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2008.09.24 22:19 Help me win...

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2014.10.28 22:19 redpillschool No Nothing Nobember

This year, instead of just challenging myself, I decided to pass on the challenge to other people as well, to give ourselves a month free from our vices, to act as a support system when needed, and to come out the other side as better men. And the team behind "/TheRedPill[3] " stepped in to help me out in spreading the message to a wider audience and add some incentives.

2024.05.15 12:13 deaderprettier Can I still get my virgin hair back?

Hey all. I naturally have 1A type hair, but it’s looked a little poofy and frizzy since my mid teens. I live in a pretty humid climate (tropics), so that could be playing a part in the frizz, although I really doubt that because I’ve lived here my whole life and this is the only time my hair has gone rogue. We use clean filtered water so I don’t think that’s it, either. The two indisputable culprits are: the heat treatments which I’d been getting since my mid teens and which I’ve only stopped doing recently, and my diet. The treatments weren’t frequent- I got maybe 1-2 a year, also during this time I still went in for my regular trim, even grew my hair past the shoulders but the frizziness never went away. As for the diet, I had an ED when I was 14 (I’m in my late teens now) and ate less than 500 calories a day for a pretty long time- I’ve recovered, but I now eat considerably less than I used to. As irrational as this may sound I fear I’d somehow irreversibly fucked my vitamin levels up or hormones or whatever, and the fact that I eat really little these days I fear could be playing a part in my less than desirable hair health.
I’ve combed through my entire past (pun intended) and tried to find possible answers as to where it all went wrong. I’ve tried pretty much everything- oral supplements, at-home heat-free treatments, special formulas for “fixing” damaged hair. I no longer apply any artificial heat (flat iron, blow dryer, etc). I have a carefully curated haircare routine, no hardcore and daily shampooing, I mostly just use a conditioner and natural oils. Silk pillow casings. Wooden anti-static hairbrushes. I usually let my hair dry in front of the fan without touching it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that bad- in some ways my hair looks better than it used to months ago when I still did heat treatments and flat ironing. But it has more frizz and flyaways than it used to, especially the topmost layers (the deeper bottom layers still have that old shine, thankfully). I just want my old hair back. If there’s anything I deeply regret, it’s my silly adolescent self giving in to the parlor stylists and letting them treat my hair without fully understanding the long-term consequences. And not appreciating my hair enough probably…I used to get a lot of compliments on it. Like, a REAL lot. Not anymore.
I got a bob cut and I’m just wondering- can I fix this by just growing it out and getting regular trims? Or did I irreversibly damage my hair the moment I got my first treatment and should I just stop hoping I’ll ever get my “virgin” hair back? Should I go see a doctor and have my vitamins checked? Any advice? Any stories to cheer me up? I’m just so tired lmao
submitted by deaderprettier to Hair [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:12 Intelligent-Gold-563 Original Character Sheet for you !

Hello everyone !
I don't know if any of you had the same thought as I did but.... man, don't those character sheets for our PCs just suck ? Especially compared to the character sheet of pre-generated character in the starter kit or what ?
Where are the colors and dynamism and fun ?!
Well, I took upon myself to create character sheet modelled after the pre-generated one and I'm giving them to you free of charge, cause I'm just that nice with a little sneak peak !
But wait, there's more ?
YES ! There is !
With my players, we weren't really satisfied with several rules of the game so we created our own homebrew rules for a couple things and due to that, I started creating original character sheet. It's still a WIP that needs to be a bit more refining regarding the overall aesthetic but all the element and composition of the sheet are already there so you can take a look. I even added the Scribus file in it if any of you want to have fun and change stuff to match your games.
As for our homebrew rules, here is what we changed :
Of course, like I said those are homebrew, you don't have to follow them and you have access to the template file so you can change whatever you want.
In any case, I put the link to the drive with all the files for the 14 Playbooks currently available and the Scribus template for the homebrew character sheet, so have fun people !
submitted by Intelligent-Gold-563 to AvatarLegendsTTRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:11 kiokocenter1 Which Language Disorders Do Speech Therapists Treat?

Which Language Disorders Do Speech Therapists Treat?
Speech therapy aims to improve a person’s communication. Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are professionals who specialize in speech-language therapy. They must go through a rigorous university program, get a master’s degree, complete a 9-month clinical fellowship year (CFY) where they are under the supervision of a senior speech-language pathologist (SLP), get credentialed by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and then get their state license to practice.
The Kioko Center
submitted by kiokocenter1 to u/kiokocenter1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:10 ConfidentVanilla3499 Did anyone overcome executive dysfunction and learned helplesness? How did you do it?

So there have been few posts asking why do people stay with abusers and it got me thinking why I stay with mine. I'm 25 so old enough to get a job and move out, but yet here I am still with my abusive mom and sibling. I realized I don't have enough motivation to actually set goals and see them through long enough to actually get a job and see myself through on my plans. On a rational level I know I would be better off if I move out and I want independence and my own space so much, but on emotional level I'm just stuck. I apply for a job one day and then crash the next, or I get rejected and then my week flews by not doing much, etc. I did work part time during college, but it was always less pressure bc it was part time and I always felt like I could quit and get another similar job. But now it just feels like the stakes are higher and I go into freeze mode, especially when considering moving once and for all and going into rent.
I feel like it's mainly due to being subtly abused, such as being put down, criticized, gaslighted, etc. and told I don't know how to do basic things such as chores without my mom ever giving me the chance to actually do it and learn by myself. But interestingly enough, I was always able to function well under pressure, such as timelines in schools or at deadlines at jobs. From the outside I seem very capable and have good feedback from people, but from the inside, my own head and my family, I'm always told I'm not good enough and can't do shit so I feel like I don't even try or give up too soon because I don't trust myself enough to actually believe something will change. And when I'm faced with huge decision, such as moving away and going into rent world, I just freeze due to fear and overhwelm. Hell, sometimes even small decisions cause me to freeze and avoid.
One thing that I've noticed since I've started my trauma work and as I was examining my family is that my uncle (mom's younger brother) is basically same. He graduated college but never had a job and stayed with my grandma all of his life until she died. As a kid, he was always the joke of the family and I never understood why he simply didn't get a job and move out, but know I'm scared I might end up the same way. Especially since I was always the faulty kid, constantly criticized, attacked and blamed for everything and still am while older sister was the favourite until she moved out and then younger sister became the favourite. I feel like my mom replicated the dynamics she saw as a kid and I know my grandma was pretty cold and distant as a person so I wouldn't be shocked she was toxic as hell (I never really knew her well).
Anyways, I'm wondering if there are any advice from people who were in similar situations. Like I want to move out so badly and move on with my life bc I'm getting tired of sitting around the house and feeling like I'm wasting my life being stuck on my trauma, but at the same time it's hard to get started and actually stay consistent.
submitted by ConfidentVanilla3499 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:09 ConfidentVanilla3499 Did anyone overcome executive dysfunction and learned helplesness? How did you do it?

