Instinct cat food

Cat Food

2012.08.04 06:21 Tsix Cat Food

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2016.11.21 20:18 EightRoundsRapid Snacks from cats


2008.05.26 23:51 Freebies! :-)

We love free stuff! Free pointless fun stuff, free shirts, free food, free stickers, free events, free magazines, and anything else free. As long as it's 100% free, it belongs here. -----

2024.06.09 21:59 pripaca Do I have a good plan to introduce a new cat with just one room?

Hi there! A friend of mine is being forced by his father to give up his cat (1 y/o female). I've been thinking about taking her in until he can move out of his dad's. I currently have a senior cat (17 y/o female) who's been with me since I was 4, and I live in a small two-bedroom apartment with a roommate. I've done a lot of research on how to introduce a new cat, but can't find any on how to do so with only one room to my devices. I have a medium-ish sized closet that could possibly fit a carrier, food, and litter box, and I've been thinking about getting a light to put in there, temporarily taking out my clothes, and keeping my friend's cat in there until both cats get used to each other. But the thing is I'm not entirely sure if that'd work out? I really want to help my friend out because he's running out of time and I'd hate for him to lose his pet, but I also want both cats to be comfortable. Is the plan I have good? Is there anything I can do to improve it? Also any additional advice would be good!
submitted by pripaca to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:56 pripaca Do I have a good plan for introducing a new cat with one bedroom?

Hi there! A friend of mine is being forced by his father to give up his cat (1 y/o female). I've been thinking about taking her in until he can move out of his dad's. I currently have a senior cat (17 y/o female) who's been with me since I was 4, and I live in a small two-bedroom apartment with a roommate. I've done a lot of research on how to introduce a new cat, but can't find any on how to do so with only one room to my devices. I have a medium-ish sized closet that could possibly fit a carrier, food, and litter box, and I've been thinking about getting a light to put in there, temporarily taking out my clothes, and keeping my friend's cat in there until both cats get used to each other. But the thing is I'm not entirely sure if that'd work out? I really want to help my friend out because he's running out of time and I'd hate for him to lose his pet, but I also want both cats to be comfortable. Is the plan I have good? Is there anything I can do to improve it? Also any additional advice would be good!
submitted by pripaca to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:51 kermperm Do cats like when you watch them eat?

Do cats like when you watch them eat?
My boy’s name is Toaster and he sometimes leads me over to his food bowl even though it is full. While he has no problem with eating or drinking alone, I don’t know why else he would try to get me to come over to his bowl. This is definitely not a problem or anything, I am just curious about general cat behavior.
submitted by kermperm to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:48 Overall-Gas5167 Help please, grandmother took care of cats during the war in the country. I can show receipts and videos from

submitted by Overall-Gas5167 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:45 Sufficient_Onion_577 My cat acting different maybe hurt??

Sorry if nothing makes sense I’m just confused on what could have happened but she’s abt a year old short hair n not particularly big I’d actually say smaller than average I took my cat over to my moms house while I was on vacation because my grandma who was watching our house would be unable to take care of her properly, (little backstory my moms house is where my cat was born and one of my cats relatives lives there so I thought it’d be fine but my mom also has 3 cats total two are very docile and the third is the meanest most dominant cat to make this earth her own and this was my brothers cat till he moved out and stopped caring for her and my mother lives in a area where there a a bunch of strays so he figured it would be best due to the aggression to let her outside) my cat has grown up around dogs so not used to other felines so I think naturally she didn’t like her house immediately, and she came home a week later and she wont eat her dry food,and hardly the wet food we give her 2-3x a day(she will hardly lick a little bit of it up while growling which is a little normal for her but she has been doing it unusually loud and strange sounding) she won’t drink water or use the litter box and just slugs around and I’ve given her a day to acclimate back to home but she just does not seem like the same cat I left there and furthermore she won’t groom herself or lick me Which she loves to do usually, she has also been drooling either when she sleeps or sits still for a while and smacks her lips like lightly Ik there’s so many possible variables but feel free to throw suggestions, I’m worried about her
submitted by Sufficient_Onion_577 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:37 Funtime_Kitten_-F-K- Some doodles of one of the main characters for my SB comic I’m in the process of making (OC I created)

