Nancy drew online games

Nancy Drew

2012.10.23 04:31 helloxgoodbye Nancy Drew

For all things Nancy Drew.

2012.04.19 02:01 notamypond Nancy Drew Games


2012.08.23 03:23 mcgtank Magic the Gathering: Circlejerk

making fun of the game you love

2024.06.10 03:51 shroomslave LaPucelle (Tactics or Ragnarok) -> the impossible-to-get "Elixshroom"

LaPucelle (Tactics or Ragnarok) -> the impossible-to-get
Back when LaPucelle:Tactics first launched in NA, there was nothing to be "gained" from unlocking and/or acquiring every single item in the game, so (as far as I can tell) it's never been extensively investigated
I don't have the JP PSP release LaPucelle:Ragnarok, but I do have the more-recently-released "Prinny Presents Vol. 3" for NintendoSwitch, which contains two games -> Rhapsody, and a complete NA release of LP:Ragnarok
As with many of the more modern N1 RPGs, Ragnarok added an NPC (found in Pot au Feu's Udon Shop) who provides in-game statistics, including a complete inventory of items collected - and prizes are awarded as you hit specific item collection percentage benchmarks
I have acquired all items in the game, except for one (stuck @ 99.3% completion)
It's the best SP-healing consumable item, which I believe (from what I've looked up online) is called "Elixshroom"
It's numbered 8 on the "Etc" page in the NPC's Item Collection menus (attached pic)
All other HP/SP healing items are obtained primarily from random purification of dark portals in stages, or possibly by end-of-chapter rewards - using end-game stages's portals (Angel Gate, Cave of Trials, True Baal Castle, etc) I have obtained all four HP-healing consumable items, including the best HP-equivalent item "Elixir Candy" - but I've only ever been able to acquire three SP-healing items
Some on Steam threads suggest it can be acquired from Chapter 10's Good Ending prize - I have a separate save right before the three ChouxFleurHill stages that close the chapter, and have loaded the Good Ending many, many times (approx 80+ attempts) to no avail
I was wondering if anyone can speak to getting 100% of items collected in the Ragnarok version, and able to divulge how they acquired the Elixshroom? I could just be "failing the RNG gods", but for it to have taken so long, feels like I may not be doing the right thing - and there's no confirmed method online, pretty much just "ya keep trying and you'll get it someday"
Alternatively, if there's any code-rip types who are able to rip the code open and suss out the exact conditions required for Elixshroom to manifest, that could be useful info as well (ie. confirming if it really is just, say, an extremely low drop rate item, or something)
Any help is appreciated!
submitted by shroomslave to nipponichi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:50 duolc84 Found some classics.

Found some classics. submitted by duolc84 to ffxi [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:49 noblescarlett I’m terrified of myself

I just lost my online friend because of my narcissistic traits.
I didn’t even know what a narcissist was until now, but as I read more about it, I kept ticking off more boxes, and it scared me. The only thing I didn’t check off was empathy, which terrifies me because I don’t know if I’m truly empathetic or just pretending.
I've always been the jealous, obsessive type, likely stemming from abandonment insecurities and the need to feel validated.
I won’t go into much detail about how I lost my friend, but it was fully deserved. I was manipulative and controlling, always playing mind games and bringing her down when I should have been adding positivity to her life. I thought I was just being childish or immature, but reading back through our texts now disgusts me. How did I not notice these ugly traits before?
When our relationship started, it was great. She didn’t have any friends and had dropped out of high school, so I helped her finish her GED and reconnect with friends she had ghosted due to depression.
My traits only seemed to manifest when we started liking each other and planned on meeting. Why did this happen when I started liking her? If she had a boyfriend or a solid group of friends, I definitely wouldn’t have been like this. Is it because she was vulnerable?
I'm terrified of myself.
One of the last things she told me was, "I’m tired of always feeling like the bad guy." Even until the end of our friendship, she cared about me, but the stress was too much.
I know the friendship is over. I need to let her go and work on myself. I just wish I had addressed these problems before losing probably the closest person to me.
The worst part is that it’s 100 percent my fault. She gave me so many chances, and the more she got to know me, the more my toxic traits began to show. Yet, she kept ignoring them for almost two years...probably hoping i would change…
has anyone been in a similar situation?
could really use advice besides go to therapy , which i plan to do this year..
should i even reach out to her once im “better”?
i feel so conflicted
submitted by noblescarlett to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:49 OVClub OVClub [Semi-Vanilla] {Griefing} {PVP} {Crews} {Player Shops} {Sponge Block Economy} {1.20.6}

Server IP:
Server Version: 1.20.6
Welcome to OVClub, we host a 3+ year old world that has never and will never be reset! Almost every major plugin on the server is completely custom and written by me. I take criticism and feedback to heart and try to implement community ideas where I can.
Join today using the IP ( and make your mark on the server! Also join the discord for server updates and community interaction. Hope to see you online!
submitted by OVClub to MinecraftServerShare [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:49 Manus_2 I feel permanently isolated from everything.

