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Students of Mind and Behaviour

2012.11.11 03:49 Students of Mind and Behaviour

We are a place for students of psychology to discuss study methods, receive assistance with homework, enquire for job-searching advice, and all else that come to mind. This community is aimed at those at the beginner to intermediate level, generally in or around undergraduate studies. Graduate students and professionals are recommended to our sister subreddit, AcademicPsychology.

2009.08.05 23:30 lencioni Microscopy

In science class, you always wished you could play with the microscope a little bit longer. Now that you are an adult, you actually can. Cooler and with more bang for your buck than telescopes, microscopy lets you do real science!

2010.10.14 13:29 sinisterdeath Personal Trainers, for all your goals


2024.06.09 17:06 MarcDeCaria Bio-Tech Timeline Navigation: Understanding and Respecting Individual Paths

Life Paths: Why You Cannot Force One Onto Another
The essence of determining our next steps—whether in career choices, personal decisions, or feelings—comes in various forms, such as visual cues and synchronicities. These are the biological ways we, as humans, tune into the larger system, allowing us to perceive the probabilities of different timelines. This process is not merely imagination—it is a form of biological technology intrinsic to our human existence, enabling us to operate within the larger system.
This bio-tech capability allows us to foresee potential timelines for ourselves and even for others, like our children, friends, or family members. However, what we perceive may not align with what others see. Within personal dynamics, for instance, one might view a loved one as being on a different path. In conversations, you might offer advice, clearly envisioning a better route for them. In those moments of engagement, it appears as if they understand and agree, syncing with your vision. Yet, after some time, they revert to their original path. Why does this happen?
The answer lies in the individual resonance frequency with the larger system. While you might clearly see the steps they should take, they are tuned into a different set of frequencies that show them another path. The steps you see as straightforward and beneficial might be invisible or daunting to them because their vibrational alignment with the larger system is different.
The Energy Field Analogy
Visualize yourself as a white orb of energy within a surrounding yellow energy field. The density of this yellow field shifts based on your beliefs, aligning you with those beliefs. As you navigate through life, the denser areas of the field represent more challenging paths requiring greater effort, while less dense areas are easier to traverse. This yellow energy field contains the spectrum of all probabilities, and your beliefs determine which experiences you access.
From a broader perspective, the goal is to make this yellow energy field less dense, allowing for smoother navigation toward the probability timelines that resonate with you. While you might see a potential path for someone else—accessed through your filter to the larger system at that moment of engagement—it is not aligned with their current vibrational state within the larger system. Their perception is tuned to different frequencies, showing them a different reality that aligns with their internal state. They may momentarily see it during engagement with you on this level, but that resonant sync-bridge is temporary and they will revert back to their base frequency level "filter" in which they use to navigate this field.
Perception and Personal Growth: The Filter
We perceive the world through this filter which is created by our beliefs, emotions, and biases, all functioning at different frequency levels. This filter acts as a reflective mechanism, mirroring back to us what is internal. Our perception and interaction with the world "yellow energy field" are limited to what we can resonate with internally.
This understanding emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and personal development. By working on ourselves and refining our beliefs, we tune into new frequencies within the larger system. This process is akin to dissolving energetic barriers within the yellow energy field, gradually unveiling a clearer understanding of the larger system and our path within it. Our personal growth expands our ability to perceive and interact with the world, leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the cosmos.
submitted by MarcDeCaria to QuantumAI_Insights [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:06 Ok-Summer2528 Types of ignorance

Types of ignorance
(I fall at the feet of my greatest teacher, Paramasiva himself in the form of Abhinavagupta. You have led from myself to Myself, from complete darkness to that light which is the very joy of the Self, that same joy which has brought forth this entire universe. That alone is the sole refuge and true essence to be grasped. May this commentary be for benefit and not to mislead, by the grace of Mahadeva)
Many are unable to plunge into the vast “Light on the Tantras”; therefore, may all listen to this work, “The Essence of the Tantras”, composed in straightforward language. 2
(Many disciples of the Trika and other traditions are not able to even comprehend a fraction of the vast 6,000 verse Tantraloka, thus, out of his loving grace Abhinava has composed this Tantrasara in simple prose in his own native language instead of Sanskrit verse for all people to understand. This teaching is indeed the birth rite of all beings, so may all come and listen to this with an open heart)
As an act of revering the Divine, may all contemplate this lotus of the heart of Abhinava Gupta, its blossom opened by the light falling from the rays of the sun; that is to say, its contraction has been forever banished by the wisdom descending from the feet of the illuminator, my guru Śambhunātha. 3
According to our View, insight (jñāna) is the one and only cause of spiritual liberation, because only insight antidotes ignorance (ajñāna), which is the one and only cause of bondage.
Now there are two kinds of ignorance, which we call ‘mental’ and ‘personal’. The first, mental ignorance, is of two types: essentially, lack of understanding and wrong understanding. The second, ‘personal’ ignorance, is simply the ignorance implicit in the sense of separate individuality; it is the contracted manifestation of Awareness that is the basis for the formation of all distorted mental constructs. That alone is the root cause of the cycle of suffering (samsāra). We will explore this topic further in the chapter on ‘Impurity’ (mala).
Of these two, personal ignorance can be removed by [Tantrik] initiation and the spiritual practice that initiation makes possible. However, initiation itself is not possible when mental ignorance—characterized by a lack of that discernment derived from diligent effort—continues to exist. This is because initiation, which consists of purification of the tattvas and unification of the soul with Śiva, necessarily has as its prequisite a clear understanding of what ought to be abandoned and what ought to be cultivated [on the part of both guru and prospective initiate].
(Initiation here doesn’t need to be formal, in other chapters Abhinava explains how one may be “initiated by the Goddess of your own awareness”. It is important to point this out because many who oppose the Trika say the lineage is dead after Lakshmanjoo has passed, this is completely false. Lakshmanjoo himself had stated that anyone who sincerely follows these teachings should be considered imitated, and we have seen over and over the immense benefit of this for those who have never had formal initiation, so this point is mute.)
Thus it is specifically insight of the level of the mind, consisting of discernment derived from diligent effort, that is most important initially. If that very insight is repeatedly cultivated, it eradicates personal ignorance as well, because the regular practice of conceptual awareness (vikalpa-samvit) culminates in the end in non-conceptual direct experience. The insight that most ought to be cultivated is the right understanding that pertains to everything in every way (that is, that which is true in all times, places, and circumstances): That one’s real nature (ātmā) is in truth Divine (śiva-svabhāva),which means that it is the nonconceptual, uncontracted Light of Consciousness made manifest (avikalpa-asankucita-samvit-prakāśa).
This insight is based on scripture; and only the Śaiva scriptures are a completely reliable means of knowledge, precisely because they accept, with discernment, the defensible doctrines taught in other bodies of scripture, and because they explicate a view of reality that is more all-encompassing than that taught in those doctrines, a view that furthermore is established through reason [rather than dogma].
(In his Tantraloka Abhinavagupta quotes from Jain, Buddhist, and other opposing traditions to support his view. It shows he has no issue accepting, at least to some degree, the views of other traditions as long as they are based on sound reasoning. )
Thus, the wisdom taught in other systems’ scriptures liberates one from bondage, but only to a certain extent, not from all of it. By contrast, the Śaiva scriptures do liberate one from all bondage. This scriptural canon consists of five ‘streams’, traditionally divided into ten Śiva Āgamas, eighteen Rudra Āgamas, and sixty-four Bhairava Tantras. The scriptures of the Trika are the essence of all of these, and the Triumph of the Garlanded Goddess (Mālinī-vijaya) is the essence of them.
(The Siva agamas are dualistic, the Rudra agamas are qualified-non-dualistic and the Bhairava agamas are completely non-dualistic. Thus the Trika both includes and transcends these 3 philosophies, that is why it is most complete.)
The teaching contained in that scripture can be grasped once it is accurately summarized. For one who has failed to grasp the true nature of things, there is no possibility of liberation nor of liberating others, since those possibilities belong only to one with well-cultivated & well-practiced insight. Because well-cultivated & well-practiced insight is the root-cause of the highest goal of human life, this work, the Tantrasāra, is undertaken to aid in its attainment.
[Summary verse for the Introduction]: It is traditionally said that ignorance is the cause of bondage; it is taught under the name ‘impurity’ in scripture. When holistic insight arises, its power completely eradicates that ignorance. The consequent rise of the awareness of the Self that is freed from [even the illusion of] ‘impurity’ is liberation. Therefore, by means of that scripture [the Mālinī], I will clarify the entire truth to be known [by those who seek liberation].
Tantrasara introduction:
submitted by Ok-Summer2528 to Shaivam [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:06 Just-Internet4780 I can take your exam if it's online

Freelance writer who has been writing academic papers, personal statements and taking online classes since 2008. I have a masters in English and have written papers for everything from economics to film theory to psychology. Most recently I've taken nursing classes for clients who need the degree to advance in their careers.
I have done jobs as small as one page papers and as large as doctoral thesis editing (when the doctoral candidate is so burnt out they don't even want to hear about their thesis subject)
Writing samples can be found at
I charge $25/hour. It takes me approximately an hour a page but varies depending on how much I need to research the topic.
I give a quote and stick to it (unless it takes me less time)
Please contact me at
submitted by Just-Internet4780 to ExamHelpers_Tutoring [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:05 Just-Internet4780 [Hire me] I will write your paper, take your online class, etc

Freelance writer who has been writing academic papers, personal statements and taking online classes since 2008. I have a masters in English and have written papers for everything from economics to film theory to psychology. Most recently I've taken nursing classes for clients who need the degree to advance in their careers.
I have done jobs as small as one page papers and as large as doctoral thesis editing (when the doctoral candidate is so burnt out they don't even want to hear about their thesis subject)
Writing samples can be found at
I charge $25/hour. It takes me approximately an hour a page but varies depending on how much I need to research the topic.
I give a quote and stick to it (unless it takes me less time)
Please contact me at
submitted by Just-Internet4780 to StudentHelper01 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:05 arrow-bane The Wandering God - Chapter 2: Memories Part 2