Some doodles of one of the main characters for my SB comic I’m in the process of making (OC I created)
The character(s?) you see are for my FNAF SB comic that I am working on. The comic is supposed to correspond with my understanding of the FNAF lore and some of my theories as well. The comic itself has undergone many, many changes, and changes in storyline. Where I am with it right now is getting a concrete line of events, how long each page will be, how many seasons(?), and finding a style for the comic (and that style is in the works, as I am currently working on trying to get better at drawing and understanding it more). \ I do have a main idea set on how I want it to start and how it will begin. It’s now just a matter of how, and what I’m going to transition or continue on into the next page, like what the characters will say etc. \ I wasn’t expecting it to be easy making a comic, but I was not expecting it to be hard. \ (P.S. - The .F.K. System thingy, was NOT based off of Rambley. I had made it YEARS prior to Indigo Park coming out.) \ So some information about the character you see; \ She goes by .F.K. (my whole account was made for the comic and based off of this character I made), and her Guardian is Lefty (Glamrock Lefty) \ I thought the whole Yin Yang thing would be cool because it represents karma (what goes around, comes back around), and the overall meaning behind it I thought was interesting. Also because it would give the character more meaning than just being a random kid in a pizzeria. \ I’ll be explaining more about the comic later today in a post about like, who all is going to be in there, ages, genders, and other things. \ Sorry that this was long, just wanted to give an update about the comic’s progress so far!
submitted by Funtime_Kitten_-F-K- to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:35 Beautiful-Hold4430 A Snek a day...

Senatorial Conference Room Snek Empire

"You call this a victory?" President OneSnek of the senatorial inquiry board bristled.
"Yes, I do!" Admiral Snekar III answered. "Hostilities have ceased, and we have access to all their resources. It was a textbook victory."
OneSnek's facial expression showed he was not having it. He continued his questioning, "Did they lower themselves to you? Did they grovel and plead for mercy? I don't care about textbook victories. I want real victories."
"I'm not sure if this is possible at all. Even when those giants lie down as flat as possible, they are still taller than us. How should we ask such a creature to lower itself for us?" The admiral wriggled nervously. "I made them grovel, though."
OneSnek eyed the admiral suspiciously and asked, "How were you able to subjugate these large creatures? The two previous assaults failed. Two armies killed to the very last Snek."
The admiral coughed and started to speak, "Through brilliance and strategic genius, I, Admiral Snekar the Third, Grand Marshal of the 2nd Fleet, First Overseer of the 12th Recon, and High General of the 15th Army—" His speech broke off when he saw a group of Sneks worming in with a projector and a battle-damaged droid. "What is the meaning of this?"
"Admiral," one of the senators answered, "we would like to save you from the tedious retelling of your encounters. Let us first watch the footage from this droid."
The admiral instinctively tried to dig down and escape his shame. Though it failed, it did not go unnoticed. Several senators gave him a thin smile. The entire operation was a disaster. To have it watched by others was the ultimate disgrace. If he was a bit more erect, he would rather have died. He was just too soft on the inside, he thought.
The projector screen showed how he positioned his troops. He was proud of it. They all were lined up in exact squares with exact spacing. His troops would make any commander proud on the parade field. His troops marched so much more neatly and orderly than the armies that tried before. The admiral struggled to refrain from commenting on how great this was. He knew what was coming.
The projector showed a colossal machine arriving on the scene, easily the size of an entire battalion. It was a massive vehicle, followed by a gigantic tank on wheels, connected by thick hoses. The tank began spraying a foul-smelling liquid onto his army. He sniffed and determined it was some kind of highly flammable substance. His army was done for. One spark and it was over. If one soldier fired, they were all dead.
Then a giant jumped off the machine. It was easily 20 times the height of an average Snek. It wore a large hat. It had a wicked grin on his face. Instead of a weapon, it had something glowing between its fingers. It put the glowing stick between his lips for a moment and smoke came bellowing out of its mouth when it said, "Make my day, punk."
The admiral lowered his head even further. He should have felt insulted. He should have died heroically with a final act of defiance. He did nothing. Just like now, he cowered and watched. Death did not come. He now wished it had.

Somewhere else, roughly around the same time.

