Doxycycline hyclate acne treatment time


2019.10.19 17:55 CassandraBankson ACNEPOSITIVITY

ACNE POSITIVITY. A place to discuss how the media impacts us. Share inspirational stories. Ask for help when you need it. Share your experience and success to help others. Discuss treatment options, and self-acceptance with or without it. It's time to stop letting acne define us and reclaim our skin.

2021.12.08 21:27 Greenbunny6 Aklief

The first Aklief Community: Q&A, Support Group and Tips! Aklief is a newer retinoid that has been introduced in the treatment of acne by the FDA for the first time in over 20 years. There’s not a lot of talk, information or personal reviews about Aklief yet. As a person who wished she had guidance on Aklief from others when I first started, I hope this forum will be useful for those who are starting their journey with Aklief.

2016.12.16 18:01 jiana11 Light Therapy

Discussion on light therapy

2024.05.29 05:08 Specific_Reward_7804 Rigid front legs?

About 2 weeks out from the start of our 52lb girl's first symptoms. We're seeing up and down progress w/ conservative treatment so far. She has some trouble getting on her feet from laying down, but other times she motivates decently on her own. We're doing Prednisone, Gabapentin, resting in a gated off "pen", 5min max potty breaks outside (usually w/ a sling for minor support, sometimes carried back as to not overdo it).
I'll be calling the vet to give updates/hear his recommendations tmrw, but I'm wondering if anyone here has seen their dog with similarly "locked" front legs? After laying down for a while, her front legs stick straight out, almost like they won't bend?
Her routine the last few days: start the AM very slowly, get AM gabapentin, rally (in a big way) in the afternoon, usually 2 walks outside, then once she lays down after dinner, she gets stiff front legs again and may or not feel like getting up to go potty outside (she's she's only had one long overnight accident, and it was an overly long time to hold it). Otherwise, she seems less stressed and happier the last few days, and has continued to eat and drink just fine.
Pretty sure she will need pain meds adjusted (or maybe just the times they are given), but I'm hoping to understand why the front legs are so tense at certain times. To be honest, we were flooded with confusing veterinary jargon at the last appt (though an admittedly decent outlook compared to what it could be, thank God) and I feel like we'd benefit greatly from hearing personal experiences.
Also, We just had an IVDD book and muscle builder delivered a few hours ago. My husband and I (and Jessie!) appreciate any feedback and thank you, in general, for sharing your stories. It's comforting to read about progress, and I'm rooting for all your pups.
submitted by Specific_Reward_7804 to IVDD_SupportGroup [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:06 Puzzleheaded_Cow4652 Post-Rhinoplasty Steroid Injections: Dent and Tissue Indentation Advice Needed. Desperate.

Post-Rhinoplasty Steroid Injections: Dent and Tissue Indentation Advice Needed. Desperate.
Six months ago, I underwent rhinoplasty, and post-surgery, my nose remained swollen. Impatient to reduce the swelling, I sought a steroid injection at a clinic in Toronto. However, the experience was less than ideal. Following the injection, I noticed a concerning development: a dent forming on the side of my nose, near the bridge. The dent then spread across the bridge slightly and felt almost like a fracture in the silicone of my nose, creating noticeable irregularities in the nasal contour (I had to get emergency fillers this weekend for the indent across the bridge so you can’t see that here). I find that the dent is less noticeable if there isn’t direct light shining on top of my nose, but if there is bright light you can clearly see a shadow forming which makes my nose look crooked.
Despite reaching out to the nurse with my concerns, his response was dismissive and unhelpful. He adamantly denied any association between the injection and the resulting dents, leaving me frustrated and without answers. Eventually, I decided to take matters into my own hands and did some research online.
I discovered that dents like mine can sometimes occur with steroid injections, and there’s a possibility that they may heal over time. However, the waiting game is incredibly stressful, and I’m desperate for some guidance and support. I’m wondering if anyone else in the community has experienced similar complications following a steroid injection post-rhinoplasty? Have you found any effective treatments or interventions? Will my nose go back to normal at some point ? I know I was stupid and it was my fault for rushing into this and I will be speaking to my surgeon about it. I just want to get insights before hand. I would truly appreciate any advice or shared experiences you can provide. Thank you for taking the time to read and please be kind.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Cow4652 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:06 Puzzleheaded_Cow4652 Post-Rhinoplasty Steroid Injections: Dent and Tissue Indentation Advice Needed. Desperate.

Post-Rhinoplasty Steroid Injections: Dent and Tissue Indentation Advice Needed. Desperate.
Six months ago, I underwent rhinoplasty, and post-surgery, my nose remained swollen. Impatient to reduce the swelling, I sought a steroid injection at a clinic in Toronto. However, the experience was less than ideal. Following the injection, I noticed a concerning development: a dent forming on the side of my nose, near the bridge. The dent then spread across the bridge slightly and felt almost like a fracture in the silicone of my nose, creating noticeable irregularities in the nasal contour (I had to get emergency fillers this weekend for the indent across the bridge so you can’t see that here). I find that the dent is less noticeable if there isn’t direct light shining on top of my nose, but if there is bright light you can clearly see a shadow forming which makes my nose look crooked.
Despite reaching out to the nurse with my concerns, his response was dismissive and unhelpful. He adamantly denied any association between the injection and the resulting dents, leaving me frustrated and without answers. Eventually, I decided to take matters into my own hands and did some research online.
I discovered that dents like mine can sometimes occur with steroid injections, and there’s a possibility that they may heal over time. However, the waiting game is incredibly stressful, and I’m desperate for some guidance and support. I’m wondering if anyone else in the community has experienced similar complications following a steroid injection post-rhinoplasty? Have you found any effective treatments or interventions? Will my nose go back to normal at some point ? I know I was stupid and it was my fault for rushing into this and I will be speaking to my surgeon about it. I just want to get insights before hand. I would truly appreciate any advice or shared experiences you can provide. Thank you for taking the time to read and please be kind.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Cow4652 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:06 Puzzled_Trade3601 I just experienced a mania stroke.

