B12 steroid vitamin bodybuilding

B12: We all know we need it, do we actually get it?

2024.05.16 21:38 space-sage B12: We all know we need it, do we actually get it?

Having been vegan for over 10 years now, I, like many of you, have heard all of the arguments against veganism and plant-based diets. Some of these probably sound familiar: "You will be malnourished!", "Humans aren't meant to eat just plants, we can't get all of our vitamins and minerals from plants alone!"
I would roll my eyes at these arguments and continued on living a vegan lifestyle. I knew that, even if it WERE true that we evolved to eat animal products alongside plants, that didn't mean that now, as we have also evolved morally, technologically, and developed a greater conscientiousness to the environment, that we still had to eat animal products. I knew that it was possible to get all of the necessary vitamins and minerals from plants. I knew that I could be perfectly healthy and be vegan.
Over the last 10 years, that has been mostly true. I started eating plant based in college and have ever since. Did I watch my vitamin and mineral intake to ensure I was fulfilling my nutritional needs? Of course not! What college student, with an on-the-go lifestyle and penchant for junk food, alongside the brazen confidence of one's health in youth, is concerned about such things? Not I!
I have now come to reckon with this ignorance, when after 10 years I have started to take a vegan multivitamin. Let me tell you all, B12 matters. I knew it did, in a broad, yeah, I should try and make sure I get B12, way. But my deficiency fundamentally changed my personality.
I thought that my personality just...changed during college. Where I started university with a happy, more outgoing outlook, free from most anxieties and preoccupations, I ended university an anxious, paranoid woman who dealt with periods of severe depression and lack of energy and motivation. I thought, well, that's college! I'm an adult now, and being an adult just sucks. It crept up so slowly I didn't realize how much I had changed; until I took that multivitamin.
I feel like I have been living in a fog for 10 years. A fog where I constantly started petty arguments with my husband over my own paranoia, where I dealt with suicidal ideation almost every day, where I hated being around others. I had an extreme need for control, of anxiety over very small things, and a preoccupation with rewinding ancient embarrassments and conversations in my head over and over, growing more and more anxious. I felt like there was no out. Was this just how I was, how I had always been?
I took the multivitamin two weeks ago, and now take it every morning. The fog has lifted. It seriously cured my depression and anxiety. When I think about conversations or embarrassments now, I can hardly hold onto the memory before I brush it aside and move on, because I can't change the past by replaying it. I have more self-confidence, and the negative, spiraling self-talk has ceased. I feel more levelheaded, and I have regained trust in my husband that I lost due to this fog. He has also noticed a change in me, my energy levels, and my outlook.
There is NO SHAME in supplementing your diet. Do not feel like you are validating critics' opinions that veganism isn't sustainable just because you need a vitamin supplement. We cannot make the world a healthier place if we ourselves are not healthier first! Please share your own stories, and please do not take deficiencies lightly!
Additionally, while this was the root cause of my mental health struggles, I am not saying it is a cure-all. B12 deficiency can be *a* cause of anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, depression, weakness and fatigue, nerve pain, dementia symptoms, along with many, many MANY more psychological and physical issues. It is VERY IMPORTANT. Do not underestimate your own health!
submitted by space-sage to vegan [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:16 Mean_Impress_5629 Vitamin B12 deficiency and alcohol

I have had a number of nerve related symptoms such as vision issues and ED. Does drinking alcohol affect healing time? Or does it not have an effect on vitamin B12.
I have been prescribed injections twice a week by my doctor. He said that I could drink in moderation
submitted by Mean_Impress_5629 to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:33 Sure-Class2919 Pg. 91 How can I identify parasites? In need of some guidance

