Cymbalta post partum

Fit Pregnancy

2015.02.22 23:24 Fit Pregnancy

An inclusive space to discuss fitness and pregnancy - pre-natal, during, and post-partum. Geared towards motivating and inspiring pregnant people to stay healthy and fit throughout.

2010.11.27 19:56 hersheykiss7761 Baby Bumps

A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. Not the place for bump or ultrasound pics, sorry!

2016.07.10 20:12 NattieLight Fitness discussion for moms

Whether you're six weeks post-partum or six years, you're gonna need those muscles for chasing kids around.

2024.05.15 10:23 fierylava 75g OGTT 6-12 weeks postpartum is used to diagnose Diabetes in those with pregnancy complicated by GDM .

This is what i am aware of.
amboss explanation(Q. 45 of screening) also says FPG more than 126 after delivery even then it is considered diabtes.
How should not we wait for post partum period to be completed ?
submitted by fierylava to Step2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:40 Majestic_Theory_5344 Dispute avec la belle famille à cause des visites

Salut à tous.
Je suis enceinte et quasiment arrivée à terme (encore deux jours). Avant d'accoucher on a décidé avec mon mari de mettre les limites dès maintenant pour les visites du post partum.
J'ai essayé d'abréger mais c'est pas évident désolée pour le pavé.
J'ai demandé à mon mari que les premiers temps après le retour de la maternité (ou je ne veux pas de visites), je ne veux recevoir à la maison que ma mère et les beaux parents. Ensuite sa soeur et mes cousins/tantes et le reste pourront venir voir le bébé une fois qu'on sera bien installés.
Il a envoyé un message à sa soeur hier pour lui dire qu'elle ne pourra pas venir pendant la premiere ou les deux premières semaines (elle compte partir en voyage juste après l'arrivée du bébé de toute manière) du coup elle le verra à son retour. De là une énorme dispute a éclaté où sa soeur a impliqué mes beaux parents en disant que c'est "sa soeur" et que je fais exprès de l'exclure et qu'elle ne voit pas pourquoi elle ne devrait pas venir voir le bébé, qu'elle se sent blessée...etc. Bref enorme caca nerveux où elle mets en opposition ma famille avec celle de mon mari comme elle a l'habitude de faire.
Je tiens à donner quand même des précisions importantes, sa soeur n'en a rien eu a carrer de nous durant toute la grossesse et n'a été d'aucune aide. Au contraire les 3 fois où elle nous a rendu visite elle était juste odieuse, elle ne parlait que de choses négatives, elle restait affalée sur le canapé, ne levait pas un pouce et demandait à ce qu'on lui serve à manger. Elle n'a même pas demandé ce dont on avait besoin pour le bébé ni proposé son aide une seule fois.
Après coup les parents de mon mari on appelé, et cerise sur le gâteau ils ont dit à mon mari qu'il a exagéré et qu'il devrait s'excuser auprès de sa soeur, et que quoi qu'elle fasse ça reste sa soeur et qu'ils allaient venir avec elle de toute manière qu'on le veuille ou non.
Entendre ça nous a vraiment énervé mon mari et moi. Sans compter qu'ils lui disaient que je faisais exprès d'éloigner sa famille pour ramener la mienne. Sauf que ma famille ont été exemplaires durant toute la grossesse, ma cousine et ma tante ont été d'un grand soutien et d'une grande aide. Pour moi ce n'est juste pas comparable et le titre de soeur ne te donne le droit à pas grand chose si tu ne fais rien derrière.
Je suis tellement stressée et énervée contre la famille de mon mari que je n'ai quasiment pas dormi. Je pense juste à parler à sa soeur et lui dire que je ne veux pas d'elle auprès de moi et de mon fils tout court. Elle a dépassé les bornes, elle fait toujours des problèmes à partir de rien quand les choses ne vont pas en son sens et là s'en est juste trop, je ne veux plus rien à faire avec elle.
Mes beaux parents ne sont pas mieux et se mettent toujours de son côté, le fait qu'ils n'acceptent pas les limites qu'on impose est trop, sachant qu'ils n'ont pas fait grand chose durant ma grossesse non plus au final et qu'ils vont partir un mois à l'étranger juste après la naissance de mon fils (ils vont peut être même pas pouvoir le voir si j'accouche plus tard que prévu).
Je ne sais pas si je devrais calmer le jeu ou au contraire les envoyer chier une bonne fois pour toute. Jai besoin de vos conseils, je ne veux pas qu'ils me gâchent mon post partum.
submitted by Majestic_Theory_5344 to ParentingFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:29 Various_Diamond5933 I (23F) worked in an unsanitary dental office for 3 years and had no idea how bad it truly was, advice on what to do..

