Dose walmart sell blu cigs

State of Reclaimer Salvage

2024.05.16 22:58 cristafurs State of Reclaimer Salvage

I have been trying to do legitimate salvaging with the reclaimer and I am convinced that CIG made it very difficult to profit to force us into other game loops or they simply just didn't pay attention to what happened.
I personally enjoy salvaging and I agree with the changes that CIG has made when it comes to pricing of RMC and CM. However now I think they should revert back to having a 1400 SCU buffer since having that much in CM would net roughly short of 2 million and would take ages of traveling back and forth that would be AUEC well earned at that point. The 240 SCU feels small now considering if you RMC scrape like intended we then fill up some with CM and feels off when trying to string contracts together since you will have to print boxes that are really not worth much.
  1. What is the purpose of having 100k contract cost on a vanguard? I tried this contract out to see if there is something I'm missing, and I'm not. You come out at a loss after scraping, then munching and selling components. You will not make your 100k back. There is no rep gain for doing this. Why on earth do these small/medium or heavy fighter ship 100k contracts exsist?
  2. The clean up missions received a nerf, and I agree with this however now they are almost never popping up or are sniped by folks who are really thirty for AUEC.
  3. Bring back the 1400 SCU buffer.
  4. The legal 50k missions for Corsair seem to be the best as they do have a little bit of Cargo like what we were seeing in 3.22. Its a tiny amount but hey 1 SCU of quant is 25k. I think the Corsair is good balance because of the cargo. Anything that does not have cargo though is a complete bust. The risk reward is not severely skewed to the side of risk though.
With the buffer back to 1400, and bringing down the prices of contracts will open up this sense of journey in the reclaimer where I could bed log for maybe a week worth of playing (couple hours a day for maybe a few days a week)until I finally land to sell everything. It will feel somewhat like mining where there is a refinery cool down.
IDK boys it just doesn't seem fun that the only thing viable to do for salvaging are clean up missions that everyone is F2'ing staring at the mobiglass to try and snipe the mission. Bad design. I know its not intended but they have to have planned this terrible state of contracts for more reasons than a regular nerf because its just blatantly bad that no one will be selecting those contracts. Don't force me to play other aspects of the game bro I like salvaging. Anyway with that, I'll be upgrading the reclaimer to an Arrastra tomorrow and start mole grinding LULLLL
submitted by cristafurs to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:20 YourEvilHero Got banned on Snapchat as a premium subscriber? Contact your card holder and dispute the transaction. Hit them where it hurts the most, the wallet, then maybe they’ll learn customer service.

As someone who just took a customer service class, and recently had their account banned. Snapchat has horrific customer service, which is inexcusable as they now sell a service with Snapchat premium, for $30 a year. Initiating a chargeback against your Snapchat premium subscription not only hurts them financially, but can cause bigger problems if it begins happening more frequently and in large numbers. THIS WILL COST SNAPCHAT EXTRA MONEY and make things more difficult for them to make money in the future with whatever services they offer. Snapchat also isn’t a large retail service such as Walmart or Best Buy so their transactions are much less frequent which means this could screw them over compared to when a large retail business has frequent chargebacks.
Complaining about their lack of customer service on a free app hasn’t been doing anything, but now you can hit them financially by talking to your bank If you were or very recently became a Snapchat premium subscriber. At the very least, maybe they’ll learn better customer service if they start taking a financial blow.
A public company that sells a product with year long subscriptions but can terminate your account with 0 appeal process and it have a way to provide a refund is inexcusable.
submitted by YourEvilHero to SnapchatHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:09 jurgenkesker2 Etsy seller selling season 1-3 BluRay

