Dateing profile headlines or males

In Soviet USA, Hyperbolic Headline is Full of Shit!

2016.11.06 08:47 In Soviet USA, Hyperbolic Headline is Full of Shit!

Have you ever seen a headline from Western Mainstream Media about Russia, China, or any other 'adversarial' country? If so, you know how much hyperbole, [title gore](/titlegore) and pure over-the-top hysteria they can invoke. Thus, have you ever wondered what it would look like if Russia wrote such headlines about US!??! Now you can, in English!!!* *^Of ^course, ^Russia ^doesn't ^actually ^have ^enough ^Jackasses ^suspect ^to ^fearmongering ^in ^the ^country ^to ^overcome ^this ^deficit

2008.08.28 01:00 University of Oregon Ducks

/ducks is the place to discuss all University of Oregon Ducks sports.

2021.01.22 01:38 Cthepo nfltiktok

For all Tik Toks and similar short clips about the NFL. From actual analysis, to "If NFL teams were different condiments".

2024.05.15 15:39 dwilliams222444 Men don’t care

Every time I have reached out to a man for emotional support in the past they have been entirely dismissive to me. Either by saying “oh okay” or some other dismissive phrase when I say I wasn’t doing okay, or by entirely ignoring it. And they just think that this is acceptable.
My friends who are women or nb/gnc have been very supportive of me. Admittedly I’ve had a couple reiterate misogynistic gaslighting ideas as if the way I’m feeling is the problem, but honestly I think they’ve internalized these ideas themselves. The point is that they try
Men have expected me to do emotional labor for them and even just automatically expected it and acted very entitled to it. I have literal trauma from feeling responsible for a man’s life because I offered him emotional support then wouldn’t date him.
Men seem to be more supportive of each other. They seem to be learning that more now there’s a focus on men’s mental health in their male spaces, I guess? I have seen these same men have that dismissed or even gaslit me check on and be supportive to each other.
So what’s the deal with that? Do they just hate women? They expect all the emotional labour (and sex) from women with absolutely in return
submitted by dwilliams222444 to RadicalFeminism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:33 pharmtutor_ Daily NAPLEX Math Question

Patient Profile:
Clinical Information:
Home Medications:
Hospital medication
MB's physician wants to convert him to an equivalent dose of prednisone PO, with options for either BID or TID dosing. Which of the correct conversion for MB's current dexamethasone regimen?
View Poll
submitted by pharmtutor_ to NAPLEX_Prep [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:29 Tycho_Jissard MS-ISAC CYBERSECURITY ADVISORY - Multiple Vulnerabilities in Mozilla Products Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution - PATCH: NOW

DATE(S) ISSUED: 05/14/2024
SUBJECT: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Mozilla Products Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution
OVERVIEW: Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Mozilla Products, the most severe of which could allow for arbitrary code execution.
Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow for arbitrary code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
THREAT INTELLIGENCE: There are no reports that these vulnerabilities are being exploited in the wild
RISK: Government:
Home users: Low
TECHNICAL SUMMARY: Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Mozilla Products, the most severe of which could allow for arbitrary code execution. Details of the most critical vulnerabilities are as follows:
Tactic: Initial Access (TA0001):
Technique: Drive-by Compromise (T1189):
Additional lower severity vulnerabilities include:
Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow for arbitrary code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.
We recommend the following actions be taken:
submitted by Tycho_Jissard to k12cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:29 Responsible-Map-5465 Love marriage specialist in india

Love marriage specialist in india Marriage is a journey that requires love, commitment, and understanding. It’s a bond that brings two souls together, but also requires effort and dedication to maintain its sparkle. In today’s fast-paced world, relationships can be put to the test, and it’s not uncommon for couples to feel lost and disconnected from each other. But what if there was a way to unlock the secrets to a blissful marriage, and ensure that the love and passion between you and your partner only grows stronger with each passing day? Astroguru Mukesh Pandit Ji, a renowned astrologer, has spent years studying the intricacies of relationships and has developed a unique approach to help couples strengthen their bond and achieve marital harmony. In this exclusive blog post, we’ll delve into the expert insights of Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji, who will share his secrets to a blissful marriage, revealing the astrological signs that indicate compatibility, and providing practical advice on how to nurture a loving and fulfilling relationship.
  1. The role of astrology in understanding relationships
The ancient wisdom of astrology has long been revered for its ability to unravel the mysteries of the universe, and none more so than the complex tapestry of human relationships. As we embark on this journey to uncover the secrets of a blissful marriage, it is crucial to first understand the role that astrology plays in illuminating the path to a harmonious and fulfilling union. According to renowned astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji, the celestial bodies that govern our lives hold the key to unlocking the deepest desires and desires of our partners, and ultimately, to building a strong and lasting bond.
With the precision of a master astronomer, Mukesh Pandit Ji can pinpoint the precise planetary alignments that influence our emotions, behaviors, and interactions with others. By analyzing the unique astrological profiles of both partners, he can reveal hidden patterns and tendencies that shape our relationships, and offer sage guidance on how to navigate the challenges and opportunities that arise. From the intricate dance of the planets to the subtle language of body language, astrology offers a profound understanding of the intricate web of energies that surrounds us, and how we can harness this knowledge to create a marriage that is truly a reflection of our highest selves.
  1. Mukesh Pandit Ji’s expert insights on blissful marriage
As an esteemed astrologer, Mukesh Pandit Ji has spent years studying the intricacies of human relationships, and his expertise in this field is unparalleled. In his extensive practice, he has helped countless couples navigate the complexities of marriage, and has gained a profound understanding of the factors that contribute to a blissful and harmonious union. According to Pandit Ji, a blissful marriage is not solely the result of compatibility or shared interests, but rather the culmination of a deep understanding of the cosmic forces that bring two individuals together. By examining the intricate web of planetary alignments and astrological influences that shape our personalities, habits, and behaviors, Pandit Ji offers a unique perspective on how couples can work together to create a sense of unity and togetherness. Love marriage specialist in india
Pandit Ji’s approach to marriage counseling is not only rooted in his vast knowledge of astrology, but also in his empathetic and compassionate nature. With a gentle yet insightful touch, he guides couples in identifying and addressing the underlying issues that may be causing tension and stress in their relationship. By providing personalized advice and guidance, Pandit Ji empowers couples to build stronger, more resilient bonds, and to cultivate a sense of love, respect, and understanding that can weather any challenge. In this section, we will delve deeper into Pandit Ji’s expert insights on blissful marriage, and explore the ways in which astrology can be used as a powerful tool for building and maintaining a happy and fulfilling relationship.
  1. The importance of compatibility in marriage
As the ancient adage goes, “opposites attract,” but in the realm of marriage, it’s not just about the initial spark that draws us together. Rather, it’s about the long-term compatibility that can make or break the sanctity of the institution. Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji, a renowned expert in the field, emphasizes the significance of compatibility in marriage, citing that it’s the foundation upon which a blissful and harmonious relationship is built. Love marriage specialist in india
When two individuals with dissimilar personalities, lifestyles, and values come together, it’s not uncommon for friction to arise. However, when they share a deep sense of compatibility, it becomes the glue that holds them together, even in the face of adversity. Mukesh Pandit Ji believes that understanding each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and emotional needs is crucial in fostering a strong bond. By doing so, couples can navigate life’s challenges with ease, empathy, and trust, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying marriage. Love marriage specialist in india
In his extensive practice, Mukesh Pandit Ji has witnessed firsthand the transformative power of compatibility in marriage. He has worked with countless couples, guiding them through the intricacies of their birth charts and providing valuable insights into their personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. By doing so, he has helped them to better understand each other, communicate more effectively, and cultivate a deeper sense of connection and love. In the following sections, we’ll delve deeper into the expert insights of Mukesh Pandit Ji, exploring the ways in which astrology can be used to uncover the secrets of a blissful marriage.
  1. How to build a strong foundation in marriage
The foundation of a blissful marriage is often overlooked, but it is the cornerstone upon which a lifelong union is built. Just as a sturdy building requires a strong foundation to withstand the test of time, a happy marriage demands a solid foundation of trust, communication, and mutual understanding. According to Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji, understanding each other’s personalities, strengths, and weaknesses is crucial in laying the groundwork for a successful marriage.
“It is essential to recognize that each partner brings their unique set of traits to the table, and embracing these differences can be the key to a harmonious relationship,” he explains. By acknowledging and respecting each other’s individuality, couples can avoid misunderstandings and conflicts that often arise from unmet expectations. By fostering an environment of open communication, trust, and empathy, couples can build a strong foundation that will support them through life’s joys and challenges.
In addition, setting clear expectations and boundaries early on can help prevent future conflicts. By doing so, couples can create a sense of security and stability, allowing them to focus on nurturing their love and growing together. As Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji so aptly puts it, “A strong foundation is the foundation of a happy marriage, and it is the key to unlocking the secrets of a blissful union.”
  1. Understanding the male and female perspectives
In the celestial dance of marriage, the harmony of the couple is often influenced by the unique energies that each individual brings to the table. As Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji so astutely observes, “Understanding the male and female perspectives is crucial to creating a blissful marriage.” Men and women are wired differently, and their approaches to life, relationships, and communication can be like two distinct planets orbiting in different ways. The male perspective is often characterized by a desire for independence, adventure, and a sense of accomplishment, while the female perspective is often marked by a need for connection, nurturing, and emotional validation. By recognizing and respecting these fundamental differences, couples can create a space where both partners feel heard, validated, and loved.
For instance, men often have a tendency to focus on the big picture, making decisions based on logic and strategy, while women tend to zoom in on the details, making decisions based on emotions and intuition. By acknowledging and embracing these differences, couples can learn to communicate more effectively, avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts. As Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji notes, “When both partners understand each other’s perspective, it’s like having a cosmic alignment that brings balance and harmony to the relationship.” By embracing the unique energies that each partner brings to the table, couples can create a marriage that is not only fulfilling but also blissful.
  1. The significance of emotional intelligence in marriage
As the ancient adage goes, “Marriage is a journey, not a destination.” And, indeed, it is the emotional intelligence of the partners that can make or break this journey. Emotional intelligence is the capacity to recognize and understand emotions in oneself and others, and to use this awareness to guide thought and behavior. In the context of marriage, it is the emotional intelligence of both partners that can help them navigate the ups and downs of life together, and cultivate a deeper sense of connection and understanding. Love marriage specialist in india
When both partners possess high emotional intelligence, they are better equipped to communicate effectively, empathize with each other, and manage conflicts in a healthy and constructive manner. This is because they are able to recognize and acknowledge their own emotions, as well as those of their partner, and respond in a way that is respectful and considerate of each other’s feelings. By doing so, they can create a safe and supportive environment in which they can grow and evolve together, free from the shackles of emotional baggage and negativity.
In contrast, a lack of emotional intelligence can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and feelings of isolation. When partners are unable to recognize and manage their own emotions, they may become defensive, critical, or even aggressive, which can create a toxic environment in which neither partner feels heard or valued. By incorporating emotional intelligence into their marriage, couples can break free from these negative patterns and cultivate a deeper sense of love, respect, and connection.
  1. Tips for effective communication in marriage
Effective communication is the cornerstone of a blissful marriage, and yet, it is often the most challenging aspect for many couples to master. In a world where words can be both a blessing and a curse, it is essential to learn how to communicate effectively with your partner. As Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji often says, “Communication is the key to unlocking the secrets of a harmonious marriage.” When both partners are able to express themselves openly and honestly, without fear of judgment or criticism, it creates a safe and nurturing environment that fosters trust, understanding, and love.
In a marriage, effective communication is not just about speaking, but also about listening. It is about being able to hear the unspoken words, the emotions, and the needs of your partner. It is about being able to empathize and understand each other’s perspectives, even when you don’t agree. As Astrologer Pandit Ji advises, “Listen to your partner’s words, but also listen to the silence between them. Sometimes, it is the silence that holds the most profound message.” By practicing active listening and open communication, couples can build a stronger bond, resolve conflicts more effectively, and create a marriage that is filled with love, laughter, and joy.
submitted by Responsible-Map-5465 to u/Responsible-Map-5465 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:27 Garbashi Feels like there's no right way of being a man anymore

