Ls 2009 map mit fahrsilo und g lle mod

Adresse Neubaugebiet nicht in Google Maps

2024.05.16 22:33 LandscapeOdd4197 Adresse Neubaugebiet nicht in Google Maps

Wir bauen gerade in einem Neubaugebiet und unsere Straße ist leider nicht korrekt in Google Maps verzeichnet, mit dem Resultat, dass z.B. Möbellieferungen x-mal hintertelefonieren muss, um den Standort zu erklären. Ich nenne dann immer die nächste korrekte Querstraße mit Hausnummer (in Google Maps drin)… alles sehr mühsam.. in Google Maps habe ich vor Wochen einen Korrektur Antrag gestellt, aber bisher noch keine Rückmeldung…die Gemeinde weiß auch nicht weiter, im Katasteramt oder wie das heißt ist alles korrekt drin…habt ihr noch andere Ideen??
submitted by LandscapeOdd4197 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:27 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun (2x) epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp, AD
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail, Fixer
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow, Lever
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Em
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, Handmade
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle, Fixer
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR, Gauss riffle, tommy gun,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, , Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP, Handmade
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/WWR mixed scout set
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:14 UnderstandingNo9372 Kündigungsfrist Probezeit HR Planlos?

Hallo zusammen,
ich habe eine Frage zu meiner Kündigungsfrist in der Probezeit und brauche eure Hilfe.
Wichtige Informationen:
Laut Arbeitsvertrag, gelten die Kündigungsfristen die im Manteltarifvertrag geregelt sind.
Der aktuell gültige Manteltarifvertrag ist der Manteltarifvertrag mit der IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie vom 24. Juni 1992 in der Fassung vom 16. März 2009
Ich hab einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag
Mein Problem:
Ich möchte in der Probezeit das Unternehmen verlassen, finde im Manteltarifvertrag aber keine genauen Angaben, wie lange nun die Kündigungsfrist in der Probezeit ist. Unter § 11Beginn und Ende des Arbeitsverhältnisses II. Probezeit und befristete Arbeitsverhältnisse 1 steht folgendes:
Die Vereinbarung einer Probezeit ist zulässig, soweit nicht ein befristetes Arbeitsverhältnis in gleicher Tätigkeit vorangegangen ist. Sie ist schriftlich zu vereinbaren. Ihre Dauer bemisst sich nach den Verhältnissen des Einzelfalls, insbesondere nach der Art der auszuübenden Tätigkeit und darf 6 Monate nicht überschreiten.
Bei einer Probezeit von bis zu 3 Monaten kann das Arbeitsverhältnis beiderseits unter Einhaltung einer Kündigungsfrist von 3 Tagen gelöst werden, bei einer längeren Probezeit beträgt die beiderseitige Kündigungsfrist einen Monat zum Monatsende.
Gilt dies nur, wenn ich einen befristet Vertrag habe oder auch bei einem unbefristeten Vertrag? Wenn ich es richtig verstehe, geht es in diesem Absatz doch auch um die normale Probezeit und nicht nur um die Kombination von Probezeit und befristeten Arbeitsverhältnisse.
Unter III. Ende des Arbeitsverhältnisses 2. Für die Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses gelten, soweit im Tarifvertrag nichts anderes bestimmt ist, die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.
und unter III 3. Für die Kündigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses durch den Arbeitgeber oder den Arbeitnehmer gelten folgende Kündigungsfristen; dabei ist maßgebend die Summe aus Lebens- und Unternehmenszugehörigkeitsjahren (Messzahl): Bis zu einer Unternehmenszugehörigkeit von 2 Jahren 2 Wochen, ...]
Jemand von HR hat mir gesagt, dass für mich zwei Wochen gelten, aber ohne Begründung. Im Vertrag steht jedoch das o.g.
Kann mir hier jemand weiterhelfen?
Liebe Grüße!
submitted by UnderstandingNo9372 to arbeitsleben [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:33 lilamima Bin ich zu empfindlich?

Hallo ihr Lieben, ich suche Rat, ich weiß einfach nicht ob ich zu empfindlich bin oder ob mein Ärger berechtigt ist.
Zur Situation: Ich (w, Mitte 30) seit Kindheit Allergiker ( u.a. Katze, Nüsse), Histaminunverträglichkeit, allergisches Asthma.
Kind1 (3J) Neurodermitis (reagiert sehr auf Katzenhaare), verdacht auf Histaminunverträglichkeit (muss aufpassen mit Tomaten, Erdbeeren, Nüsse) Asthma
Kind2 (1,5J) seit Baby extreme Neurodermitis mit Verdacht auf Kuhmilch und Hühnerei Allergie (hat sogar über die Muttermilch reagiert, sprich ich musste auf Milchprodukte und Ei verzichten)
Die o.g. Punkte sollten der Familie bekannt sein, da sie immer wieder hauptsächlich von mir und auch von meinem Mann erwähnt werden. Ich bringe eigentlich immer mein /unser eigenes Essen mit bzw. mache Salat/Kuchen der für alle Gäste ist aber mit verträglichen Zutaten, da bei Familien feiern, unsere Allergien/Unverträglichkeiten„vergessen“ werden. Hauptsächlich von meiner Schwiegermutter. Ich bin es einfach leid! Für den neuen Freund einer Nichte besorgt jeder Laktosefreie Milch. Für die Nichte einer Tante werden die tollsten veganen Torten gebacken, weil sie freiwillig auf tierischen Produkte verzichtet. Und bei uns geht man auf die Allergien/Unverträglichkeiten nicht ein. Meine Kinder bekommen dann bspw. zu Ostern einen AlpenMILCH Hasen mit Haselnussmasse 😡! Oder wir bekommen wie jedes Mal den besonderen Sitzplatz direkt neben dem Katzenbaum zugewiesen 😭Wo ich noch stärker auf die Katzenhaare reagiere.
Nun steht der Geburtstag von meinem Schwiegervater an, ich habe angeboten Salat oder Kuchen mitzubringen. Angebot abgelehnt, sie hat schon alles verplant und braucht nichts mehr. Allerdings fragte sie mich, ob ich das geplante Abendessen Essen mitessen kann oder ob sie mir die Alternative für die Laktose- und Fruktoseintolerante Schwägerin machen soll (komplett andere Problematik, aber immerhin wird auf diesen Gast seit Jahren bei allem Rücksicht genommen). Aber auch, ob das Essen für die Kinder infrage kommt, wird nicht gefragt, zu mal sie extra noch erwähnte, dass Sahne (Milchallergie!) im Essen ist. Nun, da mein Angebot für Kuchen abgelehnt wurde, fragte ich nochmal nach, was es alles gäbe, damit sie vielleicht nochmal von allein auf die Idee kommt, dass da nichts für uns dabei ist (Erdbeerkuchen, Sahnetorte, Nusskuchen) Aber Fehlanzeige. Mir ist es leid, ständiger zu sagen „Aber ist nichts für uns weil Milch, Ei etc“. Will mich/uns durch die Allergien nicht in den Mittelpunkt drängen und erwarte auch nicht, dass alles extra für uns zubereitet wird. Ich bin ein Mensch, der niemandem zur Last fallen will. Ich verstehe einfach nur nicht, warum man es sich als SchwiegermutteOma nicht einfach merken kann? Interessiert sie das nicht? Geht sie davon aus, dass ich nur übertreibe und da keine Allergien/Unverträglichkeiten sind? Warum sagt sie, dass sie keinen Salat/Kuchen von mir braucht? So könnte ich doch was verträgliches zubereiten und niemand bräuchte sich Gedanken und einen extra Aufwand machen. ☹️Ich werde natürlich für uns was mitbringen aber so ist es wieder „die extra Wurst“, wäre der Salat oder Kuchen für alle Gäste gedacht würde es nicht so auffallen und wir würden nicht aus der Reihe tanzen.
Übertreibe ich? Ist es zu viel verlangt sich unsere Problematik zu merken? Was meint ihr? Ich danke euch für eure ehrliche Einschätzung!
submitted by lilamima to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:14 snaggletoothloppy Wildermyth: Omenroad is Available NOW!!!

Wildermyth: Omenroad is Available NOW!!!
Wildermyth: Omenroad is now available for purchase! Alternatively, we have a bundle with the base game, Armors and Skins DLC, and Omenroad available at 15% off.
A note: the French translation is not quite complete yet. We'll be pushing a patch with the translation as soon as it's ready!
A little bonus- we're on sale for Steam's Endless Replayability Fest! You can get Wildermyth for 30% off until May 20th. It's the perfect time to pick up the main game and our DLCs if you haven't already!

Wildermyth: Omenroad

The Omenroad DLC gives you a new way to play Wildermyth. For the fighters, we have a roguelike ​​tactical challenge mode with progression across runs. And for the lovers, we have A Walk in the Unlight, a huge new story campaign that uses the Omenroad format to take your heroes past the edge of the Yondering Lands and into worlds beyond.

Challenge Modes

Legacy Heroes and Greenhorns alike run a gauntlet of battles, each increasing in difficulty. A node map replaces the Overland map and your party chooses a path by following your appetite for risk and reward.
Transformations, pets, and other rewards are present within the fights themselves, making it a tactical choice which ones to pick up. As a challenge mode, Omenroad runs don’t take place within a larger story and you won’t encounter random story events.
At the end of a run, promote your favorite heroes and bring them back into the base game. In between runs, increase Peril for more of a challenge and equip Odes to make your party stronger.
You’ll get:
  • 20 new boss fights
  • 20 new unlockable artifacts and augments
  • New Shadow spirit and Shadow weapons to discover in both Omenroad and the base game
  • 75 new battle maps with new objectives
  • A “Wall of Fame” with twelve challenge-based titles for heroes to earn
And for those hungry for another Wildermyth campaign…

You Are Invited to the Neverbefore Ball!

