Line graph figures united states for

P. Barnes 4 President

2013.10.09 12:55 P. Barnes 4 President

/amibeingdetained is a subreddit devoted to showcasing the idiocy and ignorant behaviour of the self-proclaimed [freemen on the land]( and [sovereign citizens]( The phrase "Am I being detained?" is a reference to a common catch-phrase used by these movements.

2012.04.05 14:58 NobodyXaldyn S.H. Figuarts

A subreddit dedicated to the S.H. Figuarts line of plastic figures produced by Bandai Tamashii Nations.

2013.03.27 04:53 euca What do you really want to do?

For those who have a hobby, passion, or passing whim that they want to make a living out of, but don't know how they can get there. We provide the paths to all who request. Wanderers and contributors alike are welcome. Be kind and supportive - no hate allowed here.

2024.05.16 07:12 Beautiful_Studio2085 Immigrant Visa Interviews Halted until further notice?

I am writing to You because I am not sure where or who to ask for help. I have reached out to my Congressman and have not gotten any real help. As a United States Citizen, my story starts a couple of years ago when I met my wife in the Philippines, after courting her, I got married to her. Immediately after our marriage I petitioned her so I could bring her to the US to live with me. It took 11 months exactly to get approval from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) which allowed us to move on to the second step which was applying to the State Department National Visa Center (NVC). The process to get documentarily complete (meaning all documents are accepted and the payments have been received) took us about 1 month. Then we received a message from them that we were put in queue to get an interview at the US Embassy in Manila. I have inquired 3 times during out 7.5 month wait for an interview, for status of our case and we get a canned response,
"This case is documentarily complete, which means the NVC has all the documents we requested. Your application is waiting for an interview appointment, where a consular officer will adjudicate it.
The U.S. Embassy or Consulate provides the National Visa Center (NVC) with a list of available appointment dates and times. We will schedule your case for an interview appointment when an appointment date is available. We schedule appointments on a first in, first out basis. After we schedule your appointment, we will forward your case to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate General in MANILA
We cannot predict how long it will take to schedule your appointment, but we will notify the applicant, the petitioner, and your attorney (if applicable) when an appointment is scheduled. Your case will stay at NVC until that time."
Since my divorce (married for 17 years) before my current Marriage I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety and therefore for a while I was able to manage until I found myself in the deep end and had to get professional help. Then things turned for the better and after being treated for depression I was able to manage again. The anxiety was not as easy to control so I was given medicine for when the episode happened. During that time, I met my current wife and as I mentioned above, we dated for some time and ended up getting married. I have visited her in Manila and her hometown twice already. In the meantime, we are leaving apart since I must be in the US as I share custody of my children here.
About a month ago, I sent an expedited request for an interview since it had already been 6 months (although the State Department’s website says they strive for scheduling appointments within 3 months). I was able to have evidence of why I needed my wife here with me and 2-3 day later I received an email from NVC that the Embassy could not expedite our appointment. So, I proceeded to contact the Embassy through their inquiries form and yesterday (about a week) they replied with a canned email not even responding to my original inquiry.
I am reaching out to You, to appeal for your Journalistic Investigative approach since it seems that our government is incapable of even answering simple questions. If there is anything You could do for me and my wife or direct me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.
submitted by Beautiful_Studio2085 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:11 EstablishmentDry8262 Lease Takeover Aug 2024 - July 2025 @ Topanga Ridge $800 including all utilities!!!

I need someone to take over my Aug 2024 - July 2025 lease at Topanga Ridge in Fresno, CA.
It is a 4 bedroom & 4 bath apartment shared with three others. It includes a private bedroom, bathroom, walk in closet. In unit washer and dryer, two refrigerators, swimming pool, gated community, indoor and outdoor gym, study area, 5 minutes from Fresno State, ESA pet friendly, all utilities included in rent + fiber optic internet & fully furnished! Must be female!
Let me know asap if interested. I’d be willing to give $$$ for whoever takes over my lease!!!
submitted by EstablishmentDry8262 to fresnostate [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:11 AArmored How y'all deal with being queer and having to live with Christians

I'm a queer nonbinary youmg adult who has to live at home with my super Christian family for the entirety of the summer. I honestly needed a break from school, and I decided to come home, probably one of the worst decisions I ever made. I'm losing my mind, I came out to my mom about being into girls (couldn't figure out how to explain being queer to her), and she basically concluded that I'd been possessed by a demon. Fortunately, I haven't been forced to some deliverance or conversion therapy, but it's prolly cus she's feels like people would tell her she failed in raising me or something along those lines. I live in a city where I currently have no friends or support system, so it's hell rn. There isn't a day rhat goes by where my mom doesn't try to give a back handed Christian comment about "the gays", or mentioning a husband and kids which frustrates me as she also knows I don't want kids. I just keep quiet for the most part cause I'm the only person in my entire family that's not Christian (this includes my extended family) and no one will stand up for me or defend me from any harm so I'm doing my best to be as safe as possible. I need an escape of some sorts cause I really don't know how to deal with this anymore, cause on one hand I'm completely heartbroken and on the other I'm so angry and frustrated. Would love some advice
submitted by AArmored to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:10 haygurlhay123 “This Time, I Will Never Let You Go”: Cloud’s Mission and the Hidden Purpose of the Remake Trilogy - Literary and Musical Analysis of FFVII - Part 1

