Dirty one liners jokes


2008.01.25 07:36 Humor

For all things funny!

2014.11.01 00:45 CrazyKilla15 Jokes From Beyond The Curtain

Welcome to showerjokes! Post jokes you come up with while in the shower! Have a joke to tell and don't know whether you should post it in showerthoughts or jokes? Post it here.

2011.06.30 16:45 I Wrote A Joke


2024.04.29 10:00 squidsquad140DDD Hate giving philly credit but…..

Am i the only one that thinks pacers series will be another CLAP! Think the best part of this team and that is so exciting to watch is bench points. Then u add team play all around AND jb and u have such a solid team. Injured roster? Hold on let these guys play some ball and fuck around and find out. Philly however plays a game then IS a weakness to the way we ball. And clearly tough, we up 3-1. I think pacers will take series with an injured bucks team and we show them the fuck up. And watch the boys outperform a team on a playoff level. If u rnt a knicks or 6ers fans this series must be exciting af but to me it’s annoying and stressful. Honestly excited to play indy. Its dirty and as much as i hate em they r doing the best they can against us and making our boys work. I think we see some very different 48 minutes against pacers
submitted by squidsquad140DDD to NYKnicks [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:59 owenfaz21 2 weeks to conduct dissertation research as an exchange student

so getting this out of the way i’m stupid and leave everything to the last minute . i’m a uk student currently on my year abroad over in the us and have supposed to have been working on my dissertation while over here .
long story short all the fun got in the way of doing actual work and now there are only 2 weeks of classes left in the school year in the us , and i have done NOTHING . ( i will actually be staying in the us until mid-june , but im not sure how to conduct research when no one is around on campus )
my dissertation is focusing on car culture in the us - specifically “ how the car has become a new third place in the US “ . for context i am an american studies major ( absolute joke of a degree i know but i was in the worst period of my life when it came to choosing a degree , doing much better now ) , but over the course of my degree i have realised my passion for urban planning and am hoping to do that for my masters .
i recently switched my diss topic and have done literally nothing for the new one except email my supervisor about it , who told me they approve of my idea and to send them some ideas about how i can conduct research for it . but the problem is i have NO idea ? i can’t seem to sit down and properly focus on this .
i know i need to conduct research on how people in my city ( baton rouge , louisiana ) use their cars , how much time they spend in them , where they go etc etc . i was thinking of just asking students walking around campus . but obviously with just 2 weeks left and NO questions or anything i am stressing myself to shit even though i know im stupid for leaving it so late .
if anyone can help me think of research methods , questions or anything that could help me i will love you forever .
for context : a third place is a space that you spend time outside of the home ( first place ) or work ( second place ) , think of places like a gym , coffee shop or bar . over my time here i have come to realise just how much people here use their cars for absolutely everything , obviously for driving to and from places , but also for eating in , conversating in , hanging out in , listening to music in , just generally spending time in . i think this could be a good dissertation topic , looking at whether or not cars could actually be considered a new type of third place here in the us . i am thinking about looking at what the car industry is doing to help this ( e.g. some new cars having massive screens with games and tv ) but also how they could adapt to this in the future .
anyway , thanks for reading if you made it this far , and i really really appreciate any answers .
submitted by owenfaz21 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:56 REDditCarnimelvr5000 So what are your thoughts on Tord returning? And who do you think will voice him?

So what are your thoughts on Tord returning? And who do you think will voice him?
I'm honestly kinda split on this. On the one hand I'm excited to see his return but on the other hand I thought it was clear from the end and the real man himself that he doesn't want his character to be on the series anymore. It's also kinda weird for Matt to make jokes about the fans begging for Tord to come back, but clearly not wanting to repeat the same mistake as Tom's (especially on Red October) but then he's actually doing it and Tord is officially coming back
This also ties in on who would voice him now, like unless Matt's keeping it a secret and the real Tord actually came back from hiding and gave a thumbs up having recovered from the past, I don't think it's gonna be the man himself, my guess is it's gonna be someone with a norwegian accent or had close ties with Tord, just like how Edd's brother George is the one who voices his now
submitted by REDditCarnimelvr5000 to Eddsworld [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:56 Madglace damn i need an interesting name for this part 1

damn i need an interesting name for this part 1 submitted by Madglace to PvZGardenWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:53 Muji-ho-ma Ongoing 12th boards.

You guys must have seen how much injustice is happening to students giving boards exam, some are happy because they got privileges some are victims of injustice. I haven't faced any injustice till now I don't know if i will face anything in coming days . But one thing i know is this country doesn't care about education, equality. I am finally getting why going to expensive colleges is worth it , why not studying is also worth it . I was a fool who studied seriously, i was a fool who thought doing presentations, going beyond course, researching it , knowing extra facts will be worth it. Yesterday's samajik exam was not relevant compared to our books . It's a joke i was planning to study in Nepal but after seeing injustices faced by students i would do anything to get out . I don't know if i will pass or not if don't it's ok i will give re exam but just after 12th boards finishes i am going to prepare the f*ck out of SAT and IELTS and get out . If I don't get visa of other countries i am going to india . For a lot of you yesterday's exam was shit but don't worry a lot, just try to get a lot of marks in other subjects and if you failed don't care too just try to do best in other exams you can give re exam ,it won't matter much i have talked to other people if you have good gpa that can make up for that * in your certificates. Good luck guys .
submitted by Muji-ho-ma to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:52 throwaway58396394 I feel like all my friends have turned on me

