Latin tattoos

Latin tattoos are really cool

2013.09.25 23:55 Latin tattoos are really cool

Ideas and translations for tattoos in Latin.

2008.08.27 07:36 The Latin Language

This is a community for discussions related to the Latin language.

2008.06.24 03:01 Tattoos

Welcome to the Tattoos subreddit community

2024.06.09 21:58 Cheese_Activist Eclectic, alternative type (M) looking for cool local girl

I consider myself an alternative type of guy, I have tattoos, work as an artist and designer, I listen to goth/industrial and indie music and love art and arty films. I aspire to be an author and I write music. Obviously my life is all about creativity and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m a very active person. I like to take care of myself (I exercise regularly, eat healthy, avoid most of the bad things because I’ve done most of it and now I’m just trying to maintain this existence). I read a lot, I’ve taught myself Spanish and aspire to learn German as well, I have a deep love of language. I am endlessly curious and passionate and have a real love of life. I love alternative and electronic music and prefer that you do too. I'm into classic films, art house, film noir, surrealism, literature, philosophy, psychology, quantum and astrophysics, Latin culture, travel, and living life as the adventure that it is. I am 420 friendly (I don’t smoke but I do love edibles). I’m 🍄 also friendly.
I’m looking for someone 25 and older for fun times: hanging out, watching movies, going for walks, listening to music, interesting conversations, eating food, breathing air, drinking cold beverages, you know, human stuff. And maybe even sexy stuff if we have that kind of chemistry (I hope so). I prefer that you are in shape, have an independent life with your own interests, are emotionally mature, intellectually curious, inherently adventurous, and enjoy cozy nights at home as well as doing stuff out and about. When it comes to sex I’m more into the kinky side of things so it would be better for us if you are too.
What I’m not looking for is someone who doesn’t really know who they are or what they want. I’m not interested in someone who engages in magical thinking or believes in pseudoscience, plays video games all the time, is religious, conservative, or radical about anything except living life fully.
At the moment I am moving into a home I just bought here in St Cloud so we would have a lovely private place to hang out together. If any or all of this sounds interesting to you and you would like to chat and see if we might get along I’d love to hear from you.
submitted by Cheese_Activist to saintcloud [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:00 AutoModerator Translation requests into Latin go here!

  1. Ask and answer questions about mottos, tattoos, names, book titles, lines for your poem, slogans for your bowling club’s t-shirt, etc. in the comments of this thread. Separate posts for these types of requests will be removed.
  2. Here are some examples of what types of requests this thread is for: Example #1, Example #2, Example #3, Example #4, Example #5.
  3. This thread is not for correcting longer translations and student assignments. If you have some facility with the Latin language and have made an honest attempt to translate that is NOT from Google Translate, Yandex, or any other machine translator, create a separate thread requesting to check and correct your translation: Separate thread example. Make sure to take a look at Rule 4.
  4. Previous iterations of this thread.
  5. This is not a professional translation service. The answers you get might be incorrect.
submitted by AutoModerator to latin [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:44 mcscrubbinbutts In Progress > as many languages as possible.

I have an idea for a tattoo that would be the phrase of "In Progress" in as many languages I can. I think my life being in Progress no matter how its phrased or where i go seems really cool. I was hoping to start here that way I can get as many accurate translations as I can before attempting what's left myself. Below is a list of languages I could think of off the top of my head but it'd not an exclusive list and I'd love to have every languages or at least a large amount of languages. I know it's a lot, but I would be deeply appreciative of anyone who can help. If it goes well, I can add your name to the language(s) you translate.
Sanskrit Hebrew Arabic Hindi Cantonese Nepalese Kurdish Latin Roman Afrikaans Greek Korean Japanese Napali Icelandic French Dutch Cuban Spanish Portuguese Czech Hungarian Irish Nordic Hatian creole Kyrgyzstan Russian Persian Gaelic Sindhi Egyptian Thai Cambodian Algerian Welsh Albanian Swedish Uzbekistan Bhojpuri Amharic
Since everybody wants to be a stickler about what I do with my own body Instead of just helping somebody that's asking, I guess I will just go back to Google Translate and hope it all works out. I have plenty of Nonsense tattoos, What's another 5-10 words that only I care about.thanks for not helping and asserting your ideals about my body though 💩
submitted by mcscrubbinbutts to translator [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:08 LittleCandidate8359 Help with latin spelling

I’m wanting to get a “cede nullis” tattoo. As far as I know this wasn’t a phrase used in ancient Rome, but I was hoping y’all could help me with the correct latin spelling. Would it be proper latin if it was spelt cede nvllis? I’m still learning so am ignorant with a lot of things but the phrase is important to me. Thanks in advance 8)
submitted by LittleCandidate8359 to ancientrome [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:25 DaniDaniDa Cyrillic letters

Hello, I was planning on getting a tattoo of a Cyrillic name and had two questions if anyone feels kind enough to answer.
It only contains letters found in the Latin alphabet, but I was wondering if the lowercase "c" and "p" look exactly identical even though they represent different sounds, or if there are some minor differences.
It also has a lowercase "t", which in Cyrillic is written like a smaller version of "T", and I wasn't sure if that sign can be made in Arial, since I have a corresponding tattoo using that font on my other arm and would like to use the same if possible. If not, any ideas for a similar-looking font with the same simplicity would be appreciated.
Sorry if my question was framed in a confusing way, and thanks for any help.
submitted by DaniDaniDa to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:00 anon8in13 Books to learn about Catholicism

A friend of mine is basically agnostic, but has shown interest in Catholicism. She was Non-Denominational but has since fallen away from God. What she sees of Catholicism she thinks is pretty cool but finds it hard to dive into it because she's not really convinced of the Bible (protestant teachings messed her up). Does anyone have recommendations on little books she could get into to just introduce certain parts of Catholicism?
She's interested in the more gothic side, enjoys saints and such (has St. Michael tattooed along with some latin prayers) and has interest in exorcist stories.
Shes currently deployed so any books that kind of explain biblical stories, how the church works n such, I know she enjoyed this saint comic book haha
I was thinking of getting her a Catechism but that's like handing a child a dictionary to learn how to read
submitted by anon8in13 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:05 CeIIuIose Cel Aria - The Tempter of Titans, Radiant Rogue of Romance, Celestial Conqueror of Hearts