Our new campaign uses the Omenroad format to tell a Wildermyth story, following two adventurers into Netherflare, the land of the lost. There they encounter faces both fresh and familiar, crossing the phantom-lands of a thousand Yonderings to arrive at a mystical ballroom in a dragon’s castle.
As in the challenge modes, a node map will replace the Overland map and no random story events will occur. Instead, all the stories you’ll encounter have been written specifically for this campaign, making it our [b]most extensively written campaign[/b], by [i]far[/i].
Expect to find:
  • A sprawling story that touches on the lore of all our previous campaigns
  • A new biome: Netherflare!
  • More than 25 new battle maps!
Come see what weird wonders will upend you, and who might wander at your side, as you take A Walk in the Unlight.

1.16+533 Omenroad

Added sfx for bird legs, volley of arrows, drauvenBirdMarkPrey,
Adjusted tile range feedback for barrage and stunning barrage
Drauven Wingbeat and Bird Debuff now deal Physical Damage instead of True Damage
Adjusted Ulstryx chapter 1 objective text to clarify that other
sites must be cleared before doing the capstone fight
Double-hyphens replaced with em-dashes
Screen edge pan no longer happens while in controller mode
(fixes issue where sometimes the screen would scroll to the
top-left if the mouse position was there)
Legacy saving now happens less often in certain cases, resulting in
less hitches during gameplay
Save file note dialog is now a single-line text input
Shred sound no longer plays when shredding warding
Various translation fixes
Fix a bug where dreamsOfIcarus could happen multiple times per campaign
Fix a bug with ambient audio often being silent when it shouldn't be
(You may hear more nature noises now during battles than you used to)
Fix a bug where set pieces that were very close to the camera
would be visible, blocking the player's view
Fix a bug where loredump could happen through walls
Fix a bug where Stalwart+ prevented Crystal Chrysalis
Fix a bug where sometimes enemies would visually hover over their ending tile
Fixed issue with mysticF mythic vines theme skin
Fix a bug with burning arrow not being able to shoot at as
long a range with elemental bows
Fixed bug where scenery with >20 health couldn't be splinterblasted
Friendly Fire warning no longer shows damage dealt to scenery
"Refresh" editor button now does a better job of actually refreshing mods
Combat Lab can now show any mission plan, even without a scenario
Added "ignoreRestrictions" option to ApplyTheme Outcome
Added "ifChoiceNumLessThanOrEquals" and "sortByScore" fields to
AbilityTarget Options
Added NUM_ENEMIES expression variable, which will get the number
of enemies in the current mission
Added isMatchText expression, useful for checking parameter text
Added "particleNumData_V" particle function, which can be used to
get data from a given particle number
Can now match ONE_FURTHEST relative to a role with multiple matches
Added "CAN_ROMANCE_LOOSE" variable, which checks family and forbidden
romance (e.g. skeleton), but ignores existing relationships,
forbidRandomRomances, and attraction.
Particles: adjusted and e.time to not reset when done looping
Particles: added tileIsVisible variable, which returns 1 if the mission
tile is not in fog of war, and 0 otherwise
Particles: Added vx, vy, vz, and velocity particle vars
Added "useExistingEmitter" option to particle animation outcomes
Added alwaysShow and forbidMonsterDestroy options to CountScenery objective
Added animationCustom field for movement animations
Can now spawn a random card of a monster type via Spawn Outcome
Fixed bug where rigOverridePriority aspect was deleted
Added "For" outcome, which can be used to execute an outcome
a certain number of times
Added WAS_ATTACKED_DELAYED effect trigger
Added MISSION_VICTORY hero trigger
Added POSITION_X and POSITION_Y expression variables
Fixed bug where Loop Next Action checkbox in combat lab would
sometimes use a previous action
Added grant random gear cheat (Shift+Ctrl+G) that grants some gear
based on class and randomness
Added EQUAL_TO Test
submitted by snaggletoothloppy to wildermyth [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:13 Freeman_Alex [WTS] ⚜️⚜️⚜️Freeman Shipyard Store vol.4⚜️⚜️⚜️ OC LTI Pulse/LX +Dominion Paint $25 ⚜️Prowler to Hull D CCU $45 ⚜️Hull D to Orion CCU $50 ⚜️CHEAP WARBOND CCU ⚜️QuickSALE ⚜️Open24/7 ⚜️Good Prices&Trade History ⚜️Original LTI Concepts ⚜️Subscribers Exclusive Items ⚜️Rare Paints ⚜️JUST WRITE ME

⚜️ Freeman Old Star Shipyard of Tortuga ⚜️


CCU - FROM -> TO Save $ Warbond Bonus Price
Razor Retaliator Base - - $7
Prowler 600i BIS 2953 🔥 +paint & poster $40
Hull D Orion $50 120m $50
Prowler Hull D $65 - $45
Razor SRV $15 - $5

⚜️ ➤ If you want to buy something, SEND PM me or send me DM to AlexFreeman#8529 in Discord. ⚜️

My old store pages with trade history: vol.1, vol.2, vol.3

Tip: Use on keyboard to search for the ship you want  
⚜️ ➤ I want to buy store credits ⚜️ I am waiting for your commercial offers  


Quantity Price, $
1 referral $--
5+ referral $-- for each
Information about rewards can be found here - Consider using my referral code STAR-57F5-QBC9 when creating a new account and receive 5000 UEC in game. 🔥Anyone who uses my referral code becomes my guest of honor and receives discounts in my store🔥

🔥Hot discounts🔥

Item Insurance Price,$(CCU-ed)
Pulse +Dominion Paint LTI $25🔥
Pulse LX +Dominion Paint LTI $25🔥
F7C Hornet Mk II +Ironscale Paint LTI $160🔥
600I BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $575🔥
Redeemer BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $430🔥
Corsair BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $350🔥
Vulture BIS 2953 +Paint&Poster OC 10y $275🔥
600i Explorer BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket CCU'd LTI $400🔥
MERCURY STAR RUNNER BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket CCU'd LTI $210🔥
LTI Upgrade - Reliant Kore to CNOU Nomad LTI $80
LTI Upgrade - 315P to CNOU Nomad LTI $100
M50 Subscriber Edition LTI $98
Cutlass RED Subscriber Edition LTI $133
Mantis Subscriber Edition LTI $148
Sabre Subscriber Edition LTI $168
Add-Ons - Endeavor Telescope Pod 10y $135
Add-Ons - Endeavor Biodome Pod 10y $110
Add-Ons - Endeavor Fuel Pod 10y $40
Add-Ons - AEGIS Idris P After Market Kit LTI $260


Item Insurance Includes Price

⚜️ ➤ ORIGINAL CONCEPTS and Cross-Chassis Upgraded ships:

Item Insurance CCU-ed Original concept ♻
100I LTI $60 -
125A LTI $60 -
135c LTI $65 -
300I LTI $60 -
315P LTI $65 -
325A LTI $70 -
350R LTI $145 -
400I LTI $235 -
600I TOURING LTI $390 -
600I EXPLORER LTI $400 -
600i Explorer BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket LTI $400 -
890 JUMP - IAE 10 years - $1250
A1 SPIRIT LTI $160 -
A1 SPIRIT + Intrepid Paint LTI - $255
A2 HERCULES - IAE 2949 10 years - $750
Ares Inferno LTI $235 -
Ares ION LTI $235 -
Argo MOLE LTI $299 -
Avenger Titan - IAE 2949 10 years - $67
BLADE LTI $245 -
C1 SPIRIT LTI $110 -
CORSAIR + Name Reservation LTI - $777
CUTLASS BLUE 10 years - $175
C8X PISCES EXPEDITION - IAE 2949 10 years - $62
CYDNUS LTI - In Development
E1 SPIRIT LTI $135 -
E1 SPIRIT + Olympia Paint LTI - $235
F7A HORNET LTI - In Development
F8C LIGHTNING LTI - In Development
Fury +Leatherback Paint LTI - $80
Fury MX +Leatherback Paint LTI - $80
GALAXY + Protector Paint LTI - $450
GENESIS Starliner LTI $385 -
GLAIVE 🛸 LTI $295 -
HAWK LTI $102 -
HULL A LTI $90 -
HULL B LTI $125 -
HULL E 10 years - $777
KHARTU-AL 🛸 LTI $155 -
LYNX + Moonrise Paint LTI - $105
MERCURY STAR RUNNER 10 years - $250
MERCURY STAR RUNNER BIS 2951 + Paint & Jacket LTI $210 -
MPUV Cargo - ILW 10 years - $40
NOMAD LTI $80 $110
ORIGIN G12 (Touring) LTI - $78
ORIGIN G12A (Combat) LTI - $88
ORIGIN G12R (Racing) LTI - $78
ORION LTI $560 -
PERSEUS - ILW 10 years - $690
PERSEUS + Thundercloud Paint - VIP Exclusive LTI - $900
PIONEER - IAE 10 years - $1150
POLARIS - ILW 10 years - $760
RAILEN 🛸🚚 LTI $190 -
RAFT 🚚 LTI $115 -
RANGER RC 10 years - $50
RANGER TR 10 years - $50
RAZOR LTI $130 -
RETALIATOR BOMBER 10 years - $280
REDEEMER - ILW 10 years - $300
ROC LTI - $140
ROC Subscribers Exclusive LTI $60 -
ROC Subscribers Exclusive 12m - $54
ROC-DS LTI $75 -
SAN'TOK.YĀI LTI $205 $400
SABRE LTI $155 -
SPARTAN LTI $80 $100
STORM + Summit Paint LTI - $130
STV + Blue Steel Paint LTI - $55
SRV LTI $135 -
TALON LTI $115 -
VALKYRIE BIS 2950 10 years - -
Zeus Mk II ES +Solstice Paint LTI - $235
Zeus Mk II CL +Solstice Paint LTI - $235
Zeus Mk II MR +Solstice Paint LTI - $270





