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r/LearnSpanish: Language community

2009.11.23 07:29 ineededanewaccount r/LearnSpanish: Language community

The subreddit for anyone interested in Spanish. If you have something to share or a question about the Spanish language, post and we'll help the best we can! Remember to provide enough context, read the sidebawiki, and use the search function.

2011.03.16 02:32 squidgirl The Enneagram of Personality

The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche that is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types.

2015.07.16 10:09 diana646 GED Prep

How to prepare for the GED Test online. You are welcome to share your reviews and opinions about GED prep products.

2024.05.16 03:20 -chevychevy Confused about how to proceed after bloodwork

Confused about how to proceed after bloodwork
I had my testosterone checked three times because I’m scrawny, have anxiety, and really bad brain fog. The first two times during the winter it was 320 and 390. I tried to improve my lifestyle to see if I could increase my numbers. So for two months I cut my alcohol consumption in half, started lifting more, eliminated soy, ate an all organic diet, and took vitamin D and zinc. This did absolutely nothing for my testosterone levels. I also feel the exact same except my stomach is happier eating unprocessed foods.
So I’m thinking about going on trt… but look at my free test. It’s almost mid range. Is it still worth getting on trt if my total is low but my free is midrange?
Total test: 381 ng/dl Free test: 14.5 pg/ml
Other: Vitamin D: was 29 now 111 Zinc: high end Magnesium: high end Estrogen: 19
submitted by -chevychevy to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:20 pokemon_raid_friends AP Bio Penguins/Ms Jones Appreciation Post 🐧🐧🙏🙏

Thank you for all the time you have dedicated to our success this year!!! We don’t know how the test will go, but you’ve made us feel so prepared!!! From your daily insta Qs to the hour long reviews, your resources are so helpful (and free)!!!! I truly feel “dressed for success!”
submitted by pokemon_raid_friends to APbio [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:18 Civil_Parking30 About a month and a half to go. Not where I want/ need to be

I have about a month and a half to go before I take my 24. Using pass perfect. Have read the entire book, made my own flash cards and now I'm taking practice exams. Just got a 55 not where I want to be.
Want some advice from Dean or fellow test takers. In the remaining time I have am I better off continuing to take practice exams and going over what I get wrong on those. Or should I go back to the book. I am studying atleast 1 hour a day with atleast two bigger study sessions a week 3-4 hours. I am apprehensive about going back to the book because what if it doesn't fill in the current gaps in my knowledge and I should have spent that time taking more tests.
Any insight/ advice would be helpful. I feel like I am struggling most with Mkt Making/ trading and IB. For market making I am good on bids asks and all of that but all of the stuff that goes on in the background especially in the OTC mkt kinda loses me. For IB I just have the least experience/ relevant knowledge for that section. I have watched Deans videos for the 24 on IB and Mkt making but I feel like this hasn't been sufficient in getting my knowledge where it needs to be. I have been told Pass perfect is very hard but I have a hard time believing I'd pass the 24 rn.
submitted by Civil_Parking30 to Series24 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:17 slinkipher I wish they didn't tell me it could be cancer

This is about my 2 year old cat. I adopted her when she was 6 months old. It is just her and I. She is my buddy, my partner. She is the sweetest, most loving girl.
I had to rush her to the hospital early Tuesday morning (read 3 am). She had vomited A LOT on monday, at least 4-5 times. I thought she could hold out until her usual vet opened at 7:30 am but she continued to vomit into the night and then started vomiting blood. As soon as I noticed the blood I threw her in her carrier and brought her to the emergency vet where they admitted her to run diagnostic tests.
When the doctor called me to tell me with the results I immediately knew something was wrong by their tone and hesitation. I initially thought they found a large tumor, that is how they were acting. What they did find was that her intestines were severely inflamed. The doctor told me this meant she likely had GI Lymphoma but it could be severe Irritable Bowel Disease. The only way to know which it was for certain was to do an expensive and invasive biopsy of her intestine. But their whole disposition made me feel like they thought it was cancer but didn't want to say that it was. I had to decide in that moment whether I wanted them to do the biopsy or start her on steroids to help with the inflammation because once she started medication it could interfere with the results of the biopsy. I honestly couldn't afford biopsy, she already racked up a 2k+ vet bill the biopsy alone was another 3-4k. I decided to treat it as if it was IBD and over time if that didn't work then we could consider other avenues like taking her off medicine to do a biopsy or starting chemo.
When they told me it could possibly be cancer I literally spent the last two days bawling my eyes out and researching everything I could about GI lymphoma. There are two kinds, an aggressive kind and a less aggressive kind. If she has the aggressive kind she literally only has weeks left to live. If its the less aggressive kind she has maybe a year without chemo, 2-3 more years with chemo. She's practically a kitten. She's 2. She was supposed to live until she's close to 20, if not 20+.
The thing is, whether it is IBD or lymphoma the treatment is essentially exactly the same. She would still have to take steroids. She would still have to be on prescription food. The only difference is if its cancer, she would have to do all that in addition to taking a chemo pill. The steroids and diet wouldn't be enough over time and she would start to decline. I wish they just told me it is possibly IBD not even mention the possibility of cancer until the IBD treatment proved to not be working. Now I am going to spend every day worrying about whether she only has weeks left to live. Whether she is going to get worse and die soon. I don't know how to function with that kind of stress. I have barely worked or eaten the past two days.
submitted by slinkipher to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:16 Plenty_Trash_6033 Who is looking for best provider recommendations

