Can u inject m357


2008.05.07 23:22 Beta

An official community of beta testers for

2018.12.10 13:49 NXThemes

As part of the protests related to reddit API changes we are setting this sub to private for a few days, all our other channels such as themezer are active as usual. A place for anyone to share custom themes for Nintendo Switch (CFW Required). Check the sidebar for links and FAQ before asking questions :)

2015.11.02 04:32 robin670 Robin670s Pokemon QR codes

QR codes for pokemon injecting made by robin670

2024.06.10 01:55 Confusedgirl007 PSW to RPN Bridge Program Question?

Hi everyone!
I was going through this sub-reddit and there was some questions I was looking for that weren't asked. I'm sorry it's a bit long.
I graduated the PSW program at Conestoga in April, I'm about to start a job working with people who have developmental/ intellectual disabilities. Finding a PSW job was actually HARD (when you hear all the time that psws are in demand, but I guess their in demand in more rural places) I applied to over 50 places and got 3 call backs. It got me worrying about my future and the PSW field, lot's of International Students are becoming PSWs now, so there's a lot of competition in bigger cities (i.e. I'm in the Waterloo Region).
I'm looking at Mohawk for the PSW to RPN program cause my sister was in the Conestoga RPN program and it was a nightmare.
Questions I have are:
submitted by Confusedgirl007 to mohawkcollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:55 Mountain_Road9197 Tip STOLEN by Uber or allows to edit after? There no way this makes any sense…

Massive event going on. I get premier ride so I go get the rider. Rider gets in my car all in a rush.
Tells me hes in a rush and to do u turn at stop sign ahead and to not go ahead as traffic bad. To get a visual it’s 2 lane road each side with solid yellow line in between no grass or sidewalk in middle. U turn at stop is perfectly legal.
When I arrive to stop, I put blinker on. There a motorcycle cop and he points straight forwards. So we go straight and rider insists I u turn further down before the wall of traffic. With the cop also pointed straight I thought he was saying go turn after stop. Line was solid yellow line all the way after.
So I do safely and as I get back to stop, cop pulls me says I’ll get 325 CAD ticket by mail and points on license. So I tell rider you paying for the ticket and he gives me 155 USD (220 CAD) and said he will put the rest on app.
I LITERALLY SEE HIM ENTER 100$ (max allowed for ride that costed him $120 to hotel and then airport).
IT LITERALLY SAYS on his app thank you for tipping etc. I NEVER GOT IT. We did it at airport too after I ended ride.
Uber denies he ever tipped. Can he edit after? APPARENTLY Uber says yes but on my customer app I can’t. WTF
submitted by Mountain_Road9197 to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:51 Realistic_Twist_8212 FBI threat to commenter on CDAN

This blind item must've really set madame off into a rage. I've posted a partial comment string where "Andi Mitchell" arrives in the comment thread and threatens reporting a commenter who was joking around to the FBI.


The alliterate one once tried to hit on the recent newlywed but she was way too old for him.
This Alliterated should just be Obliterated !
Here's the link to the Blind Item so you can read all the comments when "Andi Mitchell" rears it's ugly head: Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Item #3
submitted by Realistic_Twist_8212 to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:50 UpperRecognition7910 I hate my boobs