Was hard finding the right title for this, but I think that works.
I want to preface this by explaining who I am and where I'm coming from. I'm a white 27 year old guy from Sweden. I'm straight. And I'd say I'm a feminist. As such I implore you to try and understand that my experience is from a place where I think generally feminism has come a longer way than most other places. Being a feminist isn't as polarized as it seems to be in the US for example.
I went to a high school that was very left politically, and everyone there was extremely interested in feminism. I'd say that was a good experience for me in some ways. Before high school I wasn't well read on equality and I was so insistant to identify as a humanist, not feminist. So it was healthy for me to meet people that could share with me the ideas of feminism. It made me more concious of my priviliges, I've gotten a better understanding of the inequalities women face in society and I feel I've gotten better at listening to people's experiences
Over time though, and this has carried over to my adult life, I've felt increasingly unheard myself. I feel like I made the effort that I could as a man to understand the realities women face but the more I face hardship as a man I feel there is no way to turn and no one even interested in listening.
I'm quite a sensitive guy. In my recent failed relationship I was the one who cried, she had trouble doing it. In the end my anxiety ended that relationship. I do not fit into the typical masculine guy persona at all. I don't like sports, I at least trying to talk about my emotions, I'm not good at taking initiative, I'm generally anxious. But I don't feel these qualities are sought after by anyone in society. I hate toxic masculinity. I hate the dudebros that say stupid shit like "man up" and have some kind of innate desire to lead, to personify strength and authority. That aint me. And I feel that should be okay, but if I as a man try to find any comfort among men that is what I'm met with. And when I turn to the movements that I've looked to before as a championing equality all I'm identified with are the very toxic guys I dislike myself. So many times I hear the phrase "I hate men" and you know, the first times I understood that this was due to bad experiences with men and that's okay. But increasingly that just seems like a lens people view men through. The consistency of it gets to me. Like, the toxic men has been let to define what it means to be a man and now I just feel bad about who I inherently am as a person. Growing up and hearing that phrase really makes you feel bad about yourself. Like, being a man should be okay, but there's no effort or will amongst anyone to differentiate what it means to be a healthy man.
Then I go on dating apps and the expectations women have of men there doesn't at all feel like it lives in the same reality as the one where feminism has brought with it a sense of equality. If I were to know nothing of being a man and only extrapolate what I see of women's expectations of men then a man is basically: Working out, takes initiative, values girlfriend over all else and gives her the princess treatment, pays, so on.
It just feels like if I want to pursue the things I want in life I'll only be rewarded if I regress into the toxic and conservative male roles I've resented for so long. I thought that was what we were trying to get away from.
submitted by Garbashi to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:26 Daddy_Bard A lot of you were right. Now I need help again.

