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2024.05.15 07:50 robot_tree25 Will a third cat solve all my life’s problems?

Hi cat friends! So I currently have 2 cats and a dog. They get along beautifully for the most part (cuddle puddles and interspecies grooming and all that jazz). The cats are both a little over a year. They’re not related but were fostered together as teeny babies and so became bonded. One of them is super calm and the other (orange ofc) is a menace. I do all the things to help combat his crazy (scratchers out the wazoo, dedicated wand time, toys he can chase, I even built him a giant custom catio). At this point I sometimes wonder if it would help if he had a more playful friend who matches his energy.
Which brings me to the present. I’m fostering a litter of kittens and there’s one I’m just SO smitten with it makes me really consider adding a third… and I wonder if an energetic little kitten would help my 1yr old high energy lil guy feel more fulfilled?
On a more shallow note… how many cats is too many cats? As a single 30yr old with a dog and two cats already am I teetering over the edge here and en route to crazy pet lady status? (Tho I may already be there…)
Quick edit to add I’m financially able to take on another and am very familiar with the costs (vet bills, sitters, insurance, food, treats, litter etc etc etc)
submitted by robot_tree25 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:48 ACertainThrowawayTag A Brief Review of Trails of Cold Steel IV: Finale- A New Era

Previous Post-
A Brief Review of Trails of Cold Steel IV: Act Three- A Worthy Rivalry by inFalcom
Introduction- This feels like a major turning point for the series. The various revelations about the forces behind what caused the Hamel tragedy and subsequent war with Liberl that are so critical to understanding Sky, the various incidents in Crossbell that were both linked to and related to both Erebonia and Ouroboros' plans, and of course the mammoth, four game Cold Steel arc. There may be Reverie after this to contend with, but for all intents and purposes, this feels like the end of a major part of the series. On a personal level, having played each game in the series in order, essentially back to back, since I started Sky in November, this feels bittersweet. I have a post planned for after I finish Reverie that goes a little bit more into this, but suffice to say I feel like I've been on an incredible journey, and yet I still want more.
With all that out of the way, what do I think of the Finale of Cold Steel 4, Cold Steel 4 as a whole, and perhaps even all of the Cold Steel arc? Well, I might do a separate post about the Cold Steel arc, but... Cold Steel 4 is really good. In spite of some of its pacing, and the way it sometimes just flings stuff out there with little explanation and you don't hear about it again (sometimes it comes up again, sometimes it doesn't), I really enjoyed Cold Steel 4. I think it's my third favourite game in the franchise.
But first and foremost, some pros and cons for the finale.
Pros- -The Hamel sidequest Really nice, as opposed to the Crossbell sidequest which hinged on the least interesting member of the original SSS, it does a good job of (quite literally) putting the ghosts of Hamel to rest. The interactions between Ash and Joshua are great, and I liked how some of Loewe's residual spirit came back too. We'll never see him resurrected, but since this series has long established that residual conciseness stays behind (and also the existence of the beyond and Loewe's link to a sword made by its rules), it was was a nice little touch.
-The entire final area From the Salt Pales, to Tuatha de Danann, to the final fight with Ishmelga Loge, I could not have asked for a better send off to the Cold Steel arc. I think in general it was well paced- about as long as Azure and CS2's final dungeons- and the final area itself was designed in such an enigmatic yet fascinating way. The Liber Ark's still better though.
-McBurn What to say about McBurn? Arguably the most important lore dump we've ever gotten in the series, the stuff that implies the human he fused with *might* be Epstein, the stuff he remembered at the end seemingly relating to something the Grandmaster and Campanella did, and of course The Beyond and the 'Possible World'. Seemingly endless complexities and lore implications that both add too what we already know, and yet leave so, so many more questions. Here's my one. If Aidos truly didn't create the Beyond
then who did?
-Ouroboros I risk being controversial here, but I truly love Ouroboros' outing in Cold Steel, and this is a fitting send off, finally getting them in a position where they have to at least give a vague explanation for what they're doing that goes beyond 'it's all going to plan'- leaving a lot open, but also with more of a target for theories and ideas. I think it's made absolutely clear that their open nature as an organisation is entirely by design (of course helped by that final scene with the Grandmaster), and I can't wait to see what they do next.
-Earn Your Happy Ending There's a trope on TV Tropes by this name and. Yeah. After all the shit they've been through, Class 7 and Rean definitely earned this. It's a bit sappy, and perhaps a little bit too cheesy, but I don't mind it.
Cons- -Does everyone really need to speak? Whilst I like the finale as a whole, it felt like every time we were about to face a new boss, literally all of the 16 or so characters in the party had to chime in with the same line every time. It got old quick, and represents some of the sins of Cold Steels writing, where it can get pretty repetitive after a while.
-The Crossbell sidequest It was nice to see Diana MacDowell finally reunite with her daughter, and the stuff about the devil only targeting women is some pretty interesting lore, and perhaps a set up for future games (the Calvard arc), the same as quite a lot of the stuff from near the end of the game that didn't directly deal with the final bosses- but other than that the sidequest just didn't hit the mark I wanted it too. Again, it focused too much on the least interesting member of the SSS, and didn't do much of anything to make her more interesting. Shame really.
-That goofy portrait of you and your lover after the credits Did they need to make it any more obvious how tacked on the romance system in these games were? Couldn't even commission art that made it look like the other photos on Rean's desk, just a generic 3d rendering? Come on now lol. This is the most petty of petty grievances but it did stick with me.
Conclusion- This finale was great. It had a lot riding on it, but I think it managed to do good with what it needed to do. I'm certainly looking forward to Reverie, to see some things cleared up more, and to bridge the gap between the Crossbell and Erebonia arcs and the Calvard arcs, and whatever might come after it. However, there is still one more thing I need to do here.
Conclusion on Cold Steel 4 as a whole- A game of many faces. From the brilliance of Act One, Act Three and the Finale, some beautiful character moments and bonding events, to the somewhat mediocre Act Two, the romance system, and some of the story explanations as a whole, it doesn't take a genius to see why Cold Steel 4 is so divisive. Me I fall on the 'it's really good in spite of its issues' side of the divide. I think the curse is a good idea, if done better in other places (Fullmetal Alchemist for instance, with a very similar resolution in both cases), that isn't presented that well and thus might cause more confusion than if they'd spent more time properly fleshing it out.
Like I said, I think it's my third favourite game in the series, behind only Azure and Sky SC, and it deserves its flowers. That being said, I think there's a pretty sizeable gap between what I think of Azure and what I think of CS4, and I hope Reverie will rectify some of the issues I have with the game. It's been an honour to have your readership across the Cold Steel arc, it's been a mammoth task, especially with my reviews that I try and do each time I finish a section of the game, but I think it's been very worthwhile.
I'm probably jumping right into Reverie, but until then, I hop you enjoyed reading, and see you next time.
submitted by ACertainThrowawayTag to Falcom [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:48 cdogatke Daily Calorie Counting Strategy