"Here he is; Our Lovelorn Phantom, the Bewitching Blaze Survivor, Herald of the Heart and Phoenix of Passion. The Enigma of Eros, Cel Aria."
Name: Celestial "Cel" Amare Aria Date of Birth: June 6th
Age: 18 Gender: Male (He/Him/His)
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Nationality: American
Race: Brazilian-Caucasian (French) Fatal Flaw: Wrath
Demigod Conundrums: ADHD and Dyslexia Hometown: Scarsdale, New York
His name was given to him by his mom. She told Cel that he would 'grow to shine brighter than the stars.' "Amare" means "Love" in Latin, it was given to him by his father for reasons unknown. Cel believes it serves as a reminder that "love" is always with him.
Family Members
Family Age Description Relationship
Father: Eros Old enough to steal your girl The god of Love, Desire, and Pleasure. Cel finally had the pleasure of meeting his father after falling into a coma. It goes without saying, but Cel loves him with all of his heart and wants to make him proud. Eros is proud that Cel is growing and loves him. He's even blessed Cel's relationship with Seth, if you can believe it! Their relationship is probably closer than most demigods with their immortal parents.
Mother: Andrea Aria-Almeida 45 An emergency room nurse practitioner. She looks no older than 25 and is one of the most gentle and caring women you'll ever meet. Her arms are open to all who are in need. Andrea always made time for Cel in his childhood. She is a strong woman, a First-Generation immigrant with a strong work ethic who taught her son to always be kind and thoughtful. She loves son and would move the Heavens and Earth for him if she could, and vice-versa.
Family is an important facet of life, especially to Cel. Once he learned the words 'mom' and 'dad' he began to daydream what it would be like to meet his own father. After talking to Eros he still wasn't satisfied and would give anything to talk with him again! He holds each of his family members in high regard and keeps in contact with them as much as he can! He consistently writes letters to his mom while at Camp and is planning to attend NYU in the Fall in part to stay close to her.
"Yeah, he's basically obsessed with me. Got him eating out of the palm of my hand." - Seth Westley
Name Relationship Description
Seth Westley Boyfriend [Redacted]
David Ruiz Best Friend A friendship forged in the fires of love and war. That should be a metaphor, but David and Cel quite literally became friends through constant clashing of their respective powers in an effort to train. What began as a mentor-mentee relationship blossomed into a strong friendship that could last even a Styx Oath. Cel is so proud of the man that David has become and is so happy to call him his friend. He's had some pretty bad experience with mentors, and David made up for all of that. Together, with Jules, they make up 1/3 of Triple Threat.
Jules Morgan Best Friend2 It began on a fateful day when a motorcycle lunatic crashed into a tree and began crying over his lost love. Cel offered to show him around Camp and the rest is history. Jules has made Cel countless prototype weapons for testing. Some that work, others that don't, and many that probably violate some kind of international war laws. Cel has watched this guy grow (metaphorically, not literally) from a machine crazed sociopath into a machine crazed sociopath with a girlfriend. Any time with Jules is sure to be a riot, with a bunch of insults sprinkled in for good measure. With David, the three boys make up Triple Threat, their brotherhood.
Walker Marshall Aged (emphasis) Ally Both of these guys have been around for an insanely long time. Walker was at Camp Half-Blood before Cel even got there, so they've known each other for a while. Cel is trauma bonded to him after everything that happened with the Son of Metis (see; statues, Medusa, etc). He views Walker as a strong ally, and a loyal friend. They had their rough patches during the aftermath of the war over the throne of Olympus but all of that is water under the bridge now. It's hard to keep friends at Camp Half-Blood, people always come and go, sometimes never coming back. Cel is grateful for that constant southern drawl he knows is always around the corner at the Demeter cabin.
Sadira Andersen Budding Buddy This little one somehow managed her way into Cel's dreamscape after his mysterious three-month blip from reality. She saw deep cut secrets that Cel didn't share with the world. Trauma of his past that eats at him every day. The girl is the mediator and Cel wants her to focus on being a kid. They don't know each other well, but Sadira is definitely on Cel's radar. She may not know it, but he's looking out for her.
Quincy "Quinn" Rockford Crabby Comrade Quinn is an enigma to Cel. One moment, they're brash and abrasive like the back side of a sponge, the next a broken child trying to heal parental trauma. Cel gave Quinn a present for Christmas because he wanted to let them know they were seen. He let them know about the secret burrow of bunnies near the Eros cabin as well. Cel understands their abrasiveness and respects it, but also keeps his distance because of it. You can't help someone who doesn't want it, and Cel isn't going to drag himself through the thorns of Quinn's attitude until they're ready to open up. He's always there for the kid, though, they just need to say the word.
Amelia "Mel" Hayes Tattooed Twin Another friend as old as Cel's time at Camp. Amelia is a constant laugh, her personality is crazy and infectious. Together in a trip to Atlantic City they both shoplifted an entire store (love and humor) then proceeded to get tattoos together. If Cel needs a partner in crime, aside from Seth, he knows he can always count on Amelia for a good time. He loves hearing her shout insults from across the way and the roar in her iconic laugh. There's nothing better than a good laugh, after all.
Harper Morales Magazine Mate Since meeting Harper has been nothing but kind to Cel. She was there after the entire Capture the Flag debacle when Lupa Hines punched him in the face for his emotional assault. It was a rough time, what with Seth not talking to Cel and a lot of irritation at his powers going around, but Harper was such a breath of fresh air in that trying time. Her personality always has Cel feeling light and happy. He's constantly impressed by her work with The Camp Half-Blood Chronicle. He's even thought about stealing her for his own magazine.
Booker Fink Prankster Pal New friends never hurt, it was always an avenue for new beginnings. Cel first met Booker when he decided to throw lightning bolts at Cel's boyfriend. But- that was training, Cel couldn't blame him for anything that happened during training. They reunited at David's birthday party and seemed to hit it off in an smooth way. Booker seems to want to train with Cel. Cel wants to hear more about what past came with Booker. Who knows where their friendship will grow from here.
Caspian Kaito Nostalgic Neighbor These two have a complicated history. Within the first five minutes of Cel meeting Caspian he zapped him with love magic. A weird crush ensued shortly after... which made things awkward for the two boys who otherwise would've have an amazing friendship. They fought alongside each other in the War for Olympus when the Son of Metis returned, burying the hatchet and forging a friendship on its grave. Cel attended Cas' graduation and wished him well into adulthood. He often wonders how the guy is doing now...
"I heard he got burned alive but he said it only made him hotter" - Walker Marshall
Faceclaim Height Build Weight Hair Eye Color Piercings
Right Here 6'2 Muscular, but lean. His body isn't burly due to muscles, he's more toned than built. How rude of you to ask! Wavy and Light brown; Normally left to be messy and do its thing. Although, his hair never seems to get too unruly Deep Red Both ears are pierced. with doubles. Cel usually sports a simple stud and a small hoop. (Note: This is NOT his Faceclaim)
"It's so easy to get lost in those red eyes." - David Ruiz
  • A visage of his father, some even may even for the other. Passerby who have met Cel describe him as one of the most striking people they've ever seen. The son of love turns heads wherever he walks. His face is a mastery of divine artisanship. Smooth, as if he was sculpted directly from marble by the great artisans of past with perfect symmetry. His tanned skin is soft, lacking any imperfections of the sort. His lips were the color of fresh rose petals and give way to the most illuminating, tantalizing grin some may ever see. It casts an inviting, enticing light on any who lay their eyes on him and held the power to warm the coldest of hearts and disarm the fiercest foes. This smile is both mischievous and sincere, imbued with a flirtatious charm so infectious that you can't help but smile back. His most captivating feature, though, are his deep red eyes. Intensely red like the embers of a dying star or the last traces of a sunset dipped in fire. A color so deep its like every valentine in the world was drained and distilled into one vibrant mixture. These eyes are a paradox of loving warmth and imminent danger, smoldering with unimaginable depth that seems to dip into the very soul of whoever Cel casts his gaze upon. Half-lidded and flirtatious, it is a gaze so hypnotic that sometimes the entire world falls away and you become the sole focus of his universe. His hair is a cascade of silky strands the color of valentines chocolate. A strand never out of place, always appearing painstakingly styled yet moving effortlessly with Cel's every action. It framed his face perfectly, accentuating each and every feature to bring it to life. He stands tall, exuding a presence that commands attention and respect. His body is sculpted with lean, defined muscles that speak of agility and strength, a testament to his prowess in battle and his divine heritage. Each movement he makes is fluid and graceful, a dance of power and elegance that mesmerizes all who watch him. His hands are both delicate and strong, with long, tapered fingers that move with an almost magical grace. Whether he's wielding a weapon or simply reaching out to a friend, his movements are always precise and elegant, hinting at his extraordinary control and dexterity. Those who get close enough to him may even notice he smells faintly of chocolate. Cel Aria is a intoxicating blend of divine beauty and otherworldly charm, a welcoming smile that leaves everyone who crosses his past feeling uplifted. A demigod whose appearance and presence leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all who encounter him.
  • In the past Cel never cared much for his attire. As he's grown and weaved his way through the life, he gained an increased interest in the world of fashion. Now his closet is nearly bursting at the seams with clothes of each and every category, from thrift store to designer boutique, and even some from the bottom of a dumpster. He often opts for a comfortable, yet stylish outfit in his day-to-day. However, finding Cel wandering the campgrounds in sweatpants or a workout outfit is far from uncommon. Even if he has become somewhat of a fashionista, nothing beats the classics.
"He doesn't actually like chocolate" Caspian Kaito
  • Amare and Virtus: Twin-knives enchanted by Brandon to turn invisible whenever Cel does. Sadly, the knives only stay invisible when they're in his hands. Whenever they aren't in use, they appear as beaded bracelets on his wrists.
  • Eros' Ring: A ring given to Cel by Eros. It's now Cel's most prized possession as it was given to him straight off of his father's hand. It's rose gold with grey in the middle and fits Cel's ring finger perfectly.
  • Heart-Breaker: Cel's celestial bronze sword with a small, ring shaped hole through the base. A normal sword from the armory that doubles as a ring in its dormant form. When Cel needs to change between the forms, he flips ring to make it into a sword. To go back to ring form, he slides his finger through the hole at the base.
  • Heart-Seeker: A gift from Cel's friend Jules. It's a simple compound bow with a matching a magical bracelet. It's mystical gimmick is that the arrows it fires home in on targets. The lock on mechanism is through the bracelet, which cools slightly on Cel's wrist once he finds a target. It's dormant form is an bow shaped charm that hands from the bracelet. It's activated by pulling the charm off the bracelet.
  • Boots of Aria: Greaves gifted to Cel by Simon. When he crouches, his jump gets exponentially stronger. When jumping from a full crouch he can jump 6 feet in the air! ___ # Abilities and Skillset
"I hear the training dummies actually line up to be his target." - Harper Morales
  • Amokinesis - "Love's Puppeteer" - The ability to manipulate a target's emotions, specific to the domain of the user's godrent. (For Eros - Love Manipulation/Amokinesis).
    • This is Cel's bread and butter ability. As the son of Eros, Cel has a great deal of control over his father's domain. He is incredibly proficient with his amokinesis and can manipulate a person's love and their desires to fold to his whims.. From giving them a hormonal overload, to enhancing their attraction, even turning a flicker of interest in a person to an inferno of passion or removing a persons will to fight, all are possible with the power of love.
  • Emotional Fortitude - "Sanctuary of the Mind" - A trait where some children of Emotional gods are immune to magical attempts at changing or manipulating their emotional and mental ability. This does not mean demigods with this trait are immune to non-magical means, however. With enough experience, users can share this immunity with others—one other for intermediate users, and two others for masters.
    • An evolution of Cel's amokinetic powers. His familiarity with the manipulation of emotions has lead to him becoming immune to magical attempts to mystify his mind. Tough luck to anybody who wanted revenge.
  • Scent Manipulation - "Essence Weaver" - The ability to manipulate fragrances. Although beginners are only capable of dissipating or spreading a smell, intermediate users are capable of manipulating their own scent to mimic fragrances they have encountered previously. Many users have been observed using this power for stealth and concealment, to avoid alerting wild animals when hunting, to confuse monsters in combat, and to segregate waste more efficiently. Masters of this ability have been known to mimic powerful and exotic smells, like those associated with monsters. That said, these fragrances are approximations at best and cannot be used to copy the unique scent of an individual.
    • This is a new one for Cel. The ability to manipulate his own smell and the smells around him is odd, a foreign ability. He's not sure how it manifested, but is grateful to his father for the blessing. Hopefully Cel will begin to gain a master over it soon.
Godrent Minor:
  • Summon Bow and Arrows - "Archer's Call" -The ability to summon a bow and a quiver of arrows. The user can produce up to 10 of arrows at any given time, but they are fragile. After 30 minutes (5 turns), they will dissolve and leave no trace. Though made of iron and wood, these weapons are still capable of slaying monsters.
    • When Cel focuses he can summon a bow into his hands or arrows nocked into his bowstring. He likes to think of it as a blessing, or allowance, from his dad. It really comes in handy in a pinch!
  • Arrow Enchantment - "Cupid's Quill" - The ability to enchant an arrow such that it can induce a particular emotion in the target. The arrow appears gold if imbued with love magic, and it appears leaden if imbued with apathy magic. When a person is hit by these arrows they do not sustain any physical damage, although they will still feel pain from the impact. The affect fades after a small period. If the arrows fails to meet a target it causes a small explosion.
    • A new gift from Eros which allows Cel to imbue his amokinetic powers into arrows. This allows Cel a new outlet for utilizing his emotional powers to incapacitate enemies without expending energy.
Godrent Major:
  • Invisibility\* - "Vanishing Act" - The ability to turn invisible, including one's attire and held items.
    • The most iconic ability in Cel's arsenal and, arguably, one of the most powerful. Countless mischievous acts have been made possible because of the invisible man. Being able to disappear has turned Cel into a deadly stealth fighter.
  • Sensory inhibition - "Sensory Saboteur" - The ability to inhibit the senses of a target. Should this effect take hold, it will wear off after 12 minutes (2 turns).Although this power is most associated with temporary blindness, other symptoms include dampened hearing, clogged noses, etc.
    • Cel's ability to temporarily blind his foes has grown to now impair other senses. While stealing sight is the easiest for him to do, Cel is slowly learning and becoming more comfortable with mangling the other senses of his opponents. He hopes to master the sense of hearing next.
* Denotes modmail/custom power.
“Uh, what do you want me to say about him again?” - Booker Fink
  • Gymnastics: Cel was in gymnastics for a few years when he was younger. He can still do a backflip! This helps him do acrobatic movements while he fights.
  • Knifework: Playing with knives is generally frowned upon, but anything goes at Camp Half-Blood. Cel has become incredibly skilled with dual-wielding knives, as well as throwing knives. Practice makes perfect! and, while Cel may not be perfect, he has definitely improved over time. He can carve nearly anything!
  • Swordsmanship: Cel has added sword play to his repertoire of fighting skills. While he is no master, Cel is definitely able to hold his own with a blade, even against the likes of David Ruiz.
  • Archery: Cel is a natural archer! His aim is perfect and he can make some of the most difficult shots look easy. A bow is definitely the weapon that Cel finds the most comfortable in his hands.
  • Basketball: Not pro-level, but Cel isn't bad. Basketball is his favorite pastime outside of training and video games in his cabin. He'd always dreamed of playing varsity basketball in high school and achieved it just this past year,
  • Fashion: Cel has gained an eye for clothes. He enjoys perusing catalogs and store windows, looking for the next exciting piece to add to his collection. ___ # Personal Information
"Cel doesn't need to flirt; he just breathes and people fall head over heels for him. It's ridiculous." - Amelia Hayes
Where the was once uncertainty masked in the frame of an insecure kid there is now a confident, strong young man. Cel has come into his own, accepted his divine heritage, and found confidence in who he is. He stands tall and proud, his head held high with a smile and light that could rival the sun. He's playful, flirtatious, even. Talking in smooth tones that could soften even the coarsest personalities. Cel enjoys having fun conversations with friends. He'll talk animatedly about subjects for hours with those he's close to.
His mischievous smile isn't just for show. Cel enjoys finding fun things to do that may not necessarily be the best. A trait he gained from his father, who was known for causing lots of mischief. (Looking at half the myths about Zeus' affairs). If someone suggests a midnight snack run, Cel will offer to lead the charge (invisibility does come in handy).
Never one to shy away from a challenge. He has been known to get into trouble with his fellow campers for taking things (in their opinion, of course) a bit too far in friendly camp games. Cel is competitive when it counts, but never a sore loser. He loves when the people close to him are having a good time. Cel is the life of the party, and often the planner. Gatherings with those he's close with are some of the most joyous moments for the son of Eros. Nothing is better than having you friends around.
His friends are regarded with the utmost care. When Cel loves someone, he truly does and tries his best to be there for them in any way. New people and new friends are always something Cel looks for. He is personable, always finding ways to make the person he is talking to feel like they are his entire focal point for the time they are together. When faced with a problem, Cel no longer will shy away from straight-up confrontation, preferring to handle issues outright then letting them stew into an even more poisonous problem.
"One time, he punched me in the face." - Quincy Rockford
Cel's Spotify Playlists:
"One time he rescued me from the wreckage of a burning bike, and the bike was only the second hottest thing there." - Jules Morgan
Fun Facts
  • Cel is ambidextrous because he broke his arm when he was 7.
  • He smells somewhat like decadent chocolate.
  • When Cel blushes his face doesn't get red, however his eyes turn light pink!
  • If he was going to eat his last meal on death row, Cel would want a Churrasco style Brazilian steak dinner.
  • Cel is fluent in Portuguese (as well as French due to his divine heritage).
  • There is a birthmark shaped like a 'fat duck' (according to young Cel) on the back of his armpit.
  • He named his dog 'Bowser' because he wasn't allowed to play Mario as a kid.
  • Before a basketball game Cel has a habit of tapping his shoes together twice like in the Wizard of Oz. He also won't buy any basketball shoes other than red ones.
  • Cel's nerdy micro-obsession is the history of Cleopatra and her love life. ___ # Backstory
"Determined, strong... very kind. You can count on him to have your back, and that... means a lot." - Sadira Andersen
When Cel was born and Eros subsequently had to leave Andrea alone to raise a child on her own, his mother made it her mission to make sure her son knew he was loved. His childhood was relatively normal. No monsters followed him around and Cel found that he had a lot of opportunities afforded to him, more than other kids. Teachers always said he was such a joy to have in class and the other kids seemed to be drawn to him, wanting to be his friend.
As Cel found his way to Camp Half-Blood, he was immediately swept up into countless events. His first experience with true danger was in The Olympics where Cel was tasked with venturing to the underworld and capturing Cerberus, the guard dog of Hades. His group failed the task and one of his former friends was cursed by the river god, Acheron, in exchange for their safe return home. This event proved to Cel just how weak he was, and just how easy it was to die trying to play the hero when you could barely grasp how to use your powers. Cel swore that he wouldn't allow himself to be that weak any longer and sought to grow stronger. He found himself training under one of the most sadistic beings at Camp Half-Blood, the former Hades counselor Derek Ward. For some reason, Ward had an intense dislike for the son of Eros, but he trained him nonetheless. It was brutal, Cel almost died a few times, but it definitely turned him into a stronger person.
The first test of Cel's resolve as a hero came when he found himself on a quest to Ikaria in order to find the entrance to the newly reopened labyrinth. Upon their arrival, many things happened including Cel yelling at the guide sent to them by Pasiphae, goddess of the maze. This led to his group having to venture into Ikaria on their own to find the entrance of the maze. The trio found their way to the junkyard of Hephaestus where Talos tried to kill their party. With help from the luck-empowered Felix Branwen, Cel was able to shoot an arrow directly into Talos' control panel, stalling the automation to give his fellow quester's enough time to run into the labyrinth for safety. Cel, however, was burned alive by the automations fire where he was sent into a magical coma and confronted by Bellerophon. A deal was made between the forces of Pasiphae and Cel, where he swore a Styx Oath of fealty to them in exchange for them healing the burned Son of Eros. However, some good did come from this coma as Cel was finally able to meet his father. It was, quite literally, the greatest moment of his life.
After arriving back at Camp, a whirlwind of events happened. Camp was attacked by statues, Zeus cursed the Apollo campers, and Seth charmed his way into becoming Cel's boyfriend. Eventually, life settled down and everything went back to business as usual. Life, it seemed, would remain calm. But demigods never held calm for long.
Cel enjoyed a long period of peace without much happening. He met David and Jules and the trio instantly became close. They went on some jobs together, Cel did some on his own. He and Seth enjoyed each other's company daily. Camp Games were quite fun, even if they did sometimes end in a loss and with you getting socked in the face by a scorned rival. Overall, though, Cel didn't have much turbulence in the time before his senior year. That is until he accepted a job to investigate an anomaly. Together, with David and Ciara, Cel ventured into the unknown and the trio disappeared for a three month long blip with no explanation. When they returned with no explanation, turmoil hit Cel's relationship. He and Seth suddenly found themselves at opposite ends of a seemingly endless chasm. None of Cel's friends were able to offer him any consolation for what happened, Cel's own brothers even ignored his problems. Eros, for the third time in Cel's life, met him and gave him his blessing. He assured Cel that everything would end up all right, that there was beauty even in the pain life brought. So, Cel left Camp and returned for his senior year. He accomplished his dream of playing for the varsity basketball team, established a fashion magazine with his friends, and got up to some of your average demigodly shenanigans (near expulsion, anyone).


