to the disciples (Luke 24:39) and even challenged doubting Thomas to touch His wounds (John 20:27).
2) The resurrected Christ ate physical food on four different occasions and he did it as a means of proving that he had a real, physical body in (Luke 24:30; 24:42,43;John 21:12,13; Acts 1:4). In the above quote from “Live Forever In Paradise On Earth” the Watchtower is essentially saying that Jesus was using deception as proof of his physical resurrection as if he had not resurrected a physical body by showing wound holes from another body. Wouldn’t this deception also be continue by Jesus if He was engaging in the eating of food as a proof of His physical body?
3) The physical body of the resurrected Christ was touched and handled by different people. For example, He was touched by Mary (John 20:17) and by some women (Matthew 28:9). He also challenged the disciples to physically touch Him so they could rest assured that His body was a material one ( Luke 24:39).
When Christ ascended into heaven, He did so in the same physical human body — as witnessed by several of the disciples (Acts 1:11).
Information obtained and quoted from “Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Jehovah’s Witnesses” by Ron Rhodes pp. 187-89
submitted by crazyretics to JehovahsWitnesses [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:09 Timely-Literature97 Air duct cleaning prices

I am looking to get my AC ducts cleaned. Many companies are quoting around $35 per vent, which would total over $1000 given the number of vents we have. However, we often receive coupons in home magazines and other advertising spaces offering cleaning for $65 with unlimited vents. That's a huge difference. How legitimate are these companies? I live in central Texas.
submitted by Timely-Literature97 to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 06:00 Choice_Evidence1983 [New Update] - Am I wrong for ultimately wanting a divorce even after my wife has showed much more effort into our relationship?

