Analysis david ives sure thing

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2024.06.09 20:11 Mammoth_Confection91 29[M4F] USA/California/Online Hey I'm looking to chat and see if connect!

So as the title states I'm 29 years old and residing in California at the moment sort of middle of nowhere California. I work from home a simple 9-5 that isn't thankfully too demanding so I'm able to spend lots of time during work chatting! As from physical attributes I'm about 5'10 and currently on a weight loss journey to be the healthiest I've ever been. I've already lost 20 pounds and hopefully more to melt away! I also have brown eyes and black hair tan skin. I've been told my voice is soothing and calming but you can be the judge of that yourself.
So a bit about me I would say I'm pretty much into the typical reddit hobbies. I enjoy playing video games, reading books/manga, movies and other nerdy things. I don't go into immense details because I'd like to be able to enjoy conversation without completely word vomiting here.
As for games I've currently been playing quite a bit of League(it's all my friends play please help) so if you'd like to play that let me know! I also really enjoy FFXIV and I'm excited for the new expansion but sadly I've been playing essentially alone for years now. I play on NA servers for both of these games. I also habe tons of steam games like stardew and Risk of Rain I'm also open to others if you'd like to play games together!
I am also a huge magic the gathering nerd and have been playing a few years and enjoy the game immensely. Magic isn't the only tabletop game I enjoy as I love tons of tabletop games like pandemic, betrayal on house hill, and dead of winter. Playing DnD is also tons of fun but it's been a while since I've played and would love to again.
For any form of cinema I absolutely love horror especially the campy cheesy horror movies the b productions that are so awful they are good. So if you love horror please let's chat nobody I know enjoys horror and I could yap about stupid terrible movies endlessly if you let me. Horror also goes into my books that I enjoy reading but I also enjoy sci-fi and high fantasy for books as well.
Along with horor cinema I also enjoy horror anime which there isn't a lot but I do enjoy it. There's plenty of anime I enjoy and I've been rewatching yu yu hakuhso as it's one of my all time favorites. I am watching a few currently airing anime such as Kaiju No8, Spice and Wolf, Go Go Loser Ranger, and Mysterious Dissappearnces.
So if any of this catches your attention send me a message or chat. If things go well we can move platforms to continue chatting. I can also spam you with pictures of my pets too if you'd like!
submitted by Mammoth_Confection91 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:11 ThrowRA_InNeedAdvice Me(20F) and my boyfriend (20M) are struggling with an incidents that happened one month into our relationship when facetiming while having an intimate moment. He mentioned someone else and i still struggle with it. Should we break up?

(My native language is not English) Hi. Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 3 months now and we are both 20. (we are long distance) We had been talking 24/7 and I had even introduced him to my best friend over chat because I wanted him to be apart of my life. One month into our relationship we talked about sex and how that would work for us. A little after we suddenly touched ourselves over facetime, showing each other our bodies and our truest selves. Over facetime my boyfriend suddenly mentioned my best friend and that he was thinking about the pictures she sent of her. This of course was so heartbreaking leading me to hang up and breaking up with him. Two days after i was really depressed and i missed him. He had been trying to reach out to me on all platforms saying that he didn't know what overcame him. He is a very nice guy and I didn't understand why this was happening. I eventually let him explain a little and we got back together and took things really slow. I cant say this enough but he is one of the nicest people I've ever met. But still to this day every time we do something sexual i doubt that he is thinking of someone else. He tells me he loves me but every time he does i don't believe him. I told him how i was feeling and he has been telling me that the only thing he wants is me, and that he want to be with me for the rest of his life.
Also when me and him had the breakup i told my friend what happened and she has now told someone in the friend group and that person has now told everyone in the friend group what happened and i feel so embraced.
submitted by ThrowRA_InNeedAdvice to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:11 good-vibrations123 Those who have a stellium - what can you tell me about it? Do you relate to it more than anything else in your chart?

