Maine air guard frequencies



submitted by Pixeltiy to ForHonorRants [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:44 Educational-Lake5422 Never had a iMac in my life - should i try macOS?

Long story short, i never used an iMac or any Apple product in my life. I only have used Windows laptops and Android smarphones, and never had an urge to use my computer not untill i started to progamming few years ago. And always had issues installing an IDE or anything to programming releated, so i switched between Windows and Ubuntu., i occasionally play some games like Mortal Kombat or few emulators but nothing crazy...
Well, after few back and forth, i decided to give a try to use an iPhone and, i was shocked. The seemingless UI interface Apple uses, the expirience i had with it was amazing! Never felt that with Android lol
Now i discovered i can turn my Surface Pro into an hackintosh machine with OpenCore and since my main computer is a Desktop PC i dont really care if i brick the surface, i would love to try the macOS before jumping and buying an iMac mini or something similar...
Is it worth trying hackintosh before an actual macOS machine? Does things like AirDrop, AirPlay and such things work the same on a hackintosh? Btw my main doubt is the compatibility of apps runnin only on Windows and/or doesnt have macOS support, and would the experience be similar to an macOS? Should i just give it a go and try it?
Also, would the process to get it working correctly on my Surface would be easy enough to follow without much of a learning curve?
submitted by Educational-Lake5422 to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:41 SJC129 Will ing-s mess up my totodile too much?

Will ing-s mess up my totodile too much?
Is this worth investing in or will ing-s eventually make it too ineffective for true berry gathering?
submitted by SJC129 to PokemonSleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:40 MCreeper12731 Krastorio 2 is an excellent introductory overhaul mod

Krastorio 2 is an excellent introductory overhaul mod
Yesterday I finished my first overhaul mod, Krastorio 2, clocking in just shy of 80 hours over a month of playing. I wanted to have a "clean" first time with K2 so apart from the base mod I only included the Recommended companion mods along with:
For world preset I modified Rail world, as I do not like dealing with expanding biters; once I clear them out of a zone, I like it to stay that way. Ore patches were reduced in frequency but increased in size and richness
What I liked about it
K2 introduces new basic resource types which are required in some intermediate recipes and end game technologies. At the same time it doesn't clutter the map with an unnecessary number of new ores and this is why I loved the way rare metals were integrated. Imersite felt a bit daunting at first, requiring a new acid to process it into crystals but proved to be fairly straightforward. The crystals can then be used to create fun new toys to test on those pesky biters.
Ore enrichment is another process that adds depth to mid-game, with the addition of giving you another step to use productivity modules on. The process is fairly straightforward and simplifies your smelting setup, allowing you to return to the standard furnace stacks.
What I loved the most was the extended personal equipment, namely additional levels of exoskeletons, which combined with the new tiling, allowed you to reach super high speeds. The extended equipment grid also allows more personal roboports and exoskeletons. Powering these machines is also a breeze using the personal nuclear reactor because of the adjusted fuel cells with a whopping 50 GJ of energy, which in terms of personal equipment, essentially means infinite energy production.
Mixed feelings
The tech cards (new name for magic science bottles) are a bit of a miss in my opinion. K2 introduces three tiers of laboratories which become "outdated" as you traverse the research tree. Because of that, you are left with 2 options, leaving the old setup or researching all current technologies before tearing up the old labs and rebuilding the setup with new ones. In both cases, unless you are precise with crafting, you are left with outdated tech cards which just end up sitting in a steel chest.
Some chemical processes also felt a bit rushed, giving you the option to void excess fluids instead of providing a way to reuse them somewhere else. One of the new basic fluids, mineral water, only has a very niche use and could be replaced with something else. I also don't like the addition of a mineral water pumpjack when the normal oil pumpjack could be reused to pump both fluids. Heavy water should have an alternative recipe (perhaps matter to heavy water) given that the recipe is very slow and the electrolyzer has no advanced variant.
The final three tech cards were also too similar to cause any significant additions to the base. The lack of matter in any of them allows you to create the final two cards with basically the same materials, the most important being imersite plates. They also don't require that many resources, allowing you to completely skip advanced variants of buildings. In the end, the old beaconed setups were enough to feed my tech cards assemblers so I never setup any matter processing nor used any of the advanced machinery.
My base setup
I used a bus base as my main base to the very end, the new green belts (60 items/s) allow you to fit much more on your bus than regularly.
A very long bus
I ended up adding city blocks to help with ore enrichment, smelting and imersite processing which proved to be very helpful
City Blocks
Example Block - Ore Enrichment
For station controlling I used a simple circuit setup that calculates the number of train loads in the steel chests. The loading/unloading part was not the most efficient but ended up being okay.
Throughout the mid-game, advanced solar panels were quite cheap to produce and gave a lot more power than their vanilla counterpart. I skipped fission and used solar until the very end when I built some fusion reactors to power the Intergalactic Transceiver. I ended up cheesing it a bit, storing a huge amount of steam (30M to be precise) and then letting steam turbines do their thing.
Fusion plant 1
The graphics are just amazing
Krastorio 2 is a mod that preserves the vanilla spirit of the game while introducing new resource types and processes that extend your game and allow you to rebuild some of the classical designs we are all too familiar with. However, I believe some of the new technologies are not utilized to their fullest potential and there are a couple of parts that need slight adjustment. Overall, I believe this is a great introduction to overhaul mods, giving you new things to play around with while keeping the experience as close to the base game as possible.
submitted by MCreeper12731 to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:39 Gabbie403 How is my esp32 on the wifi?

How is my esp32 on the wifi given this configuration? I thought it'd need more details in the wifi section?
substitutions: name: "office-rfid" friendly_name: Office RFID esphome: name: ${name} friendly_name: ${friendly_name} name_add_mac_suffix: false project: name: esphome.web version: '1.0' esp32: board: esp32dev framework: type: arduino # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: # Allow Over-The-Air updates ota: # Allow provisioning Wi-Fi via serial improv_serial: wifi: # Set up a wifi access point ap: {} # In combination with the `ap` this allows the user # to provision wifi credentials to the device via WiFi AP. captive_portal: dashboard_import: package_import_url: github://esphome/example-configs/esphome-web/esp32.yaml@main import_full_config: true # Sets up Bluetooth LE (Only on ESP32) to allow the user # to provision wifi credentials to the device. esp32_improv: authorizer: none # To have a "next url" for improv serial web_server: 
submitted by Gabbie403 to Esphome [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:39 AllstarPlayzYT What's your Pokémon Reborn Team? (Endgame)

Curious of what everyone's team is on just a normal playthrough of Pokémon reborn. Before looking at mine, yes passwords were used mainly for Volcarona early game etc, and a mod to add Ash-Greninja. (Loved it too much)Getting all of these shiny was insane, especially with regular pokeballs. Absolutely love this team. Reply with your team! (Debug was only used for IVS because screw breeding lol I expect to get flamed for it)
Water Shuriken, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, Extrasensory
Dragon Pulse, Air Slash, Boomburst, Focus Blast
Giga Drain, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Knock Off
Bug Buzz, Fiery Dance, Giga Drain, Quiver Dance
Multi-Attack, Dragon Claw, Flame Charge, Swords Dance
Bullet Punch, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Ice Punch
submitted by AllstarPlayzYT to PokemonReborn [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:32 Artmantrotsky11 [RESULT] Canadian Punitive Expedition

