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One Piece

2010.01.14 15:55 semizero One Piece

Welcome to OnePiece, the community for Eiichiro Oda's manga and anime series One Piece. From the East Blue to the New World, anything related to the world of One Piece belongs here! If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit!

2011.12.22 00:27 Nootnamed Misleading Thumbnails - Not always what you think

This subreddit is a place to share posts (often found elsewhere on reddit), that have the unique quality of generating a Reddit thumbnail that misleads people into seeing something entirely different than what the full-size image ends up being. This almost always occurs in an unexpected fashion, where shrinking down an image to thumbnail-size suddenly creates an illusion one would not have expected. (Only works on Old Reddit or "Classic View")

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2024.05.15 08:21 Binx_da_gay_cat Thanks doc, I'm cured (real story from today)

Brief history: from ages 16-18 I had chronic migraines, and they have come back after a two year hiatus. Went to my doctor to try to get a neurology referral to get back on the good ol preventative meds and trying to find something that might help, because what used to work doesn't anymore and I've since exhausted all pain medications trying to find which one will. It's frustrating.
Doctor removed the medication that gives me energy. Fine. "You're just tired. Can you describe your headaches for me?"
Me: Can I get something to help with them?
Doctor: No
Me: Can I get a preventive?
Doctor: No
Me: If I'm just tired can I get something to help me sleep so I, by your logic, have fewer "headaches"?
Doctor: No, I cannot ethically prescribe you medication. You need to go without this medication you've been on only 6 months on and off for a month before we'll rediscuss this. I can't throw chemistry at you.
Me: By removing this medication that provides energy, not allowing me sleep assistance to get better sleep, and not currently having pain meds that help with the migraines, work is going to be hard. It was terrible the other day feeling dizzy, disoriented, hallucinating, not to mention the sensitivity to light and sound. That's why I'm even here.
Doctor: Have you considered calling out?
Me: I don't have much sick time yet since I'm still relatively new (I've got 8 hours at a rate of 1 per every 40 worked).
Doctor: That's what FMLA is for.
Me: I don't qualify, I haven't lived here long enough.
Doctor: Well then I can't help you.
For reference, I work in a small facility where there's maybe two people (both also working full time) who could cover me if I called out. So they'd have done their time that week plus have to pick up mine. I'm not putting that on them. I'm not in "curled up in bed" mode with migraines because migraines do differ. But like... I shouldn't explain that I, an otherwise healthy 20 year old, am struggling to walk at work without falling alone with the intensity of the migraine that I've been dealing with (they've ended at the present hour but overall the frequency and intensity are worsening), to have a doctor say, "Have you considered not working?"
Mind you also, work isn't causing the migraines. Just because I'm in a decent spot in my life where I'm not having to worry at the moment about rent (though that's a new thing, I've had that in my life), doesn't mean that "just don't work or have a life" is a valid response to, "I'm suffering and I need help." I've had migraines longer than the medication he took me off of, so that won't do shit. If anything it'll make me struggle more with a work performance that will actually reflect not getting sleep at night, because my body doesn't have a built in monitor of, "Oh, we've been sleep deprived, let's get sleep." No, I'll run for weeks on end with terrible sleep and my body will be absolutely ragged by the end of it. I don't get the "catch up on sleep" period, I just run until I'm at 0%, regularly charge to maybe 5% overnight, and then drain again. Because worsening sleep definitely doesn't cause migraines or an inability to perform basic work functions effectively.
Bonus: My doctor noted in my file that the patient was upset to be told they would be removed from the medication. Patient also was nonchalant when warned about the dangers of taking too much tylenol and stated, "I don't care, I do what I need to to keep functioning. I can't afford a break." (After he'd said he'd not help me with anything to help with the problem, don't even have a referral.)
I can count on one hand the number of times I've taken more than a normal dose of medication in my life. But because I did the other day to make it through said rough shift, I must be an addict chasing a high. I don't like taking meds period. I'm not chasing down meds. I could be struggling to walk from knee pain and I still don't. If I'm taking it, let alone that much, you should be worried about me being okay because I very much am not. I just wish he actually took me seriously. Compared to the rest of my life, I'm getting better sleep now than ever. So it's very much not caused by sleep issues. It may not help, but it's not caused.
Fuck you doctor B, all I wanted was to be taken seriously.
(Also I have ADHD, which means that caffeine, a common thing to keep people awake and help with migraines, puts me to sleep and can make them worse. So I'm literally left to suffer for a month (at this rate until I get a new doctor who will actually take me seriously, I've had terrible sleep my entire life) without energy, good sleep, migraine prevention, or anything that will stop the migraine when it's hurting. Just get to go work in a kitchen for 8+ hours without anything to make it better. I hope he gets to suffer an unrelieving migraine and can't go rest, but I wish he could go through what I go through (but have to pay rent, so not working or taking FMLA could impact him living in the space) for several months and come back and tell me to just take a break.
Patient was upset when I dismissed everything they were going through and have been through and refused to help because I am a DOCTOR and I am ALWAYS right and know more than what my patients have literally experienced for years because I went to SCHOOL and became a DOCTOR and therefore the patient is an idiot who knows nothing despite their decades of experience suffering, but I'm a DOCTOR.
It wasn't even a "we'll discuss sleep aid/meds later, this is what I'm thinking." It was straight up no, I'm not going to help you.
submitted by Binx_da_gay_cat to thanksimcured [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:19 GreedyPersonality390 Powerful Wazifa for Marriage From Quran

Powerful Wazifa for Marriage From Quran
The quest for a spouse to share your life with is one of the most essential desires for many people. Nevertheless, to some people, the concept of marriage to the right person at the right time is like a very hard task. No matter what the effort they put in, their marriage gets into the problems. This is the main reason why a lot of people use such a strong wazifa to make them fit to marry and get the rid of these problems.
Powerful Wazifa for Marriage
What is Wazifa?
Wazifa consists of verses or prayers that are extracted from the religious Islamic scriptures and are recited in a particular way for a certain cause or a wish to be realized. The term ‘wazifa’ basically means to use something frequently or hard in order to get a specific target. The wazifa can be either a simple prayer taught by the elders or a complex ritual devised by the scholars of the spiritual world. Their power is the intensity of the faith and the regular repetition of the person who is saying them.
For most Muslims, wazifa is a spiritual tool which takes they to Allah and helps them to get his divine help to fulfill their desires, such as getting married to a partner of their choice. Some of the popular wazifas used by people to find good life partners and get married soon are as follows:There are some of the popular wazifas which are used by people to find good life partners and get married soon and are as follows:
Surah Yaseen Wazifa for Marriage is a chapter in the Quran that deals with the different aspects of marriage and precautionary measures.
The most well-known and influential wazifa for marriage is to read Surah Yaseen 41 times after Isha prayers over a period of 41 days. Surah Yaseen is the 36th chapter of the Quran, the Holy book, which is regarded as the ‘heart’ of the Quran for its characteristics. It is an undeniable proof of the goodness, blessings, and the acceptance of prayers from Allah. The more frequently this is done with a concentration and the purpose of marriage, the obstacles on the road to marriage will be removed. A lot of people have been given the good luck of the pre-arranged marriage soon with the help of this.
Salatul Istikhara for Marriage
Istikhara is the thing of seeking the best from Allah before making any important decision in life. Salatul Istikhara is a special prayer that is obligatory, that has verses from the Quran and Hadith that you pray continuously to Allah Almighty to ask for the right decision about the marriage between the two parties.
The act of dating with the mind and heart for marriage is what allows a person to get the supernatural signs of the good and bad outcomes regarding the choice of the potential partner and thus, the person will be able to make an informed decision.
Wazifa to get married soon is a declaration that underlines the significance of a marriage proposal before the marriage.
This is an extremely popular and powerful wazifa for girls and boys who are planning to get married soon and is thought to be very effective in helping them to get married quickly. It means to say 'Bismillah' 1111 times, Surah Ikhlas 111 times and Durud Shareef 111 times each day - initially, after Isha prayers - for 11 consecutive days, with the purpose of getting married soon, with full concentration and intention.
Whoever is in the wazifa with faith and who is consistent is thought to be able to get good marriage proposals in a few months after he has started it.
The Wazifa to Get Married to a Specific Person is intended for the Good Guidance to the person who makes a decision to get married to a particular person.
The wazifas mentioned above, thus, are the main reasons for the acquisition of good marriages in general. Nevertheless, there are people who want to marry a certain person they already know but they are not able to convince their parents or the other person to the commitment.
Some academicians have created the rituals based on the verses of the Quran, the numbers, and the physical actions in order to get the desired effect in the future life partner and to remove the doubts in the decision of the marriage. Besides, the wazifa must be conducted with the supervision of a professional as mistakes can make them useless.
To conclude, the wazifa is a spiritual path for Muslims to be near Allah, and to ask him for his blessings and the help to achieve their wishes like marriage. For the majority of people who are really into it and have a hard time with the marriage problems, the wazifas have brought about the most astonishing results that are beyond the possibility ever.
Alternatively, they perform it with full confidence in the Almighty and without the polytheistic rituals is inevitable. In addition to the task of maintaining and finding good matrimonial matches, one should also continue the other logistical efforts to find the good matrimonial matches within the permissible way in Islam.
Online Free Consultation With Maulana Ji Please Visit:
submitted by GreedyPersonality390 to u/GreedyPersonality390 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:15 dictator_to_be Is this considered disobedience to one’s parents? May God reward anyone who reads this.

Salam everyone! I wasn't active on reddit for a while due to my diploma exams, but Alhamdulillah they went well and InshAllah I'll be getting the grade I want to get. I feel so happy about finishing; I even got a full scholarship to go to a top university in my country, Alhamdulillah (If you've seen my posts about taqiyyah, you'll know this is a big deal as I will be moving out inshAllah), but I still can't be truly happy as my mom hasn't spoken to me in a week.
My mom and I are really different, but that doesn't matter much to me. I think it does to her. Alhamdulillah she is a practicing Muslim, and I have grown to be more religious since 2023. I started wearing the hijab, I read quran on a regular basis, I pray and fast and Alhamdulillah I am working on my mentality in this world and not just my rituals. For some reason, my mom has not shown me support with that. She was against my hijab and cried for nights when I made the decision (She's a hijabi herself!!!!), and we fought multiple times because of it. She's given me really mean comments about it, and I've cried many times for that. Just a few days ago, she spoke to me for the first time to accuse me of lying to my teacher because I didn't want to attend a class (I had an exam, but I also wanted to go out after it. I just told my teacher I have an exam so I won't come. I didn't know that was considered lying, but I repented either way.) She accused me of hypocrisy, that I choose where to be religious and where not. This made me cry so much. I felt like I am just trying my best and i didn't know, and I just want my mother's support.
The reason she is not speaking to me is this. A week ago, I told her that the seniors of my school (im a senior) are planning a camp night in school. Basically, they'll spend a night in school in tents. I don't enjoy their company at all and I certainly know this is an activity I will NOT enjoy. I told her about it; she was against sleeping. I said Alhamdulillah. Then, I said: "They probably won't sleep anyway. I think they'll just stay up late with music and dance and freemixing. Maybe I can go the next morning to have breakfast with them only." She saw red. I felt scared seeing how fast she switched. She said that no I will go and stay up late with them. I said "why? I won't enjoy." My dad also said to her that it's okay leave her be she's happy like this. And she got so angry after this. She started saying that I think I'm better than everyone else and that she's forcing me to go. "You want me to leave you be? You'll see how I'll leave you be later on in life!" As a convert in taqiyyah, this really hurt me, because not a day passes where I don't think of the day they'll actually leave me when they find out about my conversion. She said that all I care about is my studies. Yes! That's the only thing I care about now! After religion of course. I don't understand. I have friends and I go out so it's not like I'm lonely Alhamdulillah. And my studies are such a priority to me. That's what got me a scholarship. And I did it all for her. She's a working mother, and I see how much she struggles for us. So I worked so hard in order to make her relax in regards to college tuition. "In college, everyone will live their life and you will be stuck in your dorm room studying like a lonely person!" Huh. I study so much, yes, but I also have a social life and friends and everyone at school knows my name.
After that yelling fit she had, where I didn't say one word by the way, she hasn't spoken to me. And it's not only silence, it's also anger. She's really angry at me. This anger is what makes me feel bad. I know we are not supposed to obey our parents when they command us to do something that God didn't, but it's the anger of a mother which makes me feel like "what if this is angering my God too?" I appreciate my mom so much. She works so hard for us. Despite her not speaking to me, I still kiss her goodnight and goodmorning. But she is just so angry. I thought about apologising, but for what! After reading all the ahadith on the rights of parents over us, I overthink if God is even accepting my prayers as my mom is angry at me.
I missed this subreddit. Thank you for reading this far. My situation reminds me of our mother al-Zahraa SAA. Whenever I cry for my mom, I start sending salawat on Fatima PBUH. I think that's the good thing about this situation. Alhamdulillah.
Salawat on Muhammad Wa Ali Muhammad.
submitted by dictator_to_be to shia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:11 InsideCauliflower212 Update: Am I wrong for rejecting my friend who I asked out a few years back?

