Internet dating headlines

Anything and everything catfishing related.

2012.05.15 01:10 GuyintheArmy Anything and everything catfishing related.

Flatheads, blue cats, channels, and more! We welcome them all here at catfishing!

2016.03.23 18:11 yaktoast Phrendly Internet Dating

You know that electric feeling of messaging back and forth with someone you’re newly interested in? The excitement of calling them for the first time? That’s what Phrendly’s all about, and those thrills keep coming because we keep all of your interactions on the web or on your phone.

2019.10.27 09:37 Brian_Kinney GayYoungOld dating

GayYoungOldDating is about gay younger men and older men looking for intergenerational dates, hookups, relationships, chats, whatever.

2024.06.09 23:04 Daikon_Anon Advice for dealing with debilitating paranoia?

I am in my early twenties, and I live in a decently large city. I dated and broke up with this person (&) in our mid/late teens, and I have not seen them since then. It ended pretty neutrally, but the reasons we broke it off left us both with harbored distaste. I was told about a year and a half after that (&) had kept in contact with individuals who would go on to threaten to harm me physically/make false reports to law enforcement, post pictures of my face, my full name, public and private social medias, and lie about me around my community. They had apparently been watching my presence on the internet since (&) and I broke up. I am not sure if (&) is still friends with said previous individuals, but I can NOT shake the fear that they are still close and now know where I frequent. Ever since then, I have struggled with intense amounts of paranoia regarding being surveilled. I stopped enjoying my hobbies, and couldn't leave the house without panicking. Ive spent the last couple years very slowly trying to go out for longer amounts of time regardless of how scared I feel, and figuring out how to put myself out there again. The other day I was at one of the few places I feel comfortable in and (&) was there. I tried to shrug it off and enjoy my evening but shook the whole time I remained in the area. Since I went home the thought of stepping out of my apartment terrifies me again, let alone going back there. It sucks. The only advice I have received so far is "just try to ignore (&)," but they cause me genuine distress to the point that I am affected by it days to weeks later. How can I work through this?
submitted by Daikon_Anon to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:02 midland-monkey Replacing Dell T20 home server

Some background, I bought a Dell T20 back in 2016 with a great cash back offer on it. I’ve put in there 4 SATA disks, 2 running in RAID 1 for all our family photos (we use DSLR’s), which we may or may not edit/view locally and then they backup to cloud for DR, the disks are fairly small but are running raid pass through to the OS on a VM. Then there’s an SSD running the 4 server OS virtual disks and finally a large chunky disk for movies, TV shows etc for Plex. I’m running VMWare 5.5 if I recall which is EOL, and one of the VMs runs Sophos firewall and I have an extra network card for the WAN connectivity in place of a router. Have a seperate VM for Plex and another VM for downloads etc (3 or 4 in total) all running 2012. All in all, I’ve max’d out the storage everywhere and the windows OS’s are EOL running server 2012 home edition and the underlying VMware is well out of date.. Im basically at the point now where I’m extremely nervous doing anything to it of any magnitude incase I take down our home internet for home working, or screw up Plex which the family use so I’m leaning towards a new server to migrate over to, building in what little free time I’ve got.
Any suggestions on a flexible system to replace the above? Ideally would love to keep the photos locally but may not need to RAID them given they backup to cloud nowadays anyway. Could keep Sophos on the current one for the time being but ideally would like to port over..
submitted by midland-monkey to HomeServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:59 Demo_man1973 Question

What does the error mean
submitted by Demo_man1973 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:46 Yunnaya Me 27(F) her 57(F) LDR not romance, but she still tries for romance. Is it worth being friends?

It is a friendship LDR not romance, but she tried romance...
I was 21 (girl) when I met this woman online on Facebook (she was 51), even the 30 years age gap we shared several interests about multiple things, movies, stories, religion, interests, books, animals cause... The first years in our friendship she was very shy, she had no friends at all, she always posted photos not looking at camera, she was EXTREMELY introverted and shy.
But we did voice calls, video calls (you could see she was a TRUE introverted), it was like we were soulmates, we shared so many multiple things. And I started to encourage her to "break her shell" and meet new people. It worked a little, I saw she little by little having small talks to other people, and I was so happy for her!
For context, she lives in her parents house downstairs, she is kind of poor, she works as a cleaner in a place, she never married, she never dated, she likes women, she hates men because of a childhood trauma I can't talk about, but she kissed one guy once in her teens.
So, hmm, somehow she fell in love with me, she confessed and stuff. I am very open to any kind of sexual orientation but I told her our age gap was too large and I was young, also I wanted to be with a guy, marry and get kids? Even so, she told she understood me, but would keep loving me forever. Well, well... This was about when I was 22-23 and her 52-53.
We kept our friendship relationship in our own way, everything was perfect, she HELPED so much with some of my traumas, when I was sad, when I was lonely, she was my refugee... In 2020 it was the worst period of my life, I had a terrible trauma, she helped me in a way that no simple friend or therapist could help, she was one of my salvations and for me being alive, she helped me with my depression and my suicidal thoughts, she encouraged me to go to a psychiatrist, she was basically an angel in my life. We are from different countries (she is from the United States) she even offered to pay for a ticket and passport for me, even if it was just to visit and cool off...
She still continued the romance story with me, when I was 24-25 years old. And I told her I started dating a guy from my country (we are in a LDR) but this isn't about him, he is very great to me! Well, she cried a lot, she even sent me naked photos and videos with her face!!!! (Which I told her to NEVER EVER do this to someone because some people can post on internet!!!) She was devastated, but she ended up understanding... Even so, she didn't stop making statements... She stills calls me "baby" and she says she loves me deeply and also says I am the only one who understands her soul.
But there is a problem, her communication is terrible, she can't express herself correctly, if you say you don't want to talk to her for a week she will obediently obey and don't even ask why! She says this is called respect for others. She takes everything literally, you can't write anything without it literally and she will take it extremely seriously. No joke, if you say you like eating ants, she will take it seriously and say something like "oh, ok, how does it taste? Don't you hurt yourself?" She doesn't take anything as a joke, everything is extremely serious.
Since December 2023 our communication has decreased a lot. She always says that no one understands her, that her parents don't understand her, that she is alone in this world and only has me. I was very busy with personal projects and college so I didn't have much time to communicate Her mother recently died in February, She only informed me 5 days later, even though I spoke to her before, I offered all my support and compassion. I tried to talk to her several times but she seemed a little out of touch with the world. I tried to send her messages, but she didn't respond until 3 in the morning. But I saw her on Instagram online and on Facebook all day... I told her about it and she just said "I was doing research" and I said I wanted her to talk to me, if she needed time alone I would understand but I wanted to be there to give my support.
That was in February, now we are in June, in the meantime I confess that I didn't try to talk to her anymore (maybe I did it wrong?) she just sent me a message every month at 3-4 am saying how sad she is and out of this world. In May, I saw she normally talking to people on Facebook posts so I angrily told her I needed some time apart from her because while I was so deeply worried about her, she was just having fun on random Facebook posts? She started being sad but accepted it. Two weeks after she told me her cat died, again I told her she could message me and i would give her my full support. She told she would talk to me next day because it was 3am! She did not. This was in May.
Today, She sent me a message saying she was sad, and I was really upset and I said, "are you sad? So why do you live all the time on Instagram and Facebook talking to other people instead of communicate with your faithful friend which you tell you love all the time (me) and when you do, you send me a message once a month at 3 in the morning?" More excuses came, she said she was looking for new friends this time. And I replied "Is this serious? While I was worried to death about you, hoping to communicate with you and find out everything that happened you were trying to have new friends now?!" I was so upset that I called her mean.
I tried several times to make her to see a therapist or a psychiatrist. I tried several, multiple times, she never listened to me. She has severe anxiety, panic attacks and ADHD. I talked to her mother once, and her brother a few times.
Nowadays she is 57 and I am 27.
My question is, is it worth to keep this friendship? I am feeling so hurt because she chose random strangers to be talking besides her "eternal loved friend". She helped me so much and I am attached to her somehow because I will be forever grateful how she helped me through my trauma.
Here are some of her messages about this:
I need you to talk with me, because they don't understand anything I go through! And they don't really even have time to~ I have panic attacks sometimes... But they don't know how to offer compassion~ Our whole family is like that, including my aunt, who is coming here next week... 😭🙏 I want to talk with you, Baby Loooo!! You can still talk to me, whenever you need to... 🙏 It makes me sad to see you so cold... 🥲❤‍🩹🦮🐕‍🦺🐕🐈🐢 It is heartbreaking enough to lose my mother, then her cat name... I prayed you would also stay by my side... 😿💌🧚🏻‍♀️🧚‍♂️ ~ I will always forgive you and stand by you~ 🙏👩🏻‍⚕️🕉️ I would never desecrate the Precious Gift that God has given us ... And it was a mistake, because you know how compassionate and sensitive I am! ~ It hurts me to see any peson or animal hurt~~ ESPECIALLY YOU!! ❤‍🩹💓 🙏🥲~ The grief I would have over losing you, would be even deeper than my grief about my mother passing... Because you always saw my Soul, and you have been closer than my own sister or brother...🧚‍♂️💌🧚🏻‍♀️ I'm also sorry for not understanding how deep your worry has been, for me... 🙏😔
Here are some of my messages:
I tried, her name. You pushed me away in every possible way By talking to other people while I was deadly worried about you. All I just wanted was to communicate to you, help you, understand what was going on... And now you don't even want me talking to your family to understand how you are You were truly mean. You were so mean to someone who truly cares for you. You were mean in every possible way You will make a million excuses now because you never admit that your mistakes have consequences I'm not a spare part for whenever you want me to be there, I have feelings, I waited 6 months for you to talk to me. When you didn't find anyone to connect with you came after me, that's horrible . You weren't in a shell, you were looking to other people to be friends with while you had the most faithful friend by your side You were deeply mean to me and my feelings You took me for granted
submitted by Yunnaya to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:38 TempusCarpe The Confirmed Hoax Fallacy

