Emo boy name

Midwest Emo

2012.01.10 06:12 hellolion Midwest Emo

anyways... here's never meant

2014.12.23 09:58 Madeofstyrofoam - A cut above the rest

Rest in Peace HooplaHobo, who was one of MadeOfStyrofoams founding fathers. An open forum with loose moderation to discuss self harm in all its forms. You may post and comment as you please. Any posts and comments will be subject to the reaction of the community as a whole, be them negative or positive. Read our sidebar for more details. We do not endorse any form of private communities. If you want to be voluntary banned shoot the mods a message.

2011.02.01 19:41 cranberry-smoothie /r/PopPunkers: discussion, news, songs, videos, reviews & everything else Pop Punk!

The front page for all Pop Punk related content!

2024.06.09 21:16 InfiniteSunshine555 red nose pit

red nose pit
whats should i name this super sweet extremely handsome boy i just adopted
submitted by InfiniteSunshine555 to NameMyDog [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:13 LeaguePrestigious993 [TOMT] a cgi cartoon I used to watch as a kid

When I was younger I used to watch a cgi show about a little knight boy. I don’t remember much else about it. I think it aired on playhouse Disney or Disney junior Idk if anyone else remembers this if you please comment the name or post a little clip or something. I really want to find it.
submitted by LeaguePrestigious993 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:06 happytimes_101 Gotta love unsupportive parents

Gotta love unsupportive parents submitted by happytimes_101 to NonBinary [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:02 JoshMoite Everything is so backwards in the UK…

Why is it, if you park illegally anywhere, 9 times out of 10 you get caught on CCTV and fined. Yet people get assaulted to the point of being left unconscious, but the culprits are never found as there was apparently no CCTV in the busy area it took place.
If you defend yourself against an attacker, you also get charged.
If your vehicle gets stolen, then police find it, you have to pay the hundreds of £ for the recovery they used to move the vehicle.
When a CCJ is put against your credit report that has absolutely nothing to do with you and isn’t even in your name, now you gotta pay hundreds of £ to apply to have it removed due to someone else’s mistake.
Now you may think these are very specific things, because every single one of them has happened to me or I know someone they have happened to. The attack in the busy street leaving a boy with permanent brain damage, was never caught on any CCTV baring in mind you have literal estate agent buildings and law firms there.
I had a moped stolen from me, police found it 2 minute walk from my house but they decided to have it recovered 45mins away, meaning I had to pay the recovery fee of £300.
Someone I know got assaulted and when he defended himself, he then got arrested and charged.
And the CCJ, I’ve just found is against my account claiming I owed over £2k which I never borrowed, isn’t even in my name nor any previous address but somehow is linked to my account. I wanted to dispute it but they said it could cost me upwards of £300 for that…
Even things like car insurance, if you have to make a claim due to an accident that wasn’t your fault, then they will increase your next 12months of insurance because of this… hence why a lot of people don’t bother going through insurance as in the long run, you get shafted for it.
submitted by JoshMoite to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:02 TescoAlfresco Bit late for the 2007 Aura Mew so doing it myself

Bit late for the 2007 Aura Mew so doing it myself submitted by TescoAlfresco to AnaloguePocket [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:59 Used-Candle-4354 I wanna know what is the name of a anime that I've seen but i don't know it's name

it has a naked girl walking everywhere and a boy who takes care of her and a girl with the boy and I think they are students and the naked girl has a long hair and her hair color is maybe not black and the other girl has a maybe black short hair and maybe the boy also has a black hair and they're in a house together. Please help me and tell me the possible names. 🙏
submitted by Used-Candle-4354 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:58 ConspiracyTheoristO7 Yuba County Five (AKA American Dyatlov Pass): Information about the Basketball Coach