So there have been few posts asking why do people stay with abusers and it got me thinking why I stay with mine. I'm 25 so old enough to get a job and move out, but yet here I am still with my abusive mom and sibling. I realized I don't have enough motivation to actually set goals and see them through long enough to actually get a job and see myself through on my plans. On a rational level I know I would be better off if I move out and I want independence and my own space so much, but on emotional level I'm just stuck. I apply for a job one day and then crash the next, or I get rejected and then my week flews by not doing much, etc. I did work part time during college, but it was always less pressure bc it was part time and I always felt like I could quit and get another similar job. But now it just feels like the stakes are higher and I go into freeze mode, especially when considering moving once and for all and going into rent.
I feel like it's mainly due to being subtly abused, such as being put down, criticized, gaslighted, etc. and told I don't know how to do basic things such as chores without my mom ever giving me the chance to actually do it and learn by myself. But interestingly enough, I was always able to function well under pressure, such as timelines in schools or at deadlines at jobs. From the outside I seem very capable and have good feedback from people, but from the inside, my own head and my family, I'm always told I'm not good enough and can't do shit so I feel like I don't even try or give up too soon because I don't trust myself enough to actually believe something will change. And when I'm faced with huge decision, such as moving away and going into rent world, I just freeze due to fear and overhwelm. Hell, sometimes even small decisions cause me to freeze and avoid.
One thing that I've noticed since I've started my trauma work and as I was examining my family is that my uncle (mom's younger brother) is basically same. He graduated college but never had a job and stayed with my grandma all of his life until she died. As a kid, he was always the joke of the family and I never understood why he simply didn't get a job and move out, but know I'm scared I might end up the same way. Especially since I was always the faulty kid, constantly criticized, attacked and blamed for everything and still am while older sister was the favourite until she moved out and then younger sister became the favourite. I feel like my mom replicated the dynamics she saw as a kid and I know my grandma was pretty cold and distant as a person so I wouldn't be shocked she was toxic as hell (I never really knew her well).
Anyways, I'm wondering if there are any advice from people who were in similar situations. Like I want to move out so badly and move on with my life bc I'm getting tired of sitting around the house and feeling like I'm wasting my life being stuck on my trauma, but at the same time it's hard to get started and actually stay consistent.
submitted by ConfidentVanilla3499 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:09 SeekersLegacy As a long time Addams fan, I still enjoy the new ‘Wednesday’ as its own thing.

Hey everyone, this post is long, so only read it if you want to, I just kind of want to put my own thoughts out there as a long time Addams fan who is also a fan of ‘Wednesday’ and why I feel that way. I apologize in advance for the long post.
So I’ve always been a big Addams Family fan, I have the 1964 sitcom series on dvd, a bootleg dvd of the 1998 “The New Addams Family” series, and the 90’s movies with Christina Ricci on Blu-Ray.
When ‘Wednesday’ came out on Netflix, I hadn’t actually watched any of the previous stuff in awhile, it was just sitting on the shelf. I loved the first season of Wednesday and it drove me to do a refresher, so I recently just got finished doing a binge of my entire Addams collection. Recently just finished my re-Watch of ‘Wednesday’ season 1, to see if the knowledge of all the previous Addams stuff fresh in my head would make me hate the new show and I confess…it doesn’t.
Sure it’s different, but why can’t it be seen as an alternate universe take on the brand rather than comparing it to everything that came before? Why can’t it be appreciated as its own separate standalone Addams thing? I fully believe you can be a long time of of everything from the 1960’s to to 90’s and still be a fan of ‘Wednesday’. I don’t believe that it has to be one or the other. I still like the show after the re-watch binge of everything and yes, I confess I’m absolutely hyped for season 2.
What I’m going to say next may sound crazy, but it’s just personally how I feel. I feel that a different take on the Addams universe that was a bit more serious, and darker, with more drama like this, was a good idea, a good experiment at trying something new, rather than making another completely family friendly comedy focused kind of adaptation.
Everything that came before is still there and it isn’t ruined by the existence of ‘Wednesday’, I believe ‘Wednesday’ can exist in co-existence with everything else, and be seen as, like I said, a kind of alternate universe Addams story,
I’ve seen Wednesday compared to Riverdale and considering I watched Riverdale beginning to end, I’d say Wednesday at the very least is a masterpiece of a show compared to the slop that “Rivershit” was. However I’m aware that when it comes to “Rivershit”, there is no bar to get over, the bar is laying on the ground actually.
Why did I watch the entire series of “Rivershit”? I definitely feel the need to defend myself here lol. Make no mistake, quality wise it’s one of the worst shows ever made, even by CW standards, though the first few seasons were “ok” at best. I watched it because as someone who is 35, and an Archie fan who grew up with tons of Archie comics as a child, I couldn’t help but be drawn to it, for nostalgia, and then I stuck with it as a guilty pleasure entertainment, laughing at how it was so bad it was good from beginning to end. If there’s anything positive about “Rivershit” to say, is it’s so unbelievably and terribly bad that it’s hilariously entertaining which also makes it good.
‘Wednesday’ at the very least, is a masterpiece compared to whatever “Rivershit” was trying to be. I’d even argue that ‘Wednesday’ is still a higher quality show than most of the CW stuff it gets compared to. I feel that ‘Wednesday’ at least tries to put a genuine effort in to be a good show and tell a solid story and I got invested in her and Enid’s dynamic and growing friendship (that Wednesday would never admit to).
Make no mistake though, Wednesday isn’t perfect by any means, and I know that it’s easy to get over the bar that’s “Rivershit” when the bar is laying on the ground and can be just stepped over, but while ‘Wednesday’ may be imperfect, I don’t think it’s a garbage or trash show by any means.
I’m aware I’ll probably get a lot of downvotes for this, but I just wanted to give my personal take on this. You don’t have to agree but I still ask for kindness or civil responses. We’re all real people behind these keyboards, and all of your opinions count regardless if you don’t agree with me and all of your opinions are absolutely valid opinions worth discussing. We all have different things we enjoy and that’s ok.
submitted by SeekersLegacy to AddamsFamily [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:09 Exciting_District_36 IT Professional Matrimonials: Your Premier Destination for IT Professional Brides and Grooms

At TrulyMarry, we specialize in connecting IT professionals seeking meaningful and lifelong partnerships. Our dedicated IT Professional Matrimony platform is designed exclusively for individuals in the tech industry, ensuring you meet like-minded brides and grooms who understand the unique demands and opportunities of your profession.
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TrulyMarry’s exclusive matchmaking services stand out for their personalized approach. Our IT Professional Matchmaker team works diligently to understand your preferences and aspirations, delivering tailored matches that align with your lifestyle and career goals. We believe in building strong, supportive relationships that empower both partners to thrive in their careers and personal lives.
Our user-friendly platform ensures a secure and private browsing experience, allowing you to explore potential matches with confidence. The profiles on our IT Professional Wedding Site are meticulously verified, ensuring authenticity and a high standard of compatibility.
Join TrulyMarry today and embark on your journey to find the perfect IT Professional bride or groom. With our expert support and exclusive community, you’re not just finding a partner; you’re finding a true match who shares your passion for technology and life.
submitted by Exciting_District_36 to u/Exciting_District_36 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:08 ConfidentVanilla3499 Did anyone overcome executive dysfunction and learned helplesness? How did you do it?