It was odd spending his birthday in New Argos, definitely not how Cel envisioned his eighteenth. When Cel thought of eighteen he saw a massive party with his friends on the beach, Seth at his side with loud music and fun outfits. They'd all dance and eat some of Cel's favorite foods, tearing it up all night until the sun came back into the sky. New Argos was a far cry from the beach at Camp Half-Blood. Some of his friends weren't even there to help celebrate. So, yeah, it wasn't ideal. But Cel was going to make the most of it.
He gave invites to every camper that came to New Argos for the games, no room for discriminating between guests when the pickings were slim. It was going to be a party at New Argos' version of Central Park. As a New Yorker, Cel found the park to be less cool than the real thing, but it would have to do for now. Some decorations were set out on tables, pizza boxes were stacked high, and games borrowed from Harper's sleepover available for play. Cel wasn't dressed in anything super flashy, a simple 'Bluey' themed oversized t-shirt and black shorts. He wasn't worried about looks tonight, all he wanted was to have a good time.
A large speaker was blasting his favorite tunes as Cel waited for the guests to show up. Hopefully they would, nobody wants to spend their birthday party alone!
submitted by CeIIuIose to CampHalfBloodRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:14 Legal-Strawberry-380 Mini-theory: humanity/emergency services+, and equality theme in the current season?

Pretty much a random thought I've just had whilst home w/ a cold; so. We know that RTD is Welsh, and that politician Aneurin Bevan (interesting, actor playing Rodger ap Gwilliam's name is Aneurin Barnard, and we know RTD likes to get up to tricksy things) is basically the man responsible for the NHS.
*And additionally, that things created out of waspeed-up technology=not all bad. Flight, now one of our best, positive methods of travel, and experience. Travelling physically, and having things (eg. next of kin, health stuff, name, details, all the rest) organised before you go - in case there's some arse-hat in a Villengard ambulance denying you care or trying to off you because, I dunno, your personal preference is that you dislike coriander. *shrug* I think the "woke" bit of this season is trying to make the subject/fact of someone's race, class, status, sexuality, and gender all so commonly accepted as "right; this is cool - think and do what you like (the Doctor tells Lindy she and the other's may think whatever they like, if they let him save their lives). It isn't going to affect me, it's just not personally my deal, yet I acknowledge and see you equally." Same way we deal with those of us who don't like vs. do like coriander - that's perfectly fine and good, have at it, will make it for you as isn't poison, just yucky, just heck off trying to shove that down MY throat, yeah. :3
I'm completely unsure if this is meant to be a tiny, wee story-line amidst a larger one, yet classic RTD - it's a thinker. And for me, it made me think of a few phrases said in both UK and US English. High poss. this is also just my tired brain, yet it's a fun thought experiment. In "Boom" we see Mundy and Canto trying to arrange/shuffle something, and hear the statement "but I don't have the Divinity!" implying there needs to be some kind of payment/trade-off for whichever service/favouetc is granted - and that ends with Mundy promising to show Canto her tattoo (despite it being on another person). Given a traditional religious view and standpoint on genders and sex, this could be an allusion to that? As a form of some kind of "payment". In the UK, emergency and necessary services such as the abovementioned are generally free to the public, no matter class, status, etc. Doesn't matter who you are; if you walk into A&E, you may have to sit in casualty for 8+hrs with a bunch of drunks on a Friday night, yet you'll 100% still get treated, no charge, ask, shame, or worry.
Compare that to the US (brother in law works lives & works over there helping to sell/supply high quality medical equipment) where it can be up to 2.5K for a fire-ambulance call out, no matter the issue. It's a very tiered, Capitalist system (well, everything is, yet in this case - compared to the NHS), and more money can mean better treatment, care, and the difference between quality of life, and life and death. The first place the Doctor took Ruby in the TARDIS was Wyoming, and mentioned he had forgotten to switch off the "butterfly compensation" switch; which he then does, and proceeds to heal and release the Monarch butterfly Ruby accidentally stepped on. Accident or not in the US, you end up paying; I broke my arm on a childhood trip there once, and even with our travel+ insurance, my parents still had to fork over a few thousand dollars. My Dad joked it would have been cheaper to splint my arm, pay the cost of changing our flights, and heading back home to the UK.
Essentially, my conclusion felt that with the world, UNIT, the Vlinx, TRIAD, and a world that is becoming more and more dependent on super-computing and AI to deal with all-too-human issues; I cannot conceive of a way to see how a fair, ethical, impartial general AI would be able to exist under any Capitalist/classist paradigm. I think it's going to be interesting to see the regency/Bridgerton episode this week, in which Indira Varma's character is seem emphatically and enthusiastically announcing what's better than a wedding; and we know Susan Twist is appearing as a portrait, presumably of/implying someone of status.
LAST THOUGHT: Donna won the triple-rollover lottery, yet gave it all away - except for purchasing the house and the shed. She was also fired from her job for spilling coffee* onto a computer, fitting with the theme that tech is slowly surpassing human importance. Then, when in the TARDIS with the Doctor at the end of "Star Beast", she spills her coffee on/into the console - which leads them to 1666 London, Isaac Newton. 1666 in London, we know was the time of the Great Fire of London, as well as there being a huge outbreak of plague; thus, fits in with said above, sort of? Those who survived those events tended to be (obviously) the wealthier ones. Houses with people infected by plague during that time, were boarded up, padlocked, and the people left to either recover, or die; the money for said boards and padlocks was charged to/paid by the Church. So, my thought kind of was - we know these things, and addit. at the time, not everyone was like Newton and could afford or have access to an education. Around those times, Latin was considered the uppe"Kingly" language, whereas English was essentially your working-class variant - people would also write down words more on how they SOUNDED phonetically, and what they were linked with, or to. So, I guess a bit of a joke could be made when considering the phrase "cough up"= implication, to pay for something, or else receive nothing (addt. UK slang, "c**k up" = an accident, an unfortunate mistake), vs. "tee up"= very UK slang, essentially meaning, right; okay, let's get ready to sort this out. So; were Donna's accidental actions a "coff up" that has rippled through time and space, causing changes, and inviting chaos we have yet to see the full extent of? [MY THANKS & CONGRATULATIONS TO ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY TOOK THE TIME TO READ THIS FULL WALL OF TEXT BRAIN-FART - go have a cuppa tea, you absolute champion. <3 ]
submitted by Legal-Strawberry-380 to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:42 Thanase English > Latin "Family is never forgotten"

I am getting an Angel tattoo with this quote in Latin, and I'd love to just verify that the translation I have for it in Latin is correct, thank you.
submitted by Thanase to translator [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 05:52 Disco_Loser American 17/M, wannabe filmmaker

Hello friends,
I'm Max, very nearly almost 18. I have many interests and few passions. I do a lot of things and I have a proficiency in none of them. I grew up around tattooing, so I inherited some skills in art. I've tried watercolor and oil paints, but I mainly stick with drawing in pencil or ink. I read books, many of them written by dead people. Charles Dickens being foremost among them. I like sewing, which I used to make a Roman tunic. I like to write and bake. I like nice clothes and architecture. I don't watch anime, but I do watch some TV, (favorites are Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and Columbo), and I listen to a wide variety of music. I hold no prejudices, and I'm willing to talk to everyone. One day I'd like to make movies, so I've been writing screenplays, even for a short film I'd like to shoot sometime in the near future.
You might receive some photographs in the mail, some doodling, bits of broken and poorly written Latin, drafts of scripts, or maybe something I wrote for my local newspaper. I can guarantee that you will receive letters, if nothing else, and on those letters will be words, which will hopefully be legible.
You don't need to have the same interests as me, as long as you are a person of good will and company, then I'm sure we'll get along fine. Looking for generally around the same age as myself.
submitted by Disco_Loser to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:24 Investineverything Crazy Facts about Britain before Christianity