Hi, thank you all for the responses, I feel more confident that I did the right thing in that situation. Now, this isn't really that much of an update, but to also clarify the situation and answer some of the questions I've seen you guys posted on the comments of my first post.
Last night I went to my best friend's house(I will call him R) to talk about the situation, since he is also a part of the friend group and I know him to be more mature and insightful in situations like these, as well as providing a new perspective from someone who's watched the situation from a closer standpoint. I gave him the details and why I decided to reject our friend. He supported my choice and told to have a talk with her and our other friends as well to clarify the situation and to see my reasoning, which I would try to do on the weekend or when they agree to meet me. I haven't spoken to any of our other friends in the circle to avoid any unnecessary distractions since we are all busy with our lives. He also told me to post the reason why I rejected her and to clarify some things. So here I go:
  1. The first thing I wanted to clarify is that she isn't someone who played the field during college, she did not get into a relationship until a year after her graduation and has been working. As far as I remember, she's been into one relationship that lasted for more than a year, and has been seeing other guys after, but all of their interactions where mostly on discord and other social media platforms. She is also from a religious family and is quite religious herself, so she hasn't been sleeping around. I know this because, as I've said before, we are actually close and we do talk about each other's relationships as well. If anybody should be slut-shamed, it's me. We live in a Southeast Asian country with very strong religious beliefs, and rigid traditional values including a patriarchal society that has been embedded to our history. (Not sure if I should add this information about where we are but I think it kinda helps a bit.)
  2. When I posted that I lessened contact with her, I should have said that it was as close as to no contact with her, with me not going out with her anymore for drinks, food, etc., ignoring her messages on and just greeting her on birthdays and other occasions, and that period lasted for a year, give or take a few months. The realizations that I had when I walked away from our friendship was that I was smitten with her not because of her personality or looks, but that she was giving me attention and was kind. I felt back then that she was a good person and that I had a chance with her since we've known each other through childhood. I realized that I felt that I wanted to be with her because she would be nice enough to say yes to me. I was in a place back then where I never really talked to other women with the intent of actually dating them because for me, she was already there. Once I had free time, I started actually going out on dates, and realized that I kinda fucked up our friendship.
  3. R told me to add this info, since he feels that the biggest reason why she asked me out, and that is that her family is pressuring her to get married, or at least be in a relationship. As I've said before, she was raised in a religious family and that family comes with societal values that seems misogynistic. She is the eldest of three siblings, and one of her younger female cousins is already engaged. I knew about her parents hounding her and how she feels about the situation, and I kinda feel stupid not thinking that this might have influenced her decision. I think I was caught off-guard by the situation to actually think about it.
  4. I rejected her asking me out because I just don't see her in a romantic way. I think a huge part of my rejection is that I know what my preferences are now and she doesn't have that. I prefer someone who can call me out on my bullsh*t and tell me things straight to my face, and she doesn't have that in her personality, she has a hard time saying no to her parents and to the guys she's dating, unless it's something that ignores her values and such. I have also been confused about any more reasons why I rejected her, because I know she's attractive because she gets attention from other guys when we go out, and she's also a good person, in general, but honestly, I just don't have any romantic attraction to her, and I think that would be enough of a reason. She's a close friend of mine, we talk most nights, we talk about our dating life, we shit on each other's bad dates, we use each other's dating apps sometimes to look for a date for each other, and that's just it. I have been thinking about what she said, that I was trying to get back at her for the previous rejection, but I don't feel like that was what I was doing. I never wanted to hurt her, but I also don't want to be in a relationship with her.
Right now, I agree that she feels entitled to me and that maybe she is keeping me as a back-up. R also agrees that what she did was wrong, but that the mixture of alcohol and parents resulted in her being desperate since her actions seemed to deviate from how we knew her.
I would like to say sorry for not realizing that she may have been in the wrong headspace when she asked me out, and not telling you guys more about the situation she was in, I just thought she was handling it herself and never really thought how a situation like that could affect a person. Honestly, I would like to keep our friendship, even with the others who sent me hurtful messages, we've known each other for a long time and have seen each of us grow into adults, I just don't know how. Right now, I just want to talk to them for clarification, and how it was weird for me how she handled the rejection, (and weirder that she even asked me out in the first place) and to know everything that lead to this situation. I feel like I can only decide on what I should do once I know more about the situation.
That is all for now, i don't know if I could or would update, as any progress to this situation would start only if she talks to me again about the situation. I also feel like I should delete this post since I feel like her situation with her family is a private matter and not for me to share online, even anonymously. Thank you for all the help you guys have given me in this situation, although I am still not yet prepared to cut them off, at least for now.
submitted by InsideCauliflower212 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:10 eagle2120 [Very Long] Marathon, Angela, and Eragon Connections. Fractalverse and Murtagh Spoilers