The Confirmed Hoax Fallacy
The Confirmed Hoax Fallacy An Old Argument Raises Its Ignorant Head Yet Again TEMPORAL RECON JUN 8
I was recently invited to write an essay by someone who I respect greatly in their own personal search for truth. He asked that, while an update to Conviction of a Time Traveler is not necessarily in the offing, he did wonder if I might be amenable to a friendly reminder of the evidence provided in COATT nearly a decade ago now.
What spurred his request was that he had noticed recently that several people online had been echoing the ‘confirmed hoax’ trope when discussions would might around to the John Titor series of posts which occurred online back in 2000/2001.
His noticing of this false argument was nothing new; I had also noticed it crop up from time to time over the last 20 years. I hold the ‘confirmed hoax’ argument in special and particular disdain. Why?
Primarily because evidence exists and was provided in Conviction of a Time Traveler in 2009 that Titor was legitimate and, ironically enough, was read by many of the so-called experts espousing the ‘confirmed hoax’ lie. So when these fake experts tell you that the Titor story was a ‘confirmed hoax,’ they are lying to you.
Conviction of a Time Traveler provided new and original evidence that has never, to date, been debunked since its publication; a full 14 years. The evidence provided (which many of these lazy forum participants are aware of) pointed to one, inexorable and inescapable conclusion: Titor was legit. But this evidence, while never disproven, is always ignored. Why is that? We’ll put a pin in that…
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Ironically, not only has the evidence documented in Conviction of a Time Traveler never been debunked, but it has also even been plagiarized by lazy authors who can’t be bothered to do original research or, lacking the intellectual horsepower necessary to do even that, fail to provide appropriate attribution to their source material.
So what of this, ‘Confirmed Hoax’ claim? Is it true? HAS the John Titor episode actually been ‘confirmed’ as a hoax?
When someone in a position of pretend authority declares from their cardboard pedestal that the John Titor story is a ‘Confirmed Hoax,’ have you ever noticed they never provide the person who did the confirming?
“Confirmed hoax?” ‘Confirmed’ by whom, pray tell?
When the term ‘Confirmed Hoax’ is used, what imagery comes to mind? I dare say it implies that some sort of shadowy group of learned scholars sat around a big wooden table, carefully assessed and addressed the claims. All the evidence and counter-arguments were carefully measured while hidden away in some stone castle somewhere until a white puff of smoke curls over its stone-tiled rooftops, declaring to the world once and for all,
“Our confirmation is complete. John Titor was a hoax!”
Here’s the dirty little secret of the ‘Confirmed Hoax’ statements: they are actually shorthand for,
“I don’t have the intellectual capacity to argue in favor or against, so in order to come off like some sort of authority and maintain my fake position of authority, I’ll just take the safest position and simply declare that the Titor story is a hoax, that it was ‘confirmed’ and let’s please just move on to some other topic.”
‘Confirmed Hoax,’ is a coward’s gambit, a bet, that there won’t be anyone to come along to rock the boat and topple these posers off their flimsy stage of pretend authority.
This was the environment I walked into when I first published Conviction of a Time Traveler in 2010, and apparently, it hasn’t changed in 15 years.
When I first posted on Paranormalis (IIRC) announcing that I had written a book that documented the evidence in favor of Titor’s veracity, the then-reigning Titor authority (‘Darby’) haughtily pronounced, “Present your evidence and we’ll discuss it.”
It was in that moment that I chose a path that nobody before me had ever embarked upon. I said, “No.”
Nobody had ever said ‘no’ before. There are pages and pages of forum posts by people before me who discovered some of the same bits and pieces that I discovered that pointed to Titor’s truth. And they were excited to show what they had discovered! And, owing to their excitement, and unfortunately, their naivete, they excitedly shared their evidence, wrongfully believing that the forums’ leadership was interested in getting to the bottom of the Titor episode.
Little did they suspect that ‘Darby’ and others were acting as gatekeepers of truth, whose sole purpose was to establish and maintain a lid on the narrative that was the John Titor episode. He, and his ilk gaslighted and bullied these poor naifs into silence by using their fake authority to debunk and explain away the very real evidence they had discovered.
That is, until COATT was published.
Unfortunately for these enemies of Truth, the internet is forever. In my research leading up to the publication of Conviction of a Time Traveler, I had the benefit of not only studying Titor’s posts, but also all the follow-on discussions after their departure.
I reviewed literally years of online forum content and, as I did so, I made a very curious observation: in all the years of discussion after Titor departed, not one piece of evidence ever (ever) caused ‘Darby’ or any of the other fake authorities to question their ‘it’s a hoax!’ position. They NEVER saw a piece of evidence that they didn’t dismiss, mock, ignore or explain away with contortions of logic that would make Wetzel’s Pretzels blush. This is in stark contrast to how someone who was truly in search of truth would act.
If ‘Darby’ and the others truly were curious, isn’t this a little odd? Really? Not ONE piece of evidence ever caused ‘Darby’ to pause and say, “hmm, that’s interesting…”
Not once, ever.
And there are years of forum posts to confirm this.
So, when Darby commanded from his perch of fake authority that I ‘present my evidence so that we might discuss it’ I laughed in his face [paraphrasing],
“No. A real discussion of the evidence hasn’t occurred here for years, and I do not recognize your so-called position as some sort of ‘expert’ on the Titor story. LITERALLY EVERYTHING there is to learn, or study, is published in the Titor posts for all to read. You hold no special knowledge, no special position, no special nothing. I do not submit to your fake authority. You want to learn about Titor, read the book.”
Or words to that effect, anyway…
In the end, the evidence provided in COATT was so unassailable and the argument so solid that ‘Darby’ and his ilk suddenly became more and more quiet as they slowly realized I wasn’t going to wilt under their “authoritay.” Eventually, they slinked away with their rhetorical tails tucked.
But this was not the end of the story! Because ‘time travel’ had become quite the pet interest of mine (owing to the further evidence I discovered after publication), that I continued to post online in various discussion forums. I even wrote numerous essays on a variety of topics, all spurred on by the ‘time travel’ question and all its implications.
Fast Forward Fast forwarding to today, we’re back at the ‘confirmed hoax’ argument again. What was once offered up (“HOAX!”) by Darby and others, is now cold soup served by the latest crop of fake authorities. And what happens when fake authority utters the ‘Confirmed Hoax’ discussion-brake? The same thing that happened a decade ago: the earnest neophyte shrugs their shoulders secure in the false belief that others smarter than they have studied the topic and arrived at some irrefutable conclusion; no further discussion necessary (or allowed). They have no idea just how close they came to uncovering something truly fantastic, had they only relied on their own judgment instead of the know-nothing proclamations of others.
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Which brings me to why I wrote COATT in the first place. Instead of simply doing my research and arriving at my own (private) conclusion, I realized that too many people were believing fake authority and ignoring Titor’s warnings about our future. Once I realized that Titor was legitimate (caveated, of course), how could I NOT share my findings? The stakes were simply too high.
IF what Titor said were true 24 years ago, that the world was heading for an upending change in the status quo, and that many people would die as a result of it, how could I remain silent and not inform others that his warnings were something to be listened to? Perhaps people with ears to hear might take heed and make the appropriate preparations. I know I did.
But, as my friend has informed me, it appears that the fake experts have reared their ugly and useless heads once again telling us that there is ‘nothing to the Titor story’ and that it is a “confirmed hoax.”
THIS was the reason that I was recently asked to provide my evidence once again. And THIS is the reason this essay is dragging on. These pretenders to authority are like roaches; as soon as the exterminator leaves, they come out of the woodwork intent on dismantling the Truth once again. God’s work never ends, it seems, even with a 99% success rate…
So, now that we’ve got all THAT out of the way, and as a sort of transition, I’d like to bring you up to speed on what I’ve been up to since I published Conviction of a Time Traveler in 2010.
To be perfectly frank, after COATT’s publication, I thought I was done with the Titor story; I had said my piece and was perfectly willing to move on with my life and prepare for the event that causes the change in the status quo. But the annoying fact was that the Titor story itself didn’t end with the cessation of Titor’s posts in 2001.
As new evidence appeared in the months and years following publication, like dog shit on my shoe that I can’t scrape off, I could never cleanly cleave myself from the Titor story. Not that I wanted to, mind you, it is a fascinating topic, regardless of your opinion.
But what surprised me the most was that new evidence continued to appear, year after year. And, as more evidence appeared, my curiosity was consistently kept piqued and on alert. Trust me, it is exhausting.
To give you a sense of what I discovered, I can tell you that your experts are wrong and that ‘time travel’ is neither novel nor unusual; we are very literally awash in ‘time travelers.’ My research suggests that ‘time machines’ have been present in our past going as far back as 850AD. But I digress.
Suffice it to say that the Titor rabbit hole is but one example of a massively large group of programs from an unknown number of organizations from across time. The ‘time travel’ question runs much deeper (and much farther back in time) and crosses over into more (so-called) esoteric topics than anyone gives it credit for. As I said, it’s exhausting.
My whole point here is that, even after I published in 2009, my curiosity in the topic (and its implications of yet larger vistas) did not wane. And, because of this continued and unabating curiosity, I discovered yet more evidence, crafted more theories and came to more conclusions.
A philosopher once described the acquisition of new information as an ever-expanding circle surrounding the man; a horizon where known and unknown meet where new answers only beget new questions which push the circle farther and farther out. This has been my experience over the last 15 years re the Titor narrative and the larger ‘time travel’ question. How could it be otherwise?
Unfortunately for you, you are being convinced by fools that the Titor episode is a ‘Confirmed Hoax.’ You haven’t even made the leap to the possibility that ‘time travel’ is even possible. How can you explore the implications of ‘time travel’ when you can’t even consider its reality, a fundamental starting point? I have a very strong (ehem) conviction that our collective naïveté on the subject will be violently revoked in the very near ‘future.’
The Two Camps, The Two Mistakes During my research, I observed that within the Titor commentariat there are two basic camps: the Debunkers and the True Believers.
The Debunking camp will provide any contortion of logic to maintain the ‘Titor was a hoax’ narrative.
The True Believers, on the other hand, will believe any contortion of logic that maintains their belief in The Gospel of John.
What if I told you both camps were wrong?
Now, the debunking camp will tell you that Titor must be a hoax because his predictions didn’t come true. Oh, well…his predictions didn’t come true? I guess we’re done then? Obviously, his whole purpose for posting was to make predictions like some Magic Eight Ball, right? And if those don’t pan out, well, ‘CONFIRMED HOAX!’
Get the Book
On the other side of that coin, the True Believers out there, who never saw a confirmation bias they didn’t love, will tell you that Titor’s predictions didn’t come true because he changed the future. This of course is a recipe for explaining away literally any detracting evidence thus making Titor true no matter any evidence to the contrary.
Let’s take the True Believers first:
The concept of Divergence, while a handy explanation, does not/cannot explain all differences in histories away. In fact, were what Titor said was true (remember, we are True Believers for the moment and are taking Titor’s words as gospel) he absolutely must take measures to minimize divergence as much as possible and NOT allow it to span wildly. Otherwise, the entire power of the ‘time machine’ is rendered moot. I accept that Divergence is likely a real measurement necessary for the efficient execution of ‘time travel’ missions, but it should, by no means, be the magic skeleton key to explain away every question.
In fact, while divergence is very likely a real ‘thing’ or artifact or measurement of difference between world lines, the Truth is that divergence must absolutely be kept to a minimum to make any practical use of the gravity engine sitting in the back seat of your old blue Geo Metro.
So, no. Divergence cannot be the handy tool we need to contort ourselves into believing, as much as we might like to.
Now for the debunkers:
The debunkers have a variety of options available to them to argue that Titor was a ‘confirmed hoax.’ Regardless, these arguments typically boil down to two primary classes:
He has special training or knowledge, and/or
He’s just a lucky guesser.
Unfortunately for the debunkers (and those who listen to them), these explanations make a very serious error: that predictions are a relevant metric to judge Titor’s truth at all. They are not.
Serious question: Why should a ‘time traveler’ be subject to the same metrics that a psychic is to determine if his claims of ‘time travel’ are true?
The point here is that you can’t compare a horse to a whale and complain that the horse can’t swim. They are two completely different animals, and the same goes for ‘time travelers’ and psychics or tarot readers or any other domain whose reputation is dependent on the true-ness of the information they provide. Comparing Titor’s predictions to actual, experienced history is also an imperfect and inappropriate metric if one is to objectively assess Titor from a blank slate starting point. This points to a much deeper insight into the true purpose of the Titor posts, but that’s for a different day.
So, because of both these problems, any real researcher worth their salt would have to find some other way to determine the truth/falsity of the Titor narrative.
Remember, when first approaching the Titor question as an objective investigator, Titor is both equally a hoax and legitimate. Imagine Schrodinger’s cat meets Columbo…
I’ll give you this observation for free, just to get your juices flowing:
Did you notice that absolutely none of John’s predictions (event + date) came true, but all his statements concerning conditions about our future did?
Don’t you find this interesting? Or hadn’t you noticed, too blinded by the bright and shiny, attention-grabbing predictions of nuclear war?
But I am getting ahead of myself; we still haven’t provided the evidence that it’s simply more likely that Titor was an actual time traveler than some ‘hoaxer genius.’ And so we finally get to the whole point of this essay in the first place, a reminder and summary of the evidence first provided in Conviction of a Time Traveler all the way back in those halcyon days of 2010:
  1. Wireless Internet: Titor correctly predicted the advent of wireless internet when we were still using dial-up modems and America Online. Cable internet connections had only just been introduced.
“My closest friend raises horses and another works for a company that maintains “wireless” Internet nodes.”
– J. Titor, Nov 7, 2000
  1. YouTube becoming like ‘live theatre’: Titor correctly predicted the social evolution of YouTube and the decentralization of entertainment away from Hollywood evolving from short videos of grannies and cute kittens on Youtube to a sort of “live theatre” where actual shows would be presented by literally anyone, online, in a world that hadn’t even seen streaming services or video sharing services such as Rumble, etc.
“Yes, there is an entertainment industry. Again, it is very decentralized. The technology to express yourself with video is so readily available that many people do it all by themselves or in small groups. Much of the distribution is over the web. I would compare it theater here.”
-J. Titor
  1. IBM 5100 special capabilities: The statement that kicked everything off. Titor correctly identified the secret capabilities of the very first desktop computer manufactured by IBM in the 1970’s. These capabilities were utterly unknown and unacknowledged until Titor’s appearance in 2000. Interestingly, using this information, I was able to determine the most likely candidate of Titor’s grandfather which, upon this identification, also explained why Titor had to go all the way back to 1975 to pick up a copy of the 5100 and not 1985, 1995, or ‘elsewhen.’
“I was “sent” to get an IBM computer system called the 5100. It was one the first portable computers made and it has the ability to read the older IBM programming languages in addition to APL and Basic.”
– J. Titor, Nov 15, 2000
  1. VOIP: Titor correctly predicted the development of phone calls being run across the internet, again, in a time where downloading a picture over dial-up took minutes.
“Many people use the Internet for communication and entertainment. I would say that affects our speech. We type very fast.”
– J. Titor, Feb 15, 2001
  1. Soldier’s Winter Poem: Titor correctly predicted the poem, by name, “A Soldier’s Winter” and its topic. There is more to this particular prediction and statement about “A Soldier’s Winter“ than meets the eye, however.
“A Soldier’s Winter.”
-J. Titor, Feb 21, 2001
  1. Second gulf war: Titor correctly predicted a second incursion into Iraq by allied forces. There is also more to this statement by Titor as well. But that’s a little advanced for right now.
“Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?”
-J. Titor, Feb 25, 2001
  1. WMD and ‘hype’: Titor correctly predicted that the WMD story was hype and not to be believed (also, there is more to this statement than is visible on the surface). This statement’s purpose is closely related to statements #6 and #9.
“Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?”
-J. Titor, Feb 25, 2001
  1. Optical Measurement for atomic clock: A biggie. Titor correctly predicted the development of a new sort of atomic clock and the reasons why it was an improvement over the then-current ‘radio’ method of atomic measurement (more precise).
Specifically, atomic clocks determine the length of a second by measuring the frequency of a particular atom. Cesium, Rhodium, etc. Measuring this frequency is done using something called the “radio method” which makes use of a gas and hitting that gas and atom with a microwave (the ‘radio’ part of the measurement). However, Titor claimed that a new ‘time machine’ had been developed that makes use of an optical means of measuring the atom’s frequency, an improvement. The Optical Frequency Comb was developed after Titor’s departure which enabled the measurement of an atom’s frequency optically, and which also allowed for greater precision in that measurement. Titor’s statement is a 3-fer:
He predicts an optical measurement system for atomic clocks.
He predicts the new system measures oscillation and not some other aspect.
He predicts this new system increases measurement precision and not some other aspect.
“The C206 uses 6 cesium clocks but they use an optical system to check the oscillation frequency. This makes the worldline divergence confidence much higher.”
– J. Titor, Nov 7, 2000
  1. Ginger: The most enigmatic piece of evidence and what originally spurred me to look closer at this ‘confirmed hoax’ in 2010. In the very opening of Titor’s posts in 2000, someone asked three questions to allow Titor to ‘prove’ he was legitimate. Those questions were:
“1. What was the final death count in the recent India earthquake?
  1. What is the "Ginger" (IT) invention?
  2. Who wins the Stanley Cup (Hockey) this year?”
  • M. Kolesnik, Jan 29, 2001
As you see, questions 1 and 3 are of the magic eight ball variety and are wholly inappropriate to assess Titor’s truthfulness. But we’ll extend some grace to Mr. Kolesnik as it was so early on in their discourse. And Titor demurred on answering these two questions anyway. He refused to answer the first question because he claimed he simply didn’t know. And he refused to answer the third question because he felt it to be unfair for someone to earn money using his information (pointing to a larger context of rules by which they operate).
But, the middle question, ‘…what is Ginger…’ did not violate either of those two questions so he acquiesced and answered it. He answered by saying,
“It looks like a sort of motorized scooter. What do you think IT is?”
– J. Titor, Jan 29, 2001
This answer immediately got my attention because, in 2000 when the question was asked, the answer was truly unknown, thus Mr. Kolesnik’s question. However, in 2009 when I was first looking into the Titor narrative, I knew what Ginger was because I remembered it. Hindsight truly was 20/20.
As a bit of background, during 1999 (the exact timing escapes me), a ‘viral’ marketing campaign was underway by an inventor named Dean Kamen. While never revealing what this new product was, the billboards merely asked,
“What is IT?”
“What is Ginger?”
That was all they said. It is obvious now, and was obvious even then, that Kamen was attempting to create a buzz for his new invention. Fair enough. It also explains why it was asked of Titor in 2000. Kamen’s ad campaign was working! People were truly wondering.
Now understand, the hype (and I use that term specifically) surrounding the Ginger ad campaign was fairly strong. Kamen predicted that his invention would reinvent how people moved about cities; it would cause their utter redesign and how they were laid out and organized. Big claims, to be sure. So strong in fact that Kamen was able to land a spot on Good Morning America where he finally revealed what his invention was.
In December of 2001, and live on the air, Kamen, with Katie Couric, revealed Ginger to the world. Ginger was none other than the Segway.
And what did Titor say it was?
“A type of motorized scooter”
And Stella says there’s nothing more to learn…
Get the Book
Titor’s absolute spot-on declaration of what Kamen’s invention was nearly a year before it was unveiled hit me right between the eyes. Eight years later, I already knew that Ginger was the Segway because I remembered the event.
Here was a maniac on the internet claiming to be a ‘time traveler’ and he correctly ‘guessed’ what Ginger was a mere 2 ½ hours after it was asked and 11 months before it was officially unveiled?
It was Titor’s statement here that caused me to look deeper (much deeper, in fact) into the Titor narrative and, after exhaustive research and extensive supporting evidence, I concluded that Titor was in fact, legitimate.
Now here’s the truly interesting part of this piece of the Titor saga: you can’t find this statement about Ginger online anywhere anymore. It has been scrubbed from online sources everywhere.
Now, when I first discovered the Titor story, I saw that there appeared to be a couple different versions of the posts and I just, by chance, found a version of the posts with the Ginger reference in it. I saw that some versions had the Ginger reference, and some did not. At the time, I did not know how to understand this. But I do now.
Revisiting Old Theories As I mentioned before, hindsight is 20/20, and that is especially true when discussing ‘time travel’ and ‘time travelers.’ So, it seems oddly appropriate to provide a few examples of updated information that only revealed themselves with the fullness of time after publication.
‘leader’ In Conviction of a Time Traveler, I found the following quote especially interesting:
“The President or “leader” in 2005 I believe tried desperately to be the next Lincoln and hold the country together but many of their policies drove a larger wedge into the Bill of Rights. The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base.”
  • J. Titor, Feb 19, 2001
And it wasn’t necessarily the full content of Titor’s statement here, it was those damn quotes around the word ‘leader.’ Why would he put quotes around a word so simple in its definition? In COATT, I surmised that Titor was referring to Obama at the time for a variety of reasons. Namely the very high coincidence factor between facts surrounding Obama and Lincoln. My own belief also was that Titor would not consider Obama as the rightful leader of the United States due to the known problems with his birth certificate, thus making him ineligible for the Presidency. Thus, Titor wrote ‘leader’ with those quotes around it indicating his misgivings.
Of course, here we are 24 years after Titor’s statement and 12 years after I wrote COATT, and I have now come to a different conclusion about the quotation marks around the word ‘leader’. I now surmise that Titor was referring to Biden and not Obama when he wrote that. Because I personally didn’t have a ‘time machine’ at the time, I never could have expected the dementia patient currently ‘in’ the White House and supposedly ‘leading’ the country. For anyone watching, it is patently obvious that Mr. Biden isn’t ‘leading’ anything. So, in the context of this and our current national situation, those quotation marks sure make a hell of a lot more sense now, don’t you think? This reassessment obviously puts a giant bullseye on the 2024-2025 time period for what Titor commented upon in 2000.
So, yes. I have reassessed this particular conclusion since publishing Conviction of a Time Traveler due to the slow passage of time and its equally slow revelation of Truth.
Gates Another interesting comment by Titor had to do with Bill Gates. Recall that in 2000/2001, Bill Gates was ‘merely’ the CEO of Microsoft. He was among the richest men in the world and many news stories of the time commented upon this fact. Almost kind of like Elon Musk’s notoriety in both scope and scale. So, as such, a forum participant named ‘Joe’ asked Titor for any information regarding Bill Gates’ future. Titor’s response?
“This I do know but I won’t discuss.”
-J. Titor, Feb 23, 2001
An interesting, if not completely unhelpful, answer. Wouldn’t you say?
Considering we now know how Gates has morphed from Tech Titan selling mediocre products to Farmland baron, GMO mosquito breeder and mRNA advocate and (alleged) mass murderer in India and elsewhere in the third world, Titor’s statement that he does know about Gates’ future rings true.
In fact, what was also a bit interesting was when someone later pressed him on any information regarding Gates’ future. To which he responded,
Just curious, why is he of such interest?
-J Titor, Mar 5, 2001
Considering what we know now about Gates and his predilections (his ‘wife’ deserted him upon revelation of his visits to Epstein Island), I’m willing to bet that John was naturally curious as to why Gates, of all people, was of such interest to the forum participants that they would ask twice about him. Coincidence? Or did Titor suspect a mole from a different program in the forum? Who knows. His curiosity about their curiosity in Gates is interesting, nothing more.
Conclusion And there you have (some of) it. A summary of some of the evidence documented in Conviction of a Time Traveler written nearly 15 years ago. The evidence contained in that small book has never been debunked or disproven. It has been plagiarized by some and ignored by others. If you were unaware of COATT and are a regular participant in the online discussions about ‘time travel,’ you should ask yourself why the ‘leadership’ on those forums never mention COATT. Curious, don’t you think?
The reason I wrote COATT in the first place was because, after I had done my own research to satiate my own personal curiosity, I realized that some people online were downplaying his posts’ importance in the hopes that they could dissuade people from believing in Titor and the possibility of ‘time travel.’
I saw this dishonesty and decided to fight back against it by merely providing the information I discovered. From my point of view, Titor was warning us about a very severe time in our future that would upend the status quo and was to be a highly dangerous one.
Taken at face value (always a good starting point), Titor’s warnings merited being taken seriously. Had the naysayer’s deceit been left unanswered, how many of you would have failed to prepare for what is just around the corner? You have prepared, haven’t you?
And yes, as is readily obvious to many, those hard times are right around the corner. Looking at Titor’s statements 24 years later and simply looking around at the state of America and the world, do his statements seem so outlandish now?
John’s ‘final’ words to the forum in March of 2001 ring eerily prescient now:
Bring a gas can with you when the car dies on the side of the road.
-J. Titor, Mar 23, 2001
It is my sincerest hope that my small book project (and the essays that followed) spurred you to think twice about the world we live in and take the necessary actions you feel you should to keep you and your family safe for the world’s awakening and rebirth.
As Ever,
Temporal Recon Share
As Ever
submitted by TempusCarpe to JohnTitor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:37 Z0ld3en Brothers PC download sucks