Hi Daddit!
I dare say noone will remember my last post, its still on my profile for those that care to read, but I’ll try to make a quick TLDR: Daughter started going through the motions of womanhood. Im a widower and asked here if it would be weird to ask my close female friend if she could help me out explaining this etc to my daughter.
Got some really amazing advice on that post. And also through the comments and dm’s a few suggesting there could be something there with my friend after learning our history.
So, last night, I was on the phone to her when she told me she had something to say, and pretty much laid it on the line to me. Not going to go into details here, but the upshot is that she asked if I would be open to a relationship. I told her I was flattered, though I dont think I needed to say that, Ive never actually been lost for words before, I felt like I was attempting to say every word in the dictionary all at once. But that I would need time to process this and that it wasnt a knock on her, its just something Ive not considered in a long, long time. By the sounds of it, she’s felt this way for awhile.
Ive thought about it constantly since and I’m not going to lie, as fine as I am just me and my daughter, when shes out with friends (which is getting more and more a thing and I realise she’ll get to a point where shes out and about more than she is at home) or when shes in bed, I do feel extremely lonely, and having a partner to share everything with again would be great.
Ive never thought of her in a romantic way but I could see it happening. Shes an amazing woman and we get along really well.
However, theres also the risk that we just dont work out and thats never a good thing for anyone, and with her being a huge support for me over the years I’d absolutely hate for that to happen and we cant go back to being there for eachother like we have been all this time.
I think it took a LOT for her to talk to me yesterday like that. She seemed very nervous and wasnt herself all day leading up to it. If Im turning her down, how do I even go about this without her feeling awkward or embarrassed?
And if we make a go of it, how the hell does dating work in 2024!? Does a nice meal and a walk suffice these days?
I really dont know what to do. Feeling very out of my depth here.
Moving on was something my wife and I never got to discuss and I’m not sure whats the right thing to do and whats the wrong thing to do.
submitted by Daddy_Bard to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:23 vvectorland Im wondered something about relationships,any help?

Hello, i am 17 years old, i never had a gf before in fact never had a crush for long.. so i look at dating forums when i wonder about and i see people say that, u need to be an alpha man, u need to be mean against girls, read redpill etc... which makes me confused
And some people say that being virgin is a total turnoff for someone at my ages... And they say, women go for %20 of men so dont spend ur effort, I really did not know anything about these and now i am confused...
Are these mindsets true if i have a crush on somebody at my ages?
Btw this is not an incel post, i just dont know how to look at about this topic, i did not even know what is alpha male or redpill etc...
submitted by vvectorland to IncelExit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:22 chattykinson Closing Time - Site & Apps

Get your last look in, grab a screenshot of your profile page with your account creation date, remember what the site looked like. Or whatever you want to do on the last day it's up. <3
Rooster Teeth site and apps will shutdown tonight at 11:59pm CT.
submitted by chattykinson to roosterteeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:13 RedChipCompanies Zomedica Releases Over-the-Air Software Update Capabilities for Its TRUFORMA(R) Platform

OTA capability enhances introduction of new assays from rapidly expanding menu
ANN ARBOR, MI / ACCESSWIRE / May 15, 2024 / Zomedica Corp. (NYSE American:ZOM) ("Zomedica" or the "Company"), a veterinary health company offering point-of-care diagnostics and therapeutic products for equine and companion animals, today announced the launch of Over-the-Air ("OTA") software and firmware update capabilities for its TRUFORMA point-of-care diagnostic platform.
"We recognized the need to deliver software and firmware updates remotely early in the TRUFORMA development," said Evan St. Peter, Vice President of Technology Innovation at Zomedica. "Following our 2023 acquisition of Qorvo Biotechnologies and the growth of the TRUFORMA product line with recent assay launches, the timing for adding this capability is ideal. We're excited to harness OTA updates to enable rapid deployment of new assays and deliver new features and customer experiences on the TRUFORMA platform."
OTA updates will be delivered via Zomedica's myZomedica® cloud customer experience and Internet-of-Things (IoT) platform. OTA capabilities streamline the software update process for both Zomedica and its customers. When a new software update is available, customers will be notified on their device and can apply the update with the push of a button. The myZomedica global OTA service includes best practices capabilities for staged deployments to ensure software update resiliency.
"The release of TRUFORMA OTA software update capabilities demonstrates Zomedica's dedication to accelerating delivery of highly beneficial assays on the TRUFORMA diagnostic platform," said Larry Heaton, Chief Executive Officer of Zomedica. "These capabilities further reduce barriers for customer adoption of newly launched assays, provide an efficient means of delivering timely enhancements for existing assays, and free up our salespeople from performing manual upgrades."
About Zomedica
Based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Zomedica (NYSE American: ZOM) is a veterinary health company creating products for horses, dogs, and cats by focusing on the unmet needs of clinical veterinarians. Zomedica's product portfolio includes innovative diagnostics and medical devices that emphasize patient health and practice health. Zomedica's mission is to provide veterinarians the opportunity to increase productivity and grow revenue while better serving the animals in their care. For more information, visit
Follow Zomedica
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Except for statements of historical fact, this news release contains certain "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities law. Forward-looking information is frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur and include statements relating to our expectations regarding future results. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking information are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. We cannot guarantee future results, performance, or achievements. Consequently, there is no representation that the actual results achieved will be the same, in whole or in part, as those set out in the forward-looking information.
Forward-looking information is based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are made, including assumptions with respect to economic growth, demand for the Company's products, the Company's ability to produce and sell its products, sufficiency of our budgeted capital and operating expenditures, the satisfaction by our strategic partners of their obligations under our commercial agreements, our ability to realize upon our business plans and cost control efforts and the impact of COVID-19 on our business, results and financial condition.
Our forward-looking information is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking information. Some of the risks and other factors that could cause the results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking information include, but are not limited to: the outcome of clinical studies, the application of generally accepted accounting principles, which are highly complex and involve many subjective assumptions, estimates, and judgments, uncertainty as to whether our strategies and business plans will yield the expected benefits; uncertainty as to the timing and results of development work and verification and validation studies; uncertainty as to the timing and results of commercialization efforts, as well as the cost of commercialization efforts, including the cost to develop an internal sales force and manage our growth; uncertainty as to our ability to successfully integrate acquisitions; uncertainty as to our ability to supply products in response to customer demand; uncertainty as to the likelihood and timing of any required regulatory approvals, and the availability and cost of capital; the ability to identify and develop and achieve commercial success for new products and technologies; veterinary acceptance of our products; competition from related products; the level of expenditures necessary to maintain and improve the quality of products and services; changes in technology and changes in laws and regulations; our ability to secure and maintain strategic relationships; performance by our strategic partners of their obligations under our commercial agreements, including product manufacturing obligations; risks pertaining to permits and licensing, intellectual property infringement risks, risks relating to any required clinical trials and regulatory approvals, risks relating to the safety and efficacy of our products, the use of our products, intellectual property protection, risks related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact upon our business operations generally, including our ability to develop and commercialize our products, and the other risk factors disclosed in our filings with the SEC and under our profile on SEDAR+ at Readers are cautioned that this list of risk factors should not be construed as exhaustive.
The forward-looking information contained in this news release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. We undertake no duty to update any of the forward-looking information to conform such information to actual results or to changes in our expectations except as otherwise required by applicable securities legislation. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information.
Investor Relations Contact:
Zomedica Investor Relations []( 1-734-369-2555
SOURCE: Zomedica Corp.
View the original press release on
submitted by RedChipCompanies to Zomedica [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:04 CeleryMan20 John Cadogan video “the war on men is official disinformation”

“Automotive expert John Cadogan” has posted a YouTube video speaking in his inimitable fashion about a current media kerfuffle in Australia. The background is that we had a high-profile disappearance, a murder, and a shopping centre stabbing spree (among other incidents) where the victims were women. Next thing there are people marching in the streets calling for the government to “declare a national emergency” of “gendered violence”.
Reality is that homicide and domestic violence rates have been strongly trending downwards over the last 30 years and Cadogan presents the official statistics that show this.
I'm posting because of some choice quotes:
“We men have got to feel guilty … like ‘you toxic bastard’. … I am dead-set sick of this. This repulsive news report and the hysteria in it is simply not what the official data shows. “
@3:10: “This is not a national emergency. The reduction in so-called intimate partner homicide over the past 30 years is actually a triumph for our safe society. Which is of course why nobody reports it. Everyone harps on about bias in the media, right? And having worked in it for 30 frickin years, I can tell you that the three top biases affecting the mainstream media are not the biases you think they are. It’s the predisposition to laziness, sensationalism, and conflict.”
@9:50: “We could always do better, certainly. And there are individual abhorrent tragedies in any large population, obviously. But we already have a very safe society for both women and men, and it’s getting safer. That is the clear, established long-term trend. This is a fact. I would argue that the median man in Australia has nothing whatsoever to to apologise for in respect of this bullshit cultural claim … We don’t collectively conspire to murder our partners. I’ve never been invited to one of those meetings, and neither have you.”
@12:40: “If a violent offender is out on bail and commits homicide, for example, [this is a reference to the Forbes murder] perhaps we should investigate how bail works. I’d argue for that. Rather than attempt to collectively fuck over all men just because of their chromosomes, by association.”
@14:00: “Nobody appears to give two shits about the dudes who are getting popped by their partners. And 25% is a significant fraction. … Are male victims somehow worth less than female victims on this one? I think perhaps they are in real terms as valued by our society… This does not seem all that equitable or inclusive or fair.”
submitted by CeleryMan20 to LeftWingMaleAdvocates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:56 digganickrick 2012-2016 (?) Rap Possibly bay area, gangster (?) Music video of white guy picking fights with everyone he comes across