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/LimpCrazy1824
Originally posted to amiwrong
Previous BoRU
[New Update] - Am I wrong for ultimately wanting a divorce even after my wife has showed much more effort into our relationship?
Trigger Warnings: possible infidelity, emotional abuse and manipulation, mentions of addictions, emotional affair, mentions of invasions of privacy, verbal abuse
Original Post: March 21, 2024
For context. Coming into the new year I had no idea my wife had been at the bare minimum having an emotional affair with a coworker.
On New Year’s Eve before I found out about this she came home and acted extremely cold toward me and our kids. She was angry.
Earlier on that evening she asked if she could go out to have 1 drink with a female coworker (whom I knew and trusted) I told her that was cool but that the kids were staying up for the ball drop so as long as she could be back to celebrate with them I was fine with it.
Well. She ended up getting off of work at 11:30 and barely had enough time to get home.
After the ball drop she cried and cried. I asked her what was wrong and she said she got invited to a her friends house to have drinks with them. (All 3 of them women, all married, I had no issue)
I said “look. I’m not sure what’s wrong and why you’re crying about this. That’s fine. You deserve a girls night out every once in a while I don’t mind watching the kids. Just go”
I put the kids to bed, she left and then about 3 hours later. So 3 a.m. I tried to contact her. No answer. I wait about 15 minutes. Call her again. No answer.
I call her friend who she’s supposed to be with. No answer.
She then texts me back 5 minutes later and says “yeah. I’m still coming home tonight. We’re still drinking”
Never in our 6 years of marriage had I felt a gut feeling that something else was going on but that night it all hit me. I went through our phone records and found another number I was unfamiliar with that she had been in contact with all night.
Ignoring my calls, texting that number in between. Etc.
She had also been texting this number for a 3 month period daily. I never suspected that she would be texting another dude while right beside me watching family movies either. As times had shown. How I didn’t see this I have no idea. Maybe she had this individual listed as mom in her phone. I don’t know. I had never gotten this vibe or feeling our entire marriage. I was blindsided by it.
Anyway. I confront her about it through text with the proof like an idiot. She speeds home, deletes everything on her phone. No way of getting the back ups restored. No way of ever knowing she did not meet up with this guy.
Upon finding this out I immediately told her i wanted a divorce. It was at this point she began getting violent with me. Talking shit about everything I had been doing to keep us financially stable. The 18 hour work days that kept a roof over our heads. She told me that I needed to leave even though I pay rent and both our kids are asleep.
I refused
We slept in separate rooms that night and the next day she tried to act like nothing even happened. Claiming that she remembered we’d fought but couldn’t remember what it was about. So I show her the phone records even though I’m positive she was just trying to pull some crap.
She confesses who the individual was and says they flirted a lot but never met up.
I told her if that was true she’d have no issues restoring the text messages she deleted at which point it was confirmed she deleted everything and deleted her last back up. She also saved a back up after they were deleted the night everything went to shit.
Since then she’s tried hard to convince me they never did anything and never saw eachother aside from work. I keep finding bits and pieces of things that don’t make since.
Chunks of texts deleted from her friends messages around that time. Pictures on her Google drive from that night (where she was with who she said she was) deleted from her phone for what reason?
The most damming evidence I have is for a 2 hour period on New Year’s Eve. They stopped texting each other then randomly started texting again at around 3 a.m. when I started calling and got that feeling.
My gut tells me she left her friends place, went to his place and went back. Or. She went straight to his place from our place then went to her friends when she found out I was calling them.
There are revealing pictures of herself she never sent me also on her Google drive taken on Snapchat.
She’s since given me her all her attention. She initiates intimacy 10 fold. The texting stopped. She shows me everything on her snap chat and even downloads her data to show me she’s not hitting other people up.
I’m seeing the side of her I haven’t seen since we were married all those years ago.
But I can’t help but trust my gut in demanding a divorce. I feel like she’s kept things from me. Not knowing for sure is killing me inside.
My parents know all of this and keep pressuring me to work it out and not dwell. My brothers are saying fuck that get a divorce. Am I wrong in getting a divorce?
Keep in mind the dates. It’s now been over four months since this occurred. I’m positive she cut the individual completely out. But I still can’t get over the not 100 percent knowing and my gut tells me she’s still lying.
Edit: if some of this is confusing ask and I will clarify. I will also give context where needed.
Also. Sorry for the way this was written. I’m aware there is some jumping back and forth. Etc. I’m just scatterbrained right now. It’s honestly getting to me more now than the night I found out. It just keeps building. I feel stupid.
Edit 2: Also. Forgot to add this the individual in question is an employee she manages. As in. She is his direct supervisor. I’ve heard there are greater legal consequences for this but I have no idea.
For clarification. The individual in question is actually morbidly obese. I’m by no means “fit” fit. But I’m not fat either.
  • went back and looked at the time stamps for the pictures that were deleted of her and her friends that night. (On Google drive) before that 2 hour period of no texting, during, and after there were several pictures taken with verified time stamps on them. As in they can not be changed on Google drive. Whether or not she has a friend that’s tech saavy and was able to do that within the 10 minutes it took her to get home upon confronting I don’t know. Is this possible?
It’s also worth adding i come from a family that has thoroughly convinced one of my cousins that she needs to stay in her marriage even when her husband became solely reliant on her, got addicted to coke. Is still addicted to coke and physically abused her. All because “by golly no one in this family has ever gotten a divorce” so essentially doing so I would get disowned by my parents, my sister, all my cousins, all my aunts all m uncles. But would still have the support of my 2 brothers.
Update 1: currently on morning break at work. Been reading through the comments. I have off tomorrow all day so I will be heavily weighing my options when I get some time to myself tomorrow. May not update tomorrow. But I’ll update ya’ll when I can. Thank you for all the input positive and negative. The best thing I can do right now is just get through the work week. Get my kids from daycare and be mentally present for them.
I’ve been ignoring her since last night and she’s been snapping and calling me all morning to see what’s wrong.
Relevant Comments
OOP on his wife lying to him and the family telling him to reconsider divorcing
OOP: I’ll be honest with you. The two main reasons I’ve tried to tuff it out are 1) the kids. Even though she pretty much said fuck all of us on New Year’s Eve.
And 2) for some reason my parents have really been pressuring me to stay. (It’s fucking with me and I don’t know why)
They keep reminding me that (no one in this family has ever gotten a divorce. Blah blah blah) they said I’ll most likely never end up seeing my children again even though in my state if a spouse is found to have cheated, this essentially gives up their rights to children if a divorce is filed
I really don’t understand how my own parents can sit there and feed me bull crap stories about people they know that went through it and came out a better couple. (Really feels like they’re taking her side in everything that happened while ignoring every truth)
InevitableTrue7223: Did she come home acting extremely cold or did she work until 11?
OOP: Silence. Our daughter ran up to her for a hug and she started crying. She then got really irritated when our daughter asked her for a drink. Something that still doesn’t sit right with me. She started yelling at her saying “mommy needs some fucking space”
When I tell ya’ll there was literally no sign of all this crap until that. She hid everything extremely well.
Also. For everyone saying what they are about the 2 hour period. Yes. That was my thought. I went back through the Google drive at everything that was removed from her phone. There were pictures and selfies taken with her friends at the place she was “supposed to be” during that time period before it and after it. I doubt she’s tech Saavy enough to edit time stamps on Google drive once everything’s backed up. This isn’t to say they never met up. This isn’t to say she doesn’t know how to do that. And it still doesn’t make a difference with everything she did. Like I said. Weighing options tomorrow. Reaching out to a lawyer tomorrow.
Update #1: March 25, 2024
Those of you who saw https://www.reddit.com/amiwrong/s/HcnwYkadEt
My wife had an emotional affair at the bare minimum and may have cheated. (Probably did but will never admit it)
Here is the update:
I sit here typing this out on my morning break while listening Tuesday’s gone by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
After a long day of considering my options on Friday I sat my wife down on Friday evening when she got off work and I had out the kids to bed.
As soon as I brought up that my trust in her was completely gone she immediately became argumentative and essentially stated “I thought we had left this in the past. You never trusted me did you?.
I responded with: even if you didn’t do anything physical or met up with him outside of work, you’ll never let me see those text messages. You’ll never pull the snap chat data
She responded with: you’re right!! Marriage is based off trust and if you don’t trust me then maybe we ought to call it quits”
The irony in this is that I worked 18-19 hour days for the past few years barely being able to do anything I wanted to do in my life because I was supporting our children, getting them to bed, cleaning the house all the time, doing all the cooking, barely even getting enough sleep. Probably took years off my life just from the stress.
She on New Year’s Eve said fuck the kids, fuck you, and essentially went out to party with her friends all the while ignoring calls from me and our daughter asking where she was while also responding to her bare minimum emotional affair partner.
Not getting into all the details so as to not repeat myself between this and the update.
Long story short. In my state we have to be separated for a year before a divorce can be finalized.
When I agreed with her that we should start separating and that I had already been in contact with a lawyer she freaked the fuck out on me. She begged me not to go through with it. But alas.
Next Friday I will be dropping her off at her parents a few hours away. The kids will be staying with me for now with the help of one of my brothers.
I told her there was only one way I would put this off for now. That was pull the data, pull the texts. Prove your case.
She looked down at the ground. One more time. And told me that’s a violation of her privacy.
We haven’t spoken since.
For now For my kids
I godda keep on keeping on.
Update: trickle truth:
1st it was a guy in a different state. 2nd it was a coworker 3rd it was someone underneath her. that she supervises 4th and just now - Randomly got a text from her stating she may have told him she loves him. But instantly regretted it. And that’s it”
“Riiiiiiggght” - Dr. Evil.
Also let me reiterate: the process of separation starts this coming Friday. In my state you cannot divorce immediately. It takes a full year. (I say this because of all the people stating “just divorce and be done with it, and also those stating “stop giving second chances.”
Relevant Comments
Scruffersdad: Op, you do realize that your attorney can subpoena her phone records and texts, right? If you believe there was cheating have your lawyer get all those messages. Then you’ll know and she’ll be out of luck.
OOP: Definitely going to happen. I’ve already been in contact with one and in the state I live in if there was infidelity she essentially loses any choice in the matter of where the kids stay.
tab1234566788: Oh gosh I'm so sorry. I've been in a similar situation, he wouldn't show me the texts. Spent about a half hour clearing then and then let me see his phone. Lol.
OOP: For me it’s pretty black and white. I’m 99.99999 percent sure she physically cheated. I’d love to just believe her and move on but I can’t.
Not only did she delete all texts between them. She deleted all texts from multiple friends and coworkers from that same time as well.
But left the ones from prior and after. As far as I’m concerned her friends were in on it and so was anyone else she deleted texts from.