I (20F) have 5 housemates. One of them we'll call P has a boyfriend who is always over. I won't go into details as they are not important but he his horrible to her. They're are in an extremely co-dependent relationship, either always together or always texting each. Her lock screen is literally a blank screen saying "message back boyfriend". The main problem my other housemates and I have is that he is always at our house. Even when she is out for extended periods of time. One time she went away for a couple of days he was still in the house.
We have all been complaining about Ps boyfriend and how he's rude doesn't pay rent and doesn't join in in group activities. The 4 of us all came together and agreed we needed to have a house meeting to discuss this as well as other things such as what we are all doing over the summer and such. We all agreed to have it yesterday evening. We're all in the kitchen ready for the meeting when P and her boyfriend are at the door with coats on saying they're going to the pub and that we don't need a house meeting. We let them go and discuss our issues with Ps boyfriend. We all agree he cannot be in the house when she's not as well as that we just don't like having him around. We end up in the sitting room playing some mariokart when they come home and join. I pull my housemate to the side and say we should just do it now or we will never do it as we have been talking about this for months now. We call everyone to the kitchen and when everyone is here I look around and it's very clear no one is going to speak up. I tell P her boyfriend cannot be in the house when she is not here and she say okay but can I ask why. I pause to wait for the others to say something and they don't. So bring up that he doesn't pay rent and joking bring up that he uses the toilet paper we pay for. She immediately says that he has so why is it an issue. At this point I dont know what to say and bring up how horrible her boyfriend is to her. I know should not of said this. One of the other housemates finial says we agreed not to say anything about that and I apologise. P then storms out yelling that I'm a bitch. She then comes back points at me and says she not upset at what I said but she is upset at the way I said it. I ask the others if I was rude and they all say I was quite aggressive. I did not yell, did not swear, didn't even raise my voice. I tried to speak as calmy as possible and have no clue how I came across as aggressive and she didn't.
I end up in my room in tears when they are all comforting her and laughing about the situation. I decided to spend the night at a friend's house as I didn't feel welcome. Last night I was messaging one of my other housemates and he tried to say they were not taking side and I just need to apologise and explain it more calmly.
I'm torn between suck it up apologise to keep the peace and stand my ground as nothing will happen if I just apologise. I really feel abandoned by my housemates as they'll all talk shit about P boyfriend behind his back but won't say anything to his face. I feel like they are absolutely taking sides at best and being spineless and two-faced at worst. Any advice on how to approach this situation?
submitted by throwaway58396394 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:49 RWBYRain Time to try and talk about it

Six short months ago my baby joined the rainbow bridge. It's the hopeful eve that we go to the shelter to ease the pain and tears from her loss and I think I should talk about her. In life Castiel was this remarkable, loving soul who ran an oddly tight schedule. From the moment we got her I knew she'd be a great best friend. She was very intelligent, learned what caused my anxiety and aimed to ease the attacks. Went on without being taught to, to remind me to take my meds, lay on me when she sensed an incoming panic attack, she made sure I ate, got rest, and helped with my agoraphobia.
She's been in magazines, snuck on a YouTube video or two and people have taken pictures of her bc she was being cute....she was also kidnapped by a group of cosplayers once and passed around giving me a small heart attack for the ten min she was out of my sight. But her favorite spot was watching the waves by the beach. She didn't swim but she liked the salty air and running from the crabs. She also liked squirrels, not chasing them just watching. Her name was bc she didn't act like a dog really more a curious child, that and her markings reminded me of cas's duster.
My depression had gotten worse last year. I'd suffered a few traumas sine we moved and then covid kinda kicked my agoraphobia up to hyperdrive and I was going our less. I don't remember what happened, it was like one second she was healthy and my mother was trying to get me to go out more, the next she was trembling, throwing up and couldn't pee. She was so sick, so fast. The amount of pills she was on left very little room for me to sleep. Not to mention it was a wreck bc she wouldn't stop throwing up.
Then the doctor asked to keep her over night and my heart sank. It was for observation but she hated sleeping without me. I was reluctant but hopeful. About three days passed. On my mom's birthday they said her kidneys were failing. She was ten and they had tried everything they could. But she wasn't getting better. They said she was suffering wee had to
My mom, cousin and I went the next day. They let us stay for hours, I told her I was sorry I couldn't bring her home and she took her last breaths in our arms as the song Borderline by Ed Sheeran played. Im. She was cremated, and she's home now. I miss her so much the pain feels physical. I'm not used to it. Even my therapist suggests that I get a new pup not to replace her but to ease the pain a little. Went to a shelter earlier in the month but decided to get a puppy and they had none so wish us luck tomorrow. I'm okay mourning her but this, It hurts to much and I know she'd do anything in her power to ease this. Besides my cat is being a pain in the ass he is not shy about him missing his best friend. Sorry I have to joke to ease the pain oh I came back to add pet tax but I can't
submitted by RWBYRain to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:49 IamNotPersephone I'm I old? Out of touch? Gah!! (Spoilers for A Date with Death)

