How to ask for travel expenses sample letter

AskOuija: Get your answers one letter at a time

2016.05.03 00:32 tacobellscannon AskOuija: Get your answers one letter at a time

AskReddit, Ouija-style.

2011.06.25 10:52 Identify This Font

A Subreddit for Identifying Fonts: show us a sample and we'll try to find the font.

2008.06.20 20:42 Outdoors

Outdoor recreation: keeping humans fit, fed and happy for thousands of years. The sun on your face, the wind in your hair: all this and more could be yours to experience... if you ever get off reddit and go outside for once! Outdoors is for all outdoor experiences, not limited to any specific interest. Caving, mountain climbing, cycling, bushcraft, gardening, sailing, plants, birds, trees, going for a stroll -- it's all on topic here!

2024.05.16 21:18 Emergency_Sir_941 Financing a car for a new job!

Hi guys, I’m doing automatic. I know how to drive as have had many many lessons but my driving instructor kept cancelling my lessons and EVEN MY DRIVING TEST! He was unreliable! There’s no other automatic driver instructors in my area - I can’t do a test in anyone’s car as it has to be automatic. I have 2.3 k but don’t want a cheap cheap car as I will be travelling 50 mins to Luton airport (fingers crossed) for cabin crew! My only option is to finance a car. I’m almost 20 and I work full time at mc Donald’s atm and need a car for this too as I’m having to rely on my dad to pick me up as the busses don’t run late. I get the bus to work and this is because we live in a very small town - no regular transport and no train station. I was looking into cinch but the cars were way too expensive. I think a car that’s 5k is reasonable as I can try and pay it off! Is that allowed ? I’ve been accepted into the finance option with carmoney from motors (a car website) For this specific car the link is above. Would this car be a good choice? I can’t go see as can’t get there ! Maybe I’ll go see it at some point but it may be gone by then. I really like it. But then there may be issues with it. What do u guys think?
submitted by Emergency_Sir_941 to carbuying [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:15 appleoatjelly ChatGPTs adorable fashion advice

ChatGPTs adorable fashion advice
Hi guys!
I’ve recently developed a deep appreciation for handbags and handbag making but am generally a complete newbie. I have the medium Gucci padlock bag above but it’s been sitting in a box for years because I don’t know how to blend it with my style. I’m very unfussy and every time I see it in real life, it’s worn a bit … fussily? Too formally?
My typical uniform is a baseball cap, big glasses or sunglasses, stud earrings, with either typical mom wear (t-shirt, leggings or jeans, sneakers) or a summer dress with Birkenstocks or flats. Heavy New England vibes. (Really heavy sometimes - it’s a problem, lol).
I asked ChatGPT 4o to assist by providing a sampling of representative outfits and the bag to match, and these are some renderings of its suggestions. Too cute!
I still think the suggestions might be too fussy for me, but the attempt is pretty cute. If I felt a bit more inclined, I think I’d make sure the bags in the examples were the exact bag in question, but for now I’m delighted. Problem not solved but I feel better about it, lol.
Any suggestions for wearing this bag comfortably?
submitted by appleoatjelly to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:14 Mobile-Set-9881 Rat poop in iced coffee

Last week I ordered an iced coffee from my local Tims and I noticed right away that there was something at the bottom but I figured it was just coffee grounds. Turns out it was not and it looked like rodent poop (I’ll attach a picture). I was horrified and brought it to my local food inspection building and they took the sample. I finally heard back from them that they checked the restaurant footage and didn’t see anything dropped into the cup, an inspection was done but they just looked at the cups and how the coffee is made. They determined that nothing could have been inside the cup but that there was no other ingredient in the Tims that it could have been (like it wasn’t rice or chocolate sprinkles or anything). They did not check the machines or ingredients used to make the coffee (I asked). They also never tested the sample because they “only test for bacteria or viruses”. So basically they can’t determine that it was rodent poop but they have no idea what else it could be. I’m very disturbed by this, but even more frustrated that nothing was done about it. I have no idea what to do, the case is basically closed…
submitted by Mobile-Set-9881 to TimHortons [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:14 Fit_Ambassador2832 Questions I ask myself to find out it's just my fault.

How did xyz mobile expose my social and dl number in 2022 before I became xyz mobile customer?
Why is ABC mobile admitting the data breach that I told them they just had an attorney call me and gas light me?
Did the state think I'm the one that wanted my company to loose everything and I wanted to loose my veteran protections?
How do you steal a corporation from your spouse and blame him for giving up and then call them lazy for getting tired after all their efforts are being taken away?
If you whip a Mule and then walk behind him with a whip who's fault is it when you get kicked the jackasses?
My exes all hated me and they are trying to help me realized something and now that everyone else hates me I'm beginning to realize they will say I did this to myself and it's all my fault. Well there right anything that was done that didn't need to be done or that could have been done to actual help and does it even matter because I allowed it if I was trusting of someone I shouldn't have trust then the fault is mine for being a poor judge of charater so who's fault is the lies?
How do you listen to lies and continue to trust when you know you will be blamed either way?
Is it wrong to lie to a liar or is it wrong to lie after having been truthful because your are being lied to and of so where does it all lead?
Is it truly best to owned it and be honest and if it is then what do you do when you did own it and that actions is used to hold you down?
If being around supportive loved ones would have helped I think maybe isolating me was pretty hurtful but I the one to blame I sure I isolated myself as most men do so is that my fault?
If someone loves you and they are not involved in the effort to do something and you call them after months or years and they are mad at you for the thing you are doing how do they know and how are they mad and how are you supposed to believe anything they say?
If you marry someone and you love them but you also know they need a green card is it illegal? If they leave you immediately after getting the green card was it your fault?
What does anyone of this have to do with my problems now and why does the therapist always ask about my mother?
At what age is it appropriate to still spank your kids in the face and is that just a texas thing? Do we need better laws or less laws and fewer taxes?
Is there anyway to make people truly equal that doesn't involve taken away what they have?
If we are born equal but we all come into this world naked and afraid why does everyone save for their death?
When it's always your fault why do you care?
What is unconditional love if humans are conditional by nature are they capable of loving unconditionally and is unconditional love given unconditionally at the time it was given any less unconditional when it is taken away?
Can love be given or taken? If love is an act not an object why is it objectified and ransomed?
What is love?
Is it love?
Why are four letter words so evil?
Lazy shit hate love fear pain fuck fame fine dude cool turd sure
Maybe money power
Rough draft don't judge....
submitted by Fit_Ambassador2832 to mustbemyfault [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:10 Mono_Amarillo Infatuation / Limerence (Only) With Unhealthy Individuals

TL;DR: I keep falling for toxic women, particularly ENFJs, and I'm not as attracted to healthier, more balanced women. Seeking insights into why this happens and advice on avoiding limerence towards the wrong people. Have you experienced this with ENFJs? What psychological causes might underlie this behavior? Any techniques, habits, or books to recommend?
Hi everyone! I'm opening this thread because after a few years of dating and actively pursuing girls I've noticed a pattern that doesn't look very positive: I seem to exclusively fall in love with women that are quite toxic and even sociopathic in some cases (an ENTP friend told me once: "the girls you like are usually quite sus lol"), These women have always been xNFJ. At the same time, I'm not so passionately attracted to other women that could be considered healthier and more balanced.
I would really want to understand what the explanation for this phenomenon could be.

Conditions to Fall in Love

I've identified these characteristics in all the women I've considered as potential soulmates.
This might explain the preference for toxic, unbalanced individuals. A toxic ENFJ would be one that is an Fe-Se loop, which apparently entails being extremely consciuos and responsive to other people's needs and feelings while constantly looking for new stimulating experiences such as doing aerobic sports, partying, or travelling.
I believe these two conditions explain why INFJs and, particularly, ENFJs can be so alluring to me (and perhaps to other INTPs): they tend to have top-notch social skills, are great conversationalists and know how to touch people in the right moment and at the right place to create a sense of connection.

Why Limerence Keeps Coming Back

The Women I Have Fallen in Love With

I want to describe four women I've gotten to know well and who ended up being quite crazy despite having initially awaken very strong feelings in me. I hope to show with that that I'm not the problem and that there is a grounded pattern that involves different types of women that only share their psychological type. I also got infatuated with 2 other ENFJ women, but that was temporarily (after sleeping with one, and after seeing the other in a few social gatherings) and couldn't know them on a deeper level. And I pursued an ENFP an ESFP as well (which, in their way, are also quite proficient with Fe). I'm not including them because the ENFP, although she is very toxic, I met her first online and couldn't see the whole picture, and the ESFP is in fact a decent human being, and we are still friends.
If you made it until the end, thanks for your time. I hope you enjoyed and also hope to read you in the comments 😊
submitted by Mono_Amarillo to INTP [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:09 hoggersbridge Engines of Arachnea: A Science Fantasy Epic (Chapter 21: The Quality of Mercy)