Lydia awoke with Waldo screaming. Lydia quickly got up and activated the magic stones lighting the room, Lydia did not see a reason for him to be screaming and was about to wake him when he went quiet. Lydia wondered what had happened and as she watched him she became concerned he was not breathing but just as she was about to shake him away he started breathing again then he began to weep in his sleep saying “I would take it back if I could. I did not know what it meant. Please, I never meant for this.” Lydia watched over him for several minutes as he repeated this over and over. Lydia did not know why but after a while she embraced him gently.
“It is ok. We all make mistakes.” Lydia said quietly holding him. She did not entirely know why she chose to do this as she felt some concern over what he was apologizing for having done but something made her decide to stay with him. Eventually, he stopped and started sleeping peacefully. Lydia slowly fell back to sleep after he quieted and returned to a peaceful state.
Lydia awoke again with Waldo sitting dressed on the edge of the bed. “Good Morning.”
“Good Morning.” Waldo replied, turning to Lydia. “Sorry, if I woke you in the night. I do not always sleep well.”
“I can understand that. It took almost a year before I could sleep through the night.” Lydia replied.
“I brought breakfast up. Kna mentioned I screamed in the middle of the night. I rarely have a companion… So I did not know. I guess I was extra loud last night. I woke some other patrons.” Waldo said calmly. Lydia climbed out of bed and dressed herself as Waldo watched her but when she looked at him she felt he was lost in his own mind.
"Copper for your thoughts.” Lydia said as she started to lace up her dress. Waldo walked over to her and helped her.
“I thought I knew who I was…but I remembered things last night…” Waldo said hollowly. “I don’t know what I was fighting for… All that time as a soldier and now I remembered… what I learned before arriving here and it isn’t what I thought.”
“Do you want to elaborate?” Lydia asked.
“I am not sure I know how.” Waldo said and there was silence for a moment.
“Well, maybe you should stay here if you don’t know why you were fighting. At least, until you figure out what you want.” Lydia said and feeling better about what she had heard last night she kissed him gently on the cheek. “Thank you. I would stay for breakfast but I need to get to work.” Lydia said, grabbing a piece of bread with an egg off the plate.
“Have a nice day and I hope to see you later.” Waldo said, as she headed toward the door.
“Good luck today!” Lydia said, smiling and left. Waldo collected several things from his pack then stored it under the bed and took the plate of food to the common room where he ate slowly. Waldo noticed that Lydia was not in the common room as he ate breakfast. Waldo did not have to wait long after finishing his breakfast before Strisk arrived.
“Good Morning!” Strisk waved at Waldo moving across the common room.
“Greetings Strisk.” Waldo replied standing and moving to meet him.
“Are you ready to go down to the training grounds?” Strisk asked.
“Yeah, let’s head out.” Waldo said, motioning for Strisk to lead the way.
“Are you in a hurry?” Strisk asked, leading Waldo out.
“No, nothing like that just…” Waldo stopped in the door exiting the inn as he looked out into the city. Waldo had expected Protham to be small but realized it had been dark when he arrived and late that is why he had not realized how expansive it was. Waldo saw a wall sixty or seventy feet tall. Waldo stepped into the street and could see a gate two hundred or so feet down the road in one direction and in the other there was what appeared to be a small square. “How big is Protham?”
“It is just a small village, only five thousand or so. Most people are employed in fishing the lake or harvesting trees.” Strisk replied. “The gnolls recently opened a college here… Something about ley lines and increased power, but that is not my expertise.”
“I am surprised they even care about the ley line. The planet is so saturated with magic I would have thought everyone can easily use it.” Waldo responded.
“I wouldn’t know about that. Are you a mage?” Strisk asked.
“I cannot use magic… I can still feel it pooling.” Waldo said, wondering why he could feel it still since he now knew he could not use it. “It must be something to do with the leveling. I wonder if there is a construct powering the whole system.”
“You are suggesting a magic artifact causes people to level?”Strisk asked, shocked at the strangeness of the idea.
“Um… So I assume it is a mage college of some kind they opened?” Waldo asked, trying to change topics.
“Yeah. I would have suggested going and seeing the head there about your teleporting but from what I have heard they see almost no one who isn’t a student.” Strisk said, starting to walk down the street. Waldo followed, taking in the people and the streets. Waldo noticed most people were gnollish he saw drakes as well but it seemed to be ten to one.
“Lydia said you are a Drake. I have never learned to identify the scaled races apart from one another. It appears that Protham is mostly gnolls and Drakes. What makes a drake a drake and not say a lizardfolk?” Waldo asked, carefully.
“Lydia is right. I am a Drake. Lizardfolk always have tails. Drakes rarely have tails and those that do have a tail almost always have wings. That is usually the easiest way to tell us apart but it is more nuanced. A healthy Drake’s scales are vibrant, we stand out. A healthy lizardfolk has duller scales. Drakes can have horns or spikes across their head and back but never hair. Lizardfolk never have horns but can grow spikes. Usually they grow something more like a fin, which can be over their head or even down their chin to their chest. All the facial features are nuanced except the eye. Drake’s eyes face forward. Lizardfolk’s eyes face out enough to easily tell if you look at them.” Strisk explained calmly. “Kobolds are short but look like Drakes with a tail and all the other scaled races have gills.”
“Thank you. I realize that might have been rude to ask but I assume it is ruder to make a mistake.” Waldo said as they continued to make their way through the mostly empty streets.
“Most drakes consider it the pinnacle of rudeness to mistake us for the lizardfolk. Well the lizardfolk seem indifferent. I once saw a short Lizardman get mistaken for a Kobold and they laughed about it. Well a few days ago I had to break up a bar fight cause a gnoll called a drake a lizard.” Strisk said. “My people need to calm down about being mistaken for another race. Most cannot even tell the other races apart. No offense, but I assume you are a human because Lydia is one without looking at your ears, which are currently covered by your hair you could pass for an elf in my eyes and if you told me you were a dwarf I would believe it… even though, I think you are too tall to be a dwarf.” Waldo laughed at Strisk’s words.
“An elf you say?” Waldo said, smiling and moving his hair from over his ears. “I am a human. However, I can understand the confusion. Even among humans it is possible for some to mistake another human as one of our kin races.”
“Kin race?” Strisk asked.
“Yes, races that share certain broad features and where half races are possible.” Waldo said.
“Then would Drakes not be a Kin race.” Strisk asked.
“You ever seen a half human and half drake?” Waldo asked.
“Well no, but I was told it was possible.” Strisk said, wondering.
“Possible for our race's women’s bodies to respond as if they are creating a blend. However, it is largely my understanding no blend has survived birth. Maybe one is out there but largely our internal anatomy; bone structure, organ placement, organs in general, and finer points don’t blend into something that survives birth if a pregnancy occurs which to my knowledge is extremely rare and usually it is a half race not a full where that can occur according to one report I read most mothers die in labor if they carry the blend to term and the child still dies.” Waldo said calmly. Strisk stopped.
“How do you know this?” Strisk asked. Waldo thought about it for a moment. Realizing he did not know how to explain having millions of years of knowledge on hand a little surprised he had so easily recalled something from another life. As he thought about it he wondered how he could so easily access it. Then he knew. Four of his prior selves had learned to build a mind palace. When the Orc had implanted all the memories, those four had combined their knowledge and laid out everything, which made him wonder how he knew about the interbreeding of humans and drakes, which brought forth the memories of four doctors. One of which was drake. Strisk watched as Waldo stared off into the distance. Suddenly, Waldo went pale and threw up in the street. “What the hell?” Strisk said, jumping back to avoid getting splattered.
“Sorry.” Waldo said, feeling queasy. Waldo pushed the doctor’s memories away realizing he was not ready to go exploring all the memories aimlessly. Waldo pulled out his hip canteen and washed his mouth out. Spitting the water down a nearby drain “Damn. I was hoping to not have to eat until dinner. I assume the interview will have a combat skills test?” Waldo asked, looking at Strisk.
“Well yes, but what was that?” Strisk asked, feeling the response was unjustified for his question.
“Oh, right, your question. Um… I went to a memory I should have left alone. I was thinking about my time studying… when I strayed into an incident.” Waldo said, trying to explain without lying.
“An incident?” Strisk asked.
“I expect there are things you have seen as a city guard you would rather not remember.” Waldo replied, carefully.
“Oh… you mean something like that. I can understand that. Let’s continue on. Just another block or so.” Strisk said, letting Waldo follow him. Neither said anything until they got to the city's barracks. They had crossed near the center of town and were now at a lakeside gate that had a training arena with a large gatehouse next to it.
“How many positions is the guard filling?” Waldo asked as they approached the building.
“We are adding five new full time positions in hope of growth due to the mage college, three part time, and around fifty new reservists.” Strisk said and then opened the gatehouse’s front door.
“Good Morning, Strisk!” A female voice behind the counter greeted as they entered.
“Good Morning, Violet.” Strisk replied. “Is Trag in?”
“Yes, he got in a bit ago and…Who are you?” Violet asked, staring at Waldo as he entered the gatehouse.
“Waldo Winter.” Waldo said, step into the room and bowing slightly to the human girl behind the counter.
“He is with me. Violet. He arrived in town last night under strange circumstances.” Strisk said.
“Is he why you are meeting with Trag this early?” Violet asked, keeping her eyes on Waldo. “Is he a criminal?”
“Yes to the meeting with Trag and not as far as I am aware. You haven’t done anything illegal have you?” Strisk asked, grinning Waldo.
“Admittedly, I have not read your legal code, but assuming it follows traditional patterns of legal codes for structured societies. Not in this city. At least, I very much doubt I have.” Waldo said, smiling lightly at Violet.
“What are you doing here then?” Violet asked.
“Apart from identifying myself to local authorities due to the strange way I arrived. Hopefully, applying for a job.” Waldo stated. Violet frowned.
“Are you applying for citizenship in Protham or just submitting notice of intent to work in Protham?” Violet asked.
“Notice of intent to work, at this time.” Waldo replied, moving up to the desk as Strisk stepped away. Violet handed him a sheet of paper and pulled out a second enchanted page.
“Good luck finding work here. There are not many jobs outside of scribe, barworker, or general laborer for humans in Protham. The Drakes and Gnolls are larger and stronger than humans naturally and they are basically hiring enforcers right now.” Violet whispered to Waldo. “Where are you staying?”
“The Spriggan Inn.” Waldo said, looking at the form, surprised he could read it. As he started to fill out the form he remembered a passage about grown arrivals passing between world and being gifted languages of the worlds they arrived on from death. Waldo tried to remember the author's reasoning for the gift but could not. Waldo wished he had learned written gnollish languages but had only learned their spoken languages.
“How did you come to be there?” Violet said, showing surprise.
“Long story short…Some sort of teleportation accident.” Waldo answered, focused on completing the form.
“Wow… Lucky.” Violet said, thinking it strange he appeared in the only inn with a human working in it in Protham.
“Yes, but I suspect there is a good reason for that.” Waldo said, handing her the completed form.
“You how to read Grofeas gnoll?” Strisk asked, looking at Waldo holding the form out to Violet. “You said you had not heard of this country last night.” Violet took the form looking suspiciously at Waldo.
"No, I am familiar with other gnollish written languages and this is close enough to them that I guessed. Please check that and make sure my responses make sense.” Waldo said, looking at Violet. Waldo smiled at his omission. He was familiar with several gnoll written languages and had learned a few key words like bathroom, food, and price but had not even memorized their alphabet. Violet started to look over the document carefully. Waldo noticed the enchanted page on the desk had a picture of his face on it now with a list of several things about him, such as height, an approximate weight, and the like. Waldo heard a low growl with several inflections. Waldo looked at the gnoll standing by Strisk.
“Would you mind repeating that? I am not sure I quite heard what you said, because I thought you called me a fur lover.” Waldo said, looking narrowly at the gnoll. The gnoll made several more growls at Waldo. The gnoll had reddish brown fur and stood a little shorter than Strisk. Waldo thought the gnoll would probably be considered extremely handsome among gnolls. He was well groomed and clearly muscled under the fur. He even wore a steel breastplate that was polished to a shine. Waldo saw a stamp over his right peck that appeared to be a runic enchantment.
“Because I am not. I learned it at the time because my life depended on it. The gnolls I met were not as affluent as you are here and only knew one language. Their own. I had to learn it or live without speaking. Their treatment of me would have killed me if I had not learned their language. They knew next to nothing of humans and were a tribe secluded in the mountains. They meant well, but due to the harsh circumstances of the location I was slowly dying from starvation and exposure. It took four weeks to learn enough for rough communication after which I found them to be extremely friendly and curious. I spent two years with that tribe before making contact with a human settlement in the area. I managed to broker a peace there because I learned gnollish. So I continued my education and have since learned various spoken dialects.” Waldo responded to the newcomers' growls calmly.
“Why don’t you respond in gnollish?” The gnoll asked, changing languages. Waldo growled back in several inflections and moved a hand. Violet had noticed hand movements when gnolls growled and never associated it with them speaking but Waldo’s movements were so pronounced she realized it had to be part of the gnollish language. “Fair enough. I am Captain Trag. Strisk says you are a soldier.”
“Wait what did you say?” Violet asked Waldo.
“Violet. Don’t be rude.” Strisk chided, curious himself but having held himself back.
“I am sorry. I have just never seen a non-gnoll speak gnollish” Violet said, almost involuntarily. Trag slapped Strisk across the back of the head.
“Strisk, she is our scribe, do not order her around.” Trag said, smiling. Waldo got the sense that Trag did not like Strisk.
“I explained human throats are not well formed for the gnollish language, which hurts my throat the more I speak it and makes my accompanying hand movements more pronounced than is proper.” Waldo explained to Violet.
“Can you teach me?” Violet asked, seeing how beneficial it would be to know gnollish in her job.
“We can talk after the interview.” Waldo said, smiling at Violet.
“Right, sorry. Thank you.” Violet replied looking over at Trag apologetically.
“Excuse me for interrupting your conversation Violet. I will make sure to send Waldo back once we are done.” Trag said, smiling at Violet then turning to Waldo. “What level of soldier are you? Or is it some other fighting class?”
“I don’t have any levels in fighting classes.” Waldo replied.
“And you want to be a city guard?” Trag said looking angrily at Strisk who looked at Waldo surprised.
“Wait, are you a medic of somekind?” Strisk asked, remembering the other night.
“No, just give me a chance. We should go to the training ground if combat assessment is to be a large part of this process.” Waldo stated, a little surprised they had started asking questions in the entrance.
“It is. We can train you in Protham legal code, but we rarely do combat training for our guards; most people come to us with twenty or more levels in a combat class, when they are applying to be a guard.” Trag stated, as Waldo opened the door.
“Where I come from people do not rely on the leveling systems for combat training.” Waldo started walking to the training grounds as Trag and Strisk followed.
“Where are you from?” Trag asked.
“Halcyon. Heard of it?” Waldo asked, knowing the reply.
“Nope.” Trag replied, thinking this human could never keep up with a gnoll or drake in a fight. “What are you wearing?” Trag asked, no longer able to hold back the question as the human looked very strange to him.
“Desert Armored Combat Fatigues, my throwing knives, combat knife, an assortment of tools I have found useful over the years, and a magic sling.” Waldo said, touching different things on his body. “The armor is stab resistant and there are several metal plates spread out in the fabric. If I get the job I would like to wear this until I can afford to get some locally made gear.”
“A magic sling?” Trag asked.
“Yeah, but I have limited ammo for it. It only works with special magic ammo and I doubt you have that here.” Waldo replied.
“Have you heard of a magic sling Strisk?” Trag asked.
“No, that is new to me.” Strisk replied. “I thought you could not use magic.”
“I cannot not cast a magic spell but this is an artifact. I could teach anyone to use it. If I had unlimited ammo or access to a bullet manufacturer I would be happy to show it off but I only have ninety rounds for it.” Waldo explained.
“How long have you been a soldier?” Trag asked, Waldo had seen himself in a mirror and knew they would not believe the truth. Waldo looked like he was in his prime but Halcyon slowed aging massively Waldo was older than any human got to normally and he was still unsure if he had died or Death’s healing had further reduced the effects of aging.
“Nine years.” Waldo replied, pushing it as far as he thought he could. Waldo had put his age down as twenty nine on the form, but knew he looked closer to twenty now. “I expect I will be sparing with one of you?”
“No, we are waiting for your sparring partners. I sent for two reservists. They generally are not needed for regular guard shifts and if they are injured it should not interfere with their regular jobs.” Trag stated, show us how good you are with throwing knives.
“Alright.” Waldo said, pulling four of the weighted knives from their sheaths. Waldo carried twelve in all. Four on his left leg, two on each arm and four on his chest. Waldo started by juggling the knives as he moved into position to throw them. Waldo smoothly plucked them out of the air as he was juggling them and launched them one after another in quick succession down the lane, with the knives sinking deep into the wooden target in a tight group.
“For having no skills that is pretty good. Now for the moving targets.” Trag said, with Waldo looking back at him as he pressed a button. Waldo watched as the targets began to move side to side. Waldo could tell this was intended for arrows as the range was longer than he would usually throw when it came to moving targets.
“May I move up or do you want me to throw from here?” Waldo asked.
“Tark throws from there.” Trag replied, Waldo grabbed two more knives, throwing them half a second after looking back at the target. Both landed bullseyes but Waldo could feel the strain on his muscles. He was not used to this distance. Waldo pulled two more and turned his back to the targets. Waldo slowly strafed toward the center of the range as he had started to the right side. After a moment making sure to give the targets time to move he spun around and with one hand launched both knives. One landed in a bullseye, but the other fell short. Waldo turned his back to the targets and drew all of his remaining knives placing them at the ready in one hand. Waldo turned and threw three and turned back around quickly. He heard 2 thuds and one that was a clang. He was not sure what the third had hit. Waldo spun around and sent his final knife down the lane hitting another bullseye. The three quick throws were not bullseyes but they had all hit targets.
“That is all the throwing knives I carry.” Waldo said. “Shall I collect them?”
“No, Strisk go get the knives and report back on how deep they are.” Trag said, turning the moving targets off. Waldo moved over to Trag as Strisk retrieved the knives. “Only one complete miss, that is not bad. If you are hired then we are gonna have to replace the knives with some weighted rods. We can issue you some bolas while on duty. Unless a kill order is issued, but most the time we will expect people to be taken alive.”
“Understandable. What is a bolas?” Waldo asked.
“It is three pieces of rope tied to each other on one end and has a weight on the other side. When throwing it, the intent is to hit a person's legs and if it works correctly it will wrap around a fleeing person’s legs and trip them. In town it can be tricky to use and for people they have lighter weights. It was originally used to hunt various animals on the plains. If the weights are too heavy they can break bones.” Trag said, explained. “What class are you?”
Waldo had been preparing for this question since they had asked him earlier. “Diplomat.” Waldo replied.
“You have no levels in a combat class but you are a diplomat as a soldier?” Trag questioned.
“When I use skills from it as a soldier it is generally in interrogations, but my personal goal was to try and find less violent solutions to my nation's disputes. So, I ended up becoming a diplomat. The times I acted in that capacity I was glad to have trained as a soldier. Few people seem to want peaceful resolutions. So as a diplomat I have often been met with violence.” Waldo explained twisting the truth. They stood in silence as they waited for Strisk to finish retrieving the knives. Strisk handed Waldo eleven of the knives and Trag one of the knives.
“Six perfect hits. Three near perfects. Two hits. One miss. Ten hits were all very deep. The one that made the clang hit a metal frame holding the target. It dented the metal and chipped his knife.” Strisk reported as Waldo sheathed the eleven knives he had been handed. Waldo looked at Trag just in time to catch his face returning to a neutral state after what Waldo believed to be a frown.
“How is your hand to hand combat proficiency?”Trag asked.
“I am an expert with a knife, however, I could easily swap it out for a padded baton. It would be harder on me, but I am sure I can hold my own.” Waldo said, showing the knife sheathed across his lower back and trying to determine Trag’s mood. Trag examined the knife and could see it was custom made for Waldo and well used.
“Strisk, you are good to go on patrol. Your partner should be ready about now.” Trag said, with a hint of sadness.
“I was hoping to stay and see him fight the reservists.” Strisk said, a little excited and as Strisk said that it clicked for Waldo.
“No one is coming. To test my combat proficiency.” Waldo said, calmly. “Sorry, Strisk. I should have known better.”
“We should go to my office and talk.” Trag said and handed Waldo the chipped knife Strisk had handed him.
“Wait, why?” Strisk asked, Trag.
“Politics, Strisk. Guardsmen are just a little political, which means Trag cannot hire another human. Especially, not in a citizen-facing role.” Waldo said, with a smile. “Am I right?”
“Violet, is our scribe. Citizen’s see her.” Strisk said looking confused.
“Violet is my scribe. She assists with filing and compiling guardsmen reports. She has only covered the front desk on a few occasions and usually it is to give another scribe a break or chance to go to the bathroom.” Trag stated.
“Strisk, thank you for introducing me to Captain Trag. I truly appreciate this opportunity. I would be happy to speak to you in your office Trag.” Waldo said, smiling at both of them.
“Sorry, Waldo… I didn’t realize.” Strisk said dejectly. Waldo laughed lightly.
“You have done no harm at all and even helped me file documents I needed to in order to stay. You introduced me to your Captain. Strisk, you have been nothing but helpful. Please do not feel sorry.” Waldo said, smiling at Strisk.
“Thanks, I guess I should get going.” Strisk said, clearly feeling better. “Sir. Waldo.” Strisk said, nodding his head to each of them and leaving. Trag started heading towards the guard house and motioned for Waldo to follow, which Waldo did in silence. Trag opened the door and sure enough Violet was no longer at the front desk. There was a male Drake scribe sitting behind the counter.
“Sir.” The drake said, standing up to greet them. Trag waved his hand and the drake sat back down. Waldo followed him up a set of stairs and down a hall to an open room with three scribes working on various documents on a table big enough for four, one of which was Violet.
“Your morning report sir.” A female gnoll scribe said, smiling at Trag and holding a folder. She noticed Waldo and her demeanor changed slightly. She glanced at Violet as Trag grabbed the folder.
“Thank you. I have a meeting for a few minutes. Is there anything urgent?” Trag gestured at Waldo. The scribes all looked up and gave a negative nod. “If needed you may interrupt us.” Trag said, opening his office door and leading Waldo into his office. It was a plain room. There were several chairs facing the back of the room with a large desk and chair behind it facing the door. There were two sturdy looking bookcases organized with an assortment of documents. The room was clean and orderly. A couch sat against one wall with a window behind it that had shutters and Waldo noticed a plain axe with a rope next to it leaning against a bookcase. “Please take a seat.” Trag said, opening the folder as he moved around the desk and sat down. Waldo sat across from him. They sat in silence as Trag read over a few reports. “Thank you for your patience.” Trag said look up from the report.
“Anything important?” Waldo asked.
“No, just the normal going on. Except for you of course.” Trag said.
“Yeah, I made a surprising entrance last night.” Waldo agreed.
“Teleportation has a tendency to create some alerts. If Strisk had not reported your arrival last night, the guard may have interrupted your welcome to our fine city.” Trag replied.
“That report is more thorough than I would have liked.” Waldo stated.
“Kna is a friend and Aer is a gossip.” Trag replied.
“I should have waited in the common room. We could have talked last night.” Waldo guessed.
“Doubtful, but I would have known your face this morning if you had.” Trag stated.
“I had hoped this was an offer for contract work of some kind.” Waldo said, frowning slightly.
“It still might be. I have not determined what to do about you.” Trag replied.
“Oh, well is there something you would like cleared up?” Waldo asked, smiling.
“Kna is worried about one of her barmaids. Aer has never seen her friend respond so positively to someone so quickly.” Trag stated, calmly. Waldo knew they were straying into dangerous territory.
“I have never responded to another human as positively.” Waldo replied, honestly.
“Just two soulmates meeting for the first time?” Trag asked, Waldo jerked in surprise at the word reacting before he could stop himself. Waldo realized Trag did not mean it the way he had taken it but it was too late. Trag had been watching him closely and was now looking unsure at Waldo. “I think you have some explaining to do.” Trag said, prepared to strike. Waldo leaned forward and placed his head in his hand dropping his show.
“This cannot under any circumstances leave this room. If you have listeners they need to stop. If you have a way to make the room secure. I will tell you enough to know why.” Waldo said, unsure of what would happen next.
“What, so can you kill me in silence?” Trag asked, feeling concerned about this stranger's response.
“If you want to tie me up feel free, but I am not talking until I am confident the secret won’t leave this room.” Waldo said, sitting back and calming his nerves. Waldo was trying to figure out how to explain this with as little lying as possible. Waldo wondered if he could avoid lying all together. Trag hesitated for a minute then opened a drawer and pulled out a small box. Trag said a command word under his breath and the box activated.
“Alright, we are alone and no one can see or hear us. This better be good or I won’t keep your secret.” Trag said.
“Have you ever been in love so much it hurt your soul?” Waldo asked.
“What?” Trag asked, surprised.
“I have. If I had understood this was possible. If I had known. I would have done so many things differently.” Waldo said, deciding to be as honest as he felt he could. “I thought she was dead. I joined the wrong people to get vengeance. To make it stop. In doing, so I pissed off some really powerful people. I thought my master was strong enough to protect me and I thought I was powerful enough to protect myself. I want to tell Lydia so bad. I want her to remember our time together. Every second we spent together. If I had magic this would be so easy but using magic to accomplish it would be wrong.” Waldo said, with tears in his eyes. “I wish I could just show her. However, the people I pissed off took my ability to use magic. I did not even know that was possible.” Waldo said, holding out an open palm. “Light.” Trag felt magic tug slightly, but nothing happened. “They took my magic so I could not interfere. When they did that I thought they would send me to a prison cell or some equally horrible place. They cursed me with unwanted knowledge I can barely grasp. Part of my mind is still trying to rip itself apart. But instead of sending me to a desert. They toss me like I am nothing and I land inside Spriggan Inn, in Protham barely even hurt. I did know she was the same soul at first. Standing in the dim light of the inn. She looks the same. Alive working as a barmaid in a place I have never even heard of. She doesn’t even remember me but she was drawn to me just like I was to her all those years ago.” Waldo said. “Kna is worried I might hurt her and honestly so am I. However, if we are to separate again I would have her tell me to go. It would be the most painful thing I ever do but I would leave if she asked. I don’t blame you if you don’t believe me, but I have found my dead lover again, my soulmate and I never thought I would see her. She died so I figured that was it. I did not know about the cycle but now I do. So please give me the chance to win her.” Waldo finished with tears at the corners of his eyes. “Please, I am begging you.” Trag knew Waldo was leaving part out but felt he was being honest and looking at Waldo Trag knew he held this man’s life in his hands at this moment. Trag looked at Waldo and activated several skills he had for conversations like this. Trag knew Waldo did not intend harm at this time or harm to his city.
“For the moment. You have convinced me.” Trag said, still slightly concerned, something about him bothered Trag, but Trag was confident the stranger would be unlikely to deliberately cause problems in Protham.
“Thank you for giving me a chance. I will prove I mean no harm.” Waldo said, starting to recover his composure. Trag grabbed the rope and axe, placing them on his desk.
“Do you know how to cut down a tree?” Trag asked.
“Yes.” Waldo replied.
“As captain of the guard. I am allotted two trees every year. The town allows me to do as I will with the tree tokens, I am issued. The mill will pay me five gold per token on average. However, If I cut the tree down and turn in the tree with the token they will right now pay eight gold. If you cut a tree down and turn it in for me. I will let you keep two gold coins of those eight.” Trag stated placing a token on the table.
“Sounds like a good deal.” Waldo replied.
“Have you hunted boar?” Trag asked.
“I have hunted. Not specifically boar but I am familiar with the complexities they present.” Waldo replied, wondering where this was going.
“Currently, we have a boar problem on the western road and several groups have been attacked by boars. It is quite troublesome. Protham does not have an adventuring guild and most hunters will hunt safer game or only kill one or two boars at a time. You can rent a hand cart for a day for three coppers at the docks. Usually they are used to transport fish around town. They are sturdy carts and can hold several hundred kilos. There are several blacksmiths in town that sell quality steel tipped javelins, for a silver. Now they are not perfect for hunting boar but they should work well enough. Currently, I have placed a bounty on boar kills of a silver per boar jaw turned in. We will even buy the dead boar for one and half coppers per five pounds. However, you could show us the boar, collect the silver, then most local butchers will buy dead boar for two copper per five pounds. Those are the current rates for whole boars” Trag explained.
“Sounds like I have a tree to chop down.” Waldo said standing.
“Out the main gate past the mill and then pick an un-worked tree the taller the better. They pay less for trees shorter than twenty feet and more for trees taller than twenty five feet. If you are willing to search there are some forty and fifty footers out there. I expect six gold regardless.” Trag stated.
“Why are you doing this?” Waldo asked.
“It is not one thing. Lots of little things adding up. Kna is a friend and Lydia is important to her. Kna knows I cannot employ you as a guard. This keeps you out of trouble. Solves a problem for me and if you work hard. Kna might start to like you. I was not going to be able to cut my second tree down before the end of the year. There are more reasons, but in the end, I see no downside for me giving you this chance.” Trag stated plainly.
“Well thank you. I appreciate this.” Waldo said and picked up the axe smiling.
“Good Luck. I plan to eat dinner at Spriggan Inn. So if you get back after sunset you can find me there.” Trag said, gesturing for Waldo to leave.
“Thank you, again!” Waldo said, leaving. After he closed the door he looked for Violet but she was not there. Waldo headed to the stairs back to the entryway. Violet wasn’t there either so he left a message for her and headed back to the Inn. Waldo wanted to ditch his armor before heading out to cut down a tree.
submitted by arrow-bane to Universe712 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:04 Ok-Summer2528 Types of ignorance

