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2011.08.28 07:24 Everything & Anything You Were Too Afraid To Ask

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2012.06.13 20:58 CoCaptainJack Ask Americans about their country!

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2012.06.15 14:12 cardinals5 Ask Europe

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2024.05.15 12:00 Designer-Ad399 Need advice/opinion

Bit of a long post but I need to get it off my chest because honestly I don't know what to do. I've never been in this type of situation, therefore any advice from someone whos been through something similar would be helpful. Anyway, bit of backstory.
My gf (20) and I (23) met early December last year and we really hit it off. The problem was that she was in a relationship then, but they broke up not long after ( I honestly think it wasn't because of me, they had problems long before we met) and we started talking and hanging out more often. We either texted or talked on facetime entire day because I am in Switzerland and she is in Croatia. It got to a point where she told me point blank that she had feelings for me but she wasn't ready for a relationship just yet, which I was ok with (keep in mind this was a month and a half after they broke up). Anyway, we started planning to go on a trip for a couple of days as soon as I got back home. I asked her where she wanted to go and picked the best place to stay and planned the entire thing perfectly, I even offered to take some of her friends with us just so she could feel more comfortable (in the end her sister and her boyfriend went with us). The two of us were holding hands and were next to one another entire time, we slept in the same bed, we even made out and had sex when we were alone one night (no alcohol or something similar, just passion I think). And honestly I liked that because we were each others little secret at the time. She even stayed at the house I rented for 7 days because we wanted to spend as much time as we could together. It started to feel like a beginning of a relationship but we didn't wanna say it at the time, we just wanted to be together entire time. Call it honeymoon phase if you will, but we both knew we had feelings for one another. I even met her family and her friends and had dinner with them. It was almost perfect.
This is where magic stops and reality hits. A couple of days ago she wanted to go through my phone, which I was fine with because I have nothing to hide, no porn, no other girls, no ig models, nothing. Just my dogs, family, friends and work, so I said fine as long as I can go through yours, which she reluctantly agreed. And that's when I saw it. Not only has she been texting some other guy, she's been actively seeing him and telling him how much she needs him, but she slept with him the same night and day I was driving 1200km just to see her and take her and her sister on that trip that we planned for so long. But that's not even the best part. At the same time we were planning our trip, that guy booked some cheap ass apartment and texted her the date saying I will see you then. ON THE SAME NIGHT I WAS DRIVING JUST TO SEE HER. And she responded with "I can't wait". But what bothers me is that that guy put in so little effort. I remember on Valentines day we wished each other happy Valentines, and I even sent her a bouquet of roses, just to show her that I really do care about her and I wanted to be there with her right now but can't because of work, she asked him that same fucking day if he wanted to go for a walk. And he said "no, I'm going to play games with my friends, I told you we will meet on the 22.". AND SHE WAS HEARTBROKEN BUT SHE STILL CHASED HIM. HOW PATHETIC DO BOTH OF THEM NEED TO BE? And the entire time she was texting him and going out with him, she was telling me how much she misses me, and how she can't wait for me to come. Entire time while I was there for her, spending days and nights talking and laughing with her, sending her flowers every week ( FLOWERS THAT SHE SHOWED HIM), that guy was putting in so little effort and reaping all the rewards. What's funny is after they slept together she bragged to all of her friends and said how they fucked twice and no protection cuz duh. Same friends that she introduced me to, that said that they are all cheering for me. They all knew, they all saw how much I cared for her and nobody said a thing. Then when I put the phone down and asked her to explain herself, only thing she said was "that was before we were official, and it was just for one night". The same girl that sent me a checklist of her perfect boyfriend where it stands "NEEDS TO BE LOYAL" does something like that and then says it was before we were official. She didn't even show a little bit of remorse, only thing she said was "you need to get over it". How???
I'm sorry for this long post, but my mind is just going crazy right now. I just needed a place to vent, a place where I can get some advice on what to do. Thank you for any advice😅
TL;DR; : Am I getting played? Or was that really a mistake on her part?
submitted by Designer-Ad399 to couplestherapy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:59 InternationalBat1481 gossiping coworker help/advice