I am obsessed with the Yuba county five case. I consider myself an expert on this case, and I have some interesting information to share. For those of you who are new to the case, here's a summary:
The Yuba County Five were five men living with their parents ranging from the ages of 24 to 32 that all had mild intellectual disabilities or mental illness who disappeared on Friday, February 24, 1978 while going to watch a basketball game in Chico, California. The five were: Ted Weiher, who was 32, Jack Madruga, who was 30, Bill Sterling, who was 29, Gary Mathias, who was 25, and Jackie Huet, who was 24. Gary Mathias was the only one of the five that had a mental illness, which was schizophrenia, and which he was very well medicated for. The five were part of the Gateway Projects, which was a vocational training center for people with intellectual disabilities, mental illness, and for drug addicts as well. The five were collectively referred to as The Boys by their friends and families. All five were part of a basketball team that was sponsored by Gateway Projects called the Gateway Gators. They were supposed to play in a game of their own on the morning of Saturday, February 25 in Rocklin, which is near Sacramento, but they were never seen alive after 10 pm on February 24, after they watched the game in Chico. After about 3 months of searching, four of the five were found dead up in the Plumas National Forest in or around some forestry service trailers. Only Gary Mathias was never found, and still remains a missing person to this day. The Yuba County Five is still an open federal case.
(Note: I will call the Yuba county five "The Boys", not out of disrespect but because that is what their families used to and still do call them).
I have seen suspicion cast on the Gateway Gator's coach, whom I will call Bob. That's not his name really, but he is still alive, so I can't really name him. Some people have theorized that maybe he was involved in The Boys' disappearance for several reasons:
  1. The Boys and the coach were supposed to meet at a department store at 8 am Saturday Feb 25 for their basketball tournament. If I recall correctly, the coach (Bob) was maybe supposed to drive them himself in a van to the game or maybe they were suppose to take a bus together. Bob never showed up at the established meeting point.
  2. The coach never helped looked for The Boys during any of the searches. Which is odd, since he knew them. You would think that he cared and that he would help look for them.
  3. The coach, while being questioned, was rather hostile toward the police, and in the case files, it stated he was "nonchalant." The coach did not give a reason for why he did not show up at the rendez-vous time on Feb 25 and did not help out the police.
  4. In the case files, it states that the coach purportedly gave character statements of The Boys to the police but he described almost all of them wrong. For example: Bob describe Ted Weiher as "aggressive" even though by those who knew him, he was not. He described Bill Sterling as "intelligent but lazy." By those who knew him, he was not lazy on the basketball court at all or lazy in his community. Bill was actually very active. Bob supposedly described Gary Mathias as "spacey and could flip out at any time," even though by those who knew Gary, he was incredibly stable on his meds and no one who knew Gary described him as "spacey" or "distant." Bob also claimed that he had a few confrontations with Jack Madruga, even though Jack almost never fought with anyone and was not a confrontational kind of guy.
  5. I have heard that the coach has a small criminal record and that he was charged with assault. I could not find the details for the charge though and I'm not entirely sure if it's true.
Well, Drew Beeson, a true crime writer who wrote a book on this case, actually interviewed Bob, the Boy's coach, several months ago. Bob, as it turns out, is in his late seventies, living in Florida, and was willing to talk about what he remembers of that time. Bob was employed by Gateway Projects and I think he helped to form the Gateway Gators. He was friends with Donald Garrett, who was the director of Gateway Projects before he got murdered in 1975. Bob's car was one of the firebombed cars during the terrible Gateway firebombing attacks that occurred in the mid seventies. (If you want more info on this attacks go here: https://www.reddit.com/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/hv6t8p/in\_1975\_the\_gateway\_center\_for\_the\_handicapped\_in/).
Besides being the coach for the Gateway Gators, he was also a rehab councilor. Bob stated that he knew The Boys quite well and that he took them on a 3 day trip to Redondo Beach California in 1977, where they stayed at a 4 star hotel. The Boys were treated to a special dinner and other basketball players were there too as part of a special event.
Bob stated that The Boys were a very close-knit group. He said that "The Yuba County Five were the entire Gateway Projects adult male basketball team." The Gateway Gators also included a sixth backup man. This sixth man was not really close to the other five and was significantly more intellectually disabled compared to Ted, Jack, Bill, and Jackie. As a result, he did not really play in their team. I cannot name this sixth man because he is most likely still alive.
Bob stated in the interview that The Boys were all highly functional, including Jackie Huet, of which many claim (falsely) that he was the most disabled of the group. Bob was asked in the interview if he ever recalled seeing Gary Mathias acting as if he could freak out at any minute or go haywire or have some sort of emotional outburst at any time and Bob said "No." Bob stated that he never saw Gary have any outburst of any kind or felt that he would. Bob said that he never saw Gary push somebody, punch somebody, or get violent with anybody. Bob did state that Gary was the most competitive player out of the group, though, and that he took the basketball games quite seriously. What's strange is the stark contrast with what Bob said about Gary in 1978 and what he now says about Gary in 2024. Drew Beeson said that he believes that it is very possible that the quotes that Bob supposedly said about the Boys back in 1978 in the case files were falsely or mistakenly attributed to him. What is also interesting is that Drew Beeson said that while he was interviewing Bob, he did not seem really aware that Gary had schizophrenia. Bob was also not aware that Gary Mathias had a driver's license.
Bob stated in the interview that all of The Boys were very interested in girls and really enjoyed going to the co-ed dances held by the Gateway Projects.
Bob was also asked if he believed that it was possible that The Boys got lost during the drive home after going to see the basketball game in Chico on February 24, and Bob stated this, very adamantly:
"No, I do not think so. They were all what I considered highly functional. They would have known the area around Oroville and north of Oroville look nothing like the Yuba City area and they would have simply turned around or stopped and ask for directions home."
Bob stated that he also did not believe that Gary having a freak out could have gotten them lost either. As far as I can tell, I do not see a reason for Bob to lie and pretend that the Boys were more "functional" (for a lack of a better term) than they were.
Bob stated in the interview that the reason he did not meet at the rendez-vous time on the morning of February 25 for the game was that one of The Boy's mothers actually called him earlier that morning (like around 5 or 6 am) to ask him if he had seen The Boys and to tell him that they did not come home. Personally, I find it strange that he did not show up at the rendez vous because it's not like he knew for sure that they were not going to show up at the department store. I also find it suspicious that he never helped out with the searches. He also stated that he was hostile toward the police because he did not like them, especially after the whole Gateway firebombing incidents, which the police never solved. Bob said he was working at Gateway at the time of the firebombings and believes that Donald Garrett's girlfriend's ex husband was to blame for the arson attacks. Personally, his excuse for acting nonchalant does not make sense. Just because you do not like the police, doesn't make it okay to be indifferent that people you knew went missing. I still find the coach suspicious, but...
What do you think of this information?
Here's the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfw33wLUFPs
Other links:
submitted by ConspiracyTheoristO7 to yubacountyfive1978 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:48 lelrc1937 Can't work out the worst one...