Even when I can push myself interact with someone, such as with trying to find an online gaming buddy, I often find that masking takes up all my energy. As it is, I'm 32 and I've never had anyone in my life that I truly felt comfortable with, or was able to trust. At this point, the odds just seem stacked against me in the worst way possible, and in all likelihood, I'll never be able to feel a sense of belonging anywhere. This deep alienation I struggle with just gets worse and worse with each passing day.
submitted by Manus_2 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:47 OVClub OVClub [Semi-Vanilla] {1.20.6} {Griefing} {PVP} {Sponge Economy} {Player Shops} {Crews}

OVClub [Semi-Vanilla] [Semi-Anarchy] {Crews} {Shopping Mall} {Sponge Economy} {1.20.6}
Server IP:
Server Version: 1.20.6
Welcome to OVClub, we host a 3+ year old world that has never and will never be reset! Almost every major plugin on the server is completely custom and written by me. I take criticism and feedback to heart and try to implement community ideas where I can.
Join today using the IP ( and make your mark on the server! Also join the discord for server updates and community interaction. Hope to see you online!
submitted by OVClub to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:47 Consistent_Pea_1374 Drake and J Prince’s Mob Ties Intro: Using OSINT to Find Connections to the Drake vs. Mesha Collins Court Case Part 2

I tried reading all the other articles mentioning her name to find more info. At first, I could only find her first and last name along with her middle initial and her age. One of the articles above, which was written in April of 2022, says she was 29 at the time. This means if she is still alive she is either 31 or 32. Another article mentioned she was from South Carolina so I used this info and I was able to find two addresses to add to my evidence. It seems she moved from South Carolina to Virginia around 2020-2022. Coincidentally the most recent house attached to her name was the same city she talked about in the lawsuit so I’m almost positive it’s a match.
There is one other name that is a possibility that is the same age and lived in Georgia. I also found out there was an alternate spelling of her name with two E’s, which can be done intentionally if you don’t want to sign paperwork under your name or if you’re trying to hide your real identity. (My great-grandfather on my dad’s side switched a letter in his last name before he immigrated to the States back in the early 1900’s. He had been to prison in Ireland and wouldn’t have gotten approved for his visa or whatever the equivalent was at the time.)
A lot of details could just be mistakes by these free Osint sites like the one below. Especially with free ones like the one I used, most of the information unless it can be verified should be taken with a grain of salt.
The house she was living in during the trial is in Virginia and the one site said it was paid for up front in September of 2021. It cost 1.2 million dollars and is in a pretty wealthy area of Virginia. One source says her first connection to the house was around August 2020. Two sources say her last attachment to the house and P.O. box was around August of 2022, which would have been a few months after all the court business. She also had a PO Box address listed in both states. The one in Virginia wasn’t too far from her house, but the one in SC was over an hour away from the apartments she lived in before the move. Since the last recorded date attached to the house and PO Box are the same, I think it’s safe to say that she moved to Virginia some time in 2022.
I decided to look at both of the addresses and PO Boxes and the other names connected to them. To stay on track and for privacy, I’ll only mention the people who were associated with the house during the same time Mesha was. Unfortunately, her place in SC was an apartment complex so I couldn’t find much more than that. There were also no real significant attachments to the PO box.
The PO box in Virginia is also attached to a woman who was marked as 124 years. Aside from a phone number, which I’m guessing is a dead lady, there is no other info on her profile. The owner of the home in Virginia appears to be a man in his fifties who has been associated with 5 other homes in the same city in Virginia along with one condo and another home about 2 hours outside Houston, Texas. Looking at the places they are all very modest aside from the house attached to Mesha and one other nearby that also cost a little over a million dollars. He appears to have owned the home Mesha stayed at up until March of 2024 when he moved into a little family home in the same city.
Another one of the people marked as living in the house was a woman very similar to Mesha’s age who had 3 other addresses on file. Looking at the dates it appears she grew up in a tiny little house in the sticks of Virginia, then moved to a cheap apartment, then moved into the mansion with Misha, and got another separate apartment a month later. In March of 2024, her name was taken off the lease and a month later it was also taken off the apartment. A couple of weeks ago another address went on file for a hospital in Virginia. I thought this was strange so I looked at the rest of the people who were marked as living at the address while Mesha was there.
One of them was a woman in her seventies who lived in the same house that Mesha did from September of 2021 to December of 2022. Aside from that, her 5 other houses were in California. The one that goes until 2013 is a multiple-million dollar mansion near Palo Alto that appears to have been paid for upfront. The second one she left at the end of 2016 appears to be a store, possibly with an apartment on top in San Francisco. The third is a multimillion dollar mansion in wine country and it has her on the record up until March of this year. There were also two PO Boxes in the same area of wine country, one up until January 2015 that was linked to a flower business, and the other which was up until March of this year and is linked to a wine barrel production company. The current house she lives in is another million-dollar home in the same general area.