The Wisconsinite seizure of the Westernmost Ontario was considered by many to be a brazen act of international agitation by the typically prudent Chancellor Gaylord and the WPP. Since the defeat at Beaver Island, It was clear that the interests of the Progressive party were to halt the development of the Canadian naval hegemony in the Great Lakes, by any means necessary, regardless of the price of the cause. Soldiers of the People’s Army, Navy, and Air Force were briefed for months on the strategy of this precursive action by the WPP, and every service unit across Wisconsin was extensively drilled on the possibility of war with Canada.
Conversely, the Canadian military had no other foremost goal than to prevent the flow of Wisconsinite influences across Ontario, but recognized the terrible danger that the massive and reckless tendencies of their opponent posed. For this reason, Admiral William Shatner was tasked with formulating a punitive invasion of the country through the straits of Detroit, to both instill a sense of awe and fear, and to once again cripple and humiliate the navy of Wisconsin and Chancellor Gaylord.
On an early Winter morning in 1969, the Canadian Lake Fleet, alongside an attachment of infantry raiders led by Admiral Shatner, entered the bay of Detroit, and were immediately met with an unrelenting response of gunfire from the East bank of the Detroit river. The 6th Regiment of the Wisconsinite People’s Army had formed a line of fire across the entire length of the strait, beginning on the recently-renamed Fighting Bob Island. Admiral Shatner, not precluded from injuring Canadian civilians during such a fragile mission, demanded that the fleet not fire upon open land unto the Wisconsinites, and that the raider infantry division be halted until the coast was clear. However, some convoys had already passed through the narrowest points of the river, and were forced to continue or make an emergency landing.
Belle Isle was the terminus of the Detroit river into Lake Saint Clair, and was controlled exclusively by the People’s Army of Detroit as an immigration and processing center for visitors to the commune. It was seldom expected that armed Canadian soldiers were to land on the island and begin demanding passage across the river by force. A small contingent of USSA Red Guards were quickly deployed to meet the stranded marines, but the Detroit People’s Police arrived first, and engaged the Canadian invaders immediately. Hours of protracted gunfire between the two confused and unorganized forces resulted in an incredibly bloody battle, and the surrender of nearly 300 Canadian soldiers to the DPPD.
Having passed the straits of Detroit and the St Clair River with only nominal losses, Admiral Shatner was met at the entrance of Lake Huron by the entirety of the Wisconsinite fleet, and was fired upon immediately. The battle lasted only for minutes, and the entirety of the Canadian Lake Fleet was destroyed forthright by the merciless Wisconsinite navy.
submitted by Artmantrotsky11 to PostWorldPowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:32 Trevor519 Clean Your Balance in 8 Easy Steps with A&D Weighing

Keeping your balance clean is essential for accurate results, extending the lifespan of your equipment, enhancing user safety, and preventing cross-contamination. A&D Weighing has provided straightforward tips to help you maintain your balance in top condition. Follow these 8 simple steps to ensure your balance is clean and ready for optimal performance.

1. Preparation

Before you begin, protect yourself with appropriate personal protective equipment, including a coat, goggles, and gloves. Review the operating instructions for your balance to understand how to disassemble and reassemble its removable parts, and to identify recommended cleaning methods and agents.
Tip #1: When to Clean Your Balance Every lab has its own guidelines for cleaning a balance, based on industry, application, and frequency of use. Generally, you should clean the balance immediately after each use or whenever the weighing substance changes. This practice helps avoid cross-contamination and reduces exposure risks for the next user.

2. Switch Off the Balance Display

While unplugging the power is not strictly necessary, it is recommended. If possible, leave the balance in its normal operating position without tilting it sideways or disconnecting any peripherals.

3. Clean the Surrounding Area

Clean the area around the balance daily using a soft-bristle brush and a damp chem wipe or paper towel. This helps maintain a clean environment for the balance itself.

4. Disassemble Removable Parts

A&D Weighing balances are designed for easy disassembly without the need for unlocking or unscrewing. Remove the inner draft shield, weighing pan, sub pan, pan stem, draft ring, and drip tray.
Tip #2: Choosing Cleaning Agents Select a cleaning agent that can thoroughly remove contamination without damaging the equipment. Always refer to the manufacturer’s operations manual to ensure you are using recommended cleaning agents.

5. Clean the Balance

Use a lint-free cloth moistened with a mild cleaning agent to wipe away any spilled material from the surface of the balance. For powder or dust, use a disposable tissue or soft-bristle brush—never blow on the equipment, as this could drive dirt into the balance. For sticky substances, use a damp lint-free cloth and a mild solvent or peanut butter. Avoid abrasive materials and do not allow any substance to enter the internal parts of the balance. Never spray or pour liquids directly on the balance.

6. Clean Removable Parts

Wipe removable parts with a damp cloth or tissue using a mild cleaning agent. Stainless steel parts can be placed in the dishwasher or autoclaved if necessary.

7. Reassemble the Balance

Reassemble the parts correctly, switch the balance on, and ensure it is functioning properly. If the balance was completely switched off, allow sufficient warm-up time before use as recommended in the operating instructions.

8. Ensure Balance Readiness

Check that the air bubble is centered in the marked circle, and re-level if necessary. Calibrate the balance with external weights or perform an internal calibration, such as Automatic Self Calibration (ASC). Conduct a routine accuracy test with a test weight and verify with any required accessories, such as a printer test printout.
A&D Weighing balances are designed for easy cleaning, but it’s important to take appropriate precautions and use the recommended cleaning agents.
submitted by Trevor519 to andweighing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:30 Us-army1969 Herbert C McClanahan’s medals. B-25 Pilot in Pacific, died testing aircraft in 1953

Herbert C McClanahan’s medals. B-25 Pilot in Pacific, died testing aircraft in 1953
I’ve had Herbert C McClanahan’s medals for awhile now but I drove out a little while ago to visit him and I brought his medals with.
He was a B-25 pilot during WW2 in the pacific He was killed in 1953 while flying an experimental B-29 that would hook F-84s to the wings to extend fighter cover. During one of the tests a F-86 flipped over and smashed through the wing of the B-29 and brought them all down.
I attached what specifically happened that day If you have questions please ask!
submitted by Us-army1969 to Medals [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:29 civex I need to replace a Canon Pixma iP8720 with a printer that uses the same inkjet cartridge

What would you like to accomplish?

ANSWER HERE I no longer need the 13x19 page size; letter size color printer is fine. My main objective is to buy a printer that uses the same ink cartridge, as I have a couple of dozen still. The iP8720 no longer prints accurate colors despite my trying all the suggestions in the manual.

Are there any models you are currently looking at?

ANSWER HERE I can't figure out a search for Canon printers that use the specific cartridge I use. Any help would be appreciated as long as I can remember.

More Details:

Questions Answers
Budget: a few hundred US dollars
Color or black and white: ANSWER HERE Color
Laser or ink printer: ANSWER HERE inkjet
New or used: ANSWER HERE New
Multi-function: ANSWER HERE Wireless printing; no other function
Duplex Printing: ANSWER HERE Not required
Home or business: ANSWER HERE Home
Printing content: ANSWER HERE Color documents, occasional photos
Printing frequency: ANSWER HERE 100 Pages per minute
Pages per minute : ANSWER HERE Don't care
Page size: ANSWER HERE Letter
Device printing from: ANSWER HERE Mac, but also iPhone & iPad if possible
Connection type: ANSWER HERE WiFi only

Any other details:

submitted by civex to printers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:26 Hades_Soul Vikings and Inspirations