Item Price
2951 Auspicious Red Paint Pack $22
2952 Auspicious Red Paint Pack $24
Nomad - 2951 Auspicious Red Paint $11
Freelancer - 2951 Auspicious Red Paint $14
Constellation - 2952 Auspicious Red Paint $14
Sabre - 2952 Auspicious Red Paint $12
Lovestruck Paint Pack $26
HoverQuad - Lovestruck Paint $8
MPUV - Lovestruck Paint $8
Cyclone - Lovestruck Paint $8
Arrow - Lovestruck Paint $8
Nomad - Lovestruck Paint $10
RAFT - Lovestruck Paint $10
SRV - Lovestruck Paint $11
Scorpius - Lovestruck Paint $14
Ares - Lovestruck Paint $14
Mole - Lovestruck Paint $16
Ghoulish Green 4 Paint Pack $32
Mule - Ghoulish Green Paint $6
Herald - Ghoulish Green Paint $8
Vulture - Ghoulish Green Paint $12
Caterpillar - Ghoulish Green Paint $12
Buccaneer - Ghoulish Green Paint $9
Cutlass - Ghoulish Green Paint $8
Dragonfly - Ghoulish Green Paint $8
Avenger - Invictus 2950 Blue and Gold Paint $10
Aurora - Invictus 2950 Blue and Gold Paint $10
Constellation - 2950 Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $18
Cyclone - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $8
Galaxy - Protector Paint $15
Gladius - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $12
Gladius - Solar Winds Paint $11
Hawk - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $10
Hercules Starlifter - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $20
Hornet - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $10
Reliant - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $8
Retaliator - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $28
Vanguard - Invictus Blue and Gold Paint $18
Aphorite Mining Paint Pack $35
Dolivine Mining Paint Pack $35
Hadanite Mining Paint Pack $35
Overdrive Racing Paint Pack $11
Slipstream Racing Paint Pack $11
Turbocharged Racing Paint Pack $11
Aspire Paint Pack $18
Central Tower Paint Pack $18
Hosanna Paint Pack $18
100 Series - Sand Wave Paint $8
100 Series - Melrose Paint $8
400i - Meridian Paint $20
400i - Penumbra Paint $20
600i - Cold Forge Paint $14
600i - Sterling Paint $19
Arrastra - Nocturne Paint $17🔥
Aurora ILW 2950 Paint Pack $18
Aurora - Light and Dark Grey Paint $8
Aurora - Green and Gold Paint $8
Avenger ILW 2950 Paint Pack $20
Avenger - Solar Winds Paint $10
Avenger - Copernicus Paint $8
Avenger - Kepler Paint $8
Avenger - De Biasio Paint $8
Centurion - Beachhead Paint $8
Constellation ILW 2950 Paint Pack $27
Constellation - Dark Green Paint $13
Cutlass Black - Skull & Crossbones Paint $12
Defender - Platinum Paint $15
Defender - Harmony Paint $15
LIBERATOR - VIP exclusive Condor Paint $33🔥
Mercury Star Runner - 2951 Fortuna Paint $14
MOLE Aphorite Paint $12
MOLE Dolivine Paint $12
MOLE Hadanite Paint $12
Nox - Harmony Paint $8
Odyssey - Windrider Paint $28
PERSEUS - A VIP exclusive, the Thundercloud Paint $33🔥
Prospector Aphorite Paint $11
Prospector Dolivine Paint $11
Prospector Hadanite Paint $11
Prowler - Ocellus Paint $20
Prowler - Harmony Paint $20
Railen - Hyaotan Paint $20
Retaliator ILW 2950 Paint Pack $38
Reclaimer Aphorite Paint $15
Reclaimer Dolivine Paint $15
Reclaimer Hadanite Paint $15
ROC Aphorite Paint $7
ROC Dolivine Paint $7
ROC Hadanite Paint $7
Scorpius - Stinger Paint $30
Scorpius - Tiburon Paint $12
STV - Blue Steel Paint $5
Talon - Cobalt Paint $10
Talon - Crimson Paint $10
Talon - Ocellus Paint $10
Talon - Harmony Paint $10
Talon - Paint Pack $30
Valkyrie ILW 2950 Paint Pack $40
Vanguard - Solar Winds Paint $15
Zeus Mk II - Solstice Paint $12


Set Includes Price
Takuetsu Replica Figurines 6 exhibits $35
Kastak Arms Custodian SMG CitizenCon 2947 Edition 1 item $30
Atzkav "DEADEYE" Sniper rifle 1 item $10
Yubarev "DEADEYE" Pistol 1 item $10
WowBlast "Blue" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Orange" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Red" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
WowBlast "Teal" Desperado Toy Pistol 1 item $8
Overlord Helmets DOUBLE TROUBLE 2 items $7
Overlord Helmets FORCES OF NATURE 2 items $7
Overlord Helmets SILENT STRIKE 2 items $7
Overlord "Dust Storm" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Predator" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Riptide" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Stinger" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Supernova" Armor Set 3 items $9
Overlord "Switchback" Armor Set 3 items $9
Caudillo Helmets Pack 1 2 items $8
Caudillo Helmets Pack 2 2 items $8
Caudillo Helmets Pack 3 2 items $8
NIGHTFIRE - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
SINGULARITY - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
ICEBORN - Paladin Helmet 1 item $6
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – ORANGE 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – LIME 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – BLUEBERRY 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – GRAPE 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmet – GUAVA 1 item $8
Fieldsbury Dark Bear Sinister SIX-PACK 6 items $26
Giocoso Helmet - Azure 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Ivory 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Obsidian 1 item $7
Giocoso Helmet - Triple Pack 1 item $15
Sawtooth "Sirocco" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Sawtooth "Squall" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Sawtooth "Bloodstone" Combat Knife 1 item $5
Pyro RYT "Ghost" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
Pyro RYT "Mirage" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
Pyro RYT "Bloodline" Multi-Tool 1 item $6
GP-33 Mod "ASHFALL" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
GP-33 Mod "COPPERHEAD" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
GP-33 Mod "THUNDERCLAP" Grenade Launcher 1 item $9
Aves Armor & Helmet Set 4 items $16
Aves Talon Shrike Armor and Helmet Set 4 items $16
Aves Talon Armor and Helmet Set 4 items $16
Neoni "Jami" Helmet 1 item $7
Neoni "Onna" Helmet 1 item $7
Neoni "Tengubi" Helmet 1 item $7
Star Kitten Set 4 items $14
Star Kittyen "SALLY" Set 4 items $14
Star Kittyen "DAMON" Set 4 items $14
Pembroke RSI Sunburst Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Pembroke RSI Ivory Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Pembroke RSI Graphite Exploration Armor 3 items $15
Morozov Aftershock Armor 5 items $15
Morozov Terracotta Armor 5 items $15
Morozov Thule Armor 5 items $15
Sakura Fun Green ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Sakura Fun Blue ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Sakura Fun White ORC-mkX Armor Bobblehead 1 item $7
Zeus Exploration Suit 3 items $15
Zeus Exploration Suit Solar 3 items $15
Zeus Exploration Suit Starscape 3 items $15
Xanthule Flight Suit 2 items $13
Xanthule Sehya Flight Suit 2 items $13
Xanthule Tahn Flight Suit 2 items $13
CSP-68L Backpack Night Camo 1 item $6
CSP-68L Backpack Cayman 1 item $6
CSP-68L Backpack Forest Camo 1 item $6
CitizenCon 2951 Digital Goodies 7 items $10
CitizenCon 2951 Trophy 7 items $10

⚜️➤ SHIP UPGRADES - CROSS-CHASSIS UPGRADES (CCUs, upgrades), some upgrades can be chain in few steps CCU's:

SHIP TARGET SHIP < Upgrade from Price
ARROW < 100i $30
CUTLASS RED Subscriber
GLADIUS < 100i $45
PERSEUS < CARRACK Expedition W/C8X $40