The class of human schoolchildren stopped in front of a large building, and the teacher yelled at them to group up. In a loud voice, he continued, "This was a hospital. Sick people used to go here where doctors tried to make them better. It often did not work." The class gawked at the teacher. Thomas, unable to comprehend the horrible alternative, asked, "What happened if people did not get better?" The teacher, much softer now, answered Thomas, "They died, Thomas. They died."
Everyone in the class had shocked faces. "Did they not have Sneks?" Several pupils voiced the question that seemed to bother many. "No. We did not have Sneks. Not until 30 years ago with the first Snek Invasion. A wounded cat ate a live Snek, and the rest is history. Can you now all tell me the rhymes?"
The class started to drone:
"One Snek a day keeps the doctor away."
"Always bring your tweezers. Hand-fishing in the toilet is for underachievers."
"Wash your Snek before the rest. Dirty Sneks are a pest."

Senatorial Conference Room Snek Empire

The admiral steeled himself. He had to try and change the narrative, especially the picture of how Sneks were wriggling, pulled from something he did not want to remember ever again. Inside it was not as bad, but it became a whole other story when it mixed with air.
"We may have suffered a few indignities. A few minor infractions due to our huge cultural and biological differences. But look at the treasures we brought. One cargo hauler was full of mirrors. Another full of marbles."

On the way back to school

The teacher finished his story: "...and so we got the best deal ever."
submitted by Beautiful-Hold4430 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:30 phdoflynn New Golden Mountain Dog - Tips and Advice

We will be picking up a new golden mountain puppy next weekend, 9 weeks old at time of pickup. My wife's family has owned larger dogs in the past but this will be a first for our family.
I am looking for any tips or advice that you have. In particular:
  1. Must have items. We have an XL cage, appropriate size harness, leash, collar etc for their age with the understanding that they will grow out of it quickly. What have been your must have items maybe someone would not think about for their first go?
  2. Food. Recommendation on diets or things to avoid. Preference is a dry food diet given availability of food types in our area. How much dry food a month will a full grown dog go through? What types of treats do you use? As a trainer and as an actual treat?
  3. Behaviour. We have of course researched the dog breeds, its been a decision in the works for a couple of years now, it is not something we just jumped into. What are your personal experiences with other dogs or cats?
Anything you can think of, let me have it. There is loads of information online but nothing beats personal stories and experiences.
submitted by phdoflynn to bernesemountaindogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:27 bananananananaan my cat has started being more aggressive towards my injured cat

we adopted a kitten (V) september 2023 so she is now around 11 months old. she’s recently been injured and has started limping and resting a lot. my cat (B) who is 4 years old has started to become alot more aggressive towards V. V can’t really defend herself so has been hissing and spitting back and has become very afraid of B. there both females. is there any reason for this and any advice on what we can do? B and V did play fight a lot beforehand and haven’t been that close of a bond yet i’m just not sure if we have lost progress in their friendship.
i have searched up and has seen it could be an attention thing or a natural instinct thing where the pack will drive out sick or injured cats to preserve their group but just looking for advice.
submitted by bananananananaan to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:25 OuijaBoard-Demon Redesigning Gaara, Jinchuriki, and the Tailed Beasts.