So there have been few posts asking why do people stay with abusers and it got me thinking why I stay with mine. I'm 25 so old enough to get a job and move out, but yet here I am still with my abusive mom and sibling. I realized I don't have enough motivation to actually set goals and see them through long enough to actually get a job and see myself through on my plans. On a rational level I know I would be better off if I move out and I want independence and my own space so much, but on emotional level I'm just stuck. I apply for a job one day and then crash the next, or I get rejected and then my week flews by not doing much, etc. I did work part time during college, but it was always less pressure bc it was part time and I always felt like I could quit and get another similar job. But now it just feels like the stakes are higher and I go into freeze mode, especially when considering moving once and for all and going into rent.
I feel like it's mainly due to being subtly abused, such as being put down, criticized, gaslighted, etc. and told I don't know how to do basic things such as chores without my mom ever giving me the chance to actually do it and learn by myself. But interestingly enough, I was always able to function well under pressure, such as timelines in schools or at deadlines at jobs. From the outside I seem very capable and have good feedback from people, but from the inside, my own head and my family, I'm always told I'm not good enough and can't do shit so I feel like I don't even try or give up too soon because I don't trust myself enough to actually believe something will change. And when I'm faced with huge decision, such as moving away and going into rent world, I just freeze due to fear and overhwelm. Hell, sometimes even small decisions cause me to freeze and avoid.
One thing that I've noticed since I've started my trauma work and as I was examining my family is that my uncle (mom's younger brother) is basically same. He graduated college but never had a job and stayed with my grandma all of his life until she died. As a kid, he was always the joke of the family and I never understood why he simply didn't get a job and move out, but know I'm scared I might end up the same way. Especially since I was always the faulty kid, constantly criticized, attacked and blamed for everything and still am while older sister was the favourite until she moved out and then younger sister became the favourite. I feel like my mom replicated the dynamics she saw as a kid and I know my grandma was pretty cold and distant as a person so I wouldn't be shocked she was toxic as hell (I never really knew her well).
Anyways, I'm wondering if there are any advice from people who were in similar situations. Like I want to move out so badly and move on with my life bc I'm getting tired of sitting around the house and feeling like I'm wasting my life being stuck on my trauma, but at the same time it's hard to get started and actually stay consistent.
submitted by ConfidentVanilla3499 to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:06 ConfidentVanilla3499 Did anyone overcome executive dysfunction and learned helplesness? How did you do it?

So there have been few posts asking why do people stay with abusers and it got me thinking why I stay with mine. I'm 25 so old enough to get a job and move out, but yet here I am still with my abusive mom and sibling. I realized I don't have enough motivation to actually set goals and see them through long enough to actually get a job and see myself through on my plans. On a rational level I know I would be better off if I move out and I want independence and my own space so much, but on emotional level I'm just stuck. I apply for a job one day and then crash the next, or I get rejected and then my week flews by not doing much, etc. I did work part time during college, but it was always less pressure bc it was part time and I always felt like I could quit and get another similar job. But now it just feels like the stakes are higher and I go into freeze mode, especially when considering moving once and for all and going into rent.
I feel like it's mainly due to being subtly abused, such as being put down, criticized, gaslighted, etc. and told I don't know how to do basic things such as chores without my mom ever giving me the chance to actually do it and learn by myself. But interestingly enough, I was always able to function well under pressure, such as timelines in schools or at deadlines at jobs. From the outside I seem very capable and have good feedback from people, but from the inside, my own head and my family, I'm always told I'm not good enough and can't do shit so I feel like I don't even try or give up too soon because I don't trust myself enough to actually believe something will change. And when I'm faced with huge decision, such as moving away and going into rent world, I just freeze due to fear and overhwelm. Hell, sometimes even small decisions cause me to freeze and avoid.
One thing that I've noticed since I've started my trauma work and as I was examining my family is that my uncle (mom's younger brother) is basically same. He graduated college but never had a job and stayed with my grandma all of his life until she died. As a kid, he was always the joke of the family and I never understood why he simply didn't get a job and move out, but know I'm scared I might end up the same way. Especially since I was always the faulty kid, constantly criticized, attacked and blamed for everything and still am while older sister was the favourite until she moved out and then younger sister became the favourite. I feel like my mom replicated the dynamics she saw as a kid and I know my grandma was pretty cold and distant as a person so I wouldn't be shocked she was toxic as hell (I never really knew her well).
Anyways, I'm wondering if there are any advice from people who were in similar situations. Like I want to move out so badly and move on with my life bc I'm getting tired of sitting around the house and feeling like I'm wasting my life being stuck on my trauma, but at the same time it's hard to get started and actually stay consistent.
submitted by ConfidentVanilla3499 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:06 marlowecan It all just feels a bit wierd...

Don't know about anyone else, but I feel really deflated and more than a bit anxious about how Ange reacted in the presser last night.
It's a complex situation but I think the focus on the fans and their reaction to the loss are a little overblown. "Inside and outside" the club is where Ange is saying the problems are.
The fans; obviously the situation we were faced with last night was a strange one. Dumb luck with scheduling left us in a position where this was our game in hand. We were mathematically still chasing Champions League but were still banking on Crystal Palace doing us a favour. If Liverpool hadn't rolled over in the last 10 minutes against Villa, then I think the dynamic of last night's game in terms of the fans attitude would have been much different. If we'd won the game, Champions League would have felt genuinely within reach, but with Villa snatching a draw, I think most of us felt that fourth was as good as settled. That left us in a position where beating City would have, realistically done nothing more than hand Arsenal the title whilst not changing anything in regards to our own position in the table. Just a shitty situation to be in.
We've got a lot of foreign fans in the sub and on social media and genuinely, they wouldn't have any idea of the genuine rivalry with Arsenal. Admittedly, I'm not a local but I've been following Spurs for over 30 years and have managed to afford to get to a handful of games. I know enough and I still, despite not being there in person, grasp the depth of the rivalry. I wasn't going to land into work this morning and get ripped to shreds by Arsenal fans, but I still appreciate that that is the reality for the local fan-base, and you guys, the match going fans for the most part, have a different experience from the majority of the fans who have been crowing on social media. This is football. I understand if Ange is pissed off with the fans last night, watching on TV, it was a strange atmosphere. I felt torn watching the game, when Sonny went through I was willing him to put it away, but when the keeper made the save, I felt an odd sense of relief. It was strange, strange experience watching the game last night, one I don't want to have to experience again anytime soon, because the joy in the game as a supporter is embracing the full throttle emotions of watching you team score big goals, in important games. The shitty thing about last night, the game, just wasn't important enough to warrant those emotions... like I said, Champions League football was as good as gone.
But "inside the club"? We can't be sure what this means, but Ange's presser last night felt eerily like Conte's did, eerily like Mourinho's did towards the end. It felt then, that they'd come to realise that the scope of their ambition wasn't going to be matched financially by the club. It felt like they'd come out of a meeting having been told that promises made were to be been reneged on. I don't feel like that's what we saw last night.
I think what Ange meant with his "last 48" hours comment was purely about mentality. Is it wild to think that there were jokes made around the club the last few days leading up to the game about what winning would mean? I don't think it's beyond reason to think a kit man, or a groundsman, or Doris from the ticket office, or Steve in the dining room wouldn't have made a comment here or there about how "winning isn't everything".
Like it or not, rivalry or not, Ange and the players are professionals. He wanted to win. He wanted us to beat City and put the pressure on Villa to get something at Palace and secure, somehow, in a season where nobody had any hopes for us, Champions League football. But the club maybe, the fans certainly, just didn't. Not at the end, not when we have already consoled ourselves that Champions League football wasn't "realistic" with Villa's draw at Liverpool.
At the final whistle some of the players didn't look all that annoyed. Pep was prancing around congratulating Son, flirtingly punching Romero - it was as though the team were content that everyone in the ground seemed perfectly comfortable with how the game panned out. And that's not a winning mentality. That's not the attitude that wins trophies, or brings success. The playing staff didn't look distraught, they didn't look like a team who had just missed out on Champions League football.
Apologies for the long post (especially if you made it this far). I thought we were brilliant last night. I don't remember anyone outperforming City in the manner we did in the first half. There were so many positives, one being Ange's ability to kill City's ability to dictate tempo by using Sarr as a false 9. We were fantastic and for me it was one of the most impressive performances of the season, especially considering injuries. But I get where Ange is coming from and I hope this was one of those games that we look back on as a turning point and acts as a catalyst for a long overdue change in the club's mentality.
submitted by marlowecan to coys [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:06 reracked377 Like... what if?

