Hanging porch swing bed

I have a question

2024.05.16 18:12 Nairatsu I have a question

so here is my daily routine every morning I wake up I read four chapters in the bibel 8 if i listen to the bible and i scriptuer right well just starting out. I pray every morning and every night and I constantly pray non stop as I do thing it's a habit now
after I read or listen to the bibel Bible 4 chapters when I listen it is way more than 4 chapter at least close to 8 chapters I pray non stop wile im at work if I say every 20 to 30 minuts through out the day
when I'm at work or befor i go to work same routine pray every 20 to 30 minuts and listen to the Bible at the last hour of my shift and on the way home from work
now when I'm off work I do the same thing non stop praying pray every morning and every night befor I go to bed
between these times when I'm off I play my game alot but at the same time I'm praying wile I play games like I do at work all day and or do other stuff
so my question is am I doing ok? I'm trying not to make my games my idol cause I do play alot wile I play with friend we talk about god all the time. we will have those moment when the holy spirit hangs around every once and awile even though he is with us all the time and we pray together.
submitted by Nairatsu to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:07 She-Her-Queen At a crossroads

So I’ve had my ups and downs with breastfeeding from initial latch issues, frenectomy (lip and tongue), having to see a chiropractor because my baby was so tense at the breast, multiple blebs and clogs, being hospitalized for mastitis. At 6 months pp, I was finally in a groove and getting the hang of it, still able to EBF through it all despite baby not following her growth curve super closely (she was still gaining). My daughter is now 7 months and we had a visit from our IBCLC, did the weigh in only to find out she has lost weight. 😔 I’m so emotional about it because I had a goal to EBF for at least 1 years and it seems we can’t catch a break and this journey has been so fucking difficult. However, I don’t want to allow my ego to get in the way of getting her what she needs because ultimately it’s about feeding the baby for her growth and development. We have a pediatrician visit next week for another weigh in and potentially bloodwork to determine if there are any underlying causes of the weight loss. For context, I WFH, nurse on demand and we started to incorporate a 4-6oz bottle of expressed milk before she goes to bed each night (she sleeps thru the night in her crib). IBCLC also suggested incorporating additional expressed bottles throughout the day to ensure she is getting a certain amount.
Pumping issues: I simply don’t make enough. And my freezer stash is quickly dwindling. The more frequently I pump, the less there is per pump if that makes sense. If I go a while without pumping, I can get a good 4-6 oz total. But if I pump around the clock for multiple days I’m only getting 1-2 per pump and it’s just not worth the sore, raw nipples for me. Plus I’m still nursing on demand so it’s like an all day irritation and pain for the same amount of milk.
I should also add that baby is meeting all her milestones like rolling, sitting, crawling, and she is even pulling up now at 7 months. She is just a tiny thing I guess.
Any suggestions from mamas who experienced dips in weight while EBF? It pains me to know she may be losing weight because my milk is not enough for her. Thanks so much.
submitted by She-Her-Queen to breastfeedingsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:57 evepsyche1 First attempt: astral body kept swinging back and forth but I couldn’t get out.

We were on a family holiday, I realised I was reaching the vibration stage and shortly after that I decided to roll out of my body. I saw my mum praying in the room, I’m assuming she thought that I was asleep. I kept swinging back and forth, my bed was right next to the wall and I could see some of the kitchen when I was swinging through the wall. I woke up and my mum had finished praying. I haven’t tried AP since but I believe in it now.
submitted by evepsyche1 to AstralProjection [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:57 aelfin Dorian Hightower, Beacon of the South, Defender of Oldtown, Defender of the Citadel, Lord of Oldtown, Lord of the Hightower, Lord of the Port, Voice of Oldtown

Reddit Account: aelfin
Discord Tag: Bolt1219
Name and House: Dorian Hightower
Age: 80
Cultural Group: Reachman
Appearance: Once tall and strong and proud -- a knight of renown -- the passage of time has seen fit to humble Dorian Hightower. The gold-brown hair of his youth has bleached to silver, his countenance marked by wrinkles. He wears his hair long, often unbound that it frames his features. His beard is neatly styled. Despite the betrayal of his body, Dorian's eyes remain sharp and quick, and his smile is that of a younger man.
Trait: Mastermind
Skill(s): Devious(e), Espionage(e), Assassin
Talent(s): Napping, Meandering, Gardening
Negative Trait(s): Sickly
Starting Title(s): Beacon of the South, Defender of Oldtown, Defender of the Citadel, Lord of Oldtown, Lord of the Hightower, Lord of the Port, Voice of Oldtown
Starting Location: Starting Event
Alternate Characters: n/a
Biogaphy Early Life
In 55BC, under a golden sun in the bustling city of Oldtown, Dorian Hightower was born the second son to Lord Leyton Hightower and his wife Leona Bulwer. His early childhood was marked by a sense of curiosity and an inherent noble pride that was expected of a Hightower; against a backdrop filled with the sounds of the bustling harbour, the smell of the sea, and the sight of a forest of sails coming and going. Oft he would watch the ships as they sailed away and wondered where they went
From a young age, Dorian showed a keen interest in learning and the world around him. His education was that expected of one of his lineage; lessons with the Maester were as important as that of his martial education. At just ten, he was sent to Highgarden to squire for House Gardener. There, amidst the vibrant gardens and rich traditions of the Reach, he learned the values of chivalry, honour, and the importance of duty. His time at Highgarden left a lasting impression on him, fostering a deep respect for the knightly traditions that would shape his later life -- which would make the later actions of the Tyrells sting all the more,
At one-and-seven, Dorian’s path took a scholarly turn. Sent to study at the Citadel, immersed in the halls of knowledge, he began forging his maester's chain, dedicating himself to the studies of copper for history, bronze for astronomy, and iron for warcraft. His mentors noted a sharp intellect and strategic mind, qualities that would serve him well in the years to come.
The Heir to the Hightower
In 35 BC, a marriage united Dorian with Leila Tarly, a match both strategic and affectionate. At the age of twnety Dorian became a father, welcoming his first child, Garlan, into the world. Over the years, the Hightower family grew with the births of Garmund, Delena, Owen, and Lynesse. Each child brought new joy and responsibility, shaping Dorian into a devoted father and a wise lord.
The Stranger visited the Hightowers in 20 BC, when Dorian's older brother, Leyton, the heir to the Hightower, was lost in a shipwreck while returning from a journey to Braavos. At five-and-twenty, Dorian was thrust into the role of heir, a position he had not anticipated. Embracing his new responsibilities with determination, he began learning the intricacies of rule, administration, and justice from his father. Living in Oldtown, the heart of the Faith of the Seven, also imparted a deep spiritual awareness in Dorian. The more he learned, the more he was put into positions of authority. Initially undertaking a role as his father's Steward, Dorian learned quickly that he was much too bored by numbers to be anything close to competent. He was better at dealing with people.
Through his dealings his network grew, and this network, he recognised, could be turned toward the flow of information. The ships he had watched as a boy carried trade, but they also carried words from half the world away. If he could find a way to hear those words before any else, he'd have an advantage -- not only in trade, but in politics as well. Setting to work, Dorian used his House's name to tour as often as he could, finding those in key places that would serve his ends for the right price.
Life and Trials
As the head of House Hightower, Dorian instilled in his family a profound sense of fairness and the importance of knightly traditions. He stressed the values of chivalry and gallantry, ensuring that these principles were deeply rooted in the Hightower legacy. His household became known for its adherence to these values, earning respect and admiration throughout the Reach.
He was an avid hunter, frequently organising grand hunting expeditions in the lands surrounding Oldtown. Not merely for sport, these hunts also served as opportunities to bond with his children and vassals. One notable hunt saw Dorian bring down a formidable stag, a feat that became legendary in his household.
Dorian’s daughter Delena married Harlan Tyrell after a secret tryst, a match that Dorian did not initially support but ultimately was forced to accept. His youngest daughter, Lynesse, found a husband in Willem Ryger. A man whom Dorian had mentored in the art of espionage, and who would later go on to prove the most succesful spymaster in the country.
Feasts at the Hightower were grand affairs, known throughout the Reach for their opulence and hospitality. Dorian believed in the power of communal gatherings, often using these occasions to strengthen alliances and resolve disputes. The harvest feast was a particularly notable event, drawing his vassals to Oldtown to celebrate the bounty of the land, and to reaffirm their loyalty to House Hightower.
From the Ashes:
Family life, however, was not without its hardships, and the Hightowers not immune to tragedy. The House faced a profound loss when Garlan, Dorian's eldest son, was killed on the Field of Fire, turned to ash by dragonfire. This tragedy left Garlan's young son, Gwayne, as Dorian's heir, a heavy burden for the grieving boy to bear at such a young age. By then Dorian was a man nearing his sixtieth decade, not young by any stretch, and so particularly attension was paid to Gwayne's education near to the exclusion of all else. A small army of learned men were brought in to cover every aspect that would eventually be required of him. Dorian hardly went anywhere without his grandson in tow. The Seven Kingdoms might have been united, but the dawn of this new age was eclipsed by Dorian's fears that he would pass before his heir was ready, and he had known many a House felled by the poorly equipped.
Dorian levied from Lord Hightower against House Costayne of having refused the call to rally at Oldtown, backed by the word of the High Septon. A host marched on Three Towers but was met with denial from Lord Costayne who eventually demanded a trial by combat. Gyles Gardener offered himself as champion, and for his victory was given rule over Three Towers, with the fallen lord’s kin being exiled to Essos. Aegon Targaryen was crowned in the Starry Sept upon their return.
In 8AC, a band of sellswords by the name of the Black Roses arrived in Oldtown, headed up by Harlon Costayne, offering cheap mercenaries for the city and protection for its trade. Dorian put to them a challenge, a trial by combat to determine if the Seven stood with the Roses. Pit against a knight of Oldtown, the Black Roses emerged the victorious party, and Dorian issued them leave to remain so long as they served the Reach and her interests.
Life is a loan, and eventually all men's accounts are settled in full. Having passed into his eightieth year, Dorian Hightower knows the end is nearing for him. Age wracks his body, though his mind remains sharp. He has prepared his grandson as best as he could have done, and all that remains is the wait until his last, content in the knowledge. For the first time in a decade, the Lord of the Hightower has descended from his perch and travels towards King's Landing.
55 BC - Birth of Dorian Hightower
45 BC - Dorian Sent to Highgarden
38 BC - Scholarly Pursuits at the Citadel
35 BC - Marriage to Leila Tarly
35 BC - 30 BC - Birth of Children
20 BC - Death of Leyton Hightower
15 BC - 10 BC - Expansion of Dorian's Network
10 BC - Dorian Becomes Lord Hightower
5 BC - Marriage of Daughters
5 BC - 1 BC - Grand Feasts and Gatherings
0 AC - Tragedy at the Field of Fire
5 AC - Conflict with House Costayne
8 AC - Arrival of the Black Roses
25 AC - Dorian Prepares for the End
Name and House: Gwayne Hightower
Age: 30
Cultural Group: Reachman
Appearance: Gwayne stands the perfect example of the Hightower ideal; in him are the echoes of his father and his grandfather and the knightly traditions of the Hightower. He boasts hazel-hued eyes that are dominant green, alight with curiosity. His hair seems to shfit between a gold and a shade dark brown dependant on the light. Oft seen in the colours of his house; smoke greys cut with whites or greens.
Trait: Champion,
Skill(s): Swords, Andal Knight(e)
Talent(s): Hunting, Hawking, Harp
Negative Trait(s): n/a
Starting Title(s): Heir to the Hightower, Ser
Starting Location: Starting Event
Alternate Characters:n/a
Family Tree: https://www.familyecho.com/#view:SZ32K
Born in 5BC, the firstborn son to Garlan Hightower, Gwayne was bathed in a viridescent light, anointed with the seven oils and named in the rainbow of light that filled the sept in the Hightower. This act alone is reserved for the heirs to the Hightower, a ceremony to mark them from birth as defenders of the Faith. His early life was a happy one, though he recalls little of the time. His mother and father were truly in love. Only two years later after his birth would his brother follow, and their two sisters after them. His grandfather's hall and hearth was filled with the laughter of children.
It was Garlan Hightower who held command of the Hightower host the fateful day that dragonfire swept across the Field of Fire, who perished there on the field, and whose bones were turned to ash and no longer able to be laid to rest. Gwayne was too young to grasp the reality of it, and before long his Grandfather had him learning with such intensity that he hardly had time to process the fact his father wasn't coming home.
Life turned into a steady routine of learning. His lessons consisted of how to act at court, his histories, his number and letters, and martial training in the yard. He would be woken before the dawn and not be permitted to bed until the sun had slipped away and night had fallen. Recklessly bold, oft he would attempt to climb the exterior of the Hightower and be scolded for the act if discovered.
His first true test at arms came when in the form of pirates. They had made their home in a cove and would strike out at ships fat and ripe with goods. Gwayne rode out with a small band of men, headed up by his uncle, Owen. For a week they scoured the coastline looking for signs of their quarry, and eventually, one night, sky unclouded and stars bright, they saw the fires. Come the dawn the charge of the Reachmen sent the pirates srambling for their weapons, and though they put up a fight, they were cut down to a man and their ships burned. Of those that surrendered, they would hang at the port in Oldtown as a stark reminder. For his bravery Gwayne was given their Valyrian Steel sword, Vigilance, upon his return.
He would seek out his glory in the lists after that, travelling the length of the Seven Kingdoms looking to make his name as a knight. Tourney followed tourney, but at each stop he remembered to paya visit to the local Sept and offer prayer. He lent a hand where he could. Sometimes he found friends, sometimes he found foe.
When the Orphans of the Fire descended on the Reach, Gwayne wished to march out and chase them down, but Dorian refused him -- and as well he did, for the chaos wrought by the Orphans might have claimed him, and Dorian was adamant that he would not lose another heir to fire. The inaction rankled at Gwayne, but he heeded his grandfather's words all the same.
Now, in 25AC, with Dorian ailing and a celebration called, Gwayne travels toward the event and prepares himself for what may come.
Timeline: 5 BC - Birth of Gwayne Hightower
3 BC - Birth of Gwayne's Brother
0 AC - Death of Garlan Hightower
1 AC - 15 AC - Intensive Education and Martial Training
15 AC - First Test of Arms Against Pirates
16 AC - 23 AC - Knighthood and Tournament Circuit
20 AC - Orphans of the Fire Incident
25 AC - Current Events
submitted by aelfin to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Weekend Getaways in Arkansas