Send me chat request I have best one With 24 hours free test
submitted by Plenty_Trash_6033 to iptvgta [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:16 Mallgannis Everything I've Theorized So Far

"Kokkuri-San" Game

Sugoroku Backbiting
Friendship Hide-And-Seek
Kokorogi Kidnapp:
Friend-Sin Trial
Friend's Prison Game
All bet game:
Friend Murder Game
The Friendless Game
What I think will happen in the next chapters:
Honestly, I got tired of writing, so some things I ended up not writing, if you have any doubts about how I came to these conclusions, write them in the comments. Maybe I'll edit and give a more detailed version later.

submitted by Mallgannis to TomodachiGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:15 Wolfrikz Prototype Weapon/Stratagem

Prototype Weapon/Stratagem
My suggestion (and I hope the devs see this post) is for time to time, a weapon or stratagem that needs some testing , be available to players as some sort of super earth prototype.
That could help the devs with data and balancing before something is release. The Air - buster rocket kind of looked like a prototype malfuncioning so you got the idea.
We had some extra/free stratagens before so is not something difficult to apply. For primary weapons it could be more difficulty, but its just an idea. No need to push the developers more than they are pushed the recent months
submitted by Wolfrikz to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:13 Authorrlee AITA for going full No Contact with my sister the same week as our grandmother’s funeral?