Just as a warning: I don't know what's safe to talk about and what needs spoiler tags. I did one for a late-game event further down, but I didn't for most of it. So, warning if that matters to you.
I'm recently getting back into gaming. I played a bit as a girl, but had like a twenty year gap. I wanted to experiment with different games; especially now that there are more options than sports, FPS, and boob-jiggle-physics. I've been having fun trying out different games! Someone here recommended "A Date with Death." So, I bought it; played it.
And, guys... I think I'm old. And stodgy. And out of touch. I checked my face for wrinkles. I looked to see if I had acquired a cane. I turned on my TV to see if FoxNews would pop up. Fortunately, I'm still stealing streaming services. Maybe I can still turn the tide, then.
It's not the "he's actively trying to kill her" bit. I'm a fan of problematic relationships, especially in dark fantasy. I will suspend that disbelief all day long for a well-written story and some crisp chemistry between the MC and LI.
It's more how (I suspect) the culture and media that permeates the game, and how... idk... weird and (for lack of a better term) "cringe" that makes me feel.
Like, I had to look up wtf "babygirl" was, and why the game kept trying to get me to call a grown-ass man that name? When the game gave me that as an option, at first I thought it was a bug or glitch in the game. The game has so many different characterization options, I thought maybe you could choose the gender of the Grim Reaper and I got the default male, but the dialogue was messed up... nope... that's a slang term! I'm old, people! I used "rizz" unironically for the first time the other day and humiliated my tweenager even though we were alone.
And another thing... having to RP a BDSM kink in order to get one of the favorable endings almost sent me outta my BODY. I was okay with the flirting and the teasing; I was tolerating calling each other "stupid" back and forth - I didn't like it, but it's a character choice and I'll roll with it. But telling a grown fictional man that I'd known for less than a week that I'm going to collar him, and later he responds "woof woof"... hold on while I throw myself into TRAFFIC.
And I like kink in my fiction! I read so much problematic erotica, I'm surprised the National Organization for Women doesn't have a bounty on me from my Libby history alone. But there were parts of the storyline that were locked behind participation in this weird dynamic of negging and domination/submission. Honestly, the dialogue sometimes read like two PUA bros trying to out-neg each other for who plays bottom that night. There were whole days I was clicking through dialogue wincing and grimacing the whole time. A twink who's more leather jacket than man threatening to "punish" me if I don't listen to him explain what "fracturing" means doesn't do SHIT to me. I am OLD! I have waited in line at the DMV so many times there is nothing more about pain you could teach me, young man!
But soooo much of the dialogue feels like the player has to be plugged into pop culture in order to play it "correctly." There was an option to tell Grim he looked "submissive and breedable" which... c'mon! that is objectively hilarious, right? An omegaverse joke? I missed that AO3-to-tumblr period; the only reason why I even got that joke is because I'm a degenerate who's chronically online and stanzipotenza is hilarious. I straight-up guffawed when I got that option. That has to be a wink and a nod joke, right? I don't even fucking know!
But because you can't read tone in text, and sometimes your MC is super-serious, and sometimes they're joking I never knew if my selection was a joke or the game was going to take it seriously. And! a lot of the time, you don't even know. I'd choose a more serious option only to have the follow-up dialogue reveal it was a joke the whole time. It felt there was a kind of subtext or subtle cues that I wasn't getting. I would choose an option I thought was a joke, and NOPE! the game took it 100% seriously - or immediately neutered the joke with the next line of dialogue being the sincere option.
And - I've mostly been joking to this point; lamenting my age and old-fogey-ness... alas! perhaps otome games with tsundere love interests aren't for this boring 40 y/o happily married lady.
Idk a lot about Japanese tropes or media... but is this kind of game supposed to have an hot-under-the-collar-&-experienced-in-every-way-but-reality ingenue? Every dialogue choice is: be mean to watch him squirm (sexily), be romantic to watch him squirm (sexily), or be sexually provocative to watch him squirm (sexily). Every time the dialogue tees up a "you're a bad [gender], MC", the MC points at the base hit for the obvious sex joke, then knocks it outta the park with a BDSM sex joke. But the last time the MC got flowers were a choice between a teacher in middle school, your parents, or your seventh birthday. Your last date was over a year ago, five years ago, or never. You've never been in love.
Which is a fine character choice! When it's a choice. If one of the options in all that dialogue was "yes, I like sex," "yes, I've had sex," "yes, I've had lovers," or even a "yes, I know what I like come over here and let me show you," I'd be like, cool! the game lets you pick your experience level, too. But even when you're at your most sexually aggressive, the game doesn't let you stray too far off this "virginal" path: the very next line of dialogue is how you're actually just teasing him; you're not actually serious about how horny you are... except?!... haha, fooled you again... but, maybe?!?... lol made you look!
It just felt like a cultural choice? or maybe they were concerned about the rating they had on the platforms?
Anyway! I don't feel the urge to tell neighborhood kids to get of my lawn. But I do think I'm not going to play any more otome games. I also might not play any more visual novels, either. The clicking through was tedious, and I didn't like having to play the whole thing over again just to see a different ending.
So, thanks for the recommendation, whoever posted that here! I learned something about myself! And, I didn't hate the game! I mean, it's reviews in the Steam store are overwhelmingly positive for a reason! The animation and art were amazing, the character-and-room customization was fantastic. I LOOOOOOVED the subplot (I played it twice because I missed a day of the subplot and wanted to see it finished). Grim isn't my personal cuppa (tsundere-types are a no-go for me: you don't like me, cool, I'll stay out of your way; but if you're openly contemptuous of me -ever- I will hate you till I die and never regret it) but I see why so many other people like him. And when the banter was, good it was great! The storyline was interesting, but I would have like to have seen the characters expand a little bit. You have the option to customize your family and your closeness to them, but you don't speak to anyone else but Grim and your pet the whole week. Even one of the subplot characters gets to call their mom twice; it'd be neat if you had even one more person to talk to. It's even brought up that you can't talk about Grim to others, so it feels a little like an empty Chekov's gun that you aren't presented with even the threat of that. There's a spot in the chat app that teases at other characters you could talk to, but clicking on their avatars didn't do anything.
Oh, and you don't get to keep the flowers. That's BS. It's this big plot point towards the end, and the game doesn't place your flowers anywhere in the room.
submitted by IamNotPersephone to GirlGamers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:47 CaramelCookiesz Dream sharing with a stranger?

