Used t rex motorcycle

Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

2009.11.05 04:41 TheBiggestFaggot Harley-Davidson Motorcycles

Anything and everything related to Harley-Davidson motorcycles and the people who ride them.

2014.01.01 21:43 cat_dev_null Rattus Motorcyclus

Where old, tired motorcycles go to not die. **Submitted motorcycles must be in running condition**. No rollers without engines. No steampunk runners. Submitted bikes must be significantly junky.

2017.06.18 18:56 24jared Deals on motorcycle gear and accsessories

Welcome to Moto_Deals! Here you you will find motorcycle gear, parts, and other accessories at unbelievable discounted price! After all no one likes paying full price, right?

2024.05.29 04:44 ThrowawayRoblox87728 My 16th Birthday Sucked and I Don’t Want To Be Happy

I posted about this on my profile a while back, but my 16th birthday absolutely sucked. I’m mostly back online now, so I guess that’s good, but damn, I don’t feel happy anymore, and I don’t want to. I put on a fake smile each day.
I can’t really talk to anyone about it. There’s always this “oh, mental health awareness” movement but then when people try to talk about it, you get shoved away. The only reason they care is because it interferes with their lives. I need to clarify I’m not depressed or anything, I filled out screenings last week at my annual checkup, but it still sucks.
I’ve felt really sad lately though. I’m sad that all my friends get to experience their 16th birthday, a milestone birthday, normally, while mine went down the drain, and I will never have that experience or be this age again. I don’t wish malice on them of course, but I hope someone out there gets it. Christmas went a similar way, so now I’m dreading that too this year. Every time I seem to be happy, something always comes along and ruins it. I’m scared to relax and be happy, to the point I actually feel GOOD when I’m stressed out in some way.
My parents are acting like it was no big deal, and are trying to act all normal, especially my dad. I feel like a background character in the lives of others, like if I were to die tomorrow not much else would change. My dad can never accept he‘s wrong, he says that I cannot “outshine the master” with any form of criticism, and then they happen to wonder why I’m so distant from them and don’t trust them with anything. I don’t want to be around them, it’s literal poison yet all my needs are being met. It’s so loving but so toxic, and I have such a weak heart that is too loving and forgiving of other people. I feel so dirty when they try to give me a hug or high five, like I’m laying in a pile of mud.
I’m not being abused physically, but damn I’m tired. I made a plan previously to travel around Christmas and my birthday in the future to make up for it, but I‘m never getting that time back, so there’s no point. I’d only be doing it to remind myself of my past sadness anyway. And I don’t know how I’m going to be able to afford to move out when I’m 18 given current trends. My own parents have said such horrible things to me that I can’t just move on from, saying that I’m a monster who leeches off other people, and that I am not welcome at their funerals. The only reason they want me to be successful is so that if they die early, I can take custody of my little sister. And then they boast about how they are so much better than their parents because they don’t resort to physical beatings. Granted, I’ve said horrible things too, but I was either a little kid or had horrible things said to me first.
On the subject of that, I hate the thought of my birthday so much now. The thought of someone making me a cake or saying Happy Birthday to me makes me cringe back to the prehistoric era. I’m absolutely dreading my 17th birthday, and I just simply wish there was a button to skip that entire week. I wish my family, my friends, and society collectively forgot about my birthday. I’m even contemplating deleting all my birthday and Christmas photos from the past, so I don’t have to look at them.
I love coding and making things, but even that just feels depressing now. I can’t really make anything as that’s not allowed too much after how my 16th birthday went, so I just don’t want to make or even think of anything at all. And when I do get the chance, I just feel like shutting it down and going to bed.
I just want to feel loved unconditionally. I just want to be able to embrace someone in a warm long hug, cry in front of them, and not have it be used against me down the road. I don’t want therapy (imo it’s thousands of dollars for a talk buddy who nods their head and gives generic bs) but I just want to be able to trust someone with my deepest thoughts. But everyone I’ve ever trusted either betrayed me, abandoned me, or used it as ammo in an argument.
I recently reconnected with my old best friend from childhood after nine months after he betrayed me for a girl, and it just doesn’t feel the same. It feels amazing, yes, but it’s like something is missing.
I’m just simply tired and don’t even know what to say anymore. I have so much to say but not the words to do it. I see this as the start of a new life, one I’m not seeking to alter in any way. I’m not looking for input or commentary, but I’ll go clinically insane and perhaps take my stress out on others if I don’t channel it somewhere.
submitted by ThrowawayRoblox87728 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:44 ash_nm Pannus
Just watched this video by NEJM. From it, I learned for the first time about Pannus, which are “tumor like structures” that form over time in joint spaces.
I work in the medical field and have seen RA patients with Pannus growths larger than ping pong balls.
And we often use micro dosing of chemotherapy drugs to control it….
Just another thing that makes me question why this disease isn’t taken seriously lol.
submitted by ash_nm to rheumatoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:44 brendanbobl When to switch dominant hands.