Link for all the chapters available for free here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
Having said his piece, Rene had expected the woman to accept her role as a prisoner of the Fleet. But no sooner had he taken his knee of her back than she was at him again, rolling over and cursing as she tried to spit him on her claws. Training kicked in and Rene applied the wrestling component of his hand-to-hand combat course. He secured underhooks with his arms, locking them together with his hands and hugging her tight from behind. Zildiz bucked and twisted around in a futile attempt to make room for her blades, even managing to get one of her knees beneath her and push off the ground. Rene allowed her to gain her feet, cunningly using the opening to slip the loop of his encircling arms around her waist. Now in complete control of her center of gravity, Rene swung his leg out and arched his back, heaving her up and over like a sack of turnips in a textbook suplex. A fraction of a second before he smashed the top of her skull into the hard ground, he remembered that he was supposed to keep prisoners alive and preferably not in a vegetative state, and so he cushioned the fall with his own body, falling on his side to increase surface area and dissipate the force.
Zildiz was caught totally by surprise. Unlike Rene she had neglected to tuck in her chin before the moment of impact, a vital detail which was one of the first things a recruit was taught to do on the mats.
“Oof!” she said as all the breath slammed out of her by the throw. Rene felt her body go limp as her dazed senses tried to adjust to the violent change of orientation. He took advantage of this moment of weakness and looped his legs around her body, locking his ankles together to form a full body triangle. His left forearm punched up and took her neck in a rear naked choke, a suffocating vise formed by the insides of his elbow crushing her windpipe and carotid arteries.
“I warned you,” he told her. His choking hand grabbed the inside of his other elbow, right forearm sneaking behind her neck and under his armpit, tightening the garrote even further.
“Had enough?”
“Hrrnnkk…” Zildiz choked. She lifted an arm and slid back the blade until it was the length of a finger, deliberately giving Rene the universal gesture to go and fornicate with himself, before sheathing the claw entirely and aiming her fist at him over her shoulder.
Rene ducked as the blade shot out again, only just avoiding it going through his eye socket and into his brain. As it was, it only nicked his temple, sending warm lines of blood trickling down his visor. Rene hugged her even tighter, constricting the chokehold until he heard her breathing reduced to an agonized wheeze. He throttled her until she stopped moving, her struggles weakening until she went completely lax. Then he held the choke for exactly three seconds longer, counting carefully to avoid giving her lasting brain damage. He let go and was relieved to hear her snoring faintly. Gently rolling her onto her back so she didn’t suffocate in the dirt, Rene cast about for a means to secure his prisoner. He had only a few seconds before she regained consciousness. Quickly he cut some vines from the surrounding trees and knotted them into a crude rope. He flipped her back over again and tied her hands at the wrists and elbows. He had no illusions that it would hold her for long. He tied her wings together at their bases for good measure. She had two sets of them, but the larger pair was missing one of its partners that had been torn off at the socket to reveal a gaping wound. They were wondrously tough membranes considering how thin and flexible they were, as sturdy as ultrapod leather. Rene looked over his work and loosened it a bit so as not to cut off the circulation in her arms. It wasn’t bad for something done on the fly. Then again, he’d been playing this whole thing by ear ever since the ambush that had cut his unit to pieces. Ye gods, but that whole experience felt like a lifetime ago. He had not expected to ever use that component of his hand-to-hand training designed for fighting human opponents. Of course, he’d helped put down a fair share of civil unrest in his time, but even during the worst of the food riots in Mound Ulysses he’d never so much as given a person a light shove. The civilians knew better than to antagonize a battalion of the Fleet’s finest over something as routine and reoccurring as a government rationing in the face of crop failure.
He felt quite bad about having to roughhouse the woman, that is, until she sat up awake and glowered hatefully at him, coughing and retching.
“Don’t,” he pleaded with her in exasperation as she gave him the old stink eye, “I don’t want to fight you again.”
“Why?” she spat defiantly, “Afraid you’d lose?”
“Uh huh,” Rene grunted, amused and even a little impressed by her spunk. She couldn’t have weighed more than sixty kilos soaking wet and was at least half a foot shorter than him even with that exomorph of hers, but this woman was all fight and no quit. She would have to be, living on the surface world and facing these abominations day after day. Rene looked at the dismembered corpses of the black-furred devils and had a sudden jolt of inspiration. As Zildiz tested the strength of her restraints Rene went over to the monster he had chopped to bits and poked the misshapen hump on its back, which had excreted thick ribbons of silk at the moment of death. Feeling more than a little squeamish, Rene pulled on the threads of silk. He had only meant to collect two or three meters of the material, but more and more of the stuff kept unwinding out its glands like a handkerchief from a magician’s pocket. Eventually his hands became enmeshed in the horrid stuff and he had to struggle like the dickens to unstick himself and scrape it off onto a bush where it stuck like a lumpy hammock. Remembering how his enemy had plugged the stab wound in its gut, Rene snapped off a twig and curled it into the white mess like those vendors at the fairs did with candy cloud treats, ending up with a spool of silk. He applied it to the cut on his temple by winding it around his head like a bandage, and was gratified when it stopped the bleeding almost immediately. He heard the rustle of dead leaves and turned around to find Zildiz furtively attempting to sidle away from him.
“Don’t even try it,” he told her, “Or I’ll run you down and knock you senseless. I’m taking you back to civilization. The Fleet needs to know what it’s up against out here, and you’re a veritable trove of information.”
Zildiz squatted back down and stared at him, simmering with resentment. Rene shook his head and continued his work, moving on to the monster that had been the first to die at the woman’s hands. Cutting open its hump, Rene was rewarded with a dense lump of thread still packed inside its spinneret. He took another twig and spooled it in, then wrapped the bundle of silk in a large leaf.
A leg twitched of its own accord. Rene nearly dropped the bundle as he sprang back, sword upraised. The devil’s limbs began doing a tap dance and Rene relaxed a bit, recognizing it as the onset of rigor mortis. The side of its face was split open and hanging loosely by a strap of flesh. Struck by a nagging suspicion, Rene stooped down and peeled off the segments of its head, holding the edge of his sword against its neck to decapitate it in the event that it proved too lively for his liking.
The musculature and armor tore away just like it had with Zildiz’s helm, and for the second time that night he found himself staring into the face of another living human being. Only this time it was a man whose face was utterly disfigured, a perversion of the basic form. In the place of his lower jaw were fingerlike protrusions of gummy tissue and exposed nerve endings. His nose cartilage was likewise missing, leaving only a pair of holes dribbling with snot. The man blinked, and glassy eyes with almost no whites at their edges fixed Rene in their gaze.
“Kill…me…” the man whispered.
Rene began to shake uncontrollably, wiping a trembling hand across his mouth as he was forced to consider the carnage he’d just wrought in a new and horrifying light. These weren’t three dead monsters littering the jungle floor; these were three dead men, and some of them he had killed himself.
“Kill me!” the man begged him. He was young, barely Rene’s age, his smooth skin untroubled by the wrinkles of age and worry. He had clear brown pupils and dark, expressive brows. If it weren’t for all the rest of him, Rene might’ve mistaken him for a fresh-faced recruit at the academy, or a paperboy climbing up the terraced apartments of inner hive to deliver news of the Fleet’s latest victory.
On unsteady legs Rene staggered back to Zildiz’s side and away from the awful truth he had uncovered.
“Something the matter?” Zildiz asked in a gleeful tone, “Feeling a little worse for wear, are we?”
“Shut it,” Rene said distantly. He dragged Zildiz to her feet and began winding the silk around her wrists, layering them over thick and tying them off with a simple knot. He kept the vines on her for added insurance and told her to start walking.
“Where to?” she demanded.
“I’m not feeding you to my children, if that’s what you’re asking,” he muttered, “I don’t have any to begin with, and even if I did, I sure as hell wouldn’t raise them to be cannibals.”
Zildiz didn’t move, so Rene grabbed her and frog marched her away. He had no real destination in mind—he just had to get away from this place and the bodies he’d made. Zildiz rounded on Rene, saying:
“Aren’t you going to deal with him? I only severed his neural connection to paralyze his exomorph. He’s still very much alive.”
“No!” Rene yelled, “That’s not how I—how people do things. Almighty ancestors, is that so hard for you to grasp?”
“Yes,” Zildiz replied quite candidly.
“He’s a living, breathing human being. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but those are pretty rare on Arachnea and worth keeping around.”
“No. He is a Leaper. After extracting your gilt helix, he and his packmates would devoured you right then and there.”
“That’s why you saved me, isn’t it? So they couldn’t obtain this shiny helix thing?”
Zildiz ignored his question, continuing:
“If you leave him here, at best he will die of exposure. At worst, his tribe will come looking for him, and if they find him, they will run us down and kill us anyway.”
Rene bit his lip. She spoke the truth and they both knew it. But after all this world had already taken from him, there remained one thing which he refused to part with. And Rene knew that if he gave in now and took the expedient option—the sensible option—he would be surrendering it forever.
“Sorry,” he said finally, “That’s against the rules.”
He dragged Zildiz over to the Leaper and spoke to him, saying:
“I won’t kill you. I’m not about to eat you either, so you can stop begging for a quick death. As long as you tell me what I want to know, we’ll leave you here and go our separate ways. I might even patch your wounds if you’re cooperative. Does that strike you as a fair bargain?”
The Leaper met this pronouncement with a look of utter perplexity that mirrored the one on Zildiz’s face.
“I’ll take that silence as a yes,” Rene said impatiently, “You’ll begin by telling me your name.”
“Kryptusshh,” the Leaper said slowly, as if not daring to hope.
“Very good. Are there any more of your people out there, Kryptus?”
“Why sshhould I trusht you? I would only be dooming more of my kindred, and there issh no certainty you would not kill me afterwardssh.”
“It’s a chance you have to take,” Rene shrugged, “Either that, or I’ll let this woman do as she pleases with you. And just between you and me,” he said in a loud stage whisper, “She doesn’t seem all that fond of your sort.”
Zildiz and Kryptus locked eyes with each other. Rene could almost feel the waves of hatred coming off her as she bristled, every tendon in her body tensing expectantly. Kryptus must have seen something he didn’t like, for he looked away and said:
“I am a warrior of the Weeping Vipersh. We are roughly eleven hundred sshtrong. One tenth of that number are bravesshh like me.”
“He lies,” Zildiz said, baring her teeth in a snarl, “That is less than half their true strength. He does not count the adolescents and the old loom-mothers, who are the deadliest of their kind.”
“Three hundred, then, if they are consshidered,” Kryptman quickly admitted, “Your pardon, merciful one.”
“I’ll excuse your forgetfulness just this once,” Rene warned, “But your memory better not fail you again.”
He questioned the Leaper closely. Kryptus claimed that only he and his pack had seen the safety pod’s crash landing, and that they had told no one else as they wished to claim the great prize all for themselves. The Weeping Vipers were the largest tribe in the rainforest and were always looking for an advantage over their numerous and belligerent neighbors. Apparently Kryptus had hoped to gain a modicum of the Divine Engine’s power by extracting something called a ‘gilt helix’ from Rene’s blood.
“Jussht one sample would have shatishfied uss,” Kryptus swore, “Then we would have taken you back to the Loom alive.”
“I’m sure nothing would’ve pleased you better,” Rene said wryly, all too cognizant of Zildiz’s earlier assumption that he planned to feed her to the Fleet’s youth.
Rene learned from Kryptus that the Divine Engine had ignited a blazing wildfire that was swiftly spreading north and west. The tribes would likely have noticed it by now, and would all be sending braves in a joint effort to douse the flames. For some reason all the Leapers felt collectively responsible for the wellbeing of the region, and could not allow it to come to harm for fear of dire repercussions.
“Last question. Is anyone going to come looking for you?”
“Not till the morning.”
“Good!” said Zildiz, breaking out of Rene’s grip and aiming a vicious kick at the side of the Leaper’s head. Rene barely caught her and yanked her back, shouting:
“Blood and thunder, woman! Is there nothing you won’t do to piss me off?”
“Are you insane? You cannot possibly mean to leave him alive!” the Gallivant hissed.
“That’s exactly what I’m going to do. Now come here!”
Rene took her by the elbow and pulled her forward, leaving Kryptus where he lay.
“You promished you would tend to my woundssh!” the Leaper cried after them.
“Don’t push your luck!” Rene said over his shoulder, “Anyone who follows us will meet the same end as your friends.”
He and his prisoner went tramping off into the night, Zildiz raging at him all the while.
“Fool! We will both come to regret that decision!”
“You’re probably right,” Rene had to agree.
“Then why did you do it?”
“For the same reason I’m letting you strut around and screech into my ear. What can I say? I’m a conversationalist.”
Link for all the chapters available for free here: Engines of Arachnea on Royal Road
submitted by hoggersbridge to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:07 prashantyadav0308200 Image Classification Hyperparameter Tuning: A Comprehensive Guide