Best Weekend Getaways in Arkansas
Best Weekend Getaways in Arkansas Are you ready for an epic adventure in Arkansas? Well, buckle up and join us as we embark on a journey through the best weekend getaways this amazing state has to offer.From the charming streets of Eureka Springs to the rejuvenating hot springs of Hot Springs National Park, there's something for everyone to enjoy.So grab your bags, hop in the car, and get ready to experience the freedom and beauty of Arkansas like never before.Let's hit the road!Key TakeawaysEureka Springs offers historic hotels, cozy bed and breakfasts, and a romantic spa option for weekend getaways.Hot Springs features Garvan Woodland Gardens, Hot Springs National Park, and the famous Bathhouse Row for a relaxing and therapeutic experience.Arkansas offers natural beauty and outdoor activities at Buffalo National River, Petit Jean State Park, and Mount Magazine State Park.Other cities like Bentonville, Little Rock, and Siloam Springs provide cultural attractions, art museums, and historic downtown districts to explore.Eureka Springs: Historic Charm and Cozy RetreatsWhen it comes to Eureka Springs, we can't resist the historic charm and cozy retreats it offers. Nestled in the heart of Arkansas, this enchanting town is the perfect destination for weekend getaways in Arkansas. With its Victorian architecture and quaint streets, Eureka Springs takes you back in time while offering a variety of modern amenities and activities.One of the highlights of Eureka Springs is the iconic 1886 Crescent Hotel and Spa. This historic hotel boasts a rich history and offers various room options to suit every traveler's needs. Whether you prefer a luxurious suite or a charming cottage, the Crescent Hotel has it all. In addition to its accommodation options, the hotel also features a spa where you can indulge in relaxation and rejuvenation.For a more intimate experience, the Cliff Cottage Inn is the perfect choice. This cozy bed and breakfast is located in the heart of downtown Eureka Springs, offering a prime location for exploring the town's charming shops and restaurants. Each cottage is uniquely decorated and equipped with modern amenities to ensure a comfortable stay.If you're looking for a romantic getaway, the New Orleans Hotel & Spa is the ideal choice. This boutique hotel offers luxurious accommodations and a relaxing spa, perfect for couples seeking a weekend of pampering and relaxation.In addition to its cozy retreats, Eureka Springs is also home to a number of historic attractions. The town itself is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and its Victorian architecture is a sight to behold. Attractions like the Blue Spring Heritage Center and the Thorncrown Chapel showcase the town's rich history and offer a glimpse into its past.For those seeking outdoor adventures, Eureka Springs is surrounded by natural beauty. The nearby Hot Springs National Park is famous for its natural hot springs with therapeutic properties. Take a hike along Bathhouse Row and enjoy the scenic views or relax and soak in the healing waters.Hot Springs: Soak in Nature's Healing WatersLet's take a dip in the healing waters of Hot Springs and experience the rejuvenating power of nature. Located in Arkansas, Hot Springs is a city known for its natural hot springs and the therapeutic benefits they offer. As we immerse ourselves in these warm, mineral-rich waters, we can feel the stress and tension melt away, leaving us refreshed and renewed.Hot Springs National Park is a must-visit destination in the city. Here, we can explore the historic Bathhouse Row, a collection of beautiful bathhouses that date back to the early 20th century. These bathhouses were once frequented by celebrities and dignitaries seeking the healing waters. Today, we can still enjoy a soak in the thermal baths, just as they did in the past.In addition to the hot springs, Hot Springs offers stunning lakes such as Lake Catherine and Lake Hamilton. These picturesque bodies of water provide the perfect backdrop for a variety of recreational activities, including boating, fishing, and water sports. We can spend a day on the water, enjoying the sun, the gentle breeze, and the breathtaking views.For those seeking a more secluded experience, there are several hiking trails in the area that lead to hidden hot springs. These natural pools can be found nestled among the lush greenery of the Ouachita Mountains, offering a serene and tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.Hot Springs truly is a haven for those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. Whether we choose to unwind in the famous thermal baths or explore the beauty of the surrounding lakes and mountains, we're sure to find solace in the healing waters of this remarkable city. So let's pack our bags, leave our worries behind, and immerse ourselves in the soothing embrace of Hot Springs.Explore the Natural Beauty of Buffalo National RiverWe can experience the breathtaking natural beauty of Buffalo National River through activities such as canoeing, kayaking, and fishing. Nestled in the heart of the Ozark Mountains, the Buffalo National River offers a truly immersive experience in nature. Here are two ways we can enjoy this stunning destination:Canoeing and Kayaking: The Buffalo National River is renowned for its pristine waters, making it an ideal spot for canoeing and kayaking. As we paddle along the river, we'll be surrounded by towering limestone bluffs, lush forests, and peaceful meadows. The river's gentle current provides a tranquil journey, allowing us to fully appreciate the serenity of our surroundings. We may even catch a glimpse of wildlife such as deer, turkeys, or even a majestic bald eagle soaring above us.Fishing: For those seeking a more relaxed experience, fishing in the Buffalo National River is a must. The river is teeming with a variety of fish, including smallmouth bass, catfish, and trout. Casting our lines into the crystal-clear water, we'll feel a sense of anticipation as we wait for the gentle tug of a fish on our line. Whether we're experienced anglers or just starting out, the river provides ample opportunities for a successful day of fishing.With its unspoiled beauty and diverse recreational opportunities, the Buffalo National River is a haven for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Whether we're gliding through the water on a canoe or casting our line into the river, we'll be surrounded by the freedom of the great outdoors. So let's grab our paddles, fishing rods, and immerse ourselves in the natural wonders of the Buffalo National River.Bentonville: Art, Culture, and Outdoor AdventuresOur visit to Bentonville will be filled with numerous art, culture, and outdoor adventures to enjoy. Bentonville is a vibrant city located in northwest Arkansas, known for its rich cultural heritage and thriving arts scene.One of the main attractions in Bentonville is the renowned Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. This world-class museum houses an impressive collection of American artwork, including pieces by iconic artists such as Georgia O'Keeffe and Andy Warhol. As we wander through the museum's galleries, we'll be captivated by the diverse range of artistic styles and mediums on display.In addition to the museum, Bentonville offers various outdoor adventures for those seeking an active experience. The city is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, including the Ozark Mountains and nearby lakes. We can explore the picturesque trails and parks, perfect for hiking, biking, and wildlife spotting. For those interested in water activities, Beaver Lake provides opportunities for fishing, boating, and swimming.Bentonville also boasts a vibrant cultural scene, with numerous events and festivals taking place throughout the year. The city's downtown area is filled with charming shops, galleries, and restaurants, offering a unique blend of local flavors and international cuisine. We can immerse ourselves in the city's rich history by visiting the Walmart Museum, which tells the story of the retail giant's humble beginnings.As we explore Bentonville, we'll be delighted by the city's blend of art, culture, and outdoor adventures. Whether we're strolling through the museum, hiking in the mountains, or indulging in delicious cuisine, Bentonville offers something for everyone.This weekend getaway will truly be a memorable experience, allowing us to embrace freedom and enjoy all that this vibrant city has to offer.Petit Jean State Park: Waterfalls and Scenic OverlooksGet ready to be mesmerized by the natural beauty of Petit Jean State Park!With its majestic waterfall hikes and breathtaking scenic viewpoints, this park is a nature lover's paradise.Whether you're exploring the trails that lead to stunning waterfalls or taking in the panoramic views from the park's scenic overlooks, there's no shortage of awe-inspiring sights to behold at Petit Jean State Park.Majestic Waterfall HikesLocated within Petit Jean State Park, visitors can experience the beauty of majestic waterfalls and scenic overlooks. Immerse yourself in the wonders of nature as you embark on these breathtaking waterfall hikes:Cedar Falls: Prepare to be awestruck as you witness the tumbling waters of Cedar Falls, cascading down a 95-foot drop. The trail leading to this magnificent waterfall offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape, with vibrant foliage and limestone bluffs.Seven Hollows Trail: This trail takes you on a journey through a captivating landscape, where you'll encounter seven unique hollows, each with its own distinct charm. Along the way, you'll pass enchanting waterfalls, rock formations, and lush greenery, creating a sense of tranquility and wonder.As you explore these majestic waterfall hikes in Petit Jean State Park, let the freedom of the outdoors embrace you, rejuvenating your spirit and leaving you with memories that will last a lifetime.Breathtaking Scenic ViewpointsLet's take in the breathtaking scenic viewpoints at Petit Jean State Park, where we can marvel at the waterfalls and enjoy the stunning overlooks.This state park, located in the heart of Arkansas, offers a true escape into nature's beauty. As we embark on our journey through the park, we'll be greeted by cascading waterfalls that create a symphony of sound and a visual spectacle. The waterfalls, such as Cedar Falls and Eighteen Foot Falls, are a sight to behold and provide the perfect backdrop for a peaceful moment of reflection.As we venture further, we'll encounter the park's scenic overlooks, offering panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and mountains. From these vantage points, we can witness nature's vastness and feel a sense of freedom as we take in the expansive landscapes.Petit Jean State Park is a sanctuary of natural wonders, where we can truly immerse ourselves in the beauty of Arkansas.Mount Magazine: Majestic Views and Thrilling ActivitiesGet ready for an adrenaline-pumping adventure at Mount Magazine, where we'll experience the thrill of hang gliding and paragliding.Imagine soaring through the sky, feeling the rush of the wind as you take in the breathtaking views from above.With its status as the highest point in Arkansas, Mount Magazine offers a truly majestic experience that will leave you in awe.Hang Gliding AdventureWe can experience an exhilarating hang gliding adventure at Mount Magazine, where we can enjoy majestic views and engage in thrilling activities. Mount Magazine, the highest point in Arkansas, offers the perfect setting for hang gliding.Here are two reasons why this adventure is a must-try:Majestic Views:Soar through the sky and witness breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.Take in the beauty of the lush forests, rolling hills, and scenic valleys below.Thrilling Activities:Feel the rush of adrenaline as you glide through the air, experiencing the freedom of flight.Challenge yourself by learning new skills and techniques under the guidance of experienced instructors.Whether you're a seasoned glider or a first-timer, the hang gliding adventure at Mount Magazine promises an unforgettable experience filled with freedom, excitement, and awe-inspiring views. Get ready to soar to new heights and create memories that will last a lifetime.Spectacular Views From AboveFor an unforgettable experience, we can explore the spectacular views from above at Mount Magazine, where we can enjoy majestic views and engage in thrilling activities. Mount Magazine is the highest point in Arkansas, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. With its diverse flora and fauna, the Ouachita Mountains provide a stunning backdrop for outdoor enthusiasts seeking adventure. The activities available at Mount Magazine include hang gliding, paragliding, hiking, and mountain biking, allowing visitors to experience the beauty of the area from different perspectives. Whether soaring through the air or traversing the trails, the exhilaration of being high above the ground is sure to create a sense of freedom and liberation. Take a look at the table below for a summary of the thrilling activities and majestic views that await at Mount Magazine.ActivityDescriptionHang GlidingSoar through the sky and experience true freedomParaglidingGlide effortlessly and enjoy the stunning vistasHikingExplore the trails and immerse yourself in natureMountain BikingFeel the adrenaline as you ride through the mountainsWildlife ViewingObserve the diverse flora and fauna in their natural habitatCome to Mount Magazine for an extraordinary escape where you can revel in the beauty of nature and feel a sense of liberation as you take in the spectacular views from above.Experience History and Blues in HelenaOne of the highlights of visiting Helena is experiencing the rich history and vibrant blues music culture. As you wander through the streets of this historic city, you can't help but feel the echoes of the past. Here are some ways to fully immerse yourself in the history and blues of Helena:Explore the historic attractions:Fort Curtis: Step back in time and visit this Civil War-era fort, which played a crucial role in the Battle of Helena. The fort offers a glimpse into the city's rich military history.Centennial Baptist Church: This historic church has been a cornerstone of the community since 1863. Take a guided tour to learn about its significance during the Civil Rights Movement.Indulge in the blues music scene:Live Concerts: Catch a live blues performance at one of the local venues, where talented musicians bring the soulful sounds of the Delta to life. From intimate settings to lively festivals, there's always something happening in Helena.King Biscuit Blues Festival: Plan your visit around this iconic annual event, which attracts blues enthusiasts from near and far. Enjoy performances by renowned artists, savor delicious Southern cuisine, and soak in the electric atmosphere.Immerse yourself in the stories of the past and the soul-stirring sounds of the blues. Helena offers a unique blend of history and music that will leave you feeling inspired and connected to the spirit of freedom that permeates this vibrant city.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some Popular Outdoor Activities in Hot Springs National Park?Some popular outdoor activities in Hot Springs National Park include:Hiking, where you can explore the park's beautiful trails and take in breathtaking views.Enjoying picnicking in scenic areas.Fishing in the park's lakes and rivers.Wildlife viewing, where you might spot deer, birds, and other creatures.Camping and scenic drives, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in nature's beauty.What Are the Must-See Attractions in Bentonville, Arkansas?In Bentonville, Arkansas, there are several must-see attractions that shouldn't be missed.The Walmart Museum offers a fascinating look into the history of this retail giant.The Museum of Native American History showcases a stunning collection of Native American artifacts.And don't forget to explore the outdoor sculpture trails at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.Bentonville has something for everyone, whether you're interested in history, art, or simply enjoying the beautiful surroundings.Can You Swim or Participate in Water Activities in Buffalo National River?Yes, you can swim and participate in water activities in Buffalo National River.The river offers a scenic and serene environment for canoeing, kayaking, and fishing. Imagine yourself paddling along the crystal-clear waters, surrounded by stunning cliffs and lush forests.You can also go wildlife viewing and even camp along the riverbanks.Buffalo National River provides the perfect getaway for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts seeking adventure and relaxation.Are There Any Accommodations Available in Petit Jean State Park?Yes, there are accommodations available in Petit Jean State Park. The park offers Mather Lodge, a charming lodge nestled in the natural beauty of the park. Mather Lodge provides comfortable rooms and dining options, making it a perfect place to stay during your weekend getaway.With its stunning waterfalls and breathtaking overlooks, Petit Jean State Park is a nature lover's paradise. Whether you're hiking or simply enjoying the scenery, this park offers a truly memorable experience.What Are Some Historical Sites to Visit in Helena, Arkansas?Some historical sites to visit in Helena, Arkansas are Fort Curtis and Centennial Baptist Church.Fort Curtis holds significant historical significance, and Centennial Baptist Church is a beautiful and important landmark.Helena is known for its rich blues music culture, with live concerts and festivals that showcase the city's vibrant musical heritage.Exploring these historical sites and immersing yourself in the city's musical culture will make for a memorable weekend getaway in Helena, Arkansas.ConclusionIn conclusion, Arkansas truly offers the best weekend getaways for all types of travelers. Whether you're seeking a charming and historic retreat in Eureka Springs, a rejuvenating soak in Hot Springs, or an adventure in the great outdoors, this state has it all.Did you know that Arkansas is home to over 600,000 acres of lakes and 9,700 miles of streams and rivers? That's plenty of water for fishing, boating, and other water activities.So, come and experience the natural wonders and rich culture of Arkansas on your next getaway!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:40 hellokrissi I've been on Rinvoq for 70 days and antibiotics for 4: ama