There were some rumors that a woman I am friends with is a lesbian. We talked and I asked her and she said she is totally into guys (only). Some people still joke about her being into women which I feel bad at now but I would laugh and thought it was funny. She found out I was a part of the group of women that did this and was very upset and quit talking to me. Ironically maybe due to my friendship with her there were also rumors about me liking her (Romantically) tried to reach out to her but she said she didn't want to talk about it. I have talked to her about guys I've dated, shared dates and even talked about us double dating so she should know how I feel...but I also said I Would date a woman if I was ever attracted to one and have done things like buy/invite her to coffee as a friend. My friend mentioned she may be acting a certain way or thinks that I think she is a lesbian. This is a topic she is very sensitive and seems to get upset about. She is also not always into sharing her feelings. Should I try to bring it up or just leave it alone and wait/see how things work out?
submitted by InternationalBat1481 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:59 Clear-Lingonberry122 Anyone has any information about the charging status of XD05 Pro??

Anyone has any information about the charging status of XD05 Pro??
Hello good people,
I have been along time lurker but not a very active person on reddit. But everytime i log in i see good people discussing HiFi audio here in this group. I actually have a question related to my recently acquired XD05 Pro. I want to know is there any charging indication? like the light just glows in green and orange, but even with a 67W fast charging adapter, the device takes a long time to charge.
Any ideas related to this? And btw, I am using ESS and ROHM DAC cards. Here are a few pictures.
Thanks for your replies in advance.
submitted by Clear-Lingonberry122 to headphones [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:58 SamAlmighty What if the Soviet Union joined the axis in WW2? Or what if they stayed neutral (and Nazi Germany never attacked them?) Would an allied victory still be possible?

Was wondering this; part of me feels like that in the case of the SU joining the nazis, the axis (with a combined force of Nazi Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union and Japan) would simply be too powerful.
However, as we all know, the United States was the first one to develop the atom bomb. Would it be too far fetched to argue that this would still deliver them a victory?
And as a bonus question (I believe this has probably been asked before): If the axis (with, or without the Soviet Union) had conquered the entire world: would Hitler and the Nazis (with their racist “Aryan” ideals co-exist with the Japanese empire being an ally, or eventually turn on them?
submitted by SamAlmighty to AlternativeHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:58 cerabugz I made my ex choose between me and their best friend

I’m new-ish to reddit, but this has been weighing on me. All names are changed for the sake of the story. My ex (19) Sam and I (19f) started dating when we were juniors in highschool. I had gotten out of a horribly abusive relationship, and we were already close friends. Aside from friend group drama, our relationship was great. We were head over heels in love, and had plenty of mutual friends. Fast forward 1 year to the night before my 18th birthday. We heard about a house party and ended up going. They had invited their friend, Alex (20), to tag along. This wouldn’t have bothered me, but they invited them before they invited me, and only invited me when I practically asked to be invited. Later in the night, we all got pretty drunk. I’ll preface this by saying that Sam and I were in an open relationship sexually, but not romantically. Alex, Sam and I all ended up kissing. I befriended Alex. I then found out from someone else that Sam and Alex had been hooking up, which was not the agreement of our relationship. The agreement was that if either one of us wanted to sleep with someone, we should tell the other before the fact. I manage to move past this after a very long conversation about trust. A few months later, Alex ghosts me because I made a joke that made them uncomfortable. I tell them that I wished they would have told me, but understood, and I wouldn’t want to continue the friendship either if they were the type of person to drop someone without an explanation like that. That’s that. Still, Sam and Alex are hooking up. Eventually, I tell Sam that as their girlfriend I don’t feel comfortable with the fact that they are hooking up with Alex, who has made it very obvious that they don’t like me by actively talking shit about me. I tell them that, as a matter of fact, I don’t like that they’re still friends with them. Sam says they don’t have many friends, and that Alex is their best friend and the person that they trust the most in the world, with anything and everything. I’m convinced Alex has feelings for Sam, and a mutual friend of mine and Sam’s, and formerly Alex’s, even tells me that Alex has been raving about how Sam is the best sex of their life, and that Sam is so hot, and so perfect, and they’re being completely obsessive about Sam. I also bring this up. Nothing happens, and Sam and Alex remain friends, but stop hooking up. Then, one day I’m talking to Sam, and ask what they’re doing. They say they’re at home, but we had gotten Life360 for fun, and I remember seeing that they left home, so I check. Then I see that they’re at Planned Parenthood, right by my house. I ask, and they reveal that they’re taking Alex to an appointment. I ask why, and they say it’s personal. I tell them that that’s really suspicious. Sam is staying at Alex’s almost nightly, seeing them 4-6 times a week, and I only see them 1-3 times a week. Eventually, right before Valentine’s day, I tell them that I think they’re having an emotional affair, and I need them to treat me like they’re my partner, not Alex’s. After this fight, we break up mutually, and they say that nothing I say makes sense and I was entirely paranoid. We had attempted to stay friends, but currently are no contact. Am I the asshole?
submitted by cerabugz to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:58 bachimaasum Why???