Vikings and Inspirations
My guess as to the inspirations of the Vikings (Gryphon is an honorable mention due to his weapon being of Eastern Europe origin that was inspired by Dane Axes, and his default armor style is of Eastern and Northern Europe)
Huscarl: A housecarl (Old Norse: húskarl; Old English: huscarl) was a non-servile manservant or household bodyguard in medieval Northern Europe.
Jarl: Jarl is a rank of the nobility in Scandinavia. In Old Norse, it meant "chieftain", particularly a chieftain set to rule a territory in a king's stead.
Berserkir: In the Old Norse written corpus, berserkers (Old Norse: berserkir) were those who were said to have fought in a trance-like fury, a characteristic which later gave rise to the modern English word berserk (meaning 'furiously violent or out of control').
Úlfhéðnar: Frenzy warriors wearing the skins of wolves.
Jǫfurr: Germanic frenzied warriors who wore the skin of wild boar.
Valkyrie: In Norse mythology, a valkyrie (from Old Norse: valkyrja, lit. 'chooser of the slain') is one of a host of female figures who guide souls of the dead to the god Odin's hall Valhalla.
Shieldmaiden: A shield-maiden (Old Norse: skjaldmær [ˈskjɑldˌmæːr]) was a female warrior from Scandinavian folklore and mythology.
Gaels: The Gaels (/ɡeɪlz/ GAYLZ; Irish: Na Gaeil [n̪ˠə ˈɡeːlʲ]; Scottish Gaelic: Na Gàidheil [nə ˈkɛː.al]; Manx: Ny Gaeil [nə ˈɡeːl]) are an ethnolinguistic group[6] native to Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man.
Gallowglass: The Gallowglass (also spelled galloglass, gallowglas or galloglas; from Irish: gallóglaigh meaning "foreign warriors") were a class of elite mercenary warriors who were principally members of the Norse-Gaelic clans of Ireland and Scotland between the mid 13th century and late 16th century.
Pict: The Picts were a group of peoples in what is now Scotland north of the Firth of Forth, in the Early Middle Ages.
Goði: Gothi or goði (plural goðar, fem. gyðja; Old Norse: guþi) was a position of political and social prominence in the Icelandic Commonwealth. The term originally had a religious significance, referring to a pagan leader responsible for a religious structure and communal feasts, but the title is primarily known as a secular political title from medieval Iceland.
Einherjar: In Norse mythology, the einherjar (singular einheri; literally "army of one", "those who fight alone")[1][2] are those who have died in battle and are brought to Valhalla by valkyries. The einherjar prepare daily for the events of Ragnarök, when they will advance for an immense battle at the field of Vígríðr.
Rokkatru: Rokkatru is a Norse pagan religion that focuses on the worship of the Jotnar, which are the giants and giantesses in Norse mythology. Followers of Rokkatru believe in honoring and working with these deities, often seen as representing chaos, darkness, and the untamed forces of nature. The term "Rokkatru" itself means "faith in the powers of chaos" or "belief in the Giants".
Varangian Guard: The Varangian Guard (Greek: Τάγμα τῶν Βαράνγων, romanized: Tágma tōn Varángōn) was an elite unit of the Byzantine army from the tenth to the fourteenth century who served as personal bodyguards to the Byzantine emperors. The Varangian Guard was known for being primarily composed of recruits from Northern Europe, including mainly Norsemen from Scandinavia but also Anglo-Saxons from England.
Dacian: The Dacians (/ˈdeɪʃənz/; Latin: Daci [ˈdaːkiː]; Greek: Δάκοι, Δάοι,Δάκαι) were the ancient Indo-European inhabitants of the cultural region of Dacia, located in the area near the Carpathian Mountains and west of the Black Sea. They are often considered a subgroup of the Thracians. This area includes mainly the present-day countries of Romania and Moldova, as well as parts of Ukraine, Eastern Serbia, Northern Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary and Southern Poland.
submitted by Hades_Soul to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:22 sprintlegacycustomer Sunken vessel Sierra Point , Oyster Point Channel Brisbane South San Francisco area We have walked this San Francisco Bay Trail South San Francisco previously, but can't recall seeing this sunken vessel. It looked suspicious so we called Coast Guard Air Station , but they reminded us that they're an air station, and seemed disinterested at least from our perception. Generally we concluded it was suspicious, but it's also possible that we just overlooked it on prior walks. Has anyone seen anything like this in this Oyster Point Channel and who is the correct authority to notify? Leaking fuel or oil risk? 911 worthy? Overthinking?
submitted by sprintlegacycustomer to boating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:11 pey_town My cats (8M neutered & 4F spayed) will not stop aggressively fighting and hunting each other all hours of the day, reintroduction feels impossible at this point

Our resident cat, Gus, is an 8 year old neutered male and has lived with other pets his whole life. We lost our elderly family cat 8 months ago and our elderly dog shortly after. Nights were particularly hard for Gus after they passed away. He would cry all through the night, going into everyone's rooms to wake them. During the day we'd give him attention and love, and we tried our best at night, but it never seemed like enough. After several hard months, I thought what he needed was a new cat companion.
We adopted Selina from the local animal shelter. She's a 4 year old spayed female. We don't know much about her past, but the shelter informed us she had likely been pregnant previously. We were told she would be okay in a household with an older male cat. Selina and I immediately connected. I was having a bad chronic pain flair up when we adopted her and she stuck by my side the whole time. She's so sweet and she loves cuddling, she's very gentle with humans and warms up to strangers immediately.
Gus has his own litter box, water, food and toys on the main floor. Selina stays in the basement with me through the night and has the whole floor to herself, including her own litter box, food/water dishes, toys and there are windows. No matter what I've tried, she hates it down here and always wants to be on the main floor.
It was just over a month ago we brought Selina home. We have always had multiple pets in the house and my parents never took the time to do introductions. This time I knew we should because they're both older cats. I had done plenty of research on introductions and I tried to explain to my family that this may be a difficult adjustment period for Gus because he's been so stressed. Despite this, my mom opened Selina's crate in the middle of the living room when they got home. They sniffed each other at first and then Gus started hissing and making angry noises I'd never heard from him before. I immediately separated them. Later that night Gus got in the basement where Selina was. Gus and Selina have been fighting ever since.
Gus guards and Selina pounces and attacks. The fights are very aggressive, they are not playing, they're screaming and trying to hurt each other. We've tried loud noises to distract them and throwing blankets over their heads, but nothing stops them. They have to be pulled apart and it always ends with one of us getting hurt. On top of that, Gus gets so nervous he poops and we end up with a mess on both the cats and all over the area they were fighting, floors and furniture. They always run under a bed or couch and it can take several minutes to separate them. I have moved all beds and couches away from walls so they have exits, that didn't work, both refuse to leave after a fight begins.
I am doing my best to keep them separated. Gus gets the main floor at night and Selina gets the basement and through the day I am constantly switching them out between bedrooms and the main floor and the basement. Both of them do not like this routine and the one in a bedroom or basement will cry the whole time (even if someone is with them!). On top of that they constantly sit on either sides of doors and antagonize each other, scratching and slamming against the doors. I can't even try the introduction tip of feeding them on either sides of a door because they will ignore their food and focus on each other. Both demand to be on the main floor of the house, but they cannot co-exist safely.
I constantly feel guilty that I'm not giving them equal love and attention, both of them seem to have separation anxiety and often times I'm the only one home. I play with both of them until they're tired out and no longer want to play, but this does nothing to stop them from antagonizing each other through the doors. I sometimes swear it's worse when they're already exhausted. All they do is demand access to the main floor and even when it's their turn, all they want to do is find out where the other is.
I just feel like I'm at a loss. I love both cats and I would never consider rehoming either of them. They're both very gentle with me, I've only ever been scratched by accident by either of them. Yet none of the introduction tips I've read are working. They both know the other is in the home and they are both always trying to get each other. Whoever has the main floor is always searching each door to find the other (we don't have a big home, I can't separate them further). Some nights they'll guard all night long.
I feel really bad for introducing another cat in the home while Gus may have still been in mourning. But I am so grateful to have Selina in my life. I am doing my best, I'm reading articles everyday to see if I can do better for them, but nothing is working. I feel sick thinking I'm torturing them by keeping them in the same house together. Is it selfish to want to keep them both at this point? I just can't imagine losing another pet this year. Is it possible they will ever be able to safely co-exist in the same home?
submitted by pey_town to CatTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:10 SolomonSinclair Character Concept: Kureya, Twilight Mirage

