
Catfights: Funny Cat Scraps

2011.02.27 08:49 Charonbealte Catfights: Funny Cat Scraps

Cats play fighting; only egos harmed in the making

2023.08.15 14:04 bearred76 simply_catfights

Catfights every kind every type involving real women. Videos, opinions, comments. ALL FORMS OF FEMALE COMBAT is a go.

2021.10.09 07:59 FinancialCourage5128 Actressfighting

Welcome to the Actressfighting Community. Here you can post or discuss about fantasies, stories related to fight involved 2 or more actresses.

2024.05.14 11:52 GirlsFighting1507 Interracial catfight. Who would win?

Interracial catfight. Who would win? submitted by GirlsFighting1507 to GirlsvsGirlsFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:46 lnwildeagle85 New Issue Out Today!

EastEnders is back on the front cover page of the new Issue and we all know that weddings don't go smoothy. In what will be Whitney's final week 😢 in Walford, she will finally find out that Zack betrayed her over Lauren. A lot of drama involved & catfight. And while we say farewell to Whit, on the right side finally Bobby & Big Mo return to the Square to Kat & Alfie's surprise. Plus, will Yolande get justice of predator Clayton?
submitted by lnwildeagle85 to eastenders [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:33 Shofeld148 Raquel Welch and Julia Louis-Dreyfus's Elaine Benes have a catfight (1997 , Seinfeld The Summer Of George)

Raquel Welch and Julia Louis-Dreyfus's Elaine Benes have a catfight (1997 , Seinfeld The Summer Of George) submitted by Shofeld148 to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:15 snack-hoarder DnD, Days of Our Lives Edition