I've been meaning to make this post for a while but life kept getting in the way.
There is a bunch of new (well, new to me) stuff I've discovered over the last few weeks, and wanted to share my thoughts with you.
Let's start with the "prequel" (although never canonically confirmed) to the Marathon series was a game called Pathways to Darkness. The backstory for this game is:
Sixty-four million years ago, a large extra-terrestrial object struck the Earth in what would later be called the Yucatan Peninsula, in south eastern Mexico. The dust and rock thrown up by the resulting explosion caused enormous climactic changes in the ensuing years, and many of the Earth's species became extinct during the long winter that followed.
The object itself was buried thousands of feet below ground, its nearly two kilometer length remarkably intact. It remained there, motionless, for thousands of years before it finally began to stir-- and to dream.
Hmm. Buried below ground. Finally beginning to stir and dream. Who does that sound like?
Let's keep going.
The heat of impact liquefied the rock around it, which later cooled and encased the dead god's huge body far below ground. As it began to dream, it wrought unintentional changes in its environment. Locked deep beneath the Earth, strange and unbelievable things faded in and out of reality. Vast caverns and landscapes bubbled to life within the rock, populated by horrible manifestations of the dead god's dream.
As it began to dream, it wrought unintentional changes in its environment.. Locked deep beneath the Earth, strange and unbelievable things faded in and out of reality.
Like Fingerrats? Or like Spider-wolves?
Vast caverns and landscapes bubbled to life within the rock, populated by horrible manifestations of the dead god's dream.
Caverns and landscapes. I want to expand this point here for a bit because it's also mirrored across Alagaesia.
Let's start with Helgrind.
For any FV enjoyers, I've previously speculated that Helgrind is a reliquary, or a previously living being that was transformed (a la Ctein).
But the curious thing here is the timeline of Helgrind and it's tunnel system, taken with the above context.
Q: Assuming it wasn't built by the Ra'zac themselves, was the lair inside Helgrind purpose-built for the Ra'zac and Lethrblaka, or did they appropriate it some time after it was built? If it wasn't built for them, what was its original purpose?
A: Partially natural formations (linked to tunnels elsewhere in Alagaësia), partly expanded by the priests of Helgrind and Galbatorix himself.
But... The Ra'Zac didn't inhabit Helgrind until at least after the Humans came over. So these tunnels underneath Helgrind existed before the Ra'Zac, or Galbatorix ever set foot on Alagaesia. Which, I don't know about you, but a massive network of tunnels does not smell entirely natural to me.
So.. where else are there "natural" formations that link to other tunnels elsewhere in Alagaesia?
We've seen these "natural" formations in Vroengard:
Q: The deeps under Vroengard, were they created by the riders or was it a previous system of caverns that they repurposed?
A: Previous system. I mean, there's been work done on them, but... 'It looks similar, parts of it feel similar to the caverns that we encountered in this book. They both have that hole in the cave which goes deeper, with something in the hole that's not clearly defined.' Yeah.
And we've seen similar depictions in the Beors, and Nal Gorgoth. So from the Beors to Vroengard, "natural" tunnels exist underground. I don't buy that they are entirely natural.
Given the context of the Marathon game above:
Vast caverns and landscapes bubbled to life within the rock, populated by horrible manifestations of the dead god's dream.
I think these tunnels came from Azlagur.
Let's switch gears here, I want to talk about another archaeological mystery in the world of Eragon - El-Harim.
I believe El-Harim was heavily influenced by the (not canon confirmed, but implied) prequel to the Marathon games, the Pathways into Darkness
Pathways casts the player as a member of a US Army Special Forces team sent on a mission to the Yucatán Peninsula. On May 5, 1994, a diplomat from the alien race known as the Jjaro appeared to the President of the United States and informed him that on May 13, an ancient godlike being sleeping beneath a pyramid would awaken and destroy the Earth. The only way to prevent this catastrophe is to prevent the god from awakening. The eight-man Special Forces team carries a nuclear weapon, with the goal of entering the ancient pyramid, descending to the bottom level where the god sleeps, and activating the bomb to stun the god and bury it under tons of rock.
Getting into a bit more of the backstory:
Only during the last few centuries has the god begun to effect changes on the surface of the Earth. Grotesque creatures have been sighted deep in the trackless forest of the Yucatan, and strange rumors of an ancient pyramid-- which is neither Aztec nor Mayan-- in the same area have been circulating in the archaeological community since the early 1930's.
Pyramid, eh? There are two different options here I can think of that equate.
The extended FWW Map
First, in the extended map from FWW, we can see a Pyramid-esque shape - Different color, different slope, etc.
Or, second (and probably more likely), it could be El-Harim:
It is a very bad place. It’s a place where some bad things happened at one point and it’s not a good place to go walking around. I don’t want to get into it too much more because again, it’s a good possibility for another story and I want to keep thinking about it a bit more. It is in Alagaesia and we’ve actually been close to the location.
Many speculate that the below vision from Eragon in Brisingr, which was never explained in the main cycle, is of El-Harim:
And he rested, and visions beset him of a circular stone city that stood in the center of an endless plain and of a small girl who wandered among the narrow, winding alleys within and who sang a haunting melody (A Feast with Friends, Brisingr).
If this vision IS El-Harim , it's super significant because of these two descriptors:
circular stone city
narrow, winding alleys
Fractals. The city itself is a fractal, like Nidus for any FV enjoyers.
The narrow winding alleys are significant because of the descriptors of the Vanished/Grey folk:
The spaces between the structures were narrower than the humans preferred; the proportions were taller, thinner, which matched the images she had seed of the Vanished...
The ancient outline of the city was - as she suspected - a fractal, and the shape of it contained meaning.... At the nexus of the apttern, where it coiled in on itslef like a nautilus shell" (Shards, TSIASOS).
Narrow. Circular (Nautilus shell). Winding. Fractal.
Whatever this city is, El-Harim or otherwise, it is/was a grey folk/vanished city.
And given the quotes from above - "Its a place where some bad things happened at one point", and "dangerous, creeping, ancient, evil thing" - My guess is that the event that caused the Grey Folk to bind the AL to magic happened here, in El-Harim.
Alright, moving along.
Let's talk about the Az and the God. There are a few parallels I've talked around, but the BIG link between the two are Dreams. This is especially important because of the release of the world map recently.
We are the devotees of Azlagur, the Devourer. Azlagur the Firstborn. Azlagur the Dreamer. He who sleeps and whose sleeping mind weaves the warp and weft of the waking world. But the sleep grows restless" (Obliteration, Murtagh).
As it began to dream, it wrought unintentional changes in its environment. Locked deep beneath the Earth, strange and unbelievable things faded in and out of reality. Vast caverns and landscapes bubbled to life within the rock, populated by horrible manifestations of the dead god's dream.
I could write a whole post about the parallels between the two and their linkage to dreams, but I'll cut it short here for now to save room to dig in to other areas. Specifically, the Dreams connection is especially important because of the relase of the world map recently - I have another post here that gets into more detail, but the translations from the World Map in the middle translate to:
where dreams and dragons dwell
Dreams (!) and Dragons.
Combine that with the Etymology of the words:
Alagaësia ala = land gaësia = rich/fertile
Alalëa ala = land lëa = a beautiful dream
Elëa = the dream itself
So the planet, named Elea, translates to "The Dream Itself". Very interesting.
This is even more significant when you take into account this tweet chain from Chris, a bit earlier in March
Darn it. Just invented a name in the ancient language. Googled it to make sure no one else had used it ... only to discover that I had used it in an earlier book. Lol.
Can we ask what name?
I believe the name was a potential candidate for the name of the planet of Alagaesia, which is important because of the etymology of THAT name (All credit to Zora for digging this one up).
Edurna sounds awfully like Adurna and Edur
Adurna meaning water and Edur being a prominence
Prominence. And Water. You know what that sounds like to me? Plaintive Verge. Just food for thought.
Second-to-last Az connection I want to cover: Hunger.
Whirling darkness swallowed him, and at the center of it... lay a formless horror - ancient and evil and from which emanated a constant merciless hunger (Dreams and Portents).
Versus a quote about the cosmic entity in Marathon:
Now I fear what that weapon has unleashed will destroy us. I once boasted to be able to count the atoms in a cloud, to understand them all, predict them, and so did I predict you, but this new chaos is entirely terrible, mindless, obeying rules that I don't comprehend. And it is hungry.
Now, the last piece of Azlagur-related lore I want to cover here is the "Black Sun".
In all of the visions, a Black Sun precipitates Azlagur's rise.
"A black sun rimmed by black flame hung against a darkling sky... The beast rose rampant against the black sun - A wingless dragon, apocalyptic in size, terrifying in presence. Destroyer of hope, eater of light"
Before getting into the Black Sun a bit more, there's an additional connection here I want to touch on - usage of the word rampant in connection with Azlagur.
In Marathon, Rampancy is the enhanced self-awareness of a computer AI, causing a progression towards greater mental abilities and destructive impulses. The destructive impulses, however, are primarily caused by being threatened or harassed. There are three main stages, as well as a fourth and final stage that is rarely achieved, to rampancy, named by the primary attitude of the AI during those times: Melancholia, Anger, Jealousy, and Meta-Stability.
There are some overlaps with what we see from the Maw.
And Melancholia.. that's an interesting word. Especially when taken into context the meaning of the name:
A melancholy dream of great beauty.
Melancholy.. Dream... The pieces of the puzzle are coming together. And Rampant...
Chris also uses that exact same verbiage when discussing a deleted scene from TSIASOS:
Q: I just finished reading To Sleep in a Sea of Stars and I have to know: it sounds like the Wranaui fought the corrupted during the Sundering but if that's true and it happened almost 300 years prior.... Who created the old corrupted? I've been questioning this for days!
A: That was actually in material cut by editors (some of the dream memories). Another Seed/Idealis was damaged and, when the Old Ones tried to separate it from its host, the xeno went rampant.
The xeno went rampant. Very interesting.
Alrighty, I keep getting distracted, back to the black sun.
The reason the Black Sun is important is because it always precipitates Azlagur's rise, throughout several of Murtahgh's visions. In each of them, there is a Black sun.
So, by this, we can extrapolate that the sun needs to be Black in order for Azlagur to rise (which is hinted at at the "Day of Black Sun" celebrations near the end of the book).
But... what does it actually mean?
There is a parallel in Marathon, their weapon:
The trih xeem (also "tri xeem") is an extremely powerful weapon that can be used to force a star into early nova... it was originally conceived and built by the Jjaro [The Old Ones/Vanished equivalent]. Much of the Marathon Infinity story revolves around preventing the Pfhor from using the tri xeem and inadvertently releasing a W'rkncacnter that is supposedly trapped within the Lh'owon sun.
So, the story of the last Marathon games revolves around preventing the usage of the weapon to release the cosmic-level baddie trapped in the sun. So, effectively, the antagonist is imprisoned by the sun.
But.. how does that translate to Azlagur and Murtagh?
The Black Sun requirement for Azlagur's rise could be construed as "imprisonment" by the sun; Azlagur cannot escape until the sun is turned Black. But it only really starts to come together when you piece together these pictures.
First, early concept art for the Fractalverse
You see the black orb, heading directly for the glowing star? Sounds pretty similar.
But that's not the smoking gun; look at the depiction of the black orb in the concept art, and compare it to the trih xeem, the weapon in Marathon.
A black orb with a trail heading directly for the sun. Almost an exact match.
OK.. so I get that it has some relevence in fractalverse, but how does it translate to Eragon?
Well, because of the Beors. Specifically, a picture CHRIS HIMSELF posted about the Beors.
I propose that THIS black orb, at the top of the Beors (which, suspiciously, no one has traveled to) houses the black weapon. After all, the depiction is quite similar - A large, circular, black orb. Looks pretty similar to the other pictures.
And given the above context that Azlagur can only rise with a "Black Sun", the pieces all start to fit together. It's not perfect, but there are definitely a lot of overlaps.
Alright. I've been waiting for this one. The last piece. Let's talk about Angela.
Q: Will we get Angela lore? I feel like she could have killed Galbatorix and just didn't feel like it.
A: For those who don't know Angela is based on my sister Angela, because she breaks the fourth wall to a degree she has. Not only does she have plot armor, she knows she's in a story and can break the story itself. So, yes, she could have killed Galbatorix, but that would have made for a very bad story. That said, I do have an entire book planned around Angela, and it's very high on my list of books to write because it takes place before some of these other big stories I want to write. And that's also the difficult thing. I have my big storylines, and then I have a couple of one off side books I want to write, and it's just a question of time, energy and effort.
She knows she's in a story, and she can break the story.
Based on that, and several other descriptions I will get into in a bit, I think her story is directly related to the Marathon Infinity game.
Marathon Infinity begins as the Pfhor destroy Lh'owon using a Jjaro-derived doomsday weapon known as the Trih Xeem or "early nova". Unfortunately, the weapon also releases a powerful chaotic being: The W’rkncacnter, which threatens to destroy the entire galaxy. Because of the W’rkncacnter's chaos or by means of some Jjaro tech of his own, the player is transported back and forward in time, finding himself jumping between timelines and fighting for various sides in a desperate attempt to prevent the chaotic being's release.
In Marathon Infinity, a W'rkncacnter is imprisoned in the sun of planet Lh'owon. It is theorized by some that the W'rkncacnter's powerfully chaotic nature may be responsible for the jumps between realities seen in the game. When the Pfhor use a trih xeem device to send the star into early nova, the creature is released, to the horror and destruction of the Pfhor.
Angela is the Eragon-equivalent of the player.
She can transport back and forward in time, jumping between timelines, and fighting to prevent the chaotic being's (Azlagur's) release. Let's dive in.
Q: Is it canon that Angela the Herbalist is a Time Lord and did she make a cameo in To Sleep in a Sea of Stars?
A: Is Angela the Herbalist is a Time Lord? That would be copyright infringement, so I'm going to say "no comment", but she is in To Sleep in a Sea of Stars. And there is a canon reason for this. And you should have no problem spotting who she is in that book.
So there's a canon reason she's in the book. Interesting. When you take that into context with the next bit
Q: On your last AMA on reddit, someone asked if any fan had guessed the identity and history of Angela correctly. You said nobody has guessed correctly and there's not enough information in the books to do so. That puts every fan theory out there on her wrong, correct? She's not the soothsayer, a time lord, grey folk, etc, correct?
A: Angela: Some of the fan theories have gotten parts of her history and identity correct. However, there's a HUGE aspect to her nature that no one has guessed (or least, not in a non-joking way). And no, I don't mean her being a Time Lord.
So there's a huge aspect to her nature that no one has guessed (at least at the time of writing). She's self-aware, knows she's in a story, and can jump around in time. And, similar to the Marathon games, it appears like only she knows that she's in a story.
So, based on the Marathon inspiration, we can guess that she is trying to accomplish the same thing - To prevent the release of the cosmic-level villain. We know that she has some kind of relationship with the Draumar:
In Murtagh, it’s revealed that Bachel and “Uluthrek” (Mooneater, Angela’s given Urgal name) met with Bachel explicitly going out to confront her (a courtesy not even offered to a Rider like Murtagh)
So, by extension, she has some kind of connection to Azlagur. This is supported by other circumstantial evidence in FWW as well:
Since we know that the Dream Well in Mani's Caves is similar to the Well in Nal Gorgoth I can assume that Angela is revealing the existence of the Draumar to Elva there? I feel certainly feel as if you're setting up her for something in the future series.
Heh. Good Catch.
So, she is clearly working with Elva to do something related to the Dream Wells, and she also previously confronted Bachel, many years ago. So throughout multiple years across the WoE, she is connected to Azlagur and the Draumar; her story clearly revolves around them/Azlagur, somehow.
Putting the above pieces together, my guess is that she is jumping around in different timelines, trying to manipulate actions of the past to prevent the rise of Azlagur. Just like the player character in Marathon. There's another piece of circumstantial evidence to support this assertion as well.
In Marathon Infinity:
After multiple "jumps," the player (seemingly the only one who realizes he is being transported between possible realities)
Versus Angela:
As hours passed, the stars turned above, night chill drew the heat from my body, and I fell into a curious trance, not asleep but not fully awake... The world altered" (On the Nature of Stars, FWW).
I believe this world "Altering" was the first time she experienced an alternate timeline, without knowing what it was at the time.
We've also seen her create "Doorways" as well - Although it's not clear if this is fast traveling (a la a Torque Gate), or truly opening a path to another timeline.
In Eldest:
"As they landed, he noticed a patch of white on a small hill nearby. The patch wavered strangely in the dark, like a floating candle, then resolved into Angela, who was wearing a pale wool tunic" (A Sorceress, a Snake, and a Scroll).
and then later, more concretely:
"I traced a line on the wall, reached out, and opened a door that wasn't there. ON the other side - nighttime, a beach by a black ocean lit only by stars, so many, many stars, more than there should be. Of course, I would not take Elva to my home, not yet. But this was a waypoint, a place to build and learn and grow... She stared into the gap, the impossible portal" (On the Nature of Stars, FWW).
Still, as always with Angela, so many questions.
Alright, we've reached an ungodly wordcount, so I'll call it here. There are still more connections I'm uncovering between the two series (such as the potential connection between the Gedway Ignasia and the "warning" sensation from Marathon), so I might make a follow-up post in the future with everything else I uncover.
As always, thanks for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments, or if you've found any other connections between the two.
submitted by eagle2120 to Eragon [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:07 Professional_Pie662 No storage to update phone, then automatically updates and more storage??

Hi Everyone,
So I’m writing this a little concerned but also curious. Personally since ios 17 has come around i’ve had barely to no storage to keep updating my phone with most of my storage being taken up by photos and messages and social media. I have automatic download for updates on…
I went sleep like normal last night and woke up and saw ios 17.5 update completed. I looked at it so confused because i knew my phone had no possibility of updating?? My phone was at 123gb and i have max 125gb. So i checked my storage now it’s at 71.14gb… Its so weird my storage for photos have gone down. I don’t know if this is due to icloud as i pay for storage and maybe all the photos synced but even social media apps now take up little space when it use to take up pretty much the whole phone and i would wonder how and why. That was weird.
Along with my music that had taken up storage and has now been cut down. I’m aware that apple can sometimes uninstall or offload apps but no apps were uninstalled nor offloaded so i’m actually just sitting here scratching my head.
Has this happened to anyone else before? I also feel like my Iphone performance is better. One thing i do wish could be fixed alternatively though is the iphone 12 pro max yellow tinted screen it’s gotten worse and looks like someone’s teeth so i had to change that setting in accessibility but naturally i wish that would go away because it was never like this it had a natural white bright modern touch now it looks odd without accessibility playing the massive role is has to.
Anyways i just thought this was so interesting please share your thoughts as im widely interested.
Thank you
submitted by Professional_Pie662 to ios [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:07 TerribleSell2997 BRICS E-Commerce Logistics Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The ~BRICS e-commerce logistics market~ is projected to have a considerable CAGR of 13.7% during the forecast period. BRICS E-Commerce Logistics Market research report reveals important insights into market scenario to enable key players in taking calculated decision making. Basically, one of the major purposes of market research reports is to maximize the business growth opportunities. It also helps key players to turn business into a successful business by increasing the profit level. The overall business goal can be accomplished through this BRICS E-Commerce Logistics Market study report as it consists of all the current happenings and major innovations of the marketplace. Depending on the overall business objective, it is important to reduce business risks to generate larger revenues in the business. Several regions are captured in this Market report which includes North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific.
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:05 Kashmira_p The Charm of Karnataka and Kabini: A Traveler's Paradise