Okay so I'm gonna run down the issues here and everything I've personally tried to remedy the issue.
My house has 1gbps internet speeds. My PC consistently gets around or at the very least 75% of 1gbps on speed tests I get 957mbps. Had a few bad connection spots here or there where I had terrible connection, but they cleared up on their own so I have to assume it was a provider issue. Haven't had connection issues for about 9 months on my end. Same with my Dad's PC no issues he get 700mbps consistently.
This is important as my dad is on wifi and my brother and I are both ethernet. I have a cat8 going into my PC, this connection goes into a wall connection that has cat 5e run throughout the house. So basically my cat 8 is bottlenecked to 5e. Remember I'm still getting max internet speed. My brother on the other hand is down in the basement where our router is. And headlined direct with cat 5e. In essence we have the same ethernet cable. Now for some numbers
I decided to test both speed tests and actuals.
My speed test 957mbps
My brother's 268mbps
Downloading Elden ring. My download finished in sub 10 minutes My download peak and consistent avg. Peak: 750mbps average 656mbps not perfect, but it's nothing to scoff at that's for sure My brother's still on going for the last hour Peak: 567mbps(one time) actual peak 267mbps consistently 168mbps
I think it's important to list the one time peak of 567 it shows that his ethernet can provide him with the high internet speed it's supposed to, but it's not.
Attempted solutions
Swapped ethernet cables
Updated network adapter drivers
Changed duplex from auto to full(1gbps)
Checked ethernet cable network cap. Ie hit properties on his ethernet to see if his cable was limiting him in settings. Nope it supports 1gbps. I'm genuinely at a loss here there's no reason that I can see why he'd be this badly throttled. His download is 1/5 at best of mine. Heck I'd even take 2/5th if I could get it.
The whole reason this comes up is because we both play a game called dark and darker. My launcher game update took all of 5 minutes for it to finish. His was 2 hours in 67% done on 26 GB update. Even at 168mbps it shouldn't have taken 2 hours!? I don't get it
submitted by Z0ld3en to computers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:32 YouKnowMyBrother [WTS] Vintage World Silver, Mercs, Pan-Pac Gold, Generics, Vintage Art Bars, & a lot more

Happy Sunday, everyone!
Proof - Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Want my password? Try and take it.
Government and Generic Silver Bullion
Vintage World Silver
US Special Mint Sets
New Zealand Sterling Silver Limited Edition Commemorative Proofs
I take PPFF, Zelle, and cashapp. Shipping is $5 First Class, $10 Priority.
​Thanks for looking!
submitted by YouKnowMyBrother to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:31 spinningpiledriver INTERNET YAMERO writer inspired by Kanauru for lyrics of Miko's new song

INTERNET YAMERO writer inspired by Kanauru for lyrics of Miko's new song
This is from a blog post by Nyalra, best known for writing the game NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD. He and composer Aiobahn, who previously worked together on the songs INTERNET OVERDOSE and INTERNET YAMERO, wrote and produced Miko’s new original, Sakura Day's.
In the blog, Nyalra shares his inspiration for the lyrics, revealing that he's a big fan of u/Kanauru. I thought his perspective on the concept of VTubers as "self-aware 2D characters" was kind of interesting too.
I’ve included the full translated article below, followed by a TLDR. The section about Kanauru is in bold.