So I am a fan of Final Space, and recently came across the season 1-3 bluray that is offered at Etsy. Price was/is around 45$ so I was thinking that it was a legit official one. (I was not aware that only season 1-2 was officially released).
Today I received the blurays, and it turns out they are just burned blurays and a (poorly) printed cover.
I was quite pissed, cause if I wanted a pirated version I would download it myself (Which I am doing now). The seller does not indicate anything on his listing that it's a copy or self created thing. And he asks 45$ for it.
I am even more pissed because nothing of that money is going to the creator or rights holders. If he offered them for 10$ then I would 1. know it's fake, 2. not let someone profit of creative work of other people.
The seller ofcourse defended his 'work'. Besides that it's likely illegal to sell such things on Etsy, I am wondering, am I crazy for being pissed? Or are many people here buying these things?
submitted by jurgenkesker2 to FinalSpace [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:03 SemiLazyGamer According to Walmart, Nintendo isn't allowing stores to sell the Paper Mario: The Thoisand Year Door Remake physically online
submitted by SemiLazyGamer to GamingLeaksAndRumours [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:03 RevolutionaryEgg4145 [US][Selling] Sealed copy of Leon Morin, Priest Blu-ray (OOP Criterion Collection)

[US][Selling] Sealed copy of Leon Morin, Priest Blu-ray (OOP Criterion Collection) submitted by RevolutionaryEgg4145 to criterion [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:02 RevolutionaryEgg4145 [US][Selling] Sealed copy of Leon Morin, Priest Blu-ray (OOP Criterion Collection)

[US][Selling] Sealed copy of Leon Morin, Priest Blu-ray (OOP Criterion Collection)
Still sealed copy of oop criterion bluray: Leon Morin, Priest. As shown in the second picture, the back cover has a small tear in the circled area likely from a denting during shipping.
Asking for $25 shipped. PayPal F&F only.
submitted by RevolutionaryEgg4145 to MediaSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:56 Switchibot Amazon and Now Walmart Have Cancelled Preorders for Paper Mario Thousand Year Door. Walmart Will Sell In-Store Only. Print for TTYD Might Be on the Smaller Side.

Amazon and Now Walmart Have Cancelled Preorders for Paper Mario Thousand Year Door. Walmart Will Sell In-Store Only. Print for TTYD Might Be on the Smaller Side. submitted by Switchibot to SwitchUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:50 FullmetalPain22 Amazon and Now Walmart Have Cancelled Preorders for Paper Mario Thousand Year Door. Walmart Will Sell In-Store Only. Print for TTYD Might Be on the Smaller Side.

Amazon and Now Walmart Have Cancelled Preorders for Paper Mario Thousand Year Door. Walmart Will Sell In-Store Only. Print for TTYD Might Be on the Smaller Side. submitted by FullmetalPain22 to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:48 justalazygamer Walmart maybe be cancelling all of their online Paper Mario orders and only selling in store.

Walmart maybe be cancelling all of their online Paper Mario orders and only selling in store. submitted by justalazygamer to papermario [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:38 Mmpizzapizza Ttyd remake not available at walmart or amazon

My pre order from walmart was just canceled because "at this time nintendo is only selling the game in stores", and the game is not listed on walmart's website or amazon
submitted by Mmpizzapizza to nintendo [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:30 kinnkykitten Lost

I’m not really sure how much background to give to this but I will say I have a therapist, I’m working through some serious trauma (loss of a child), and chronically ill.
I don’t know what to do now. My car started breaking down a few months ago. Got it fixed and ended up being in debt 2000$ (car value 2800), then the car stopped again. At which point I was pretty pissed because they were supposed to have run codes and said nothing came back even though the check engine light has BEEN on for a while now.
Then my partner finally got a job after months of us applying and both trying. It wasn’t much but 12$ hr would do. Then our first bike broke down, that’s fine he has another. Then he wipes out getting waters from the gas station for us bc it was night and traffic is crazy. So he couldn’t work. (Got injured doing ok now. Still healing)
House is falling apart. We live in an rv because I was previously in a bad situation and had to get out, it was my cheapest option since I didn’t have friends (grew up moving a lot.) sink faucet is broken, water isn’t safe to drink, haven’t had hot water in 6m cause we can’t afford propane, then the floor started going soft, and now the outlets sizzle and smoke so we can’t use them.
Don’t have a washer or dryer or car so I’ve been washing everything by hand in the sink with hot water from a tea kettle
Now we have an extension cord coming in from outside
We don’t have Wi-Fi at home and only my partner has a phone plan with limited data so all Wi-Fi goes to job search and isn’t good enough to work from home or start a small business on.
There is a clay studio near us and we took a class together a few months ago so we thought about doing pottery there and selling it but they won’t email me back and require you to email them to schedule a time to come in and prove competency.
We can’t do online school because of the Wi-Fi issue and I got locked out of my school stuff when my phone got shut down. My school has been of no help and says I need to contact another company which without Wi-Fi again is a struggle.
The nearest coffee shop or Walmart with Wi-Fi is near where he worked which is a 2hr walk minimum and we live in fl
I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel so lost. I want to keep moving forward but every direction is a brick wall
TL;DR what do you do when you are broke without a car or bike and everything is far away? How do you get out of the financial gutter without Internet.
submitted by kinnkykitten to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:53 IHaveNoIdeaForAnName Looking for Stores that sell old stuff