Another name attached to the house in Virginia belonged to a man also around the same age with the same last name as the lady above so I’ll assume it’s her husband. He had four homes attached to him along with two PO Boxes. One of the houses was in Pennsylvania, while the other three were in California. Two of the houses were the same ones that his wife had on her profile and the two PO boxes were the same as well. What I found very interesting was the fact that he left all those addresses in March of 2024 and the most recent one connected to him is the same one that Mesha lived in. It appears he moved in right around the time the other lady’s address switched to the hospital.
There were a few other names that popped up in the search that might have lived there at some point. One of them is most likely the son of the couple who lived there, the only one I could connect for sure though is a 31-year-old man from Durham, whose association with the house started around the same time in May and seems ongoing. While looking into all of the court cases connected to Drake I found another court case from 2019 in Virginia accusing Mesha of defrauding a hotel.
After that I looked everywhere I could only find a few mentions of Mesha Collins anywhere on the web, even on social media. The one name that kept popping up was an actor named Misha Collins. The most obvious connection to Drake is that both of their moms are Canadian and their dads are from the States. That doesn’t mean much, but I found his career arc kind of odd along with his back story. I also found a tweet he made that kinda connects him to the situation. Still, if there is any connection he probably just knows Drake from the industry.
This is another one from one of Misha’s costars from Supernatural
A random Tumblr post isn’t a source and is most likely fanfiction, but I found this interesting. like-a-pedophile
One thing I was wondering if he could be one of his political connections in the US since he started his career working at the White House during the Clinton presidency and was involved in the Monica Lewinsky stuff. Apparently, he isn’t of Russian descent, but his mom gave him a Russian-sounding name because her dream guy was Russian and he said she was a “pro-communist hippy”. I read somewhere that the furthest he could trace back his ancestry was six generations all from Canada and he was the first generation born in the States. This could mean he has some VERY deep roots, similar to Drake’s mom’s side of the family. On the other hand, he also says he was extremely poor as a child and his parents had a hard time keeping a roof over their heads. 2008/09/24/entertainment/misha-collins-answers-our-top-3-qs/
Before I begin my schizo conspiracy theory I just want to make it clear, just because the majority of these conspiracies seem right leaning, it’s only because the majority of the entertainment industry lean left. This does not mean that either side is worse than the other, I’m sure they both do plenty of sketchy shit around election time. The only reason I’m bringing this up in the first place is because Misha Collins is very into politics and a huge supporter of the Democrat party. I could care less about politics if it’s not related to the entertainment industry. I try to make sure it’s somewhat connected to Drake, Kendrick, or the events leading up to or following their feud. Considering that before ’08, which is the year Obama was elected, there was very little mention of him on the internet and the fact that most of the articles I found were about his political views, I can’t help but feel he might be like the political version of an industry plant (some conspiracy folks refer to them as “crisis actors”).
I could easily see them hiring young aspiring actors and getting them started in the industry on the condition that they act as a mouthpiece for their political campaigns. Another possible example of this is Kal Penn, but he had a career before he went into politics so it’s a little different. I did find it interesting that Kal Penn came out not too long ago and apparently Misha Collins came out of the closet then took it back later and pissed off a lot of fans.
Aside from some bit roles in some obscure films and TV shows starting in ‘02, his biggest role was on the TV show Supernatural where he had a recurring role from 2008-2020. There was another post on his Instagram showing he had a direct connection to Michelle Obama who also was connected to the whole Jussie Smollett incident, which many would consider political interference and is still playing out in court to this day. I went into this topic more in another piece I wrote a few weeks ago as well.
The earliest source I could find on Wikipedia was in 2011, right before Obama won his second term. It seems he kind of popped up out of nowhere in ’08. The first thing I saw about him when I searched was a giant campaign he did with a bunch of comedians featuring random B through D list actors and actresses. They all did a video together in 2013 where they all took a big dump on Trump and supported Hillary in the presidential race. I couldn’t find the link again when searching, but I did include a similar example below.
Interestingly this was around the time the political propaganda ban was lifted making it legal again in the United States. This has been blamed for the rise of disinformation in the media and politics making their way into the entertainment industry.