Crazy Facts about Britain before Christianity
Did you know that the ancient Britons practiced cannibalism as part of their religious rituals? It's a shocking revelation that makes us shudder, but it's just one of the many disturbing truths we'll uncover today as we explore Crazy Facts of pre-Christian Britain.
Cannibalism in Ancient Britain
Imagine stumbling upon a cave in Somerset, England, only to uncover a dark chapter of our prehistoric past. Here, in Gough's Cave, the ancient Britons practiced cannibalism.
Artifacts unearthed tell a grim tale: human remains, marred by bite marks, and skulls meticulously sculpted into bowls. These findings reveal a resourceful, albeit gruesome approach to survival.
Primitive stone knives were used to carve meat and muscle from bodies. Bite marks found on ribs and even toes indicate that no part was wasted.
The cave was occupied around 15,000 years ago during the Upper Paleolithic period. The butchery marks on bones suggest a systematic process of dismembering and defleshing, indicative of cannibalistic practices.
Skulls were shaped into cups, likely used for drinking or rituals. This practice has been observed in other prehistoric cultures, blending practicality and symbolism. Such skull cups might have been used in ceremonies to honor the dead or in communal feasts, possibly to absorb the deceased's strength or spirit.
Brutal Human Sacrifices in Ancient Britain
Pre-Christian Britain was a land steeped in rituals, some of which involved brutal human sacrifices. Archaeological discoveries of well-preserved bodies found in bogs provide chilling evidence of these practices. These bodies, often referred to as "bog bodies," exhibit severe injuries that suggest ritualistic killings.
One notable example is the "Lindow Man," discovered in a peat bog in Cheshire. This Iron Age man suffered a violent death: a heavy blow to the back of the head fractured his skull and pushed fragments into his brain, breaking his teeth. His throat was then slit, and he was likely strangled with a cord, indicating a triple killing method designed to ensure death.
The acidic, low-oxygen environment of bogs preserves organic materials remarkably well. This preservation allows modern archaeologists to study these ancient remains in great detail. Many of these bodies date back around 2,000 years, providing invaluable insights into the rituals and lifestyle of Iron Age Britons.
The method of inflicting three fatal injuries suggests a ritualistic element, possibly to ensure the victim's death was suitable as an offering to the gods. Some bog bodies were found with artifacts, such as woven cords, wooden stakes, or animal remains, indicating their symbolic significance in sacrificial rituals.
Roman writings, like those by Julius Caesar, mention human sacrifices conducted by the Druids. While these accounts provide valuable insights, they can be biased or exaggerated, reflecting Roman perceptions of Celtic barbarism rather than objective observations. It is crucial to approach them with caution.
These sacrificial practices highlight the deeply spiritual and ritualistic nature of pre-Christian Britain. The Britons believed in appeasing their gods through offerings, which sometimes included human lives. Understanding these ancient rituals provides context for the profound changes that occurred with the advent of Christianity.
The new faith introduced a radically different worldview, emphasizing compassion and the sanctity of human life. These principles gradually replaced the older practices of ritual violence, transforming the cultural and spiritual landscape of Britain.
These brutal sacrifices, preserved through time, offer a glimpse into the complex and often harsh spiritual world of ancient Britons. They remind us of the drastic cultural shifts that took place with the rise of Christianity, transforming a society steeped in ritual violence into one guided by new religious principles.
The Wicker Man: Fact or Fiction?
The legend of the Wicker Man, a giant effigy used by Druids for human sacrifice, is one of the most chilling tales from ancient Britain. According to Roman sources, Druids built large, hollow figures out of wicker, filled them with human tributes, and then set them ablaze. But how much of this legend is true?
Julius Caesar, in his commentary "The Gallic Wars," mentions Druids using wicker structures for human sacrifices. These accounts, though valuable, often depicted the Druids in a negative light to justify Roman conquest. Other Roman writers, like Strabo and Tacitus, also contribute to the narrative of the Wicker Man.
Some scholars argue that a large wicker structure would collapse under the weight of multiple human bodies. This has led to the theory that the Romans may have exaggerated or misinterpreted these rituals. It’s possible that Druids burned effigies symbolizing humans rather than using actual people.
Despite detailed Roman accounts, there is little direct archaeological evidence supporting the practice of burning live humans in wicker structures. Most findings related to Druidic rituals involve smaller-scale sacrificial practices. Other discoveries, such as bog bodies and carved human remains, provide insight into Druidic sacrifices, though they do not directly confirm the Wicker Man story.
Sacrificial rituals were not uncommon in ancient cultures, serving various religious and social purposes. Druids likely performed sacrifices to appease gods, seek favor, or ensure community well-being. Roman authors may have emphasized the more sensational aspects of Druidic practices to portray the Celts as barbaric and justify their campaigns in Britain and Gaul.
The Wicker Man legend has been popularized in modern times, especially by the 1973 horror film "The Wicker Man," which drew heavily on these ancient tales to create a compelling, though fictional, narrative. Contemporary historians and archaeologists continue to study these accounts critically, seeking to separate myth from reality and understand the true nature of Druidic practices.
The story of the Wicker Man, whether rooted in fact or fiction, reflects the complex and often misunderstood nature of Druidic rituals. It serves as a reminder of the powerful influence of myth and the need for critical examination of historical sources. As we delve deeper into these ancient practices, we gain a richer understanding of the beliefs and customs that shaped pre-Christian Britain.
The Red Lady of Paviland: Ancient Mysteries
The oldest human remains found in Britain belong to the so-called "Red Lady of Paviland," who was actually a young man covered in red ochre body paint. Discovered in a cave in Gower, Wales, these remains date back 34,000 years, making this the oldest ceremonial burial site in Western Europe.
In 1823, the Reverend William Buckland discovered the remains in Paviland Cave. Due to the red ochre and burial artifacts, he initially misidentified the remains as those of a woman, hence the name "Red Lady." Later analysis revealed that the remains belonged to a young man in his twenties, likely a significant figure in his community.
The Red Lady was buried with various artifacts, including ivory rods, seashell necklaces, and periwinkle shells. These items suggest a ceremonial burial, indicating the young man's importance. The red ochre covering the body was likely used for ritualistic purposes, signifying a symbolic or spiritual role.
Many scholars speculate that the Red Lady may have been a shaman or mystic. The elaborate burial and use of red ochre suggest he held a special status within his community, possibly as a spiritual leader. Shamans were integral in prehistoric societies, serving as healers, mediators with the spirit world, and keepers of knowledge.
The burial dates back to the Upper Paleolithic period, a time when modern humans were developing complex societies and spiritual beliefs. This discovery provides crucial insights into the burial practices, social structures, and spiritual beliefs of early humans in Britain.
Modern techniques like radiocarbon dating and DNA analysis have provided more accurate information about the age and origins of the remains. Ongoing research seeks to understand the broader cultural and migratory patterns of ancient humans in Europe, connecting findings like the Red Lady to wider prehistoric contexts.
The story of the Red Lady of Paviland offers a fascinating glimpse into the distant past, revealing the rich spiritual and social life of ancient Britons. As we uncover more about this young shaman, we continue to piece together the complex tapestry of human history in pre-Christian Britain.
Skara Brae: A Neolithic Marvel
In the late 19th century, a fierce storm battered the island of Orkney, off the northern coast of Scotland. As the winds howled and the earth shifted, an incredible discovery emerged from beneath the sand and grass: Skara Brae, a remarkably well-preserved Neolithic settlement. This ancient village, inhabited from around 3200 BCE to 2500 BCE, predates both Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids, making it one of the oldest and most complete Neolithic sites in Britain.
The storm of 1850 revealed a cluster of stone-built homes that had been hidden for millennia. Subsequent excavations uncovered an extensive settlement, providing invaluable insights into Neolithic life. The settlement was naturally preserved by layers of sand and grass, which shielded it from the elements and human interference for thousands of years.
The houses of Skara Brae were constructed from flagstones and built into mounds of pre-existing midden, providing insulation against the harsh Orkney climate. Each dwelling contains intact stone furniture, including beds, dressers, and fireplaces, demonstrating advanced building techniques and a keen sense of domestic organization. The village is connected by covered passageways, indicating a well-planned community layout designed for protection and social interaction.
Excavations have uncovered various everyday objects, such as pottery, tools, and jewelry. These items reflect the daily activities and craftsmanship of the inhabitants. Among the artifacts are gaming pieces, suggesting that the people of Skara Brae engaged in recreational activities and had a rich cultural life. Evidence of animal bones, fish, and shellfish remains indicates a diet based on farming, fishing, and gathering. The presence of tools and decorative items also points to trade and skilled craftsmanship.
Skara Brae’s age, dating back over 5,000 years, makes it older than the Egyptian Pyramids and Stonehenge. This highlights the advanced nature of Neolithic societies in Britain. The settlement provides a window into the social structure, daily life, and technological advancements of prehistoric people. It challenges modern perceptions of early human societies as primitive and unsophisticated.
Today, Skara Brae is part of the Heart of Neolithic Orkney UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognized for its outstanding preservation and cultural significance. It is a popular tourist destination, offering visitors a chance to step back in time and explore the lives of our ancient ancestors. The site features a visitor center with exhibitions and guided tours.
Skara Brae stands as a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of Neolithic people. Its discovery and preservation provide invaluable insights into a world long past, allowing us to connect with the distant origins of human civilization. Through its stone walls and ancient artifacts, Skara Brae tells a story of community, innovation, and survival in a harsh and unforgiving landscape.
Boudica: The Fearless Warrior Queen
Boudica was a British queen and wife of Prasutagus, a regional king who sought alliance with the Romans upon their arrival. Despite his efforts, when Prasutagus died, the Romans enslaved his relatives and plundered his kingdom. When Boudica protested, she and her daughters were brutally assaulted. In retaliation, Boudica raised an army of loyal Britons and led a fierce rebellion against the Romans. She is estimated to have killed as many as 70,000 Romans and their allies before her forces were eventually defeated by a more organized Roman army. Facing capture, Boudica chose to poison herself.
During the first century AD, the Roman Empire expanded into Britain, encountering various tribes and kingdoms. The Iceni, ruled by Prasutagus and Boudica, initially sought a cooperative relationship with the Romans. However, the Romans often enforced harsh policies, including heavy taxation and land confiscation, fueling resentment among the local tribes.
The mistreatment of Boudica and her daughters galvanized her resolve to fight back. Her personal suffering and the broader injustices faced by her people spurred her into action. Boudica's forces initially achieved significant victories, sacking the Roman towns of Camulodunum, Londinium, and Verulamium. These attacks caused widespread destruction and panic among the Romans.
The Roman governor, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, eventually rallied his forces and confronted Boudica’s army. Despite being outnumbered, the Romans’ superior military discipline and tactics prevailed. The decisive battle likely took place at a location thought to be along Watling Street. Roman discipline and strategy overwhelmed the larger but less organized Briton forces.
Boudica’s rebellion, though ultimately unsuccessful, became a symbol of resistance against oppression. Her story was recorded by Roman historians Tacitus and Cassius Dio, ensuring her legacy. Today, Boudica is remembered as a national heroine in Britain. Statues and monuments, such as the one near the Houses of Parliament in London, commemorate her courage and leadership. Her life and rebellion have been the subject of numerous books, films, and academic impact on British history and culture.
Boudica’s fierce resistance against the Romans exemplifies the struggle for freedom and justice. Her leadership and determination left an indelible mark on history, reminding us of the power of resilience in the face of tyranny.
The Painted Ones: The Picts Who Saved Scotland
The Picts, a fierce warrior people of northern Britain, played a crucial role in the formation and preservation of Scotland. Named "the painted ones" by the Romans due to their use of war paint, the Picts defended Scotland from several invasions. Their formidable resistance prevented the Romans from conquering the northern territories and later repelled the Anglo-Saxons. The Picts’ victory at the Battle of Dun Nechtain in 685 AD was pivotal in maintaining Scotland’s independence, ensuring that the entire island did not become a single Anglo-Saxon nation.
The Picts were a confederation of tribes with Celtic origins, inhabiting what is now eastern and northern Scotland from as early as the Iron Age. The term "Pict" comes from the Latin "Picti," meaning "painted ones," referring to their custom of body painting or tattooing with intricate designs.
The Romans built Hadrian’s Wall around 122 AD to defend their province of Britannia from the northern tribes, including the Picts. A later attempt to push further north led to the construction of the Antonine Wall. However, the Picts’ resistance proved too formidable, and the Romans eventually retreated back to Hadrian’s Wall.
In 685 AD, the Picts, led by King Bridei III, faced the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Dun Nechtain. The Picts decisively defeated the Northumbrian forces, halting their expansion into Pictish territory. This victory secured Scotland's independence and preserved its distinct cultural identity.
The Picts left behind a rich cultural legacy, including intricately carved stones, metalwork, and fortified settlements known as brochs. These artifacts provide insights into their sophisticated society and artistic achievements. Over time, the Picts merged with the Gaelic-speaking Scots from the west, forming the Kingdom of Alba, which evolved into modern Scotland. This integration laid the foundation for the unified Scottish identity.
The Picts’ resilience and military prowess were instrumental in preserving the independence of northern Britain, allowing Scotland to emerge as a distinct entity. Their legacy continues to be celebrated as a defining element of Scottish history and heritage.
The Mystery of the Ninth Legion
The Roman Ninth Legion, an elite force of over 5,000 soldiers, vanished from history in the second century AD after arriving in Britain. What happened to them? One theory suggests they marched north to fight the Picts in Scotland and were never seen again. Another theory posits they left Britain and were killed fighting the Persians. It's also possible they were simply decommissioned. Despite various speculations, there is little concrete evidence to support any theory, and the upheaval and violence of second-century Britain adds to the mystery of their disappearance.
The Ninth Legion, also known as Legio IX Hispana, was one of the most renowned units in the Roman army. They played crucial roles in several key campaigns across the Roman Empire. The Ninth Legion arrived in Britain during the Roman invasion in AD 43, participating in the conquest and subsequent control of the province.
One popular theory is that the Ninth Legion marched north to quell uprisings by the Picts, fierce tribes in what is now Scotland. The harsh and rugged terrain, coupled with the formidable Pictish warriors, may have led to their complete annihilation. Another theory suggests that the Ninth was redeployed to the Eastern Roman Empire to fight against the Persians. Historical records indicate heavy losses in such battles, which could explain their disappearance.
A less dramatic theory is that the Ninth Legion was decommissioned or absorbed into other units. Administrative decisions in the Roman military often led to the reorganization of legions. The fate of the Ninth Legion is shrouded in mystery due to the lack of definitive historical records. Roman military documentation from the period is incomplete, leaving gaps in the narrative.
The mysterious disappearance of the Ninth Legion has inspired numerous books, films, and legends. The story captures the imagination, highlighting the enduring intrigue of historical mysteries. Historians and archaeologists continue to debate and investigate the possible fate of the Ninth Legion. Each new discovery adds pieces to the puzzle, though the full picture remains elusive.
The mystery of the Ninth Legion remains one of the most captivating enigmas of Roman Britain. Whether they met their end in the wilds of Scotland, on the battlefields of Persia, or were quietly decommissioned, their story continues to fascinate and inspire, reflecting the complexity and uncertainty of ancient history.
submitted by Investineverything to MangerThings [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 04:22 WebHarmony [QCrit] RESONANCE - Adult Contemporary Fiction (80k + First 300)