I’m just under a year out from a relatively mild ischemic stroke but I do have a limp and some issues with fine motor skills my right hand (right handed.) Like many others, my recovery kind of plateaued after around 6 months.
I was told early on not to give up on my right hand. I think it’s called learned non use? But my right hand isn’t useless it’s just a little shaky and unpredictable. Has anyone made the case for just trying to learn to use their other hand when their dominant hand isn’t totally paralyzed? I had terrible handwriting before my stroke but now even I can’t read it 🤣 Also other things like cooking and just general everyday tasks.
Not giving up entirely on improving my right side just wondering if others have gone through similar experiences.
submitted by brendanbobl to stroke [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:44 HRJafael Erving Elementary School eyes student mental health program
After results from a recent survey showed that 7% of Erving students were in the “high risk” emotional category and another 32% were at “some risk” emotionally, Erving Elementary School is moving forward with a new student mental health program.
Speaking before the School Committee last week, Curriculum Coordinator Lindsay Rodriguez noted that the data, which teachers collected from students in kindergarten through sixth grade, shows that Erving Elementary School screened slightly higher than other districts that participate, which on average comprise about an 80% “low risk” student body with 15% to 20% of students in the “some risk” category and 0% to 5% at “high risk.”
“We were able to really think about how we can support that 7% with this BRYT opportunity, and find areas that we can also support that ‘some risk’ category,” Rodriguez said, referring to the Bridge for Resilient Youth in Transition program.
According to Paul Hyry-Dermith, director of BRYT, 180 schools in Massachusetts have implemented BRYT programming since its inception 20 years ago. Last week, the Healey-Driscoll administration allocated roughly $13 million for another 30 high-risk schools to implement the student mental health program.
The program creates a “student success center” classroom for students facing mental health challenges to receive counseling and support. Hyry-Dermith noted that while counseling sessions with moderate-risk students will be capped at 10 students, counseling for high-risk students will be limited to five students at any given time.
According to BRYT District and School Specialist Zemora Tevah, the program will be staffed by a full-time teacher, the school’s adjustment counselor and the school psychologist. Tevah also noted that BRYT staff will coordinate mental health strategies with teachers and parents to ensure wraparound support for students in need.
“In the student success center, students will be learning regulation strategies that will help support their ability to participate in classes. BRYT staff will be helping students learn how to regulate their emotions,” Tevah said. “Students will access core classroom instruction for as much time as they are able to engage in productively.”
Using state support, Hyry-Dermith said Erving Elementary School can expect to pay about $20,400 out-of-pocket for the first year of the program, around $16,400 the second year and $16,200 the third year. Rodriguez noted that Hyry-Dermith’s cost estimates include a $14,400 charge each year for staffing support, which she said Erving will not need as the district has the staff necessary for the program.
Although the School Committee voted unanimously last week to sign a contract with BRYT pending approval from town counsel and the superintendent, the potential financial impacts from BRYT’s implementation prompted concern among some committee members, who wanted to ensure the district could afford to continue funding the program if it proves to be successful.
“Nobody’s saying that we don’t have needs and nobody’s saying that we don’t want to address those needs,” School Committee Chair Mackensey Bailey said. “Our role up here is to be looking at our budget and to make sure that it is something that we can go forward with, that it’s sustainable and has a way to measure whether it’s successful or not.”
submitted by HRJafael to FranklinCountyMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:44 faltudrama Why Plastic Knobs???