I have a Scorpio stellium and a 5H stellium. I'd really be interested in learning more about my own stellium along with others, but from what I can tell this is supposed to make me a deeply loving and loyal person with high expectations of others (especially in romance) and I feel that is true to me.
I'm definitely more intense than the average Libra with my stellium, but I still don't think I'm more intense (or direct) than most of the Scorpios I've met even when they don't have a stellium. People usually guess Scorpio (or Gemini) the most for me... people never guess that I am a Libra, so I must be putting some Scorpio vibes off. I've had a problem with people oversexualizing me and getting obsessive, but I'm also dealing with a high libido, possessiveness, and obsessiveness myself.
5H stellium says I'm supposed to love kids which is ironic because I'm childfree. I do find kids entertaining, they say off-the-wall things and it's fun to watch them experience the magic of childhood for the first time. But the charm wears off about 3 hrs in and I'm glad I'm not a parent lol. I deeply relate to the creative aspect of having a 5H stellium though. I feel most content when I have a bunch of ideas and can be creating something. I actually have trouble sticking to one creative venture because there are so many ways I love to express myself. Lots of things I relate to about my moon sign (childlike wonder, gifted storyteller, always making jokes and trying to entertain people) I also relate to with my 5H stellium.
What about you?
submitted by good-vibrations123 to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:11 Tydezno Starting Over Thoughts

So, I recently moved and is planning on rebuilding my smart home, but I am 80% sure that I want to redo my Apple Home and start fresh. Is there any concern with doing this or any benefits? Nothing has been setup yet in new house besides Door lock and Doorbell Cam.
My current list of things: ISP - AT&T Fiber 500/500 Network - TP-Link Mesh AXE75 (2x) (strongly looking into replacing with Unifi DreamCloud) Hub - ATV (Ethernet), 2 HomePods
Devices: * Aqara M2 * Aqara Doorbell G4 * Aqara U050 lock * Aqara DooWindow sensors (v1) * Aqara mini switch sensor * Aqara FP1E (beta tester) * Nanoleaf matter a19 lights (replacing with Philips Hue) * Govee light strips * Govee Floor Lamp (v1) * Govee Air Purifier * Eve Motion * Eve Energy Plug * Meross Plug * Ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium * Switchbot bot and hub 2
Ordered and waiting on shipment * Philips Hue bridge and Lights * Abode Home Security Smartkit * Home Assistant
Thinking about: * 1 outdoor and 1 indoor camera from same brand/manufacturer * Aqara FP2 * Upgrading my Govee Lamp to Govee Lamp2 Pro
submitted by Tydezno to HomeKit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 Current-Albatross656 Which to get?

Hi! I work at a bar and we have live DJs every weekend. Sometimes I leave work with my ears ringing afterwards and I’m looking into earplugs to protect my ears from lasting damage. The only thing is that I need to be able to hear coworkers/customers talking to me so I’m not sure which kind would work for me. I’m looking at both Loop and Eargasm earplugs, any suggestions would be appreciated I’d ideally want them to look more discreet but functionality is more important
submitted by Current-Albatross656 to LoopEarplugs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 Max_Meyhem People think im stupid. Its making me hate myself.

When i was younger my parents took extra long care to make sure i understood things. They would speak slowly and explain things 4 or 5 times to make sure i really got it. This didnt stop as i got older. Now, its everyone that does it.
I can ask the easiest question and everyone in class feels a need to explain everything about the topic to me. Teachers say they expect more from me in class but never call on my hand when its up. My parents never listen when i give them ideas about college, or finacial things. I gave a comment once about our fans, and how they were on neutral, not cold air. They disagreed. We argued for 10 minutes before my dad finally agreed, changed it, and never said anything again.
Im bad at spelling, and my math scores havent been high these past few years. But my reading is above average, i understand all my classes (except math), and im very good at interacting with other people. Im social. I talk a lot.
But, somehow it always seems like no body is listening. In one ear, out the other. For our final project i made suggestions people ignored. When someone else had the same idea they tried it, and it worked. I have to interupt people to get a chance to speak. I cant go a day without someone making a joke about me or the way i act. I cant seem to find anyone who takes me seriously. Nothing i do is ever enough to convince people im not stupid. It breaks my heart and my mind knowing every single person around me thinks im an idiot. Its started to make me feel like i am.
I ask people about this, they say its not true. They say no one thinks im stupid. Its a lie. I hate it when people lie to my face because they think i wont notice. I do. I notice almost every lie told to me. I dont have the energy to handle them. I almost always let them go.
I dont know how to fix it. I dont know how im going to make it through another year of my life knowing that im either stupid for not realising i am, or im stupid for thinking i am. My birthday is tomorrow. I think my friends forgot. My parents didnt. they have been asking for what i want, i dont know what to say. All i want is a fair chance at proving to myself and everyone else im not stupid. I want to be noticed. I want people to go to me for advice. I want people to care.
Ive been depressed since the 6th grade becuse of how alone and different i feel. I know im different. I know im alone. I also know i cant fix it. Ive asked for tests. Maybe its super severe ADHD? No, just mild ADD? Maybe its autism! No, im to "normal" to have that, plus testing is expencive. Maybe i should just ask people. No, they will just lie to me? Fine, what should i do?
Im turning one year older than i was last year. Its one year ive wasted being me. One year ive wasted being a fucking idiot. I hate myself. I hate how i talk. I hate how i act. I hate how i look. I hate my mind, and my face, and my voice, and my hands, and my legs, and my personality.
I hope my friends remember. I really, really want them to.
submitted by Max_Meyhem to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 Serendipity742 I kissed my brother's friends a couple of times but I'm not sure if it means anything