Image classification is a cornerstone of computer vision, enabling machines to identify and categorize objects within images. However, achieving high accuracy in image classification models requires meticulous tuning of hyperparameters. Hyperparameters are the settings that govern the training process and architecture of machine learning models, and their optimization is crucial for enhancing model performance. This blog will delve into the key aspects of hyperparameter tuning for image classification, covering various techniques, important hyperparameters, and best practices.
Understanding Hyperparameters
Hyperparameters are external configurations set before the training process begins. Unlike model parameters, which are learned during training, hyperparameters are predefined and significantly influence the model's performance. Common hyperparameters in image classification include:
Learning Rate: Controls the step size during gradient descent.
Batch Size: Number of samples processed before the model's internal parameters are updated.
Number of Epochs: Number of complete passes through the training dataset.
Dropout Rate: Fraction of neurons randomly dropped during training to prevent overfitting.
Optimizer Type: Algorithm used to update model parameters (e.g., Adam, SGD).
Number of Layers and Units: Architecture of the neural network, including the number of layers and neurons per layer.
Techniques for Hyperparameter Tuning
Manual Tuning: Involves adjusting hyperparameters based on intuition and experience. While straightforward, it is often time-consuming and may not yield optimal results.
Grid Search: Systematically explores a predefined set of hyperparameters by training the model on all possible combinations. Although exhaustive, grid search can be computationally expensive and time-consuming.
Random Search: Randomly samples hyperparameters from a specified distribution. It is generally faster than grid search and can often find good hyperparameter settings with fewer trials.
Bayesian Optimization: Uses probabilistic models to predict the performance of hyperparameter settings and iteratively selects the most promising ones. This method is efficient and can find optimal settings with fewer evaluations.
Automated Hyperparameter Tuning Tools: Libraries like Keras Tuner, Optuna, and Hyperopt automate the hyperparameter tuning process, making it easier to find optimal configurations.
Important Hyperparameters in Image Classification
Learning Rate: A critical hyperparameter that affects the convergence speed and stability of the training process. Too high a learning rate can cause the model to converge too quickly to a suboptimal solution, while too low a learning rate can result in slow convergence.
Batch Size: Influences the training dynamics and memory requirements. Smaller batch sizes can lead to noisier updates but may help in generalization, while larger batch sizes provide more stable updates but require more memory.
Number of Epochs: Determines how long the model is trained. More epochs can improve performance but also increase the risk of overfitting.
Dropout Rate: Helps prevent overfitting by randomly dropping neurons during training. The optimal dropout rate depends on the complexity of the model and the dataset.
Optimizer Type: Different optimizers can significantly impact the training process. Common choices include Adam, which adapts the learning rate for each parameter, and SGD, which is simpler but may require more tuning.
Number of Layers and Units: The architecture of the neural network, including the number of layers and the number of neurons in each layer, plays a crucial role in the model's ability to learn complex patterns.
Best Practices for Hyperparameter Tuning
Start with a Baseline: Begin with default hyperparameters or values from previous studies to establish a baseline performance. This helps in understanding the impact of subsequent tuning.
Use a Validation Set: Always validate the model on a separate validation set to ensure that the hyperparameters generalize well to unseen data.
Monitor Training and Validation Loss: Keep an eye on both training and validation loss to detect overfitting or underfitting early in the training process.
Employ Early Stopping: Use early stopping to halt training when the validation performance stops improving, preventing overfitting and saving computational resources.
Leverage Automated Tools: Utilize tools like Keras Tuner, Optuna, or Hyperopt to automate the hyperparameter search process, making it more efficient and less labor-intensive.
Iterate and Refine: Hyperparameter tuning is an iterative process. Continuously refine the search space based on the results of previous experiments.
Hyperparameter tuning is a critical step in developing high-performing image classification models. By understanding the importance of different hyperparameters and employing systematic tuning techniques, you can significantly enhance the accuracy and robustness of your models. Whether you choose manual tuning, grid search, random search, or advanced methods like Bayesian optimization, the key is to experiment, validate, and iterate. With the right approach, you can unlock the full potential of your image classification models and achieve state-of-the-art performance.
submitted by prashantyadav0308200 to u/prashantyadav0308200 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:04 Mono_Amarillo Infatuation / Limerence (Only) With Unhealthy Individuals

TL;DR: I keep falling for toxic women, particularly ENFJs, and I'm not as attracted to healthier, more balanced women. Seeking insights into why this happens and advice on avoiding limerence towards the wrong people. Have you experienced this with ENFJs? What psychological causes might underlie this behavior? Any techniques, habits, or books to recommend?
Hi everyone! I'm opening this thread because after a few years of dating and actively pursuing girls I've noticed a pattern that doesn't look very positive: I seem to exclusively fall in love with women that are quite toxic and even sociopathic in some cases (an ENTP friend told me once: "the girls you like are usually quite sus lol"). These women have always been xNFJ. At the same time, I'm not so passionately attracted to other women that could be considered healthier and more balanced.
I would really want to understand what the explanation for this phenomenon could be.
Below I'm giving more context and some reflections that I hope some of you will find useful, but for those who are unwilling to keep reading, I would like to ask you a few questions.

Conditions to Fall in Love

I've identified these characteristics in all the women I've considered as potential soulmates.
This might explain the preference for toxic, unbalanced individuals. A toxic ENFJ would be one that is an Fe-Se loop, which apparently entails being extremely consciuos and responsive to other people's needs and feelings while constantly looking for new stimulating experiences such as doing aerobic sports, partying, or travelling.
I believe these two conditions explain why INFJs and, particularly, ENFJs can be so alluring to me (and perhaps to other INTPs): they tend to have top-notch social skills, are great conversationalists and know how to touch people in the right moment and at the right place to create a sense of connection.

Why Limerence Keeps Coming Back

The Women I Have Fallen in Love With

I want to describe four women I've gotten to know well and who ended up being quite crazy despite having initially awaken very strong feelings in me. I hope to show with that that I'm not the problem and that there is a grounded pattern that involves different types of women that only share their psychological type. I also got infatuated with 2 other ENFJ women, but that was temporarily (after sleeping with one, and after seeing the other in a few social gatherings) and couldn't know them on a deeper level. And I pursued an ENFP an ESFP as well (which, in their way, are also quite proficient with Fe). I'm not including them because the ENFP, although she is very toxic, I met her first online and couldn't see the whole picture, and the ESFP is in fact a decent human being, and we are still friends.
If you made it until the end, thanks for your time. I hope you enjoyed and also hope to read you in the comments 😊
submitted by Mono_Amarillo to mbti [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:04 SnooChipmunks4981 Letter to my Avoidant Ex - I need your opinions, from Avoidant and non-avoidant people

Hello everyone,
This is my first time writing here, and I'm not sure what to expect and what kind of responses I'll receive. I look forward to hearing from you!
I would like to hear opinions from both individuals with an avoidant attachment style and those without. What do you think of the letter? Is it a good idea to send it, or do you think I should make some modifications?
I'm using fictional names.
For some context, I wrote the letter below to my "ex," although I'm not sure if I can really use the word "ex." We always referred to our relationship as simply David & Mathieu. When people asked us if we were a couple, we would say no, it was just David & Mathieu.
We were friends for a year and a half before starting a different dynamic. It wasn't planned or wanted; it just happened very naturally. He has always been someone special to me; I don't know how to explain it, but for as long as I can remember, he has been special to me, and I told him that.
Two things to know about him are that he has an avoidant attachment style, which he himself acknowledges. So sometimes it was complicated; he never reassured me about anything, had blockages like we couldn't see each other during the week, and very often I couldn't touch him (affectionately) because he needed space. But I know he made efforts and stepped out of his comfort zone for us. He started holding my hand in public by himself, opening up more and more, and introduced me to important people in his life. It may not seem like much, but for someone with an avoidant attachment style, it was already a lot.
What made the situation even more complicated is that he was also fraysexual. So as the relationship progressed, the closer we got, the less sexual interest he had in me. He still needed sex, but it wasn't possible with me. Again, he was aware of how he was, and we always talked about it openly.
David & Mathieu lasted 7 months, and what ended it were the arguments we had towards the end. I started feeling insecure about his sexuality, the fact that he was back on dating apps (he said it was just for hookups) - I believed him, but it still made me insecure, and he had trouble reassuring me. He would get angry and say that I doubted his word. Furthermore, I brought up things from the past, like a guy he had something with while we were together during the first month of David & Mathieu. Also, towards the end, he expressed his need for space and to minimize contact, and I also struggled to give him that. I believe I have an anxious attachment style, so it was complicated for me to respond to some of his requests. But when we were together, it was really good; we often told each other that the best moments together were when it was just the two of us.
Anyway, he gave reasons for ending us: that I often doubted his word, that I brought up the past too much, and that he felt like he couldn't do things he had the right to do (like sleeping with others) and that I couldn't give him the space he needed. He was always honest about not wanting to lose his freedom. I never intended to take it away from him, but sometimes I needed to discuss things to feel good, and he struggled with that.
It's been a week now since we last had contact. We never really had a discussion to close everything; he shared his decision with me over the phone, I reacted badly, I tried to convince him to change his mind, and that's it.
The day after the phone call, he still agreed to come do an activity with me, but he said only because I told him it would make me feel better, and after that activity, he gave me back the things he had at his place. I still have things with me.
I would like to hear opinions from both individuals with an avoidant attachment style and those without. What do you think of the letter? Is it a good idea to send it, or do you think I should make some modifications?
Well, here's the letter finally.
Thank you.
I respect and understand your choice.
I've wondered if it's also what I wanted and maybe I was just delusional to think otherwise.
I'm not expecting or needing you to respond to these messages. It was important for me to share my observations with a clear head rather than being in a flood of emotions. I fully understand that you don't need to receive this message, maybe you're already rolling your eyes. It's more for me that I'm doing this, it seemed like the right thing to do for me.
I'm not into blaming, victimizing, or reproaching, and I'm not taking all the blame on myself. I'll only speak about what belongs to me. I'm not angry, disappointed, and I have no negative feelings towards you. I know you're a good person with good intentions, and you never intended to hurt me in any way.
I accept your decision much more easily now that I've finally understood that having contact with me now does more harm than good. I've always wanted what's best for you and to make you feel special.
You know what I think of you, what I told you was never fake or to please you, it was simply the truth. For me, when I was with you, you were the most... things & things, and I had no interest in looking away. I never played games with you or tried to sell you dreams. I'm aware that it could have played against me, and I didn't care. But honestly, I never felt like you were taking advantage of that.
Not that I think you care about that, but I stopped talking to the guy I was chatting with at the Biodôme on the same day. If it helps some people, that's great, but for me, jumping into something else to feel better isn't healthy, I'd find it disrespectful, and it's just not me.
Sorry for losing sight of what was important and focusing too much on the past and things that didn't matter. Sorry for not being respectful and attentive towards the end, for making you feel like I didn't trust you/wanted to restrict you/didn't understand you bettedidn't assert my limits enough, and for not giving you the space you needed. I'm not perfect, I was just doing my best.
When I told you that we were better than that, well, I failed, and I let you down in a way, I acknowledge that, and I'm sorry. I messed up, and it's okay to make mistakes. You know, humans are sometimes poorly made, losing strength to realize things that were obvious.
I have work to do on myself in several aspects. I need to avoid creating scenarios, leave the past where it is, verbalize my needs and limits more clearly, in a better way and at the right time, learn to realize that what I have in front of me is true without suspicion, and learn to say: "This thing scares me, I don't know how to tame it, I don't know how it will affect us, let's talk about it."
I think just choosing better moments for certain discussions could potentially have changed the course of things. (We often had discussions about important things when we were drunk, it always turned out badly.)
I'm still the same guy I was a week ago, I haven't magically changed already, but what I can confidently tell you is that there has been an awakening, and I'm committed to evolving and being better.
I know that for you, us, it was a challenge and maybe sometimes destabilizing, it took you out of your comfort zone. I felt that you were doing your best, I never felt like you were forcing yourself, and for example, just holding my hand in public meant something significant to you. I could have taken that into consideration more and made sure you felt good and safe instead of adding pressure and frustration.
You and I are unique individuals, for whom it's not easy to build certain dynamics, we deserved to have what we had, but with the issues at the end, sometimes it wasn't easy.
I never wanted something conventional. For me, answering the question 'Are you a couple?' with 'No, it's just David & Mathieu' made me proud, and I liked it, for me, there was no need for further explanation.
I never asked or hoped for you to have the same requirements for yourself as I imposed on myself. I've always been very aware of your needs. The fact that it was important for me not to be touched by others, that belonged to me alone, I wish we could have navigated through that more healthily.
You often asked me what I expected from you, that it wasn't clear to you. I expected nothing more than what was ongoing. I was in this situation because I wanted to be, are you perfect as you are, I would say.... yes but no. But guess what, when I told you that you were perfect as you were, it was true, in the sense that even the things that weren't perfect made you a special thing for me. Don't try to understand, even I have difficulty understanding myself.
Trying out David & Mathieu wasn't a mistake for me, it was positive in many ways. And as I've already told you, what we had was enough for me, you were enough for me. The issues at the end for me were mostly predictable, all surmountable, and weighed less in the balance compared to the rest.
David & Mathieu was something peculiar, imperfect, and perfect at the same time. The fact that the best moments were mostly when we were alone together, that feeling that hand in hand it was us vs the rest, the feeling of pride and not wanting to be anywhere else and with anyone else at times.
I wish for us to find all of that again.
When you told me that you were lucky to have me, I was also lucky to have you, and I hope you know why.
Maybe one day, at the right time and if we both want it, we can see if it's possible to rebuild a friendly dynamic in which we both feel good. We've always managed to build better with the past. We make a good team when we're respectful and attentive.
I still wish to have you in my life, but if that's not possible, I'll respect that.
If someday we reconnect, I neither desire or need to revisit the issues we experienced. My mindset is to move towards something better and positive, not to fall back into negativity.
By the way, I have your grandfather's ring. I was wearing it when I got out of your car. If you want me to return your belongings quickly, let me know. Otherwise, don't worry, I'll take care of it.
I'll always be happy to hear from you, but I understand that you and I need space for now. Yes, even me.
This Saturday, Friday, or both nights, it's still to be determined, there's a possibility that I'll go out to the Eco with Emily. I'm not telling you to not go if that's what you had planned. But at the same time, I'd like us to respect what we need, but I don't want us to prevent each other from doing anything either.
If it happens soon that we come face to face, know that I'm no longer in the emotion, I'm good, I'll be friendly, and I'm ready to be flexible (leave) if necessary.
I don't plan to go to the Eco (a bar where we always went together, almost every weekend) often in the near future, this weekend is a bit special because Emily is staying in town exceptionally and plans to go out all weekend with friends from NY.
In conclusion, I would say once again that I respect your decision. It's unfortunate that we won't have the opportunity to continue having good times together. I've always had fun with you; it wasn't difficult.
Well, that's all. That's enough. That's already a lot.
Maybe one day I'll write a 10-minute song about an owl who always left 56,000 things at my place, who knows. 🤷🏻‍♂️ (he loves a Taylor S song that lasts 10 minutes about an ex of hers.)
Yes, I fully intend to make some cash off of you, no shame.
Bye for now
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:03 SnooChipmunks4981 Letter to my Avoidant Ex - I need your opinions, from Avoidant and non-avoidant people