The Charm of Karnataka and Kabini: A Traveler's Paradise
If you’re ready to go on a fun vacation, Karnataka is the place to be. We've got cool cities to choose in our Karnataka tour packages like Hubballi, Dharwad, Belagavi, and Bijapur waiting for you. Let's make things really easy and break down the simple tours you can check out in this awesome part of the world. But, how do you pick from the various Karnataka tour packages? Let's talk about the coolest Karnataka tours that are not too expensive and super fun.
  1. Mysuru:
Start your Karnataka adventure in Mysuru – it's like a fairy tale! Go see the big Mysuru Palace where kings and queens lived. Check out the busy Devaraja Market and relax at the pretty Brindavan Gardens. Don't forget to go up Chamundi Hills for amazing views.
  1. Beach Time in Coastal Karnataka:
This tour is perfect for beach lovers. The beaches in Gokarna and Karwar are worth a visit. We can chill in the sand and try their local delicacies. It’s a fun feeling!
  1. Hampi History Trip:
Go back in time with the Hampi History Trip. Hampi has old rocks and cool ruins. Visit the Virupaksha Temple, Lotus Mahal, and the big Vijaya Vittala Temple. It's like exploring a magical old city.
  1. Adventure in the Western Ghats:
The Western Ghats trek is a must-visit. Walk in the green hills and climb Mullayanagiri, which is called the tallest hill in Karnataka. Explore Chikmagalur, a cute hill town. It's like a big walking and climbing party!
  1. Bangalore City:
This tour will also explore Lalbagh Park, Cubbon Park, and Visvesvaraya Museum. At night, enjoy the city lights and eat yummy food. It's like a big city adventure for everyone. Every Karnataka tour package definitely has Bangalore on its list.
  1. Coorg Coffee Retreat:
Go to Coorg, where coffee plants smell really good. Visit Abbey Falls and the old Madikeri Fort. This tour is all about nature, chilling, and learning about coffee. It's like a cozy time in the hills.
  1. Ancient Trails: Badami-Pattadakal-Aihole:
For history fans, this tour takes you to old caves and special places. Visit the rock-cut caves in Badami, the UNESCO site in Pattadakal, and the town of Aihole. It's like going on a time-travel adventure.
  1. Bijapur Beauty Tour:
Discover cool buildings in Bijapur with the Bijapur Beauty Tour. We can visit Gol Gumbaz, Ibrahim Rauza, and Jama Masjid. Eat local food too!
There’s a suitable Karnataka tour package for everyone depending on what you like. Be it fun, chilling or adventurous. Pick the one that suits you best and enjoy your trip.
While in Karnataka, it would be a great idea to visit Kabini as well.
Kabini is a place where nature's beauty takes center stage, and every corner is a canvas painted with lush greenery and vibrant wildlife. That's Kabini for you! This guide will walk you through the simplicity of Kabini vacation packages, ensuring that every traveler, regardless of preferences or budgets, can enjoy the magic of this natural haven.
If you're up for a lush green adventure, monsoons from June to September turn Kabini into a magical green wonderland.
Easy Kabini Tour Packages:
1. Wildlife Safari:
  • Hop on guided safaris into Nagarhole National Park.
  • Friendly guides share cool facts about the plants and animals.
2. Luxury Retreats:
  • Treat yourself to fancy accommodations and yummy food.
  • Get special experiences with wildlife for a touch of luxury.
3. Adventure Escapades:
  • For those who love a bit of thrill, try trekking and bird watching.
  • Feel the excitement of coracle rides and other cool adventures.
4. Family-Friendly Packages:
  • Perfect for families with activities for all ages.
  • Take nature walks, enjoy boat rides, and have fun with guides.
5. Photography Tours:
  • Learn how to capture wildlife with special tours.
  • Workshops and safaris designed for cool nature photos.
Top Spots to Check Out:
  1. Kabini Backwaters: Chill on boats and coracle rides along the Kabini River.
  2. Nagarhole Dam: Check out the dam for awesome views and maybe spot some wildlife.
  3. Kabini Elephant Camp: Hang out with elephants, feed them, and watch them take a bath.
  4. Tholpetty Wildlife Sanctuary: Explore this place in Kerala and get a full wildlife experience.
Kabini is your go-to place for a simple yet amazing adventure. Whether you're into wildlife, luxury, family fun, or a bit of excitement, Kabini got it all. Kabini vacation packages effectively plan and take you on a journey through nature's wonders. Let Kabini cast its spell on you – it's time for an unforgettable adventure!

The Charm of Karnataka and Kabini: A Traveler's Paradise
If you’re ready to go on a fun vacation, Karnataka is the place to be. We've got cool cities to choose in our Karnataka tour packages like Hubballi, Dharwad, Belagavi, and Bijapur waiting for you. Let's make things really easy and break down the simple tours you can check out in this awesome part of the world. But, how do you pick from the various Karnataka tour packages? Let's talk about the coolest Karnataka tours that are not too expensive and super fun.
  1. Mysuru:
Start your Karnataka adventure in Mysuru – it's like a fairy tale! Go see the big Mysuru Palace where kings and queens lived. Check out the busy Devaraja Market and relax at the pretty Brindavan Gardens. Don't forget to go up Chamundi Hills for amazing views.
  1. Beach Time in Coastal Karnataka:
This tour is perfect for beach lovers. The beaches in Gokarna and Karwar are worth a visit. We can chill in the sand and try their local delicacies. It’s a fun feeling!
  1. Hampi History Trip:
Go back in time with the Hampi History Trip. Hampi has old rocks and cool ruins. Visit the Virupaksha Temple, Lotus Mahal, and the big Vijaya Vittala Temple. It's like exploring a magical old city.
  1. Adventure in the Western Ghats:
The Western Ghats trek is a must-visit. Walk in the green hills and climb Mullayanagiri, which is called the tallest hill in Karnataka. Explore Chikmagalur, a cute hill town. It's like a big walking and climbing party!
  1. Bangalore City:
This tour will also explore Lalbagh Park, Cubbon Park, and Visvesvaraya Museum. At night, enjoy the city lights and eat yummy food. It's like a big city adventure for everyone. Every Karnataka tour package definitely has Bangalore on its list.
  1. Coorg Coffee Retreat:
Go to Coorg, where coffee plants smell really good. Visit Abbey Falls and the old Madikeri Fort. This tour is all about nature, chilling, and learning about coffee. It's like a cozy time in the hills.
  1. Ancient Trails: Badami-Pattadakal-Aihole:
For history fans, this tour takes you to old caves and special places. Visit the rock-cut caves in Badami, the UNESCO site in Pattadakal, and the town of Aihole. It's like going on a time-travel adventure.
  1. Bijapur Beauty Tour:
Discover cool buildings in Bijapur with the Bijapur Beauty Tour. We can visit Gol Gumbaz, Ibrahim Rauza, and Jama Masjid. Eat local food too!
There’s a suitable Karnataka tour package for everyone depending on what you like. Be it fun, chilling or adventurous. Pick the one that suits you best and enjoy your trip.
While in Karnataka, it would be a great idea to visit Kabini as well.
Kabini is a place where nature's beauty takes center stage, and every corner is a canvas painted with lush greenery and vibrant wildlife. That's Kabini for you! This guide will walk you through the simplicity of Kabini vacation packages, ensuring that every traveler, regardless of preferences or budgets, can enjoy the magic of this natural haven.
If you're up for a lush green adventure, monsoons from June to September turn Kabini into a magical green wonderland.
Easy Kabini Tour Packages:
1. Wildlife Safari:
  • Hop on guided safaris into Nagarhole National Park.
  • Friendly guides share cool facts about the plants and animals.
2. Luxury Retreats:
  • Treat yourself to fancy accommodations and yummy food.
  • Get special experiences with wildlife for a touch of luxury.
3. Adventure Escapades:
  • For those who love a bit of thrill, try trekking and bird watching.
  • Feel the excitement of coracle rides and other cool adventures.
4. Family-Friendly Packages:
  • Perfect for families with activities for all ages.
  • Take nature walks, enjoy boat rides, and have fun with guides.
submitted by Kashmira_p to u/Kashmira_p [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:04 themohammadhamza 10 major signs of judgement day

Islam has several significant and minor indicators of the imminence of the Day of Judgement, but they all point to the manner and timing of its arrival. The Quranic findings and other hadiths give Muslims wisdom and direction beforehand so that when the time comes, they will be able to discriminate between good and wrong, even though only Allah knows the precise day. True events are predicted by Qayamah’s lesser and greater indications.
From an early age, we are taught about the approaching judgement day, and when we inquire about its exact date, we are informed that it will occur eventually. We have the texts of the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet (SAW) to confirm its authenticity. Hudhayfah bin Usayd says that as we were having a conversation, Allah’s Apostle showed up out of the blue. “What topics do you discuss?” he asked. “We are discussing the Final Hour,” the friends uttered.
The smoke, the Anti-Christ, the beast, the rising of the sun from the west, the descent of Jesus, the Gog and Magog, and landslides in three places, one in the east, one in the west, and one in Arabia, at the end of which fire would burn forth from Yemen, driving people to the place of their assembly, were among the ten signs he mentioned. (Muslim)

In Islam, there are ten phases to the day of judgement, each of which depicts the event categorically:

1) Arrival of Imam Mahdi
Following Imam Mehdi’s entrance, the Prophet (Saw) declared, “One person will appear before the end of the world.” Both his and my names will be the same, as will those of his father. The world will be full of tyranny and injustice before to his coming, but justice will prevail when he arrives. An angel would appear from the cloud above his head and say, “This is Mehdi, listen to what he says.”

He is going to take on many of the enemies of Islam and try to make the international legal system better. There will be a great lot of injustice, transgressions, murders of Muslims, and the system of good actions will be destroyed by the evildoers prior to his arrival.

2) Dajjal Will Arrive

Most people are informed that the most obvious and well-known sign is the advent of Dajjal. He’ll claim to be God when he gets there. A heretic is someone who places their confidence in him. If information about him is misguiding people, why would they believe him? This is the job of the Fitnah of Dajjal, forcing the population’s thinking to be fixed so that they will inevitably accept the idea that he is God (God forbid). Dajjal is going to be able to control the sky to rain and the earth to sprout plants. These are deceptive signs, but they will make people think he is God.

3) The Descent of Jesus

According to Islamic belief, Prophet Jesus will descend at the time Dajjal shows up and declares himself to be God. He would then attack and murder Dajjal. In addition, he will bring Muslims to Tur Mountain, destroy the cross, and free them from the Majooj and Yajooj. The Jews were supposed to kill the Prophet, but Allah raised him up and preserved him. When he gets there, everyone who has been buying into falsehoods and misconceptions will be taken aback.

4) Yajooj And Majooj’s emergence

There are multiple references to Yajooj and Majooj’s rise to prominence. A wall encloses them. There is a legend about them that states that during Hazrat Ibrahim’s (a.s.) reign, there lived a just King by the name of Zulqarnain. People asked him to keep them safe from the Gog and Magog tribes, two deadly tribes they had heard about. Zulqarnain consequently built an iron wall that would remain impenetrable till the end of time. They will therefore be able to break past the barrier and chase the populace come the end of time. To relieve humanity from its fury and danger, Hazrat Isa will arrive on Earth

5) Smoke will appear as a sign of the Day of Judgment.

The Quran states, “Wait for the day when smoke appears from the sky.” According to Hadith, “the smoke will come from the sky and blanket the entire planet for 40 days.” It is said that although smoke will chill Christians, it will chastise unbelievers. There are numerous theories regarding what smoking will be like in the future. The most frequent possibilities are an atomic explosion or environmental contamination. In any event, the result will serve as one of the markers for the Day of Judgement in Islam.

6) The Coming Of The Beast

As stated in the Quran, “And when the word of torture is fulfilled against them, we shall bring out from the Earth a beast for them, to speak to them, because mankind did not accept with conviction in Our signs,” Allah verifies the arrival of the beast in Islam. (An-Naml: 82) It is said that the beast is carrying Mousa’s handstick for believers, and that if they are sincere believers, light would radiate from their faces. For the unbelievers, he will wield the Seal of Suleman; if it comes into contact with them, their countenance will turn gloomy, denoting their degree of faith.