(I am SO sorry for the needed lengthy) Back Story & Context Leading To My Decision:
I (33F) have 1 sibling, “Sam” (36F). Although we share the same parents, our childhood & the way we were treated was incredibly different. Mainly because Sam had always been favored & treated far better than me. A fact that Sam refuses to acknowledge to this day.
Before & after my parents got married, it was agreed upon that they would not have children, until one day my mother “Susan” (66F) came up with the bright idea that if she gave her parents (“Norma & Gene”) a grand-baby they would finally love her. She went off the pill without telling my father, got pregnant, then had Sam. To no one’s surprise, Susan hated being a mom. So she would ship Sam across the country to Norma & Gene’s constantly, so much so, they saw her as THEIR child. And they showered her with love that Susan never even got a taste of. This led to Susan being aggressively jealous & resentful of her child.
Years later, my dad was tricked again into having me to “save their marriage.” They divorced when I was 3. All Sam ever knew from Susan was neglect, emotional & mental abuse from Susan, which only became worse when she could use “favoring” me as another way to hurt Sam. This was NOT a secret in my family, resulting in maltreatment towards me (either subconsciously or intentionally).
Abuse toward Sam turned physical. My father was given full custody of her when I was 8, and I was left with Susan for the next 2 years until she decided she wanted to move to San Francisco because she “deserved” a more glamorous life. I do not remember the years living with Susan, but recently one of my closest friends (of 25 years) said to me I practically lived at her house & she barely interacted with Susan throughout the entirety of our friendship.
To make up for Susan being an awful parent, Norma & Gene would dote on Sam & shell out a lot of $$$ to give her a very nice life (let me know if you want me to give a list of examples in an update), compare this to me when I barley received a kind word. They offered me money ONCE in my early 20’s to pay off my credit card debt I accrued in college as I had to pay all my own bills while working full time (I have been working since I was 15) and going to school full time. I am the only one in the family who worked in college, yet I am still the only one to graduate with honors. I accepted. I have never asked or been offered money since. I have paid for ALL my own bills since I left home @ 18 years old.
Despite the obvious disparities and constant hurt they put me through, I was an active member of the family who mainly kept her mouth shut. I attended family events unless I could not afford to go, I sent holiday gifts, called between 1-2x per month for an 1 hour+ phone call in which I most often bit my tongue unless it was to defend Sam as Norma did not agree with her parenting.
Something to note, in May 2021 my father had an accident that would lead to his passing in December 2021. The disagreements & Sam’s nastiness toward me after the accident and then his death further strained our relationship.
Fast forward to March 2023. An explosive incident at Susan’s home in front of me she screamed at my sister to the point of Sam sobbing in ear shot of her 3 young kids, husband, and my step father resulted in me cutting ties with Susan for good. To be fair, she screamed in my face “I don’t want a relationship with you” with Sam as a witness. I made the family aware of my decision, and everyone, including Norma agreed to respect my decision.
By August 2023, my physical health that had been on a rapid decline since 2019 including 78% of my discs deteriorating without a known cause had become unbearable to manage I had to quit my corporate desk job. I had enough money saved to tide me over for some time, but as any US adult in their 20’s & 30’s know, it’s been rough the past few years, add in physical disabilities & limited mobility + regular migraines, I was running low on money & needed help. So at the end of December, at the encouragement & insistence of my aunt Elizabeth (Susan’s sister) who I had become quite close with over the past few years, I went to Norma & Gene to ask for a LOAN. They had donated $25,000 to Sam’s place of worship on her behalf a few months prior, offered to buy Sam & her husband a house the year prior, paid for Elizabeth’s bills & expensive lifestyle for the last year when she was soul searching on what line of work she wanted to do next, this was after putting a down payment on Elizabeth’s new $470,000 condo + $70,000 of renovations it needed, not to mention the literal hundreds of thousands of dollars that they have given Susan over the years just to pay off her credit card debt, she assured me they would absolutely loan their granddaughter with serious health issues money. Elizabeth would talk to them personally about it, just to seal the deal while Sam would help me find cheaper alternatives to my current necessities such as Medicaid.
I make the request, and to my surprise they are more than happy to help me with a loan. But one week later & their phone calls with Susan, they say by email they “love me but cannot continue to financially support my poor decisions.” I call Elizabeth who says, it was not in her best interest to talk to them about helping me as I am “worthless to this family and society while being disabled.” Then adds that she will not let her “mental health deteriorate just to emotionally support me.” I then immediately reach out to Sam who does not even have the guts to talk by phone only text, and says she called Susan to explain my circumstance but “wasn’t going to argue or pick a fight” to help me and that she is sorry that that she “can't show up for me the way I want her to because she needs to maintain her own mental health, relationships and boundaries.” She also threw in that I have “made up this narrative in my head” that they treat her & I different, that she is treated better.
That day I fully cut contact with Norma, Gene, and Elizabeth. I told them they will not be hearing from me again, and I will not be attending theirs or Susan’s funeral. And I stopped speaking with Sam for the time being. Ironically, what led us to speaking was last month (April 20224) I had begun working on an article about going No Contact with family members. I asked if I could discuss her childhood abuse in a few sentences as part of the article. She agreed and offered to give me quotes. I accepted then interviewed her. From there we began rebuilding our relationship.
Then last Wednesday, (May 8), Norma passes. I do not attend the funeral that happened on Friday, May 10. My two cousins who I have become very close with in the last 6 months understood why, and supported my decision. But even though I did not go, I continually checked in with them & Sam to ensure they were okay. Not once from Wednesday to yesterday (Tuesday) did Sam reply to a single message. As I am concerned about this, I reached out yesterday morning. She replied in the afternoon. I was incredibly hurt by her very lengthy message. Here are 2 excerpts that led me to full NC.
  1. “Your perspective on the situation was clear, you werent coming to be with the family and you arent grieving [Norma’s] death at least in the conventional sense. I had to be the one to answer from most of the family why you werent there, it was incredibly awkward and uncomfortable for me.”
  2. “Since late January/Early February things have already been really strained between us. I know that most that comes from my point of view and actions were really hurtful to you. I hate that I hurt you and Its been difficult for me to reconcile that I can't show up for you the way you want me to while also maintaining my own mental health, relationships and boundaries.”
She continually says that she cannot show up for me the way I need without affecting her mental health or crossing boundaries, and I am not someone that would ever want to hinder someone else’s life by my presence or cause inner turmoil by associating with me. I let her know this and said I will stop trying to cultivate a relationship and I will step away for good. I said it as kind as possible, taking an hour to craft a message that can only be seen as kind. I told her if she responds I will not be reading it.
I work very hard to stay positive as it’s just me to lean on. When there is something eating at me emotionally, it will drain my energy & have me spiral until it is resolved. I did not want to waste another week feeling hurt. But with that said, AITA for cutting ties at this time & not waiting?
submitted by Authorrlee to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:13 throwaway64378996533 Dept. Director Trying to Push Me Out?/Rant