----NEW UPDATE----

Update #2: April 22, 2024
Last update: https://www.reddit.com/amiwrong/s/cN3wYuy7W0
Original post linked in previous update.
Long story short I found out my wife had been having an affair on New Year’s Eve as Ali sat at home with our children. After ignoring calls from not only me but our daughter asking where she was I went through our phone records to see that while she ignored our calls she was accepting calls and texting another number quite frequently.
(For the record it was the first time in over 12 years of being together that I’d ever gotten a gut feeling to do so) never checked them prior to that night.
Called the friends who she was supppsed to be with and they ignored my calls as well.
After confronting her through text at around 4 or 5 a.m. she was home within 5 minutes screaming at me and yelling at me as I tried to sleep. Got blamed for everything even though I’d been loyal and the financial bread winner our entire marriage.
She ended up gaslighting me and trickle truthing as I tried to keep things together for our children.
I’ll spare you all the details as they can be found in previous update and original post.
Fast forward to today: I filed for divorce against my families wishes. (Whole other story also answered in previous update)
We are seperated but the divorce can’t be finalized until next year. (1 year of being seperated is required) She begged and begged for me not to go through with it begged me to stay. Not to toss everything out over “1 little mistake”
Funny how she sees infidelity as “a mistake” that lasted 3 months…. Yeah…
Regardless. I’ve spent a lot of time with my kids. She sees them on weekends if she chooses. (Has only been a couple of times)
I’d love to say that I’m over it all. But I’m still healing. I really did love her and I wish things worked out different. But I can never trust her again.
She tried everything she could sexually to get me to stay. Hell, the day she finally confessed everything I came home to her dressed up like never before ready to go. I declined.
She went as far as offering me head every day for the rest of our lives if I stayed.
I’ve been working and taking care of the kids. It’s harder on them than it is me if i’m being honest. They still don’t understand. I’ve just been telling them mommy has some things she’s “working on” I don’t have the heart to tell them we won’t be a functional household anymore at this time.
Also. My parents haven’t one time talked to reached out to me since I told them I was filing for divorce. Not even to check on my kids or anything.
But I’ve been making this work with the help of my brother and a few good friends.
A few girlfriends from the past have hit me up to see if I want to catch up but. I need to focus on myself and my kids.
Thank you all for reaching out through dming and commenting. ✌️✌️✌️
Relevant Comment
OOP on if his wife has given an apology and if she helped with taking care of the kids
OOP: Ah. Sorry. Yes. She sent me a half assed confession while I was at work through snap chat one day. Bawling hysterically telling me she fucked up and kissed him “1 time” after he walked her to her car. I don’t believe that for one second. I said “if that’s all then prove it by providing me with the messages you deleted”
Once again I was met with “that’s an invasion of my privacy, plus if I was in your position I would just want to forgive, forget and move on”
Easy for the cheater to go ahead and say.
I pressed it a few more times and was met with “trust me you don’t want to read that shit!!!! Why would you want to read that!?!?!”
Case closed.
Edit: going to vent for a second. I’ll be honest with ya’ll. I tried to give her one final chance to talk things through. I told myself the minute she got hostile about it all I was done.
Within 5 minutes of “our final talk” I was being blamed for working too much. I quote “this isn’t a fucking trial. You weren’t perfect either. I was practically screaming for help and you let me drown”
I took the kids to daycare, cleaned the house all the time, picked them up after work, put them to bed, did all the cooking, did the dishes, took on a side hustle to give her a dream vacation which we went on just before her affair started. (Which is where a good few of ya’ll may know me from - the side hustle)
The real kicker I didn’t tell ya’ll about was when I went through her phone that first night I saw messages from her and her mom talking about how she felt a disconnect. That I wasn’t what she wanted anymore (months before her affair began) Her mom highly encouraged her to sit me down and explain the way she felt. She even told her mom that she did. (She never did)
Apparently sitting me down and having a talk was her going off and having an affair.
I gaurantee she’ll never find someone that will treat her the way I did. Breakfast in bed Saturday and Sunday. I woke up with the kids so she could sleep in for years. She gave it all up for someone who can’t even cover their own bills and still lives with mommy and daddy. The only thing he had that I didn’t was more time because of a part time job.