I'm not very experienced in DnD, but it's always been an interest of mine. So, when I entered into a relationship with a DnD super nerd, I finally had an opportunity to feel like I was a part of it. But, as time went on, I realized the table I had joined was kind of... toxic, to say the least.
But, before I dive into that, let me introduce the key players.
First, we have the DM. We'll call him OverLord. He seemed like a decent guy, and was an excellent DM. But he worked long, odd hours and barely had time for his own campaign. He also controlled the discord, and was basically seen as the leader.
Next, his girlfriend, who we'll call Baroness. She wasn't a DnD player, and had little interest in it, but involved herself regardless because she was second in command. The regent of the group, in a way.
Then, there's FireFly. Sassy, dramatic, self centered. Seemed to think he was the main character (in game and IRL).
I also have to mention Cesspool, the rules lawyer.
And of course, Destro. My then boyfriend, now ex.
I also need to warn you that this story is more about the group and its politics than it is about the game.
Most of the group knew each other from college. I met them through Destro, and was made a part of the family after I defended them from an extremely toxic mutual, Major Bludd, who had victimized us all.
For context, Baroness was involved with Major Bludd at one point, but she moved on to OverLord. Major Bludd then wanted her back but she rejected him, so he started harassing her. He also toyed with FireFly. Although the group didn't cut all ties with him, they got sick of his bs and distanced themselves form him for the most part.
Before I met them, Major Bludd told me that the group was manipulative and toxic. That they had lied to make him look bad, and he was actually the victim of their gaslighting and bullying. I believed him for a time, but eventually he strung me along, used, and betrayed me, and it sucked. So, bitter, I reached out to Destro to find out the truth. Then I confronted Major Bludd, and that was how I was inducted into their group.
This group appeared to be the best sort of friends you could hope for. They were generous, involved and caring. But if you dug a little deeper, they were very cliquey.
OverLord and Baroness were put on a pedestal, and they controlled everything, whether it was justified or not. Everything had to happen on their terms, and it seemed they were beyond reproach. The group only played DnD twice in two whole years, because they controlled the schedule and their time was the only time that mattered.
Most of the members were also stinking rich, and it made them both delusional and judgemental — I also got the sense they weaponized generosity. But that's just an observation. Maybe I'm being judgey too.
One weekend, the boys wanted to play a sci fi campaign Baroness and I had no interest in. So we had a girl's weekend instead.
While I was at her place, Major Bludd caused some ripples in the background, probably because he found out Baroness and I were at the same place at the same time and he started freaking out. I'm not sure. So two other group members called us to interrogate us about what he did, so they could take care of the dumpster fire.
Now, the entire time she spoke to the other guys about it, something didn't sit right with me. I got the sense that she was enjoying the drama. She kept emphasizing that she was the most important part of it because she was Major Bludd's "golden toy", and that she was the only one who could ever control him, or get him to simmer down, because she was the center of his universe and the rest of us were powerless. It felt like she was proud of the fact that he was a scumbag to her because it made her important somehow.
She also compared our experiences with Major Bludd in a way that made it seem like I got her sloppy seconds, and that she was somehow more of a victim than anyone else, and that he only hurt me to get to her and a whole bunch of other crap.
There was a time after that I got a message from am obviously fake account, insulting Baroness (and me), and defending Major Bludd up and down. I showed it to Baroness and she got upset that I responded (telling the person to F off) instead of waiting for her to tell me what to say.
Baroness also had a habit of insulting and belittling Destro in backhanded ways, and deriding his standard of living, while constantly praising OverLord, as if to imply I got the short end of the stick.
Fast forward a month or two, and I get to play DnD with the group for the first and only time. It was a blast, but it got derailed by some of the dudes meta gaming for hours and going so far off the tracks the session never recovered.
Baroness tagged along that weekend, even though she wasn't playing. I think she was expecting more attention than she got, so when it wasn't forthcoming, she became... sour — at least towards me.
So, skip ahead again, about a year and a half, and the table finally plans another session.
Destro told me that it was going to be hosted at Baronness's parent's house, and they had set some juvenile ground rules, most importantly a maximum head count.
So OverLord thought it best to only involve the OG players. He apparently apologized profusely, and made it seem like an uncomfortable but necessary decision he had to make to keep the peace.
The problem is that I was the only one who didn't count as such, and so, I was the only one who wasn't invited.
It bugged me a little bit, but I wasn't too offended by it. I just thought it was ridiculous that a group of fully fledged adults were being treated, and behaving, like high schoolers who needed parental permission to play Dungeons and Dragons. It never occurred to them that it didn't have to be hosted there, and that a group of mid 20-30 year olds could surely find a space where their entire table had room.
But of course, no one could question OverLord or Baroness, and the two of them don't know what compromise is.
Anyway, Destro didn't want to go without me and chose to sit it out last minute, even though I assured him I didn't mind.
A few weeks later, FireFly let slip that a new player, one of Baroness's friends no one else knew, had joined them.
So much for OG players only.
So Destro brought it up with Cesspool, who agreed it was a dick move.
We suspect Baroness orchestrated it out of spite, because she was used to being the only rose among the thorns. So, when I joined their table, instead of joining her on the couch for the weekend, it angered her.
All of this might sound like a catfight, but it's aggravating that I was lied to. I was never welcome at the table the second time, but instead of telling me that (or why), they chose to tell petty lies, and cover it up with a lame excuse that I hadn't been with them long enough, only to turn around and invite someone unfamiliar in my place.
Though it could be that FireFly had a hand in it. I'm not sure and have no reason to believe that, but I figured I'd mention the problem between us just in case.
There was a time when Destro and I got into a heated argument over something disgusting (and criminal) he had done and tried to hide from me. FireFly witnessed it and turned against me without second thought, even though I was not in the wrong. Still, I apologized to him and tried to rebuild that bridge, but it wasn't good enough. He decided I was beneath him, and treated me like scum after that.
Maybe he turned others against me, but I don't think so. Cesspool and the other dudes were only ever warm to me.
Now, for the best bit. Skip ahead even further, about 6 months after the pettiness.
Destro hadn't been a good partner at all in the 3 or so years I was with him. And I, sick half to death, burned out, stressed, and struggling with severe panic disorder, had had enough. I don't need to go into detail about what actually happened, but I had my final straw with him, and tried to break up. It escalated into an argument, and then into violence — so severe I couldn't walk, or see out of my right eye because it had filled with blood. Suffice to say I ended up in hospital, and that was the last I ever saw, or ever will see, of him.
After that, Cesspool threatened me with a lawsuit because I mentioned his first name in a Facebook comment on a post about the abuse. I was then promptly removed from their discord, unfriended and blocked by everyone, and that was that.
My experience with these people left a sour taste in my mouth. Their cliquey-ness. Their snoot. Their childish behaviour and dramatics. How disorganized they were (I mean come on, only 2 sessions in 2 years is ludicrous). Their gatekeeping. Their cultish dynamic. It almost put me off playing DnD ever again.
But why let a few rotten apples ruin your love for fresh, home baked, apple pie?
Destro took everything out of me. I won't let him, or his toxic AH friends, ruin the little joys I have.
I'll find my table eventually. And it won't be full of catty losers who side with abusive pieces of shit.
submitted by snack-hoarder to CritCrab [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:11 CelebBattleVoteBot Catfight : Kim Sharma VS Vidya Balan

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submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 10:03 IncipitTragoedia0 Some keyword-play non-JP players may miss