I've been recording everything I eat on a pinned note on my phone. When I know how many calories are in something I'll just add an item: and when I don't know I will make a guess. When the day ends I sum the calories for the day and put them into a daily total. After I complete a 7 days I sum up the daily calories and put them into my week view and subtract them from my maintenance calories to get an estimated deficit.
I set the maintenance to my calorie needs if I was sedentary (lowest activity levels). I did this because most days I just drive to work and go home. However, 1-3 times a week, I go on a very intense 1-2 hour bike ride. Averaging about 1000 calories burned on the Strava app. Because there is variation on how intense the ride is and many days a week I do it I want to add it separately on days that I go on a ride. I'm thinking about taking half the number of calories Strava says I burned and adding it as a negative item to the day. That way I can sum it up and not have to track things separately. See below.
Are there any problems with this? Am I understanding the maintenance and calories burned information correctly? Would really appreciate any feedback. Thanks!
Info: 29 yo male, 193lb bw, 6'2" (187cm)
maintenance: 2200
week 1: -800 week 2: -2200 week 3: -1400
day 1: 1700 day 2: 2300 day 3: 1800 day 4: 2800 day 5: 1400 day 6: 1100 (subtracted bike ride)
day 6: granola & milk: 500 protein shake: 500 dinner: 600 bike ride: - 500
submitted by cdogatke to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:47 abir_valg2718 Praise for Thraxas series by Martin Scott (for fans of Garrett PI)

Thraxas seems to be criminally obscure and underrated, so I thought I'd give it a shout. It's a mix of urban fantasy set in a high fantasy world, and a pulpy detective. Easy to read, short books, light, but not too light. It can be quite humorous at times, but I wouldn't classify it as comedic. If you enjoyed Garrett PI a great deal and wanted something similar - look no further. 12 books in total so far. It's semi-episodic, and the last book finishes an arc, so there's no real cliffhanger there.
Thraxas is a 40-something ex-senior investigator at the imperial palace who got booted due to having one drink too many at the wrong time. Now he's reduced to being a cheap private investigator who lives and operates out of a tavern in a poor part of the town near the harbour. Thraxas has an unlikely sidekick of sorts - Makri, who's a young quarter orc, quarter elf, half human woman, who had recently escaped orcish gladiator pits and has her eyes set on higher education, so she works as a barmaid to make money for the college (it makes more sense than it sounds like, trust me). The series is chiefly set in the city-state of Turai - it's extremely corrupt and it's currently plagued by a drug epidemic.
The book has lots of colourful characters - a disgraced sorcerer who got caught cheating while being in charge of keeping the chariot racing games honest, a creepy female assassin (according to Thraxas, anyway) who constantly keeps visiting Makri in the tavern, the city's most powerful sorceress is hopelessly addicted to a relatively mild drug which she takes to the next level by growing it herself via a special growing spell, and smoking copious amounts of it through a water pipe.
There's gambling, there's drinking, drugs, dead bodies, power hungry city officials, disgusting politics, riots, widespread corruption... But worry not, Thraxas, who is number one chariot at investigating (a self proclaimed one, admittedly), will not let you down. At least as long as he has copious amounts of food and beer in his belly.
Some shortcomings to keep in mind - like always, the first book is a little on the weaker side, however in this case I think the series gets into its stride straight from the second book. The last 4 books were self-published, and, unfortunately, have some proofreading issues. However, aside from this minor annoyance (and it depends on how you're sensitive to this sort of thing, it could be a non-issue to some), their overall quality on par with the rest. Likewise, the DIY look of the covers is a bit odd, but ultimately quite irrelevant, so don't be alarmed by that.
submitted by abir_valg2718 to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:47 Gogo726 First time playing Thousand-Year Door. Is there really any point in leveling up HP or FP?

A couple weeks ago, I was feeling in the mood for some Paper Mario 64, which I hadn't played since Wii VC. I have never played it on original hardware, though the N64 controller for Switch is close enough. I enjoyed it a lot more this time around because I focused mainly on BP, which really gave me more freedom to change my build.
So after beating PM64 again, I decided to give TTYD another chance. I don't see any point in getting the remake unless the changes are more than just graphics. I can't justify $60 when Metroid Prime Remaster was only $40. In 2008ish, I got as far as the Koopa Town before I lost interest and never picked it up again. Until now. I feel like the badge system is even more broken in this game. Higher level cap means higher BP cap. And if I need more HP or FP, I can sacrifice a badge or two to increase those. Or add a regen effect. So aside from maybe 1 or 2 levels dedicated to HP or FP, is there really any point in increasing those when you level up?
submitted by Gogo726 to papermario [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:47 radio-ladio Revisiting my love/hate relationship with Morrowind....Now I love it!

My dad first got me this game when I was a teen and the first xbox came out. I loved RPG games, but back then I was really not good at video games. I didn't have the patience and for a game like morrowind - it was a little advanced for me. It also gave me literal headaches whenever I played. I had a bad relationship with this game.
Over the years I kept revisiting morrowind because I really wanted to love it since I love the other elder scrolls games so much. But morrowind always left me feeling frustrated, so I was always quitting it.
Now I'm in my thrities and I have the patience and skill to play through it. And I gotta say...I'm LOVING IT NOW!!!!
I can see why people think that Morrowind is still the best game in the series. The story is so detailed! The lore of the Nerevar, the mythos of the tribunal, and the culture of the dunmer are really well thought out.
And it's so much funnier than I remember. I love that we get to meet the famed author of the Lusty Argonian Maid. Love the silliness of random NPC side quests.
But the thing that impresses me most is how CREEPY the main questline is. The sleepers that start popping up in towns once you start having dreams, the creepy dagoth shrines with the dark red atmosphere, the creepy worshipers that are always barely clothed and carrying around corpus meat, the strange hermaus mora looking monster-priests. It's scary! I have my game set on easy and I'm still kind of anxious walking into these dagoth caves/shrines.
I don't think ESO has managed to achieve a similar level to this kind of tone until maybe Oblivion's dark brotherhood quest. I hope later ESO games will bring the horroscary vibe back on a bigger scale and not just save it for a faction questline.
submitted by radio-ladio to Morrowind [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:47 VenusSmurf May lottery event reminder--all participants get prizes

It's time for another lottery! The theme for this event is, shockingly, MAY. This can mean Mother's Day, May flowers, whatever.
To join, send any frog or scenery OF ANY LEVEL that matches the theme to our newest lottery assistant, at 20W0F, myself at 1ZSQV, or at 3VRP1.
How it matches is up to you, though feel free to share your interpretation in the comments on the original post at! .
All who join will get a participation gift!
In one week from the original post, we'll choose a random winner from the participants, and that individual will receive all of the donations, plus some things from the mods.
May the frogs be ever in your favor!
submitted by VenusSmurf to Pocketfrogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:46 p3ntah00k My partner 24F is not nearly as interested in sex as I 24M is. Any advice that I haven't tried or thought about?