Sakura Day's: On Lyrics and Self-Aware 2D Characters

Original Article in Japanese:
Author: Nyalra
Date: May 30, 2024

I have a strong interest and admiration for the potential of VTubers as "self-aware 2D characters."
Recently, I had the opportunity to write the lyrics for Sakura Miko's new song, "Sakura Day's." Aiobahn composed the music. As usual, I simply wrote lyrics to his finished song, and he never made any changes to my lyrics either. Perhaps because of the mutual trust we have in each other's work, we don't say much. This was the case again this time. It goes without saying that Aiobahn's music is flawless. However, the moment I heard the intro to this song, I was convinced it would be Aiobahn's signature song for this year. It's the culmination of the pop, cute, slightly melancholic, and somewhat "eroge" sound he's been striving for the past year or two.
Therefore, the first thing I do is come up with a theme based on the instrumental track Aiobahn sends me. Since this song is obviously for Mikochi (Sakura Miko), I first need to understand her. There were some things I already knew about her, and I especially wanted to focus on her love for bishoujo games.
Since I was born a man, I've always wanted to try writing lyrics from the perspective of a bishoujo game heroine. From there, I decided to explore the concept of VTubers as an evolution of these heroines, with the ability to speak and interact beyond the pre-determined lines within the game world. In the song, there's a line that says "the heroine can only walk a predetermined scenario," but outside the song, she's not a game character, but a VTuber, allowing for infinite, unexpected conversations. I found hope in this structure.
From the perspective of a "self-aware bishoujo character," Mikochi is truly amazing. Her comedic timing, natural wit, and most importantly, her ability to entertain her audience truly showcase the potential of 2D characters. Her fans must surely enjoy spending time with her.
The ultimate inspiration came from Kanauru's video.
I absolutely love Kanauru's work, and the video where Mikochi wakes you up like a childhood friend saying "Good morning~" perfectly captured the essence of a "childhood friend heroine." I was impressed by Mikochi's "otaku-friendliness," being able to deliver such a quintessentially 2D line. Before I knew it, the lyrics were complete. It's more like an image of "Mikochi as a new possibility for bishoujo game heroines" rather than just a character song for Mikochi. Both concepts share the fate of speaking from within a window, whether it's a browser window or a game window, and never being able to truly step out.
My frequent use of sounds like "Lalala" and "Rirarira" is a remnant of my process of listing "la" sounds when I first receive a melody because I lack musical knowledge. I believe that a beautiful girl pronouncing "la" sounds is closer to the essence of music than a regular old guy like me simply putting lyrics onto it, so I kept them in. I do this in other unreleased songs as well. Shalalala♪
By the way, since I was abroad, I hadn't seen the video before it was released. So, as a viewer, I was just as impressed by the visuals as everyone else. After all, when the CG shows up in the chorus, it's just great, right?
I once wrote in a previous post that I was touched by a comment in a stream that said "Please remain as a god on the screen forever." That was a fleeting moment during Mikochi's "Exit 8" stream that I happened to catch while writing the lyrics.
With her back to the camera to focus on the game, she wasn't looking at the comment section. In that gap, an emotional fan posted "Please remain as a god on the screen forever." Everyone has dreamed of praying to a self-aware 2D character (a sacred being worthy of worship).
In that moment, she was truly an avatar, a priestess that made otaku feel the 'presence of a god.' It was wonderful. I'm incredibly proud to have been involved in writing the lyrics for this song.
  • The inspiration behind the lyrics: Nyalra draws inspiration from Kanauru's video where Miko wakes up the viewer as if she were a childhood friend. Her portrayal of this classic character archetype resonated with him and influenced the lyrics.
  • The power of self-aware 2D characters: He believes that VTubers, as self-aware 2D characters, have the potential to transcend the limitations of traditional video game heroines and offer a more engaging and interactive experience for viewers.
  • Sakura Miko - a god on the screen: He praises Miko, highlighting her comedic timing, natural wit, and ability to connect with her audience. He mentions being deeply moved by a 35P once commenting "Please remain as a god on the screen forever."
\Translated and summarized with assistance from Google Gemini*
submitted by spinningpiledriver to Hololive [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:17 praygon Did Superweapons Arsenal ever get a reboot/Decent alternative?

Howdy everyone,
I've come back to the game after a long break and after doing some digging found that one of my favorite overpowered weapon mods Is gone and there's a fair bit of drama it seems as to why. couldn't care less about the drama, tale as old as time on the internet.
I'm just curious based on a few posts i found dated about 2 years ago there was mention of someone else remaking the mod without the offending content and updating it for newer version of starsector. Did this ever come to be? because drama aside it was quite fun being able to fire a black hole at enemy fleets.
submitted by praygon to starsector [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:10 strengthtoovercome Functional fitness exercise database in Microsoft Excel / Google Sheets for strength training (version 1.7 update)

Functional fitness exercise database in Microsoft Excel / Google Sheets for strength training (version 1.7 update)
Hey workouts community,
I created a functional fitness exercise database in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets for strength training – it’s a resource to help keep all of your strength training exercises organized and quickly accessed in an easy-to-use spreadsheet for your workouts ( I am constantly updating the exercise database each month with new equipment, exercises, and search filters - so I wanted to share a quick summary of the additions to the database for June.
The highlight of this update is adding the Pull Up Bar as a new primary equipment item and its associated 44 new exercises, as well as adding 37 new box step up variations. A full breakdown of all of the updates in version 1.7 is listed below, as well as the free download link to get your updated copy of the database.
More about the exercise database:
It is time consuming to sift through all the exercise information available on the internet (multiple exercise databases, YouTube videos, fitness pages/social media), so I made this to have all of the data in one spreadsheet that can be quickly filtered for your exercise search. The database has more than 25 search filters available for over 1400 + functional exercises - allowing you to find the information you need in seconds when designing fitness programs or learning new movement patterns.
The fitness library also includes exercises using the barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, gymnastics rings, parallette bars, calisthenics, clubbells, indian clubs, maces, the bulgarian bag, the strongman sandbag, the landmine attachment, suspension trainer, sliders and other functional equipment that you may not have used for your current workouts. All exercises requiring you to move, stabilize, and develop functional and pain free strength.
In this version 1.7 update, I have added the following to the exercise database:
  • Added “Pull Up Bar” to the “Primary Equipment” category heading.
  • Added 44 new pull up bar exercises.
  • Added 37 new box step up exercises.
  • Added 9 new kettlebell pistol squat variations.
  • Added 6 new alternating dumbbell bench press variations.
  • Added 4 new macebell cossack squat variations.
  • Renamed eccentric exercise variations.
  • Renamed ½ or 1 to Half or Single in name description for database consistency.
Enjoy the updated exercise database and feel free to follow along on twitter to stay up to date with the latest version (
YouTube Tutorial Video:
Download Free Copy MS Excel / Google Sheets (best viewed on tablet/laptop or PC):
submitted by strengthtoovercome to workouts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:08 Several-Opposite-190 The inspiration behind "6:16 in L.A." has been right in front of us the whole time. Meet the self-described 616god, Milkavelli.

The inspiration behind
1. Zack Bia’s connection to the 616god
Yesterday, I made a post about Zack Bia. I mentioned how “6:16 in L.A” makes references to Zack Bia at the end of the song.
You playin' dirty with propaganda, it blow up on ya
You're playin' dirty with Zack Bia and Twitter bots
After continuing research into Zack Bia, his clothing brand, Psychworld, was found. Psychworld is a clothing brand founded in 2018 by Zack Bia that describes as the following: “Founded by multi-hyphenate DJ and producer Zack Bia, the streetwear brand trades on exclusivity and elusiveness.”
Drake appears to be involved with Psychworld, at least on the modeling side. There are multiple pictures of Drake modeling Psychworld apparel on their Instagram.
While scrolling through Psychworld’s Instagram, there was a post which referenced apparel with the number “616.”
This post has been mentioned before when “6:16 in L.A.” dropped. Previously, nothing was found relevant to the song. I dug a little deeper in case something was missed. I started by following the accounts tagged on the post, dvlgng and slowthai.
dvlgng is an account for a clothing brand called 616 Clothing. Since dvlgang was tagged in Psychworld’s post, and Psychworld advertised selling 616 Clothing, it appears that the companies did a collaboration.
2. What is 616 Clothing?
616 Clothing is a brand affiliated with UK rapper Milkavelli. Milkavelli describes himself as the “616god.” He uses the number “616” in a lot of his posts because it is affiliated with his crew, 616. 616 is a crew of rappers in the UK.
Milkavelli also regularly references cults and being anti-religious through his social media. The image below is one example of one of his posts.
I started looking up “milkavelli” to find more information on him. I found the following posts, which are all alleged and unproven. The first poster's username has been censored.
Then, I found this news article. One of Milkavelli’s alleged friends, Ceon Broughton, has an overturned manslaughter conviction for filming “his girlfriend dying from a drugs overdose at Bestival.” Milkavelli posted a picture of him and Ceon together with the caption, “Reunited with my actual twin. Theres no feeling so great.”
Louella Fletcher-Michie died in 2017 after overdosing on 2C. There have been theories that "toosie" is a double entendre reference to 2C.
3. Conclusion
Why is “6:16 in L.A.” referring to Milk? I don’t know yet, but I am guessing the 616 crew was in L.A. and did... something. Milkavelli appears to have taken a break from the Internet in 2018. Although he still posts on Instagram, he has not updated his Twitter since February 2018. Although it may not be relevant, I would like to throw out that it appears he was visiting L.A. in February/March 2018, and the Delilah incident happened in March 2018. Again, this does not inherently mean anything, just a potential lead.
I also believe this is why there is such a heavy emphasis on God in "6:16 in L.A." Milk uses a lot of devil and cult iconography in his posts and art. If this song was referencing Milk/616, of course Kendrick would likewise bring up religion as an allusion.
One last thing: ever since my research on Zack Bia began, I have become almost positive “6:16 in L.A.” is a warning shot to both Drake and Zack. I believe it is possible Zack Bia is so intertwined in Drake’s mess that whatever is going on behind the scenes may bring him down too. I wasn’t sure until I had a revelation. The opening of “6:16 in L.A.” is not referring just to Drake. It’s also referring to Zack Bia.
Zack Bia claims Virgil Abloh is his mentor and friend. In the video of Hasan Piker discussing Zack Bia, his Wikipedia description shows the following.
Today, Zack Bia’s Wikipedia page is not as descriptive, but still describes Abloh as his mentor and friend. It is the only other sentence in his “Personal life” section besides his dating history.
Also, one of his first Instagram posts is a pair of shoes seemingly signed by Virgil Abloh.
Virgil Abloh is the founder of the luxury brand Off-White. Zack Bia appears to be a massive fan of Off-White because of this.
Zack Bia is also known as a professional “fame fucker,” in the words of Olivia Rodrigo. He is known for seeking out the biggest stars to befriend and network them. Some stars, like Drake, are so big they could even be described as the Sun.
Off-white Sunseeker at the Marina
Zack Bia is the off-white sunseeker.
Also, coincidentally, today is Zack Bia's birthday. Happy birthday to the 6/9 god!
submitted by Several-Opposite-190 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:04 EurekaStockade 1068/--- How the Titan Implosion last year signalled the date for Global Stock Market Implosion in 2025

1068/--- How the Titan Implosion last year signalled the date for Global Stock Market Implosion in 2025
In this post I explain how the Titan Implosion stunt signalled the date for Global Financial Crash next year--
18 June 2023-- Titan submersible went missing during the 111st anniv of the Titanic Disaster
22 June-- Day 1199 of the Corona Pandemic
9 months 11 days after 11 Sep= 11/9
Titan Submersible wreckage was found
The pilot had the unlikely name of STOCKTON RUSH--- STOCK RUSH
22 June 2023-- Titan Submersible wreckage was found
22 Months 3 days later--
25 April 2025-- my prediction for a Global Financial Crash
25 April 2025= 119 Months after Dow Jones 119th birthday
25 April= Day 115 of the Year
25 Jan 2017 --Dow hit 20,000 points for the first time ever
This was the start of the 8 year Super boom as 'predicted' in this 2010 article---
'Super boom' will push Dow over 38,000, Hirsch predicts - InvestmentNews
exactly 99 months later--
25 April 2025
16 May 2024-- the Dow Jones hit 40,000 points for the first time ever
11 months 9 days later--
25 April 2025
Anzac Day
21 Sep 2024= Mother Of All Short Squeezes
216 days later--
25 April 2025
22 June 2023-- Titan Submersible wreckage was found
Same day-- Crimean Bridge was blown Up
Same day--- King Charles horse Desert Hero wins at Ascot
Same day-- $100 Million Lottery in Australia--Powerball 1414
The first two numbers drawn were predictably 22 & 3
this is classic signalling-- proving Lotteries are fixed
22 June 1941-- Hitler invaded Russia during WW2-- Operation Barbarossa
22 June 2001-- Operation Dark Winter--global smallpox bioterrorist simulation exercise
keep an eye on 22 June this year--
22 June= 22/6
119 days after her son Emperor Naruhito's birthday Feb 23= 2/23-- Skull & bones date
888 Asian lucky number
Alex Jones Infowars Liquidation is making headlines
22 June--Prediction--Alex Jones headline
21 Sep-- my prediction for the Mother Of All Short Squeezes
223 days after Alex Jones birthday
21 Sep 2024= Mother Of All Short Squeezes
216 days later--
25 April 2025
submitted by EurekaStockade to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:46 stealthispost When two GPT2 models appeared on LMSYS, only one of them was apparently determined to be GPT-4o. The other one, which was supposed to be significantly better, is now being reported as GPT4.5 by several testers on request

When two GPT2 models appeared on LMSYS, only one of them was apparently determined to be GPT-4o. The other one, which was supposed to be significantly better, is now being reported as GPT4.5 by several testers on request submitted by stealthispost to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:45 clearly_quite_absurd Tory election candidate Oliver Johnstone apologises for joking about date rape drug in post from 2012 Oliver Johnstone, a former Stockport councillor, had been commenting on a post criticising "Steak and Blowjob Day" - an internet meme created as a supposedly male response to Valentine's Day.

Tory election candidate Oliver Johnstone apologises for joking about date rape drug in post from 2012 Oliver Johnstone, a former Stockport councillor, had been commenting on a post criticising submitted by clearly_quite_absurd to notthethickofit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:41 leo_sk5 What is the process svchost.exe downloading? windows update is not active as seen in the settings app. It has been downloading since last 40 minutes or so. Please help. should i stop it?