A predicament that I realized I was facing when it comes to rewrite Naruto was the nonsense that the Tailed Beasts were. All I knew was that I wanted to do was take away the whole 10 Tails/World Tree/Chakra Fruit bullshit but also to make the Tailed Beasts equal in power. (Because I loathed how Kishimoto killed the dynamic Shukaku and Kurama)
I actually got into a small misunderstanding led argument with my best friend about it all but once we got on the same page and realized we were arguing over a basic miscommunication we got to geeking out and conceptualizing and boy was that FUN.
I'm not gonna say WHERE the Bijuu came from or why they exist, they just do (yes I have a reason as to the why and how's but I ain't saying SHIT). and I have changed up their powers and behaviors (I'm mainly writing here because I don't want to lose any of this information incase anything happens, plus if anyone wants to use these ideas they can just pop in over).
To start off, all the Bijuu offer village/country wide benefits to the Shinobi of those villages and countries, depending on the Bijuu it's a side effect of living around them, or just simply putting up with it.
These benefits is because of how vast the chakra of the Bijuu is so all consuming that those who live around and born around it sometimes get the same elemental release as the Bijuu itself which is rare but they always get certain benefits that are more basic but extremely beneficial.
For example, the Village Hidden in the Mist:
The Hidden Mist has two Bijuu, Isobu (3 tails) and Saiken (6 tails).
Isobu grants the Village and Country an extremely thick and protective mist that automatically casts Genjutsu. Those born in the Mist and it's country have a small chance of being born with Boil Release, but are guaranteed to have an extreme resistance to Genjutsu.
Saiken on the other hand grants protection from parasites (so those from the Mist and their country would be protected from things such as tapeworms, ticks, etc.) along with the probability to have the Kekkei Tota of Corrosion Release (Water, Wind and Fire).
These sorts of benefits from the tailed beasts are why villages and countries tend to fight, resource benefits, and beast benefits. However the tailed beasts are stubborn and have their own territories which tends to be where the villages and countries are. If a Jinchuriki were to step out of their countries they get more than a little homesick.
They start taking on attributes of their beast, from claws, cravings, to even getting the tails, though this happens gradually, but if they stay away from their country too long a full possession will occur and the beast will make its way back to the country and there is no stopping it. Some are more stubborn than others and it also depends on the willpower of the Jinchuriki and how long they can resist the urge to go home.
So let's look a the other seven tailed beasts.
Shukaku is very much a stubborn asshole who believes that defense is the best offense. They're manipulative and will stop at nothing to spite humans who they view as beneath them. They grant the village an eternal sandstorm that protects them from raids and warring countries along with the possibility of being born with magnet release. Because of being sealed inside of Gaara, Gaara can bless his village and the shinobi safe travels in the desert.
Shukaku can change their gender and presentation, and did in fact do so to further manipulate Gaara, and get the benefits of being able to use him to lash out at Rasa and the civilians and anyone who they think will be fun to kill. So yes, Shukaku changed their gender and presentation to female to prey on Gaara's survivors guilt and lack of maternal affection.
Shukaku's design has also changed to a mix of a lot of animals, mostly Hyena, Tanuki, and a bit of bear. Also having some artwork from the tea kettle she was sealed in.
She is the cruelest of all the tailed beasts. Those who had been her Jinchuriki (including Gaara) had to put up with either not sleeping at all, or falling asleep and allowing her to possess them and attack the village while they suffer from nightmares that range from psychological horror, to their past trauma haunting them. All Jinchuriki of her's had the same "panda eyes" that Gaara has.
Matami, the 2 tails, is the embodiment of the saying "Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back", those born in her territory are granted with naturally high IQs and curiosity. They also have the heightened chancr of being born with Storm Release. Oddly enough no matter what happens to the Shinobi and civilians of the country they know all the cardinal directions and which way is up and down. Even while incapacitated.
Goku the 4 tails, has granted his territory (aka village and country) far more minerals than anyone could ask for a long with protection from natural disasters, there is also the chance of being born with Magma Release.
For example, should you be from Iwa and you go and visit a town next to a volcano that was set to go off that week, it won't go off until you leave and are a safe distance from it.
Kokuō, the 5 tails, has been changed to a mountain goat, grants the Shinobi and civilians the ability to walk up anything that isn't a 90° angle WITHOUT THE USE OF CHAKRA, along with extreme endurance. Heightened chance of Earth Release.
Chomei, the 7 tails, is a literal Queen Bee. Seven stingers and all. The honey she and her hive produces will grant increased chakra though depending on the status of the Shinobi and how much they eat it could have a lethal effect.
For example, if a Genin were to get a hold of the honey, they'd have the chakra level of a Jonin for a short amount of time but it could turn the poor Genin into a statue, killing them due to their lack of training and eating more than a teaspoons worth of honey.
Because of Chomei and her hive she grants an abundance of pollination and pollinators, allowing for perfect farming conditions and dominance in the flower industry. She also grants an increased chance of Wood Release. The Village Hidden in the Waterfall (where she resides) are almost at the level on par with the great nations but due to a lack of military operatives they are still not there yet.
Giyuki, the 8 tails, grants safe travels while sailing, and almost an overabundance of sea life (which Matami enjoys), production of ink, and grants a heightened chance of Water Release.
Kurama, this fox grants the territory that is fire country and Hidden Leaf an abundance of wildlife, from bears and deer, to birds, beetles, wolves and more, making it a pain in the ass for anyone trying to invade. But for those of the country and village this grants them far more resources for their animal based Jutsu (Inuzuka and Aburame), and medical resources (Nara and any medical Nin ever). Grants a higher likelyhood for Fire Release.
The Hidden Sand is now a lot like Ancient Egyptian, specifically the 25th Dynasty of Egypts Black Pharohs, Noxus and Shurima from League of Legends.
So yes, the Sand Siblings are now mixed race, (black and Japanese specifically).
Gaara is going to look quite a bit different than his cannon appearance, but the same neglect, maybe a bit worse, and depression is still there. And yes he's keeping the red hair though it's going to be styled in dreads.
Kankuro is going to be pale compared to his siblings because of how much he hides away in his workshop. (He's a nerd).
Side note: never offer to buy food for a Jinchuriki, you'll find your bank account empty before they even say they're done eating.
submitted by OuijaBoard-Demon to NCPedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:24 BeanMachine1313 I have questions about caring for my new cat, playing and feeding etc. Pic of cat included!