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:03 Reallyimpstranger How am I supposed to attach myself a child when there’s a chance she can be taken from me.

This post includes My husband (31)M myself (26)F and my husbands ex girlfriend (31). My husband had went to rehabilitation in June of 2021. Prior to— he was with his ex and was in his child’s life. He was an addict and his recovered now. He has been fighting this custody battle since last January. He got her three days a week but when he first went into court we didn’t have the money for representation for him. He got 60/40 custody. However due to him not having representation and my husband being scared in court self representing…she got child support for him to pay her medical expenses for being pregnant in the first place and her lawyer fees. She is taking from our household immensely and I told my husband we literally cannot afford to keep paying this. She had a conversation with me one on one which I set up to talk like adults about her daughter which I barely knew at the time…she said that my husband would view his child sexually, and would quote: now there is man in her life who will do anything to undress her any chance he can—unquote. She then mentioned how in love she was with him “too” & how my marriage is just a piece of paper, and chuckled and laughed in my face when I told her how long we knew each other before we married….i am scared she is not going to stop at seizing money from us and she is out to hurt him for not being a family with her. I don’t feel comfortable getting attached to a child when I have no idea what the truth is. I grew up around women specifically Hispanic women who continuously weponize their children to manipulate and hurt others. Should I just let it go to try to save my marriage? Should I leave while I can before I watch this child get ripped from me like other children in my family have been throughout my life? Like I sincerely am at a loss…
submitted by Reallyimpstranger to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:48 Always_291217 I have not been able to get over my ex boyfriend for the past 2 years, and am now married