EDIT: Literally 2 seconds after posting this I found it.
The song was Andre Nickatina - Ho' Lat ft. Krayzie Bone.
Been trying to remember this song/music video for a couple weeks now.
I can't remember the exact date, it was likely between 2012 and 2016. The music video consisted of a third person video, showing a white male, mid 20's to 30's waking up and going outside - he immediately starts a fight with nearly everyone he comes across.
I can't remember who performed the song, I want to say it was a Bay Area rapper. I wish I had more info like lyrics or even melody, but I don't. All I can remember is the music video.
Thanks in advance if anyone happens to know it.
EDIT: Literally 2 seconds after posting this I found it.
The song was Andre Nickatina - Ho' Lat ft. Krayzie Bone.
I'll change flair on this to show answered.
submitted by digganickrick to NameThatSong [link] [comments]


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2024.05.15 14:43 LazySnake7 From Under the Ice - Chapter 2

(Thanks to SpacePaladin for creating NOP)
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Memory Transcription Subject: Elder Researcher Slira of the Vyr Exploration Initiative
Date [standardised Vyr time]: Day 102/321, Year 110
I remembered when they drilled to the top of Rime.I had been studying to be a computer engineer at the time, only a single course away from graduating. My home city of Frozen Perch had been chosen for the project, something that no local really paid any mind to. Almost no one believed there was anything to find within Rime’s depths, for she didn’t have any of the gifts her Sisters did. There was no ore or soil like Stone had, no warmth or light like Glow’s magma. Even Abyss held corrupted treasures of Tide’s life which members of her Second and Third Church used with enthusiasm to survive and thrive in places were the very water would crush you to nothing.
We all knew they’d give up after drilling up for a few kilometres and Vyrkind would be content that nothing lay above our heads up Rime’s endless ice, that reality was only so big and that we had explored almost everything that exists besides for some patches within the dark deeps.
I admit, I didn’t have much passion for my career of choice. I’d likely end up as a system admin somewhere, managing networks and improving what we already had, never creating anything new because we already built everything we needed.Born too late to explore the world…
When the engineers working on the drill reported that the ice was thinning, that they were getting faint signals from beyond… curiosity and passion ignited in my soul, in the soul of nearly every vyr that lived and breathed.The drilling project went from a boring little science project only a choice few geologists and industrialists held any hope for to a global event which caught the eye of all vyrkind.
I remember lying in my nest, surrounded by pillows and swaddled in blankets while my eyes were glued to a livestream of drill’s progress. My tail was playing with a tassel of a stuffed toy, which if I remembered rightly was modelled after my first pet, a grumpy but sweet crab named Admiral Cookpot.I remember the smell of burnt squid, because my father had been cooking a meal at the time and got distracted by world events, same as me. The only sound in my room was the tideheater’s propeller whirring softly.
I was too scared to breathe, worried that if I was too loud I’d scare away the most interesting thing that had ever happened in my entire life.And when the drill finally pierced the top layer of Rime I and every Vyr caught our first sight of a world beyond our little planet. The sky a black void so unlike that of Abyss, my eyes filled with the light of thousands, millions of…
A luminous field as beautiful as any glittering reef or magma vent, uncountable jewels and embers. I stared at them for over an hour, until the blazing personification of Glow herself arose from beneath the horizon, which I’d later learn… no, discover was our own personal star.
I knew what I’d dedicate my life to then and there. My life’s mission would be to uncover the secrets of this strange new realm beyond Rime, which scientists named and priests baptised as Space.
It has been many rotations around our star (now named Beacon) since I was a young college student. I got a degree in physics and with my computer simulations I managed to not only chart the movement of celestial bodies, but predict their movements as surely as the currents. I hadn’t intended to become one of the founding mothers of the field of Astrophysics but I was more than happy to lead the charge, to explore this new frontier as thoroughly as possible.
Now I was being invited to a meeting of some of the most important people in my country, perhaps of vyrkind. Sure, I had spoken to some of them before, but only over text or video chat. Only ever about theories and possibilities.
Now it would be in a physical location, all in one big room, still about theories but now much more tangible, life altering things. And I wasn’t going to be an advisor or a consultant. Just as some people were seen as leaders of armies, planners of cities or managing agricultural regions, I was being invited as our foremost expert on… Space.
It was funny and terrifying how one can wake up one morning and suddenly realise you are a world leader, responsible for guiding the fates of every creature you or anyone else had ever met.
As scared and nervous as I was, this was no time for imposter syndrome. I was one of the oldest, most experienced astrophysicists on the planet. Of course I was, I helped invent it dammit! I was still as passionate about Space as the day I started, because it was the first time we realised what a day was. I had worked with members of fields related to mine for so long I was practically an expert at those too, including engineering.There is no one more qualified to do this than I, Elder Researcher Slira! Vyrkind needed me!

Great, now I also feel nervous about being too arrogant. Still, I managed to clear some of my self-doubt and packed my bags. I had an elevator to catch.
Castle Yarshu was absolutely filled with people, busier than I’ve ever seen it before. Normally it’s just a museum, filled with old relics from the time of the last Forge Lords. Technically it’s owned by the Ka’lai Militia though and their leader has made sure to keep it well renovated. It is that very leader, General Taraksus, that has invited us all to the Castle’s massive Roundhall, filled with trophies and spoils of conquests that exist only in memory.The hall’s centre stage was covered in posts, perches and seats for the over one hundred representatives the General had invited, with boxy camera drones jetting here and there to capture the discussion for all to see.Around the hall Vyr crowded and swarmed to get a look at us, even clinging to the pillars and ceiling to see the “action”. The castle and our meeting was open to the public after all, and anyone could enter as long as occupancy allowed and they brought nothing dangerous with them besides their claws and fangs.
From my perch I spy Taraksus sitting atop the old Forge Lord’s throne, on its headrest to be precise, discussing something with a fellow general curled up on the armrest and an aide lying at the foot. The seat itself was filled with a sponge-stuffed dummy dressed to fit any monarch, albeit with a sign around its neck with a slur word written on it in a language few speak anymore.
Taraksus themself wasn’t too impressive a sight, well below the size average for females and decently above it for males. Their only ornamentation was a black stripe painted over his head to create a striking contrast as it went over their eyes, and a chain which held a few dozen metal strips, each with the name of a fallen comrade written on it. Or so I hear.
Taraksus ends his conversation and takes up a spear from a guard, the rear of which he uses to stamp the ground.
“Pipe down you lot! I’m calling this meeting to order!” Their voice pierced through the cacophony with a clarity that surprised me.
“As ridiculous as it feels to say, we’ve been contacted by aliens. You all saw the translation broadcasted live from our friends over at the VEI. Suffice to say the contents of their message to us is… concerning. I’ve already forwarded recommendations to our R&D sectors to start working on designs for military spacecraft. Certainly not something I or most anyone else here thought or hoped would ever be needed. I’m hoping that the consensus we reach here will keep that true. Before any of that however I call upon one of the most prominent members of the aforementioned VEI, Elder Slira, to clue us in on the nature of what we face and go over her team’s conclusions.”
I quickly check the notes on my portable computer which my assistant Neeran had so kindly organised for me before erecting myself on my perch.
I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, coupled with the near oppressive silence. I took a steady breath, trying to gather my courage. “You can do it Slira!” echoed a voice from the back of the hall. The chuckles that followed was evidence enough that I hadn’t imagined it, and I felt some of my fears dissipate.
“Greetings, vyr from across the world. I’ll jump right to the meat of the issue and start with an analysis of the ‘Sivkit’ that spoke to us. One of the most startling discoveries we uncovered in our investigation was the incredibly high possibility of them breathing… gas.”
I spotted the ears of more than a few vyr shoot up in shock, including those of the stout administrator of the Vrental Commune’s heartlands, Ireni.
Gasbreathers? Surely such a thing is not possible?”
“The footage clearly indicates a lack of liquid, and the sivkit’s chest is clearly contracting and expanding in a manner that indicates breathing. We could be wrong, but likely we are looking at an organism that defies our current understanding of how complex life can develop.”
I typed away at my computer, bringing up my second point.
“Next we have their next statement, something about us being Arxur…”
A delegate I do not recognise raises a claw.
“Do we know who these Arxur are? The Sivkit seemed ready to bolt at the idea of them.”
“We currently have no information on the Arxur. All we can extrapolate is that they are another sapient alien species, that we resemble them somewhat except for our eyes and that they represent a clear threat to the Sivkit. Also, for whatever reason, the sivkit mistook us for a prey species because our eyes are on the side of our heads…”