I’m 20, so there is no way that it will change by itself. I have A. I’m short 163 and in general I’m 8-9 out of 10. I hate being called cute cuz it makes me feel like I’m a kid. I do get attention from men cuz I’m skinny, I do have butt but dude my boobs size, it kills me I swear. I struggle myself to be confident around men cuz they feel u re confident or unconvent. I know that social media sucks cuz they want women to be just a doll. For example I had a man, relationships, he was my type, he liked me a lot, a lot of flowers, restaurants, movies and so on. It was bout 1 month but then he realised that I’m serious girl and I’ll not be in his bad so fast, I didn’t give him sex so he left, lol.
Jesus, just all times in my life when I had sex I needed to drink alcohol to be more comfortable and confident. But all men they wanted me so much. I don’t give a shit about words kinda:«oh be yourself, love yourself, be as way as u re». I do feel confident 75%, 25% I feel awful. Dude, it’s around 3-4 k$ to make surgery, if I had such money I’d run and do it. It’s such awful problem cuz it’s not something that can be fixed so fast and easy. It’s not something like make lips bigger or lose weight…
Honestly it’s one of the reasons why I drink sometimes. I swear, it kills me.
I know there’re guys that re attracted to women that looks like teens but it’s not something that will make me feel better…
How do I have to survive? I don’t know
submitted by UpperRecognition7910 to women [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:50 Ayotrumpisracist Got banned

Got banned
Got banned from the character ai subreddit for seven days because i exposed them for taking down my post that was criticizing the app🤸‍♂️
submitted by Ayotrumpisracist to CharacterAI_No_Filter [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:50 Responsible_One703 Be honest can u suck me dry till i squirt my milk?💦

Be honest can u suck me dry till i squirt my milk?💦 submitted by Responsible_One703 to transadorable [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:50 New_Description5141 Vitamin E for hair loss question...

Male here. I've read Vitamin E can help with reducing hair loss. Just wondering if anyone has had this brand or something similar & has it helped in any way with hair loss prevention?
submitted by New_Description5141 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:50 SnowGames Q4 report is only days away! Time to remind everyone of lots of things!

submitted by SnowGames to kurosanji [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:49 Long_Consequence_857 Help!

I see stuff like this then get a mad headache after lasts days sometimes I get this aura thing back to back is this flashing lights or a normal classic migraine? I also had a retina tear and hole repair can an eye doc respond please and thank u .
submitted by Long_Consequence_857 to Ophthalmologist [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:48 capnsafetypants 🍶 [H] Gen 6 Events, comp shiny, comp RNG [W] Paypal 🍶

🙆 Hello everyone, please check out [MY SPREADSHEET] and let me know if you have any questions.
Please note, most of my Events are Gen 6, and are currently in HOME. So I believe I can only trade via HOME.
All events are either self-redeemed, or legitimately traded on pokemontrades.
Popular events in stock:
$40 XYZ Trio $25 Nebel Volcanion $15 NA/PAL HA Birds
$35 Maxsoft Arceus $25 GF Darkrai $15 GF Mew
$30 GF Jirachi $5 GF Shaymin More!
Popular comp RNG/FC:
$15 ★ Articuno moonball $15 ★ Moltres moonball $15 ★ Landorus luxuryball
$15 ★ perfect Dittos $15 ★ perfect legendries $15 ★ Tornadus dreamball
Popular comp ★shiny:
$5 Charizard luxuryball $5 Salamence nestball $10 comp Smeargles
$5 Lopunny dreamball $5 Rhyperior heavyball More!
[My FlairHQ]
[Reference Thread]
submitted by capnsafetypants to Pokemonexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:48 Sleepyboicoy Buff draco

Buff draco
Draco is good but his damage is wayy to low his damage power level 10 does less than alot of other tanks assassins and damage dealer at power level ONE especially in close range he loses to controllers like sandy with an attack much easier to hit while doing 1800 to his measly 1330
his main problem is his base attack its damage at max range is fine but his minimum attack always loses too every other tank and even some assassins like buzz even with last stand activated allowing u to get one extra hit in you simply die every time.
His ultimate is fine and in some 3v3 gamemodes can be quite good but when it comes to 1v1s he cant ever win in something like showdown or duels
Its either buff his damage like doug’s damage making it always be max damage or make him fly overwater and walls so he can get away lol
submitted by Sleepyboicoy to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:48 memyceliumandi 2002 Ranger 2.3 AC Compressor removal