Types of ignorance
(I fall at the feet of my greatest teacher, Paramasiva himself in the form of Abhinavagupta. You have led from myself to Myself, from complete darkness to that light which is the very joy of the Self, that same joy which has brought forth this entire universe. That alone is the sole refuge and true essence to be grasped. May this commentary be for benefit and not to mislead, by the grace of Mahadeva)
Many are unable to plunge into the vast “Light on the Tantras”; therefore, may all listen to this work, “The Essence of the Tantras”, composed in straightforward language. 2
(Many disciples of the Trika and other traditions are not able to even comprehend a fraction of the vast 6,000 verse Tantraloka, thus, out of his loving grace Abhinava has composed this Tantrasara in simple prose in his own native language instead of Sanskrit verse for all people to understand. This teaching is indeed the birth rite of all beings, so may all come and listen to this with an open heart)
As an act of revering the Divine, may all contemplate this lotus of the heart of Abhinava Gupta, its blossom opened by the light falling from the rays of the sun; that is to say, its contraction has been forever banished by the wisdom descending from the feet of the illuminator, my guru Śambhunātha. 3
According to our View, insight (jñāna) is the one and only cause of spiritual liberation, because only insight antidotes ignorance (ajñāna), which is the one and only cause of bondage.
Now there are two kinds of ignorance, which we call ‘mental’ and ‘personal’. The first, mental ignorance, is of two types: essentially, lack of understanding and wrong understanding. The second, ‘personal’ ignorance, is simply the ignorance implicit in the sense of separate individuality; it is the contracted manifestation of Awareness that is the basis for the formation of all distorted mental constructs. That alone is the root cause of the cycle of suffering (samsāra). We will explore this topic further in the chapter on ‘Impurity’ (mala).
Of these two, personal ignorance can be removed by [Tantrik] initiation and the spiritual practice that initiation makes possible. However, initiation itself is not possible when mental ignorance—characterized by a lack of that discernment derived from diligent effort—continues to exist. This is because initiation, which consists of purification of the tattvas and unification of the soul with Śiva, necessarily has as its prequisite a clear understanding of what ought to be abandoned and what ought to be cultivated [on the part of both guru and prospective initiate].
(Initiation here doesn’t need to be formal, in other chapters Abhinava explains how one may be “initiated by the Goddess of your own awareness”. It is important to point this out because many who oppose the Trika say the lineage is dead after Lakshmanjoo has passed, this is completely false. Lakshmanjoo himself had stated that anyone who sincerely follows these teachings should be considered imitated, and we have seen over and over the immense benefit of this for those who have never had formal initiation, so this point is mute.)
Thus it is specifically insight of the level of the mind, consisting of discernment derived from diligent effort, that is most important initially. If that very insight is repeatedly cultivated, it eradicates personal ignorance as well, because the regular practice of conceptual awareness (vikalpa-samvit) culminates in the end in non-conceptual direct experience. The insight that most ought to be cultivated is the right understanding that pertains to everything in every way (that is, that which is true in all times, places, and circumstances): That one’s real nature (ātmā) is in truth Divine (śiva-svabhāva),which means that it is the nonconceptual, uncontracted Light of Consciousness made manifest (avikalpa-asankucita-samvit-prakāśa).
This insight is based on scripture; and only the Śaiva scriptures are a completely reliable means of knowledge, precisely because they accept, with discernment, the defensible doctrines taught in other bodies of scripture, and because they explicate a view of reality that is more all-encompassing than that taught in those doctrines, a view that furthermore is established through reason [rather than dogma].
(In his Tantraloka Abhinavagupta quotes from Jain, Buddhist, and other opposing traditions to support his view. It shows he has no issue accepting, at least to some degree, the views of other traditions as long as they are based on sound reasoning. )
Thus, the wisdom taught in other systems’ scriptures liberates one from bondage, but only to a certain extent, not from all of it. By contrast, the Śaiva scriptures do liberate one from all bondage. This scriptural canon consists of five ‘streams’, traditionally divided into ten Śiva Āgamas, eighteen Rudra Āgamas, and sixty-four Bhairava Tantras. The scriptures of the Trika are the essence of all of these, and the Triumph of the Garlanded Goddess (Mālinī-vijaya) is the essence of them.
(The Siva agamas are dualistic, the Rudra agamas are qualified-non-dualistic and the Bhairava agamas are completely non-dualistic. Thus the Trika both includes and transcends these 3 philosophies, that is why it is most complete.)
The teaching contained in that scripture can be grasped once it is accurately summarized. For one who has failed to grasp the true nature of things, there is no possibility of liberation nor of liberating others, since those possibilities belong only to one with well-cultivated & well-practiced insight. Because well-cultivated & well-practiced insight is the root-cause of the highest goal of human life, this work, the Tantrasāra, is undertaken to aid in its attainment.
[Summary verse for the Introduction]: It is traditionally said that ignorance is the cause of bondage; it is taught under the name ‘impurity’ in scripture. When holistic insight arises, its power completely eradicates that ignorance. The consequent rise of the awareness of the Self that is freed from [even the illusion of] ‘impurity’ is liberation. Therefore, by means of that scripture [the Mālinī], I will clarify the entire truth to be known [by those who seek liberation].
Tantrasara introduction:
submitted by Ok-Summer2528 to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:04 Calm_Valuable7703 Almost 16, looking for more folks to form connections with