*not sure if this is right subreddit, sorry if it isn't
So me (F24) and my friend (F24) have gone on trips together. Sometimes her brother (M23) lets say john would go with us. I would like to say b4 starting we didn't become friend until I was 20 and didn't meet her brother till we were 21/22.
John would flirt with me but I didn't take it seriously bc he's just a flirty person and kind of player. About 2 yrs go we (me, F24, F23, John) went out clubbing together and after drinking we all shared a hotel room, 2 beds. Me and John ended up sharing a bed and making out. I didn't take it further cuz his sister and our friend were asleep in the same room. Plus at the end of day he's my good friends brother. He wanted to keep going and offered to get us another room. I said no bc of his sister er and we ended up falling asleep. In the morning he was trying to get us alone but his sister and our friend insisted we all went together. End incident 1. We never talked about and I didn't really think to much about it because we were drunk.
Fast foward a 5ish months later. He texs me on insta out of the blue asking if I wanted to hang out, it was 7pm ish. I said I had a bday party. He was saying to just take him, we'd have fun. I jokingly said he had to book any uber services thru the bday person (I think I'm funny). I didn't feel comfortable taking him to their bday party unannounced. We talked alittle after and then that's it. End incident 2
Another 6ish months. We went to one of their family's bday party's, when we were there he was heavily flirting. He was keeping his hand on my waist and keeping me pressed against his side. He would move in really close to talk to me, even when he didn't need to. He would compliment me. I flirted back, but stopped once he was flirting more intense bc that's not how we usually interact and his family + was present. At one point he grabbed my chin and told me something, tbh don't remeber what. But I went home with another friend and I think he stayed with his fam longer. End incident 3.
We didn't see each other for awhile bc my friend, his sister, was pregnant and was staying out of country with the father. He was also dating someone seriously at this time. During this time he unfollowed me on social media. They broke up a coupel months b4 this trip.
F24 came back (btw her and baby doing great). And about 7 months ago we (me, john, F24, and F23) all went on a trip (separate transport) to visit her baby's fatheher family. When we were out, my friend threw a party for her baby. It was really hot (100°+ Celsius) the entire time we were out there. The night of the party me and F23 were staying in living room with no ac. John comes over to where we're laying and offers us alcohol. I say no. He sits next to me and F23 says yes and takes some. John lays down next to me and starts verbally teasing me. F23 gives back drink and lays down. John starts full body cuddling me and I legit started falling asleep. John eventually says he need to sleep too. He goes to his room. We only had fans im the living room so it was still hot. John comes back out and asks if we wanted to move mattresses in his room cuz he has ac. We say he'll yeah. At some ponit me and John are alone in room. I had recently died my hair and he starts tugging it and complimenting. He kisses me, I kissed him back (great kiss). Then pulled away bc friend was heading back. She comes in and John asks if I want to sleep in the bed with him. I said no and slept in bed with F23. End incident 4
The next Night of same trip I'm laying down in living room alone and John passes by on his way out. He comes up to me and says a compliment. I was sleepy, say up and asked where he was going. He hugged me, stayed close, replied out and asked if I wanted to join him. I said no thank you I'm going to sleep. He asked again and I just said be safe and laid back down. Lol heat takes me out. End incident 5
Most recently, 1 month ago Don't think this really counts. We were at another of their family's parties. The entire party John was teasing me. I had a flower necklace on and he was joking about it being hickey. He had a grass stain on his paint so I joked about him being on his knees. Later on John got into a dumb quick fight with some guy about arm wresting. The other guys started the fight. After everyone calmed down. We were joking a bit and we all ended up in group circle. I've been more affectionate with ppl in my life recently, so i was rubbing his back here and there. (I was also touching my friends arm on the other side of me) I noticed when I did he started avoiding eye contact with me, but was keeping eye contact with everyone else in the circle. The circle kind of broke up and I had looked at him and told him I didn't feel like like heading home yet and I was in the mood to keep talking. He finally looked me in the eye and said I don't either and we don't have to. My friend came over and we headed out soom after that. I hugged him and everyone else bye. End incident 6 *not sure if he was uncomfortable with me touching his back, we do hug hello and goodbye and have had casual physical contact b4 tho.
I've known John for awhile so there's been some little stuff in between but these were the most physical. Like we dropped his sister off at the airport 2 hours away. On the drive back, He was upset at first bc of a call with his mom. But we ended up talking the whole way back, just about his family and me growing up a bit.
TLDR: my (F24) friends (F24) brother (M23) met 2 years ago. We flirt alot but he's kind of a player. We have kissed and been affectionate at parties together over the 2 yr timeliness. We've had moments in between but most of these situations involved alcohol and we never really talked about it afterwards.
I want to know if John could have feeling for me or if I'm just a warm body nearby and I'm overthinking the whole situation?
submitted by Serendipity742 to u/Serendipity742 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 Ok_Distribution_3535 Overwhelmed?