“That’s… no, I don't have a way to soften that, that’s stupid as shit.”
“It’s… not scientifically correct, no. But it made them mistake us for fellow kindred among the stars, their captain even going so far to gift us translator technology.”
“Was it a mistake?” Taraksus asks, seemingly in thought. “I mean clearly they mistook us for something we are not, but is it impossible for us to be kindred?”
I understood his question, and sadly had no real answer.
“I don’t know General. The kind of friendship you describe is a two-way street, and if they are not willing then there is nothing we can do. But that does not mean we can’t do anything about it. Diplomat Zhara, your turn.”
A vyr across the stage from me straightens herself. Her body is wrapped in colourful fabrics and her various bits of jewellery show a clear love of ornamentation and precious stones.
“Thank you Elder. The Sivkit Captain promised to return at a time less than [3 weeks] away. Irrelevant of any bigger picture, he seems to care mostly about establishing relations with us and getting access to the deposits on our planetary neighbour Turqo. Whether for personal wealth or aiding his kin, who’s to say. He seems to assume we are part of a larger civilisation, likely unable to sense us underneath all the ice and mistaking our surface city for some kind of local outpost. Whatever the case may be, our diplomatic strategy is simple: lie through our fangs and trade metal.”
An uneasy murmur fills the hall.
“I know, lying may come back to bite us. But we need to be cautious, we know nothing about these aliens and if pretending to be a larger civilisation of peaceful herbivores will put them at ease then so be it. In addition my friends in the industrial sector tell me we don’t have any need for such a vast amount of heavy metals, so mining the deposit and trading the resources to the Sivkit for what they have in abundance seems good business. It will also help further the ‘small mining outpost’ facade and aid us in getting more information about who these ‘meat-eating humans’ are.”
“Excellent! We’re right on time!”
A gasp passes through the crowd. My eyes dart around and my ears swivel every which way, trying to identify the source of the shout. The crowd of onlookers to my left were making way, clearly shocked at… some new arrivals? What under Rime…?
Two vyr had entered the hall.
The first was a small male, their body wiry and covered in scars. Even the tip of their flat tale had a V-shaped chunk cut out of it. A sash of black cloth covered in white pictograms was wrapped around his chest, and attached to the sash was a broad, bladed weapon almost comically large for him. The second was a rather average female, still almost twice the size of the male. Black robes and a hood hid her form, though I noticed a pair of silver reading glasses sitting on her snout and a… by Glow, was that a fucking tome? An actual book, with thick kelp-fibre pages and bound in Nesis bark.
My brain almost refused to recognise the two, but finally sense overruled logic. The male was Krattron, and the female was Kahltrak. The highest authorities of the Second and Third Churches of the Abyss respectively.
Krattron swam up to the stage, eyes brimming with what I could only describe as maniacal glee.
“Greetings, children of Vyrkind! When do we set out to hunt the demons of Void?”
Kahltrak follows shortly behind. I would have been able to hear her sigh from the surface.
“Hello delegates. We’ve come to pledge our aid, and to discuss how we shall be dealing with our enemies.”
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submitted by LazySnake7 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:26 OttoVonBlastoid Teylim's Reasons: An NoaHM / ALS:SOTP One-Shot (Mother's Day Special)

DISCLAIMER: Sorry this is a day late. I ended up having to rewrite half of this. Still, I hope you enjoy. After this, I'll be going on my hiatus. So I hope you like this last little bit of Roo-family cuteness. Thank you all and keep on keepin' on!

Special thanks to u/SpacePaladin15 for creating the NoP universe.

I'd also like to thank u/xskipy10 for their awesome fanart of the main cast as well as their recent Tohba meme and their fanart of Michael baysitting. You're work is a treasure!

Thank you as well to u/Accomplished-Golf-59 for his take on Michael, Teylim, and Tohba in his submission for the Banner Art Contest, and u/Spacer_Catgirl4969 for their awesome music video featuring a pixel-art Dohkar in his bar. Be sure to give ALL of these awesome creators your love and support.

And let's not forget u/Guywhoexists2812 who has been an awesome source of memes as well as sick pixel art, such as THIS and THIS!!!! And even THIS!!!!!! And how could I forget THIS!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!

Today, we see all the reasons Teylim has to keep going in the face of adversity. For when all is said and done, love truly does conquer all. LETTUCE...begin...

Original Story

[Accessing Camera Function…]

[Accessing Saved Recordings Function…]

[Play Selected Recording?: Y/N…]

[Playing Recording!]

[The camera opens up on a female Yotul with a satchel over her shoulder. She is walking backwards down a paved walkway while looking up at the person holding the camera…]

“Alright! Soooo…here we are in… Michael tell us where we are!”

[The person holding the camera gives an audible sigh…]

“Do I have to, Tey?”

“Yes! Come on, it’ll be fun!”

[Another audible sigh is heard before the person begins panning the camera around the surrounding cityscape…]

“We are in the beautiful, literally ALWAYS sunny capital of Dayside City!”

“And what would you say we’re doing here in Dayside City?”

“We were just at the Public Records building getting our paperwork verified.”

[The Yotul woman is seen reaching into her satchel and pulling out a leaflet of documents…]

“Oh! You mean THIS paperwork? Hmmm… I wonder what these might say… Mind helping me here?”


[The Yotul doesn’t answer, instead shoving the documents directly into the camera. Another, more amused-sounding sigh is heard…]

“It says that your name has been officially changed to ‘Teylim Andrews.’”

“Mmmmhmmm. And what about this one?”

“That one says that Tohba’s name has been officially changed to ‘Tohba Andrews.’”

“Aaaand why do you suppose that is?”

[A shuffling sound is heard and the camera shifts as the person holding it pulls out their own papers…]

“Probably because according to MY paperwork, while we’re still waiting for my Application of Citizenship to go through, I, Michael Ruiz Andrews, am now the full, legal, son of one, Teylim Andrews-”


[The Yotul woman darts forward, wrapping the person holding the camera in a hug. The camera is set on the ground and the face of the person is now visible. The two hold their embrace, rocking back and forth…]

“I love you so much, my joey…”

“Love you too, Ma…”

[Recording Ceases…]

[Play Next Recording?: Y/N…]

[Playing Recording!]