About 12 hours ago, roughly around 5 PM last night till 8 AM this morning, I went through a manic state, only realizing it now.
Yesterday around 2 PM, I downed a hefty 500 ML cup of coffee. Don't know if that set it off, but I knew nothing about the impending doom. By 7 PM, an intense urge hit me – I needed to blast some loud, hardcore music through my speakers, singing along, bouncing off the walls, and pacing back and forth in my living room. I even flicked on random YouTube videos on my iPad without really watching them . I also turned on tv to watch Korean movies, nothing special intentions, just to spice things up. Around 9 PM, after a two-hour movie, I figured it was time to hit the sack, not to sleep, just to switch positions, still clueless about my manic state.
I flopped onto my bed, scrolling aimlessly through my phone, hopping between apps without any reason. Even my YouTube queue got abandoned after a minute or two due to my lack of patience. And I wasn't just consuming content; I was spreading myself across multiple chat groups, feeling a sense of relief after firing off about a thousand messages.
Getting responses from others made me feel like a social butterfly, a far cry from the 200% introvert I thought I was. Meanwhile, my heart was hard bumping, making me fidget and shift positions to find some semblance of comfort.
By 1 AM, I was done with the digital frenzy, attempting to toss my gadgets aside and catch some shut-eye, but sleep was impossible for me. I lay there, feeling my heart pound with each passing second, the music from earlier still echoing in my mind. Picture this: a dimly lit room, a little girl singing off key in the dead of night –so eerie
It wasn't until 3 AM that I finally clocked the seven-hour mania marathon I'd been on. I tried the usual tricks to calm myself down – deep breaths, other far-spread-no help treatment, you name it – but fatigue was nowhere in sight.
Eventually, that uncontrollable energy drained away, and around 5 AM, I drifted off for a measly three hours before waking up to wrote down this madness.
submitted by Puzzled_Trade3601 to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:03 hamcycle 10 Ways Narcissists Use Religion to Serve Their Own Purpose
2:22 - Why It's Important to Understand Why Narcissists Love Religion
So here's the thing about religion: religion provides a readymade context that can feed into the unhealthy things that narcissists crave the most. A narcissist has an insatiable need for admiration, affirmation, and validation, all of which are their drug of narcissistic supply. They believe themselves to be superior and grandiose, they're arrogant, they lack empathy, they're exploitative, they have unreasonable demands of people. These are all traits that are opposite from the traits of Jesus Christ and yet a religious context is often the most optimal place for a narcissist to freely practice their narcissism while appearing virtuous or pious. So I'm going to share with you 10 insights into why narcissists love religion and how they use it to serve their own purposes. It's important to understand these things because Jesus warns his followers to beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. Hopefully these 10 insights will help you hack into whether or not you're dealing with a true follower or true shepherd or minister of Christ or a narcissist who is posing as one of these roles instead of being there to serve.
2:51 - #1 - The Abundance of Narcissistic Supply to be Had
The first reason why narcissists love religion is because of the abundance of narcissistic supply that could be had. It's a reality there is so much narcissistic supply to be had in religious settings and narcissistic supply. As I mentioned before is the praise admiration validation honor sense of significance that a narcissist is addicted to in order to regulate their negative emotions so a religious context provides an easy platform for a narcissist because they could get access to a stage or a pulpit or a mic or some means to exert influence where they can gain all of that admiration and praise or a sense of superiority where they can present themselves as godly or pious individuals or chosen by God or specially anointed, all of this to gain validation and attention from people. And like I mentioned all of these things are a drug that a narcissist is addicted to and it is what actually feeds them, more than actually being in a relationship with God but to the pure all things are pure so there are many people in church and religious contexts who are honest good-hearted who believe the best about others and so they can be gullible to the narcissists around them who have disguised themselves as pious people for the sake of getting narcissistic supply and this is truly an evil because a narcissist pursuit of narcissistic supply comes at the cost of destroying and stepping on other people without any regard for their welfare.
4:32 - #2 - The Allure of Control and Power
The second reason why narcissists love religion is because of the alert of control and power. Religion offers a structure of beliefs and practices that can be manipulated by narcissists to exert control over others. For example a narcissist may twist and distort doctrines and scriptures to justify their authority and demand obedience from followers they could create God in their own image, which a lot of them do rather than follow and conform themselves to the God of the Bible. This kind of control feeds into the narcissist need for domination and power and it can get to a dangerous point where religious narcissist replaces God with themselves where they subtly over time position themselves as intermediaries between individuals and God. A narcissist might manipulate followers into believing that they alone possess the ability to interpret God's will or to speak on his behalf a narcissist does this whether consciously or unconsciously to elevate themselves to a divine status in the eyes of their followers and they may never say that they are doing this outright because no person would ever accept a human saying that you have to worship them like a god but a narcissist will certainly have structures and systems in place to make this a reality. And a follower or member of that religious context might not even realize what is happening until one day they notice that this narcissist has taken on an increasingly central role in their life and is dictating their decisions and their behaviors as if they were the ultimate authority. If you notice that you might be in a spiritual environment like this or someone you love might be and you're wondering if there's spiritual abuse going on or if it's a cult I put together a checklist to help you assess that situation and you can get access to it by clicking on the link in the description box below it's a really good tool to help you identify if the religious context you're in is toxic or has turned into a cult.