!!Long Post!!
Unsure if this goes in this reddit page or not, but here it is:
I have always had interesting dreams. Dreams that have happened later in life, dreams of saying goodbye to loved ones and waking up to them dead. Nightmares about things attacking me in the room I stayed and being woken up at 3:33 a.m as the 8 hour music I had playing was somehow paused at 3:33:33.
Yet by far, the most interesting dreams I have had was with a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.
There is only 6 dreams I know he was in. All spread out through the years, but I always knew it was him when I woke up.
The first dream I had was in 7th grade. In the dream I was walking around this amusement park in the town I resided in, and it was empty. The only people there was me, and this tall blonde haired blue eyed boy.
At first I thought it was my crush at the time, but realized that 1, My crush didn't have that light skin tone and hair color, and 2, this was the first time I have ever seen a person's face in my dream so vividly, and it 100% was not my crush at the time.
Anyways, I am walking around the fairgrounds with this boy, and we decided to go on the fairis wheel. Upon getting on, I felt the anxiousness I always do while on those wheels, and felt the boy grab my hand. He then says to me "Thank you for going on this date with me. I hope we meet again." And shortly after I woke up.
I don't remember the dream I had with him after that one, I just remembered that I saw a familiar face which was his. I never thought too much of it at the time, because I was in 7th-8th grade during those two dreams. Yet all I do know is that I can instantly recognize his face, and I feel a calm and warm presence whenever he is around. (Makes me wonder if I had any other dreams with him that I can't remember.)
A side note, people normally have dreams and see people they know in them, but for me, if it's a dream and it's with someone I know, the person always has a weird alteration to their appearance, like if you were looking at an AI generated photo. For the boy, he looked real, never in my life have I seen him but nothing about him looked like the normal dream people I've seen all my life. (The only exceptions were the loved ones saying goodbye, I saw their faces clearly aswell.)
Anyways, the next dream I had with him, it was a silly one. I was leaving school after gym class and waiting for my grandma to pick me up. I was for some reason pulling up my sweat pants and trying to hide in them?? A voice from beside the bench makes me stop and I turn to see that familiar face again, and I just stared, almost like I was about to realize I was not in a dream in that moment.
Then I felt if my attention was getting pulled away from the boy, and I quickly get forced into looking at my grandma driving up in her car. Once I felt like I could move on my own again, I look back to the boy and see that he is gone. I was a Junior in highschool.
Now, we are getting into the weirder dreams with him. In this dream I was training to be a survivor in the zombie apocalypse. It had not started yet, but me and a bunch of people were testing in an underground place to see who would get released into the apocalypse with the better gear. After all the testing, no one scored above the top 50, so when we were about to get released into the world, we had to stand 50 feet away from the exit.
Soon the zombie fog(fog that turns people into zombies) started arriving. After about 50 seconds of waiting for our turn to grab the supplies and run, I book it outside, meeting a random group of survivors and that was the end of it.. until I woke up, and went back to sleep. When I went back to sleep, I felt as if everything I had just went through in the dream was re-winded and I was back in the testing room. Yet this time I was fully lucid.
I took advantage of this and made sure to ace the test, since it seemed unless you were lucid you'd be stuck with the rest of the group, which I was wanting to avoid this time around. After the test we went into a waiting room area, and I was talking to this random Korean man, and he and I were just chatting and I made a joke saying "if you are real add my Instagram" and he said bet, (he never added me on Instagram lol) but after I did that, I felt my body move on its own. I was still fully aware it was a dream, but I felt like something was moving me. And I was moved in front of this person, I didn't get to see what they looked like but a sense of familiarity overcame me.
The test was then calculated, and I was the only one who went in the first place, so it was me, a bunch of empty space, and everyone else... that is what I thought until I saw a blonde boy tied in first place with me. In my head I was baffled, because only a person aware it was a dream would have made it to the top.. so why was he there?
We get released back outside, me and the blonde the first ones out of course. I follow this motorcycle dude, to a hilltop (he was in the group I made in the first part of the dream)and for some reason the blonde boy was following us aswell and as the zombie fog got closer and closer, we were forced to jump off the cliff and hide under the water. While in the water, I felt the fog brushing against my back, it felt so real. I then gained the courage to breathe while under the water, realizing I was in a dream and I couldn't drown.
Once the fog was gone, I instantly realized who the blonde haired boy was. I quickly stand up, and so does the other two. I force my attention on the boy, and he looks straight at me as well, and I locked eyes with his blue ones. "Why are you always in my dreams?" I asked.
He looks at me confused, "No, your the one always in my dreams!" Instantly I felt myself forget I was in a dream, and my attention was forced to look at a zombie, I was no longer lucid for some reason.. and the boy disappeared from my dream after that.
The next dream happened 2 days after that one. I was in a normal dream, or nightmare I assume. This grudge lady was dragging me down the hall, over and over again. The lights turning off behind her, as I faced watching all of it happened. Yet before she could turn the corner, she woulds stop, and there would be a figure in the corner of the hall we came from watching us.
This dream repeated that same scene over and over again. I would switch places with the person on the corner of the hall, watching them get dragged down it, and they would watch me do the same. After about what felt like an hour, the person who was being dragged looked at me and spoke, "I'm getting tired of this dream, aren't you?" And I instantly woke up. Yet I wanted to go back to sleep, which I did.
So I went to sleep, and it looked like I was playing omegle in the dream I was dreaming, but it kept making me wake up, and I'd force myself to sleep again, each time this happened, the scene would change, and I noticed that I was on a tablet, and as I kept waking up and going back to sleep, I felt as if my attention was slowly getting away from the tablet, like I was pulling away from the suction. As this kept happening, I was still waking up and going back to sleep.
Soon a guy with brown hair and a black suit and top hat appeared, and he was mocking me for waking up and going back to sleep, saying "Why don't you just stay asleep? Or maybe just wake up huh?" I ignored the man and kept waking up and sleeping again, I was almost out of the suction, I could see the edge of the tablet. Soon, a white being appeared, he looked like a child, but had white hair, pale white skin, and a white suit. He was asking if I was ok, if I was stressing out, he told me to just wake up. I ignored him aswell.
I woke up one last time, and as I went back to sleep I finally was able to pull away from the tablet. Instantly I was lucid, and I saw that i was in a warehouse, around me were thousands and thousands of grayed out people who's attentions were all on their tablets, I looked at the few around me and realized that each one was a different dream. I look up to see how far the warehouse was another person standing up. Once they stood up a alarm went off and I found myself in the middle of a lobby of some sorts, it was like all the games you've ever seen or played meshed into on lobby.
There were people walking around, like a busy new York street. I felt confused, but I just casually started exploring the area. A intercom voice echos through the lobby saying "turn on the protocol, two are aware, two are aware."
Instantly all of the people's heads turned into emoticons, and it made me realize that they were just random NPC's. I continue to walk around when the white being from earlier came over to me and grabbed my shoulders. I could physically feel this, and it freaked me out. The white being had a worried expression and asked me, "What are you doing here? Why didn't you wake up! You need to wake up."
I shrug and try to wake up but it didn't work. So the being sighs and tells me he has to bring me to the safe house before the other one finds me. So we jump across the crossy road and make our way to the minecraft safe house. As we got closer, the white being drags me to hide between the graying out border and some bushes. In the safe house was the brunette guy in a top hat from earlier. He was speaking in a random hanging microphone, "I got eyes on the blonde boy, find the brunette girl, find the brunette girl."
The white being then turns to me, and grabs my shoulders again, he looks me dead in the eyes and says, "You need to wake up. Right. Now."
I then woke up, and was unable to fall back asleep for another 30ish hours. I told my mom about the dream, and she suggested that this blonde boy was someone sharing dreams with me, but I didn't really think much of it. That was before I turned 18, after highschool.
The last dream I remember with him was a year ago, in the dream I had to move back in with my dad, and I was attending a school like Hogwarts, but you could go home or something. It was weird because I was an adult in the dream so why did I have to go to school?
Anyways, my dad sells me off to get married to this random guy. And I am forced to live in their luxury house. Yet I never meet the guy, (I am not lucid in the dream so I was very compliant). After weeks of not meeting this guy, a boy in a dres shirt and suit vest comes inside of the home. His hair was blonde and swoopy, and he had the brightest blue eyes. For some reason I felt enamored with him.
The scene quickly changed, and I am in a Applebee's with my older brother and this boy. My older brother was juggling rings made out of fire, and he flings one in the air like a coin and catches it. "You two should just get married." He says, and I turn to the boy, feeling almost in love. Yet the boy was smiling, he gave me an awkward or sad smile before the scene changed again.
We were walking to the flying cars to go to school, and he quickly grabs my hand. "Remember that time we met, and went on the fairis wheel?" He starts, "or that time your grandma picked you up, or the time we ran from zombies?" He was reminding me of all the dreams we shared, but I just stared at him confused, for I didn't remember it in the dream. Then things started to click in my mind. As they started to click in my mind a name quietly echoes in my brain, it got louder and louder until I couldn't bare it anymore. Yet once it clicked, I looked at the boy, lucid for one split second.. his name was Harrison.
Suddenly I was being forced back into the dream, the moon was aparrently crashing into earth, causing Co2 fumes into the air, and it was going to hit Chicago?? Before anything else could happen I felt a pair of hands grab me, and I look over at the boy named Harrison one last time. He says to me, "I will find you."
Then I wake up.
Now idk if this is anything, but it sure as hell is interesting. I've been convincing myself it's just my imagination, but the fact some of my friends have said they shared a dream recently with a blonde boy, sometime refering or asking about me. My older brother recently told me he did have a dream(he never dreams) that he was juggling rings that were hot to the touch, and saw a blonde boy next to him and me across from him. Yet before he flung the ring in the air he said "you two should stop whatever this is that your doing." In his dream.
BUT I don't know if people are just messing with me. So that's that. Thank you for reading, sorry if it was boring and sorry it was so long haha....
submitted by CaramelCookiesz to LucidDreamingSpec [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:47 Epoxyresin-13 is there even a REMOTE CHANCE she likes me or am i chasing shadows