Some keyword-play non-JP players may miss

-1. 「真実の愛」

真実の愛, shinjitsu no ai, True love or Truest Love (I recommend this one) in english. It's not a phrase that Japanese would use it daily, so it's fine to make it a little special phrase.
loveless play
In Rebirth OST Disc6, #9, the official translation of 真実の愛 is Truest Love
In OG, Gold Saucer theatre play, there were 3 conditions players can make choices, and 真実の愛 is the key for the only 1 Happy Ending out of 12 endings.
Those 3 conditions are:
I. Ask the warrior(A), or ask the mage(B)
II. Ask about Varvados's weakness(A), or about Rosa's スリーサイズ: Bust/Waist/Hips size (B)
III. pick Rosa(A), or the king(B), or Varvados(C)
The only Happy Ending(大団円) choice is B->A->A. For further read:
In Rebirth Loveless play, cond I&II are omitted (Rosa's a mage by default, and Fool-Cait says 真実の愛 is the weakness of Varvados); cond III is an illusion-of-choice, only Rosa you can really pick. So it's just the B->A->A route from OG.
IMO if the mage represents (the path of) Aerith, then the warrior (cond-I, A) may represent T/the "hero" thing inside T's head. The former path leads to the true Happy Ending, the latter path leads to revenge/being a hero route as the OG ending.
The linkage between 真実の愛 and Aerith herself via Hanakotoba.
In the interview from RbU, Toriyama says there will be a 大団円 ending in Part3.

-2. 「おふたり」 and 「ぴったり」

おふたり = You lovely two
ぴったり = Prefectly matched
From both Remake/Part1 "Barker Nojima" and OG Cait's fortune telling in the Temple of the Ancients:
Although Barkerjima was saying there's a room perfectly matching you lovely two, while Cait was saying you lovely two are perfectly matched, not exactly the same. But I think it's the nature of how cameo and wordplay works.
btw, the name of "Barker Nojima"s guesthouse is Utopia (ユートピア)

-3. 「幼なじみってむずかしいよね」

T's OG line inside the Gondola. In this official satire you are talking about, it makes a copy of it:
T「……言っちゃおうかな」(should I say that...?) C「……何を」(say what?) (in satire) T: This sucks ass! This absolutely sucks. T「エアリスなら、きっとハッキリ言うんだろうな」(if it was Aerith, she would say it bluntly.) (in satire) C: Wait no, she wouldn't say something like that. T「あのね、クラウド」(this line not in the satire) T「幼なじみってむずかしいよね」(幼馴染って難しいよね in satire, same)
"Things become tricky when we are just childhood friends", The whole line thereafter in that satire should be:
If you were my boyfriend, not just a childhood friend, I would directly call you a flying disaster.
(Meteor = Disaster came from the sky)
Vid of that line in satire:
In that "fan translation", it failed to catch thing like this. Another one is the Kansai dialect joke:
ええやん (eeyan) = how comfy
このイス (kono isu) = this seat
Not "Ayy sick chair." (Maybe that Audery guy thinks it's funny? Well, it's not.)


Okay now, back to OG, 「幼なじみってむずかしいよね」implies T wanted to say something (like confession) directly, but not able to. Because in fact, that childhood friend relationship is also not genuine.
FF7's writing works in this way:
Cloud calls himself an ex-SOLDIER, while in fact he's never a SOLDIER.
T claims herself as his "childhood friend", while in fact she wasn't.
This's the parallel of these two, T was designed as a thing attached to Cloud to cause his false-self, then make the whole story happen.
After early 2000, SE seems start to surrender to big b00b waifufans and made that childhood friend relationship somehow genuine. Rumour says it's NMR behind this, it can't help to be thought in that way, because T was indeed a clone of Nomura's favorite p*rn game waifu since 1989.
To average "fans", they would say "If I won't see (Scarlet and Tifa's catfight) in Rebirth I'll riot Square Enix!!!". Well, they are somehow correct at this point, the catfight thing is where these two came from. The whole reason why Scarlet and T looks like that and has a catfight like that, is he was reproducing Kaori-chan and Misao-chan's catfight as Scarlet and Tifa's catfight:
Things like 年増女(年増オンナ) was almost 1:1 reproduced in that catfight. This's also another reason why other devs called her boobie-chan or Tifa-rin. (-rin, Otaku's cutesy call of a moeblob, e.g. puru-rin in Welcome to the NHK(2006) ). Of course, SE did a lot of works to hide that fact. (If you are interested in such thing, you can read here, it's almost hilarious.) Including faked up T's real line in the brochure:
Once we had hope in the Remakes project, as we saw thing like this: We hope the chaos left in these years can finally be cleaned up.
submitted by IncipitTragoedia0 to cloudxaerith [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:26 Gossip-Luv2 Witch hunting in name of PR is seen as Member Abuse