submitted by Freeman_Alex to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:02 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun (2x) epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp, AD
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail, Fixer
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow, Lever
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Em
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, Handmade
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle, Fixer
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR, Gauss riffle, tommy gun,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, , Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP, Handmade
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/WWR mixed scout set
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:36 Aluniah Toxische Arbeitsverhältnisse bei Julien Bam?
AndrePlusPlus, ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter von Julien Bam, hat gerade ein Video namens "Der Influencer-Leitfaden zur Ausbeutung deiner Arbeitskräfte" veröffentlicht. In einem vorherigen Video hatte er zur AnniTheDuck-Problematik Stellung genommen und insbesondere über die Arbeit mit ihr an den Videos mit Julien Bam berichtet (Kurzfassung: Sie kam nicht gut weg, kann man im Anni-Thread nachlesen.) In diesem Kritikvideo an Anni, schwang aber auch schon vorsichtige Kritik an Julien mit, der "mal eben" das gesamte Setteam stundenlang warten lies, wenn Anni Hilfe brauchte. In dem neuen Video zählt er 19. Tipps zur Ausbeutung auf. Es gibt viele Hinweise darauf, dass er sich dabei auf sein Arbeitsverhältnis bei Julien Bam bezieht, erwähnt aber auch (Punkt 18), als Tipp, Mitarbeiter verbindlich zum Schweigen zu verpflichten: "Pausiere die Arbeit und lass sie mal eben eine NDA (= "Non-Disclosure-Agreement/Schweigevereinbarung) unterzeichnen, das immense Vertragsstrafen vorsieht." (....) Schaffe so eine Atmosphäre, in der unausgesprochen klar wird, dass das Arbeitsverhältnis gleich beendet werden könnte, falls nicht unterschrieben wird." Sollte er sich hier auf Julien Bam beziehen, kann man also davon ausgehen, dass er einen NDA unterschrieben hat und deshalb alles so versteckt äußert.
In seinem Ausbeutungs-Leitfaden empfiehlt er u.a.:
  1. Such dir Leute, die was drauf haben, aber keine Profis sind. Leidenschaftliche Amateure, die [....]keinen Plan davon haben, was ihre Arbeit eigentlich wert ist. (Er erwähnt im AnniTheDuck Video, dass er als Quereinsteiger aus einem Job ohne große Perspektiven zu Julien Bam kam.)
  2. Lass sie [...] unverbindlich reinschnuppern. Falls sich diese Person als nicht brauchbar erweist, hast du zumindest für einen Tag eine kostenlose Arbeitskraft gehabt. Verkaufe Gefälligkeiten dir gegenüber immer als einzigartige Chance, sich Referenzen aufzubauen, die extrem viel wert sind. (Das erinnert an das JB-Fangirl, dass er im AnniTheDuck Video zu Wort kommen lässt, dass auch mal einen Tag "unverbindlich reinschnuppern" durfte.)
  3. Vermittle das Gefühl von Kameradschaft und schaffe die Illusion einer familien Atmosphäre. [...] oder später "Festige hier unbedingt immer die Illusion einer bevorstehenden Freundschaft. (aus 8.)
  4. Biete eine unterbezahlte Teilzeitstelle an oder bezahle auf Auftragsbasis. [...] Sprich nie über die Hundertausenden oder sogar Millionen, die du über Werbedeals machst und jammere stets vor dich hin, wie du das nur alles bezahlen sollst. (....) -> Wer erinnert sich auch noch an Juliens-Jammer-Steuervideo, das inhaltlich totaler Quatsch war?
  5. Hilf bei der Suche einer Wohnung in unmittelbarer Nähe. Erwähne auch immer wieder, wie praktisch es doch sei, [...] weil man dann ja immer nach Hause kann, wenn gerade nichts zu tun ist. - Keine Sorge Freizeit wird es nicht geben. [..]
  6. [...] Nutze [..] stets Ausreden wie "Sorry, gerade ist es echt stressig". [..] Wirke überfordert und besorgt. Dein neuer Buddy wird dich schon nicht hängen lassen.
  7. Widerhole Schritt 9 immer und immer wieder. Irgendwann fallen Details wie "Teilzeitvertrag" und "Arbeitnehmerschutz" unter den Tisch. Sowieso seid ihr nur eine Gruppe von Freunden, die zusammen an einem Traum arbeiten. (...)
  8. Unterbinde Urlaubstage und Gehaltserhöhungen so gut es geht. Sorge dafür, dass sich deine Angestellten ständig nach deinem Terminplan richten müssen. (...)
Andere Punkte beschreiben gezieltes "Zuckerbrot und Peitsche", um die günstigen Mitarbeiter bei der Stange zu halten - je nachdem, ob sie gerade dankbar für die Chance sind oder bessere Arbeitsbedingungen inkl. Gehalt einfordern. "Good buddys" werden öffentlich gelobt und es wird ihnen ermöglicht eine eigene Followerschaft aufzubauen, die aber nicht groß genug werden darf, um selbst einflussreich zu sein. Kritiker bekommen keine Plattform mehr. Sind sie leicht zu ersetzen, wird entlassen mit toxischen Kommentaren á la "Du bist glaube ich nicht für den Stress gemacht, den diese Branche mit sich bringt.". Es soll stets das Gefühl aufrecht erhalten werden, dass die Arbeitskräfte dem Influencer etwas schuldig sind.
Punkt 17 passt zufällig schon sehr gut zum Image von Julien Bam:
"Gib dich nach Außen stats als lustiger, selbstironischer Spaß-Asi. Mach Witze darüber, wie du dein Team ausbeutest und was du für ein "schlechter Mensch" bist, sprich aber gleichzeitig öffentlich immer davon, dass ihr ja Freunde oder besser noch eine kleine Familie seid.Behandle auch ernste gesellschaftliche Tehmen, um dich als guten Menschen zu inszenieren und damit auch jeder weiß, dass du ja im Innern ein guter korrekter Mensch bist. Sollten so einmal Zweifel laut werden, wissen alle, dass du den Asozialen ja nur spielst. (...)
Jetzt wird also nicht nur aus dem Umfeld von AnniTheDuck dreckige Wäsche gewaschen.
Vielleicht könnte der AnniTheDuck-Skandal dazu führen, dass mehr Influencer wegen ihrer toxischen Arbeitsverhältnisse exposed werden. Mir persönlich sind mehr Fälle bekannt, in denen viel Arbeit gar nicht bezahlt wurde. Das betraf insbesondere Mods, Grafiker, Assistenten jeglicher Art und Cutter, die aufwändige Arbeitsproben erstellen sollen, die später ganz regulär verwendet aber nicht regulär bezahlt wurden. Mein Eindruck war immer: In der Influencerszene geht es zu, wie in einem Startup.... Nur bei einem Startup bekommt man i.d.R. als Ausgleich für die Mühen Anteile am Unternehmen, dass man da gerade aufbaut. Vielleicht war ich deshalb von dem AnniTheDuck-Universum nicht so richtig überrascht.
Wie "credible" AndrePlusPlus wirklich ist, weiß ich nicht. In dem AnniTheDuck-Video wirkte er zumindest nicht sehr sachlich, aber wenn ihn das ganze an persönliche Erfahrungen erinnert hat, vielleicht auch verständlich. In dem Video "Warum ich bei den letzten Hauptvideos von Julien Bam nicht dabei bin" erzählt er, dass er im Mai 2020 bei Julien Bam gekündigt hat und seitdem mit Julien Bam nichts mehr zu tun hat. Damals beließ er es noch bei einem: "Es gibt für alles seine Gründe", erwähnt aber schon ein extrem arbeitsintensives, vom Worksaholic Julien Bam getriebenes Arbeitsumfeld in dem er z.B. auch gearbeitet hat, als er krank war.
submitted by Aluniah to Laesterschwestern [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:58 es_improvisiert Bremsleistung bei Opel Astra ungleich

Hallo, hatte beim Tüv das Problem das die Bremsen hinten (sowohl Hand als auch Pedalbremse) zu ungleich waren, bei der Pedalbremse ca 50%, bei der Handbremse sogar fast der 3 fache wert. Die Linke bremse ist also deutlich zu schwach.
Fahrzeug ist ein Opel Astra G CC Baujahr 2002.
Hab dann mit meinem Onkel der sich ganz gut auskennt hinten bei beiden die Scheiben und Beläge getauscht, als das auch nix gebracht hat haben wir mal links den Sattel erneuert. Hat es zwar minimal besser gemacht, aber für den Tüv wird es nicht reichen. Haben alle Leitungen kontrolliert, Beläge und Scheiben sind sauber, Bremsen sind entlüftet, haben die Bremse warm gefahren....
Alles in allem sind wir somit am Ende was wir machen können, einzige woran es jetzt fehlen könnte ist der Bremskraftregler (oder vielleicht irgendwas mit dem ABS?)
Hat jemand ähnliche Probleme gehabt bzw wüsste jemand woran es liegen könnte?
Danke im vorraus
submitted by es_improvisiert to automobil [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:21 Acrobatic-Prior-1569 Mpu ohne Führerschein nach 15 Jahren noch nötig?

Hallöchen liebe Leute,
im Titel steht schon worum, es gehen soll, aber kurz zu mir und meiner Vergangenheit. Als heranwachsender 16–17 Jahre war ich ein Idiot und hab viel Blödsinn gemacht, was dazu führte, dass ich im Juli 2009 (die letzte Straftat wurde im Januar 2009 begangen) verurteilt wurde wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung in 4 tatmehrheitlichen Fällen. Meine Strafe wurde zu einer Bewährung ausgesetzt.
Gegen Ende 2013 wollte ich dann meinen Führerschein machen. Alles lief super bis dahin, wurde aber kurz vor den Prüfungen aufgefordert eine MPU zu machen. Eine medizinische Untersuchung war nicht nötig, es ging bei mir einzig und allein um das psychologische Gespräch. Also ohne Vorbereitung da hin und „durchgefallen“. Da ich damals nicht wirklich ein Auto gebracht hatte und auch nicht das nötige Kleingeld, dachte ich mir, dass ich es einfach lass.
Mittlerweile hätte ich gern einen Führerschein, hab deshalb herumgeschaut und bin darauf gekommen das die MPU nach 15 Jahren verjährt, bzw. existiert die Verjährungsfrist nicht, allerdings soll nach 15 Jahren die Eintragung aus der Akte gelöscht werden. Ich lese aber immer nur das man seinen Führerschein nach 15 Jahren zurückbekommt ohne Auflage der MPU, wie ist es aber, wenn man noch nie einen Führerschein besessen hat?
Ich hab bei der Fahrerlaubnisbehörde vor ein paar Tagen angefragt, ich soll einen Antrag schicken, die prüfen das, dauert allerdings 4–5 Monate. Klar, keiner kann in meine Akten einsehen, aber vllt. gibt es ja welche, die mit der MPU und den 15 Jahren Erfahrungen gemacht haben. Beim Führerschein wird es ja auch geprüft, also würde ich ja da spätestens wieder erfahren, dass ich eine MPU machen müsste, deshalb möchte ich jetzt nicht 4-5 Monate warten. Meine eigentliche Frage ist, worauf kann ich mich einstellen, MPU oder nicht? Und gelten die 15 Jahre nach der letzten Tat oder mit dem Zeitpunkt der Verurteilung? Ich bin für jede Erfahrung, die ihr gemacht habt, dankbar.
Beste Grüße an euch und viel lieben Dank.
submitted by Acrobatic-Prior-1569 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:11 thephoerb Die Qual der Wahl - 4K o. 240 Hz Monitor?