Hello everyone,
This is my first time writing here, and I'm not sure what to expect and what kind of responses I'll receive. I look forward to hearing from you!
I would like to hear opinions from both individuals with an avoidant attachment style and those without. What do you think of the letter? Is it a good idea to send it, or do you think I should make some modifications?
I'm using fictional names.
For some context, I wrote the letter below to my "ex," although I'm not sure if I can really use the word "ex." We always referred to our relationship as simply David & Mathieu. When people asked us if we were a couple, we would say no, it was just David & Mathieu.
We were friends for a year and a half before starting a different dynamic. It wasn't planned or wanted; it just happened very naturally. He has always been someone special to me; I don't know how to explain it, but for as long as I can remember, he has been special to me, and I told him that.
Two things to know about him are that he has an avoidant attachment style, which he himself acknowledges. So sometimes it was complicated; he never reassured me about anything, had blockages like we couldn't see each other during the week, and very often I couldn't touch him (affectionately) because he needed space. But I know he made efforts and stepped out of his comfort zone for us. He started holding my hand in public by himself, opening up more and more, and introduced me to important people in his life. It may not seem like much, but for someone with an avoidant attachment style, it was already a lot.
What made the situation even more complicated is that he was also fraysexual. So as the relationship progressed, the closer we got, the less sexual interest he had in me. He still needed sex, but it wasn't possible with me. Again, he was aware of how he was, and we always talked about it openly.
David & Mathieu lasted 7 months, and what ended it were the arguments we had towards the end. I started feeling insecure about his sexuality, the fact that he was back on dating apps (he said it was just for hookups) - I believed him, but it still made me insecure, and he had trouble reassuring me. He would get angry and say that I doubted his word. Furthermore, I brought up things from the past, like a guy he had something with while we were together during the first month of David & Mathieu. Also, towards the end, he expressed his need for space and to minimize contact, and I also struggled to give him that. I believe I have an anxious attachment style, so it was complicated for me to respond to some of his requests. But when we were together, it was really good; we often told each other that the best moments together were when it was just the two of us.
Anyway, he gave reasons for ending us: that I often doubted his word, that I brought up the past too much, and that he felt like he couldn't do things he had the right to do (like sleeping with others) and that I couldn't give him the space he needed. He was always honest about not wanting to lose his freedom. I never intended to take it away from him, but sometimes I needed to discuss things to feel good, and he struggled with that.
It's been a week now since we last had contact. We never really had a discussion to close everything; he shared his decision with me over the phone, I reacted badly, I tried to convince him to change his mind, and that's it.
The day after the phone call, he still agreed to come do an activity with me, but he said only because I told him it would make me feel better, and after that activity, he gave me back the things he had at his place. I still have things with me.
I would like to hear opinions from both individuals with an avoidant attachment style and those without. What do you think of the letter? Is it a good idea to send it, or do you think I should make some modifications?
Well, here's the letter finally.
Thank you.
I respect and understand your choice.
I've wondered if it's also what I wanted and maybe I was just delusional to think otherwise.
I'm not expecting or needing you to respond to these messages. It was important for me to share my observations with a clear head rather than being in a flood of emotions. I fully understand that you don't need to receive this message, maybe you're already rolling your eyes. It's more for me that I'm doing this, it seemed like the right thing to do for me.
I'm not into blaming, victimizing, or reproaching, and I'm not taking all the blame on myself. I'll only speak about what belongs to me. I'm not angry, disappointed, and I have no negative feelings towards you. I know you're a good person with good intentions, and you never intended to hurt me in any way.
I accept your decision much more easily now that I've finally understood that having contact with me now does more harm than good. I've always wanted what's best for you and to make you feel special.
You know what I think of you, what I told you was never fake or to please you, it was simply the truth. For me, when I was with you, you were the most... things & things, and I had no interest in looking away. I never played games with you or tried to sell you dreams. I'm aware that it could have played against me, and I didn't care. But honestly, I never felt like you were taking advantage of that.
Not that I think you care about that, but I stopped talking to the guy I was chatting with at the Biodôme on the same day. If it helps some people, that's great, but for me, jumping into something else to feel better isn't healthy, I'd find it disrespectful, and it's just not me.
Sorry for losing sight of what was important and focusing too much on the past and things that didn't matter. Sorry for not being respectful and attentive towards the end, for making you feel like I didn't trust you/wanted to restrict you/didn't understand you bettedidn't assert my limits enough, and for not giving you the space you needed. I'm not perfect, I was just doing my best.
When I told you that we were better than that, well, I failed, and I let you down in a way, I acknowledge that, and I'm sorry. I messed up, and it's okay to make mistakes. You know, humans are sometimes poorly made, losing strength to realize things that were obvious.
I have work to do on myself in several aspects. I need to avoid creating scenarios, leave the past where it is, verbalize my needs and limits more clearly, in a better way and at the right time, learn to realize that what I have in front of me is true without suspicion, and learn to say: "This thing scares me, I don't know how to tame it, I don't know how it will affect us, let's talk about it."
I think just choosing better moments for certain discussions could potentially have changed the course of things. (We often had discussions about important things when we were drunk, it always turned out badly.)
I'm still the same guy I was a week ago, I haven't magically changed already, but what I can confidently tell you is that there has been an awakening, and I'm committed to evolving and being better.
I know that for you, us, it was a challenge and maybe sometimes destabilizing, it took you out of your comfort zone. I felt that you were doing your best, I never felt like you were forcing yourself, and for example, just holding my hand in public meant something significant to you. I could have taken that into consideration more and made sure you felt good and safe instead of adding pressure and frustration.
You and I are unique individuals, for whom it's not easy to build certain dynamics, we deserved to have what we had, but with the issues at the end, sometimes it wasn't easy.
I never wanted something conventional. For me, answering the question 'Are you a couple?' with 'No, it's just David & Mathieu' made me proud, and I liked it, for me, there was no need for further explanation.
I never asked or hoped for you to have the same requirements for yourself as I imposed on myself. I've always been very aware of your needs. The fact that it was important for me not to be touched by others, that belonged to me alone, I wish we could have navigated through that more healthily.
You often asked me what I expected from you, that it wasn't clear to you. I expected nothing more than what was ongoing. I was in this situation because I wanted to be, are you perfect as you are, I would say.... yes but no. But guess what, when I told you that you were perfect as you were, it was true, in the sense that even the things that weren't perfect made you a special thing for me. Don't try to understand, even I have difficulty understanding myself.
Trying out David & Mathieu wasn't a mistake for me, it was positive in many ways. And as I've already told you, what we had was enough for me, you were enough for me. The issues at the end for me were mostly predictable, all surmountable, and weighed less in the balance compared to the rest.
David & Mathieu was something peculiar, imperfect, and perfect at the same time. The fact that the best moments were mostly when we were alone together, that feeling that hand in hand it was us vs the rest, the feeling of pride and not wanting to be anywhere else and with anyone else at times.
I wish for us to find all of that again.
When you told me that you were lucky to have me, I was also lucky to have you, and I hope you know why.
Maybe one day, at the right time and if we both want it, we can see if it's possible to rebuild a friendly dynamic in which we both feel good. We've always managed to build better with the past. We make a good team when we're respectful and attentive.
I still wish to have you in my life, but if that's not possible, I'll respect that.
If someday we reconnect, I neither desire or need to revisit the issues we experienced. My mindset is to move towards something better and positive, not to fall back into negativity.
By the way, I have your grandfather's ring. I was wearing it when I got out of your car. If you want me to return your belongings quickly, let me know. Otherwise, don't worry, I'll take care of it.
I'll always be happy to hear from you, but I understand that you and I need space for now. Yes, even me.
This Saturday, Friday, or both nights, it's still to be determined, there's a possibility that I'll go out to the Eco with Emily. I'm not telling you to not go if that's what you had planned. But at the same time, I'd like us to respect what we need, but I don't want us to prevent each other from doing anything either.
If it happens soon that we come face to face, know that I'm no longer in the emotion, I'm good, I'll be friendly, and I'm ready to be flexible (leave) if necessary.
I don't plan to go to the Eco (a bar where we always went together, almost every weekend) often in the near future, this weekend is a bit special because Emily is staying in town exceptionally and plans to go out all weekend with friends from NY.
In conclusion, I would say once again that I respect your decision. It's unfortunate that we won't have the opportunity to continue having good times together. I've always had fun with you; it wasn't difficult.
Well, that's all. That's enough. That's already a lot.
Maybe one day I'll write a 10-minute song about an owl who always left 56,000 things at my place, who knows. 🤷🏻‍♂️ (he loves a Taylor S song that lasts 10 minutes about an ex of hers.)
Yes, I fully intend to make some cash off of you, no shame.
Bye for now
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to AvoidantBreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:00 Skiesofamethyst If you notice a sudden lump appear on your cat/pet, do not wait