Hi everyone, looking for similar expiriences/advice/comfort I guess.
I am on methylfenidat chlorid, extended release, 2x18mg. First one usually around 9-10h and second between 14-16h, depending on a day.
I started talking the second dose later in a day to have pleasant functioning evenings - otherwise anxiety, RSD, would just come back in the evening, mesing with my emotions.
I also stopped talking med breaks unless I am ill or forgot to take them by mistake. That is because I don't want to be a mess and be sad and feel guilty or fight with my partner because RSD or having to feel the way I do because RSD. I like feeling I can do things, do them, feel happy, have energy (it seems like it is normal to have the pleasant need to do something with your body - who knew? who knew it was normal to feel like you want to go exercise and that it sound like something pleasant?)
The problem is that I think that taking meds everyday just might make me be ON all the time and gives the autism in me all the power to be in charge and tire me in a way I feel like I am going into burn out (work stress also a factor). I believe that is because if I am on the meds all the time, I do not release my internal ADHD dopamin seeking child as a way to VENT? Does this make any se se?
Also, what I have noticed since days are lasting longer - the meds are just not working long enough. In the winter period meds would stop working and I would be at home, alone/with partner with all the RSD, anxiety and whathewer else. Now, meds stop working and I am still doing something, socialising, something and it bothers me even more. Premenstrual and menstrual period make it even worse.
I am not sure what to do and how to make it all better. It seems like it will be burn out or ADHD symptoms or as it currently feels some how both - burn out + ADHD before realising I didn't take second pill/in evening.
Did anyone expirience anything similar?
submitted by Ok_Distribution_3535 to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 Hour-Trifle7662 Difficulty accepting promises