Grüßt euch doch erst mal meine Freunde,
ich erhoffe mir ein paar Erfahrungsberichte durch euch, die mich bei der o. g. Auswahl unterstützen.
Kurz zur Sache: Ich bin aktuell auf der Suche nach einem neuen Monitor für meinen PC & PS5. Dabei bin ich auf folgende Exemplare gestoßen, die mir preislich und von den Specs zusagen.
  1. - 4K mit 160 Hz
2 - QHD mit 240 Hz
Nun zur Frage: was ist euch an einem Monitor wichtiger: Hz o. Auflösung? Und wieso das ganze?
Ganz liebe Grüße
submitted by thephoerb to PCGamingDE [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:52 Only-Focus4791 STK3 -Alleinverdiener und Splittingtarif

Hallo hatte frage zur Einkommensteuer
Habe die Steuerklasse III -Alleinverdiener mit 2 Kindern in Bayern.- Keine Kirche.
Zahle Steuern laut Steuermeldung für 2023.:Einkommen.:74.934,27€ Lohnsteuer.: 9.713,61€
Laut Splitting Tabelle Steuern.:13.988 € bei selben Einkommen. Warum ist das so?
Sollte es nicht gleich, da in STKIII den Grundfreibetrag von der Frau habe und splittingtarif ebenso ?
Frau hat ja kein Einkommen.Habe seit jahren keine Steuererklärung gemacht.Muss ich Steuern nachzahlen?
Laut paragraph 46 Abs.2 Nr.3a EStG nur ja dann wenn beide Arbeitslohn bezogen. Was bei uns nicht der Fall ist.
Aber warum bekomme ich trotzdem höhere Steuern laut splitting Tarif raus? Dass heisst bei freiwilliger Steuererklärung-Steuern nachzahlen oder wie ?
submitted by Only-Focus4791 to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:30 b1uevoid Schwierige Takes von Niklas von Bonjwa

Letztens hat er in einem Stream behauptet, dass Homöopathie den Körper bei der Bekämpfung von Krebs unterstützen würde. Leon hat direkt gecheckt was abgeht und hat versucht die Situation runterzuspielen und das Thema zu wechseln.
Jetzt gerade lief wieder ein Stream, in dem Niklas ein hot take nach dem anderen droppt. Der ganze Chat ist voll mit Leuten, die nicht glauben können was Niklas da gerade erzählt. Sogar ein mod hat geschrieben, dass man merken würde, dass Niklas offensichtlich kein Skript vorbereitet hat (was bei solchen Themen mehr als angebracht wäre, um eben Missverständnisse zu meiden) und das so nicht gehen würde. Gerade, ging es bei Niklas um die Besetzung von Rollen in Filmen. Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, stört sich Niklas daran, dass darauf geachtet wird, dass verschiedene Ethnien und auch Minderheiten vertreten werden. Also dass da wirklich explizit darauf geachtet wird. Ich glaube auch nicht, dass bspw. eine Frauenquote die beste Methode ist, um Chancengleichheit herzustellen. Aber das Problem ist mMn nicht die Frauenquote selbst, sondern dass Chancengleichheit nicht gegeben ist und das überhaupt ein Problem ist.
Ich will ihm wirklich nichts unterstellen und ich wünsche mir wirklich, dass ihr mich hier eines besseren belehren könnt. Aber ich hab mit Bonjwa immer Gleichberechtigung, Offenheit und bedingungslose Nächstenliebe verbunden und ich fände es echt schade, wenn ganz Bonjwa hinter diesen Aussagen, wie ich sie verstanden habe, steht.
Edit: Link zu Niklas Take zu "Homoöpathie hilft bei Krebs" (sinngemäß, nicht wörtlich zitiert):
submitted by b1uevoid to Laesterschwestern [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 17:22 damurphy72 Finding Out How Environmental Protection Works

EDIT: I have run some additional testing with some rather disappointing results.
I turned on advanced environmental effects in an old save and travelled to Bondar. The local environment showed an ambient effect of EXTREME AMBIENT HEAT. The temperature was at 461 degrees, but I'm not convinced that display value is relevant to any actual mechanic.
I put on gear to give me ZERO thermal resistance, total. Then I went outside and waited. After about 8 or 9 minutes (hard to tell exactly because of load times and status checks), my protection expired and I almost immediately got heat stroke which then immediately got worse.
I went back into my ship and healed everything up. I then maxed out my thermal resistance to 85 and repeated the experiment. The beeping countdown did not change at all. In fact, after about 7 or 8 minutes, I got both severe burns and heatstroke and my protection hadn't expired.
That, so I did it again. I got the same exact result. 85 thermal protection had NO impact on duration of suit protection, nor did it seem to reduce the consequences in terms of afflictions. If anything, I seemed more vulnerable.
Is my save bugged? I don't know. Is the environmental stuff bugged? That's possible, or maybe I am drastically misinterpreting something.
I would greatly appreciate feedback from anybody else who has actually tested the resistances, because right now it seems to be completely broken.
I did confirm that the displayed resistances seem to max out at 85. I also confirmed that the Hazard Protection mod for packs just increases all resistances by 5, regardless of the quality or type of pack.
* * * * *
Bethesda turned on play options that include what are presumably de-nerfed environmental effects. The system is, at best, opaque. Here is what I've determined so far...
  1. It is different from damage resistance in how it works. From what I've read online, DR works as a flat reduction in incoming damage from the various damage types with a cap at 85%. This post on the other forum breaks it down:
The algorithm doesn't seem like it would make sense when applied to suit environmental protections.
2) Speaking of numbers -- the vast majority of spacesuits have a total of 60 resistance spread across the four threats. Packs and helmets each have 30, for a total of 120 for a full suit of the same type. A few, like the Mark I and Gran-Gran's, are slightly better. Individual values for each type tend to max at 30/20/20, for a total of 70 protection from a baseline set optimized for one element. A full set of deep mining gear will provide 70 airborne resistance, for examples.
NOTE: Starborn suits have higher values than this, giving 50 resistance to everything.
Legendary effects can boost a single resistance by 25. Three legendary pieces for a set optimum for a threat could theoretically provide a resistance of 145 versus a single threat.
You can modify your pack but not your helmet or suit to enhance resistances -- the Hazard Protection enhances all of the resistances, but I'm not sure if it is fixed for all packs or varies based on type or quality of the armor. Testing would need to be done for that.
3) Anecdotally speaking based on play, environmental protection appears to be ablative. In other words, your level of protection erodes over time. Your equipment will beep repeatedly at a faster rate of speed until your protection goes away. At that point, you start taking environmental damage and run the risk of afflictions.
The afflictions you suffer depend upon the type of threat, e.g., radiation can result in radiation poisoning or burns. It seems mostly rational in that respect.
The magnitude of the threat can vary. Protection might slowly degrade, but exposure to a potent source can immediately wipe out your protection.
Protection regenerates when you are in a "safe" location. This appears to be inside any building with an airlock or your ship (or when you move out of the environment entirely, e.g., fast travelling to Jemison). The game is NOT sophisticated enough to take things like overhead cover into account. Some POIs don't have airlocks and don't provide cover from things like solar radiation even if you have a roof over your head. (Side note: equipment in Starfield MUST have self-repair functions; you would suffocate the first time you got shot in vacuum if this wasn't the case; I'm going to assume this is a standard feature for making space travel reasonably safe for the average person.)
Weather events can change the threat level. Sandstorms and precipitation can definitely increase the threat.
The actual temperature that appears on your watch doesn't seem to directly correlate to things like extreme cold warnings. The characteristics of the planet, including the need for levels in planetary habitation to settle it, does not seem to directly correlate, either. It is possible that these factors are part of it, but you won't necessarily get the same level of thermal threat on two different Deep Freeze worlds.
4) Again anecdotally, it seems that further exposure can worsen the prognosis of existing afflictions. It also seems like having an affliction can make you more vulnerable to obtaining new ones. Using medicine to improve your prognosis is wasteful if you aren't regenerating your protection, as the prognosis will quickly degrade again.
There appear to be multiple severity levels that apply stronger debuffs as well. The "severe" levels of an affliction seem to replace the lower level. Healing does not change the severity back to a lighter level -- it solely improves the prognosis. You can progress from frostbite to severe frostbite, but healing can't reverse that progression.
5) You absolutely can die from environmental damage. It is not like O2/CO2 damage that stops at 10% health. You can also get persistent damage over time effects that will prevent you from resting or fast travelling.
submitted by damurphy72 to NoSodiumStarfield [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:59 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun (2x) epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp, AD
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail, Fixer
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow, Lever
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Em
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, Handmade
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle, Fixer
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR, Gauss riffle, tommy gun,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, , Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP, Handmade
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/WWR mixed scout set
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:31 hefarap Familiennachzug von unverheirateten Partnern - Sind Deutsche ggü. EU-Bürgern in Deutschland benachteiligt?