I'm searching for a replacement gas cooktop and visited 4-5 stores today to get a hands-on look at brands and models. What I found was that Every Single Cooktop has plastic knobs, or at best, metal covering the plastic D-shaped piece in the knob that actually turns your stove on.
Every. Single. Knob. Was plastic. I even looked at cooking ranges to see if there was a difference but the knobs on those were plastic too. The cooktops ranged from below $1000 to over $5000+ (and some of the ranges were well above that).
Why though? These plastic D-shaped pieces get the most use and break the most if my one afternoon of frustrated searching is any indication. I'm seeing complaints re broken knobs on Kitchenaid, Samsung, GE, Bosch---all of them.
Is there some solution to this that everyone has figured out that I haven't? Are people dropping $500+ on replacement knobs every couple of years?
I'm so tired.... 😞
(All guidance and advice appreciated)
submitted by faltudrama to Appliances [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 garbage-girl-xoxo Keep a secret to possibly save their feelings or tell them to save mine?

I'm new to enjoying polyamory. I'm in love with someone who has an established polycule. I'm not an easy person to be with in a relationship, I have personal things I'm working on, and I didn't quite click into this polycule. I probably could never fit in well with kitchen table polyamory. Instead, I've been mostly solo- I like the rest of the people they're dating, compersion is good there, but the relationships I'm forming on my own don't overlap with each othethe partner I am referring to. My other relationships are in very early stages, so while in theory I don't want to have a primary (and I wouldn't be theirs anyway) in essence they are my primary in terms of a matured/established relationship.
I was invited to a private party in a broader circle of people we have in common, and it doesn't look like they were. I'm thrilled and very excited but this situation is new for me. I'm not sure if I should share with them that I was invited. I don't want them to be disappointed that they weren't. I'm not certain I'm supposed to mention it to anyone who hasn't been invited anyway. I don't like feeling like I'm keeping a secret from my partner. I feel guilty about not telling them about it, I'm used to being fully transparent about my life to them. They do plenty of things without me, I don't feel they need to tell me and they don't feel they can't. It just hasn't been the other way around before, and they tend to be sensitive about their social standing in this circle so I'm afraid it would bother them that they weren't invited while I (a newcomer) was.
submitted by garbage-girl-xoxo to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 nightking_rn Memorial Day filet

Memorial Day filet
2.5” prime filet, low and slow on the charcoal grill. Pulled at 110° and reverse seared on stainless steel pan with a touch of avocado oil. Garnished with sautéed mushrooms and onions. Served with roasted Brussel sprouts and lobster mac & cheese. Bourbon for dessert.
submitted by nightking_rn to steak [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 Leather_Paramedic_57 Changing emails

Military, secret clearance here
Changing my email to a new one. It’s different from the one I used on my last sf86, and my next investigation isn’t for a few years. Do I need to let anyone know that I’m changing it?
submitted by Leather_Paramedic_57 to SecurityClearance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 jonathanleejw Anyone have issues running Cupramine QT on angels? Specifically cupramine and not copper power.

Seems like every dwarf angel i put in QT doesn’t last more than a week in cupramine whereas the other fish in the tank are fine with it. Are dwarf angels abit more sensitive to cupramine specifically? I read that most use copper power now cause its easier on the fish compared to cupramine but i cant get copper power in my country.
submitted by jonathanleejw to ReefTank [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 Far-Season-5083 My son is behind, I don’t know what to do and his father won’t help