(Thank you to the person who answered my other post, I'm just trying to get more advice.)
This is the cat:
I don't know if you can tell here, but he is a very small cat. The vets think he's 5-6 months old, which being new to cats I'm not sure if they are half grown by then or how much bigger he will get.
Here are the questions I have, I will probably think of more after I post this.
Sometimes when he wants to play, he gently bites my hand. He is not trying to hurt me, but I worry that maybe I shouldn't allow him to do it. And if not, what should I do? Just take my hand away?
He doesn't bite hard or use his claws whatsoever when he plays with my hand, but he does when he plays with other toys. I find this really interesting, what a smart guy. Who taught him this, if anyone? His mother? Some human who raised him and lost him somehow? Does he just know?
Note: I'm not at all sure where he came from, he wandered to my doorstep and I had him checked for a microchip, posted him around online, and now I'm just letting him stay.
I'm clumsy and he is a similar color to much of my home's flooring. He will sit just behind my heel, or inches from my toe and I will bump him with my feet. He's obviously frightened, sometimes I'm sure it hurt. Will he learn to be careful? I'm trying to be extra slow and cautious, too, of course.
Is feeding him different kinds of wet food a bad idea? Should he only eat one brand? I got him a variety from the pet store but he's having some digestive problems, I think they might be just from the antibiotics he was on (he was sick when he got to me). But I wonder if it's me changing the different brands. I was just trying to see what he likes best, and I've narrowed it down to 3.
He brings me toys and sets them by my feet. Is he just giving me presents, or does he want me to play with him, toss them around and stuff?
I have very little experience with owning a cat, (sad story warning) several months ago an old lady cat showed up and I started trying to help her get better, she was in bad shape. She got to looking pretty nice and healthy for a bit, and then she had a stroke that paralyzed her and I had to take her in. She was such a nice pet, I've had other kinds of pets but usually found cats to be kind of scared of me. She wasn't, she was the cuddliest girl. (Here she is: About a month ago this guy shows up with snot all over his face, so I started getting him taken care of and named him Booger. That's all the experience I have other than holding a few kittens and scaring some unsuspecting cats trying to make friends as a kid! Thanks for any advice!
submitted by BeanMachine1313 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:24 Ebonystealth Van Camp Pork an Beans

Van Camp Pork an Beans submitted by Ebonystealth to u/Ebonystealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:21 MundaneSwan3 Expert says even three year old cats can enjoy kitten food!

Expert says even three year old cats can enjoy kitten food!
the very orange expert in question
submitted by MundaneSwan3 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:20 tony_stark_lives Accidentally squished my cat