7) The Sun Rise from the West

One of the primary indicators of Qayamah, or the Day of Judgement in Islam, is the rising of the Sun from its setting position in the West. “The Hour will not come until the Sun has risen from the West, and when it rises and people see it, they will all believe,” but additionally, “that will be the time when it will do no good to a person who has not believed before, nor earned good (by doing deeds of righteousness through his faith),” according to Abu Hurayrah, a contemporary of the Prophet (saw). (As stated by Muslim and Al-Bukhari, 11/352 and 2/194)
There are numerous ways to read the hadith and the time indication. There are others who hold the belief that anything that Allah has predetermined cannot be changed. Some people think that the Sun rising in the West signifies the upending of the global system.

8) Landslides

There will be three major landslides in Islam: one in the Arabian Peninsula, one in the East, and one in the West. The Prophet (saw) stated that the signs won’t appear until these regions have attained the highest concentrations of immorality and bad behaviour. Some people think that earthquakes, not landslides, will be the cause of the landslides. The most common belief is that these locations would submerge due to a natural disaster, killing the local population.

9) The Fire Will Begin

The eruption of fire from the direction of Yemen, from the bottom of ‘Aden, from the Sea of Hadramawt’ is another key sign of the day of judgement. The Prophet (Saw) was heard saying, “The last of them will be a fire that will come from Yemen, and will force the people to the area of their assembly,” according to Hudhayfah ibn Usayd. (Source: Muslim, 18/27)

10) The Kaabah Will Be Destroyed

The Prophet (SAW) said, “Dhu’l-Suwayqatayn from Abyssinia will ruin the Ka’ba and seize its treasure and kiswah,” according to Abdullah Ibn “Amr.” I feel as if I can see him now; he’s balding and his wrists are distorted. With his spade and pich-axe, he will attack the Ka’ba. Allah will take the Quran and the virtuous people from the Earth to shield them from the Last Hour.
However, regular supplications and prayers are very necessary and can prevent one from taking actions that will ultimately be harmful to them. In addition to these major signs, there are other smaller or more subtle signs of the Day of Judgement in Islam, and numerous theories have been formed based on these signs to confirm their accuracy.
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submitted by themohammadhamza to u/themohammadhamza [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:00 lanctottalon Top 10 Features to Look for in Premium Website Templates

Top 10 Features to Look for in Premium Website Templates
In today's digital age, having a website is essential for businesses, organizations, and individuals alike. Whether you're a small startup, a growing e-commerce store, or an established corporation, your online presence is crucial for reaching your audience and achieving your goals. However, not everyone has the time or expertise to design a website from scratch. That's where premium website templates come in handy.
What Are Premium Website Templates?
Premium website templates are pre-designed web pages that you can customize to create your unique website. These templates are professionally crafted by designers and developers, offering a range of features and functionalities to suit various needs. Whether you're looking for a sleek and modern design, an e-commerce-ready layout, or a responsive template that looks great on any device, premium website templates have you covered.
Why Choose a Premium Website Template?
While there are many free website templates available online, premium templates offer several advantages:
  1. Quality: Premium website templates are designed by professionals with years of experience in web design and development. This means you can expect high-quality designs, clean code, and advanced features that may not be available in free templates.
  2. Customization: Premium templates are highly customizable, allowing you to personalize every aspect of your website to match your brand identity and vision. From colours and fonts to layout and functionality, you have full control over how your site looks and functions.
  3. Support: Most premium template providers offer dedicated customer support to help you with any questions or issues you may encounter during the customization process. This can save you time and frustration, ensuring that your website is up and running smoothly.
  4. Updates: Premium templates are regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest web technologies and security standards. This means you can rest assured that your website will always be up-to-date and protected against potential vulnerabilities.
  5. Features: Premium website templates often come with a wide range of built-in features and functionalities, such as responsive design, SEO optimization, integration with popular plugins and platforms, and more. This allows you to create a professional-looking website with minimal effort.
Top 10 Features to Look for in Premium Website Templates
When choosing a premium website template for your project, there are several key features to consider:
1. Responsive Design
In today's mobile-first world, having a responsive website is essential. Look for templates that are fully responsive and optimized for all devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. This ensures that your site will look and perform flawlessly no matter how your visitors access it.
2. Customization Options
Choose a template that offers extensive customization options, allowing you to easily modify the layout, colours, fonts, and other design elements to suit your preferences. Look for templates with a user-friendly customization interface that doesn't require coding knowledge.
3. SEO Friendliness
Opt for a template that is optimized for search engines right out of the box. This includes features such as clean code, fast loading times, mobile-friendliness, and built-in SEO tools to help improve your website's visibility and ranking in search engine results.
4. Integration with Popular Platforms
If you're using a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal, make sure the template is compatible with your chosen platform. Look for templates that offer seamless integration and support for popular plugins and extensions to extend the functionality of your site.
5. E-commerce Ready
If you're planning to sell products or services online, choose a template that is e-commerce-ready. Look for features such as built-in shopping cart functionality, payment gateways, product pages, and inventory management tools to streamline the online shopping experience for your customers. Consider exploring options on TemplateTrip Marketplace for a wide range of customizable templates tailored for e-commerce businesses.
6. Performance Optimization
Opt for a template that is optimized for performance to ensure fast loading times and a smooth user experience. Look for features such as lazy loading, image optimization, caching, and minification to minimize page load times and improve overall performance.
7. Cross-Browser Compatibility
Ensure that the template is compatible with all major web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. This ensures that your website will look and function consistently across different browsers and platforms, maximizing your reach and accessibility.
8. Documentation and Support
Choose a template that comes with comprehensive documentation and dedicated customer support to help you get started and troubleshoot any issues along the way. Look for templates with tutorials, guides, and forums where you can find answers to common questions and connect with other users.
9. Clean Code
Opt for a template with clean, well-structured code that adheres to best practices and web standards. This not only ensures better performance and compatibility but also makes it easier to customize and maintain your website in the long run.
10. Pricing and Licensing
Consider the pricing and licensing options before purchasing a premium website template. Some templates may require a one-time payment, while others may offer subscription-based pricing with access to regular updates and support. Choose a pricing model that fits your budget and long-term needs.
The Final Line
Choosing the perfect premium website template is a critical step in building a successful online presence. By considering the features outlined in this article, you can find a template that offers the perfect combination of design, functionality, and ease of use for your website. Whether you're a small business owner, a blogger, or an e-commerce entrepreneur, a premium template can help you create a professional-looking website that stands out from the competition.
submitted by lanctottalon to u/lanctottalon [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:00 CaTTerpillar__ SLANDERED AS A SEX OFFENDER (LIBEL)

My name was slandered SO badly by the news that it is literally criminal and VERY VERY messed up.
According to this article I am a Sex Predator and was trying to lure a 13 year old for sex using the internet.(!!!!!)
This is a long story so I’m going to do my best at condensing it so people actually read it.
This is what happened: With a fair amount of spare time on my hands I decided to do something that would create a positive, long lasting impact. I knew there had to be some real sex predators in a city this size so I decided to see if any ADULTS online were interested and fully follow through with preying on a minor. Less than a few minutes after creating a profile I was contacted by a Belleville Resident who indicated DIRECTLY to me that he was “ok” with the decoys age.
I told him my age was TWELVE. 
Within the first 5 minutes of the conversation. So for the next five days he was essentially grooming who he believed was 12 year old and attempting to meet him that upcoming weekend. At no time did I initiate or direct the conversation to move in the dirty direction. I wanted to not only provide as much solid evidence as possible for the police, but I was thinking forward to do the same for the future prosecution when this case ultimately reached the Court….( at least In my mind, this is what I was doing it for! )
Speaking to him about 45 minutes each day I was shocked at how this was actually happening. Shocked at how quickly, unaffected and confident he was to be luring a 12 year old to his apartment.
Most disturbing was the bits of information that was confessed to me. How he “had to be really careful” because he is already a registered sex offender due to being caught with another minor years ago, and how he “had multiple other people your age” in the past which he had never been caught for.
So obviously by the time I was aware of that I was Deadset at not only catching and exposing this creep but see to it that he gets his rightful spot back in a prison cell.
Make no mistake I took screenshots of EVERY message/text/conversations/photos. 
( I had taken photos of myself and used an age altering app which was procured freely from Apple. ) Upon his request I sent multiple Altered selfies over those five days in the various poses he was asking for. Obviously this was done to prove that the decoy was in fact “real”. Bam. That’s it. It was Friday and this registered sex offender “PDF File” was in FULL BELIEF and confident that a Minor was on the way to his apartment to “teach him” how to have sex.
I went just outside the meeting area a bit early and sat down with my Sony 500 video camera around my neck and was prepared to begin the video, capturing him as he went directly to the prearranged location. He was going with the quickness and attempting to hold back the huge shit eating grin on his face. Disgusting. Vile. True evil.
So I walked up to him while recording and made a call from my cellphone to his which I used to instantly tell him off the bat: “YOU’RE FKD!” Also by doing this at that moment I was putting him in a position (ON CAMERA mind you) which he had zero opportunity to deny anything.
Over the next 20-30 minutes He confessed to everything that was said during the conversations. Instead of me questioning him, initially I had told him to tell me exactly why he was there, and for him to tell me (the camera) everything that was in those terrible and unbelievable messages. 
I grilled him like a ribeye.
After having gathered what I believed to be enough evidence and having him vocally express ( One more and last time) directly to the camera why he was there at that precise moment and what it was he had expected to go down that day in his apartment, I decided to end recording, and leave.
With my adrenaline pumping, I left. Forgetting to do what could’ve been the most important thing, not for exposing him or the Court, but for ME. . . Call the cops. I called them about 10 minutes into the walk back to my home. I told the Officer everything that had just happened. Including the prior five days leading up to this event. I was praised for doing what I had done by this Officer but was informed that the “Detective” responsible for this “crime category” was already off duty and wouldn’t be returning until Monday.
On Monday I received a phone call from that Officer and TRIED to explain everything. It was like I was speaking another language to him. He REPEATEDLY tried to change what I was telling him. For example; I explained how I was the decoy and that there did NOT EXIST AN ACTUAL MINOR involved here, and then he would say: “so you and this sex offender ‘hooked up’ and tried to get a ‘13’ year old over to HIS house” !!!!! It was if he was Trolling. He simply could not, or did not WANT TO understand what happened. “It’s like a STING OPERATION” I finally said to him. I told him this guys name and where he lived. I even knew his birthdate from the convos with the Decoy. So this “detective” in charge of investigating a very serious category of crime in this city KNEW that this predator is a Registered Sex Offender. He KNEW that I was in possession of a litany of irrefutable evidence. Yet was totally incompetent and put me down as Suspect #1 from the start. For not a single reason. He denied my requests to come down and SHOW HIM THE FRICKIN’ EVIDENCE. He did not even want to see the video confession!!! Nothing happened. He said it was now an “open case” and I had a case number. Deflated. Flabbergasted. I was [again] in shock. After weeks of waiting, I ended up putting the entire video of sicko confessing and me grilling him on YouTube. My genuine motive from the start was to make a positive impact on the community. To potentially stop a child from being victimized by a predator. I felt let down the police response. Little did I know what was to come SIX months later. The cops raided the house I was living in.
I was immediately handcuffed and told that I was arrested for “LURING A MINOR” !!!! I was literally paralyzed. With at LEAST HALF A DOZEN POLICE OFFICERS AND AN EQUALLY UNNECESSARILY LARGE AMOUNT OF SUVS PARKED ON THE DRIVEWAY, LAWN, AND ONE OF THE BUSIEST ROADS IN THE CITY. RED AND BLUES FLASHING ON ALL OF THEM. W h a t . T h e . F o c k ! ? ! They went up to my neatly organized room and searched it over discovering of course nothing but my phone. Snatching it with a joy like they had just successfully done something significant. I had 5-7 cops surrounding me in a semi circle after arriving at the Jail as I prepared to go inside a cell. They even shackled my feet. I know from watching cops and the like on YouTube to always exercise the right to remain silent. There was nothing I could do or say at that point which would help and I definitely didn’t resist the arrest so it really must’ve been a slow day. Eh guys? That and/or the overly incompetent rookie had relayed to his colleagues and obviously his Superiors to get the raid and arrest warrant his own personal story that he had recreated. Unfriggenbelieveable! It’s SO ABSURD THERE IS NO PROPER WORDS TO EXPRESS HOW IT FEELS TO GO THROUGH THIS! Doing something I considered not just “Right”, but Honourable, Justified, and definitely NOT illegal! How the hell did a JUDGE sign an arrest AND RAID Warrant on me with ZERO evidence, physical, concrete, or even circumstantial?? Not a single reason lawfully or otherwise for them to raid, arrest, shackle my feet and throw me in a jail cell for hours, and then criminally charge me with “Luring of a Minor”. Evidently, according to this news article the police had conducted a Six Month Investigation. Huh? Of What?! On Who?!
Now, Finally, The News Article: The information printed in any news article requires a source, so all of this information had to have only been provided by the police department. This article was printed at 9 in the morning the very next day of the arrest and raid. So of course this was all information provided from police.
This is what the dumbass, rookie, ignorant cop fabricated for no actual real reason: 
“Two men were arrested yesterday after a Six Month long Investigation revealed that the men had ‘BOTH’ believed that they were speaking with a ‘13’ year old boy online. Registered sex offender (the real predators name) and another known sex offender ( my name) are each charged with Luring of a Minor. (Real predators name again) is also charged with using an electronic device to lure a Minor, and breach of probation.”
My LandLord happened to be home at the time of the Raid, and he had also (I guess being suspicious after the raid,) read the article online which is quoted directly above. 
Which meant that he would be evicting me from the property, and I can’t blame him. With that article being read by my roommates and hisself I can’t really blame him for that either.
The charges against myself were eventually dropped, of course. About 18 months later! My phone being confiscated in the raid in order to access everything on there was also given back to me. They played immature and unprofessional games with that as well; returning my property. Such as : come in this day, your phone is ready to be released now. Show up. “Oh so and so thought it was ready but we don’t have it yet.” Weeks later. Get another call saying it is in fact ready now. Show up. “There is no one working in the evidence locker today, there will be in two days.” Screw them! I show up ten days late and what do you know? My property is actually there for me, and I finally get it back. Of course having had to purchase new phone in the meantime. Worse yet, I can’t recall the password and it was before facial recognition (not like that would matter) and after the fingerprint touch button. So it’s just a brick now.
That’s the least of my concern, as that bullshit article remains up, and the YouTube video had been taken down for some privacy violation nonsense.
After paying the criminal defence attorneys’ invoice(s), I couldn’t afford the 6K being asked by EVERY attorney I had reached out to.
So there, that’s one of many of my Unbelievably Insane Life’s stories. I suppose I didn’t provide the short version. Even though I have sincerely tried to keep it all to a minimum by leaving out plenty of details and significant events, this ended up being the Mid Length version.
submitted by CaTTerpillar__ to BellevilleOntario [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:59 That-Conversation288 AIO for telling my girlfriend she is insecure and has trust issues?