I 23(F) worked for an 80(M) Dentist for about 3 years, and what I observed and endured as an employee during that time traumatized me and made me quit dental assisting in general, not because I didn't like it but because I loved it just not the dentist and I'm going to just break it down the best I can.
Starting off this specific dentist is really well known in my city, he has been practicing for 50 years now. However not much has changed in that 50 years. His office is so old that patients will come in from 1989 and say how not a single thing has been updated or changed. The floor is carpeted with rotting wood underneath and he just doesn't care. He has like creepy dolls all around the office and creepy clowns. I almost feel like he won't change anything because he wants to still feel like he's in his prime like it's the 80's/90's still.
He denies the fact that he's getting older, he says he is 44 years old when physically and literally he is not. So maybe this is some type of symptoms of a disorder. This is just some background so you can understand the full picture.
So he only hires women of lighter complexions, also certain body size, small not to skinny but curvy but not too big. You have to have long blown out hair that's always fixed, his old rule used to be that you could not wear your hair up bc it's not appealing to him. Also you can't wear glasses for the same reason. If you were trying to get a girl to work there he would have to see a picture of her first and she couldn't have tattoos or "bad teeth" even though he would put braces on staff members for free and I witnessed that, if it was "too much" the person would be a no for him. Even having a simple nose ring was against his rules.
I started working for him when I was 19 turning 20. So I was pretty young and didn't really realize until later that all of this was just so toxic and it gets worse.And so when I found out my pregnancy was healthy I announced it and they decided to not train me on patients for pretty much my entire pregnancy because they thought i would just have my baby and leave
After being post partum and working while also being a first time mom to a baby, I begin to lose a lot of weight because I guess I was stressed. I went from being my normal weight 135 to 116 pounds.
The doctor would comment on my body and say things about my weight loss in front of patients. It made me very insecure and uncomfortable two things I have never felt in my life at a job. I started to have body dysmorphia from working for this man. When he looked at me it felt as if he was staring through me and picking me apart. And no one should I have to feel like that in the work place.
I fell into a deep depression because feeling like I can't go find a new job because as terrible as it sounds, I was attached to the toxic abuse cycle there. He would love bomb and compliment you so heavily that you almost felt bad for thinking of leaving cuz he was so old. He would say things like how much he loved your personality, you were the best employee, best with patients. It was definitely creepy. Also I felt as if I were to try to leave he would be upset or it felt like I was breaking a trusted bond. So I continued working and worse
Enough about my personal experience but now for the patients.The doctor treated each patient nothing more than a dollar sign. Unless they were a known person in the community, a family friend, he would give them treatment but if they had questions or concerns about their teeth he would be very dismissive, and if they argued back he would pretty much belittle them and make them feel like they were stupid for asking a question. Saying what they wanted was "impossible" because that's "the way their teeth were". I watched him take braces off of patients and their teeth were still not aligned properly, I watched him accidentally set a patient on fire, I watched him give a girl bone loss, she lost her tooth because of something he did incorrectly.
Not to mention his entire staff has not been to any type of dental school, every single person hired basically with no experience. I was told because he couldn't "afford it", yet the man has multiple million dollar homes and luxury cars....
To even scam us further he sent us to take a super lax unsupervised "test" that he said would make us certified assistants. Came to find out that was nothing more than a piece of paper.
Not to mention probably more things he has done, like practicing half blind, also urinating on himself daily and it being reported and nothing done about it.The sterilization was absolutely horrifying. Their method is not to use an autoclave but to throw all dirty instruments in a basket and throw them in an old machine that had sterilization and water and put them through an oven baking them.
Also cold sterile which was not monitored properly, and did not soak for 24 hours. Sometimes 5-10 minutes. I just got so tired of not only him being misogynistic, but not caring for health and safety of patients, or even staff members.
And the rest of the current staff members, my heart does hurt for them for them to be in this kind of abusive cycle for so long and not want to remove themselves and realize they deserve better. This kind of environment should not be normalized. And I've watch him say god awful things about every single one of them behind their back and it's honestly sad. Why would you stand by this especially for the incredibly low amounts of pay.
Making yourself look weak to him while he sits back and laughs. It's really sad and I pray for them. And I'm telling the truth and stand by it on everything I say. No I did not get fired, I quit the job. Because I couldn't take the negativity any longer. But the more I think about it the more it angers me for people that give their money to this man.
Im currently enrolled in the Dental Hygiene program at a college. I'm really excited to become a an RDH but the thing is I'm scared working for him and just cold quitting will ruin my career. Also My question is should I report him to OSHA?
submitted by Various_Diamond5933 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:41 BabuschkaOnWheels Being a brittle person atm