6:47 - #3 - Camouflage for Manipulation
The third reason why narcissists love religion is because it serves as a camouflage for manipulation. Religious contexts serve as a perfect camouflage for narcissist to disguise their true intentions these are places where it's easy for narcissists to cloak their behaviors and demands in spiritual language where they can manipulate and exploit others while appearing righteous and virtuous at the same time. And what better setup could there be for a covert narcissist who can continue acting narcissistic while appearing like a saint in the process there's no other place except churches and ministries and religious environments.
7:29 - #4 - Their ability to exploit certain teachings for personal gain
The fourth reason why narcissists are drawn to religion is because of their ability to exploit certain teachings for personal gain. Many religious communities emphasize principles like forgiveness, redemption, giving a second chance, reconciling, turning the other cheek, submitting to authority, and narcissists exploit these teachings extensively. They may present themselves as repentant as enlightened or they could be demanding forgiveness and reconciliation from others while refusing to cultivate Christ-like virtues within themselves so all this manipulation allows them to continue exploiting others behind this facade of being Godly.
8:15 - #5 - It allows them to Idolize their Self-Image
The fifth reason why narcissists love religion is because it allows them to idolize their self-image. Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe that they are special or unique so religion can offer a platform to reinforce this idealized self-image where they can portray themselves as chosen by God or having special spiritual gifts or insights or anointing.
8:44 - #6 - The Lack of Accountability
The sixth reason why narcissists love religion is because of the lack of accountability. Some denominations or churches or contacts might have more accountability than others but narcissist tend to gravitate towards those religious contexts that don't have much or have very little. Many religious narcissists exploit religious settings because they perceive them to be environments where their behaviors are less likely to be questioned or challenged so this lack of accountability allows them to continue their manipulative tactics without being questioned or challenged.
9:23 - #7 - It Gives Them a Get-Out-of-Jail Free Card from Having to Self-Reflect
The seventh reason why narcissists love religion is because it gives them a get out of jail free card from having to self-reflect. Narcissists typically struggle with self-awareness and introspection so religion offers a way for them to avoid confronting their own wounds or trauma or shortcomings by focusing on outward religious performance or acquiring religious knowledge, all this outward stuff that they can focus on. It's like Jesus saying to the Pharisees they're like these whitewashed tombs; they look beautiful and nice on the outside but inside they're full of dead man's bones. The attraction to religion allows a narcissist to spiritually bypass themselves where they can use all kinds of spiritual language like it's all washed by the blood or things like that to avoid dealing with deeper unresolved trauma within themselves and getting healed from it because there is power in Christ for healing but you have to do the work.
10:26 - #8 - Entitled and Exploit People in those Contexts
The eighth reason why narcissists love religion is is because it's easy for them to be entitled and to exploit people in these contexts in religious settings. Narcissists may feel entitled to special treatment or privileges due to their perceived spiritual status they might exploit others trust and vulnerability for their own personal gain and control. Narcissists may expect people to serve them, like a slave, free of charge. For instance, because they believe that they have a God-like status or they might expect people to hand their wealth over to them or neglect their own families in order to put the narcissist first all in the name of God.
11:09 - #9 - They Can Create a God in Their Own Image
The ninth reason why narcissists love religion is because they can create a God in their own image. Narcissists are not interested in cultivating Godly virtues within themselves as I mentioned before they would rather project their own traits onto God viewing him as judgmental, angry, or traits that resonate more with their narcissistic personality, more than who God actually is. And this kind of behavior allows narcissists to maintain a sense of superiority and justification for their actions.
11:43 - #10 - The Facade of Moral Superiority
The 10th reason why narcissist love religion is the facade of moral superiority religion provides narcissists with this platform to project a false sense of being moral or virtuous or Godly. And they can create this facade by practicing all the religious rituals and portray themselves in a certain way in front of people like this upstanding citizen, but in reality they could be practicing all kinds of dark deeds in private without people knowing hiding their true intentions all with this mask of piety and so that can serve very well for many narcissists and to enable them to continue their dark practices in secret while people are believing that they are this Godly pious person and that is actually a very hypocritical way to live and Jesus actually condemned these kinds of practices because that is what the religious leaders were doing in Biblical times but many narcissists gravitate towards religious settings in order to be able to continue living out this hypocritical lifestyle.
So understanding why narcissists are drawn to religion is really important in order to recognize and address the manipulation that can happen in churches and ministries while many churches and ministries promote cultivating Christ-like qualities. Sadly those same places attract narcissist to them because of opportunities it presents for control and admiration and validation but hopefully by being aware of these dynamics we can hopefully discern between genuine spiritual leaders and those who are using religion to drive their own ego-driven motives. Remember Jesus warned against the false prophets so hopefully by applying these insights we can navigate relationships in churches and ministries and operate with God's wisdom and discernment where we can be as shrewd as a snake and as innocent as a dove.
submitted by hamcycle to GracepointChurch [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:03 havenyuji Acne scars treatment after accutane