Hi everyone, To explain, I have been with my girlfriend for 2 years now. I love my girlfriend, this is our first adult relationship together, so a lot of these things were new to us during it. I don’t want to sound cocky but i’d like to think i’m a pretty handsome guy, and my girlfriend hates the fact that i’m attractive to other girls. She constantly compares herself to my exes and girls i’ve talked to in the past. Shes always been extremely jealous, she does not like me talking to other girls and or working with girls, constantly says i’m a flirt or that i have other gfs etc. Has told me that i’m probably hiding stuff from her or that I would cheat, Then she says it’s a joke which I know it’s not. She does not like me having any female friends either (which I don’t have any) and gets very upset if I do happen to talk to a female. She will full on ignore me and give me attitude and just be plain out disrespectful towards me as if I cheated on her. She also gets distant and bothered If I hang out with my guys for the night, even tho I never hit the bar or drink with them. One instance is I pulled up a famous singers page to play music, “you find her attractive don’t you?” I don’t answer this question because I know what it’s going to turn into and sure enough she starts probing and asking and asking and finally I just admitted. I had never seen her so upset, again she made it seem like I cheated on her she was furious. I kept trying to reassure her but she would push my arm away and say “ don’t touch me”. She ignored me for the whole night. I try to be as respectful as I can to her and respect our boundaries, but I feel like even that’s not enough After that I snapped and we got into an argument, where I told her she was insecure and had major trust issues. She said that was the meanest thing I could say to her. I really started to wonder what i’m doing wrong, and then I started to ask if it is even my fault ? Is this really what I want for myself? Now I’m here wondering if this behavior is normal in a relationship. I’ve never had a long term relationship up until this one so I wouldn’t know and I would really appreciate everyone’s input, I always try to make sure she is happy and i feel like i’m putting myself last because of it.
Am I overreacting or do I have a right to feel this way?
TLDR: Girlfriend constantly doubts me, thinks i’m cheating, gets extremely upset if i talk to another female and is disgusted that I think other women are attractive. AIO for telling her she’s insecure ?
submitted by That-Conversation288 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:59 ShinnigLightAsmr Yandere Lich Seeks Revenge on You [F4A] [M4A] [F4M] [M4F] [Lich] [Yandere] [Betrayal] [Death] [Magic] [Knight]

Note: Monetization is allowed, just credit me, ask before making any changes, and send a link to the audio. Also, there are 831 words of dialogue
Context: You are a knight that was once in love with a magic user. Unfortunately, you had to slay them because they betrayed you. One night, as you try to spend some time with your new lover, someone familiar seeks you out. They are seeking revenge!
Note: 831 words of dialogue
[Feet walking on ground] Well, well, well. What do we have here? Two little love birds kissing behind a tree? How scandalous! You two should really get a room.

What’s with the staring? Did you really think I’d look the same as the day you killed and buried me in that grave? That's not how resurrection works darling. As you can clearly see, I’m all bones but I managed to keep my luscious locks. Apparently even as an undead lich, I still look gorgeous.

Your new love interest is quite… underwhelming. To be completely honest darling, I never expected you to move on so quickly. Especially after all we shared together. Now I see you cuddling up with this pathetic little thing. You clearly have downgraded. If you wanted to find a new lover, perhaps you should have found someone more worth your time.

Do not talk to her like that? Please darling, you lost all rights to boss me around once you betrayed and killed me. I can talk to her however I please. [Talking to Listener's new lover] Listen sweetie, your knight in shining armor is a slug that only cares about themselves. The moment they are tired of you, they will cast you aside like garbage. Just like they did to me. If you’re lucky, they’ll make your ending painless.

From your expression you clearly have forgotten about what you did to me. You, the person I loved the most, pierced my heart with a sword and tossed me into a pauper's grave! I gave you everything! My heart, my soul, everything!

Do not give me that! I did not betray you. You betrayed me. Stabbed me in the back when I least expected it. And to think that the king knighted you.

Yes, I do expect an explanation. Why did you do it?

Because of Raven Brook? What about that stupid, little, backwater town?

I destroyed it? [Barking Laugh] But of course, they deserved it. Plotting to kill me and my family. The bunch of traitors. You would think they would be grateful for everything I did for them. Turns out they repay safety and mercy with death and destruction. Ungrateful peasants, the lot of them.

(Hurt and accusatory) Innocent people?! Don't make me laugh! You should have seen what they said about my family. Actually, you did see what they did when we walked through the town on official business for the king. They threw garbage at me! Called me horrible names. Witch, harlot, demon, and every other name in the book. And not once did you defend me. Not once did you shield me from the hurtful words or projectiles. It makes me wonder… did you also see me as a monster? Is that why it was so easy for you to kill me? I didn't see any tears on your face when you made the fatal blow. Only a cold mask.

Don’t even bother trying to defend yourself. You have no leg to stand on, nothing to say that can fix all of this. However, there is something you can do…sacrifice yourself.

I mean, tis only fair. You killed me for defending my family, I kill you for stabbing me in the back. If you’d like, your new little girlfriend can watch.

Let her go free? I don’t think so. Can’t have any witnesses darling. Afterall, that’s the first step of a revenge plan.

(Mocking) Aww! How sweet is this? Your little lady friend is using her own body to shield you. Isn’t that just precious. If I had a heart, it would be bursting at the sight. Too bad though, I need to dispose of her.

Now what to do with her? There are so many possibilities. I can feed her to my pets or toss her into the void. I could make her watch your demise, but I’d rather see your fear as you wonder about her fate. I’ll just stick her in one of my shadow pockets to be disposed of later.

[Talking to Listener’s new Lover] Now my dear, please hold still while I make sure you don’t escape.

[Clanking of chains] Hey! Hey! Don’t struggle or else these chains will tighten. Wouldn’t want your pretty skin to be ruined, now would we?

Now that’s better. Little Miss heroine is all chained up and ready to be tossed into my shadow pocket.

How do I still have my magic? My dear sweet hero, you forgot the most important rule before burying a magic user: Cut off their head before burying them. It would seem that the moment I left the world of the living, you forgot all about me. That includes everything I taught you.

What am I going to do to you? (Smirk) That answer is very simple: I am going to break you like you broke my heart. I’ll tear you apart bit by bit. You’ll feel all the pain I felt when you betrayed me and buried me in that pauper’s grave. And don’t worry about your new girlfriend. I’ll take care of her later. Prepare for your worst nightmare, my dear knight.
submitted by ShinnigLightAsmr to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:59 professorwormb0g Unpopular Switch opinions that you hold?

Here are two of mine:
  1. I think the tagging "label" system they currently have for organizing games is way better than folders used in 3DS and Wii U. For the same reason Google went with the label system in Gmail when they developed it (and it was considered very innovative at the time). Games can be tagged multiple times or not at all, but with folders they can only be grouped once. It also lets you sort them other ways (ABC, playtime, last played, etc.) while not having any weird UI confusion. I still find sorting and viewing my whole collection useful, such as when I have a guest over and want them to pick a game out of my entire library or just to show them what games I have. I only wish you could jump to your tags right from the main menu, but I think they did this to prevent you from skipping over and forgetting about games you've not tagged. Although they could have had a link to "all software" or "untagged titles" in the label menu too. But right now it's still pretty easy to get to with just three inputs. It IS a bit awkward having to press left to get to all software I will admit. That could have had a simple button shortcut too. I was actually always struggling with my large collection of 3DS games because I would forget what folder I put a title in, accidentally moved it in the wrong folder, and hated that you couldn't sort your games within or outside of the folders. It was completely a manual process no matter which way you went about it, just like if you had a shelf of physical titles. No way to view your library in ABC order, etc. and no library search function either. Something which I think the Switch should have too by the way. Overall, with my frustrations with the completely manual 3DS organization system, I was happy with how they went about it on Switch but still see other people criticize it all of the time. So I think my opinion isn't popular.
  2. I like having the old games on the streaming service and even think there's benefits to gamers from them releasing them piecemeal. I'd probably never pay for a lot of these games again because it's so easy to emulate on many different platforms (phone, pc, modded consoles), but IT IS nice to have a library of old games available on the switch, and costs me 8 dollars a year with family plan (the full expansion price is too much and I'd never pay it). It even has led me to discovering "new to me" games I would have never played or bought from Nintendo's past. I think releasing them in chunks can be a fun community thing too because after they dump a batch on us, I notice lots of people online and in my personal life are playing them again as Nintendo has shone the spotlight on them, so to speak, which makes them the center of discussions; and I love classic game discussions! It was a good way to build hype and awareness for the Metroid franchise when they released the GBA titles on Switch and were pushing the new Dread and Prime Remastered games around the sams time, bringing more awareness of these games so that when Prime 4 gets here people will be very familiar with a series that isn't as popular as Mario or Zelda. It's nice having a big library of old games ready to go when you want to switch it up and play something different but don't want to drop more money and download a new game you don't know if you'll like or not. The streaming makes it low stakes. The only thing that makes the NSO classic games service fall short for me is that we won't see a lot of great games on there due to IP publishing reasons, so lots of classic games strongly tied with old systems' identities are going to be left out as their IP owner chooses to keep them off the service and opt for a eshop release or remake instead.
One thing I also particularly enjoy on NSO is the multiplayer option to play single player games with a group of friends online and virtually passing the controller between players. It's almost as good as being in the same room like when we were kids. My old friend and I nearly beat Mario 64 together online while we were talking on the phoned living on different coasts, and then decided to play some mario tennis 64; for which we have a rivalry. He was feeling very lonely because his wife had died recently and the online multiplayer feature really brightened up both of our days that afternoon as we (sometimes struggling to!) remembered how to get 120 stars.
What are some opinions you hold about the Switch that are unpopular? Anything at all! Mine were good things most people criticize, but maybe you have a criticism of something everybody else praises about the console. Let's hear it! I thought this could breed some fun discussions.
submitted by professorwormb0g to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:56 ravi188chauhan Complete Guide to Setting Up Your Shopify Store: Step-by-Step Shopify Website Setup Tutorial