2002 Ranger 2.3 AC Compressor removal
I removed the 4 mounting bolts on the side but the Compressor is not budging. In pic 1 u can see I removed 2 bolts to no avail. Where are these located? My Haynes manual says only to "Unbolt the compressor from the mounting brackets and lift out of the vehicle." I checked the new compressor and see only the 4 threaded inserts that the mounting bolts go into. Can someone tell me where to find the other mounting bolts?
Is there a manual that's publucally available that reveals these mysteries?
submitted by memyceliumandi to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:46 dezlovesyou UPDATE! - Suspected Radial Hypoplasia

Last post:
Here’s the update guys! Just got home from the vets office.
The vet said Miso (kitten) isn’t truly polydactyl because 1 usually it’s only in the front and she has extra toes in the back too. And 2 polydactyl cats have 6 toes on each foot, not 5 like she does.
Accompanying this her front paw pads are shaped strangely and there’s a callous on the edge which the vet believes is a remnant of her dewclaw so now we have to watch that in order to see if the claw is formed and grows out of her foot (painful)
And for her curled foot, we didn’t do any xrays because it doesn’t change anything today. For treatment there’s two options. We have to do one of those options because while she’s not heavy enough to hurt herself walking on her wrist right now, when she’s older and heavier it will start to break into sores and severe arthritis.
The first option is amputation at the time of spay. This option is the cheapest, and also causes the least amount of discomfort over a long period of time. However they amputate at the shoulder so the entire arm goes, not just the paw.
The second option is repetitive splinting starting at once a week and progressing to every 2 weeks. The goal would to be to straighten it with the possibility of a correctional surgery at the end and even that could be up in the air on if it stays straight. This option is very costly and causes a lot of discomfort and possible pain over a long period of time with the possibility she chews the splints off so we spend even more money to replace them.
There is a possible third option, but that depends entirely on what her diagnosis truly is, because we didn’t get one today. If she really does have radial hypoplasia then her arm isn’t going to grow with her. In this case, it will stay small and she will probably stop walking on it as it will be more like a t-rex arm. In this case, she doesn’t need anything except a possible de-clawing on that foot since she’ll never wear down the claws and they could grow into her paw pads. This means we need to wait and watch her for a month or so before we make any decisions, so that we can rule the option of a non-growing leg out or not.
The vet said if it were her cat, she would amputate as the splinting can be very traumatic and expensive. She said we are not bad owners if we can’t afford the constant weekly splint… I’m just not sure. I would like to keep her arm but is the extreme discomfort worth it? Will she even understand why we’re hurting her? I have a month to think about this, advice is welcome.
submitted by dezlovesyou to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:46 The_Walrus01 Question Regarding Older Pentax Meters

Hello, I shoot primarily on a Pentax K1000 and ME Super and have for several months. For those familiar with the cameras, I was wondering how you reliably compensate for back lighting or bright skies above a dark subject. The biggest problem is that I can never tell when the background will throw off the light meter, (sometimes the camera has no problem taking an average, and other times it will completely underexpose the subject by several stops) and by extension how much I should compensate when exposing. I recently had a whole roll of Ektar ruined because I failed to compensate for a bright overcast sky, and a snowy foreground. I don’t know if there is a rule of thumb to follow, or if it’s something that u get the feel for over years of using these cameras? All feedback appreciated!
submitted by The_Walrus01 to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:45 Ok_Ad5948 Found this old video & realized it’s the one ppl have talked about where ML’s entire butt is exposed

Found this old video & realized it’s the one ppl have talked about where ML’s entire butt is exposed
The way I understood it, she took the video down after so many comments saying “Lisa her backside is visible.. she put something over it but when she moves, you can see it all: would’ve taken 3 mins to delete, edit & repost. Here we are, 8 months later & it’s still up. I’m not posting where u can see her butt bc I have more respect for her than her own daughter, but it’s this video… she makes me ill.
submitted by Ok_Ad5948 to savemarylou [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:44 awshoooo What counters rammus?