Guten Tag
bei meiner Recherche zum Thema "Familiennachzug" ist mir aufgefallen, dass es unterschiedliche Voraussetzungen gibt, um einen nicht-verheirateten Partner zu sich nach Deutschland zu holen.
  1. Als deutscher Bürger kann ich folgende Partner nach Deutschland holen (AufenthG)
  1. Als EU-Bürger kann ich folgende Partner nach Deutschland holen (FreizügG/EU)
So wie ich es sehe, bleibt mir als Deutscher mit Lebensgefährtin aus einem Drittstaatm, nur die Option Ehe oder Kind, um meine Partnerin zu mir nach Deutschland zu holen oder verstehe ich etwas falsch?
Wäre dies anders wenn ich meinen Wohnsitz in einem Nachbarland begründen würde? Könnte ich dann unter dem Freizügigkeitsgesetz meine Partnerin dorthin holen?
Ist dies keine Benachteiligung/ Diskriminierung von Deutschen ggü. anderen Unionsbürgern oder verststehe ich etwas falsch?
Es ist keine so einfache Frage, mich würde jedoch eure Meinung dazu interessieren und ob ihr vielleicht weitere Hinweise oder Möglichkeiten seht.
Vielen Dank vorab.
submitted by hefarap to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:06 Berliner_Bear Minecraft Survival Server mit Mods !

Hi, ich habe einen Minecraft Survival Server mit ein paar Mods gemacht (hauptsächlich Vanilla+ und natürlich auch z.B. Biomes O’ Plenty, Journey Map und Simple Voice Chat) und suche Spieler für diesen. Wenn ihr interessiert seid, joint erst mal meinem Discord:
IP: Modpack:
submitted by Berliner_Bear to MinecraftDe [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:56 Motor_Fail3789 ING Konto mit 150 Euro Startguthaben? ING Girokonto

Eine Girokonto Eröffnung mit Startguthaben, wie beispielsweise das 150€ ING DiBa Startguthaben, ist meist nur eine zeitlich begrenzte Werbemaßnahme, die von internen Faktoren der Bank abhängt. In den letzten Monaten zeigt sich jedoch, dass Girokontoanbieter solche Startguthaben nicht mehr so großzügig wie noch vor einigen Jahren anbieten. Daher stellt der aktuelle 50 € Bonus der ING immer noch eine attraktive Aktion dar.
ING Girokonto mit 50€ Bonus
Talerbox Tipp: Der ING 50 € Bonus ist steuerfrei, wenn deine gesamten Einkünfte — einschließlich dieser Prämie — im Kalenderjahr weniger als 256 Euro betragen, gemäß §22 Nr. 3 des Einkommensteuergesetzes (EstG).
Die Wichtigsten Infos zur ING DiBa
Die ING Bank, eine niederländische Direktbank, bietet ein breites Spektrum an Finanzdienstleistungen an. Zu ihrem Produktportfolio gehören Girokonten, Sparoptionen, Kreditkarten, Hypotheken und Wertpapierdienstleistungen.
ING Leistungsüberblick:
submitted by Motor_Fail3789 to TB_InvestSmart [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:54 cburke3443 When will mods be available on Switch?

im dying to play this map
is there any sort of workaround for getting mod maps on Switch? if not, when the hell will they become available?
submitted by cburke3443 to SkaterXL [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:53 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offer
H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
Im Especially after UNY AP FDC Trapper LA and RA or Apparel!
AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun, epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail, Fixer
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Em
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, b2525 gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, EPR, Handmade
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/e/15c Radium
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle, Fixer
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR perfect mods,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/25 Tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, EPR, Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
Uny/Int/Sent Usa RL
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:41 Arbrand The Trickster's Veil