Shortly after *Final Fantasy VII* hit the gaming world in 1997, Cloud Strife’s howls of grief at the loss of his beloved companion Aerith Gainsborough were echoed by droves and droves of fans. These echoes gathered in swarms, reaching the developers in the form of petition signatures, each begging the makers of the game to allow Aerith’s resurrection. Though these prayers remained unanswered —until now—, there soon came more protests: this time, fans pleaded with the developers to consider making a remake of the original game. Both of these wishes were met with considerable derision, with large chunks of the fandom calling the requests delusional— which is why the Final Fantasy world had to prepare for another meteoric hit when the *Remake* project was finally announced in 2015. With Kitase, Nomura, Toriyama, Nojima, Uematsu and more of the original developers at the helm, along with longtime *FFVII* fan-turned-developer Hamaguchi, the *Remake* trilogy was met with great expectations. These were nevertheless surpassed, though one aspect of the trilogy’s first entry seemed to thoroughly puzzle some and enrage others. Far and wide, the resounding questions were “What are these Whisper things?”, “Why is Cloud having visions unrelated to Nibelheim and Zack?” and “Why and how in the hell did Zack survive?”
Friends, I believe the answer lies within this post. Welcome to my literary-analysis-based theory on the *Remake* trilogy’s most important and most secret plot point: Cloud’s hidden mission. I want to make this fun and suspenseful to read, so I will write my analyses in the same order and manner in which I encountered them while putting my theory together. You will be reading what initially sparked my curiosity, the path I took while researching for answers, the conclusions I made every step of the way, and only then will you read my theory, after which we’ll try and apply it to the *Remake* trilogy so far and see if it fits! I want you to experience the rollercoaster that I did when digging through SE content to bring you this post. Thank you so much for waiting for and anticipating this analysis, and I do hope you read every word to soak in every last bit of Clerith you can get. I also hope it’s really fun and touching for you (I cried at least once making this)! Let’s embark on our adventure through the compilation, other *FF* games and real-life events to find out what the *Remake* project is truly all about and anticipate the events of part 3.
N.B.: Please be aware that I have never seen this theory navigate online, so I have no idea if anyone has ever come up with a similar hypothesis. The big reveal I’m building toward might be something you’re already aware of or suspected. In that case, I hope this post doesn’t disappoint you if you’re one of the lovely people who requested it! At the very least, it will provide you with valuable literary and musical analysis, a ton of evidence you haven’t considered yet, and hopefully, entertainment too!
WARNING: Please be careful with the censored spoiler text, because I'll be referencing other *FF* games in this analysis and I don't want to ruin anything for you! Obviously, this analysis contains spoilers for the entirety of the *FFVII* compilation. Additionally, if you're not a fan of Clerith and you've stumbled upon this post, please stop here. I would hate it if something I worked on and posted made you angry, so please don't read this analysis. I have only good intentions and I just want everyone to enjoy the *FFVII* world as much as they can.
I. Groundwork: The Remake Timelines Theory
Before I take you on this ride, we must lay down the framework of the *Remake* Timelines Theory. In this section, we’ll be reviewing the general consensus of theorizers within the fandom on timeline/multiverse shenanigans, with some added specifications on my part. Please keep in mind that because the timeline mechanics are kept quite vague by the devs, there might be certain inaccuracies in my iteration of the timelines theory. Thankfully, these potential variances won’t have any effect on the legitimacy of the theory I’ll be presenting to you in this analysis.
I. a) Sephiroth’s Plan
The premise of the *Remake* trilogy is widely thought to be the result of post-OG Sephiroth attempting to succeed where he failed in OG. There are six key points we need to keep in mind to understand how this was possible.
I. a) i. Sephiroth in the Lifestream
Firstly, it’s important to remember that Sephiroth is dead and located in the Lifestream before OG even begins, and remains that way for almost all of OG's duration. He is only able to operate in the world of the living via his/Jenova's control over the living Sephiroth clones. In the OG timeline then, Sephiroth is sent to the Lifestream by Cloud twice: once before the game takes place on the night of the Nibelheim incident (pre-OG), and a second time during the final battle against Sephiroth (disk 3, chapter 3). During the long period between the Nibelheim incident and Sephiroth’s rebirth at the Northern Crater (disk 2, chapter 2), he exists in the Lifestream. After his ultimate defeat (post-OG), he returns there for good.
II. a) ii. Sephiroth Unintegrated
Secondly, because he is full of hatred and unyielding determination, Sephiroth’s spirit cannot become one with the planet. After both occasions where Cloud kills him in OG, Sephiroth retains his individual will and the memories of his lifetime, remaining a separate entity in the Lifestream. He says so himself in Nojima’s *Advent Children* prequel novel *On a Way to a Smile*:
“[Sephiroth] could sense the Lifestream trying to erode his spirit— the memories of his former experiences, thoughts and emotions. If he allowed himself be taken into the current, the being he once was would soon disseminate and disappear amongst the spirit energy cycling around the planet. [He] thought this unacceptable. The planet was to be his to rule, and to become a part of that system would be nothing short of defeat” (Lifestream Black 1).
Combined with Bugenhagen’s basic lesson on planetology (*FFVII* OG, disk 1, chapter 19), this excerpt provides interesting information on how the Lifestream normally works. Usually, when a life returns to the planet, its individuality (personality, will, consciousness, memories, etc.) is stripped away. The trappings of a soul’s former lifetime are progressively dissolved so that all that is left is the spirit itself, ready to integrate into the Lifestream. This way, soul energy can be “recycled” by the planet to animate new lifeforms in a sort of reincarnation process. The erasure of one’s memories in the Lifestream is necessary for the creation of a brand new life, poised to make its own memories: the slate must be wiped clean, so to speak. Sephiroth’s sheer hatred for and desire to dominate the planet is enough to keep him from undergoing this process.
It is also thought that Sephiroth cannot be integrated into the Lifestream because he was conceived with the use of Jenova cells in vitro. Given that so much of his consciousness and genetic makeup originate from an alien life force, it is impossible for him to become one with the planet.
Regardless of the reason, it is precisely this persisting individuality in death that allows Sephiroth to meddle in the world of the living during the post-OG events of *Advent Children*, as explained to us by post-OG Aerith in *On a Way to a Smile*:
“[Aerith] had sensed a different presence within the Lifestream cycling around the planet. It was the vehemence of a strong will, one that would never join with the planet. She knew this consciousness. It was [Sephiroth]. A merciless spirit hidden behind a beauteous wall. That spirit was now operating from within the Lifestream. [She] sensed that he was planning to exert his influence to the surface of the planet“ (Lifestream White 1).
I. a) iii. The Lifestream Beyond Time
Our third point is that the Lifestream has existed for as long as the planet, and has therefore touched every part of its history— including, of course, the events of OG. On that account, one could think of the Lifestream as atemporal. Considering this, it is possible for a spirit in the Lifestream to communicate with or even travel to the past, provided the necessary circumstances and/or abilities. For instance, the Aerith that appears in Cloud’s resolution scene in *Remake* (chapter 14) is commonly considered to be a post-OG Aerith, appearing to him from the future to try and dissuade him from falling for her. This time-defying event is made possible by the fact that post-OG Aerith’s spirit has access to the atemporal Lifestream because she's deceased. In my view, this explains why she dissolves into green light (Lifestream visual cue) at the end of [the resolution scene]( (5:19-5:45). This is not time travel per se, but it is a manner of communication unobstructed by the one-directionality of a linear timeline that only spirits can perform.
I. a) iv. Sephiroth Beyond Time
What we’ve covered so far amounts to our fourth point. Please familiarize yourself with the graph below before you continue reading. Refer back to the graph when you encounter **text in bold**.
The Remake Timelines Theory: FFVII OG Timeline
As we discussed in section “I. a) i.”, Sephiroth is dead and located in the Lifestream **for the duration of the green arrow and beyond point D**: in the context of the OG timeline, he can only ever be considered “alive” during the **period highlighted in purple**. In section “I. a) ii.”, we asserted that Sephiroth retained his individual will in the Lifestream, enabling him to exert his influence on the world of the living by manipulating his clones on the surface. In section “I. a) iii.”, we covered the atemporal nature of the Lifestream, which allows post-OG Aerith’s spirit to communicate with her past, living self thanks to her Cetra abilities. Now, I will explain to you how Sephiroth was able to do virtually the same thing, albeit his lack of Cetra blood.
To the characters of the story and a fully immersed first-time player of OG, the timeline above was not always an established series of events: when they first started playing *FFVII* OG, the player began at **point B**, with nothing existing beyond it. It is only as the player moved Cloud forward that the **black**, **arrowed timeline** was drawn, accumulating lived events (or **points**) in Cloud’s wake. The picture you see above is only available to Cloud and to the player with hindsight. All this to state the obvious: at **point B**, Cloud could not know what would occur, say, at **point C**.
During the **period highlighted in purple**, Sephiroth was “alive” again, accumulating new memories on the surface of the planet and adding them to his consciousness. When he entered the Lifestream for the second time at **point D**, he brought these memories with him. Simply put, after returning to the Lifestream at **point D**, Sephiroth remembers what happened during the **period highlighted in purple**. However, given that the Lifestream exists beyond time, upon Sephiroth’s consciousness’ return to the Lifestream at **point D**, his newly acquired memories were also made available to him at all points on the **green, double-arrowed line**— including **point A**, before the OG timeline even begins at **point B**. So while it is true that Cloud cannot know what will occur at **point C** if he is only at **point B**, Sephiroth indeed knows what will occur during the **period highlighted in purple** when he is only at **point A**. While a living, pre-OG Aerith would be able to receive post-OG Aerith’s spirit’s knowledge through the Lifestream thanks to her Cetra powers, Sephiroth has no need for this ability. The fact that he resides in the Lifestream for practically the entire ***FFVII*** **OG timeline** renders the limitations of time irrelevant: as far as the **timeline** is concerned, Sephiroth exists beyond time itself.
In summary, after **point D** was first encountered in OG, pre-OG Sephiroth (in the Lifestream) is made aware of his eventual defeat, and begins plotting an alternate path to victory. This time, with the benefit of hindsight, he will do things differently: we experience his "second” attempt at *FFVII* as the *Remake* trilogy.
I. a) v. Sephiroth Against Fate
Of course, the Whispers stand squarely in Sephiroth’s way. This leads us to our fifth point, which *Remake Ultimania* describes better than I ever could:
“According to Red XIII, who gained knowledge through his contact with Aerith, ‘The Whispers are drawn to those who attempt to alter destiny’s course and ensure they do not’ […]. It would appear that what the Whispers deem to be ‘fate’ is the original story of Final Fantasy VII” (section 08 “Secrets”, “Newly Arisen Mysteries”, “What Is the Goal of the Elusive Whispers?”, page 733).
OG’s plot line is the fated timeline, and the Whispers are tasked with its preservation. They prevent alternative paths from even beginning to branch out from the OG timeline, which poses a problem for Sephiroth: he cannot win *FFVII* if his destiny is to lose it.
I. a) vi. Sephiroth and the Multiverse
Consequently, our sixth point is that Sephiroth must dismantle the mechanisms of fate before he can even try to accomplish his dreams of godhood.
As Sephiroth explains in chapter 14 of *Rebirth*, “the planet encompasses \[an ever unfolding\] multitude of worlds”, and these“\[new worlds are born\] when the boundaries of fate are breached.” Since the Whispers uphold the “boundaries of fate”, a world in which Sephiroth’s evil plans succeed can only emerge after the Whispers have been defeated. Otherwise, destiny will continue to protect the OG plot line by preventing any significant deviations. Consequently, before the party vanquishes fate, the *Remake* timeline and the OG timeline are one and the same: before chapter 18, *Remake* Barret is OG Barret, *Remake* Tifa is OG Tifa, *Remake* Hojo is OG Hojo, etc. After the defeat of Destiny, the OG timeline is no longer protected by fate: there are now an infinite number of timelines or worlds, including those we see glimpses of in *Rebirth*: *Remake* Barret is no longer necessarily OG Barret, *Remake* Tifa is no longer necessarily OG Tifa, *Remake* Hojo is no longer necessarily OG Hojo, etc. Perhaps this is why Aerith gives the party the following warning at destiny’s crossroads in *Remake*:
“[This] is the wall of destiny. If we go through it… if we go beyond it… then all of us will change, too” (FFVII Remake Material Ultimania Plus, VA script notes, “Destiny’s Crossroads”).
I. a) vii. Sephiroth’s Plan
Now that these six points have been elucidated, we can compose a solid hypothesis on how Sephiroth plots to win *FFVII*.
After gaining knowledge of his eventual demise (disk 3, chapter 3), pre-OG Sephiroth began thinking of what he must do in *Remake* from the Lifestream. First, Sephiroth must antagonize the Whispers in the initial stages of the OG timeline. He accomplishes this by commanding his clones to commit acts that drastically violate the fated timeline, engendering plot-line deviations that the Whispers must course-correct. The most extreme example transpires in *Remake*’s chapter 17 when the Sephiroth clone in President Shinra’s office kills Barret, forcing the Whispers to restore the fated plot line by coming forth and reviving him. The Whispers react to Sephiroth’s prodding by rushing in to protect fate, their efforts culminating in the protective wall of destiny that surrounds Midgar in chapter 18.
Secondly, after he’s created an opportunity for a battle against the Whispers, Sephiroth must convince the party to seize it and beat fate for him. After all, a mere Sephiroth clone is probably no match for Destiny. This second step is accomplished in *Remake*’s chapter 18 when Sephiroth successfully tempts Cloud to breach the boundaries of fate. Now that destiny is no longer a limitation, worlds deviating from the OG timeline can finally emerge; Sephiroth has a chance at victory.
The steps Sephiroth plans to take going forward are unknowable at this stage, but we do get more hints in *Rebirth*’s chapter 13. At the Temple of the Ancients, Sephiroth reveals a part of his plot:
“Sephiroth: My fragmented mother, these errant worlds... All shall be one again.
Aerith: The ‘Reunion’…!”
It seems Sephiroth eventually plans to merge the worlds created by destiny’s defeat in *Remake*’s chapter 18. My guess is he hopes to achieve godhood in part 3 and consolidate all diverting worlds into a single timeline protected by destiny once more— only this time, his victory will replace the ending of OG as the destined outcome. If he succeeds, Sephiroth’s Black Whispers will likely replace the planet’s Whispers as the arbiters of his desired fate.
I. b) Aerith’s Intervention
But Aerith can’t let this slide unchallenged!
We know that before chapter 18 of *Remake*, while the OG plot-line is still protected by fate, Aerith has knowledge of its future. This is insinuated by certain slips of the tongue: for instance, when Aerith reveals she knows Cloud is a mercenary upon meeting him for the second time in chapter 8, just like she knows Tifa will ask her to retrieve Marlene at Seventh Heaven in chapter 12. In the run-up to *Remake*, post-OG Aerith's spirit likely sensed Sephiroth planning his second try at *FFVII* in the Lifestream. She’s been able to anticipate Sephiroth’s plotting in the Lifestream before, namely in the context of *Advent Children*:
“[Aerith] had sensed a different presence within the Lifestream cycling around the planet […]. It was [Sephiroth] […]. That spirit was now operating from within the Lifestream. [She] sensed that he was planning to exert his influence [on] the surface of the planet” (On a Way to a Smile, Lifestream White 1).
If you’re wondering how Aerith was able to maintain her individuality in the Lifestream like Sephiroth, On a Way to a Smile provides the following explanation:
“[Aerith] was an Ancient, which explained how she was able to maintain her individuality even within the Lifestream. If she so wished she could become part of the planet at any time, but [she] thought it too early for that just yet” (Lifestream White 1).
It is thought that, as a countermeasure to Sephiroth's scheming, post-OG Aerith’s spirit used the atemporal nature of the Lifestream to inform her past, living self (pre-OG Aerith) of this new threat to the planet. Because the Cetra can commune with spirits, pre-OG Aerith would have been able to receive post-OG Aerith’s message from the Lifestream without a problem. Essentially, pre-OG Aerith received post-OG Aerith’s memories of the fated OG timeline. As a consequence, pre-OG Aerith embarks on the OG timeline with knowledge of the fated future that demands she give her life: the player experiences this version of her in *Remake*.
Be that as it may, it’s unclear how much *Remake* Aerith is aware of. You would think she’d be completely opposed to defeating, destiny since it protects the planet, but Aerith shows ambivalence toward the idea instead. Had she gotten a clear message from her future self that she must keep fate intact, she would not have allowed the party to enter the battle against fate in chapter 18. She doesn’t seem to know what the Whispers are the first time she encounters them either. Regardless, what’s important is that the Aerith seen in *Remake* is the result of pre-OG Aerith receiving knowledge from post-OG Aerith via the Lifestream.
I. c) Ambiguity: Memory Transfer or Time-Travel?
There remains an ambiguity pertaining to the Aerith we see in *Remake* and the question of time travel. What I’ve described to you in section “I. b)” is post-OG Aerith's spirit transferring her memories to her past self through the Lifestream. However, it’s possible that post-OG Aerith’s consciousness used the atemporal nature of the Lifestream to inhabit her living OG body instead, effectively time-traveling. There is no evidence to outright refute either explanation, since the gaps in Aerith’s memories of the OG plot-line in *Remake* can be explained in both cases. For instance, in a memory transfer scenario, it’s possible that post-OG Aerith only communicated the most essential information to pre-OG Aerith. On the other hand, in a time-travel scenario, one could interpret the following quotes as proof that the Whispers are progressively erasing Aerith’s memories of OG as *Remake* advances:
“Aerith: Every time the Whispers touch me, a piece of me falls away” (FFVII Remake Material Ultimania Plus, VA script notes, “Aerith Speaks”)
“At any rate, Aerith is perplexed at how, like a flower being scattered, something inside is being taken away by the Whispers and lost to her” (Toriyama in FFVII Remake Material Ultimania Plus, VA script notes, “Aerith Speaks”, “Scenario Staff Q&A - Answered by Motomu Toriyama”).
This ambiguity is completely irrelevant to Sephiroth’s situation in *Remake*, as we established in section “I. a) iv.”.
The specifics don’t matter nearly as much as I’m impressing upon you by explaining all these little alternatives. Simply keep in mind that: regardless of why, the Sephiroth and Aerith we see in *Remake* know the events of the OG game because they have acquired this knowledge from the future, and the events of *Remake* occur squarely within the OG timeline until the Whispers are defeated in chapter 18.
So there! That’s my iteration of the *Remake* Timelines Theory! I hope I’ve made it clear in your mind, or at least clearer. Now that we’ve established the widely theorized premise of the *Remake* trilogy, we can get into our theory on its hidden premise.
II. My Initial Curiosity
My theory first burgeoned upon going through *Remake* for the second time. I noticed something strange going on with Cloud, something that could not be explained by the *Remake* Timelines Theory. Key moments in *Remake* Cloud’s experience of the OG timeline (aka, everything before chapter 18) stuck out to me as strange and mysterious, and certain inexplicable audiovisual cues struck me as hugely significant. It was upon watching the tear fall from Cloud’s eye during my second go at chapter 8 that I knew I had to look into this.
At the very end of *Remake*’s chapter 8, Cloud watches Aerith walk away from him, humming happily into the night air as she sets off to lead the way to Sector 7. According to the VA script notes, “his heart skips a beat” and watching her walk away provokes a sudden “anxiety” within him. Triggered by the familiarity of the sight, a strange sensation overcomes Cloud:
“[There’s a] close-up shot of Cloud’s fingertips (they’re tingling). He presses them to his temples (his eyes are burning). A trickle of tears quickly rolls down from the eye hidden behind his hand” (FFVII Remake Material Ultimania Plus, VA script notes, “A Midnight Ambush”).
If you’re clever, you’ll recognize these lines as a reference to the speech Cloud makes in OG following Aerith’s death at the City of the Ancients (“My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!”) (disk 1, chapter 28). In this small moment in chapter 8 of *Remake*, Cloud experiences a flash of the profound grief he is destined to feel upon Aerith’s fated death.
Many players immediately recognized the composition of this scene: the blue-greenish air, the straight path Aerith heads down, the sight of her walking away itself… this moment closely resembles Cloud’s Sleeping Forest dream of Aerith in OG, wherein Cloud and Aerith’s very last words are exchanged (disk 1, chapter 25). Toriyama, codirector of the *Remake* project, comments on this scene thusly:
“It’s possible these similarities […] cause a memory of the future to be called forth in Cloud” (FFVII Remake Material Ultimania Plus, VA script notes, “A Midnight Ambush”).
The language used by Toriyama here is strange in both the English translation and the Japanese original: the term “memory of the future” makes no sense. One cannot remember things they haven’t already experienced, so why did Toriyama use the word “memory” to describe a "future" event? Couldn’t he have simply said that *Remake* Cloud experiences “visions of the future” rather than “\[memories\]”?
Cloud experiences a few moments like these throughout the game. These pseudo-premonitions are just as markedly exclusive to *Remake* as the Whispers are. I did not want to dismiss them as a foreshadowing device the devs included just to elicit emotional reactions from OG players; I felt they were more important. And thus began my digging! My mission was initially to figure out what these “\[memories of the future\]” (MOTFs) could signify… I had no clue it would turn into what I’m writing right now.
II. a) Each MOTF and Its Context
I began by finding every one of Cloud’s MOTFs so I could better understand them.
MOTF 1 occurs in chapter 2 on Sector 8’s Loveless Street, when Cloud sees Aerith struggling against the Whispers. The VA script notes reveal that even though this is only his first time seeing her, Cloud recognizes Aerith’s face:
“Recognizing Aerith’s face causes Cloud to experience [a hallucination]. Sephiroth is suddenly standing between him and Aerith” (FFVII Remake Material Ultimania Plus, VA script notes, “Encountering Aerith”).
Sephiroth then taunts Cloud with words that, according to the script notes, “\[live\] inside of Cloud's heart”*:* “You can’t protect anyone. Not even yourself”. Cloud should not recognize Aerith’s face at this point in the OG timeline, nor should he associate it with not being able to protect people.
MOTF 2 occurs in chapter 3, at the plaza in front of the Sector 7 slums support pillar. Cloud experiences a MOTF of the plate falling, which is fated to occur at a much later point in chapter 12. The Whispers float near him, “watching Cloud alertly as he sees a vision of the future” (*FFVII Remake Ultimania*, section 08 “Secrets”, “Newly Arisen Mysteries”, “What Is the Goal of the Elusive Whispers?”, page 733).
MOTF 3 occurs in Aerith’s church at the start of chapter 8, when Aerith mentions that her mother’s materia is “not good for anything at all”. Triggered by the mention and sight of the White Materia, Cloud’s fourth MOTF takes the form of a vision: he sees quick flashes of the materia falling into the lake of the Forgotten Capital and Aerith holding her hands together in prayer. These are evidently visions of her death in OG (disk 1, chapter 28).
MOTF 4 is the one we first discussed, occurring at the very end of chapter 8 as Cloud watches Aerith walk away from him to lead the way toward Sector 7.
MOTF 5 occurs in chapter 13 shortly after the Sector 7 plate has fallen on the slums. Cloud tells Barret that Marlene is safe at Aerith’s house, and they begin heading there. As Cloud thinks about Aerith, the VA script notes describe the very next moment as follows:
“Cloud: Tifa, you know anything about the Ancients?
Tifa: I’ve heard of them before, but…
Barret walks on ahead, showing little interest in the topic.
Barret: Read a book on planetology and they’re sure to come up. They’re a tribe that cultivated the planet a real long time ago. Used to talk to it. That sort of stuff.
Cloud: That must be why the Turks were after her.
[Psychic] interference starts up.
[Cloud has a] flashback of Sephiroth from five years ago, after learning of his ancestry at Shinra Manor […].
Sephiroth [(in flashback, voice tinged with madness)]: Within my veins flows the blood of the Ancients. I am the rightful heir to this planet!
The flashback ends and Cloud looks lost in thought. The interference starts up once more. Cloud makes agonized sounds. When he opens his eyes, Sephiroth is actually standing before him.
Sephiroth: You failed again— failed to protect [her]*.
Cloud is startled. He shrinks back. Tifa watches what’s happening. The other two can’t see Sephiroth. All they see is Cloud acting frightened.
Sephiroth: But loss will make you strong. […] Isn’t that what you want?
With that, Sephiroth departs.”
*Sephiroth does not use a gendered pronoun here, because the grammatical structure of the original Japanese sentence doesn’t necessitate it. I've seen some debate as to whether the proper translation is “her” (Aerith, who’s just been kidnapped), or “them” (Jessie, Biggs or Wedge, who have seemingly just died). I believe Sephiroth was referring to Aerith for a few reasons. First, Cloud’s hallucinations of Sephiroth always appear as a response to whatever he is perceiving or thinking about at the moment. At this point in the scene, Cloud has been thinking and talking about Aerith for some time, and not about Jessie, Biggs or Wedge. The Sephiroth hallucination must therefore be referring to “her” rather than to “them”. Secondly, Cloud was never tasked with “[protecting]” Avalanche, but he was in fact tasked with “[protecting]” Aerith as her bodyguard back in chapter 8: it makes far more sense for Sephiroth to be referring to Aerith when he speaks about someone Cloud “failed to protect”. Finally, FFVII Remake Ultimania describes this piece of dialogue as “[Sephiroth aiming] these profound words at Cloud, who not only failed to prevent the tragedy in the Sector 7 slums but allowed Aerith to be abducted” (Sephiroth’s profile in section 01 “Character & World”, “Impressive Words”, page 29): the specific mention of Aerith here seals my decision to translate the line with the pronoun “her”.
Contrary to Sephiroth’s words, this is the first time in *Remake* that Cloud “\[fails\] to protect \[Aerith\]”, and he hasn’t “\[lost\]” her either— not yet, at least. This fifth MOTF must then be similar to MOTF 1, in that Sephiroth is referring to Cloud’s guilt surrounding Aerith’s death in OG.
MOTF 6 occurs in chapter 17, in Aerith and Ifalna’s old room at Shinra HQ. The Whispers swarm Aerith as she tells the party earnestly that she wants to do everything in her power to help her friends and the planet: according to the script notes, it is at this very moment that, “for some reason, Cloud feels his chest constrict tightly” (*FFVII Remake Material Ultimania Plus*, VA script notes, “Aerith Speaks”). In the corresponding cutscene, this unpleasant physiological reaction to Aerith’s words makes Cloud glance down at his chest with a confounded frown. This physical response to her speech about wanting to fulfill her duty to the planet implies that Cloud somehow knows deep down that saving the world will cost Aerith her life.
At this point, I noticed that five out of the six MOTFs Cloud experiences in *Remake* are triggered by and/or revolve around Aerith specifically, the one exception being a MOTF of the Sector 7 plate fall. One could actually argue that this MOTF revolves around Aerith too, considering the plate fall marks the first time Aerith is taken away from Cloud since reuniting with her in the Sector 5 slums church. This is more than plausible, as MOTF 5 proves that in the wake of the Sector 7 plate fall, Cloud’s main concern is Aerith (see section “II. a)”). How fitting is it, then, that the merc of few words’ longest uninterrupted piece of dialogue in all of *Remake* is:
“We found an underground Shinra lab where they've done human testing. This wasn't the first time and it won't be the last. I know these people, and I know they're never gonna let Aerith go. She's the last living Ancient on the planet. Think about what that means to Shinra's scientists. Especially to that son of a bitch Hojo. We're all just numbers and meat to him—“ (Remake, chapter 13).
Cloud would’ve gone on too, had Elmyra and Tifa not stopped him.
At this point in my research, my questions were only stacking up. What are these MOTFs? Why is Cloud the only one experiencing them? Why do all of them implicate Aerith? What did the devs hope to accomplish with their inclusion in the game? What do they mean for *Remake*’s story? But most importantly:
II. b) What Does Cloud Know?
The first assertion we have to make is simple, yet essential: the only reason Cloud would experience MOTFs is that whatever’s triggered them is significant to him in one way or another. Some part of him must recognize his triggers for them to be triggers at all. It’s clear he doesn’t consciously understand the meaning of his MOTF triggers, just like his Jenova triggers: for example, Cloud doesn’t know why Zack’s name causes him to experience psychic interference, but it sure does. We as players know Cloud’s MOTFs are hinting at Aerith’s fated death because of our awareness of OG, but as a character navigating the OG timeline, *Remake* Cloud shouldn't even be unconsciously aware of Aerith’s eventual death in the slightest! Whatever the nature of the MOTFs, it’s essential to understand that if Cloud “\[recognizes\]” Aerith’s face the first time he sees her, it must mean some part of him knows Aerith’s face in the first place. If this recognition triggers a hallucination of Sephiroth telling Cloud he “can’t protect anyone”, it must mean some part of him knows he was once unable to protect Aerith. The same goes for every other MOTF: subconsciously, *Remake* Cloud somehow has memories of the OG timeline. Most interestingly, it looks like he either only has OG memories related to Aerith, or like his OG memories of Aerith are simply the only ones prominent enough to trigger his MOTFs. Why and how does *Remake* Cloud have memories of OG, and why are they so focused on Aerith in particular? What does he know?
When examining a situation with no explanation, it’s wise to examine similar situations that have already been explained. Maybe the mystery of *Remake* Cloud’s MOTFs will become more approachable if we consider the cases of the only other *Remake* characters who seem to know the future: Aerith and Sephiroth. *Remake* Sephiroth knows the future of the OG timeline because his consciousness exists beyond time in the Lifestream, while *Remake* Aerith likely obtained her knowledge of the future from post-OG Aerith’s spirit via the Lifestream. But what about Cloud? Where does his weaker, fragmented knowledge come from?
submitted by haygurlhay123 to cloudxaerith [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:10 Ankit-Anchan STOCKS IN ACTION 16 MAY*

