Analytical business reports

Business Intelligence

2008.10.23 17:32 Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence is the process of utilizing organizational data, technology, analytics, and the knowledge of subject matter experts to create data-driven decisions via dashboards, reports, alerts, and ad-hoc analysis. This is not a generic 'business' subreddit and off topic posts will be marked as spam. Related Subreddits: /ETL /Database /DataScience /Datasets /DataIsBeautiful /Cognos /Microstrategy /PowerBI /Tableau /Qlik /Visualization

2009.08.07 14:14 juliansammy Business Analysis - Best practices, discussion and information

Welcome to the Business Analysis Hub. Our friendly Reddit community is here to make the exciting field of business analysis accessible to everyone. As a member of our community, you'll enjoy: 📚 Easy-to-understand explanations of business analysis concepts, without the jargon. 💡 Practical tips and techniques to sharpen your analytical skills. 🌐 Engaging discussions on the latest trends and best practices in the industry.

2013.07.04 07:36 neshalchanderman BusinessHub : A central reference point for business, economics and finance sub-reddits,

/BusinessHub * A central reference point for the business, economics and finance subreddits * gathers the best insightful reads from the Business, Economics and Finance subs which tend to be buried on your front page by self posts, image posts and short blog postings and in the absence of a good flair system on many subs its difficult to trawl through content to find longer insightful reads that you might miss

2024.06.09 20:14 soparklion ALERT: Attempted Armed Robbery of Layne’s Chicken Fingers in Oakland.

Pitt Police: Crime Alert (Off Campus)
ROBBERY (Off Campus)
At approximately 12:48 AM on June 8th, 2024 University of Pittsburgh Police assisted City of Pittsburgh Police with a robbery of a business that occurred at 3621 Forbes Avenue, Layne’s Chicken Fingers. The actor entered the restaurant with a firearm and demanded cash from the manager, then fled the area.
Description of the suspect(s) is as follows:
Suspect 1: Male, tall, wearing a light red/pink hooded sweatshirt, black pants, black shoes with white soles, eye glasses, gloves, and a tattered black face mask. He was armed with a firearm and wearing a bullet proof vest.
Anyone having information regarding this incident should call the University of Pittsburgh Police Department at 412-624-2121, reference report # 24-01756 or the City of Pittsburgh Police at 412-422-6520, reference report #24-079732.
submitted by soparklion to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:09 Important-Leading-87 Help me with this simple problem