After Supernatural ended in 2020, he pretty much went back to doing small parts until last year when he won the leading role on his own CW show. It’s one of the superhero shows with ties to the DC universe. In one interview he said that as a child his family struggled with housing stability, but he went to the University of Chicago and got a job a few years later working at the White House for a couple of months during Clinton’s presidency. He could have gotten a scholarship, but my buddy got his degree from there about ten years ago and it was NOT cheap. I also find it interesting that Obama is also from Chicago and so is Jussie Smollett.
One recent movie that’s a good example of government propoganda is the new movie Civil War and the one that came out on Netflix recently called When the World Ends, which is about an attack on the US power grid and another foreign country sowing the seeds to start a civil war in the US. It was also produced by the Obama’s who have also been accused of trying to censor Dave Chappelle while Obama was campaigning for the 2008 presidency.
Right around the time Misha got his first leading role in 2023, he was also heavily involved in the Russia/Ukraine war. Even though he’s Canadian, he went to Ukraine and made a bunch of videos supporting them. Considering the amount of anti-Russian rhetoric at the time, plus the fact it started around the same time as the propaganda ban being lifted, it seems kinda fishy to me. for-ukraine-50328295.html
Aside from that he’s also done a lot of philanthropy throughout his career and seems like a decent dude. Like I said there is a very good chance he has nothing to do with this whole situation. One theory I have is that when someone sues somebody famous for any reason and they want to cover it up, it would be a good idea to use a celebrity name or one that is one letter off so it will dominate Google search results. For example, I have the same name as a very well-known politician from the early 2000 and his name fills up the Google search results. If my theory of Misha working for the democratic party is true he might have been paid by Drake’s crisis management team to take the attention off their case.
I found his first post on TikTok to be a bizarre video where he talks about why he’s joining the site in the first place. The second comment asks if he’s being held hostage. Like I said I don’t know the guy, he might just be acting weird like a lot of celebs or he’s completely shitfaced. If my theory is correct though this could be some contributing evidence.
This Reddit post also talks about his stance on the Israel Palestine situation.
Aside from that, I couldn’t find anything else that stuck out to me on TikTok or any other social media sites for the Mesha Collins involved in the Drake stuff. This doesn’t mean there isn’t though I’m not on any social media so I’m not very good with that kind of stuff.
When I changed up the search settings to show only results from before or after the court case, the only articles that popped up were about a thirteen-year-old from Vancouver who went missing, but she was found not long after. I was able to find her on social media too and there was nothing that would connect to him in any way. Another article that popped up was about a woman from Houston nicknamed “Southpark Shawty.” She apparently also went by Mesha Collins and she apparently passed away in 2019 from undisclosed health issues. This is the only article I could find that says her name was Mesha Collins and it’s from 2024.
I also find it interesting she was a victim of a hit and run two years prior, not long after Mesha was arrested for allegedly breaking into Drake’s home. Interestingly in the article below it said her name was Shantel Nelson. The rest of the articles also had that name and when I looked it up the I did find a 53-year-old woman with the same name attached to a lot of different apartments and homes in Houston and a few spots in Louisiana. I thought the timing was odd considering a lot of stuff seems to be getting wiped from the internet and the fact it came out right around the time the feud started. I wonder if Drake is trying to distract people by sending them down the wrong path.
I was wondering if she may have gone viral around the time of the original break in to distract from the case. This is also similar to my suspicions about the actor Misha Collins. I tried finding any connection between Shawty and J Prince since they both lived in Houston. I found that the South Park neighborhood in Houston is in the third ward while J Prince was born in the fifth ward. These two areas are some of the most crime-ridden areas in Houston.
Obviously the odds of her being connected to anything sketchy involving J Prince are pretty slim; however, I did find a video of Snoop Dogg visiting her in Houston back in 2016. In one of her posts she said they were cousins, but Snoop also says everyone is his cousin and it’s more just saying they’re family. It did seem like they were very close at one time though. I saw another article that said a lot of celebs reached out to her after she was the victim of a hit-and-run, but I couldn’t find ties to any other rappers. I thought it was interesting that she often sings in a lot of her videos and she has some pipes. It also seems like she may have been a rapper back in the day because she made a bunch of songs with a local producer over the past few years. I think it’s safe to assume she had some connection to the rap game or was a singer in the past. Considering Snoop and J. Prince have similar histories in the game, I imagine they must have some type of relationship. I go into this more in my actual post.
The big inconsistency here is the two women’s ages. The Mesha who sued Drake would have been young enough to be South Park Shawty’s daughter though. I couldn’t find any mention of her having a daughter, but I also couldn’t find much info on her in general. One thing I thought was sad was the fact that a lot of people made fun of her for being a crackhead. Although she appears to have a history of substance abuse, you never really know. Some people are just naturally high energy and have lots of quirks and big personalities without the need for drugs.