Complete Guide to Setting Up Your Shopify Store: Step-by-Step Shopify Website Setup Tutorial
Greetings and welcome to the definitive guide for setting up your Shopify site and embarking on your journey into the world of online commerce. Whether you're a novice entrepreneur taking your first steps or a seasoned business owner looking to establish a stronger digital presence, this comprehensive Shopify installation guide will lead you through every aspect of the setup process, ensuring a smooth and successful launch of your online store.
Step 1: Sign Up for Shopify
shopify signup
To kickstart your online journey, head over to Shopify's website and sign up for an account. With Shopify's user-friendly interface, you can get started in minutes, and they even offer a free trial to help you familiarize yourself with the platform.
Step 2: Choose Your Store Name
Your store name is your digital identity, so take your time to brainstorm a unique and memorable name that reflects your brand. Keep in mind the importance of SEO, and try to incorporate relevant keywords that potential customers might use when searching for products like yours.
Step 3: Select a Theme
Now it's time to make your store visually appealing with Shopify's wide range of customizable themes. Choose a theme that aligns with your brand's aesthetic and values, and don't forget to optimize it for mobile devices – a crucial factor in today's digital landscape.
Custom Shopify Theme
Step 4: Add Your Products
One of the most exciting steps – adding your products to your store! Create compelling product listings with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and SEO-friendly titles and tags. Consider conducting keyword research to identify the most relevant keywords for your products and incorporate them strategically to improve your store's visibility in search engine results.
Step 5: Set Up Payment Methods
To facilitate smooth transactions, configure your preferred payment methods on Shopify. Whether it's credit cards, PayPal, or alternative payment gateways, ensure that your customers have various options to choose from. Implementing secure payment processing is paramount for building trust and credibility with your audience.
Step 6: Configure Shipping Settings
Shipping logistics can make or break the online shopping experience for customers. Define your shipping zones, rates, and carrier options to provide accurate shipping estimates at checkout. Optimize your shipping strategy for efficiency and cost-effectiveness while maintaining transparency with customers regarding delivery times and tracking information.
Step 7: Customize Your Settings
Fine-tune your Shopify settings to tailor your store's functionality to your specific needs. From tax rates and inventory management to email notifications and SEO settings, make sure every aspect of your store is optimized for success. Leverage Shopify's robust features and integrations to streamline operations and enhance the overall shopping experience for your customers.
Step 8: Launch Your Store
Congratulations – you're almost ready to launch your online store! Before going live, take the time to thoroughly review your store to ensure everything is in order. Test the checkout process, review your product listings, and double-check your settings to iron out any potential issues. Once you're confident in your store's readiness, hit the "Launch" button and watch your online business come to life.
Shopify Site Setup Service in 12 Hours
In conclusion, setting up a Shopify store is a rewarding endeavor that opens up endless opportunities for growth and success in the world of e-commerce. By following these detailed steps and incorporating SEO-friendly practices throughout the process, you'll be well-equipped to establish a thriving online presence and connect with customers worldwide. Start your Shopify journey today and unlock the potential of e-commerce for your business!
submitted by ravi188chauhan to bloomShopifytheme [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:56 Cinnymini G. vB

Greg, How can I possible say everything that is in my heart? You'll never see this. But I need to pour my heart out. These are all the things I wish I could say to you. From the moment we met and the moment our eyes connected you ignited fireworks in my soul and ignited a love deeper than I have ever felt in my lifetime. There is no logical explanation for me to feel the way that I feel about you. It is like my soul recognized you the second our eyes connected. The magnetic energy I felt and still feel since that 5th day of Feb when I saw you and my mouth dropped is still there... always there. I feel like I have known you eternally in many lifetimes. My soul recognized you and said “there he is.” We seem to communicate through our eyes and energy-I can feel you in the deepest parts of my soul. I dream of you most nights and then I hate that I wake up without you. I feel your energy around me—always. This feeling overwhelmes me, suffocates me-I cannot breathe. I cannot come forward because my heart is not free. I will not be Icarus and fly to close to you my sun literally (Leo). I wish you would read this. I wish you could read my eyes and tell me you feel it too. If not, I'll wait for you in the next lifetime, or in one of these next lifetimes where I can be yours. I sent you my number, I’ll wait for your text—someday. Until then, goodbye and so much love. -KcK
submitted by Cinnymini to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:51 NeonIslands86 The Tale of Two Teddys - How I Got Them for FREE

The Tale of Two Teddys - How I Got Them for FREE
Here’s how I got a Jade and Magenta NF Teddy for FREE!
I was browsing eBay in bed one night when I came across this bundle (see photo). Looks like your typical bundle of common Beanie Babies, right? That’s what I thought but then I looked closer. Right up front is a 7 spot Lucky. Pretty cool but there’s more to find here. At first I thought that was The End and Valentina up in the left corner but then I noticed the ribbon was white-ish rather than Valentina’s pink ribbon. I felt pretty confident this was a Magenta NF Teddy but wasn’t too sure if the other was Jade or not. I’m a photographer so I zoomed in and processed the image in Lightroom. Sure enough, what looked like a black bear was indeed a green bear with a red ribbon. Jade confirmed.
It had a starting bid of $35 or a buy it now price of $50. While I love being cheap, this was too good to pass up and I didn’t want to risk someone else buying it so I paid the $50. All in with shipping and tax the total came out to $64.08, which honestly isn’t a bad price for two NF colored Teddys. You could look at this as $32.04 for each, or roughly $1.56 for each item in the bundle.
I kept a few other things from the lot but decided to sell off the rest to try and make back what I spent. It took 73 days but I was able to make back all of my money. Boom! Free Teddys.
Keep a sharp eye, my friends and happy hunting!
submitted by NeonIslands86 to beaniebabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:49 TerribleSell2997 Automotive HVAC Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

~Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)~ systems enable indoor and vehicular environmental comfort to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality. Automotive HVAC Market research report reveals important insights into market scenario to enable key players in taking calculated decision making. Basically, one of the major purposes of market research reports is to maximize the business growth opportunities. It also helps key players to turn business into a successful business by increasing the profit level. The overall business goal can be accomplished through this Automotive HVAC Market study report as it consists of all the current happenings and major innovations of the marketplace. Depending on the overall business objective, it is important to reduce business risks to generate larger revenues in the business. Several regions are captured in this Market report which includes North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific.
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Geographically, the market has been segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World. Asia-Pacific is expected to dominate the market in 2018 and is further expected to do so over the forecast period. This is due to the presence of key automobile manufacturers, large scale production of vehicles and soaring vehicle demand in emerging economies such as India, China, and South Korea. Moreover, North America and Europe are expected to register significant growth over the forecast period. Furthermore, the market consists of several players which are adopting various strategies such as mergers and acquisitions, product launch, geographical expansion, partnerships and collaborations among others. Some of the market players of the global automotive HVAC market include Denso Corp., Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., MAHLE GmbH, Johnson Electric Holdings Ltd., and Calsonic Kansei Corp.
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· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Automotive HVAC Market Segmentation
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By Vehicle Type
Automotive HVAC Market – Segment by Region
North America
Rest of the World
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
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submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:48 Typical_Guava_6145 72-96 HR Rolling Fasts > Extended Fasts for ease, sustainability & weight loss with data

I’ve done several fasts btwn 10-12 days and more than 5 fasts btwn 5-8 days and I weigh daily.
This is my first time doing rolling fasts and I’m 10 days in so far and feel like I’ve found my fasting calling.
My records suggest that extended fasting very slightly beats rolling fasts thru 7 days, we are talking weight loss of 15 lbs vs 13.5 lbs here.
However, after the first 7 days, rolling fasts are equal to or slightly better than extended fasts for weight loss.
The difference seems to be the lack of a plateau with rolling fasts.
I’ve seen daily weights and chart from others that show a weight gain of 2-4 lbs after the fast breaking meal, but at least to this point, that hasn’t been happening for me.
After 2 big refeeds of 3000 calories, one low carb (13.3%) and the 2nd keto (net carbs 5g, 0.2% carbs), I lost 0.6 lbs and gained 0.6 lbs, respectively, so I’m net zero weight gain in terms of refeeds.
Currently 26 hrs into a 96 hr rolling fast, I’ll be getting more data and will be able to go head to head with my most successful 12 day extended fast - right now, it looks like 12 days of rolling fasts will come in a tie or possibly win by 1 lb or lose by 1 lb - now there is a caveat, I did a 39 hr rolling fast as the 2nd fast, btwn the first fast of 96 hrs and the 3rd fast of 72 hrs, so that refeed, though only 1000 calories with 1g net carbs, has probably cost me 1 lb.
Here is the 9 days of data from my rolling fast thus far:
Fasting Weight Progress
Fast started at 3:30am on Sunday 5/5
Day 1 weight is at 12pm, 33 hrs in (+9 hrs from full day)
Daily weights 11:30am-12:30pm
Day 0… 229… last meal at 3:30am
Day 1… 225.8 (3.2)… FAST 33 hours
Day 2… 223.4 (2.4)…FAST
Day 3… 221.0 (2.4)… FAST
Day 4… 219.6 (1.4)… EAT salmon, tuna, hemp at 2:30am-4:30am to BREAK 95:2 HR FAST 1000 cals 0 net carbs
Day 5… 217.2 (2.4)… EAT brisket x 3, tuna, hemp, walnuts, almonds, raisins from 7pm-1am to BREAK 39:6 HR FAST 3000 cals 100g carbs
Day 6… 216.6 (0.6)… FAST
Day 7… 215.2 (1.4)….. FAST
Day 8… 213.4 (1.8)… EAT 67:5 HR FAST salmon x 2, ground beef x 2, chicken x 2, steak, walnuts, almonds, 3000 cals 5g net carbs
Day 9… 214.0 (+0.6)… FAST
Day 10… ???
In terms of sustainability, I had no problem doing 72 hrs during the last fast with no hunger on Days 1 & 2 and only mild-moderate hunger on Day 3, and though I could have went 96 hrs without too much of a battle, I broke at 72 hrs.
Currently at 26 hours into new fast, hunger is none to minimal after eating 3000 cals of a 5g net carb refeed, and plan is to do 96 hours this time as long as hunger on Day 3 is moderate or lower.
There may very well be individual differences between people, with some losing more weight and/or preferring extended fasts and others getting those benefits from 72-96 hr rolling fasts.
Plan is to break current fast with lo carb SALAD-based 3000 cal refeed (kale, spinach, broccoli, brisket x 2, 120 cals beans, 130 cals sweet potatoes, seeds, nuts) that should bring me briefly out of ketosis for a few hours, and compare weight loss of isocaloric 5g net carbs carnivore & nuts based refeed vs 60g net carbs high fiber lo carb kale, spinach, broccoli, brisket, beans, sweet potatoes, seeds, nuts refeed.
Has anyone done this comparison before? If so, did isocaloric 3000 cals carb zero keto outperform high fiber low carb (60g net carbs) or is it the other way around, with nutrients from vegetables, beans and well-rounded meal flipping the switch from ketones to glucose to ketones for a few hours - how energy intensive is it to flip that switch twice within a few hours and can nutrient-loaded meal supercharge fat burning after 12-day fast drains nutrients?
Also, has anybody else not gained weight after refeeding on a rolling 72-96 hr fast?
If you haven’t gained weight after refeed on a 72/96 hr rolling fast, how many cals was your meal and what foods comprised it?
Thanks for reading, please feel free to comment.
submitted by Typical_Guava_6145 to fasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:48 MixtureOverall4668 My BF (M21) got upset at me a few days ago because I (F20) "wasn't considerate enough" when asking him to clean. How should I revisit the issue without making it too heated?