Hello, I’m 15 years old. I have been on accutane for about 6 months. I have had 5 pimples in the last month on my face so I’m probably gonna stay on it for a bit while longer. I have had acne for the past 3 years. I have gotten lots of scarring from it.. I’m using cerave for face wash and moisturizer. I would like to know if you have any suggestions on what treatments I should get after accutane? Especially my ice picks scars. Thanks so much!
submitted by havenyuji to Accutane [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:57 Equivalent-Worth-303 How to deal with intimidation tactics from other nurses?

I’m a new grad LPN who went PRN at the hospital I’m working at to work Full time in a nursing home. I will only be there until the end of August because I am starting my RN bridge program. I generally hate nursing homes because of the people who work there. I’ve never had a good experience in terms of bullying and terrible treatment. But my hospital job does not pay well and I need to make and save money for school and this place was paying the most.
The job is ok. Nothing terrible. But the nurses I have to deal with on day shift are all insane and questionable individuals. I can deal with 2 of them because they are easy to ignore. But one in particular has really been bothering me and I don’t know how to deal with it to save my own sanity. I’ve known her in passing for years since I was a CNA at this same place. But she found out that I’m going back for my RN through gossip and I believe that’s why she’s been acting this way. And she always comes to work 30 minutes late so I always leave at least 45 minutes late. On my first day meeting her again there was no warm greeting, only a Hello and then my name.
At one point she went on a tirade about why she’ll never go back for her RN and how being one is pointless and stupid and such a bad idea. And she went on and on for quite a while about it. She was telling this all to someone else completely unprovoked. The conversation had nothing to do with but she she just brought it right up out of nowhere and was looking at me the entire time. And she was so worked up. I thought it was strange but I wasn’t bothered by it. But every time I give her report she always does the same things. She ALWAYS walks away from me as I’m giving report and she’s never actually doing anything. She just walks away pretending to do random things and tells me she’s still listening which means I have to talk louder. But I never get a full sentence out. She ALWAYS cuts me of as I’m trying to tell her things about the patients to have a conversation with the other nurse or one of the CNAs and make sly jokes. I never get to give a full report because she never lets me finish it. At one point I was trying to tell her that I redressed a patient’s wound, but she cut me off to start laughing and talking to a CNA.
She and this same CNA also mocked me and the way that I talk and make faces at each other making fun of me when they think I don’t notice. She also belittles and talks down to me as if I’m a child or stupid. It’s so bad. I don’t know how to approach this because there are people all around us and they are all her friends and I don’t want any trouble. I feel like I have to just sit and let them make fun of me and intimidate me. I’m also on the autism spectrum so a lot of things I don’t pick up on right away and by the time realize it, it’s too late. And I am not good with confrontation or recognizing certain things in the moment that they happen. I’m always so nice to her and to everyone else and I just feel like they think I’m stupid. Or maybe they are just intimidated that I want to advance farther than them just want me to believe I am. I don’t know.
submitted by Equivalent-Worth-303 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:55 rollingblueraindrops Raging UTI

I’m 25F and i would like to start off by saying that usually when i get a uti, they go away within a day or two without treatment.
this time, the uti is weirdly severe compared to what i’m used to. my urethra stings more and i’m constantly having to go pee. this has lasted for about a week and a half until now.
when i first noticed it i immediately started taking cranberry urinary tract supplements. while taking these i noticed my symptoms would almost go away but it would come right back again the next day and i’ve been stuck in this sort of cycle.
i hear that utis can travel to your bladder and kidneys if left untreated so any advice is appreciated.
submitted by rollingblueraindrops to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:51 Brittiemo Gloucester County NJ Drug Court

I was hoping someone could help me or guide me in the right direction. I have never posted on this site before and it seems helpful. My husband is on Recovery Court formally know as Drug Court. His rights are being violated and they are trying to push him over the edge. I know I sound like one of them wives/mothers who acts like there family member does no wrong that is not the case at all. I see a man who started drug court so hopeful and because of the task evaluator constantly trying to find something on him he looks completely defeated. It is heart breaking. He spent years homeless on the streets and in prison, but he is one of the kindness man I know. He works full time hours over time on weekends he takes care my 3 children two of which are mine from previous relationship. He does every single thing that is thrown at him. There are 4 phases to drug court. It can be completed in 2 years. The first phase is 90 days. My husband started drug court December 2023 it is now May 2024 he is still on phase one. He had one relapse almost a year ago for 2 days and went back into treatment for 30. There is so so much more to say and explain that is happening gi just do not know who to turn to or where to go. We can’t afford a lawyer but his rights are being violated what are they allowed to do what are his rights? Are they allowed to just make you do anything they want? They threatened to make him quit his job bc he looks tired. She threatened in patient and then outpatient the other day bc she does not want him on any MAT which is not allowed. I am beyond my point and I know he is starting to crumble does anyone have any type of guidance m. There is more to story but too much to write. Thank you for listening :)
submitted by Brittiemo to recoverywithoutAA [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:51 sbiel001 After 20 years of suffering my migraines are gone