Yo! My name's Eisa; I've lived in the UAE most of my life (been visiting Dubai since I was born, officially moved to Dubai in 2013/2014, only recently began residing in Abu Dhabi as well due to my mom living there, but since my aunt's house is in Dubai that basically gets me going back and forth from AD to Dubai every weekend, as a result I'm in both areas pretty much the same amount) and I'm very comfortable here
I've had a strange life that's been all over the place though, I consider myself extroverted and always willing to socialize with different people and try new things, yet due to an odd life situation regarding some control freaks in the family I haven't been able to have a basic in-person formal education in quite some time unfortunately, which as a result has 100% set me back tons, especially with making friends, forming relationships and stuff like that.
My goal has always been to inch back into normality, fulfillment and contentment, especially after all my wasted childhood years that I'll never get back, so as a result I've been spending my current days trying my best to push for the most satisfying future I can get, so I can live a life without regrets.
So yeah, I guess I'll see how this reddit thing plays out - you're never gonna know if you never try. I'm willing to speak to anyone regardless of background, beliefs, etc. I only judge based on who you are to your core (because fuck oppression amiright). If this message intrigues you at all than feel free to shoot a DM and/or a reply if you're ever inclined to do so!! :D
submitted by Calm_Valuable7703 to UAETeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:04 Just-Internet4780 I will write your paper