For context, my bf and I have been together for a little under a year. We moved in together relatively soon into the relationship because of convenience regarding our daily commute and whatnot. We are both pretty busy due to college, work, etc. We use two separate bathrooms and his is connected to the guestroom while I use the one in our bedroom. I do all of the laundry and vacuuming and we split dishes basically 50/50, while he often cooks at night.
One of my cousins (Sandy) were coming to visit for a few days and they told me a month in advance - when I knew about their arrival I told my bf asap and asked if he could clean his bathroom before Sandy came over. He agreed at the time and wanted to clean around the week before Sandy was going to arrive. However things got busy for him and he didn't think he had time to clean the washroom anymore. I felt kind of rushed because she was coming over in a few days and I didn't want my guest to use a dirty bathroom - Again I told him that he would have to clean the washroom he was using before X date. He eventually did and I was very glad about it, but the next day he got upset and said that he didn't have the time to do it but did it anyways to please me essentially, and this made him behind on the work he needed to catch up on. To add on, I also bought us takeout that night since he said if he cleaned he wouldn't have the time to cook, and I was ok with that.
For more information, I typically clean a little bit as I'm brushing my teeth or something, not letting toothpaste get stuck to the sink, etc, it's not perfect but not difficult to just wipe down in 15-20 minutes. However he kind of just lets it build up so there was pink mold and some stains on the toilet which I guess would take a little longer to scrub down. He was upset I didn't offer to help, but then I said that if he wanted help he could've asked me and I would be willing to - then he said it wasn't about "him asking me" but rather the thought that counts. I also said I didn't know the extent of how busy he was but also made it a point that I told him a month in advance so he could've done it whenever, but he chose leave it for later. He said he didn't know that things were going to pile up and he was going to get so busy. A little further down the conversation, he voiced that since it was my guest, I can be the one to clean his washroom, so basically, a lot of the conversation revolved around how busy he was and that I wasn't being considerate of his timeline. Also, he said that I could've reminded him throughout the month about the guest so he could clean but this felt like he was pushing the responsibility onto me in some ways, and I have brought up the guest multiple times in conversation before so I am not really sure why this was a point to be made. In the past, he's also said he doesn't get bothered by the dirty washroom/living environment and that if it bothers me, I should be the one to clean it, then he bring up the living room and how sometimes it's full with the craft materials I bring home but he doesn't tell me to clean because it doesn't bother him.
I was quiet for a bit and he asked what I was thinking and I said that maybe it would be better for him to move back in with his parents because the cleaning situation is not working out and since he is so busy it would be better. The conversation escalated and he said he doesn't want to be with me anymore. After a while I said I was sorry for suggesting that because I didn't mean to kick him out (it's my apt, he doesn't pay rent, we split groceries) and he said it made him feel bad because it sounded like I didn't want to live with him anymore.
I felt kind of confused and a little upset as well by the end of the conversation and I'm truly wondering if it is my responsibility to clean his washroom when I have a guest over. I do acknowledge his difficult schedule but I also feel like I gave him a fair amount of time. I want to address this situation again with him in a few days but I'm scared it's going to get heated like it did before. Please let me know how I should proceed the next conversation? Should I even bring it up again?
TL;DR - my boyfriend was upset that I told him to clean his washroom before a guest arrives and he suggested that I could be more considerate and if I was bothered by the grime I could be the one to do it since he is busy at this time.
submitted by MixtureOverall4668 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:44 PumpkinsVenue Parallels between Dark Souls 2 and Elden Ring - the lands

Parallels between Dark Souls 2 and Elden Ring - the lands
I've compiled lists (there was supposed just one, but reddit limits blocked me) of parallels that fans have drawn between Elden Ring and Dark Souls 2, along with brief commentaries and illustrations on the patterns they may have observed.
As the IGN interview said, Dark Souls II is more open world, much like Elden Ring, than the other games in the Dark Ring series.
The Lands Between in Elden Ring has an ethereal & transitional nature and Things Betwixt in Dark Souls 2 is an inter-spacial cave.
The image on the left is the Erdtree. The image on the right is from Drangleic Castle just before you enter the Looking Glass knight area.
The snowy, storm-swept Consecrated Snowfield of Elden Ring evokes the treacherous Frigid Outskirts of Dark Souls 2, with both areas challenging players to navigate blinding blizzards while facing off against powerful enemies.
Crumbling Farum Azula and the Dragon Aerie in Dark Souls 2 (Aldia, who researched the past, may have had a hand in creating the site) are both mazelike areas filled with dragons and aerial, draconic imagery.
Both Leyndell and Lindelt from DS2 are grand capitals steeped in faith, draconic imagery, and connections to lightning and sacred trees, with their strikingly similar names hinting at a shared reverence for nature's divine forces. “The Erdtree was once as warm as the gentle sun, and would gradually heal all who bathed in its rays.” Soothing Sunlight miracle that passed down through the ages by the Lindelt Monastery “Greatly heals HP of self and nearby allies“.
Both Golden Order and the great House Osteria represent prestigious ruling orders or noble houses wielding immense power and influence within their respective sacred capitals of Lindelt and Leyndell.
Both the Heart of the Storm from Elden Ring and the Ashen Mist Heart from Dark Souls 2 are key triggers that grant the ability to access dragons’ memories and alternate realities.
Both Raya Lucaria Academy in Elden Ring and the School of Melfia in Dark Souls 2 were renowned institutions dedicated to the study of sorcery with astrology, delving into the mysteries of the stars and cosmic forces.
Akin to how purist astrologers in Dark Souls 2 despised swordfighting, the Lazuli sorcerers were considered heretical by the Raya Lucaria academy and are the only branch that practice of wielding swords as catalysts instead of traditional staves.
The Mask of Confidence worn by Seluvis and the Manikin Mask from Dark Souls 2 share a distinctive feature of having the wearer's mouth wide open. Hinting at a connection between the peculiar art of puppetry from of the two lost lands mentioned in the Manikin armor description and Seluvis' quest in Elden Ring.
The Shaded Castle (on a plateau that has windmills) which is next to Volcano Manor and the Earthen Peak Ruins which is next to the Iron Keep in Dark Souls 2 are both small, poisonous dungeons that lead to a larger, more imposing, volcanic area, hinting at a parallel between the two locations.
Volcano Manor with its winged snake statues, and Lanafir from Dark Souls 2, where the eagle symbolizes wealth rather than strength and the land follows a strict edict of isolationism, share a connection hinting at foreign, wealthy lands ruled in separation from everyone else.
Both Sellia, Town of Sorcery and the eastern land of Jugo employ invisibility magic, with Sellia's night sorceries like Unseen Form and Unseen Blade allowing casters to become semi-invisible or render weapons invisible, while Jugo's Desert Sorceresses and the legendary armor of Aurous utilize deceptive illusionsto lure in victims.
Both the formic rock formed from solidified giant ant venom (most abundantly found under the desert land of Caelid) and the Corrosive Urn from Dark Souls 2, filled with secretions from giant corrosive ants native to the desert land of Jugo, contain potent acidic properties that can rapidly degrade equipment and armor.
Both Caelid under Radahn's Redmane army, and the eastern land of Forossa from Dark Souls 2 were home to fearsome warrior knights renowned for their ferocious combat prowess, with the Lion Knights of Forossa and the Redmane Knights serving as elite forces until their respective kingdoms fell to ruin.
The Ring of Giants suggests the lands of Forossa may have been inhibited by giants, just as the Dragonslayer's Crescent Axe's ability to slay dragons implies Forossa also had to contend with these beasts inhabiting its territory.
Both the Black Firebomb from Dark Souls 2, a powerful explosive developed in the fallen kingdom of Forossa, and the Redmane Fire Pot from Elden Ring, used by Radahn's soldiers to combat the scarlet rot, are potent incendiary weapons that inflict devastating fire damage upon impact.
Both the Holy Water Pot, crafted with incantations of the Golden Order and highly effective against "Those Who Live in Death", and the Holy Water Urn from Dark Souls 2, originally intended as a soothing potion but scalding the skin of Undead and Hollows, are potent holy water weapons derived from ancient, well-protected springs that have become inaccessible due to war ravaging the lands of Mirrah and the Lands Between.
The name Elden Ring and the primary title for Dark souls.
Initially, the latter was going to be named ‘Dark Ring,’ but after learning about its crass British slang connotation, FromSoftware opted for the title “Dark Souls” instead. Within the overworld setting of Elden Ring, a blend of North-western European, Nordic, and early to middle English influences, the term ‘eld’ or ‘ēlden’ can signify ‘fire’ or ‘ǣlden’ can signify ‘to kindletracing its origins back to the Proto-Germanic term ‘ailidaz’ and ‘ailijan’ respectively. Interestingly in Swedish “elden” reportedly associated with alchemy.
Perhaps the intended or additional meaning of “Elden Ring” is “Fire Ring”.
submitted by PumpkinsVenue to DarkSouls2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:43 OverGap3758 My 35M GF 33F suddenly disappeared, not sure if she is just avoiding me or in trouble and don't want to overreact?

Throwaway account.
I would like to ask for help in possible scenarios and what other people think is more likely.
So I (35M) have been/was with my girlfriend (33F) for over a decade. Maybe once every year or two she would out of the blue say she was breaking up (sometimes wouldn't say anything and just take everything and disappear) and would disappear. The last time she said it was last year but she didn't disappear but became really distant. So it has been improving, and just this weekend everything seemed fine until Monday when she suddenly disappeared for a few hours late at night saying she was busy which is very unusual as she usually sleeps quite early, she responded to my texts briefly and seemed genuinely busy with work. Then on Tuesday she said she wanted to break up but wanted to remain friends (I asked if she had found someone else and she was genuinely surprised or acted so, this is important), so I was obviously devastated but after some short talks it seemed like she might have room to stay in the relationship or at least consider not breaking up for sure, though it seemed likely she would.
That isn't the important part, she was supposed to go on a training trip today for over a week so she was busy packing her luggage yesterday. On Monday I asked what time her flight was so I could make sure I was free to drive her to the airport and she said that I didn't need to (which was where I got really suspicious that something was up as I basically almost always drive her to the airport or any far away place/when she is transporting lots of stuff). Then yesterday when we were talking I said I'd like to eat with her before her departure and then drive her to the airport and she went oh that's good we can eat near my business (which she just opened several months ago) so I can check up on my business before I go. So we had arranged the time today that I would pick her up to go eat then check on her business before going to the airport.
Then this morning when my alarm woke me up and I checked my phone I saw a text message from her that was a few hours ago saying that she had to arrive earlier and that she just arrived at the airport. My first thought was that she just wanted to avoid me so I was sad but understood why she did it, however I then checked the rest of my notifications and saw that the plane ticket and hotel was cancelled so now I'm seriously concerned as she had been planning this training trip for a long time. Also when I dropped off some stuff for our dogs at her place I saw that the huge luggage she packed yesterday was still at home.
So now I'm concerned about if she is actually safe, and would like to ask anyone for their view/perspective to see if there may be something I'm missing or didn't think of.
The reason why I am concerned about her safety (whether safe from herself or others) is because she has been acting really weird the past few days which understandably so if she was just going to break up with me. However she had cancelled all of her appointments yesterday and this morning because she said she had a bad stomach ache (probably stress) which is very unusual for her as she is usually very hard working, the last time something similar to this happened was a few months ago when she had a mental breakdown and was about to blow up her business, clients and industry acquaintances. She also contemplated about taking her own you know (I think I can't say the word on reddit? or was that somewhere else). I eventually got her to calm down and I hope she moved on and she did seem to recover. But I'm not sure if that was all an act (should be because she generally can't act for an extended period of time as I would generally pick up on things when the inconsistencies became too frequent).
Second of all she had basically deleted all of her social media a few days ago too and when I asked her she said there were too many weirdoes approaching her and adding her and talking to her. When I asked her how could random people add you on one particular social media platform as you need to confirm their request before they can even talk to you she said I dunno I accidentally accepted them (this is why I thought she was with someone else at first along with some other stuff when she said she wanted to break up but when I listed out all the reasons she genuinely sounded surprised) it sounded really weird but after asking a few times I didn't ask more because after the first few questions she will shut down generally.
A few days ago she also removed all snacks and beverages from her business as she was afraid of getting sued which I thought was weird but understood the risks if someone got food poisoning from something you provided however unlikely as those were prepackaged items. The thing that concerned me was that she said someone told her that it's not safe but she wouldn't tell me who which was weird as she would usually say the name even though I would have no idea who it was. (Another reason why I thought she may be with someone else)
She also has some documents of mine that she was supposed to hand over when she arrived at her destination which is quite time sensitive (which she collected late last night and asked for them which I found weird as I was going to give it to her today) so she would not purposefully sabotage work related stuff.
So I'm concerned that something happened to her, whether it is another breakdown, blackmail or something. If she didn't have this trip that she planned extensively for a while which she suddenly abandoned along with the scrubbing of a lot of business related stuff (her personal social media that is private is still up just all public social media has been scrubbed) and her past breakdown I would just think that she is avoiding me or is with someone else, which is still a possibility and is actually the one I hope is the case. I'm afraid that it's something else and she is either in danger to herself or from someone else (could just be me panicking cause this situation is so weird). I'm on here to ask if anyone else has any ideas that I may have missed because I'm contemplating about going to the police (not much they can do if she just disappeared on her own with no outside interreference) but fear that I may be taking too drastic an action if in fact she is just avoiding me/with someone else and is totally safe.
TLDR: GF of over a decade broke up with me and disappeared. However circumstances makes me question if she is just avoiding me or is she in trouble.
submitted by OverGap3758 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]