I 21 female will not lie when I say I had a one that got away. When I was 14 I met this magnificent male 17 at the time. I love him still so much but I am now married. I know I know, I should not be married if Im still not over him. I am not here for all you to call me an A hole when I know I am. I just want to take this out of my chest and stop running from this.
For context that is important my ex and I are Mormons. This is relevant to the story because many stuff we had revolved around this.
We met when we were just teenagers I 14 and him 17 at a church event around 2017. I will not lie when I say it was love at first sight when I saw him. We danced many songs together and exchanged facebook acounts. I did not initiate anything at the being because he was dating someone at the time. But once they broke up I made my move and once he recovered that break up we started chatting and after some dates. By December he asked me if we wanted to go out. Of course I said Yes!
Time passes and as a Mormon, men once they are 18 go out and preach the word of god for a total of 2 years. He let me know that he would go on a mission once he graduated High school and I agreed on this decision because I wanted to go as well. He was such an inspiration to me as much as I was to him. He told me that thanks to my example he was able to graduate with a higher score he was able to also graduate seminary church.
We were both on the same boat. Thanks to his example I graduate with high sore average in High school as well and graduate Seminary Church While him being in his Mission.
He is the kindest person I’ve ever met. He left in December of 2018 to his mission in Tampico Mexico and I waited faithfully all those two years for him.
I waited and was studying high school while hime being on a mission. I had already met his family before him leaving, so I would go visit them occasionally on my free time. I bonded so well with all his family but especially with his mom. While him being in the mission she broke her leg and I took care of her as well as my older sister. Her mom is also one of the sweetest women I have met.
One of those years my mom did not have money to celebrate(not that it was an issue) but her mom invited me over. I went and once I was there, his family surprised me with a surprise birthday party.
There was a time where missionaries could only write emails but by that time they could now make phone calls. Guess who called me that day? He did… and i did not stop crying because he took the time to talk to his missionary president and ask for permission just to make that call.
Every month from month 1 December 2017 to the end June 2022… every month he would either write me a poetic letter, message, give me a gift, take me on a date. Maybe yes I do miss this.
It was something mutual. I would do the same for him. All the above paragraph.
Once back from his mission I told him I wanted to be enough fo him quote on quote“when I turn 19 I will on a missiona so now you will wait for me.” He was not too sure at the beginning but was ok with it by the end.
He is where the downfall goes.
I am the type of independent women that wants to do stuff on her own and was thinking long term with him. I told him to start school while I start saving up money to go on a mission. He was accepted in a physiotherapy university city and I told him “by the time im back you will be almost done with school and we can get married“. I told him I wanted to move to a border country where i could make money becasue I know English and I could take more advantage of it. I would be able to pay off my whole mission but this would only be possible if I left(we live in mexico).
I flew away and we kept a long term relashionship( 8 hours plane flight + 2 hour bus away + 2 hour different time zone). By months past he was not as happy because he just got back a couple months ago and we had to be separated. again. He also said I did not have as much time as i used to for him. I explained to him that I was making time to talk to him as much as I could and I KID YOU NOT we would talk 20 mintues daily and text every day.Me working a 10 hour shift and living 2 hours away from my Job.
We paused the relationship and I told him that. “ Before I leave i promise you i will save enough money and see you.”
My plan before going on a mission was to go home and enter the temple with my mom and dad to be invested with them in a temple. This was a special moment for them because my mom has had a drinking problem. It was years since they had gone to the temple.
They wanted to come to where i was living so i could go leave to my mission directly from where I moved to to. But i told them to save the money it was best for me to go to my local temple where they lived. And I could pature from ther with all my friends and family.(and also see my ex). I was told many times from my leaders of the church that it was not a good idea to go back home and parture from my local town because I would be more tempted by satan to not go. But i still went back home.
This was maybe the worst decision. This would change my life completly.
Once home and only weeks from waiting from recieving my calling from my mission I did fall into temptation with that boyfriend and did not go to the mission. I got sooo depressed becuase this was my most desired hope. One of those days when no one was looking I saw my calling on my own and saw it was Mexico Guadalajara…
On one of the encounters we had was with unprotected sex and was maybe pregnant. I was so confused and depressed and mad and had so much emotions running through my head .
We where young me at that time now 19 and him 21. We had to talk to his parents and tell them I would no longer go because of that incident and told him i might be prego. They advised to take a blood test that yes, I did do and came out negative. My ex and I talked a lot but i could not get my senses to full recovery.
When the test came out negative i could not stay home of how bad i felt there. I felt i had all eyes on me for not going on a mission and was scared church people start spreading rumors on why i didn’t go. Because YES, FRICKEN CRISTIANS ARE NOSEY.
I know its my fault things ended. He was so in love with me. He was willing to marry me. But I just did not know what to do. In one of those thoughts of me being confuse I tild myself the best decision for me to “feel better” was to end the relationship. So we talked and ended it.
The day I was moving to the boarder country we met up to say our last goodbye and it said most heartbreaking goodby. He said he was sorry and to please go and do my mission so he could take that gult away from his soul. I said yes but deep inside me i knew i would not go.
I went back to the place I was living at with my sister. I went 0 contact, but would always think about all the special memories we had.
I was in a dark whole once living here and I started smoking and drinking(things i did not do). I retook my job when i first arrived here. And a new guy comes in 27 male(my now husband.
The story repeats itself, but this time him with me. He saw me and it was love at first sight.
One day a friend of mine made plans for a bunch of work colleagues to go out and party so i went. The new guy and I talked from that day on and from there started going out on dates. I told him from the beining that i was shattered into a million peaces and did not want to date. That he was not my type becasue he was not mormon and would never look into him. He did not care. And told me he was willing to change his bad habits and learn more about church. Maybe because he was alone for so much time and saw a light. I felt that the light of my candle had water all poured on top of it. He told me he could see Light he had not seen in no one else. HE WAS A REBOUND. Maybe i felt lonely too?? With time we started dating
In the mean time I started to get into fights with my sister(too many fights) and she kicked me out and put a dead line. I could not afford a place on my own so he told me that we could move in together and after only a few months of dating we did that 2023. I did not want to move in because of love but I was BROKE.
While living together I would cry a lot. I did not take therapy untill months before of getting married. I admitted to him that i did not know if i was sad because of my ex, me not going on a mission, my bad decisions or all of them. It broke my heart see his break. But again i feel He was scared to be lonely as much as I am.
It broke my heart to cry for someone, but it broke more everytime my partner would comfort me.Even though he knew who I was crying for. And yes am an Ass hole in know.
We where not a perfect couple. But this was affecting me too much. I took 1 therapy class but could not afford it no more so could not continue.
While living together he did tell me he wanted to marry and I told him yes only if he decided to get baptized and cummit on his own and not because of me. He told me yes.
Before getting married i contacted my ex… and told him i was sorry for going 0 contact he accepted my apology but did not want to keep talking because he knew i was already dating someone. And this time he went 0 contact with me. And told me he was seeing someone
I never told him i still had feelings for him and in Augost of 2023 my Husband proposed. By September we got got married… Maybe everything was too quick? I was still in love with my ex and and the same time i felt bad for my husband. He truely loves me in his own way.
I waited patiently for his call the day before our marriage but nothing. So i went for it and married this guy that truely loves me.
I still tried to get over him… September, November passes and one day i mids of december out of the blue my ex called me!I will not lie that i felt butterflies in my stomatche and he told me he was sorry for going 0 contact. And told me he broke up with that one girl and was happy i was married. I truly wanted to tell him “I am not happy. I still love you” but i cant say those things… we are not a perfect marriage and many things are because of me and others because my husband had a ruff childhood. We had many discussions because he could never give me cards, buy me little gifts or take me out on date once living together or married.
I would compare my husband to my ex and sometimes tell him he was not good enough for me. This would start argument.
In the call I only told my ex boyfriend in the call thank you for your congrats Amd that was it. We started once again talking from December all around to febuary. This was legitimately just as friends and nothing flirtatious was going on.
I did not tell my husband that we where talking and i know once again i am an Ass hole and yes i know even though my ex was never flirty at any moment of time on my end this is infidelity on my end
We have been ups and downs in my marriage. And i know I am not perfect.
That last time i talked to him was in finals of Febuary of this year 2024. Prior to this I maybe was trying to think he still felt something for me but I think it was just me.
I talked to one of my friends and explianed this whole situation true of my chest and I did let her know that i was feeling really guilty of everything and told her i was going to stop talking to him but I wanted to call him one last time. She agreed and told me if this was going to make me not contact him to do it. Not only for myself but for my husband because this was not fair in any way for him.
That same day I called him and told him. That I knew he was not trying but sometimes he made me feel mixed signals. Maybe I misinterpreted them and these status he was posting were for his ex and not me his 2nd ex. I told him that I knew he was not trying this to get my attention but me in my head I was only confusing myself and started to get hope on something that was not possible. Idid tell him that these feeling for him ehere coming back.
He told me that he was sorry but he got back with his ex and was happy with her. He told me to work on my marriage with my husband and was ok to go 0 contact again with him. He told me he cared for me only as a friend and that was all he wanted.
That was exactly what I wanted him to tell me. Something enough to crush my heart and give me 0 hopes to get back together ever. I said goodbye with tears in my eyes and blocked him.
I don’t care who sees this tbh I just want to share this and take it finally off my chest. And you can call me all you want I really don’t care.
For those who ask why I did not cancel the wedding. I tried, I did tell him that I was not okay. I did try to leave this relationship because I was not happy. But he always found a way to convince me. Toxic? Yes Will leave him? Idk Do I need therapy? Yes I do need.
I love you dear ex with all my heart. You made me love God, myself, and then you. I miss you and wish you the best. If this ever gets to you…i hope that by that time, I am healed and happy.
After all this time? Yes… Always. I still have and will always loved you. I really hope my husband can make me love myself just as you did. i hope he can make me love God just as much as you did… he just got baptized and working in his own relationship with god.
Maybe one day he will love me just as much as you did and make me feel that he is the one and not you.
if you see this and if… only if you feel the same way call me
If i dont have the same number you always have my family’s facebook. Tell them you’re looking for me.But if you don’t have them just ignore this.
Thank you all for this who got all the ways to the bottom. I know its a lot to read,but maybe one can relate to this. I will read your coment in case you want to tell me anyththing.
submitted by Always_291217 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:37 my_stick_is_rising My SO always moan and say i big, skillfull and good. Is she say just to make me feel good????