Character Concept: Kureya, Twilight Mirage
My last (but not latest) original character for the moment, I had a lot of fun creating this one. Unlike my others, she has a little bit of lore and a signature weapon (that ended up being a more general purpose version of Neuvillette's, albeit on accident).
This is also the character who, for anyone that saw it, is why my opinion of Yanxue dropped somewhat, as I just enjoyed how this one came out so much.
Anyway, with that said, here she is.
Kureya, real name Claire, is a Fontaine native who was born in the Fortress of Meropide and spent most of her childhood and teenage years there. Her main past time as a kid was reading smuggled in light novels from Yae Publishing House, with her favorite being the Princess Mina of the Fallen Nation series, which gave her a... Strange personality.
(I'm saying she's a hardcore weeb; or the Teyvat equivalent, anyway. If Fischl can be chuuni, why not a weeb?)
She really fell in love with the concept of samurai and ninja and would often play at being either one in her free time. Eventually, she got out of Meropide and, for old times' sake, bought a Yae Publishing House light novel; this one happened to be Shogun Almighty: Reborn as Raiden With Unlimited Power... Which happened to be a very telling title, as it happened to contain her vision within its pages.
And she immediately used it to try and conjure both a flaming sword and a fiery kunai. Which she succeeded at, somehow.
Thanks to that, she changed her name to Kureya, a Japanese pronunciation of Claire, but she writes it with the kanji 暮屋; the former is read Kure and means "sundown", while the latter is read Ya and is regularly used as a suffix for someone who does something (i.e., Baker is Panya, Blacksmith is Kajiya, etc.).
Yes, that also means that, in that very weeby way of just smashing cool kanji together, her name could translate to Sundowner. Yes, *that* Sundowner.
I'm actually rather proud of how stupidly cheesy, yet thematic, I managed to get her name. With that said, here's the rest of her kit.
Name Kureya (Claire)
Title Twilight Mirage
Rarity 5*
Weapon Catalyst
Vision Pyro
Model Type Tall Female
Constellation Imaginarius
Region Fontaine
Affiliation Fortress of Meropide
Special Dish "Holy Water" ("Pure Water" variant)
Namecard Kureya: Light in Darkness
Base Stats (Lv90)
Base HP Base ATK Base DEF Special Stat (Pyro DMG Bonus)
11,962 351 600 28.8%
Ascension and Talent Materials
World Boss Material Emperor's Resolution
Local Specialty Spring of the First Dewdrop
General Enemy Material Firm Arrowhead/Sharp Arrowhead/Weathered Arrowhead
Talent Books Justice
Domain Boss Material Denial and Judgement
Normal Attack - Yagyu Thrown Blade Technique (Adapted)
  • Normal Attack - Performs up to 4 consecutive attacks that take the form of fiery kunai, dealing Pyro DMG.
  • Charged Attack - Consumes Stamina to conjure a blazing greatbow as long as she is tall to entire the Twilight Hawkeye state and fire an explosive arrow, dealing AoE Pyro DMG. In this state, Kureya can move and change facing while charging a more powerful shot. If Kureya's HP is above 50%, she will consume her HP until she is at 25% of her Max HP, converting it into additional DMG.
  • Plunging Attack - Plunges from mid-air, dealing AoE Pyro DMG upon contact with the ground.
Attribute Scaling Level 10
1-Hit DMG (%) 68.11
2-Hit DMG (%) 63.94
3-Hit DMG (%) 73.87
4-Hit DMG (%) 99.63
Charged Attack DMG (%) 313.34
Charged Attack Stamina Cost 50
HP Consumption 3% Max HP / 0.5s
DMG Bonus (% of HP Consumed) 48
Plunge DMG (%) 112.34
Low/High Plunge DMG (%) 224.62 / 300.37
Obviously, the star of the show here is her Charged Attack, which functions almost identically to Neuvillette's. The main difference is that it's not a continuous attack; instead, it's more akin to the Lv2 Charged Shot from some Bow users, where you have to hold it for several seconds before releasing it. This is also a large part of why she gets such a massive DMG Bonus from her consumed HP: if you get interrupted or miss, you just wasted all that time.
Elemental Skill - Return to Honor
Condenses the power of flame into a sleek and slender curved blade, before rapidly drawing it in a wide slice, dealing Pyro DMG to surrounding opponents and entering Blade Mode.
In this mode, Kureya's Normal and Charged Attacks, as well as Elemental Skill, change as follows:
Normal Attack - Yagyu Swordsmanship (Adapted)
Performs up to 4 consecutive sword strikes, dealing Pyro DMG.
Charged Attack - Empowered Iai (Adapted)
Assumes a sheathed stance and begins charging a powerful draw cut, before unleashing an all-encompassing 360 degree circular slash, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
In this state, Kureya can move and change facing while she projects a blazing barrier of whirling blades to shield her as she prepares. Max DMG absorbed scales off Kureya's Max HP and absorbs Pyro DMG 250% more effectively. If Kureya is attacked while this barrier persists, she will finish charging instantly.
Additionally, if her HP is above 50%, she will consume her HP until she is at 25% of her Max HP, converting it into additional DMG.
Elemental Skill - Come and Get It
Kureya opens her arms wide, blazing sword dangling negligently from one hand as she taunts opponents, attracting them to attack her.
Additionally, Kureya gains the Zen of the Mind's Eye effect, which will restore a percentage of her Max HP and will decrease the charge time for Charged Attack - Empowered Iai (Adapted) by 1.5s.
Holding the Skill button will return Kureya to Catalyst Mode and enter the Twilight Hawkeye state.
Arkhe - Pneuma
At certain intervals, after using the Empowered Iai (Adapted), a Spiritbreath Thorn will descend and pierce opponents, dealing Pneuma-aligned Pyro DMG.
Gameplay Notes
  • Return to Honor is not deactivated if Kureya leaves the field. However, its duration will continue to tick down while Kureya is off-field.
  • When this Skill hits at least one opponent, it generates 3 Elemental Particles. When Normal Attacks hit opponents, it generates 0.6 Particles and when Charged Attacks hit opponents, it generates 1.75 Particles.
  • The cooldown starts immediately after the first input.
  • Kureya's Interruption Resistance is increased while in Blade Mode.
  • Plunging Attacks in Blade Mode are identical to Kureya's Standard Plunging Attacks.
  • Empowered Iai (Adapted) takes roughly 2 seconds to fully charge.
Artifacts and Weapon Interactions
  • Normal Attack effects apply to Catalyst Mode and Blade Mode.
  • Charged Attack effects apply to Catalyst Mode and Charged Attack - Empowered Iai (Adapted).
  • Elemental Skill effects apply to the initial Blade Mode change and to Elemental Skill - Come and Get It.
Attribute Scaling Level 10 Level 13
Skill DMG (%) 129.6 153
1-Hit DMG (%) 122.79 148.8
2-Hit DMG (%) 121.99 147.94
3-Hit DMG (%) 151.48 179.51
4-Hit DMG (%) 188.37 219
Charged Attack DMG (%) 326.91 396.12
Charged Attack Stamina Cost 25 25
HP Consumption 3% / 0.5s 3% / 0.5s
DMG Bonus (% of HP Consumed) 82 106
"Come and Get It" HP Restored 100 100
Spiritbreath Thorn DMG (%) 25.92 30.6
Spiritbreath Thorn Interval 9s 9s
Duration 18s 18s
CD 26s 26s
As should be obvious, this is heavily inspired by Childe's Foul Legacy: Raging Tide, but with a few key differences: - It has a fixed duration and fixed CD, so it's easier to play with. - It doesn't deactivate upon swapping characters. - It doesn't disable Plunging Attacks. - It trades the quadratic scaling and regular DMG of Riptide for a single large swipe.
Elemental Burst - Bloodshed's End
Performs different attacks based on what mode Kureya is in.
Catalyst Mode - Bloodflame Familiar
Conjures and hurls a giant flaming shurikan that explodes on impact, dealing AoE Pyro DMG and creating a ring of Molten Shuriken that orbit your active character.
If Kureya's HP is above 50% when this ability is cast, she will consume her HP until she is at 25% of her Max HP and will grant the Molten Shuriken a DMG Bonus equal to a percentage of the total HP consumed.
Molten Shuriken
  • Increases the character's interruption to resistance.
  • Your active character's Normal Attacks will trigger a coordinated attack once every second, dealing Pyro DMG.
  • When Molten Shuriken hit opponents, Kureya will restore HP for all nearby party members, and the amount restored is based on Kureya's ATK.
Blade Mode - One Mind
Assuming a sheathed stance, Kureya briefly charges before unleashing a nigh-invisible flurry of slashes, striking everything around her and dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
Refunds a portion of its Energy Cost after use.
Gameplay Notes
  • The Elemental Burst, Blade Mode - One Mind, has a 9m radius (for reference, this is the same radius as Kazuha's Burst).
Attribute Scaling Level 10 Level 13
Skill DMG (Catalyst) (%) 190.96 229.05
Molten Shuriken DMG (%) 77.69 95.33
DMG Bonus (% of HP Consumed) 18 24
HP Regeneration Per Hit (% of ATK+) 69 + 900 90 + 1,200
Molten Shuriken Duration 15s 15s
Skill DMG (Blade (%) 1026.41 1211.76
Energy Return (Blade Mode) 20 20
CD 15s 15s
Energy Cost 60 60
Similar to her Skill, her Burst is also heavily inspired by Childe's, which only made sense, and one mode gets an Energy Return. However, that's where the similarities stop. Her Catalyst Mode burst, while doing okay damage, provides an off-field coordinated attack with solid damage of its own and a DMG Boost if Kureya's above 50% HP and healing on hit. Her Blade Mode burst, on the other hand, is just a big fat nuke that would make for some obscene numbers if you managed to vape or melt it.
1st Ascension Passive - If You Want to Make it Easy On Me
After using Come and Get It, the CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG of Charged Attack - Empowered Iai (Adapted) are increased by 20% and 60%, respectively, for 6s.
  • Come and Get It more or less negates Kureya's reliance on a grouper like Kazuha to hit opponents with her Empowered Iai, so you obviously want to use it first. This makes it so playing her as intended is very beneficial.
4th Ascension Passive - The Spark That Starts a Wildfire
So long as a Molten Shuriken is in play, when your active character triggers a Pyro-related Elemental Reaction, the opponent shall be stricken with a Bloodflame Rebuke that deals Pyro DMG equal to 80% of Kureya's ATK.
  • This gives her Catalyst Mode burst extra DMG to further encourage its use, as people'd probably see that 1k% modifier on her Blade Mode burst and use it almost exclusively (same with Childe's melee burst having both a significantly higher multiplier and the secondary DMG from Riptide Blast).
Utility Passive - Flambed to Perfection
When Kureya cooks an ATK-boosting dish perfectly, she has a 12% chance to receive double the product.
  • Nothing much to say, but I find it weird that Xiangling is still the only character with this passive.
1st Constellation - Woe Be Upon These Blind Fools
While charging Charged Attack - Empowered Iai (Adapted) after using Come and Get It, surrounding opponents and objects will be pulled towards Kureya.
  • So remember how I talked about Come and Get It negates her reliance on groupers? Yeah, this turns it into an "I ain't got all day" button.
2nd Constellation - You Can(Not) Prevent Wildfires
When Kureya's Normal Attacks hit opponents, her Pyro DMG Bonus is increased by 10% for 4s. This effect can be triggered once every 0.1s. Max 5 stacks.
  • Shamelessly stolen from Cyno, but given that you could easily play Kureya almost as a hypercarry, it fits.
3rd Constellation - The Proper Way to Wield a Blade
Return to Honor Talent Level +3
4th Constellation - Cry Havoc
Elemental Reactions triggered by Molten Shuriken will ignore 60% of the opponent's DEF.
  • Aside from giving her off-field DMG a further boost to encourage using both versions, this would also make her go very nicely as the trigger in a vape or melt team if you wanted to use an on-field Hydro or Cryo character.
5th Constellation - Resentment's End
Bloodshed's End Talent Level +3
6th Constellation - Dragon Flash
After Blade Mode - One Mind is used, Kureya initiates a follow-up slash against the nearest opponent, dealing Pyro DMG equal to 200% of its DMG.
  • You know how some 5*s have an absolutely cracked C6 as a way to entice you to whale for them? Yeah.
And now for her signature weapon:
Stats at Lv90 R1
  • Name: Gospel From Afar
  • Base ATK; 608
  • 2nd Stat: CRIT DMG
  • 2nd Stat: 66.2%
  • Effect -
  • Betwixt Night and Day: ATK SPD of Normal and Charged Attacks is increased by 16%. When current HP increases or decreases, Charged Attack DMG will be increased by 20% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s. When the wielder has 4 stacks, Elemental Burst DMG will be increased by 32%.
(Appearance-wise, it's a very heavily embellished and accessorized copy of Shogun Almighty.)
And that's it. That's Kureya. I enjoyed the hell out of creating her, despite not liking HP consumption mechanics most of the time, but I really wanted to do several things: a ninja-themed character whose charged attack had an aiming mode, a samurai-themed character that wielded a flaming sword, like Kazuha's splash art, and a character with a different take on coordinated Pyro attacks than Yanxue.
Copying Childe's mechanics let me do all three at the same time.
As a result, I almost certainly went waaaay overboard when creating her, but I'm more than satisfied with how she turned out, so I'm okay with it (not like tweaking numbers is that hard).
submitted by SolomonSinclair to Genshin_Concepts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 21:01 Jus17173 Depth of Madness - Chapter 3 - (Edge of Madness book 2)