Referenced page 91 as that's the only one I can find constipation in. I may regret this. Please, for the love of God, don't come here telling me to see a homeopathic doctor or that the medical establishment doesn't know anything, etc. I genuinely cannot tolerate somebody fear mongering to me, I'm really hoping I get a mod or someone with some medical/educational background in parasites to give me some pointers/next steps on my situation.
Back in 2022, I was diagnosed with a possible case of eosinophilic esophagitis/GERD. I was on a pureed diet for about a year since I had significant dysphagia and lost 20 pounds. I've been underweight ever since.
When I transitioned to eating solid food again, my poop looked very weird. White specks floating in the toilet water above the actual poop. White and yellow specks, as well as stringy things in my actual poop. One time, what looked like a literal worm in the toilet bowl. My GI last spring ordered a parasite & ova stool test. While I was waiting for the results, I had to go to urgent care for another matter. Well, it turned out the urgent care doctor was an infectious disease doctor, I showed her the picture, and she thought it looked like a roundworm.
Well, that parasite & ova stool test came back negative. I did a pinworm paddle test as well. It came back negative. My poop continued to look weird. Saw my GI last summer, and he just told me not to pay too much attention to my poop.
Then last fall, I went to my primary and told them maybe I'm dealing with a pinworm infection. Can my partner and I please take albendazole to see if it helps. We did one dose, and then after two weeks, another dose.
Now I'm dealing with near constant constipation, so I can't properly see if my poop is normal. I'm also dealing with nausea, bloating, a lack of appetite, iron deficiency anemia, B12 deficiency, and Vitamin D deficiency as well. I have had anemia since I was a teenager, the B12 deficiency started in 2022. The Vitamin D deficiency has been on & off during my life. Due to these symptoms, I am not able to gain much needed weight. I did a SIBO test in January that came back negative. Asked my GI what the next steps were about my symptoms, and he just told me to take Miralax.
This week, I saw a weird white floating thing in the toilet water when I had a bowel movement. Then, when I wiped today after having a bowel movement, there was what looked like a worm (maybe?) on the toilet paper that was yellow/tan in color.
My question is, really, what do I do? Does it sound like I could have parasites? If so, how do I go about addressing this? Once again, looking for guidance, NOT fear mongering.
submitted by Sure-Class2919 to parasites [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:24 I_Am_The_Slayer Is deficiency relative? Neurological symptoms at 388

Recently I’ve been experiencing numbness, weakness and tingling in my entire arms and feet. I thought maybe it was related to a neck/posture issue, but now it’s in my feet too. I got my levels tested in December and b12 was 450, but yesterday it was 388. I went on a non-dairy diet for about a month recently, that could have been it. I also have Hashimotos. My vitamin d level is 34.
I know 388 isn’t that low, but I’m wondering if some people are especially sensitive to lower levels?
submitted by I_Am_The_Slayer to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:47 cakenose B12 shots vs sublingual b12 vitamins

Is the shot really worth it? Just got my semaglutide shipped without the shots, now I’m wondering if i made a mistake. Gonna buy sublingual vitamins because now I’m worried I’ll be super tired. I already have hypothyroidism and my B12 levels on my blood test were pretty damn low (just barely above the red) what do you think? anyone start without and then add them on later?
submitted by cakenose to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:29 dikercarnivore The Truth About the Carnivore Diet: Does Red Meat Cause Inflammation?

Understanding inflammation and its impact on health

Before we delve into the specific effects of red meat on inflammation, it's important to understand the broader context of inflammation and its implications for our health.
Inflammation is a natural immune response that helps the body defend against infection, injury, and other threats. However, when inflammation becomes chronic or excessive, it can lead to a range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
The facts of our modern diets and lifestyles, characterized by inflammatory grains, sugars, and seed “vegetable” oils, keep our inflammation simmering at a chronic level. Our bodies experience these substances as harmful “antigens.” And it responds by constantly producing antibodies that damage healthy tissues and organs.
The importance of reducing inflammation cannot be overstated.
And at least 60% of the American population have at least one chronic inflammatory condition.
Understanding inflammation and its impact on health
Before we delve into the specific effects of red meat on inflammation, it's important to understand the broader context of inflammation and its implications for our health.
Inflammation is a natural immune response that helps the body defend against infection, injury, and other threats. However, when inflammation becomes chronic or excessive, it can lead to a range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
The facts of our modern diets and lifestyles, characterized by inflammatory grains, sugars, and seed “vegetable” oils, keep our inflammation simmering at a chronic level. Our bodies experience these substances as harmful “antigens.” And it responds by constantly producing antibodies that damage healthy tissues and organs.
The importance of reducing inflammation cannot be overstated.
And at least 60% of the American population have at least one chronic inflammatory condition.

The role of nutrients in red meat and their impact on inflammation

One of the key factors in understanding the relationship between red meat and inflammation is the nutrient profile of red meat.
Red meat is an excellent source of high-quality protein, as well as a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. These nutrients play a crucial role in supporting the body's immune function and reducing inflammatory processes.
There is one other survey study that may provide a more reliable insight into the effects of meat on inflammation. It was conducted by Harvard researchers in 2021 and collected responses from 2029 people on the carnivore diet.
This more restrictive version of the ketogenic diet calls for consuming only animal products, is centered around fatty red meat, and eliminates all plant foods. The researchers found that 89% improved or resolved autoimmune conditions.
Taken together, the preponderance of evidence tells us that red meat is not more inflammatory than non-red meat and oily fish. And that it is likely less inflammatory than carbs.