My son is 4 years old and started preschool in the fall. I was working day shifts from 6am-3:30 or 4:00 and my son’s father wasn’t working so he would take him to school in the morning; we also live across the street from each other which is super convenient. Things were going great until Christmas break ended. After the break, his father’s car broke down and he was unable to drive him to school. I suggested that he walk him to school but he refused, claiming that the school was too far and he would be too tired despite him not working. For 2 months my son would sit in the house playing on his tablet for hours until I got home because his father didn’t want to entertain him. I personally have no problem with my son having a tablet but I never wanted him to be on it for long periods of time. The rule at my house is 1 hour on school nights and 2 hours on the weekend, he spends most of his day outside on the weekends anyway. However, his father allows him to do whatever he wants and doesn’t monitor what he watches. As soon as I get home my son comes and gets dressed for the first time all day and goes outside to play with his cousins who have just gotten out of school. I would cook and get him into bed by 9. I don’t only throw blame on his father because I know that I’m at fault as well because I wouldn’t work with my son on his reading in writing but in my defense I was exhausted from work.
I say all this to say that my son is behind in school and I don’t know how to help him. He started going back to school in March. The other kids in his class are writing their names and can recognize letters but he can’t do any of that. I recently went on medical leave so I am at home all day with him and I try to help teach him. His teachers don’t have time to help him catch up and always say that he isn’t a good student. I’ve bought work books,flash cards, and even customized print outs of his name for him to trace. I tried out learning videos on YouTube like Blippi and Ms. Rachel but he shows no interest and would rather use his tablet to play games. He doesn’t like any educational shows and will only watch shows like Pj mask and other things that I think are too overstimulating. I am struggling to get him interested in learning. I know that consistency is important and I work on it everyday but I can’t control what he does at his dad’s house and I definitely can’t keep him from going there without causing problems. However, he has no interest in helping his son because he’s says that he’s tired after work and doesn’t want to be bothered. I just don’t know what to do anymore. Please if you have any tips on how I can teach him to recognize letters and engage in learning I’d greatly appreciate them!
submitted by Far-Season-5083 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 Greendale13 [General Fiction/Marvel] Teleportation

If a character could teleport from one point on the globe to another in an instant via a intermediary plane of existence wouldn’t they need to account for the rotation of the Earth, the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, etc?
This question is about teleportation as a concept more broadly but using Nightcrawler as an example even though ostensibly he can teleport easily to anywhere he can see, once he enters his other realm, he no longer has a position relative to any point on Earth and the Earth’s spin and movement through space being so damn fast, wouldn’t he and others who are similarly capable end up in space?
submitted by Greendale13 to AskScienceFiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 Jswagy_Nub Invest in the $TRUTH

Hey Legends and Giga Chads out there.
One of the crypto OGs, thedude0ne has created his own memecoin, but its not just your ordinary memecoin, but a movement aiming to revolutionize how we share and trust information online. Imagine the crypto version of a lie detector mixed with the fun of your favorite dog memes.

So, What's Truth Inu All About?

Truth Inu started as a fun, transparent dog-themed memecoin, but we've got bigger goals. Inspired by figures like Elon Musk who are vocal about misinformation, we're here to be the beacon of transparency in a sea of sketchy news.

The Journey So Far

We've built an amazing community that's about more than just making money. You all have been key in laying down the foundation for promoting truth and transparency. Our meme game is strong — the transparent dog coin isn’t just for laughs, it stands for honesty and openness in the crypto space. Sharing fun memes and random truths with $TRUTH is central to our strategy. Let’s make truth-telling viral and fun!

What's Next?

How Can You Get Involved?

Let’s make sure truth prevails and trust is restored. The best is yet to come!
Join us and let’s make history together.
submitted by Jswagy_Nub to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 FollowingTop8854 Michael Anthony Watched Ozzy Osbourne Light Bill Ward on Fire.

Michael Anthony Watched Ozzy Osbourne Light Bill Ward on Fire.
Michael Anthony has detailed a memorable – and bizarre – early touring experience, when he watched Ozzy Osbourne light his Black Sabbath bandmate Bill Ward on fire.
It was 1978 when Van Halen, then one of rock’s fastest rising acts, was touring with Black Sabbath. “We had the best time opening up for Black Sabbath,” Anthony recalled during a recent conversation with Sirius XM’s Eddie Trunk. “We came out like gangbusters every night.”
By all accounts, Osbourne’s group was in rough shape at the time due to alcohol and drug abuse, but Anthony noted that the metal legends “still knew how to have fun offstage.”
“Ozzy, Bill Ward and myself would be sitting at the bar at the hotel after the show having a beer,” the bassist recalled, detailing one of his favorite memories from the tour. “Ozzy would elbow me and go, ‘Hey, Michael. Check this out.’ And he’d just turn over and pick up a lighter and light Bill Ward's beard on fire.”
To Anthony’s shock, Ward didn’t seem fazed by the spontaneous ignition
“He just snuffed it out,” Anthony remembered, “and didn't even skip a beat.”
The Van Halen bassist soon deduced that Ward was used to these kinds of shenanigans, even if such an act seemed wild to everyone else.
“[Ward] didn't even flinch,” Anthony noted. “He just kept drinking his beer.”
Michael Anthony’s Favorite Tour Prank
While Black Sabbath seemed to enjoy fire play, Anthony revealed his own prank of choice was quite the opposite.
“My forte was fire extinguishers. Just kind of shooting them off where I shouldn't be,” the bassist confessed. “I've cleared a couple of hotels out my time. Had to pay the police off, stuff like that.”
As Anthony explained, trashing hotels was seen as a rite of passage for rock bands at the time.
“We'd read what like Led Zeppelin would do, what Sabbath would do, what all these people would do on tour,” he recalled, before admitting “there was a lot of shenanigans that went down” on Van Halen’s early tours.
submitted by FollowingTop8854 to vanhalen [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 rathaunike Thiem - the future model of the one handed backhand?