Hi friends! I have been a lurker for a while on another account (other account is very specific use when it comes to posting and commenting so decided to make a second one for more personal things like this!) and I wanted to talk about something that I wonder is maybe self-defeating or is possibly a real and valid feeling.
So for a little context my partner (M30) is pgy2 going into 3, and I (F25) am a psychotherapist. We both followed a traditional path following school and everything and we started dating when he started residency.
I'm finding myself recently really struggling when he says stuff like "I promise I'll take care of you/all your needs," because some part of me feels like he's setting himself up for failure by promising something like that when I know he and most people who are physicians don't have the capacity to put a lot of effort into anything when they get off work (I don't mean to generalize, most doctors I know just all have said something similar). I've seen him basically be in a daze after long work weeks and it makes me feel incredibly selfish to ask anything of him, especially given he talks about how exhausted he is frequently. So in turn it makes me feel like I have to either take care of myself or be disappointed that he is unable to live up to that promise. Reality is, I want more time and connection with him and there are definitely days I wish I didn't have to be the one cooking or figuring out possible date plans and ideas completely by myself. He has gotten annoyed with me before for trying to go on dates that he previously said yes to, and we've talked about this and he does admit it comes from a place of not wanting to do anything when he isn't working, which is completely valid but, again, it feels like a false promise.
I don't want to make him feel bad or be rude but in some ways I can't stand to hear him tell me he will take care of me when I come to see him when I know that's not exactly the case. He will always foot the bill if we do something, but to be fair I've done my own fair share of that as well be it random deliveries to his place when I know he's too tired to run errands or cook for himself as well as paying for tickets to events/dates I've planned, expensive gifts. So I understand the sentiment from maybe a financial point of view (which I will admit is hard for me to appreciate since money has never been an issue for either of us independently and I have a career that supports my lifestyle) but my emotional and romantic needs definitely feel like they are suffering and I'm doing my best to fulfill those needs myself through self-dates and seeing friends and I'm trying to focus on my own career so I don't feel so rejected when he can't put energy towards the relationship - but I still find myself really hurt when he says he will take care of my "needs" when his actions don't exactly show that. In some ways I wonder if he's just not being honest with himself about his capacity, but we've talked about that and he doesn't seem to appreciate that implication so I dropped it.
Can anyone relate to this? What do you do to make yourself feel more secure or cared for without infringing on your partner's needs for rest? (I already do all the things like spending ample time with friends, doing things I enjoy like hobbies and activities, I go to my own therapy and try to be very reflective, and I'm involved with many local communities and volunteer often).
Maybe I'm also being unreasonable and sensitive.
Appreciate any and all advice, thoughts, and feelings.
submitted by Hour-Trifle7662 to MedSpouse [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 Additional-Tie-2295 TIFU by getting too FU and having one of the embarrassing nights of my life.

On a wonderful date with a beautiful intelligent gal.. We were laughin, shootin the shit, playful teasing. We went to a nice little bar, had a few cocktails. Even the bartenders were like, first date? She's really into you. Love it.
Fast forward to as we are leaving, everything is perfect, second date basically a shoo-in. I was elated. I had mentioned I basically had stopping smoking the herb recently because it was making me a little paranoid and anxious as of late. But she asked if I wanted to share a joint. I figure, what the hell, wonderful night, she enjoys smoking.. So I join. Next thing I know, I went from a little tipsy to extremely cross faded and fucked up. I walk away to go get water, and go to the bathroom and splash some water on my face. Next thing I know, I'm waking up on the floor in a near empty bar (thank god it wasn't packed). I have never blacked out like that in my life, still not really sure how that happened. Either way, I made a fool of myself. She stayed and made me call a friend or an uber, which I did, but I wanted to just walk away and do it. So I text her this morning to apologize, try to do damage control, and if I didn't fuck up too hard, hopefully see her again. Fuck it. Doubt I'll hear from her again. Wish me luck y'all.
We also have some overlapping social circles, oof.
TL;DR: I decided to smoke a little with my date after a perfect date with my dream girl, blacked out and passed out. Probably won't hear from her again
submitted by Additional-Tie-2295 to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 the-witcher-boo Predictions for the next TT line?

Since there is about a 90% chance we get a new TT line next update. Things are about to get spicy. Now that the IJN CL line has been added. That only leaves a handful of lines left from the PC that are not whole nation lines. Which means either the USS ALT aircraft carrier line (going by this aircraft carrier update, and BIG E coming next update this actually has a large chance of coming next update) or the battle carrier line (not sure about this one though) I am writing off the IJN alt BB line because we just got a IJN one already and two IJN TT lines back to back would be a bore. Which leaves my top prediction for the next update. The ALT European DD line. I still believe that we are way far away from getting a new nation.
submitted by the-witcher-boo to WoWs_Legends [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 Rullawaykid [QCrit] Middle grade, THE ASTONISHING ADVENTURES OF TABITHA TINKLEBUM (21k, v1)