She looks like Jennifer Doudna, literally:
What if?
What if the lipo-nanoparticles and the ACE2 gene-silencing CRISPR RNA-gene-drive 'inoculation' program are part of Club of Rome's Odum's "reduce America's population by 2/3rds hopefully voluntarily by 2030?" What if this was and will become Utopia? What if Deagel's 2025 population statistics that accounts for this 2/3rds population reduction, which was sponsored by Kissinger, the Rockefeller foundation and Edwin Deagle Jr., knows more about this?
"The analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 structure in light of the functioning of the CRISPR-Cas9, Cas12a and CasX mechanism suggests that the virus is man-made through genetic modification. [...] Covid is not acting like other viruses and many various symptoms in human body have been observed. [...] The modifications in the backbone’s phosphate group induced by CRISPR engineering create a highly imbalanced state. The entropy and therefore the repulsion forces strongly dominate in this type of virus."
What if they gave you AIDS and sterilized you? What if the optimal CRISPR-Cas9 lock-on markers out of any nGG, ie markers for future gene editing, was part of the plan? And hopefully none of this is sexually transmissible. Sticking a peen in an Extinction Level Event... is it worth the risk? We should ask Ian this. He did look grayer after screwing Jessica.
Utopia (UK):
  • "SARS doesn't exist."
  • "The planet can support only 1 billion."
  • "We leave 5 to 8% unaffected."
  • "Janus consists of protein and an amino-acid." (CRISPR)
I chose my own people."

Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from BOTH Virus and Vaccine mRNA
The modification of mRNA with N1-methylpseudouridine for increased stability leads to the production of spike proteins for months.'

Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 - withdrawn (January 2020)
Amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag."
What's the common denominator? European DNA. The injection is ethnically adjusted to deplete ACE2-expression of European DNA but not those carry k26r polymorphism, ie. Ashkenazi J's and the Amish.
Where is ACE2 located? Also in mitochondria, the cell's battery. Why cancer? CRISPR, mitochondria and p53 disruption, oxidative stress. Once modRNA gets into cells, they're released to hijack cell's machinery to produce full-spike proteins, endlessly. Spike proteins downregulate ACE2-protein expression of mitochondrias and silence p53 the guardian of genome. And the CRISPR Cas9/Cas12a awaits for gRNA to act.
An idea of giving cells the instructions to synthesize pathogenic spike-protein to develop immunity is imbecilic in the first place. But urging people to get one without a prescription promising getting back to normal (that's been destroyed for this purpose) - a crime.
But Rockefeller's (Rockefellos) Cub of Rome would never think of doing anything like this. The network in Utopia is fictional, right? Read Kissinger report, read the Jaffe memo!
Rockefeller's Population Council:
"fertility control agent' designed to lower fertility in the society by 5 to 75% less than a present birth rate; to be included in water supply in urban areas." (1969).
You see, just like women refused to smoke in public until they saw it as a form of liberation. Covid is our liberation. If things go to plan. We won't know for many years.
The public would never support the most powerful men working to reduce the numbers of the "lower class" until we saw OURSELVES as a deadly virus to the planet. That's been the goal from the get-go.
In the population control document that Rockefellers sponsored it suggests multiple methods of involuntary sterilization such as adding “fertility control agents” to water supplies, temporary sterilization of all young women “via time-capsule contraceptives,” and compulsory sterilization of men with three or more children.
Those are just ideas they floated, it's not like they ever funded or implemented them. It's not like they made an anti-fertility vaccine! They did.
Its not like they ever went thru with an actual involuntary roll out of this tho, we woulda heard about it!
You might have seen this 2014 story "debunked." In 2014, Kenyan doctors found traces of HCG in Tetanus vaccines being distributed by WHO/funded by Gates. Why is this important?
HCG is the same pregnancy hormone that is used in conjunction with Tetanus in that SAME ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION FUNDED INDIAN INFERTILITY VACCINE. Doctors in the Philippines and Mexico also claimed to have found HCG in their WHO distributed Tetanus vaccines in the 90s (they did). The WHO didn't fund the development of that Indian vaccine (BECAUSE THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION DID)!
It is important to note that this Anti-fertility vaccine has been in development since 1988 thru 2014 to this day.
It does appear as if the Rockefellers have implemented their "involuntary fertility control" and have used Tetanus vaccines as cover to test this pet project of theirs, but that's speculation.
The goal of the network also reminds me of "Children of Men," originally published in 1992 and set in England in 2021.
"Armageddon Begins - Russian Detonates Nuclear Bomb, Kazakhstan Annihilated." The newspaper reads in opening of the film.
Children of Men' (2006) Plot - In the year 2027, after 18 years of total human infertility, war and global depression have pushed society to the point of collapse as humanity faces extinction.
Did you know that "Children of Men" was written by Phyllis Dorothy James, referencing Pat Frank's "Mr. Adam" and "Alas, Babylon" written back in 1950s?
Given the quality of sperm declining due to fluoride, chemical exposure and such, and mRNA-medicine affecting fertility of men and women, that's the exact match.
Joel E Cohen, the Rockefeller University Professor on Population heavily acknowledged the significant drop in fertility rate of white populations in US and EU, explaining driven immigration to sustain the level and boost 'economic prosperity.' As the saying goes, Just as the Egyptians made G‑d’s firstborn (the Israelities) suffer, G‑d punished - measure for measure - the Egyptians’ firstborn. All the firstborn would lose the life-energy that until then kept them alive." This is the 188th Mitzvah and accompanies the gene drive which is Janus to a T. Bye, bye!

Angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACE) play a dominant role in fertility (2013):
To solve population bomb, just sterilize the entire world with:
  • release bioengineered disease binding and exploiting ACE2
  • silence gene expression through CRISPR-Cas9 mRNA
Presented for your viewing:

CRISPCas9 gene drives in genetically variable and nonrandomly mating wild populations (2017)
A drive targeting Ace2 might therefore conceivably be used for direct population suppression.”
DARPA invests $100m in gene-drive technology - new gene-editing technology, which many people fear could lead to deliberate and unintended damage on a huge scale (2017):…
Harvard, Wyss Institute - CRISPR-Cas9: Gene-drive:
Little is known about the role of p53 in the regulation of ACE2. An earlier study reported that p53 suppresses the replication of coronavirus through ACE2 degradation in humans.”
And to conclude, Epstein associate George Church, who said arranged marriages using gene sequencing as Haredim have been doing is ideal; Epstein associate Martin Nowak - Evolutionary dynamics of CRISPR-Cas9 gene drives (2016)...
...with Matthew Liao, want to design humans using gene editing.

