Goten trunks shota

What if Goten and Trunks Joined the Tournament of Power

2024.05.16 01:44 DaFlex0 What if Goten and Trunks Joined the Tournament of Power

What if Goten and Trunks Joined the Tournament of Power submitted by DaFlex0 to dragonballfancomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:41 DaFlex0 What if Goten and Trunks Joined the Tournament of Power

submitted by DaFlex0 to DragonBallZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:47 Blue2Bu Dragonball Z- Son Goten and Trunks

Dragonball Z- Son Goten and Trunks
Son gotten and Trunks. Experimented with blue translucent resin, thin layering building up cracks of base. Also made for one of my friends into anime.
submitted by Blue2Bu to PrintedMinis [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:33 Formal_Record1442 Book of war units

What unit should i get? I dont have any of the units of the book of war, should i get int goten even if dont have trunks?
submitted by Formal_Record1442 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:38 RegExr Coming Soon: Dragon Ball GT Dragon Ball GT Pop! Bulla, Baby Goten, Keychain Pan, Kid Goku, Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta (Short Hair), & Gill, Purchase Links

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submitted by RegExr to funkopop [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:38 RegExr Coming Soon: Dragon Ball GT Dragon Ball GT Pop! Bulla, Baby Goten, Keychain Pan, Kid Goku, Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta (Short Hair), & Gill,

Coming Soon: Dragon Ball GT Dragon Ball GT Pop! Bulla, Baby Goten, Keychain Pan, Kid Goku, Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta (Short Hair), & Gill, submitted by RegExr to funkopop [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:11 Crucher92 I really don't know how to feel about EZA INT Goten and TEQ Trunks

Technically they are such a fun rotation but both are slot 2 units while they need to be together on rotation.
Their SoT defense is at 180k. 50% DR won't help them.
I feel like they need a new slot 1 partner or a great EZA for PHY Goten & Trunks. Otherwise they are not usable in any new content.
submitted by Crucher92 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:59 Elpiramide89 Goten/Trunks = Cell jr.

Goten/Trunks = Cell jr. submitted by Elpiramide89 to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:17 Sulfurys Optimization of EZA

I'm currently farming the EZA for the 5 characters that got their (Goten, Trunks, Buutenk, Buu str and Satan) and I find it SO boring. Some modification would make it a bit faster and pleasant.
For example, you need 12 bronze medal for the first step. At level 10, you get 10 of them. Once you've finish the level, you have to go back to EZA screen to start again. Just adding a "start level again" on the reward screen, would make it slightly more bearable.
Also, since we're spending ACT on those level, we should get some link leveling done, even at a low rate, it wouldn't be a total waste of time.
submitted by Sulfurys to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:14 Knemics The support on the trunks/goten duo is nuts.

The support on the trunks/goten duo is nuts.
First super btw, mf died before he could do his three other supers. Goten and trunks both did one super Rainbowed lvl 10 links ssj3 goku
submitted by Knemics to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:11 JDiesel31 TEQ Kid Trunks & INT Goten hitting crazy numbers post-EZA. This was on Carnival LR SSJ Trio’s 200% “Super Saiyans” category team in URZ

TEQ Kid Trunks & INT Goten hitting crazy numbers post-EZA. This was on Carnival LR SSJ Trio’s 200% “Super Saiyans” category team in URZ submitted by JDiesel31 to DokkanBattleReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:10 JDiesel31 TEQ Kid Trunks & INT Goten hitting crazy numbers post-EZA. This was on Carnival LR SSJ Trio’s 200% “Super Saiyans” category team in URZ

TEQ Kid Trunks & INT Goten hitting crazy numbers post-EZA. This was on Carnival LR SSJ Trio’s 200% “Super Saiyans” category team in URZ submitted by JDiesel31 to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 LuthienTinuviel93 I just finished dragon ball Z Kai, and I’m so sad about it.