 What is the process svchost.exe downloading? windows update is not active as seen in the settings app. It has been downloading since last 40 minutes or so. Please help. should i stop it? submitted by leo_sk5 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:38 tempmailgenerator How to Capture and Email Dropdown Selections Using PHPMailer

A Guide to Sending Select Box Values via Email with PHPMailer

Integrating user input from a web form into an email can be a vital functionality for websites that require interaction with their users. One common challenge developers face is sending the value of a dropdown menu to an email using backend technologies like PHPMailer. This process involves capturing the user's selection from the frontend, passing it securely to the server, and formatting it into an email. PHPMailer, a popular library used for sending emails securely via PHP, offers a reliable way to accomplish this. However, the specifics of implementing such functionality can sometimes be tricky, especially for those new to web development or PHPMailer.
In practice, achieving this involves several steps: constructing a well-formed HTML form, ensuring the selected value is correctly passed to the PHP backend, and utilizing PHPMailer to format and send the email. While the frontend part might seem straightforward, ensuring the backend correctly receives and processes the data requires careful attention. This guide aims to demystify the process, providing a clear pathway from user selection to email delivery. By understanding how to effectively use PHPMailer for email sending tasks, developers can enhance their web applications' interactivity and user engagement.
Command Description
$(document).ready(function() {}); Initializes jQuery code to run once the HTML document is fully loaded.
$('#myForm').submit(function(e) {}); Binds an event handler to the "submit" event for the form with id "myForm".
e.preventDefault(); Prevents the default action of the form submission to allow for AJAX processing.
$('#country').val(); Gets the value of the select element with id "country".
$.ajax({}); Performs an asynchronous HTTP (Ajax) request.
$('#country').css('border', '1px solid red'); Sets the CSS border property of the select element to "1px solid red".
new PHPMailer(true); Creates a new PHPMailer instance with exception handling enabled.
$mail->isSMTP(); Tells PHPMailer to use SMTP.
$mail->Host = ''; Sets the SMTP server to connect to.
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; Enables SMTP authentication.
$mail->Username and $mail->Password Sets the SMTP username and password for authentication.
$mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS; Sets the encryption system to use (STARTTLS).
$mail->Port = 587; Sets the TCP port to connect to.
$mail->setFrom(); Sets the sender email address and name.
$mail->addAddress(); Adds a recipient to the email.
$mail->isHTML(true); Sets email format to HTML.
$mail->Subject; Sets the subject of the email.
$mail->Body; Sets the HTML message body of the email.
$mail->send(); Sends the email message.
catch (Exception $e) {} Catches any exception thrown by PHPMailer during the process.

Enhancing Form Data Handling and Email Security

When dealing with form data, especially in scenarios where this data is transmitted over email, security becomes a primary concern. It's crucial to validate and sanitize user inputs to prevent common vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection. This aspect of web development is often overlooked but is paramount for maintaining the integrity of the data and the security of the system. PHP provides various functions to filter and sanitize user inputs, such as `filter_var()` and `htmlspecialchars()`. Implementing these functions can significantly reduce the risk of malicious data compromising your application. Additionally, when dealing with email sending functionalities, it is important to ensure that the email content is properly encoded and that any attachments are scanned for malware.
Another critical aspect to consider is the use of secure connections for transmitting data, both to the server and when sending emails. For data submission, implementing HTTPS with SSL/TLS encryption ensures that the data exchanged between the client and server is encrypted. Similarly, when configuring PHPMailer or any email sending library, it's advised to use secure protocols like SMTPS or STARTTLS to encrypt the email traffic. This approach safeguards against eavesdropping and ensures that sensitive information remains confidential during its journey through the internet. Lastly, keeping your PHPMailer library up to date is essential to protect against known vulnerabilities and benefit from the latest security features.

Implementing Dropdown Value Emailing with PHPMailer

HTML and JavaScript for User Interface

Backend Handling with PHPMailer for Email Dispatch

PHP for Server-Side Processing
isSMTP(); $mail->Host = ''; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = ''; $mail->Password = 'your_password'; $mail->SMTPSecure = PHPMailer::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS; $mail->Port = 587; //Recipients $mail->setFrom('', 'Mailer'); $mail->addAddress('', 'Joe User'); //Content $mail->isHTML(true); $mail->Subject = 'Country Selection'; $mail->Body = 'The selected country is: '.$country; $mail->send(); echo 'Message has been sent'; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: {$mail->ErrorInfo}"; } ?> 

Optimizing User Experience in Form Submission and Email Interaction

Improving user experience (UX) during form submission and subsequent email interaction plays a pivotal role in engaging and retaining users. A well-designed form not only facilitates a smoother data collection process but also significantly enhances the users' perception of a website. Implementing real-time validation, clear instructions, and immediate feedback on form fields can reduce errors and frustration. Moreover, utilizing AJAX for form submission without requiring a page reload offers a seamless experience, keeping users engaged with the content. This approach, combined with a visually appealing and intuitive interface, can greatly improve the user's journey from filling out a form to receiving a confirmation email.
In the realm of email interaction, personalization and clarity are key. Emails triggered by form submissions should be crafted to address the user by name, provide a clear summary of the submitted data, and outline the next steps or what to expect. This builds trust and confirms to the user that their action was successful. Additionally, ensuring emails are responsive and well-formatted for all devices is crucial, as a significant portion of users access their emails on mobile devices. Thoughtful touches, such as including a link to view the email in a web browser, can accommodate users' diverse preferences and tech environments, further enhancing the overall experience.

FAQs on Implementing PHPMailer for Form Submissions

  1. Question: Can PHPMailer send emails using Gmail?
  2. Answer: Yes, PHPMailer can be configured to send emails through Gmail by setting the SMTP settings to Gmail's SMTP server and using your Gmail account credentials.
  3. Question: Is it secure to use PHPMailer for sending sensitive information?
  4. Answer: Yes, when properly configured, PHPMailer supports SMTPS and STARTTLS encryption protocols, ensuring that the email content is encrypted during transmission.
  5. Question: How do I attach files to an email using PHPMailer?
  6. Answer: You can attach files using the `$mail->addAttachment()` method, specifying the path to the file and optionally the name of the file as it should appear in the email.
  7. Question: Can PHPMailer send emails to multiple recipients?
  8. Answer: Yes, PHPMailer allows adding multiple recipients by calling the `$mail->addAddress()` method for each recipient's email address.
  9. Question: How do I troubleshoot PHPMailer errors?
  10. Answer: PHPMailer provides detailed error messages through the `$mail->ErrorInfo` property. Ensure error reporting is enabled in your PHP script to view these messages and diagnose issues.

Wrapping Up the Integration of PHPMailer for Enhanced Web Interactions

Concluding our exploration of utilizing PHPMailer for handling dropdown values in web forms, we've traversed from the basic setup to advanced considerations encompassing security, user experience, and troubleshooting. PHPMailer emerges as a robust tool, offering versatility and security for email transmission tasks within PHP-based applications. It facilitates not just the email sending process but also brings a layer of professionalism and reliability to form submissions, ensuring data reaches its destination securely and efficiently. By implementing the practices and codes provided, developers can elevate their web applications, offering users a seamless and secure interaction experience. Moreover, staying vigilant about security measures and continuously improving the user experience based on feedback are pivotal steps toward maintaining and enhancing the efficacy of web forms and email communication. This comprehensive guide serves as a foundation for developers to build upon, encouraging further exploration and customization to meet the unique requirements of their projects and user base.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:37 which1areyou My Husband Had an Affair and Said He Liked Her Better - Now My Marriage Is On The Brink

I just need a place to share our story to where someone will hear it, rather than just shouting it inside my head all day long. I have almost no friends or family I can be this vulnerable with, so I thought I’d give the entire internet a go, anonymously. Here goes.
My husband and I have been married for about 10 years. We have 4 little kids, all under 6. A little over 5 years ago, my husband confessed to me that he had a serious 🌽 addiction he had been hiding for me for our entire relationship. His confession felt like a trap door opened, and I fell through it as he explained each and every lie he had been telling all this time. It was an uphill battle to rescue our marriage after all of that deceit and betrayal. He went to a twelve step and truly turned things around, and has been sober ever since a few months into his journey. We really did recover from that time and our trust has been repaired. We set fresh boundaries with opposite sx relationships and really put up hedges of protection around our marriage.
Fast forward to about 8 months ago.
He confessed that during his addiction, he also sought out and frequently returned to old 🌽 pictures of his close female friend (they are no longer friends, as I mentioned earlier we changed that up). When this came up, I asked to see his old messages with her and as it would appear to me, they had a full on emotional affair, in addition him viewing these pictures. Whether or not she knew he was looking at them isn’t known because they never talked about that, but hints were dropped.
They’d have longggg text conversations and hang out all the time. She worked at his office. They had lunch together every day just about. She was VERY openly flirty with him and rude toward me. They talked about all sorts of things and clearly had a close emotional bond as well as some flirty moments as well, and then the pictures he intentionally searched for and found from a previous 🌽 shoot she did years before that he was viewing all throughout this inappropriate friendship. Of course, that part is one sided. But still.
Of course when he told me this I was devastated by this and instantly went to a place of comparison. Keep in mind that this woman is an ex 🌽 worker and I am just a freshly postpartum stay at home mom of 4. I asked my husband, in a desperate pursuit of something that may make me feel better, if he liked me better than her.
Side note (sorry in advance for all the side notes haha) my husband has diagnosed OCD and bipolar II. Brutal and compulsive honesty is a huge symptom and though we have been working on this problem for much of our marriage, it still rears its head once in a while. My husbands mental health problems are a massive burden on him and of course I support him in his healing however, his untreated mental health problems have also wrecked havoc over our relationship and made it really difficult for me, as well.
Back to the question I asked him that caused the downfall of the last 8 months of my life:
He told me no. He told me he liked her better. He told me she was thinner. He told me she didn’t have stretch marks (she’s never had a baby) he told me she gets ready every day and does her make up. I don’t.
This hurt terribly, so I asked more questions, yet again seeking more reassurance. I know you’ll think that’s dumb, and in hindsight, so do I. But this was all so shocking. Never in our marriage has he spoken about my body this brutally. He’s never made a single negative comment about my appearance whatsoever. This came as a complete shock and I was hoping I just misunderstood. I wasn’t expecting what came next.
He had an absolute meltdown, confessing to me every mean and dark thought he had ever had about me and our marriage. He told me he regrets marrying me, he thinks about leaving, he thinks I’m less attractive than most women, he’s not proud to be with me, liked me better before I had children, thinks he can do better and he settled, he compares me to every woman he sees and routinely finds that the other woman is better, and so much more.
From this space, I’m sure it sounds like he said this all out of spite with some harsh tone of voice, just trying to hurt me any way he can. In reality, he was weeping and drowning in shame. He thought confessing these things to me would help, and claims he had no idea I’d be as destroyed as I am. This confuses me to this day, but two therapists have explained that this can happen with bipolar as sometimes the internal world can be so extremely painful that the external world feels out of touch at times, and that’s what my husband described this as.
I don’t know how relevant this information is, but I think it’s worth saying, I don’t think he was wrong when he was saying all of that. I was overweight by a significant amount, and drowning in child rearing, breastfeeding, housework, and postpartum depression. When he spoke this to me, I had already been on a somewhat new weight loss journey and had already lost 20lbs. Since then, I’ve lost 50 more (70 total) and I am now at a healthy weight and body fat percentage is within the athletic range as I’ve picked up running to cope with all this stress. I’ve also made a lot of changes to my appearances just by doing my hair and makeup every day, showering daily, and dressing cute for the day. I have been feeling more confident and more able to love myself in these ways as I watch my hard work pay off. This has led to me receiving a lot of male attention for my appearances more recently, sometimes when my husband is with me even.
It has been over eight months since that horrific day. It has been a STRUGGLE. We are both in individual counseling and marriage counseling weekly, spending a fortune and hours upon hours of our time on healing. We’re both taking meds at this point for mental health. We’re both reading endless self help books, talking with mentors, absolutely drenching our lives with healing because our marriage is that important to both of us. My husband has been on a mission to learn more about why he had this previously mentioned emotional affair. He is uncovering some unhealed childhood wounds and unmet needs. In addition to seeing a psych and a therapist, he’s in a men’s support group, and has weekly calls with a mentor just to try to work through some of this mess. He’s doing a lot of work on these issues.
In the past eight months, my husband has gone from claiming he’s not proud to be with me because I’m not very attractive to now claiming I’m the most beautiful woman and he married way up. He sees the male attention and can be somewhat protective in the moment and give a glare or whatever, but then when we get home later he tells me he knows how pretty I am and isn’t too bothered by others telling me so because he knows I’m his. He showers me in constant compliments these days, brings me home flowers here or there, random iced coffees on his lunch break, shows up to marriage counseling with pen and pad and reviews his notes throughout the week, takes me for date night weekly, sends me off for a surprise afternoon shopping break from the kids randomly from time to time, texts and calls me throughout the day, and just pours effort into our marriage. When we fight or I get triggered, he just listens and apologizes and tries to comfort me, even when I say the most ridiculous and mean stuff. Of course sometimes he messes up and says things that offend me and he quickly takes responsibility. He’s made a LOT of changes since 5 years ago and many changes since 8 months ago as well.
But then there’s me. I have been a disaster ever since that day. I am so hot and cold. I toggle between being certain I’m hideous and unlovable and being certain I’m loved and safe. I find myself frantic with anxiety, always waiting on the other shoe to drop. I will randomly just feel like he’s cheating on me or feel like he’s hiding something, and it will eat me up until I talk with him about it and he hands me all his devices and I look through them all. I’m constantly mirror checking, certainly have body dysmorphia, and although I’ve lost the vast majority of the weight in a healthy way, I’ve teetered at times on the edge of an eating disorder. I am struggling to believe a positive word he says and feeling so sure he’s going to flip any second now and break me down with his words.
We just had such a close marriage and to find out that not only did he have this inappropriate relationship with this woman, but he also willingly let himself resent me so much for just struggling on my hardest days. I completely get needing to express to your partner that you want them to take better care of themselves and I’m certain that conversation has to be difficult no matter how well it’s handled, but I feel like I was really beaten down in a way I did not deserve. And now I’m really struggling to trust that we’re ok now and we can leave it in the past. How do I stop comparing myself to every other woman we walk by? How can I trust that he’s not still just resenting me for my appearances? How do I believe a single kind word he says? How do I forgive him for that disaster, knowing we both walked away with so much that we needed in the end anyway? And how do I stop believing I am married to someone who doesn’t love me?
submitted by which1areyou to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:29 MathematicianUsed170 Need help leading my relationship