(CW: accidental (possible) pet injury, not graphic)
I accidentally hurt my cat and I’m feeling pretty horrible guilt right now. I would never in a million years hurt her. She doesn’t really seem badly hurt, just stiff/sore - she seems mostly fine! But I let my guard down and she’s suffering for it. I feel bad enough for both of us.
My plan right now is just to keep her as comfortable as I can, watch her over the next day or so, and take her to the vet if she doesn’t seem any better or if she gets worse. Is there anything else I should be thinking of?
Last night, I was sitting up in bed reading. My bed is adjustable, and the head of the bed was tilted up to about a 45 degree angle. I’ve had this bed for months, and my cat (Maia, 15f, indoor only, generally great health) has always completely avoided the underside of it, so I guess I relaxed my guard a little.
I pushed the button to lower the bed flat again, and when it was most of the way down I felt something scrabbling, and then a BIG meow, and realized she was under there. I had the remote in my hand and immediately stopped it and raised it, and she came out.
I ran my hands all over her, and she purred; I tested her back, her ribbs, her tail, all her feet, shoulders, head and neck - she didn’t seem to be in any pain anywhere. She got on the bed with me as usual, but seemed a bit careful on her feet. She lay down like she usually does and purred while I petted her, but didn’t stay long - possibly because I kept trying to touch her feet and spine and make sure nothing was damaged.
When she got down from the bed, she used the pet steps (she usually does, it’s a high bed) - but she went down carefully, one paw at a time, not her usual bounce or trot.
She eventually went downstairs and got in the fluffy dog bed and went to sleep; this is not unusual for her. I had my housemate check her over as well, and she agreed that Maia didn’t seem to be in any pain. Sometime in the night, she came back upstairs, got some food, and used the litterbox - then went back downstairs to the dog bed.
This morning/afternoon she’s just been sleeping on the dog bed, and when she moves she seems a bit stiff/careful. But she‘s still eating, still drinking water, still using litterbox. She still seems happy to accept a tummy rub, and purrs and offers full access. She‘s able to clean herself and seems to be no less flexible than she was before. And when I had waffles for breakfast she got up long enough to come lick some butter off my fingers (also as usual).
I guess I don’t think she’s really hurt badly, but the guilt is just eating away at me. I’ll probably never raise the bed up again. Looking for any advice or suggestions on how to help her over the next few days.
submitted by tony_stark_lives to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:19 ofthrees question for the FIP parents whose kitties are on pills (with other cats in the house)

have you figured out a good regimen for them? i'm struggling with lokesmagokes, because he's underweight so fasting him seems cruel (especially now that he's feeling good enough to want to eat). it's a little more complicated because i have three other cats used to grazing throughout the day. note: loki has to fast two hours before and an hour after. (side question: does anyone know if the fast is for efficacy or if it's for nausea?)
so far i've been doing midmorning - give them all breakfast, pull up food after an hour or so (between 8a and 10a so far), and put it back down three hours later. as a result, i have super anxious/hungry cats by the time i put the food back down.
the plan tomorrow is to pull up food between midnight and 3a, give loki his meds when i wake up at 5, get ready for work, and feed everyone at 6a.
does this sound like a decent plan, or is there a timeline you've found works better for y'all?
i'm trying to get a handle on this because starting tomorrow, i'm going to have to go back in the office two days, so i need a routine that makes sense for all of them, not just loki. all feedback appreciated!
submitted by ofthrees to cureFIP [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:14 chrissyl644 lost my cat outside

when we got home from the vet yesterday, our cat jumped out of the car. he’s never been outside before, and my family and i still can’t find him. we walked around the street for hours and asked people, looked around the yard, everything. we put food and litter out on the porch so maybe he’ll smell it. he doesn’t have a collar, we’re getting collars tomorrow because this can’t happen again. what else can we do?
submitted by chrissyl644 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:12 DragonBallGirl07 Cat Food/Litter
submitted by DragonBallGirl07 to anonymoushelping [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:11 pey_town My cats (8M neutered & 4F spayed) will not stop aggressively fighting and hunting each other all hours of the day, reintroduction feels impossible at this point