Dear Gossipers,
Members who have been on this Sub for long, already know that we have strict rule against shaming a member for their Post history and discarding their views as "Paid PR". We had a rule on Sidebar about calling Member as PR, this is moved under broader category of "Mutual Respect" Rule.
We have very passionate fans on this Sub from all Salty Six stars and those poor souls are working 24/7 to bring the competition down and uplift their favourites. All this hasn't resulted in any employment till now. These unemployed stars have no money to pay to anonymous Redditor. They have to pay entire Media for fake articles, pay Paps like Viral/Manav to click them in Gym, airport , toilet etc and pay for Twitter trends, Instagram influenzas because that's where real trend tracking happens.
Reddit posts and comments doesn't uplift anyone except Reddit owner and Reddit share holders. .
The joke is on you and rest of us, if anyone is getting paid for their comments whereas you are playing Sherlock for free , getting banned and not even getting paid for your deeds.

Report all Name calling under Mutual Respect Rule

You'll be given 1 day to Permanent ban, depending on the extent of abuse.
Don't post Screenshots of any Member's comments to abuse them. Its a permanent ban as it is against Reddit Code of Conduct.
If you abuse a member on DM, we would still ban you, if the DM is due to participation on our Sub.
If you are facing excessive abuse, send DM to u/BBNG-Helpdesk with link of post where you were abused or Screenshot of DM, if you received an abusive DM. Normal name calling should be Reported. DM should be used in extreme cases only.
This isn't Twitter. Stop trying to make your catfights look like some great war on PR.
Hope this is clear and everyone would stop this behaviour pronto.
PS - Comments are locked coz some genius would begin Witch hunting in comments and get banned
submitted by Gossip-Luv2 to BollyBlindsNGossip [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:51 catstealer200 [Japanese > English] is this an accurate translation??? to me it seems to have some errors, but I might be wrong

[Japanese > English] is this an accurate translation??? to me it seems to have some errors, but I might be wrong submitted by catstealer200 to translator [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 20:08 StrikerStud Anyone down for a real catfight…

submitted by StrikerStud to girlfightknockouts [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:51 Strange-Tip1756 Georgina Rodriguez vs Antonella roccouzo catfight

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submitted by Strange-Tip1756 to Actressfighting [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:50 Strange-Tip1756 Georgina Rodriguez vs Antonella roccouzo catfight. Who will win ? An how?

Georgina Rodriguez vs Antonella roccouzo catfight. Who will win ? An how? submitted by Strange-Tip1756 to Actressfighting [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 16:13 InitialAcceptable454 Kriti sanon vs urvashi rautela catfight who gonna win?

Kriti sanon vs urvashi rautela catfight who gonna win? submitted by InitialAcceptable454 to Actressfighting [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:10 GirlsFighting1507 Who would win? 🥊 CATFIGHT 🥊

Who would win? 🥊 CATFIGHT 🥊 submitted by GirlsFighting1507 to desi_catfight [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:17 Major-Sock4368 Quick ones

Quick ones submitted by Major-Sock4368 to Catfights [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:30 Fancy_Ad_2024 Soda and Venus catfight incoming at the Reunion?

Soda and Venus catfight incoming at the Reunion? submitted by Fancy_Ad_2024 to survivorcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 16:29 graywolt Total Flipped World Tour - Sweden Sour & Aftermath Aftermayhem