Can't work out the worst one... submitted by lelrc1937 to tragedeigh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:46 gaia-mix-nicolosi The names end in -ic just like Blaic

The names end in -ic just like Blaic submitted by gaia-mix-nicolosi to 2habrian4u [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:44 patate_frit Just found this sub and wanted to share our 2 babies, Ada and Denver

Just found this sub and wanted to share our 2 babies, Ada and Denver
Both are rescues. Ada (red and white) is 6, she’s is a retired breeding dog from a farm. She loves sniffing, exploring and belly rubs. Denver (tricolour) is 5, he was a surrender from a family who we adopted through an agency. He’s a true mama’s boy and loves to cuddle with my husband and I, and he sits like a turkey.
We love them both dearly and call them our children! Bonus points to anyone who can guess the reference for Ada’s name (hint: my husband and I are both software engineers).
submitted by patate_frit to beagles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:39 xtic94 25 [M4F] #Italy #Online - Looking for new friends!

Hi everyone!
My name is Nicholas, I'm 25, and I live in Italy. I'm a master's student in Management in Milan. Although I've finished all my exams, I'm back in my hometown in southern Italy, waiting to start an internship (if a company accepts me, hopefully...). So, I have a lot of free time lately, and I'd like to make new friends!
I have a messed up sleep schedule, so don't worry if you're not in my timezone. I studied English, Spanish, and French in high school, so I can speak those languages too if you prefer!
I'm 178 cm (or 5'10") with blue eyes and brown hair. Now, let's talk more specifically about me and my passions:
I hope I've caught your interest, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by xtic94 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:36 alrightyaphrodite Book recap & discussion: Izabella St James ‘Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion’ - Prologue and Chapters 1-3