Title is pretty self-explanatory. I've had an amazing 70 days on Rinvoq, and an unfortunate week being sick with a chest infection. The timing was super fortunate though - I was able to see my GP, pharmacist, and GI all in the same day I started antibiotics.
There's always quite a few questions about Rinvoq or ones about antibiotics on here, and I don't want to write a gigantic wall of text about my experiences so I thought I'd open up the floor. Also, I can only watch so many seasons of Masterchef and rotate between the bed, indoor couch, and porch couch before getting tired/bored.
submitted by hellokrissi to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:29 bohemiancouchpotato Something in my body is trying to escape

Have you ever experienced something that shook you to your very core? Something that makes you remember every single little detail of your surroundings from that moment in time? Even years after? I can remember so vividly the moment I realized something was wrong with me. I was in my junior year of high school sitting in class, just like any other day. I remember the smell of erasers and cheap cologne that permeated off my classmate who sat next to me. I remember the scratchy tag on my t-shirt and how I was resisting taking it off in the middle of class just to cut it off. I remember what my teacher, Mrs. Brown, was talking about; 'the fall of Constantinople'. My mouth felt dry and I kept looking at the clock, counting down the minutes until I had lunch so I could get a soda. The sound of a pen clicking behind me was synchronized with the song that was stuck in my head.
All those things were going through my brain at once. My ADHD mind went a million miles per minute when it all came down to a cashing holt when I felt it at 11:23
I felt what I can only describe as a hand grabbing at the inner lining of my stomach. It didn't necessarily hurt, not at this point. That's not why I got so scared. You see, not only do I have ADHD. I also have OCD that manifests itself in the fear of anything growing or moving inside me. Even if I think about the concept of blood moving in my body or a heart that is beating in my chest, I have to think of something else. I've had full-blown panic attacks because of it. The closest term for this is 'Tokophobia'. That's technically the fear of pregnancy. I'm a guy, so it's not completely accurate but it's really the closest term. I mean, I also do have a huge fear of pregnancy. Not necessarily of me being pregnant, but even though I knew I could never get pregnant, the thought of it still made me feel sick
I bet you can imagine the terror that overcame me as I felt something moving in me. I made an audible groan and grabbed my stomach. My whole class turned to look at me. even my teacher stopped talking to ask if I was okay. I stood up and started to run to the nurses' office without even acknowledging my teacher. My first thought wasn't thinking that something was actually in my body. Even stomach aches and the feeling of gurgling in my stomach made me feel this way before. I didn't have anything on hand to help with a stomach ache, unfortunately. However, the nurse always did.
I sprinted across the school hoping and praying that my stomach wouldn't make that awful feeling again before I got there.
I turned the corner into the nurses' office with my tennis shoes squeaking in the process. I saw the school nurse, Mrs. Kennedy sitting on the couch in her office reading a magazine. She looked up at me with a sweet smile that quickly turned into worry.
"Sam, what is it? How can I help?" She said as she stood up and hurried over to me. Putting her hand over mine which was grabbing my stomach tightly.
"It's…It's my stomach. Something is wrong with it." I mumbled with a red face.
She shuffled her way over to her large medicine cabinet and she motioned for me to sit down.
She asked me questions about my stomach. Asking if it was pain, grumbling, cramps, nausea, etc. As she was asking me what my symptoms were and digging through bottles, The feeling happened again. However, this time was different. It felt like fingers grassing against the inside of my body. I screamed and wrapped my arms around my torso. Mrs. Kenneddy ran over to me to comfort me.
"This seems a lot worse than normal, maybe we should call your parents." She said as she put her hand on my back.
It felt like some days I saw Mrs. Kennedy more than my teachers. Any small ailment would distract me so badly from class that I had to go see her. Sometimes multiple times a day. She knew at this point when something was really wrong.
Within about 30 minutes both my parents were there with us. That may seem fast, but I'm an only child and my parents are very aware of my tendencies. They know I can spiral and like to be around if it happens.
They kept asking me where the pain was. I think they assumed by the way I wasn't responding to their questions the pain must've been really bad. The reality was that I just didn't know how to tell them what was going on.
I got so frustrated after they asked me over and over again that I just yelled at them.
"Something is inside me! Get it out, get it out, get it out!" I lifted my shirt and was ripping at my stomach. Leaving red nail scratches and cuts. My mom and dad ran to either side of me to grab my arms. Mrs. Kennedy had seen me go pretty crazy, but this was the worst I've ever gotten in front of her. My parents however had seen a similar situation before. Not exactly like this, but they didn't skip a beat on trying to help me.
"Sam. Breath, sweety. Just remember everything is in you for a reason. It's keeping you alive. Nothing is going to hurt you." My mom said softly to me. Trying to calm me down with the words my therapist gave her. "Ice cubes, get him ice cubes!" She said to Mrs. Kennedy as I started to hyperventilate.
Mrs. Kennedy grabbed a ziplock bag and started to fill it with ice cubes. My mom went over to her and grabbed an ice cube right out of the bag, opened up my hand, and put the ice cube in it. This worked in the past to distract me, I knew that's what she was doing, and trust me. I wanted it to work too, but this was different. I kept trying to tell myself that it was just a different feeling I hadn't felt before. That it wasn't possible something was physically inside my body. But I couldn't help it.
Everyone in the room could see that this was getting intense. I think they assumed it was just a mental breakdown and that nothing was physically wrong with my body but I didn't care. I just wanted help.
My parents got me into the car with my mom even sitting in the backseat with me. She kept trying to distract me with conversation but my mind was only on that awful feeling in my stomach.
We pulled up to the ER and my mom guided me in while holding both my wrists. It felt like she was walking me on a leash but I didn't fight it. I knew she was just trying to stop me from scratching my stomach.
We walked in and I spoke to the receptionist. All I said was that I had terrible pain in my stomach. I didn't want to sound too crazy. I just needed a doctor to look at whatever was going on.
After giving the receptionist my name and insurance information we went to sit down. I was sitting in between my parents and I could see my mom lean back to try and mouth something to my dad without me seeing. I didn't think much of it. I was way more worried about other things.
My dad then went up to the receptionist. He pointed over to me and she looked a little concerned. I saw her pick up the clipboard that had my information on it and she started writing something else on it. I asked my dad what he did and he just said to not worry and that he wanted to let her know it was urgent.
No more than 10 minutes went by and I felt a terrible moving sensation. I cringed and grabbed my stomach. Immediately followed by not just the feeling of a hand grabbing my insides but also scratching and pinching. I yelled out in pain as the other people in the waiting room looked at me mortified.
A doctor and a couple of nurses came running over to me and helped me up. But I couldn't stand up. I was in too much pain. They put me in a wheelchair and started to head for a room. However, they didn't take me through the normal big ER doors that went to the standard examination rooms, they took me and my parents through a smaller door to the side that had a padlock on it.
We walked through a white hallway that was very quiet. The doctor and nurses showed us to my room and helped me into my bed as I was wiggling and wincing. I had one parent on either side of me. Patiently waited to stop my arms from scratching.
The doctor was trying to ask further questions but he could tell it wasn't going anywhere. I knew that my dad probably told that receptionist about my OCD tendencies and that I needed to go to the psych ward. Not just to the stranded side of the ER.
I couldn't take it anymore and blurted out that something was inside my stomach and it was trying to get out.
The doctor just looked at my parents for a reaction and they gave him a sad nod. It was like they warned him that this could happen. The doctor didn't just think I was crazy, my parents did too. The doctor took a deep breath and came up to me. I knew I was about to hear some kind of dumb speech about how this was just my OCD and everything was going to be okay.
As he came closer to me, I pulled up my shirt and he gasped. Not only was my stomach scratched up like crazy, but we saw movement. It looked like when a pregnant woman can see her baby kicking. But this was so much stronger. It was stretching my skin.
My parents stood up and gasped while the doctor looked frantic and unprepared.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" The doctor said as he backed out of the room. "Hang on! We are getting this taken care of, just hang tight."
Just seconds later a nurse came in to give me some painkillers. I started to feel the pain slip away, but something so much worse started to creep in. I heard a voice. Not my own. Not some creepy-sounding creature, but the voice of a normal-sounding man that I'd never heard before. But that wasn't the scary part. The scary part was what he was saying to me.
"Get me out. Get me out. Get me out!"
It started in a normal tone, but slowly became more urgent and rushed. Then demanding.
The voice would coincide with the moment inside me.
It was getting so loud that I was having a hard time hearing the people around me. The doctor came in just a few minutes after I last saw him. He was red and sweaty. Like he'd just run a marathon. He told me they needed to do just a few tests on what was inside me before taking action.
I was trying so hard to pay attention to the words coming out of his mouth but all I could hear was the voice. The voice stopped for just a second and changed what he was saying. Now he started repeating,
"Cut me out, cut me out, cut me out, now!" I now knew this thing didn't just want out but it wanted out now. I begged the doctor to just get it out now but he wouldn't listen. The voice spoke up again.
"This is taking too long. Don't be afraid. Get me out yourself."
I think it could feel me resisting. Without realizing it, I was looking around the room for something. It was like I didn't even have control over my head or eyes anymore. I knew the voice was looking for a knife but I was trying to ignore the feeling. I knew there weren't any knives around. I was in a very safe place.
Just as I had the feeling I was safe, it was immediately taken away. The thought passed through my head that my dad probably had a pocket knife on him. My heart sank. I knew this thing could hear my thoughts. I knew what it would try to do.
The next thing I knew, I was on my feet, leaping for my dad. My body hit his. luckily, he's in pretty good shape for his age and had no problems putting me in my place.
He got on top of me and pinned me to the ground. All while I could barely hear my mom in the background. Yelling at my dad to be careful. My dad knew something was going on and that I just needed to be on the ground until I calmed down.
My body tried to flail but it wasn't successful. The whole time the voice in my head, now yelling and screaming. Not saying any distinguishable words, but just having what felt like a tantrum. What made my dad the most uncomfortable was the kicking feeling coming from my stomach.
After a couple of minutes, the voice calmed down and I felt in charge of my body again. My dad slowly got up and attempted to help me up. At this point with an audience of hospital staff that looked like they were getting ready to take me somewhere for more tests.