Hello all! This is a long one, so tyia if you stick around for it. <3
I have been with my organization for about nine months now (my very first non-profit position) and my dept. manager is trying to push me out the dept. I am real nervous about posting this but I would really appreciate some perspectives or advice.
Background: I was hired around 9 months back (August) to do restorative justice work in alternative schools and with youth going through the juvenile justice system. Literally a dream job. We’re about 2 years into a 4 year grant.
When I was hired I was hired onto a team of 4. 1 coordinator and 3 workers. Almost immediately, our coordinator accepted a position in a different department that they had also applied for and was more aligned with their interest in the org.
After their departure, the one of the 3 workers with the most in-classroom experience took on coordinator duties. Leaving 1 coordinator and 2 workers.
Around the top of the year, our worker-turned-coordinator leaves the org too. They say it is because the job wasn’t conducive to the needs of their child. Now we’re down to just two workers.
We’re in the classroom 3 times a week, but the other worker has a medical condition that has been newly diagnosed and they’re figuring out which meds are working and aren’t etc. so they’re starting to call out of work more frequently. So eventually they move them into a different position in a different dept so they can WFH more often. In this time, nobody has officially taken on coordinator duties so we are splitting the duties between us, and there was an org shift so now we’re under a different department than previously. Nobody has received a title change or pay increase.
Before the last worker left, our director brought in an intern. So now the program consists of our Dept. Director, the intern, and myself. Our intern is capped at a certain amount of hours a week and has trainings every other week, and our dept director is also managing other programs so their attention and time is divided.
Where I’m at now: The other day I get to school and I’m unpacking and getting ready for class, our intern was not there that day so it was just us two, our manager comes in and asks me “have you considered working for [other dept]?” I was taken aback by this. They go on “I don’t want to see you fail in this line of work. We’re about to double our work load and take on all these other schools and I’m going to need someone who can come in maybe as early as 7 or 8 some days and maybe stay as late as 6 or 7 some days.” Then they ask me how I’m feeling about the workload currently.
I tell them that the current workload is managable but only because our intern busts their butt for us in the little time we have with them. I let them know that if we could hire more workers then there can be people who can come in early and people who stay late and the people who can work their 9-5's. They proceed to tell me "I could hire a manager, but at the end of the day, the [Program] workers are going to be the ones doing the majority of the work" Which confused me, because that's how it has been. And as it stands it's practically just our intern and myself so what are they trying to get at?
I am a single parent and there just isn't a way that I can come in at 7 or 8AM when school is in session, or stay until 7pm. They then proceed to tell me "I have been doing this work forever and I have three kids. I have made it work with basketball and soccer practice and games". Which I found insensitive and sort of inappropriate. They told me to take this week to think about if I still want to work in for this program/dept. Since we have had that talk, we have not had time to speak any further about it. I have no idea what they're going to say to me at the end of the week.
I am just feeling so hurt and confused. I am literally the only full-time fully dedicated worker to this program and it feels like our director would rather just pass me off to a different department and take on all the responsibilities themself, than offer the support we're needing. I've been feeling so disenfranchised with this entire organization for various reasons but this just hurts so bad. I am so passionate about our work and I would feel terrible if I had to leave the dept. and the students so abruptly in the final weeks of class.
A part of me feels like I am taking this conversation with our director too harshly and maybe I'm just not cut out for this work, but then another part of me feels like they're trying to scare me to take on more duties without compensating me. I hear good feedback the social worker at the school we're in, and parent's of students so I really don't understand. What do y'all think? I really want to make it to at least a year here but I will not work for the dept. they're trying to push me into.
Phew. Thanks for sticking with me if y'all did. and thank you for allowing me this space to rant.
submitted by throwaway64378996533 to nonprofit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:13 a_jensen906 Minnesota Mechanical Engineer looking for side hustle

Hello all,
Engineer here with a full time job looking to bring in a little extra. I am married but have no kids so I have a little free time (2-3 hours a night, more on weekends). I thought about being a tutor but it doesn’t seem like a very lucrative idea. I’m pretty tech savvy but have little to no online presence. I like solving manufacturing issues and designing fixtures for testing/manufacturing. I do have access to Creo.
Any ideas? Open to side hustles outside of engineering too! Currently located in northern Minnesota, not sure that matters.
submitted by a_jensen906 to sidehustle [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:11 Pearl01234 New to scuba diving, is it normal?