Hello! So myself and my partner have been together for about 4 years, and are very much in love. We graduated college together and I truly see our lives intertwined and really going places. For a long time our sex drives have been drastically different. I have always had an incredibly high sex drive, while hers started out as somewhat strong and quickly dwindled. I think that her sex drive partly went away because of SSRI's (which I am also on but only increased my libido). We have talked about this before and then it starts to get better and swiftly goes back to the way it was, maybe once a week having sexual contact. For added context, we do not live together, and will be moving in together very soon. I understand it can be hard to have sexual contact when you aren't together much, but I don't receive any texts, images, or anything of the sort that are sexual in nature when I have mentioned how that would help me feel more validated and less sexually frustrated. I have truly done everything I feel I can to improve the sex if there is ever any concern she has brought up but even then she typically doesn't so I am led to believe there isn't an issue with the sex itself. I don't know, I am at a loss and just am getting more and more frustrated because I love this woman with all my heart and want to spend my life with her, but I also want my sexual needs to be met. Please comment or dm with any advice!
submitted by p3ntah00k to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:45 Miracuves1 Task Rabbit Job: Your Ultimate Solution for Task Management

Task Rabbit Job: Your Ultimate Solution for Task Management
Embark on a journey into the realm of Task Rabbit Job, a platform reshaping how tasks are accomplished. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into what Task Rabbit is, unravel the intricacies of its functionality, dissect the associated costs, and determine its worthiness. Get ready to optimize your task management with Task Rabbit.
TaskRabbit, a renowned online marketplace, revolutionizes the way individuals and businesses connect with skilled professionals to accomplish various tasks and errands. Launched to make life easier, this platform allows users to assign tasks to a network of reliable Taskers.
These tasks can range from household chores to skilled services. This new service helps users find help quickly and conveniently. It saves time and provides a solution for those seeking assistance.
At its core, it thrives on the principle of convenience and flexibility. Users can access the platform through a user-friendly app or website, posting tasks and connecting with Taskers who possess the expertise to fulfill those requirements.
submitted by Miracuves1 to u/Miracuves1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:45 No-Upstairs7333 ABYG kung nagdesisyon na agad ako at hindi na ayusin?

Long post ahead
Hello, my gf and I broke up days ago. This is the first time I’m starting to lose interest in everything, I always tried to escape in games but this time I get tired of it too so I want to let this out.
She tried ghosting me, I was lucky I followed my instinct to kinda hack my way in to her messenger and found out about it (read a chat with one of her friends) even if it meant I invaded her privacy.
I’m not perfect, we had our ups and downs, I had red flags and she did too. The reason I read why she was leaving me was because she said she deserves peace of mind, I was not respecting her anymore, rude words whenever we had argument and the silent treatment that she wanted me to change and she said that I did not change, she gave me a chance and she is done and she is spent. Yes, that is true I am guilty of it, I am trying to change, but it is still not enough or she saw too little of it, definitely my fault.
But then I also found out that she was talking to her guy friend she met at the same dating app that she met me in. (I was not able to see the messages and no sign of it because of the new encryption of messenger).
I don’t know how long they have been chatting, I have no access to her social media account. As to how I found is that I only saw a few in her email and this is not accurate idk how or why meta sends this email and not all messages she receives in messenger are emailed to notify, only a few. There was 5 emails in different dates this month that notifies she received a message in her messenger from this guy.
I thought we were still okay this past month, although I noticed some changes that she doesn’t want me to hug her anymore for long when sleeping or cuddling, saying that it is hot. She is getting cold in the chat, I always tried to be lively in the chat but it was not as it was how it supposed to be. I ignored this knowing she is busy with her work.
Days before our break up, she met with the guy she was talking to after work. She did ask for permission from me and the reason is it was all just about catching up with one another and “Kaibigan niya lang”. I agreed even if I did not really want to because I was complacent we had an app that is called life360 and I can check up on her wherever she is going. This did not go well for me, as I was monitoring the app from time to time, I thought it was cancelled as her location never moved from her house. Later that day I asked her about it and she told me it was not cancelled and that she left her phone at home and only brought her sister’s phone. I was kinda mad and it resulted to me ignoring her.
I did not know that this was the start of her ghosting me, she also ignored me and let it pass, I messaged her asking for something like to start a conversation again and make it up again. But she still ignored me. And this was when I did it, going through her messenger and email. I also tried checking on some of her social media platform, I found out she has a threads account which I did not know that she had one. I saw there her 2 posts that caught my attention. It says “You are one of a kind”, and the other “In another life, maybe we met each other earlier then I would love you” posted this month, one that is days ago and one that is weeks ago. It was definitely not for me.
I felt angry with all that I found out. As she was ignoring me in social medias, I emailed her to confront her and tell that I found out that she was ghosting me and all the other things, some insults as to how the guy is just a friend despite all the things I learned of, and if it was me in her place and did it, I bet her reaction would be worse. I also said that it is the last time she will hear from me whatever she says.
She did replied saying that there is no need to explain to me and it is okay if I think that she is cheating and the post on her threads were not meant for that guy.
So it was meant for someone else? Another guy I do not know of? A quick thought that popped in my mind.
I ignored her, blocked her on everything, I did not try to fix it anymore. Did I do the right thing, I wanted to fix it but with all that I learned of, it was too much for me.
With everything that I found out there is still a question in my mind.
The question now in my mind is if that I’m the real reason or did she really cheated or maybe both…. Now my emotions are being mixed with anger whenever I think about it.
submitted by No-Upstairs7333 to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:44 voltairee_ No withdrawal symptoms after being off Lamotrigine, my mood is BETTER ??