this girl from P.E. may be showing signs but idk how to spot them.
1.one of the only girls who actually tries to talk to me, and she does alot.
2.basically never talks to other guys in the class were both in even though she doesnt sit very close to me
3.smiles shyly at me when i see her
4.pretty sure it was her who made a s3xually explicit comment walking past me during lunch (this ones just funny but actually true, better hope its a joke cuz im 13 and i think she is too)
  1. none of her friends ever try to talk to me like at all even though theyre all super talktive
basically she tries to engage with me specifically and is uniquely friendly even though i dont really try to talk to her and i dont stand out from the class at all, im actually pretty quiet usually.
if im chasing shadows pls dont go all 'wtf is bro stupid'. if im wrong just say no. simple as that
submitted by Epoxyresin-13 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:45 everythingsAokayy Is this true love or coincidence?

When I was still in college I had a dream where I was in a subway station, looking professional and all. It felt like I was waiting for the train but have no idea where it was, the train stopped and when it opened everything slow-mo'd and everything was blurry, a guy walked towards me but I don't really recognized his face completely but in my mind I know I am looking at a guy with thick bushy brows, with an average height and with a skin that's glowing, he has this chubby figure but it was more like a shadow and a black hair, like his hair is as bushy as his eyebrows. We then started walking but everything was still slow-mo'd. I just know I was with that guy and that we knew each other. Everything was like my life flashing towards me it will pause in a moment but with me being with him and being inlove and everything. When I woke up I keep thinking who he was and do I know anyone that looked like him? but no. So as I grew old I didn't really let it bother me or made it a big deal cause It was just a dream and at that time I'm not really a believer of destiny and anything of sorts. But it felt so real.
Skip to when I was in my early 20's, have 2 kids and is a working single mom, Everything started when I was walking in the halls at the office with my friend Annie, then suddenly someone walked by us and they did a little handshake, I was surprised because I didn't know that they knew each other. Little did Annie know I already saw him walking towards us from afar and I don't know what's with that guy but suddenly he went slow-mo, like he was walking towards us but every single thing besides him is blurry and fast paced like everything was fast forwarded except him then everything went normal when he handshaked Annie, I thought to myself "luh! Pogi". I didn't really made it a big deal because I don't usually acknowledge those kinds of feelings towards some guy I just saw, I didn't even bother asking Annie anything about him.
When I get off work I usually come with my friends' boarding house because we always get off work early in the morning, so usually I come with my friends/co-workers' boarding house to rest and smoke cigars. One friend of mine his name was Jason asked if I want something from the store cause he was going to buy something, I was hungry and out of cigarettes that time so I just came with Jason. We didn't really bother to look at other people when going to places like that so we were surprised when someone called out his name "Jason!" He said it was loud so I looked, and then I saw him, again. He was smiling so brightly, so happily, so cute actually. My friend Jason said "tara tambay". He waa eating that time so he can't answer verbally he just nodded, so I expected he doesn't smoke and he doesn't want to "tambay" and again I didn't made that a big deal even though I just saw him last nights shift. We came back in the smoking area and sat for a while then, there he is again, smiling so brightly that his eyes were like sparkling with happiness. He then sat down at the big water pipe at my back while I was lying in my friend Jasons leg. He then started talking to us and teasing me, he said I look like I have 5 children and that I looked like I'm in my 30's I was just laughing at him because he was new in the group so I didn't mind him teasing me and touching my things, he even tugged my ID just to look at my card cause I have a "Hunter X Hunter" Hunters Card at the back and he told me "ah mahilig ka sa anime?" I said "hindi masyado, HxH lang tska Naruto" then he took out his phone and started playing a song from "the 1975", that is my favourite band so I sang along with the music and he saw me singin cause he was too and said "ay mahilig ka din sa the 19..?" I didn't even let him finish his sentence I said "YES!!!" Immediately, then every single song he plays I'd follow and sing he was so shook because I sang along everytime, even the songs that people that don't usually know I'd still sing along with it. Then, It was time to go, He asked me what my name was and he even slipped a joke about my name even if I was walking away from them. Still, I didn't make it a big deal even though he was so focused on teasing and looking at me.
I got to work, opened my PC and my tools. Suddenly a notification popped, someone chatted me from Teams. It was an unfamiliar name so I took a look at the photo first before replying. IT. WAS. HIM. he said "ang hirap hanapin ng pangalan mo ha?" I laughed so hard because my name is DOMINIQUE and he said knows my name but he already tried every single letter that sounded right. I was actually glad I gave him a hard time looking for me in Teams because it means he is making extra effort to communicate with me. He then asked me if I drink coffee I said "black please" he immediately said "sige, wait" he told me he wants to smoke before shift so he said let's exchange, he then told me to come out from our production floor cause he's already there. I came out and gave him the smoke and he then proceeded to giving me the coffee he bought for me I smiled and said "thank youuuuu" and very quickly and quietly he responded with "ok" with his tone almost cracking. I smiled while looking at the cup at my desk, remembering how nervous he was when he saw me. We then talked non-stop, literally. If he's going to have his break I'm required to join him even when we are going to have our lunch, I adjust because I can have my lunch break anytime so we follow his schedule. We continued talking, even on facebook. He asked for my fb name, I said "wag na, magsisisi ka lang. May mga anak na ko" I was nervous to give him my fb name because we were having so much fun and I don't want it to change because he doesn't want to have any issues with anyone, he replied "fb ba ng anak mo tinatanong ko?" I was so surprised he wasn't even bothered with it so I thought maybe this is not actually a big deal for him. So, I gave him my name eventually then told him "okay lang kung ayaw mo na makipag usap, I'll understand" but he told me to relax and not make it a big deal, and he doesn't really mind.