Hi everyone! I wanted to come on here and share my story in the hope that it might help someone.
I first started having migraines at 7 years old. I remember throwing up in the play ground so many times. The next day I'd be told by kids that I shouldn't be at school because I have a "tummy bug". The noise of school triggered my migraines a lot.
There are a lot of migraine sufferers on my mum's side of the family. My mum, grandma and great grandma all had them and so does my uncle.
When I was 14 I had a traumatic brain injury with bleeding on the brain that made my plight much worse. Even after I got over my injury, my migraines were worse for many years.
In my 20s I had ups and downs, periods where the migraines would be gone for a while and periods they'd come back more often. But I'd always usually have at least one a month (I know many people here have things so much worse and I feel for you so much.) I got very good at managing them.
Then when I was around 25-26 I had a period of time when my headaches became a daily occurance. I say headaches because they did seem to be somewhat different to migraines, with similarities. I'd wake up in the morning with a very strong headache and a bad feeling in my tummy. Medication and caffeine would help but I just couldn't understand what was going on. It seemed potentially alcohol related but then sometimes it would happen without me having had anything to drink, other times I'd have had a few drinks and nothing. I went through a bunch of medical treatments, nothing really helped.
Then when I was 26/27 I stopped eating dairy. I'd long suspected I had an intolerance and so I tried the elimination diet and figured out it helped me with many gut symptoms.
3+ years on I do not get migraines. The only times these come on is if I've had considerable amounts of dairy over the course of a number of days. It's so stark that it's almost like someone waved a wand.
Some other symptoms I've rid myself of: constant loose stool, feelings of inflammation in the stomach and gut that I just thought were normal, intense hyperactivity in the evenings (after large meal with dairy and a glass of wine), almost constant high resting heart rate.
I also want to say that the majority of headaches I've had throughout my life were definitely migraines. I was assessed by many doctors, I had all of the classic symptoms pre, during and post migraine. I won't list them as you know them yourselves.
I know that this won't be the case for many of you, if not most. But those of you who are suffering so much for many years, I really recommend you try an elimination diet to see if you have any food intolerances. At the end of the day, it's worth a shot! (Please don't take this as medical advice, I am not a medical professional, this is just what worked for me.)
Good luck to everyone, I understand your pain.
submitted by sbiel001 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:50 Puzzleheaded_Cow4652 Post-Rhinoplasty Steroid Injections: Dent and Tissue Indentation Advice Needed. Desperate.

Six months ago, I underwent rhinoplasty, and post-surgery, my nose remained swollen. Impatient to reduce the swelling, I sought a steroid injection at a clinic in Toronto. However, the experience was less than ideal. Following the injection, I noticed a concerning development: a dent forming on the side of my nose, near the bridge. The dent then spread across the bridge slightly and felt almost like a fracture in the silicone of my nose, creating noticeable irregularities in the nasal contour (I had to get emergency fillers this weekend for the indent across the bridge so you can’t see that here). I find that the dent is less noticeable if there isn’t direct light shining on top of my nose, but if there is bright light you can clearly see a shadow forming which makes my nose look crooked.
Despite reaching out to the nurse with my concerns, his response was dismissive and unhelpful. He adamantly denied any association between the injection and the resulting dents, leaving me frustrated and without answers. Eventually, I decided to take matters into my own hands and did some research online.
I discovered that dents like mine can sometimes occur with steroid injections, and there’s a possibility that they may heal over time. However, the waiting game is incredibly stressful, and I’m desperate for some guidance and support. I’m wondering if anyone else in the community has experienced similar complications following a steroid injection post-rhinoplasty? Have you found any effective treatments or interventions? Will my nose go back to normal at some point ? I know I was stupid and it was my fault for rushing into this and I will be speaking to my surgeon about it. I just want to get insights before hand. I would truly appreciate any advice or shared experiences you can provide. Thank you for taking the time to read and please be kind.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Cow4652 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:49 spit11fire HSA - Travel Expenses - IVF/Fertility

Hello, I was doing some research on utilizing HSA for IVF treatment as my wife and I are traveling down to Florida to take advantage of CNY Fertility who is $12,000 cheaper than my local hospital RE services. I know that the HSA covers the IVF as a medical necessity treatment for infertility but have come across some people who have utilized it for some of the travel expenses, and know that the HSA Provider (Health Equity) and the IRA have information listing that transportation can be covered for medical treatment. The sole purpose of the trip is for the medical treatment at the clinic and requires multiple office visits for Ultrasound and Bloodwork monitoring (which is also much cheaper then the hospital/clinics), on the off days we may go to some of the local areas that may seem touristy, but we would only be looking at covering the Flight, and the hotel (only on the night(s) of the treatment/office visits).
The lodging is primarily for and essential to medical care. - Yes for only requesting nights of treatment/visit.
The medical care is provided by a doctor in a licensed hospital or in a medical care facility that is the equivalent of a licensed hospital. - CNY is a licensed medical facility for Fertility Treatment
The lodging is not lavish or extravagant under the circumstances. - No beachside resorts or anything unreasonable, I typically look for under $100 and decent reviews that are clean. ($50 for person is coverable)
There is no significant element of personal pleasure, recreation, or vacation in the travel away from home. (IRS Publication 502) - This is the gray area, as the travel away from home is due to the treatment at a much lower rate than locally, it is saving us a lot of funds, and that extra $12,000 would be entered on taxes as medical expenses if I stayed locally anyway. I understand not requesting hotel for every night since some of the nights are in-between the every-other day office visits.
What do you guys think may be possible here? Reading this we would both be eligible potentially as my wife would be the patient, and I would be needed to be present for 1. the sperm at time of retrieval, 2. mandatory transportation of wife after she has the retrieval due to anesthesia, and for providing the shots for stimulation of the ovaries, which makes me essential too.
submitted by spit11fire to FinancialPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:48 Aggressive_Wind_5089 What should I use in combination with the invega shot? Schizoaffective disorder bipolar manic 1.