[The camera opens on a small kitchen area where two beings are sat eating. On the left, a male Yotul infant in a high chair is munching away at a human food identified as “Cheerios” spread across his tray. On the right, a male human idly stirs at a bowl of cereal while tapping away at a datapad…]

[Eventually, after munching down another “Cheerio”, the infant catches a glimpse at the human and stares for approximately one second before his tail begins wagging…]


[The humans attention is broken away from their datapad and immediately focuses on the infant…]

“Yeah, Bud?”


[The infant’s sing-song voice seems to make the human smile before he leans forward, planting a “kiss” on top of the infant’s head…]

“MmmMUAH! Te amo, mi hermanito.”

“Whaz dat mean?”

“It means, ‘I love you, Little Brother’. Want me to teach you?”

“Hmmmmm… OKAY!”


[The human chuckles slightly before scooting his chair in…]

“Okay, so when you want to tell someone you love them, you say, ‘Te amo.’ Okay?”

[The infant gives a curious ear flick…]


“Close! Here. Repeat after me. Te…”








“Okay! All together now. Te amo.”

“¡TE AMO!”

[The human excitedly gets up from his seat and embraces the infant…]

“YES!!! You did it! Awesome job, Bud!”


“MMMUAH!! ¡Te amo, precioso hermanito!”

[The camera jitters slightly and a muffled giggling is heard. The human turns to face the camera…]

“Ma? What are you- Have you been recording this whole time?”

“Just a little!”

“Must you record everything?”

“As a matter of fact, yes!”


[The camera zooms in on the excited infant…]

“Hello, Precious! Is your big brother teaching you Spanish?”


“Ooooh, that is just ADORABLE! Can you teach him to say ‘Mama’ in Spanish, too?”

[The camera pans over to the human, who raises an eyebrow. After a moment, the human smirks and gives an exaggerated shrug while shaking his head…]

“No tengo que hacerlo. Él ya lo sabe, mamá.”

“Pffft! Smart aleck.”

[Recording Ceases…]

[Play Next Recording?: Y/N…]

[Playing Recording!]

[The camera opens up facing a pair of beds in a small room. On one bed, a female Yotul is sat with her infant in her lap as a male human walks into frame carrying a brightly wrapped gift box…]

“Merry Late Christmas, guys!”

“Merry Christmas, Michael!”

“Mewwy Kwizmuz, Mikey!”

[The human kneels down and hands the infant the gift box…]

“Sorry this gift is a bit last minute, but I managed to grab it while I was out with ‘Nel the other day.”

“I’m sure it’ll be perfect, Michael.”

“I hope so. Go on, Bud. Open it! It’s for you!”


[The infant rips away at the brightly-colored paper, and with help from his mother, lifts off the lid. The infant then excitedly starts bouncing up and down and reaches into the box, pulling out a bright-red plush…]


“Oh, Michael! How? When?”

“I had to ask around online if anyone else had plushies from the aquarium ship, and I managed to find a guy here in Dayside. There’s…still a lot of things we lost at the house that need to be replaced, but I figured this would be a good start…”

“It’s perfect.”

[The three embrace and hold it for several seconds before pulling back…]

“BUT! I’m not done with gifts just yet.”


“Here. Mind handing me your pad?”


[The Yotul hands the human her datapad as he pulls a small drive from his pocket and plugs it in. After a moment, he smiles and sits down on the bed next to the Yotul. She is then seen gasping and covering her mouth with her paws…]


“I overheard you on the phone with Aunty Triv, talking about how you wish you had some pictures of me when I was younger…”

“How on Liern-”

“It’s…a long story. When I was first taken into foster care after getting rescued, I was assigned a social worker to help me adjust. And after I got situated with Dad, he stayed and helped us out from time to time. He basically became like an uncle to me after a while. And since Dad didn’t really have any other family, whenever he wanted to share pictures of me growing up, he’d send a copy to my social worker. I’ve…been back in contact with him for a little while now, and it turns out he kept them.”

“Oh, Michael…”

[The Yotul and human lean against each other and embrace…]

“I love you, Ma.”

“I love you too, my joey.

[Still leaning against each other, they begin to swipe at the pad, presumably looking through pictures. After a few swipes, The Yotul begins chuckling hysterically…]


“Crap, I forgot about that one!”

“Who’z dat?”

“That’s…me, Bud.”

[The infant looks at the image for a while, still holding the bright red plush…]

“Teeheehee!! Fuzzy Mikey!”

“Can we please just swipe to the next one?”

“Wait. I’ve seen those kinds of human garments before! Aren’t those for…LITTLE…little joeys?”

“Look, I was a very emotionally stunted kid and I just thought they were comfy, alright?”

“This is SO going on the desk.”

“Please no. Any of them but that one.”

“Nope! It’s already decided!”


“God, ‘Nel’s never gonna let me live this down…”

[Recording Ceases…]

Memory Transcript Subject: Teylim Andrews, Yotul Accountant And Loving Mother Of Two

Date:[Standardized Human Time] February 1, 2137

[Warning: REM Sleep Detected: Transcript May Be Fragmented Or Incomplete…]


My eyes slowly squint open as the noise rouses me from sleep. I let out a yawn before looking for the source of the noise. I’m…back in my house… Sitting upright, I see that my door’s been opened, beaming The Dayside’s permanent daylight into my room. I was confused for a moment. The only other person here that would be here is-

“Uuuuhhmm… M-Mrs. Teylim?”

I looked down, and spotted the culprit.

Standing in the doorway was a small human child, cradling my Tohba in his arms. He was silhouetted from the daylight behind him, the light beaming past his adorable onesie pajamas creating a small blue outline around him, matching his eyes.

Strange. For some reason, I thought he was taller…

“Michael, sweetie? What’s the matter?”

Still carrying Tohba, Michael made his way over to the bed.

“Uuuhhhmmm… Tohba h-had a n-nightmare…”

“Ooohh, is that so?”

Something definitely didn’t add up. As he gently handed Tohba over to me, he certainly didn’t seem to be having a nightmare. In fact, even now he was still sleeping peacefully.

Michael, on the other paw, was DEFINITELY out of sorts. He was nervous, fidgeting, wrapped up in a self-hug, and even now, refused to even look at me. Whether that was because of his nervousness or if he was still convinced I was afraid of him had yet to be seen.

Stupid, ridiculous, Federation dogma…

I could tell he wasn’t being honest with me. Ordinarily, I would’ve been upset about him lying, and even more so about him disturbing Tohba, but looking at him now, I knew what he needed now wasn’t a scolding.

“Michael, you know you can be honest with me. Was it really Tohba who had the nightmare?”

I heard him nervously gulp as he tightened the self-hug around himself. After a moment, he shook his head.


I gave a tired, but loving sigh before holding out my free arm.

“Come here.”

With some hesitation, he stepped closer, allowing me to pull him into a hug. Michael had a lot of issues. From what I learned from his social worker, he’d been terribly abused by his previous mother and he’d lost his father only a few years after moving in with him. And now, with Earth under attack, he simply didn’t have anywhere else to go.

It will take a long time before he’s fully comfortable living here, I know that. I’m still not even entirely sure if I’m what he needs. I still wonder if I know what I’m doing when it comes to just raising Tohba. Even so, I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t try. He deserves a home, and a mother who loves him. All children do.

“I'm sorry for lying…”

“Ssshhh… It’s alright. Do you want to talk about it?”

“It was…the one with the scary fire people…”

Oh…THAT dream…


“I don’t want them to come… I don’t want them to-“

“It’s okay, joey. They won’t get you here.”

“No! That’s not… That’s not what I’m scared of…”

I pulled back slightly, allowing myself to look directly at him. He sniffles and sobbed while trying to wipe away tears.

“You’re all so nice to me… \sniff** I…I-I don’t want the fire people to hurt you… I sh-shouldn’t be here…”

My heart broke in two. This poor child had already lost so much. It only made sense that he’d be afraid of losing us too.

I cupped his face in my paw, wiping away his tears.