There are also a lot of long term alcoholics and addicts who despite being sober still show the same behaviors. In the case of alcoholics it’s called, “dry drunk syndrome.” This is also a big reason why I can write almost an entire book in a month without really trying. I saw one video where she said she’s been sober for a while and appears to only drink and smoke weed similar to myself. I’ve also met a few people similar to Shawty and they were all very sweet people and very intelligent, as are many recovering addicts. It doesn’t mean she should just be written off as crazy or unreliable. I’ve noticed that many famous black entertainers have been dismissed and called crackheads whenever they start speaking out against the industry or if they have a mental breakdown from all their bullshit.
While looking into the South Park neighborhood I found out that Travis Scott grew up in that area up until he was like eight or nine. I decided to look into more rappers from the area and found the bio of a rapper who went by South Park Mexican and was charged with abusing multiple minors s.ually, including a nine-year-old, and was sentenced to forty years in prison. I find it interesting that his label Dope House Records signed under UMG two years before he was convicted. Considering J. Prince’s history with UMG and a few people close to the case claiming it was an extortion attempt carried out by the husband of a woman he had an affair with, I wonder if J. Prince may have played a part in it. There is a 99 percent chance he’s guilty, but it could be another example of an organized takedown.
I also discovered another rapper who went by Gansta Nip who was one of the founders of the sub-genre horrorcore. He was on J Prince’s label and was also from the South Park neighborhood. He used to write for J Prince’s first group The Geto Boys way back in the day so he has connections in South Park.
Another thing that I found interesting was that Jaguar Wr*ght is from Dallas, which is known to be another hotspot for Texas rappers similar to Houston, but rarely gets much recognition. Along with Austin, they are the big three music cities in Texas, yet it seems like Dallas has always been slept on. I remember during her early interview Jaguar said she moved to Dallas to help foster and promote young aspiring musicians and help them get their footing in the industry without being taken advantage of. Sadly it seems she ended up doing that exact thing when she got a deal with Roku to make a TV show that she said would follow some of these talented up-and-coming artists. It appears that she was charging a subscription fee, but never actually posted any new content that wasn’t already available for free on YouTube or social media. Now pretty much every artist she promoted will have their names connected to a scam artist just by being involved with her.
I’ve also discussed in the past that she has been airing out some of Diddy and Jay- Z’s dirty laundry since 2022 and seemingly has protection. She also had some wild shit go down about a week after she accused Jay-Z of trying to keep her from boarding her plane in Dallas and was arrested at Chicago Airport.
Similar to Shawty, Jaguar is often accused of being a crackhead, but again it appears she may have had a history, but currently only smokes weed and drinks and most likely is struggling with mental illness. Sometimes the weight of these subjects is enough to drive someone crazy on its own, yet alone constantly being paranoid someone wants to take you out. To her credit, Jaguar was also known for being one of Jay Z’s background singers and did come up around the time Diddy founded Bad Boy and the Philly music scene was starting to get recognition. She often talks about how Jay Z has been going after her for revealing some of his past sketchiness along with many other artists from that era.
While I trust her about as far as I can throw her, she did drop a lot of facts about Diddy in the same interview and has been dropping a lot of shit the last couple of months. She also said she used to be married to Katt Williams, who was also accused of being a crackhead after apparently getting death threats for speaking out against the industry. If Dave Chappelle had to go to Africa when he did almost the same thing, I think he probably had every right to be paranoid as fuck. I’m sure some of Jaguar’s info is coming from him and he may even be directly responsible for her blowing up on YouTube right after he did his famous interview in January. I’ve been saying for a while now I think she has motivations way beyond revenge or advocacy, but she still shouldn’t be written off completely.
I wonder if J. Prince has anything to do with this and the Bryshere Gray stuff, which was the main subject of one of my posts here about coordinated takedowns. Considering he has similar motivations and the mob ties to protect Jaguar, it could be why she constantly doxxes herself and doesn’t seem to be too worried despite revealing shit that could easily get her green-lit. It would also explain a lot of my theories on the rise of all these influencers dropping insider knowledge of the industry and the criminal underworld that resides beneath it.
I also wanted to include some links to some other attempted invasions of Drake’s embassy. Along with Misha’s multiple attempts and the three attempts right after the beef, there have been a decent number throughout the years. drakes-property/
This guy claimed Drake was his dad and talks about him selling his place in West Hollywood with a lot of details about him selling his “Yolo Estate” in LA. Weirdly it was published by Breitbart which is a far-right news organization.
I guess this is one more person who made it through the front door. I wonder if Ye knows who it was?