The Rockefeller Foundation - Bionics, Transhumanism, and the End of Evolution (2019):
Here's the end; how fun it will be, how fun, indeed:
In Grant's drawings it says they put the ghost cell in the buffalo and the man eats the buffalo and rots. People won't physically rot from consuming the food, they'll just be sterilized when they take the vaccine, or they will, because Prions.
Like I'm crazy so don't take too much of what is posted here that seriously, but do if your life depends on it.
Utopia experiments manuscript was the plot for 2025. I'm shaking in my socks.
submitted by reracked377 to utopiatv [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:05 ThrowRA6597 I (18F) found out my sister (34F) is actually my biological mother, and my parents are my grandparents. How do I figure out what I'm supposed to do next?

Recently I got surgery on my knee from a football injury. They took my blood before it, and because I do biology at school, I looked at the results when I was bored afterwards. One of the things it said was that my blood type is AB positive, which I thought was quite cool, since it isn’t very common. I already knew my father’s blood type is A negative because he donates blood, and I had gone with him a couple of times. My mother had come to visit me, and I had asked her if her blood type was AB positive or B positive. I wanted to know because I find genetics really interesting, and I’d always liked doing punnett squares and knowing how things work. She asked me what I was talking about, and I asked her which one of those her blood type is. She said it was O positive, and asked me why I wanted to know. I said that was impossible, and she must be confused. She said I was the one on pain medication, so I was confused. And that it was just blood, I’m healthy and fine, so that’s all that matters.
I thought I must be confused, so I looked it up online, and like I thought, it was literally impossible that I could have that blood type. My mother had to have either AB positive or B positive blood, because otherwise I would have A type blood or O type blood. I figured that maybe she had just forgotten, since both my test and my father’s ones had to be right. But it just seemed a bit weird, so when I got home I looked at one of the papers my mother had kept in the drawer from when she had some medical tests done. And it said that she had O positive blood. I was just confused. I knew there had to be a mistake, somehow. Maybe the hospital had done my blood wrong, or they had written my mother’s blood down wrong. I didn’t even consider my parents weren’t my parents, it just didn’t seem possible. There were photos of me as a newborn, my mother holding me, I look like all of my siblings.
I could have just let it go, but it just didn’t seem right. While my mother was at work, I went through more of the papers. Every single time, it was O positive. I just thought rationally, and decided that they must have taken my blood wrong. I had gotten a couple of blood tests in the past as a child, and I managed to find them at the bottom of the drawer. They all said AB positive. There had to be some kind of explanation, so when my mother came home, I went and talked to her and I told her that with our blood types, I couldn’t be their child. And I wanted to know why, and if she knew why, and if I got mixed up in the hospital or had a blood transfusion or something. She said to wait until my father came home. I was just so confused, I didn’t get how this was possible.
Then when my father got home, they ended up telling me what had happened. My sister, or my actual mother, became pregnant at fifteen. My parents wouldn’t tell me anything about my father, I don’t know much they do know, but they said that instead of having my sister be ashamed and tied down with a child because she was sixteen when she gave birth, as soon as I was born, I became their child. My parents lied to everyone and said it was a cryptic pregnancy. Because my sister didn’t show much, and they didn’t tell anyone, no one knew. They adopted me when I was very young. The rest of my parents’ children were all quite young when I was born, the eldest was eleven. She knew, but the rest of them didn’t and thought I was my mother’s baby, because that was what my parents told me. Everyone thought I was, because I look a lot like the rest of my family. I always thought I looked a little bit different, but I figured it was genetics, I’m never going to look the same as everyone else. My parents said they didn’t want me to know about it, I didn’t need to know, but there was no way they could explain this and I was old enough to understand it now.
Now it feels like everything I thought my life was isn’t real at all. I thought I had six siblings. Four sisters, and two brothers. I thought I was the youngest, I only very recently turned eighteen. My sister, or my mother, lives in a city about three hours away. I don’t know a lot about her because she moved away from home when I was three. I would see her occasionally, and sometimes at holidays, but not often. Maybe about four or five times a year. She doesn’t seem like she is my mother, I always thought she didn't really care much about me. While quite a few of my siblings would fuss over me and play with me when I was little and go to my important games, she mostly ignored me. I only have a couple of significant memories with her and she definitely wouldn't be proud of me or anything, there's nothing special about me.
I used to ask my mother about her but she never told me much about her. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do next. I have a good life, I know I do and I'm lucky. But now I don’t even know who my father is, it’s like part of me is missing. I don’t know why I look like I do, literally all I know is what his blood type is. I'm really confused. Now I know, I don't know if I'm supposed to talk to her about any of this, or if she just wants to leave her alone, which I would understand. I really don't know what I'm supposed to do now, I think my parents are a bit disappointed I know now, and in some ways I am too because now I know everything I thought was real isn't. I want to know about my father, I want to know about part of who I really am. But my parents won’t tell me, and I don’t know if she will either. She probably just wants me out of her life, and probably never wanted me and wishes I wasn’t there at all. I don’t want to disrupt her life either. When I asked my mother, she said I should just leave it, and she won't want to talk to me, but I don't think my mother has talked to her for a while either. I don't know if I'm supposed to do anything, or just leave it, but I feel like it's quite an important part of my life and although I love my parents, or my grandparents, I still want to know about my biological mother as well.
English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if any of this is incorrect. I did read over it, but if something doesn't make sense I can clarify it :)
submitted by ThrowRA6597 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:05 BiggestOfHs Scared, alone and almost 13 weeks

Please could I have some shared thoughts?
I (26F) am scheduled to have a termination at 13 weeks and one day pregnant next Tuesday. I am in south England.
A bit of a backstory. A very short term relationship with a narcissist who has now been arrested for harassment, stalking and coercive control towards me. I feel safe that contact with him and me/ the foetus will be very difficult for him because of his heavy drug use and previous convictions/ongoing investigation. My family are being wonderfully supportive if I continue with the abortion. If they think otherwise then the support will stop.
I have a five-year-old daughter with my ex-husband who is the most wonderful coparent and we have a really good working relationship.
I had a miscarriage exactly a year before I found out I was pregnant this time round. I tried to get an abortion at five weeks after finding out that the ex had cheated on me. I didn’t go through with this as we were able to be civil and I thought things would be okay. at nine weeks after telling my family I revisited the idea of abortion however due to complications with the clinic they have been unable to book me an appointment until I’m 13 weeks. My personal cut off has always been 12 weeks so it just feels like fate and the universe telling me I should go through with the pregnancy?
I honestly don’t think I’m going to be able to go through the termination. There is no part of me that feels strong enough to be able to abort the pregnancy, and in my heart of hearts I really do know that I want to continue the pregnancy and I feel protected by the police and other services that he will not be able to hurt me or my children. The other part of me doesn’t want to let my family down anymore, and I know that I might lose them if I continue the pregnancy.
My mind is all over the place and I’m so confused and I cry a lot. I’m trying to decide the world that I want for myself, but I feel like everyone else is just complicating things.
submitted by BiggestOfHs to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:02 Diligent-Alps-3001 Terrible but yeah that's life