Book recap & discussion: Izabella St James ‘Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion’ - Prologue and Chapters 1-3
Izabella reflects on meeting a "$20 million-a-movie club" actor at a restaurant who finds her "astounding", he calls her the next day and they talk forever. He's extremely into her until he learns that Izabella lived at the Playboy Mansion, she says he was livid and couldn't be associated with her as her Playboy past would taint his reputation.
She feels defensive about his judgment of her Playboy Mansion past, she was letting go of the steering wheel of life and exploring herself and freedom. She says to understand each other we should know where each other has come from. So here she is to set the record straight and let you be the judge if she really did ruin her life by living as one of Hef's 7 girlfriends.
Izabella was born in Krakow, Poland. She has a handful of paragraphs talking about the beauty of Poland, the spirited and resilient character of Polish people, and she lists notable people of Poland. She writes about how Poland was the most devastated eastern European country of World War II, and is home to some of the most horrific places in the world, including Auschwitz. Her dad was a baby when his family had to flee their home after catching fire during crossfire between Germany and Russia, and he lost his brother later to a landmine. Izabella's grandpa was arrested and sent to Auschwitz for helping Jewish people - he survived but was a ghost of himself.
After WWII, she says Poland fell on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain and became a communist country - this was the setting of her childhood until age 11. She says her dad had a high up, well-paid position at a factory and their family of three had a better life than most people. TVs, cars, clothes etc. were scarce and expensive, but Izabella's family had a car, considered a luxury, and she was spoiled by her parents with lots of toys and a snack bar in her room. She's loved animals all her life and has never wanted to eat meat.
Izabella goes on many vacations with her parents in their car to other eastern European countries, but are put through unbearable screenings when they cross borders. Her dad is pressured by the Communist party to reveal names of anti-communist staff at his factory and his job is threatened. They manage to secure a special visa to visit Greece on a bus, and they plan not to return. They have to leave their possessions and everything behind as to not raise suspicions, so Izabella has to say goodbye to her dog and it breaks her heart. She lives in Greece with her parents for a year and she loves it, she learns to speak Greek. Her parents struggle with making money and starting over, and Izabella appreciates their sacrifices so that she can have more opportunities than communist Poland could offer - she's sure moving into the Playboy Mansion is not an opportunity her parents had in mind, but she's about being receptive and exploring new opportunities with the freedom her parents helped secure for her.
Izabella's family's immigration request is approved to move to Canada. They are sent to Prince George, British Columbia - a small lumber town in the Rocky Mountains. They all have to learn English, now Izabella's third language. Her parents don't see a future there so they get a van and the three drive across Canada to Toronto, where they've heard of more opportunities. They settle in Kitchener-Waterloo and Izabella starts grade 8 (age 13-14), she says even though she missed grades 5-7 moving around the world she was not behind as the Polish communist curriculum was so advanced. She starts to learn French, her fourth language. She makes friends, dates lots of boys, loses her virginity, and gets straight A's. She can't do frog dissection, and realizes she can't be a doctor, so she decides to enter the "only other traditionally prestigious and respectable profession", and become a lawyer.
She turns down scholarships to other universities and chooses McGill University in Montreal, "widely regarded as the 'Canadian Harvard'". She lives with 2 of her best friends and says they were legends in their neighborhood as 3 tall blonde housemates. She enjoyed experimentation and parties and trips with her friends. She says 'never a shortage of men' for her and her friends, and one guy she dates Keith is head over heels for her but they break up due to school demands for her and pilot training demands for him - they remain close friends. She dates a footballer Ryan from another university but they break up due to distance. She dates a guy named Sean who dotes on her, but hooks up with Ryan secretly whenever they are in the same town - Sean finds out and calls Ryan's new girlfriend and tells her too. Izabella swears off dating for a while after this fiasco.
Izabella is a double major in political science and history. She adds humanistic studies to be a more "well-rounded person" – studying Spanish, philosophy, classical music, and geography. She dreams of becoming an ambassador, a diplomat, and decides on law specializing in international affairs. She finds out Keith, her pilot ex - died in a plane crash flying his girlfriend on a snowy night. There is a major ice storm of 1998 with 5 days of no power in Montreal, she's had enough of the cold winter weather. Her grandmother passes away in Poland. The deaths of Keith and her grandmother make her consider life, and that there is more out there to experience and enjoy than just studying. She wants a change and to be somewhere warmer. When considering law schools, she weighed reputation and the lifestyle of the area equally - and applies to 2 schools in California. Pepperdine University in Malibu is the first to accept her application, her parents co-sign for her student loans, and she makes the move.
Izabella says her first year of studying at law school is a mix of satisfaction and disappointment. She’s not dated since the Ryan-Sean drama, but starts to notice a tattooed tall guy at Pepperdine “only in LA can you find a hot tattooed guy who is presumably intelligent”. The guy manages to introduce himself to Izabella after a few sightings, his name is Justin and they fall in love. This other girl wants to date Justin, and one night after Izabella drives home from a bar where that girl saw Izabella with Justin - she smells burning rubber and discovers someone ripped off her cars’ windshield wipers and stuffed them in the exhaust pipe. She believes it to be that girl but can’t prove it so lets it go.
Izabella says there is not a large international law market in LA, so she connects with someone in entertainment law who works for Playboy for an interview. It goes well but she decides to go study law in Spain over the summer where she can also work on her Spanish skills. She applies for another school loan and is off to study in Madrid for 2 months capped off with a 2-week vacation in Italy, Justin joins her and they have a great time but are “ready to kill each other” by the end of the trip. She returns to Pepperdine for her second year, she stays on top of her studies but also hits the Malibu beaches and hottest clubs in Hollywood all the time. She only makes 2 friends in law school as she says everyone is competitive, thinks they are the smartest, and if you are attractive as well as smart people will resent you.
Izabella is out with one of her two hot-confident-smart-but-also-has-personality friends from university, Vivian, one night, when they go to the same restaurant as Hugh Hefner. It was the year 2000, and in 1.5 years time Izabella will be part of Hef's ‘party posse’ – but at the time of this first sighting she would never believe that was in her future. Hef is sitting with Buffy Tyler, Katie Lohmann, and Doctor “Feelgood” Mark Saginor. Izabella says she sees a lot of girls going to introduce themselves to Hef and she thinks it is embarrassing, but Vivian wants to go say hi so Izabella reluctantly goes with her. They are invited to join the table, Izabella is fascinated by Buffy and Katie and wonders what their life and setup with Hef is like. Mark Saginor takes Izabella and Vivian’s numbers and invites them ‘Fun in the Sun’ on Sunday.
Izabella is nervously excited to visit the Playboy mansion. She says her ex, Sean, always said she should be a Playmate, and at McGill guys called her “Pam Anderson’s little sister” – not that she looked like Pamela Anderson at all, just because Pam was huge in Canada and “any girl with blonde hair and boobs was always compared to her”. At ‘Fun in the Sun’, it is not as wild as she had imagined. She says hi to Buffy Tyler who she finds cool and friendly. Izabella asks if she lives at the mansion and Buffy says she shares a room with Katie Lohmann and that it’s a lot of fun. Later on, Izabella notices one of Hef’s girlfriends “surrounded by a group of wanna-be Girlfriends”, the girlfriend comes over to Izabella and tells her she is pretty – Izabella says this girlfriend will later be her roommate at the mansion and partner in adventure. (Most likely Tiffany Holliday).
Izabella and Vivian are invited to mansion parties and attend many together – Vivian says they should call and ask to be invited back to Fun in the Sun, Izabella does not tell Vivian that she has been receiving invites to Fun in the Sun all along. Izabella doesn’t go to the Sunday ‘FITS’ as to not upset Justin, and she is fine with just going to big mansion parties. Izabella is working for a professor helping with a book on international business transactions, but she realizes she would have to move East where there is a broader international law curriculum to continue her studies as planned.
By the end of her second year at Pepperdine, Izabella and Justin take a break as he will be studying for the bar this summer and Izabella is ready to travel again. She gets another school loan to study at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland – “one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe”. She studies in cafes, visits the underground salt city Royal Salt Mine at Wieliczka, and has a deeply memorable and heart-breaking trip to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps where her grandfather had been sent. Justin calls her over the summer and it’s nice, but she decides she is not ready to jump back into their relationship.
She returns to her last semester in LA and is excited to resume attending mansion parties, and Fun in the Sun again now that she doesn’t have to worry about upsetting a boyfriend. Justin remains close and she draws comfort from that. Attending the parties at the mansion is her only plans in regards to Hef. “I never imagined what the future would bring”.
Chapter 4 coming soon
submitted by alrightyaphrodite to TheGirlsNextLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:34 gfy4dsny [NM] Dreamzzz trio (71456, 71457, 71458) - 110 spots at $2/ea