This one was right after Mesha broke in and has more details about her as well.!
The rest of the evidence below is just extra bullshit, it’s not super relevant, but it may have some connection to all of this. It’s mostly about human trafficking in Houston. One area in Houston is considered a red-light district. An old friend grew up in the area and used to sell lean heavy so he had a lot of connections to the Houston underworld. From what he told me, shit goes pretty deep like most border states where all forms of trafficking are extremely prevalent. law-to-crack-down-on-those-paying-for-sex/
Below are a few more examples of Houston rappers charged with trafficking minors. If anyone has time I didn’t look into any potential connections with J Prince. Houston is massive and there is a huge rap scene so there is a good chance they may not have any connections beyond the city they live in, but you never know, there could be some supporting evidence to my theories. sex-trafficking-reports trafficking-and-assault-forcing-teens-to-work-for-food-and-shelter of-sex-trafficking-of-a-mino285-9eebceb0-fce4-4244-84da-4fb2432c5479 houston-rapper-heads-to-prison-for-sex-trafficking-of-a-minor
Lastly, I can’t forget the infamous Houston rapper Viper, who was also possibly signed to SPM’s Dope House Records. He was also from the fifth ward in Houston, the same as J. Prince. article/lee-carter-houston-rapper-second-kidnapping- charge-18695638.php
That’s all I have on the case. I know it’s not super relevant, but it’s only a small section that I thought was a good example of how using OSINT techniques could help with finding connections. Also, it’s good to know how these things could be used against you if you’re not careful about managing your online footprint. If you’re just on this sub sharing links or information that is publicly available and couldn’t potentially be used as evidence in a R.I.C.O case, you shouldn’t worry too much. I’m probably gonna have to run the section I wrote about Drake and J. Prince’s mob ties by the mods before posting for this very reason.
To carry out many of these more advanced exploits you’d need teams of people working 24/7 and massive amounts of money to dedicate to each person who you want to keep track of. If they did have incriminating evidence and they planned to share more, they would probably have to kill the person or convince them in some way to stop posting. This usually involves cyber threats at first, and if you continue to post actual evidence they’ll probably get lawyers involved. If they do hire someone to make the threats in person I doubt it would escalate to anything physical or potentially life-threatening.
If they go as far as investing money in hiring a trustworthy goon who isn’t gonna flip on one of the richest and honestly douchiest celebrities in our current era, they most likely wouldn’t take such a major risk unless their freedom is genuinely on the line and your evidence was specifically related to their current case. Even if they do, because of how risky it is they’ll most likely just threaten you and they might get physical depending on the person who hired them’s feelings towards violence. I have another theory that all the dirt about Kendrick is true and Drake has been blackmailing him, possibly for the last 7 years. It seems like all of this insanity in the rap game has been brewing since at least 2016. This is the year all my favorite up-and-coming artists died one after another and the trend continued up until 2021. It’s also around the time Drake started getting in feuds with multiple rappers and was accused of threatening Ye with some type of blackmail. After years of being disappointed, I finally stepped away from discovering new artists in 2021 and started listening to more indie rock not too long ago.
I’m still kinda scared they are going to kill Gucci next, or Kodak, or my favorite newish rapper Lil Darkie. If any of them die suddenly it’s more likely than not someone in the industry wanted them dead because they all have spoken out and revealed shit about the industry. Hopefully, these types of things become less frequent if the alleged R.I.C.O case is legit and there is a movement behind the scenes of rappers trying to do away with the current status quo. It’s honestly sad how a couple of shitty rappers have hogged the spotlight for years, meanwhile, thousands of more talented artists are being slept on or flat-out ignored.
I hope that one thing that comes out of this whole ordeal is that these artists are given a chance to share their talents with the rest of the world without having to worry about possibly being killed if they don’t sign with the right label. If you made it this far you were able to find some of this information valuable. As I said this was just a long tangent I went off on while I was working on my original post. I’ll try to get the rest up soon.
One last thing I’ve noticed lately, it’s probably not related, but recently they changed the date filter feature on DuckDuckGo, forcing you to manually click back every month to get to the desired date. This makes it a pain in the ass to go back further than a couple years and when you try to click it really fast the arrow button moves around so you keep having to move your cursor or tap in a different spot. It’s strange because up until a week ago you were just able to type whatever date you wanted and it was so much easier to find articles from back in the day. This update is such a downgrade from the original it feels oddly intentional. I wonder if it has anything to do with the research currently being conducted along with removing articles that might be used as evidence. Has anyone noticed this as well?
Signing off for now,
The Randomest Moniker
submitted by Consistent_Pea_1374 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:45 Lustyy_ Asus tuf a15 (2023) low cpu score in timespy