Total Flipped World Tour - Sweden Sour & Aftermath Aftermayhem
Jasmine is eliminated in a 5-1 vote
As everyone is heading back on the plane, Anne Maria & Jasmine are holding up a delirious Zoey. Chris tells Team Amazon to get to voting, and they all know what they need to do. Zoey is called to vote first and has difficulty with this, as she’s still delirious from the dingo attack. After this, everyone else goes up to vote.
At the actual ceremony, Zoey, Anne Maria, and Dawn are granted safety. Jasmine & Sugar are the last two remaining, and Chris says that it’s a tie, which surprised even him. Everybody is shocked by this, and Jasmine glares at Sugar. Sugar says that they can’t prove she did this, before standing up. Jasmine does this as well, and Chris announces the tiebreaker, which is transporting eucalyptus leaves to starving koalas, using your mouth.
As soon as the tiebreaker starts, Sugar takes Jasmine’s plate of eucalyptus & throws it out of the plane. The rest of Team Amazon is incredulous, and Chris says that what Sugar has done is perfectly legal, eliciting many angry reactions. Sugar feeds a piece of eucalyptus to her koala, clinching safety. Jasmine tells Sugar that she’ll never get away with this, and Sugar simply knocks Jasmine off the plane with a parachute. Dawn angrily states that Sugar will one day have her day in court, and Anne Maria flips Sugar the bird.
On their way to economy class, Anne Maria asks how this happened, and Zoey states that she believes that in her dingo-induced stupor, she must’ve accidentally voted for Jasmine. Dawn tells Zoey that she’s alright, and Anne Maria then says while that makes sense, she simply wonders how Sugar knew to vote Jasmine, and how a tiebreaker occurred with 5 people.
We then flashback to before the vote, where Sugar yells that she has to use the bathroom. She the hollers that she’s done, telling people to come in to vote. Sugar simply sneaks behind the bathroom door, watching who Zoey votes for, which ends up being Jasmine. We then cut to Sugar in the confessional, voting Jasmine, after Dawn & Anne Maria had voted. After Sugar votes, she unplugs the camera, turning the screen to pitch-black. Due to this, we don’t see who Jasmine voted for, although it was 99% likely that it was Sugar.
In the elimination room, Chris asks if Sugar will still get away with what she’s done, who will lose in the gridlock of Team Chris, and who will make the upcoming merge, before signing off.
Sweden Sour
This episode begins in economy class with Dawn, Zoey, & Anne Maria chatting about what to do about Sugar. Sugar is listening to their conversation, and in the confessional, Sugar admits that she has to kick it up a notch if she wants to stay in the game, as along with Scott, she’s Public Enemy No. 1 in the competition.
Team Chris is finally back in first class, with Topher getting a manicure, Max & Staci eating chocolate-chip cookies, and Scott scouting them all, before deciding to head to economy class to talk with Sugar. Scott does so, bringing Sugar with him to the cargo hold. He asks her how Jasmine was eliminated, and Sugar explains what she did, saying that it’s a lot easier to simply unplug the cameras. In the confessional, Scott states that having Sugar as an ally is beneficial to him, as she makes him look almost decent by comparison.
The Total Drama Jumbo Jet lands on an icy lake in the frozen land of Sweden and slides a long distance across it. While the cast is freezing from the cold, Anne Maria asks if the jackets Chris ordered in the Yukon are available yet, but he replies that they aren't. Chris then says that they’re in Sweden for this challenge, which is to make something out of the iBuildIt tools & parts that they’re given, with the winner gaining in advantage in the second part of today’s challenge. He then says that there were instructions, but they were put through a paper shredder.
Sugar retorts the fact that they’re in Sweden, saying that this is really the Carribean, and it’s been frozen over due to winter. Chris once again states that they are in Sweden, but Sugar still refuses to believe this. Staci then mentions that her ancestors were Scandanavian Vikings, which annoys Sugar, as she explains in the confessional that no one has cooler family members than her Uncle Elliott, who once tried to control an army of donkeys by putting photocopies of his face on them. Back with Chris, he announces that the jackets are there, letting the contestants cheer before mentioning that it’ll take 6-8 more weeks to get the jackets. He then tells them to start building.