I happen to be in a relationship for a period of 7 years now. It started when I was in college and everything was smooth. Though we did have the right amount of breakups in between, but it all made sense, to stick by her and rise in my career and she also felt happy. I am into teaching youngsters in a school and parallely have some online classes as well. She is currently doing her graduation and busy in college life and I too, owing to work, had to discount some of our time together to make up for the rise in career which I am currently seeing. I mean I am in the peak of my career(to be honest). The time which I am not giving her currently is due to the fact that I want her to give everything. I had a fairly poor financial background but there was never fancy dates etc but I do value her as something which is beyond the normal. I have made self made gifts too when I had financial problem so to make her feel warm and happy.
However there are certain instances which I have observed.
I. Once we were in a temple and like good guys, I wished she would be mine. The same day I found out she was texting her ex on the same temple premise. After a fight it was okay.
II. She will give her number to random guy she met on bus or train and confront me saying that I couldn't say no.
III. In the beginning of our relationship, I was little over protective like Baat mat karo kind of.. Which i later ended completely and have her full freedom.6 Montgs ago, she told me she was going to dinner with some friend in college. I said it's alright and didn't bother much.
IV. Recently during our recent meetup, she was behaving differently, like she mentioned that she is seeing someone but still kissing me while saying it. I thought she was joking and later she denied. But she will not make eye contact while saying that. During those days my work was coming too much in between and I trusted her so I didn't say anything.
V. Recently I came to know that she is dating a guy from college and they kissed and stuff. Initially I couldn't tolerate. Tried to talk to her but she won't listen to meet. I went to meet her and found out that it was too late. Now she is throwing everything about it on me. Like you didn't give time etc. Dude I had a future planned. I was working to have our first house together. Sent her pics of apartments etc. She said she announced it to me and hence it's not cheating. How should I take it.
I am currently not able to think straight and the thoughts of it is ruining everything. Even my career. I feel as if my left side of chest is having a sinking feeling. There is pain and it's never ending.
Please tell me what I should I do.
Ignore typos if any.
submitted by Diligent-Alps-3001 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:02 Ok-Response-1430 27 [M4F] Sydney Australia/ anywhere

27 male south East Asian but born and raised in Australia. Architect.
Looking for someone to spend my life with. I ike to spend time on my own or just with my special someone. I’m 6’0, 85 kg. Going to the gym and I am quite good at cooking.
If you want to know more then let me know! We can exchange pictures and get to know each other.
submitted by Ok-Response-1430 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:01 AutoModerator Good morning, Brew Enthusiasts! Join today's Daily Brew Chat to share your coffee moments, ask questions, and discuss anything related to the world of coffee.

Good morning, Brew Enthusiasts!
Welcome to today's Daily Brew Chat – your daily rendezvous with fellow coffee lovers. This thread is the perfect place to share those special moments from your daily coffee routine, be it a freshly brewed espresso at dawn, a latte art attempt, or a quiet cup of joe that sets your day right.
🌟 Today's Discussion Points:
📸 Photo Sharing: We love to see your brews! Share photos of your coffee, setups, or brewing processes.
🔍 Learning Corner: Share any tips, tricks, or advice you've learned about brewing a great cup. Newbies and veterans alike, let's learn together!
Remember, whether you're a seasoned barista, a home brewing enthusiast, or just beginning your coffee journey, your contributions make this community vibrant and diverse. Let's keep our discussions respectful, supportive, and as warm as a freshly brewed pot of coffee.
submitted by AutoModerator to brew [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:00 shreshthaconsultancy Elevate Your Brand: Digital Marketing in Mathura with Shreshtha Consultancy Services

In today's hyper-connected world, digital marketing has become the cornerstone of business growth and success. From small local businesses to large corporations, establishing a robust online presence is crucial for reaching and engaging with target audiences effectively. In the historical city of Mathura, where tradition meets modernity, one company stands out in empowering businesses through innovative digital marketing solutions: Shreshtha Consultancy Services.

Who We Are:

Shreshtha Consultancy Services is a leading digital marketing company based in Mathura, dedicated to helping businesses thrive in the digital realm. With a team of skilled marketers, designers, and strategists, we specialize in crafting tailored digital marketing strategies that resonate with our clients' unique needs and objectives.

Our Approach:

At Shreshtha Consultancy Services, we believe in a collaborative approach to digital marketing. We take the time to understand our clients' businesses, target audiences, and industry landscape comprehensively. This deep understanding enables us to develop customized strategies that drive tangible results, whether it's increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or boosting online sales.

Our Services:

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): We optimize websites to improve their visibility and ranking on search engine results pages, helping businesses attract organic traffic and enhance their online presence.
  2. Social Media Marketing (SMM): Leveraging the power of social media platforms, we create compelling content and targeted advertising campaigns to engage with audiences, build brand loyalty, and drive conversions.
  3. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC): Our PPC experts design and manage cost-effective advertising campaigns across various platforms, ensuring maximum ROI for our clients' ad spend.
  4. Content Marketing: From blog posts and articles to videos and infographics, we develop high-quality content that educates, entertains, and inspires audiences, positioning our clients as industry leaders.
  5. Email Marketing: We design and execute strategic email campaigns that nurture leads, promote products or services, and foster long-term relationships with customers.

Why Choose Us:

  1. Local Expertise: As a digital marketing company based in Mathura, we have a deep understanding of the local market dynamics, enabling us to create strategies that resonate with the region's audience.
  2. Proven Track Record: With years of experience in the industry, we have successfully executed digital marketing campaigns for businesses across various sectors, driving measurable results and delivering exceptional value.
  3. Innovation: We stay ahead of the curve by keeping abreast of the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in digital marketing, ensuring that our clients benefit from cutting-edge strategies and solutions.
  4. Client-Centric Approach: Our clients' success is our top priority, and we go above and beyond to exceed their expectations, providing personalized attention, transparent communication, and ongoing support.


In the digital age, the success of businesses hinges on their ability to adapt and thrive in the online space. Shreshtha Consultancy Services is committed to empowering businesses in Mathura and beyond through innovative digital marketing solutions that drive growth, visibility, and profitability. Whether you're a small local shop or a large enterprise, we have the expertise and passion to help you succeed in the digital realm. Get in touch with us today to embark on your digital journey towards success!
submitted by shreshthaconsultancy to u/shreshthaconsultancy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:00 constantly_frosty60 AITAH for wanting to do less for my boyfriend after he didn’t get me anything for my birthday?