Had been taking 300mg for ~year and a half, two 150mg tabs every morning. Tapered off completely over the span of a month. I was not planning on such a quick taper but it just happened, I felt better with each decrease and no symptoms so just kept going.
Have been completely off it for 12 days now. The second day I felt a little woozy, idk how else to describe it other than feeling like I was high (but I haven’t smoked weed in 10 months) but that only lasted a day or two.
12 days and no withdrawal symptoms. I’m not manic or depressed. My mood, energy, motivation is increased. I used to have regular, somewhat intense mood swings throughout the day and no longer experience that. No suicidal ideation like I used to have. I have noticed more social anxiety but I attribute a lot of this to being in a lot of new situations (just moved to student apartments, my dad is getting married, being more social than I used to be, etc)
For a few days I took a tab and a half, then just one tab for a couple weeks, then half a tab for a couple weeks til I went to none.
Is it normal to have essentially no withdrawals? Zero irritiability, anger, mood swings, in fact my mood swings have IMPROVED. I don’t think I was ever supposed to be on this medicine and it made me previously somebody I wasn’t
submitted by voltairee_ to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:42 elitenex47 Champagne Moments Appreciation

Champagne Moments Appreciation
i feel like this song gets extremely overlooked when it comes to this beef. honestly, i love how quickly it dropped after push ups and Rick Ross goes hard bruh! it’s not my favorite song from the beef by any means, but it’s fun, entertaining and has some quality bars.
i’m curious to hear people’s perspectives on this one!
submitted by elitenex47 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:42 perfumepalace_ Elegance in Every Spritz: Exploring Ajmal Blu Perfume and Armaf Club de Nuit at Perfume Palace

In the intricate world of fragrances, finding the perfect scent can feel like an art form. At Perfume Palace, we take pride in offering a curated selection of the finest perfumes that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. Among our exquisite collection, two standout choices are Ajmal Blu Perfume and Armaf Club de Nuit. These fragrances embody the elegance, sophistication, and unique character that define true luxury.
The Allure of Ajmal Blu Perfume
Ajmal Blu Perfume is a modern classic that captures the essence of freshness and refinement. Crafted by the renowned Ajmal brand, known for its dedication to quality and tradition, Blu Perfume is a versatile scent that appeals to those who appreciate subtle yet impactful fragrances.
A Symphony of Freshness
Ajmal Blu Perfume opens with a burst of citrusy freshness, featuring top notes of bergamot and lavender. This invigorating start is complemented by heart notes of juicy watermelon and floral jasmine, creating a balanced and harmonious blend. The base notes of sandalwood, musk, and amber add a warm, earthy depth, making the fragrance both refreshing and grounding.
Versatility in a Bottle
One of the key attributes of Ajmal Blu Perfume is its versatility. This fragrance is suitable for a variety of occasions, from casual day outings to formal evening events. Its light, refreshing profile makes it an excellent choice for the warmer months, while its sophisticated undertones ensure it remains appropriate for cooler seasons as well.
The Ajmal Legacy
Ajmal has been a distinguished name in the perfume industry for over 60 years, renowned for creating fragrances that blend tradition with innovation. Ajmal Blu Perfume is a testament to this legacy, offering a modern scent that retains the timeless elegance characteristic of the brand.
The Charisma of Armaf Club de Nuit
Armaf Club de Nuit is another gem in our collection, known for its bold, captivating scent. This fragrance has garnered a dedicated following, thanks to its unique composition and the brand’s commitment to excellence.
A Bold Statement
Armaf Club de Nuit opens with a striking combination of citrusy bergamot, black currant, apple, and pineapple, creating an immediate impression of vibrancy and energy. The heart of the fragrance features a floral bouquet of rose, jasmine, and birch, adding a layer of sophistication and complexity. The base notes of musk, ambergris, vanilla, and patchouli provide a rich, lasting finish that exudes confidence and allure.
Perfect for Special Occasions
While Ajmal Blu Perfume is known for its versatility, Armaf Club de Nuit is particularly suited for special occasions and evening wear. Its bold, distinctive profile makes it a perfect choice for events where you want to make a lasting impression. The fragrance’s long-lasting nature ensures that its captivating scent will accompany you throughout the night.
Armaf’s Commitment to Quality
Armaf has quickly become a favorite among fragrance enthusiasts, thanks to its high-quality formulations and innovative designs. Club de Nuit is a shining example of the brand’s ability to create luxurious, memorable scents that stand out in a crowded market.
Choosing the Perfect Fragrance at Perfume Palace
At Perfume Palace, we understand that selecting the right fragrance is a deeply personal journey. Both Ajmal Blu Perfume and Armaf Club de Nuit offer unique scent profiles that cater to different preferences and occasions. Here are some tips to help you decide which fragrance might be the best fit for you:
Consider Your Lifestyle
Think about when and where you plan to wear the fragrance. Ajmal Blu Perfume’s fresh and versatile nature makes it ideal for everyday wear and various settings. In contrast, Armaf Club de Nuit’s bold and luxurious profile is perfect for evening events and special occasions.
Reflect on Your Personal Style
Your fragrance should complement your personal style and enhance your overall presence. If you prefer a subtle, sophisticated scent, Ajmal Blu Perfume might be the right choice. If you’re drawn to bold, attention-grabbing fragrances, Armaf Club de Nuit could be your perfect match.
Test and Experience
Whenever possible, test the fragrances before making a decision. At Perfume Palace, we offer samples and testers to help you experience the scent on your skin and see how it evolves over time. Remember, a fragrance can smell different on your skin than it does in the bottle, so taking the time to test it can ensure you make the right choice.
The Perfume Palace Experience
Shopping for fragrances at Perfume Palace is designed to be a luxurious and enjoyable experience. Our knowledgeable staff is always available to assist you in finding the perfect scent, whether you’re drawn to the fresh elegance of Ajmal Blu Perfume or the bold charisma of Armaf Club de Nuit.
We take pride in offering a wide range of high-quality perfumes that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. Our collection includes both timeless classics and contemporary favorites, ensuring that there’s something for everyone.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Fragrance Collection
Whether you’re a long-time fragrance aficionado or new to the world of luxury scents, Ajmal Blu Perfume and Armaf Club de Nuit are exceptional choices that can elevate your collection. Each fragrance offers a unique experience, capturing different aspects of elegance and sophistication.
At Perfume Palace, we invite you to explore our collection and discover the perfect fragrance that resonates with your personal style. Visit our website or come to our store to experience the exquisite world of luxury perfumes. Let us help you find a scent that not only enhances your presence but also tells your unique story.
submitted by perfumepalace_ to u/perfumepalace_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:41 webdev20 What is WordPress Elementor Page Builder? A Beginner's Guide

Hey there, let's talk about Elementor – the game-changer in website design! It's like this super cool page builder for WordPress that lets you whip up awesome websites like a pro, without breaking a sweat. We're diving into what makes Elementor tick, all the cool features it's got, and why it's totally changed the game for web design. Get ready to be amazed!
What is Elementor ? Elementor is like the ultimate cheat code for building awesome websites on WordPress. It's this rad drag-and-drop page builder that lets you customize your site without having to know any fancy coding stuff. It hit the scene back in 2016 and quickly became a favorite among folks who want to make killer websites without all the hassle. It's super easy to use, packed with tons of cool features, and has a massive library of design stuff to play around with. It's basically every website builder's dream come true!
Features and Functionality:
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2024.05.15 07:39 There-Is-A-Duck-Here What are the slangs for adopt me? Also any tips for newbies?