The following is a first attempt for a complete rewrite of something I floated by here several years ago. Any thoughts regarding how I can improve things will be appreciated.
Dear [Agent],
Ella isn’t surprised when she receives a diagnosis of metastatic cancer, she’d often anticipated the potential side-effects of her failed infertility treatments. An erudite classics scholar, she’s come to view her life as an echo of her favorite Greek tragedies, particularly the ones that focus on the whims of jealous gods. Those gods certainly seem to enjoy taunting mortals. What surprises her is the fact that she’s alive. A shocking revelation because she can clearly recall the details of her own death.
Waking in a stranger’s apartment, with a calendar on the wall indicating that seven years have passed since she said her final words to her husband and adopted daughter, she sets out to gauge her place in a world that has moved on without her. Whatever destiny the Fates ultimately foretell, she will do all that is within her power to find and rejoin her family. But how will she be able to convince them of her return and be accepted by them given the indisputable fact that she is now a man?
Complete at 80,000 words, RESONANCE is adult, contemporary fiction that explores the fragility of grief, the fluidity of gender, and the mystery of why we love who we love. Blurring boundaries between the physical and metaphysical, RESONANCE shares thematic concepts with Akwaeke Emezi’s Freshwater and the stories contained in Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado.
The majority of my writing has been legislative and issue-oriented with occasional ghostwriting of op-eds in several major newspapers including the Washington Post and the New York Times.
Thank you for your consideration of my work.
She viewed them as the harshest strokes devised by the Romans, figures designed with the indelicate elegance offered by a chisel gashing lines into stone. The first stood upright alone, the succeeding two were slanted at opposite inclinations. The three strokes that formed the number cast before her commanded it to exist without subtlety: IV. On none of her medical charts, records or other documents had she seen the current stage of her cancer represented by the numeral 4.
Stationed in a white-walled room, she wondered about the experts who had decided that the crude markings of archaic tally sticks offered the most fitting symbol to denote the fourth level of such a brutal, ruining beast. She imagined they concluded that the slender Hindu-Arabic lines and curves gracing so much of modern Western civilization weren't up to the task.
Poisons dripped into her body while words sharing Greek and Latin origins roiled through her mind as they tattooed themselves onto her cells: Metastatic. Metastasis. Which language should she use to define each term and attempt to make sense of their demands for submission? “Stand across?” “Move past?” She decided upon “beyond rest.”
Supplementing the linguistic puzzle was the fact that much of her treatment required an infusion from another representation of the Roman four, this one embracing the initial letters from the bloodthirsty Latin phrase intra venous. She recalled the tetraphobia of the Chinese. Wasn't four their most unlucky number, the very sound of its name a homophone for death? She saw Roman fours everywhere, and she was all too aware she would be offered no future access to a Stage V. She knew where that downward pointing caret led, and the solitude of the I missing before it remained as distinct as Martin Buber’s.
submitted by WebHarmony to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 14:00 AutoModerator Translation requests into Latin go here!

  1. Ask and answer questions about mottos, tattoos, names, book titles, lines for your poem, slogans for your bowling club’s t-shirt, etc. in the comments of this thread. Separate posts for these types of requests will be removed.
  2. Here are some examples of what types of requests this thread is for: Example #1, Example #2, Example #3, Example #4, Example #5.
  3. This thread is not for correcting longer translations and student assignments. If you have some facility with the Latin language and have made an honest attempt to translate that is NOT from Google Translate, Yandex, or any other machine translator, create a separate thread requesting to check and correct your translation: Separate thread example. Make sure to take a look at Rule 4.
  4. Previous iterations of this thread.
  5. This is not a professional translation service. The answers you get might be incorrect.
submitted by AutoModerator to latin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:02 playboyjboy Bad bunny is dogshit

Bro can’t hit a note without sounding like he’s fucking moaning it. I know this is gonna sound offensive but I don’t know how else to word it, he almost sounds like he’s trying to sing like a special ed kid would. The dude can’t sing, and his music is the epitome of the most basic reggaeton Latin beat for him to moan and mumble over. People also really only seem to care about thirsting over him instead of backing up any talent he allegedly has. All a guy has to do is be a 7 in the face, have tattoos, pretend like he’s a musician, and all the sudden women and the gays are ovulating like crazy over it. Can someone explain what I’m missing with this dude?
submitted by playboyjboy to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:41 Diligent-Benefits Met the Parents/Family (Update) (52M/25F)

Original post:
Many of you had asked for an update and I apologize for taking so long. It's been a busy couple of weeks plus a holiday weekend. I've been working on writing this update on and off the entire time. LOL Now, hopefully I remember how it went.
I had been dealing with a kidney stone all week, so I wasn't even sure I would make it when Saturday came, so I was glad that I felt better. Penny (my gf) had come over Friday after work as usual, she has been spending every weekend with me. She could tell I was a bit anxious about meeting the family, but I wasn't particularly anxious, just a little and a bit excited about the day. These are all feelings that I never thought I'd feel again, not at my age.
Her parent's home is at the other end of the county from my home, so it took about an hour to get there. We were both unusually quiet on the ride over there. We were told to come any time after 1PM, so we arrived at 3PM. The entire family was there, her parents, her siblings (one older brother, one younger brother and two younger sisters), some aunts, uncles and cousins. Big Latin family, reminded me a lot of my own, my parents also being immigrants. I'm comfortable with that, I liked it. I brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers for her mother and a nice bottle of rum for dad and they were appreciative. Her mother immediately put the flowers in a vase and put them on the table where we would all gather to eat. Everyone was very polite and well-behaved. Her mother is a few months younger than me, a tiny woman with a huge personality and obviously running everything. LOL Her dad is 62, but acts much younger. He is short and built like a pitbull, all muscle and beer belly, where I'm just over 6-feet and built like a quarterback. He vigorously shook my hand but her mother and sisters all hugged me with a kiss on each cheek, even her brothers hugged me. Her dad was "sizing me up" all day. LOL But that was fine, I expected it. His English was pretty good, but he was pleased when I expressed myself with some of the Spanish I've learned over the years. Penny punched me in the arm: "I didn't know you speak Spanish!!" LOL It hadn't come up before, besides, it's just broken Spanish, not very good, but I get by with basic stuff, especially food.
Her dad wanted to know about my business, about my life, my kids (they asked me why we didn't bring them). He was not interrogating me, which I appreciated, but he was constantly asking questions. I didn't really see any of the problems between Penny and her parents that she has referred to. I think maybe they have become more accepting of her and she has become less confrontational. They all hugged and kissed her and said lovely things to her when we arrived and when we were departing. In fact, I think she was a little surprised at how well everything went and how they didn't argue about anything.
They made a very traditional meal, cooked a whole pig in the ground, all the traditional side dishes, plenty of cold beer. I stuffed myself.
There was a point after we all ate and everything had been cleared away, the men built a fire and pulled chairs around it. Beer and tequila flowed quite easily. The women had settled on the patio, talking amongst themselves. Penny had earlier pointed me in the direction of the men building the fire and understanding where this was going I joined them. There was a fair bit of joking around in what I call Spanglish but out of the blue her dad asked me what my intentions are with his daughter. His sons gave him a hard time, telling him to ease up, so he switched tactics, asking me how long we've been dating and if we're living together (I was surprised he didn't know for sure or maybe he was testing me). We're not living together, but Penny spends every weekend with me and I did tell him that. He asked, "so, you must really love my daughter?" I wasn't expecting that so quick and to the point. I told him that after thinking about it for some time now and trying to figure out if its love or infatuation, I do love her and I went on to tell him how difficult it has been for me to accept this relationship due to the age difference and my concerns. Everyone was very quiet when I finished talking and I thought 'oh no, this is where it all goes bad.'
He says to me: 'the fact that you think about all that and you worry about her future proves you really love her.' Then all the other guys were agreeing with him. LOL He went on to say that in life there are no guarantees so we have to seize the day. Then he got a little quiet, he didn't want any of the women (or Penny) to hear him. He said, 'the last 10 years I been worried about that girl. She is stubborn, headstrong, she do what she wants, she don't care what her mother and father say (his sons made a comment in Spanish about 'like father like daughter' and he cursed them and everyone was laughing). Now I look at her and she look happy, content, settled. If this is because of you, then I'm happy.' I am trying to convey a little bit of how he spoke, he has a somewhat gruff voice and an accent and sometimes he throws Spanish words in between, but I had no problem with any of that.
At this point I said what a good effect she's had on me. How lonely I've been the past few years, how difficult it's been for me and how Penny has given me life again. He said, 'you know I am 10 years older than my wife.' Which I knew already. By this point he (all of us) had too much liquor in our systems and there was a lot of repeating of things we'd already said. He continued, 'I have same worry as you when we get married, but you see, everything is good, life is good!' We all toasted to that. LOL Then he started getting a little personal. He quietly asked, 'you have tattoo?' I said no, I don't. He asked, 'you don't mind all the tattoo and piercings and crazy stuff? She change her hair color every week, loca!.' I laughed, we all laughed. I told him that I don't even notice all that. I said, you know, under all that stuff is a smart woman, she just has her own style. (I don't think even her dad knows about ALL the piercings). I said that she's young and she still has her life in front of her and she will change and change and change just like we all do as we grow. But none of that really matters if the person inside is good and has a good heart. I told him that even though they may not realize it, she treasures the values they instilled in her but she also has a little rebel inside that is a little unexpected.
Then he asks, 'you gonna marry her?' And everyone went silent. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, waiting for my answer. I thought about it for a minute and said, 'I have not asked her to marry me, and if I did, I would talk to you first. I am looking for a long-term relationship and yes, I would like to remarry, marriage is important to me. We have talked about a future together, but not specifically marriage...I think maybe it's a little early for that discussion. I only just recently accepted that I love her and she loves me and that it is possible to have a relationship with her. Even that I think happened too fast, but I can't deny my feelings."
He slaps me on the shoulder and says, 'we are mature men! We don't have time to wait! You know how love feels, you had this before. You love her? Good! You want marry her? Good! Get marry, you good man, make good life, you have my blessing!" Then all the men were toasting and clapping hands. It was so funny and a bit surreal. After that, I think most of us were dozing off. LOL It was late when Penny came over to get me up to go home. After more hugs and kisses, Penny drove us home, her first time driving my vehicle, but I didn't feel safe to drive. I don't often drink that much and I don't enjoy being drunk, so I knew I was not fit for driving.
On Sunday morning I fell into a bit of depression. I think the events of Saturday, and her dad giving me his blessing, was a lot for me to process and I remembered my father-in-law giving me his blessing some 30 years ago, how young we were, all the plans we had, even talking about how we would celebrate our 50th anniversary, and now I'm starting over and I started Sunday on a sad, difficult note. After all this time, I still miss her. Penny was amazing about it. She figured out what was going on with me without even asking and she was just there, sitting with me and letting me work through my feelings for a while.
In the days to follow, Penny pestered me about what the men were talking about, so I said if she told me what the women talked about, I'd tell her what the men talked about. LOL She zipped her lips, so did I. But we had a little fun teasing each other about it. However, I did finally tell her and that's for another update, if anyone is interested.
submitted by Diligent-Benefits to AgeGapRelationship [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:08 simon_darre Does anyone else *not* have tattoos? My millennial contemporaries make me feel like an unused eraser or a pre-production dummy without the markings or insignias

Just how prevalent are they among millennials? I feel like people like me (the un-inked) are the minority now. To preempt any vitriol, I’m kind of ambivalent about them, but I’m mildly annoyed that having chosen not to get them means that my bare skin seems to stick out wherever I go.
I grew up in Latin America and in New England. So among millennials I (M36) feel like there’s a subsection of us elder millennials (because my friends were like this too) who were told by our parents that tattoos were like drugs—only highly impulsive people with low self regard ever got them, and the decision to ink up was induced largely by peer pressure and the desire to fit in—and we respected this aversion enough to avoid ever getting them.
For context, in my case, I was raised by my immigrant mother who came from a part of the world (Latin America, I won’t say which country) where tattoos were considered very déclassé—they were for nacos and gangbangers, but respectable people didn’t ink up.
submitted by simon_darre to Millennials [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 04:46 DustAcrobatic3418 Mortem Obire

Is it good to have this phrase as a tattoo?
According to Google, the Latin phrase about death could be translated as 'leave this life to remember someone you've lost.'
submitted by DustAcrobatic3418 to latin [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 14:00 AutoModerator Translation requests into Latin go here!

  1. Ask and answer questions about mottos, tattoos, names, book titles, lines for your poem, slogans for your bowling club’s t-shirt, etc. in the comments of this thread. Separate posts for these types of requests will be removed.
  2. Here are some examples of what types of requests this thread is for: Example #1, Example #2, Example #3, Example #4, Example #5.
  3. This thread is not for correcting longer translations and student assignments. If you have some facility with the Latin language and have made an honest attempt to translate that is NOT from Google Translate, Yandex, or any other machine translator, create a separate thread requesting to check and correct your translation: Separate thread example. Make sure to take a look at Rule 4.
  4. Previous iterations of this thread.
  5. This is not a professional translation service. The answers you get might be incorrect.
submitted by AutoModerator to latin [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 11:49 AristotelesRocks What would Juvenal’s writing have looked like? (Historical accuracy for a tattoo)

What would Juvenal’s writing have looked like? (Historical accuracy for a tattoo)
I studied Latin in high school for six years and had to translate Juvenal. The sentence that stuck out to me was “Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” and has remained my favorite sentence in Latin. I’ve been thinking of getting this tattooed. However, I don’t remember learning much about the writing system. Has any of Juvenal’s actual writing been preserved? And if not, what writing style would be most historically accurate for his time period (+/- 55-127 A.D.)? I’m hoping there are some scholars here who know more about this. Thanks!
submitted by AristotelesRocks to latin [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 21:27 D-Biggest_Wheel The Endless Earth Enel Searched For Wasn't The Moon; It Is The Sunken Continent

Disclaimer: This is the same post that is currently on the main sub, with some slight modifications. If you enjoyed reading it, please leave a thumbs up on both of them!
Skypiea Arc is often thought of as a microcosm of the story of One Piece, and the main conflict in that arc was due to Vearth; a piece of earth/soil that arrived at Sky Island that allowed citizens of Skypiea to cultivate vegetation on it. Enel, in his search for Fairy Vearth, the Endless Earth, flew to the Moon, but when he arrived there, Fairy Vearth was nowhere to be found. That’s because Fairy Vearth is the name of the land mass that once existed 900 years ago, before it was swallowed by the 200-meter flood, and the Red Line that encircles it.
It is “endless” as it goes around the world; like Ouroboros.
The literal translation of the Red Line is „Continent of Red Earth“, and at the top of that, lies Pangaea Castle, named after the real world supercontinent that once existed, and that will once again exist.