Infosys: The company and SAP Emarsys collaborated to deliver an enhanced personalised omnichannel experience for clients.
Star Cement: NCLT approved the amalgamation of 3 units with the arm Star Cement Meghalaya.
Quick Heal Technologies: The company partnered with EET Group for cybersecurity solutions in Europe.
PSP Projects: The company has settled a dispute with Surat Diamond Bourse, agreeing to pay Rs 170 crore in tranches. The total project value for the SBD Project is Rs 1,960 crore, out of which the company has recorded revenue of Rs 1,896 crore and the remaining revenue is to be recorded upon receipt of a certificate from Surat Diamond Bourse.
JK Cement: The Board approved the re-appointment of Raghavpat Singhania as MD for five years, effective June 17, 2025.
TVS Motor Company: The company launches operations in Italy.
Eicher Motors: The company's unit, VE Commercial Vehicles, enters into a joint venture agreement with Triangle Infotech.
Medi Assist Healthcare Services: The company appointed Sandeep Daga as CFO effective May 17.
Mankind Pharma: The company clarified that the article stating the company's plan to acquire a stake in Bharat Serum is speculative in nature.
HDFC Life: on Wednesday (May 15) announced its highest-ever bonus of ₹3,722 crore on participating plans. This bonus will benefit over 22.23 lakh policyholders.
QuickHeal: partners with Europe-based EET Group for cybersecurity solutions
submitted by Ankit-Anchan to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:10 albashausa Exploring Middle Eastern Cuisine: A Guide to Dining at Al Basha Restaurant in Paterson, NJ

A Taste of Lebanon in Paterson: Experience Authentic Middle Eastern Cuisine at Al Basha
Indulge in the culinary delights of Al Basha Paterson, where Middle Eastern flavors come alive in every dish. Located in the heart of Paterson, NJ, our restaurant invites you to experience the richness of Lebanese cuisine in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. From traditional favorites to innovative creations, every bite at Al Basha Paterson is a journey of taste and tradition.
Indulge in Authentic Lebanese Flavors at Al Basha Restaurant in New Jersey
Discover the essence of Lebanese cuisine at Al Basha Restaurant, a culinary haven in New Jersey. Immerse yourself in the vibrant flavors and aromas of authentic Middle Eastern dishes, meticulously crafted to delight your senses. Whether you’re dining in or opting for takeout, our restaurant promises an unforgettable gastronomic experience.
Lebanese Delights To-Go: Explore Al Basha’s Takeout-Only Menu
Savor the flavors of Lebanon from the comfort of your home with Al Basha’s takeout-only menu. Explore a tempting selection of Lebanese specialties, from savory kebabs and aromatic rice dishes to freshly baked bread and indulgent desserts. With convenient takeout options, enjoying a taste of Al Basha has never been easier.
Embark on a Culinary Journey at Albasha Restaurant in New Jersey
Experience the culinary magic of Albasha Restaurant, where passion meets tradition in every dish. Nestled in New Jersey, our restaurant is a celebration of Lebanese cuisine, offering an array of mouthwatering delicacies that captivate the palate. Step into Albasha Restaurant and embark on a culinary journey like no other.
Authentic Lebanese Dining at Albasha Restaurant New Jersey
Experience the culinary magic of Albasha Restaurant in New Jersey, where Lebanese flavors take center stage. Nestled in the heart of the state, our restaurant offers an extensive menu of authentic Lebanese dishes that captivate the palate. From savory shawarma to fragrant mezze, every dish at Albasha Restaurant NJ is a celebration of tradition and taste.
Savor Traditional Lebanese Dishes at Al Basha Paterson, NJ
Experience the culinary delights of Al Basha in Paterson, NJ, where authentic Lebanese flavors await. Our restaurant is a beloved local gem, renowned for its warm hospitality and mouthwatering dishes. From hearty kebabs to fragrant rice platters, every bite at Al Basha Paterson NJ is a taste of Lebanon’s rich culinary heritage.
Discover Middle Eastern Culinary Excellence at Al Basha Restaurant NJ
Journey through the flavors of the Middle East at Al Basha Restaurant New Jersey. Situated in the heart of the state, our restaurant invites you to indulge in the vibrant tastes and aromas of Lebanese cuisine. From traditional mezze to delectable desserts, each dish at Al Basha Restaurant New Jersey is a celebration of authenticity and flavor.
Lebanese Hospitality and Flavors Unite at Al Basha Restaurant NJ
Discover a culinary oasis at Al Basha Restaurant in NJ, where Lebanese hospitality meets exquisite cuisine. Located in the bustling streets of New Jersey, our restaurant offers a diverse menu of Lebanese classics and innovative dishes. Whether you’re seeking a casual meal or a special dining experience, Al Basha Restaurant NJ promises a memorable journey for your taste buds.
Experience the Essence of Lebanese Cuisine at Al-Basha Restaurant
Savor the essence of Lebanese cuisine at Al-Basha Restaurant, a beloved dining destination in New Jersey. With a commitment to quality and authenticity, our restaurant serves up a tantalizing array of dishes inspired by the flavors of the Middle East. From falafel to shawarma, every dish at Al-Basha Restaurant is crafted with care and passion.
Innovative Lebanese Cuisine at Albasha Restaurant New Jersey
Immerse yourself in the flavors of Lebanon at Albasha Restaurant New Jersey, where culinary tradition meets innovation. Located amidst the vibrant culinary scene of the state, our restaurant offers an extensive menu of Lebanese delights. From hearty stews to delicate pastries, Albasha Restaurant New Jersey promises a dining experience that delights the senses.
Mediterranean Meets Middle East: The Basha Grill Culinary Experience
Indulge in a culinary journey at Basha Grill, where our menu showcases a fusion of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern flavors. From succulent kebabs to flavorful rice dishes, each item on the Basha Grill menu is carefully crafted to tantalize your taste buds. Join us for a dining experience that promises to delight and satisfy.
Explore Rich Lebanese Flavors at Basha Paterson, NJ
Discover the vibrant flavors of Lebanon at Basha Paterson, a culinary gem in the heart of New Jersey. With a menu inspired by traditional Lebanese cuisine, our restaurant offers a feast for the senses. From tender shawarma to aromatic grilled meats, every dish at Basha Paterson is prepared with care and passion.
Authentic and Innovative Lebanese Dining at Basha Restaurant
Step into the world of Lebanese cuisine at Basha Restaurant, where authenticity meets innovation on every plate. Located in New Jersey, our restaurant invites you to savor the rich flavors and aromas of the Middle East. Whether you’re craving classic dishes or modern interpretations, Basha Restaurant promises a dining experience like no other.
A Blend of Tradition and Flavor at Basha Restaurant Paterson NJ
Experience the culinary wonders of Basha Restaurant Paterson New Jersey, where every bite tells a story of tradition and flavor. With a diverse menu featuring Lebanese classics and modern twists, our restaurant offers something for every palate. Join us for a memorable dining experience that combines hospitality with culinary excellence.
Tantalizing Lebanese Specialties Await at El Basha
Explore the flavors of the Mediterranean at El Basha, where our menu showcases a tantalizing array of Lebanese specialties. From mouthwatering shawarma to refreshing salads, each dish on the El Basha menu is crafted with the freshest ingredients and bold flavors. Join us for a culinary adventure that transports you to the streets of Lebanon.
Masterful Shawarma Creations at Shawarma Al Basha
Satisfy your cravings for authentic Lebanese cuisine with a visit to Shawarma Al Basha. Our restaurant specializes in the art of shawarma, serving up tender, flavorful meat wrapped in warm pita bread. Whether you prefer chicken, beef, or lamb, Shawarma Al Basha promises a delicious and satisfying dining experience.
Deliciously Crafted Shawarma at Shawarma Albasha
Delight your taste buds with the irresistible flavors of Shawarma Albasha, a culinary destination for lovers of Middle Eastern cuisine. From perfectly seasoned meat to fresh vegetables and zesty sauces, our shawarma is a true feast for the senses. Join us for a dining experience that transports you to the bustling streets of Lebanon.
Comfort Food Perfected: Shawarma Basha’s Signature Dishes
Treat yourself to the ultimate comfort food experience with a visit to Shawarma Basha. Our restaurant specializes in crafting mouthwatering shawarma sandwiches filled with tender meat, crisp vegetables, and flavorful sauces. Whether enjoyed as a quick bite or a leisurely meal, Shawarma Basha promises a satisfying and memorable dining experience.
Dine In and Delight: Authentic Lebanese Flavors at Al Basha
Immerse yourself in the inviting atmosphere of Al Basha dine In and indulge in a delightful dining experience. With our dine-in option, you can savor the flavors of Lebanon in a cozy and welcoming setting. From friendly service to authentic cuisine, Al Basha promises a memorable meal that leaves you craving for more.
Convenient and Delicious: Al Basha’s Take Out Lebanese Cuisine
Enjoy the convenience of flavorful Lebanese cuisine with Al Basha take out only option. Indulge in your favorite dishes from the comfort of your home or on the go. From savory shawarma to aromatic rice platters, our takeout menu offers a tempting selection of Middle Eastern delights crafted to satisfy your cravings.
Lebanese Lunchtime Favorites at Albasha: A Midday Feast
Savor a delicious midday meal with the Albasha lunch menu, featuring a variety of Lebanese specialties designed to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you’re in the mood for a hearty sandwich, a fresh salad, or a satisfying platter, our lunch options are sure to delight your palate and energize your day.
Journey Through Lebanese Delicacies: Explore the Albasha Menu
Explore the diverse flavors of Lebanon with the extensive Albasha menu, offering a wide range of authentic Middle Eastern dishes. From classic favorites like falafel and hummus to signature specialties like kebabs and kibbeh, our menu is a culinary journey through the rich traditions of Lebanese cuisine.
A Haven of Middle Eastern Flavors: Dine In at Al Basha Restaurant
Immerse yourself in the inviting ambiance of Al Basha restaurant dine in only, offering a delightful dine-in experience for discerning food lovers. With an emphasis on hospitality and authenticity, our restaurant is the perfect setting to enjoy the vibrant flavors of Middle Eastern cuisine. From family gatherings to intimate dinners, Al Basha welcomes you to indulge in a memorable culinary experience.
“Flavorful Delights: Discover the Al Basha Sub
Satisfy your hunger with a delicious Al Basha sub, packed with flavorful fillings and served on freshly baked bread. Whether you prefer tender grilled meats, crisp vegetables, or zesty sauces, our subs are a delicious and satisfying choice for any meal or snack.
Authentic Mediterranean Aromas in Paterson, NJ
Discover the taste of the Mediterranean at our Middle Eastern restaurant in Paterson, NJ. From classic shawarma to indulgent desserts, our menu offers a tantalizing array of dishes inspired by the rich culinary heritage of the Middle East. Join us for an unforgettable dining experience that transports you to the heart of Lebanon.
Savor the Essence of Levantine Cuisine in Paterson, NJ
Experience the flavors of the Levant at our Middle Eastern restaurant in Paterson, NJ. With a focus on quality ingredients and authentic recipes, our menu showcases the best of Middle Eastern cuisine. From falafel to fattoush, each dish is crafted with care and attention to detail, ensuring a memorable dining experience for every guest.
Culinary Excellence: Explore Middle Eastern Cuisine in Paterson, NJ
Explore the vibrant culinary scene of Paterson Nj Middle eastern restaurants. Offering a diverse menu of traditional dishes and modern interpretations, we pride ourselves on providing an exceptional dining experience for our guests. Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor to the area, we invite you to discover the flavors of the Middle East at our restaurant.
Indulge in Lebanese Luxury with the Basha Cuisine Menu
Delight your taste buds with the exquisite flavors of our Basha cuisine menu, featuring a tempting selection of Lebanese specialties. From hearty entrees to savory appetizers and decadent desserts, each dish is prepared with the freshest ingredients and authentic spices, ensuring a culinary experience like no other.
Grilled Perfection: Taste the Best of Al Basha Grill
Experience the art of grilling at Al Basha Grill, where we specialize in creating mouthwatering dishes cooked to perfection over an open flame. From succulent kebabs to juicy burgers, our grill menu offers a tantalizing array of options for meat lovers and vegetarians alike.
Embark on an Eastern Culinary Adventure with Our Diverse Menu
Embark on a culinary adventure with our Eastern cuisine, inspired by the diverse flavors and traditions of the Middle East. From aromatic spices to bold flavors, each dish reflects the rich culinary heritage of the region. Whether you’re craving a classic favorite or eager to explore something new, our Eastern cuisine promises a delightful and satisfying dining experience.
submitted by albashausa to u/albashausa [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:10 MaxMPs more purchaseable vacancies??