“Michael Ruiz Andrews, I don’t care what you might have heard, but you have every RIGHT to be here. And if those scary people out there think they can come and take us away from you, they’re wrong. I will never let us be separated. You hear me?”

“. . .P-promise?”

“With all my heart. You’re MY joey now, and I won’t let anyone take you away from me.”

At last, Michael finally unwrapped himself from his self-hug and instead wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my fur.

After a while of holding him, he’d finally calmed down enough to speak again.

“C-can I…sleep here tonight?”

Your joey needs you.


“Of course.”

With some effort, he climbed up onto the bed and curled up next to me. I knew I most likely wouldn’t be getting anymore sleep, but that was fine. Just laying here, holding my boys in my arms. That was enough.

One after the other, I gave both my joeys a lick on the forehead.

“Goodnight my joeys. I love you.”


“. . .Love you too...Mom…”

I love my boys. I love my family. I love…my life…

[Transcript Time Progression: 4 hours…]

Beebeebeebeep! Beebeebeebeep! Beebeebeebeep!

[Warning: Subject Regaining Consciousness…]

My entire body protested as I twisted and turned over to tap the alarm on my nightstand. My claw slapped blindly at it until finally, the agitating alarm was silenced. My eyes squinted open, revealing…I was back in our motel room…

Well…a girl can dream, can’t she?

It was a pleasant dream, I’ll give it that. As I sat up, I let my legs dangle off the side of the bed as I stretched myself out and let out a yawn. Once my eyes had fully opened, and the fog had been blinked away, I was immediately met with a sight that warmed my heart to no end. My still fast asleep, and back to being tall, new son, curled up with his baby brother on the other bed.

Precious boys. MY precious boys.

I did my best to remember if Michael had anything scheduled with Khornel for this paw, but nothing came to mind. He’d been working so hard lately, helping to keep us above water. Now that he wasn’t a refugee anymore, we were no longer receiving stipends from the program, which meant from here on out, keeping the bills paid was much more difficult. And that’s not even mentioning having to put aside anything we can to be able to eventually have the house rebuilt.

I kept trying for a while, I still couldn’t remember anything. For the first time in a decent while, he had a paw off.

Good. I’ll leave him be then. He’s earned some rest.

I let out one more yawn, before getting up. Unfortunately, while Michael didn’t have to work this paw, I wasn’t so fortunate. Thankfully, my recent injuries allowed me to continue to work from home instead of going out to the physical office. After one last stretch, I let myself slide off the bed.

I had to give myself a moment once I was upright. While my previously broken leg had healed for the most part, I still needed to be careful of how much weight I put on it. Once I was ready, I began walking to our small kitchen area. The fridge was nearly empty. I’d need to go to the store soon.

Thank goodness we’re staying in Soulroot, where literally EVERYTHING is expensive…

After cutting up some leftover fruit and strayu for myself, I went back to my desk. It was impossible to not notice the small stack of colorful books on the ground next to it. They were human kid’s books donated from the embassy here in Soulroot. Tohba would be ready to start going to school in just a few short cycles…

Will we be able to get out of here and back into our house before then?

Sitting down at my desk and booting up my pad, I found it hard to stay focused. There was still so much to do, so much to worry about. Before, when I was feeling overwhelmed, I’d have Loh, Dohkar, or Trivah there for me. With them around, it always helped things feel more manageable. But now…now I was alone again. Loh was gone. Dohkar and Trivah were stuck on the other side of that damned fence…

What are we going to do?

My head lowered. I stared blankly at the desk, partly wishing I could look through it at ANYTHING other than my work.

But then, there was a glint, just out of the corner of my eye…

I looked up, and saw something that I couldn’t help but smile at, something that even when I’m feeling low, reminds me why I have to keep going.

I reach out…and grab the two small frames off the corner of my desk and hold them in front of me. In my left paw, wass a framed picture of Tohba, the paw he was born. So small. So precious. So perfect. And in my right, was another picture. It was my new favorite picture.

A small, human child…in fuzzy, blue, onesie pajamas that matched his eyes.

My Michael. Still so small.

These two pictures. My boys. The villains outside could take everything else. So long as I have my boys, I will always have a reason to keep going.

I love my boys… I love my family… I love my life…

The End
submitted by OttoVonBlastoid to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:24 pissingstones In no contact after break up. But my ex is not responding. 🤷🏻‍♀️

2 weeks ago my ex broke up with me, he said he didnt feel the extra, or something was missing. It happen one day after i caught him texting his ex girlfriend and asked him about it. He broke up with me after paying a huge date, comedy show, bar bills, a restaurant and he broke up with me. I simply said "ok i would have work on us, but i will respect your decision" and walked away. Started no contact 20 mins later. Not to get him back. The disrespect was the closure for me.
I can't express how good i feel since. I think it was for the best. I dont stay where im not appreciated. I dont feel like i lost anything. I feel relief he is gone. Im the dumpee. So i reached out to my therapist, she knows i myself thought of breaking up often. But i also wanted to be respectful since he was going throught a lot with finances and his sick mom. But he was texting his ex every two days but didnt want to tell her about me. Claiming they were friends but not enough to tell her about his new relationship. She looked at my profil a couple of time, i bet she knew... anyway I was suprised he gave up on us. Things seems fine before he said he chose me... He told me i was his best sex, that he was super attracted to me, that he was enjoying his time with me always but was just not feeling it. It could be true who knows, but i think it has everything to do with his sms exchange with his ex.
Im very secure with myself and i know my worth. It took me two days to grief and kill my ego. And realize i was not losing anything. He never showed me how special i was. So who lost who? But he was losing a caring, genuine and invested girlfriend, willing to work on us and giving. So i honestly feel fine. I never reached out, for me it's done. I lowkey like breakups because for me i dont stay where im not appreicated. So breakups means a new chapter is starting.
1 week and a half into no contact he texted me to ask how i was. That he was in lost of words, that he wanted to reached out sooner but didn't know what to say. And to tell me i had stuffs at his place. That he really hoped i was okay... To arrange the exchange of personal belongings.
Since he said during the breakup that he didnt value me, i dont feel like investing any energy into this man no more. So i simply answered with "Yeah cool, let me know when" and he never replied to my text. Now im not really in any hurry to get my stuffs back plus my friends could get it for me, since im on my way to Tokyo (some much needed alone time). But why did he act so caring to not respond. His friends are watching my IG stories and i just hope things wont drag. I want all this to be over and pour all my good vibes on me and the loving people of my life.
I dont really think of that on a daily basis, but i'm on the plane and i have 22h for myself. I thought asking for advices here would be helpful. How can i get my stuffs back? Why is he dragging the whole process, he couls have just say when and everything would be done like he wanted. He has to live with the consequences of his actions and that means losing me obviously. You can't say to a woman who respect herself that you didn't value her and probably used me for sex to be in 6 months relationship and admit he didnt see me, to stay in your life.
I won't reached out now, since i already answered and planning my trip sounds more fun. My main focus isnt on this. But will he ever respond so all this is done for both. Like what's up with that?
Ps. English is not my first language. Thank you!
submitted by pissingstones to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:07 KhariKub Subtle Ways to show part of the community

Hi all, I apologise if this sounds like somewhat of a dumb question but what are some subtle ways to show that I am a part of the littles/caregivers community (especially to the possible vanilla communities)?
For context, I have been single for about 8 years now and starting to feel the effects of singleness so I am thinking of putting myself back on dating apps or trying to meet people in person (those would probably be considered vanilla communities idk) but I am wondering what the best way to show I am in the littles community would be without outright saying since a lot of people may not have the best idea of it (obviously if I connect with someone later I can explain further).
I don't really think it would be appropriate (especially on the dating apps) to have photos of myself with pacis or diapers so I am wondering what kinds of clothing I could wear that's very subtle hinting (which also leads me to ask, what kinds of stuff can I wear as someone who is 5'8 and 265lbs) ? What kinds of photos and/or things can I post on dating profiles that won't scare people off or make them assume I either have issues or that this is some kind of k1nk? Any advice on what to do irl situations too with bringing up in convos and whatnot?
I am also wanting to explore my CG side which may be a little harder to explain and since I don't have any past experience with it (both being a CG or ever having one) I was wondering if there were any tips on how to navigate that side too?
My roles in the community are completely non-s3xual so I would ideally like to avoid going down the "k1nk community" route even though I am probably more likely to meet others there rather than vanilla settings/everyday life.
If anyone has any past experiences with dealing with this I would be very open to hearing thoughts/tips/advice!
submitted by KhariKub to ageregression [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:48 Sad-Construction4122 HOW to start CAT preparation? from scratch

please help me with any resources or courses or anything related to the exam . I want to give CAT 2024 and im planning to start preparation from this month
my profile:- 9/8/7 Engineer category;- SC male gap 1 year
any suggestions?
submitted by Sad-Construction4122 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:47 beagultape Questioning?