My brother constantly asking me to get married and I'm afraid... I'm afraid what if my future partner will be like my father or my brother or my brother-in-law or the man in my family and relatives... People say that girl always wants a partner like her father but I don't ... I love him and I tried whole time to get his attention... But he never cared, it's like he never see me... You know whenever I went to my relatives house when I was little, they always told how father never wanted me, how he ignored me when I was, I was just a burden.... And I always wanted to ask this from my father my mother, if they never wanted me then why gose through all the trouble to give birth to me and why they keep me, why not abandoned me... They have a perfect family before me, Dad mom and elder daughter and a son then why they bring me into their perfect family and ruined it... Now they both left me with a ruined mind.. a child with mental unstable that no one wants it... But you know I did everything so people don't abandoned me... I do everything, I listened everything, I pretend like a sweet, innocent and naive girl... I don't question or talk loudly or too much, I stopped going out with my friends and even Stop talking with them but still why I didn't get their attention.... What would I do to get their attention and affection or everything.. for once I tell myself to get married, I thought I got married to the person they want they will love me, care about me, I'm no longer be invisible in their eyes but the reality hit me, if I got married they never forget about me, and what if my partner see the disqualities then what, what if my future partner started to treat me like my family and friends or those people what I'm going to do. I'm afraid to be attached... So much that I started isolated myself from everyone and everything, it's really feel good for some time but all those memories and voices don't let me sleep, my heart is too loud that I want to squeeze it to stop... Why, why, why, can't I be loved.... I deserve it?
submitted by bachimaasum to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:57 Weary_Message_1221 Unanswered emails

I am appalled at how inconsistently some people in my district reply to emails- especially admin and central office. Sometimes I get no response at all to my emails that ask a question or explicitly solicit a call to action of some kind. I’m in a situation right now where my email including 2 salary advancement questions has been ignored for a week. How long before an email of yours goes unanswered do you follow up with them and are you petty enough to “as per my previous email” them? Because my professional pettiness knows no boundaries.
submitted by Weary_Message_1221 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:57 TruthBombsOnYourFace Help please. Career options with CA Inter and a big gap in CV

Hi everyone,
I am asking this on behalf of my friend. He has completed his BCom and MCom from a state university and is currently pursuing CA Finals. He has been giving the exams for a while now and this attempt has also not been great. He is stuck with Audit since many attempts and his IDT paper also didn’t go well.
He is 31. Apart from his articleship, he doesn’t have any relevant experience. He lives in a Tier II city and has looked for jobs but all he is getting is sales roles or shop/showroom accounting roles with 20k salary and no growth.
My questions are following:
  1. He is good in maths but he hasn’t attempted any govt exams. Given his age and he is in general category, are there any govt exams he can give ?
  2. Are there any govt jobs exclusively for CA which he can look for in parallel to prepare for?
  3. If he isn’t able to complete his CA this year, what are his options (other than govt jobs if any)?
  4. If he is able to complete his CA, what career options will be open for him and what is the earning potential? This will help him remain motivated for next attempt
Thank you all. Please help a fellow aspirant in need.
submitted by TruthBombsOnYourFace to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:57 Grifflo_Gellus How could messages be sent over lightyears in a reasonable timeframe?

Im not sure where to ask this question and don't seem to find anything online in the context im looking for. So i have this lore i have about this civilization becoming an multisystem one, but one problem i have is, that im not sure how communications would work. Like for example a colony in a system light years away wants to send a message to the homeworld. Are there any like scientific theories that would allow some kind of messages to be sent in a reasonable amount of time?
submitted by Grifflo_Gellus to questions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:57 radykalmynd75 Reddit is full of ass clowns

Reddit is full of ass clowns
I jumped n this group to voice my opinion in regards to the negative perception these men have about so called "lonely women" ...apparently I struck a nerve and got booted out of the group who ever this is felt the need to bring the fight to me lol lol I have a sneaky suspicion its a male moderator which is why I felt the need to be super petty betty....smh these ass clowns are funny
submitted by radykalmynd75 to BurbNBougie [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:57 Beneficial-Salary-90 .