Apparently I'm unlucky as fuck.
I got my diagnosis too late and had a flare starting 3 months post partum, got my diagnosis 5months post partum.. didn't hear shit until it got so bad I was severely malnourished with a 41⁰c fever and organs struggling to stay alive, passed out on the toilet with my baby in his bouncy chair BUT I was smart enough to text my parents who fetched my fiancé, all of them got to me and called the ambulance. Apparently the dipshit that did my colonoscopy FORGOT to send the results to gastro at the same hospital. So thanks dude, really helped me out.
So in my short stay there, they found out I have sarcoidosis (unrelated to crohns) and osteoporosis due to being malnourished for 2 decades. All because my previous GP was dead set the problem was in my vagina and wanted to examine me himself. Relevant because all the doctors available at that time were male and all, for some reason, wanted to finger me to check my... intestines. Pretty sure I can tell the difference between my asshole and babymaker.
Either way I'm mildly annoyed that I have osteoporosis at my ripe age of 28 due to malpractice and standard run of the mill sexism in the medical industry.
Anyone else lucky enough to have pretty bad health because of this lovely chronic illness? Like I would have been fine if they took me seriously at 10yo when I shat pure blood and slime for the first time(first flare). Surprised I'm even alive at this point.
Also, I feel my back is gonna crack soon lol. Then I finally might get disabled parking, at least temporarily. Less travel distance to the toilet if need be.
submitted by BabuschkaOnWheels to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:55 iamgabefromtheoffice Intrusive thoughts vs. Worry

Intrusive thoughts vs. Worry
I always get frustrated when Rini shares about/makes posts about her intrusive thoughts… because they’re not intrusive thoughts. The “intrusive” thoughts she mentioned on her latest post are completely normal things moms are anxious about?! I think almost every new mom is anxious about their baby’s breathing at some point. Same with falling down the stairs while holding your baby. I’ve certainly had these thoughts, but I’ve also been diagnosed with post-partum OCD and these are nothing like those intrusive thoughts. I’m almost offended that she’s spreading this false information — she has no idea what she’s talking about. Thinking patterns in OCD vs anxiety are unique. People with generalized anxiety disorders typically worry about realistic, possible concerns, while someone with OCD will experience an unrealistic or impossible obsession that leads to extremely compulsive behaviourituals. Every night I need to lock, unlock, lock, then unlock the door or else a serial killer will come into the house to kill all of us. I’m working through my compulsions, but it’s really , really hard. There is no “cure” for OCD, and the only way to get rid of these obsessions is through exposure therapy. It sucks.
Anywho, for anyone else going through this, I’m sending you love & strength!
In case Rini lurks here:
submitted by iamgabefromtheoffice to OwnitbabeSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:51 daycalx did your butthole ever go back to normal?

Im 3.5 months post partum and every bowel movement is a fight for my life lmfao
I pushed for 5 hours straight and I’m pretty sure my butthole went inside out, my husband tried to be nice and said towards the end of delivery it looked like a flower (so sweet of him but I’m not delusional ❤️) and from touch alone i could tell it was closer to a bullet exit wound
I didn’t have problems poopin the first few days after giving birth because i had no control of my pelvic floor (they vacuumed my daughter out my cooch bc she didn’t want to see the real world, I don’t blame her) and was incontinent and had the runs for some reason so that was cool I guess
then the adrenaline wore off and although my coochie coo was miraculously unscathed my butthole took the fall and sitting down was simply not okay
Fast forward 3.5 months later, I can sit down now but my ass still bleeds when I poop no matter how much fiber I take. I am incapacitated and limp around after for a few hours until things calm down again. I haven’t gotten the courage to look at the poop chute still but I know theres definitely some permanent skin jelly beans.
Does the pain ever go away? Or am I stuck with hemmys forever unless I get surgery?
submitted by daycalx to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:27 Firm-Philosopher-724 Milk supply never recovered after a clogged duct.