I’ve been with my boyfriend almost 5 years now and since I’ve known him he hasn’t really ever given birthday or Christmas gifts to people. I never really understand it, as I love giving gifts and put on a lot of effort for his but I do know it’s not everyone’s love language.
Well after couples years I’d expressed I wanted birthday/Christmas gifts from him. I said it didn’t have to be very expensive like a card and a cheap gift is fine. I just want to feel appreciated. He did start buying gifts and my last birthday and Christmas he made me feel really special. Well it was my birthday Sunday and he asked me what I wanted a month ago, I showed him and he said ok. I also kept reminding him to wrap it and write my card all last week as he can be forgetful and just come home and fall asleep because of his depression and just being tired from work.
So when it turns out he didn’t get me anything not even a card I was very confused and upset. I asked him why he didn’t and he said he didn’t know. He was very quiet most of the day then fell asleep in the afternoon. So my birthday kind of sucked but it’s not unusual for him to be distant because of his depression and he is going through a medication change so I I wasn’t too upset by that. Mostly just about the lack of gift or even a card.
I’m not really too upset about it anymore but I do feel under appreciated. I do a lot for him. I don’t work because of severe anxiety. I’ll stay over at weekends and do all the cooking, wash all the dishes, hoover, clean etc. (this is just one room he lives with family) I do this partly because I like to stay busy and love to cook as it helps the anxiety I can’t just sit there and also partly because it’s the way I show love. I have dinner ready for him when he gets home Friday and always make us a cake or cookies as a treat. I make most his coffee/teas for him, make his breakfast for him as well and bring it back to his room. Which I know typing it sounds ridiculous but he wants to spend most of the weekend in bed and if I’m going downstairs to make myself toast I just as well ask if he wants some?
Anyway after thinking about it I despite enjoying doing it it I think I’m doing too much. I know he has depression and he’s burnout on weekends but I think it’s not even appreciated what I do. So would I be the asshole if I toned it back a bit and basically stopped waiting on his every need even if it’s just because I’m bitter about the lack of gift?
submitted by constantly_frosty60 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:59 VAISHAK_C_P Augmented Reality in Healthcare: Navigating Hospitals with AR Technology

Augmented Reality in Healthcare: Navigating Hospitals with AR Technology

Augmented Reality in Healthcare: Navigating Hospitals with AR Technology
The healthcare industry is continually seeking innovative ways to improve patient care, streamline operations, and enhance overall efficiency. One of the most promising technologies to emerge in recent years is Augmented Reality (AR). By overlaying digital information onto the physical world, AR provides a powerful tool for various applications within hospitals. In this blog post, we’ll explore how AR is revolutionizing hospital navigation, improving patient experiences, and enhancing the efficiency of healthcare providers.

Navigating Complex Hospital Layouts

Hospitals are often sprawling, complex structures with multiple floors, wings, and specialized departments. For patients and visitors, navigating these labyrinthine layouts can be a daunting task, leading to stress, delays, and missed appointments. AR navigation solutions are changing the game by providing intuitive, real-time wayfinding assistance.
AR navigation apps use the camera on a smartphone or a wearable device to overlay directional arrows, route lines, and other guiding elements directly onto the real-world view. Users can easily follow these visual cues to their destinations without needing to decipher static maps or ask for directions. This technology not only improves the patient and visitor experience but also reduces the burden on hospital staff who are frequently asked for directions.
Read more: Integrating Location Technology: A Game-Changer for Business Growth

Enhancing Patient Experience

The patient journey within a hospital can be overwhelming, especially for those who are already dealing with health concerns. AR technology can significantly enhance the patient experience by providing clear, interactive guidance from the moment they enter the facility.
Personalized Navigation: AR can offer personalized navigation routes based on the patient’s appointments and specific needs. For instance, a patient visiting multiple departments can receive a tailored route that minimizes walking distance and wait times.
Information Overlays: AR can display relevant information as patients navigate the hospital. For example, when approaching a department, patients can see details about their appointment, estimated wait times, or even educational content about their medical condition.
Accessibility: AR navigation can include features for visually impaired patients, such as audio prompts and high-contrast visual guides, making the hospital environment more accessible to everyone.

Streamlining Healthcare Provider Operations

Healthcare providers also benefit from AR navigation technology. By reducing the time spent giving directions and assisting lost patients, hospital staff can focus more on their primary duties, improving overall efficiency and patient care.
Efficient Resource Allocation: With AR, hospital administrators can better understand and manage the flow of patients and visitors within the facility. This data can inform decisions about resource allocation, staffing, and space utilization.
Training and Orientation: AR can be used to train new staff by providing interactive, guided tours of the hospital. New employees can familiarize themselves with the facility quickly and efficiently, reducing the learning curve.
Emergency Response: In emergencies, every second counts. AR navigation can provide real-time guidance to emergency responders, helping them reach critical areas like trauma centers or operating rooms without delay. This capability can be particularly valuable in large hospitals where navigation can be challenging under pressure.

Future Innovations and Applications

The potential applications of AR in healthcare go beyond navigation. Here are a few future innovations that could further transform hospitals:
AR-Assisted Procedures: Surgeons can use AR to overlay critical information, such as patient vitals or 3D models of anatomy, directly onto their field of view during operations. This technology can enhance precision and improve surgical outcomes.
Remote Consultations: AR can facilitate remote consultations by allowing doctors to virtually “visit” patients in different parts of the hospital or even at home. Through AR, doctors can view patient data, interact with medical devices, and provide guidance to on-site caregivers.
Patient Education: AR can be used to educate patients about their conditions and treatments. By visualizing complex medical information in an easily understandable format, patients can make more informed decisions about their care.
Read more:Indoor Navigation for Smart Buildings: SDK & APIs

Challenges and Considerations

While AR technology holds great promise, there are challenges and considerations that hospitals must address to successfully implement it:
Privacy and Security: Ensuring the privacy and security of patient data is paramount. Hospitals must implement robust security measures to protect sensitive information accessed through AR applications.
Infrastructure Requirements: AR navigation relies on accurate indoor mapping and robust network infrastructure. Hospitals need to invest in the necessary technology and infrastructure to support AR solutions.
User Adoption: For AR technology to be effective, both patients and staff need to be comfortable using it. Hospitals should provide training and support to encourage adoption and address any concerns.


Augmented Reality is poised to revolutionize hospital navigation and many other aspects of healthcare. By providing intuitive, personalized guidance, AR enhances the patient experience, improves accessibility, and streamlines hospital operations. As the technology continues to evolve, its applications will expand, offering even more innovative solutions to the challenges faced by healthcare providers. Embracing AR technology today can set the stage for a more efficient, patient-centric healthcare environment tomorrow.
As hospitals continue to explore and integrate AR technology, they will not only redefine navigation but also pave the way for a broader transformation in how healthcare services are delivered and experienced. The future of healthcare is augmented, and it promises to be brighter, more efficient, and more accessible for all.
Contact us today to discover how their solutions can drive your success.
submitted by VAISHAK_C_P to u/VAISHAK_C_P [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:58 Small-Swim2486 Unveiling the Sleek Marlboro Racing Car - White, Red, and Black Car Wrap: A Tribute to Racing Heritage

Hey there, fellow car enthusiasts!
Today, I'm thrilled to introduce you to an absolute stunner in the world of vehicle aesthetics: the Marlboro Racing Car Wrap. Whether you're a die-hard fan of motorsports or simply looking to turn heads on the road, this car wrap is bound to leave a lasting impression.
Let's dive into its design. Inspired by the iconic Marlboro racing livery, this wrap combines classic colors of white, red, and black in a dynamic and visually striking pattern. It pays homage to the rich heritage of motorsports while adding a modern twist that's sure to captivate onlookers.
But this car wrap isn't just about looks; it's also about quality and durability. Crafted from high-grade vinyl materials, it provides a protective layer that shields your vehicle's paint from scratches, chips, and UV damage, ensuring that it looks pristine for miles to come.
One of the standout features of this wrap is its attention to detail. From the precision-cut graphics to the vibrant color scheme, every aspect is meticulously crafted to replicate the iconic Marlboro racing livery with utmost authenticity.
Installation is a breeze with the Marlboro Racing Car wrap. Thanks to its adhesive backing and user-friendly design, you can achieve professional-looking results with minimal effort, saving both time and money compared to traditional paint jobs.
Maintenance is also hassle-free. Simply wash your vehicle regularly with a mild detergent and water, avoiding harsh chemicals and abrasive materials, to keep it looking its best and preserving the brilliance of the wrap.
In summary, if you're looking to pay tribute to the timeless legacy of motorsports while adding a touch of excitement to your ride, the Marlboro Racing Car - White, Red, and Black Car Wrap is the perfect choice. Its eye-catching design, durability, and ease of installation make it a top pick for car enthusiasts and casual drivers alike.
So why wait? Embrace the spirit of racing heritage today with the Marlboro Racing Car - White, Red, and Black Car Wrap and experience the thrill of the track wherever you go!
submitted by Small-Swim2486 to u/Small-Swim2486 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:57 abyssaI_watcher I'm having a really hard time moving on from my mental unstable parent.