My post on therapy asking a simple question got locked so i’ll pose the question here.
How can you guys stand therapy when its only a scam and their conning you out of money? None of you are healed yet you convince yourselves you are then when a slight trigger happens your back to square one time to put even more money down for new drugs and talking seasons with a person your paying to care about you. None of that stuff works. Its never going to work. Therapy is a scam meant to take money from the venerable by selling them the fantasy of healing and then forcing drugs down your throat that take away all emotion and feeling. or even better they do absolutely nothing so you bounce around different drugs that are all the same placebo and hope for the best.
And i’ve been in and out of therapy since i was 7, i’m 22 now. If therapy worked, by now i wouldn’t actively think of wrapping my car around a power line or about drinking bleach till i drop. But it doesn’t. Nor do the countless drugs i’ve been on. Overall i’ve spent millions on my mental health for it to keep rotting daily. I’m done. I refuse to keep doing this.
submitted by Beneficial-Salary-90 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:56 Ellie96S AITAH for not telling my girlfriend about the men I have had sex with?

Both my girlfriend and I are in our late-twenties. I'm male-to-female trans, bi and autistic. She is cis female, neurotypical and bi. We have been togheter for 3 years and are living togheter.
I grew up in a religious military family, my dad was emotionally absent or away on exercises or deplyoments. I went off the rails a bit once I discovered my first sense of freedom as 19 year old. Now I am just angry and ashamed over it.
When I moved out of my parents home I had a bit of a hoe phase, basically around 20 guys that I had sex with or did sexual stuff with. I realised that it was not good for me and stopped, I never kissed a girl until I met my girlfriend. I was very shy and not quite knowing what to do with her (autistic and mtf) so she guided me along. Because of my inexperience with women she always just assumed I was very inexperienced in general. We've had some talk about our dating experiences and I just said I had some bad experiences on grindtinder and left it at that. I was ashamed of what I had done and lied to her and said that I just met up with a couple of guys and either left after meeting them or that they pressured me into a blowjob or sex. That I deleted the app after. I did not really want to talk about this with her because I did not want to listen to her experiences either.
What basically happened is that in my country we had a 4 day weekend not too long ago and at one of the parties we had gone to, three guys that I had sex with where there and basically loudly started talking about me, my girlfriend got upset hearing them and started shouting at them before I just begged her to go home with me to sober up.
She's been distant with me after we had a talk over it. She asked me why I lied, all I could say was that I was ashamed for it. That those guys had used me and that they never cared about me as a person. On the other hand I feel angry at her, she has literally talked to me about how caring about body counts is stupid and misogynist, It's not like she has never done anything before me either. At first I was apologetic over me lying but when I told her about that she's been short with me since. I apologized later. Our friend group was originally hers and they've mostly taken her side. Some of them have been understanding, but are still telling me I fucked up. Which I know I have.
I'm clean and I got tested for up to a year after I quit grindtinder. I made a series of mistakes and once I realized that I quit, but now I've fucked up even harder with my gf.
submitted by Ellie96S to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:56 Violisbet What are the questions you want to be asked in a deeptalks card game?

Planning to make a deck for people who are in their 20's to 60's. Also, I am curious about their views in life specially sa adults.
submitted by Violisbet to AskPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:56 edrustveneigre Welcome to E-društvene igre – the official community for board game enthusiasts!

We're thrilled to have you join us in this space dedicated to all things related to E-društvene igre. Whether you're a seasoned player or just getting started, this subreddit is your go-to destination for discussions, updates, tips, and much more!
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  1. Introduce Yourself: Take a moment to introduce yourself to the community! Share your favorite games, experiences on our platform, or anything else you'd like us to know about you.
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submitted by edrustveneigre to Edrustveneigre [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:56 boyazooga uncertainty