I am six months post partum and am exclusively breastfeeding my little one. I pump once a day before I go to bed in order to build a freezer stash. Since I had a clogged duct in my right breast two months ago, my supply has never recovered on that side. When I pump, I am consistently getting 4-5oz on my left and 1.5oz on my right. Before the clog, my supply was even. To help it recover, I always nurse baby off the low supply side first and let him suckle when he falls asleep to stimulate more milk. But, nothing is working. In fact, I think it’s getting worse. What can I do? I’d really like my supply to even out, or at the very least start to recover. Any advice is appreciated!
submitted by Firm-Philosopher-724 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:14 _spacecandy I love Nuvaring but needing alternatives

I am 4 weeks post partum and ready to get back to birth control once I get the clear from OB. Prior my infertility journey and eventually pregnancy, I was on nuvaring for 12 years. It worked great for me in terms of:
  1. Regular, light/normal period
  2. Clear skin, no more acne
  3. No weight gain at all, if anything I lost some weight (this is a big factor for me!)
The only downside is physically having a ring inside my vagina is affecting my sex life. It is manageable (was for 12 years) but I’m just over “managing” it anymore and would like to get on to something different.
Any thoughts as to what could be the same as nuvaring but not having to physically insert something? I have heard that the pill has the same formula/content as nuvaring but my fear is that I always hear about the noticeable weight gain as side affect, which is something I would like to avoid.
I will absolutely have this talk to my OB, but I’d like to see what potentially my options are prior.
submitted by _spacecandy to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:39 girlmommyx2 Ddimer levels?

Levels rising?
I am a 25F 140lbs and 3 months post partum. I have horrible anxiety since my PE at 7 weeks pregnant so every symptom sends me into a spiral so I have been to the ER 3 times and then to my hematologist and they have all checked my ddimer levels and this is what they have been… 0.64 mcg, then 0.78 mcg, and now 664 ng. Since the last one was a different type of test, is there any way to know if it’s rising still? I have had scans on my lungs and they are clear but they haven’t checked my legs or anything
submitted by girlmommyx2 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:38 jml2019-- Lab review

I recently requested my medical records for the last 6 years because something feels off. Let’s just say I learned a lot. I’m experiencing some strange symptoms and plan to go to my doctor, but thought I would post my labs/urines to see what you think I should ask, should I be concerned, etc.
31 y/o female. 5’5”, 245lbs approximately. Medical Hx includes: ADHD, post partum preeclampsia + HELLP syndrome (2019), mild asthma.
Symptoms: small lump in left side of neck, petechiae on forearms, some red spots on hip & chest, lower back pain, bone pain (mostly right side hip, back, sometimes to leg), +++ fatigue, changes in bowel habits, increase menstrual flow, feeling hot face/arms at times with no fever.
Doc recently told me I’m deficient in b12 and vitamin D (significant drop from October 2023), and high in uric acid (although it did lower since October it is still higher end of normal).
My record mentioned after having my son in 2019 my d-dimer level was 4014, but I never knew this so unsure if I had a DVT or PE.
Thanks for any advice on what I should discuss with my family doc. Info in the comments.
submitted by jml2019-- to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:26 poodlenoodle0 Should I be asking for US?

Hello everyone! So I was diagnosed with Hashi’s about 3 years ago when I was trying to get pregnant and a naturopath finally tested my anti-bodies. Prior to that I had had subclinical TSH levels for a while but not too many symptoms. Basically as soon as I started levo and got my levels below 2.5 I was able to get pregnant. Post-partum my levels were awful (TSH 50) and I had to increase my Levo dose. I had another baby and since then (10 months post partum now) my levels have been wacky. I went hyperthyroid for a bit, then severely hypo again with only a small change (25ug) of Levo. My antibodies are also still very high. It’s my understanding that antibodies will remain high, but I keep seeing posts of people getting an ultrasound of the thyroid. This has never been offered to me by my doctor. Note that I’m in Canada and don’t see an endo, just my family doctor. Should I be pushing for an ultrasound? I don’t think I feel any growths or anything but tbh I don’t know where to feel.
submitted by poodlenoodle0 to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:28 No-Blueberry2558 In denial that I have Graves