As far back as I can remember, I had always been passionate about the great outdoors. My love for the wilderness began when I joined the scouts, exploring the diverse landscapes of Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. I was never a huge fan of the dry, barren landscapes, but camping provided a much-needed escape from the monotony of Orange County suburbia.
The first time I visited the Pacific Northwest, I was enchanted. The scenery was breathtaking—majestic mountains, lush fields, and meandering rivers. It was clear that anyone who praised the desert's beauty had never laid eyes on the Cascades. Seeing grass and wildflowers growing without irrigation was practically a revelation.
When I was old enough, I moved to Washington state, immersing myself in nature every weekend. My adventures took me hiking through dense forests, camping by serene lakes, and occasionally taking mushrooms under peaceful waterfalls.
I joined several online forums dedicated to outdoor enthusiasts. One community that particularly fascinated me was the Northwest Tomb Raiders. This group of history buffs and thrill-seekers was dedicated to uncovering artifacts, whether Native American relics or treasures hidden in modern ruins. Many members were collectors, fencing their finds to museums and archaeologists, which made it a rather profitable side gig, should you be lucky enough.
In the fall of 2009, an intriguing post appeared on the forum. A user named Lokk claimed to have discovered a cache of artifacts with Scandinavian origins. He couldn't carry everything back due to the treacherous terrain and his age, so he shared the coordinates, hoping someone else could retrieve the items. I scrolled down to see a few posts of people planning to loot it in the Spring, when the paths have reopened. One user, Patagooner, planned on going as early as possible.
Excited by the prospect, I gathered my two friends, Carl and Noah, for the expedition. They weren't as enthusiastic about camping as I was, but after I told them how much a single arrowhead goes for on the black market, they were on board. It was the start of winter now, which had its advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, the rangers would have a harder time spotting us. On the downside, the harsh conditions posed a serious challenge for two inexperienced hikers.
I must’ve blown about four grand at REI on gear for them, justifying it with the knowledge of how much more I would make with two extra packs. That is of course assuming there really were as many artifacts as Lokk had said, and Patagooner hadn’t beaten me there.
The journey began like any other. We met in the pre-dawn darkness and went over our supplies, ensuring we had everything we needed. By mid-morning, we were on our way, my pickup truck winding up the mountain paths. The roads of Olympic National Park were the epitome of the raw, untamed beauty of the Pacific Northwest.
They snake through ancient forests, where towering Douglas firs and Western hemlocks create a verdant canopy overhead. Mist clings to the trees, giving the landscape an ethereal quality. Occasionally, the forest would open up to reveal breathtaking vistas of snow-capped peaks and deep, shadowy valleys.
As we climbed higher, the landscape grew increasingly desolate. The dense forest thinned out, replaced by rugged terrain and jagged rock formations. The air grew colder, and the first flurries of snow began to fall, dusting the ground in a thin, white layer. The road became narrower and more treacherous, winding precariously along the edge of steep cliffs.
Finally, a road closure blockade signaled the end of our journey in the truck. We unloaded three dirt bikes—one mine, two rentals—and continued up the trail. The bikes roared to life, carrying us several more miles into the wilderness. The trail twisted and turned, cutting through dense underbrush and over fallen logs. The snow began to fall more heavily, blanketing the forest floor and muffling the sound of our engines. The world around us grew quieter, more isolated.
Eventually, the snow became too deep to traverse by bike. We dismounted and prepared to continue on foot. The silence of the forest was profound, broken only by the occasional rustle of branches in the wind. I checked my modern GPS, its screen displaying the coordinates and a relief map of our destination.
The cold air bit into our cheeks as we trudged through the snow-laden forest. The silence was almost oppressive, broken only by the crunch of our footsteps and the occasional call of distant wildlife. The GPS indicated we were close to our destination, but the dense underbrush and uneven terrain made progress slow.
Suddenly, Carl's excited whisper cut through the stillness. "Hey, look at that!"
He pointed to a small, furry creature ambling through the trees. It took a moment to realize what it was—a bear cub, innocently exploring its surroundings.
My heart sank. "Carl, get back," I hissed, my voice low but urgent. "Where there's a cub, there's a..."
Before I could finish, a massive shape exploded from the trees. The mother bear, easily three times the size of the cub, charged at Carl with a ferocity. She was a blur of dark fur and powerful muscles, her roar echoing through the forest.
"Run!" I yelled, but it was too late. The bear was upon Carl, swiping at him with her massive paws. He screamed as he fell to the ground, the bear towering over him. Desperation and adrenaline surged through me. I grabbed the nearest heavy branch and swung it at the bear, hoping to distract her.
Noah joined in, shouting and waving his arms. We had to be careful; one wrong move and she would turn on us. The bear snarled, turning her attention away from Carl for just a moment. It was enough for him to scramble backwards, clutching his bleeding arm.
"We have to get him out of here," I shouted to Noah, who nodded, fear etched on his face. The bear, still enraged, seemed torn between attacking us and protecting her cub.
Using the brief respite, we hauled Carl to his feet. His face was white, and he was clearly in shock. Blood soaked his sleeve, dripping onto the snow. "There's a ranger station about two miles from here," I said, my voice shaking. "We need to get him there. Now."
We half-carried, half-dragged Carl through the forest, every shadow and sound heightening our paranoia.
Finally, after what felt like forever, the small, wooden structure of the ranger station came into view. We had been avoiding the rangers to keep our expedition secret, but now it was our only hope.
Pounding on the door, I prayed for a quick response. The door creaked open, and a weathered face appeared. "What happened?" the ranger demanded, taking in the sight of Carl's bloodied form.
"Bear attack," I gasped. "We need help."
The ranger's expression shifted from suspicion to urgency. "Get him inside. We've got a first aid kit and a radio."
As we eased Carl onto a makeshift bed, the ranger inspected his wounds. "You're lucky," he said after a moment. "The cuts are deep, but they missed any major arteries. He'll need stitches, but we can handle that here. No need for an airlift."
The ranger's face darkened as he turned to me. "What the hell are you boys doing out here?”
I hesitated, "We... we were just exploring."
The ranger's eyes narrowed, his anger palpable. "Exploring? In a restricted area? In the middle of winter? Are you out of your minds?"
He worked quickly and efficiently, cleaning and stitching Carl's wounds. Carl winced but stayed silent, his eyes closed in pain.
"Do you have any idea how dangerous it is out here?" the ranger continued, his voice rising. "The storm, the wildlife... This area is off-limits for a reason! You should have known better." he said, pushing a finger into my chest.
"We'll stay here for the night," he continued, "The storm's getting worse, and it's too dangerous to move him now. We'll reassess in the morning. And count yourself lucky I don't arrest your asses."
Night fell quickly, the storm outside growing more ferocious with each passing minute. The howling wind battered the small ranger station, and the walls creaked under the pressure. We huddled in the main room, the tension thick in the air.
The ranger looked at us sternly. "I need to check the perimeter and make sure everything is secure. There are things out there you don’t want to encounter, especially in this storm."
"Things? What do you mean?" Noah asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
The ranger's expression hardened. "Just stay put. No matter what you see or hear, do not leave this cabin. Understood?"
We nodded, the seriousness in his tone leaving no room for argument. "We'll stay put," I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt.
The ranger grabbed his coat and shotgun. "I'll be back in an hour. Do not leave this cabin." With that, he opened the door and stepped into the raging storm, disappearing into the darkness.
As soon as the door closed, I turned to Noah. "We need to go. Now."
Noah's eyes widened. "Are you crazy? He said to stay put."
"If we wait until morning, we'll be escorted out of here and lose our chance. This might be our only opportunity to find those artifacts."
Noah hesitated with uncertainty "But... what about Carl?"
"He'll be fine here. The ranger can take care of him. We have to do this now."
Reluctantly, Noah nodded. "Alright. Let's take what we can and go."
We quickly looted extra gear from the cabin. I checked the GPS one last time before we slipped out into the storm, the cold wind battering us.
The snow fell heavily, obscuring our vision as we slogged through the forest. The ranger was nowhere in sight as we made our way towards the our destination, each step filled with trepidatious excitement.
The storm began to die down as we approached the coordinates. We stepped into a clearing where the undisturbed snow lay like a pristine white blanket. In the center stood an ancient, weathered stone altar, encircled by intricate wooden carvings, delicate metalwork, and beautifully crafted statues. The sight was breathtaking, a treasure trove, a veritable museum of paganism.
Noah and I exchanged glances, our eyes wide with amazement. "Do you see this?" I whispered, barely able to contain my excitement.
"We're going to be rich," Noah replied, his voice trembling with awe. "These must be worth a fortune!"
We approached cautiously, as if the vision before us might disappear. The craftsmanship was stunning. I reached out to touch a carved wooden idol, marveling at the detail. "This is incredible," I said, my voice barely audible.
We began to load our packs with as many artifacts as we could carry, each one more exquisite than the last. It was beyond our wildest dreams. We were so engrossed in our task that we didn't notice the small figure watching us from the ridge.
It wasn't until I turned to leave that I saw her. A young girl, maybe eight years old, stood there, her blue eyes wide with curiosity. She was dressed in simple, rustic clothing, her blonde straight hair blowing gently in the wind. For a moment, we just stared at each other.
"Noah," I whispered urgently, nudging him. "Look."
He turned, his eyes following my gaze. "What the...?" he muttered, his voice trailing off.
The girl took a tentative step forward, her eyes fixed on the items in our hands. There was no fear in her gaze, only a quiet intensity that made my skin crawl.
"Who are you?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.
She tilted her head slightly. "My name is Sigyn."
"What are you doing out here, Sigyn?" Noah asked, his voice shaky.
"I live here,"
"You live here?" I echoed, incredulous. "Is there anyone else around?"
"Yes," she whispered.
"Where?" Noah demanded, looking around nervously.
"Everywhere," she said with a giggle.
The way she said it, so matter-of-factly, bothered me deeply. Noah and I exchanged a look, both of us trying to figure out what to do next.
"We can't take her back to the ranger," Noah started, "We'll lose everything."
I nodded, my mind racing. "Sigyn," I said slowly, "we need to know who else is here. Can you help us?"
She looked at me with her piercing blue eyes, then said, "I'm sorry."
"For what?" Noah asked.
"For what's going to happen to you," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness.
"You need to tell us what's going on," Noah said, grabbing her arm roughly. "Why are you out here alone?"
She looked up at him, unperturbed. "I am not alone," she said softly.
Before we could press her further, a loud, guttural mooing sound echoed through the clearing. We turned towards the direction the girl had come from, and there, emerging from the shadows, was the silhouette of an elk. As it approached, my stomach dropped. Its body was a grotesque amalgamation of life and decay. Its skull was fully exposed, the eye sockets dark and empty. Large patches of its ribs were visible, the flesh around them rotted away.
The elk's movements were slow and deliberate, its head swaying as if in a trance. It walked directly towards us, its hollow eyes fixed on Sigyn. The closer it got, the more the stench of death filled the air—a nauseating mix of decay and earth. I fought the urge to retch.
Sigyn stood up, her expression calm. The monster sniffed her gently, its nostrils flaring. Without a word, she climbed onto its back, mounting it like a horse. It was a surreal and horrifying scene ripped straight from a nightmare.
As she settled onto the elk, she looked back at us, "A thief in the night shall reap what he sows," she said, her voice carrying an otherworldly echo. "Beware the price of stolen dreams."
With that, the beast turned and began to walk away, Sigyn riding it into the shadows of the forest. We stood there, frozen in place. The realization that we were in far over our heads began to sink in. This started to feel like a trap.
We need to get out of here," My voice trembling. "Now."
We turned to leave, our packs heavy with the pilfered goods. But as we took our first steps, the forest around us seemed to come alive. Shadows moved among the trees, and whispers floated on the wind. I quickened my pace, glancing nervously over my shoulder.
"Did you hear that?" Noah asked sharply,
"Just keep moving," I commanded.
A figure emerged from the shadows, blocking our path. It was a man, tall and gaunt, his eyes burning with an intense light. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked, his voice cold and menacing.
"We're leaving," I stammered. "We didn't mean any harm."
The man smirked, and with a swift motion, he raised his hand. More figures appeared, closing in on us from all sides. We were surrounded.
"Run!" I shouted, shoving Noah forward.
We sprinted through the forest, branches whipping at our faces and legs. The figures pursued us, their footsteps silent and relentless.
Noah stumbled and fell, his pack spilling open. Statues scattered across the ground, glinting in the moonlight. "Help!" he cried, scrambling to gather the items.
"Leave them!" I shouted, pulling him to his feet. "We have to keep moving!"
But it was too late, their hands seizing us. I struggled, kicking and thrashing, but their grips were too strong. They forced us to the ground, binding our hands with rough, coarse ropes.
"Please," I begged, "Don't hurt us."
The man who had first appeared stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "A thief in the night," he mocked.
They dragged us through the forest, the trees closing in around us like a cage. We were at their mercy.
In the distance, I could see the elk standing at the edge of the clearing, Sigyn still astride its back. Her eyes met mine, and for a moment, I thought I saw a flicker of pity. But then they turned away, disappearing into the shadows once more.
We were dragged into the heart of the forest, our struggles futile against the unyielding grip of our captors. As we broke through the treeline, a massive bonfire came into view, its flames licking the night sky. Shadows danced around the clearing, cast by the flickering light. A woman stood at the forefront, her presence commanding.
Her eyes were milk white, devoid of pupils, and her long, flowing white hair cascaded down her back. She was completely naked, her skin pale and marked with intricate symbols. Atop her head, she wore an elk skull, its antlers extending like eerie, skeletal fingers. She beat a drum emblazoned with more of the same cryptic symbols, each thud resonating deep within my chest.
Around the fire, about two dozen people stood, all drinking from crude, horned cups. Their faces were solemn, eyes fixed on the woman as she led them in a haunting chant. The atmosphere was thick with a mix of reverence and intoxication.
We were forced to our knees before the woman, who paused her drumming to look down at us. Her gaze was haunting, as if she could see into the very depths of our souls.
"Who are you?" Noah demanded, his voice trembling.
The woman ignored him, raising her arms to the sky. The chanting grew louder, the rhythm of the drum faster and more frenzied. The air around us seemed to vibrate with energy, the flames of the bonfire growing higher and more intense.
I glanced at Noah, fear mirrored in his eyes. The woman began to speak, her voice low and melodic, but filled with power, in a language I couldn't understand. Suddenly, she stopped, lowering her arms. The chanting ceased, and an silence fell over the clearing. She looked directly at me, her white eyes unblinking.
En tjuv i natten skördar vad han sår, akta dig för drömmar som du stjäl och får.
Hans skratt bevakar lundens gömda stig, där skuggor sveper över skogens liv.
För varje stulet andetag och svek, måste en tjuv möta sitt smärtsamma ödelek.
Tricksterns vilja, vår ande här, så i hans nåd, våra liv bär.
I was terrified and confused. She started again, softer, in a way I could understand.
A thief in the night shall reap what he sows, beware the price of stolen dreams.
His laughter guards our hidden groves, where shadows cloak the forest's seams.
For every stolen breath and lie, a thief must meet his painful end.
The tricksters will, our spirits tie, so in his grace, our lives suspend.
The crowd surged forward, grabbing Noah first. He screamed, his terror echoing through the trees as they pulled him towards a makeshift altar beside the bonfire. The woman chanted louder, her voice rising in a hypnotic rhythm as they began their gruesome work.
They stripped him of his shirt and bound his arms to a wooden frame. I tried to move, to help him, but the grip on my shoulders tightened, pinning me to the ground.
The woman approached Noah, holding a knife with a blade that gleamed in the firelight. She started to slice into his back, her movements deliberate and unhurried. Noah's screams pierced the night as she methodically carved the shape of wings into his flesh.
Blood poured from the wounds, soaking the ground beneath him. The crowd's chant grew louder, almost drowning out his cries. I watched in horror as the woman reached into the incisions, breaking the ribs and pulling them outward, creating a parody of wings.
Noah's agony was unbearable to witness. His screams turned to whimpers, his body convulsing in pain. The woman didn't stop until the work was complete, his lungs exposed and hanging grotesquely from his back.
They lifted Noah's broken body and placed him over the fire. The smell of burning flesh filled the air, making me gag. His life ebbed away as the flames consumed him, the once vibrant light in his eyes fading to nothing.
The woman turned to me, her expression devoid of mercy. "You will meet the same fate," she said, "He demands it."
The smell of burning flesh and the sight of his broken body over the fire was seared into my mind. Despair settled over me as I closed my eyes.
A deafening blast shattered the night. My eyes flew open to see the shaman stumbling backward, a gaping wound in her chest. She collapsed to the ground, her white eyes staring lifelessly into the void.
The villagers turned in shock as another shot rang out, this time hitting one of the men holding me. I twisted free from their grasp and saw the park ranger standing at the edge of the clearing, a pump-action shotgun in his hands. He fired again, the sound echoing through the forest, before one of them tackled him to the ground.
"Run!" he shouted, his voice raw and desperate. "Get the hell out of here!"
I didn't need to be told twice. I sprinted into the darkness, the chaos of the clearing fading behind me. Branches whipped at my face, and the snow underfoot made every step a struggle. I could hear the sounds of fighting and gunshots, but I forced myself to keep moving.
The cold air burned in my lungs, but adrenaline pushed me forward. I didn't stop until I reached the station, my legs threatening to give out from under me. I burst through the door and slammed it behind me.
Inside, Carl lay where we had left him, his face pale and twisted in pain. I stumbled to the radio, my hands trembling as I fumbled with the controls.
"Mayday, mayday!" I yelled into the microphone. "This is an emergency! We need help! Please, someone, come quickly!"
Static filled the room, punctuated by my ragged breaths. I repeated the call, my voice growing more frantic with each passing second. Finally, a voice crackled through the speaker. "This is Ranger Station Bravo. What's your location? Over."
I could barely form the words. "Olympic National Park! The ranger station near mount Christie! We're under attack! Please, send help!"
"Copy that. Help is on the way. Stay put and stay safe. Over."
I collapsed to the floor, my body trembling with exhaustion and fear. Carl moaned softly, his eyes fluttering open. "What… What happened? Where's Noah?”
Tears streamed down my face and I found myself choked up. “He’s gone, man. Help is coming.”
The minutes stretched into an eternity as we waited. The wind howled around the station, and every creak and groan of the structure set my nerves on edge. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched, that the forest itself was closing in on us.
The radio crackled again, this time with a different voice. "Helicopter en route, ETA fifteen minutes. Prepare for extraction."
I glanced at Carl, his eyes filled with confusion. "Hang on. We're getting out of here."
As the minutes ticked by, I couldn't help but think about the ranger. He had saved my life, but he hadn't made it back. My mind conjured up images of what might have happened to him, the cultists overwhelming him in the darkness. A sense of guilt gnawed at me, knowing he had sacrificed himself for us.
The sound of rotors cut through the night, growing louder as the helicopter approached. I ran to the window and saw its searchlight piercing the treetops, scanning for the station.
I helped Carl to his feet, supporting his weight as we made our way to the hatch. The helicopter hovered above, lowering a rescue basket. The wind from the rotors whipped the snow into a frenzy, but I didn't care. Salvation was finally here.
We secured Carl in the basket first, and I watched as he was hoisted up, disappearing into the safety of the helicopter. My turn was next. I realized that I was now alone and exposed. Fear coursing through me as I scanned around the edge of the forest, expecting to be grabbed and taken seconds before my rescue. But the moment never came. As I gripped the rope, I took one last look at the forest below. The flames of the bonfire still flickered in the distance.
I was lifted into the air, the ground falling away beneath me. The helicopter's crew pulled me inside, and I collapsed onto the floor still holding onto my pack, my body finally giving in to exhaustion. The doors closed, and the helicopter banked away, leaving the horrors of the park behind.
Weeks had passed since the harrowing events, but the memories clung to me like the bitter cold. I had returned to civilization, seeking solace in the familiar chaos of the city. I found a wealthy collector through a network of contacts. The artifacts fetched a price tenfold the cost of gear. The money was substantial, but as I held the cash, it felt like a hollow victory.
Noah's absence weighed heavily on me. His disappearance was chalked up as a missing persons case, and despite my best efforts to explain what had happened, no one believed me. The authorities conducted a search of the area, but they found no trace of the cult, the artifacts, or the clearing. It was as if the forest had swallowed up all the evidence.
I returned to the site where we had parked the truck. The dirt bikes were gone, stolen by opportunistic thieves, but the truck remained. I drove back in silence, the road winding through the dense forest. For a moment, I thought I saw the girl watching me from atop a ridge until I realized it was just paranoia. I stepped on the gas a little harder.
Back home, I checked the Tomb Raiders forum again. The post that had led us into the forest was gone, deleted without a trace. I messaged the mods, but apparently, they don’t keep records to maintain confidentiality. I wrote about our experience, detailing every terrifying moment, but the responses were skeptical at best. Most dismissed it as a work of fiction or a desperate cry for attention.
Time passed, and I tried to return to a semblance of normalcy. Yet, the wilderness called to me stronger than ever. It was my sanctuary, the only place where I could find peace amidst the turmoil. I spent more and more time outdoors than ever before, but now it always felt like I was just running from something.
Determined to prove what had happened, I returned to the forest with a camera and recording equipment. This time, I documented every step, capturing footage of the trees, the snow, and the eerie silence that hung in the air. I retraced our path, hoping to find the clearing again. But each night, as I reviewed the footage, something strange would happen. The files would be corrupted or entire segments missing.
I pressed on. I found the site where Noah had fallen, the ground still bearing faint traces of what had happened. I set up the camera and began to speak, recounting the events in detail. As I spoke, a cold wind swept through the clearing, and the camera's screen flickered. I finished my account and turned to check the recording, only to find the file corrupted once again, the footage replaced by static and a faint, mocking laughter.
I returned home, defeated and exhausted. My attempts to share what I had experienced were met with disbelief and ridicule. The files I managed to save were corrupted beyond recognition. It was as if the forest itself was conspiring against me.
Almost exactly one year later, as I browsed the forums, a new post caught my eye. It was cryptic, eerily similar to the one that had led us into the nightmare. It spoke of another trove of artifacts, hidden deep within the wilderness, waiting to be claimed.
The post was signed with a new name: Skygge. Different handle, same style. Another trap. They had taken so much from me, left scars that would never heal. I opened my drawer, my fingers brushing over the cold metal of my weapons. This was the moment I had been waiting for. This time, I'll be ready.
The forest’s secrets won't remain hidden forever.
submitted by Arbrand to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:40 UnderstandingNo9372 Manteltarifvertrag, Kündigungsfrist nicht eindeutig in der Probezeit