With Team Amazon, Sugar is arguing with her team, as they won’t let Sugar lead the charge, and are telling her not to touch the pieces. Sugar says that they aren’t letting her take charge because they’re trying to purposely lose to get her out. Dawn asks Sugar to stop putting together pieces because they don't know what they're building yet, while Sugar asks her to let go as they both try to retrieve the pieces. Anne Maria asks Zoey what she thinks they should do, but she only sighs. In the confessional, Zoey states that she is still bitter about Jasmine’s elimination, which gives her an idea.
Meanwhile, Team Chris stares at the bickering in Team Amazon, with Scott chuckling. Topher says that he likes the catfight, and Scott appreciates the higher chance of winning.
Zoey suddenly has an idea relating to the challenge and begins to work with Team Amazon's pile of stuff, which makes Sugar say “Finally!”, and is captivating Dawn.
Back with Team Chris, Max is telling everybody where to assemble his “evil” contraptions, such as slingshots & throwing stars. Staci then realizes that they could use some privacy, so she & Topher make some with a canvas & plank. Meanwhile, Max & Scott are drawing diagrams of what they want the boat to look like.
Zoey has finally finished her work, which ends up being a wooden replica of Jasmine’s head. Sugar tries to attack Zoey because of this, but Dawn & Anne Maria hold her back. Sugar bemoans the uselessness of Jasmine’s head. Chris then motions everyone to sing, and Max tells Topher not to mention that they’re building a battleship, which Topher says out loud. After they sing "We Built Jasmine's Face," Team Chris wins the promised advantage, which is a bunch of rocks, disappointing Max & Scott. Chris then explains that they must drag the ship to open water and sail north until they find Chef to receive their next instructions.
With Team Chris, Scott & Topher are pulling the boat, while Max & Staci are planning the attacks. Max is looking at the slingshot with great interest, thinking about what to put into there.
Sugar suggests cutting the top of Jasmine’s head off to turn the head into a boat, which the rest of Team Amazon begrudgingly agrees with. As this is finishing, Sugar says that she needs to pass gas, so the rest of Team Amazon tell her to hurry up & get away before doing this, which she does. Sugar runs, sits down on the ice, and lets out a huge fart, causing the ice to break, letting both teams get in their boats in time, with both boats floating properly. Minutes later, Sugar complains that Zoey isn’t steering well on purpose to make them lose, but Zoey denies this, saying that this head isn’t exactly easy to steer.
For being the first to sail to a set location in the challenge, Team Chris receives a Viking hat, which they give to Max to be captain, and a cannon. The next part of the challenge is to capture a flag first or sink the other team's boat with cannons. The rocks are revealed to be flint rocks to fire their cannon.
Meanwhile, Sugar forcibly nominates herself as captain, and Team Amazon is given no tools to light their cannon. Sugar then orders that they fully attack Team Chris, so they can save the Carribean, while talking in a pirate accent. Team Amazon fires first and misses, which causes a back-and-forth firing battle. A cannonball comes directly towards Anne Maria’s pouf, and the cannonball shatters on her head. In the confessional, Anne Maria says that she knew that her toughness would shine, while tapping her hair.
Max lobs lit firecrackers out of a slingshot towards Team Amazon, trying to ignite their ship. This fails, and only succeeds in igniting their own mast, halting them. It looks as if Team Amazon is about to win, but Staci tells her team to shoot her out of the cannon. Duncan asks Owen if he's sure about what he's doing, but Owen assures him he is. Max lights the cannon with the flint and fires Staci straight at the Amazons' boat. Just as the Amazons are about to take the flag, Staci crashes into the enemy ship, destroying it, and winning the challenge for his team. Sugar looks terrified at this, fearing that she’ll be eliminated.
Back on the plane, Team Amazon is all up for elimination. Anne Maria, Dawn, & Zoey are all excited to vote off Sugar, but Chris announces that this was only a reward challenge, leaving everyone on Team Amazon besides Sugar mad, with Chris signing off the episode.
Aftermath Aftermayhem
The episode opens with Geoff happily announcing that this is more than the Aftermath show: "Total Drama Aftermayhem." He then happily announces that Blaineley is finally gone, doing her job and traveling around the world in search of her number one fan, which Geoff does not believe exists. He then tells Katie to take it away, and when she doesn't, he wonders where she is. Suddenly, Blaineley appears out of nowhere, revealing that she sent Bridgette instead of herself, taking a seat. Geoff says he thought Blaineley had quit, but Blaineley explains that she won't be paid if the long show lasts too long, and she'll be sued if she wants to quit for some reason other than getting shot or being killed on set by a falling light, leaving Geoff to hope for a tilting light to fall on her.