Item name: Dreamzzz Crock Car, Turtle Van, and Pegasus (71456, 71457, 71458)
Set Price / Justification: $60+$48+$50 = $158 + $11 tax = $169
Shipping: UPS Ground 21x16x7 6lb FL to Seattle $51
Price: $220 110 spots at $2/ea
Call spots? yes
Spot limit per person? no
Location(Country): Florida
Will ship international? No. AK/HI - buyer pays extra shipping
Timestamp/pics: https://imgur.com/a/SfXXm3J
Description: Dreamzzzzzzz x3!
Payment required w/in 15 minutes of raffle filling. 10 minutes for drama.

PayPal Info: Provided once raffle is 50% full
Cash App Info: Provided once raffle is 50% full

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 107
Number of unpaid users: 1
Number of unpaid slots: 3
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
13 robob280
31 robob280
66 robob280

submitted by gfy4dsny to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:28 InsaneScouter News: Boy Scouts of America changing its name to be more inclusive YouTube

submitted by InsaneScouter to wackyscouter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:27 Educational_Elk114 I need advice

My school dosent allow dating or crushes. However, surprisingly, i have feelings for a boy in my class. I told my bestfriend and a few other people i was sure who wouldnt tell. However, one day I was not present at school. Thats when one of my friends, a girl named ARIA, started talking about it behind my back and telling someone who hated me (aka Rehat). Rehat blabbered to one of the boys who love spreading rumore, and now he's trethening to tell everyone in my class. What should I do?
submitted by Educational_Elk114 to u/Educational_Elk114 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:17 Training_Foot7921 CPU timeline, long post