It has taken me 30 years to finally sit down and watch this, but this is the greatest animated show of all-time. I’m so heartbroken that I’ve finished it. I’ve started watching super, but it just doesn’t have that rawness of the OG sagas. I’m thinking about buying the original DBZ with all the fillers and just re-watching it again, because it was just that good. This sounds lame and embarrassing as heck, but this show has even made me train harder in the gym?!!
The Namek saga was my favorite. There was something so entertaining about watching all 3 parties run around the planet trying to collect all the dragon balls. We finally got to witness the first slight change of heart in Vegeta as well as Frieza transform into such epic bosses. And who can deny how badass it was seeing Goku become super saiyan for the first time?
Vegeta is the best character imho. Watching him go from that conniving traitor to admitting Goku was #1 in that badass speech in the final showdown with kid buu was legendary. Piccolo is a close second after his own transformation into the “dad of the group” always offering his wisdom and being the only voice of reason in most cases lol. And then there’s Goten and Trunks always bringing this adorable comedic relief to the situation with Goten and his little Goku hair.
I could go on and on. It’s just sad when a good thing has to come to an end. I finally understand the love this fanbase has for this franchise, and I’m proud to say I’m finally a part of it!
submitted by LuthienTinuviel93 to dbz [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 pokepaka121 Eza biobroly trunks goten.

They actually support the kamehameha rotation by 3 ki 120% atk and 50% crit rate when put in slots 1 and 2 and thats a start of turn 50% crit buff so it stacks with kets say godkus high chance to crit , making it 100% , its actually insane if you think about it , the ss3 agl goku in the third slot with them does guaranteed crits with 18 mil + atk stats lmao.
submitted by pokepaka121 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:53 FaithlessnessThat970 Why is gotenks character one sided?

Does anyone know why Gotenks is 100% trunks in personality and character? There’s literally not a single trace of goten in him. It’s literally as if goten isn’t even part of the fusion.
The only thing that’s remotely close to goten is the hair color and even then that’s 50/50. Gotenks hairstyle resembled vegeta(trunks dad) more than goten.
Atleast with Vegito and gogeta, you can see both Goku and Vegeta in them and it was almost 50/50 with both
submitted by FaithlessnessThat970 to dbz [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:00 CuriousReadMore How capable are Trunks and Goten as individuals?

I was recently reading the latest chapter of the manga, and these panels got me thinking how Trunks and Goten would even manage if they were forced to fight on their own. Given how heavily they rely on each other, I don't think they believe much in their own strength as individuals.
submitted by CuriousReadMore to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:56 SurroundingKatana Did we ever get a resolution for the discrepancy for Pam's age?

Hi all, I've been making my way through watching everything dragon ball lately, starting with the original series. I'm currently at the beginning of super in the battle of the gods arc, and noticed the discrepancy with Videl's pregnancy with Pan, while Pan is supposed to be 4 years old during the end of DBZ.
I've found comments stating the battle of the gods arc is 6 months after kid buu, while others say it's 4 years. The other issue is that trunks and goten were 7/8 during the buu saga, so if BotG is 4 years after buu shouldn't they appear older? I also can't find anything mentioning a time jump between the beginning of super and BotG.
Just a slightly confused newbie to the series here so I just wanted to see if there was ever a definitive/clear answer to this or if I just missed something.
submitted by SurroundingKatana to dbz [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:21 Lavande444 9 years content will be so easier for global players

i swear the whole 9 years content will be so easier for them lmao
Blue Zone Beast :
Even extreme rainbow missions will be easy with Buus.
And they already got TEC SS Vegeta.
submitted by Lavande444 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:00 Mustaquilla Phy Goten&trunks(kids) eza concept

So with MBS goten and trunks getting their eza, they have 1 issue and that is not solid option in slot 1 this eza solves it:
Phy goten(kid)&trunks(kid)
LS: gifted warriors or kamehamaha ki+3, hp atk and def+170%.
Passive: damage received -70% for 1 turn; damage received -50% starting from the 3rd turn from first appearence; great chance to evade for 1 turn; high chance to evade enemy attack( including super attack) before attacking starting from the 3rd turn from first appearence; atk+100%; atk and def+250% when prefroming a super attack; medium chance to evade enemy attack( including super attack) after ttacking; ki+2( up to ki+6), atk and def+20%( up to 100%) and chance to evade+10%( up to 40%) with each attack evaded; launch an additional super attack when there is an ally whose name contains krillin or goten(kid).
12 - raises atk and def for 1 turn, causes immense damage.
Unit super - greatly raises atk and def for 1 turn, causes immense damage to the enemy and raises allies atk and def by 30% for 1 turn.
Post EZA def stat:
Before attacking T1: 63k+70% DR+70% evade
0 evade T1 post super: 400k( double super)+70% DR+70% evade.
Fully loaded:
Before attacking: 127k def+50% DR+70% evade.
Post 2 super:797k+50% DR+70% evade
submitted by Mustaquilla to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:34 Real_Reason931 Dragon ball GT, but Goku stays on earth and the Kids go on the space Adventure by Gabriellarragan