Book One: Edge of Madness - Chapter One First Chapter Previous
They called him the champion of the Talisi. A lost prince, a man touched by the Gods. They spoke his name in the same context as the Vigons. They regarded him as one would a holy object, placed there to remind all that hope is not lost. Mairek lay in a bed weaved of vine reeds. He felt hopeless, encroached on all sides by a looming dread he could not quite determine its source. There were expectations that had to be met. With hope came the assurance of victory and the Talisi wanted war. They wanted to parade him at the forefront of the Talisi Green army. Dress him in green metal and have him wield half a spear.
Yes, half a spear. His signature trade mark. It was half a spear he'd used upon the Ganidan plain, all those months ago. It was half a spear that he'd used to turn the tide against the Binorians. And here, in his room within the Palace. It is half a spear that lay beside him.
He'd tried to return to Jamou, the village he and Ishar hailed from. But the Talisi would not have it. An entire cohort came for him, his father had stood outside their home, tears of disbelief streaming down his face as he watched his son being dragged away to Central Talisi. To stand before the new King of the Talisi, the late King Gans's son, King Mogich. There, before the King, he was forced to retell the events of the Ganidan Plain. Where forty thousand Talisi men had stood against half a million Binorian Legions. Where Talisi had lost its king. The Red Priests of Meena had gathered around the silver throne of the King, intent on discrediting his every word for his theatrics upon the plain did not come as a result of his connection to their Goddess Meena. No. It was another God's blessing that had been bestowed upon him.
A blessing that ensured he was free of the bubble of time. A blessing that enabled him to foretell the future, experience the present and derive meaning from the past in a way nobody ever has or will. He was against the flow of time, not as Ishar was with his blessing of chaos, no, for him perception graced his every thought and action. And time, ever present, sought a way to purge him free of the realm. But for now it ignored him as did he it.
He rejected the giant chamber that had been offered him. The windows were dangerous, a stray arrow from the Army practicing grounds could find him in his bed as he lay asleep. He rejected servants for one might accidentally trip and wash him with scalding hot water meant for his bath. Every option afforded him came with the tinge of time and its need to be rid of him. He evaded all options before they availed themselves and here, he found himself now. In a single room, narrow with four walls all around. No windows, no servants. The only opening a door and ventilation shaft above the door. Time had no means of ending him where he lay.
A wasp entered the room from the ventilation shaft, it buzzed as it explored its new found abode. Mairek grabbed the half spear laying beside his bed. He lifted and flicked it across the dimly lit room, the only light a lantern that was dwindling in fuel. The half spear spun across the room and collided with the wall before settling on the ground. At its tip sat the impaled wasp. The sharp point had impaled it through its thorax and its threat was no more. Mairek sighed and lifted his eyes to the ceiling. What I would give, Ishar, to be back in Jamou with you. You tending sheep and me tending my broken heart, where are you Ishar? I crave chaos, an end to this tide that I swim against.
It started as a cough from a servant in the Palace's coal chamber. A chamber maid tripped and fell with a curse. A Red priest yawned and within seconds Mairek knew what was happening. The movements people indulged in, the things thought to be accidents. The gestures and words and platitudes. They were all weaves upon the tapestry of time. A knock sounded at his door. He got up and answered it. Parting the door enough to confirm the heart beats he'd expected were indeed of the five men before him.
Tall men, taller than he, bulky with swords strapped to their sides. Adorned in leather armor. The best killers in Talisi. Killers hired to kill him. They had objected of course, objected the task of ridding Talisi of the only one of them who could channel a God. But Tari, Princess of Talisi and sister to King Mogich, had offered them a price they could not refuse. She hated him, of course, hated him because he was part of her father's death. Part of the reason she no longer had a father. Sure, it was Ishar who'd led King Gans to a war facing impossible odds. But Ishar wasn't around. Nobody knew where the Kolotian and his lover, Niada, had gone to. So it was up to him to suffer the consequences.
"The King requires your presence." The one at the forefront said with a slight bow. The rest of the men rested their hands on the hilt of their blades. A clear sign that they were agitated, wary even. Mariek smiled.
"You carry swords, isn't it customary for the Green Army to prefer spears save in close combat? An ideal condition such as now?" Mariek asked.
The one who'd spoken to him chuckled. "We're used to the weight of the blade, Champion of the Talisi."
Champion of the Talisi. The title was a bane to him. He wanted to thrash against its constraints, to run away, flee from the duty it demanded of him. It was mid afternoon. The Palace wasn't as packed as it was during the early hours of the day. The King would never demand his presence at night so this was the best time for their ruse. Where would they lead him to? Where would he meet his end?
"Where is the King?" Mairek asked.
"He's at the Conicual Garden, west of the Palace bridge." Their leader answered. Mairek nodded. That would be an ideal place to die. It'll give him a chance to see the river curving through Talisi, to observe the sinking sun and to be kindred once more with all that went on around him. He felt time's gentle nudge, beckoning him into its embrace where his death will spell an end to his torment. An end to the struggle against time, a struggle he was sure he could not win. Why then shouldn't he relent? Throw in the towel and call it quits? What value marked him, that a God would pick him above the rest? No, Nielda had made a mistake. What was even the point of going all the way to the garden? Wouldn't it be fitting for his end to be quick?
"I hear the King," Mairek said. "He is speaking to the Chief Palace servant about a cartload of wine due from Remu. He is in the throne room, not the garden." The men shuffled uneasily. "You're here to kill me." He took a step back, leaving his door ajar. He went to the center of the room, knelt down and bore his neck to them. "Make it quick, a quick thrust in the neck ought to do it. But then again, you guys are the experts."
They hesitated. Each uncertain of their purpose. Mairek hated uncertainty, decisions spell the destiny time offers. To titter on the brink of a decision is to waylay time's purpose. "Be quick about it! Bastards!" That did it. They lunged towards him, swords rasping as they flew free of their scabbards. The point of the swords came to him and Mairek welcomed them, a smile played across his face. It was going to be over. He closed his eyes, waited for the sword tips to bite skin, draw blood. End his life. He waited a span of seconds and nothing seemed to happen. He opened his eyes, observed the blades inches from him, frozen in time.
"You fucking cunt." Nielda, the God of Space and Time spoke from behind him. He turned, found the God lounging on his reed bed. His skin was as dark as the midnight sky, and stars riddled it. His hair, like puffs of a cloud hovered about his head. His green eyes observed him with a haughty air Mairek had become used to.
"Nielda." He said, turning to regard the God who'd chosen him as his Champion.
"You can kill them all, all five of them as you did the wasp. Yet, here you kneel, like a weakling, welcoming their blades. You paint a sorry sight. Diva." Nielda said. Diva, the word was misused by the God, having dwelt so long in the place between sky and moon, the God had lost touch with humanity, his vigil against a darkness he was hesitant to comment on had stripped Nielda of knowledge regarding the advancement of the human race.