My SO always moan and say i big, skillfull and good. Is she say just to make me feel good???? submitted by my_stick_is_rising to kopitiam [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:16 Fun_Anxiety_440 Do we think she will ever address Reddit again?

Sorry for the long post!
For anyone that’s new here, she addressed Reddit on 04/07/24 (the video was posted in 3 parts on here). She cherry picked the posts and chose the ones that specifically focused on her appearance but not the actual issues at hand. She also chose to leave out posts/comments that complimented her and gave helpful suggestions. She blocks/deletes any constructive criticism or just any comment really that isn’t kissing her ass. She has no problems having her fans harass them though. This leads us to Reddit since she has no control of the narrative here.
Today I believe she exposed herself with the whole Pizzaslime X Revolve private/public videos switch up. It showed that she is most definitely on Reddit. Everything happened within minutes of these posts. When there’s just too many coincidences it makes you wonder.
Do we think she will ever address Reddit again and seriously? We already know it will bring a lot more negative attention as this sub had only 1,455 members on 04/07/24. And a lot of things have resurfaced about her past and present that’s still ongoing. If she did, she would have to address a lot of things:
I’m sure there’s a hell of a lot more to address that I can’t remember right now. But I don’t know why she feels like she is so much better than everyone else and feels the need to put them down, especially when she does the same if not worse. She constantly puts down her friends and honestly most women. She’s always running late not considering other people. She’s just a horrible influencer and even calling her that is a stretch. She may have had good content once but I feel a lot of things she said/done were swept under the rug.
I know she addressed go house in some video a long time ago, but she was crying imo to gain sympathy. I want some real accountability here because with that platform she does have some influence on a younger audience.
Trying to debunk most if not all of these would be hard for her given there is photo and video evidence for everything I think. And if she does address all of this she can probably get away with it if her fans are dumb enough to believe whatever story she comes up with. But she can also receive a whole lot of backlash. The bright side is she would have a clean slate maybe. I’d respect her more if she would’ve just owned up to all these things herself without this page instead of gaslighting everyone all the time. But we can’t always get what we want lol
Any thoughts?
submitted by Fun_Anxiety_440 to rhegan777snark [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:16 Recent_Telephone6652 Texas over Stanford Women

submitted by Recent_Telephone6652 to Rowing [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:08 Flox-Cat555 A Crazy Lifetime Movie

NOTE: This is an repeat of a post I did in tipof my tongue, but I actually need more eyes on this and honestly, Reddit isn't letting me share it in other communities for some reason. Anyways, here we go:
To clarify, I've actually been hunting down for this movie from time to time (when I feel like it). It was a haunting movie that my mom and I watch when I was young and I swear to God it was like fever dream nightmare on crack.
NOTE: I only remember certain parts as I was very young and my mother was concerned about my mental anxiety. A.k.a I was nervous about serious, dramatic and horrifying things back then and still I'm today, but I can watch a Saw movie, so it's not bad.
Anyways, what I could remember was that the movie involves a couple in a relationship who goes on vacation in what I theorize was a tropical and/or Hispanic area do to the design of vacation house they were staying at.
Soon, in a very creepy way, bump into old friends and they hang out together. NOTE; the creepy way they did it was they had a first person shot moving throughout the house in the dark of night.
Then, three intruders bust in the house and hold them at gun point; one female and two males. Apparently, what I could theorize because again, I was young, that the main villain wanted revenge against the main women of the woman for cheating on her.
Things gets more confusing and complicated from what I remember, so here's what I remember clearly.
There's was a seen where one of the woman fills ice cream with some poison in order to kill the main villain.
And finally, the main woman and villain shoot at each other and then showing the past were the woman meets her lover.
Again, it's crazy (especially that pool game) and I'm surprised nobody have talked about it like Cheerleader of Texas or Pregnancy Pack, but to be fair, that just Lifetime in general.
As of now, I'm just curious about if anyone remembers it and/or could find.
FINAL NOTES; I don't know if it was an original movie by lifetime and also, it's not Held Hostage, Girl and Room 13, Road Trip Hostage or Hostage Hotel. I've checked and it doesn't seem to be it.
submitted by Flox-Cat555 to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:55 JennyTheBugg_OG Small town big drama