Just as I stood up straight, I felt the voice take over and I lost all sense of my own body. I felt like a shell of myself. My dad gave me a soft yet worried smile, and in that instance, I grabbed him and reached into his pocket. My heart sank as I felt his pocket knife. The room started to panic and about 5 people tried to grab it from me. The last thing I remember is plunging the knife into my stomach. I felt a blinding pain and everything went black.
Several hours later I started to wake up. Everything was extremely blurry and fuzzy. I could hear a very faint voice telling me to relax. As the minutes passed by, things started to become a little bit clearer. I looked around and saw I was in a large room with a few other patients. A nurse was going up to all the beds and checking in on them. I tried to sit up a bit to get more comfortable and noticed an incredible sourness in my stomach. I moved my hospital gown out of the way and saw a huge scare. About 6" across. Most of the scare looked very surgical. Like what I'd imagine a c-section surgery would look like. Except where I remembered the knife going in. It looked like a bunch of extra stitches had to be added where it went in. It also looked pretty bruised. I can imagine that a dull 10-year-old knife that was harshly shoved into a body really wouldn't cleanly cut through and leave some damage.
The feeling of shock from looking at my stomach was quickly gone when I realized that meant whatever was in me was now gone. I didn't hear the voice, I didn't feel a hand in my gut anymore, I didn't see that vile kicking anymore. I felt like I could breathe.
I asked the nurse what they found and she looked flush.
"Uh, that's something that you, uh. Your doctor will talk with you once you eat something and can speak clearly." She said as she scurried off looking upset.
Shortly after that, I was wheeled into a recovery room and my parents came to see me.
As they walked in they had a very similar look on their faces as the nurse did. They looked pale and didn't want to look me in the eye. I kept asking them questions about what was going on but they said the doctor needed to discuss it with me and he wanted to make sure I wasn't feeling high from the anesthesia while we had a conversation.
The doctor didn't come and see me for another 10 hours. Which felt strange. And to add to the strangeness, my parents were taking shifts hanging out with me. There was only overlap when they switched and the other parent took over while the other one left the room. I would understand if they weren't both with me for the whole time. I'm not that needy, but they were only both in my room together for about an hour. That was the hour before the doctor came to my room.
Finally, the doctor came in to talk to me. When he walked in, the room was cold and quiet. It was evident he didn't feel the same relief I was feeling.
He seemed awkward. Like he was talking way too long to get over to me. He grabbed a chair and scooted it close to me.
"Listen Sam. I know this last 24 hours has been very challenging. I apologize for not explaining what happened during your surgery sooner, but we all needed time to figure it out, and quite frankly, process what happened. We feel we have enough information to let you in on what is going on." A silence filled the room. It felt like no one was brave enough to break it.
"And?" I said with confusion.
"I think it'll be easier if we just show you."
The doctor along with my parents helped me into a wheelchair and we started to make our way across the hospital to an entirely different section. I couldn't believe all the things running through my head at what we were about to see. It felt like cruel and unusual punishment to leave me in anticipation and not just tell me what I was about to see.
When I went around the corner I couldn't process what I was looking at. I thought they were showing me a large tumor or growth of some kind, but why would a tumor be in a big incubation chamber with tubes connected to IVs and machines coming out of it?
As I got closer, I started to see human fetchers on it. It was mostly just a 6-pound lump of flesh, but I could see a hand sticking out of it. It was small, but what made it creepy was it looked like a fully developed man's hand. Just small. I could see a patch of hair coming out of what I assumed was its head. It had no discernible facial features. Just a few teeth scattered in one section.
As I looked at it with disgust, coming to terms with this thing that was just in my body, I had a realization. I wasn't feeling sick at the thought of something being in my body. Sure, I was grossed out that this particular thing was just in me, but the thought of the bacteria in my body didn't make me want to throw up. I thought about all the blood pumping through my veins and I felt… normal. Not only was the voice and kicking gone. But my OCD was gone too. I didn't have a mental illness. It was just this thing. Trying to find its way out for years.
As I was staring at the creature, the doctor came and put his hand on my shoulder.
"We believe this is your twin brother." I immediately looked up at my parents who looked very disturbed and upset. I let the doctor finish talking. "We believe that you absorbed him in the womb and that he has been living inside you your whole life. This is an extremely rare condition called fetus-in-fetu. It seems he didn't quite have the best opportunity to develop normally. That's why he looks the way he does. Despite his appearance, he has all the organs he needs to survive. Looks like he's missing a lung and his gallbladder. Also a piece of his liver but other than that, it looks like he will live for at least a few years. He won't be able to leave this room due to him needing a feeding tube and a few other things that his body can not do on its own. He needs lots of support just to live. What makes this situation extremely unique is that your twin is still alive despite your body not sustaining him anymore. Even though we have him hooked up to a few IVs and machines, It is unexplainable how he is living while outside of your body."
I was in complete shock. I didn't want to believe it. I asked my mom why she never told me I absorbed my twin in the womb, she said she had no clue. There was never a sign when she was pregnant with me.
He also mentioned that sometimes even in pregnancies women will go their whole pregnancy without even getting a belly. It's called a 'Cryptic pregnancy'. I've always had a bit of a gut but never anything big enough to cause suspicion. I guess in my case I had a fetus-fetu and an experience similar to a cryptic pregnancy. Even though it was in my stomach. At least that was the doctor's best guess. Although, it all sounded like BS to me.
The doctor and my parents kept trying to explain more and more details to me. I don't know why they didn't slow down a little bit for my sake. How could they not tell I wasn't processing any of this?
I noticed something while they were trying to explain things to me. They kept calling it a 'He'.
Now listen. I'm not some kind of asshole that won't respect someone who wants to be called a specific pronoun. I've never been that kind of person. But this is where I draw the line.
Not just that. But this thing had a name. My parents named it and said today was its birthday. While they told me all this information, they didn't look happy about it. It seemed like they were forced to do all this nonsense. And now it was my turn to be convinced. I could tell they were trying to force it.
The doctor told me despite it not having a high probability for a long life that we should still try and give it the love it deserves. Of course, the doctor referred to it as a 'He' but I refused to.
This disgusted me. This thing tried to kill me and ruined my quality of life for so long, and now we are going to treat it like it's some kind of prince? No, absolutely not.
Luckily, it seemed like it would never leave the hospital, but my parents planned on going to visit it daily. Visiting it? Are you kidding me? it has no eyes, no ears, it's probably miserable and has no concept of people even being around it.
I'm refusing to ever see this thing again or acknowledge its existence again.
I could get in trouble for even talking about this. The hospital or anyone involved has signed NDAs to not share any information about this until it officially dies. This is because it's a medical anomaly and the first of its kind. They want to do the proper research on how this all occurred before coming out with a statement. I just have to get this all off my chest. I feel like I'm the crazy one here when I know I'm not. I don't care if I get in trouble.
I am scared that the doctors are trying to force my parents into giving this thing a proper life. I think that's why it took them so long to tell me. I think they scared my parents into keeping it alive and guilting them or even forcing them into being its parent.
I'm all for every life being important and all that stuff, but I have a feeling my parents are terrified of this thing just like I am.
I am convinced they gaslit my parents into believing this thing is my brother. If there wasn't any sign of him while my mom was pregnant with me, could this thing be something else?
This all happened about two years ago. It's still alive and they are still researching it. My parents continue to visit it despite everything. My therapist told me that I'm probably just struggling with jealousy now that I'm not an only child anymore and so much of my parents' attention is on him now, but it's so much bigger than just jealousy.
Since this thing showed up and my OCD is pretty much gone, I've hardly seen my parents. I know I'm not just jealous. There is something more to this. I know it.
Something just feels so off about this whole thing. What is this thing? Where did it come from? And what does it want?
submitted by bohemiancouchpotato to u/bohemiancouchpotato [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:24 CommonSenseS101 Strange encounter with a homeless man

This was the summer of 2019. I was seeing my girlfriend at the time. We would hang out at her home a few times a week. Every day before heading home, i would start up my car and drive across the street where i would park next to a local park, away from the neighborhood (to avoid upsetting the neighbors with my slighlty loud sports car) and would remain there for a few minutes while my car would warm up.
This was usually in the evening time and as it was the warm summer weather, i would crack the window open and sit scroll on my phone.
I stood there for maybe no less than 5 minutes when i noticed a homeless man approach my opened driver side window and stand there with a pocket knife in hand, standing, looking at me a few inches away from the door not saying anything. I always carry my off duty weapon on me. I drew my handgun and pointed it in the mans direction and asked the homeless man to step away from the car door. The man stared at me with a blank stare, then at my handgun that was at my waste side pointed at him and stated oh sorry man, my apoligizes. He closed the pocket knife, stepped away from the door and began running into the park. He quickly vanished and i decided to chack it up as a weird encounter and just drive home.
I drove off towards a near by stop light and thought, maybe ill swing around and check for the man in case he returned. Sure enough as i turned around and pulled up into the neighborhood, i witnessed the same man walking with a middle aged female with him heading in the direction of the park. I pulled over, got out of my vehicle with my off duty weapon in my hand and motioned for the female to come towards me. She walked up and i asked her if she knew the man. She stated that she did not and was just helping the man who had moments before asked her to follow him into the park to help him find his lost dog. I advised the female that this man had brandished a knife just minutes before and that she needs to return home immediately and call 911 to notify dispatch about a strange homeless man in the neighborhood. As i was advising the female to do this, i noticed the man overhear the conversation, and began running into the park until he vanished into the dark.
To this day i do not know what happened to the homeless man but hope nobody else has had to experience such strange and dangerous encounters with him since then.
submitted by CommonSenseS101 to LetsReadOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:15 Hot_Amphibian1152 Am I wrong for having my friend (17F) sleep on the same bed as me (18M)?