CPU timeline, long post
Mary's father is born
Mary Schmidt and Mike schmidt (her future hubsand) are born
Her brother is born, (redacted)
Cat and rat theatre is opened to the public
fnac 3 memories
Fnac 2 secret minigame
Fnac 3 main game/truth ending
The puppeter is finally caught and is put on jail, but he commits suicide (he turns into vinnie)
Candy's entertainment bought the factory and the animatronics
Fnac 1 night 6 cutscene
Fnac 1 night 5 cutscene
Those scenes explains that the actors from cat and rat posses the animatronics (cat and rat) after they were killed in 1961
Candy's burgers is opened with old candy and blank
Old candy minigame where he is deactivated by a technican
Simon and Jeremy fitzgerald (twins) are born
Fixed blank fnac 2 minigame
Fredbear's family diner is opened for the public
Popgoes finale minigame
Fredbear's family diner closed down for good
Freddy Fazbear's pizza is opened
Fnaf 3 springlock tapes
Fazbear enterprises makes merch about the band
Fazbear enterprises opens "Golden freddy's family", "Cody's pirate tabern", lillie's location and owen's location
Simon gets a job at freddy's and steals the springbonnie suit from the safe room, he lures a boy and kills him, the boy turns into shadow bonnie, simon collects this boy blood and becames more happy and energetic
Popgoes first article about the "purple man"
Foxy GO GO GO incident in cody's tabern, where simon tampers with foxy, the animatronic kills 5 children in a private party, simon collects their blood
Fnaf 1 first article
Fnaf 1 second article
Simon stuffed the children bodies in the animatronics
Fazbear entertainment closes the locations for a short period of time
Popgoes second article about "the purple man"
Fnaf 1 third article
Popgoes finale second and last minigame, where he founds by accident a body stuffed in golden freddy
Take cake to the children/security puppet minigame, janet davis posses the puppet
Popgoes article about janet going missing
They close all the locations minus golden freddy's family, retrofiting the main animatronics with the upgraded endo 02, with facial recognition, putting simon as the main face for the criminal database, the upgrade made them worse in the process, it was scrapped obviously
Fnac 2 old candy bite minigame
old candy is scrapped, and so they wanted to develop their own "toys" version of the characters to rivalize with fazbear enterprises
Fnac 1 first cutscene
Fnac 1 second cutscene and cindy's garden secret minigame
Fnac 1 third cutscene
Cat deactivates vinnie
Candy's re-opens in octuber
Candy's adventure secret minigame
save them
Freddy fazbear's pizza Grand re-opening with kid friendly robots and facial recognition
fnac 3 fishing with candy secret minigame
fnaf 2
night 6 article
night 7 (14 november 1987, phone dude/fritz smith tampers with the toys facial recognition and steal some spare parts, he works there because he heard about the rumours/investigation)
bite of 87 (14 november 1987) (plastic grave comic)
popgoes bloody pink slip
Jeremy is taken to the hospital and simon donate all of his blood research to Jeremy, later Jeremy wakes up and talks with simon, he confess his crimes and Jeremy was not happy to heard this, Jeremy said to simon exit the room and never meet him again, the police came and changed his name to "fritz glade", the location had to close down and jeremy was realocated into england
When this happened, in candy's burgers a guard breaks blank, blank became mangle from candy's basically
Fnac 1/remastered
Shadow candy night
night 7
The main animatronics are dismantled by mary and the location had to close for a short period of time, so later they remodel the robots into the "new" versions
Now in england, fritz starts to like build eletronics, using old pieces of cars and etc, because of the loss from his frotal lobe, he forgots to much fast what he's doing, so he put notes in his table to help him remember, he build alot of gadgets
fnac 2 chester minigame
fnac 2 penguin minigame
Freddy's re-opens with the older models, re-using the old endo 01 from the early 80s, with a super bad budget on texas
Marylin schmidt is born, the daughter from mary and mike schmidt
fnac 2 broken blank minigame
fnac 2 cindy minigame
fnac 2 candy minigame
The location closes down for good, the animatronics are put in the factory
Phone guy is killed and stuffed in the golden freddy suit by the main animatronics
fnaf 1
fnaf 1 third article
follow me
With fritz being pratically rich, he made video games, alot of products and the best of them all: the 3d printer, it was his biggest sucess, it was one of his best years of his life
months later he married, his wife he doesn't remember the name, she also died from unknown circustences, his wife gave birth to a girl, bonnie glade
Fritz gave bonnie alot of care, taken her to florests and etc, it was a "good father", he even made a statue of raven for her made of glass
But there was problems, when he sleeps, he have nightmares from his experiences in 1987, especially with toy bonnie, he wanted a solution for those nightmares, he made mini statues representing each fazbear enterprises character to remind of his trauma, each with its own symbolism, the famous scarecrow tatic
he was basically a danger to himself and his daughter because of the paranoia
He built a scarecrow, a mannequin, with 4 slender arms and huge fingers, who manipulated 8 strings between them, this was the birth of "strings", his machine which he put most value and the one who surpass the other ones
This scarecrow would enter fritz dreams and destroy his fear of the puppet music box, so strings destroys those nightmares with sucess
So he built other strings, to destroy his JJ nightmares from his trauma in 1979, his name was buttoms, sadly buttoms was a failure at destroying JJ nightmares
So in inspiration from the 1987 animatronics, he makes fully new advanced animatronics connected with a cpu named "weasel were", the construction of the restaurant begins
he makes popgoes the weasel, to destroy his toy bonnie nightmares