Freelance writer who has been writing academic papers, personal statements and taking online classes since 2008. I have a masters in English and have written papers for everything from economics to film theory to psychology. Most recently I've taken nursing classes for clients who need the degree to advance in their careers.
I have done jobs as small as one page papers and as large as doctoral thesis editing (when the doctoral candidate is so burnt out they don't even want to hear about their thesis subject)
Writing samples can be found at
I charge $25/hour. It takes me approximately an hour a page but varies depending on how much I need to research the topic.
I give a quote and stick to it (unless it takes me less time)
Please contact me at
submitted by Just-Internet4780 to Quick_Homework_Help [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:03 Unusual-Bird-5941 Passed! 3rd Attempt. My tips & Takeaways.

Hello, all! I have a lot to decompress about after passing yesterday morning. I am happy to answer any questions, offer encouragment and support. Please feel free to message me. I found this sub to be extremely helpful during my study time. I appreciate everyone’s support and advice as this was super useful, and I struggle with intense test anxiety. Thank you, thank you.
I took my first exam and missed it by 2 points, second time I missed it by 1 point, and my third time I passed the passing score was 66 and got 75. I was distraught after the first two times. I took it on a Saturday morning, which was nice to not have to move things around for work.
Study tips:
1.) After failing it twice, I really hunkered down on what I didn’t understand. I struggled with the IAD domain and honestly I focused on MDD/GAD/Mood disorders. On my last exam, I had 1 career question, 1 group, 1 cultural information question. No couples, no schizophrenia cases, no sexual dysfuntion disorders. I studied in between clients during the day, and 2 hours each evening before bed. Then, I woke up, did some more studying before my day to see if the content had stuck in my brain. I made flashcards for the different theories which helped me lots. I also listened to the CE podcasts on spotify whenever I was driving, they are actually not bad. I really recommend if you are a podcast human. Some are short, some are longer. They talk about everything and really break it down.
2.) Looking for keywords was SO HELPFUL. Do this. I used this acronym based on what I found on here (R.I.E.E=Reduce, Identify, Explore, Educate) Those are important SHORT TERM objectives and goals keywords. Obviously these aren’t the only keywords, however, these are commonly used ones. (E.R.)=Eliminate and Resolve (Long term goals/objective keywords). Familiarize yourself with these, do not memorize. I went stir crazy thinking I had to memorize everything and I just reviewed daily duration of symptoms, specifers, common interventions used for each dx, etc.
3.) I used CE and you can email them a copy of your failed results so you get a free subscription if you don't pass. Don’t pay for it again. I thought CE had confusing questions. The exam was clearer for sure. I did a bunch of narratives and reviewed the trees. The narratives were helpful. Do those. And do the mini ones. Those DSM mini narratives helped me so much feel much more confident in the IAD domain.
4.) Personal therapy. I have some attachment wounds with test taking anxiety. I’ve been seeing a therapist for quite some time and processing these feelings/emotions really helped. I did some EMDbrain spotting which I feel like contributed lots to my success. I leaned on my supervision group, individual supervision, and thankfully my husband for support. Community helped. Community over competition, always.
5.) Study your theories & interventions associated. I had lots of MI/REBT/CBT/DBT. Know how they apply to each diagnosis. So important.
6.) Take your 15 minute scheduled break. I went outside, ate a snack, did some grounding techniques, shed a tear, and got back in.
7.) Don’t rush. You have time. Take your time. Flag the questions and come back if you don’t know it right away.
8.) Study Guides. I purchased a few from the mod of this sub. She has lovely study guides on the cheap and it felt nice to have something already organized to study from.
9.) Study your differential diagnosis and comorbidity. I had lots of those questions.
10.) Utilize breathing techniques during the exam if you find yourself being anxious. Breath. Do some bilateral tapping. You SO can do this. You are not a "bad" therapist by not passing it. You rock. Cheers, :)
submitted by Unusual-Bird-5941 to NCMHCE22 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:01 fark13 Reporting & Business Analyst - Fanatics - United kingdom

Reporting & Business Analyst - Fanatics - United kingdom
Company Overview Fanatics is building a leading global digital sports platform. The company ignites the passions of global sports fans and maximizes the presence and reach for hundreds of sports partners globally by offering innovative products and services across Fanatics Commerce, Fanatics Collectibles, and Fanatics Betting & Gaming, allowing sports fans to Buy, Collect and Bet. Through the Fanatics platform, sports fans can buy licensed fan gear, jerseys, lifestyle and streetwear products, headwear, and hardgoods; collect physical and digital trading cards, sports memorabilia, and other digital assets; and bet as the company builds its Sportsbook and iGaming platform. Fanatics has an established database of over 100 million global sports fans, a global partner network with over 900 sports properties, including major national and international professional sports leagues, teams, players associations, athletes, celebrities, colleges, and college conferences, and over 2,000 retail locations, including its Lids retail business stores. As a market leader with more than 18,000 employees, and hundreds of partners, suppliers, and vendors worldwide, we take responsibility for driving toward more ethical and sustainable practices. We are committed to building an inclusive Fanatics community, reflecting and representing society at every level of the business, including our employees, vendors, partners and fans. Fanatics is also dedicated to making a positive impact in the communities where we all live, work, and play through strategic philanthropic initiatives.
Topps, under Fanatics Collectibles, is seeking a highly motivated and experienced Reporting and Analytics Analyst to join the eCommerce team. This person will be the internal SME on all eCommerce reporting and data sets collected on The ideal candidate will be able to provide insights from complex data points and present recommendations that will drive towards our KPI goals.
 Key Responsibilities: 
  • Support the eCommerce team in providing new automated reporting around sales, shipment, customer, site and other metrics.
  • Identify and implement new tools and technologies to improve reporting and analytics capabilities.
  • Develop and maintain reporting dashboards and visualisations.
  • Carry out ad hoc analyses upon request by the eCom/Ops/Marketing teams.
  • You will work cross-functionally with e-commerce, operations, marketing and finance to help the team make data-driven business decisions.
  • Provide insightful reporting and analysis against targets and current performance. Identifying key opportunities or issues, with next step recommendations.
Required Skills, Experience and Competencies - Bachelor’s degree in related field such as data science or MBA. - At least 3-5 years of data analytics and reporting experience, preferably within an eCommerce environment. - Strong analytics skills with experience in data visualization and reporting tools such as Magento BI, Tableau or Power BI. - Experience with SQL and database management. - Familiarity with eCommerce platforms and technologies. - Team player, able to work in multiple projects.
submitted by fark13 to sports_jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:01 fark13 Analytics and Reporting Manager - Fanatics - United kingdom