I am trying to set up a C2 server with Armitage. I cloned the repository using git but couldn't run the script as it throws an error like this
  • ./gradlew assemble
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Settings file '/home/kali/Desktop/C2/armitage/settings.gradle'
* What went wrong:
Could not compile settings file '/home/kali/Desktop/C2/armitage/settings.gradle'.
startup failed:
General error during semantic analysis: Unsupported class file major version 65
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major version 65
at groovyjarjarasm.asm.ClassReader.(
at groovyjarjarasm.asm.ClassReader.(
at groovyjarjarasm.asm.ClassReader.(
at groovyjarjarasm.asm.ClassReader.(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.decompiled.AsmDecompiler.parseClass(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.ClassNodeResolver.findDecompiled(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.ClassNodeResolver.tryAsLoaderClassOrScript(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.ClassNodeResolver.findClassNode(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.ClassNodeResolver.resolveName(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.decompiled.AsmReferenceResolver.resolveClassNullable(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.decompiled.AsmReferenceResolver.resolveClass(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.decompiled.AsmReferenceResolver.resolveNonArrayType(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.decompiled.AsmReferenceResolver.resolveType(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.decompiled.MemberSignatureParser.createMethodNode(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.decompiled.DecompiledClassNode$2.get(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.decompiled.DecompiledClassNode$2.get(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.decompiled.DecompiledClassNode.createMethodNode(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.decompiled.DecompiledClassNode.lazyInitMembers(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.decompiled.DecompiledClassNode.getDeclaredMethods(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode.getMethods(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode.tryFindPossibleMethod(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.StaticImportVisitor.transformMethodCallExpression(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.StaticImportVisitor.transform(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassCodeExpressionTransformer.visitExpressionStatement(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.ExpressionStatement.visit(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassCodeVisitorSupport.visitClassCodeContainer(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassCodeVisitorSupport.visitConstructorOrMethod(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassCodeExpressionTransformer.visitConstructorOrMethod(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.StaticImportVisitor.visitConstructorOrMethod(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassCodeVisitorSupport.visitConstructor(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode.visitContents(
at org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassCodeVisitorSupport.visitClass(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.StaticImportVisitor.visitClass(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit$
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.applyToPrimaryClassNodes(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.doPhaseOperation(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.processPhaseOperations(
at org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.compile(
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.doParseClass(
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.access$300(
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader$5.provide(
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader$5.provide(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.memoize.ConcurrentCommonCache.getAndPut(
at groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.parseClass(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.DefaultScriptCompilationHandler.compileScript(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.DefaultScriptCompilationHandler.compileToDir(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.BuildOperationBackedScriptCompilationHandler$
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner$1.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner$1.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner$3.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner$3.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor.lambda$run$1(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.UnmanagedBuildOperationWrapper.runWithUnmanagedSupport(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.BuildOperationBackedScriptCompilationHandler.compileToDir(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.FileCacheBackedScriptClassCompiler$CompileToCrossBuildCacheAction.execute(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.FileCacheBackedScriptClassCompiler$CompileToCrossBuildCacheAction.execute(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.FileCacheBackedScriptClassCompiler$ProgressReportingInitializer.execute(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.FileCacheBackedScriptClassCompiler$ProgressReportingInitializer.execute(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultPersistentDirectoryCache$Initializer.initialize(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.FixedSharedModeCrossProcessCacheAccess$
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultFileLockManager$DefaultFileLock.doWriteAction(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultFileLockManager$DefaultFileLock.writeFile(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheFactory.doOpen(
at org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultCacheRepository$
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.FileCacheBackedScriptClassCompiler.compile(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.CrossBuildInMemoryCachingScriptClassCache.getOrCompile(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.internal.BuildScopeInMemoryCachingScriptClassCompiler.compile(
at org.gradle.groovy.scripts.DefaultScriptCompilerFactory$ScriptCompilerImpl.compile(
at org.gradle.configuration.DefaultScriptPluginFactory$ScriptPluginImpl.apply(
at org.gradle.configuration.BuildOperationScriptPlugin$
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner$1.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner$1.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner$3.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationRunner$3.execute(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.DefaultBuildOperationExecutor.lambda$call$2(
at org.gradle.internal.operations.UnmanagedBuildOperationWrapper.callWithUnmanagedSupport(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter.lambda$execute$0(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.InProcessBuildActionExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.BuildTreeScopeLifecycleBuildActionExecuter.lambda$execute$0(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.BuildTreeScopeLifecycleBuildActionExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.exec.BuildTreeScopeLifecycleBuildActionExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.tooling.internal.provider.ContinuousBuildActionExecuter.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.BuildCommandOnly.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.WatchForDisconnection.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ResetDeprecationLogger.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.RequestStopIfSingleUsedDaemon.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ForwardClientInput$2.create(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ForwardClientInput$2.create(
at org.gradle.util.Swapper.swap(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.ForwardClientInput.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.LogAndCheckHealth.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.LogToClient.doBuild(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.BuildCommandOnly.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.EstablishBuildEnvironment.doBuild(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.BuildCommandOnly.execute(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.api.DaemonCommandExecution.proceed(
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.exec.StartBuildOrRespondWithBusy$
at org.gradle.launcher.daemon.server.DaemonStateCoordinator$
at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ExecutorPolicy$CatchAndRecordFailures.onExecute(
at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ManagedExecutorImpl$
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at org.gradle.internal.concurrent.ThreadFactoryImpl$
at java.base/
1 error
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
submitted by Important-Leading-87 to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:08 Velvis No leads at all

I've been helping a friend with marketing for his new landscaping business for 6 months. We ran Google Ads for about a month and had about 500 clicks, 11k impressions. And if I am reading it correctly, he had 840 "users" via Google analytics for visitors during those six months. (I am assuming "users" are site visitors.)
But he hasn't received a single phone call or email contact via the web. (he has been successful with cold calling and then referrals from those clients)
Is it reasonable to expect 0 leads from that many hits on his webpage?
submitted by Velvis to googleads [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:06 Velvis No leads at all

I've been helping a friend with marketing for his new landscaping business for 6 months. We ran Google Ads for about a month and had about 500 clicks, 11k impressions. And if I am reading it correctly he had 840 "users" via Google analytics for visitors during those six months.
But he hasn't received a single phone call or email contact via the web. (he has been successful with cold calling and then referrals from those clients)
Is it reasonable to expect 0 leads from that many hits on his webpage?
submitted by Velvis to MarketingMentor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:00 alaspawyorick Looking to pivot from Strategy to M&A, and looking for CV/Resume advice
I've been working in various strategy roles, but in my current position I've been working with our corporate development team supporting with M&A activities and I think it's just a great fit for me. Challenge is they're all IB exits, and they've essentially said its the only way in. Looking for an IB associate role in an M&A team or Corp Dev entry.
submitted by alaspawyorick to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:58 angelcore69 ~Unlock Your Chance_ Free Monopoly GO Dice Links Play and Win! [ DxRe]

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! fgjnjkygfuythutht
submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:57 angelcore69 •Unlock Your Chance_ Free Monopoly GO Dice Links Play and Win! [ ByOb]

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! tryunyithfdgythtf
submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:56 angelcore69 +Unlock Your Chance_ Free Monopoly GO Dice Links Play and Win! [ PlDt]

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! eryb6ugtu67iuj768hygryt
submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:54 Swami814 She just doesn't get it.