he makes blake the badger, to destroy his mangle nightmares
Sara the squirrel, to destroy his toy chica nightmares
Saffron the squirrel, to destroy his toy freddy nightmares
stone the crow, to destroy BB
he still continues to visit bonnie in the forest, but his mind still broken with the loss of the frontal lobe
fnac 2
Mary founds about his daughter going to the location, the two decided to show proof about the animatronics being a danger, so the factory would suffer a demolition
but mary wanted to end all of this, so in night 6 they burn down the location, freeding all the souls, while the souls of cat and rat go to hell with vinnie to
2023 (30 years after the clousure of freddy fazbear's pizza):
To fritz recover his brain fully, he invented a artificial frontal lobe for his brain, with that connected with weasel were, he can see episodes of his life with his memories, he remembers it when he is sleeping, now he understand what causes its fears, but one thing was missing, that he tried to hide from his worst memories, his twin most likely dead brother, simon, he needed him, to recover all of his memories and have someone to talk, so he wanted to return to america, but he forgets about his daughter bonnie, which already left adolescence behind, while not worrying about the responsabilties of being a father, he says goodbye for his daughter and closes the pizzaria for one year until he came back
in this time, fazbear's fright was announced, which they have taken items from the past fazbear locations, in the fnaf 1 location, especially the safe room, they found 3 arcades, and a old springbonnie animatronic, where they put a joke about someone dying in that suit, and that joke became the official name for the animatronic in the atraction, "springtrap", they even found posters and a security footoge system from 1983, with also training tapes that fritz smith/phone dude knows about
in its opening, fritz/phone dude plays the old arcade which was found from the safe room, "fazbear world", where we controll JJ
popgoes arcade 2 true ending
simon, which he puts his soul into one of the arcades, phone dude freed him, so he kills fritz smith in cold blood
fnaf 3 good ending
fnaf 3 night 6 article
The random guard from the atraction escapes, while simon dies in the fire, he obviously goes to hell in the process
fritz glade founds about its burning and so buys the the items that were left behind, he even founds simon burned head, which he recognized the springbonnie head, and he noticed flesh in it, so fritz used weasel were to confirm that is actually simon, he was surprised/happy/sad/angry about it
When he came back to home and re-opened popgoes, he didn't care for his daughter, the only thing that he wanted was to bring simon back to life
He builds a endoskeleton with the 3d printer, with the color purple, this robot had the abilities to mimic and learn
after that, to destroy his JJ nightmares, he develops a animatronic named manora, a rat, which it was a sucess, but he decided to scrap her later, it was better than buttoms at least
Fritz even re-use the arcade of fazbear world, now being "weasel world", this was the same arcade where the mci kids have their happiest day in 2023 from the atraction fire and simon's death, the arcade had a forest as its main theme
Later he activates the simon robot, which only obey fritz oders, fritz wasn't happy of course, so he puts the program to simon learn everthing from what he sees
but fritz forgets one thing, to give attention to his daughter, bonnie glade
Fritz was so obssesed with his work and "restore his brother" that he doesn't give attention to his own daughter
the situation was so bad that she started acting negative (just like his brother) with a apathetic face to fritz just like simon, btw fritz never told to bonnie about his dead/crazy twin brother
So with fritz totally obssesed with work, bonnie started researching about paranormal stuff and how to do the ritual about "happiest day"
So in one night she wears the toy bonnie mask to scare his father, cause ptsd on fritz, make him kill here with a axe, became a spirit, and then kill fritz to them have their "happiest day"
it worked, where she would trie to kill him, but his screams of panic made the animatronic popgoes activate and popgoes heard from fritz "bring bonnie back"
Fritz trowed the axe to the forest near by the restaurant
popgoes arcade 2016
Simon had a plan, to utilize bonnie glade as a servent (again, its basically vanny, fnaf can't stop ripping off popgoes again)
Bonnie would trie to utilize the popgoes animatronic to rebuild here with the 3d printer
Popgoes heart of stone comic
With simon *mimicking* his real brother (HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, familiar isn't it?)
popgoes evolution comic
popgoes 2016 simon ending
The location was closed because simon is now the owner, he dismantled the animatronics and became "deadline", the dismantled animatronics became heartless, and he makes totally new ones with the 3d printer basead on real animal skeletons
the epitomes
Bonnie glade, which was thinking that killing her father was the sulotion for the "happiest day", sees that she didn't go to heaven, she waits and waits, but it happens nothing, so she asks for simon to go into somewhere until the end of time
Strings, which was still alive, he puts his "brothers" (the other robots) into the 3d printer and restore somehow fritz mind, strings was fritz best creation
popgoes 2 the dead forest
fritz press the buttom to deactivate weasel were, because simon only works with it
Fritz wake up, in heaven, with his daughter placing the heads to represent them (springtrap, popgoes and toy bonnie)
to remember their family
rest in piece, jeremy fitzgerald
the end
(btw the simon bot plot is just the mimic plot, scott taking notes from kane carter is funny as hell)
submitted by Training_Foot7921 to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:16 hockeyandburritos Rinoa-ing her life