Heyo! For quick context, I’m pretty much a newbie in adopt me. I’ve only played with friends before and that was to help them get pets or essentially becoming their inventory dump for pets/items they either want me to keep or hold onto. I only know how to raise eggs and do missions. These friends long quit adopt me and gave me some of their pets/items. I honestly haven’t learn much during their adopt me phase. I honestly just collect pets that I like and just learned you can hold down on pets in trades to see it’s rarity ☠️ Can someone teach me some slangs used in adopt me like “dp” or “mega”? I recently learned about the website to check for w/f/l but is there a way of knowing fairness in price just by looking? I felt abit embarrassed asking ingame so I’m asking here instead 😅
submitted by There-Is-A-Duck-Here to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:39 KhaosTheory98 Ozpin really got the raw end of the stick

You know, for the Brother Gods having given Ozpin the task of beating Salem, they really just screwed him all things considered. Given that unlike Salem who is essentially an immortal, almighty sorcerer with no limits on her magic, can regenerate from being reduced to a puddle essentially and has a army of Grimm who can just get stronger the more she messes with people and sews chaos into the lives of the people at large...Ozpin gets hard handicapped all things considered, given that while he can reincarnate into others it is by that same token nto very useful given everything else that guts him against her.
Given that whatever magic he has is fading to the point where unlike her, he has to stockpile everything he has to make a reasonable dent in someone and even then as we've seen with Oscar who uses his cane...its mainly just middling to barely decent at best. On top of that Ozpin's reincarnation sucks because the man has to not only basically become a soul parasite to someone that essentially erases everything they once were as time goes on, which is a level of horror all on its own. But now he has to basically restart all of his connection and all of the power bases he built up over the decades from scratch, meanwhile Salem can just continue manipulating things behind the scenes and do whatever she wants without worry of having to lose any influence she's built that she can easily rebuild in a few years time.
Not to mention that anyone he does get close to he can't really trust because they might either be one of his many pawns, may not even remember him due to having reincarnated so many times over the years that he may even possess them and now that's another ally gone, or the multiple times he's been tricked over the years has left him reasonably paranoid.
Which on top of not being able to regenerate or have any counters to her at all, his magic fading faster and faster which each reincarnation, and the fact that when you think about it he can't really even use his own semblance since I imagine so many reincarnations have screwed with that ability. On top of that the man has to rely on Silver Eyed warriors as his one chance to beat Salem for good, given that the Maidens can't really do anything, the Silver Eyed warriors being rare to non-existent nowadays, and to top it off he's at a constant numbers disadvantage due to Salem having a reliable source of fodder in the form of Grimm to throw at him. Meanwhile, he has bupkiss except for the Hunstmen who can still be turned against him, and basically not having any powers to really beef himself up at all, and the relics being magic items that arepretty trash all things considered.
That in all honesty I feel bad for Ozpin given that the Brother Gods really set this man up for failure to save mankind, because how the hell is it that the woman you punish winds up getting the better end of the deal and in fact being an unstoppable juggernaut of dark magic, meanwhile the person your entrusting to protect mankind is essentially hamstringed and can't really do anything to stop her if she decides to actually get active. So in conclusion, Ozpin all things considered got robbed as no matter what he does he's super weak compared to Salem and his only saving grace is really that she more than likely decided not to act as quick as she could either out of laziness, just being petty to show she can obliterate him at anytime, or giving him false hope, when she could've easily just taken over Remnant in a year if I'm extremely generous and months if I'm being realistic.
submitted by KhaosTheory98 to RWBYcritics [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:39 Ok_Collar_7108 I wanna go to medical school but that's not looking possible, what should I do?

Idk if anyone is even gonna see this but I have hit the biggest wall in my entire life and I'm actually so annoyed rn. I'm 17, 18 soon and I'm currently sitting my A-level/CAPE for sciences and communication studies (unit 1). I was fixated on going to medical school because I was thinking "Damn, sciences are so hard and I struggle with them especially cause I have such horrible memory, but I love learning all 3 of them and I like the challenge plus I'm passing" you get me? So I was saying I wouldn't wanna do all this, put in all this hard work (to me, its probably light work to someone else but idc bout them) to just stop at being a nurse, cause everyone is in my damn ears about being a nurse nurse nurse NO!!! I wanna go down a career path that'll be worth this hard work and I think that's fair. So I did some research and saw if there were any type of doctor that I was interested in and anesthesiology caught my attention and I was interested in It, so you know I continue to do deep research surrounding anesthesiology and those stuff to just know more about what's going on and I decide aight, imma do this!!!
So now I'm looking for schools cause I plan ahead, FAR ahead. And I see my 3 options....well 2, cause 1 of them is like half way across the country. So I check out my other two options right??? So option one is UWI faculty of medicine and I'm gonna admit that schools reputation is looking mad good which is good but it's so EXPENSIVE !!!! And i know medical school won't be cheap but oh my lord, so yeah I looked into school 2 and it's CSMSJ but they're weird, I tried calling and got nothing, emailing and got nothing and the aren't frequent with their posting on social media (to give options) so I was skeptical and my mom was too so I was telling my bf about how the school is weird and he looked into and said it seems they aren't so authentic cause their reviews are AI generated so I was REALLY bummed out.
So my home country is kinda wack with how the do things, so I'd have to go overseas to further my education anyway. So I was thinking...again, why not find a school in Canada that has a M.D program, offers residency in anesthesia and so on so forth. And I was then again researching, but schools this time with a distance limit. My boyfriend lives in Winniepeg so I'd have to stay close to there cause I'd be staying with him and his family if this was gonna work right??? But oh my goodness the amount of heartbreak I went through during this process is actually unfathomable. So there's 17 and 7 don't accept international students for medicine SPECIFICALLY and ig I can understand why-ish (btw one of these schools was University of Manitoba), and the others like University of Toronto and that one in Quebec is too far but they do accept international students, and today I found out about another one; University of Calgary and I thought they accepted international studies for medicine but then I'm seeing that they don't and now I'm a bit confused about that so I just set it aside for now. going back to my home country, I'd probably have to go to UWI cause its literally the only option now, idc if its expensive but ik who will. My parents, they had not a single penny of college funds saved up for this moment, they make very poor financial situations and now the bank accounts are running dry, so I have to think about that too. I really do not know what to do cause sure I could go there but how wouldi complete my residency? Maybe they'd (a canadian med school) accept me then cause I'd actually have some qualifications [UWI offers a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery program (M.B.B.S) and its 5 years full time and I think they have a pre med too that's Bachelor of Basic Medical Sciences (BBMedSci) and its for 3 years full time]. I would look into other schools in other regions but idk anyone from the US (family member I mean probably would have to ask mom or smtg) and I have my grandma in the UK so ig I could think of there too.
I just want someone, anyone, whether with experience or not I just wanna know what to do because all I do and know is sciences, I did some business and Information Technology too but those aren't at A-level, so I would prefer to do a occupation which requires sciences. My bf was telling me maybe I just have to switch career paths bc this is a veeerryy long process that will require money that I don't even have, I'll admit I got a bit upset with him because he's basically telling me to give up now, I mean whatever I haven't actually started but I was prepared and I was ready and now it's all these different problems popping one after the other and maybe I should listen to him and just do something else apart from obtaining generational debt. Idk and I just wanna get this figured out before it eats me alive !!! Please help, what should I do???
submitted by Ok_Collar_7108 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:39 Zathamos The mistakes we've made... and what we are doing right