Asus tuf a15 (2023) low cpu score in timespy
Hi all, I have an rtx 4060, ryzen 7 7735hs, and 32gb ram 4800mhz in this laptop but the cpu score seems quite low compared to other timespy scores with the same model. I'm only getting around 7500-7600 cpu score while on others with the same laptop i have been seeing only 10k+ on youtube and on reddit. I have the latest drivers for amd which is 24.5.1, and then it shows 313 bios on ghelper. Temperatures are only around 76c average. I also remember this same laptop im using having 10k+ cpu score when i bought it a few months back idk what has happened please help.
submitted by Lustyy_ to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:43 DruidBro That Skyrim code still worked!

That Skyrim code still worked!
These came with my recent lot I picked up.
submitted by DruidBro to xbox360 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:43 Ego_YT Transfer items to main hero

So I have just came back to the game and started playing it again on my PC where I downloaded a hero that I had saved online. I came to load the game up on the Xbox today and found the hero I have on there is a way higher level with better gear but I have new gear I found on the PC hero so is there a way I can transfer the gear off the PC hero and on to my main one?
submitted by Ego_YT to MinecraftDungeons [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:43 B1P_reddit Why can’t I host Custom Zombies??

Why can’t I host Custom Zombies?? submitted by B1P_reddit to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:42 Hopeful-Strain-5864 My (29F) bf (29M) have pics of people he chatted with years ago

I have been seeing this guy for almost a year.
He showed me his traveling pictures from years ago stored in a hard drive. While scrolling, I saw these 3 selfies of a girl. I asked him if that was his ex, he said “just people I have met” and he quickly changed the topic. I found his reaction weird, and my instinct was saying something was wrong, but I decided not to push him further about it.
But it kind of triggered me due to my past relationship. So, I confronted him about it that night. He admitted that those were the photos of the people he chatted online, and technically, still counted as “people I have met” just not specified as “online” because it didn’t end well because they tried scamming him.
I would have understood him if he answered that way when I first asked him. But the fact that he tried omitting some info just to still make it be a “fact” kind of concerns me because it came to me as like paying a word game.
Am I overreacting?
Also, I have a gut feeling that he has Asian fetish. I am Asian, btw.
I asked him about this the day before the pics incident happened, and he said “no! I have never thought I would date one. (laughs) just no. I am dating you because of your heart.”
Which kind of made me feel he was lowkey saying I am ugly(lol!), but at the same time contradicting the fact that he has been chatting with Asians before even when he was still in europe.
Am I missing something here?
He is kind, and always tells me I am beautiful, and he loves me so much (he said).
But I don’t know if he really meant it or just being with me because he is lonely, and I am just convenient. I mostly pay for the dates because I am the one who has work, and he is a student. We live in Japan. He is European.
submitted by Hopeful-Strain-5864 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:42 harveyhamster Gra online will not work

I just got the game through ps+ on my PS5 and online won't work for me. My brother can only play online but whenever I try to log in it never loads or connects
submitted by harveyhamster to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:42 just9n700 Black Ops 6 Pricing in the EU vs the US

Black Ops 6 Pricing in the EU vs the US submitted by just9n700 to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:42 Mitch_Wallberg I think this wellness app is trying to say some people are overreacting about the outage

I think this wellness app is trying to say some people are overreacting about the outage submitted by Mitch_Wallberg to playstationstars [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:41 pancaique is quarry end metro station / fast travel bugged?

based on in-game details and various sources online, im pretty sure the metro station in quarry end is supposed to be able to be activated. is it just bugged? or did they remove it for some reason? or am i missing something obvious like a side quest. there seems to be very little direct information online after spending looking for like a half hour.
  1. the map marker just says "Metro Station," as opposed to "Metro: The Holy Trinity" for the trinity station for example
  2. there is no activity to track and the map legend considers "Metro Station" to be a hub rather than a metro station
  3. there IS a fast travel spot inside the metro station. you can use it to fast travel away, but not to come back
  4. multiple websites and posts on reddit and elsewhere mention that it is bugged or used to work, but i cant find any actual guide on how the station is unlocked
  5. if you go into the metro station, there is also the usual UV light with a player stash and sleeping bag. also there are doors which block you from going further but they also have a white door icon (the kind that show on the player HUD) which indicate that you should be able to go through the doors! i could not figure out how
there are a lot of low quality websites out there so its hard to know what info is correct, but there is a lot of evidence to suggest that the quarry end metro station is SUPPOSED to work, or did at one point. does anyone know for sure if it can be activated? is it just a side quest i missed or got locked out of?
bonus tip if you read this far: you can actually fast travel to the PK floating fortress in the wharf directly. i literally just noticed this after 2 full play throughs because the little white arrows indicating fast travel are covered by the surrounding icons on the map. so there are two fast travel spots in the wharf.
submitted by pancaique to dyinglight [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:40 Sperrealtu BET-IBC Presents: Online Craps - The Ultimate Guide To Mastering The Popular Casino Game

BET-IBC Presents: Online Craps - The Ultimate Guide To Mastering The Popular Casino Game submitted by Sperrealtu to BET_IBC [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:38 oddnded 27 [M4R] #NC #Online - Dropping a post into the void as I'm in dire need of new friends. So, what critters will emerge? :3