Kinda long .I moved to a small Texas town in 2018 . I started volunteering at a local charity shop that takes donated items and sells them for a quarter ( seriously yall I got a new pair of vans with the tags still on a few months ago for a quarter!) Anyway , they take the money and buy food and plates, napkins ,bags ,etc to make meals and deliver them to local eldery and disabled folks. For a while the religious alliance that was over the program was telling us we needed more money and to raise prices and we refused. We had complaints to us at the store about the food program side . Found out that alot of the Monday and Thursday food deliveries were hard ,dried up leftovers from church dinners the previous evening . The guy that ran it kept telling us "it costs so much ... 8$ a plate to get this out" ...we did the math and they would never have been more than 4 or so per plate and it lacked quality and proper nutrition. Long story short we found out that they were not running things appropriately and took over the store and gave it back to the community. The store has continued to flourish and we see that funds were BADLY mishandled (There was alot of cronyism and such ) Our food costs are currently at 3-4 per plate (hot meals WITH fruits & vegetables, and that's with plastic ware napkins and to go boxes and such , so we KNOW that somebody was skimming but can't prove it , although the treasurer and president of the religious alliance board both got fired when we took the program and we told the rest of the alliance what we had found . All that being said . Since then it seems half the town is against us . We alienated so many people by doing this ? The store is still doing great , so good in fact that we were offered a full 6 lane bowling alley if we can just pay for the removal before the building gets torn down . We were quoted 6k so we wanted to crowd fund to get it . I was going to sell my building on main Street for this project at a huge loss to put it in just to get something for my kids and grandkids to do here , to leave a mark here . As soon as word started getting out about the plans the friends and family and church members of both fired board members are publicly downing our project calling us dumb and saying it will never work ... just dammit... feeling discouraged cause half this town is on their side ...it's an uphill battle here and I feel they are just putting stones in our pockets because their feelings are hurt cause them and their crooked pastor got called out. Thanks for the rant TLDR: took over corrupt pastors program and now his cronies hate us.
submitted by JennyTheBugg_OG to rant [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:21 not_a_burner_8 Cheap rings?

Single guy here.
I heard a interesting quote....
"Women put a fake ring on to avoid being hit on, men put a fake one on to GET hit on."
Curious if it true.... Anyone know of cheap wedding rings?
submitted by not_a_burner_8 to Medford [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:05 Disastrous-Ear3313 My Dad (M55) Is Making My Mom (F52) Sicker - Long Rant, Advice Needed.

FAIR WARNING : This is a long rant and I am llooking for for advice on how to be there for my family. This post is long and has a lot of strong emotion so I’m sorry, also involves some childhood traumas I try to not drive deep into. I also wrote this on my phone so I apologize for any mistakes. I know this isn’t 100% marriage advice driven but it involves my family and my husband.
Sorry not about any kind of romantic relationship. But it’s about my parents. I (F25) live so far away from my parents now. But thankfully my siblings are there to help my mom. This morning she couldn’t breath apparently, and they had to call he ambulance to get her transported to the ER. My Dad was on the couch pretending to be asleep while the EMTs entered our house and got my mom into the ambulance. He didn’t even “wake up” until she was taken to the emergency room. My sisters were there and one of them followed her to the ER. For reference, my mom has heart failure problems. She has a history of epilepsy since she was a child, my father is aware of her medical history and issues and doesn’t care he said it’s weight base issues and doesn’t believe in mental health or how women can be stressed, she has been with my father since 14.
It bothers me so much because growing up, my dad has always been a child. My mom wasn’t allowed to put anyone else before HIM. He had to come first. He is the biggest narcissistic person I have ever met. He used to hit my mom growing up and had a stash of X rated videos in our house. He gaslit my mom saying the stash was hers….. even though he was the only one watching and didn’t even care if one of his kids walked in he would simple get up and beat them. He changed over time when he found God. He became a die hard Christian and republican. But he was still a narcissist. He doesn’t practice what he preaches. He’s on Facebook sharing bible quotes about loving and respecting your wife. Meanwhile today on a Sunday, my mom was struggling to breath and couldn’t talk. He didn’t even care to check on her because for the past few days he had an attitude and was giving her the cold shoulder. The day before my aunt came over their house and he was boasting about how he’s an amazing father and dad. How he does so much. He can’t even do lawn work, he hates being asked to take out the trash. He works yes long hours but so does she. And he thinks him working is enough. My mom can’t even watch shows she wants to watch or play candy crush on her iPad Because it takes time away from him. When I was a kid and wanted to show my mom a drawing I made her he would tell me to go away.
My mom has had so much stress on her since I can even remember and most of it is from my father. He pretends to be an okay person where people actually feel bad for him. Meanwhile he didn’t even care how his actions and behaviors effected her. I still remember my mom crying because she was so overwhelmed with his crappy behavior as a kid. I just don’t know what to do anymore. This resentment has grown over YEARS like over ten years. My dad was in my life but wasn’t a father figure. And I’m so tired of him thinking he can use his bad upbringing as an excuse for his actions. He’s over 50, he had his time to better himself. No one told him to do half the things he did. He did that because he wanted too. I’m so tired of making excuses for him. He doesn’t even drive himself to work, he’s so mad because my moms in the ER and not home to take him to work this week.
I hope now you can see why I am so upset at this behavior of his
I don’t know what to do. I’m so far away now, I’m also about to have a baby. How can I be there for my mom during this difficult time??? What can I do??? I feel so helpless now. When I was back home I did help her, and now it feels like I just can’t. 😔
I have no intention on trying to talk to my dad because he gets offended and MAD when me or any of my four other siblings give him a talk. For my own safety I would rather now. What can I say to my mom? I want her to be here for when her grandson is born.
My father made my childhood difficult in ways that I don’t want to have to even think about. He never apologized, he forced me to go to church and secretly judged the things I did growing up, how I dressed and acted. Which made me uncomfortable because some of it was very sexist. BTW, He “ran away” when my sister ended up pregnant because he said she brought so much shams to use and the church. It was ridiculous. He pushed my sister who was pregnant at the time and walked out with a bag. I secretly wish he wouldn’t come back.
You may be asking now…How is my husband involved ?
Well… A big issue that was brought up ….He (My father) expects when my mom passes away in the future that one of us will take care of him. He thinks it will be me since I “have my life in order”. It won’t be me for sure. My husband won’t allow it, my husband doesn’t think that he’s my responsibility. He said my responsibility is my son, him and me. He doesn’t believe half the stuff my dad believes (like how he believes since my mom is a woman this is her role to be subservient) and he is a completely OPPOSITE MAN than him. My husband has been there for me in ways I wish someone was there for my mom. My dad has hinted MANY times that it would be me he moves in with… it upsets me so much when he jokes that way. We were suppose to go on vacation in November (don’t know about that now) with my parents but now I’m second guessing. I can already tell you he’ll be boasting about how he’s an amazing husband and how his political & religious beliefs are more important than yours. He’s also going to ask a million questions about how much we make, my husbands job, and how big our house is (you can guess why). I’m so overwhelmed. I can’t have him adding stress to my marriage. I’m already stressed and worried about my mom. I’m tired of feeling helpless. It’s like he’s pre planing who his next care taker is, when he should be planning how to take care of his wife …
submitted by Disastrous-Ear3313 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:30 FZVIC [CLAIM] The Free Wolves Alliance