I just wanted to make a general post regarding this because getting my cat the care she needed as quickly as I did is likely the reason she’s still here this week, and I’d felt so concerned and lost for the entire week that this was happening.
On Thursday/Friday (two weeks ago), my cats (6 years old and otherwise healthy) purr was very loud and her meow was louder. Is thought it was stress from a recent move. She was still eating, drinking, playing.
That Saturday evening, I noticed a lump had seemingly appeared out of nowhere on my cats neck. I removed her collar and called a general vet to make an appointment for the following weekend. I was very concerned, so I watched her food and water intake.
The next day, I noticed her interest in drinking water had decreased. I took her to an emergency vet.
Her labs were all within normal range. The emergency vet hadn’t felt comfortable to do a fine needle aspiration due to the location, so they gave her fluids and referred us to a specialist/surgeon. We saw them on Tuesday, did a guided ultrasound and fine needle aspiration because the surgeon suspected an abscess. They also did a more detailed lab panel, which, again, were all in normal range. It was determined to be a tumor and the sample was sent off to cytology with a surgery/ct scheduled for monday.
By Wednesday, she had stopped drinking entirely, and her vet recommended supplementing with wet food, which I did immediately. It had started to affect the sound of her breathing and her meow and purr were noticeably affected. My friends tried to reassure me that it hadn’t changed much from Monday, but I wasn’t convinced. I tried to push for a sooner surgery because I was concerned about the progression, but the vet wanted to wait for the cytology results. That night, I held her and cried listening to her ragged breathing, realizing the promise I made to be there and care for her for her entire life might be coming up and I might lose her. At that point and time there wasn’t anything more I could do but wait and watch her die.
By Thursday, she had stopped playing. She didn’t follow me around the house anymore and wouldn’t sleep with me. It was affecting her breathing more drastically. I called the specialty office pressing the urgency of the situation, and they advised that they might be able to get her in sooner if I took her to the ER again, or they could tell me if she would be stable till Monday. I left work and took her into the ER again. They urged me to wait until the surgeon could see her on Monday (they were only in the office on Mondays and Tuesdays) that she should be stable until Monday. It was here that they informed me the cytology results had come back as probable lymphoma, and that the surgery would likely entail an excisional biopsy.
On Friday, her surgeon specifically called me from her cell phone at home to inform me that her cancer should not be treated with surgery, but with chemo, and she would need to be referred to an oncologist. I panicked and stressed the fact that it had begun to affect her breathing and asked the surgeon to share that urgency in her referrals. While my surgeon called several locations and spoke to an oncologist, I also personally called several of these locations stressing the urgency of her situation. I was told the soonest they could get her in was in two weeks time, and I did not think she would survive to that appointment. I was instructed to leave a detailed voicemail for the doctors so I did. Shortly after, I received a call back from the surgeon, and one of the locations we both had spoken to. The oncology staff were willing to give up their lunch hour in order to see her and to give her her first round of chemotherapy, but I had to leave immediately. I left work again (my boss was fortunately very understanding) and took her in. Heidi (my cat) was very unenthused about a fourth vet visit this week lol. They were unable to do any imaging because she was distressed and they worried over her being under stress with the tumor where it was, so they just went ahead with the first treatment instead of trying to stage her cancer. It was here the vet informed me that the type of cancer they suspected she had was one that often progressed very quickly and could kill cats within days to a couple weeks. I felt vindicated for pushing as hard as I did all week, and I knew that whatever happened, this was her best chance.
Friday night, her breathing and meow had improved. It seemed that the lump was smaller but I wasn’t sure if I was imagining it.
Saturday, she had some inappetance from the chemo, even with the meds to treat it, still wasn’t drinking water so I took her into the emergency vet again just to make sure she was hydrated and get some subQ fluids to take home in case it continued. She was determined to be well hydrated thanks to the wet food and they gave me an appetite stimulant if needed. As soon as we got home she chowed down on wet food so I didn’t administer the fluids and decided to watch her intake.
On Sunday, she was waiting for me outside the bathroom again and pawing at the door to be let in with me. I almost cried in relief. She also started sleeping with me again.
By Monday, her tumor had noticeably shrunk.
She just had her second chemo treatment today. She’s still been sleepy cuz of the pain meds and gabapentin she’s been on, but it is a very good sign how responsive the tumor was to her first round. X rays taken during this visit determined no masses in her lungs (granted it could have changed from her first treatment but still good news regardless).
She’s not cured obviously and we have a long way to go with her treatments but it’s a very good sign how responsive her cancer has been. She’s my baby and last week was the worst week of my life, and I was incredibly fortunate to get her in as soon as I could, otherwise she wouldn’t have made it. I bought the oncology team donuts today as thanks haha.
If this story can help spare anyone else some of the terror and uncertainty we had to deal with, I’d like it to. Trust your gut. If a lump appears suddenly, it could be something more minor, like an abscess. Pray it’s an abscess. But if it’s not, if it appeared suddenly, especially if symptoms are changing day to day, every single day is of the essence. Depending on what type of cancer it is, it may be treatable. It may not. But getting your pet in as soon as possible can guarantee that if there IS a chance, you can give them it.
submitted by Skiesofamethyst to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:59 SnooChipmunks4981 Letter to my Avoidant Ex - I need your opinions, from Avoidant and non-avoidant people

Hello everyone,
This is my first time writing here, and I'm not sure what to expect and what kind of responses I'll receive. I look forward to hearing from you!
I would like to hear opinions from both individuals with an avoidant attachment style and those without. What do you think of the letter? Is it a good idea to send it, or do you think I should make some modifications?
I'm using fictional names.
For some context, I wrote the letter below to my "ex," although I'm not sure if I can really use the word "ex." We always referred to our relationship as simply David & Mathieu. When people asked us if we were a couple, we would say no, it was just David & Mathieu.
We were friends for a year and a half before starting a different dynamic. It wasn't planned or wanted; it just happened very naturally. He has always been someone special to me; I don't know how to explain it, but for as long as I can remember, he has been special to me, and I told him that.
Two things to know about him are that he has an avoidant attachment style, which he himself acknowledges. So sometimes it was complicated; he never reassured me about anything, had blockages like we couldn't see each other during the week, and very often I couldn't touch him (affectionately) because he needed space. But I know he made efforts and stepped out of his comfort zone for us. He started holding my hand in public by himself, opening up more and more, and introduced me to important people in his life. It may not seem like much, but for someone with an avoidant attachment style, it was already a lot.
What made the situation even more complicated is that he was also fraysexual. So as the relationship progressed, the closer we got, the less sexual interest he had in me. He still needed sex, but it wasn't possible with me. Again, he was aware of how he was, and we always talked about it openly.
David & Mathieu lasted 7 months, and what ended it were the arguments we had towards the end. I started feeling insecure about his sexuality, the fact that he was back on dating apps (he said it was just for hookups) - I believed him, but it still made me insecure, and he had trouble reassuring me. He would get angry and say that I doubted his word. Furthermore, I brought up things from the past, like a guy he had something with while we were together during the first month of David & Mathieu. Also, towards the end, he expressed his need for space and to minimize contact, and I also struggled to give him that. I believe I have an anxious attachment style, so it was complicated for me to respond to some of his requests. But when we were together, it was really good; we often told each other that the best moments together were when it was just the two of us.
Anyway, he gave reasons for ending us: that I often doubted his word, that I brought up the past too much, and that he felt like he couldn't do things he had the right to do (like sleeping with others) and that I couldn't give him the space he needed. He was always honest about not wanting to lose his freedom. I never intended to take it away from him, but sometimes I needed to discuss things to feel good, and he struggled with that.
It's been a week now since we last had contact. We never really had a discussion to close everything; he shared his decision with me over the phone, I reacted badly, I tried to convince him to change his mind, and that's it.
The day after the phone call, he still agreed to come do an activity with me, but he said only because I told him it would make me feel better, and after that activity, he gave me back the things he had at his place. I still have things with me.
I would like to hear opinions from both individuals with an avoidant attachment style and those without. What do you think of the letter? Is it a good idea to send it, or do you think I should make some modifications?
Well, here's the letter finally.
Thank you.
I respect and understand your choice.
I've wondered if it's also what I wanted and maybe I was just delusional to think otherwise.
I'm not expecting or needing you to respond to these messages. It was important for me to share my observations with a clear head rather than being in a flood of emotions. I fully understand that you don't need to receive this message, maybe you're already rolling your eyes. It's more for me that I'm doing this, it seemed like the right thing to do for me.
I'm not into blaming, victimizing, or reproaching, and I'm not taking all the blame on myself. I'll only speak about what belongs to me. I'm not angry, disappointed, and I have no negative feelings towards you. I know you're a good person with good intentions, and you never intended to hurt me in any way.
I accept your decision much more easily now that I've finally understood that having contact with me now does more harm than good. I've always wanted what's best for you and to make you feel special.
You know what I think of you, what I told you was never fake or to please you, it was simply the truth. For me, when I was with you, you were the most... things & things, and I had no interest in looking away. I never played games with you or tried to sell you dreams. I'm aware that it could have played against me, and I didn't care. But honestly, I never felt like you were taking advantage of that.
Not that I think you care about that, but I stopped talking to the guy I was chatting with at the Biodôme on the same day. If it helps some people, that's great, but for me, jumping into something else to feel better isn't healthy, I'd find it disrespectful, and it's just not me.
Sorry for losing sight of what was important and focusing too much on the past and things that didn't matter. Sorry for not being respectful and attentive towards the end, for making you feel like I didn't trust you/wanted to restrict you/didn't understand you bettedidn't assert my limits enough, and for not giving you the space you needed. I'm not perfect, I was just doing my best.
When I told you that we were better than that, well, I failed, and I let you down in a way, I acknowledge that, and I'm sorry. I messed up, and it's okay to make mistakes. You know, humans are sometimes poorly made, losing strength to realize things that were obvious.
I have work to do on myself in several aspects. I need to avoid creating scenarios, leave the past where it is, verbalize my needs and limits more clearly, in a better way and at the right time, learn to realize that what I have in front of me is true without suspicion, and learn to say: "This thing scares me, I don't know how to tame it, I don't know how it will affect us, let's talk about it."
I think just choosing better moments for certain discussions could potentially have changed the course of things. (We often had discussions about important things when we were drunk, it always turned out badly.)
I'm still the same guy I was a week ago, I haven't magically changed already, but what I can confidently tell you is that there has been an awakening, and I'm committed to evolving and being better.
I know that for you, us, it was a challenge and maybe sometimes destabilizing, it took you out of your comfort zone. I felt that you were doing your best, I never felt like you were forcing yourself, and for example, just holding my hand in public meant something significant to you. I could have taken that into consideration more and made sure you felt good and safe instead of adding pressure and frustration.
You and I are unique individuals, for whom it's not easy to build certain dynamics, we deserved to have what we had, but with the issues at the end, sometimes it wasn't easy.
I never wanted something conventional. For me, answering the question 'Are you a couple?' with 'No, it's just David & Mathieu' made me proud, and I liked it, for me, there was no need for further explanation.
I never asked or hoped for you to have the same requirements for yourself as I imposed on myself. I've always been very aware of your needs. The fact that it was important for me not to be touched by others, that belonged to me alone, I wish we could have navigated through that more healthily.
You often asked me what I expected from you, that it wasn't clear to you. I expected nothing more than what was ongoing. I was in this situation because I wanted to be, are you perfect as you are, I would say.... yes but no. But guess what, when I told you that you were perfect as you were, it was true, in the sense that even the things that weren't perfect made you a special thing for me. Don't try to understand, even I have difficulty understanding myself.
Trying out David & Mathieu wasn't a mistake for me, it was positive in many ways. And as I've already told you, what we had was enough for me, you were enough for me. The issues at the end for me were mostly predictable, all surmountable, and weighed less in the balance compared to the rest.
David & Mathieu was something peculiar, imperfect, and perfect at the same time. The fact that the best moments were mostly when we were alone together, that feeling that hand in hand it was us vs the rest, the feeling of pride and not wanting to be anywhere else and with anyone else at times.
I wish for us to find all of that again.
When you told me that you were lucky to have me, I was also lucky to have you, and I hope you know why.
Maybe one day, at the right time and if we both want it, we can see if it's possible to rebuild a friendly dynamic in which we both feel good. We've always managed to build better with the past. We make a good team when we're respectful and attentive.
I still wish to have you in my life, but if that's not possible, I'll respect that.
If someday we reconnect, I neither desire or need to revisit the issues we experienced. My mindset is to move towards something better and positive, not to fall back into negativity.
By the way, I have your grandfather's ring. I was wearing it when I got out of your car. If you want me to return your belongings quickly, let me know. Otherwise, don't worry, I'll take care of it.
I'll always be happy to hear from you, but I understand that you and I need space for now. Yes, even me.
This Saturday, Friday, or both nights, it's still to be determined, there's a possibility that I'll go out to the Eco with Emily. I'm not telling you to not go if that's what you had planned. But at the same time, I'd like us to respect what we need, but I don't want us to prevent each other from doing anything either.
If it happens soon that we come face to face, know that I'm no longer in the emotion, I'm good, I'll be friendly, and I'm ready to be flexible (leave) if necessary.
I don't plan to go to the Eco (a bar where we always went together, almost every weekend) often in the near future, this weekend is a bit special because Emily is staying in town exceptionally and plans to go out all weekend with friends from NY.
In conclusion, I would say once again that I respect your decision. It's unfortunate that we won't have the opportunity to continue having good times together. I've always had fun with you; it wasn't difficult.
Well, that's all. That's enough. That's already a lot.
Maybe one day I'll write a 10-minute song about an owl who always left 56,000 things at my place, who knows. 🤷🏻‍♂️ (he loves a Taylor S song that lasts 10 minutes about an ex of hers.)
Yes, I fully intend to make some cash off of you, no shame.
Bye for now
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:59 NovaChromatic Cannot understand this explanation of length contraction