Rinoa-ing her life submitted by hockeyandburritos to tragedeigh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:15 AutoModerator Bloxburg Roleplay!<3

Hii! I'm doing a bloxburg rp ( my house ) and the roles are:
Mum ( AKA me,35yrs,named Sophie but Soph for short )
Dad( maybe,aged 37,named Alex or any other boys names )
1 teen ( called Olivia but Liv for short, 16yrs)
2 kids ( can be boy and girl, aged 11,named Alison or Ali for short and Jake )
1 baby or toddler ( boy or girl idm, if boy then namd either Hudson,Teddy,Max,Leo or Louis , 1yr , can't walk and can kind of talk ) If girl then named: Riley,Milley or Carly ( again, 1yr,can't walk but can kind of talk )
Sophie-Loves going to the gym,loves to be fun but still strict,single (if no one wants to be dad but other wise married),kind
Alex-Works a lot in the evenings,brunet,always takes the kids to the beach on Saterdays,very kind
Liv- Brunet,loves hanging out with friends and sneaks out sometimes,addicted to ticktock,eldest sibling,doing her GCSE's
Alison-Blonde,kind,loves to go to ballet and swimming,loves playing with friends and going on the trampoline,twins with Jake but is the elder twin
Jake-Brunet,kind,loves football,loves gaming with his friends,twins with Alison but is the younger twin
If you would like to be the baby or toddler pls comment as well as with all of the other characters and if I should do a post doing the other characters for example friends or family ext and type your roblox user name and your display name if you have one,my roblox user name is Limebelle20 and my display name is IH3ARTGLOSSY
*REMEMBER: Please do not get up set if you don't get in the rp there is many more characters i need for my rp that you can maybe have a chance to be!*
submitted by AutoModerator to Bloxburg_r0leplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:13 gnomzy123 The list so far…

There's been some talk on this. I don't know if I could classify this as a psychological effect but numerous reports have been coming up. People circulating random names citing them as lookalikes of the supes out there. These people are nowhere listed on the Internet. They are most likely completely fictitious names that have suddenly popped up inside our heads and I don't know if this is a multiversal glitch or something. Random and completely random names. The list so far (not exhaustive)…
  1. Iron Man (Tony Stark) - Robert Downey Jr.
  2. Hulk (Bruce Banner) - Mark Ruffalo
  3. Thor - Chris Hemsworth
  4. Captain America (Steve Rogers) - Chris Evans
  5. Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) - Scarlett Johansson
  6. Hawkeye (Clint Barton) - Jeremy Renner
  7. War Machine (James Rhodes) - Don Cheadle
  8. Falcon (Sam Wilson) - Anthony Mackie
  9. Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) - Sebastian Stan
  10. Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) - Elizabeth Olsen
  11. Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) - Aaron-Taylor Johnson
  12. Vision - Paul Bettany
  13. Ant-Man (Scott Lang) - Paul Rudd
(Hank Pym) - Michael Douglas
  1. Wasp (Hope Van Dyne) - Evangeline Lilly
(Janet Van Dyne) - Michelle Pfeiffer
  1. Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange) - Benedict Cumberbatch
  2. Spider-Man - Tom Holland (I mean how? We haven't even seen his face)
  3. Black Panther (T'Challa) - Chadwick Boseman
(Shuri) - Letitia Wright
  1. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) - Brie Larson
  2. Shaun aka Bus Boy - Simu Liu
    Who are they? How did they come up inside our heads?
I researched a bit on this…
An Incursion occurs when a universe collapses upon one or multiple other ones completely distortioning or in some cases completely obliterating them. This is only a theory that I have. Not at all concrete in nature.
This has definitely something to do with the Multiverse. A universe where maybe these fictitious names are their alter egos. AND IT MIGHT BE COLLAPSING UPON US!!!! I am really perplexed and scared at the same time.
submitted by gnomzy123 to Earth199999 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:13 RylesDaArtist help me name this little boy we just got today!! looking for “tough” sounding names (gun related?) our other cat is named Sultan so we want something to match!!

help me name this little boy we just got today!! looking for “tough” sounding names (gun related?) our other cat is named Sultan so we want something to match!! submitted by RylesDaArtist to NameMyCat [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:08 Due_Appearance_8043 Help us name our dorgi!

Help us name our dorgi!
This sweet boy is a dachshund corgi mix, help us think of a name!
submitted by Due_Appearance_8043 to NameMyDog [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:08 naveregnide Finally got an ebike so spent the weekend cycling 30km across London (with clothing)

Finally got an ebike so spent the weekend cycling 30km across London (with clothing)
For context, I just got this bad boy on Thursday (I’ve named him Arthur Morgan), and 4 friends and I cycled from Canary Wharf to Chiswick on Saturday… the same day as the annual naked cycle in London.
I’ve seen things
submitted by naveregnide to ebikes [link] [comments]