For some context:
I’m 18 years old and I’m gay. I have no attraction to women, especially my friends. My friend, let’s call her “Alex,” is bi but leans more towards women.
Alex lives in a dorm near my apartment. I live in the apartment with my brother and his girlfriend. We both have our own separate rooms. For the past 1-2 months, Alex has been coming over to stay/hang out with me, and we often have sleepovers together. I let her sleep on my bed with me because I see no problems with this. We both do not feel any romantic or sexual attraction toward each other at all. Alex stays in my room only, brings her own water and even her own food. All she does is stay in my room and hang out with me—playing video games, gossiping, and the normal bestie stuff. Having her over is fun since I’m always third-wheeling my brother and his girlfriend and hearing them argue all the time.
Today, my brother confronted me about having her stay over, saying it looks bad that a boy and a girl are sharing a bed together when they’re not dating, despite knowing full well that I’m gay. He said there’s always a possibility of me getting her pregnant, despite him having his girlfriend living with him without her parents even knowing. Isn’t that a bigger risk of getting HIS girlfriend pregnant than me, a gay man getting my best friend pregnant? He also said having us stay over together will ruin our future relationships. This really hurt me as he doesn’t believe in me and my sexuality. Would he say the same thing to me if that friend was a dude?
Alex thinks she’s at fault and that she got me in trouble despite her not doing anything wrong at all and just existing.
So what should I do? Do I listen to my brother and not have my best friend over in my own house anymore?
submitted by Hot_Amphibian1152 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:11 MoNosEmpire Need some advice for UC.

I've been on UC for a while now (Since 2018-2020) and I had an accident at the gym which caused me to have sciatica. The pain was so severe and intolerable that I was unable to physically stand up for more than 5 seconds, let alone walk. I was unable to cook, get out of bed or do anything else a normal person would. It's also the reason why I never applied for PIP at the time or decided to get a doctors note as the pain was simply too unbearable to even manage to get out of bed most days.
Knowing this, the first work coach I had was very understanding for me, the second work coach was not so understanding but eventually did realise what the problem was, the third work coach would force me to come into the office and I would have to physically say I was unable to attend each week (because I was still physically or mentally not getting better). Now the last work coach I had, she immediately forced me to come into the office on a bunch of occasions, this is when my mental state still was not the best but I was physically starting to see some improvements, and when we first spoke via the journal she argued with me about why I could not attend despite explaining it multiple times (I could stand up longer than a few minutes but still could not walk properly yet) before this work coach changed she scolded me hard in the last call telling me how I had not worked for years (obviously I know this from physically going from a healthy human to a cripple), of course trying my hardest, I did manage to make it into the office all of the times listed, however it required I needed extra time to prepare in the morning (very sore muscles etc), at this stage I did manage to finally attend the hospital and managed to see a Chiropractor, after multiple meetings I was able to now start getting better. I was starting to love living again, loving life, being able to walk, physically able to hang out with friends (of course I did still have really bad weeks still which still made it hard for me to leave the house, I still heavily relied on my family during this time).
Then my work coach changed again, this time she understood my situation, I explained I was a lot better, had a better mindset, she allowed me to find a boot camp course to study (the previous one (the one that scolded me) told me that I could do the same boot camp course except she didn't tell me it was government funded and that I would be eligible). I was EXCITED for the first time in years about moving back to my profession, as I was studying software engineering in university but had to drop out due to multiple issues and complications at the time, family related. Now I've completed my courses and I'm currently awaiting 2 more 12 week boot camp courses that will allow me to continue back in my chosen career that I studied during university, (because I want a devops/devsec job and that requires a lot of experience and a lot of time studying which I hope to do while working).
Here's where the issues start to arise. This same work coach who asked me to come into the office had asked if I had been comfortable with video calls, to which I said yes. And then the first video call came on the last day of my boot camp course, to which I missed because no call came (I told my boot camp course that I had been expecting it too), then my appointment was rescheduled for another 2 weeks. I had also missed that appointment too, same issue, I had expected a video call but none came, so I decided to check the To-do tasks section, there was a link at the top for the appointment that I had to click. I explained in the journal that I now understand I had to click a link (this was never specifically told to me), so I attended the next meeting as normal, then I had missed the one after that. Why? I'll explain:
During my second boot camp course I had been physically hacked, (That's all I wish to mention of it), and one of the factors of missing that appointment was due to not receiving a text, as my phone was also faulty and the network I was on was also having issues during the the days surrounding the meeting.
A week later I get a sanction, I had replied to that sanction within an hour. I had 0 response from UC for 21 days, Then I find out that the sanction date is from the first date (where my work coach had told me if I was comfortable with video calls but did not specifically explain that I had to click the link in the to-do list, so it was her fault). So now I currently have a 21 day sanction and they have added 7 days (because that's the max sanction time for UC for a 3 year span), on top of that, my work coach has changed again and I have had a meeting with him today, he did not tell me he was my new work coach initially until I asked, he was rude, forcefully changed my work plan requirements without even discussing the points with me when I told him the requirements are still the same and I did not wish to take any requirements off, so he added more while being muted on his side. I had explained my situation (of course he did not care), he then said he would set up another meeting in two weeks to discuss where we're at. I said I'm alright with that. Then what did he do? Not even 1h later he sets up a meeting TOMORROW to discuss my work search when he can see there was no work search because I had been awaiting my next course (my previous work coach was more than okay with this). He also scolded me about not being in work for a while at the start of the call. He asked the same question 3 times and I also gave the same reply during this call because that was the answer he needed.
So tomorrow I am expecting some sort of sanction during the phone call because he doesn't like me, clearly. I already have no cash coming in this month due to the sanction that wasn't my fault, or the hack. I've appealed the sanction, tomorrow I'm willing to bet he will sanction me because there hasn't been work search for the past 3 months (as I've been waiting for the course that should've started last 2 weeks ago but they are still awaiting funding, and they can't give me a specific date until they know more. I'm assuming it's this month or next month and they usually email me 7 days prior to the start date).
I do wish to complain about this work coach and change him for another who actually has my interests at heart (which is looking for a job but not scolding me and harassing me not even 1h after talking to him as it's already affected my mental health negatively and I was actually happy today for the first time in a while, I have other issues but would rather not speak upon them).
Also during the last meeting I attended in person, the woman told me I should apply for a hardship payment and I would not need to pay it back, but then during reading the second sanction letter (after she updated the system and it said "your sanction claim has changed", it did indeed say I had to pay it back, so I have once again been misinformed. I would honestly rather starve for a month than be affected by a loan as I have enough stress as it is.
submitted by MoNosEmpire to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:02 Globallad How much will my parallel martial arts training assist me in self learning HEMA?

Hello all! I've been interested in HEMA for a long time but due to no HEMA clubs in my area I never gave a serious attempt to learn it. I know many people have also attempted to self learn it but for some reason I never felt the motivation to take this path. I knew that without an actual guidance from an instructor, I'll probably learn for 2 weeks then give up.
Since the last 2 months I joined a Kyokushin Karate dojo and have learned some basic stuff about combat in general. Things like distance management, body mechanics when kicking, punching etc, proper weight distribution in stances/forms etc. This has also regained my interested in HEMA.
Even though Karate is (mostly) unarmed combat, will it be possible to use the learnings in HEMA? After all things like stance, footwork, distance management will probably not change drastically from sword to hand to hand combat? I mean this is the closest I can get to the 'HEMA' experience.
All in all my goal with HEMA is of course not to be a pro swordsmen. I just want to the get hang of using swords and not swinging them around like a doofus lol.
Also if it is indeed a good idea, would love some tips on a training routine. For example if you're also a self learner, how many days a week do you practice HEMA and for how long? I am a bit bad at creating training routines on my own.
submitted by Globallad to wma [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:56 Omnis_vir_lupis Finalizing Plans For My First Large Wood Project - Stuck on Best Approach for Doors

Finalizing Plans For My First Large Wood Project - Stuck on Best Approach for Doors
I'm in the process of finalizing my plans for a bike shed. We are a family of 6 and have many bikes to store. We have plenty of room outside for a small shed. This one is around 11' long but we could go up to 12 or 14'. I'm having a hard time deciding on two things:
  1. Center Post vs Support Beam: Do I use a larger beam to carry the entire load across the front so that I don't have any obstruction in the center or do I put a post (4x4) in the center to support? Cons of a post is it will create an area of unuseable space in the center but the cost and weight of a large beam is a con too. And this really will be informed by my decision on #2...
  2. Doors - I want doors that open easily and don't weigh 1,000lbs. It feels like if I were to do a standard swinging door at 6'x6' (or bigger) they would be very heavy. I was kicking around the idea of installing some form of a roller shade using Sunbrella marine grade fabric. Maybe do it in two 6'ft sections with a post in the center. The other-other alternative is to do sliding doors that nest, but that involves tracks, and more wood, more weight and more complexity. I'm leaning towards a nice pretty sunbrella material.
This thing will be wildly visible in the backyard so my wife has asked that I make it as pleasing to the eye as possible. She wants a traditional Tuff Shed like door with white cross wood, but that seems too "bulky". This will sit in a flower bed between two large trees at the back of the yard. I wanted to toss some cedar fence material on the inside for a little pop and to limit pests a bit. This will be stick framed on concrete and the siding will likely be painted LP Smart side. Roof material is undecided but leaning towards pre-painted ridge metal panel.
submitted by Omnis_vir_lupis to woodworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:43 TanyaSapien Practice Piece: Kyle's Departure

Note to the reader: This is a one-shot for writing practice and not canon to the Trappist universe I normally write in.
Everybody scoffs and rolls their eyes when given instructions they have no plan on following, and this was no different. Torrent Vindicti couldn't hit the delete button hard enough, the mutarin nearly chipping her claw in the moment of indignation.
A voice came from the other end of the bunks, “you alright, Tory? I felt that anger flare way over here.”
She silently scowled for a moment, exchanging an accusatory glance with one of her symbiont's tentacles before replying, “sorry, just really pissed off at some bureaucracy. Did I wake you?”
Kyle yawned and hopped down from his bunk, “Yeah. Was having a really good dream, was on this beach with a chick and…I'll skip the details but suddenly she's you and you were shouting something about murder and cowardice?”
She sent another telepathic flare, this time deliberately, contrition and apology, before speaking, “Yeah. A general advisory just came through on the news feeds. I um…I don't want to be the one to tell you, but your homeworld just had war declared on it.”
Kyle laughed a bit, getting a cup of khali juice from the drink dispenser, “who is it this time?”
“It still unnerves me just how efficient humans are at compartmentalizing their emotions. It's the Arakhin, who else?”
“That's hardly news. They're warmongers and the empire's got our back.”
“That's the part that pissed me off. I…look, I'm…so, our ship is technically company property and…”
The telepathic equivalent of an eyeroll came through before her symbiont began speaking through her, “Torrent sucks at using words, hi, Eddy here, we were ordered to send you to your death.”
Kyle just blinked, stopping mid-sip on his drink, “Okay, you have my attention. It's gotta be bad if Cur's hijacking your voice.”
Torrent and Eddy's tentacles twitched and she narrowed her eyes, still Eddy speaking, “please stop calling me that. I am Eddy, my image name is a type of current, not a canine.”
He just shrugged, “And my image name is a college frat stereotype, nobody's perfect. So how are you killing me, exactly?”
Torrent resumed being the one speaking, “The arakhin announced any and all humans found will be killed or taken as hosts on sight. The company has decided that having human crew onboard presents an unacceptable risk. We're supposed to give you your severance and dump you at the nearest station.”
She mentally braced, hardening her empathic receptors, expecting fury, worry, sorrow, anything in that spectrum. Instead she felt pure, unadulterated humor. The shock threw her completely off balance and she stared at him in confusion, both her minds struggling to make sense. It wasn't a trauma response, she'd been around humans enough to recognize the feeling when they slammed a door shut on an unwanted emotion, this was genuine.
Kyle noticed her blank stare and limp tentacles and he just smirked, “Glad to know they're finally afraid of us.”
She just blinked, giving a slight shimmer of her markings, a reaction he'd seen enough times to know it was the mutarin version of a confused shrug, as once again he was the source of the reaction.
He finished his drink before elaborating, “For being sanguivores, you guys really lack that predator insight. What kind of person puts out a KOS on an entire species?”
“Somebody who's angry?”
“Right. And arakhin are parasites, predators, egocentric to a fault. What makes a megalomaniac angry?”
It clicked and she gave an understanding “oohhh” in stereo, “heh, they're angry because they can't push you around?”
“Like a bully on the playground.”
“That's great for your species, but what about you personally? If I just dump you on a fuel depot on the tail-end of nowhere, you won't be able to find anybody willing to ferry a human, you might even get kicked out of the depot itself. People are panicking, arakhin are horrifying on a good day, but now they're on the warpath.”
“Let me worry about that. I take it Tourin and Granite don't know yet?”
“They're still in bed.”
“Look, I know it's eating you up, but–”
“Just say you don't want to go. I'll…we're near a nebula, I could say the transmission got corrupted. I could bide some time or something…”
“Tory, Cur, you two are a fine captain and I'm not gonna let my situation ruin a spotless record. I'll be fine. Just, you know, swing back around to pick me up after my friends finish making the galaxy's biggest lobster boil.”
“The other two won't stand for it.”
“Then don't tell them till after I'm gone. I'll borrow the starboard escape pod, we need to take it in for maintenance anyways, I'll patch it up while I'm out, maybe pick up some milk and bread…”
There it was, the pang she was waiting for. Finally his humor broke and she saw other emotions under the surface. It wasn't fear, though, it was sadness, with an undercurrent of loneliness, and something else, something buried. In spite of Eddy actively whispering in her mind not to reach out to it, she did. It was frustration, frustration and seething anger, pure, primal, and held like a caged beast deep in his subconscious. She doubted he was even aware it was there and quickly backed out before her intrusion into his mind was noticed.
He began transferring his passwords and files over, then gave her a terse salute, “Let's not complicate it with long goodbyes, alright? Just send the severance to that crypto account you kept mocking me for having. Finally coming in handy for something, right?”
She wanted to offer some platitude, but his emotions were starting to worry her. It was like watching a pot about to boil over. No, it was more like watching dents forming in a door as something on the other side strikes it, trying to escape. She simply gave a pulse of her markings, the equivalent of a nod, and sent him on his way.
The beast she saw lurking in his mind was actively burrowing to the surface.
She sighed to herself as she watched the escape pod shrink into the distance and Eddy spoke up in her mind, “I'd always thought the feral instinct thing was a myth. Never thought Kyle had something like that in him.”
Fear crept into the corners of Torrent's mind and Eddy coiled his tentacles on her arms, holding his host protectively, “You did the right thing for the safety of the ship.”
She sat like that for a while, staring at the black outside until she was snapped out of her trance by Taurin at the doorway, the Yenesh looked irritated and was holding up an empty box, “Where's Kyle? We're missing a rifle and ten plasma cells from the armory.”
Torrent couldn't help but smirk and start laughing, markings nearly strobing, “Oh I do not envy whatever arakhin bastard he crosses paths with first.”
submitted by TanyaSapien to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:39 shesonearth I don't know what to do I tried the nice route.