In denial that I have Graves
A bit of context: I was diagnosed with Graves during pregnancy. My trab was 1.0, I had undetectable TSH and high T4. I was put on Methimazole since I was already nearing my 2nd trimester. I was asymptomatic but my family doctor wanted to run some thyroid tests because she thought I had a goiter.
I was never symptomatic, so it was a shocker to me. I took the medication as prescribed because I was told the repercussions of not treating Graves' disease during pregnancy was worse than the side effects of the medication.
Throughout pregnancy and while on treatment, my TSH, T3 and T4 levels returned to normal.
3 months post partum, my TSH, T3, T4 was all in normal range. I kept taking methimazole but was not consistent with it.
My most recent Trab is normal and my levels are normal and I haven't even been on my meds for about a month now.
I'm having a hard time believing or accepting that I have Graves.. and keep wondering if it was something triggered by pregnancy. I'm sure it's possible I'm in remission.. but I haven't even been on meds and my levels are normal, so not sure what this means.
Any advice or input welcome from anyone who has also gone through pregnancy with Graves.
submitted by No-Blueberry2558 to gravesdisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:14 swich26 Cannabis/“new age” induced psychosis in 2017. AMA

Hi Reddit peeps. This is my first time posting on here and it’s about something that happened in 2017. Any questions/ answers to my questions welcome!
So, in 2016 I had my first child. I was 26 at the time. Life had some tough circumstances at the time- I live far from my birth place (don’t get to see my family often), had some issues with my mom at the time, my husband was working crazy hours, and I was just exhausted all the time from being a new mother.
While I’m not proud to say it, I ended up leaning on cannabis at the time to help get me through the stress. Now, this was before dispensaries, so I was getting weed from a person- there was no way to differentiate if it was sativa, indica, hybrid, or the THC%. I was also smoking a lot of cigarettes at this time as well. (Later on, years after all this, once the dispensaries had become a thing, I would make sure to not buy sativa, as that always seemed to make me more edgy. So I would stick with indica).
Also around this time, due to stressful relationships with family and friends & feeling desperate for “answers,” I ended up looking into astrology a little more than I normally had. I never was a woo-woo type, but always had an interest in learning people’s sun signs, etc. Well, this was a whole new world of astrology. This type of astrology uses birth charts and goes pretty in depth. I was kinda hooked on it for some time and felt like I just couldn’t learn enough.
When I was about 6-7 months post partum, I ended up experiencing a major psychotic episode. I was in and out of emergency rooms and therapy for several months. I wasn’t eating food, wasn’t sleeping and was just overly excited about learning the astrology stuff. Well, after some time, I lost complete touch with reality. I became delusional and thought so many things were happening, that were not. I don’t know how my husband was able to handle me at the time but I’m so grateful he could. Anyway, I was ultimately diagnosed with “bipolar type 1 with psychotic features.” I tried a few meds here and there but honestly the side effects scared me way too much. Still do. And I don’t want the weight gain that comes with it.
So, it’s been several years now. I had continued smoking over the years, but recently kicked the habit for good. Why I would continue doing it after such a calamity, I have no idea. My psychiatrist at the time, when I asked him if I should kick it, told me he didn’t think it was affecting anything. I think it wasn’t obvious at the time that cannabis can even do that (especially combined with a mind-altering belief system).. I just kinda blasted off into space. Then, my mother passed away in 2021 and I experienced a psychotic break that lasted several weeks then, also. But those have been the only two times, and cannabis was involved in both.
I guess I have a few questions. Am I really bipolar type 1 with psychotic features, or was it from the cannabis and mind altering astrology studying? I wrestled with astrology for a long time/several years after that as well. And just never seemed to really get “better.” I’ve kicked both habits now for good.
I guess I just didn’t know that these things can lead to events that lead to such a diagnosis. I have a hard time with the diagnosis. I wonder if bipolar type 1 will lead to a diagnosis on the schizophrenic spectrum… or can this all somehow reverse itself with staying away from weed?
Thanks to anyone who has a helping word! Hope you have a great night.
submitted by swich26 to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:00 Nearby_Plantain_7630 Loss of bladder sensation following delivery