Fresh red meat is also no longer believed to cause cancer, stroke, or heart disease. Our modern diets and lifestyles, characterized by inflammatory grains, sugars, and seed "vegetable" oils, keep our inflammation simmering at a chronic level. A study from 2007 where participants replaced carbohydrates with red meat showed significant reductions in inflammatory markers.

Cheers Carnivores !
submitted by dikercarnivore to u/dikercarnivore [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:10 emilymm2 Excessive fatigue but everything is fine?

In the past 8-9 months or so my running has dropped off a cliff. I was never that fast but my pace is over a minute slower than it ever was before, the thought of running an 8:45 mile would be a speed workout today. When I run, I’ll be less than a mile into a 3-4 mile run and am just completely shot. My entire body feels tired, not just my legs, and it’s like I’m running through molasses.
I had blood work done and frustratingly everything is apparently perfectly fine—ferritin, vitamins B12/D, thyroid. I guess there isn’t much of a question in here besides has anyone else experienced this? I don’t know how else to explain such a significant change, and it’s so frustrating to feel like my body is just foreign to me now
submitted by emilymm2 to XXRunning [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:08 Biochemical0 One year post methylfolate, still suffering from side effects

A year ago I took 1mg methylfolate daily for a week and spiraled into a world of anxiety and mood swings. My digestion slowed down to a halt and have been very constipated since. About three months later the anxiety improved a little bit and I can go about my day but it’s always there. More annoyingly, I developed constant and frequent muscle spasms especially surrounding meals. Something changed, or maybe was depleted. I tried B12 (various forms), the rest of the B vitamins in a complex and in isolation, high dose thiamine, trace mineral drops, large amounts of potassium daily for weeks, magnesium, glycine, vitamin A. The list is much longer but whatever the obvious is, I have tried. I believe in some way or another the gut is involved with this issue.
I have improved in many ways but I still have the above listed symptoms. I also know this reaction is not that rare, I have seen others report similar reactions and never improved or took years. Studying the pathways that folate is involved in, I tried to take anything involved to no avail. Either there is some nutrient unknown to be involved that has been depleted, or some sort of weird interaction with folate and the gut microbiome. I understand some microbes produce and utilize folate, and my symptoms at first resembled that of a bacterial overgrowth.
Eating anything high in folates to this day quickly brings on the anxiety and intense brain fog, resolving a day or two later.
What are the possibilities for obscure things getting depleted? Who else had this? One year later is crazy!
submitted by Biochemical0 to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:03 Sorin61 Vitamin B12 as a cholinergic system modulator and blood brain barrier integrity restorer in Alzheimer's disease

submitted by Sorin61 to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:38 OddBonus5437 Trying so hard to get to the root cause

I know I was stressed for a while and then I got glutened (celiac) but that was over 2 months ago. Everything I’ve done before to correct my LPR, and the burning in my stomach has not worked. I just want to find the root cause but I’m running out of time and money.
  1. Not h pylori
  2. Not candida
  3. No more gluten in me
  4. B12 levels are incredible
  5. Iron/hemoglobin looking good
  6. Vitamin D “normal” at 32 but holistically that’s still low I guess. Possible cause of the weakened LES?
  7. Not on any PPI’s.
I know I have low acid from the bravo test and digestive enzymes have helped me to stop throwing everything up which is GREAT. But still feeling air hungry, and burning in the stomach no matter what I eat. I’ve lost over 20 pounds in 2 months.
If anyone has any ideas what the root cause may be or something I’m missing, please feel free to share.
submitted by OddBonus5437 to HiatalHernia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 15:27 justphotog Help with vitamins to also supplement with iron/b12?

Help with vitamins to also supplement with iron/b12?
I got a diagnosis this week, I’ve been prescribed b12 injections for two weeks and then a nee set of blood tests to check everything again. Also been given folic acid and iron tablets.
submitted by justphotog to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:53 Crazy-Sir5935 UPDATE - Started using the choline supplement stack, no effect yet (day 2)