I'm am struggling with gender I been struggling with it for a while now. When I first started year's ago I tried to not think about it but now it's all I think of most of the time, what if I was born a women. I hear so many trans women talk about how much happier they are, I also heard of hrt and benefits that could come with it and it sounds magical from the softer skin, more feminine body shape and more. Also on top of that recently I've been questioning my sexuality as well I never found myself thinking a guy is cute/hot but recently I've been staring to feel that when I do see a guy who looks good and I feel bad maybe because I was raised to not think that way. However now that I'm trying to let go of all internal homophobia and transphobia taught onto me, which is why I struggle so hard trying find out who I am I so confused. I'd like to think I'm a trans women because I don't like living a male facial hair, masculine body is just something I'm not a fan of. I also think I would be a lesbian because although I thinks guys can look hot sometimes I don't think I would date a guy. It's all becoming really blurry at this point. I think I've been taught so much hate young and being around people in my earlier teens who also had those negative views affected me big time. This must be why I feel significant guilt about both my gender and sexuality, which is why I feel like I'm faking it or it would be wrong because of the things taught I was taught to be wrong is now in my life and I feel like I don't belong. I've working on educating myself on gender and sexuality and being more open minded and unlearning hate, it's helped grow so much and meet so many cool people in the LGBTQ community if you read this and have something you'd like to add or some advice thank you
submitted by beagultape to AskLGBT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:35 kez17ia untitled

I can’t write.
I can’t write at all. I would type words that pop up into my mind, then I’ll feel icky about it. Then it’d be gone in a flash with the power of my delete button. I used to think I’m a good writer, but it’s more like a phase where you feel so good about what you write. But growing out of it, you’ll look back and think, “What the f*ck is the thought process behind this fiasco?” That’s exactly how I feel about what I have written in the past.
I digress. I decided to start writing on this page here, 15th of May 2024 at 5-something PM in a cafe near school (class had just finished) because I feel like sh*t. Long story short, I have a man. My not-so-my-man man. It’s because we’re not really in any relationship to begin with, like, on paper, there are no statuses for us to settle with. It’s also important to mention how he was actually my crush whom I’ve liked since the start of sophomore year (he’s my senior). I don’t know if it’s because of how I’ve known him for roughly 17 years of my life or that he’s just so very smart. Maybe both. 2023 was rough for me because I fell in love with him but he didn’t even look at me. He’s kind, introverted, that polite and good-to-your-ma-and-everybody’s-ma kind of guy, and he’s just totally my type. Or my type is him. But everyone knew about it, my friends knew about it, his friends knew about it, he was the only clueless person during the episode.
2024 happened and we got close. April blessed me with the fact that he likes me back. “What if, I tell you, hypothetically, that I like you too. What would your response be?”
Best believe my heart rate spiked to 140 BPM.
Then we happened. Just like that. He said things me and my friends never really expected to hear him say. Like, are you serious, did Bonnie really say “God, I love you so much.” (Code name Bonnie, by the way. We call him that. Maybe one day I’ll tell you why) or am I on fentanyl right now? He’s sweet. He took me on dates. He was there when I lost the debating competition I truly believed I could win. He told me it’s okay. It’ll be okay. At the end, it’ll all be okay. And truly when he’s around, I am okay.
I don’t know when or why it started but we kind of fell off due to the fact that he stopped saying ‘I love you’ and bawling my eyes out because he left me hanging after making me wait became a weekly thing. He’s busy, I know of it, but it gets a little too painful for me to just continue my daily dilly-dallying after he left me without any ‘bye-bye’s or a kiss on the cheek. It occurred to me that, maybe, JUST maybe, I’ve liked him for so long and he doesn’t like me that much. I mean, whenever he’s around, Bonnie would rather talk to my male friends instead of me. He never really seeks after me. Never have I ever heard “Where’s Kiyo?” coming out of his mouth. True, most of the time we would be on the school ground, but, come on and talk to me. I am here.
Maybe it’s just the fact that he’s leaving for college soon (I am COUNTING my days because he, in fact, is leaving in DAYS) that makes me sad. Questions like “Do you not want to spend time with me before you go?” or “Do you even want to see me?” or “Will you miss me or will you miss me not?” would pop up in my head like, every 3 seconds (Can someone answer these questions for me by the way) and it’s— bothersome. I want to believe that he truly loves me. Again, I can’t help but doubt.
I really need to make up my mind and answer my own questions on what I’m actually worried about. I’ll continue in a bit. Girl’s gotta catch up the walking duration to an extra class at 7 PM (it’s 6:23).
Yours truly, Kiyo
submitted by kez17ia to u/kez17ia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:31 PM_ME_PIXEL_2 What to do next to improve my profile for MBA admissions?

Hi to all the wise folk of MBA
My profile:
Aiming to apply by September 2024 in US B-Schools.
GMAT - Will be attempting in July
My queries:
Any advice about this would be welcome. Thanks!
submitted by PM_ME_PIXEL_2 to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:30 AutoModerator ANNOUNCEMENT - AVOID BEING SCAMMED

As the sub grows, so does it's exposure to scammers. As mods, we do our best to protect the sub, but need y'all's help as well. We are a community. We do not like reading modmails when our fellow members get scammed, but do know that most could have been prevented given they follow the tips we've laid out. Below are these tips on how to stay protected:
How to message the mods -
Banned and sketchy users -
* Always use PayPal/Venmo G&S when buying from someone with under 15 flair on the sub. A scammer will give a BS reason why they can't accept G&S. Anyone with under 15 flair MUST accept G&S as a form of payment according to the rules of the sub. This rule is non-negotiable. If they will not, please report them to the mods.
* Ask a potential seller to comment on your post. This proves that they are not banned from the sub. That doesn't always mean they are a scammer though. It could just mean that they do not meet the sub requirements to become an approved member. They still need to accept G&S though. Check the banned list and vet the seller through their profile.
* Ask for specific timestamped pictures. A "timestamp" is a picture a seller takes with a handwritten note including their username and date next to the item they are selling. Ask for this with "odd" requests such as a picture of the bottle on its side or with the cap off, etc. If they are not willing to provide that then avoid the transaction and report them to the mods. Scammers are becoming crafty and often try and photoshop the timestamp in with a picture they found on google. Be aware and inspect timestamps closely for evidence of photoshopping. Look for blurred edges of paper, shadows not matching up with others in the picture, etc. If you are in doubt, don't hesitate to contact us with the picture.
* "Sellers" who start the conversation off with "WTS (insert frag you're looking for)" are 99.99% most likely a scammer. Scammers will always give you a great deal, or ask you to name your price. Any "seller" who is willing to accept half payment upfront then the other half after delivery to avoid using G&S is most likely a scammer. If it seems to good to be true or fishy, it most likely is.
Please do your due diligence, folks. If you're ever in doubt, reach out to us. Stay safe!
submitted by AutoModerator to fragranceswap [link] [comments]