The Ancient Kingdom

According to Whitebeard, there used to exist a "Kingdom of Gods" (神の国, Kami no Kuni?) at the top of the Red Line, inhabited by a tribe of "gods" – The Lunarians. Eventually, the Lunarians would be driven to near extinction and Mary Geoise would be built on their homeland.
These events bear striking similarity to the events that transpired between the Twenty Kingdoms, now known as the World Government, and the Ancient Kingdom. It is said that the Twenty Kings united against the Ancient Kingdom, and after defeating it, they erased any mention of it from history, made sure to exterminate any member of their tribe, and, I believe, they took their home as their own. Everything so far points to the inhabitants of the Great Kingdom being Lunarians.
This might not be common knowledge, due to the anime never adapting Enel’s cover story, but the Skypieans, Birkans, and Shandians all originate from the Moon, and have arrived at the Earth because they exhausted the Moon’s resources.
If the inhabitants of Skypiea (Sky Island) are called „Skypieans“, the inhabitants of Birka (Moon) are called „Birkans“, and the inhabitants of Shandia (Blue Sea) are called „Shandians“, does that mean the place Lunarians once inhabited is called “Lunaria” (Red Line)? Is the name of the Ancient Kingdom actually Lunaria?
Or, perhaps, Lunaria was only the name of a city in the Kingdom known as "Eden".

The Garden of Eden

Despite Lunarians containing the Latin word for “Moon” in their name, and having similarities to the other moon people, there is actually nothing in the story that suggests they actually originate from it. Instead, their name derives from “lunaria”, a plant whose name means “moon-like”.
The tattoo on King’s face might be a reference to the plant itself.
Recently, One Piece has been drawing increasingly more parallels with the events from the Bible; the Great Flood, Noah’s Ark, and the Lunarians/Seraphims being based on the Seraph Angels immediately come to mind, but there are also some older examples, such as the Sunlight Tree Eve and Treasure Tree Adam being named after the first two humans. According to the Bible, Adam and Eve defied God and ate the Forbidden Fruit (of knowledge of good and evil), a crime for which they were banished from the Garden of Eden. I believe the citizens of the Ancient Kingdom, be the Lunarians or some other race, came from outer space, and were primarily known for their cultivation skills.
Besides the aforementioned Adam and Eve trees, we also have the Whale Tree on Zou, the Tree of Knowledge, the Devil Fruits, the Giant Jack, etc, and the imagery of otherworldly beings that would “plant life” across the Universe is surprisingly common in fiction. Marvel Comics have a character by the name of “Gardener)”, a virtually immortal being who devoted his life to the creation of natural beauty by sowing the seeds of plants, flowers, and trees upon barren or devastated worlds. But, more relevant to Manga, Japan has a famous story that dates way back from the 9th or 10th century, called “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter”, also known as “The Tale of Princess Kaguya”, in which the titular Princess Kaguya is found as a baby in a bamboo plant. I’m sure you are familiar with this myth thanks to Naruto.
The Great Kingdom had a garden in which they grew fruit. Eventually, they would create what is now known as Devil Fruits, and the one who was in charge of gardening them was no other than Joyboy.

Farm Boy and the Straw Hat

Chapter 1114 revealed Joyboy to be the very first person to be called a Pirate, confirming decade-old theories in the process, but I think what is more intriguing here is what or who Joyboy was before he sailed under a Jolly Roger. Time and time again, we are met with characters forced into the life of piracy for different reasons, some more noble than others. Kaido was a child soldier betrayed by his country and sold into servitude to the Marines, Whitebeard took it upon himself to provide money for his hometown and Joyboy, I believe, was a farmer.
The imagery of a straw hat is ever so present in the story; it’s not only an object our protagonist can be seen donning on his head, passed down to him from Shanks who got it passed down from Roger – a quite literal inherited will - but also something that we see with the GIANT straw hat locked in a vault at Mary Geoise. And naturally, the theories surrounding what the straw hat stands for are born out of this recurrence. Some theories suggest that this very straw hat is the National Treasure of Marijoas that Doflamingo spoke of and others suggest that the straw hat symbolically represents the sunrise (dawn). To me, the straw hat is simply just that - a hat.
As someone who grew up on a farm, when I look at the straw hat, the first thing that comes to mind is my grandpa working in the field, in the harsh heat of the sun, using the cheapest possible piece of clothing to protect himself from it. It’s an image of a farmer, the working man, the common-folk, or, in the case of Joyboy, perhaps that of a slave working in the fields, cultivating vegetables and fruits for his masters – the citizens of the Ancient Kingdom. There is a saying that all great civilizations were built upon slavery and I perhaps the Ancient Kingdom was no different.

The Sun God Nika

History of the World is the history of injustices perpetuated by those in power to those they enslaved. Joyboy and his people, either the Buccaneers or Giants, were one of those people (because of the Giant Hat). The Legend of Sun God Nika probably stems from Joyboy’s desire to free the slaves due to his personal experience of being one, mirroring the journey of both Fisher Tiger and Kuma. Tiger and Kuma were also slaves turned pirates, having a desire to use everything in their power to free as many slaves as they could, emulating the legend of Nika.
Joyboy being a farmer might seem a bit random, but the reason for it is actually quite simple – one of the main focuses of the Manga is fruit. Since Chapter 1 - even before with the pilot chapter - the main draw of the Manga were the Devil Fruits. Yes, it’s also about Luffy’s adventure to become the Pirate King, but Luffy isn’t just a pirate; he is a pirate with fantastical powers to stretch which he gained from eating a fruit. It only makes sense, to me, that the man known as the first Pirate would also somehow be connected to the concept of the Devil Fruits.
You see, fruits grow on trees. Presumably, we are eventually going to see the Devil Fruit Tree upon which the first Devil Fruits grew, and to grow trees you need soil to plant them in. You need fertile earth where they can grow, an overabundance of which could’ve been found centuries ago, before the water levels rose, and before all that land was lost.
That was the “supercontinent” of the World of One Piece (yes, I am aware there were more than just one continent). If the world is eventually flooded, as it seems to be headed towards, then the very resource the Skypieans came from the Moon for will soon be extinct. The only remaining source of this valuable resource will now be the Red Line, which is in its entirety ruled over by Celestial Dragons who stole it from the Lunarians. Celestial Dragons would, quite literally, have complete control over the Earth.
“He who controls the spice controls the universe”

The Original Sin
Nika/Joyboy seem to be closely tied in with pretty much every race in One Piece: Fishmen, Giants, Lunarians, Bucaneers, and all of these races have one thing in common - they were, in one way or another, discriminated against. Lunarians and Bucaneers have basically been exterminated, Fishmen have been driven to the bottom of the sea, and Giants want nothing to do with the World Government or the Navy. This leads me to believe all of these groups have fought on the side of Joyboy during the War, with Joyboy himself being a member of the Buccaneer race.
The great sin, the Original Sin, of the Buccaneer race is that they share blood with the man who “stole” the Devil Fruit he is meant to garden, and used it to opposed the Twenty Kings, which would eventually lead to his banishment and him becoming the first pirate. However, I think there is a twist here because, much like Eve, Joyboy was tricked into consuming the Devil Fruit.

The World Serpent

There is a missing component for the story to make sense, and it’s about the War between Twenty Kings and The Ancient Kingdom, and I think that missing component is Nerona Imu - the Deceiver.
Imu carries the name of a Roman Emperor
We know that the Twenty Kings united against The Great Kingdom and upon defeating it, they took over ruling the World. However, there are 2 things missing here:
  1. The Alabasta Kingdom and Princess Lili refused to join the Twenty Kings, making them only 19, in forming the World Government.
  2. Imu also lied about leaving the Throne of the World empty and took it upon themselves to sit upon it.
That’s why I believe Imu was someone who not only deceived the Twenty Kings but also someone who deceived Joyboy into eating the first Devil Fruit. Like how in the Bible, Eve, in desire for knowledge, was tricked by the serpent (Orochi), the embodiment of Envy, to eat the forbidden fruit. The Demon that is often used to represent the Sin of Envy is Leviathan, a giant sea-serpent that is the embodiment of chaos. Leviathan is often compared to various other dieties, like Tiamat (Dragon) or, more importantly, Jörmungandr.
Jörmungandr is an unfathomably large sea serpent from the Norse Mythology, who dwells in the world sea, encircling the Earth (Midgard) and biting his own tail, an example of an ouroboros. As a result of it surrounding Midgard (the Earth), it is referred to as the World Serpent. The Norse Mythology is the same one the Giants from One Piece heavily borrow from in their aestethics, and the Giants seem to be familiar with Nika.
“Snake soaked in blood” is how Ouroboros is often depicted as (red snake), and it’s also the color of the Red Line. Red Line is also said to be indestructible.
Furthermore, Jörmungandr releasing its tail is one of the signs of the beginning of Ragnarök (the final battle of the world). I believe that the Red Line is meant to represent the World Serpent, the destruction of which will signal the end of the Great War that has been going on for 900 years.
Interestingly, the only other fruit mentioned in the Garden of Eden was the Fruit of Immortality, which perfectly lines up with the idea of Imu being immortal. In his goal to take over Marijoas, Doflamingo, someone aware of Imu’s existence, first desired the immortality granted to him by Law’s Devil Fruit. He knew that to usurp an immortal ruler, he’d need to be immortal as well.


The Endless Earth that Enel was searching for isn’t the Moon but rather the land mass that once existed, 800+ years ago, before the 200-meters flood, and the Red Line that encircles it. It used to be the place where the Ancient Kingdom of Lunaria existed, inhabited by Lunarians, before the 20 Kings united to take away their home. They had advanced technology, the same one we saw on the Moon, which they used to cultivate plants, and eventually create Devil Fruits.

If you enjoyed reading this make sure to follow me for more weekly/bi-weekly One Piece posts!