Hi everyone, I recently completed my PADI Open Water course and I'd like to share my experience with you. I believe my instructor's behavior was inappropriate, but as a newcomer to scuba diving, I'd appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
Before the course: I found a Dive Shop on Tripadvisor with over 200 5-star reviews, which seemed perfect for the Open Water Course. However, the website link wasn't functional, so I reached out to the company on Instagram. They requested to follow me, which I found a bit strange, but I went along with it. The owner (only instructor) and I communicated via WhatsApp to plan the days since I was traveling for the course. He messaged me frequently, which was a bit overwhelming, but I assumed it was to keep in touch since I hadn't made a deposit. He even started liking my Instagram Stories.
I confirmed with him twice that he would provide all the necessary equipment, including a wetsuit. The night before the course, he asked me out for a drink, which I politely declined. Despite feeling uncomfortable, I decided to proceed with the course, considering diving as a community activity.
Day 1: Upon arrival, I was informed that there was no wetsuit available for me that day, as he wanted to give me a "free" introduction in shallow waters level to gauge my comfort while him sharing his octopus (No Pool). Feeling uneasy in just a swimsuit, I reluctantly went along with it. At a depth of 6m, he positioned himself above me - imagine two planks, one on top of the other. I didn't have a wetsuit, and I could feel his parts rubbing against my buttocks, and believe he started to get hard. I honestly had no idea of what he was doing, if he was touching himself, or if it was normal, if i was overthinking. Anyways I started to panic, I was scared because it was my first time in deep water. I was alone with him, and he was controlling my air. I was breathing with his octopus and felt vulnerable. I just started to focus on my breathing. He started to massage my upper body. At this point I just froze. We finished and did some tricks.
Day 2: The next day, he again claimed to have forgotten the wetsuit, stating it wasn't good for my buoyancy. We started with the tricks and then, he claimed that we needed to control my buoyancy. He then proceeded to remove my gear and repeat the exercise from the previous day, with me sharing his air from his octopus while he remained on top of me. I honestly kinda froze and started to focus on my breathing once again. I began to panic once more, unsure if this was standard practice. His behavior escalated when we approached the shore, he started taking inappropriate photos of other women but in the water, further adding to my discomfort. At the end, he stated that someone would come along tomorrow to finish my 2 other dives. At this point I wanted to end the class, but told myself that there was only 1 day remaining and the fact that someone would be there I would feel more comfortable. I didn't knew if it was common practice for new divers (him being on top of me and me sharing his octopus)
Day 3:
He asked me a couple of questions in the car (about 5) and then informed me that was my written exam and there was no need to complete a formal exam; that I had passed. He then mentioned he didn't have a wetsuit for me, only a rash guard.
Then, another diver arrived for his refresher. He was quite old, and the instructor became rude to him. Honestly, I felt calmer knowing there would be someone else with us. We completed the 18m dive, and everything went fine. When we reached shore, the older diver asked if he could join us for the next planned dive (my 4th dive due in 30 minutes), but the instructor declined, stating that this dive would be a test for my class.
Once offshore, the older diver and I started talking, and I could sense the instructor's discomfort about our conversation. He seemed eager for the older diver to leave and began speaking negatively about him behind his back.
Then I began my fourth dive (my instructor said he would bring my BCD but arrived only with his). He repeated the exercise of being on top of me and me using his octopus, which confirmed to me that it was inappropriate. It was only my fourth dive, so I questioned why he didn't do the same exercise with the older man. I believe he wanted him to leave so he could act inappropriately towards me again. This is when i realized is was NOT ok. I felt scared but relieved it was my last dive I was afraid to decline that he would fail me or worst, remove my regulator) At the end, we surfaced, he grabbed my gear, we went back down, and I focused on the skills and enjoying my last dive (without him on top of me), while he was just taking photos.
It took me a few days to process everything. After doing some research, I came to the conclusion that his behavior was highly inappropriate. Not only was I knew nothing in diving, but he was also controlling my regulator (using his octopus), we were at depth, and he was positioned on top of me. I felt completely vulnerable and taken advantage of. Despite this, he certified me as a level 2 diver, but I honestly don't feel confident enough. What are your thoughts on this situation? Is it normal practice? What should I do? Have you ever reported a PADI ?
submitted by Pearl01234 to scubadiving [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:11 Capital-Funny-4876 I have a dpf code(p2002) but I was told the dpf is just fine

I have a ram 2500 2012 diesel(bone stock). Essentially the title but to explain we gotta go back to 2 years ago. My transmission went, I wanted 800 hp on the truck at some point, so I upgraded, costed around $8k but I missed a thrust washer in between the pump and primary and it smoked itself within 50 miles, costed another 2k to fix what smoked. Well in doing so I got a valve body that needed a tune but the shop didn’t mess around with tunes so they recommended me to a different place. I towed the truck there, dropped it off, had them put the tune on everything worked fine and has ran amazing since. I made the dumb choice to add in a 5 dial engine tune that was supposed to be emissions intact but they messed up and put an emissionsless tune on, did my emissions and gave me my stickers. They then called 2 weeks later and said they messed up, well the truck ran amazing, felt like 100 or so more horsepower so I was very reluctant to take it back in and for various other reasons I decided not to. So I drove like that for a year and went to get it emissions tested and it said everything was “not supported” so obviously I took it back in to them and put the right tune on, However, they said the truck would not accept the tune as the check engine light was on for the egr. Now this is where it gets weird, I put on a trailer probably 6k pounds and went and burned it up a steep hill and the check engine turned off, for about a week. Took it back in that Monday night after they closed, dropped it, went home. Tuesday morning got a call that they still couldn’t get the truck to take the tune. The reason being that the vgt was throwing codes, I drive it home, buy a new turbo, stick it on, dropped it back off and the next morning again another call saying the truck wouldn’t take the tune. This time the reason being this now my nightmare of a code p2002. Now at this point I’m pretty skeptical about there work after looking into the cost of a new dpf and the fact that they could not answer any of my questions regarding what they actually tuned my truck with because they get there tunes from a place called starlight. Now it’s a reputable company and they make great tunes and alot of people use them but their customer service is only open on Wednesday from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm and that is it. So I take it into a diesel performance shop that is very reputable, which my dad has also been using for years, to diagnose the issue. Now this is where I am completely lost. The guy flashed my ecm with a stock, straight from dodge, tune and test drives it with his reader. Says EVERYTHING is running completely normal, all the numbers are normal, fuel rail, boost pressures, dpf sensors all read at normal levels at all times, regens just fine, dpf fills up and regens properly, they replaced the map sensor and the “ppm?” Sensor which reads back pressure?, etc All in all he kept it and test drove it for 2 weeks and tried everything he could think would cause this and the only thing he noticed was that the egr was not doing exactly what it should.
Now, the truck smokes ( not a lot but enough to see in the day) pretty consistently until under load. Essentially once the turbo kicks in it stops. He told me that the egr is 95% open at idle and takes a little longer to close than it should which I guess isn’t supposed to happen. He put a brand new egr on there and test drove it same thing, smoke whenever there is no boost, egr not doing what it’s supposed to. He then unplugs the egr entirely and guess what zero smoke… whatsoever… not even a puff.
Now after 2 years of cops and dmv lines and impound lots and countless hours googling everything I can find about similar issues, I’m completely lost on what to do now.
He recommends the dealer but he says he knows that they are just going to throw parts at it until it’s fixed. This is likely looking down the barrel of a 7-10k dollar shotgun. Just to find out it’s some dumb sensor or something I am not aware of.
So my questions are; What all in the computer makes the egr valve open? Has anyone dealt with this before? Or even something similar? What would you do in this case? Please ask whatever questions I will gladly answer or look into them.
Sorry if this novel is hard to read I didn’t pay attention much in school
submitted by Capital-Funny-4876 to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:11 Children_Crusades MSU or IU Kelley?