From this video (timestamp of chapter included for enough context), I think I understand why the speed of light is the same in all reference frames and why this results in time dilation, but I don't understand his explanation for length contraction. At this timestamp, he says, "How can [the spaceship] measure a distance of more than 10 [units]?" My question is: Why would we even ask that question in the first place? We already established that from the spaceship's POV, the time that has passed so far for it has been less than 1 second, which fixes the issue of the speed of light seemingly not being constant in all frames.
I assume that from the spaceship's POV, because it measured the distance traveled by light to be 10 units and because we need to keep the speed of light constant at 100 units per second, the time that has passed so far for it has only been 0.1 seconds (I have a feeling this is the source of my confusion). If the spaceship measures a distance of more than 10 units and the time that has passed so far for it has only been 0.1 seconds, that would mean the speed of light is greater than 100 units per second, which contradicts the speed of light being the same in all reference frames.
I would appreciate any help in understanding specifically this video's explanation of length contraction.
submitted by NovaChromatic to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:59 SnooChipmunks4981 Letter to my Avoidant Ex - I need your opinions, from Avoidant and non-avoidant people

Hello everyone,
This is my first time writing here, and I'm not sure what to expect and what kind of responses I'll receive. I look forward to hearing from you!
I would like to hear opinions from both individuals with an avoidant attachment style and those without. What do you think of the letter? Is it a good idea to send it, or do you think I should make some modifications?
I'm using fictional names.
For some context, I wrote the letter below to my "ex," although I'm not sure if I can really use the word "ex." We always referred to our relationship as simply David & Mathieu. When people asked us if we were a couple, we would say no, it was just David & Mathieu.
We were friends for a year and a half before starting a different dynamic. It wasn't planned or wanted; it just happened very naturally. He has always been someone special to me; I don't know how to explain it, but for as long as I can remember, he has been special to me, and I told him that.
Two things to know about him are that he has an avoidant attachment style, which he himself acknowledges. So sometimes it was complicated; he never reassured me about anything, had blockages like we couldn't see each other during the week, and very often I couldn't touch him (affectionately) because he needed space. But I know he made efforts and stepped out of his comfort zone for us. He started holding my hand in public by himself, opening up more and more, and introduced me to important people in his life. It may not seem like much, but for someone with an avoidant attachment style, it was already a lot.
What made the situation even more complicated is that he was also fraysexual. So as the relationship progressed, the closer we got, the less sexual interest he had in me. He still needed sex, but it wasn't possible with me. Again, he was aware of how he was, and we always talked about it openly.
David & Mathieu lasted 7 months, and what ended it were the arguments we had towards the end. I started feeling insecure about his sexuality, the fact that he was back on dating apps (he said it was just for hookups) - I believed him, but it still made me insecure, and he had trouble reassuring me. He would get angry and say that I doubted his word. Furthermore, I brought up things from the past, like a guy he had something with while we were together during the first month of David & Mathieu. Also, towards the end, he expressed his need for space and to minimize contact, and I also struggled to give him that. I believe I have an anxious attachment style, so it was complicated for me to respond to some of his requests. But when we were together, it was really good; we often told each other that the best moments together were when it was just the two of us.
Anyway, he gave reasons for ending us: that I often doubted his word, that I brought up the past too much, and that he felt like he couldn't do things he had the right to do (like sleeping with others) and that I couldn't give him the space he needed. He was always honest about not wanting to lose his freedom. I never intended to take it away from him, but sometimes I needed to discuss things to feel good, and he struggled with that.
It's been a week now since we last had contact. We never really had a discussion to close everything; he shared his decision with me over the phone, I reacted badly, I tried to convince him to change his mind, and that's it.
The day after the phone call, he still agreed to come do an activity with me, but he said only because I told him it would make me feel better, and after that activity, he gave me back the things he had at his place. I still have things with me.
I would like to hear opinions from both individuals with an avoidant attachment style and those without. What do you think of the letter? Is it a good idea to send it, or do you think I should make some modifications?
Well, here's the letter finally.
Thank you.
I respect and understand your choice.
I've wondered if it's also what I wanted and maybe I was just delusional to think otherwise.
I'm not expecting or needing you to respond to these messages. It was important for me to share my observations with a clear head rather than being in a flood of emotions. I fully understand that you don't need to receive this message, maybe you're already rolling your eyes. It's more for me that I'm doing this, it seemed like the right thing to do for me.
I'm not into blaming, victimizing, or reproaching, and I'm not taking all the blame on myself. I'll only speak about what belongs to me. I'm not angry, disappointed, and I have no negative feelings towards you. I know you're a good person with good intentions, and you never intended to hurt me in any way.
I accept your decision much more easily now that I've finally understood that having contact with me now does more harm than good. I've always wanted what's best for you and to make you feel special.
You know what I think of you, what I told you was never fake or to please you, it was simply the truth. For me, when I was with you, you were the most... things & things, and I had no interest in looking away. I never played games with you or tried to sell you dreams. I'm aware that it could have played against me, and I didn't care. But honestly, I never felt like you were taking advantage of that.
Not that I think you care about that, but I stopped talking to the guy I was chatting with at the Biodôme on the same day. If it helps some people, that's great, but for me, jumping into something else to feel better isn't healthy, I'd find it disrespectful, and it's just not me.
Sorry for losing sight of what was important and focusing too much on the past and things that didn't matter. Sorry for not being respectful and attentive towards the end, for making you feel like I didn't trust you/wanted to restrict you/didn't understand you bettedidn't assert my limits enough, and for not giving you the space you needed. I'm not perfect, I was just doing my best.
When I told you that we were better than that, well, I failed, and I let you down in a way, I acknowledge that, and I'm sorry. I messed up, and it's okay to make mistakes. You know, humans are sometimes poorly made, losing strength to realize things that were obvious.
I have work to do on myself in several aspects. I need to avoid creating scenarios, leave the past where it is, verbalize my needs and limits more clearly, in a better way and at the right time, learn to realize that what I have in front of me is true without suspicion, and learn to say: "This thing scares me, I don't know how to tame it, I don't know how it will affect us, let's talk about it."
I think just choosing better moments for certain discussions could potentially have changed the course of things. (We often had discussions about important things when we were drunk, it always turned out badly.)
I'm still the same guy I was a week ago, I haven't magically changed already, but what I can confidently tell you is that there has been an awakening, and I'm committed to evolving and being better.
I know that for you, us, it was a challenge and maybe sometimes destabilizing, it took you out of your comfort zone. I felt that you were doing your best, I never felt like you were forcing yourself, and for example, just holding my hand in public meant something significant to you. I could have taken that into consideration more and made sure you felt good and safe instead of adding pressure and frustration.
You and I are unique individuals, for whom it's not easy to build certain dynamics, we deserved to have what we had, but with the issues at the end, sometimes it wasn't easy.
I never wanted something conventional. For me, answering the question 'Are you a couple?' with 'No, it's just David & Mathieu' made me proud, and I liked it, for me, there was no need for further explanation.
I never asked or hoped for you to have the same requirements for yourself as I imposed on myself. I've always been very aware of your needs. The fact that it was important for me not to be touched by others, that belonged to me alone, I wish we could have navigated through that more healthily.
You often asked me what I expected from you, that it wasn't clear to you. I expected nothing more than what was ongoing. I was in this situation because I wanted to be, are you perfect as you are, I would say.... yes but no. But guess what, when I told you that you were perfect as you were, it was true, in the sense that even the things that weren't perfect made you a special thing for me. Don't try to understand, even I have difficulty understanding myself.
Trying out David & Mathieu wasn't a mistake for me, it was positive in many ways. And as I've already told you, what we had was enough for me, you were enough for me. The issues at the end for me were mostly predictable, all surmountable, and weighed less in the balance compared to the rest.
David & Mathieu was something peculiar, imperfect, and perfect at the same time. The fact that the best moments were mostly when we were alone together, that feeling that hand in hand it was us vs the rest, the feeling of pride and not wanting to be anywhere else and with anyone else at times.
I wish for us to find all of that again.
When you told me that you were lucky to have me, I was also lucky to have you, and I hope you know why.
Maybe one day, at the right time and if we both want it, we can see if it's possible to rebuild a friendly dynamic in which we both feel good. We've always managed to build better with the past. We make a good team when we're respectful and attentive.
I still wish to have you in my life, but if that's not possible, I'll respect that.
If someday we reconnect, I neither desire or need to revisit the issues we experienced. My mindset is to move towards something better and positive, not to fall back into negativity.
By the way, I have your grandfather's ring. I was wearing it when I got out of your car. If you want me to return your belongings quickly, let me know. Otherwise, don't worry, I'll take care of it.
I'll always be happy to hear from you, but I understand that you and I need space for now. Yes, even me.
This Saturday, Friday, or both nights, it's still to be determined, there's a possibility that I'll go out to the Eco with Emily. I'm not telling you to not go if that's what you had planned. But at the same time, I'd like us to respect what we need, but I don't want us to prevent each other from doing anything either.
If it happens soon that we come face to face, know that I'm no longer in the emotion, I'm good, I'll be friendly, and I'm ready to be flexible (leave) if necessary.
I don't plan to go to the Eco (a bar where we always went together, almost every weekend) often in the near future, this weekend is a bit special because Emily is staying in town exceptionally and plans to go out all weekend with friends from NY.
In conclusion, I would say once again that I respect your decision. It's unfortunate that we won't have the opportunity to continue having good times together. I've always had fun with you; it wasn't difficult.
Well, that's all. That's enough. That's already a lot.
Maybe one day I'll write a 10-minute song about an owl who always left 56,000 things at my place, who knows. 🤷🏻‍♂️ (he loves a Taylor S song that lasts 10 minutes about an ex of hers.)
Yes, I fully intend to make some cash off of you, no shame.
Bye for now
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:58 SnooChipmunks4981 Letter to my Avoidant Ex - I need your opinions, from Avoidant and non-avoidant people