She just doesn't get it.
The scam is duping people into this expectation of wealth while you bring them into a business where 99% of people fail. And having them go thousands of dollars into debt for the "opportunity."
submitted by Swami814 to antiMLM [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:53 angelcore69 (NEW-UPDATED) HOW TO GET Monopoly GO Free Dice Links Get Free Rolls on Monopoly GO 2024

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! erg5nuihinfbfguhifhytg
submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]


Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! frtyi9t7ykp;fyfer5drg
submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:49 Rude_Ad_5250 AN OPEN LETTER TO META -I've sent nearly 100 emails to everyone imaginable at fb -nothing (

Dear Mr. Zuckerberg, Facebook, and Instagram Teams,
I am writing to express my profound frustration and disappointment over an unresolved issue that has severely impacted our business. As the organizer of a family-friendly international film festival, we rely heavily on your platforms to share news, updates, and important information with our audience. However, our attempts to include our business website in any post are consistently blocked, citing a violation of "community standards." This is perplexing, as our festival and its content do not, in any way, violate your community guidelines or rules.
We have diligently reported this issue through your Help Center, adhering to all recommended procedures to rectify what we believe to be an error in your algorithms. Despite our persistent efforts and numerous reports, we have received no responses or resolutions, leading to increased frustration and significant challenges in promoting our events. It is particularly disheartening that while our organic posts are blocked, paid advertisements containing the same web address face no such issues. This inconsistency not only undermines our trust in the platform's fairness but also suggests a potential bias that could be interpreted as an attempt to push us towards paid promotions.
We plead for a fair hearing and a swift resolution to this matter. The blockage of our website on your platforms is costing us both business and money, hindering our ability to effectively communicate with our audience and promote our festival. We believe in the power of social media to connect communities and spread positive, enriching content, and we hope that you will address this issue with the seriousness it deserves.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your prompt and just resolution.
Festival Director
(details withheld on reddit)
submitted by Rude_Ad_5250 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:49 Remarkable_Cherry234 How much calc do I need to know for CSE 6040, vs LA, stats or R to not die?

I took calc in college, but remember not much of it at all. I also don't remember much Linear algebra and am currently going through a course on it. I then planned to review Stats / Probability as I read on here that LA and stats come up the most in the program.
However, I hope to join the Spring 2025 cohort and I'm not sure how much time I"d have to prep calc 1 and 2 by then too + refresh on programming T.T
As such, I'd love some guidance on what to prioritize, especially if I'd like to knock out Introduction for Computing for Data Analytics (CSE 6040) as my first course. I'm also open to doing Business Fundamentals for Analytics (MGT 8803/6754) first if it's really best to be solid in math before doing CSE 6040, but would appreciate guidance on this please. And thank you!
submitted by Remarkable_Cherry234 to OMSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:47 FrankiHollywood Supply and Demand: Why DRS matters, and did we already lock the float? - Post by ape Oleffa