Hallo zusammen,
ich habe eine Frage zu meiner Kündigungsfrist in der Probezeit.
Wichtige Informationen:
Laut Arbeitsvertrag, gelten die Kündigungsfristen die im Manteltarifvertrag geregelt sind.
Der aktuell gültige Manteltarifvertrag ist der Manteltarifvertrag mit der IG Bergbau, Chemie, Energie vom 24. Juni 1992 in der Fassung vom 16. März 2009
Ich hab einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag
Mein Problem:
Ich möchte in der Probezeit das Unternehmen verlassen, finde im Manteltarifvertrag aber keine genauen Angaben, wie lange nun die Kündigungsfrist in der Probezeit ist. Unter § 11Beginn und Ende des Arbeitsverhältnisses II. Probezeit und befristete Arbeitsverhältnisse 1 steht folgendes:
Die Vereinbarung einer Probezeit ist zulässig, soweit nicht ein befristetes Arbeitsverhältnis in gleicher Tätigkeit vorangegangen ist. Sie ist schriftlich zu vereinbaren. Ihre Dauer bemisst sich nach den Verhältnissen des Einzelfalls, insbesondere nach der Art der auszuübenden Tätigkeit und darf 6 Monate nicht überschreiten.
Bei einer Probezeit von bis zu 3 Monaten kann das Arbeitsverhältnis beiderseits unter Einhaltung einer Kündigungsfrist von 3 Tagen gelöst werden, bei einer längeren Probezeit beträgt die beiderseitige Kündigungsfrist einen Monat zum Monatsende.
Gilt dies nur, wenn ich einen befristet Vertrag habe? Wenn ich es richtig verstehe, geht es in diesem Absatz doch auch um die normale Probezeit und nicht nur um die Kombination von Probezeit und befristete Arbeitsverhältnisse.
Unter III. Ende des Arbeitsverhältnisses 2. Für die Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses gelten, soweit im Tarifvertrag nichts anderes bestimmt ist, die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen.
und unter 3. Für die Kündigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses durch den Arbeitgeber oder den Arbeitnehmer
gelten folgende Kündigungsfristen; dabei ist maßgebend die Summe aus Lebens- und Unternehmenszugehörigkeitsjahren (Messzahl): Bis zu einer Unternehmenszugehörigkeit von 2 Jahren 2 Wochen, ...]
Kann mir hier jemand weiterhelfen?
Liebe Grüße!
submitted by UnderstandingNo9372 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]