Now that college confirmation season is is full swing, I’m still a bit on the line between whether to go to Michigan State or Indiana University. If I go to IU, I’ll be majoring in business economics, whereas if I go to MSU, I’ll be majoring in logistics. Although I’m a Michigan resident, I’ve been lucky to have parents that don’t really care about the out-of-state tuition. I think my network of upperclassmen at MSU would help a decent amount, however IU has the strictly better business program. If you’d like to give some thoughts, feel free!
submitted by Children_Crusades to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:11 Desperate_Hornet7235 Network + Course Question

I was just wanting everyones opinion on the best course for Network + I plan on using messer but I also prefer another video course alongside Messer. Which course is better Myers or Dion and I do plan on using Dion practice tests. Also saw another that might be good from the IT Cert Doctor but haven’t heard anything about that one. I used Andrew Ramdayal for A+ but unfortunately he does not have a network + course. Thanks for any suggestions.
submitted by Desperate_Hornet7235 to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:11 Scary-Mycologist-498 I'm stuck in the 1400s and don't know how to get out of it

I'm taking the June SAT and this will be my last time ever taking an SAT. my current score is 1450 which I got with 3 months of studying but no matter how many questions and concepts I review, my practice exam scores aren't going up. I am kinda getting burnt out... I need the good SAT score to go to a decent school with financial aid. how to improve? my reading is 710 and math is 740. I also used up my tests on bluebook also the whole khan academy question bank..yeah I don't know how to get 1500+ in 16 days
submitted by Scary-Mycologist-498 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:09 SecretChain5364 Well Test FHA Loan?

So we are about a week away from what is supposed to be our closing but just heard from the attorney (NY) that the well test failed (it’s supposed to pump 3 gallons a minute for 2 hours, it came back at 3 gallons a minute for 1 hour and 45 minutes). Seller offered a credit immediately which we are totally fine with but the realtor is questioning if the lender is going to say it’s an issue because of it being an FHA loan. There is nothing in our conditions for our approval in our Mortgage Commitment from what the attorney or realtor can see but everyone is wondering if this is going to be an issue because we are doing an FHA loan. Any guidance would be really really appreciated. Please feel free to ask questions and I’ll do my best to answer. I’m having horrible anxiety about this.
submitted by SecretChain5364 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:09 BiomedicalBright Content Review and Quick Quides

Hey everyone! I just graduated college and I’m starting to study for the mcat, and I have a question about doing content review. Are studying quick quides and their Anki decks good enough for content review before moving onto practice questions/tests? I’m personally going through them faster and comprehending them better than the usual Kaplan and Princeton prep books. I also want to study the most high yield information instead of getting lost in the fluff. Any thoughts?
submitted by BiomedicalBright to Mcat [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:09 Eelums86 [WTS] DESIGNER DISCOVERY SETS (DECANT)