I've notices that we do a lot of asset liberation in this game. lol and sometimes of some powerful figures. i thought it would be cool if some of their former properties became available for purchase.
example: after liberating Hallin's Stand in Bangkorai, Grandeya states that rebuilding the city is her top priority. i would assume that her and all of the others have homes they would like to get back to and that selling the former leade's small palace would be instrumental in doing that. so the player could support the cause that way and fell like a sort of lord within the city.
plus i just think it looks nice inside
submitted by MaxMPs to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:09 fishtiano Creating a Naver account in the US

Creating a Naver account in the US
I created a Naver account which worked fine for 2 days. Then, when going to login, I received this error:
When I try to verify with mobile phone it says this cannot be done in the United States....I'm just trying to make a reservation and save some lists - any ideas on how to recover my account or create a new one?
submitted by fishtiano to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:09 Greg_Beez19 [A3][Recruiting][AU/NZ] The Grey Ghost Program is Recruiting

[A3][Recruiting][AU/NZ] The Grey Ghost Program is Recruiting
Who is The Grey Ghost Program?
The Grey Ghost Program is a fictional Paramilitary Organisation that mainly focuses on modern era ops. We run in an alternative history timeline that resembles our world with a few twists and turns. With our own through line story that tries to link all the missions together. We could be doing a direct action mission one week and the next your doing covert action missions.
We are an relaxed Realism unit with an simple command structure that doesn't rely on traditional ranks systems or saluting. With main missions being on Monday night at 1830 GMT +10(AEST)/ 1930AEDT. We are an Australian based unit open to anyone.
We are looking for?
  • Operators
  • Medics
  • Mission Makers
• Have ARMA 3 and Apex Expansion
• Speak English
• Be able to make it to main ops at least twice a month(preferably every main op but life gets in the way we get that)
• A microphone
• A sense of humour and the ability to snap into serious mode if need.
• 16+
• Discord.
• Teamspeak 3
Other Ops that we have done in the past:
ARMA 3-Ghost Network Breach 1: Convoy
Our PROMO and YT Short video:
It’s Winks fault
The best way of getting in contact with us is via our Discord(down below), Just say hi in the recruitment chat if I don't get to you as soon as you join. The discord is limited in access to see everything for new folk.
Discord: is the best way of contacting us.
Hope to see you there, Beez- Leader of The Grey Ghost Program.
submitted by Greg_Beez19 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:09 Ankit-Anchan STOCKS IN ACTION 16 MAY*

Infosys: The company and SAP Emarsys collaborated to deliver an enhanced personalised omnichannel experience for clients.
Star Cement: NCLT approved the amalgamation of 3 units with the arm Star Cement Meghalaya.
Quick Heal Technologies: The company partnered with EET Group for cybersecurity solutions in Europe.
PSP Projects: The company has settled a dispute with Surat Diamond Bourse, agreeing to pay Rs 170 crore in tranches. The total project value for the SBD Project is Rs 1,960 crore, out of which the company has recorded revenue of Rs 1,896 crore and the remaining revenue is to be recorded upon receipt of a certificate from Surat Diamond Bourse.
JK Cement: The Board approved the re-appointment of Raghavpat Singhania as MD for five years, effective June 17, 2025.
TVS Motor Company: The company launches operations in Italy.
Eicher Motors: The company's unit, VE Commercial Vehicles, enters into a joint venture agreement with Triangle Infotech.
Medi Assist Healthcare Services: The company appointed Sandeep Daga as CFO effective May 17.
Mankind Pharma: The company clarified that the article stating the company's plan to acquire a stake in Bharat Serum is speculative in nature.
HDFC Life: on Wednesday (May 15) announced its highest-ever bonus of ₹3,722 crore on participating plans. This bonus will benefit over 22.23 lakh policyholders.
QuickHeal: partners with Europe-based EET Group for cybersecurity solutions
submitted by Ankit-Anchan to UpdateINDIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:08 OGShanti Prone to Heat Stroke and fainting advice on how to manage or what may be the cause

49, F, 5’8, 135 lbs, white. I first experienced heat stroke at 13, I was in Florida on a hot day and got bitten by a bird. I started to overheat, stopped sweating and passed out hitting my head. An ambulance was called and they cooled me down and gave me an IV and said I’d had heat stroke. i had been in Florida for weeks and acclimatized to the heat. At 19 standing in line at an amusement park in the heat, i stopped sweating, passed out and hit my head again. Again at 27 in Greece. Again in my 40s in Florida, but didnt faint. And just recently in Phoenix, but did not pass out. Each time I stop sweating, get disoriented, heart rate goes up and I begin to burn up. But, in genera otherwise,l I am good in extreme heat. I cannot figure out why I have these random episodes. Also to note, I have fainted around 3 other times from sudden pain/shock. Is there something I should be tested for?
submitted by OGShanti to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:08 boopsl AITA for not allowing my mom’s ex-fiancé to my wedding ceremony?

I’m getting married in a week and my fiancé and I have had our wedding planned for over a year now. We’re having our ceremony in our backyard because we wanted it small, only including immediate family (excluding our fathers for other reasons.)
Now my mom separated from her ex-fiancé a little over a year ago. My soon to be wife and I have been incredibly supportive of her decision even though her ex was never truly a bad person to her. Bought her a house, helped her pursue every endeavor she’s asked for, been there for her during the passing of relatives, etc. Bottom line, they just don’t get along but they function better as friends versus lovers.
Fast forward to this past January and we (my fiancé and I) are making final decisions on who to invite. My mom and her ex are friends at this point and we figured we could invite him to our reception, but not the ceremony. I ask my mom if she would be comfortable with that and she said, of course. Mind you, she has had nothing but terrible things to say about the guy, even since they became friends again. I feel sympathy for him because he’s done way more good for her than bad.
So, this past Sunday we took her out for mother’s day but the day before she told me that her and ex are back together and have been for a month. I don’t understand why, considering she says how much she hates him but okay, whatever. While we are all having a nice lunch though, I remind of our plans for our wedding ceremony (we’re literally only having 12 people.) But she chimes in and says 13, including her ex. I didn’t say anything at the time but it irked me that she would assume such a thing without asking me, especially considering our wedding is less than 2 weeks away. I didn’t want to shoot her down at the moment because I was trying to make her Mother’s Day a pleasant one, but I knew as soon as she said it, that wasn’t going to have it.
We’ve been very meticulously planning this day for a long time now and compromised on a lot of things, especially for my mom’s sake. I might add, we’re paying for, decorating, planning for all of this on our own. My soon to be wife and I have been through hell getting this all together, but it’s coming together and we want it to go according to OUR plan.
Told my mom and her ex in the most polite and respectful way I could that we’re sticking to our original plan and that I want him at our reception but not at our ceremony. And now she is telling me that I’m selfish and rude. So… am I the a-hole?
TL;DR: I want my mom’s ex to be at my wedding reception, but not my ceremony. Now she thinks I’m an a-hole.
submitted by boopsl to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:07 North_Scientist6113 XenelSoft technologies Guide to PPC Campaign Management Services

XenelSoft technologies Guide to PPC Campaign Management Services
Reaching your target audience effectively in today’s digital marketing environment can feel like a maze. PPC advertising is a great way to put your brand in front of prospective customers who are actively looking for products or services similar to yours. However, PPC campaigns require expertise, continual optimization, and a deep knowledge of the ever-changing digital environment. That’s where your PPC campaign management service comes in.
Understanding PPC: How it Works
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising works on the premise that you only pay for your ad when someone clicks on it. This makes PPC a targeted and cost-effective form of marketing that you can monitor closely for ROI. Popular PPC platforms include:
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Place targeted ads on search engine results pages (SERPs) like Google and Bing, appearing when users enter relevant keywords.
  • Social Media Advertising: Reach a highly targeted audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter based on demographics, interests, and online behaviour.
  • Display Advertising: Showcase visual ads (banners, images, videos) on a vast network of websites relevant to your industry.
  • Shopping Ads: Promote your products directly on search engines and online marketplaces with detailed information and pricing.
The Benefits of Professional PPC Campaign Management
While PPC provides a direct route to your target audience, running successful campaigns takes time and dedication. Partnering with a skilled PPC service provider in the USA unlocks several advantages:
  • Strategic Campaign Development: Experienced professionals will conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience, competitor landscape, and industry trends. This forms the foundation for crafting a winning campaign strategy aligned with your specific goals.
  • Keyword Research and Targeting: Choosing the right keywords is crucial for attracting the right clicks. PPC specialists leverage advanced tools and competitor analysis to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords that deliver optimal results.
  • Compelling Ad Copywriting: Crafting clear, concise, and persuasive ad copy is essential for grabbing attention and driving clicks. Experienced copywriters know how to tailor messaging to resonate with your target audience on each platform.
  • Landing Page Optimization: The landing page reached after a click significantly impacts conversion rates. PPC specialists ensure your landing pages are optimized for conversions, providing a seamless user experience that compels visitors to take action.
  • Bid Management and Optimization: Bidding strategies determine how much you pay for each click. Skilled PPC managers constantly monitor campaign performance, optimise bids, and adjust targeting to maximise ROI within your budget.
  • Conversion Tracking and Reporting: Measuring results is vital for understanding the effectiveness of your campaigns. PPC services provide comprehensive reporting, tracking key metrics like clicks, conversions, and cost-per-acquisition (CPA).
  • Staying Ahead of the Curve: The world of PPC advertising is dynamic, with platforms and algorithms constantly evolving. Partnering with a PPC service provider ensures your campaigns remain optimised based on the latest trends and best practices.
Finding the Right PPC Service Provider in the USA
In the United States, there are many different providers of PPC services. Here are some key factors to consider when making your choice:
  • Experience and Expertise: Look for a provider with a proven track record of success in your industry, ideally with experience managing campaigns similar to yours.
  • Transparent Pricing and Packages: Ensure the service provider offers clear pricing structures and packages that align with your budget and campaign goals.
  • Focus on ROI: Choose a provider that prioritises maximising your return on investment and demonstrates a results-oriented approach.
  • Communication and Reporting: Effective communication is crucial. Opt for a provider that offers regular reporting and clear communication channels to keep you informed about campaign progress.
PPC Services Packages: Tailored Solutions for Every Need
The top USA PPC service providers provide a variety of packages to meet the needs of different types of businesses. These packages might typically include:
  • Campaign Setup and Management: This covers initial strategy development, keyword research, ad copy creation, landing page optimization, and campaign launch.
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Conclusion: Invest in Expertise, Reap the Rewards
XenelSoft Technologies provide PPC advertising as one of the most effective ways to create targeted leads and increase sales. However, the complexity of PPC campaigns necessitates expertise and continuous optimization. By working with a professional PPC service provider based in the United States, you will have access to tried-and-true tactics, data-driven analysis, and expert management.
submitted by North_Scientist6113 to u/North_Scientist6113 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:07 Erwinblackthorn The Time Vortex of Video Production