“Want a drink?"
"Thank you, I don't drink"
"How about a smoke?"
"Sorry, I don't smoke either."
"God damn it!" I say. "Then what do you need money for?”
Polity: The Free Wolves Alliance
Capital: Edmonton
Polity Designation: Minarchist Direct Democratic Alliance of Towns/Clans
Leader: Joe “Beard” Sidorovich (Edmonton Military Council)
Ruling Town/Clan: Edmonton City Council (size)
Religions: Christianity, Mormonism, Various Smaller Faiths
Ethnic Groups: Canadians, Quebecois, Metis, First Nations
Languages: English, Quebecois, Metis French
Currency: Various Currencies, Bartering Common Also
Map: The Alliance as it Stands
The History of the Free Wolves Alliance
The Free Wolves Alliance was not built upon common values nor friendly ideals - the Alliance was formed to survive. With the Cascadian Anarchists down south that would regularly raid the townships and the ex-Canadian warlords trying to gather unfair tithes, there was no other option for the budding towns and the vulnerable inhabitants. The Alliance was formed by Joe “Beard” Sidorovich; an ex-Edmonton City Councillor and Veteran, who was able to pull together his old battle-buddies and create an Iron Cordon around Edmonton. Once Edmonton was unified, he contacted other groups who had surfaced across Alberta. It wasn’t long until all the largest groups of survivors were under the Alliance. One of the leading Clans under a man by the name of Tim “Nitro” Robertson was the one to popularize the acronym WOLVES as a signifier for their Alliance, and thus the Free Wolves were born.
Under the custodianship of the Free Wolves Alliance; the Albertan Markets were opened up and business flourished without governmental restrictions, the Iron Cordon was expanded to all Free Wolves territories, and the Albertan people lived freely. It wasn’t long until those under the Free Wolves wished for more involvement in the running of their cities and towns, it was Beard who was the first to distance himself from the administration of the territories and instead allowed local elections to pick “Hetmans” to actually govern Edmonton. The Hetman terminology quickly passed along to the other territories and Clans who adopted the systems. It was only the Judges of Zion, a Mormon Clan under Ezekiel “Prophet” Fredericks who instead formed a Theodemocracy in his territory. This was allowed only due to the Judges of Zion establishing the Cordon around industrial areas of Alberta.
The Culture and Society of the Free Wolves Alliance
The Free Wolves Alliance is made up of many different towns and Clans that each have their own cultural and societal norms. Although this is true, there is a unifying idea of Libertarianism/Minarchism that seeps into society and culture. Overall, the Free Wolves territories are largely socially progressive with the common quote being “Let all Albertans protect their Weed Farms with Automatic Weapons.”
Another very defining part of Free Wolves culture is the view that there is “No Masters but Christ!”, which emphasizes the view that all Free Wolves are FREE and nothing can change that. This also means that the Free Wolves are largely self-reliant to the best of their ability, rarely placing faith in other Clans let alone strangers.
When walking down the street of a Free Wolves town, it would be common to see men and women openly carrying rifles as they purchase stock from their local stores, it would also be just as common to see criminals being tied to ‘Shame Posts’ for stealing or for violence.
The Free Wolves are scavengers at heart, stealing from local warlords as well as braving the ruined cities and military bases to get any form of material. Due to this, the Free Wolves aren’t the richest Alliance and many live in what pre-flood peoples would call ‘Destitute’ situations.
submitted by FZVIC to PostWorldPowers [link] [comments]