Hello everyone,
This is my first time writing here, and I'm not sure what to expect and what kind of responses I'll receive. I look forward to hearing from you!
I would like to hear opinions from both individuals with an avoidant attachment style and those without. What do you think of the letter? Is it a good idea to send it, or do you think I should make some modifications?
I'm using fictional names.
For some context, I wrote the letter below to my "ex," although I'm not sure if I can really use the word "ex." We always referred to our relationship as simply David & Mathieu. When people asked us if we were a couple, we would say no, it was just David & Mathieu.
We were friends for a year and a half before starting a different dynamic. It wasn't planned or wanted; it just happened very naturally. He has always been someone special to me; I don't know how to explain it, but for as long as I can remember, he has been special to me, and I told him that.
Two things to know about him are that he has an avoidant attachment style, which he himself acknowledges. So sometimes it was complicated; he never reassured me about anything, had blockages like we couldn't see each other during the week, and very often I couldn't touch him (affectionately) because he needed space. But I know he made efforts and stepped out of his comfort zone for us. He started holding my hand in public by himself, opening up more and more, and introduced me to important people in his life. It may not seem like much, but for someone with an avoidant attachment style, it was already a lot.
What made the situation even more complicated is that he was also fraysexual. So as the relationship progressed, the closer we got, the less sexual interest he had in me. He still needed sex, but it wasn't possible with me. Again, he was aware of how he was, and we always talked about it openly.
David & Mathieu lasted 7 months, and what ended it were the arguments we had towards the end. I started feeling insecure about his sexuality, the fact that he was back on dating apps (he said it was just for hookups) - I believed him, but it still made me insecure, and he had trouble reassuring me. He would get angry and say that I doubted his word. Furthermore, I brought up things from the past, like a guy he had something with while we were together during the first month of David & Mathieu. Also, towards the end, he expressed his need for space and to minimize contact, and I also struggled to give him that. I believe I have an anxious attachment style, so it was complicated for me to respond to some of his requests. But when we were together, it was really good; we often told each other that the best moments together were when it was just the two of us.
Anyway, he gave reasons for ending us: that I often doubted his word, that I brought up the past too much, and that he felt like he couldn't do things he had the right to do (like sleeping with others) and that I couldn't give him the space he needed. He was always honest about not wanting to lose his freedom. I never intended to take it away from him, but sometimes I needed to discuss things to feel good, and he struggled with that.
It's been a week now since we last had contact. We never really had a discussion to close everything; he shared his decision with me over the phone, I reacted badly, I tried to convince him to change his mind, and that's it.
The day after the phone call, he still agreed to come do an activity with me, but he said only because I told him it would make me feel better, and after that activity, he gave me back the things he had at his place. I still have things with me.
I would like to hear opinions from both individuals with an avoidant attachment style and those without. What do you think of the letter? Is it a good idea to send it, or do you think I should make some modifications?
Well, here's the letter finally.
Thank you.
I respect and understand your choice.
I've wondered if it's also what I wanted and maybe I was just delusional to think otherwise.
I'm not expecting or needing you to respond to this message. It was important for me to share my observations with a clear head rather than being in a flood of emotions. I fully understand that you don't need to receive this message, maybe you're already rolling your eyes. It's more for me that I'm doing this, it seemed like the right thing to do for me.
I'm not into blaming, victimizing, or reproaching, and I'm not taking all the blame on myself. I'll only speak about what belongs to me. I'm not angry, disappointed, and I have no negative feelings towards you. I know you're a good person with good intentions, and you never intended to hurt me in any way.
I accept your decision much more easily now that I've finally understood that having contact with me now does more harm than good. I've always wanted what's best for you and to make you feel special.
You know what I think of you, what I told you was never fake or to please you, it was simply the truth. For me, when I was with you, you were the most... things & things, and I had no interest in looking away. I never played games with you or tried to sell you dreams. I'm aware that it could have played against me, and I didn't care. But honestly, I never felt like you were taking advantage of that.
Not that I think you care about that, but I stopped talking to the guy I was chatting with at (our last activity together) on the same day. If it helps some people, that's great, but for me, jumping into something else to feel better isn't healthy, I'd find it disrespectful, and it's just not me.
Sorry for losing sight of what was important and focusing too much on the past and things that didn't matter. Sorry for not being respectful and attentive towards the end, for making you feel like I didn't trust you/wanted to restrict you/didn't understand you bettedidn't assert my limits enough, and for not giving you the space you needed. I'm not perfect, I was just doing my best.
When I told you that we were better than that, well, I failed, and I let you down in a way, I acknowledge that, and I'm sorry. I messed up, and it's okay to make mistakes. You know, humans are sometimes poorly made, losing strength to realize things that were obvious.
I have work to do on myself in several aspects. I need to avoid creating scenarios, leave the past where it is, verbalize my needs and limits more clearly, in a better way and at the right time, learn to realize that what I have in front of me is true without suspicion, and learn to say: "This thing scares me, I don't know how to tame it, I don't know how it will affect us, let's talk about it."
I think just choosing better moments for certain discussions could potentially have changed the course of things. (We often had discussions about important things when we were drunk, it always turned out badly.)
I'm still the same guy I was a week ago, I haven't magically changed already, but what I can confidently tell you is that there has been an awakening, and I'm committed to evolving and being better.
I know that for you, us, it was a challenge and maybe sometimes destabilizing, it took you out of your comfort zone. I felt that you were doing your best, I never felt like you were forcing yourself, and for example, just holding my hand in public meant something significant to you. I could have taken that into consideration more and made sure you felt good and safe instead of adding pressure and frustration.
You and I are unique individuals, for whom it's not easy to build certain dynamics, we deserved to have what we had, but with the issues at the end, sometimes it wasn't easy.
I never wanted something conventional. For me, answering the question 'Are you a couple?' with 'No, it's just David & Mathieu' made me proud, and I liked it, for me, there was no need for further explanation.
I never asked or hoped for you to have the same requirements for yourself as I imposed on myself. I've always been very aware of your needs. The fact that it was important for me not to be touched by others, that belonged to me alone, I wish we could have navigated through that more healthily.
You often asked me what I expected from you, that it wasn't clear to you. I expected nothing more than what was ongoing. I was in this situation because I wanted to be, are you perfect as you are, I would say.... yes but no. But guess what, when I told you that you were perfect as you were, it was true, in the sense that even the things that weren't perfect made you a special thing for me. Don't try to understand, even I have difficulty understanding myself.
Trying out David & Mathieu wasn't a mistake for me, it was positive in many ways. And as I've already told you, what we had was enough for me, you were enough for me. The issues at the end for me were mostly predictable, all surmountable, and weighed less in the balance compared to the rest.
David & Mathieu was something peculiar, imperfect, and perfect at the same time. The fact that the best moments were mostly when we were alone together, that feeling that hand in hand it was us vs the rest, the feeling of pride and not wanting to be anywhere else and with anyone else at times.
I wish for us to find all of that again.
When you told me that you were lucky to have me, I was also lucky to have you, and I hope you know why.
Maybe one day, at the right time and if we both want it, we can see if it's possible to rebuild a friendly dynamic in which we both feel good. We've always managed to build better with the past. We make a good team when we're respectful and attentive.
I still wish to have you in my life, but if that's not possible, I'll respect that.
If someday we reconnect, I neither desire or need to revisit the issues we experienced. My mindset is to move towards something better and positive, not to fall back into negativity.
By the way, I have your grandfather's ring. I was wearing it when I got out of your car. If you want me to return your belongings quickly, let me know. Otherwise, don't worry, I'll take care of it.
I'll always be happy to hear from you, but I understand that you and I need space for now. Yes, even me.
This Saturday, Friday, or both nights, it's still to be determined, there's a possibility that I'll go out to the Eco with Emily. I'm not telling you to not go if that's what you had planned. But at the same time, I'd like us to respect what we need, but I don't want us to prevent each other from doing anything either.
If it happens soon that we come face to face, know that I'm no longer in the emotion, I'm good, I'll be friendly, and I'm ready to be flexible (leave) if necessary.
I don't plan to go to the Eco (a bar where we always went together, almost every weekend) often in the near future, this weekend is a bit special because Emily is staying in town exceptionally and plans to go out all weekend with friends from NY.
In conclusion, I would say once again that I respect your decision. It's unfortunate that we won't have the opportunity to continue having good times together. I've always had fun with you; it wasn't difficult.
Well, that's all. That's enough. That's already a lot.
Maybe one day I'll write a 10-minute song about an owl who always left 56,000 things at my place, who knows. 🤷🏻‍♂️ (he loves a Taylor S song that lasts 10 minutes about an ex of hers.)
Yes, I fully intend to make some cash off of you, no shame.
Bye for now
submitted by SnooChipmunks4981 to u/SnooChipmunks4981 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:57 plucky0813 Exclusive: How a B.C. student died after overdosing in a Victoria dorm — and the major mistakes her parents say were made that night