UPDATE - Started using the choline supplement stack, no effect yet (day 2)
Hi guys,
I wanted to give you guys an update on my experience. I posted my whole story 2 weeks ago (Help needed to optimize supplement approach with regard to my genetic profile (a lot of info included!) : )
Since yesterday i have the full stack operational as in i take everything needed (see below).
However, actually the only thing that i notice is that i'm more tired (especially when waking up) and that my methylphenidate doesn't work as good anymore. I don't feel anxious, stressed or have any observable differences in mood or energy.
Now i'm thinking of getting my MMA (B12) tested as suggested by Tawinn (although my total B12 seems okay at 356, not optimal). For that i need to be "clean" of supplementing B12 for 4 weeks. An alternative would be to supplement hydroxocobolamin to see if that effect me somehow (as it is also suggested by Strategene and relates to my slow MTMTRR as well).
Appreciate any thought on what could be the missing link here!
Phase 1 – B12
Not B12 deficiency, might switch to hydroxocobalamin instead of methylcobalamin (30 mcg a day).
Phase 2 – B2
Target = B2 100g a day
Phase 3 – Methyl-Buffering System
Glycine 3g a day
Phase 4 – Reduce creatine demand on methylation
5g a day
Phase 5 – Support alternate methylation pathway and reduce phosphatidylcholine demand on methylation
TMG 1000mg/day
Phosphatidyl Choline 2g/day
Lecithin (Phosphatidyl Choline) 2g/day
Phase 6 – Folate intake
It’s in my multivitamin supplement but not necessary, I guess.
1) A Multivitamin supplement containing:
Vitamin A (retinyl acetate) 300 mcg
Beta-carotene (from natural blend)
(converted: 250 mcg RAE* provitamin A) 3 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine HCL) 3.2 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin-5-phosphate) 3.6 mg
Vitamin B3 (niacinamide) 28 mg
Vitamin B5 (calcium d-panthotenate) 17 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 3.2 mg
Biotin (d-biotin) 80 mcg
Folate (5-MTHF glucosamine salt, Quatrefolic®) 400 mcg
Vitamin B12 (Adenosyl-/Methylcobalamin 2:1) 30 mcg
Choline (bitartrate, Vitacholine®) 120 mg
Vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid) 200 mg
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 40 mcg
Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) 30 mg-TE
Vitamin K2 (VitaMK7®) 100 mcg
Calcium (carbonate, Lithothamnium, Aquamin®) 200 mg
Magnesium (citrate/Aquamin® 6:1 100 mg
Silicon (bamboo extract) 10 mg
Zinc (bisglycinate, TRAACS®) 8 mg
Iron (bisglycinate, Ferrochel®) 8 mg
Manganese (bisglycinate, TRAACS®) 1.2 mg
Boron (sodium borate) 500 mcg
Copper (bisglycinate, TRAACS®) 500 mcg
Iodine (potassium iodate) 150 mcg
Selenium (selenomethionine) 90 mcg
Molybdenum (sodium molybdate) 40 mcg
Chromium (picolinate) 36 mcg
Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) 40 mg
NADH (nicotinamide dinucleotide) 2 mg
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane, OptiMSM®) 100mg
Chlorella vulgaris 100 mg
Bilberry (25% anthocyanins) 40 mg
Citrus flavonoid complex (60% hesperidin) 30 mg
Lutein (Mexican marigold, Lutemax®) 8 mg
Zeaxanthin (Mexican marigold) 1.6 mg
The B12 seems to reduce the effect of the Ritalin I take (have to increase my dose, don’t like it).
2) Magnesium Glycine -1 capsule a day – 450 mg Glycine + 200mg Magnesiumbisglycinaat
3) Magnesium Citrate - 1 capsule a day – 300mg
4) Omega 3 + Vitamin D3 - 1 capsule a day – Fish oil 1000 mg of which omega-3 345 mg of which EPA 180 mg
of which DHA 120 mg Vitamin D3 25 µg (500%)*
Less relevant supplements I take for my slight dysbiosis **(**Resveratol, NAC, Lypazyme, Probiotics and prebiotics)
submitted by Crazy-Sir5935 to MTHFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:12 MoonbeamGlitterx Rashes off and on for 4 years, gotten progressively worse