Hi all. This is my first attempt at writing a query letter for a middle grade fiction book - I also attach my first 300 words below. I also have a number of questions about querying middle grade which I'm not sure if I can include here (?) so will put in a different post. Many thanks in advance for any feedback. (Nb if it makes a difference I'm British and will probably query UK agents to start with.)
Dear X
I’m excited to send you THE ASTONISHING ADVENTURES OF TABITHA TINKLEBUM (21k, middle grade fiction), which will appeal to fans of Steven Butler’s Nothing to See Here Hotel series and Stephen Mulhern’s Max Magic. I hope that you enjoy [personalisation]
Most of the time, Tabitha Tinklebum is happy enough at the Curious Home for Waifs and Strays, staging naval reenactments in the Great Hall, dangling from the trees in the orchard, and searching for secret passages through the castle dungeons with the rest of the orphans who live there.
Sometimes, though, she can’t help but wonder about what there might be over those distant hills she can see from her bedroom window. About what else there is, out there in the big wide world.
And then The Marvellous Madame Pamplemousse’s Travelling Circus rolls into town.
Unable to resist, and with the threat of BANISHMENT and EXILE hanging over her head if she gets caught, Tabitha sneaks out of the castle and discovers the wonder and magic of the circus, and her own unique place within it .
But someone is harming the circus: stealing little pieces of it for their own ends - and Tabitha thinks she knows who it is. The only way to keep the circus safe is the very last thing she wants: for it to leave town for good.
I attach XX
Many thanks for your time and consideration
The very dark middle of a very dark field in the very dark middle of a very dark night.
If we were down there – down by the ground, amongst that shadowy group of tents and wagons huddled together in the centre of the field – there would be all sorts of interesting sounds and smells to enjoy. The buttery smell of dropped popcorn, slowly turning stale on the grass. The greasy smell of face paint. The warm brown smells and soft grunts of large animals, asleep in their cages. The gentle squeaking snore of a ring mistress at rest.
But up here, where we are, high in the night sky, there’s nothing but cool fresh night air, a sprinkling of stars and, flitting past on silent wings, a lone owl who is about to be VERY surprised indeed.
What else can we see from up here? Next to the field, we can just make out the higgledy-piggledy sprawl of a village, all tiled roofs and gently smoking chimneys, almost encircled by a shining ribbon of river. And up there, a little further away, perched on a hillside above the village, there’s a dim jumble of walls and towers that could perhaps be a … castle?
Brace yourself. Any second now.
And – BOOM! Did you hear it? A muffled explosion and a flash of light from somewhere far below. And coming closer now and closer –
Shooting past us at high speed through the inky sky, almost impossible to make out as anything other than a dark shape and an extremely wide smile, moonlight glinting off sparkling teeth.
Tabitha Tinklebum has just had the absolute best night of her short life. But to understand what just happened here, we need to know a little bit more about where she’s coming from and where she’s going.
Gosh, that owl really was startled, wasn’t she?
submitted by Rullawaykid to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 uhmmokie How to Import OSRS Price Data into Microsoft Excel

How to Import OSRS Price Data into Microsoft Excel
Importing OSRS (Old School RuneScape) price data into Microsoft Excel can be extremely useful for tracking item prices, creating graphs, or conducting any kind of analysis. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to import real-time price data from the Old School RuneScape Wiki into Excel.
Step 1: Open a new Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Step 2: Access the Real-time Price Data
To access the real-time prices data for Old School RuneScape items well need to reference the Old School RuneScape Wiki and use their API. The full guide on how to use the API can be found here:
But before we use their data, we need to review the acceptable use policy.
Acceptable use policy
Within reason, we want people to use these APIs as much as they need to build cool projects and tools. We do not explicitly rate limit any of the endpoints, and we do our best to cache the responses at multiple levels. However, we reserve the right to limit access to anyone, if their usage is so frequent that it threatens the stability of the entire API. We don't know where that line is right now, but for Grand Exchange prices, it would probably have to be multiple large queries per second for a sustained period.
· API endpoint:
· Deadman Reborn endpoint:
· Fresh Start Worlds endpoint:
For this demonstration we are going to keep things simple and pull daily price data on the Abyssal Whip. We are going to use the timeseries query to return the data we need.
Gives a list of the high and low prices of item with the given id at the given interval, up to a maximum of 365 data points. Using a higher interval will return data going back further in time.
5m = 1 day of data in 5 minute intervals
1h = 7 days of data in 1 hour intervals
6h = 30 days of data in 6 hours intervals
24h = 1 year of data in 24 houdaily intervals
4151 = The item ID # which can be found in these two spots
Step 3: Importing the data
In Excel go to Data > Get Data > From Other Sources > From Web
Copy and past this into the URL bar:
If this pops up, you can go ahead and press refresh
Click on List
Click To Table
Press Ok
Expand the columns
Make sure all of these are selected and press Ok
Press Close and Load
The price data will get dumped into your Excel spreadsheet for the last year of data in daily increments.
You can then select the columns B through E and click on this to insert the commas and clean up the numbers
In cell F2 you can enter this formula to convert time stamp to date format
And it will look like this
If you select the entire column and from the drop down menu click on short date
It will display the date properly
submitted by uhmmokie to OSRSflipping [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 MyPhantomAccount What keeps killing power supplies in this build