Exclusive: How a B.C. student died after overdosing in a Victoria dorm — and the major mistakes her parents say were made that night
Open letter from her mother:
I have worked as an emergency physician in BC for the past 25 years. During every shift that I’ve worked for the past decade, I’ve witnessed the steadily worsening opioid crisis gripping our province. That crisis has now taken my child.
I am sending this email as a call to action asking you to help us advocate for change to prevent this from happening to another young person. I am attaching an open letter to Premier David Eby, Bonnie Henry, Health Minister Adrian Dix or you can link to it at The letter provides simple, easily achievable recommendations that would help teens and young adults in BC stay safe and save lives.
If you agree with the recommendations in the letter, please email David Eby and your MLA. You can link to our website and find a link to a standardized email
On January 23rd, my daughter Sidney and another first year student were poisoned by fentanyl in a dorm at the University of Victoria. Sidney died several days later. Fentanyl may have killed Sidney, but the catastrophic response by the University of Victoria and the 911 operator allowed her to die. Her death was completely preventable. No young, healthy person should die from a witnessed opioid poisoning. As many of you know, naloxone, when given early in an opioid overdose, reverses the effects of the opioid. CPR will keep the recipient alive for the few minutes it takes for naloxone to work. Five very competent, sober students who were motivated to help my daughter had to watch her die as nobody had given them the education and tools to help. Naloxone was not available in the dorm at the University of Victoria. None of the students who witnessed my daughter’s death had ever heard of naloxone. BC is far behind other provinces in ensuring our young people are safe. Easy-to-use nasal naloxone has been free in Ontario and Quebec for 7 years, but not in BC. Unlike other provinces, BC does not make CPR mandatory in its high school curriculum. As a result none of the university students who wanted to help knew how to administer CPR, which would have saved my daughter’s life.
Please share this email and this letter as broadly as you are willing… friends, family, teachers, coworkers, your MLA. If you share this email with people who don’t know me, please remove my email address at the top. People who don’t know me can contact me at Help us ensure we build a better safety net for young people exposed to fentanyl in BC. Our young people deserve better.
You have my permission to post the letter or the website link on social media
Caroline McIntyre
submitted by plucky0813 to uvic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:55 Free_Craft_6603 Random sim appeared in my household?

Random sim appeared in my household?
So my game was taking ages to load after returning from Sim Simla, so I deleted all the cache files as recommended. Other than that, I haven’t added any modes or CC bar traveller. Then my newly married couple finally returned from their honeymoon, and this random child JEAN is in my household as their son (he was not there before).
Just before loading to return from holiday, I got a notification asking me to save the game under a title of sunlit springs (which is their home base) and I agreed. Once loading had finished and arriving at their house, I got a warning that some objects could not be loaded and were replaced (?). While searching for these objects, I realised there was this random child JEAN in my household. He is listed as both of my sims child but this is impossible as they have only just tried for a baby on their honeymoon and are not yet pregnant. This is a picture of me trying to drown Jean in the pool.
I’ve googled a lot and can’t see much about how all these issues have combined and why this has resulted. Has this happened to anyone else?
submitted by Free_Craft_6603 to Sims3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:54 riseabovehat3 Solo Europe Trip from Kochi: Visa Advice and Cost Tips Needed

Hey folks, need some advice, Planning a solo trip to Schengen countries (mostly Germany) and the UK, since I have friends there who'll sort out my stay and give me an invitation letter. I'm flying from Kochi. Has anyone recently traveled solo or in a group to Europe? How was the visa process? What were the costs like?
Thinking of taking help from a travel agency for visa, but is it necessary? Can I handle it myself? Also, about bank balance, do I need to show a lot? If yes, how much and for how long?
I have a good position at my company, Team Lead. Would a letter from my company help with the visa application process?
Thanks for any tips!
submitted by riseabovehat3 to Kochi [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:54 Delicious-Gate-8192 Am I wrong for judging my bf because he helps his parents financially ? M/24 F/21

My bf and I have been together for about 4 years now. I noticed he’s not good at managing money at all. He currently has a lot of debts and ends up always needing to borrow money with friends or with me and I don’t find it healthy even if he pays it back . What’s shocking is that he seems to have a pretty good salary he gets paid 20$ per hour.
I noticed that it’s because he doesn’t know how to be financially stable because he spends a lot. And I really want to help him. The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that he sends money to his family back in his hometown they rely on him financially even tho he’s still a student and basically supports himself (rent , food , clothes ..) EVERYTHING I never saw one of him family members calling to genuinely have a conversation or know stuff about him it’s always a convo and then oh we have this issue back home can you send this amount . I tried to talk to him about it but he’s very defensive and believes that it’s normal and his obligated to send money to them. It’s complicated because we come from different backgrounds fortunately I grew up in a stable environment financially and my parents help me til today so that I can fully focus on my studies before getting a job, him on the other hand it’s completely opposite.
I feel like this makes him take every opinion or advice I give as an offense or just not valid. If he has 200$ for example he’s totally fine with spending 100$ on a shoe he probably didn’t need and I don’t find that correct . I’m very strict on how I spend he sometimes even just tells me « you can just call your dad and ask him to send it to you » and it bothers me a bit. Yes I can call and ask for more money to buy a nice rug but why would I if the money I get every month is enough and I just rather wait keep what I have and buy the rug when I will have extra money for it since it’s not that important .
I try to not judge way too much but children taking care of their parents when they are not even done with their studies and don’t have a stable job yet never sat right with me. It’s such a big responsibility financially and emotionally draining too. He literally has older siblings who are more well off. I told him that I would send him 300$ since I’m traveling and I won’t be paying groceries because I will be with my family therefore I’ll have extra money and he was very happy. But I remembered that I asked him once if he would ever give me money just like this and say go buy something that you like or ever do an extra shift if I need money urgently and he told me no because we are not married, I can just ask my parents if it’s urgent and that he’s not the type to give money to a woman while his family is back home is starving. It made me rethink everything. Technically I get him gifts ( he gets me gifts too) , I pay for the food when he’s at my place , I even land him some money that he gives me back when he needs it, I’m ready to give him money for an emergency. I even gave him 200$ once for his school tuition he fg to pay back but I don’t even ask about it. And all of that isn’t MY money it’s my parents . So I feel like it’s a bit hypocritical of him and I’m just stupid for being so open and lalaland what’s mine is yours.
I’m worried because I really want a future with him but this really makes me rethink everything. What’s should I do? And also am I being too judgemental and harsh ?
TL;DR: I've been with my boyfriend for four years, but I'm concerned about his poor money management. He earns a good hourly wage but constantly borrows money due to excessive spending and sending money to his family, who rely on him financially. Despite my efforts to discuss this, he's defensive and feels obligated to support his family, even though he's still a student. We come from different financial backgrounds, and he often dismisses my financial advice. He has also implied that because we're not married, he wouldn't give me money as he prioritizes his family's needs. This situation makes me rethink our future together, as I worry about financial stability. Am I being too judgmental, or is this a valid concern?
submitted by Delicious-Gate-8192 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:53 JT_Dolan What exactly do we know about Frasier's past, pre-cheers?

Frasier is on a date with a carnival barker named Lola. As they enjoy their meal, Lola asks Frasier about his fancy interests and hobbies.
LOLA: (curious) So Frasier, how did a guy like you get into all this fancy stuff? Opera, fine wine, expensive suits...
FRASIER: (hesitant) Well, it's a bit of a long story.
LOLA: (encouraging) I've got all night.
FRASIER: (taking a deep breath) When I was a child, I used to break into garages and steal golf clubs to sell in the ghetto.
LOLA: (surprised) What? Frasier, I never took you for the criminal type.
FRASIER: (sheepish) Yes, well, it wasn't my proudest moment. But you see, nobody in the ghetto played golf. So in order to drive interest in the sport and move my stolen merchandise, I created a ghetto golf club.
LOLA: (amused) A ghetto golf club? I've never heard of such a thing.
FRASIER: (smiling) Yes, it was quite the success. And in the process of learning about the game, I started learning more about rich people and what they spend their money on. I became fascinated with the opulent lifestyles of the upper class and set out to cultivate my own taste for the finer things in life.
LOLA: (impressed) Well, I'll be damned. Frasier Crane, you are full of surprises.
FRASIER: (raising his glass) Yes, well, we all have our pasts. The important thing is what we do with them. (pauses, then lifts up his shirt to reveal a tattoo of a fierce tiger swinging a golf club) And I'll never forget where I came from.
LOLA: (eyes widening) Wow, Frasier. That's one hell of a tattoo.
FRASIER: (chuckling) Yes, it's a reminder of my street roots and my love of golf. Speaking of which, did I ever tell you about the first time I killed a man? It was on the fairway, you know. He underestimated my drive and paid the ultimate price.
LOLA: (stunned) Frasier, you can't just casually drop something like that into conversation.
FRASIER: (realizing his mistake) Oh, I apologize. I didn't mean to shock you. It was a long time ago and I've since turned my life around.
The two continue their date, with Frasier feeling grateful for the opportunity to share his unexpected past with someone new, but also realizing that some things are better left unsaid.
submitted by JT_Dolan to Frasier [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:53 Automatic_Profile838 Anxiety in early dating

23f I’ve been seeing a guy for about a month and a half 27m that I met from hinge. He has never been the type to text constantly, just little chit chats here and there, which I am totally fine with. I don’t want to have to text someone all day every day, but texting a lot is how it’s been with past guys that I’ve dated. (Never ended well or died out fast)
He has long term relationship in his profile on hinge, and asked me about my last relationship on our first date- so this gave me the indication that he’s looking for a relationship.
We recently hung out to watch a movie, which ended in us having sex for the first time with eachother. He asked me as I was getting ready to leave his house “what are we doing for our next date” and I said “you tell me” and he responded “I guess it is my turn to choose” since I chose our last date.
When I got home later that night he texted to make sure I got home and told me he enjoyed hanging with me.
This was on Saturday and it is now Thursday. We’ve texted a little bit here and there, he travels for work a lot so he doesn’t like to text much throughout the work week I’ve noticed. We still don’t have a next date set up, so I’ve been patiently waiting for him to plan something.
I am planning on telling him that I really like hanging out with him and asking where his head is at the next time I see him, but we have no plans set yet.
I just need some advice on self soothing with my anxiety since I have past traumas of guys having sex with me and then leaving. I really don’t think he is the type to do that, but I can’t help but overthink sometimes. Any advice on self soothing would be appreciated!!
submitted by Automatic_Profile838 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:51 Top_Swordfish_891 Debt collection issue with address

Hello! Apologies that this is so specific. I had a collection agency call me this morning, but when I gave them my current address it wasn’t the one on file. They asked if I had any old addresses, which desperately complicated things. I have lived in between 2 states and about 7-8 locations within the past several years throughout college. I had no idea what time period this debt is for or which address it could possibly be under. I told the woman on the phone I really didn’t know or remember every location (which is true) and she said they would send a letter to the old address. They couldn’t confirm what it was for or anything more without the “correct” address. The statute of limitations has to be almost up in my current state given how long I’ve lived at my current address. I sent a follow up email explaining my situation, but I’m not sure what more I can do! I’d love to handle it if I have outstanding debt and make sure it isn’t related to identity fraud experienced in my family several years ago, but they can’t give me any information without a specific address. Any advice would be super appreciated!
submitted by Top_Swordfish_891 to personalfinance [link] [comments]