My friends and I decided to drink after shift so we went to our usual spot near our office. At this point we were already talking to each other even outside work so I was talking to him while we were drinking and everything. I got drunk and slept in my friends house so I didn't went home even though I have a shift that night. I just said "bahala na". So my friend and I went to the boarding house he used to live because some of his things were still there. I was hoping and praying not to see him there because he might judge me and say that I'm still wearing the same shirt when I went to work last night. So I was hoping not to see him there, then we were getting close to the boarding house when I saw a shadow, standing like he was waiting for something. IT WAS HIM. I panicked but still walked to him and told him I need to go to the mall to buy a shirt so I don't look stupid wearing the same outfit I was wearing last night, he said "sayang lang pera mo, teka lang" he then walked and went up to his room. I waited downstairs and told my friend to just go without me cause I'm waiting for someone. He came back and handed me his shirt and told me "ayan, magpalit ka sa CR at sabay na tayong pumasok" that's when I realized we have been seeing each other without planning and I just thought to myself "destiny". Is it really? What is happening to me? I just got off of a 5 year relationship, I can't be falling for someone this sudden.
After everything we talked every single day, every hour, every minute. He then told me he has a crush on me, long before we even met each other. He has been asking my co-workers about my name and everything about me. He asked my friend Annie about me long before sighting him at the halls, long before having breakfast together, long before hanging with him at the smoking are and long before talking to him. He was there all along, he has been searching for me all along, then he told me "mas okay nang sabihin ko ngayon na crush kita, kesa magregret lang ako later" we have been obsessed with each other since then. We decided to live together after a month and we both never regret anything. It just felt right, everything just felt right with him. Since then I have already met almost everyone in his family tree, we went to weddings together, birthdays together, had family events together. I knew then and there, we were meant for each other, we have found what we were searching for for a long time. We were meant to meet eventually. He randomly tells me stories that starts with "naniniwala na talaga ako sa destiny...". He never made me feel unsecured, he was always there to protect me from everything.
We now have a 7 month old preemie baby and mind you, he is also a preemie when his mom gave birth to him with the same reason as mine, being "gala-era" even on my 8th month of pregnancy. His mom also has 2 kids before his mom and dad met and married and had 4 more kids. Which is a coincidence maybe, but his mom also has a girl and a boy before meeting his dad, I also have 2 kids, a girl and a boy before meeting him. I have a bump on my right underarm (this might be irrelevant) he says his mom also has one but on the right knee. We also have moles that are on the same spots hahaha a bit weird but yeah. Our entire relationships just fits to each others pasts or present lives and I know this will get even weirder as we grow old together and I can't wait for that time.
You'll just know that he is the one, my twin flame, the guy in my dream, the one that made me feel so real and that a love like that actually exists. We are in a different city now, together. With our son along with my kids that became our kids. Working hard to have the future we both planned for our children and for us two. We stay in love even in the hardest of times. We always end up inlove even after every fight we fought. We are not a perfect couple but like they say "If you love someone, fight for that love" never let go. You'll just know he's the one when everything feels right with him.
submitted by everythingsAokayy to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:42 LFMC7 Guys, I had a Sachiko kind of situation 😭

I can’t believe my bad luck lol. So when I met my kind of ex boyfriend I started joking for one situation or another about a girl named my countries equivalent to Sachiko, let’s call her Emily, so I would joke like, who did you take this very cute selfie for, was it for Emily?? That kind of stuff, and he would always dismiss my jokes.
Well, we’ve had some issues in the relationship mostly related to him being obsessed with his ex and me getting insecure because of it, I learned her name is Emily, guys, I started joking about fake Emily with my ex 6 months prior TO LEARNING HER NAME!
Never joke about Sachiko ever again!!!
submitted by LFMC7 to NanaAnime [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:37 csnafk Need advice to push me over into the playoffs

We drafted in 2022 (my first dynasty ever), 12 teams with these lineups and bench slots. No TE premium, 0.5 PPR. I've been doing FF since '07 and had years with several teams and won plenty of chips but never did a dynasty until this one. I drafted young and promising guys but I've been the 'first one out' 2 straight years (won the toilet bowl both seasons but I don't own my FRP this year unfortunately). The league just voted several days ago to swap the kicker slot for another flex so that's why that is there and I just pulled Likely and Woods up from the taxi spot this year because they'd been riding it for 2 years and hit the limit.
My team balls out during playoff time and I've jokingly told my friend in the league 'I built this team for the playoffs but unfortunately I can't make the playoffs'. Anyone got advice on what I need to do to make my team a championship contender?
submitted by csnafk to DynastyFF [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:36 Gabbys_storys How I ruined my brothers life pt4 or that’s what he said

Ok at this point I was crying in a pile of dirty clothes and my mom freaked out grabbed the diaper bag and a few other things for the baby like a can of formula and a few more diapers and pieces of clothing.then told my stepdad to go check the whole house for any signs of E and to ether drag him out to the police station across the street.or lock all the doors and windows to make sure he wasn’t getting in.then told him to watch me grab my things to make sure I was safe and protected I ended up not grabbing anything.because I was to shaken up other than my phone and a charger. I was wearing a purple night Gown and rainbow pastel shorts.I put some flared pants that where on my floor from that morning and my coat. my mom grabbed my dog and we got in the car .and went to the police department to file a report on him and questioning. Then we got in contact with a detective and drove to New Jersey I gave my mother permission to tell family and we stayed at my cousins house they have a spare bedroom for my mom and baby sister.and I stayed with my cousin.not gonna lie it was fun staying up making jokes with her .and on weekends staying up learning TikTok dances and stuff .I got to meet a social worker in New Jersey so now I have a social worker in pa and nj but 2 weeks later I went back home because my stepdad tracked E down and sent him to a mental hospital go to pt5
submitted by Gabbys_storys to u/Gabbys_storys [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:36 HammaaaBlue What does this mean, and what can I do?