By far, rammus is the worst champion to play against for me, I cycle through champions to get a win on each, and on rammus I got it first try and it wasn't even close. If I pick anything ap, he goes to me with 1000 ms, taunts me and kills me, same thing with anything ad, as he can just build armor and it also buffs his dmg. One time I played against rammus yummi and nobody could even damage him. Thats why I can't understand why has he never been top 10 on Are there any obvious counters?
submitted by awshoooo to LeagueArena [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:43 PossessionHot8276 HELP! How to use safe exam browser

HELP! How to use safe exam browser
Is there anyone familiar with using this software?! I’ll have a midterm this week on e-class and my professor just required us to install this. What would happen at the exam time? What should I do? I’m so scared that I would struggle with the technology and can’t start the exam on time and lose a bunch of time
Also, this thing will block our entire computer, u can’t access anything beside eclass (no other websites, no downloaded files…) right? Does it record either?
Please help! Thank u so so much! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
submitted by PossessionHot8276 to yorku [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:42 ripulejejs GOTO link without having to delete current link.

Title says it all - if you use U to GOTO a new url in a new buffer, the current link appears and you first have to delete it before you can proceed. I must be missing something - is there a way not to have this hindrance?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by ripulejejs to w3m [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:42 TCCRA Vietnam War recreation (kinda)

Hello, fellow players. Today I was just messin around with a realistic military-based modpack I've created not so long ago and thought about recreating a war in Vietnam. Soo, I need some guys to participate and to help me build/organize/think through some stuff (I'm thinking ±50 of participants in total). Participation is free, the only requirement is not to be an asshole tbh. Prolly gonna upload that to my yt or smth. So if ur interested u can share ur discord in the comments and I'll add u
submitted by TCCRA to MinecraftBuddies [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:42 UN-peacekeeper Reddit

Reddit submitted by UN-peacekeeper to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:41 Oudeur Weak stream during urination after Aromasin / Exemestan?

Can anyone explain why I experience a weak stream, like something is blocking my urine flow inside my body, after taking exemestan / aromasin?
Started my protocol over a year ago at 200mg/week (test e), ramped down to 150mg/week, now to 120mg/week, spread over 3,5 injections per week (EoD).
All this time my labs show that my test is at decent levels around 500, but I also aromatize badly, so my endo prescribed me aromasin: a quarter of a tablet on injection days. (6,25mg)
However, since I’ve been taking this Asin for a while, I notice now that I have trouble urinating, specifically, when starting to pee, often I really need to “push” the urine out.
For this reason I stopped taking the Asin last week for 2 injections, and it improved, then starting taking aromasin again, and the again I have the same issues taking a piss.
Did some searching online and read about testosteron induced BPH. Could it be that Asin elevates my test levels, which actually enlarge my prostate, resulting in a weak stream? Most often I read that Asin actually helps people who suffer from BPH..
Any info / documentation / research / experiences is welcome and thanks for reading.
submitted by Oudeur to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:41 Mounting_Dread Parenting as a Schizophrenic

Hey, everybody.
My child was kept from me when my pyschosis started. I wasnt violent or cruel or negligent but I did break the law, which was enough for the dad to get emergency temporary full custody through the courts.
Now I'm fighting for custody back, after being on the Invega Sustenna injection for months. After months of no contact Im allowed video calls only.
No drugs or alcohal or violence.
The dad is determined to keep my child from me. I was hospitalized for 2 months. Despite being medicated and a clear bill of health, the dad believes I shouldn't have a relationship with my son whatsoever now that I have had issues mentally.
I kind of almost agree.. Has anyone successfully parented as a Schizophrenic? Or as someone with psychosis?
I'm worried if I even do get custody back how I'll be because it's hard to function a lot of the times now. I can't imagine parenting to the degree I did before. I can barely get out of bed or form complete sentences and the times I'm awake I'm just pacing around. I feel like a walking vegetable. I was told this is just the medication I'm on but I'm worried it's permanent.
submitted by Mounting_Dread to schizophrenia [link] [comments]