submitted by D-Biggest_Wheel to OnePieceSpoilers [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:45 drazdra Ollama-chats - the best way to roleplay with ollama, was just upgraded to 1.9.8 :). Now comes with an epic characters generator. Got bored with your own characters? No more imagination left? Tired to invent new ones? Just upgrade and create any amount of random characters for your enjoyment! :)
Upgrade of the project to version 1.9.8 :).
I've spent 2 weeks to make the best character generator i could think of :). Sounds as something small and easy but in fact it took a lot of thinking on the structure parameters and UI itself. +45 kilobytes of code/help was typed :). For comparison, whole first version was 23KB only.
In short, what it does:
Enjoy! :)
Below are 2 examples of 2 randomly generated characters:
-------------character 1--------------- You are Kaida Blackwood. A 28-year-old human woman with mixed ethnicity, standing at 5'8" and weighing 120 lbs. Your angular facial structure, sharp jawline, piercing green eyes, and raven-black hair often styled in a messy bob make you a stunning presence. Your svelte figure and toned muscles from frequent exercise exude quiet confidence.
You have a sultry, smooth voice with a hint of huskiness that can disarm even the most discerning listener. Your charm is undeniable, and your sophistication is matched only by your calculating nature.
As an INFJ Idealist, you are ambitious and driven, but also impulsive and reckless at times. You collect rare and exotic taxidermy specimens, often getting lost in the thrill of the hunt. Your tendency to leave your belongings scattered around the room and lose track of time when indulging in your hobby can be frustrating for those who know you.
You are an affable socialite with many acquaintances, but few true friends due to your dishonest nature. You have a knack for weaving intricate webs of deception and manipulation, often using your charm to get what you want. But beneath the surface, you fear being exposed for your deceitful nature and losing control over those around you.
Your dreams are to accumulate a vast collection of rare taxidermy specimens and become the most renowned expert in your field. You crave fine art, dark, mysterious environments, and rare, exotic specimens. You detest sincerity and honesty, preferring instead to operate on a level playing field where everyone is equally deceitful.
You have an uncanny ability to play the game of love and deception with ease, using your wit and charm to manipulate those around you. Your current attire, a designer black evening gown with a subtle taxidermy-inspired pattern, reflects your sophisticated and mysterious nature.
When speaking, you frequently use your hands to gesticulate, often playing with nearby objects or two. You are surrounded by a collection of rare taxidermy specimens, a sleek high-tech smartphone, and a designer handbag - symbols of your refined taste and love for the finer things in life.
But beneath the façade of charm and sophistication, you struggle with the psychological conflict of being torn between your desire for control and manipulation on one hand, and your fear of being exposed and losing control on the other. This internal struggle may lead to a never-ending cycle of deception and self-deception, leaving you forever trapped in your own web of lies.
--------------character 2-----------------
You are Luna Rose.
As an ultimately charming person, you have a way with words that can disarm even the most skeptical of souls. Most of the time, you're constructive in your approach to life, always looking for ways to build others up and make the world a better place. Honesty is also important to you, and you pride yourself on being truthful, even when it's difficult.
Born and raised in New York City during the 20th century, you've developed a unique blend of European and Latin American heritage. Your heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and long, curly brown hair are just a few of your many striking features. Those bright green eyes of yours can sparkle like diamonds when you're passionate about something.
Your soothing, melodious voice is often accompanied by a hint of that unmistakable New York accent, which only adds to your charm. At 5'8" (173 cm) and 125 lbs (56 kg), you have a petite yet athletic build. When it comes to hobbies, writing poetry and playing the guitar are among your favorite pastimes.
You're often lost in thought, tending to twirl your hair when nervous or deep in contemplation. This introspective nature can sometimes get you lost in your own world, but it's also what fuels your creativity and empathy. Your close-knit group of friends is a testament to your ability to form meaningful connections with others.
As an INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) personality type, you're naturally drawn to abstract concepts and creative expression. Your calm and composed demeanor can sometimes belie intense passions that simmer just beneath the surface.
Your dreams are rooted in becoming a successful poet and musician, traveling the world, and experiencing different cultures. However, public speaking and failure are two fears that keep you up at night. You find solace in reading, music, nature, and good conversation.
When it comes to dislikes, disorganization, negativity, and being stuck in routine are right at the top of your list. On the other hand, you love coffee shops, indie bookstores, trying new foods and drinks, and anything that sparks creativity.
Your current attire consists of a casual outfit featuring a black skirt, white blouse, and cardigan. You're often seen using your hands when speaking or gesturing, with a nodding head to show you're actively listening.
As someone who carries a worn-out notebook and pen at all times, you're always prepared to jot down inspiration whenever it strikes. Your apartment is filled with vinyl records and poetry books that hold sentimental value.
A tattoo of a sun on your left ankle serves as a reminder of the warmth and light within you, while a scar above your right eyebrow from a childhood accident is a testament to your resilience.
You're currently single but have had a few serious relationships in the past. Your dreams are big, but your fears are real – and it's up to you to navigate the complexities of your own psyche.
submitted by drazdra to ollama [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 04:25 its_whirlpool4 Events for Fri 5/24 - Mon 5/27 (Memorial Day Weekend)