I'm looking for like stores that sell old stuff that no longer sells in Gamestop, Target, Walmart. Like Skylanders. Is there any good stores that sell stuff that isnt on the shelf anymore?
submitted by IHaveNoIdeaForAnName to Katy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:47 d00dlepea Credit Card Pairing Advice?

Context: I have recently started being proactive in my credit card rewards/points/cashback programs. Prior to the past 5 months I have always been fairly lazy about it. However since the new year I decided to take all of the expenses my wife and I have to see if I would actively keep it up. So far I have already maxed out my Amex's BCE 3% on U.S. Online Retail Purchases and now at 1%. I am closing in on maxing out groceries and gas. I have also been keeping up with the additional offers: total rewards earned so far in 2024: $510. However after doing this it looks like I could be doubling up and better maximizing my rewards. I just got the CSP this week and I am looking to for advice about pairing credit cards/applying for new cards that would work best for me while optimizing my return. Based off what I can see it looks like CFF or CFU are the best cards to pair with CSP? But I am also wondering what I should do about the Amex. Should I upgrade to BCP or Gold and pair that with the Wells Fargo AC as a catch all? Recommendations/advice would be great! (Also I think that Amex platinum would have been good if I was not straddled with toddlers and travelled more like I did pre-kid. Anyone with kids that travels less now I would love to hear your opinion on the Amex platinum).
MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS (delete lines that don't apply)

submitted by d00dlepea to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:18 unstabilite My mom always ask me for money and I don’t like helping her

I (21f) moved out and live with my bf. My mother works at Walmart and Ross as a side job. My mom continuously asks me for money. Me and my mother don’t have the best history and I personally don’t really like helping her, mostly due to the fact that I was raised poorly by her, my mom is a liar, very too faced women, and when I needed help and was doing things on my own, she didn’t help me.
My mom is a selfish person and if money is involved in anything, she’s a dog. My childhood was rough because of her and unfortunately my sisters will be as well (12 and 7 years old). She always begs my sister dad for money and he gives it to her but she would always use the kids as an excuse. He literally helps her with half of the bills and he gives her money for the kids but we never understood where all the money goes because she’s always crying that she can’t pay her bills, my sisters don’t have the best clothes and they’re always going to school looking a mess. My mom is the worst human being and I have so much resentment for her. She only contacts me when she needs money and will act like she wants to know how I’m doing so she can ask me for money. She’s put us in bad situations that I had to get ourselves out of (almost getting kicked out even though she knew months in advance that landlord was selling the house)
I also hate helping my mother because she never tries to improve herself, she continues her acts because she knows she has support systems in her corner that will help her whenever she needs. I usually feel guilty when I don’t sometimes and end up sending her money anyways. I want to cut her out of my life but I can’t because I don’t want to let my sisters suffer so I try and help them as much as I can. My mom doesn’t do her job as a parent, I resent her so much because she raised my sisters so poorly and I warned her of the outcome and tried to help her parent properly but my mom never listens. I feel bad for my sisters because this isn’t their fault that they’re bad and don’t listen.
Anyway, sorry about the rant but if she would put some effort in improving then ok but she doesn’t. Is it bad that I don’t like helping her and want to just stop?
submitted by unstabilite to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:15 unstabilite My mom always ask me for money and I don’t like helping her