"I just want it to end, I know no peace, Nielda. No peace at all." Mairek said. He got up off the ground, went to the rear end of the reed bed and placed himself there. Close to the naked feet of the God. The dusk colored robe adorning Nielda shifted as he sat up to regard his champion.
"Peace? When a buck grazes in the Talisi wilderness, no predator in sight. Does he regard the moment afforded it as peaceful? Does it relish in it, hence lowering its guard to fully appreciate the ambiance that comes with a lack of danger? Peace is a fickle thing, the buck knows this. Its ears are ever alert lest the sound of a Yendw wolf's approach marks the end of its peace. Is that then, what peace is? A moment between danger, afforded by pure circumstance? If such a thing is peace then what benefit is craving something you know will have an end?" Nielda raised his hand and scratched at his scalp, the hair floating about it parted for a brief moment. The God rarely had mannerisms similar to that of mankind but as time went, Mairek noticed changes in the God's disposition. "Think of your time since leaving the Ganidan Plain, Diva, has there been any instance when your life was threatened save now? Can this then be regarded as a peaceful period, a time when time has ignored you and thus given you a period of rest? Of course time wouldn't ignore you forever, it must seek to right an anomaly and you should liken this as a Yendw wolf's paw upon a branch, young buck, and this should drive you to flee knowing that the peace afforded you has reached its end."
Mairek sat with his knees brought up and his arms circling the crest of his legs. He nodded his acquiesce. His eyes moved to the five men, frozen in time, their blades pointed at where he once knelt awaiting a quick death. The buck would not await the maw of the Yendw wolf, it will flee if possible and if not it would fight, hoping for a brief respite from death that might grant it another period of peace. Is this then what peace is? "I hear everything Nielda." Mairek started. "I see everything, even with my eyes closed. I feel everything as if my hand is forever grasping things and my tongue tastes things that I am yet to consume. Is this gift of yours a mark of peace? How will my sanity be anchored to me with all that I perceive?"
Nielda sighed. "You're a dumbass Mairek. A dumbass, if you can hear everything why don't you focus on the sound that pleases you the most? If you can see everything why not focus on an image that delights your soul? Perception is not confounded on the whole, you can focus on specific aspects of it that appease you."
"Is that what you did when you hovered above space for thousands of years? Did you focus on a specific sound while you were up there among the stars?" Mairek pushed. He knew if he kept up a barrage of questions regarding Nielda's time guarding the darkness above from an ancient evil, he might gleam something... Anything that would paint a vivid picture for him, a picture whose purpose he was yet sure of.
Nielda stared at Mairek and his eyes flashed a bright blue. The assassins started moving slowly and Mairek knew that time was regaining its flow. "No." Nielda said. "The one whose voice I wanted to hear was silent."
Time resumed its course and the assassins thrust into open air. Missing their mark. They turned, puzzled expressions about their faces to regard Mairek at the foot of the reed bed. Mairek sighed. "Your deaths won't be on my head." He said as he stood up.
The sun pierced the earth with its morning glow. Palace servants shambled about, eager to get on with their work. Guards stationed in various Palace compartments stood at alert, stifling yawns and conversing in low tones. The Palace kitchen was alight with activity, cooks chattered as dough rose and logs were fed into furnaces. Chamber maids emptied chamber pots. The King sat upon his throne and offered a silent prayer to Meena with the aid of the Red Priests, as it was custom for the King of Talisi with every new dawn. The gardeners tended the Conicual garden, pruning branches and inspecting bright colored petals. The daily routine of the Palace was under way, without a single anomaly felt or seen by all within the Palace.
It started as a scream when the maid sent to bring him his morning meal came across him leaving his tiny compartment. The maid ran away, screaming like a banshee and flinging his tray of food to the ground. Mairek flexed his shoulders and started walking towards Princess Tari's bed chamber. Where he knew she was inspecting an assortment of dresses, picking the best she would dawn for the first half of the day. With the maid's screams came the shuffling of feet, guards, cooks, gardeners, maids, Red Priests. They all flocked towards him, and when their eyes beheld him, they halted, words escaped them. Trembling gripped their limbs and all they could do was stare. They flanked him on all sides, and followed behind him at a distance. He did not turn his head to either side, he ignored them as he ignored the blood that trailed his path, marking his wake.
At another time, in another place. The five decapitated heads he held by their hair, three on his right hand and two on his left, would have sickened him. Their weight would have pulled at his soul and he would have been distressed by the action he was undertaking. But now, he felt nothing. He experienced everything and felt nothing. I am a buck, antlers riddled with the blood of a Yendw wolf, affording me an extended period of peace. And that was all he could define the moment as.
The Guards he came across took one look at him and let him pass, none too eager to test his patience. He climbed the steps leading to Princess Tari's chambers. A throng of Palace personnel behind him. The two Guards flanking either side of the Chamber's door halted him, placing heavy gauntleted hands on his chest.
"You cannot pass." One of them said, he towered over him and Mairek raised his head to observe him. He was aware of what a sight he was. Blood was sprinkled upon his face and stained his arms. The heads dripped blood on the floor and the smell of iron was rich wherever he went.
Mairek closed his eyes, felt the touch of the gauntlets upon his chest, he allowed himself to drift into the metal, to learn of its origin and how they came to be where they were now, upon him. The past is a vast sea, to swim its depths one requires a mind that can fragment, be two places at once, and in that current at the bed of time he was able to learn what he needed. He opened his eyes and turned his head to either guard. "These gauntlets, you place them on the bath house door, parting it gently to observe the Princess as she baths. A wretched thing both of you do, ogling the one you're tasked to protect. A simple reprimand wouldn't be enough, I will see both your heads on a spike at the Palace baths if you do not give me leave to do as I plan. I mean to cause no harm." He could not see their faces behind their helms, but he knew the look of shock and shame spread upon their visage. Shame, the anointed cousin of retreat, see as his gauntlets lower from my chest. See as they withdraw within, each of them eager to be rid of me within a miasma of indifference.
The Guards parted. Mairek raised a leg and knocked down the chamber door with one swift kick. The door sprung free of its hinges, tumbled and collapsed onto the ground, close to the foot of the Chamber bed. A good five feet within the Chamber. Tari stood, half naked with maids around her, her bosom rich and full, stilled as she regarded him. Then heaved as she saw what he dragged into her chamber.
Mairek walked onto the door and flung the heads onto the bed, watched as the blood seeped into the white linen cover of the duvet. Staining it a bright crimson. The heads stared in various poses, unblinking, sightless. Princess Tari gawked at them then raised her eyes to meet his.
"Their blood is on your head." Mairek said and turned around to depart. Those crowded behind him parted and in his wake eyes followed his retreating back.
Did you enjoy this chapter? Want more? If you're eager to continue the journey and can't wait for the next installment, you can check out my Patreon
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submitted by Jus17173 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:51 Readalie Gardevoir or Gallade?