Supply and Demand: Why DRS matters, and did we already lock the float? - Post by ape Oleffa
This post is from ape u/ Oleffa, who posted in german sub but hasn't got enough karma to post here so all credits belong to him.
In this post I perform an analysis of DRS numbers with the result that the true DRS numbers might be much higher than 75 million. I discuss the implications of this finding to address recent uncertainty around the recent share offering by GameStop.
TADR: Shills try to anchor DRS numbers => We might have already locked the float => RC knows we did => RC has proof of a short scheme => Dilution does not matter => Hedgies are fucked
Currently negative sentiment in all GameStop subs is based on the following 3 points:
1. “Ryan Cohen betrayed our trust; Ryan Cohen killed the momentum.” Which momentum? The stock goes up like many times before. This is not a squeeze. No one is getting margin called, I don’t see any phone numbers. RK’s stream showed that in the range of 30-60$ they are very much able to drop the price any time they want.
2. “GameStop/Ryan Cohen have no plan and have done nothing in the past 3 years.” We simply have to be patient before we can draw a conclusion on this point. But let’s revisit the 2023 annual report on page 4 “Business strategy”: Achieve Profitability in fiscal 2023 and streamlining the business. The company achieved profitability and although revenue went down in 2024 so far, percentage wise spending goes down faster. All according to plan. Since the goals for 2023 were achieved and more cash was raised, the chances of GameStop announcing new plans and pivoting towards a growth strategy are high in my opinion. However, note that in last year’s shareholder meeting nothing with regard to the strategy was mentioned.
3. “The share offering is diluting and undoing DRS progress and making it impossible for us to ever achieve the goal of locking the float. DRS is dead”. If you believe that shorts have not closed, dilution is not a big factor compared to the dilution from naked short selling.
So, what about DRS?
Why do all the negative posters point out we “only” DRSed 75 million shares and that it will be “impossible” to DRS the float? Let us reiterate what we know about DRS:
1. The last official and reliable DRS numbers are from April 2022 (recall the DRS Rugpulls in the following 2 quarters and the following stagnation ever since).
2. GameStop changed the official communication multiple times after October 2022, obfuscating the true DRS number, likely because of external pressure. They went from reporting the accurate CS number to an approximate based on DTCC reported numbers (304 million outstanding shares – 206 million DTCC reported shares = 75 million).
3. However in March 2023 Gamestop gave us one new datapoint: the number of record holders which was 197058.
4. GameStop and Computershare know the true DRS numbers.
5. To my knowledge there is no proof that locking the float will cause MOASS. It has always been the goal but we simply don't know what happens.
6. We need to BOOK shares at Computershare, otherwise there are still ways to mess with our shares.
7. We know that DRS takes away liquidity (falling volume over the years) and hurts the shorts. Every time shill attacks occur, they target DRS. For example, they tried to spread FUD during the move to book our shares which was obviously good for retail investors once we learned about it.
I believe that the current shill strategy is to demoralize by anchoring 75 million as the default DRS number and that it is not moving up at all. Conveniently the latest share offering is also 75 million shares. Surely DRS must be dead if we make no progress right?
But what if the true DRS numbers are much higher? The number being stuck just does not make sense, many fellow apes, including me, are still buying and DRSing, which implies that there must be an equally large amount of people selling DRSed shares. And you are telling me that for more than 2 year there has been almost perfect balance between buy and sell side on CS? Talk about trading sideways…
Especially puzzling is that the DRS numbers on computershared, which have been very accurate initially, have still gone up before a short time later the reddit API was shut down and the DRS bot stopped working. Very convenient that we lost the ability to estimate DRS ownership around the same time the numbers began to be obfuscated.
Just focusing on the DRS numbers for prediction is not very precise. Additionally, we cannot really trust the numbers reported after April 2022 so we don't have many datapoints. Instead, I propose to look at the amount of money apes spend on DRSing shares and extrapolate that. It is a number with much more meaning to the individual investor, subject to less noise and tied to the true stock price we can observe. The method works as follows:
1. Compute how much the average CS account owner spent per quarter on GameStop Shares based on the past reliable DRS numbers. (based on facts)
2. Extrapolate the average spend for quarters in which DRS numbers stagnated. (approximation)
3. Use the official number of record holders and the true stock price to predict growth in DRS numbers. (based on facts)
In doing so we are making the least amount of assumptions by using official numbers whenever we can: the official number of record holders, the stock price and the DRS numbers from computershared when they matched the official numbers.
In Figure 1 I plotted in red the share price from before the sneeze in 2021 until Friday 7.6.2024 (6/7/2024 for the US apes). The green and orange lines show the DRS estimate and number of CS accounts from computershared(dot)net. In purple I plotted the amount of $ spent per CS account that had to occur to achieve the increase of the green DRS numbers in the preceding quarter based on the average price during that period.
We can see that in the initial DRS period apes spent on average $20k on DRSing shares. This number is likely inflated because people did not just DRS new shares but also shares accumulated since the sneeze in 2021. But for the following quarter we can see that money spent to DRS new shares was around $5000 in March 2022 decreasing to $1800 in March 2023. This comes down to the OG apes spending about 600$ per month to DRS the float. Pretty reasonable number imo. The decrease of spending over time is just natural as engagement with the stock decreased during a long period of the price slowly going down. Actually, the decay of spending matches exactly the decrease in activity of the Superstonk sub:
BUT the price decreasing at the same time with a similar decay pattern has interesting effects. Even when the average spend on DRSing goes down, the net number of shares that were locked away might have increased linearly.
In Figure 1 in light purple I show my extrapolation of the average quarterly spending. I assumed a decrease in the willingness to spend of 10% every quarter, going down to an average quarterly spending of $1000 as of today. At the same time, I assumed no new apes DRSing and modelled apes going inactive by decreasing the net amount of CS accounts by 5% per quarter. Hence the dashed orange line is trending lower since the last official number we got. The numbers give us predictions that follow the trendline from the purple slowly decreasing true average quarterly spending.
Now on to the final observation. Even with conservative estimates of no new apes coming in, existing apes going inactive and the interest in DRS decreasing during the period from March 2023 to now, we have most likely DRSed almost the entire float of 153 million Shares (shown by the light green dashed line) or we are at least significantly above 100 million. Interestingly we were likely close to locking the entire float this May, right when volume increased, the price skyrocketed, DFV returned, and GameStop issued more shares.
We cannot really model the selling pressure from apes selling DRS shares, but it is quite likely that the buying pressure was higher than my conservative prediction and that new apes started DRSing.
This method assumes that the stagnation in reported DRS numbers starting 2023 is not accurate.
This method extrapolates the average quarterly spend and the number of CS accounts.
The method is based on the DRS estimates from computershared during the time they matched the officially reported DRS numbers.
There are simplifications like averaging price over a quarter and not taking into account volume.
In a free and transparent market, the price of a stock is determined by supply and demand. DRS is reducing the Supply of shares and creates a baseline of demand. Assuming we reduced the supply to a small fraction of the outstanding shares, the price should rise. But we know that the price went down during the entire time we DRSed shares. This implies that there is either no demand at all or heavy dilution from short selling counteracting the DRS movement.
And RC proved that there is in fact high demand, leaving only short selling on the table. In May 2024 the company heavily increased the number of outstanding shares with the 45 million share offering (potentially up to120 million). According to the supply and demand model, the price should decrease. But oh wait, the price has tripled during that time on no news or fundamental changes (GameStop even says this in one of their latest filings). RK shows on stream he is just a goofball, has not yet exercised his calls and that the price can be manipulated at a whim. This means there is demand not tied to RK or business fundamentals that far surpasses the 45 (or 120) million new shares offered and that the price is most likely manipulated by short selling.
What is RC’s perspective?
He would know the true DRS numbers and if we really locked the float in the last 3 years, he would have proof of a short selling scheme against the company following the above simple logical argument. With this proof this would allow him to raise billions in cash for the company without compromising MOASS because further dilution is dwarfed by the amount of naked shares which must exist to explain the recent insane volume on no shares available. Furthermore, the share offering raises the minimum price per share to $10-$12, completely killing the short thesis. Overall the DRS numbers are important for exposing and combating the rampant short selling by reducing supply of shares.
Finally, to show how ridiculous the stagnant 75 million DRS number is:
The number of active CS accounts would need to decrease 25% every quarter and the average monthly spending on DRS to go down 50% every quarter to 50$ per quarter for the remaining accounts to achieve such a stagnation.
submitted by FrankiHollywood to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:46 DisciplineNo1000 The Role of 5G in Enhancing IPTV Services: A Spotlight on IPTV Trends