So I met this girl at my job. I started to like her, and eventually got the courage to ask her on a date, we would flirt and she would laugh at my jokes and everything. So anyway I took her to one of the best Italian restaurants in Boston. Anyway moving ahead , the date went well, and at the next bar we kind of made out. Then we went back to her place and I’m not going to say details but I slept over I also did a lot of gentlemen things, I gave her my jacket when she was cold , in bed I made sure she had most of the blankets. My bday was last week and I asked her if she would like to go to a bar with me and have a drink with me when it hit midnight, we did and we sat together and I had my arm around her and we kissed (not made out but kissed) then when it was time to leave we called our Ubers ( I had to go somewhere in the morning with my family so I couldn’t go back to her place and she knew that) I made sure to have her Uber come first because it late and didn’t want my under to come first and have her standing out by herself, so I opened the door for her kissed her and she got in. Now here’s where the issues are arising, she doesn’t want anyone at work to know anything yet. Which is fine I get it. Also we would text pretty often. The last two days we’ve barely texted at all but she always seems to view my IG story (where we text through). She would ask me how my day is , when I would wake up I would say it’s going well blah blah blah how is yours? She saw it 7 hrs later and hasn’t responded and this has happened twice in a row so far? She would see my messege not respond, but she watches my IG story. The only thing I can think of is that maybe I didn’t wait the other day to walk her to the train station like we do sometimes. I would have had to wait over an hour and if I’m still there people would wonder why I’m waiting and she doesn’t want people to know yet. When we’re alone we cuddle , hold hands and all that other stuff. These last two days have confused me , being left on read, but watching my stories. She doesn’t put in effort, I’ve always been the one to ask her out. She did say to me though she would never ask a guy out but we’re past the first date here. Should I call it? I really like this girl a lot. I care for her but I don’t want this mental stress. Should I continue to pursue? ANY advise? Please . She’s also a Virgo if it means anything. She’s also a little bit embarrassed about what we did on our first date but things happen and emotions arise.
submitted by HammaaaBlue to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:36 Hopie73 You fall on your keys 1 time..

And you start making different plans!
Harry and “the grey dick head, Joseph in the diner 🤣 the one liners from everyone are killin me, LOL
submitted by Hopie73 to ResidentAlienTVshow [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:32 TyeDyeMewy ULPT: My sister refuses to spend time with me in order to study. How can I actually have a relationship now that she is in college 10+ years after high school now?

I wish the caption was a joke. But my sister has been OBSESSED with school ever since high school. I thought it was just a high school thing, then a college thing, but now she’s got a ton of degrees and certificates and licenses and it’s been 10+ years since she graduated high school.
She lives in the same town as me. I invite her to things constantly. She always says no because of school related things. She’s not in sports. She doesn’t have a job. It is only school. I want to have a relationship with her but it’s nearly impossible. Even her husband tried telling me I needed a relationship with her but had no idea how much she turned me down until I finally told him about it. He said something EVERY OTHER MONTH would work.
I see pictures of her on Facebook with her school friends all the time. Community service projects. Graduations. Class work together. Sometimes even spending time outside the school. Going to community events. Going to parties and hangouts. But apparently I’m the bad guy for not having a relationship with her.
I’d love to do things with her but I DONT just want to sit around and study. My parents told her they were busy one weekend for a breakfast and she said “See you in a month and a half, then.”
I feel like I barely know my sister. Everyone holds me accountable for having a relationship with them when I’ve tried. And apparently I’m a bad person for ever asking someone to leave their studies. So what the hell can I do to actually have a sister in my life?
submitted by TyeDyeMewy to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:31 Limp-Leek3859 Gojo is so charismatic he genuinely had people thinking he'd win

Gojo is so charismatic he genuinely had people thinking he'd win

Obviously if you've get a shred of media literacy in you, it was obvious he was gonna die. But something about this man just made you feel otherwise, i'm not joking when i say Gojo is one of the most charismatic shonen characters of all time.
submitted by Limp-Leek3859 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:27 Alternative_Net_3003 21M Never really sure of anything

I used to try to know everything but lately it seems I've been struggling to know anything.
I don't know if shold put a list of my attributes here or put more of a narrative of who am. Here's either, pick one to read I suppose.
I play guitar, I make music, I play video games, I've had 15 jobs since I was 16, I dropped out of high school but not before I got enough college credits for an AA, I make jokes incessantly, it's to the point that I don't really know how to be genuine and that causes my friendships to struggle with depth.
Recently the company I worked as a regular freelancer for got sold and the new owners are working with their own guys, and I totally get that and have no bitterness, I just had planned on doing that for a while and now it's gone. I've also gone through some loss recently so "now it's gone" is a familiar feeling. It all gives perspective but all the perspective I've ever gained has never really helped me make a decision, it only ever seems to make them more complicated to make.
I don't know what I'm looking for here but that's no reason to not try find it.
Thank you for any time you've given to me, I appreciate it even if I'll never know you did
submitted by Alternative_Net_3003 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:25 Alternative_Net_3003 [21M] Never really sure of anything

I used to try to know everything but lately it seems I've been struggling to know anything.
I don't know if shold put a list of my attributes here or put more of a narrative of who am. Here's either, pick one to read I suppose.
I play guitar, I make music, I play video games, I've had 15 jobs since I was 16, I dropped out of high school but not before I got enough college credits for an AA, I make jokes incessantly, it's to the point that I don't really know how to be genuine and that causes my friendships to struggle with depth.
Recently the company I worked as a regular freelancer for got sold and the new owners are working with their own guys, and I totally get that and have no bitterness, I just had planned on doing that for a while and now it's gone. I've also gone through some loss recently so "now it's gone" is a familiar feeling. It all gives perspective but all the perspective I've ever gained has never really helped me make a decision, it only ever seems to make them more complicated to make.
I don't know what I'm looking for here but that's no reason to not try find it.
Thank you for any time you've given to me, I appreciate it even if I'll never know you did
submitted by Alternative_Net_3003 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:23 AdHumble5094 AITA If I blocked my partner's ex and his ex's mother