Gardevoir or Gallade? submitted by Readalie to PokemonSleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:47 barelyhomosapian Anything in this build you'd change?

Hello! I've done so much research and asked so many people haha just want final confirmation so I don't go insane and just press buy.
edit: I already have a 4080 super so this is everything besides that.
The pc is mainly for VFX (3d, rendering, simulations)
Then also gaming (RDR2, Valorant, Overwatch, Modded Minecraft)
Just want to know if I'm overspending in some areas, also want to know if there are any air cookers that work as good as the aio I've chosen, I'm a computer noob and I'm scared of the air possibly leaking?
Also is it worth me waiting for amds new CPUs and the new motherboards to come out?
Thank you!
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 4.5 GHz 16-Core Processor £435.50 @ Amazon UK
CPU Cooler ARCTIC Liquid Freezer III A-RGB 48.82 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler £114.63 @ Amazon UK
Motherboard Asus ROG STRIX B650-A GAMING WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard £199.98 @ Amazon UK
Memory G.Skill Trident Z5 RGB 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-6400 CL32 Memory £219.04 @ Amazon UK
Storage Western Digital Black SN850X 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive £152.87 @ Amazon UK
Case NZXT H9 Flow ATX Mid Tower Case £145.99 @ AWD-IT
Power Supply be quiet! Pure Power 12 M 1000 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply £131.99 @ MoreCoCo
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total £1400.00
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-06-08 13:05 BST+0100
submitted by barelyhomosapian to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:45 barelyhomosapian Anything in this build you'd change?

Hello! I've done so much research and asked so many people haha just want final confirmation so I don't go insane and just press buy.
edit: I already have a 4080 super so this is everything besides that.
The pc is mainly for VFX (3d, rendering, simulations)
Then also gaming (RDR2, Valorant, Overwatch, Modded Minecraft)
Just want to know if I'm overspending in some areas, also want to know if there are any air cookers that work as good as the aio I've chosen, I'm a computer noob and I'm scared of the air possibly leaking?
Also is it worth me waiting for amds new CPUs and the new motherboards to come out?
Thank you!
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 4.5 GHz 16-Core Processor £435.50 @ Amazon UK
CPU Cooler ARCTIC Liquid Freezer III A-RGB 48.82 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler £114.63 @ Amazon UK
Motherboard Asus ROG STRIX B650-A GAMING WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard £199.98 @ Amazon UK
Memory G.Skill Trident Z5 RGB 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-6400 CL32 Memory £219.04 @ Amazon UK
Storage Western Digital Black SN850X 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive £152.87 @ Amazon UK
Case NZXT H9 Flow ATX Mid Tower Case £145.99 @ AWD-IT
Power Supply be quiet! Pure Power 12 M 1000 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply £131.99 @ MoreCoCo
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total £1400.00
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-06-08 13:05 BST+0100
submitted by barelyhomosapian to PC_Builders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:45 barelyhomosapian Anything in this build you'd change?

Hello! I've done so much research and asked so many people haha just want final confirmation so I don't go insane and just press buy.
edit: I already have a 4080 super so this is everything besides that.
The pc is mainly for VFX (3d, rendering, simulations)
Then also gaming (RDR2, Valorant, Overwatch, Modded Minecraft)
Just want to know if I'm overspending in some areas, also want to know if there are any air cookers that work as good as the aio I've chosen, I'm a computer noob and I'm scared of the air possibly leaking?
Also is it worth me waiting for amds new CPUs and the new motherboards to come out?
Thank you!
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 4.5 GHz 16-Core Processor £435.50 @ Amazon UK
CPU Cooler ARCTIC Liquid Freezer III A-RGB 48.82 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler £114.63 @ Amazon UK
Motherboard Asus ROG STRIX B650-A GAMING WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard £199.98 @ Amazon UK
Memory G.Skill Trident Z5 RGB 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-6400 CL32 Memory £219.04 @ Amazon UK
Storage Western Digital Black SN850X 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive £152.87 @ Amazon UK
Case NZXT H9 Flow ATX Mid Tower Case £145.99 @ AWD-IT
Power Supply be quiet! Pure Power 12 M 1000 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply £131.99 @ MoreCoCo
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total £1400.00
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-06-08 13:05 BST+0100
submitted by barelyhomosapian to PcBuildHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:45 NDC71334 Booking Will Ospreay journey to becoming AEW World Champion (part 1)