i’ve manifested pretty much everything i have wanted - i’ve been to both of the best schools in my country, have an amazing group of friends (so amazing that sometimes i cry just thinking about how happy 16 year old me would be knowing this), do not struggle for money, and i really like the way i look and dress. apart from one thing - i’ve never been in a proper relationship. this is literally all that i feel is missing from my life.
no matter how much i manifest, it just doesn’t seem to happen for me. i spent 3 years genuinely believing that it would happen one day, not worrying about it, and suddenly im 22 and nothing has happened.
im having doubts right now, because i asked out my SP - he’s a good friend, and i really thought he had been flirting with me for months, as did my other friends. i asked him out because i felt we kept missing what would be ‘our moment’ where something would happen naturally, and i know he’s a pretty shy guy himself. also, because we graduate in a couple of months, so i felt that time was running out. he initially said yes, but called me a few days ago to say that he’s thought about it and changed his mind, he doesn’t want to ruin the friendship - and he seemed genuinely surprised when i said i thought he’d been flirting with me, and said he didn’t mean to give those signs.
i see posts and videos online of people who are 30, 40, 50 and have never been in a relationship, and i worry that that will be me. i worry that even if i live in my belief that it is for me, 20 years will go by with nothing, as 3 years already have. it’s all i want in the world, but no matter what i do - love letter method, whisper method, self concept, detachment theory - it doesn’t come to me. which means i start having doubts about the law.
does anyone have any pearls of wisdom? sorry, i think i just need some reassurance, or maybe some explanation as to why this just isn’t working for me. what did i do wrong with SP? is there any hope, given that he’s rejected me and we are moving to different places in a couple months time? is it a sign from the universe that he’s not right for me?
submitted by boyazooga to Manifestation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:55 KermieGames The bantha galaxy - 1 spot and 1 retiree soon!

Are you looking for your forever home? Waves frantically
The Bantha Galaxy is a guild with an incredible sense of community within our discord, as the biggest guild in the bantha universe, our experienced officers, plan TB and TW for the best results, with plenty of swgoh bots, farming guides, and lots of off-topic areas.
GUILD GP 290m (AVG 5.9m GP)
ENDOR Raid - 144m crate
LS Hoth: 45⭐ (now retired)
DS Hoth: 48⭐(now retired)
DS Geo: 29⭐ (35+ WAT shards)
ROTE: 18⭐
43/13 in TW, 77% win rate 💪
WHAT WERE LOOKING FOR FROM YOU • 5m+ GP with a developed roster, and 1 or more GL's • 500+ Raid Tickets A Day • Active members that participate and want the best results, not just to be carried • G12+ Geos for GEO TB
If you think you've got what it takes to be a bantha, come join our Discord, or drop me a DM to ask any questions 💪
submitted by KermieGames to SWGOHRecruiting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:55 RayaAmadeus What counts as proof of relationship for a Standard Visitor Visa? (sponsored trip)

I've seen many questions relating to this for getting a spouse/partner visa but not much in terms of a simple visitor visa. My partner is Indian and I am British. I am sponsoring his trip and so they want proof of our relationship - I am wondering what would count for this? I assume it doesn't need to be as detailed as for a spouse/partner visa? When we are in India, we live at his family home so don't have a joint tenancy agreement/utility bills etc. Someone told me photos don't count but have seen mention of them on this sub (but again in relation to spouse visa).
Also, at the biometrics appointment do they ask any questions etc or is it literally just giving your fingerprints, taking a photo etc?
Thanks in advance for your help.
submitted by RayaAmadeus to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:55 Violisbet What are the questions you want to be asked in a deeptalk card game?

Planning to make a deck for people who are in their 20's to 60's. Also, I am curious about their views in life specially sa adults.
submitted by Violisbet to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:55 Rinczmia Daily Questions Megathread (05/15)

Hello Heirs! This is the Daily Questions Megathread.
You are welcome to use the daily thread to ask general or personalized questions instead of creating a new thread.
Please ask all your beginner questions here as well. Help each other out and don't forget to thank/upvote fellow heirs!

Useful Link(s):

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Weekly Gacha & Rant Megathread
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submitted by Rinczmia to EpicSeven [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:55 WhatDoINoAnyWay How to help my gifted teen

I’m a reasonably intelligent attorney who has done pretty well in the field. I am not nor have I ever been described as “gifted.” My 13 year old son, who is in a gifted pull out program at school, has a very obvious self-motivated interest in history, law and politics. He asked me to come up with some legal fact patterns so he could review. Exhausted from being in court all day, I decided to just pull up some bar exam questions. I was reading them aloud and he got every single one right. I am a single mom running her own law practice and don’t always have the full energy to devote to his seemingly endless energy for learning. While he is very advanced in some respects, he’s also lacking confidence in other areas and confided in me that he feels like no one ever listens to him (he’s trying to have these discussions with other 13 year olds at lunch) Are there any resources to help this kid? Does anyone have any ideas? I feel like I can’t really give him what he needs to thrive and keep him engaged so his spirit isn’t crushed.
submitted by WhatDoINoAnyWay to Gifted [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:54 LxDolz i'm suddenly anxious rn. venting timeee!