Apologies for this long winded message. Need some advice. I’m a 31year man dating a girl from work who is 39. I’m a few months into the relationship and I have sort of sobered up and want to tighten up on some things. Would love some insight from the bright minds on the internet:
I live with my brother and mom. My brother and I pay all the bills, mom buys groceries and cooks.
My girl, she has been married twice, has an 18 years old, 16 years old and 7 years old. She has two baby dads, the most recent one was kicked out 4 years ago. He still comes around to pick up his son for baseball and school activities. He texts my gf
This all started with a drunken outing with work friends where we flirted with one another. After that, I didn’t pursue it too hard as we work together and i dint want to have things get too messy. She loved my advance on her so she continued her flirting with me to get me to see it through lol and even came up to my desk and wrote her number.
Finally I gave in and I asked her out on a date. We had an amazing night out and had sex that night, i grabbed a hotel given my mom stays at home with me.
Since then we have gone out every weekend, I pay for our food, hotels and etc. To be clear, the second time we hung out, she raised the concern that about me paying for the hotels every weekend, she knows it adds up. I said it would be crazy for me to ask her out and have her pay so that was that and it never came up anymore. Whenever we go out, I pay no discussion. We went on a vacation the other day, I made her pay 30% of the booking but everything else I took care of.
We then did something for her birthday, I took her out to a nice dinner, hotel and an event the next day. What sobered me up was while we were at the event, she was showing me something on her phone, a guy who she used to be involved with DMs her something funny. She dismissed it as some guy who’s been trying to get back with her and she’s not interested. My whole mood was killed that day because it was new information to me. She dismissed it as she’s not interested in this guy at all and she’s crazy about me but I ain’t new to the game. That wasn’t really good enough for me considering if it was the other way around she would ask a 100 questions lol I decided no to ruin her bday and told her that It was bothering me but I’ll get over it since she technically didn’t do anything wrong but (I’m keeping my eye open). Don’t want to paint her as sneaky, she’s attractive, so of course dudes are looking and she spends a lot of time with me and when she’s not she’s calling me. But just that made me feel like I need to set boundaries to ensure I’m not fucking myself over, should things not work out and even if they do I want to be solid financially regardless.
So now I have been questioning what I’ve been putting in the relationship, what I have allowed. Financially, def need to tighten up. Cashflow wise I’m in the negative right now and I want to get back on track. Dates hotels and going out running me about 350-400 per week and it’s not sustainable. I’m building and I want to get her on the same page as me.
Need help leading my relationship. How would you approach this with your girl, feel free to add other things for me to consider
submitted by MathematicianUsed170 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:22 mthw704 (SELLING) AWESOME LIST OF 4K/HD/SD CODES. Lots of titles added this week & a great $2 list. Over 5,000 transactions.

The Big List

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Barbie 4K [2023] $6 (MA)
Batwoman season 1 HD [2019] $6 (Vudu)
Help, The SD [2011] $3 (iTunes/ports)
X-Men Trilogy HD [X-Men, X2 & The Last Stand] $8 (MA)


$5 4K UHD

Eternals [2021] (MA + 200 points)
John Wick 1-3 (iTunes)
Monsters Inc. [2001] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
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$4 4K UHD

Aliens [1986] (iTunes/ports)
Avengers: Infinity War (MA + 200 points)
Beauty & The Beast [2017] (MA + 200 points)
Captain Marvel [2019] (MA + 200 points)
Frozen 2 [2019] (MA + 200 points)
Halloween [2018] (MA)
Mission: Impossible [1996] (Vudu)
Mission: Impossible 2 [2000] (Vudu)
Ralph Breaks The Internet [2018] (MA + 200 points)
Scarface [1989] (iTunes/ports)
Smokey & The Bandit [1977] (iTunes/ports)
Solo: A Star Wars Story [2018] (MA + 200 points)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (MA + Sony points)
Thor [2011] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Thor: The Dark World [2013] (MA + 200 points)
Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts (iTunes)
Venom [2018] (MA + Sony points)


$5 HD

Adventures Of Ichabod & Mr. Toad, The [1949] (MA + 150 points)
Elemental [2023] (MA + 150 points)
Hannibal season 1 [2013] (Vudu)
How To Train Your Dragon 3-Movie Collection (MA)
Hunchback Of Notre Dame, The [1996] (MA + 150 points)
Hunchback Of Notre Dame 2, The [2002] (MA + 150 points)
Lady & The Tramp II: Scamps Adventure [2001] (MA + 150 points)
Mickey's Christmas Carol [1983] (MA + 150 points)
Mr. Popper's Penguins (MA or Google Play/ports)
Robots [2005] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Succession season 1 (iTunes)
Veep season 5 (iTunes)
Veep season 6 (iTunes) or both for $8
Warriors, The [1979] (Vudu or iTunes)


$4 HD

Creator, The [2023] (MA + 150 points)
Day After Tomorrow, The [2004] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Hitman [2007] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Iron Claw, The [2023] (Vudu)
Justice League x RWBY: Superheroes & Huntsmen Part One [2023] (MA)
Locke [A24] (Vudu)
Marlowe [2023] (MA)
Monsters vs. Aliens [2009] (MA)
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (Vudu HD or iTunes 4K)
Rosemary's Baby [1968] (Vudu HD or iTunes 4K)
Wish [2023] (MA + 150 points)
Wonka [2023] (MA)


$3️⃣ Codes

$3 4K UHD

Aladdin [2019] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Alien [1979] (iTunes/ports)
Angel Has Fallen (Vudu or iTunes)
Assassin's Creed [2016] (MA)
Back To The Future Part II [1989] (iTunes/ports)
Back To The Future Part III [1990] (iTunes/ports)
Big Hero 6 (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Bourne Identity, The [2002] (iTunes/ports)
Bourne Ultimatum, The (iTunes/ports)
Cinderella [2015] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Dracula Untold (MA)
Dredd (Vudu)
Fantastic Four [2015] (iTunes/ports)
Fast & The Furious, The [2001] (MA)
Frozen II [2019] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Gemini Man (Vudu)
Guardians Of The Galaxy [2014] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Hacksaw Ridge (Vudu)
Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard, The [2021] (Vudu or iTunes)
Interstellar (iTunes)
John Wick (Vudu)
John Wick: Chapter 2 (Vudu)
Jurassic Park [1993] (iTunes/ports)
Jurassic Park III [2001] (MA)
Keeping Up With The Joneses (iTunes/ports)
Little Mermaid, The [1989] (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Logan Lucky [2017] (iTunes/ports)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (Vudu)
Moana (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
mother! [2017] (iTunes)
Planes, Trains & Automobiles (iTunes)
Prometheus (iTunes/ports)
Rango [2011] (iTunes)
Revenant, The [2016] (iTunes/ports)
Sicario (Vudu)
Snitch (Vudu)
Spiral: From The Book Of Saw (Vudu or iTunes)
Star Wars: Rise Of Skywalker (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Thor: The Dark World (iTunes/ports + 150 points)
Toll, The [2021] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Top Gun (iTunes)
Wolf Of Wall Street, The (Vudu)


$3 HD

101 Dalmatians [1961] (MA + 150 points)PENDING
Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel [2009] (MA)
Angry Birds Movie 2, The [2019] (MA + Sony points)
BFG, The [2016] (MA + 150 points)
Birdman [2014] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Birth Of The Dragon [2017] (MA)
Black Adam [2022] (MA)
Breaking Bad season 6 (Vudu)
Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite (MA)
Chronicle [2012] (MA)
Color Purple, The [2023] (MA)
Desperation Road [2023] (Vudu HD or iTunes 4K)
Disneynature: Bears [2014] (MA + 150 points)PENDING
Friday The 13th, The [1980] [Theatrical] (Vudu HD or iTunes 4K)
Fruitvale Station (Vudu)
Ghostbusters II [1989] (MA + Sony points)
Goosebumps 2 [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Grown Ups 2 (MA + Sony points)
I Am Vengeance: Retaliation [2020] (Vudu or iTunes)
Insidious: Chapter 3 (MA + Sony points)
I, Tonya [2017] (MA)
Line Of Duty [2019] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Little House On The Prairie season 5 (Vudu)
London Has Fallen (iTunes/ports)PENDING
Lone Ranger, The [2013] (MA + 150 points)
Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match (MA)
Northman, The [2022] (MA)
Orange Is The New Black season 1 (Vudu)
Phoenix Forgotten (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Planes: Fire & Rescue [2014] (MA + 150 points)
Project Ithaca [2019] (Vudu or Google Play)
Promised Land [2012] (iTunes/ports)
Promising Young Woman [2020] (MA)
Rambo III [1988] (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Ray [2004] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The [1975] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Searching [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Slender Man [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs [1937] (MA + 150 points)
Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse (MA + Sony points)
Stoker [2013] (MA)
Stuber [2019] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Superfly [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Tyler Perry's Madea Goes To Jail (Vudu or Google Play)
Venture Bros: Radiant Is The Blood Of The Baboon Heart [2023] (MA)
Walking Dead season 9, The (Vudu or Google Play)
White Boy Rick [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Wolverine, The [2013] [Unleashed Extended Edition] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
World's End, The [2013] (iTunes/ports)
Yesterday [2019] (MA)