The Role of 5G in Enhancing IPTV Services: A Spotlight on IPTV Trends
IPTV Trends
Welcome to the exciting intersection of technology where 5G and IPTV meet! If you’ve ever groaned in frustration at buffering during your favorite show or cursed at a laggy live stream, you’re in for some good news. The advent of 5G technology promises to revolutionize how we consume internet-based TV services, making those annoyances a thing of the past. Let's dive into how 5G is set to enhance IPTV services, particularly with IPTV Trends, offering a smoother, faster, and more immersive viewing experience.
Understanding 5G Technology
Definition of 5G
5G stands for the fifth generation of mobile network technology. It is designed to deliver much faster data speeds, lower latency, and more reliable connections compared to its predecessors. Think of it as moving from a congested highway to an open, multi-lane expressway.
Key Features of 5G
What makes 5G so special? For starters, it boasts speeds up to 100 times faster than 4G. It also offers ultra-low latency, meaning the delay between sending and receiving information is drastically reduced. Plus, it can handle a lot more devices simultaneously, which is perfect for our increasingly connected world.
Differences Between 5G and Previous Generations
Compared to 4G, 5G operates at higher frequencies, allowing for faster data transfer but requiring more closely spaced network towers. This difference ensures not just speed but also a significant reduction in latency, making real-time communication and streaming far more effective.
The Basics of IPTV Services
Definition of IPTV
IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. Instead of traditional broadcast methods, IPTV delivers television content through internet networks. It’s like having your TV directly connected to the internet, streaming shows, and movies on demand.
How IPTV Works
IPTV transmits video content over a private or public network via an internet protocol. This allows users to start watching immediately without waiting for a full download, similar to how we watch YouTube or Netflix.
Current State of IPTV Services
Currently, IPTV services offer a variety of content, from live TV to on-demand videos. However, they are often hampered by bandwidth limitations and network congestion, leading to buffering and lower resolution streaming.
The Intersection of 5G and IPTV
How 5G Enhances IPTV
5G’s lightning-fast speeds and low latency are a game-changer for IPTV. They eliminate buffering, enable high-definition streaming, and ensure a smooth viewing experience even in densely populated areas or on the go.
Potential Changes in User Experience
With 5G, users can expect an almost instantaneous response when selecting channels or movies. The lag time that’s often experienced with IPTV will be significantly reduced, making the experience much more fluid and enjoyable.
Case Studies of 5G and IPTV Integration
Several trials and deployments are already showcasing the benefits of 5G for IPTV. For example, in South Korea, 5G-enabled IPTV services have been delivering ultra-high-definition content with zero buffering, setting a new standard for home entertainment.
Enhanced Streaming Quality
Higher Resolutions (4K, 8K)
Thanks to 5G, streaming in ultra-high-definition resolutions like 4K and even 8K becomes feasible without annoying buffering or pixelation. This means crystal-clear images and a more immersive viewing experience.
Reduced Buffering and Latency
Buffering can ruin the best moments in a movie or live event. 5G minimizes this issue by providing a more consistent and higher bandwidth connection, ensuring that content loads swiftly and plays smoothly.
Improved Reliability and Stability
5G’s robust network capabilities mean fewer interruptions and a more stable connection, even during peak usage times. Whether you’re watching during prime time or in a crowded area, your streaming experience will remain unaffected.
Faster Download and Upload Speeds
Impact on Content Delivery
With 5G, content providers can deliver high-quality streams faster than ever. This means less waiting for content to load and more instant gratification for viewers.
Benefits for Live Streaming
Live streaming, whether it’s sports, concerts, or news, greatly benefits from 5G. The lower latency ensures real-time broadcasting with minimal delays, providing a true live experience.
User Engagement Improvements
Faster speeds and more reliable connections keep viewers engaged. Interactive features and seamless switching between different streams or cameras become effortless, enhancing overall engagement.
Expanded Connectivity and Coverage
5G’s Wider Reach
Unlike 4G, which can be limited in remote or crowded areas, 5G’s infrastructure promises wider coverage. This ensures that more people can enjoy high-quality IPTV services regardless of their location.
Implications for Rural and Underserved Areas
Rural and underserved areas often struggle with slow internet connections. 5G can bridge this gap, providing high-speed internet that supports robust IPTV services, enhancing the entertainment options for these communities.
Enhanced Mobile Viewing Experiences
For those who love watching content on their smartphones or tablets, 5G makes mobile viewing a pleasure. High-speed, reliable connections mean you can stream high-definition content on the go without any hiccups.
Interactive and Personalized Content
Real-Time Data Analytics
5G enables real-time data collection and analysis, allowing IPTV providers to offer more personalized content recommendations based on viewing habits and preferences.
Personalized Recommendations
With the power of 5G, IPTV services can offer tailored recommendations, ensuring users always have something they’re interested in watching, enhancing user satisfaction.
Interactive Features (e.g., Live Voting, Polls)
Imagine being able to participate in live polls or vote during a reality show in real-time. 5G makes these interactive features more responsive and engaging, adding a new dimension to viewing.