DESIGNER DISCOVERY SETS for those interested in buying decants from specific lines. Current sizes I offer are 2ML 5ML 10ML and include everything listed under a brand. (I have many more brand lines to add soon) Any questions or mix matching feel free to reach out. ILL HELP YOU FIND WHAT YOU LIKE. (I may be missing some from each set but I am on the hunt. If you have one I am missing chat me I’m looking to buy or trade for it) $$$ SHIPPED CONUS $$$
Please check the list below as there are some colognes added that are not in photos. ⬇️
1 MILLION - OG, Parfum, Cologne, Intense, Elixir, Lucky, Prive, Royal
x8 -2ML $50
SPICEBOMB - OG, Extreme, Fraiche, Night Vision EDT, Night Vision EDP, Infrared, Infrared EDP
x7 -2ML $42
INVICTUS - OG, Intense, Aqua, Aqua 2016, Platinum, Victory, Legend
x7 -2ML $42
AZZARO WANTED - OG, Tonic, Night, Most Wanted, Most Wanted Parfum, EDP
x7 -2ML $42
PRADA LUNA ROSSA - OG, Eau sport, Carbon, Extreme, Ocean, Sport, Black
x7 -2ML $42
YSL Y - OG, Fraiche, EDP, Parfum, Live
x5 -2ML $32
ACQUA DI GIO - OG, Profondo, EDP, Absolu, Profondo Lights, Profumo, Absolu Instinct
x7 -2ML $42
DIOR HOMME - OG, Intense, Cologne, Parfum, Eau, Sport
x6 -2ML $40
MERCEDES-BENZ - OG, Silver, Intense, Cologne
x4 -2ML $20
MONT BLANC LEGEND - OG, Night, Spirit, Intense, EDP, Red
x6 -2ML $25
LE MALE - 2008 OG, Elixir, Le Beau, Navy, Stimulating Body Spray, Ultra, Fleur Du Male, Terrible, Cologne Tonic, Fraicheur Intense, Parfum, Essence De Parfum, Fleur Du Male Cologne, Summer Spray, On Board, Aviator
x16 -2ML $102
PASHA DE CARTIER - OG, Parfum, Noire, Sport, Fraicheur Menthe
x5 -2ML $25
GIVENCHY PI - OG, Extreme, Neo, Air
x4 -2ML $24
VERSACE PH - OG, Dylan blue, Oud Noir
x3 -2ML $12
DIOR FAHRENHEIT - OG, Aqua, 32, Parfum, Absolute
x5 -2ML $40
BURBERRY - London, Brit, Rhythm, Rhythm Intense
x4 -2ML $16
MONT EXPLORER - OG, Platinum, Ultra Blue
x3 -2ML $12
BVLGARA AQVA - OG, Toniq, Marine, Amara, Atlantique, Marine Toniq
x6 -2ML $30
BOSS THE SCENT - OG, Intense, Absolute, Pure Accord, Parfum, Private Accord, Le parfum
x7 -2ML $36
COACH MEN - OG, Blue, Platinum, Green
x4 -2ML $18
A-Men - OG, BMen, Malt, Havane, Shot, Urban, Tonka, Wood, Chili, Ultimate, IceMen, Kryptomint, Coffee, Leather, Zest
x15 - 2ML $105
Parfums De Marly - Herod, Sedley, Goldolphin, Percival, Darley, Kalan, Layton, Greenley, Pegasus, Layton Exclusif, Althair, Perseus, Haltane, Pegasus Exclusif
x14 - 2ML $108
Kilian - Angels Share, Apple Brandy, Roses On Ice, L’Heure Verte, Intoxicated, Bamboo Harmony, Vodka On The Rocks, Back To Black, Moonlight In Heaven, Black Phantom, Gold Knight, Sacred Wood, Dark Lord
++RARE ADD ONS++ Cruel Intentions , A Taste Of Heaven
x12 - 2ML $106
John Varvatos - OG, Artisan, Dark Rebel Rider, Artisan Blu, Oud, Dark Rebel, Artisan Pure
x7 - 2ML $35
Drakkar - Noir, Intense, Essence, Horizon
x4 - 2ML $14
Diesel The Brave - OG, Street, Spirit, Wild, Sound, Spirit Intense
x6 - 2ML $24
Bad Boy - OG, Parfum, Cobalt Parfum, Extreme
x4 - 2ML $20
Gucci Guilty - OG, EDP, Cologne, Absolute, Parfum, Elixir, Black
x7 - 2ML $42
Mancera - Cedrat Boise, Tonka Cola, Red Tobacco, Lemon Line, Lemon Aoud Mint
x5 - 2ML $30
Valentino - Uomo, BIR, Coral Fantasy, Acqua, BIR Intense, Uomo Intense
x6 - 2ML $40
Armani Code - OG, Absolu, A-List, EDP, Colonia
x5 - 2ML $30
Guerlain Ideal - OG, Cologne, Intense, EDP
x4 - 2ML $26
Diesel - Green, Green Parfum, Fuel, Fuel L’Eau, Masculine, Plus Plus
x6 - 2ML $30
Prada L’homme - OG, Intense, Water Splash
x3 - 2ML $20
Chanel - Allure Homme, Allure Cologne, Allure Sport Extreme, BDC EDT, BDC Parfum
x5 - 2ML $35
Calvin Klein One - OG, Platinum, Gold, Shock, All, Be, Summer Daze, Everyone
x8 - 2ML $32
YSL L’homme/ La Nuit - OG, LNDL OG, Frozen Cologne, Libre, Cologne Gingembe, Jean Nouvel, Parfum intense, Le Parfum, Libre Cologne Tonic, Sport, Ultime, Cologne Bleue, LNDL Bleu Electrique, LNDL Le Parfum, LNDL Intense, LNDL Eau Electrique
x16 - 2ML $120
Versace Man - OG, Eau Fraiche
x2 - 2ML $10
YSL Kouros - Silver, Body
x2 - 2ML $12
D&G The One - OG, Parfum, Sport, Grey, Gentleman, EDP
x6 - 2ML $32
Terre D’Hermes - OG, Eau Givree, Parfum
x3 - 2ML $18
Bentley - Intense, Black, Silverlake, Absolute
x4 - 2ML $18
Dior Sauvage - OG, Elixir
x2 - 2ML $14
Clones - Khamrah, Asad, Ramz, Futura Parfum, CDN Intense, CDN Milestone, The Tux, Ameer Al Oud Intense, Fakhar, Badee Al Oud, Najdia, Ejazzi Silver, Tres Nuit Lyric, Hunter, L’aventure intense, Amber + Leather
2ML $4 Each
Miscellaneous - Boy Toy, Voyage, HIM, The Dreamer, Rogue Man, Star USA, Rochas Man, Deseo, Scandal, Light Blue, Light Blue Forever, Amber Intense, Phantom,
2ML $4-6 Each
submitted by Eelums86 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:07 cryotosensei Singapore empowers its citizens to use ETH in their everyday lives