Rashes off and on for 4 years, gotten progressively worse
It all started with pic one, a rash on my upper left side of my chest. This eventually progressed into spots on my legs, my armpits, upper abdomen, lower pelvic area, other side of my chest, and both my upper arms. It itches terribly. Currently, I have it on both sides of my chest, and upper arms (arms are hard to see because of tattoos, but I itch and can feel how bumpy it is). Pic 2 is same side of my chest, currently.
Dermatologist decided to biopsy a rash one time. The only visible one I had at the time was on my wrist. I said it was probably from my smart watch, not a regular rash. They biopsied that anyway, and of course nothing of substance came back.
I always have elevated CRP when I go to my Rheum. I don't test positive for any specific autoimmune disease, but I do get a positive ANA with speckled pattern. Vitamin D deficient, regardless of how many vitamins I take. (Been prescribed high doses, still barely budged).
I'm really at a loss at this point, maybe I should demand another biopsy? Steroid cream only sometimes helps. I wish it was consistent. The only thing that has ever made them completely go away, are oral steroids. Which make me feel awful after I finish a round and make my chest pain/heart palpation issues worse.
Any ideas at all? Should I try to push for another biopsy? Never in my life until that first picture rash in 2020 did k have issues with rashes. Now it's been a constant battle. I've changed my diet, I use skin sensitive detergent, I try my absolute hardest to keep my skin lotioned and hydrated. I just don't know at this point.
submitted by MoonbeamGlitterx to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:53 neomatrix248 There is no moral justification for drinking coffee

Two things to state up front: I am vegan. Also, I don't actually believe it feels wrong for a vegan to drink coffee, but I genuinely have no justification to explain why I think that. I'll be steel-manning this point in the hope that someone can present a compelling reason for why I'm allowed to drink coffee as a vegan.
My argument is quite simple, and I believe all of the tempting rebuttals are flimsy and inconsistent with other common arguments used to defend veganism.
Coffee contains practically zero nutritional value. No calories, no vitamins or minerals, etc. It tastes good, but pretty much the only thing in it that has any effect on the human body is caffeine and some antioxidants, which can also be obtained from other sources.
Coffee is grown and harvested from plants in many countries in the world. In many cases, the coffee cherries are picked by hand. In some, it's harvested by hand or machines that strip the entire branch.
Undeniably, there is some amount of crop deaths, deforestation, human exploitation, and environmental damage as a result of the coffee industry. Since there is no nutritional value from coffee, it is unnecessary to farm it, and therefore doing so causes unnecessary suffering to sentient creatures. Drinking coffee contributes to the demand, and is therefore inconsistent with vegan ethics. There is no way for a vegan to morally justify drinking coffee. It's done purely for pleasure, and pleasure doesn't outweigh suffering.
Here are some foreseen arguments and my rebuttals to them:
So please god tell me why I'm allowed to drink coffee. I beg you.
submitted by neomatrix248 to DebateAVegan [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:47 Lilacyogi Strange ovulation and menstruation symptoms

Hi everyone!
I'm honestly at a loss about what is happening, so maybe someone here has had a similar experience. I want to preface this: I have been to three doctors, had multiple ultrasounds and blood tests, and they're never able to find anything (although I have been diagnosed with PMDD, so maybe this is all a part of that?)
I have terrible ovulation symptoms. As soon as I start to transition from follicular to ovulation, I begin to feel really unwell and will continue to feel unwell until my period. My symptoms always include:
-Awful cramps
-disrupted sleep
-blood sugar issues (I will randomly feel really weak and like I'm going to faint, especially if I walk after I eat)
-swollen and super sore breasts (often with shooting pains)
-aching back
-wild dreams
-I become super weak (I normally lift about 22 pounds per dumbbell and 50 on the barbell and during ovulation, I'm lucky if I can get through using 5 or 10 pounds)
-My anxiety sky rockets and I feel super depressed (this is due to the PMDD, so I'm less concerned about this)
-I'm exhausted and fatigued
I feel this way until I menstruate, so I am feeling this sick and symptomatic for two-ish weeks of every month. I know it sounds like PMS symptoms, but it is so intense and overwhelming that I feel like it deeply impacts my life. If it was just happening a few days before or a week before, I feel like I could manage it more but the fact that sometimes it happens as little as day 6 or 7 in my cycle means that I'm unwell for so much of my time. I've made several lifestyle changes this year. I work with a physiotherapist, coach, massage therapist, and regular mental health therapist, and I have increased my exercise and changed my diet (more protein, fibre, vitamins like b12, magnesium, etc.) I moved out of the city to a smaller, calmer, place to be outside more and have less stress. I got a work-from-home job so I can manage my symptoms more.
I have tried many different birth control, an IUD, gels, SSRI's, and nothing stops the symptoms. To be honest, birth control makes me feel even worse (migraines that make me vomit, engorged breasts for months at a time, periods that never end.)
The weird part is that my period is actually regular and normal. It comes every 26-29 days. It's sometimes lighter than normal, but otherwise, it only lasts about 4-5 days and is super manageable.
On day 2 of my cycle, everything resets, and I return to feeling 100% myself. I know people with PMDD also have horrible symptoms so maybe this is just a part of that. I was diagnosed with PMDD in 2020 and these symptoms have only really started in the last two years. I just have this lingering fear that something is wrong and they can't find it. Maybe all I need is reassurance it's just my PMDD or maybe there's someone out there who experiences something similar and has some insight or advice! I'm pretty frustrated with doctors but plan to return to keep trying to figure this out.
submitted by Lilacyogi to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:51 virginiaa7 Is Vitamin B safe?