Enhanced User Experience
Seamless Transitions Between Devices
5G allows for seamless transitions between different devices. Start watching a movie on your phone during your commute and switch to your TV when you get home without any interruptions.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Integration
5G’s capabilities extend to supporting AR and VR content. This opens up new possibilities for immersive experiences, from virtual tours to augmented sports broadcasts.
Immersive Viewing Experiences
The combination of high resolution, interactive features, and AVR capabilities creates a truly immersive viewing experience, making users feel like they are part of the action.
Challenges and Considerations
Infrastructure Requirements
Implementing 5G requires significant infrastructure investment, including new towers and equipment. This rollout can be costly and time-consuming but is essential for widespread adoption.
Data Privacy and Security Concerns
With increased data transmission comes the risk of privacy breaches. Ensuring robust security measures is crucial to protect user data and maintain trust.
Cost Implications
While 5G promises many benefits, the costs associated with upgrading to 5G-capable devices and services may be a barrier for some consumers initially.
Future Trends in 5G and IPTV
Predictions for the Next Decade
As 5G becomes more widespread, we can expect even more integration of advanced technologies like AI and machine learning in IPTV services, offering smarter and more intuitive viewing experiences.
Emerging Technologies Complementing 5G and IPTV
Technologies such as edge computing and advanced video compression will further enhance the capabilities of 5G and IPTV, providing faster and more efficient services.
Industry Expert Insights
Experts predict that the convergence of 5G and IPTV will revolutionize the entertainment industry, creating new business models and opportunities for innovation.
5G and IPTV in Various Industries
Entertainment and Media
5G will significantly impact the entertainment industry, offering better streaming services and enabling new forms of content delivery like immersive VR experiences.
Education and E-Learning
Educational institutions can leverage 5G-enhanced IPTV for remote learning, providing high-quality video lectures and interactive learning tools to students worldwide.
Healthcare and Telemedicine
In healthcare, 5G can support telemedicine by providing high-definition video consultations and real-time monitoring, improving patient care and accessibility.
Consumer Perspectives
Surveys and User Feedback
Surveys indicate that consumers are excited about the potential of 5G to enhance their IPTV experience, especially in terms of speed and quality.
Adoption Rates and Barriers
While adoption rates are expected to grow, barriers such as cost and availability need to be addressed to ensure widespread access to 5G-enhanced IPTV services.
Consumer Expectations
Consumers expect 5G to deliver on its promises of faster, more reliable internet. Meeting these expectations will be crucial for the successful integration of 5G and IPTV.
The Global Impact of 5G on IPTV
Comparative Analysis by Region
Different regions are adopting 5G at varying rates, with some leading the charge while others lag. This variation impacts the global rollout of 5G-enhanced IPTV services.
Global Market Trends
The global market for 5G and IPTV is set to expand rapidly, with significant investments being made in infrastructure and content development.
Key Players and Partnerships
Major telecom companies and IPTV providers are forming partnerships to leverage 5G technology, driving innovation and improving service offerings.
In summary, the integration of 5G technology with IPTV services is set to transform the way we consume television content. From higher resolution streaming and reduced latency to personalized recommendations and interactive features, the benefits are immense. While challenges such as infrastructure costs and data security need to be addressed, the future of 5G and IPTV looks incredibly promising. Get ready for a new era of entertainment where your viewing experience is faster, clearer, and more engaging than ever before, especially with the advancements offered by IPTV Trends.
  1. What is IPTV Trends, and how does it differ from traditional IPTV services?
    • IPTV Trends is a leading provider of cutting-edge IPTV solutions, offering unparalleled streaming quality, personalized recommendations, and interactive features. Unlike traditional IPTV services, IPTV Trends leverages the latest technologies like 5G to deliver an unmatched viewing experience.
  2. Why choose IPTV Trends over other IPTV providers?
    • IPTV Trends stands out for its commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. With our team of IPTV smarters experts, we ensure seamless integration of 5G technology, providing the best IPTV experience possible.
  3. How can I access IPTV Trends?
    • To access IPTV Trends, simply visit our website and sign up for an account. Once registered, you can log in to your IPTV Trends account from any compatible device and start enjoying our premium content and features.
  4. What sets IPTV Trends apart from other IPTV providers?
    • IPTV Trends sets itself apart through its focus on quality, reliability, and user experience. Our IPTV smarters experts are dedicated to continuously improving our services and staying ahead of industry trends, ensuring that our customers always have access to the best IPTV experience available.
  5. Can I use IPTV Trends on multiple devices simultaneously?
    • Yes, IPTV Trends allows you to stream content on multiple devices simultaneously, so you can enjoy your favorite shows and movies wherever you are, whenever you want.
submitted by DisciplineNo1000 to u/DisciplineNo1000 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:44 angelcore69 +[Ultimate Strategy] Monopoly GO Free Dice Links 2024 [ KgUy]