Im an amateur tennis player (UTR 7.5 atm). I play with a OHBH which I love. I love hitting it, i tend to have a better backhand than 90% of players I play, and I want the ohbh in the future of the game. If it disappers we lose an aesthetic in tennis I think we won't get with 2HBH.
I also believe, esp through playing, there are 2 very obvious disadvantages with a OHBH, among some smaller advantages (natural variety, natural topspin, natural power with the free stroke, better off forehand etc).
Here they are
  1. You cannot hit winners off the back foot (like djokovic, sinner etc).
  2. Over the shoulder balls are almost never playable offensively (you generally hit up and generate more spin back) and it becomes v hard when a player like nadal comes on the scene with a lefty whip of a fore hand that is constantly above head height. Roger figured out a solution - but he is roger. Most others like gasquet, wawrinka etc never did.
  3. Return of serve - generally because you have to "hit" the ball and can't really push it as with a forehand or 2hbh.
Except Dominic Thiem never had these issues. He is literally the *only* single hander who didn't. Why? Because he doesnt whip the ball and hit up on over the shoulder balls. And beacuse he can push the ball off the back foot. Why? Because He has a straight arm on preparation which is very unusual. Its almost like a 2hbh - and he hits across the ball whenever he wants (so its flat). And in fact, he changed from a 2hbh as a junior so it makes sense.
This is why he can do insane things like 1. Hit passing shots off the *back foot\* while sliding like djokovic - this is unheard of for a ohbh you need to be front foot. 2. Can aggressively dominate baseline rallies with his backhand when nadal hits heavy forehand topsin to it. 3. Doesnt get pinned on cross court rallies with Nadal beacuse he can easily drive down the line by hitting throught the ball. Roger would generally slice at best.
Tsistipas is almost the polar opposite. He is very bent arm, and very whippy, and its so obvious he require exceptional timing. He struggles on fast courts and can manage on clay.
Thiem can also hit more topspin than most OHBH because once he sets his straight arm, its almost like his hitting with a baseball bat. Its a very "swing a bat" style motion as opposite to a "whip" motion most ohbh use.
My OHBH for example is really typicla of the classic "buggy whip". I finish quite exaggerated (lke dimitrov) with a "back against the wall" style side on position and I cannot really generate power off the back foot. I will generally slice.
Its very obvious I struggle with very high topspin balls. At best, I hit back with height and its neutral. I can never be aggressive without running around and hitting an off forehand.
I've been practising what Thiem does recently and its so difficult for me now. Straight arm prepartion is so strange. But looking at what he does, and my own first hand experience with the challenges of a OHBH, make me very optimistic that his technique is potentially a future.
Shapo actually has a pretty straight arm prep too and he seems to be able to hit across high balls easily too.
Would love to hear thoughts.
It also makes me so sad we never got to see Thiem dominate in the top 5 over 10 years+. He could've inspired a resurgence and new techique in the ohbh.
submitted by rathaunike to tennis [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 Difficult_Weight_213 Flair temperature compared to traditional boiler machines

Hey folks. I’ve been using my flair pro 2 now for a few years and it’s been overall fantastic. I’m fortunate enough to have a kettle that fits the brew chamber inside, so temperature control has always been really precise.
The issue I’m having is I struggle to compare what the puck temperature is with other machines. My intuition tells me that the temperate at the puck is very close to my set temperate, but I don’t actually have any proof to back this up. If anyone knows the specifics that would be fantastic, thanks in advance
submitted by Difficult_Weight_213 to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:43 bubblegumcandypop Sorry if this is a stupid question but why do brands send every shade of foundation to a single influencer in PR?