I have been struggling with schizoaffective since 2014 and I was stable since 2015 until 2022 and I am trying to see how do I get back to a place of going back into remission and getting most of if not all of my symptoms that I deal with which are auditory, hallucinations, visual, hallucinations, and tactile hallucinations, which are hallucinations that you can feel at bay or pretty much gone. I am currently on Seroquel 50 mg, Tegretol 400 mg, invega, the highest maximum shot per month and buspirone for anxiety 15 mg. I am currently living in a group home which is something I have never had to do because I have always been able to get stable after an episode and get back to independent living on my own which unfortunately I’ve gotten so sick this time that I am forced to live in a group home to see if I can get back to independent living, which is something I pray that I’m able to do. So my question is anyone that may have experienced treatment resistant schizophrenia, or schizoaffective with medication have worked for you?
submitted by Aggressive_Wind_5089 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:48 rareuser_44 To treat or not to treat?

I'm just looking for thoughts/opinions....
I was diagnosed with ill Crohn's in 2006, and after difficulty with stricturing and bowel obstructions, I had an ileo-cecal bowel resection surgery in 2014. I have had colonoscopies every 1-3 years since then, and remained in remission ever since then, although I went through times of struggling with c. difficile, SIBO and IBS-C issues. I have not been on any Crohn's meds this entire decade, so my disease is obviously slow growing/mild. I began having worsening IBS issues the past several months, so I had blood tests, CT, colonoscopy and fecal calprotectin. My blood shows no inflammation, fecal calprotectin is under 50, and CT looked good. On colonoscopy, my surgery site (anastomosis) looked inflamed, and the biopsy came back saying "chronic active ileocolitis with ulcer." After the colonoscopy my symptoms worsened, but I think it was bacterial overgrowth and I am feeling better after antibiotics (that took a month of feeling terrible to get there.) I've lost about 10 pounds and I'm very tired, but I'm not sure why.
My GI thinks I don't need to treat the Crohn's because my inflammation markers and fecal calprotectin are normal, so how would we measure progress? But this is the first time the biopsies have been abnormal in 10 years. I'm now 65 yrs old so not thrilled about the prospect of biologics but would do it if needed. So, I guess I could do bloodwork, and fecal calprotectin tests every 6 month and watch and wait, get another medical opinion or treatment. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this? Thanks!
submitted by rareuser_44 to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:48 spit11fire HSA - Travel Expenses - IVF

Hello, I was doing some research on utilizing HSA for IVF treatment as my wife and I are traveling down to Florida to take advantage of CNY Fertility who is $12,000 cheaper than my local hospital RE services. I know that the HSA covers the IVF as a medical necessity treatment for infertility but have come across some people who have utilized it for some of the travel expenses, and know that the HSA Provider (Health Equity) and the IRA have information listing that transportation can be covered for medical treatment. The sole purpose of the trip is for the medical treatment at the clinic and requires multiple office visits for Ultrasound and Bloodwork monitoring (which is also much cheaper then the hospital/clinics), on the off days we may go to some of the local areas that may seem touristy, but we would only be looking at covering the Flight, and the hotel (only on the night(s) of the treatment/office visits).

  1. The lodging is primarily for and essential to medical care. - Yes for only requesting nights of treatment/visit.
  2. The medical care is provided by a doctor in a licensed hospital or in a medical care facility that is the equivalent of a licensed hospital. - CNY is a licensed medical facility for Fertility Treatment
  3. The lodging is not lavish or extravagant under the circumstances. - No beachside resorts or anything unreasonable, I typically look for under $100 and decent reviews that are clean. ($50 for person is coverable)
  4. There is no significant element of personal pleasure, recreation, or vacation in the travel away from home. (IRS Publication 502) - This is the gray area, as the travel away from home is due to the treatment at a much lower rate than locally, it is saving us a lot of funds, and that extra $12,000 would be entered on taxes as medical expenses if I stayed locally anyway. I understand not requesting hotel for every night since some of the nights are in-between the every-other day office visits.
What do you guys think may be possible here? Reading this we would both be eligible potentially as my wife would be the patient, and I would be needed to be present for 1. the sperm at time of retrieval, 2. mandatory transportation of wife after she has the retrieval due to anesthesia, and for providing the shots for stimulation of the ovaries, which makes me essential too.
submitted by spit11fire to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:47 SerenityJoyMeowMeow Today I found out my estranged mother is dying. I don’t know if I want to see her to say goodbye.