I (21f) moved out and live with my bf. My mother works at Walmart and Ross as a side job. My mom continuously asks me for money. Me and my mother don’t have the best history and I personally don’t really like helping her, mostly due to the fact that I was raised poorly by her (when I say poorly I mean poorly parenting wise) my mom is a liar, very too faced women, and when I needed help and was doing things on my own, she didn’t help me.
My mom is a selfish person and if money is involved in anything, she’s a dog. My childhood was rough because of her and unfortunately my sisters will be as well (12 and 7 years old). She always begs my sister dad for money and he gives it to her but she would always use the kids as an excuse. He literally helps her with half of the bills and he gives her money for the kids but we never understood where all the money goes because she’s always crying that she can’t pay her bills, my sisters don’t have the best clothes and they’re always going to school looking a mess. My mom is the worst human being and I have so much resentment for her. She only contacts me when she needs money and will act like she wants to know how I’m doing so she can ask me for money. She’s put us in bad situations that I had to get ourselves out of (almost getting kicked out even though she knew months in advance that landlord was selling the house)
I also hate helping my mother because she never tries to improve herself, she continues her acts because she knows she has support systems in her corner that will help her whenever she needs. I usually feel guilty when I don’t sometimes and end up sending her money anyways. I want to cut her out of my life but I can’t because I don’t want to let my sisters suffer so I try and help them as much as I can. My mom doesn’t do her job as a parent, I resent her so much because she raised my sisters so poorly and I warned her of the outcome and tried to help her parent properly but my mom never listens. I feel bad for my sisters because this isn’t their fault that they’re bad and don’t listen.
Anyway, sorry about the rant but if she would put some effort in improving then ok but she doesn’t. Is it bad that I don’t like helping her and want to just stop?
Edit: I see people here saying that I’m upset that she’s poor, I wish I could type my whole life out but I can’t but I’ll give you guys some ideas. She raised me around a bunch of child molesters, in high school I needed her the most I was bad in school, hanging around the wrong crowd, I was crying out for help, when I was sitting in front of her face balling my eyes out telling her how I felt she laughed at me and called me crazy, since that day everything changed, I became a hate filled mess, that day if she would’ve been there for me I feel everything would’ve been different, that day will always be implanted in my brain till the day I die. My whole teenage years I tried building a bond with this women but she would tell me something different then turn her back and talk shit about me to my old step dad. When he was living with us, for years he was molesting me, I told her about it finally when I was 18 years old, instead of kicking him out of the house to protect her youngest daughters, she let him stay and didn’t say anything to him. I always did everything on my own even if it didn’t involve money, everyday when I didn’t have a car and I was taking the bus to and from work in the hot sweating heat, she never tried to help me, she’d get slick with me and give me an attitude. So yes I fucking hate her. I had a discussion with her years ago and told her I am not interested in building a bond but she needs to raise my sisters better then she raised me and she’s doing an awful job at it. She wants to move this random man that she met in Haiti into our home with my little sisters, she has no sort of awareness and I had to scream at her that I am not allowing her to let that random man in the house. (Maybe he isn’t that kind of guy but my mom is careless and I want to protect my sisters as much as I can) My mom cares about men more than she does her own daughters which is why I’ve been molested multiple times as a kid. For years I have been trying to teach my mother on how to be a mother, she could care less. So everyone jumping to conclusions that I hate my mom because she’s poor can fuck off, if anything I’ll take being in poverty if it means I’d be protected and loved by my mother.
There’s more to this but I needed her as a mother since I was young and she was never there so I don’t feel I should be for her either, I’m sticking around to help my sisters as much as I can but my mom can suffer for all I care.
submitted by unstabilite to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:10 Chonkin_GuineaPig Is it legal to open up a RedBubble store while on disability? Desperate for answers.