TL;DR: Just some tired, annoying, mentally ill, gamer dude trying to find a half decent connection. I'm not out to try and impress anyone, and never will be lol. Low effort introductions will be ignored, sorry! If you have a disdain for games, movies, banter, cars, or humor as a whole just pass me up. Also, if you're keen on one sided conversations or short term too
I'm attempting to find new friends or a relationship, if it happens. The people I have spoke to over the last several years of my life either became too busy or entirely different people. So, it's slowly just dwindled to null, meaning you'd get a fair bit of attention lmao. I miss having someone to talk and complain to everyday about whatever + that seemingly care, y'know? At this point I'd take having people to small talk with lmao
I will say it would probably be ideal if you could relate to the older online era. I mean, within the realm of peak CoD lobbies, Habbo, and similar. Idk, it seemed like back then people were more fun. Lol I've found they're usually less sensitive too
Honestly, I could care less if it's SFW, NSFW, or a mix when it comes to conversations. I'm relatively open minded in general, and don't take to getting offended easily either. The only things I ask are for you to be somewhat close to my age (20+), honest, and relatively blunt. I mean, bonus if you can relate to the tired feeling. Well, that or if you can tolerate it at the very least. I don't want to list an absurd amount about myself, because I feel that ruins actual back and forth to a degree, personally
About You: • Non-sensitive and can handle banter, jokes, and memes while also returning
• Somewhat available and able to reply in a decent amount of time / has some degree of conversational skill
• Has an ability to express interest or converse about hobbies that aren't your own (on average used to people just passing by half of what I say)
• You can be equally boring as myself or worse tbh, as long as there's back and forth. If you're some mass extrovert then I can live vicariously through you in contrast lmao
• It would be cool if you enjoyed sharing music. I'm always looking for new stuff for my playlist
• You enjoy movies
I will say none of these are requirements. They're extremely preferred though tbh
About Me: • I'm currently twenty-seven, and feel awful. Regardless, quarter life crisis is still persisting lol
• I have relatively awful internet. So, games take forever to update, think a day or two depending. Also, at some point I want a sim rig (not an over the top money pit one lmao)
• Tends to enjoy most forms of comedy, wether dark / offensive / dry etc + I agree with the stance of jokes being jokes
• Meme Archivarius and Aficionado
• I've officially been learning Norwegian for over a year now. Overall I just enjoy the idea of being bilingual in some capacity. Just a little bit each day, not in a rush lol
• Cold weather / temps wins over hot weather / temps every single time
• I have an absurd amount of hobbies; but, obviously frequent some more than others. So, the likelihood we at least share one in common is very high
• May as wells be a bottle of mental health issues, namely severe depression and general anxiety. So, if you struggle with mental health it's no issue. Honestly, would probably be nice if you can either relate or understand
• Sleeping is a struggle + my general sleep schedule is subpar
• Believes Elon Musk will end up creating catgirls, sooner or later
Replies as quick as I nut
So, aside from all of that, feel free to ask me anything you'd like to know about me. I'm a relatively open book. If you actually read all of this then I apologize, homie. Hopefully this finds you well, my dudes. Feel free to send me a chat (´• `")ゝ
submitted by oddnded to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:38 crypticexile NTP doesn't work properly.

Hey I play this MMORPG call Final Fantasy XIV online on steam and the local time in the game is 4 hours ahead, in the past I use Gentoo and it would do the same as nix, until I setup NTP on Gentoo it show the local time correct, but with NixOS NTP enable still shows the time 4 hours ahead. The handbook didn't help me too much unfortunately.
submitted by crypticexile to NixOS [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:38 Lustyy_ Asus tuf a15 (2023) low cpu score in timespy

Asus tuf a15 (2023) low cpu score in timespy
Hi all, I have an rtx 4060, ryzen 7 7735hs, and 32gb ram 4800mhz in this laptop but the cpu score seems quite low compared to other timespy scores with the same model. I'm only getting around 7500-7600 cpu score while on others with the same laptop i have been seeing only 10k+ on youtube and on reddit. I have the latest drivers for amd which is 24.5.1, and then it shows 313 bios on ghelper. Temperatures are only around 76c average. I also remember this same laptop im using having 10k+ cpu score when i bought it a few months back idk what has happened please help.
submitted by Lustyy_ to Asustuf [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:37 Division_Of_Zero Repeated crashes on Switch

The Switch version of PlateUp suffers from pretty severe crashes. At first I thought they were only in online multiplayer; two friends of ours crash every other round or so when joining our group, which is a bummer. But now that we’ve hit overtime 8 in our duo local restaurant, we’re also getting crashes before the round can even end.
Is there a known list of what parts of the game (robots? conveyors? teleporters?) cause these crashes or errors?
Or is this just a “wait for the game to be fixed” issue?
submitted by Division_Of_Zero to PlateUp [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:35 Sea-Ad2343 Best early game dual wield equipment

I started a dual wield class acc recently with stagi build based on an online guide. It states on the guide that I have to rush MQ but I have been having difficulties lately with the quests. I am only equipping equipments you get for free at the start of the game (longsword,shortsword,etc.). I have 50,000+ and counting via b. Nuts, any tips for cheap early game dual wield equipment? Or should I just stick with equipment drops from bosses (like ruin golem) in the meantime?
submitted by Sea-Ad2343 to ToramOnline [link] [comments]