I got the news today that my biological mother from whom I am estranged is dying. Years of heavy drug and alcohol abuse destroyed her body to the extent that the damage remained long after she got clean (with the exception of lifelong methadone therapy). At 63 years old, she’s in kidney failure and does not want any treatment. She lives 8 hours away and I am able to go see her but I don’t know if I want to?? I endured disgusting neglect from her and abuse from others that she never even knew about because she was always on something. She was on drugs while she was pregnant with me that statistically should have resulted in me not making it out of the womb alive. At age 5 she lied to me to dump me off at my bio dad’s house because as I learned later she told him she did not want to be a mommy anymore. We still spoke regularly until I was 12 when she disappeared entirely. I heard nothing from her until I reached out at 23. Then we lost touch again. I went to visit, she acted like she barely had time for me, and we lost touch AGAIN. Any time we spoke, it was always me who made the effort to find her and reach out. We last spoke 4 years ago when I was 31. I reached out to tell her my father had died. We chatted for a bit, and then she said that she thinks we should just put the past in the past (the ‘past’ being all the ways in which she failed me as a literal child) because we are both adults now. She did not want to to talk through anything or take accountability. She never apologised. She showed me over and over again that she didn’t want me. So why do I feel like if I don’t go see her and say goodbye, I’m an awful daughter? What if I don’t go and later regret it? I have until tomorrow to decide if I’m going and I have no idea what the right course of action is.
submitted by SerenityJoyMeowMeow to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:47 tlars003 Varicose Veins in my Twenties

I'm 27, and am scheduled for thermal ablation tomorrow of both my great saphenous and small saphenous veins. I'm not sure if this is where this post belongs, but I'm really scared to do it as I have a fear of permanently damaging my body. I avoid treatments and unnecessary meds at all costs. I've heard the procedure is rather common, but I just feel like I'm so young. I've had symptoms for some time, but mostly I hated the appearance if my veins. I've had horrible varicose and spider veins since I was 15. Anyone else here gotten their veins (esp. Great or small saphenous veins) closed? How'd it go and did you have any permanent side effects?
submitted by tlars003 to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:41 Low_Construction_757 My boyfriend doesn’t treat me the best, but I’m gaslighting myself

Ok before I even start, I don’t need there being any a**holes in the comments that will just say the obvious or be very judgmental. I need real genuine answers.
To try to summarize this, I met my boyfriend 3 years ago this month, it started off great then quickly took a toxic turn after 3 months in. We were on & off since then. I have never met his parents or family in general, & have only met a few of his friends. He’s never posted me nor even posted a hint of me. Has even gone to the extent of cropping out my hand from his story once. I will say I have mental disorders , such as BPD, severe anxiety etc that has put a toll on me in this relationship to the point that I became toxic & insecure & jealous. I was very unhealed and hadn’t put in the work to change so it was a constant back & forth battle w him as he was just as bad if not worse than me. His excuse for not taking me serious, making me his, introducing me to his family was that I am toxic & we can’t go more than a month w/o breaking up. He is very toxic himself & has said the most disgusting things to me during fights as well as cheated on me physically, been in a whole other relationship secretly. I have made mistakes but none that amount to his mistakes. I have a snappy attitude w him, I’ve messed up in the beginning (which what I was referring to in the beginning of this paragraph) such as, keeping tinder & getting advice from my very first ex on a number of occasions. (Which I know wasn’t ok) him and I were never official. We talked about exclusivity, but he never wanted to make me his. Hence why I kept my options opened. Till this day he uses all of that against me as if he hasn’t done me dirty 10x worse. I have had my faults, with an attitude problem w him, & other small immature things social media wise, Ex. When a guy would slide up on my stories, I’d say Ty but never would I continue the convo. But stuff like that adds up I’m aware. I have had my fair share of toxicity. I know I’m not innocent, but I can say that I’ve never done anything detrimental like he has. Never to the extent he’s gone. We broke up for almost half a year & just recently a month ago came back to one another. I have grown significantly, I’m not nearly as toxic or anxious as I once was, I’ve changed, I’ve put in the work, & it doesn’t seem like he has. He makes excuses as to why he can’t give me affection, or love Almost like he withholds it from me. Every time I bring something up that’s bothering me, he flies off the handle. He has an anger problem. Always has. Every time I bring up me meeting his family he gets so mad & says it’s bc of me. Bc he needs to know I’ll be here for the long run. But I’ve proven myself time after time that I’ve changed & can be better. I do everything I can for him. I cook, clean, feed his dogs, take them out & try to be a good support system for him as best I can. I’ve tried showing him I’ve grown & only want and adore him. I’ve tried loving him more and more and it’s never enough. I’ve matured and he’s even said that himself recently. He’s treated me like dog shit in the past, I won’t go into description mode,but now he’s treating me better, he just gets so angry if I bring anything up at all that bothers me, he calls it “bitching” “complaining” even if I approach him the right way instead of yelling or being combative. His excuse for not giving me affection or love was that he has a fight coming up (he’s an mma fighter) & is anxious and nervous & can’t give me that love rn. He got so mad. I’m just confused. He gives me the silent treatment & wants to end things over every argument.
So I guess what I’m asking is do I deserve this bc of my mistakes ? Is he right for this? Is he telling the truth about not wanting me to meet his family bc of our past toxicity? I’m gaslighting myself on & off, telling myself that I need to put up w this bc I’ve made mistakes too, & that I need to keep proving to him that I’m worth it & keep putting up with this?. Like I need to stick w it bc I owe him that. Idk how to explain it. I’m just so lost. He makes me sad & idk whether to stick it out or leave. I know I’m not perfect or innocent. That’s why I’m stuck.
submitted by Low_Construction_757 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:38 Salty_Difficulty865 after 1 year..