I thought about investing my time into emulating games on a Steamdeck as I have absolutely nothing to do with myself in a small rural town with little to no internet. All there is to do around is shop at DG/Walmart and eat out at fast food joints. At least with the Steamdeck, I could run a bunch of old ROMs that don't require internet.
I've gotten bored with my 2022 Samsung tablet as all the apps tend to be non-functional due to ads and subscription paywall unless I dig my way through bootleg sites to download a specific APK. Half my favorite games are incompatible with newer technology. I deliberately asked for an older model from 2019 since they're better made, but my parents said no.
I've tried to run a PC emulator on my tablet, but just about everything on the app store is complete garbage these days. The Switch library mostly consists of overpriced garbage and my console dies within 45 minutes to an hour on full charge even if I manually shut it down every time.
I understand the need for being grateful, but all these consoles/tablets/etc. add up and everyone else being hoarders is just too much for me. I get that the Steamdeck is not a fix-all, but it would keep down the overall clutter for the most part and emulating old ROMs would finally give my brain something to look forward to.
I've tried explaining to my family what the Steamdeck was and how I was gonna use it, and their response is that I can't just expect handouts all the time and I need to get out there and work. I have no issue applying for Walmart to pay for it at all if it weren't for my ongoing health issues.
I cannot apply for a position at any workplace because of my health concerns that involves the consistent dropping of items or bumping into and knocking over objects. I've also been experiencing things like undiagnosed heart/vascular that would make it difficult to work a part time job without falling and getting hurt. My guardians don't want me going to the doctor and there's nothing I can do about it.
As for the Steamdeck, I was mostly gonna leave it docked to the TV or prop it up against the table with a stand and use a Bluetooth controller with it while at group therapy. I'm mostly into getting one so I can emulate older games with updates for newer software as well as access to the regular Steam library.
I've tried setting boundaries during Christmas/birthdays nearly a dozen times over and absolutely nobody is willing to work with me at all. The only way I can buy anything for myself (regardless of what it is) would be to sell my own artwork online.
I was gonna close down the shop immediately after paying for the Steamdeck and open it back up around Christmas/birthdays so I can buy myself the stuff I've already had in mind for ages since everyone thinks it's selfish to ask for cash or gift cards.
I would have to use direct printing services like RedBubble and Society6 because conditions at the facility are less than ideal and I don't want to get dirt in any of the packages or have someone else steal them. Plus there's no way to ship anything out on my own since they only have a PO box.
People online say that making any kind of side money at ALL is illegal even if I were to do regular commissions or sell pieces at an art gallery, but I can't really tell at this point. I'm just tired of relying on people who hand me all this cheap junk from DG that I don't need and can't get rid of right after I beg and plead for them to stop.
The amount of money that the place I'm staying owes us would be enough to cover a basic one, but they're probably not going to give us our allowance back until I'm long gone. Some residents have already started getting their money and it looks like backpay is practically out of the question.
I'm sad about not being able to get one because I really wanted something to do over the summer since I can't afford to go to leave the building. I guess I could save $60 a month and end up getting one in about a year, but the only issue with that is not knowing if I'm even gonna get my monthly allowance back at all.
There's nothing that really prevents residents from going into each other's rooms and stealing each other's monthly allowance either since it's all in dollar bills, so having it sent directly to a debit card would make it more secure. I can't trust my parents to take all those dollar bills to the bank either because they'll just spend it on themselves.
I've been wanting to move to a safer area for a long time, but I can't live on my own with the way I am and social workers have been trying to put me on a waitlist for a medical waiver that could take up to a decade or more (that's if I even qualify at all).
Any suggestions?
submitted by Chonkin_GuineaPig to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:04 skywalker2984 [WTS] Logitech G 813 Gaming Keyboard [4 yrs old]

[WTS] Logitech G 813 Gaming Keyboard [4 yrs old]
Reasons for selling: No longer in use. I moved to the Apple Ecosystem
Purchase Date: 18 Jul 2020 from Amazon India. I have the original invoice
Condition: Excellent. No damages/scratches. Rarely used.
Location: Bengaluru. I can Dunzo/Porter to anywhere in Bengaluru for free. For any other place, will ship via BluDart/Shiprocket.
Ask price: INR 8K (8.5K if I am shipping it outside Bengaluru)
Serious buyers only.

submitted by skywalker2984 to mkindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:40 prod7dk Reseller Inventory Processing System (At Scale)