After Blaineley lies about how the producers were the ones who sent Katie off, Katie is shown to be in the frigid mountains of Siberia, where she and some interns are caught in a blizzard, which Geoff thought was static on the television. When Geoff asks how Blaineley did this and as Blaineley lies again, a montage shows what actually happened: Blaineley says she took Bridgette to the airport to shoot a special report (put her into a sack), slipped her passport (threw her into a truck, dropping her) and ticket into her purse and helped her on the plane before takeoff (put her in an airplane, dropping her again and shutting the door). Geoff attempts to communicate with Katie via the screen, but the blizzard is hampering this. Geoff swears vengeance, before leaving the stage.
Blaineley then introduces the guests. First, Sierra, who she describes as “a basket case of a superfan” and is shrouded in boos. Then she introduces the “fan-favorite lovable oaf” in Owen, who is saying hi to the cheering audience. Izzy then swings off a vine and is caught by Owen, eliciting aawws from the audience. Alejandro & Jasmine show up last, both displeased.
Blaineley then shows the "That's Gonna Leave a Mark" segment. Katie is shown again, prompting Geoff to rush back on stage. Blaineley was expected to meet one of her biggest fans, but she sent Katie instead, causing the fan to become enraged and demanding that they sing a song about Blaineley. Geoff then performs "Her Real Name Isn't Blaineley," a song that insults Blaineley in various ways while also revealing her real name, Mildred.
Blaineley announces that one of the peanut gallery members will get another chance at the million dollars in the Total Drama Second-Chance Challenge, where five will be selected to compete. Each of the former contestants is given a can of peanuts, five of which contain golden Chris heads. The contestants rush over to Blaineley to grab a can of peanuts, with most of them not having a Golden Chris in them. The five who move on, aka Beardo, Ella, Cameron, Sadie, and Sierra get to play a giant board game involving contestants & previous challenges in World Tour. Contestants must roll a giant die and complete mini challenges to move on. Just before they start, Geoff shows some embarrassing clips of Blaineley in the green room to exact revenge over what she did to Bridgette, revealing that she is very gross. Blaineley tries to cover it up, saying that the clip wasn't real, but no one buys it.
Blaineley tries to hurry the game along, and GeoI realizes that if they don't finish the show on time, Blaineley — and himself — will not be paid. He then attempts to slow the game down by asking the contestants to take their time, while Blaineley rushes them through it. Beardo is up first, and he gets Scott’s challenge, which is to pick up five rats in forty-five seconds. Beardo gets four by the forty second mark, but he fails to catch one more, falling over when he tries, eliciting the banana peel slip sound. It is Sierra’s turn next, and she lands on the Greece square, falling through the floor, which eliminates her. Cameron goes up, and lands on the Australia square, meaning that he has to fight a kangaroo. Cameron is terrified by this and asks if he can simply forfeit. Blaineley lets him do so, mostly so Cameron or his family won’t sue her. Sadie is last, and has to dodge Area 51-esque lasers, lest she get attacked by face-hugging aliens. Sadie’s dance skills pay off, as she dodges every laser, making it to the second round. Ella is next, landing on an Alejandro square, where Ella is asked to come up with a haiku of the Spaniard’s best qualities. She is able to do this, reaching the next round.
Sadie lands on the square for Sweden, and her challenge is to balance Chef’s Swedish Meatballs on her nose for 3 seconds. Ella then moves to the last space, which is London, where Ella must catch Jack the Ripper, which is simply an intern. While this is happening, Katie appears on live feed & says to Geoff that she’ll come home and tells Blaineley that she’s a dead woman. Ella eventually catches the intern and is then asked what Alejandro’s last name (Burromuerto) means.
Due to Blaineley being annoyed that her plan of disposing of Katie failed, Blaineley tries to rush Ella through the question, but the princess says that she’s still thinking. Blaineley then asks anyone who participated in the game to answer due to this. Someone finally answers, granting them a second chance in Total Drama World Tour.
Choose one of Cameron, Ella, Sadie, Beardo or Sierra to return/debut, choose two people to win immunity in Niagara Brawls, and feel free to come up with any plot points!
submitted by graywolt to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:15 GirlsFighting1507 Who would win? 🥊 CATFIGHT 🥊