Whenever I see influencers get foundation in PR, I see the brands send them every single shade in the line. Why don’t they send a few (2-3, maybe 4) that are in said influencer’s shade range? I understand the need for multiple shades of foundation. Everyone of every skin tone should have access to a shade that works for them. I take issue with sending one person 10+ different foundation shades that they couldn’t possibly use. I’m hoping the extra foundations are given away or donated. Hopefully they get used somehow. I just wish brands would just send less out to begin with. Is there another reason I’m not considering as to why they do this? What do you think?
submitted by bubblegumcandypop to BeautyGuruChatter [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:42 Better_Ad_9972 Does my cat need to take all of her pain meds?

I took my cat to the vet last week for a UTI, she was prescribed some antibiotics and pain meds. She took her last dose of the antibiotics this morning along with her pain meds and she seems a lot better. For the pain meds it says she’s supposed to take it for three more days (6 more doses). I’m wondering if it’s necessary to give her the rest of it since she hasn’t appeared to be in any pain for the last few days? It’s stressful for both her and I giving it to her and if it’s not necessary I would prefer to spare her anymore stress. She seems to be completely fine now, using the litter box regularly and appetite and energy levels are back to normal.
submitted by Better_Ad_9972 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:42 Here_to_heIp I need tips for NoFap

I want to start nofap but i don’t know how to overcome the urges for context I used to masturbate at night or when home alone but I’ve realised how its ruining me and thats why i need tips.
submitted by Here_to_heIp to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:42 Kitten_Sneezes13 [recruiting] RAGE TRAIN #2RQLL0LUY TH9 CL5 Wars/Relaxed/Raids/Clan Games Independent

RAGE TRAIN is recruiting again!
About Us Chill active war clan. If you like to compete in wars and participate in clan games and raid weekends frequently but don’t want the pressure of a super competitive war clan then this is the clan for you! Just make sure you follow war rules. Come grow with us!
Clan Info Minimum TH Level: th9 Clan Level: 5 War League: Gold III Capital League: Silver II English speaking
Benefits and Rules A quick note about discord: We do have one but we currently are not really using it as some of our active members don’t have it. Therefore it’s not a requirement. We may use it more in the future but that is tbd.
Follow war rules. We do mirror then cleanup. If you continually break this rule and steal people’s mirrors we will stop including you in wars. If you need to take a break because of life/hero upgrades/whatever, make sure you opt out of war.
Feeder Clan. We have a feeder clan called Train Station I where town halls under th9 go to build and gain experience before being able to come into the main clan. This also helps our main clan in war so we get better matchups.
Inactivity grace periods. If you are inactive for under a week, you won’t be kicked. We get that life happens sometimes. If you are inactive for more than a week, you will be kicked, but are more than welcome to come back once you are frequently active again.
War League participation. We do take war league very seriously. You don’t have to participate, but make sure you opt out. We take a one-week break from war the week before war league in order to prepare.
Clan Games. Although we don’t strictly enforce participation in clan games, it’s greatly encouraged so that we can all benefit from the great rewards that you get from completing clan games. We do pretty good but could always use more help.
Raid Weekend. We do raid weekend every weekend. Leaders and co-leaders will prioritize places to contribute.
Chance to increase in rank. We are a newer clan so we are still building our squad. Every now and then as we see fit we may put out a request to apply for co-leader role
submitted by Kitten_Sneezes13 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:42 Alternative_Peak_166 is 3 periods in one month bad?

i haven’t exactly been keeping check of dates but in the last like month everytime i had thought i had finished my period id bleed again a couple days later. the first time i wasn’t too worried because that’s excusable but i finished my period again maybe 5 days ago and i just started again and it’s quite heavy… im 18 and i started when i was i think 11 so its not my body just getting used to it. does anyone know why this could be? any advice would be greatly appreciated thank you.
submitted by Alternative_Peak_166 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:42 Vast_Heat_8432 Peeing outside the littler box