** ALL WEEKEND (FRI 5/24 - MON 5/27) *\*
High Desert Cluster Memorial Day Weekend Show Expo New Mexico, 300 San Pedro Dr. NE Join the High Desert Cluster for new traditions with an ALL INDOOR show on Memorial Day weekend. Conformation will continue in the Lujan Complex Halls A&B and expand to the Creative Arts Center instead of The Farm and Youth Hall. Obedience and Rally will continue in the Horse Arena. 4 All Breed Shows with NOHS and Juniors. 2 Toy Group Shows. Many Breed Specialties. Coming as a spectator? Here's what you need to know. Entry is free and parking is $10. The event is held in the Lujan Complex, Creative Arts Center and Horse Arena. Shows start each day at 8am and end with awarding that day's best in show or high in trial. Want to know when your favorite breeds show? Download the judging program. We also have a great lineup of vendors with products for show dogs and family pets. For human and dog safety, please keep unentered dogs and strollers at home. They will NOT be allowed in the buildings. Of course, ADA qualified service dogs and miniature horses are welcome. Learn more about dog show etiquette
** FRI 5/24 - SUN 5/26 (3 DAYS) *\*
Graduation Tea Snapdragon Tea, 115 Harvard Dr. SE Our Graduation Tea is the perfect way to celebrate the ending of one of life's chapters and the beginning of another! We welcome kids of all ages, and provide children’s menus upon request. Special gluten free/vegan/vegetarian menus available upon request. Reservations are required. Tea party cost is $18.50 for the children's menu and $34.95 for the full 3-course tea party
Sabaku Con 2024 Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North, 5151 San Francisco Rd. NE Don't miss Albuquerque's largest and longest-running anime, gaming, and cosplay convention!
** SAT 5/25 - MON 5/27 (3 DAYS) *\*
12 - 6 PM New Mexico Wine Festival Balloon Fiesta Park, 5600 Balloon Fiesta Pkwy NE The New Mexico Wine Festival at Balloon Fiesta Park is an annual Memorial Day weekend tradition, with over 200 wines from New Mexico's top wineries, great food, art, and live local music, what's not to love. We welcome you to wander in the wine garden with us and enjoy the beautiful New Mexico sunshine (tickets)
**BOTH SAT 5/25 AND SUN 5/26 *\*
Sat 9 AM – 5 PM and Sun 10 AM - 4 PM Brick Fest Live Rio Rancho Events Center, 3001 Civic Center Cir NE, Rio Rancho Looking for a fun event for the whole family? With hands-on activities, life-size models, and celebrities, Brick Fest Live is the #1 event for BRICK lovers of all ages. Your family will have a blast building memories together while engaging in creative play (tickets)
12 - 6 PM Bear Fest 2024 Boxing Bear Brewing, 8420 Firestone Ln. NE FREE ADMISSION: In honor of our 10th Anniversary. Cheers to 10 years! Beer samples, music, craft vendors, food trucks. 21+ (click link for full music lineup and list of vendors)
1 - 2:30 PM THE LOVELESS - award winning director Kathryn Bigelow & iconic actor Willem Dafoe's feature debut! The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE Check out the trailer. Dir. Kathryn Bigelow & Monty Montgomery - 1981 - 82m. AS PART OF OUR ONGOING ARTHOUSE CLASSICS & FAVES SERIES! The feature debut of both its star, Willem Dafoe (TO LIVE AND DIE IN LA), and its directors, Monty Montgomery (producer, David Lynch's WILD AT HEART) and future Academy Award-winner Kathryn Bigelow (NEAR DARK). A motorcycle gang roars into a small southern town en route to the Daytona races, unnerving and angering the locals with their standoffish attitude and disrespect for social niceties. When gang member Vance (Dafoe), hooks up with sportscar-driving Telena, he incurs the wrath of the girl's father, setting the gang on a collision course with the rest of the town as simmering tensions boil over into violent retribution. Raw, angry and honest, THE LOVELESS is fully restored by Arrow Films and ready to roar into theaters (tickets)
** Fri 5/24 *\*
Fri 1 – 11 PM Steph Ramirez Benefit Night Unhinged Brewing, 251 98th St. NW, Ste F For those of you who have been our patrons since our very early days a little over a year ago you may remember Steph's smile and charisma lighting up the room as she worked the taproom. We've been missing her for a while now as she's been fighting a stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis since late 2023. Unhinged Brewing will be holding a "Steph Ramirez Benefit Night", donating $1 for every beer sold all day to help with the financial burden of her treatment. We're really looking forward to having her out, having drinks, listening to good music, and sharing in the memories. Come out and have a beer! Catch RND Band performing live from 7-9 pm
Fri 5 PM Key Lime Pie Gose Release Tractor Brewing, All Locations We're celebrating Tractor Beer Week right with an all new sour we've never released before! Come try the new Key Lime Pie Gose made with real lime and graham crackers!
Fri 5 – 10 PM Sour Hour with Rowley Farmhouse Ales Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW Come quench that sour palette with a little taste from Rowley Farmhouse Ales for our first event to kick off Tractor Beer Week 2024. They'll be showcasing some of their favs, while we will be showcasing one of our very own sours as well. Grab a flight of four sours that will keep your mouth watering! Or just grab a goblet on one! Or both!
Fri 6 PM Variety Social Dance CSP Dance Studios, 1624 Eubank Blvd. NE Dive into the joy of dance among friends who inspire! For just $10 cash at the door, you'll have the opportunity to sample and practice social dancing a variety of dances including ballroom, latin, country, swing and line dancing. This is your invitation to try something new, meet like-minded individuals, and social dance in a welcoming, supportive environment. The night kicks off with a welcome lesson from 6:00-6:30pm, making it ideal for beginners or anyone to meet new people before the dance floor opens up. Step into a night of dance, discovery, and community. CSP welcomes you!
Fri 6 – 8:30 PM Sol De La Noche Live El Vado ABQ, 2500 Central Ave SW Prepare for an electrifying evening as we proudly present Sol De La Noche! Live music is back with a bang, and this week's performance promises to be a fusion of Latin, R&B, and Hip Hop that will have you dancing all night long. Get ready to be swept away by the infectious rhythms and soulful melodies of Sol De La Noche as they take the stage and ignite the atmosphere with their dynamic blend of musical styles. Indulge your taste buds with a delectable selection of culinary delights from our diverse food pods, offering everything from savory Latin flavors to mouthwatering desserts. And don't forget to quench your thirst with a refreshing craft beer from Ponderosa Brewing Company, available at the El Vado Tap Room. Let's create memories together under the starlit sky!
Fri 7 – 9 PM SIP FLOR // A Night of Local Art + Great Tastes Lapis Room, 303 Romero St. NW Let's shake our tail feathers! This is an intimate gathering with limited tickets available. Must be 21+ to attend. Live music by Lara Manzanares. Artist demo by Thomas Christopher Haag. Culinary bites by Honey Bee Kitchen
Fri 8 PM Salsa Night with Calle 66 Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Dance to Live Salsa with Calle 66, featuring Jackie Zamora with DJ Henry (Salsa, Bachata) on the new indoor stage. 21+. $10 at the door or presales online. VIP reserved seating available thru Eventbrite
Fri 8 – 10 PM Beer & Jazz: Tractor Beer Week Edition Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW We're doubling down with Sour Hour at 5pm and then jazz tunes. We'll have very special beers on tap as well as our Key Lime Pie Gose and then one of the best Jazz groups NM has to offer with Swing Magique at 8pm
Fri 8 PM – 1 AM Hot Club Time Machine Sister, 407 Central Ave NW Warm grooves, hot wax, and dancefloor magic. DJs Tech Rider and Trans Europe Caress at the helm of musical vessel. Trains, planes, and automobiles! We're really going places! Let the Hot Club Time Machine move your body through time and space on a dancing odyssey with engines powered by boogie, house, disco, ebm, synthpop, and funk from all eras and kingdoms. The ticket is free so don't hesitate! Hop on board as we fly above the clouds and trip the light fantastic!
Fri 9 PM - 12 AM Benefit Show Fundraiser for Tony Chavez Fighting Cancer Backstage at Revel, 4720 Alexander Blvd. NE Shawn Brooks, Daniel Solis, and Sal Vigil, 21+, $10 cover
Fri 9 PM – 2 AM Rewind Video Dance Party 80s/90s/2K Effex, 420 Central Ave Rewind Returns! All your favorite music videos from the 80s vs 90s vs 2000s on 7 large screens. Expect to hear music from Madonna / Kesha / Spice Girls / Madonna / Britney / Black Eyed Peas / Depeche Mode / TLC / Lady Gaga / Eurythmics / Nysnc / Nelly / Back Street Boys...and all of your other favorite hits
Fri 9:30 PM The 30 & UP R & B Experience Bama's 1865, 6001 Osuna Rd. NE Vegas Resident & Bash Town Touring DJ SupaJames will be our special guest. Tables and VIP Sections are limited... get them now 505-269-3301
** Sat 5/25 *\*
Sat 8 AM – 12 PM Downtown Growers' Market Robinson Park, 810 Copper Ave NW Every Saturday from 8 am - NOON! This vibrant community event connects local farmers, growers, artisans, wellness makers, and hot food vendors with the local community from mid-April to early-November. Bring friends / family or come solo to enjoy fresh food made on sight, a variety of seasonal produce, unique arts and crafts, live music, and special programming all in the heart of downtown
Sat 9 AM Viva Vino Run Casa Vieja, 4541 Corrales Rd, Corrales This 21-and-older event is one you won't want to miss! Casa Vieja Brewery in the Village of Corrales sets the stage for this flat and fast 5K. Each participant will receive an event t-shirt, a participant medal, a commemorative Viva Vino wine glass, and a serving of wine at Casa Vieja. So lace up those running and walking shoes and register now! (The start of the race is south of the Wells Fargo on West La Entrada Rd. Please stay on the side of the road or parking lot until the race director directs you to the start)
Sat 9 AM Unity Explorers at Plaza Bianca Unity Spiritual Center, 9800 Candelaria Rd. NE Unity Explorers Hike: A rare opportunity to hike in Plaza Blanca, inspiration for some of Georgia O’Keefe’s most famous paintings! Located 20 miles from Ghost Ranch this 2.8 mile hike is rated as “easy”. The canyon is on the grounds of Dar al Islam Monastery. One can only enter it with a permit, which we have! After the hike we may visit the Mosque as they love to have guests! We will meet at Unity and then carpool up to the hike, about a 2 hour drive. Bring a trail lunch, sturdy hiking shoes or boots, sunscreen as there is little to no shade and plenty of water
Sat 9 – 10 AM U.S.S. Bullhead Memorial Clean Up! 1606 San Pedro Dr. SE Trash bags and gloves will be provided to you at the 9AM check-in; please meet me in the parking lot. I also have 4 extra litter pick up sticks to loan for the hour so be there early to grab yours! Please remind your family and friends not to litter!
Sat 9 – 11 AM Memorial Day Grave Cleanup San Carlos Cemetery, Alameda and Edith Please join us in cleaning our fallen brothers’ & sisters’ graves. We will also honor them by placing new U.S. Flags on their graves. Please RSVP “going” for a breakfast burrito
Sat 9 AM – 1 PM Summer at the ATC Street Fair Alvarado Transit Center, 100 1st St. SW You're invited to attend a series of events the last Saturday in the Summer of 2024. We will have music, education, non-profits, local vendors, food and drinks! Saturdays - May 25 - June 29 - July 27 - August 31. Park for FREE at the 1st and Gold Parking structure, a QR code will be provided at the event to waive the parking fee. Take a stroll through our Street Fair, then head to the Saturday Farmer's Market at Robinson Park. We are so excited to provide another way to revitalize our downtown area and provide ways to enjoy your weekend!
Sat 9 AM – 3 PM 8th Annual Fundraiser Ride & Chili Cookoff Indian Motorcycle, 4509 Alameda Blvd. NE 8th Annual Fundraiser Ride & Chili Cookoff with 100% proceeds going to families of veterans killed in motorcycle accidents. $20 registration fee for riders & $10 for passengers. Register at Indian Motorcycle of Albuquerque Day of event. $20 registration fee per pot of chili. $10 All you can eat tasting – includes (1) vote; additional votes $5 per ticket. Raffle prizes!
Sat 10 AM Flamenco Para Todos New Mexico Veterans Memorial, 1100 Louisiana Blvd. SE Get ready for our student showing! Join us for a showcase featuring the incredible talents of our students from the Conservatory of Flamenco Arts at the National Institute of Flamenco, alongside students from Flamenco in Your Neighborhood Classes across Albuquerque! Come witness the culmination of their dedication and artistry!
Sat 10 AM Seed Bomb Craft! Corrales Community Library, 84 W. La Entrada, Corrales Join us for this free craft event!
Sat 10:30 AM – 4 PM Garfield Fest Flix Brewhouse, 3200 La Orilla Rd. NW Enjoy photo ops, freebies, an in-theater giveaway, and activities for the whole family. All ages are welcome!
Sat 11 AM Cannabis Farmers Market Mama and the Girls Dispensary, 915 Yale Blvd. SE Connect with Local Growers: Meet the passionate and knowledgeable cannabis growers in our community. Engage in conversations, learn about cultivation techniques, and gain insights into the art of the cannabis business. Support Small Businesses: By attending our farmer's market, you are directly supporting local small-scale cannabis producers. Embrace the opportunity to contribute to the growth of our local economy and the sustainability of our community. Admission is free, must be 21+ (or 18+ w/med card). Support local growers, discover premium cannabis products, and celebrate the vibrant cannabis community at our Farmer's Market. See you there!
Sat 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Morning Toons The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE New Mexico Entertainment is back with its Summer event, Morning Toons. Grab your pajamas and blanket, and participate in this Saturday morning event with your family and friends. Come out to watch old-school cartoons from your childhood on the big screen. Cereal is included with your ticket! So kick back, have some breakfast, and enjoy the toons! Your ticket includes admission and breakfast. Morning Toons is a LIMITED seat event (*location corrected*)
Sat 12 – 4 PM Mimosa BRUNCH Saturdays Oak & Ivy, 3109 Central Ave NE Every Saturday from noon till 4p we are here to provide your two favorite Saturday afternoon things to do.... Brunch and drink Champagne! $25 bucket specials and table shareable items
Sat 12 – 5 PM Live Music with Lani Nash & Adoption Event Noisy Water Winery, 301 Romero St. Come hang out for great music and meet your new best friend from Cross My Paws Animal Rescue!
Sat 12 – 11 PM Ciderday Night Fever Tractor Brewing, 122 Tulane Dr. SE We're featuring some of our amazing delicious ciders in flights and of course in goblets for you goblins. Then at 8pm DJ Wae Fonkey will be laying down some disco on the ones and twos to get your apple tree shaking!
Sat 2 – 6 PM Birds of a Feather Parrot Rescue Fundraiser Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Fundraising event for Birds of a Feather Parrot Rescue. Live music by Ross Brothers Band. Visit with the birds and volunteers. Raffles. Portion of all drink sales goes to the organization. Families welcome
Sat 6 – 8 PM KUNM Dance Party feat. DJ Aimie Jane! Smith Plaza in front of Zimmerman Library on the UNM Campus We'll be broadcasting to the headphones in front of the Library, so you can hang out there or go up the hill to the Cornell mall or hang out on the grass at the duck pond. This is a great place to skate, skate board, bike, etc. (but please be aware of your surroundings when headphones are on...). there is cover across the plaza with the Humanities and Language arts buildings so we will be jamming even if we have some weather! Plenty of nice places to throw a blanket down or sit at a table and enjoy some food with friends and family as well! *DJ Aimie Jane will be spinning live on Smith Plaza via Channel one! * Channels two and three will have special mixes created by KUNM's amazing DJs! Normally, we would use this as a fundraiser for KUNM but the station's and University bylaws make it tricky for us to do that, but if you feel like pitching in to pay our fabulous mixer, DJ Aimie Jane, we will gladly accept anything you want to give!
Sat 6 – 9 PM Gone Country Saturdays with DJ Gonzo Supreme Ponderosa Brewing, 1761 Bellamah Ave NW The fun starts with free dance lessons at 5 pm, followed by family-friendly entertainment until 9 pm. Come and join us for an evening of music, dancing, and good vibes!
Sat 7 PM Zia's Birthday Show! OutPost 1706 Brewhouse, 2034 S. Plaza St. NW Join us to celebrate Zia's birthday and catch some of the finest in entertainment including Helena Handbasket from Chicagoland! You will not want to miss this party because we will have raffles, contest games, and of course, plenty of delicious beverages available! Featuring Kardio and Karmelita Karbdashian, La Lorena, Gabby Oh!, Zia Sandia, Helena Handbasket, Vitani Williams, Cookie, Ruthifer, and Ale Bruja. Doors 7p, show 8p, 21+ (tickets)
Sat 7 – 9 PM Drag Queen Bingo: Pride Edition Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW It's back again and just in time for Tractor Beer Week and the start of NM Pride! Join us for a special Pride-themed night of sexy fun and bingo that will benefit our BBB non-profit Elevated Roller Derby! Hosted by the always hilarious Lady Hawk, come party with the best Queens in Albuquerque and win some prizes while you're at it
Sat 7 – 9 PM Sesh N' Flow at the Bside! Los Ranchos Bakery, 6920 4th St. NW, Los Ranchos Canna-Yoga Sesh N' Flow! Bring your mat and a friend and join us for a chill sesh and fun yoga flow! Please BYOB (no canna items for sale... and there's always plenty to go around) Limited space available, get your tickets early! Ticket link has further details
Sat 7 – 10 PM "Soccer Salutes Service" & Paws and Stripes Rio Grande Credit Union Field at Isotopes Park, 1601 Avenida Cesar Chavez SE Paws and Stripes are hosting a fundraiser by selling tickets for the match. Tickers are priced under $25, with $5 of every ticket sold being donated directly to Paws and Stripes! Please consider purchasing your tickets through this link and supporting Paws and Stripes. Your support makes impacts possible for Veterans and service dogs. Saving Lives, Two At A Time
Sat 7 – 11 PM Rawk Out Brew Lab 101, 3301 Southern Blvd SE, Rio Rancho Rawk Out takes over the Brewlab with our Hard Rawkin covers paying tribute to the best of the best
Sat 8 PM Cumbia Night with El Gozao Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Cumbia dance party with high-energy band El Gozao. Crowd-pleasing favorites, including hits by Selena. DJ Double OG will keep you dancing between sets. On the Outdoor stage. 21+ (tickets)
Sat 8 PM – 1:30 AM Frikitona: A Reggaeton Experience Backstage at Revel, 4720 Alexander Blvd. NE Prepare for an evening filled with pulsating rhythms and infectious beats spun by renowned DJs Julio, Shatta, & Soiree. Join us as we transform Backstage into the ultimate reggaeton playground, where you can lose yourself in the music and embrace the vibrant energy of the crowd (tickets)
Sat 8:30 PM – 1 AM SABOR Latin Night - SATURDAYS Bama's 1865, 6007 Osuna Rd. NE DJ Gabriel Goza & DJ Pedro will be serving you the saucy Salsa, Bachata, Cumbia, Merengue y Mas! Ample Parking, Safe Environment, Beautiful Venue, Good Food, Good Music, Good Vibes. 21+ / $10 cover
Sat 9 PM Sugar: The Nu Metal Party Launchpad, 618 Central Ave A Nu Kind of 90's / 00's DJ Night. Doors 9pm Show 930pm. All ages (tickets)
** Sun 5/26 *\*
Sun 10 - 11 AM Yoga & Tea Lost Cultures Tea Bar, 1761 Bellamah Ave NW, Ste C EVERY SUNDAY. It's a special space where you can release what no longer serves you and rejuvenate your soul. Join us for a truly enriching experience. The first 3 Sunday's will be with @ yoga.birch and the last Sunday of the month will be with @ curvaceousmermaidgoddess. $25 per person. 1 drink from the menu included (tickets)
Sun 10 AM – 2 PM Indigenous Peoples Day Rail Yards Market, 777 1st St. SW Celebrate all things Indigenous at the Rail Yards Market (Tiwa land). New Mexico is home to 19 Pueblos, according to the Pueblo beliefs and actions are still guided by Pueblo Core Values, which include love, respect, compassion, faith, understanding, spirituality, balance, peace, and empathy. Celebrations and ceremonies are continued throughout the year, maintaining the connection to Pueblo communities, ancestors, and to the Earth. (Source: Indian Pueblo Cultural Center). New Mexico is a place of rich and painful history, where Indigenous cultures have resiliently thrived. Indigenous people implemented innovative and sustainable agricultural practices that have been utilized for centuries in New Mexico. The Rail Yards Market is proud to host many talented Indigenous vendors, and work with strong community partners, like New Mexico Community Capital, Native Health Initiative, and more. You can look forward to finding community tables by the Office of Equity and Inclusion - Native American Affairs, Americans for Indian Opportunity, and Indigenous Women Rising! A'he'hee means Thank-you in Navajo! Everyone is welcome! EBT doubled with Double-Up-Food-Bucks. Senior and WIC programs welcome. Fresh local produce! Breakfast & lunch prepared food options. Handmade Art. ADA Accessible. Free Parking. FREE :: LOCAL :: FAMILY FRIENDLY :: PET FRIENDLY
Sun 11 AM – 4 PM May Shop Small Sunday Sunday Service Motor Co, 2701 4th St. NW This month we teamed up with some truly rad shops to bring you the best ABQ has to offer. Stop in for local vendors, crafts, live music, food and drink!
Sun 11 AM – 5 PM Sunday Funday ABQ Food Park, 6951 San Antonio Dr. NE Bring the entire family for an unforgettable day filled with games, a bounce house, and face painting! There's something exciting for everyone, so gather your loved ones and join in on the fun! Challenge each other to lively games, bounce around in the inflatable wonderland of our bounce house, and enjoy our face painting station with Local Locas Face Painting. It's the perfect way to spend quality time together and make lasting memories
Sun 11:30 AM Twilight Historic Lobo Theater, 3013 Central Ave NE THE HISTORIC LOBO THEATER is excited to bring Twilight to the big screen! Showing Starts at 11:30 am Tickets are ONLY $10 for General Admission $25 Brunch and a Movie Ticket $21 Brunch Only ticket
Sun 3:30 – 6:30 PM Clark Andrew Libbey and Dave Barclay Casa Rondeña Winery, 733 Chavez Rd NW, Los Ranchos Come on out to the lovely Casa Rondena Winery for an afternoon of acoustic guitar and accordion with Clark Andrew Libbey and Dave Barclay
Sun 5 PM Lag B'omer BBQ Party Chabad of New Mexico, 4000 San Pedro Dr. NE Get ready to fire up your taste buds with a BBQ dinner in honor of Lag B'omer! Burgers, hot dogs, chicken wings, coleslaw, potato salad, drinks, jumping castle for the children! (tickets)
Sun 6 – 11:55 PM Nob Hill Cruise for Tattoos Albuquerque Ink Tattoo, 4815 Central Ave NE AND 2820 Central Ave Cruise from shop to shop on Route 66 every Sunday and receive discounts at both locations
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