$2 Codes

💲2️⃣ HD

12 Years A Slave (MA or Google Play/ports)
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers Of Benghazi (iTunes 4K)
1917 [2019] (MA)
21 Jump Street (MA + Sony points)
2 Guns (iTunes/ports 4K)
31 [2016] (Vudu)
About Last Night [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (MA)
Action Point [2018] (Vudu)
After Earth [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Age Of Adaline, The (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Alien Covenant (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA/GP)
All Eyez On Me [2017] (iTunes)
Allied [2016] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Aloha [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Alpha [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Alpha & Omega 2: A Howl-lday Adventure (Vudu)
Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Road Chip (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Amazing Spider-Man, The [2012] (MA)
America: Imagine The World Without Her (Vudu)
American Assassin [2017] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
American Girl: McKenna Shoots For The Stars [2012] (MA or iTunes/ports)
American Hustle [2013] (MA + Sony points)
American Reunion [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (Vudu or iTunes)
Annie [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Ant Man & The Wasp [2018] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Arrival [2016] (Vudu)
Assassin's Creed (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Avengers: Infinity War (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Bad Boys For Life (MA + Sony points)
Bad Words [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Barbie & The Secret Door [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Battleship [2012] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Baywatch (iTunes 4K)
Beauty & The Beast [1991] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option) PENDING
Beauty & The Beast [2017] (MA + 150 points/iTunes option is expired)
Before I Fall [2017] (MA)
Before I Go To Sleep [2014] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Beirut [2018] (MA)
Ben-Hur [2016] (Vudu)
Best Man Holiday, The [2013] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Between Worlds [2018] (Vudu or Google Play)
Blockers [2018] (MA)
Bohemian Rhapsody (MA or Google Play/ports)
Book Club [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Boss Baby, The [2017] (MA)
Bourne Identity, The (MA)
Bourne Legacy, The (iTunes/ports 4K)
Boy, The [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Breakthrough [2019] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Bridesmaids [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Broken City [2013] (MA)
Bumblebee (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Cabin In The Woods, The (iTunes 4K)
Captain America: Civil War (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Captain Phillips [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (MA)
Carrie [2013] (Vudu or Google Play)
Case For Christ, The [2017] (MA)
Christopher Robin [2018] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Contraband (iTunes/ports)
Counselor, The [2013] [Theatrical] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Croods, The [2013] (MA)
Curse Of Chucky [2013] [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Daddy's Home (Vudu)
Daddy's Home 2 (Vudu)
Danny Collins (iTunes/ports)
Darkest Hour [2017] (MA)
Darkest Minds, The [2018] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Dark Tower, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Dead In Tombstone [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Deadpool 2 [2018] (MA)
Deepwater Horizon (iTunes 4K)
Despicable Me 2 (iTunes/ports 4K)
Despicable Me 3 [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Devil's Due [2014] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Die Hard [1988] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Divergent Series: Allegiant, The (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Django Unchained (Vudu)
Doctor Strange [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Dog's Journey, A [2019] (MA)
Dolittle [2020] (MA)
Dom Hemingway (MA or Google Play/ports)
Downton Abbey [2019] (MA)
Dracula Untold [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Dream House [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Dredd [2012] (Vudu or Google Play)
Duff, The (iTunes or Google Play)
Edward Scissorhands (MA or Google Play/ports)
Emoji Movie, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Ender's Game (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Endless Love [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Epic [2013] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Equalizer, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Equalizer 2, The (MA + Sony points)
Escape From Planet Earth (Vudu)
Ex Machina (Vudu)
Exodus: Gods & Kings (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Fate Of The Furious [F8] [Theatrical] (MA 4K or iTunes/ports 4K)
Fences [2016] (iTunes 4K)
Ferdinand [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Fifty Shades Darker [2017] [Unrated] (MA 4K)
Fifty Shades Freed [2018] [Theatrical] (MA)
Fifty Shades Of Grey (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fighter, The [2010] (iTunes)
Flight [2012] (Vudu or iTunes)
Footloose [2011] (Vudu or iTunes)
Frozen Ground, The [2013] (Vudu)
Fury [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Game Of Thrones season 2 (Vudu)
Get Out [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Ghostbusters [2016] [Theatrical & Extended] (MA + Sony points)
Ghost Team One [2013] (Vudu or iTunes)
Gifted [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports, iTunes option is expired)
G.I. Joe: Retaliation (iTunes 4K)
Gods Not Dead 2 [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Gods Of Egypt (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Greatest Showman, The [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Grey, The [2012] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2 (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Hacksaw Ridge (Vudu or Google Play/iTunes option expired)
Hail, Caesar [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Halloween [2018] (MA)
Hanna [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters [Unrated] (Vudu)
Happytime Murders, The [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Hateful Eight, The (Vudu or Google Play)
Heat, The [2013] [Theatrical] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Heaven Is For Real [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Hell Or High Water (iTunes 4K)
Hercules [2014] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Here Comes The Boom [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Hitman's Bodyguard, The (Vudu or Google Play/iTunes option is expired)
Homefront [2013] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Honey 2 [2011] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Hop [2011] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Host, The [2013] (iTunes/ports)
How To Train Your Dragon 2 (MA)
Hugo [2011] (Vudu or iTunes)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, The (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, The (iTunes 4K or Vudu or Google Play HD)
I Can Only Imagine [2018] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Ides Of March, The [2011] (MA)
Imitation Game, The (Vudu)
Impossible, The [2012] (Vudu)
Indiana Jones & The Raiders Of The Lost Ark (Vudu)
Inside Out [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Insidious: Chapter 2 (MA + Sony points)
Instant Family [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Into The Woods [2014] (MA + 150 points)
Invisible Man, The [2020] (MA)
I Still Believe [2020] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Jackass 3 [Theatrical] (Vudu or iTunes)
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (Vudu)
Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Jason Bourne [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Jigsaw [2017] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
John Wick (iTunes 4K)
John Wick 1 & 2 (Vudu or Google Play)
John Wick: Chapter 2 (iTunes 4K)
John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum (iTunes 4K) or all 3 iTunes for $5
Joy [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle (MA + Sony points)
Jurassic Park III (MA)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (MA)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Labor Day [2014] (Vudu or iTunes)
La La Land (iTunes 4K)
Last Knights [2015] (Vudu)
Last Witch Hunter, The [2015] (iTunes 4K or Google Play)
Les Misérables [2012] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Life [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Life Of Pi [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Lockout [2012] [Unrated] (MA + Sony points)
Logan [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Logan Lucky [2017] (MA)
Longest Ride, The (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Looper [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Lorax, The [2012] (MA)
Love, Simon [2018] (MA)
Lucy [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Magnificent Seven, The [2016] (Vudu)
Mama [2013] (iTunes/ports)
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again [2018] (MA)
Marauders (Vudu)
Marine 4: Moving Target, The [2015] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Maze Runner, The [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Mechanic: Resurrection (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Men In Black 3 (MA + Sony points)
MI-5 [2015] (Vudu)
Mile 22 (iTunes 4K)
Million Ways To Die In The West, A [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Mindgamers [2017] (MA)
Minions [2015] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Mission Impossible: Fallout (iTunes 4K)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (iTunes 4K)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (iTunes 4K)
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Miss You Already [2015] (Vudu)
Moneyball [2011] (MA + Sony points)
Money Monster [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Monuments Men, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Mortal Instruments: The City Of Bones, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Mother's Day [2016] (MA)
Mr. Peabody & Sherman [2014] (MA)
Mulan [2020] (MA + 150 points) PENDING
Mummy, The [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Murder On The Orient Express [2017] (MA or Google Play/ports)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (iTunes/ports)
Neighbors [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Noah [2014] (Vudu or iTunes)
Non-Stop [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Now You See Me 2 (iTunes 4K)
Nurse Jackie season 7 (Vudu)
Nut Job, The [2014] (iTunes/ports)
Oblivion [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Orange Is The New Black season 2 (Vudu)
Oranges, The [2012] (MA)
Ouija [2014] (MA)
Pain & Gain [2013] (Vudu)
Paranormal Activity [2009] [Theatrical] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 2 [Unrated Director's Cut] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 3 [Extended] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranormal Activity 4 [Unrated] (iTunes)
Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension [Unrated] (Vudu)
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones [Theatrical] (Vudu or iTunes)
Paranorman [2012] (iTunes)
Passengers [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Patriots Day (Vudu or Google Play/iTunes option is expired)
Paul [2011] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Pet Sematary [2019] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Pitch Perfect (iTunes/ports 4K)
Pitch Perfect 2 (iTunes/ports 4K)
Pitch Perfect 3 (MA)
Planes [2013] (MA + 150 points)
Premium Rush [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Prince, The [2014] (Vudu)
Prometheus (MA or Google Play/ports, no iTunes option)
Proud Mary [2018] (MA)
Purge, The [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K)PENDING
Purge: Anarchy, The [2014] (iTunes/ports 4K)PENDING
Purge: Election Year, The [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)PENDING
Quiet Place, A [2018] (iTunes 4K)
Ralph Breaks The Internet [2018] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Rambo: Last Blood (Vudu 4K or iTunes 4K)
Redemption [2013] (Vudu)
Red Dawn [2012] (Vudu or Google Play)
Replicas [2019] (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Riddick [2013] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Rings [2017] (Vudu or iTunes)
Risen [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Rise Of The Guardians [2011] (MA)
Risen [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Robin Hood [2018] (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Rock Dog (iTunes)
Rocketman [2019] (iTunes 4K)
Roger Corman's Death Race 2050 [2017] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Runner Runner [2013] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Rush [2013] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Saban's Power Rangers (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Safe House [2012] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Scoob! [2020] (MA)
Scorpion King 3: Battle For Redemption (iTunes/ports)
Scrooged (Vudu)
Search Party [2013] (iTunes/ports)
Secret: Dare To Dream, The [2020] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Secret Life Of Pets, The (MA 4K or iTunes/ports 4K)
See No Evil 2 [2014] (Vudu)
Sex Tape [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Show Dogs [2018] (MA)
Sicario (iTunes 4K)
Silent House [2012] (iTunes/ports)
Sing [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Sinister (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Smurfs: The Lost Village [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Snow White & The Huntsman [2012] [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Sparkle [2012] (MA)
Spider-Man: Homecoming [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Spy [2015] [Unrated] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Star Trek [2009] (iTunes 4K)
Star Trek: Beyond (iTunes 4K)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA + 150 points)
Step Up All In [2014] (Vudu)
Step Up Revolution (Vudu or Google Play)
Straight Outta Compton [Unrated] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Super 8 (Vudu)
Super Buddies (MA without points)
Taken 3 [Unrated] (MA, iTunes or Google Play/ports)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows (iTunes 4K)
Terminator: Genisys (iTunes 4K)
Texas Chainsaw [2013] (Vudu)
Thing, The [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Think Like A Man Too [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Titanic (Vudu)
Top Gun (Vudu)
Tower Heist [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Tremors: A Cold Day In Hell (MA)
Tremors: Shrieker Island (MA)
Trolls: World Tour [2020] (MA)
True Grit [2010] (Vudu or iTunes)
Turbo [2013] (MA)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (iTunes 4K)
Tyler Perry's A Madea Family Funeral (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Underworld: Awakening [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Underworld: Blood Wars [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Valerian & The City Of A Thousand Planets (Vudu)
Venom [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Vice [2015] (Vudu)
Walk Among The Tombstones, A (iTunes/ports)
Warcraft [2016] (iTunes/ports 4K)
War For The Planet Of The Apes [2017] (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
War Room [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Wedding Ringer, The [2015] (MA + Sony points)
We Die Young [2019] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
When The Game Stands Tall [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Whiplash [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Wolf Of Wall Street (iTunes 4K)
Woman In Black, The [2012] (MA)
Wonder [2017] (Vudu/GP HD or iTunes 4K)
Wonder Park [2019] (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Woodlawn [2015] (MA)
World War Z (iTunes 4K)
X-Men: Apocalypse (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
X-Men: Days Of Future Past (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA)
Zero Dark Thirty (MA + Sony points)
Zootopia (MA without points)


💲2️⃣ SD

127 Hours (iTunes/ports)
All About Steve (iTunes/ports)
Black Swan (iTunes/ports)
Bride Wars (iTunes/ports)
Crazy On The Outside (iTunes/ports)
Dragonball: Evolution [2009] (iTunes/ports)
Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who! (ITunes/ports)
Hitman [2007] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Love & Other Drugs (iTunes/ports)
Max Payne [2008] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Texas Rising season 1 (Vudu)
This Means War (iTunes/ports)
Unstoppable [2010] (iTunes/ports)


$1 Codes

💲1️⃣ HD

2 Guns (MA)
Alex Cross (Vudu)
Bad Moms [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Battleship [2012] (MA)
Big Hero 6 (Google Play/ports)
Book Club (Vudu)
Butler, The [2013] (Vudu)
Deadpool (iTunes/ports 4K or HD MA/GP)
Despicable Me 2 (MA)
Despicable Me 3 (MA)
Divergent (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Divergent Series: Insurgent, The (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD)
Duff, The [2015] (Vudu)
Expendables 2, The (iTunes 4K or Vudu/GP HD)
Expendables 3, The [Theatrical] (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Fast & Furious [2009] (MA)
Fast & Furious 6, The [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Fast Five [Extended] (MA)
Fate Of The Furious, The [8] [Theatrical] (MA)
Fences [2016] (Vudu)
Frozen [2013] (MA + 150 points/no iTunes option)
Furious 7 [Extended] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Girls Trip [2017] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Good Day To Die Hard, A (MA or Google Play/ports)
Gunman, The [2015] (MA)
Hell Or High Water (Vudu or Google Play)
Hillsong: Let Hope Rise [2016] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Hunger Games, The [2012] (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The (iTunes 4K or Google Play HD)
Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, The (Vudu)
I, Frankenstein (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Vudu)
Jason Bourne (MA)
Jurassic Park [1993] (MA)
Jurassic World (iTunes/ports 4K)
Leprechaun: Origins (Vudu)
Les Misérables [2012] (MA)
Lone Survivor [2013] (iTunes/ports 4K)
Lost World: Jurassic Park, The (MA)
Maggie [2015] (Vudu)
Minions [2015] (MA)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Vudu)
Mud (Vudu)
Now You See Me [Extended] (Vudu or Google Play) or [Theatrical] (iTunes)
Other Woman, The [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Parental Guidance [2012] (MA)
Red 2 (iTunes 4K)
Ride Along 2 (MA or iTunes/ports)
RIPD Rest In Peace Department (MA)
Safe [2012] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Secret Life Of Pets, The (MA)
Shack, The [2017] (Vudu, iTunes or Google Play)
Skyfall (Vudu or Google Play)
Snitch (iTunes 4K or Vudu/Google Play HD)
Son Of God [2014] (MA or Google Play/ports)
Star Trek: Beyond (Vudu)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (iTunes 4K)
Taken 2 (MA)
Ted [Unrated] (MA or iTunes/ports) or [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [2014] (Vudu)
Terminator: Genisys (Vudu)
Transformers: Age Of Extinction (iTunes 4K)
Transformers: The Last Knight (iTunes 4K or Vudu HD) iTunes PENDING
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (iTunes 4K)
Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection (iTunes)
Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor (Vudu or Google Play)
Unbroken [2014] (MA or iTunes/ports)
Warm Bodies (Vudu)
XXX: Return Of Xander Cage (Vudu)
Zootopia (Google Play/ports)