Currently 2 days post partum and do not have bladder sensation. I did NOT have an epidural/catheter if that makes a difference, but I cannot tell if I need to use the bathroom. I get up to pee every few hours because I was told to, and when I use the bathroom, there’s plenty of urine. But I don’t have the sensation on my own of needing to urinate.
The nurse said that is pretty common following birth and should resolve, but I’m worried about cauda equina syndrome as I also have 2 herniated discs in my back. Currently still in the hospital waiting to talk to the OB today.
Has this happened to anyone else who did NOT receive an epidural/ catheter? Did it resolve?
submitted by Nearby_Plantain_7630 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:45 DannyOslanski Body is holding onto 10 pounds m- 14 months PP with my second HG pregnancy

I can’t lose these last 10 pounds to save my life. It’s like my body is scared it will get starved again so it just wants to hold on to everything I eat. I haven’t nursed in 10 months. I am on 100mg of Xoloft due to anxiety that started because of my HG.
Pre prego weight is 125, was down to 115 when I was pregnant, obviously because of my HG, now I am 14 months post partum and can’t get below 133.
Any other moms with multiple HG pregnancies experiencing this?
submitted by DannyOslanski to HyperemesisGravidarum [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:44 RandomStrangerN2 I'm scared and don't know why

This is my second pregnancy. My fist baby was born premature because I had eclampsia, and I got pregnant again after only 6 months PP. However that's not exactly what is occupying my mind.
Despite already having been pregnant and knowing how things are going to go, I feel scared. I always wanted a big family and when the test came positive I was very happy, but now my bump is pretty big (I'm almost halfway through) and it's bringing up thoughs. I kinda regret not being more careful PP and having another child so soon, though it makes me feel guilty to think this way. I'm scared of labor. I was unconscious the first time and don't know about it except by what my husband told me. I feel this way even though the first time I was OK with the idea and even a little excited for the experience. Im not sure if I'm "two under two mom" material, like, it's already so hard with just one baby. I feel like I can't do it in my current state of mind, and I want to change it, or to wake up tomorrow and be someone different who can deal with everything.
I'm just very overwhelmed and afraid of how it's going to go physically and how I'm going to deal with the babies when the LO is born, or if I'm mentally strong enough. I had post-partum rage the first time, had to go through it without support or medication, and I'm afraid of having it again and put my baby in danger or something. I truly hope this is all just normal anxiety, but every time I see how big my Bump is and remember how close I am to deliver and how not ready I feel, it gives me chills.
submitted by RandomStrangerN2 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:39 Cookiesandadvice Sad no one planned a baby shower

I’m in my first pregnancy, late third trimester. I have 3 sisters two of which are already mothers to children >7. I don’t know if it’s hormones or if my feelings are valid- but I’ve been so upset the past few weeks no one threw me a baby shower. I planned my sisters 40th few months ago and it was fun. We all also planned my sister in laws baby shower few years ago. My friends offered but I said leave to fam, but nothing happened. I pretty much brought everything after hustling the past few months with second hand stuff so it’s not even about gifts anymore. Maybe I could’ve planned my own but it seems awkward now. I know they will try and come after baby is born and give stuff- but AITA for not wanting this anymore? And I prefer the baby to be seen after a few weeks by relatives anyway. I don’t want to be triggered post partum either. Are my feelings justified or am I expecting too much? There’s more to unpack but this is a summary.
submitted by Cookiesandadvice to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:20 Socialsinz Grocery help, if at all possible

Hello, everyone, and thank you for clicking on my post to read it! I am a recently post-partum mom to a 2 month old girl. My pregnancy had many complications that prevented me from working, unfortunately, but thankfully my babygirl and I made it out healthy and so so happy. Recently, as well, my husband and I have had to fork out a good chunk of money to move into a new place due to our lease being up and just to achieve a cheaper rent payment. This has put us in a bit of a financial rut. The baby has plenty of food, we made sure of that first, stocked up on a few cans, but we're slim on resources. I've gotten into my new job, thankfully, but will not be recieving my first paycheck for a couple of weeks and we have to save my husband's paycheck for rent/utilities. Anything would really help, if anyone is able. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day/night.
Amazon wishlist:
submitted by Socialsinz to freemeal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:35 jayneevees Sadness - I need to snap out of it