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! frtuh8rhffyggfgnyih
submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:43 __star_dust the hate

I do not understand the hate spewed at me. I (34f) live alone with my cat, identify as a female and an artist. I work as a content creator for small business. I have faced my own fair amount of struggles. I am not a perfect person nor do I claim to be but yet in the last few years I've gotten more hate than ever and for what? No apparent reason and this hate comes from people I've never even met or gotten to know. I have earned every luxury in my life. I LOVE living a lone and right now I've been the happiest I've ever been. I've become reclusive due to a health issue and honestly it was the best move ever.
At one work place I literally had someone say within my ear shot "I really hate that woman" for no apparent reason. I've had people stalk, ambush, sabotage my life from various angles for no apparent reason from that particular work place as well (I no longer work there).
At another one, one coworker just wanted to get rid of me likely due to some misogyny and reported me for harassment to HR just for trying to be his friend.
At home I'm labeled an asshole because I don't participate in my NMom's delusional world. Also because I call myself an artist and they don't support that career path.
My neighbors don't seem to like me and for no apparent reason. One thinks I'm a freak and has tried to get me evicted because my TV is always on (it doesn't work like that, what do they expect me to do sit in silence while I WFH??). The other has called me a hoarder just because I moved in with more belongings than the average tenant here. I'm neat and tidy and unpacking took longer due to a health issue. Thank god I haven't nor have a desire to make friends with them.
submitted by __star_dust to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:42 angelcore69 +(NEW) Free Monopoly GO Dice Links 2024 - Roll and Win Instantly! [ LM2wy]

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! retyh8hubyhgtryuhygrytdvrgrytr
submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:40 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Politics] - Biden’s inner circle deeply involved with family’s business dealings: report FOX

[Politics] - Biden’s inner circle deeply involved with family’s business dealings: report FOX submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:39 angelcore69 +Free Monopoly GO Dice Links - Roll for Instant Rewards! [ VdS]

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
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2024.06.09 19:36 angelcore69 [TOP PICK] Explore Free 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚢 GO Dice Links for Today's Play [ vsc]

Here are fresh working links I found: Latest link ⬅️
If you've been playing Monopoly GO and wondering if you need codes to get free dice, we have good news for you. Unlike many other mobile games, Monopoly GO uses links instead of codes to provide players with extra dice. As long as the link is valid, you can claim those extra goodies without hassle. So no need to worry about finding and entering codes when you're in need of more dice.
How to Get Free Dice Via Social Media Links in Monopoly GO
As you dive deeper into the world of Monopoly GO, you may find yourself in need of more dice. Luckily, Scopely, the developer of the game, regularly posts free dice links on their social media pages. Make sure to keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, especially their stories, as that's where they usually share these links. Additionally, you can join the official Monopoly GO Discord Channel to connect with other players and potentially discover more free dice opportunities. And don't worry if you don't have access to these social media platforms, because we've got plenty of links for you to use.
The Newest Monopoly GO! Free Dice Links
To keep the fun going, Scopely consistently updates Monopoly GO with new free dice links. Here is the most recent list of Monopoly GO free dice links:
Aside from the social media links, there are other ways to acquire free dice in Monopoly GO. One option is to participate in giveaways and competitions that are often held on the game's social media pages. While winning is not guaranteed, it's worth trying your luck and see if you can secure some extra dice.
Another method is by trading stickers. Completing sticker sets not only unlocks tokens and more stickers but also rewards you with a significant amount of dice. Utilize this strategy to climb up the ranks and increase your net worth in the game.
Furthermore, you can invite friends from Facebook or your contacts to join Monopoly GO. Each time a friend joins, you'll receive a nice stack of dice without having to spend any real money. If you have spare time, you can even create additional Facebook accounts and invite them to join the game, maximizing your dice rewards. Just remember to learn how to block players if you don't want to see them after their accounts have been created.
Do Dice Links Expire in Monopoly GO?
While it would be great to accumulate a stockpile of dice links and redeem them at your convenience, unfortunately, dice links in Monopoly GO do have an expiration date. These links can become unusable in just a few days. However, the good news is that new links keep coming regularly, and the Monopoly GO community is always eager to gather as many dice as possible. So, you won't have to wait too long before new codes appear and offer you more opportunities to roll the dice.
About the Author
Shaun Cichacki is a passionate gamer with a particular love for RPGs, action, and retro titles. From a young age, Shaun has been gaming and has developed an overwhelming obsession with games like Metal Gear Solid and Pizza Tower. With his diverse gaming experience, you can expect his writing to be both entertaining and informative.
Related Content
If you found this article helpful, make sure to check out our related content for more Monopoly GO resources and information. Here are some articles you might be interested in:
Monopoly GO: All Epic Myths Event Rewards Listed Monopoly GO: All Wall Street Wonders Event Rewards Listed Best Games Similar to Monopoly GO Stay tuned for more Monopoly GO updates and tips! rety58h6frgtu6fe
submitted by angelcore69 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:35 RealScaPe_YT Jones Soda JSDA’s expansion into the weed and alcohol market have revitalized the company and make it a great growth investment