So we live in a subdivision and we have a neighbor on one side and they were on the other side so the neighbors who moved in because we were here first and it's a brand new subdivision they are pretty cool they keep themselves they are kind of private just like us, the other neighbors beside us they from the start have been very adamant and in your face kind of neighbors
But that's not the issue the issue is how we ended up on meeting and what's been going on ever since
Usually my family we go ahead and we take my children myself and my husband to go knock or ring the doorbell and introduce ourselves and strike up friendly conversation etc, this is how we see it appropriate or just meeting everybody so we're not going back and forth then doing that whole thing we just want to get it out the way and have everybody meet everybody
So I'm working from home in my home and my husband is outside playing basketball with my children and the neighbors who are kind of in your face are home but the husband and the wife are home and the children the woman next door sends her children inside and then walks over to my husband and just loudly just waves him over and she's like always your wife home and he's like she's busy, and she just like oh I wanted to meet all y'all and all this other stuff and she just said that her children have been trying to meet my children and it was kind of odd because she sent them in before she came over to say hello to my husband and didn't bring her children to say hello to my children who are out there playing basketball with my husband also she didn't make it a point to go inside and get her husband who was also in the home to come outside so they can all collectively say hello which was kind of off-putting.
But nothing else was thought of it so it had been a while since any interaction, me and my children ended up bumping into her husband on our way to the mailbox and we had a conversation and said hello and a few things and my children met his children they started to play because they actually wanted to meet them just like she said and what not so we let them play for a little bit we only just talked for a moment and then I left went back home and then shortly later in the day the whole family comes and shows up to our home I guess he told her that we had a conversation and the children played so I guess she then wanted to come and meet me.
So they show up to the door they come at dinner time and we're just kind of in a rush and so we all say hello and this is when the red flag weird stuff starts to happen is after her husband is standing in front of her she's lightly kind of behind him so he can't really see what she's doing but she's just like back and forth staring down my husband like a piece of meat, giggling and trying to catch his gays repeatedly, and then looking back and forth at her husband trying to see if he's looking or not she didn't look at me one time while she was standing on my porch and then I made a comment and said that I had met one of her relatives when I was going on a bike ride and she said that she likes my hair and my outfit and she said oh okay and then she continued to glance back and forth at my husband and her husband and she had no interest in me and having any kind of conversation or real meeting of hello or anything.
So after that it left a bitter taste in my mouth because people like that they tend to have it all but they need more and they need like attention from the outside even though they have everything right in front of them they can't really see it. but anyway she struck me as this attention seeker and it turns out she actually is.
so her whole family came to the door, we were eating dinner, and they wanted to know if our children could come out and play and I said we just sat down to eat and you can tell that she was bothered by that and bothered by the fact that I answered the door because before she came up she was primping herself on the doorbell camera,
So I let her know that we would be coming out later after we're done so we go over and then I have her children come out and play with my children for a little bit.
We end up having a conversation while they were playing and at first she did seem kind of genuine but then she started to get over the top and just started saying I was so funny and she kept hitting me and trying to be buddy buddy and over and over again putting her hands on me laughing and it was very off putting and very fake feeling like she was trying to get bloody buddy with me somehow very quickly.
She referred to my husband as Daddy and it was kind of off-putting the way she had said it and then because I didn't like the way she said, what about daaaadyy is what she said when she asked about my husbands involvement in our day today which was kind of weird.
So I went ahead and when we were talking I said it back to her yeah your children probably need daddy too and I said exactly how she did and hopefully she got the head but nope and also she was asking me for advice about staying home and needing to be out just needing to be doing something because her husband was taken care of her too much and working but he wasn't even working a lot he work from home and in the office but he said she didn't have to and that he takes care of her but she doesn't want him to she wants to just be out there in the streets essentially doing something and being seen.
Her words not mine.
And she said she can't help it because she had her children she doesn't want to be just cooped up in the house everyday or something like that.
And so that was kind of off-putting and then I mentioned focusing on your family like being present with them and focusing solely on them reaps really good benefits because you create a closer Bond and you don't need outside anything to feel complete essentially what you have is inside of you and I just kind of reference that when she kept saying that she needs to just be on the go when she can't sit still and she said her husband always says that he's got her and that their mom needs them and things like that and I said I agree because I know how I am with my children and I have my children all the time and my family works really great because of the way our dynamic works and I tried to like give some knowledge and information to her but she kind of wasn't hearing it and didn't seem interested really in that dynamic.
So after that day she text me and wants me to go to the park with him but I'm in the shower and I never see her text message till I'm done and I have like this whole routine so it takes about an hour or so until she's just like in the park and I finally text her back the park is up the street and I text her back and she's just like kind of upset that I didn't show up and that's understandable but I did let her know like hey I was busy and I didn't see your text message can we try and do something else and so I let her know that we can have the boys hang out and we hang out tomorrow and then the next day me and my kids went for a walk and she was also on a walk with her child, we briefly passed each other cuz I'm coming out of my house and she's entering up the sidewalk to the driveway to her house she sees me and I just kind of stand there waiting so I can wave her and she just like looks through me and continues to walk
So I didn't think anything of I just kind of laughed to myself because it was kind of a petty cuz she clearly saw me but whatever but I texted her when I got back from the walk and said hey I saw you on our walk a few minutes ago I don't know if you saw me, but I just wanted to let you know that the boys are available at this x amount of time, she text me back later lets me know the time works out so the boys and I come out there later on that day at that time then this was before our dinner time so I tried to accompany and accommodate, my children are out there playing basketball and this woman literally at the exact time at her children are supposed to be out there text me and said one of her children were in trouble and can't come out there we'll catch you all next time
And I said thanks for the courtesy etc and so the next time we saw her was when my husband was cutting the grass I was inside doing some housework he was outside cutting the grass with my children running back and forth doing everything like they usually do and so during that time she makes her way outside and she's got this really short pink dress on and it's like really cold outside and it was just like really alarming to me and she's just like out there walking around sweeping her front porch and then like while my husband is cutting the side that's closest to their house she's like back to back with him and she just makes it a point to be like hey how you doing and just other stuff even though earlier in the day when we got home we both wave to them from the car and said hey and so it was kind of odd that she made another appearance to try and speak to my husband, he brought this to my attention and he said that he was very brief about it because he knows how things are between me and her and how we revives were between us and so he just briefly said Hi and then turn back around and kept cutting the grass and so I guess that wasn't enough attention for her
So after he was done cutting the grass I never took myself outside even though he said that she was out there and was trying to strike up a conversation, after that and he started to do the wrap up , but the hose away put the gutters back on and all that stuff blow the grass away.
And so basically I get a notification on my phone from the doorbell camera and the garage camera went off as well and I'm like okay someone has been spotted that's what it says and I look and I see this person standing there in a pink dress mini dress she's right there in front of my house sweeping the grass out of my driveway and sweep in the grass almost basically to the other side of the neighbor's house she's directly in front of my house sweeping my grass up going back and forth essentially waiting for my husband to come out there and I don't know what have an interaction talk I don't know look at me I'm cleaning up your grass I have no idea
And so I let my husband know like I see this happening right now on the camera and then he's just like I'm about to go cook dinner he goes to go cook dinner and I let him know I'm going to handle the cleanup and then I go out there with the broom and I walk out there I don't say anything to her and I just started sweeping and then she looks shocked to see me cuz I don't even think she knew I was home because the car wasn't in the driveway and then she just walks past and she's just wiping her nose and has her head down and she just walks back up to her driveway, her husband was cutting the grass on the other side of the house by the way her children were running around but she was in front of my house and in my driveway back and forth sweeping my grass instead of over there helping her husband with his yard work she was in my driveway and the other side of my yard sweeping the grass
And then she just after she gets back to her side of the house she's just like hey how you doing? And I say good and then I keep sweeping and then like she got this like grin on her face and she's just like see that I'm like visibly like annoyed with her and so she just keeps it moving, and so after that I went to the house and got the leaf blower and just started blowing the grass out so I can get back in the house cuz I was just like I was just really irritable, I'm blowing the grass and then I hear her come up right behind me and say hey hey where did you get that leaf blower at and I turned around and I said I don't know it's old and then I continue to blow the grass away and I guess she took the hat because I was pretty Stern with it and I think she came back to say something to me to see if I was in a good mood or to see if I was still like angry essentially because she got caught doing what she was doing
I didn't sugar coat when I spoke to her and I'm thinking okay she got the hint. And then a few days later she tried to make a playdate and then I said my children are unavailable at that time then, we were going to a nearby Creek and taking my children they wanted to go and we ate before we left we were going to leave around like 4:30 and so we didn't leave at 4:30 we ate and then we were going to leave now as we are eating I get a notification on the doorbell camera and the garage camera yet again and it says person has been spotted I checked the camera and she's out there walking back and forth back and forth back and forth with her children trying to see if we're going to come out trying to see if she can wave at us in miraculous and any kind of way I don't know but she's in front of our house her house on the complete other side and she's just back and forth walking with them
And we ended up leaving a close to 5:00 p.m. so by that time she already went in the house
And after that I just was done with any kind of interactions with her because she is very off putting and she gives off this vibe and energy of I am being fake. And I have an ulterior motive and I need to Garner attention from Men even though I have one.
Even the guy next to us was outside cleaning his car and then her husband was in the house yet again and after he went inside I guess he was like busy , So she took it upon herself to scream across the yard and say ooh that looks good. Referring to his car and so he comes over and then starts talking to her across from our yard and and her yard and she starts complimenting his car ridiculously and was just asking a bunch of stuff about his car and his pain and and what he does and how does he get it to look like that and just a bunch of stuff and what crossed my mind was the whole married women complimenting another man's car perfusively was kind of off-putting.
And so they carried conversation for a while and then to the point that he ended up getting his phone and trying to show her something about his paint job and then he actually paused before he actually had her come over and like look at the phone and she goes oh you can send it to me and I don't know if they have each other's numbers or whatever but I heard her say that and then he actually paused and said I sent it to your husband actually and then she was just like oh okay and then she stopped the conversation and went in the house
Just yesterday because we haven't had a moment to cut the grass in a while my husband cut the grass after he got off of work so me and the children were outside and we were all doing yard work like we usually do I was trimming and the boys were trimming and picking things up in the yard and she pulls up. Usually she picks up her kids and then goes in the home closes the garage and we don't see her the rest of the day, but since we are all out here and my husband's got in the grass she made it a point to pull up leave the garage open open trunk and just bring her kids out and have them running around in the driveway which I knew was going to happen, because whenever my husband's out there she makes it a point to be out there but when I hop out she flies inside of her house
So I'm out there packing up my grass and I was done because my mom had called and so I'm on the phone with her and my husband is starting to cut the side of the grass closest to her house and so, I say on the phone and I'm just like talking on the phone while looking into her driveway and garage knowing that she's going to pop out at any second to try and get some kind of attention from my husband because she's been doing that, she actually came out when I was right there just waiting and then she briefly raised her hand and waved while my husband didn't see her so he's over pushing the mower back and forth back and forth and conveniently she's in the garage going from one side of the car to the next side of the car from one side of the car to the next side of the car she did this about eight times
And he never looked her way didn't give her any kind of attention so eventually she went ahead and close the garage cuz I guess she saw me actually noticing what she was doing so she closed the garage and went house so my husband stops or is finished cutting the grass on that side of the house so he pushes it to almost the back of the outside of the fence now they don't have a fence, so her kids ran out and were right there while my husband was cutting the grass I'm guessing she was all so back there as well to try and say hello to my husband from the back of the house because she knew I was in the front of the house
And he said he didn't actually see her he was just focused on cutting the grass but I'm sure she was back there since her children were running around back and forth back there as well.
So that was pretty long but that's what has been happening since she moved in here, I am not sure how to go about anything her children seem very kind her husband is very nice and not red flaggy at all she on the other hand has the need to go up to every single neighbor and talk up people but specifically because I live next door to her it's like a game to her because she finds every moment to speak to my husband I haven't even mentioned the other times that he was out there just like cleaning out the car and she just hopped out it would just stand there and try and get his attention and then he would not give her any attention I wouldn't even look her way, it's like she can hear when we're out there or here when he's out there doing something and she can find a way to speak to him and it's really off putting and I'm not really sure what to do I've been closing all of my curtains and blinds because when she first got here she was actually looking and standing straight across looking straight. Into my house for a lot of good 5 minutes while I was vacuuming and so I close all my stuff up.
I would love some recommendations on how to peacefully handle this situation I am not sure what is going on mentally in this woman's head or why she needs to Garner this attention and I just want to be kind about it because I actually tried again and wished her a happy mother's day but then this incident happened after that so I am just done with the situation I feel like, I don't have any desire to try and be friends with her or even just be neighborly.
I would love some feedback or advice on how to peacefully go about this, the only time we are really out there is to cut the grass and do yard work which is pretty rare so I guess we don't have to really see them.
All feedback is welcome, I am close to pushing 40 so I really don't have the mental energy to deal with this kind of situation anymore I'm feeling like it's beneath me and very childish to actually do any kind of intentional situation as far as ignoring and things like that or being unkind I don't want to get roped into drama and things like that and I just wish that woman healing to be honest.
But I would love some feedback on this scenario thank you.
submitted by shesonearth to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:36 hopeful_tatertot All it takes is one bad neighbor