Just got prescribed with Vitamin B, B6 and B12 hoping to find some relief from my headache after having a flu. Can i take it? Is it safe for vss?
submitted by virginiaa7 to visualsnow [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:17 Kaahve Body count, pair-bonding, and retroactive jealousy

TL;DR: My girlfriend’s (25F) body count is 3 before me. One of them is a hookup. Am I less of a man if I choose to stay in this relationship?
Been with my girl for a year and she’s been wanting to get married.
I knew she had two relationships before me, but I found out from her later that she had a rebound hookup a month before she met me.
Did some stalking and found out the guy is a bodybuilder on steroids. Now I feel like I’m in competition and it’s been fucking with me to think that I’m not the biggest or strongest guy she’s ever been with, and I may never be unless I take gear. It feels like my masculinity is being challenged.
Is it possible to get over this? Am I just coping and being ignorant to the truth if I forget it and move on?
Is it better to just break up, despite there being absolutely zero other problems with the relationship, her being a 10/10, and her body count being quite low all-in-all, especially considering her age? She always tells me that she hates that she did that and wishes I was her first.
I’m also very mindful of pair-bonding and everything, but I’m already 24 and in the military, I don’t think I’ll have much chances to meet someone good with a lower body count at this stage in my life.
submitted by Kaahve to team3dalpha [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:03 tung0310 Why You Should Include Liver in Your Diet

Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods available, offering a plethora of benefits that may surprise you. This organ meat is packed with highly bioavailable nutrients including vitamins A, D, B1, B2, B3, B5, choline, iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and methionine, a compound that we will discuss in more detail later.
Is Liver Toxic? While the liver helps detoxify the body, it doesn't retain the toxins. It's advisable to consume liver from grass-fed animals and not to eat it too frequently to avoid vitamin A toxicity. Studies suggest that liver should be consumed within safe limits rather than in excessive amounts.
Why Should You Eat Liver? The human body today has deficiencies or mutations in the MTHFR gene, a crucial gene that can reduce methylation activity. Methylation is the process of adding a methyl group (CH3) to various enzymes, and this function is essential for numerous critical roles. Deficiencies can lead to:
Low Testosterone Levels. Compromised Autoimmune Defense. Reduced Defense Against Adverse Reactions Post-Vaccination.
Methylation Depends on Two Key Nutrients: + Folate and B12: Even if you consume these nutrients from natural foods, they won't be converted into their active forms without the enzymes produced through methylation. Taking synthetic forms of these vitamins (like folic acid and cyanocobalamin) can worsen the condition. Instead, consume natural forms like folate and methylcobalamin. + Eating Liver as a Solution for Folate and B12
Deficiency: Liver is incredibly rich in these vitamins, along with B2, B3, B6, choline, vitamin D, zinc, and methionine, which are beneficial for the methylation process. If you're not a fan of eating liver, consider taking supplements that contain vitamin B12 and folate.
Including liver in your diet, even in moderate amounts, can significantly enhance your nutrient intake and support crucial bodily functions, particularly those related to methylation and detoxification. It's a powerful, natural way to boost your health with essential vitamins and minerals.
#LiverHealth #NutrientRich #Superfoods #HealthyEating #NutritionTips #WholeFoods #MTHFR #Methylation #VitaminB12 #Folate #NaturalNutrition #WellnessJourney #HealthAndWellness #EatHealthy #FunctionalFood #DetoxSupport #BioavailableNutrients #OrganMeats #PaleoDiet #GrassFed
submitted by tung0310 to fitnessschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:43 Kaahve Is it better to just be single?