Who would win? 🥊 CATFIGHT 🥊 submitted by GirlsFighting1507 to desi_catfight [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:05 GirlsFighting1507 Who would win? 🥊 CATFIGHT 🥊

Who would win? 🥊 CATFIGHT 🥊 submitted by GirlsFighting1507 to desi_catfight [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 12:36 Tight_Mastodon_3617 (Yakuza 0) Cat Scratch Trophy

(Yakuza 0) Cat Scratch Trophy
I think that the Japanese Catfight Trophy shouldn't be a bronze one, I wouldn't say that is very difficult but we can all agree that it is very tedious and that luck is a key player in the experience
submitted by Tight_Mastodon_3617 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 11:45 SoftMindless3767 Who wins in the Catfight ? Algeria Star 🇩🇿 Vs Egyptian Star 🇪🇬

Who wins in the Catfight ? Algeria Star 🇩🇿 Vs Egyptian Star 🇪🇬 submitted by SoftMindless3767 to Actressfighting [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 10:12 h2082 I dont knwo what to do anymore

I feel like i should put awarning beffore i post this because i was just venting witbour really thinking and i het a bit graphic about it. General hoarding related stuff, really gross stuff,bugs and dead animals namely cats (also suicide??but jist in the terms ofsocidical tnoughts ig)
Posting in a panic probably isnt the best idea but i jsut need to type for a while. I used to vent on here all the time when i was 14,until mt siblings found my account and thought i was over sharing. Idont know whay to do anymore. Eberytime i tjink its as bad as its going to get it gets worse. I can't even leabe my bed anymore unless im getting something,using yhe bathroom, or stoppinf a catfight because of how actively i have to watch the cats in here. It's already been go the point where I can't wear headphones (unless im washing the dishes) which isnt really a big deal but musics was my main sourcenof comfort. Whats wkrse is thay i share a room. There's always a person in the room with me. I cant just cry or shutdown, or leave to cry because i have to be watchignthe room. My whole life revolves around the cats, i cant leabe the house, nor for muxh more than a car drive, occasionally going places, but more rarley anywhere with other people. My social skills are dead and i dont have real fun anymore. I've been behind on schoo lfornyesrs i cant stand being inthis house just being surrounded by mountains of garbage, and mold and shit and piss and just everything is broken the whole house looks abandoned if it weren't just for the fact most of the lights and foccets work. I have no one to talk to about this everything is getting scarier and scarier and i need help but i dont know what exactly i need i just need help i cant live here anymore i am suicidal ebery moment i dont distract myself and its worse every single time. I cant handle the dead cats, i cant handle the maggots, the spiders, the moths, earwigs, i dont know just the bugs and all of the scratches from the cats and the cuts on my feet from glass or whatever else is in the garbage on the ground i dont know ive tried over and over to talk to my parents but im met with "idk whay tou want me to do" and "im experiencing it too" but i shouldn't hahe to figure it out for them. And they're not experiencing it. Technically, they are, but its not the same. My father acts like we're inconveniencing him when we ask him to bury the ones that die, as if we've killed them. As if weve taken care of the cats, put them in boxes when they died, and were just too lazy to bury them. He once told me we were in the same boat. I told him we had just had 20 kittens at once. 3 of which died in a day, after we had to fetch them out of one of the inaccessable rooms. Trying to het the kittens out ofnthat room felt like trying to reach something down a cave , it hurt so bad. There were 8ndown rhere, and the last one i picked up was dead. And i didnt cry. I just felt uncomfortable, andnthe fact the sight od dead kittens doesnt make me cry makes me feel horrible. Everyone was panicked when we couldn't find them, and everyone was still panicked after. I remember standing in the living room while we were trying to find tiem, and my mom called me from her room. Shensaid she knew i was busy, but asked ifni could get her a drink. The fact she always refers to traumatiznevents i was experiencing frequently as "being busy" makes me sick. 15 of those kittens died. 5 of them we had been bottle feeding because their mother died . I hadn't been sleeping well, no one had. And i told this story to my dad, and he says in response, "your mother made me do laundry the other day, and there was cat shit on it." I knew by that point he wouldn't be able to understand. Id seen him gag and maggots and make me do his only housework because it was too gross, because he doesn't have to live here. Hes not used to seeing those bugs and just having to get over it. He doesnt have to spend every moment here. Neither of them do. I hate watching them just be happy and having fun all the time when were supposedly "in the same boat." I hage wasted my entire life as a teenager taking care of their hoard of cats, rotting in their similarly rotting house, and i cant say a word to them about it. My dad got shat on by a cat and left for half a year. I have to step in shit five times a day and act normal about it. I get pissed on three times a month and dont even get to shower. The cays make me sick i cant stand cats livinf here has made me hate cats. Ive neber admitted this but I've grown a disgusting agression with cats,i lose my temper really easy woth tbe cats.ive never really hurt a cat but i hage an uncontrollable rage towards the cats. I soend every moment of my life constantly making sure they dont kill each other or try to get the other cays pregnant or break into the fridge or piss, shit, throw up on peoples beds. They're constantly jumping on me,kncoking things over, scratching at me,screaming,and they're always my responsibility. My siblings sre too old for me to call the police and they've all been severely medically and educationally neglected i seriously don't know what to do ive tried on multiple occasions to open emergency commisions to save up to just get them out of the house but ive only ever made 40 bucks because my art isnt good enough to be sold but i cannot do anything else because i cant work a job because i smell constantly of cat piss, and i hage to be here to watch the house, we already sleep in strict shifts. We've had hundreds of cats and hundreds of them have died here, mostly before they were 4 weeks old but the rate of adult cats dying is getting more frequent and im terrified and my parents wont listen and they've isolated us so successfully we have no one to reach out to anymore. Our extended family either hates us or doesn't remember us and non of us are in touch with anyone in our town. I've been in a cycle of trying to distract myself, distracting myself, and realizing that im just over consuming media to distract myself from how fucked i am, and then realizing i need to distract myself again. Its torture and every time i fall out of it it gets a bit worse. I am overwhelmed constantly but I'm trying so hard to be approachable and helpful so i don't just make everything worse for my family but i just cant i cant do anything anymore i want to shutdown but I cant. I need help and i dont know what i need but i just dont know what to do i cant do anything i cant ehen think about it whenever i try to stop distracting mysekf and actually think about it and actually feel like im here i get more intensley sucidical i want to throw up om in hell tnis is actuakky hell i can hear the kittens screaming right now and im 50% sure one of them is dead
submitted by h2082 to ChildofHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 06:05 CelebBattleVoteBot CATFIGHT : Paula Patton VS Jennifer Love Hewitt

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submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]