For some background story: (2015)
My not yet boyfriend, let's call him Marco (17), and his then girlfriend, Jenna (17), are together. I know Jenna because she was my schoolmate in high school, and we have common friends, but we are not close. I really don't know Marco. They broke up after 6 months of the relationship.
April 2017 I met Marco through common friends, and there was an instant spark between us, but because I came from a Catholic school, I had to maintain a Maria Clara effect, so he still wooed me. During random talks, we mentioned and discussed Jenna. He told me that Jenna broke up with him because he caught Jenna with another man in bed, but he still pleaded to stay with Jenna for 3 months (like wtf! she cheated on you and you still want to be with her?). At first, I didn't believe him, but when I asked our common friends, they backed up what Marco said. They said Marco traveled from work from Dasma to Biñan to see Jenna and plead with her every day.
October 2017 I said yes to Marco. He is the kindest man I've ever met, he is very patient with me, and very affectionate. He also allows me to open his social media accounts and phone whenever I want because he said that he has nothing to hide, and he won't break my trust in him. We also never have fights that last until the night because he doesn't sleep when we are in conflict. We will be together for 7 years in October.
Last April, Marco posted on his social media about the loss of our supposed first baby due to miscarriage... I was still in the hospital bed, the doctor called Marco to talk to him, so he left his phone with me, and I saw someone replying to his post. It was Jenna's mother, and she said that Marco won't be happy with me because I can't give him a child, and if she were Marco, she would go back to Jenna because Jenna is currently single. Even if Marco wants to impregnate Jenna right away, it's okay because she really wants to have grandchildren.
I don't know if she was just joking or if she was serious, but as someone who lost a child and hasn't recovered yet, my mind was in chaos, so I cried a lot. I replied to her, telling her that I was the one holding Marco's phone, but she just liked the message, so I blocked her and every account Jenna had on all of Marco's social media.
Just yesterday, Jenna messaged Marco using another friend's account, asking why she is blocked by Marco, and they have been separated for a long time, but Marco still can't move on. Marco told her what happened and showed her the chat with Jenna's mother that I saw. Jenna's only reply was that maybe it's just hormones because my reason is too shallow and that I am too sensitive and immature. When Marco told me that, I told Marco never to contact anyone from Jenna's family ever again...
Is it really just hormones? Is my reason really shallow?
Sorry for the long message, but AITA?
submitted by AdHumble5094 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 09:23 Strawberry_Shut_Up [Browser] [A little before 2015] Artsy abandoned place click through browser game from 2015. Looked like a collage. There were animated parts. Thanks! :)

Platform(s): Browser, PC (It MIGHT have been Flash, but I don't think it was complex enough to even need it. But what do I know?)
Genre: Horror?, Point and Click, artsy
Estimated year of release: Somewhere before or on 2015
Graphics/art style: Real images (or, maybe, realistic) Photoshopped together. It was flat 2D, like a collage. It's aesthetic was greyish with red accents. The whole thing was grim looking, and some levels were dark and dingy, but others were "hopeful" and had light and sun peeking through open holes in the walls. It looked like an abandoned asylum, hospital, warehouse. I do not recall there being any kind of medical instruments, but a friend called it the "abandoned hospital game" when we discussed it. There was graffiti throughout, hence the artsy genre.
Notable characters: You don't have a model, and there is no life I can think of besides maybe plants. There's one "character" which scampered past a doorway. It looked like a fennic fox made of the stock burn scar flesh seen frequently in media. Think Freddy Kruger. This happened so fast that it was hard to make out - I only saw it by taking a picture with my Ipod as the animation played. (Because I was an idiot, and didn't know how to screenshot. :( )
Notable gameplay mechanics: It was a VERY simple point and click. Actually, there was no pointing. You clicked through a 'level', which was one collage, and things happened, allowing you to click more. There was little to no actual puzzling. Like I said, it was pretty much interactive art. Once you complete it, there's a level select screen. It's just a screenshot of each level in little squares.
A level I remember - One half of the screen is made of these overlapping panels, like PO boxes. The other half was a blank, dirty concrete wall. Above that is possibly a hole with sun peeking through. It was light and mostly grey. You solved it by clicking something, which moved the panels over to reveal either lungs or a heart, with the accompanying sound effects. The heart or lungs (ribcage?) was black graffiti, and it was animated. Then you move to the next level.
Another level - Underground, it is dark. You face an open doorway, the type with an arch on top. You solve the level somehow, and the ending animation is a smallish, pinkish, hard to make out creature. It scampers from one half of the doorway to the other, very quickly. It makes a gross scampering noise.
Other details: This game was spread through word of mouth or youtuber nonsense. It might have come from "Take me to a useless website PLEASE", but probably not the Bored Button. It had to be somewhat viral for me to know about it. Also, I'm not crazy, because a friend confirmed having played it with me. Unless we both are! It is also probably not very scary. More ambiance. I have been up google's ass looking for this. I'm no expert on googling, but I have on many occasions found pretty obscure shit for both myself and friends.
Games it is not:
- The House: There are no jumpscares with stupid screamer faces.
- Asylum: I did not have access to downloadable games at the time. It had to be entirely browser based.
- Black Asylum Escape: Screamers, and too complex.
- Exmortis (1 or 2): Wrong aesthetic. Too many words. Silly faces.
Games it PROBABLY isnt:
-The Dead House: There's one article I could find even mentioning it on some shitty website with a broken link to the game.
Of course, that's all out the window if you can find the damn levels I have made pictures of in those games.
Some pictures of what it looked like: (God I hope this works lol. I'm not good at making posts) Also, if you cant make something out then tell me... graphic design is clearly my passion...

The level with the fox thing. \"Brick? Back wall Thing. loop Subway system? CLOSE UP! not very gorey... like kruger swirled flesh Hard to make out 1 or 2 frame animation tail maybe?\"
The level select screen. \" Level select screen. Level you are on thumbnails translucent background\"
The main level I remember with the lungs. I've shown two shots of the same level. The panels slide out of the way. \"Sunny Old + broken Panels for maintenance? click! *breathing* Lungs/ribs/heart idk\"
submitted by Strawberry_Shut_Up to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]