After much consideration, and planning, I am going to return to video production. When I began making videos on a weekly or monthly basis, I had plenty of free time due to the big coof. This was me learning things like scheduling, editing, how to make the microphone work, and I learned plenty through trial and error. There is a dramatic difference between my first videos and my recent ones because of this learning experience. But as I learned about how to make videos, I learned that I was wasting my time with them.
A LOT of time.
Whatever you’re thinking is a time waste for a video is not really it, unless you’ve been there and done that. During that time, I ruined my sleep schedule and would even pass up on small money opportunities, all because I thought my Youtube videos would send me into stardom. Plant a seed, watch it grow, that sort of thing. But, looking at my numbers, it was the exact opposite. Each video coming out, utilizing the keywords and subject matter as a reason to click, was essentially a false sense of activity.
Working on other people’s channels created even more false cases of activity, which created a false sense of justifying why I’m putting labor into something.
Like most artists, I was gaslighting myself into thinking that the time spent into a project was going to translate into a future income from something else. We always see these videos where it seems zero effort was put into it and it goes viral, not realizing that years of failing and group efforts were required to reach those results. And even then, a youtube video existing doesn’t cause a person to instantly gain money from that existence. I have a friend who made a viral video and he didn’t get anything from millions of views, because there was nothing to monetize. I have another friend who made a viral video, trying to recreate the magic, and nothing came of it after a year or two of trying.
Not only is it hard to receive results, but the amount of time it takes to attempt is ridiculous. I didn’t time myself, but if I knew how many hours were sunk into each video, I would probably pull out my balls in anger. The process of each video was a mess of:
  1. Writing down a script (takes more than an hour to write an hour of script)
  2. Recording the audio (takes more than an hour to record an hour)
  3. Editing the audio (takes about double the time of whatever its recorded)
  4. Making the thumbnail
  5. Making the avatar
  6. Collecting images
  7. Collecting video clips
  8. Making images and clips
  9. Editing through clips that are too long
  10. Adding sound effects
  11. Finding and adding music
  12. Waiting for it to render (usually this is where I go to do other things)
  13. Rendering it AGAIN through handbrake so it’s a smaller file (quicker than waiting for uploading a multi GB file)
  14. Uploading it across youtube, bitchute, and rumble
I don’t want to make this sound like I’m complaining, but this is the bare minimum effort that goes into a youtube video, not mentioning the details of how things are edited or the issues with troubleshooting. A lot of what ate up my time was realizing when things aren’t working way too late, such as how GIFs don’t register well and they slow down a larger project. Or better yet, how a large project slows down to a crawl and you have to render multiple segments separately in order to keep things running smoothly. My files, as organized as I tried to keep them, were unorganized as hell because I would set them up during production instead of before production. Then by the end of it, there would be something wrong that I would have to edit, remove, I forgot something, something vanished between saves, or even corrupted files because I moved something and didn’t realize it was part of something else.
Video editing is utter hell in the beginning, but it gets better after you look after your process and actually organize everything well.
I spent a night the other week changing up all of my files. I put them on my desktop, where I can easily access them, and away from my downloads. This is important because your downloads can be bogged down with anything you download, and eventually it becomes a massive mess of pictures, videos, game patches, or whatever else you’re downloading; all getting in the way of your actual project. You want your files to be files within files, and each file is marked clearly for its purpose and its direction. I had a million songs splayed out in different areas and couldn’t remember where they were, of course when I wanted them, all because they would get trapped in piles of other things I downloaded for later.
My file finding time is now only limited by the slowness of my computer acquiring it.
Audio began as a mess of me going through each line to make sure there was no extra noise, and having to fix anything that was too quiet or not full enough. Turns out I was making my audio way too maximized and wasting a lot of time on stuff that people wouldn’t even recognize as an issue. Now my audio mixing is done through OBS, already set up as a particular compression and volume that will stay in the acceptable range, with noise removal already set up.
My audio recording/editing time is closer to how long it takes to speak.
Developing each chapter card, clipping them together, having to find the font, typing everything out. These, along with getting sound effects working, took up too much time. What I did is make a plan to prepare all of these first, before anything else is added to the video, so that I know how many chapters there are. They don’t take that long to render, because of how short they are, and it takes way less time to do that than to shift gears at the end of the production day. Shifting gears every couple of minutes, that was wasting too much time, which is now changed to doing one specific task each session.
My “switching” time is removed, thus saving time.
Music was added in the beginning, as one of the first things. This was wrong to do, because of how many times I would want a clip where the music continues through it, only to realize that this continuation forced me to keep a massive background of editing history, which slows everything down through production. Adding music as the last bit, and after rendering, will save me minutes for every time I boot up the video editor, which saves hours over time when I’m going to have to go back and forth on video editing. My lifestyle only gives me an hour or two at a time to sit in front of the computer, and so editing will require less wait time for the process to warm up.
My rendering time will increase(as I go to do other things), but my waiting time will decrease.
Through my new process, I am also considering a different view of each video type. Recently, I saw a video about how kindle books are categorized between low, mid, and high content; related to how much effort it takes to make each one. My previous attempts were to, essentially, make high effort content as consistently as possible, which was going to be draining when these were events that came and went. Current news like Lindsay Ellis being stupid or DSP looking like a fool on Sidescrollers are incredibly time sensitive, which is why so many people stream these “news reports” instead of making high effort videos about them. And even if it was a long term type of video, we have to question if it REQUIRES that much effort to begin with.
My plans for the future are to measure how long I take with each session, what I get done, track down percentages, and measure what the longest steps are. Figuring out what’s causing a hold-up is the best way to prevent hold-ups, in the same way city builders (should) keep track of what’s causing traffic jams. Too many traffic jams? Get rid of cars or open more lanes. Keeping track of things is going to take minutes to save hours, which is something I should have practiced more on doing through my practicing year.
Videos are done with marketing in mind, because I don’t plan to make money from them. My “branding” is storytelling, art, art-related lolcows, and I guess that pesky culture war. People begged me to go fully political, but I think political is a step below philosophical, which is where I would rather go. I would rather explain the psychology and aesthetics of media, instead of repeating myself as to how offensive or woke something is. Yes, I make fun of Lindsay for being woke, but I explain why she is and where it comes from, which is something more important than some kind of drama farming that grifters do.
I would rather be a source of information than a pointless attack dog for someone above me, which is why I try to separate myself from the people who do such nonsense. I’m not with these movements, I don’t care to promote people I don’t care about, I’m not going to go easy on people just because “we’re on the same side”. Everyone gets made fun of or nobody gets made fun of, and I’m year of monkey, bitch. This monkey wants bananas and youtube is not going to supply any. But it supplies plenty of vines to swing around from, as I Donkey Kong my way from topic to topic.
Like anything else in life, videos need to be worth my time, meaning their expense needs to be dropped dramatically. Hour long, multi-hour long, these were excruciatingly hard to do. The next goal is to make sure everything is kept around 30min long, unless it’s going to be a bi-yearly 1 hour long video that will be the highlight of the year, which is where full book analysis videos come into play. The scripts for everything else will be written down as articles, with the better of the articles being made into low content videos.
Podcast style will be for low effort, being made weekly.
A new style will be for mid effort, which is where 30min of history or explanation is presented with video clips, being made monthly. Video game clips will be placed around here as well, unless they can be made bi-weekly.
And the classic, me in my room with my ASS computer, will be for the high content, for subjects that take far too long to make on a monthly basis.
This planning is still in the works, it’s an effort to create a strategy and a schedule for everything. The goal would be to place an hour a day per video, creating steps for each video, and using each other as progress reports for the bigger ones. It will be like placing smaller squares into bigger squares until the biggest square is complete, allowing me to visually determine my progress across such a subject. This is also a way for me to appear more productive, because content will be constantly coming out on a clear schedule. Only bad side about it is that this means 3 hours of my day are used for videos, and this won’t be possible for every day until content creation is my main job.
Before I can have this be a thing, it will be a slow, preemptive creation process, with smaller projects being made as my “short stories”, to then determine if I’m ready for a bigger “novel” of a project. And that’s how I have to approach video editing: the same way I would with storytelling. No more determining that length means better, or more time means more results. Now I’m going to obey the market, go for what’s expected of me, and react to feedback. If something doesn’t work, or doesn’t make a dent, I try something else.
I think that’s why people get mad at me, when they see that I am trying something else all the time. This is normal, but I’m told that I’m “an interloper” or “will never win” because I willingly give up on things that don’t work. Sorry, losers, but being unorganized and wasting my life is not worth it. I like money, and I like vaginas. If I wanted to be poor and wasting my life, I would have kept slamming my head against a wall and failing like most of what indie does.
And yes, the OPC reviews will be translated into videos, as well as my own short stories. I began as a crackpasta narrator, after all. I was thinking of putting a lot of radio drama production into my narrations, but I would want to keep them low effort until they start attracting all of the attention from their titles. A lot of people try to narrate their stories and they don’t make a spark anywhere with them. But as time goes on, and I get more videos under my belt, I could easily narrate for others, create a network, and get things going. It’s not that hard to get things working once you know what you’re doing.
The main time waste that we all fall for is chaotic activity and the lack of planning.
submitted by Erwinblackthorn to TDLH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:07 Active_Evidence_5448 Doctor billed insurance for a presumably false diagnosis based on zero evidence. Questions about future insurance rates and access to medications.

I was seeking a provider offering a certain, somewhat esoteric lab test. Under the online list of providers offering this test, a cardiologist was the closest provider with the soonest appointment. I see a different cardiologist every few years as I had a ventricular septal defect repair as an infant. As it stood prior to this office visit, my heart has always been structurally and functionally normal. Anyway, an ECG was done at my appointment, as they're done on all patients. All my ECGs in the past have been normal, with the occasional false-positive machine interpretation (ruled out on subsequent echos), as it's known to do. ECG 5 months ago was normal. An echocardiogram about a year and a half ago was normal. I have zero cardiac symptoms. I just went in to get this lab test ordered. The cardiologist says I have "a little right atrial enlargement" based on the amplitude of a P wave on lead II, which was still below the 2.5mm diagnostic threshold (between 1.5 and 2mm). He tells me it's nothing serious and it could've been a machine and/or lead placement error. He asks if I have palpitations, chest pain, or exercise intolerance, and I say no to all. He asked about my cholesterol, and I said at one point, my LDL was briefly at 188 (sedentary and poor diet during the pandemic), but I got it back down to well within the normal range shortly with diet and exercise. He told me he'll order my lab test but only under the condition I do a stress test first to "see if I'm healthy enough to exercise" and that I "could have a heart attack walking up the stairs." I'm in my late 30s and exercise regularly. I went home and looked on the patient portal, and he diagnosed me with right atrial enlargement, atherosclerosis of the native coronary artery of the native heart, mixed hyperlipidemia, and atrial septal defect. 1 - the P wave on the ECG didn't meet the criteria for right atrial enlargement. 2 - it is my understanding right atrial enlargement can only be definitively diagnosed via echocardiogram, CT, or MRI. 3 - my ECG showed zero signs of ischemia. Having a high LDL level at a brief moment in time does not equal atherosclerosis. It is my understanding atherosclerosis can't be diagnosed via ECG unless there are ST abnormalities or other indicators. My ECG showed nothing. Nothing else about the ECG was mentioned to me. 4 - I do not have an atrial septal defect. I have a repaired ventricular septal defect. I mentioned this via the patient portal and to the receptionist, and the diagnosis was never removed or corrected. This was just a plain error. 5 - My lipids have been normal for 3 years and many years before that pandemic reading. I'm not sure how I currently have mixed hyperlipidemia.
I finally got in touch with him (I had to do it via telehealth as he only responds to patients if he's getting paid, apparently) and, regarding the right atrial enlargement diagnosis, all he could say was, "The machine is accurate. It's not heart disease and it's not gonna harm you" and that the readings are like blood pressure in that, on another day, it likely would not have shown the P wave at that amplitude. Regarding the atherosclerosis diagnosis, he said it was a presumptive diagnosis, so insurance would cover the stress test. On the visit report on the patient portal, it said it was a presumptive diagnosis and would be ruled out with a stress test. I got the idea he ordered stress tests for all new patients. I confirmed the reasons for the diagnoses with him, and he said, "You seem to have a good understanding," condescendingly. I never followed through with the stress test, so now I have a diagnosis of coronary atherosclerosis cemented on my health record. I'm in the United States. My main concern is how this will affect my insurance rates when I shop for private insurance. I'm also concerned it will somehow preclude me from being able to access my ADHD meds in the future. If I have these conditions, fine. The whole experience just didn't seem right.
My questions are: Does this seem like medical malpractice, and can these presumably false diagnoses affect my insurance rates or my access to certain medications in the future? With these diagnoses being visible to other providers, will this affect my treatment for other conditions in the future?
submitted by Active_Evidence_5448 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:06 Sigong Is there any specific reason for the pins on this 2-digit 7-segment display to be laid in this way? Trying to connect it to two 74LS47 drivers is giving me a lot of trouble.

Is there any specific reason for the pins on this 2-digit 7-segment display to be laid in this way? Trying to connect it to two 74LS47 drivers is giving me a lot of trouble.
I've labeled the pins and segments for clarity and drawn a dividing line. The pins for the left digit are ordered in such a way that connecting it to the driver only requires the use of a single layer (see below). I cannot figure out how to rout pins from another driver to the right digit in an orderly way. Is there a driver specifically for 2-digit displays that I am unaware of? I'm now wondering if two single-digit displays would be better.
Below is one of my previous attempts to route tracks to the second digit (made in veroroute, the oblong shapes are current-limiting resistors). I resorted to turning the driver upside down. I've since tried solving it using a 2-layer PCB in kicad but aside from being a bit more compact the result isn't significantly better.
submitted by Sigong to AskElectronics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:05 BruhEmperor Freedom National Convention of 1904 American Interflow Timeline