My husband and I moved to our current 2 bed/2 bath apartment a few years ago. The appeal was that it was in a nice neighborhood, the rent was fair, the other tenants were mostly seniors or small families, nice and quiet, friendly maintenance staff, and great amenities.
For the first few years it was wonderful. The sound proofing in the walls is the best I've ever had - I can't hear my neighbors unless I'm right in front of the door. I feel very safe walking around on the trails that run by our building at any time of day/night and the forest next to us usually has some interesting wild life coming out (turkeys, deer, rabbits). Best of all was the camaraderie we built with our neighbors.
People look out for each other, come and knock on your door if your car light was left on, share spices, and one lady below us who has become my adopted grandmother organizes potlucks for people who want to hang out and get to know each other. Each of these potlucks ends in an exchange of recipes because the food brought is GOOD. I proudly bring the meat course at these :-)
And then the neighbor in 334 moved in. 334 had one woman with 3 small kids under 10 and a guy that's sometimes there although I'm not sure if it's always the same guy. At different times of the day or night, you can hear yelling, screaming, and things breaking. The first time surprised me because I usually don't hear my neighbors unless it's small kids giggling/laughing when they walk through the hallway past my door which is normally brief.
This was LOUD. She'd yell the most vulgar things and they would start hitting each other and throwing things at each other which always spills into the hallway. One of them would bang on our doors to get let in and escape the other (no one opened their door). It would last for at least 30 minutes and when things quieted down we'd peek outside and see a mess of all the broken things they threw at each other in the hall - articles of clothing, electronics, and food.
I spoke to the apartment manager and she knew about the situation but due to tenants rights in our state, they can't just immediately evict them. They had to follow certain procedures and asked us to call the police and also them so that they can document enough incidences to formally file the paperwork to evict.
I'm someone who prefers not to call the police on neighbors unless it's really necessary. I wound up calling the cops 5 times on them. One time resulted in the woman's arrest because she got aggressive with the cop that showed up (I called because the kids were screaming and crying while it sounded like violence was happening). Another time I was on my way back to my apartment from taking my pup on a potty break and I ran into them in the hallway as she was threatening the guy with a big kitchen knife. I felt scared in that moment. The guy tried to involve me by pointing out that I was there and she was waving that thing around so aggressively that I was relieved to slowly inch towards my door and make it back home. I can understand how people get killed by simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The mood completely changed at our apartment. I'd peek out in the hallway to see if 334 were there before making my way out. People stopped hosting the potlucks at the clubhouse because we weren't sure when one of their epic public fights would erupt and we felt safer in our homes. After many calls to the cops and leasing office they finally got evicted but it looks like they're gonna squat in the place until forcibly removed.
submitted by hopeful_tatertot to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:28 Striking_Bluejay8777 You cheat on me? I’ll date your best friend.

This was a few years ago… My brother (M19) introduced me to a group of his friends and everyone in the group became very close. I (F18) started dating H (M19). We will call his best friend D (M19). And D brought a girl into the friend group we will call her B (F19) and they started dating. The four of us did everything together and me and B got really close. One day she got kicked out of her parents house for reasons irrelevant to the story, and she moved in with me and my brother who we will call S. One night after a party me and H went back to my house where he broke down crying and told me there was another women. We will call her C(F19). He promised he was going to end it and he loved me. I was a fool and forgave him. About a month later I found out H and C were sleeping together now and had never stopped talking so of course we broke up. A couple weeks after that there was a party at our house and D fell asleep on S’s floor. When he woke up B and S were naked in bed together. He didn’t make a scene he simply snuck out of the room and texted her he had seen them and they were over. H and C started dating and due to what had happened to D he was pretty upset with H for cheating as well. So out of comfort of being in the same situation me and D started hanging out more.. We then started sleeping together and he even took me on a vacation to Europe. H and B decided they hated us and would regularly try to make stuff up to get us to stop seeing each other. But D really showed me my self worth and made me a much stronger and confident person. (And the cherry on top they both got cheated on in their new relationships)
submitted by Striking_Bluejay8777 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:59 crowninggloryhole All abilities park update

(Copying from FB- tl;dr: stay off the surface until fences are down, reward for arrested vandals, buy a brick!)
On behalf of the Rotary Club of Silverton, the City of Silverton, the Silverton Urban Renewal Agency, Marion County, and Maps Credit Union, as well as many, many other donors, we are excited to announce that installation of the final layer of surfacing for the Silverton All-Abilities Park is underway and should be completed by Saturday at the latest.
We are asking all people to stay off the park surface material until we have removed the fencing and opened the park for use – this is a very critical time, and the material must be allowed to cure for a period of time prior to being walked on. Ignoring this request and doing so anyway will cost the project several thousand dollars and could set back the timetable considerably as we may have to wait for more product to arrive if repairs are necessary.
We realize that people have continually crossed over or through the temporary fencing that we put in place to signal that the park was not ready to be used, and last week, one or more vandals decided it would somehow enrich their life/lives to share what they must have felt was an artful expression on the retaining wall as well as the platform that wheelchair users will need in order to gain access to the large climbing net.
As you might guess, this did not inspire warm and fuzzy feelings amongst our committee that has worked so hard for over two years to bring this park to reality. Two members of our Rotary Club have stepped forward and are working with the Silverton Police Department to offer $1,000 of their own funds as a reward leading to the successful identification and arrest of those responsible.
We will make similar, relentless efforts should anyone interfere with the park site between today (Wednesday, May 15), and Sunday, May 19. Please share this post and encourage your social media networks to spread the word that this is a very critical week for the park.
That said, if all goes well, we will be able to remove the temporary fencing on Sunday, put the teeter-totter in place on its base, and plan for the hanging of the swings. At that point, users of all ages will be welcome to explore the park and all it has to offer our community. That won’t, however, be the end of our work, it will just be the end of the waiting for the park to be available.
Our team will soon be installing two benches that have been ordered, several signs that are being completed, and upon arrival, will install the memorial bricks that so many of you have graciously ordered. Speaking of the bricks, our final ordering opportunity will close this Sunday, May 19 at midnight, PST. It is not too late to place YOUR order for a brick that will carry your message to this park and its users forever. To do so, please visit the following link: https://donate.brickmarkers.com/silverton.
From the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to thank the community for the patience that has been on display for the past eight or so months. The news in October that Mother Nature had spoken, and we’d have to wait for spring to install the surfacing was difficult for each of us to take, but we are so close to the soft opening of this park!
Stay tuned for information about completion of the benches, signage, and memorial bricks, which will lead to an official Grand Opening and recognition event for the donors of this project!
submitted by crowninggloryhole to silverton [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:55 idntknowl0l Was it SA or not???