Flat our we lost because of turnovers. We could have been up by 6 or 8 at half if it wasn't for the dozen turnovers. The rest of this is part rant, vent, and personal opinion/observation.
Cons first cuz this is a vent.
Kyle Anderson is worthless. He might get some steals and turnovers, but he can't do anything with them. Use Monte Morris or someone who acts as a second or third threat from the arc with edwards and Townes. Then they can't just double edwards all game.
Gobert never should have came back at all. Why was anyone thinking that would be a good idea. Has anyone ever been a new parent before? He took time to be there for the birth, which means he is there helping with the baby and getting maybe 4 hours of sleep a night. He isn't going to be 100% after that, and why risk it? Game 2 proved we didn't need him. Gobert needs rest and we need to win game 6, don't let him play. He had zero affect on Jakovic and can't hit free throws to save his sons life.
We put zero effort into stopping Jakovic tonight other then letting him walk all over Gobert. In games 1 and 2 we had constant pressure from an outside man assuring he didn't have time to lolligag and play with his feet. Someone would have been swiping at the ball taking it away while preventing a passing lane. Tonight we all stood around the arc waiting for passes that never came to double players that never needed it. When he had as many points at half as the rest of his team we should have come up with a plan for that.
Gordon seems practically useless other than someone who slams the boards, something we haven't been doing aggressively since game 2. Why don't I ever see more than 1, maybe 2 wolves attacking the boards. If we could stay more constituent with inside protection and blocking passing lanes it would solve both Gordon and Joker.
Defensively, while we looked good when attacking the ball, but we only looked 75%, no doubles, no crashing boards, no cutting off lanes or going for takeaways. Games 1 and 2 the best part of our defense was the takeaways, aggressive defense and effective offense. We haven't been playing that same level of aggressive defense since macdaniels got his 3rd foul 5 or 6 minutes into game 3.
Townes played much better, hopefully he plays like that on Thursday or were toast.
Most of our bench shot much better overall, we just didn't find enough opportunities and committed a lot of sloppy turn overs all game. Bad passes, rushed hero-like charges to the basket (Townes). The offense was most effective early on by moving the ball around and not forcing edwards to make plays but to find him open. It exposed the lack of movement in Denvers defense. They put up a good wall in the paint, but are not good at keeping up with where our guys are when everyone is moving around. This was also obvious in the first two games and something we have struggled with these last 3.
At times our defense was a thing of beauty again, and most of the game they kept us in it. We lost because of turnovers flat out. We lost the ball randomly so many times from mishandling and we can't afford to do that. At half they mentioned how we had 12 or 14 turnovers but were only down by 6. Had we not had so many turnovers we could have been up by 6 or more easily. Most turn overs came from one guy trying to make something our of nothing when he should have kept the ball moving. Something we showed we can do and did for the first 1/3rd of this game.
My opinion (stop here if you dgf)
We need to find a way to make edwards effective so Townes can play at a more relaxed pace like he did the first 1/4 of this game. We need to make them pay for doubling edwards. Use naz reid and your other guards to make 3 other threats at the arc for him to throw too. I feel like the best answer to joker is double him with Townes and Reid, they did fantastic in game 2 against him. And use NAW and Macdaniels to keep Murray ineffective while edards is keeping an eye on Gordon ready to at least box him out if needed or swing to the wing to cover from the double. That's what we did in game 2 and it obviously worked really really well. Besides that as long as the bench can shoot effectively I think we still have a chance to win this series.
TLDR: Turnovers is why we lost. Kyle Anderson sycks offensively and doesn't present tenough of a threat to be on the court, Morris would be better. Gobert should be sleeping I'm between feedings, not screwing this up for us. We didn't even try to figure out joker or Gordon by crashing the boards or causing any kind of interference. But, Townes did play better, and so did the bench, but too many turnovers didn't allow enough shots to take any kind of commanding lead. We know what we have to do and did it for awhile. Defense can play great but that doesn't matter if the offense keeps giving the ball back. All in all I still think we can win if we go back to what we were doing in game 2.
submitted by Zathamos to timberwolves [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:38 UhWhateverworks MIL is nuttier than a fruitcake