Analytics and Reporting Manager - Fanatics - United kingdom
Company Overview Fanatics is building a leading global digital sports platform. The company ignites the passions of global sports fans and maximizes the presence and reach for hundreds of sports partners globally by offering innovative products and services across Fanatics Commerce, Fanatics Collectibles, and Fanatics Betting & Gaming, allowing sports fans to Buy, Collect and Bet. Through the Fanatics platform, sports fans can buy licensed fan gear, jerseys, lifestyle and streetwear products, headwear, and hardgoods; collect physical and digital trading cards, sports memorabilia, and other digital assets; and bet as the company builds its Sportsbook and iGaming platform. Fanatics has an established database of over 100 million global sports fans, a global partner network with over 900 sports properties, including major national and international professional sports leagues, teams, players associations, athletes, celebrities, colleges, and college conferences, and over 2,000 retail locations, including its Lids retail business stores. As a market leader with more than 18,000 employees, and hundreds of partners, suppliers, and vendors worldwide, we take responsibility for driving toward more ethical and sustainable practices. We are committed to building an inclusive Fanatics community, reflecting and representing society at every level of the business, including our employees, vendors, partners and fans. Fanatics is also dedicated to making a positive impact in the communities where we all live, work, and play through strategic philanthropic initiatives.
Topps, under Fanatics Collectibles, is seeking a highly motivated and experienced Reporting and Analytics Manager to join the eCommerce team. This person will be the internal SME on all eCommerce reporting and data sets collected on, online marketplaces and through the marketing tools across the international markets. The ideal candidate will be able to provide insights from complex data points and present recommendations that will drive towards our business goals. You will work cross-functionally with eCommerce, Operations, Marketing, and Finance teams. This position reports directly to the VP of Global Ecommerce
 Key Responsibilities: 
  • Support the eCommerce team in providing new automated reporting around sales, shipment, customer, site and other metrics
  • Identify and implement new tools and technologies to improve reporting and analytics capabilities
  • Develop and maintain reporting dashboards and visualizations
  • Develop automated reporting processes to support eCommerce business functions
  • Carry out ad hoc analyses upon request
  • Apply technical and analytical skills to collect, store and the present data in a digestible manner
  • Work with the marketing teams to identify customer segments and personas to use for targeted communications
  • Provide insightful reporting and analysis against targets and current performance, identifying key opportunities or issues, with next step recommendations
  • Develop a team of analysts to deliver accurate and insightful reporting and analytics
Qualifications: - Bachelor’s degree in related field such as data science - At least 5-10 years of data analytics and reporting experience, preferably within an eCommerce environment - Proficiency in analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, or similar platforms. - Strong analytics skills with experience in data visualization and reporting tools such as Magento BI, Tableau or Power BI - Experience with SQL and database management - Familiarity with eCommerce platforms and digital marketing technologies and latest trends
submitted by fark13 to sports_jobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:57 Critical_Raccoon5 22F Anyone open to Vc today with me?

So currently I'm planning to remodel my room and how to building mannequin. My mood is a bit low cause a guy tried to play me and I left. Other then that I'm pretty good. I'm waiting to enter college this August!
My hobbies are sewing and right now slightly growing interest in mechanics! I've been passive learning Chinese so would be great if you knew Chinese too! ( Will answer based on how fluent fastest.) Brain rot internet culture. I use to game but no longer due to having my shit stolen by my brother. 🥹 I enjoy working out and cooking. My goal is to become leanbeefpatty! 💪🌟 I love horror movies and horror games! If any OGS of the internet are still alive creepypastas and analog horror are my sauce! If you have any paranormal stories that would be bad ass too! I'm personally a 50/50 believer. Also I just started baking!! So ask about that and I'll show pictures!
submitted by Critical_Raccoon5 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:56 Throawayfire22 27M, never dated before, how do I start?

Never had a girlfriend, virgin, etc…
I don’t drink/no drugs, so I don’t ever visit bars but it seems like 90% of people go to bars for this? Never used dating apps. I’m also not really interested in meeting a girl with the goal of dating, I would rather meet as friends, chat, and if we get along, possibly switch to dating. I may be wrong since I’ve never dated, but I feel you meet a different person when you aim to date someone, since it’s more like an interview compared to meeting new friends.
submitted by Throawayfire22 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:52 material_gworl_0 Am I setting myself up for failure by taking on a Business Degree? I’m not great at maths

Hi the programs i've been looking into are "Business administration and management" "international business" and a double degree of "Tourism and Business administration".
I love that these programs could help me set up my own business in the future and i love the idea of each course involving languages (I am currently fluent in 4 and i’d love to learn more).
The programs l've looked into are mainly made of economics, law, and maths, though im not sure how much math would actually be involved during learning. I've heard some people say that you need to have an incredibly good level of maths to get through the 4-5 years of studying, while others say that math doesn't get too difficult and business degrees are mostly about logic and "cause effect".
The reason I'm worried is because for my A-levels and Bachillerato I have only been studying humanities (aside from AS in physics): and those are the subjects that allow me to get into these uni programs in the first place.
Q1: Would i be setting myself up for failure?
My ultimate goal isn't becoming an accountant/finance expert etc but rather understanding how business works and be able to start up something on my own.
Q2: Is the business degree worth it? Or should i get a degree in another field? (going to uni is non negotiable with my parents and i would personally love to go myself unless there is a groundbreaking alternative). My ultimate goal isn't becoming an accountant/finance expert etc but rather understanding how business works and be able to start up something on my own.
Q3: As i mentioned above i also take interest in languages, should i pick up translation and interpretation instead or would that career be replaced with AI?
Any advice or experience would be much appreciated thank you!
submitted by material_gworl_0 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:51 lunarFactory Life feels stuck and purposeless. I am just living everyday for what? What's the point of all this?

Hi everyone.
I’m a 25M, and I feel grateful for the life I’ve built. I’m in good shape, healthy and fit, well-educated from a respectable college, debt-free, and employed in a job I love that pays well. I love my family and few friends from work and college, but I am not very close to them.
I have worked really hard so far in my life to get to where I am. I was from a middle class family and worked my way to good college and got myself a good job. It took me years of effort and hard work and consistency, discipline and some good luck to get to where I am right now. And I am grateful to universe for that. I was in a serious relationship for four years until my ex-girlfriend cheated on me. Following that, I took over a year off from dating to reflect on my life and relationships, discovering more about myself and traveling. That period of self-healing was still surprisingly enjoyable.
However, lately, I’ve been feeling a sense of emptiness. Throughout my life, I always had goals and purposes driving me forward. Now, despite excelling at my job, making sound investments for early retirement, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I feel adrift.
I decided to try dating again and signed up on a few dating apps. Being tall and reasonably not bad looking, I received over 100 matches in the past two months. I went on several dates, and while the girls seemed to like me, I didn’t feel the same connection with them. There were one or two girls whose personalities I really liked, but they weren’t interested in anything serious. The majority were only interested in casual hookups, which I find unfulfilling and short-sighted. I don’t judge those who enjoy casual relationships; it’s just not my preference. I’m looking for something more lasting and meaningful. Finding love at work doesn’t appeal to me, and I’m not comfortable picking girls at bars, gyms, or other social spots, so dating apps seemed like the best option. However, it feels like an endless sea of people, and the potential for meaningful connections gets lost in the rapid pace of swiping and chatting. It’s like speed dating, where everyone always has another option lined up, making it hard to find a genuine, lasting connection.
Speaking of hobbies, I have few like reading, watching movies, piano, swimming, chess, video gaming, travelling, but they don't bring me any such satisfaction anymore. I just do them because I don't have anything else to do. I engage in them more out of habit than enjoyment. I’ve also solo traveled extensively in the past year, which used to excite me, but now even that doesn’t. I am still planning one in August, but I don't feel the same excitement for that as I used to feel before.
So here I am, feeling very stuck and purposeless in life. I am doing good professionally, and financially, so not many aspirations there as well. Not motivated enough to open some startup or business for the same reason. Relationship wise, not getting any luck finding my life partner, did try apps and all. Travelling no longer helps.
I don't think I am depressed either because I am not unhappy at large. It's just I feel what's the point of living everyday? Nothing makes me very happy or nothing makes me very sad. Even if something good happens in my life, I don't have people to celebrate it with or share with. What's the point of all these happy and sad moments in life when you have nobody to share it with? I sound lonely but I am not, I have few people and family, but it's just I am not very close for various reasons. It feels sad to come back to my place after long day, and having nobody to talk to about your day. Weekends are worse. Why I am alive? I admit that I am missing warmth of a relationship. I not necessarily want a girlfriend, but I feel I don't even have a good close friend. All my friends are busy with their life and girlfriends or boyfriends.
I was not like this before, because I was busy with my short term goals and all. I don’t feel suicidal because I still hold onto hope that things will get better. But relying solely on hope is daunting.
I apologize for sharing my seemingly ordinary story and potentially boring you. It feels better to write it down than keep it all inside. If you’ve read this far, thank you for your time.
submitted by lunarFactory to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:48 Zealousideal-File256 𝖌𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖒 [5000], #2UV8VJR8G, looking for active members

Joining our Brawl Stars club is an opportunity for you to not only level up your gameplay skills, but also to connect with like-minded individuals who prioritize teamwork and camaraderie. At our club, we value cooperation and collaboration above all else, striving to create a positive and welcoming environment for all members.
Teamwork is key in Brawl Stars, and being part of our club will allow you to experience the true power of working together towards a common goal. Whether it's strategizing in matches, coordinating attacks, or supporting each other during gameplay, our club members are always there for one another, ready to lend a helping hand and ensure success for the team as a whole.
But it's not just about gameplay skills – it's also about personality. Our club is made up of diverse individuals who bring their unique personalities and perspectives to the table, creating a vibrant and dynamic community that is both fun and rewarding to be a part of. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a new player looking to learn and grow, you'll find a place among us where you can be yourself and make lasting friendships.
So if you're looking for a Brawl Stars club that values teamwork, personality, and a positive gaming experience, look no further. Join us today and become a part of something special – together, we can conquer the arena and have a blast doing it.
submitted by Zealousideal-File256 to BrawlRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:47 saypanbranding Saypan’s Custom Vinyl Wall Graphics: The Pinnacle of Quality in Pune

In the vibrant and bustling city of Pune, where aesthetics and functionality go hand in hand, Saypan stands out as the premier provider of vinyl wall graphics. Known for our innovative designs and impeccable service, we help transform ordinary walls into captivating visual experiences. Whether you're a business looking to enhance your brand presence or a homeowner aiming to add a unique touch to your living space, our vinyl wall graphics are the perfect solution.

Why Choose Vinyl Wall Graphics?