Hi All,
Apologies in advance for the wall of text.
So I have a strange situation that I hope you guys can help with. I have a friend whose son wanted a gaming PC and he asked me to build him one for Christmas, and he'd pay me for the parts. I've built several PCs over the years and was happy to help. I put a modest build together:
Everything was fine for a few months until one day he rang me and said his son had moved the PC from one room to another and that when he plugged the power cable into the PSU, there was a spark and a bang and the PC wouldn't power on.
I figured his son had done something wrong, but he had powered down the PC and seemed to have done things right. The only part of the PC I was unsure of was the case, it was cheap and uncheerful. I thought maybe something in it had caused a short, so I ordered a slightly better MSI case and a new PSU, this time I got:
Everything was working, I sent it back to him and he was happy....for a few months, until he rang me again to say the PC had, again, sparked and stopped working. At this point I figured he could have fault wiring that was causing power surges or something. This time I ordered:
and a surge protector, figuring it would add layer of protection.
Just now, I verified the new PSU was working, the PC booted without issue.
I turned the PSU off, using the switch on it and went to unplug the power cable from the PSU. When I touched the cable, I could hear the fizzing of electricity. I switched off the socket at the wall and unplugged the cable from the PSU. I could smell burning from the PSU.
I'm really disappointed at this. Apart from the cost of new parts, I am clueless about the cause.
The only part that isn't new in the PC now is the GPU, but it had no issues with gaming for my friends son, no artifacting or anything. Over all, when operational, the PC works as expected.
Has any one come across anything like this before?
Thanks (and sorry for the long post)
submitted by MyPhantomAccount to buildapc [link] [comments]


recently got into the trilogy and up to that mission nothing really scared me, i mean sure the atmposhere is incredible but it was more just eery then scary.but this fucking place, oh this fucking place. that's basically what hell is like. dark, claustrophobic, probably smells like ass and wants to kill you with every fiber of its being, not to mention THAT thing at the end, I basically sprinted to the leader like my life depanded on it (it kinda did in retrospect).
so yeah this game nails that part.
submitted by neros135 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:09 gtownsweet Boyfriend doesn't want to talk about his cheating on his ex-wife

I'm seeing a guy who was married and divorced because he had had an affair with a married woman. After asking more questions, I found out that he had unprotected anal sex with her and his wife never asked and never asked for an std test. So I am still trying to not fall in love with him. He has already told me he loves me. So I've been trying to put a little distance because I don't want to fall. I don't trust him and I asked him questions again last night about it and he got annoyed. Said he didn't like repeating himself. But I want to get an idea of what to do in this situation because he accused me of trying to play games. But I'm just trying to figure him out and see if I really want him or friendzone him or just not talk to him anymore. But I really like him.
I am a virgin in my thirties and I accused him of being impulsive because he didn't use a condom with her And that he didn't care about an STD test and he was putting himself in his ex-wife at risk. He asked if I had anal sex before of which I had already repeatedly told him I did not do anything sexual with anyone before him that hurt that he asked again. I'm not sure why he asked again. He then explained that it is uncomfortable to fit a penis while having anal sex.
He then turned it around on me and said I wasn't impulsive enough because I was still a virgin in my thirties and that's out of the normal. He said he didn't like repeating himself and his tone was getting more annoyed + he told me that he was thinking of breaking up with me because he felt disconnected the past week because the past week I was taking care of my mother and we hadn't talked much. he said he doesn't feel needed and that I don't rely timely to his texts which is correct. I've been in and out of the clinic for my mom and sometimes waited a day to get back.
I've also been studying for a class for my job and he knows all this but he says that even a few minutes would have sufficed and I told him that I didn't know he even had a few minutes because he told me he was working an extra shift for his coworker. So I am not sure why he gets annoyed when I bring up his affair and he was so snarky yesterday that I am now wondering if I should even talk to him or but leave him when he tells me that he loves me. He just told me he loved me yesterday.
submitted by gtownsweet to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:09 Naraya_Suiryoku This is a quick reminder.