Noteable people is 18-23M me, 35-38F mother, 8-12F sister, ages aren't a exact for identity purposes. And apologies for any bad grammar, it was never my thing.
So first to preface this by saying yes I know I need to move on I just don't know how without creating more resentment towards my mother than there already is.
So to give context, we live in a government apartment complex (comes into play later) in Oregon. We got it when I 7th grade-8 grade range in middle school. We have been living here ever since. There's been issues here and there like all families, nothing to intense or out of the norm to be of concern or create resentment between us in terms of fights or the such.
Now where the problem comes in first off, my mother has a lot of mental issues. She's throughout all my life has been depressed plus severe anxiety. She said a lot of it stims from having me young and taking care of me. She also due to her young age having me has felt guilty for not providing enough. Which she is very defensive about so throughout my life. Often feeling like I can't say anything without making her get defensive (not angry like crying), so I've by and large kept quiet and just went along with it as it made me feel bad.
This with the fact that I had not father growing up, she tried to basically find replacements. Replacemens looks back I didn't really need, as my grandpa and grandma already shoulder that burden and did a wonderful job at it. This created for my mom the reason to find a boyfriend and stick with them because in her name it was for me to have a father figure so to say. Problem comes, she rushed into theses relationships while being young. So obviously they turned out to be douchebags behind the scenes and bare medium above the table. But she never split from them, only after a really long time due to her attachment issues.
I think u get the idea, now fast forward until roughly a year after COVID started, at the time I believe I was starting my Jr year maybe a little ways into jr year. She quit her job as her job was giving her no hours. This I do not blame at all. But during this time she got a new boyfriend. Same story as the rest, this guy wasn't a full on douchebag but wasn't a good guy either. He kinda was just whatever. He had money as he was big into crypto when that boomed. This with her attachment issue/plus no job created a dependentsy. Since she hasn't gotten a job yet to time of this post.
Now the real problem and why I can't move on. The boyfriend she was dependent on and her broke up. Since she doesn't work a job yet she's not making any money obviously. Oregon in the government apartments we live in it's based on rent, we don't make money we don't need to pay rent. Along with using food stamps. For that reason if she was to get a job rent would go up, food stamps would go down and unless she's working a lot of hours it simply lvls out. That's her reasoning for not getting a job. The rules apply just the same way to me.
Now in normal circumstances I would just find a job, work, pay the rent then move out. But I have a sister, who I getting the short end of the stick. On one hand my mother has said quite literally in the past her job was raising me and as I'm a adult she believes she's finished that job and gets a break.
Tensions between my sister and my mother isn't in the best spot to say the least. My sister isn't good at hiding her emotions especially with puberty hitting her, even tho she trys. this in turn makes my mother's anxiety sky rocket and makes her sad constantly. This makes my sister feel guilty. I try to mediate best I can but as the past with me always keeping quiet, it's let go when it affects others I care about. I never really cared about anyone really in the past so it's never happened. This makes my mother feel like both of us are against her and out to get her. So even worse than before it feels like both me and my sister are on egg shells.
This is also a minor one but relevant none the less. My sister wanted a cat for herself as I had my own. I said it was a bad idea at the time because we had fleas and should deal with that first. My mother said it was fine she was gonna handle it and what not. I said OK but I don't wanna have any responsibilities connected to this animal. Come to today his 1.5 years old and has issues related to fleas as they where never delt with.
So my sister is one reason I have a hard time moving on. The other is I don't wanna feel responsible for both my mother and my sister and paying rent for them while so young myself. Knowing myself well enough I can acknowledge that it will make any and all my resentment blow over terribly for my mother. As the power dynamic will be swapped for me and any eggshells that I would tip toe around, I never will anymore. Any and all guilt shes felt will be multiplied to high. Again making my sister feel bad cuz that girl won't even hurt a fly. So on the one hand I wanna take car of my sister and be there for her, the other hand I don't wanna be near my mother and both in combination I feel is holding me back.
Btw before u ask I've been asking my mother to see a therapist for years. So much so I made it a birthday wish for her to simply make a appointment and that's all I asked for her. She still hasn't but I don't know how to bring it up without stepping on the eggshells. I do once in a while but she get emotional.
Tldr, I don't know how to move on, with taking on so much responsibility I shouldn't have imo, not wanting my sister to get screwed over in the process, single mother that has mental problems that's effecting the whole family.
submitted by abyssaI_watcher to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:56 kari2ten Help! Raising 3-year-old with NDad

Hi there. I'm not sure if this is the best avenue for this, and I hope it's allowed, but I'm an anxious Mama, and I'm reaching out for help.
I seperated from my narcissistic spouse about 9 months ago, and the divorce just finalized a few weeks back. We have a three-year-old daughter. Despite my best efforts to keep primary physical custody of her, and for many reasons, we ended up settling on 50/50 custody, and I have been a nervous wreck ever since.
I am reaching out to this community, as children of narcissistic parents, to ask what I need to be doing to best support my daughter as she navigates her relationship with her Dad. My ex is not a malicious person, I think he loves our daughter and would not purposely harm her, but he completely lacks self-awareness and does not seem cognizant that other people have needs outside of his own. I keep hoping that his desire to do right by her will go a long way, but then I remember that he also 'loved' me and wanted to do right by me, and was absolutely, monstrously emotionally abusive and completely oblivious of the fact that he was, and also blamed me for it. I can't imagine what she will be up against over the coming years. The gaslighting and total lack of boundaries were the worst.
I have started reading books on the topic ("Raising Resilient Children with a Borderline or Narcissistic Parent") and have talked with her psychologist about my concerns (we started her in therapy right after the split because she was acting out and continue to see her therapist weekly), but I am still feeling so helpless in this situation. She is in daycare and I am so grateful for that stability and her access to other loving caregivers there. I want and wanted to protect her. Leaving my ex was the right choice, as the drama and trauma was intensifying every week, and at least she is not seeing our fights any more... But not having her in my care 50% of the time is proving extremely challenging. Not knowing what she is experiencing over there or what I can do is breaking my heart. So I want to hear from you. What did your non-narc parent do (or could have/should have done) to help you growing up in such a family dynamic? What should I be documenting? What can I be looking out for as she grows? Any input or shared experiences are welcome.
Thank you, in advance. Signed, -a nervous mama bear
submitted by kari2ten to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]