Vinyl wall graphics have revolutionized the way we approach interior design. They offer a flexible, cost-effective, and highly customizable option for those seeking to add visual interest to their walls. Here are some reasons why vinyl wall graphics have become increasingly popular:
Innovative Branding & Packaging by Saypan - Learn More @

Saypan: Pune’s Top Vinyl Wall Graphics Service Provider

At Saypan, we pride ourselves on being the leading provider of vinyl wall graphics in Pune. Our commitment to quality, creativity, and customer satisfaction sets us apart from the competition. Here’s why you should choose Saypan for your vinyl wall graphics needs:
Expertise and Experience
With years of experience in the industry, our team at Saypan has honed their skills to deliver top-notch vinyl wall graphics. We understand the nuances of design, material selection, and installation, ensuring that every project we undertake meets the highest standards.
Comprehensive Design Services
We believe that great design is the cornerstone of any successful project. That’s why we offer comprehensive design services that cater to your unique needs. Whether you have a specific idea in mind or need help conceptualizing your vision, our team of talented designers is here to assist you.
High-Quality Materials
At Saypan, we only use high-quality materials to create our vinyl wall graphics. This ensures that our products are not only visually stunning but also durable and long-lasting. Our commitment to quality means that you can trust us to deliver graphics that will stand the test of time.
Customized Solutions
Every space is unique, and we believe that your vinyl wall graphics should reflect that. We offer customized solutions that are tailored to your specific requirements. From color and design to size and shape, we work closely with you to create graphics that are truly one-of-a-kind.
Professional Installation
Proper installation is crucial to the success of your vinyl wall graphics project. Our team of skilled installers ensures that your graphics are applied seamlessly, with no bubbles or imperfections. We take care of every detail, so you can enjoy a flawless finish.
Competitive Pricing
We understand that budget is an important consideration for our clients. That’s why we offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Our goal is to provide you with exceptional value for your investment.

Applications of Vinyl Wall Graphics

Vinyl wall graphics are incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications. Here are some popular ways to use vinyl wall graphics to enhance your space:

Corporate Branding

For businesses, vinyl wall graphics offer an excellent way to reinforce your brand identity. Whether you’re looking to display your logo, mission statement, or key values, vinyl graphics can help create a cohesive and professional look for your office.

Retail Spaces

In retail environments, visual appeal is key to attracting and retaining customers. Vinyl wall graphics can be used to create eye-catching displays, highlight promotions, and enhance the overall shopping experience.

Home Decor

Vinyl wall graphics are a great way to add personality to your home. From elegant patterns and inspirational quotes to custom murals, the possibilities are endless. They are also perfect for kids’ rooms, allowing you to create fun and imaginative spaces that can easily be updated as your child grows.

Public Spaces

Vinyl wall graphics can be used in public spaces to create engaging and informative displays. Whether it’s a museum, hospital, or community center, vinyl graphics can help communicate important messages and enhance the overall atmosphere.

Event Decor

Vinyl wall graphics are an excellent choice for event decor. They can be used to create custom backdrops, signage, and more, making them a versatile and cost-effective solution for any event.

The Process: From Concept to Completion

At Saypan, we strive to make the process of creating and installing vinyl wall graphics as smooth and stress-free as possible. Here’s a step-by-step look at how we bring your vision to life:


The first step is a consultation to understand your needs and goals. We discuss your vision, budget, and timeline, and provide you with expert advice on the best solutions for your space.


Next, our design team gets to work creating a custom design that meets your specifications. We use advanced design software to create detailed mock-ups, allowing you to see exactly how your vinyl wall graphics will look.


Once the design is finalized, we move on to production. Our state-of-the-art equipment ensures that your graphics are printed with precision and clarity. We use high-quality vinyl materials to ensure a durable and vibrant finish.


Finally, our professional installation team ensures that your vinyl wall graphics are applied perfectly. We take care of every detail, from surface preparation to final inspection, to ensure a flawless result.

Why Saypan is the Best Choice for Vinyl Wall Graphics in Pune

When it comes to vinyl wall graphics, Saypan is the name you can trust. Here’s what sets us apart from the competition:

Customer-Centric Approach

At Saypan, our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We take the time to understand your needs and work closely with you to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the final result.

Innovative Solutions

We are always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to enhance our products and services. Our team is constantly exploring new materials, techniques, and trends to bring you the best in vinyl wall graphics.

Commitment to Quality

Quality is our top priority at Saypan. From design and production to installation and customer service, we are committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of our business.

Experienced Team

Our team of designers, installers, and customer service professionals are experts in their field. With years of experience and a passion for what they do, you can trust us to deliver outstanding results.

Local Expertise

As a local business, we have a deep understanding of the Pune market and the unique needs of our clients. We are proud to be a part of the Pune community and are committed to serving our customers with integrity and excellence.

Conclusion: Transform Your Space with Saypan’s Vinyl Wall Graphics

Vinyl wall graphics are a powerful tool for transforming your space and making a lasting impression. Whether you’re looking to enhance your brand, create a unique home decor, or add visual interest to a public space, Saypan is here to help. As Pune’s top vinyl wall graphics service provider, we offer the expertise, creativity, and quality you need to bring your vision to life.
Contact Saypan today to learn more about our vinyl wall graphics services and how we can help you transform your space. With our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, you can trust us to deliver results that exceed your expectations.
Contact us
Phone : +91 96657 20007,​ +91 87672 11111​
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Follow us :
submitted by saypanbranding to u/saypanbranding [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:47 Breaking_PG I'm On A Journey, Man. Part 6

Season 5
After a triumphant treble last season, I aimed to repeat the feat and add a fourth with the AFC Champions League. Little did I know, due to Japan's season running from February to December, we'd only play the group stage this time around. So focus remained on the league and domestic cups. As if we failed to win the Champions League this time around we needed to ensure we qualified again for the second half of next season. So, starting as we meant to go on, it was time for transfers.
Marcao - FLA - £240k
Shunsuke Nishikubo - Fujieda - £300k
Yuji Miki - Tochigi SC - £140k
Fuminori Tabuchi - Kashima Antlers - £300k
Itambé - Al-Fateh - £275k
Caio Cesar - Peterborough - £150k
Kiyohisa Kubo - Gamba Osaka - $400k
Hamode Kanaan - Ashdod - Free
Ryuta Sakai - Shonan Bellmare - £775k
Srdan Cvetkovic - Radnicki (SM) - £400k
Seiya Baba - Yokohama F. Marinos - £850k
Thanawat Suengchitthawon - Moangthong Utd - £825k
Yasuki Kimoto - Vissel Kobe - £275k
Our season began with the opportunity to gain another trophy as we faced Cerezo Osaka in the Fuji Xerox Super Cup. Japans answer to the Community Shield. This was a good litmus to see how we stacked up against our biggest challengers from last season with our new line up. This doubled as a testimonial of sorts for Komai Can't Communicate (But he can score) as he was retiring following this game. And score he did, we ran away with the game winning 7-0 and making us all very very excited for the season to come.
The AFC Champions League
We were drawn a decent group but not one that should cause us any issues for qualification, however, such is the way of the AFC Champions League, only one team from each group would qualify so we'd need to be at our best througout. In our group were South Korean side Pohang Stealers, Indonesian outfit Bali United and BG Pathum Utd from Thailand.
Pohang were our first opponents and we brushed them by the wayside winning 4-2 in Korea. We followed up with an impressive 5-1 win over Bali United which left us thinking this Champions League stuff isn't that hard now is it? BG Pathum United set out to prove me wrong, taking the lead early in Thailand. A late equaliser from Diego Medina secured our undefeated status however. We then played Bali United again, in Indonesia, we entered their home and didn't even wipe our feet as we smashed through them 4-0. Pohang were welcomed into our stadium and again, we beat them, a much more reasonable, from their perspective, 2-1 win all but confirmed our qualification and our goal difference was far superior to 2nd place BG Pathum, who we played next and were 3 points ahead. A draw would confirm our qualification but, a lesson was taught, NO ONE DRAWS WITH KYOTO SANGA TWICE! We won 3-1 and are in the second round of the contest. We would just have to wait till next season to play it.
The YBC Levian Cup
We, as defending champions of all Japanese Trophies entered in the second round were we faced the team we beat in last seasons final JEF United Chiba. Much like the finals our first leg tie ended 0-0. In the home leg we were 2-0 up after 50 minutes thanks to goals from Magnus Christensen and Srdan Cvetkovic but Karel Pojezny decided now would be a good time to show off his Crash Bandicoot slide dash impression as he took out a Chiba player on the 59th minute. Luckily for us, Full Blown Bazooka (A renamed Fugo Kazuka) ran clear after a counter attack and gave us a third as we ended the game with 10 men but also a spot in the round of 16.
Here we faced Renofa Yamaguchi, a team from the J2 league. And despite us going 4-0 they fought back to make it 4-3. Fortunately, once again, another late goal, this time from Takeshi Yamauchi set us up with a 2 goal lead going into the second leg. And what a bloody good job he did as we lost the second leg 2-1. We were heading to penalties here as well until a Full Blown Bazooka penalty in the 86th minute put us back in the lead on aggregate.
Shonan Bellmare were our quarter finals opponents. They held us to a 1-1 draw at their place, however, we gently ushered them to our stadium and trounced them 4-0. Meaning we were to take on Urawa Red Dragons in the semi's. And just like the semi in your trousers right now, yes yours, it was unimpressive. A narrow 1-0 win over 2 legs sent us to our second league cup final in a row.
The Emperors Cup.
Now, there's less games in this tournament as much like Paul McCartney's dating history, they're single legged affairs. That doesn't mean we made it easy on ourselves though. First off was Nagano Parceiro in the 2nd round. And boy howdy did we squeak through. It was 4-2 to us with just 8 minutes of time left to play when, young debutante Tomohiro Fukumoto decided to emulate his mentor Pojezny and absolutely massacre Parciero's striker and get himself sent off. Nagano clearly took that personally as they pulled another back almost instantly. Yuya Yamagisha scored for us on the 88th minute which seemed to save us 5-3! But, no, they scored again in the 93rd and again to level the scoring on the 95th. Moving us into extra time with a man less. Thankfully Yamagisha had other ideas as he scored a peach of a volley in the 96th minute to give us the win. 6-5 we're through.
The rest of the tournament was plain sailing, a 4-2 win over Machida Zelvia, 2-0 over FC Tokyo then a 5-0 demolition of Kagoshima meaning last seasons beaten finalists Vissel Kobe awaited us in the semi finals. Revenge was on their mind and they failed miserably at achieving it. We hammered through them 5-1 to set up a third Emperors Cup final in as many years this time facing Gamba Osaka.
The League
Now, the league, surprisingly is the shortest one to get through. We won and we won and we won and we won, but we also drew quite a lot, and lost once or twice. That's the story of the league really. We started to hit a rough patch due to injuries and general fixture congestion as our star man for much of the season Cvetkovic broke his leg and would be out for the remainder of the season. It was a month before the transfer window, so we powered through, drawing 3 of our next 4 games, the player we brought in to replace Cvetkovic, Thai winger Suengchitthawon, looked like a world beater, a player we could rely on to get us goals and fire us to glory, he signed the contract, he attended his first training session, he broke his foot. He..... broke his fucking foot before even sniffing the starting line up. Hello Darkness my old friend.
This left us 6 points behind league leaders Vissel Kobe with 4 games to go, the first of those 4 was against Kobe themselves. A win here, it's a 3 point gap, we can close that in 3 games if we play as I know we can. The league could still be ours. Well, could, but we lost to Kobe. 3-2, a last minute goal from their top scorer Ahmed Atef signed our league hopes death warrant. 9 points behind, 9 up for grabs. This may seem like the set up for a miracle. But, alas, it was not, we also lost our next 2 games against Nagoya Grampus and Kawasaki Frontale. A morale boosting 3-1 win over Jubilo Iwata on the last day did go somewhere to improving feeling about our impending Emperors cup final but the league was over, Vissel Kobe ensured the J1 Title stayed in Hanshin, just sadly, not on our side...... Pricks.
The Finals
The J League Cup, we won it last year and this time just Kashiwa Reysol were left to stop us from retaining the title. They took an early lead, a goal from Takahiro Akimoto in the 7th minute left us worried, but we equalised through Tatsuya Kusumoto in the 35th and then went and scored the deciding goal on 75 minutes, Kazuaki Sato, making his debut due to the previously mentioned injuries scored to win us the YBC Levian cup and give me my 6th trophy as a manager and 5th with Kyoto Sanga.
The Emperor's cup final was a turgid, boring affair, it's very sad that the last game of the season, hoefully an exciting paragraph offered up exactly 1 highlight in normal time, that highlight being a corner Osaka headed over in the 63rd minute. Extra time loomed, we were half expecting penalties as both my previous Emperor's Cup finals had been settled this way with varying results. Hiroaki Abe had other ideas though, the 19 year old Gamba Osaka academy graduate powered a header past my keeper and resigned us to another finals defeat and a disappointing end to our season.
Next season will soon be upon us, we have been drawn against Chiangrai United in the 2nd round of the AFC Champions League, we have a lot to look forward to, Japanese Football? I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!
submitted by Breaking_PG to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:46 ra3ra31010 Help? Hoping to go into cyber security with little job experience