Freedom National Convention of 1904 American Interflow Timeline
A certain echo drapes the Freedomite National Convention in one Monday afternoon. “Utter folly!”, yells a voice from the crowd. It was Miss Caroline. The daughter of the late president—and some call dictator—P.T. Barnum. Mrs. Barnum would rush to the Convention Chairman Russell B. Harrison, the son of the very candidate that ran against her father, Barnum would hand Harrison a note before quickly scurrying off the convention. Members of the crowd demanded Harrison read out the note. The note was handed to Hamilton Fish II to be read along to the attendees. “My father laughs at this party from the grave.”. Those words shook, but understandably resolved the feelings, of many present. Many were already uneasy, President Chaffee had already been renominated for President unanimously by the Patriots. The Freedomites had come last of the major in every election since the end of President P.T. Barnum’s tenure. Stirring opinions for the need of change, yet also calls for a return to tradition. Many in the party had been split on the policies made during President Chaffee’s tenure, with some more agreeing with his policies than others. The high stakes for the nomination would lead to Freedomite coming in droves to support their new shining star.
The Freedom Party National Convention was held at New Haven, Connecticut on June 6th, 1904.
Inside the Freedom National Convention
Joseph Gurney Cannon - Mr. Cannon had already lost 1900, why make him lead ‘04? A common cry shared among many who wanted a shift in grand party in ideology. Yet to many, Cannon was exactly what the party needs to revert back to tradition. Cannon support the Barnum administration and martial law, suing the Illinois electoral commission for omitting Whitelaw Reid from the 1888 ballot. A conservative stalwart and the “big bully” of Congress, 67-year old “Uncle Joe” was instrumental in securing the German peace deal in the Philippines, homeland army modernization efforts, and demanded diplomatic action be done against Russia during the ACCEC-KVZhD incident. Fiercely nationalistic and isolationist, unlike President Barnum, Cannon would reject imperialism and foreign meddling and deemed intervention only necessary if it directly threatened the US. Once deeming “To the world, their own. To the United States, its own.”. Cannon would also oppose Chaffee’s shift away from the gold standard to fiat money, the heightened regulations, the continued troop sending to American-occupied Fujian and the Congo General Administration, and the expansive powers give to the presidential cabinet. Cannon would advocate an "All-American Homeland Policy", with eyes of politics being strictly observant of the issues at home, not abroad. Cannon would be called hypocritical by many, due to his work in securing agreements with foreign nations, but his efforts would please nationalists as him simply defending the American honor.
Cannon with US Ambassador to the United Kingdom Robert Todd Lincoln
Henry Cabot Lodge - As the feelings of imperialism ran high, so did it root into major political figures. Replacing the radical Edward Bellamy as Senator from Massachusetts, the freshman senator was thrusted into the national spotlight as an American representative for the Treaty of São Paulo. Though his work was eclipsed by the work of the renowned George von Lengerke Meyer, the stunt gained Lodge a standing nationally. As the now 53-year old now seasoned Senator Henry Cabot Lodge enters the running for the nomination, his resume has now far exceeded his old one four years ago. Supporting the occupation of Fujian province, the defensive of the Filipino republics against the Germans, the American presence in the Congo General Administration, the solidification of Bahia Blanca as American territory, support of corporate regulations, and calling to occupy or annex the remaining praia states of the world. Lodge would position himself with the imperialists, with a traditional conservative flair. Perhaps Lodge’s most divisive position would be his support of Public Safety Secretary Edward Carmack. Carmack’s mass immigration policies and usage of BPS to hunt down the “high-grade criminal” got the support of Lodge in Congress. Lodge even hosted a party in honor of the Massachusetts chapter of the Hancockian Corps. Lodge would support the gold standard and opposing the lax tariff policies of the administration. Lodge’s public opinions about his support of imperialism and the “Chaffean Policy” pushes him firmly to one faction of the party, as the other factions would faint to the notion of his nomination.
Official congressional photo of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. - A scholar, a jurist, and an educator. Son of one of the most esteemed American poets and once presidential aspirant Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., the younger Holmes once dreamed of reaching the highest court of the nation. But being thrusted into the Senate by the Massachusetts opposition who rejected another Adams entering office, Holmes was dragged into a political hellscape even he saw as tiring and petty. Nevertheless, Holmes made work as senator, being renowned as a progressive and logician. Holmes would oppose imperialism and interventionism, demanding America’s legacy of isolationism continue on to this era. Once stating that "...if the United States made of the world its heated enemy, then none shall be surprise at its immediate collapse in warfare at the hands of the world." Holmes would act more as a lawyer than a traditional politician in the Senate, often defending his positions in common debates with his opponents. Senator George Murray would say that "None understands the complexity and framework created by the founders regarding the Constitution more than Senator Holmes.". One of the signatories of the “Declaration of National Renouncement”, declaring his opposition to Edward Carmack and the BPS’s actions and demanding his resignation and the restructuring of the bureau. Holmes would also support massive regulations on monopolies and oppose the fiat money policy. Though not that interested of the presidency, the progressive and anti-imperialists of the party saw Holmes as the best chance of ascension. They would campaign on his behalf and fashioned him as a spiritual successor to Hale and Clay. Senator James R. Garfield of Ohio would campaign for his colleague, declaring him “…the last hope of American reform and readjustment.”.
Senator Oliver Wendell Holmes
William Howard Taft - Once described as the “softer Taft”, not only as a jab for his figure but also his approach to politics compared that of his brother. Placed by his powerful brother as the overseer of the American occupation forces of Fujian and the American ambassador to the Bonifacian Filipino Republic (officially the Sovereign Tagalog Republic). Young Taft was renowned for his diligent and pragmatic work as a diplomat. Taft’s efforts and reforms in Fujian already uncovered a steadily growing “Americanized” society in the province, lifting its population from the repression of the former Qing government into the American brand of modernization. Praised by seemingly all members of the Freedomite factions, a praise for diplomacy only behind that of George von Lengerke Meyer. His general popularly and esteem made him an attractive candidate for a unifying nominee. Though Taft himself preferred his diplomatic station, or possibly a station in the US Supreme Court like Holmes before him, many influences continued to sway Taft to seek the nomination. One of those surprisingly being Commonwealth House Leader Theodore Roosevelt, who had a personal friendship with Taft, and continued to encourage him to seek the high office. His brother Charlie, the Freedomite House Leader, certainly would be please if his brother would be elevated to the high office. Taft continues to be slightly reluctant, though many recognize the pressure would certain thrust him into acceptance. Senator William McKinley would say in Taft's support "Many men here have individual commendable qualities, but Mr. Taft was gifted with truly presidential ones.".
Taft with the \"Taft Commission\", his diplomatic staff who aid him with his daunting diplomatic tasks
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2024.05.16 07:02 Tayro117 Yukong is the best 4 star support and here's why

What is up whales, dolphins, and f2p (fish 2 play) folks. Today I've got real hard evidence that Yukong* is the BEST 4 star* support in ALL of Honkai Star Rail^tm.
Seriously, she isn’t only fun to play, she's FUN to play. She can auto, skill, or ultimate! literally none of the other supports have so many conflicting trace levels!! (except maybe crit pela..) A good Yukong player can literally clear any MOC 12 in a 0 cycle. Could they do that without Yukong?? Probably. Should they? Absolutely not, she's the best.
Nowadays supports literally just give a teamwide buff for 3 turns, or buff a single character for 3 turns. Like who wants to play someone boring like that? Yukong has the BEST of both worlds. A 2 (TWO) turn buff that expires after TWO (2) ally turns! It's big brain time for you small brained fish folk. This means you have to PLAN who can take their turn after Yukong if you want the buff. Any single target slows from the enemy? you're screwed sorry
Here's an example team comp I aneurismed over last month: Robin, Yukong, DPS Insert, Aventurine or other support. On Robins ult, you get a full 80%+ ATK buff on her while she follows up your ultimate, and other teammates damage! Huge gains. Not only that, but if you time Yukong's ultimate right, your other two units ALSO get 30ish CR and 70ish CD. A fuck ton of stats, my favorite numbers relating to characters.
She is also fun to play WITH. As a 'bad' unit enjoyer, I swoon when I have a perfectly lined up Yukong ultimate + skill combo into Sparkle Qinque Ultimate. Loads of Damage! She not only buffs up to TwO (2) units a fuckton, she ALSO hits for a metric TON. That ultimate I mentioned earlier? It hit's harder than a SEELE basic attack. I'll let that sink in. What's not to love about our jack of all trades support?
She can actually resist debuffs too, but lol who cares. Oh and gets a nice 10 speed for 2 (2) turns! SO useful. She's got a few other useful buffs too, but I don't really wanna remind myself what they are, just looking at her kit makes me salivate.
She just feels insane to play. I know deep inside that winning with Yukong means I am big brained. Losing just simply doesn't happen. You can't lose at this game. Would you rather win with E6 acheron? Or E6 Yukong? I know ALL of you say Yukong here, no contest.
I just LOVE damage supports that buff your whole team (for 2 (too) turns). Every other support looks measly in comparison, and are boring af.
Hoyo if you're reading this, PLEASE make the next character require multivariable calculus to hit maximum damages. Yukong is way too easy. This won't change anyone’s mind about future design of characters, but I simply think Yukong is by far the best designed support so far.
p.s. 5 star Sampo when????
submitted by Tayro117 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:01 EUGsk8rBoi42p "Just check out Eugene’s Reddit section any day, but don’t say I didn’t warn you."

Admitting we have a problem is the first step in solving it! Author is a Eugenean talking about her experience with rising crime in the city, never saw this story but hey, still relevant today. Found this little gem by random chance. Title is a hopefully relatable quote from the article. You can agree or disagree with the author, but it's actually pretty well written with sources included. (just including the whole article, for people who don't want to click links!)

I Caught Two Men Stealing From My Home. The Aftermath Was Absurd—and All Too Typical.

This experience crystallized Oregon’s deeper problems.

Typically, guys wearing power-company vests don’t leave the houses they’re working on laden down with backpacks—let alone power tools, a scooter, and a Nintendo Switch. But that was the scene I happened upon at 6:30 p.m. on a Tuesday in mid-April when I puttered into my driveway in Eugene, Oregon, my 7-year-old ensconced in the back seat.
For a second, my brain tried to normalize the incident: This is just my daughter’s dad stopping by—except there are two of him, and they’re dressed as electricians for some reason? Then, a second later, everything whooshed into place: Oh, wait, I’m being robbed. Or, rather, I was being burgled. I would get reminded of this distinction later, when I made the dubious choice to join the chorus of aggrieved buttinskies on Nextdoor, where my well-meaning post to warn the neighborhood would turn me into an accidental vigilante hero for a day.
Unfortunately, it’s true: My reaction to this burgle was the lived-out fantasy of many who have been on the business end of a property crime. As the two goons took off on foot down my street, I went into fight-or-flight mode—and I chose fight.
“Well,” I said to my confused child, “let’s go see if we can get our stuff back.”
I peeled my 2005 Subaru back onto the street and easily overtook my two targets, who then hurtled themselves into an alley, whereupon I cornered one by the driver’s side window as the other made haste across the adjacent parking lot.
“Just give it back, bro!” I yelled out my window. “Just give it back! I’m a single mom! Just give it back.”
I repeated this until either I reminded him too much of his meanest teacher or he realized he’d been caught in broad daylight. “Fine,” he said. “Just fucking take it.”
He shoved a backpack through my driver’s side window. Inside it was both my laptops and my daughter’s iPad from school. Back at home, I would discover these guys had used channel lock pliers to force open the back door, but that the general chaos of my home had prevented them from locating my passport, jewelry, or sole item of irreplaceable value: the Montblanc fountain pen that my father, who died in a bicycle accident two years ago, had gotten for his law school graduation. My cat was unfazed.
I can honestly tell you that this little caper of mine was thrilling and deeply satisfying. It was also the exact wrong thing to do. Even this fanatical open-carry gun website implores: “Don’t chase criminals.” What if these two dipsticks had been armed? As unlikely as that was—property crime in my town is often driven by addiction, and weapons are worth money, which can buy drugs—I put myself and my child in potential danger. And for what? Three grand worth of electronics. As any reputable expert will tell you, you’re never to give chase to a thief, because human life is not worth possessions. As much as I admit to enjoying being called a “badass” by everyone I told this story, plus the listeners of KLCC Oregon, I should not have done this.
I did call the police, on the nonemergency line, because the dudes were long gone and nobody was hurt. I declined the dispatcher’s offer to send two officers to fingerprint a bunch of stuff I’d already touched. At best, that would have just added two more sets of prints to my town’s burgeoning roster of perennially at-large property criminals.
There are larger issues here, issues much more important than my would-be cool story. First, it’s an example of how in Eugene, small-scale property crime is now de facto legal. It is largely nonviolent, so it’s rarely seen as worth police resources to track down the goods. At the same time, it is so prevalent that any time one vest-wearing bozo gets nabbed, three more spring up in his place. This was my house’s second break-in in six months, and my fourth property crime total in the three years I’ve lived here as an adult. Eugene is my hometown, so I can also add the four times my childhood house, where my mother still lives, has been burgled since the early 2000s. When I was little, we left our front door unlocked so regularly that I wasn’t aware front doors had locks on them until I was much older. By the time I turned 30, however, every door in my parents’ house had been pried open at least once. (“Time to finally get that alarm system!” said my dad for three straight decades.)
Still, it’s a mistake to treat this trend solely as a vexing crime problem. Eugene’s descent into its property crime epidemic has been concurrent, unsurprisingly, with two addiction epidemics: First, the methamphetamine nightmare of the 1990s—when pseudoephedrine pills were still unregulatedhit Oregon and other Western states particularly hard. That wave segued all too naturally into the opioid and fentanyl crisis of the present. Meanwhile, not only did meth never really leave, but its use in Oregon also surged with the pandemic, with three Oregonians per day currently dying a drug-related death.
Since our conversation was necessarily brief, I don’t know the housing or drug situation of the guys who broke into my place. But local statistics point to them as two more casualties of these plagues. (Granted, those statistics are from nearby Portland, and they are police-sourced, so take them how you wish.)
For all the ambivalent empathy that the opioid epidemic has engendered, the local property crime scourge has set off a fierce public backlash. My incident brought out an unsurprising chorus of bloodlust on Nextdoor and elsewhere, when I shared it because I wanted to give my immediate neighbors a heads-up: “You should have kicked their asses,” they wrote. “We need to rise up and defend our property.
This town’s petty crime is often attributed, at least in the national conservative press, to our West Coast government’s decision to temporarily allow urban camping during the pandemic. (That policy has now officially ended, for what it’s worth.) Towns like mine have often been characterized in the popular imagination as unlivable crime-addled hellholes. I will be the first to admit that our tent cities are sometimes blatant open-air drug markets, but this is the case even as our property values inflate to absurd proportions—and our crime is actually on the decline. Still, Oregonians like me currently have about a 2.7 percent chance of being burgled, which, at almost 30 percent higher than the national average, is very high. I learned very efficiently how anecdotes like mine get around (I can’t help it if I’m a dynamic storyteller!) and attract the righteous indignation of other former victims, so many often feel, incorrectly, like we few honest vanguards are awash in a sea of riffraff.
This atmosphere, in turn, inspires my locality’s equally unreasonable political extremists to put forth and exacerbate their own untenable solutions. Even in a hyperpolarized American environment, Oregon is more polarized than most. For decades, our liberal enclaves have made Portlandia look understated, while our conservative areas make Texas’ look progressive.
For example, during the heyday of Eugene’s recently dismantled and infamous Washington Jefferson Park tent city, a larger break-in at a bicycle store was traced at least partially back to the encampment. The police swept the tents and made a flurry of arrests. Some of the bikes were found. This resulted in part in outrage over using resources to hassle the city’s most impoverished residents: “A stolen bike, yes, that sucks,” an advocate for the unhoused told a local news outlet. “But what are your priorities? And I’m sorry, but a stolen bike isn’t the priority.”
Well, trust me, in this town, it definitely isn’t. Recovering those bikes was an anomaly; in Eugene, most of these burglaries go unsolved. In fact, 87 percent of burglaries in the whole country do, too. The get-tough-on-property-crime proponents assert that statistically, this sends a message that stealing is fair game, and sure, that is a message I do not condone. But I also agree with a somewhat less rabid version of the opposing view: Property is replaceable, these crimes are nonviolent, and everyone currently rifling through houses and dealing drugs out of tents in my town is human. They deserve a chance to get their lives on track.
So, what should be the town’s priority? Fixing the addiction epidemics is a perilously long way away from happening, for reasons that are as polarizing as addiction’s consequences. In the sobering and excellent Dopesick, author Beth Macy goes into painfully exacting detail about opioids’ near-inescapable hold on the human brain. Macy argues that the true way out of this epidemic is “low-barrier treatment,” which includes supportive housing and medical interventions such as safe injection supplies, fentanyl testing strips, buprenorphine access, and supervised consumption sites. All of these options, however, are a tough sell even in a “progressive” town like Eugene, where supervised consumption sites are what NIMBY nightmares are made of, and low-barrier treatment can run up against deeply held moral stigma: Gas is $5 a gallon, and my taxes are going to some junkie?
In the meantime, while some admirably advocate and vote and wait for those breakthroughs, what should we do about the burglaries themselves? Should we pursue more law enforcement, or more compassion toward the burglars? More arrests that allegedly might deter this, or policies that might alleviate income inequality? Does—as approximately 83 percent of the suggestions from my Nextdoor thread contended—every house in town need a tripwire that handcuffs trespassers on sight? Or should all businesses be taxed at 500 percent, and the proceeds used to furnish every fentanyl dealer in town with a nice apartment and mad cash? The debate has degenerated such that these are the sorts of cartoonish positions each side believes they’re fighting—and, in fact, are the only available choices. Just check out Eugene’s Reddit section any day, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.
The actual blight on small American towns like mine isn’t property crime. It’s that any tenable solution to it has been swallowed up into a churning abyss of extremism and perceived counterextremism. No one seems to have a convincing answer to the most basic question: So what should we do? What should I do?
Burglaries don’t have to be largely unsolvable, and more property criminals could be apprehended. But while I don’t want those dudes or any of their buddies to come back to my house, I also don’t want them in an American prison, where their “rehabilitation” will consist largely of learning better ways to commit even bigger crimes when they get out, and their options for alternative forms of acquiring money will be even more limited than they are now. Lacking any meaningful restorative justice program for petty thieves in my town (which would, in turn, necessitate locating and apprehending them), I decided my own problems could be solved, for now, with a padlock on my back gate.
And then, not long after the break-in, a Nintendo Switch appeared on my town’s Craigslist. Its included components and color combination were identical to the set stolen from my house. I debated, briefly, bringing my vigilante justice alter ego Super Annoying out of retirement, answering the ad and showing up to shrill my wrongdoers into returning what was mine. But this time, I thought better of it. My life is not worth much, but it’s probably worth more than Mario Kart. I can only hope the console’s new owners enjoy it as much as my daughter did—at least until someone steals it again.
submitted by EUGsk8rBoi42p to Eugene [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:59 Nohopup Lyricism in YWGBYST