Our resident cat, Gus, is an 8 year old neutered male and has lived with other pets his whole life. We lost our elderly family cat 8 months ago and our elderly dog shortly after. Nights were particularly hard for Gus after they passed away. He would cry all through the night, going into everyone's rooms to wake them. During the day we'd give him attention and love, and we tried our best at night, but it never seemed like enough. After several hard months, I thought what he needed was a new cat companion.
We adopted Selina from the local animal shelter. She's a 4 year old spayed female. We don't know much about her past, but the shelter informed us she had likely been pregnant previously. We were told she would be okay in a household with an older male cat. Selina and I immediately connected. I was having a bad chronic pain flair up when we adopted her and she stuck by my side the whole time. She's so sweet and she loves cuddling, she's very gentle with humans and warms up to strangers immediately.
Gus has his own litter box, water, food and toys on the main floor. Selina stays in the basement with me through the night and has the whole floor to herself, including her own litter box, food/water dishes, toys and there are windows. No matter what I've tried, she hates it down here and always wants to be on the main floor.
It was just over a month ago we brought Selina home. We have always had multiple pets in the house and my parents never took the time to do introductions. This time I knew we should because they're both older cats. I had done plenty of research on introductions and I tried to explain to my family that this may be a difficult adjustment period for Gus because he's been so stressed. Despite this, my mom opened Selina's crate in the middle of the living room when they got home. They sniffed each other at first and then Gus started hissing and making angry noises I'd never heard from him before. I immediately separated them. Later that night Gus got in the basement where Selina was. Gus and Selina have been fighting ever since.
Gus guards and Selina pounces and attacks. The fights are very aggressive, they are not playing, they're screaming and trying to hurt each other. We've tried loud noises to distract them and throwing blankets over their heads, but nothing stops them. They have to be pulled apart and it always ends with one of us getting hurt. On top of that, Gus gets so nervous he poops and we end up with a mess on both the cats and all over the area they were fighting, floors and furniture. They always run under a bed or couch and it can take several minutes to separate them. I have moved all beds and couches away from walls so they have exits, that didn't work, both refuse to leave after a fight begins.
I am doing my best to keep them separated. Gus gets the main floor at night and Selina gets the basement and through the day I am constantly switching them out between bedrooms and the main floor and the basement. Both of them do not like this routine and the one in a bedroom or basement will cry the whole time (even if someone is with them!). On top of that they constantly sit on either sides of doors and antagonize each other, scratching and slamming against the doors. I can't even try the introduction tip of feeding them on either sides of a door because they will ignore their food and focus on each other. Both demand to be on the main floor of the house, but they cannot co-exist safely.
I constantly feel guilty that I'm not giving them equal love and attention, both of them seem to have separation anxiety and often times I'm the only one home. I play with both of them until they're tired out and no longer want to play, but this does nothing to stop them from antagonizing each other through the doors. I sometimes swear it's worse when they're already exhausted. All they do is demand access to the main floor and even when it's their turn, all they want to do is find out where the other is.
I just feel like I'm at a loss. I love both cats and I would never consider rehoming either of them. They're both very gentle with me, I've only ever been scratched by accident by either of them. Yet none of the introduction tips I've read are working. They both know the other is in the home and they are both always trying to get each other. Whoever has the main floor is always searching each door to find the other (we don't have a big home, I can't separate them further). Some nights they'll guard all night long.
I feel really bad for introducing another cat in the home while Gus may have still been in mourning. But I am so grateful to have Selina in my life. I am doing my best, I'm reading articles everyday to see if I can do better for them, but nothing is working. I feel sick thinking I'm torturing them by keeping them in the same house together. Is it selfish to want to keep them both at this point? I just can't imagine losing another pet this year. Is it possible they will ever be able to safely co-exist in the same home?
submitted by pey_town to CatTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:08 bardofdickbutt Old Roommate Stole my Cat