Singapore empowers its citizens to use ETH in their everyday lives
Singapore empowers its people to use ETH in their everyday life
I have been wanting to try something out for a while. Grab, the super app in Singapore (that’s like UberEats, if that helps you to visualise the context better) has partnered with Triple A, a crypto payment platform. So, we can top up our wallet with ETH.
I had a free period at school, so instead of shitposting, I decided to test it out to see if it was really legit. So I initiated a test transaction of SGD$5.
Then, I pasted my Grab wallet’s ETH address on my MetaMask wallet. Honestly, the gas fees weren’t the most favourite this morning, but I still consider it as chump change. So I went ahead with the transaction.
You know the lump in your throat whenever you are anxious about whether something will materialise. Yes, I felt that and more. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait too long because the ETH arrived safe and sound in my Grab wallet.
It’s a crying shame that I cannot show you all the pictures I took in the process, but I think the screenshot of how my wallet was beefed up with my ETH is evidence enough.
I’m really excited that I can use ETH to order food takeout or hail a cab via GRAB. You know, all those everyday stuff! I wish ETH will be similarly adopted in your country too.
submitted by cryotosensei to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:07 ScareBros Tip: Extra dim lessens the effects of the anti-glare screen on the s24 ultra significantly.

I just got my s24 ultra about 2 days ago after like 7 years of researching phones and always wanting the best one. Finally getting it my most hyped feature by far was the anti glare screen.
When I tested it out, I could tell it was there, but it was not significant enough for me to immediately be like "WOW". I could read text in bright sun, but I couldn't read it well enough I could say for sure that it was a significant upgrade like the reviews were making it seem.
Then I found out about the extra dim feature, and was curious to try it out only to find out it was already on. Turning it off I immediately noticed a shift in the way the screen was being displayed and went to try it out outside to see if it made a difference.
It did.
I even tried the extra brightness feature and it makes it even better. Keep in mind, at least to my eyes, neither of these features just make the screen brighter or darker. It seems to change the way the screen is displayed. Almost like 3 brightness settings you can then further adjust with the slider. Turning up the brightness all the way on extra dim is still harder for me to see in the sun than half brightness on regular. It's weird but I don't know how else to explain it.
Bottom line, if you think this feature isn't good enough, try turning off extra dim. If it's still not enough turn on extra bright. You should see an extremely noticeable difference.
submitted by ScareBros to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:06 Jahu_ VB Temporary Screen Fix with 3D Printer Bed

Sorry for lack of photos, but I have the unit reassembled and really don't want to go through it again lol.
I was interested in trying the "Oven" trick @ but ovens with their bang-bang heating can sometimes pretty wildly vary in temp, and I didn't want to risk melting one of my VB displays.
Using a trick to separate roller wheel bearings on a 3D printer, I placed both screens, ribbon cable side down on my 3D printer bed and cranked the temp to 90C. (The article recommends 180-200F, 82C-93C). I took a few quarters and placed them on top of the circuit board to weigh it down so the ribbon made contact with the bed.
After about 5 minutes of heating, I pulled them off and "rubbed" down the cables to readhere them best I could. Followed by testing, reheating, testing, reheating, testing until I saw no missing display lines.
Afterward, I used a bit of Kapton tape to reinforce the cables.
Into the future I'm probably going to move forward with more permanently fixing my displays, but for now, I can play Mario Tennis over and over until I buy a new cart. (at least now, it's worth doing).
I hope this helps everyone a bit and hopefully reduces risk to damaging the displays further.
Does anyone else have experience with this? Also first post here fellow self-eyeball-wounding dudes
submitted by Jahu_ to VirtualBoy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:06 LittleGK24 FE Mechanical Practice Problems

I graduated this May and I’m taking my FE Exam at the end of August and I’ve been going through Lindenburg’s review manual. I’ve read from other posts that the most effective way to study and learn the reference handbook is to just do as many practice problems as I can. I have the NCEES practice exam already, but I want to save that to take as a practice test about a week before my actual one. In the meantime, I want to find the best book of problems to prepare me until then.
It seems people say that the Lindenburg practice problem book is much more difficult and a bit of overkill. The How to Pass on Your First Try problems are too easy, and the Iqbal book has a lot of errors.
I’m at a bit of a loss for which book would prepare me the best. I know that no book is going to be perfect, but I don’t want to waste my time or money on a book that won’t actually do me any good. Looking for any suggestions for those who have also taken the test. Thanks in advance!
submitted by LittleGK24 to FE_Exam [link] [comments]