I’ve been with my girlfriend for a year. Everything was perfect, girl of my dreams. She’s been wanting to marry me and I felt the same. Initially thought she had only been in 2 relationships before me, but after some time I found out that she had a rebound hookup just a month before she left me.
I went crazy and went through everything on her phone and figured out who the guy was, even looked at texts. He was a bodybuilder on steroids. I do bodybuilding too, but I don’t take steroids, so it’s just been sending me down a hole.
Ever since I found this out, I’ve been treating her horribly and so much more distant. I thought it would get better with time or if I just get bigger muscles, but it’s been months and I’m still destroying myself in the gym, and even though I’m physically making progress, I feel like it’s still mentally haunting me. It’s completely irrational and I don’t know why. I’m usually very mentally strong, but this has really affected me. I could go into more detail but I want to keep this short.
How do I move on from this?
Is it better to just be single?
I don’t want to break up with her because besides this, she is everything I’ve ever wanted, and all things considered, her body count isn’t actually that bad. It’s just this one hookup that really affects me and I feel like I’m in competition with this guy. I will even often go on his instagram to look at this gym progress and see how much he is lifting just to try and compete and lift more than him. Like what the hell is wrong with me
submitted by Kaahve to retroactivejealousy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:36 rauhweltbegrifff My success with mirtazapine, gabapentin, and klonopin for akathisia

Important info is in bold. Rest of it are what I am experiencing right now and maybe an idea of having someone close to sleep near or by you. It helps a lot for anxiety and when you wake up in panic.
I've been sleeping next to my parents as lame as that sounds since I become confused and constantly going into panic attacks once my seroquel kicks in. The akathisia is much worse at this time and for hours. I have to take gabapentin a little before my dose to make it somewhat bearable. I'll still be rolling around for hours in a confused and anxious state with what feels like RLS on steroids.
Sleeping next to my parents gives me some peace since I can see them when I feel like I'm starting to slip into a panic attack during my incoherent and panic attack filled phase. I've tried to sleep by my self but I can't stand it as it sends me into full blown panic attacks and just much worst anxiety overall being by my self. It feels like I'm sinking into my bed because my mind is awake but my body feels like it's not there. So I sleep on the floor. It helps me feel grounded.
The worst feeling is my blood pressure drops or at least it feels like it and then tightness and congested feeling of my chest starts once the seroquel is fully working. It feels like I need to manually breathe and it feels like I'm out of breath too. It also feels like I'll die in my sleep from not being able to breathe properly or breathe at all. That's what really sends me in to a panic attack. The inconsistent heart rate and blood pressure doesn't help either.
I will also sit up right in panic sometimes gasping for air or making a sound while sleeping every 20-30mins or every hour or two if I'm lucky. Scared my dad a couple times because of this.
Tardive dyskinesia symptoms have been showing a lot more often too. Woke up several times not being able to control my limbs. Almost fell over once after getting off my bed because I could barely control my legs or arms.
The akathisia during the day started getting worse as days went by. I was desperate because this feeling is horrible. I saw that a good portion of what is used to treat akathisia is already prescribed to me which is clonazepam and gabapentin.
Gabapentin is definitely what works the best. I am also tapering off klonopin and was doing all right with .5mg but now it feels like it's not enough because I am much more anxious than I was a month ago. It still definitely helps with the akathisia though.
Mirtazapine also seems to help a good amount. I'm taking .5mg of clonazepam, 1200mg of gabapentin spread throughout the day, and 15mg of mirtazapine.
Mirtazapine and 250mg of vitamin b6 early in the morning, gabapentin 3x a day, and the clonazepam I take half in the day and half late night. I have to time my doses correctly so I don't experience any akathisia.
Vitamin B6 is supposedly effective but I'm not too sure if it really is.
I also take 250mg of lamictal split into day and night, and 2mg of risperidone which I am tapering off of and will be off completely soon.
I did as much research as I could since it started getting a lot worse soon after I saw my doctor. So I had almost 30 days till I saw my doctor again and I definitely would've gone to the ER. I almost called the ambulance when it started getting bad because I didn't know what the hell was going on. I also didn't know what was going on with me till someone else told me what it was I was experiencing in another post I made which was after I already met the doctor.
It feels like I have to jog around my place without these medications I listed above. It also makes me extremely prone to panic attacks which would occur every few minutes.
Hope this info helps anyone else.
Ask your doc for propranolol and gabapentin. Try mirtazapine. Klonopin should be a last resort.
submitted by rauhweltbegrifff to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:27 TeeHCAy 49m Chronic Illnesses keep being told what was previously done was wrong, or made things worse and now need to do this. Running out of steam and need help.