I used to live with a person who had brought home two kittens at one point, we had agreed that we would each have one, but very quickly I noticed she did not know how to care for her kitten. I brought it up multiple times and would always get told she would 'do better' but never did. I would be the only one feeding him, brushing or nail trimming, changing the water, doing literboxes, taking to the vet, etc. there was many times she would come home and exclaim that she hadn't seen the cats in days, meaning she hadnt been there in DAYS since these two kittens are ones that would come to the door. shortly before i moved out i had checked in with the vet to make sure my roommate had called and set herself up in their system so i could transfer ownership; which led to a 1.5 hour long conversation about how the vet has never spoken to my roommate, asking me questions about her lifestyle and other things i didn't think mattered, and she told me that my old roommate is neglectful and i should not leave the cat with her.
this call hit me pretty hard, because my roommate had told me she had been in contact with the vet several times and that everything was all set, including the microchip, which also wasn't set up at all. I'm really been bad at confrontation in the past, im working on it, but i told the roommate straight up that i feel like her cat is mine and i will be acting as such if she continues her behavior and she agreed, but nothing changed. so a few weeks before our move out date i sat her down and said that the vet told me your behavior is showing early signs of neglect and she wants me to take the cat, trying to be as passive and calm and caring as possible because i KNOW she loves that cat and i hate to be the person being told to take him. every part of this is something i have taken every measure to avoid, because i don't really WANT another cat, obviously i love the cat and i would do anything for him, but he wasn't supposed to be my cat. its not a battle i wanted, but leaving him behind is neglect on my part (according to my vet). due to the lack of care and cleaning my roommate did, the cleaning was a whole other story but she would let mold grow in her room which i did not know about until the day before i was moving out, but her version of cleaning was moving trash from one corner of a room to another, food out, it looked like her room was made of dirty laundry; while trying to explain this to her, she stormed out of the apartment and came back shortly after, packed the cat in a carrier and kept him out of the apartment until i was all moved out. this was over a year ago (April of 2023), and every time i have tried to figure out next steps i always get told to 'get a lawyer' which i have been saving up to do. but i just got notification that his rabies is 6 months overdue, and as a feline with AIDS, it really bothers me because i know for a fact she hasn't taken him to another vet, or they would have contacted me from the microchip. and i know he also needs a checkup in general because the vet was considering putting him on medication (which i told the roommate about and she just said 'okay let me know how it goes' so when he was on a med for a short period of time i didn't trust her to do it so i did it) im wondering if this is actually as much of a waiting game as its been made to seem for me, because it pretty much feels like im waiting for money to fall out of the sky or her to magically decide he should see a vet.
I literally have dreams 3-4 times a week about doing illegal things to get him back because i know he's probably not doing well medically and i love him, even though its not my first choice to be in a situation where im trying to take him from his home. i have communications from her mother demanding i transfer ownership, i have his rabies paperwork and all the vet bills in my name, i have his microchip tag and its registered in my name. the vet has said 'as far as shes concerned' im the full legal owner since i also verbally spoke with the roommate about claiming the cat if she cant step up to the plate. but the moment i actually left suddenly all i can seem to get out of anybody is 'well im not a lawyer' YEAH NO SHIT!! but this shouldn't be this hard to get somebody else to bring their cat to the vet and check for neglect right??? if i could just get verification that she has done ANYTHING for him or brought him to a vet i would probably transfer ownership and be able to sleep at night, but i just imagine him getting sicker and sicker, and all things considered, he really feels like my cat at this point even a year later. animal control has offered to do a wellness check, but then gave up because the door was locked? im not really sure what happened there but im really being haunted by this and i just want him safe and sound.
does ANYBODY have ANY suggestions? thank you for reading love you have a good day
submitted by bardofdickbutt to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:08 Daddy_Devito1998 25 [M4A] #online #Scotland looking for friends to play video games with or discuss the ways of kung fu panda!!

Yo Yo spaghettio fellow redditors! How are you today? Do you wanna talk to a totally AWESOME Scottish dude thats TOTALLY AWESOME?? Well you're in luck cause that's me!
You wanna talk about music? Games? Anime? Depression? Memes??
Well I'm your guy Feel free to drop a reply or a message so we can be totally AWESOME BEST FREAKING FRIENDS
As you can tell I am an introvert who just needs someone to tell me to shut up and get my shit together.
I enjoy cooking and baking for others so I will freak out and send you pics of my food and or cats because sometimes they like to sit on my plate and ruin my meals anyway hope to hear from someone or anyone and if you do message please tell me your favourite meal so I can judge the days out of you thanks bye
submitted by Daddy_Devito1998 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:08 Queef-Burgular help her not get sick after eating

My cat is F, Siamese, 11 pounds, and 10-11 years old.
She only had 4 teeth, the top and bottom canines. She will only eat dry food, but because she can't chew it she ends up puking later. I give her kitten food but she still gets sick sometimes.
Ive started to put a little broth on top to soften the food, but it's to early to tell if she likes it. The problem is that I leave for college soon. I won't be able to spray her food down and change it regularly.
Is there any alternative food brands or methods I could do to help stop her from being sick after eating?
submitted by Queef-Burgular to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:06 x_iii_x New cat keeps begging for food when I’m eating. Is this normal?

Hi everyone! I just adopted my first official cat and have only had him for a week. He is adjusting really well and loves pets and attention. But, whenever I eat lunch or dinner. He really BEGS and MEOWS non stop to get a piece. It’s worse when I’m heating up leftovers in the microwave. I never give him any, but I was wondering if this is normal?
He doesn’t beg any other time but does meow a lot when he knows it’s meal time for him. He’s also been very vocal in general whenever we come home or he wants attention. He also meows a lot when we go into our kitchen.
Not sure of this is relevant but, he eats his food pretty quickly but prefers when someone is watching him/next to him when he eats. Anyway, is begging for food excessively whenever I have some normal?
submitted by x_iii_x to CatAdvice [link] [comments]