Context: For this storyline, I will be booking Will Ospreay's journey to becoming AEW World Champion and it'll be multiple parts. I started doing this earlier in the week but deleted it to make some changes to the story. For this story, we will begin where we last left off after the most recent episode of AEW Dynamite (that took place on 6/5/2024). So without further ado, lets get started.
EDIT: I’ve finally come up with how I want this story to go, so no more deleting to edit, I promise.
The Build to AEW Forbidden Door:
AEW Forbidden Door 2024:
To be continued...
So what do you think so far? Do you like it? Do you dislike it? What do you like or dislike about it specifically? Let me know! Part 2 should be coming soon.
If you liked this booking, feel free to check out some of the other ones that I have done in the past on here.
Booking the Breakup of The Judgement Day:
Booking the 2024 AEW Men's Continental Classic:
Booking Nick Aldis's WWE in-ring debut:
Booking Mercedes Mone in AEW:
Rebooking Brock Lesnar's WWE return 2012:
Rebooking CM Punk's 434-day WWE Championship reign:
Booking MJF's AEW return:
Rebooking the End of The Undertaker's Wrestlemania Streak:
submitted by NDC71334 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:39 Cpt_Gloval 1.20 Mob Grinding Pagoda

Welcome to the Mob Grinding Pagoda!
The main structure is a fully Vanilla Build, with modded components for it's purpose, of a Japanese style Pagoda to house your Mob grinding Utilities farm and all item output storage. This was build in the All the Mods 9: To the Sky modpack but will work in any pack with the required mods.
The farm uses 6 fans from Mob Grinding Utils to push mobs into a single Grinder. There are lights that come on when the grinder is off so mobs will not spawn if you need to get in for maintenance. There is also a light at the top of the build that comes on when the Grinder is on so you know if you left it on or not.
On the main floor there are 2 Enchantment Setups, for symmetry. If you have Apotheosis in your pack I suggest you convert one of them to your 100 level enchanter. You can replace one of the sets of furnaces with the Apotheosis Forge Hammer, Gem Cutter and Salvaging Table or place all 3 with the 100 level Enchanting setup.
Directions to setup structure:
  1. Once placed in the Fans will need to all have 3 height upgrades. 2 of the fans are on a side by them selves and 4 are in pairs on the other sides. All 4 paired fans will need 3 each width upgrades.
  2. From the 2nd floor you can access the controller for the drawers. Obtain a Functional storage Linking Tool and select the Controller then go down and select all the drawers. You can then pre-lock all drawers and load items where you like as they come in or let them come in then lock once all done.
Once all setup you should not need to go into the upper part of the build, all function and use is on the main floor.
Create NBT file, Screenshots and Materials list located on the AirTable:
submitted by Cpt_Gloval to 9x9 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:32 MidnightPale3220 Some notes on HOWTO of the construction of Airships

Some notes on HOWTO of the construction of Airships
It is true that airships can still be a hassle. They can hang in air while dropping yout out, desync, just crumble.
However, since the introduction of vehicle patch, they are finally usable and I've tried a number of designs, both from other people and my own, to find some decent average.
By now I have had several airships in different (survival, btw) worlds, which have been doing OK for weeks. And I've been using them extensively, as ground travel is way too slow.
Think flying to SW island and back, travelling between villages and exploring. By now I use only airship for travel, land next to a cave when I need to. Search for lava rollers in desert (they can be a pain to find).
Even with vehicles, unless you stick to roads, you are going to be slowed down by terrain or obstacles. While airships don't neccessarily move faster, they are not slowed down by anything and thus cover distance REALLY quickly.
The vehicle patch actually has two items which seem to be essential for airship construction:
1) Vehicle base blocks. I am not sure of what Epic programmed the base blocks to be, but they are in general more resilient than regular floors/dynamic platforms/foundations, and not very heavy. So for most airship base vehicle base is the way to go for me. They also seem to have good snap points for thrusters.
2) Suspension! -- this is the most important block for me. It will (as it should) absorb almost any damage from hitting ground, and serves as the ground contact for my airships. Plus the large suspension is a high block and your bottom thrusters are not hitting ground.
I know people use wheels, but I don't particularly care for wheels on airship. Having suspension blocks at the bottom makes airhsip stay where it landed, and there is no extra cost or weight of wheels.
So, what should a minimalistic decent airship look like?
Sure, you can build them any old how, but a good airship will be able to:
  • rise in place
  • turn reasonably quickly
  • travel forward quickly
  • when all thrusters are off it must land itself. Quickly, but softly.
and most importantly: not capsize or do something weird when any combination of thrusters are engaged.
So what do you need to do?
#1 Center of gravity. I am sure the actual airships have a real term, which I don't know, so I will call it that.
Basically, two things for that.
1) The main thrusters that push UP should be ABOVE your main ship platform! Thus any game-caused differences in pushing force (which can capsize your airship) are dampened by the fact that thrusters are sorta pulling your platform up, instead of pushing it from below. In the screenshots these are the big thrusters on bottom of the Large Fender;
2) It is better to have a LARGE balloon at the very center of your vehicle -- it will help stabilize the airship, when thrusters try to push it wrongly. With my build, the thrusters will incline airship a bit when travelling, but you can see the balloon righting the ship over time.
I did initially with several small balloons on sides, but the larger one provides a better pivot point. The whole airship underneath becomes a sort of pendulum, but the large balloon is sort of like a reverse keel of a ship, that prevents ship from capsizing.
#2 Forward thrusters.
For maximum stability you want them in line with your main platform and -- again -- more at the FRONT than at the rear of your airship. Again, think of whether it is easier to maintain course when you are pulling something, or pushing. When mounted more to front, forward thrusters will pull the main part of ship and dampen much of the disbalance.
They may still try to raise the front or rear of the ship when engaged. To counter that, I use small secondary UP thrusters at the bottom of ship, which make the ship go forward mostly level. Adjust the front/back location of those small thrusters to achieve best result.
IMPORTANT. Avoid making your airship travel TOO fast. I think many of issues people experience with airships is when game loads next map block and airship desyncs. The worst I have had with this design, is occasionally appear to be sitting in the air for some 10-20 seconds. Then the game catches up and everything is back to normal. No crashes due to that so far.
#3 Left/right thrusters.
Obviously should be mounted very close to the extreme front/back of the ship, to make it turn quickly. In my case they are linked to main UP thrusters, so that engaging both left&right at the same time, will make ship simply go UP without any forward movement (actually it will go slightly backwards, and you can engage the FORWARD thrusters to raise even faster).
#4 Putting it all together.
When building the airship, you should:
1) do everything except the balloon and ballast;
2) test basic directions -- "3" is linked to big FORWARD thrusters and small secondary UP thrusters, "1" is linked to LEFT turning thruster and left major UP thruster; "2" to the RIGHT turning thruster and right major UP thruster;
3) be sure that when you exit driver seat, you remain on vehicle!
4) add large balloon in the very center
-- now most likely your vehicle will raise in air. If that is the case, add small ballast vehicle bases symetrically, and pretty close to the front/rear center of vehicle to maintain stability. Remember that once you jump off airship, it will get lighter, so better add a bit more ballast than too little!
Ideally when enough ballast is added, the airship will land and maybe will hover just very slightly off ground.
By and large you should be done. If you experience strange thruster action just move them around a bit, or turn some off with wrench, see what works.
Note regarding chest. I would avoid putting "all my eggs" in that chest. But I do keep the spare lightsaber there and some food. And, of course, carry loot from caves. I made some mistakes once by trying to adjust thruster location and hitting ship instead, which promptly disintegrated (epic pickaxe with 3x dmg charms, sorry). The chest still dropped on ground and I was able to recover everything.
submitted by MidnightPale3220 to LEGOfortnite [link] [comments]