i wanna get this off of my shoulders rq.
i don't know how to explain this, but i often get the feeling of "one day I'll -----" in everything. one day ill turn 18, one day ill get married, one day ill have children, one day ill meet my grandchildren, etc, and i've never really been able to explain it to anyone, but it's just a feeling of "oh, it's actually going to happen!" and yk right now im feeling like "one day i'll actually die."
what happens after death? the angels ask you the 3 questions, the day of judgement, you go to heaven inshallah, you spend eternity there. but is it really eternity? we can't be sad in heaven and we can't get bored in heaven, so what will we be doing? will i be me? one day, after thousands and billions of years in heaven, will we ever disappear? i dont believe in turning into nothingness ofc, im a muslim, but what about years and years in heaven? im scared of being there for eternity, but im also scared of one day just disappearing. actually, even before all that, im scared of death. what'll it feel like? i heard you can hear people while ur getting buried or something- like you still have a consciousness but you cant move your body. is that true? what'll happen to my soul? won't it be scary? i know heaven's supposed to be an awesome thing that everyone wishes for, but the idea of going there scares me a bit. like alhamdulilah and inshallah i go to heaven, but just dying in general creeps me out. no one's ever come back from the dead to tell us about anything (except the dude from the yellow cow story in the Quran). overall, im just scared of the idea of 'eternity'. what is eternity? Allah is the creator of time. A day there is a thousand years here. Will we ever get bored? Will we ever disappear? Turn into nothingness after billions and trillions of centuries in heaven? will my parents be my parents? we're all gonna be around the age of 30, right? so will i still see them as my parents? so many questions, and no answers. dunno what to do honestly, but imma just blindly trust in God because he's the best of all planners.
submitted by LxDolz to Muslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:53 Ble_u Vitalis' goal; the Prophet, the Saint, and the Judgement