Everyone seems to be digging this album, so I suppose ill strike while the iron is hot here - does anyone else find the level of lyricism in this album not only a high point for the band (though frankly, they've always had good lyricism especially for the scene they're in), but also just very solid even out of the musical context?
I'll admit to being a bit of a nerd when it comes to writing and lit, and after listening to the album I sat down and listened again while reading through the lyrics of each song as they played and was left with a few standouts.
1) From the initial track, 'Thirst.'
Followed by the thirst An honest gaze left broken and marred
Dragging my knuckles Forward but through the mud Secluded lower form Sickened by my thirst for change
Though not the strongest lyrics on the album, still evocative imagery and impressively emotionally compelling while also being careful in its diction. Like the message of the song (and extending to the album, really) the song comes with a sense of jagged brevity which to me adds to the poignancy of it. It also sets the continuing motif of water being an agent of change, the process of grief and loss (of people, identity, and faith) being the core of the album.
2) From 'Don't Reach For Me'
I dream of a cleansing wave Reborn Don't reach for me No lies can spread (Spread, spread) From a tongue removed
I dream of a cleansing wave Set me free I return to form No longer bound to mе
Though this track is much more on the nose, largely characterized by the visceral and aggressive dogma that metalcore is known for, is still points back to the previous ideals and symbolism established in the initial tracks. Again we are lent the idea that water will wash away (erode, even) our imperfections. Change will aid in the 'return to form,' grief and harbored grudges 'no longer bound to me.'
3) This one is cheating, as it's really the whole song of 'Moss Covers All' with its 46 second run time:
This house just swallows me It doesn't feel like it did before Trapped in endless rain Barren moor
And all the vines will find their way Through the dirt and hardened clay
The wind and rain will force decay Moss covers all
This frankly reads pretty well even as spoken word poetry. From the established messages of conflicting ideals of faith, self, and loss, we are given the line 'Trapped in endless rain, barren moor.' This deep into the album the layers have been stripped away, and we get the image of rocks, stripped and naked (barren) being exposed to the harsh elements of rain (water) again. Over time, despite everything, this allows moss and roots to crack and mold them. Neat.
4) Jumping from 'Moss Covers All' immediately into 'The Calm that keeps You Awake'
You fill your home with waves Nothing still can stay When the storm starts to recede Parting clouds reveal your grief Nothing still can stay
Hey look at that! Water enacting change again. Who'da thunk? While not super overt and beating you over the head every track, the album continues its steady use of the metaphor. I'm impressed by how lyrically cohesive and well stated the album is, with this never coming across as corny. Again, the imagery lent from the lyrics are both very well done and somewhat understated, especially when examined through the context of typical metalcore lyricism.
5) Closing with 'Sit and Mourn'
Collecting petals of every memory All I'm left with is all I know (I know) Finding my own time to sit and mourn Grief that spreads but will not show
A test at every turn All I focus on is strength I will carry you through fire
Loss we share means swallowing pain Will you inherit my grief If I finally choose to sleep?
"Why'd you leave?" "I feel like I'vе failed."
I really, really like this closing track. The amazing mixing, use of ambience, and killer vocals / instrumentals aside, I found the change in expression super neat here. Once again we are given the notion of grief expressed as petals. i.e. plant life and growth. While capable of shattering and eroding rocks (barren moore, yada yada) it also can create beauty. Grief then once again can be seen as spreading through the soil, unseen from above.
This final use of the recurrent theme is then given its needed closing juxtaposition, as they express the strength needed to 'carry you through fire.' While the grief and doubt expressed thus far has always been in the processing stage, prone to mourning and self reflection, in this last closing cacophony we are seeing the narrator of the album push aside their own feelings to help someone through the immediate feelings of loss and rage and pain that come from a fresh loss. Then, the expressed doubt of if the narrator gives up, will the party they are helping have that fire smolder and die, finding themselves dealing the cold, liquid grief we've heard about up to this point.
The final eerie quote from this track implies that this did happen, and the cycle of the album will continue as this person who could not be helped slips into the thirst for change within their heart, and the constant state of erosion granted by that search.
TL;DR - This album rocks in a lot of ways, and I think the lyrics are a huge part.
submitted by Nohopup to knockedloose [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:59 PropRatActual The Black: Ep117 Pure Evil

What's up all! 4th Wall here! I finally have power returned to my home, and can play a little catch up! This one's a heavy hitter, No NSFW needed (I hope) but if you've got kids, be warned.
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A bright flash of blues and whites spat a greyish black object into normal space a mere one hundred Clicks from physical asteroid cloud that provided a natural barrier into the Lurix system. USN Olyvia’s drives instantly flared to life, and she made for the outer edges of the asteroid field with a purposeful stride. The senior Crew was at hand, having alternated shifts so they were well rested for this endeavor. Captain Correllus Grarzia shifted in his chair slightly, watching with interest as his star helmsman switched from his standard control configuration to a more “analog” twin joystick and pedals. ‘The kid really should be piloting a fighter’ he mused just as the young lad turned to look at him. “Ready, skipper”

“Take us in. All ahead slow.” Cory ordered calmly, before keying up the ship wide broadcasting channel. “This is the captain. We’ve just entered the Lurix system. Rig for silent running. I repeat, rig for silent running.” All across the ship, nonessential systems were shut down; their lack of electronic signature aiding the stealth coating on the bulky former troop transport. In engineering. Patrick, Cammy, and the rest of their section powered down a large portion of the larger systems onboard.

Life support was set to emergency backup, with old school oxygen candles lit in special housings that allowed their life-giving emissions to be circulated throughout the ship. Each major section of the vessel had their own supplies of these low-tech solutions, and Olyvia carried enough of these candles to survive for several days without functioning life support if needed.

Only a few were lit this time, using them as an augmentation to allow for minimal use of their perfectly functioning life support systems; and Cammy returned from the compartment just in time to aid in shutting down two thirds of Olyvia’s fusion reactors. This was not usually part of the silent running protocol, but Cory had added it for this mission. While they knew where their target would be, they still knew very little about what defenses awaited them inside the system.

Patrick keyed up the mic, “Engineering reporting in, silent running.”

*acknowledged* came a voice back. And Patrick leaned back in his chair just as Cammy arrived. “Well, that’s that.” He sighed.

Cammy stepped behind his chair, rubbing his shoulders for a second, “candles are lit. Two per section. At this rate we won’t run out for a year.”

Patrick chuckled, standing before looking over at his team, “sandwiches are in the mess hall. Half go now, half after. We’ll wait and go with second shift.” The team nodded and soon. The room was half as full. “Hurry up, and wait” Patrick mused, and turned to the rest. “Hold’em anyone?”

Over the next several days, shifts were kept short with a high rotation frequency. Olyvia picked her way through the natural minefield created by a destroyed world, slipping between the dead planetary shards with deadly caution. She ran quiet, with all but minimal deflectors shut down, and a single detuned laser online on each of her flanks as a last resort against impacts. Cory, Jesse, Patrick, and Cammy met regularly to keep tabs on the ship’s progress. The admiral’s transmission had reached them in time, and the four of them, plus Jacky when she could pry herself from the infirmary, worked to formulate a plan to get into the freighter without killing everyone. They had Hera and Jacobs reports, but those reports also admitted to a certain degree of incredible luck on their part. Things could have gone very differently, and the murder of the freighter during the admiral’s capture operation hinted at a change in tactics from their foe.

Mackenzie’s Privateers had liberated several freighters since they began operations, keeping to their cover as “pirates” by leaving nothing big enough to betray their secrets behind. A few of the other captains had left pieces of inoperative Unity tech, strategically damaged and jettisoned after the fight, as red herrings to convince both the Vorath, and the Thermians that these “pirates” had somehow gotten ahold of Unity warships.

Cory stepped into the cargo bay to meet Patric and Camorra. They were tinkering, carefully he hoped, with one of Olyvia’s harpoon missiles. It was a project triggered by Cammy’s brilliant, if outlandish, idea. “We know these freighters all ran the same codes, and the same infrastructure in their computer cores. Why can’t we hack it. Human computing should be perfectly capable of it.” Cory remembered her words as he stepped up to the two, “at ease” he waved them away as they threatened to salute him, “how’s out little project coming.”

“See for yourself” Patrick smiled handing him a data pad.

Cory took the offered device, quickly scanning through the data, “All I see is Olyvia’s system logs. Did you give me the wrong one?”

Patric smiled evilly, “that is coming from the missile, we found a common power regulator chip that dam near all Delmar freighters use in their integrated core management. Our mole here mimicked that regulators protocols to get into one we installed in a conduit over there” he pointed to an open panel. “It’s designed to cycle through several common chip sets and protocols to get access.”

“You hacked Olyvia?” Cory asked, eyebrow raised in a combination of amusement and irritation.

“Well, “Cammy said calmly, “we had to test it, and Oly’s the only ship close enough…”

“I see…” Cory mused, “it will have to do, we will be reaching the edge of the field in three days, how many of these can you have ready?”

Patrick scratched the red stubble punctuating his jaw line. “Hmm two, maybe three, including that one.” He winced at his captain’s expression, “took us a minute to get the virus right, sorry.”

Cory sounded to himself like a broken record, “I guess that will have to do as well. I’ll leave it to you.” He turned to return to his office but was interrupted half way there by an urgent request for his presence on the bridge.

Jesse rose to greet him as Cory stepped into Olyvia’s command center, and he nodded towards the ready room off to the side. The two of them quickly stepped inside and Jesse closed the door. “Jesse, what’s this about” Cory asked, settling into his desk chair.

Jesse, his first officer, and battle born brother looked at him seriously, “The first of our stealth probes have made it into the system proper….. It’s not good” He tapped at his data pad before handing it to his captain, “The enemy is doing something big down there, and we don’t know what. What we do know, Is that there are three heavy cruisers in orbit, and three more destroyers in floating patrols around the system.”

Cory scrolled through the pad as his first officer made his report, pausing at the same information on the planet’s surface, “These are military installations. This makes no since. We haven’t had a use for Lurix in millennia. It’s always just been a haven for aquatic and semi aquatic species. Why didn’t our intel warn us of this.”

Jesse nodded grimly, “I don’t know for sure, but I have my suspicions.” He reached over, tapping at the tab to open a particular file Cory had yet to find. “We found these in orbit as well.” He pointed to a pair of Delmar constructed freighters, parked in orbit over the marsh world. “I authorized a single transmission to a single drone, uploading Patrick and Camorra’s hacking program into it, and we sent it to one of those freighters... this is what we found.”

Cory opened the indicated file, and felt bile rise in the back of his throat as he watched. “Ready a tight beam, send it back the way we came, Towards Simo.” Jesse looked at his captain in understanding. The risks of transmitting this close to the enemy was a grave risk. Measured against the information they just witnessed; however, it was an absolute necessity. Jesse took the offered tablet, “The Admirals need to see this…. Both of them.”


Clint Stevens groaned as his communicator beeped from his desk. It was a very early morning on a weekend, and Frie had let Natalie stay at her grandparents for the weekend. He quietly slipped from the entanglements of a profoundly comfortable Delmar goddess he had somehow been gifted with as his wife, and silently cursed the inevitable destruction of his plans. The Com was linked to his computer console, and Clint tapped the file as he sat down.

The file opened, beginning with a grim looking Corellus Grarzia who made an intro statement that froze Clint in his thoughts. Before he could begin to prepare himself, images flooded in that turned grogginess into razors edge consciousness ringing with a white hot fury. Frie was ripped from her slumber instantly, reaching for her biometric pistol safe as a response to the unbridled rage she experienced from her husband. It took her a moment to realize that they were not being attacked, and she rushed from their bed, neglecting even basic decency to be by his side.

The two of them watched the Horrors unfold. Children… small children of multiple different races, stacked in a freighter’s hold like cattle, being thrown food like one would an animal. Massive screens played, promising safety and full bellies should they only but kiss the hand of a severe looking Vorath female. All who had not, were treated to daily ice cold sprays mixed with random beatings. He watched as desperate older siblings attempted to shelter their kin from the abuse, often times paying the ultimate price for their valor.

Clint and Frie were spared a further assault on their senses by a beeping light, indicating an urgent call from Clint’s adopted brother. Frie slipped out of view, reaching for a night gown as a furious Mac, accompanied by an equal parts shocked and livid Lyrian, appeared on screen.

“You’ve seen it” Clint stated. There were no barriers between them, no formalities. Only pure truth.

“I have,” Mac rumbled. “Why is it always kids..”

Clint shook his head, “I can have a battle group there in two weeks. It’s not soon enough, but.”

Mac nodded sharply, “I’m redirecting everyone not on critical missions. Simo and Kid are already there with Olyvia. Wisconsin is enroute. We will await your arrival….. Clint…” Clint’s eyes met Mac’s in a joined promise that reached across time and space.

“No, there won’t.” Clint answered, responding to Mac’s unspoken statement.


A week later, The Chancellor Thomas Durrant of the Sol Federation perused the latest transmissions from Unity space. He was due for reelection this coming fall, and it was a close race. His opponent was labelling him a Warmonger, as he was an outspoken proponent of a more active role in the struggle against the Vorath, and it was working. The points were closing in the polls, and The Chancellor had not come out on top with the latest debate results. Humanity simply was not interested in further conflict. For the first time in human history, the vast majority of the Human race was content with peace.

The Chancellor took a sip of his mug as he opened a file from Admiral Stevens marked priority, but not top secret and promptly spit the contents in his mouth back into the mug. It was a complete file on some kind of intelligence operation, and Durrant almost wondered if it had been sent to him in error. The gruesome cover video dispelled that notion as the leader of Humanity itself watched horrors thought long dead play out in front of him. Several minutes later, he closed the file, and opened a message prompt.

“Viktor, are you up.” He typed.