This is a quick reminder.
There is no such thing as a conqueror haki merchant You cannot train conqueror's haki directly, you just have to get stronger. So anyone with extremely powerful conqueror's isn't a "conqueror's merchant", they're just THAT strong. That includes the Gorosei.
And before you say anything about mental growth, I'm pretty sure FI Luffy has a stronger will than Ray, but his conqueror's haki is almost certainly weaker, so it's not that.
TL DR: there's no such thing as a CoC merchant. The gorosei and Shanks are just them. I don't think I have to say anything about Roger WB and Garp, it goes without saying.
Also y'all not ready for BB.
submitted by Naraya_Suiryoku to OnePiecePowerScaling [link] [comments]


🙏🙏🙏🙏 HELP So guys jossa counseling starts from tomorrow and idk what's the last date for registration? I've scored 94.7 percentile hi jee main and idk if I should register for jossa counselling I checked on two websites what colleges I'm getting at this percentile and i live in Maharashtra and i might get admission in some other state colleges idk how good are those colleges plus i seriously don't know what branch should I choose cause I don't know about my interests (seems i don't have any) most probably I'll have to opt for cse but the thing is I'm not getting cse except some fucking Assam University and shit Idk jossa counselling starts from tomorrow and Idk what should I do should I even register for it????? Please 🙏🙏🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏🙏 help
submitted by User_8706 to mht_cet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:09 novelscreenname [Misc] Traveling with skincare tips and tricks?

I live in the US but will be traveling to Europe soon for a few weeks. For makeup, I'm planning on bringing more powder and cream products as opposed to liquids. But that got me thinking about skincare liquids, too.
For example, I often use a teeny bit of jojoba oil for my very dry face. How can I pack something like this while minimizing it leaking and getting all over other objects?
I've used those travel size pouches with the various bottles/containers in the past for all sorts of things--lotions, ointments, creams, but every now and then things leak regardless (thinking of one time in particular when I lost a good amount of Paula's Choice BHA liquid). And I figure something like oil is maybe more likely to leak.
I'm not a super experienced traveler so any tips, tricks, packing organizer recs, whatever, are appreciated!
submitted by novelscreenname to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:09 logans_run7 Brentwood Home Oceano - any similar but firmer options?

After a failed attempt to DIY over the course of last year, we took delivery of the Oceano in early Feb. And it was great. Not the best mattress I've ever slept on but pretty darn good. For about 3 months. And now it's too soft and it's easily perceptible (to sight and touch) from the middle of the bed where it's still pretty firm to either side where me (F, 50, 5'11, 170lb, side/back) and my husband (M, 50, 5'8, 150, side/back) sleep. I'm devastated. I used to sleep through the night and wake up with no back pain in those first glorious months. Now I have to turn about all night to relieve my lower back pain. I guess it's broken in now and just doesn't work.
I cannot do latex (learned this from the DIY experiments) and I'm pretty sure I need coils. Given the Brentwood only comes in soft and many people have said they found it too firm and I loved it before it softened up, I think it needs to be in that medium-firm land (rather have something I can soften with a topper than too soft). Any recommendations for something that's similar in build to the Oceano but firmer after breaking in?
submitted by logans_run7 to Mattress [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:09 AromaticFoxx I love him

Over the last few weeks I've been thinking about the absence of ATN and its place in my life. While it's sucked to not have the heroes in my ears since May 20, this break has afforded me time to think about how thankful I am for their work, dedication, and friggin awesomeness.
I started listening to Around the NFL in 2018. They were with me through highs and lows, a pandemic, and a major move. While they don't know me, I feel like I know them. And that's one of my favorite parts about the show.
Of course, I hope the show returns, in whatever form it can. And I'm sure it will! But the last few weeks have made me very, very thankful that I searched "NFL podcasts" in my preferred podcast app nearly six years ago.
So while this is about me, I hope someone else feels the same way. I finally logged into the subreddit because of the break and this is my first post. Sending the heroes and the entire ATN fam my absolute best.
submitted by AromaticFoxx to AroundTheNFL [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:09 SnooSquirrels1823 Why did you all purchase a fold phone?

I'm currently using a fold 5, but before this I was using a fold 3. So, I've been using a fold phone for about the last 4 years.
I originally used it so I could game, however, I find that I am using it for less and less gaming. Watching media on my phone has pretty much replace the gaming, however I was thinking that I'm probably not even optimising the phone use for all the things and uses I haven't thought of.
I'm intrigued, why do you all have a fold phone and what do you predominantly use it for?
submitted by SnooSquirrels1823 to GalaxyFold [link] [comments]