Vitalis' goal; the Prophet, the Saint, and the Judgement
In this post I'd like to talk about what I believe Vitalis' ultimate goal was, and knowledge regarding the Macula. Why did he need Hugo and Beatrice further after gaining the Macula for himself, and why did he die with a smile on his face? Is he simply evil and manipulative, or a foreteller of the truth ahead?
(Please be warned that this post contains spoilers for Plague Tale: Requiem's ending)
• First things first, let's gather how much this old man knew of the Macula, and where the change began with him once he became afflicted by it.
  • Basilius was first mentioned in Plague Tale Innocence, by two researching alchemists in the Bastion. Vitalis knew of the Macula even before Hugo's powers woke, but only strived to capture him, once the plague started to hit.
  • Lord Nicholas' orders were to capture Hugo, but on many occasions you can hear guards say "capture children" instead. This gives idea to the thought that Amicia is a necessary pawn to use too, alongside Beatrice as well.
• There is a pattern, which aligns with the Order's symbols. It's purely theorical, and unclear, so please take note of that.
  • In Plague Tale: Innocence, Château d'Ombrage is a place among many other hidden which are owned by the Order. It contains the symbol on the floor, which we see in detail for the first time.
    (Second image)
-> The Phoenix/Fire, the Blood, and the Moon/Darkness.
This in Requiem changes into this:
(Third image)
(I take note of the symbol from Requiem, because it's different and I'd like to make it clear, that whereas here the Phoenix is the Order's symbol, in Innocence it clearly applies to the Protector.)
• So, with Requiem's symbol out of the way, let's analyze what roles the symbol's each sign applies to.
  • The Phoenix is the Protector, the Flame. Originally, Amicia.
  • The Moon/Darkness is the Macula, which's host is Hugo.
  • The Blood, is Beatrice. The mother - the alchemist.
• It's likely, that Vitalis knew of this system, and it's importance at keeping the balance. Why?
"You may run, but no one can escape their own blood."
That is the line Vitalis said to Amicia, when they met the university. He admitted, that he's been watching her family, for quite a while now. In fact, saw her grow up even.
The Protector's role is dual. It is to protect the Carrier, and ultimately, with this, protect the world from the Bite.
• The man knew of the system, and so he tried to recreate it himself. His Protector was none else, than Nicholas. (If you haven't read the post about him, there I explain that it's likely Nicholas was taken in as an orphan and groomed into his present role) it's even more badass if you think that the original Protector, and the artificial one fought, from which Amicia came out as winner :)
  • But what of the "Blood"? The role of the Alchemist is necessary, so he forcibly held Beatrice hostage with Hugo's experiments, even at the Conjuration.
• He knew of the system, kept it, what caused him failure then?
  • With sending away his own Protector, out of arrogance, the balance fell. The Macula consumed him, and fed on his already growing hostility towards their current world.
• Let's take a little break to talk about this hostility. The New World, and the Old World, as he calls them, and his non-legitimate Inquisition.
  • We need to think of the time period first and foremost. We are at the start, barely even cusp of renaissance. People start to escape the Church's regulations, our of a wish for individual humane freedom and expressions which begin to rise. In art, in education, and in beliefs.
  • Vitalis, likely in his 70s at least, lived through the crusades, and the age of corruption, rise of orders, chaos caused by not one but two Popes chosen. It was a power-play, going on for way too long.
  • The old world, which he grew up in and lived through, started to falter, and he likely knew, judgement is proper, destruction is needed, in order to build a world anew. It's also likely that this is why he later preferred Hugo rather than Nicholas as his own protégé, since Nicholas was a follower, a 'model man' of that old world, whereas Hugo, the youth, questioned him and changed him.
  • The rats were the angels of the new world, fulfilling the prophecy of apocalypse. The four horsemen, war, famine, plague, death. All are present in the story, and also hinted. In the village's church, the windows show the four horsemen of apocalypse.
• His Inquisition was not one belonging under the Church, but one REBELLING against its rules, you could say, trialing the Church's beliefs, corrupted system as well. That is why Vitalis cared not that he is excommunicated, and why Nicholas didn't regard the Arch Bishop as an important person any bit, compared to Vitalis.
  • Vitalis likely opened his believer's eyes, that the Church only causes war among them, meanwhile there is a Plague they should instead take care of. The Inquisition is entirely heretic, but they believe they are the only righteous, because no one dares to step up against the Plague's upcoming. This process of change is what he is the old relic of.
With Hugo under his wings later on, he realized even more so, that his planned changes were materialistic, and his goals changed with solutions more radical.
"You cannot kill what has been already sublimated."
• He injected himself with Hugo's blood, for various reasons. Controlling the Plague, contrary to popular belief, was NOT one of them.
  • He was far too weak to maintain such control, even if the Macula gave him temporary physical uplift.
So why?
• His goal to stop the Plague, was through the Conjuration of the Prima Macula. Who was, Basilius.
But how would that even be possible? And what does it have to do with Vitalis "sublimating"? The Macula, tamed, or controlling its host?
  • Vitalis realized something we reach the conclusion of only from Requiem's ending, where we see Hugo's consciousness remained within the Macula, even after he gave up.
The Macula, keeps consciousness, emotions of its earlier hosts. With this, by sublimating himself, Vitalis becomes eternally part of it, with Basilius, and Hugo too.
  • With this, just as how Hugo felt Basilius' feelings, Vitalis understood Hugo's pure view of the world, and obliged to its whims. And perhaps, the next carrier, will "encounter" Vitalis's darkened consciousness along the way :)
  • That is why the old man smiled. He knew he will die, but he became a "saint". Eternal, forever in the Macula. Forever in a bond, with Hugo too likely. With this, he can change the world, just later.
Side notes:
• The sky above the city is exactly like Hugo's Nebula. Once Hugo passed, and ONE OF THE PROTECTORS died, Vitalis passed.
• Vitalis viewed himself as a sacrifice, the CRUCIBLE where everything unites. This also hints at the shared consciousness which I mentioned earlier.
• With how Amicia (the protector) is able to have temporary control over the rats whilst holding the Carrier's hand due to their deep bond, it's likely Nicholas did the same with Hugo for this reason, although there the bond was forced.
I hope I explained everything that I wanted thoroughly, but if something is unclear (which I can imagine because this was a messy one), please feel free to ask and I will try my best to answer. Everything is debatable, so feel free to add your own ideas as well! :)
Also, none of the used images belong to me.
submitted by Ble_u to APlagueTale [link] [comments]