*Yea, Tom. I’m up, the campaign ain’t gonna run itself into the ground.*

Durrant snorted at the dark humor, “Viktor, I was sent something. It changes… everything” he typed, attaching the cover video, and the longer form surveillance recording he had found inside the file from Clint. Several minutes passed in tense silence before…

*Jesus Christ, Tom.*

Tom Durrant took a long slow breath, “Do you still have your man at The Post.” He paused before sending, knowing what he was asking.

*Yea… yea I do, Tom. Are you sure you want to do this. This has ‘it will blow up in my face’ written all over it.*

“I know, but this bigger than me. Do it, and announce a press conference to follow if The Post runs with it.” Durrant typed and sent the last message, closing down his console. He stood slowly, feeling his age for the first time in recent memory, and walked heavily to bed.

The Post ran with the story. In the next 48 hours, the “leaked” scenes of tortured children, some barely more than infants ripped its way into Humanities Psyche. The revelations of what exactly was going on behind Vorath lines assailed Humanity, spurring many to call for blood, and Others to cry hoax. Around and around the political commentators debated, and redebated the shocking footage.

Chancellor Thomas Durrant followed through on his word, and was now stepping up to the platform and the Microphone as promised. He stood there for a full minute, meeting the eyes of as many of the hundreds of reporters before him as he could. The weight of his expression prompted a flurry of flashes as camera drones captured the image. Durrant allowed all of this to happen, waiting until the din of activity settled into a heavy silence. “People of Humanity… By now, you have undoubtedly seen the shocking pictures from the far side of the galaxy. Many of you believe it to be a hoax, a desperate ploy for political points. Allow me to be clear. This is no hoax, I received these disturbing images directly from Admiral Clint Stevens, who is marshalling the forces at his disposal as we speak. He aims to do something about these orbital concentration camps, and I support his actions with the full backing of my authority as Chancellor of the United Sol Federation.”

Durrant paused, letting the information sink in before continuing, “to answer the question as to whether this is a political ploy for points. Let me be perfectly clear, I alone released the footage from inside those torture ships, and I do not care if you believe it to be a political ploy. If Humanity can see the atrocities committed to the young innocents in those images and refuse to stand up for them; I no longer would wish to lead that Humanity. Yes, we are few compared to what we once were, but we have a strength that cannot be fathomed by those who chose to side with pure evil. Make no mistake, any being that is capable of torturing and murdering children deserves the title.” The Chancellor of United Sol skewered the silent crowd with a withering gaze, “All of you here know that I have been an ardent supporter of taking a more active role against this pure evil, and my opponent has made a great many statements regarding my supposed “warmongering”. I believe that to debate him further on this matter is as wasteful as it would be irrelevant. As such, I am suspending my campaign immediately. Pending permission from donors and the campaign review board, I will be donating the totality of my campaign war-chest to the purchase of relief supplies and construction of rehabilitation facilities for these children.” Durrant paused as a wave of gasps swept through the room as a volley of flashes assaulted his eyes. “Holding the position of leader of the Human race seems so insignificant in comparison,” he said softly, almost to himself before scanning the crowd. “The election is 4 months away. If you wish to reelect me, so be it; but know this.” Thomas Durrant rose to his full height, “If you elect me this fall, know that I will use the full weight of this office to unleash the full might of Humanity upon this evil, or I will resign from my post and travel to Unity space myself.”

With that. Chancellor Thomas Durrant spun on his heals and marched off the stage.
If you made it this far, Thank You! I hope you enjoyed the episode. If this if your first time seeing this series, I hope you will join us from the beginning. I do have a patreon that has extra content that is not main story arc, but still cannon shorts, as well as exclusive content from some of my other series. If you believe I've earned it, feel free to give it a look; but know that just coming to hang is already enough.
Have a wonderful rest of your day.
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submitted by PropRatActual to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:59 Own_Tailor9802 Do you know a country called South Korea?

My name is Emily. I'm from the United States and I wanted to end my 20's with a bang, and I'm happy to say that I ended my 20's in Korea.Actually, Korea was not a country that I had much to do with.Originally, I was a person who was immersed in Japanese culture since college.Japanese anime became my friend. There's a lot of interesting things about Japanese anime, like the fact that they depict real places in Japan, and they depict real food, and so I fell in love with Japan, and I even traveled to Japan a couple times, and I thought that Japan was the sum of everything that I longed for.
But then, in my late 20s, I met a friend who would change my life. It was a simple meeting with a long-lost college classmate, Sarah, who had gone on to work at a large firm in New York City, and whom I had shared anime and Japanese food with in my dorm room in college. She told me honestly that she had recently traveled to Korea and was seriously thinking about moving there. Unfortunately, the large company she worked for in New York had recently gone through a business crisis, and she was laid off.
She said that she was confused by the sudden betrayal of a well-known company, and to clear her mind, she went to the airport with the intention of leaving anywhere. She thought she would go to Japan, but when she arrived at the airport, she changed her mind. When she thought back to the places and restaurants she frequented most often while working at the company in New York, she remembered that she often went to Korean streets and Korean supermarkets in New York, and she thought that going to Korea on an impromptu trip was a really good idea, so she chose to go to Korea rather than Japan, which she already knew.
And buying a plane ticket on the spot at the airport was more than twice as expensive as booking a ticket in advance, but Sarah said that she didn't care, because she was depressed after being fired from her job, and she went to the airport to leave, but the curiosity about Korea that came over her made her want to leave right away, even if she had to pay for the expensive plane ticket.
He expressed that although he went to the airport courageously, he knew that the plane ticket would be too expensive, and he thought that maybe he should just go back home again, but his curiosity about Korea came from somewhere deep inside him, and it exploded like a bomb, and he was naturally drawn to it.
Sarah, who likes emotional things like essays and poems in college and enjoys such poetic expressions, but even so, I wondered if it was a little overdone, but when she said that she had been to Korea, I became more focused on her story.
However, I was able to understand why she expressed herself in such an over-the-top way after listening to her Korean stories.
"Korea is an amazing place, the people are so kind and warm, and most of all, the employment system is very well organized. There are many programs and support for job seekers, which is very helpful for people who are in a difficult situation like me."
When Sarah started with this story, I realized that she was really traumatized by being laid off.Now, she had been through a big ordeal and was in the process of recovering from it through Korea, so I decided to focus more on her story."You said you traveled to Korea, so what else did you do?" I asked."For example, what kind of programs were there?" I asked her.
"I happened to visit a job fair in Korea," she said, "where job seekers can get free career counseling and get the training they need." "I got a lot of help there, and it gave me the strength to get back on my feet, and maybe even get a job in Korea." "And most of all, the work culture in Korea is really family-like," she said, "I was impressed by how much my coworkers cared about each other and supported each other."
Sarah said that she was curious about what Korea was like, so she visited a large convention center in Korea and participated in various fairs, one of which was a job fair, and she interviewed with several Korean companies, and the Korean companies were ready to accept her as a colleague if she applied as an American. I also learned that Korea has many companies with global reach, and they are open to foreigners with various experiences, but in Korea, unless it is a large company, people don't prefer them, so if it is a small company, they want foreigners, but there is a sad reality that no one applies.
Unlike in the U.S., where you have to report your performance every week, and if you fall short, you are threatened with termination, Korean companies are definitely not more performance-oriented than in the U.S. They value their employees and do everything together to grow together, not threaten them with termination. In the past, I knew that corporate culture in Asian countries such as Korea was more collectivistic than individualistic, and as a student, I thought that such a collectivistic culture was a bad culture with a high level of disease in Asia, but after experiencing social life in the United States, I heard that the tendency of companies to be extremely individualistic, talking about job insecurity, and treating people ruthlessly, caused me to be fired from a good job overnight, and the future plans I had planned in advance became uncertain, and I even talked about envying the Korean culture that does not have such disadvantages.
Sarah, who has never worked in Korea, but was always afraid of being fired, said that she learned a lot about Korean corporate culture by interviewing many Korean company officials.
She said that she even considered settling down and living in Korea because, besides the culture, there were so many other conveniences and benefits.
She talked about her experience of working in New York, being left alone in the office to get things done because of her performance, having to leave late at night and being afraid to go home, sleeping in the hotel next door, and having to live with the exorbitant rent in Manhattan and the two-hour round-trip commute to work, and how she realized that unlike in the U.S., where it is difficult to see a doctor, she would not have to worry about these things in Korea.
Sarah's story made me even more curious about Korea.The warmth, systematic system, and various charms that she experienced in Korea couldn't help but have a great impact on me.I've been experiencing a lot of stress every day due to the pressure of performance and the threat of being fired, and I've recently been undergoing expensive psychotherapy.I decided to learn more about Korea, and eventually decided to travel to Korea.
Of course, I didn't travel to Korea with the intention of moving to Korea or settling down in Korea, but rather to spend my last 20s in a new country, Korea, and to see a different world than the familiar Japan.
I made my preparations and headed to Korea sooner than I expected, arriving ten days before my birthday and extending my itinerary beyond what I had originally planned, staying in Korea until after my birthday and then flying back to the United States.
The first day I finally arrived in Korea, I started walking around the streets of Seoul.The first thing that greeted me was the warm spring weather in Korea.The sky was clear and the air was crisp.I was told that it is common for Asia to have very bad air quality in the spring due to the influence of China, but I didn't have to deal with that during my trip.
The streets of Korea are very different from the United States, and everything was new to me.There were many beautiful flowers in bloom, and the well-maintained trees were really beautiful.It has been a long time since the common people's neighborhoods in the United States have such beautiful landscaping because of people who destroy these trees and flowers for no reason, or secretly take them and sell them.But this was not the case in Korea.The streets were like a beautiful flower garden.
I was walking down a beautiful street lined with flowers, and I was looking at them, looking at the big big map that was displayed on the screen at the bus stop.I was just curious to see what my neighborhood looked like, so I was looking at the map and taking my time, and a middle-aged woman came up to me and said, "Where are you looking for?" She didn't speak fluent English, but I was so grateful that she was trying to help. I was too embarrassed to tell her that I was just looking at the map, so I told her one of the destinations I was planning to go to, and she gave me direct directions to the place I was looking for, and I was able to get there without any difficulty.This unexpected kindness opened my eyes to the Korean people and warmed my heart at the same time.
I was ready to accept everything in Korea with an open mind.The first impression was very good, I was touched by the kindness of the people.I couldn't ask for anything more from Korea.The food was so fresh and amazing to me.I visited Gwangjang Market, a famous traditional market in Korea.
Unlike a regular restaurant, it was a place where you could sit down and try a variety of food. As a traditional market, it was full of Korean food. There were no pizza, pasta, or burger joints, but I liked it better that way. It was a place where you could see the traditional look and feel curious about everything.
I also tasted foods such as tteokbokki sundae and hotteok.Everything else was fine, but I was a little worried when I first tried sundae because it looked so strange and a little gross, but I decided to give it a try and the moment I put it in my mouth, the rich flavor filled my mouth.Korean food often seems difficult to eat, but when you try it, you can see why it is so popular in Korea.
I stayed at Gwangjang Market for a long time and tried a lot of different foods, especially kimchi and pajeon, which I still remember because of their crispy texture and spicy flavor. I would recommend them to everyone.Experiencing the deep flavors of Korean food firsthand made me fall in love with Korean food.
And then there was a shocking thing that happened to me in Korea.I was having a lot of fun traveling around Korea and everything was interesting, because Korea is really the best place to be, you know, you're running around, you're busy, you're going from place to place, and I had the misfortune of losing my passport, which was really stupid.
I was traveling in Korea, and I got an international call. Someone was calling me from Korea, and when I saw the international call indicator on my phone and realized that the call was from Korea, I had a million questions.
I thought I shouldn't answer the call, but then I realized that it was an international call, and I thought maybe they were calling me because they had some business to take care of. I answered the call, and I was told a really crazy story, because I heard a calm English voice asking if it was Emily, and she introduced herself as a police officer and asked if I could come to the nearest police station.
I thought I had done something terribly wrong, because I had just eaten delicious tteokbokki and sundae, kimchi and pajeon, and I was so happy to eat them, and afterward I was just walking around the streets of Korea, smelling the flowers and seeing the pretty trees.
I started to check my belongings one by one and realized that my small pouch containing my passport and some of the money I had exchanged was missing.
I quickly headed to the police station, which was where I was told to go, and from the front gate, I was controlled as to what I was visiting.
The great thing about Korea is that even for someone like me who doesn't speak Korean, it's not difficult to navigate these government offices. Not all Koreans speak English, but at least the ones I've met have been able to communicate with me in a simple way. Even if they don't speak perfect sentences, they understand most of the words, so I was able to communicate the reason for my visit to the police station.
I had never been to a police station before, even in the U.S., but here I was in Korea, and I was greeted by friendly people.The pouch with my passport in it had my contact information written on the inside, and they said they would contact me with that.The bag was found in a marketplace, and the first person to report it was the stall owner of the place where I had my first sundae.It also had all of my clean, new Korean money in it, which I had exchanged separately.
I was so impressed with how conscientious Koreans are and how good they are that I was able to find the pouch, sign the paperwork, and walk out of the police station.
I went back to Gwangjang Market, and when I got there, the owner recognized me and looked like he was about to say something. I held out the bag and showed it to him, and he smiled and liked it.
I thanked the Korean boss, and we ate another snack on the spot. It was an experience that made me realize how heavenly Korea is.
And like Sarah said, I didn't just want to see how clean and pretty Korea is, I wanted to see what an American working in Korea could do and what life would be like.Through the Reddit community, I was able to get in touch with Americans working in Korea and even met some of them in person.
David, the American I met, works for a company that is not a large Korean company, but rather a small or medium-sized company. As Sarah said, Korea is a country where products are produced for the global market, and many things are actually exported overseas.
However, in Korea, unless it is a large company, every company is experiencing a job shortage, and because of the atmosphere in Korea, where foreigners are not welcome at all, it is not difficult to get a job in a company that specializes in exporting overseas, even if you are in the United States.
And David told me that he put all his passion into the first company he worked for in the U.S., and even made a lot of money for the company, but when he didn't perform, the company fired him without mercy, and he said that he was so shocked, not to mention the feeling of betrayal, that he took depression medication at that time, and it was so hard that he took depression medication, and then he found Korea by chance and settled in Korea, and now he is so happy. He told me that he was fired from his job because of the unrelenting treatment in the U.S., that he found a second chance in Korea, and that he is happy with his life here.
I'm not sure I have the courage to move to Korea right now, but I learned that there are a lot of people like Sarah and David who have been hurt so badly that they end up leaving the country. I'm scared that this could be my future, but I also learned that Korea is an option for me if it happens to me.My trip ended like this: experiencing the culture, food, and hospitality of Korea, and getting to meet and talk to Americans living in Korea, made my trip much more rewarding than my trip to Japan, which could have been an anime trip.
Korea has given me new perspectives and experiences, shattered my notion that Japan is only good, broadened my horizons, and opened my eyes to another gem that is Korea.
I now like to say to my friends, "Go to Korea, you'll see how good it is." Korea has taught me so much, and I will cherish my experience in Korea, which now holds a special place in my heart.
If Sarah goes to Korea and settles down, I will be there to congratulate her and support her in her new relationship in Korea.
submitted by Own_Tailor9802 to u/Own_Tailor9802 [link] [comments]