In the last few years Jones Soda ($JSDA) has made several major expansions into breakout sectors that may lead to their value as a company drastically increasing to match their new intrinsic value. These investments are just now beginning to bear fruit.
On March 16, 2022 it was announced that Jones Soda would expand “into the cannabis-infused beverage and edibles business with the release of the first products under the Mary Jones brand.”
Their product line would include a 10mg soda, a 100 mg soda, a 1000mg syrup cannabis tincture (designed for mixing with other drinks), and 5mg edible gummies in packages of 20mg.
“All products are available in Jones' fan-favorite Root Beer, Berry Lemonade, Green Apple and Orange Cream flavors, with a rotating selection of seasonal and limited-edition flavors planned for future release.”
This wide range of products from the start of their expansion would allow them to cover many demographics in the edibles market. Unlike other companies entering the emerging edibles market Jones Soda has a 25 year history having a full understanding of all operations, along with a small but loyal customer base across the nation, though most don’t buy it anymore the name is a nostalgic memento that can’t be valued in $’s for the company and the name and history alone help to sell the products.
Though the company’s edible line originally only released in California (currently their products are sold in over 275 dispensaries across the state) they quickly expanding operations across states despite the federally legality giving many other starting company’s troubles.
On January 10, 2023, 9 months after their original announcement Mary Jones THC products expanded sales to the state of Washington. Marking the second in a growing list of states the company would come to operate in.
On March 20, 2023 it was announced that Mary Jones products would expand into both Michigan and Nevada marking a ramp up in expansion after the initial success their products saw over the first year.
Their next expansion, announced on febuary 6, 2024 would be into Canada starting in Ontario. The company was originally founded in Vancouver in1995, making the country a natural fit for the first international expansion for Mary Jones.
Mary Jones has won awards showing their products are top of the line and will quickly become the leading product anywhere they choose to expand to.
On March 5, 2024, not too long ago. The company announced an all new expansion into the alcohol market with their Spiked Jones Hard Soda.
Spiked Jones launched with 19.2 ounce single cans and a mixed pack of 12 ounce sleek cans. The 12oz cans feature 8.4% alcohol by volume and the 19.2oz 6.9% alcohol by volume.
I don’t want to be too opinionated in this post and mainly just want to highlight to expansions the company has made, but it has to be said as a person that both smokes weed and drinks alcohol all of their products sound like things I would absolutely want to try. Personally the 1000mg syrup tinctures that you mix yourself sound amazing and I’ve tried the hard jones myself the fact that it’s made with real cane sugar and not other crap additives along with the fact it’s a higher alcohol content compared to other similar products it’s by far just better designed. No getting sick from low alcohol high amounts of sugar like other comparable products.
Financially the company has been continuously improving top line revenue, while making little profit as it continues to reinvest in their expanding markets. Looking solely at profit the company is stagnant as it nets a negative each quarter. Despite that, revenue in every category continues to improve in many key sectors and metrics. Q4 2023 / 2023 summary
Recently the company collaborate with the Fallout T.V series producers to release a limited edition Nuka Cola Quantum and Nuka Cola Victory sodas.
These collaborative product were sold on Amazon as well as in stores and brought new customers to the company as a whole.
TLDR: Jones Soda has worked hard to expand into markets other than its original craft soda mainline products. With a wide range of THC infused products selling in 4 U.S states and Canada, along with a new national selling alcohol hard soda. Both products are new, interest, and selling quickly and bringing fresh revenue to a solid company.
submitted by RealScaPe_YT to pennystocks [link] [comments]