Hi so my roommate let my cat’s litter box get really dirty while I was away, and my cat peed outside the litter box multiple times because it was dirty. I came home and thoroughly cleaned the littler box and I’ve seen her use it since I’ve been home, but she still peeing outside the litter box. I know sometimes cats pee outside the littler box when they’ve had a bad experience with the litter box. Does anybody have any recommendations on how to get her to pee in the litter box every time? My idea now is just to keep the litter box super clean and hope she starts to associate the litter box with cleanliness again.
I have taken her to the vet. She has a history of bladder stones which I caught from taking her to the vet after she started peeing outside the littler box. She is medicated for the bladder stones and there have been no issues. I haven’t taken her to the vet because her behavior now is different from her behavior when she got the diagnosis and she hasn’t lapsed in her medication.
submitted by Vast_Heat_8432 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:42 LazyNarwhalMan A somewhat scientific analysis of Luffys stamina issues

I apologize in advance this may get a but wordy. Also, take a shot every time you see the word energy (please don't)
Lots of people are of the opinion that Luffys stamina issues are dumb, but when you look at it from an anatomical viewpoint, they make sense.
Every single movement you make, no matter how large or small, expends cellular energy (stamina), no matter how large or small it is. When you run out of energy, you have to refuel by taking in food. You improve your stamina with physical activity, keep burning your energy until the body learns to use less. Now of course diet and other things go into energy levels, but this is Luffy, a bottomless pit that can instantly digest food if he feels like it.
With that in mind, let's look at Luffy. He's stretchy and chaotic. Him stretching is an incredibly large movement, using much more energy than the average person for a simple punch. He's chaotic and all over the place, expending more cellular energy for no reason. He also stated he's always at maximum effort, therefore always expending more energy. The amount of energy he uses just existing is probably twice as much as the average person per day, not counting fights. He consumes a huge amount of food for 2 reasons, the first being his stomach is rubber, the second being he needs much more than the average person by default.
Now we look at gears. 2nd gear is self explanatory, extreme strain on your circulatory system to basically dope yourself with your own blood would kill a normal person, but luffy is rubber so he can handle the strain, but it's still a large energy consumption, then add on how fast he moves while using 2nd gear, his normal energy consumption probably triples.
3rd gear I had a bit of trouble coming up with something to explain it. But bones have cells thst produce energy too, and they're getting inflated and stretched so it's gotta consume more energy right? But idk with the shrinking.
4th gear is basically a combination of 2nd and 3rd, but it's muscles being inflated instead of bone. Muscles store the majority of your bodies energy, and he's inflating them all, somehow increasing his elasticity and everything, consuming a massive amount of energy. Kicking so fast he's flying? Fists hunting down enemies like a heat seeking missile? You get the point, all huge amounts of energy.
Haki is another drain on his energy. Look at Whitebeard, he was sick and dying at Marineford. He couldn't use his haki much at all when he wasnt attached to IVs. Why is this? When you're sick your body devoted its energy to healing. Whwn you're receiving medication it lightens the bodies load ans you can have some energy to spare. Whitebeards body was failing him so it was using all his energy to stay alive, haki wasn't even a thought for his bodies prioritization of energy use.
Now let's look at gear 5, where people really started taking issue with his time limit. Gear 5 amplifies his chaotic nature, presumably let's him stretch without limit, and he can practically do anything he can imagine. Him awakening the fruit doesn't magically get rid of his need for energy. In fact, he's spending so much more. Constantly bouncing around, stretching farther than ever, inflating larger than ever! He's also constantly using haki in gear 5. Factor all that in and a time limit makes sense. He may have mastered gear 2 and 3 to have low-to-no drawback, but gear 4 and especially gear 5 and worlds apart in energy expenditure. There's no way for him to casually get better at g5, he's gotta continuously exhaust himself and gorge himself to work on the energy expenditure.
I even have an answer for why Luffy turns old when g5 runs out! Elderly folks do have saggy and droopy skin everywhere, but not without reason. A person's body only truly starts to die when cellular death speed exceeds cellular regeneration speed. When that happens, collagen, which is basically what holds your skin tight and prevents sagging, breaks down so skin starts to sag. When using g5, he expends so much energy that it wouldn't be far-fetched to say he pushes his body to the point of cellular death, therefore drooping because he's lost collagen. Of course he goes back to normal after eating because he's rubber, it always bounces back. If a normal person pushed themselves to the point of cellular death overpowering regeneration, there is mo coming back from that.
So yeah, if you made it all the way through, thanks for reading. None of this really matters because you can't apply real world stuff to OP but if you do the time limit makes sense.
submitted by LazyNarwhalMan to OnePiece [link] [comments]