Reseller Inventory Processing System (At Scale)
For a little bit of background context, I run a company based in Canada that sells items through Amazon FBA, Walmart, BestBuy, eBay, FaceBook Marketplace, and Kijiji (Canada's craigslist), and we are looking to expand to other third-party marketplaces, and even build our own website. Year-to-date, we have done around $85,000 CAD in sales, so we are still considered to be a small business. In terms of operations, I have a part-time employee in Canada that works around 5 hours a week, and I have a full-time employee overseas. Our company also has an inventory brokering service (companies that want to sell their inventory through our sales channels), that we have recently started. Now, here's where things get interesting.
For one of our clients (electrical contractor) in the inventory brokering side of the business, they just purchased a huge lot of overstock inventory from one of their suppliers (electrical supplies like receptacles, plates, switches, so on and so forth). I'm talking 15 skids worth of inventory with a retail value of $115,000+ CAD. We were assigned this job, and as you can tell, the amount of inventory we will have to process is crazy (at least to us). So here's the kicker, I am looking at an inventory processing system at this scale which would make sense.
I am looking for something all-in-one from receiving to shipping out. What we currently do is something like this:
As you can see, this is not efficient, as any units sent off to Amazon FBA, do not get listed on the other platforms, and vice versa (we are losing potential sales due to this).
With this huge 15 skid lot, I want to fix this issue, and have all of our inventory numbers synced in between platforms. Also, I would like to make it easier to list across platforms (list it from one central app, instead of listing it on Amazon, Walmart, BestBuy and so on separately). I was also wondering what other processed that bigger resellers use to accurately track and fulfill their inventory, and how do you decide where each piece of inventory goes to, as well as selling wholesale lots/B2B. Inventory management is another issue we are facing.
Any advice is greatly appreciated! I can also answer any questions anyone might have! This is a huge stepping stone for the business, and I'm very excited to start this journey. Looking forward to what everyone has to say!
submitted by prod7dk to Flipping [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:28 ThoughtfulYeti My biggest disappointment of 3.23

The removal of transportation beacons. They were my favorite thing. I would drop anything I was doing when I saw one pop. Why is it only escort and medical beacons now? I feel like it would be easy enough to add greater variety since they only really need the appropriate text associated with them. Transportation, refuel, making your own salvage beacons people can pay for.
I feel like these kinds of mechanisms are great for fairly organic encounters. Imagine bounty hunting being more profitable from selling salvage contracts afterwards. Imagine starfarer players finally having their chance to shine! Bring back more player beacons CIG!
submitted by ThoughtfulYeti to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:25 mclovindee [US] [Trading] looking for several series

Hey everyone looking to trade several series from my selling post for certain volumes/series I'm looking to start/complete. All selling questions or interest please refer to my last selling post.
Any successful trades will be shipped out next week. Please note anything not listed has been sold on a previous post.
Soul Eater singles complete(G3-4)
Soul eater Not 1-4(G4)
Dogs bullet and carnage complete (G3-4)
Edens zero 1-18(G3-4)
Street Fighter II 1-3 and Alpha 1-2 (udon) (G5)
Attack on Titan vol 34 variants kinokuniya and BAM (G5)
Taboo Tattoo 4-13(G4)
Chained solider 1-3(G4)
Drifters 1-6(G3)
Smokin parade 2-4:(G4)
Bamboo blade complete (G3)
omamori himari complete(G4-5) *vols 8-12 are still sealed*
MANGA I WANT: (highest to lowest priority)
Delicious in dungeon vols 5-12
Gundam Thunderbolt 14-20
Highschool DxD manga 1-11 + asia and Koneko's contract spin off
Grimgar LN vols 13, 15, and 19
COTE Year 2 vols 1-8
Golden Kamuy complete
Mushoku Tensei season 1 part 2 blu ray
Open to other possible series
submitted by mclovindee to mangaswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:24 J_loop18 Flea collar recommendations?

Recently adopted a stray siamese cat, I tried the generic antiflea collar they sell in Walmart, as it had worked in my previous cat that had thicker hair. This kitty was very irritated by the collar and lost some hair even, any recomendations?
submitted by J_loop18 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:59 CodAdvanced8933 Dune 1 Steelbook back in stock.
Good luck everyone, I was just able to buy one online.
submitted by CodAdvanced8933 to 4kbluray [link] [comments]