My husband and I have been married for nearly 8 years and are parents of soon to be 3 young children (I’m due with our last kiddo next month). We are in our early 30s but have known each other since our early teens. We both have established, full time careers, are well educated, etc. We are in many ways what I would say is the suburban modern family. Life is hectic but we also have been very fortunate due to a combination of luck and consistent hard work and good decision making.
My husband’s family is quite the opposite. His dad has worked construction/carpentry since his early teens and been the breadwinner of the family, but has, for the most part, struggled to make ends meet. He is all in all a very charming, kindhearted guy though, and despite our vastly different lifestyles, I genuinely like him.
My MIL…she’s something else. While we have a mostly cordial relationship, she is truly one of the most self-absorbed people I’ve ever met. And not in a malicious manner— she just genuinely is narcissistic and thinks she knows best. Mostly this an annoying nuisance to occasionally deal with. She has said and done some unsavory things in the past that have resulted in short NC periods.
But this mentality ramped up to an 11 on a scale of 1-10 back in late February/early March.
My husband and I were going through an extremely stressful period in our marriage due to a number of issues. I was— and still am— pregnant with our third, we have a 5 and 2 year old, we were both working full time, and my husband’s job kept requiring him to travel out of state for a couple weeks at a time. Running a household as essentially a single mother while working full time was very stressful in itself, but then my grandmother had a stroke while he was out of state. By the time he got back, it was clear she wasn’t going to recover. She died with 48 hours of his return— which had given me just enough time to travel to visit her.
Almost simultaneously, my MIL was diagnosed with CLL. MIL has dealt with recurrent minor illnesses for some time (sinus and ear infections, the flu, etc.), so the cancer diagnosis wasn’t particularly surprising to me. But as most would do, we all spent some time reading up on this particular form of cancer, the general prognosis and treatment, etc.
My own parents happen to have both had cancer. My dad is a stage 2 prostate cancer survivor, having undergone treatment about 15 years ago. My mom unfortunately was not so lucky with her diagnosis— anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid— and from diagnosis to death was less than ten months. It’s been about a decade now. Needless to say, I feel I am fairly well versed in the oncology world for an average person and able to provide some insight on the experience.
CLL, as I understand, and from what I’ve now heard from her original oncologist, is generally not a very aggressive cancer. I have heard some people refer to it as more like autoimmune disorder. It often requires little treatment and more “watchful waiting” of symptoms. My MIL was told by the oncologist that this is exactly what their plan was, that her cancer was not aggressive or requiring treatment, and that she could essentially live a normal life with occasional blood draws for monitoring purposes.
From the moment she was diagnosed though, it has been all about her. Her cancer diagnosis overshadowed my grandma’s actual death. My husband had to be gone for a day and a half to attend her first appointment, even if I was balancing life as a single working mom who was grieving at the moment. Before her first consultation, everyone was sure she was dying, even though it didn’t take an expert to look over her bloodwork and realize that she was likely in a very low stage of this non-aggressive cancer.
When she attended her consultation, her, FIL, SIL, and my husband had to go to support and were relieved to hear the good news. MIL was mortally offended that the oncologist poo-pooed her ridiculous made up, self-enforced diet that had already caused her to lose 10lbs. She’s not a big boned lady, so that was not weight she needed or should be losing. MIL is convinced that homeopathic and naturopathic remedies are the way to go, that “big pharma” is out to get us and make a buck off of our treatment, etc. She quite literally took ivermectin for covid previously, folks. So the fact that an oncologist would tell her that her diet was downright silly pissed her off and she quickly tried to find others more aligned with her viewpoints.
Life resumed more normally for a couple of weeks, but her random “cures” added to her diet and lifestyle have gotten increasingly bizarre and frankly inconvenient for her entire family.
This past weekend, we visited them, and MIL was insistent that she was dying and the next oncologist would recommend chemo for treatment. I fail to see why one oncologist would be so nonchalant about treatment and another would propose aggressive treatment, but I digress. She brought up Dr. Oz, a holistic massage therapist that uses oils and massage to cure cancer, and worst of all, a new item she’s added to her diet— roasted apricot pits. Now if you’re like me, you might be wondering what would possess someone to eat an apricot pit— after all, don’t they have cyanide in them? Precisely. My MIL is intentionally ingesting apricot pits because “cyanide kills cancer.”
As my husband eloquently put it, “No, cyanide kills *everything.”
Today my husband received a phone call asking if he’d be willing to petsit for them this weekend. We have a follow up ultrasound for a small abnormality detected in our baby on Friday, but MIL wants him to drive to their home two hours away and spend the night so he can watch their cat and SIL’s dog. Meanwhile MIL, FIL, and SIL will drive eight hours (and eight hours back) to visit this massage therapist/oil salesman to “cure her cancer.” Mind you, they are using SIL’s car because they have no other vehicle that works well enough to drive that far, they are constantly tight on money, and again, her oncologist has stated she does not need treatment.
I am at a loss. My husband, FIL, and SIL are all frustrated and have come around to the idea that maybe she is being a little over the top finally, but no one is putting their foot down to stop her. SIL is going to drive them instead of just saying no and not letting them take her car. FIL repeatedly drives to the store to pick up whatever weird ass product she wants to try next. And my husband despite having way too much to deal with at home, keeps dropping everything to tend to her.
It is mind boggling obnoxious and honestly in some ways offensive given my family history with cancer. My mom’s diagnosis was death sentence from the get go and she faced it with bravery and tenacity and selflessness. My MIL has a minor health scare and everyone is expected to drop everything to help her.
I am glad my husband is finally seeing reason and logic— but what now? I have told him I strongly believe he needs to speak up and encourage her to follow legitimate medical advice— both for her own good but also to bring himself peace of mind in the long run— but it’s like this woman WANTS to die.
I could go on for hours, but really I’m just wondering how the heck to toe this delicate line of supporting my spouse while prioritizing my family.
submitted by UhWhateverworks to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:38 TheJawz15 Thoughts on the Portrayal of the NCR in the Fallout TV Show

Thoughts on the Portrayal of the NCR in the Fallout TV Show
Tl;dr when the NCR are portrayed in the Fallout TV show as being a far cry from their power in Fallout 2 and New Vegas. This is because they were already collapsing and dying a slow death. From hiring people like Fantastic and not being able to vet or produce new scientists and talents, to the loss of essential resources like water that they have to use Lake Mead to get water and power they need, coupled with incompetent leadership and land owners that could easily secede and become warlords over their own domain, it is easy to see why
When the Fallout television show first came out, I noticed a lot of people complaining and criticizing the portrayal of the New California Republic and how it should not have fallen that far between Fallout New Vegas and the TV show. But I think that in New Vegas, it quite clearly stated that the NCR are on the precipice of collapse and that the play for Vegas is a Hail Mary of a dying empire. There are four instances that point me to the idea that the NCR is weaker than people think. They are: Fantastic, the guy met at Helios One, and the accompanying scientist, Dr. Ignacio Rivas, Chief Hanlon at Camp Golf, General Lee Oliver and Aaron Kimball, and the Brahmin Barons and the NCR economy. These four, in my view, show that the NCR was already starting to fall apart when they tried to make the play for Vegas in Fallout New Vegas.

The Smartest Character to Ever Appear in Fallout
Let's start with Fantastic and what he does in Helios One. What he does at Helios One is nothing. Despite the caption and official stats, this guy is running with a 3 INT, 10 CHR. He is the epitome of the incompetence within the bureaucracy in the NCR. Through his dialogue, the player will learn that the way he obtained the position he did at Helios One is some NCR officials went door to door asking for scientists and he pulled a wonderful little trick where he said that he had a theoretical degree in physics. This means that there is no vetting of candidates. That they just took a guy off the street and said, "Hey you are going to be in charge of a solar power plant that we used quite a bit of resources to gain from the Brotherhood of Steel." And if that ain't wild, I don't know what is. This also points to a lack of schools and education centers that could make scientists that the NCR can tap into when they need them for problems like this. OSI exists, but doesn't seem to have the resources to do fill the gaps made in the expansion of the NCR. But hiring an incompetent person is not the worst thing in the world most of the time. Every company and government has done it before, and will do it again. But the worst thing is that Fantastic would probably have been caught earlier for his incompetence if it wasn't for Dr. Ignacio.