I, 14f, met this guy, 16m, after moving to a new school. I really liked him, I’d even use the word love if it wasn’t for the fact we had only been talking for at least two months. He admitted to liking me back and I assumed that he was telling the truth. He was my first kiss, first guy to hug me, the first guy to hold hands with me, and we were getting pretty serious I guess, but never became an offical couple or anything. I met his family, as well as his bsf and their parents too. And after awhile, we decided to hang out for the first time.
My dad was out for two weeks as usual for work, and we had the place to ourselves. His mum dropped him off at the IGA that was nearby my house. She assumed we’d be talking and walking around the neighbourhood the entire two hours we’d be together. We got food from the store then walked back to mine. We had planned to hang out days before, and I suggested we could watch horror movies and cuddle, or even bake and make TikToks, like normal teenager stuff. But as soon as we walked through the front and door and into the kitchen, he started to kiss my neck and move his hands into my pants. I guess I kinda froze for a few seconds and stood there before eventually grabbing his hand out of my leggings. I have a tendency to laugh and smile In situations that make me nervous, so I just said that we should slow down maybe, because we only just got inside. And made a joke asking “what happened to just watching movies??”
A little backstory - we had spoken sexually before and we both wanted to have sex and explore all of that stuff at some point, but at the time when he was in my house and touching me like that, I was scared. He’s had a lot of previous experience with sex and a lot of exs as well as former talking stages. But I had never had much contact with any men other than my dad, so I was afraid. I was okay with kissing and hugging but, he continued to put his hand back into my pants when I tried getting him to stop. He was like rubbing against my cl1t, and even then I didn’t feel any excitement down there, it was just all too weird for me. I told him I was nervous, that I wasn’t ready for that yet, and that i was scared. I kept saying that over and over again. But I guess I just let it happen because I wasn’t speaking firmly enough. I didn’t tell him no, and he already had condoms so I felt saying anything would make the next hours really awkward for the both of us.
We ended up upstairs on my bed, we were kissing, not making out. I don’t even know how to and he kept asking to try. It was really akward for me doing it but I liked him a lot so I was willing to try what he wanted. He ended sticking my hand into his pants to feel that he was hard, that was pretty weird for me because all of this was so new and different then what I expected it was going to be like. I wasn’t horny or anything, if anything I just felt too scared to feel sexually excited at that point. He ended up noticing I was shaking and asked why and i explained I was afraid and still wasn’t sure if I was ready. He kept telling me it was going to be okay, and eventually I just tried my best to enjoy it.
The intimacy was horrible, even though it was my first, I knew it was pretty bad. I never ended up finishing and I just wasn’t feeling much down there. It just hurt really bad. I kept my underwear on for the first half because I have an outie and I’m insecure of how it looks. He said I could leave it on if I wanted too, but I think he was getting abit frustrated by it so I took it off. I froze for abit then after a while I tried moaning and went along with other positions to get him to feel good, but it really wasn’t working. He was really rough, at some point during the sex, he wanted me to give him head. I agreed but I went really slow and didn’t really want to take the whole thing inside my mouth. So he started to to grab and pull on my hair to get me to go faster, I accidentally used teeth and had to pull back multiple times to cough while asking him to stop doing that and let me try because I couldn’t really breath. He kept doing it even thought I had to slap his hand away multiple times to tell him to stop, even though he didn’t.
I’m not sure if any of that counted as a SA or not, I dont think I was ready and didn’t really want it in the first place if I’m being honest. But eventually I thought it’d be too awkward for me to say anything. Plus I really liked him, and I wanted him to like me. I never said no, and I don’t think I was being firm enough. During the intimacy, I told him I loved him, I held him, and we had a shower afterwards and talked for awhile before he left. I think I looked too enthusiastic for it, I think kissing back was giving my consent for all of that to happen, and that not saying anything made all of this okay. I definitely blame myself for being to scared to stop it.
He ended up leaving me afterwards, saying I was too needy and that he didn’t like my outie and called it roast beef and kebab flaps. Apparently he prefers them to be tight and bubblegum pink. He told me I was just a free trial and to get lost and even sent me death threats. We had a huge argument and I kinda cried for weeks, since it was school break, I wouldn’t leave my bed because I felt so betrayed. I really liked the guy, and he knew how scared I was to lose my virginity to a person who didn’t deserve it. He was my first for everything and he never even liked me. He spread rumours about me and my body and school, and now his friends call me a root n boot when I walk by. I wish I never spoke to him in the first place.
So reddit, was it SA? Or am I being dramatic like I think I am
TL:DR - to the lazy ppl who can’t be bothered to read any of it, I’m pretty sure I got pressured into sex then got dumped.
submitted by idntknowl0l to rapecounseling [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:49 wiltedshadesofred Also, i think I'll never make a family.

Cuz who tf would be with a clingy creature that is uncomfortably clingy and needs attention 24/7 and cries over everything and can't do anything on her own? And she can't get out of bed for days? And has weird mood swings? Who tf would accept that. This made me lose my best friend of 10 years because they thought i was "over controlling" by not letting them make friends with other people because i was so scared that they'd enjoy them better and leave me. I just loved them too much. Maybe for them It felt more like babysitting that being friends with someone and they ditched me. I don't blame them, it's annoying. I've had people confess to me before but I'm just sure they don't know my actual nature that pushed many people away when they found out. I can't really change i tried.
submitted by wiltedshadesofred to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:42 Greybear_l Review of Benedict in Part 1

I wrote a long comment on LadyJenevia’s YouTube video about Benedict which I’ll copy and paste here (also highly recommend watching it and her video essay on Benedict!)
“For someone who strongly thinks that Benedict should be the lead for season four, the first part of the season makes it not look promising. As you said even though it’s only the first four episodes out now that I’ve seen, Anthony and Penelope were crucial throughout the previous seasons before they became leads.
Granted he has given up art school, but they have not made his character as important in any other way and his relationship with lady Tilley was underwhelming.
From your video essay (which I LOVED so much that I had to subscribe) you spoke about how his previous interests were not from the ton and were working class. Also, out of the family he’s the one who actually defends of working class. when I found out about his relationship with a widow, I thought that would probably be a deeper insight of how widows are treated in society and how she holds herself up. As much as you hate Queen Charlotte, Lady Danbury became a widow and we also saw problems when it came to her status and her nearly losing all of her wealth when her husband died. I felt like we could’ve had Benedict have a conversation with her to learn about society in the eyes of and “outsider” if they were not considering on developing his character more.
That being said, I actually do like Cressida. In the first look of S3 I was confused why Eloise would hang out with her but overtime I got over it (with the amount of interviews she’s been doing I assumed she would take in a lot of screen time this season as well). Whilst they are trying to do a character redemption ark -which doesn’t match to the book, also the past seasons and this season have shown her to be a bully, I really like the conversation she has with Eloise and I don’t mind the time that she got because she was with a B tier character (also Eloise is my favourite along with Benedict). I didn’t care about her relationship with Lord Debling but I guess it wouldn’t make sense for her to completely change her old ways immediately.
I think the main problem is both Benedict and Eloise lost things that were important to them but with Eloise while she lost her characterisation of being “radical” and she lost her friendship of Penelope, you still see her bringing her thoughts to Cressida and learning about Cressida the same way Cresida is trying to learn about Eloise and improve her character that way. (I think also because their is an ongoing rumour that Cressida might be interested in women instead I’m interested in how that will play out and whether it’s true or not I’m just interested to see what they’ll do to her chat since it’s entirely different from the books now)
Benedict lost his art and subsequently became as if he is a C-tier character, maybe even lower, this makes me worried for season four-lack of Benedict it feels like we’ve only seen five minutes of him and I’m unsure how they’ll build his character to make him finally meet his love.
(Also I love Benedict relationship with the Mondrichs’ but I hate the way the writers only write about friendship season and never see them interact again. They did the same thing in season two (he only went to the Mondrich bar once and never to be seen there again which always confused me because he was one of Mondrich’s first supporters))”
This being said, I’ll add extra to my worries for season 4. I know we still have a second part to wait for but it really is disappointing that they had the previous leads have crucial roles in previous seasons, whilst Benedict seems to be steering away from his family and main characters - and this is more of a writing problem, rather than his character choosing to be melodramatic and depressed from the events of season two, which results him from spending less time with his family- we still see him interact with them, but it’s not like the way he used to give insights to Antony in S2, or he speaks about his worries with Eloise on the swings whilst she smokes, he’s still quite sneaky and light hearted but we don’t get as much.
In part two if he is to be the lead in season 4, not only should we see him get more screen time, but he should have another downfall- the same way Antony and Pen did in the seasons before. It must have something to do with his relationship with Lady Tilley but we have seen him break up with previous interests before and it did not do much to his character imo. I don’t know how the breakup will break him down so I assume something else will happen to him. Maybe it’s the accumulation of him giving up art and losing his sense of self- but right now it’s not written well. I’m honestly quite shocked no one in his family have spoken to him and checked if he’s truly okay and if he is sure he’s not going to pursue painting.
Now obviously part two has already been filmed so what’s done is done but I hope that they write him better in that part. And if not, at least introduce Sophie and her characterisation, that would make me feel better.
(I wrote a post before on how I imagined Sophie to be introduced before her season, which now seems unlikely but if you’d like the read it I’ll link it!)
Eloise and Francesca have had better characterisation this season which might mean either of them would take the lead next season but I don’t want that:
A- Benedict’s season should have been this one, to postpone it again would be aggravating B- I don’t think Eloise storyline will be like anything in her book, I love her but I don’t think her character now is ready to settle C- SPOILER for Francesca’s book - Francesca’s husband, John Stirling, dies in her season, I really love their relationship in this part and it would suck if he dies so early on
submitted by Greybear_l to Benophie [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:41 surprisesadness 27 [M4F] EST/Canada/USA/Anywhere - Are you lonely? Then let's be lonely together!

Hello fellow redditors,
I write this today because I’ve been yearning for emotional intimacy between two people. I want to come back home and have a nice conversation with a partner about how our days went. I want someone to laugh with while doing silly things. I want to fall asleep while cuddling with someone as we’re watching a series. Would you be that someone for me? :3
I’ll do a little presentation. I'm a 27 year old Hispanic college student living in the East coast, Canada. I'm 175cm(5'9") and weigh 80kg(175 pounds). I'm fit enough to look fit (even though I having a few pounds during lockdown) but not enough to sprint more than the time needed to catch the bus. I'm decently good looking based on the opinion of many people. Two of them being my mom and grandma and the other one being that old lady that I helped on the metro that called me handsome. I'm more than open to share pics for an unbiased opinion though.
For my hobbies, I like to exercise daily and by exercise I mean the sit-up I do every morning to get out of bed. I like watching shows but not really into anything right now. I used to be into Grimm and Game of Thrones (until last season). I like to watch anime, all time favorite being Steins;Gate. I've been binging Ranking of Kings and it's really good! However, I'm mostly into YouTube right now, watching videos essais about movies and other documentary type stuff. I've also been quite into Apex and Overwatch 2 recently. I've been playing often with a couple of friends on the afternoons. I like competitive multiplayer games as I used to play a whole lot of Smite, but I also like story based single player games like The Witcher 3 and the last God of War game. Recently, I’ve been wanting to get back into Ark too. I'm also in to reading at the moment. I've been trying to finish a fantasy book series I started as a teenager but wasn't completed yet. I'm more of an indoor type (as you might have guessed) but I do like to go outside. Mostly to hang out with friends, but I also like to walk along the river near home to relax and clear my mind. I hope this is enough to give any potential reader who I am as a person. We don't have to share the same hobbies and like the same things but it would be a nice bonus :3
Personality wise, I'm very laidback and rarely stress over stuff. I have quite a dark humor and I am rarely insulted by stuff as I tend not to take things too seriously but I do know when I have to be serious.
I would like to find that special someone that would ideally be around my age (20-35) but I would be open to a wider range if we click. I have no preference but I do feel a certain level of physical attraction is important.
I wish you a wonderful day/night and thank you for your time.
submitted by surprisesadness to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:39 surprisesadness 27 [M4F] EST/Canada/USA/Anywhere - Are you lonely? Then let's be lonely together!

Hello fellow redditors,
I write this today because I’ve been yearning for emotional intimacy between two people. I want to come back home and have a nice conversation with a partner about how our days went. I want someone to laugh with while doing silly things. I want to fall asleep while cuddling with someone as we’re watching a series. Would you be that someone for me? :3
I’ll do a little presentation. I'm a 27 year old Hispanic college student living in the East coast, Canada. I'm 175cm(5'9") and weigh 80kg(175 pounds). I'm fit enough to look fit (even though I having a few pounds during lockdown) but not enough to sprint more than the time needed to catch the bus. I'm decently good looking based on the opinion of many people. Two of them being my mom and grandma and the other one being that old lady that I helped on the metro that called me handsome. I'm more than open to share pics for an unbiased opinion though.
For my hobbies, I like to exercise daily and by exercise I mean the sit-up I do every morning to get out of bed. I like watching shows but not really into anything right now. I used to be into Grimm and Game of Thrones (until last season). I like to watch anime, all time favorite being Steins;Gate. I've been binging Ranking of Kings and it's really good! However, I'm mostly into YouTube right now, watching videos essais about movies and other documentary type stuff. I've also been quite into Apex and Overwatch 2 recently. I've been playing often with a couple of friends on the afternoons. I like competitive multiplayer games as I used to play a whole lot of Smite, but I also like story based single player games like The Witcher 3 and the last God of War game. Recently, I’ve been wanting to get back into Ark too. I'm also in to reading at the moment. I've been trying to finish a fantasy book series I started as a teenager but wasn't completed yet. I'm more of an indoor type (as you might have guessed) but I do like to go outside. Mostly to hang out with friends, but I also like to walk along the river near home to relax and clear my mind. I hope this is enough to give any potential reader who I am as a person. We don't have to share the same hobbies and like the same things but it would be a nice bonus :3
Personality wise, I'm very laidback and rarely stress over stuff. I have quite a dark humor and I am rarely insulted by stuff as I tend not to take things too seriously but I do know when I have to be serious.
I would like to find that special someone that would ideally be around my age (20-35) but I would be open to a wider range if we click. I have no preference but I do feel a certain level of physical attraction is important.
So if you’re still here after reading all of that, why don’t you send me a message ;3 We could chat for a while and see how things go.
I wish you a wonderful day/night and thank you for your time.
submitted by surprisesadness to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]