submitted by ra3ra31010 to Resume [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:45 Drawing-Electronic Just got diagnosed with CPTSD. And the reasons are.... well, interesting to say the least.

I originally posted on CPTSD but unfortunately post didn't get much reach, so trying again here.
Hello everyone, I am a 24 year old male and got diagnosed a week ago. This is gonna be a long post because I dunno how to feel. Maybe someone will relate with my situation and help me understand.
Starting off, parents were abusive. Emotional and physical abuse was common here and there. Intense pressure of studying and vented all there frustrations at me because their marriage is a complete disaster. Didn't allow me to go outside except school(where I was bullied), so no social life. Hell I didn't even have internet in my life until I was 18. Yea they were that overprotective. So, no friends, no life, no gf, no hobbies, no goals, no aspirations, just do whatever ur parents say without question. In college things got a bit better as I did have some pretty good friends. But despite all this I was an okay kid, I don't remember having any mental issues or that's what I think.
The thing that really fucked me up tho was a rejection, which is weird. Although it wasn't just a regular rejection story. She said no to me but also led me on for years. I wanted to go no contact for my own good but she INSISTED on being "friends" saying "Maybe later it will work, I do like you but not ready for a relationship yet.". All she did was use me as a trauma dump and fallback in case she broke up with her bf, which she did.
And that bring me to her relationship, which I didn't even know about. Because believe it or not when I asked her out she already had someone but never told me. She wanted to keep me as a fallback. Around a year and a half after asking her out she just out of the blue says that she has been in a relationship for like 2 years. That broke me. After her breakup she used me as a trauma dump and my dumbass played the part. All this happened for years after which I said enough is enough and went no contact.
Which brings me to a month and a half ago where I attempted suicide. Despite me having Severe Depression, ADHD and now CPTSD, I've never attempted suicide. I did think about it almost everyday but never attempted.
What happened this time pushed me to suicide and it's interesting. I have developed an intense parasocial relationship with a certain artist that I follow. I don't know why it happened, don't know how it happened but it happened. This kind of thing has never happened to me before and as much as it pains me to admit it, yes I think I have somehow developed romantic feelings for a person that doesn't even know I exist. I tried to deny it very hard but when I realized that it was true, I just couldn't take it anymore. The realization was so painful that even now it's hard for me to even write about it. All I feel is anger, frustration, shame and confusion. But the feeling of shame was prolly the strongest. I feel like a creep and weirdo for feeling this way and yet the feelings are all too real, it is so painful to admit. This intense feeling of shame I think is what pushed me past the edge. One theory of mine on why it happened could be that the artist has some similarities in looks and personality with the girl I just talked about, but I'm just too afraid to find out.
If you've read this far, thanks for taking your time to do so.
My current therapist said that it is not working(cause duhh) and is referring me to someone new. I don't even know how to tell all this to my new therapist let alone in more details. Where do I even begin. I'm just beyond flabbergasted at this point.
submitted by Drawing-Electronic to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:39 coreyseaman Corey Seaman: How a Business Strategy Can Help Achieve Long-Term Success?

In the dynamic and competitive landscape of today's business world, having a well-defined business strategy is crucial for achieving long-term success. Corey Seaman, a seasoned business strategist, emphasizes the importance of strategic planning and execution in steering a company toward sustainable growth and profitability. Here's how a comprehensive business strategy can pave the way for enduring success.
1. Clear Vision and Mission
A robust business strategy starts with a clear vision and mission. These foundational elements serve as the guiding lights for an organization, defining its purpose and the direction it aims to go. By articulating a compelling vision, businesses can inspire and align their teams toward common goals. A well-crafted mission statement provides a framework for decision-making, ensuring that every action taken is in line with the company's core values and objectives.
2. Market Analysis and Understanding
Understanding the market is paramount for crafting a successful business strategy. This involves thorough market research to identify customer needs, preferences, and trends. By gaining insights into the competitive landscape, businesses can identify opportunities and threats, allowing them to position themselves effectively. Corey Seaman advises leveraging data analytics and customer feedback to stay ahead of market shifts and maintain a competitive edge.
3. Setting Realistic Goals and Objectives
Long-term success is built on a series of achievable short-term goals. A business strategy should outline specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives. These goals act as milestones, enabling businesses to track progress and make necessary adjustments along the way. By setting realistic targets, companies can maintain momentum and avoid the pitfalls of over-ambition.
4. Resource Allocation and Management
Effective resource allocation is critical to the execution of a business strategy. This involves optimizing the use of financial, human, and technological resources to achieve strategic objectives. Corey Seaman highlights the importance of prioritizing investments that align with the company's strategic goals. Efficient resource management ensures that the organization can respond agilely to changes and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
5. Building a Strong Organizational Culture
A positive and strong organizational culture is a vital component of long-term success. A business strategy should include initiatives to foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. By creating an environment where employees feel valued and empowered, companies can enhance productivity and attract top talent. Corey Seaman believes that a strong culture not only drives employee satisfaction but also enhances customer loyalty and brand reputation.
6. Risk Management and Adaptability
The business environment is fraught with uncertainties and risks. A sound business strategy incorporates risk management practices to mitigate potential threats. This includes conducting risk assessments, developing contingency plans, and maintaining a flexible approach to change. Adaptability is key; businesses that can pivot in response to market disruptions are better positioned to sustain long-term success.
7. Customer Focus and Value Creation
Ultimately, the success of any business hinges on its ability to create value for customers. A business strategy should prioritize customer satisfaction and loyalty by delivering high-quality products and services that meet or exceed expectations. Corey Seaman advocates for a customer-centric approach, where businesses continuously seek to understand and fulfill the evolving needs of their clientele. Building strong customer relationships fosters repeat business and generates positive word-of-mouth.
8. Monitoring and Evaluation
Regular monitoring and evaluation are essential to ensure that a business strategy remains relevant and effective. This involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and conducting periodic reviews of strategic initiatives. By assessing performance against set objectives, businesses can identify areas for improvement and refine their strategies accordingly. Continuous evaluation enables companies to stay on course and adapt to changing circumstances.
In conclusion, a well-crafted business strategy is the cornerstone of long-term success. It provides a roadmap for navigating the complexities of the business environment and achieving sustainable growth. By focusing on clear vision and mission, market understanding, goal setting, resource management, organizational culture, risk management, customer value, and continuous evaluation, businesses can thrive in the face of challenges and seize opportunities for lasting success. Corey Seaman's insights underscore the importance of strategic planning and execution in building a resilient and prosperous organization.
submitted by coreyseaman to u/coreyseaman [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:39 reiskuch I've been working out the same routine for years and would like advice

Short version: I've been doing the same workout for a couple of years, but it's taking up too much of my free time. I want to continue exercising to maintain my body, but I wonder if I can adjust the exercises I do or the number of exercises I do in a week.
Long version: Hello, I'm a 29-year-old man who has been strength training for a few years now. I started a few years ago when I got in touch with a personal trainer. To give some context to the training regimen I received, I can share a bit about my fitness status at the time:
Previously, I was quite skinny and had spent most of my time indoors playing video games. One day, I felt like making a complete turnaround and thought that I should either go all in or not at all. Therefore, I told my personal trainer that my goal was to get the ultimate summer body. He told me that I could achieve my goal, but it would be tough. I needed to perform heavy exercises and hit the gym about 6 times a week.
Indeed, the program was quite rigorous, and in just a few months, I had put on a lot of size. In other words, it worked, and I feel that I've reached my goal.
Now, I've been training with the same regimen for several years, and it's been a long time since I've noticed any progress. For me, that's fine, I'm satisfied with how my body is now, but I want to maintain what I have. However, the problem with my workout routine is that it takes too much time. I have work, a partner, and other hobbies.
So my question is: How can I adjust my workout routine so that I don't have to train as hard and often? Are there any exercises I can cut out or replace with others, like full-body exercises? Or is it sufficient if I manage to do all these exercises once a week?
Here is my workout plan. There are 3 days that were repeated twice a week:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Thank you for any responses <3
submitted by reiskuch to askbroscience [link] [comments]