Gusto ko lang i-share na ang saya ko!
My husband and I lost our baby a year ago. After nun, nadiscover namin na may mga underlying medical conditions ako na we had to address first before we start trying for another baby kasi syempre iba yung sakit mawalan ng baby. Di ko na kaya maulit yun. Kaya since then, very careful kami ni hubby during sexy time namin. Minsan, nagdedecide kami wag na lang muna mag sexy time and all. :(
Then now all is good! My body is responding well sa treatments and lifestyle change. We had the go signal and wow!! SEXY TIME KUNG SEXY TIME!! Ang saya lang. Parang renewed yung relationship namin talaga. Full of hope and labing labing!! HAHAHA
Yun lang, share ko lang kasi ang saya ko talaga. More than the increase sa schmexy time (promise talaga nasabik pareho!!) syempre ang saya ko na we can now try again!! May takot, pero at least this time, may guidance ng OB. Sana talaga. SANA!!!
submitted by Salty_Difficulty865 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:38 yoshpool JFeel Clinic experience as a traveller

After a recent visit to Seoul in May 2024 and attending an appointment at JFeel Clinic in Hongdae I wanted to share an honest review of my experience. While there were some good points, overall I would not recommend this clinic based on how my first appointment went.
I researched thoroughly before travelling and decided JFeel was a good option for price, had the treatments I was seeking and was foreigner friendly. These points were still true in my experience. Booking an appointment was very convenient in English and was done via WhatsApp. The location was also good being right next to Hongik Univ. Station.
There was definitely difficulty with the clinic's management of the logistics and appointment itself and I found that this was the main factor that let down entire the experience. I booked the appointment well in advance for 16:00 and I arrived on the day a couple of minutes early, however I waited about 45 minutes, and was seen for a "consultation" at 16:45. The staff did recognise that this was a significant delay and apologised, but in the end did not provide a proper consultation in a private room as I had seen in many reviews. Instead my consultation was done in the main reception waiting area on level 7. The consultation was quite rushed, and was the staff member quickly talking to me while quoting each treatment. While this wasn't the best consultation, I came prepared knowing which treatments I was after so it did not impact me too much. Having this done in the public waiting area was uncomfortable.
Start to finish it only took 10 minutes or so, some photos were taken of my face, I paid and was sent to Level 5 to await treatment. This was the next letdown, as I had to wait 1 hour and treatment did not start until 17:45. In total had to spend over 1.5 hours from the start of my arrival to beginning treatment in waiting. I found this quite unreasonable. The staff did communicate once that there would be some delay with some apology.
The treatment itself was done professionally, quickly and the injections were done well. I was comfortable and happy with this portion of the clinic.
Although the treatments themselves were fine, the next time I am in Seoul for cosmetic treatments I will be attending a different clinic. I found that the consultation in public was not professional from a licensed dermatology clinic and the amount of time spent in the waiting rooms was not enjoyable at all and did not seem to be standard for clinics.
submitted by yoshpool to KoreanBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:36 ExplodingCar84 Internalized

I had internalized almost everything that happened to me growing up. I believed that the abuse and bad behaviors were all of my fault, when the reality was that of the opposite. I thought I was the issue, but it’s still impacting me this day. I’ve been programmed to believe in this way and I’m only just now realizing and wanting to get out of everything involved with them. I want to become independent and just leave this part of my life behind, and start fresh. I want to reverse this awful programming because I got some awful fleas and things from their treatment of me. It’s time to start over and live the life I was meant to have, before my own family decided to alter it.
submitted by ExplodingCar84 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:34 blackhole265 [CA] sufficient evidence for negligence??

female type 1 diabetic.
I was admitted to a an er for suicidal ideation. I was being held on a 5150, upon arrival I told staff that I was sexually assaulted by an adult male. I would like to sue the hospital for negligence as well as emotional distress.
My bloodsugar reached over 350mg/dL for extended periods of time. This resulted in me having headaches, nausea, extreme thirst, blurred & frequent urination. After asking the nurse in charge of my care to confer with my endocrinologist or a specialist, they declined to do so. While I was there despite hospital policy they made me put my insulin pump on and take charge of giving myself boluses and essentially taking care of my own diabetes. I believe that any trained endocrinologist will tell you that their use of insulin was extremely dangerous, one of the times being where they switched in between giving me long acting and short acting to the point my bloodsugar was 56mg/mL.
Even though I was on a 5150 hold, I even have pictures of the CNAs who were supposed to be watching me sleep. They left equipment with long cords, which only further grew my suicidal ideation. And furthered the anxiety.
A male doctor came into my room placing his hand on my butt and shaking me to “get my attention”. He came in very aggressive which only heightened my anxiety, after seeing responding was not resulting in a resolution I stopped talking and just laid in my bed facing away from him playing 8 ball on my phone. Once I stopped responding to his threats of “them doing whatever they want to”. He grabbed my arm forcefully again and tried snatching my phone out of my hand. I turned further on to my side from the force- then looked at him while his hand was still on me and told I wasn’t going to touch him but he needed to get his hands off of me. I tossed my phone on the ground and told him he could take it and I wouldn’t fight it. I then said goodbye which I guess struck a nerve. As he was headed for the door he turned back and a bunch of grown men 6-9 grabbed me at his command. Before they grabbed me I was simply laying on my bed under the blankets on my side not moving. During this there was a person holding my wrist and bending it, to which I screamed out repeatedly that I was being hurt. I screamed repeatedly for them to get off of me, and my screams for help fell on deaf ears. After this I was left sobbing and visibly shaking from the trauma of being held down. The following night, I could not sleep despite being giving melatonin due to feeling them pinning me down everytime my eyes would shut. This has lead me to be afraid to seek further help for my mental health treatment. I was dismissed the following day.
submitted by blackhole265 to legal [link] [comments]