The Man Behind the Fantastic
Dr. Ignacio Rivas is a simple man who wants to help everyone. But he is also emblematic of the incompetence and inability of the NCR to audit their own people. Dr. Rivas is a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, a bunch of good people who in Fallout New Vegas, act as a sort of Red Cross organization. They handle illnesses, addictions, and other types of medical problems along with running education programs as well. But Dr. Rivas is a different type of member, one who is more akin to another member of the Followers of the Apocalypse that siphoned water away from the NCR sharecropper farm. He is acting to keep the NCR from learning about the secret of Helios One, while also making sure that its repairs do not go along with what the NCR wants, but what he wants. He wants the power to go to everyone, the NCR wants it to go to the Strip and Camp McCarran. Dr. Rivas doesn't help Fantastic and the NCR with the power situation, and is probably actively These two people at Helios One shows that the NCR either doesn't care or doesn't have the resources to audit and vet the people they put in these important areas.

Even if I side with the NCR, I still don't like this guy
The story of General Lee Oliver is one that just kind of reeks of corruption and nepotism. He is essentially the general you don't want to be serving under if you are in the military. He is egotistical, lazy, and just doesn't do well with those below him. When talking to Boone about General Oliver, he mentions that he is kind of distant, only being a signature on his discharge papers. That there was talk that Oliver wouldn't be in that position even if he wasn't buddy-buddy with the president Aaron Kimball. Without even seeing much of him, you know when you first meet him that he is not prepared for any plans that the Legion is going to throw at him. He seems to do no information gathering, no consolidation of resources to deal with the situations at Nipton, Camp New Hope, or anywhere else. He looks like the ineffectual general that people make fun of when talking about real life wars where you wonder how they even got into the position they are in. He is the hint of the level of corruption that is present within the NCR, and that if there are others who are like Oliver in positions of leadership, then it is no wonder that the NCR wasn't able to do any recovery operation in the ruins of Shady Sands.

The Man Who Started This Post
What made me think about the state of the NCR in the Fallout TV show and how it actually made sense that the NCR wouldn't be able to reclaim Shady Sands after the nuke fell on it and that the only presence they have are remnants led by Moldaver. It was a specific line that he says when you first talk to him. As he looks out over Lake Las Vegas, he mentions how beautiful the sunrise, or sunset I can't remember, is over a lake, and that there are no lakes in California. That they all dried up. This made me think that the resources that the NCR holds is actually very limited and most likely dwindling rapidly. This may also explain the desert look of a lot of California in the TV show, since there are no lakes, rivers, or bodies of water to sustain any agriculture in the area. This one set of lines shows that the NCR is probably desperate for the water and power that Hoover Dam can give and is probably the place that will save and sustain the NCR's empire. He is also a sign of the NCR incompetence that is just rampant throughout the game because they never found out that he was the one that was causing the communications problem unless the player says that they are going to arrest him and then he confesses and commits suicide.

Future Warlord
This final part is about two things that are connected, the NCR economy and Brahmin Barons. During the NCR-Brotherhood War, the NCR's gold reserve was destroyed in a Brotherhood attack, causing the NCR currency to crash in value. This in turn, caused an economic downturn of the NCR. While this was happening, the Brahmin Barons, like Heck Gunderson pictured here, took advantage of Kimball's expansionist policies to sweep up vast swathes of land for themselves. Now that there was economic instability and the way that people moved away from the NCR dollar back to bottle caps showed that people like Heck Gunderson could very well secede from the NCR and the NCR itself could fall into a state of multiple factions. It is mentioned in the quest Pheeble Will that Gunderson uses raider and warlord type tactics in gaining land that he desires. The Brahmin Barons are the ones in the greatest spot to leave the NCR while they waste resources in the Mojave. The Barons and the economy collapsing caused places like Shady Sands to fall into turmoil that was only exacerbated when the capital was moved. In the Fallout show, we see a library book that has the final check out date in 2276. There is also a chalk board with the very basic history of Shady Sands and how it "fell" in 2277. This fall is probably referring to an economic fall and the public services, like the library and schools, probably became quite limited due to the economic downturn in the NCR. Multiple states in the NCR might have also pulled away causing the NCR to consolidate around a few states like the Hub and Vault City. Which is why when Shady Sands was nuked, the NCR never came back. The only NCR presence there, were the ones that were already there, with no reinforcements or anything else.
In the end, New Vegas showed an NCR that was masquerading as a powerful force by being everywhere while doing nothing. They were an empire in their death throes and I believe that through these people we meet and what they say and represent, it shows that if the play for the Mojave doesn't work, then the NCR will collapse. The show may have shown that the NCR has actually collapsed due to the events of New Vegas not going the way of the NCR. The NCR has collapsed under its own weight, and the bear has bled out through a death by a thousand cuts.
If you made it this far then thank you very much. I am sorry if this is kind of incoherent and I rambled on too long. Let me know if I got any information wrong. Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk.

submitted by TheJawz15 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:38 afishcalledkwanzaa Costa Rica Trip Report: Papagayo, Rio Celeste, La Fortuna

Just spent eight days in Costa Rica. Learned a lot from this subreddit, so hoping this trip report helps anyone with future travel plans.
Car Rental
submitted by afishcalledkwanzaa to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:37 SeaShell345 Sagittarius is Very Misunderstood

Sagittarius is classically labeled the cheater, the person who likes to travel all the time, the partier, the I-tell-it-like-it-is a-hole. As my moon sign, I never felt that I could relate to it. Sure, I like to party, but it’s far from a defining quality.
Of course a level deeper would have most recognizing these things are crazy over generalizations stemming from their valued traits like independence, truth, and freedom, but still, don’t we all value those things? I was very stuck on the travel thing. I like traveling, kind’ve, but I have friends that like traveling a lot more.
Then I started reading more, and those stereotypes were quickly drowned out by the truth. I understood that even though I am introverted and I like staying at home, the things that feed me always involve learning and growing as much as possible no matter what. I love philosophy, and I always get into discussions about it despite the relevancy. I love reading and writing—and I had no idea that Sag was gifted here and was the sign of publishing. I like all books, but I have a plan to read as many classics as possible and even when I’m reading for ‘enjoyment’, it’s really because I’m trying to become an expert in the genre.
And now I understand why I don’t actually like traveling—it’s because trips are never trips that I wanted, and if they don’t have a deeper meaning I simply do not care even if it’s a beach resort. I’d rather be at home reading and mentally growing. I feel really trapped on trips with lots of people because I feel so much pressure to do everything with everyone else when I want to have a solo adventure. I also cant respect people who don’t care about their intellect even though I try. I realize I’m risking sounding like a huge arrogant jerk here. Can I pass it off by saying I’m just passionate about my epiphany?
Does anyone else have a similar backstory with Sag as a personal placement? Or maybe even another sign you learned to understand over time? I must know! 👀
submitted by SeaShell345 to astrologymemes [link] [comments]