49 male 5’11” 190 former smoker (smoked approx 20 years, have not smoked last 17) New England served 6 years in the military, 15 years Volunteer Firefighter, 20 years Career Firefighter, 9/11 responder (2 days 9/11&9/12)
Quit drinking almost 10 years ago. Approx 8 months after became fairly ill at home. I could not keep anything down and was sleeping over 20 hours a day and exhausted. Went through several tests with my GP with nothing found. Last test was Western Blot, + for Lyme. Put on Doxy for 60 days sent on my way and told no reason to retest. Felt better and went on with life.
A few months passed and I was run down all the time, wasn’t eating, nauseous, achy and went to an LLMD who ran bloodwork, told me the Lyme had advanced and treated me with supplements and oral antibiotics (heavy duty) I lost approx 60lbs over the next 5 months and not improving so switched to IV antibiotics. I lost another 20lbs in 6 weeks and decided to see another Dr in the area who had experience with Lyme.
This Dr used both traditional medicine and a Naturopathic approach and explained how bad all the antibiotics were and what they had done to my system. Her approach was to boost my immune system and during testing determined I had high levels of 7 heavy metals with Lead, Mercury and Cadmium being the worst. These were treated with Chelation IVs while the Lyme was treated with Vit C and Peroxide IVs, vitamins, and supplements. It was also determined I had the MHFTR gene,hypothyroidism and low T. Put on Methyfolate, Test and prescription thyroid. I completely removed dairy and gluten from my diet. I began working out and gained 50lbs back with much of it being muscle and was feeling great.
I was previously diagnosed with PTSD, Dep, Anx but was managing well and then things went south all of a sudden after almost two years of doing pretty well. I went to a treatment facility and was supposed to enter a first responder program but they determined I was too much of a danger to myself and kept me in a lockdown unit. My Dr convinced me that ECT was the next best step so I endured 18 treatments. I was a zombie for approx 24 hours after each treatment but was doing multiple sessions a week. After drooling on myself for a few weeks I decided this was not the best course of treatment and went to another facility with a Vet/First Resp program and very high end. They treated me medically and for mental health ensuring both were as good as they could be. Adjusted pharma some more and explained how the ECT was not the right treatment and had me do eMDR.
I left the facility and returned home only to have my Lyme symptoms flair again. After several months of treating my immune system again, I was back to work. After 6 weeks I had a mental breakdown, later determined to be from a miscalculated dose from a recall of the Armour Thyroid I was on. It was also determined that my Cortisol levels were high through saliva testing and I was placed on Cortisol Manager 2x dose to lower my Cortisol.
I again returned to work but things were still not right. After a while of this we tested my blood level for Cortisol and I was told I had none. They then tested for Aldosterone and that was very low. I was told I had Addison’s Disease and put on Hydrocortisone and Fludrocortisone. Sent to an Endo, wait 9 months for appt, told there is nothing else they could do and to continue steroids. After another year of telling everyone something was not right I had a cardiac episode with a BP is 192/102 (typically 110/60 and 40-50HR) Saw a cardiologist and out on Olmesartan max dose and Amolodipine(sp?) BP still regularly 160/90. Cardiologist sees Thyroid and Addison testing. Sends me to another Endo. This Drs tests show no issues with Cortisol or Aldosterone and tells me to stop them.
Last week has been miserable. Achy, sore joints and muscles, muscle tension has reduced but posture has changed. Nauseous, no appetite and having a lot of trouble sleeping. My mental health initially improved but has now gone down hill pretty quickly.
Current Meds Luvox 300mg Ativan 1mg 2x day Olmesartan Amolodipine Multi Vit Methylfolate Testosterone
Treatments ECT TMS Ketamine High Dose Ketamine EMDR CBT/CBT Trauma Groups Somatic Multiple therapists with multiple styles
I’ve been on al ot of mental health meds, done DNA testing for meds and this history covers mostly the medical side of things.
Can provide more info or answer questions if needed.
submitted by TeeHCAy to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:56 Johnska1 Low b12 and folate. Homocysteine in range

Hey there! I did the blood work and i'm low on B12 and folate. B12 - 249 (187 - 883) Folate 4,60 (3.1 - 20.5) Other witamins like magnesium, Vitamin D or iron are in range (rather in the middle).
I suffer from anxiety, can't put on weight, had pyroli which I treated with antibiotics. Also I'm tired, psoriasis/seborheic dermatisis, mouth corners cracks.
My sis has MTHFR homozygous a1298c. I also checked homocysteine levels but it's in range: 9,36 (5.46 - 16.2).
How much b12 and folate should I take and how long? What kind of vitamins should I take? I read that with MTHFR there might be problem with some type of vitamins. Other people say there r no studies that would prove it.
submitted by Johnska1 to MTHFR [link] [comments]