Dragon ball GT, but Goku stays on earth and the Kids go on the space Adventure by Gabriellarragan
What do you think About it? Please leave a comment below
submitted by Real_Reason931 to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:02 Imaginary-West-5653 The biggest retcon of DBS compared to DBZ are the "zenkais" and "rage boosts"

Honestly, I'm surprised not to see more people commenting on this, but DBS as everyone knows made a lot of retcons and changes compared to what had been established in DBZ, but I think one of the biggest changes, if not the biggest, which is breaking the coherence of the universe, is the whole thing about zenkais and rage boosts.
Let's be clear, DBS does not understand how Saiyan biology works, during the Black Saga, Black Goku is obtaining zenkais in the middle of the fight and seems that he becomes more powerful in the middle of a fight just by fighting, that's how he defeate SSJB Vegeta on their first fight.
The issue is that this is completely incorrect if we look at DBZ, Vegeta was quite clear in the Namek Saga explaining that zenkais work by giving a power up to a Saiyan AFTER recovering from wounds that had left him on the verge of death.
If the zenkais worked as shown in DBS, Vegeta would have defeated Zarbon, Reacome and Frieza in his first round against all of them. But here's the thing, that's not how it works, you have to heal yourself before your power increases, shown by Vegeta, Goku and Gohan always coming back stronger after each beating.
Hell, even after the zenkai have already reached their limits of exponential growth at the end of the Namek Saga, even a perfect genetic monster like Cell (who probably only had a zenkai this big because he had the DNA of multiple Saiyans and was designed artificially by Gero), who got a great zenkai after exploding, he had to regenerate first to get his zenkai, he did not got that power just by fighting Gohan SSJ2.
And then there is my second point, the rage boosts, which several characters get in DBS; from Vegeta becoming stronger than Goku SSJ3, Ultimate Gohan and Fat Buu in the Battle of the Gods, giving Beerus a tougher fight than anyone else due to Beerus slapping Bulma, to Goku SSJB becoming stronger than Black Goku and temporarily beating him and Zamasu after learning of the murder of Goten and Chichi in another timeline.
And right now you're thinking "but hasn't it always been a fact that Saiyans get stronger when they get angry?" And the answer is... No, unless your name is Gohan, he is the only Saiyan (or rather half-Saiyan) who gets rage boosts, and these rage boosts are just him unlocking part of his hidden power, like against Raditz or against Frieza.
The thing is that this is unique to Gohan due to his hidden power, no other Saiyan gets a power boost for getting angry in the series, and yes, before you say what I know you're thinking, no, the SSJ is not a rage boost, anger as such does not give power to the Saiyan who transforms, it only helps him gain access to the transformation, it is not the same.
There are multiple examples of Saiyans getting angry and yet being powerless against their enemies:
Goku, when Raditz kidnapped Gohan, was knocked down by a knee despite being piss of. Raditz angry after Gohan's headbutt did not save him from Goku full nelson.
Nappa furious that Goku was humiliating him and not getting stronger because of this (in fact Vegeta literally tells Nappa to control himself, and not let his anger cloud his mind, after that Nappa fights better and gives Goku a more even fight).
Vegeta was so angry at Goku during the clash of powers between his Garlick Gun and Goku's Kamehameha, so much so that he was willing to kill himself and the entire planet in order to get revenge on Goku for making him bleed, yet he lost.
Hell, SSJ Vegeta attacking Super Perfect Cell after Future Trunks' death is another great example, it's a scene just like Beerus slapping Bulma, but Vegeta didn't get stronger from anger at that moment. In fact, getting angry and attacking without thinking, ironically, just as he warned Nappa years ago, led to his near death and the near destruction of the Solar System.
So no, rage boosts and zenkais don't work as Super shows, if they did DBZ would have been very different, so I think this is a pretty serious consistency problem.
submitted by Imaginary-West-5653 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:20 LR_AlternativeForce 5/12/2024 DDL (GW "Part 2"): Unit Tidbits and Clarifications

submitted by LR_AlternativeForce to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]