💲1️⃣ SD

22 Jump Street (MA + Sony points)
Act Of Valor (iTunes)
After Earth [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Alpha [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Alvin & The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (iTunes/ports)
Amazing Spider-Man, The [2012] (MA)
Amazing Spider-Man 2, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
American Hustle [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Arthur Christmas [2011] (MA + Sony points)
A-Team, The [2010] [Theatrical] (iTunes/ports)
Blood Father [2016] (Vudu)
Bourne Identity, The (MA or iTunes/ports)
Call, The [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Call Me By Your Name [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Captain Phillips (MA + Sony points)
Chappie [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Charlie's Angels [2019] (MA + Sony points)
Date Night [2010] [Extended Edition] (iTunes/ports)
Day The Earth Stood Still, The [2008] (iTunes/ports)
Deliver Us From Evil [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Elysium [2013] (MA + Sony points)
Equalizer, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Expendables, The [2010] [Extended Director's Cut] (iTunes)
Goosebumps [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Here Comes The Boom [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Hotel Transylvania [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Hotel Transylvania 2 (MA + Sony points)
Hotel Transylvania 3 (MA + Sony points)
Hours [2013] (Vudu)
House At The End Of The Street, The [2012] (iTunes)
Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs (iTunes/ports)
Immortals [2011] (iTunes)
Insidious: Chapter 2 (MA + Sony points)
Insidious: The Last Key (MA + Sony points)
Looper [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Men In Black III [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Monte Carlo [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Monuments Men, The [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Mortal Instruments: The City Of Bones (MA + Sony points)
Nerve [2016] (Vudu)
Olympus Has Fallen (MA + Sony points)
Orange Is The New Black season 1 (Vudu)
Orange Is The New Black season 3 (Vudu)
Paranoia [2013] (iTunes)
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief (iTunes/ports)
Perfect Guy, The [2015] (MA + Sony points)
Peter Rabbit [2018] (MA + Sony points)
Predators [2010] (iTunes/ports)
Raven, The [2012] (iTunes)
Rio [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Risen [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (iTunes/ports)
Rite, The [2011] (iTunes/ports)
Robin Hood [2010] [Unrated] (iTunes/ports)
Safe Haven (iTunes)
Sausage Party [2016] (MA + Sony points)
Shark Night [2011] (iTunes)
Sparkle [2012] (MA)
Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse (MA + Sony points)
Star, The [2017] (MA + Sony points)
Taken [2009] [Extended Cut] (iTunes/ports)
That Awkward Moment [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Think Like A Man Too [2014] (MA + Sony points)
Tyler Perry's Madea's Tough Love (Vudu)
Underworld: Awakening (MA + Sony points)
Vow, The [2012] (MA + Sony points)
Wanted [2008] (iTunes/ports)1
Warrior [2011] (iTunes)
Water For Elephants (iTunes/ports)
Wedding Ringer, The [2015] (MA + Sony points)
When The Bough Breaks [2016] (MA + Sony points)
White House Down [2013] (MA + Sony points)
X-Men: First Class (iTunes/ports)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (iTunes/ports)


Super Cheap SD & HD Codes

All movies are 3 for $1 but must spend at least $1 on total order.
Cabin In The Woods, The (iTunes SD only)
Dirty Grandpa (Vudu SD only)
Expendables 2, The (Vudu SD only)
Expendables 3, The [Unrated] (iTunes HD only)
Fast Five [Extended] (iTunes/ports HD)
Furious 7 [Extended] (MA ports HD)
Hunger Games, The (Vudu SD or iTunes SD only)
Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The (Vudu SD only)
John Wick 3 (Google Play HD only)
Life Of Pi (iTunes/ports SD)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (Vudu HD only)
Perks Of Being A Wallflower (iTunes SD only)
Skyfall (iTunes SD only)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (Vudu HD only)
Taken 2 (iTunes/ports SD)
Transformers: Age Of Extinction (Vudu HD only)
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (Vudu SD only)
submitted by mthw704 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:08 iamrowsan Bounce rate is a big problem in websites many struggle with it? How to reduce it.

What is bounce rate? Bounce rate is an Internet marketing term used in web traffic analysis. It represents the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave ("bounce") rather than continuing to view other pages within the same site.
Why does it matter? If you're driving visitors to your website and they bounce before they take the desired action, it will decrease your conversion rate. High bounce rates can also indicate that the content on the landing page does not meet the expectations set by the text from search engine results pages (SERPs).
Reasons for bounce rate occur.
How to reduce bounce rate in a website.
Learn about this points in detail.
submitted by iamrowsan to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:03 which1areyou My Husband Had an Affair and Said He Liked Her Better - Now My Marriage Is On The Brink

I just need a place to share our story to where someone will hear it, rather than just shouting it inside my head all day long. I have almost no friends or family I can be this vulnerable with, so I thought I’d give the entire internet a go, anonymously. Here goes.
My husband and I have been married for about 10 years. We have 4 little kids, all under 6. A little over 5 years ago, my husband confessed to me that he had a serious 🌽 addiction he had been hiding for me for our entire relationship. His confession felt like a trap door opened, and I fell through it as he explained each and every lie he had been telling all this time. It was an uphill battle to rescue our marriage after all of that deceit and betrayal. He went to a twelve step and truly turned things around, and has been sober ever since a few months into his journey. We really did recover from that time and our trust has been repaired. We set fresh boundaries with opposite sx relationships and really put up hedges of protection around our marriage.
Fast forward to about 8 months ago.
He confessed that during his addiction, he also sought out and frequently returned to old 🌽 pictures of his close female friend (they are no longer friends, as I mentioned earlier we changed that up). When this came up, I asked to see his old messages with her and as it would appear to me, they had a full on emotional affair, in addition him viewing these pictures. Whether or not she knew he was looking at them isn’t known because they never talked about that, but hints were dropped.
They’d have longggg text conversations and hang out all the time. She worked at his office. They had lunch together every day just about. She was VERY openly flirty with him and rude toward me. They talked about all sorts of things and clearly had a close emotional bond as well as some flirty moments as well, and then the pictures he intentionally searched for and found from a previous 🌽 shoot she did years before that he was viewing all throughout this inappropriate friendship. Of course, that part is one sided. But still.
Of course when he told me this I was devastated by this and instantly went to a place of comparison. Keep in mind that this woman is an ex 🌽 worker and I am just a freshly postpartum stay at home mom of 4. I asked my husband, in a desperate pursuit of something that may make me feel better, if he liked me better than her.
Side note (sorry in advance for all the side notes haha) my husband has diagnosed OCD and bipolar II. Brutal and compulsive honesty is a huge symptom and though we have been working on this problem for much of our marriage, it still rears its head once in a while. My husbands mental health problems are a massive burden on him and of course I support him in his healing however, his untreated mental health problems have also wrecked havoc over our relationship and made it really difficult for me, as well.
Back to the question I asked him that caused the downfall of the last 8 months of my life:
He told me no. He told me he liked her better. He told me she was thinner. He told me she didn’t have stretch marks (she’s never had a baby) he told me she gets ready every day and does her make up. I don’t.
This hurt terribly, so I asked more questions, yet again seeking more reassurance. I know you’ll think that’s dumb, and in hindsight, so do I. But this was all so shocking. Never in our marriage has he spoken about my body this brutally. He’s never made a single negative comment about my appearance whatsoever. This came as a complete shock and I was hoping I just misunderstood. I wasn’t expecting what came next.
He had an absolute meltdown, confessing to me every mean and dark thought he had ever had about me and our marriage. He told me he regrets marrying me, he thinks about leaving, he thinks I’m less attractive than most women, he’s not proud to be with me, liked me better before I had children, thinks he can do better and he settled, he compares me to every woman he sees and routinely finds that the other woman is better, and so much more.
From this space, I’m sure it sounds like he said this all out of spite with some harsh tone of voice, just trying to hurt me any way he can. In reality, he was weeping and drowning in shame. He thought confessing these things to me would help, and claims he had no idea I’d be as destroyed as I am. This confuses me to this day, but two therapists have explained that this can happen with bipolar as sometimes the internal world can be so extremely painful that the external world feels out of touch at times, and that’s what my husband described this as.
I don’t know how relevant this information is, but I think it’s worth saying, I don’t think he was wrong when he was saying all of that. I was overweight by a significant amount, and drowning in child rearing, breastfeeding, housework, and postpartum depression. When he spoke this to me, I had already been on a somewhat new weight loss journey and had already lost 20lbs. Since then, I’ve lost 50 more (70 total) and I am now at a healthy weight and body fat percentage is within the athletic range as I’ve picked up running to cope with all this stress. I’ve also made a lot of changes to my appearances just by doing my hair and makeup every day, showering daily, and dressing cute for the day. I have been feeling more confident and more able to love myself in these ways as I watch my hard work pay off. This has led to me receiving a lot of male attention for my appearances more recently, sometimes when my husband is with me even.
It has been over eight months since that horrific day. It has been a STRUGGLE. We are both in individual counseling and marriage counseling weekly, spending a fortune and hours upon hours of our time on healing. We’re both taking meds at this point for mental health. We’re both reading endless self help books, talking with mentors, absolutely drenching our lives with healing because our marriage is that important to both of us. My husband has been on a mission to learn more about why he had this previously mentioned emotional affair. He is uncovering some unhealed childhood wounds and unmet needs. In addition to seeing a psych and a therapist, he’s in a men’s support group, and has weekly calls with a mentor just to try to work through some of this mess. He’s doing a lot of work on these issues.
In the past eight months, my husband has gone from claiming he’s not proud to be with me because I’m not very attractive to now claiming I’m the most beautiful woman and he married way up. He sees the male attention and can be somewhat protective in the moment and give a glare or whatever, but then when we get home later he tells me he knows how pretty I am and isn’t too bothered by others telling me so because he knows I’m his. He showers me in constant compliments these days, brings me home flowers here or there, random iced coffees on his lunch break, shows up to marriage counseling with pen and pad and reviews his notes throughout the week, takes me for date night weekly, sends me off for a surprise afternoon shopping break from the kids randomly from time to time, texts and calls me throughout the day, and just pours effort into our marriage. When we fight or I get triggered, he just listens and apologizes and tries to comfort me, even when I say the most ridiculous and mean stuff. Of course sometimes he messes up and says things that offend me and he quickly takes responsibility. He’s made a LOT of changes since 5 years ago and many changes since 8 months ago as well.
But then there’s me. I have been a disaster ever since that day. I am so hot and cold. I toggle between being certain I’m hideous and unlovable and being certain I’m loved and safe. I find myself frantic with anxiety, always waiting on the other shoe to drop. I will randomly just feel like he’s cheating on me or feel like he’s hiding something, and it will eat me up until I talk with him about it and he hands me all his devices and I look through them all. I’m constantly mirror checking, certainly have body dysmorphia, and although I’ve lost the vast majority of the weight in a healthy way, I’ve teetered at times on the edge of an eating disorder. I am struggling to believe a positive word he says and feeling so sure he’s going to flip any second now and break me down with his words.
We just had such a close marriage and to find out that not only did he have this inappropriate relationship with this woman, but he also willingly let himself resent me so much for just struggling on my hardest days. I completely get needing to express to your partner that you want them to take better care of themselves and I’m certain that conversation has to be difficult no matter how well it’s handled, but I feel like I was really beaten down in a way I did not deserve. And now I’m really struggling to trust that we’re ok now and we can leave it in the past. How do I stop comparing myself to every other woman we walk by? How can I trust that he’s not still just resenting me for my appearances? How do I believe a single kind word he says? How do I forgive him for that disaster, knowing we both walked away with so much that we needed in the end anyway? And how do I stop believing I am married to someone who doesn’t love me?
submitted by which1areyou to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:55 InTheNextLife33 Feeling like I am undeserving of good things

I am a female who works in the mental health field, and absolutely love helping other people. I have always taken pride on wanting to be the person I needed at my lowest time, for others. But secretly I am still stuck in those low times.
I generally have massive anxiety and so speaking in front of people or meeting new people terrifies me. I was bullied alot in school and so I am naturally very self conscious and I tend to automatically think that everyone will treat me the same. This leads to me constantly seeking friendships online because I figure I can be whatever persona I want, and make people like me. Unfortunately, I find myself disconnecting from the real world. When I working with clients, I appear calm and collected but deep within, I can't wait to get home and isolate and live in a pretend world of online personalities and friendships. I regrettably have even had some friendships online turn romantic even though I do have a partner. My partner and I are polar opposites. Think of the most excitable, social person in the world dating the world's worst wallflower. That's us, and I feel so bad.
My whole life I have felt inadequate to others and I pretty much have a negative mindset about everything. I assume the worst about people. Online is an escape. I smile outwards to strangers and those that know me, but deep down I am miserable inside. I had a very abusive childhood so that and bullying in middle and highschool caused my personality to tank for the worst.
I have since stopped meeting people online (because it never ends well AND I want to work on improving my real life relationship) but I still drown out real life with whatever I can consume on the internet. I am too shy, embarrassed and worries to hang out with people in person or go to social events. I feel like a loser and can't quite imagine people would want to be my friend. I feel like I don't deserve good things to happen to me, and I feel like I am meant to feel like this my entire life.
I am not looking for judgement please, I just needed to vent because I have no other safe space to do so. I feel like a coward. Abuse has scarred me mentally and emotionally and so I live my life through an internet connection and am pessimistic about almost anything. I have a house, a partner who loves me, a running vehicle and a job that pays okay- I should be so fucking grateful and happy but I hate this world and would rather feel sorry for myself and hole up in my room. It's almost as if I am grateful and make poor decisions because I feel that my shitty upbringing gives me a pass for it, although I know it is 100% wrong..I just don't know what to do.thank you for listening. I'm not sure what else to say.
submitted by InTheNextLife33 to offmychest [link] [comments]