Hi everyone 👋 I need help. Maybe Reddit isn't the place for this I know. I have a therapist but lately she hasn't been helpful and even made some comments that made me feel worse rather than better. I also don't have the energy 4weeks pp to start the whole thing with a new therapist as it would take quite a few sessions to get them up to speed. Anyway, I'm so sad lately. I would say grieving almost. I'm in shock with how much baby girl grows each week (we're almost at the end of week 4) and how much I can see that she's grown week by week. I feel that time is going by too quickly and I'm not taking it in as much as I should.
I got quite a bit of pp anxiety in the first 2 weeks. I was constantly feeling that baby girl was getting sick or that something was wrong with her and she was in danger. Anxiety is something that I've struggled with all my life and I had a big conversation before birth with my husband about post partum anxiety, depression and psychosis. I've had my fare share of mental health struggles and I wanted him to be able to spot these, support me and even get me some help if it came down to it. So I have a pretty good support system in him and my close family (parents and sister) which kicked in by halfway through week 2 when anxiety reached peak levels. I'm feeling so much better on that front but now can't help but feel sad and guilty for not having enjoyed more those first weeks because of said anxiety. I keep going through the photos on my phone and thinking I wished I had recorded more details and more moments with my little girl.
This brings me to situation number 2, I now feel just this enormous pain and sadness that she's growing up so fast and I try to keep recording every little moment so that I can look at it later. Problem is, I'm not taking these moments either with this new found worry of recording it. I'm either living in the past with regret or worrying about the future, that it'll come so quickly that it'll hurt. Every time there's the evidence that she's growing, i.e. clothes not fitting anymore, her getting heavier etc etc, I feel so much pain, when I wish I just felt proud and joyful that she's growing up into a healthy baby!
Please help me snap out of this. I want to be here and now and not in "should've, would've" land of past and future. I don't want to lose more time. Sorry I know it's a lot to ask but every little thing helps I think! Thank you!
submitted by jayneevees to newborns [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:29 crappy_sandwich Recent PhD mami who defended 8 hours post-partum

I want to know that we are harnessing the strength of Michelle Obama's Internet rn to ensure that our newly recently defended Black Dr. Mami is currently receiving the love, support, and (MEDICAL) ATTENTION & CARE that she and baby need atm. Who going to get Joe Biden to make a direct call or two? Im full serious bruh
toxic positivity will not be tolerated nor celebrated when we know what the state of Black maternal morbidity and mortality is in the United States (don't even get me started on the foolishness going on, when fucking modern gynecology is built off the literal backs/bodies of our healing Black sisters in the struggle)
submitted by crappy_sandwich to LadiesofScience [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:24 aggravated_bookworm Meal Prep

This is early, but my brain dies in the third trimester so I figured I’d start thinking about this ahead of time!
Did any of you make freezer meals ahead of time for the post partum period and what are some recipes you enjoyed? Third trimester I’ll probably start preparing food
submitted by aggravated_bookworm to December2024Bumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:21 Ruby_Red_Moon Coming off latuda. Delayed grief and emotions

I am tapering down off of latuda. I am currently at 20mg. Ever sense I got down to 20mg it's been almost a week. I found myself going from a very happy optimistic mood to a blah one. Not depressed. But not happy. I find myself remembering some past trauma more. I was put on latuda in pregnancy. I got pregnant miscarried, and got pregnant again a month later. I am a peer support counselor and am about to be a support group facilitator for a pregnant/post partum mothers support group. In the training module today I found myself being triggered a lot remembering my traumatic pregnancies, and post partum. After the module on miscarriage and infant loss I became very sad. I felt a real deep sense of sadness, and loss. It's coming up on the 2 year anniversary of my miscarriage/mental breakdown. Anyways my question is, should I be concerned that symptoms of depression are creeping back? Or am I just processing emotions again after being on a high dose of antipsychotics for so long? I was up to 80mg for a long time. And had very blunted emotions. Has anyone here experienced this getting off an antipsychotic? I also realized that my OCD feaobsession of somehow harming my baby is stemming from unprocessed grief of my miscarriage. Because I am so afraid to lose her. Any personal experience of getting off antipsychotics would be helpful. Also any of miscarriage/pregnancy/postpartum.
submitted by Ruby_Red_Moon to mentalhealth [link] [comments]