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Index multiple originals locations Truenas scale with symbolic links

2024.05.16 09:12 NaiveDocument3062 Index multiple originals locations Truenas scale with symbolic links

Index multiple originals locations Truenas scale with symbolic links
Truenas Scale Dragonfish-24.04.0
SOLVED: I farted around with a few more symbolic links and after many hours have got it working but not sure which link worked XD I will find out and add it here for the next generation of coding noobs like myself
I have installed photoprism and had everything working perfectly fine for the single original folder location selected on initial configuration. I also was able to backup phone photos via photosync through photoprism to this truenas machine remotely through a cloudflare tunnel. I have not been able to symbolic link that 'originals' folder to other datasets/folders on the same drive as it doesn't show up during indexing in photoprism.
Use case: So I don't have to relocate all my media into one original folder as they are spread over many datasets each belonging to a different family member. ie ct dd pd etc. So that each person can use photosync to backup directly to their own datasets, and then each dataset can have individual control re snapshots etc
Pic 1: dataset configuration. appdata is where I have link photoprism originals source. ix-applications is where the containeapp/docker itself lives and needs hosts to be able to access anything outside that ix-application folder.
Pic 2: I have added additional storage for ../redset-ct host to be mounted into the app/docker under /photoprism/originals/redset-ct (I dont think this matters? ie: /whatever?). So the photoprism docker app should be able to see it. I did try hosting ../redset-ct directly to /mnt/redset-nas/appdata/photosync/originals directly but nothing.
Pic 3: I then tried symbolic links as I have seen many post stating that it works well. I tried: root@omni[~]# ln -s /mnt/redset-nas/redset-ct /mnt/redset-nas/appdata/photoprism/originals/ root@omnix[/mnt/redset-nas/appdata/photoprism]# ln -s /mnt/redset-nas/redset-ct And many others but they do not seem to show up with photoprism indexing after restarting the app.
I think my lack of coding/linking knowledge is holding me back. Please let me know if there's something obvious to get this to work and thanks in advance.
submitted by NaiveDocument3062 to truenas [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:07 Emcf Building Multimodal Apps with GPT-4O

I'm sure most of you know OpenAI just announced GPT-4o, a new model that can reason across audio, vision, and text in real time (See OpenAI's demo on YouTube)
By chance, I've been working with multimodal models far before GPT-4o's release, so I feel well-positioned to leave a guide here for anyone looking to build something with it!
Recently, I released an open source library so you can extract data in multiple modalities to feed your AI-based Python projects. In this post, I'll show you how to use it alongside GPT-4o with the OpenAI API to build multimodal apps with it. I've got nothing better to do right now, so I'll walk through the steps of extracting all multimodal content from different sources, preparing the input for GPT-4o, sending it to the model for processing, and getting our results back.
before getting into the code, let's just stop and ask ourselves why we'd use GPT-4o over previous models like GPT-4-turbo:
Multi-modal Input and Output: GPT-4o can handle text, audio, and image inputs and generate outputs in any of these formats.
Real-time Processing: The model can respond to audio inputs in as little as 232 milliseconds, making it suitable for real-time applications.
Improved Performance: GPT-4o matches GPT-4 Turbo performance on text in English and code, with significant improvements in non-English languages, vision, and audio understanding.
Cost and Speed: GPT-4o is 50% cheaper and 2x faster than GPT-4 Turbo, with 5x higher rate limits.
Ok, let's get to the code lol:

Step 1: Extract!

This can be done using The Pipe API which can handle various file types and URLs, extracting text and images in a format that GPT-4o can understand.
For example, if we were analyzing a talk based on a scientific paper, we could combine the two sources to provide a comprehensive input to GPT-4o:
from thepipe_api import thepipe # Extract multimodal content from a PDF pdf = thepipe.extract("path/to/paper.pdf") # Extract multimodal content from a YouTube video vid = thepipe.extract("") 

Step 2: Prepare the Input for GPT-4o

Here's an example of how to prepare the input prompt by simply combining the extracted content with a question from the user:
# Add a user query query = [{ "role": "user", "content": "Which figures from the paper would help answer the question at the end of the talk video?" }] # Combine the content to create the input prompt for GPT-4o messages = pdf + vid + query 

Step 3: Send the Input to GPT-4o

With the input prepared, you can now send it to GPT-4o using the OpenAI API. Make sure you have your OPENAI_API_KEY set in your environment variables.
from openai import OpenAI # Initialize the OpenAI client openai_client = OpenAI() # Send the input to GPT-4o response = model="gpt-4o", messages=messages, ) # Print the response print(response.choices[0].message.content) 

All done!

If you have literally no idea what I'm talking about, check out the OpenAI GPT-4O announcement!.
If you're a developer, feel free to access or contribute to The Pipe on GitHub! It is important to note that OpenAI's GPT-4o model is only accepting textual and visual modalities at release, however we will be carefully monitoring the new modalities released for GPT-4o in the coming weeks and updating the library accordingly.
submitted by Emcf to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:01 arknim_genuineultra Advice on using patch file for installed library

I am using rest_framework_simple_api_key in my production application on python version 3.9 .
On running command
python generate_fernet_key 
as given in doc(djangorestframework-simple-apikey) i am getting File "C:\Users\DELL\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\rest_framework_simple_api_key\", line 15, in class AbstractAPIKeyManager(models.Manager): File "C:\Users\DELL\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\rest_framework_simple_api_key\", line 16, in AbstractAPIKeyManager def get_api_key(self, pk: int str): TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for : 'type' and 'type'
On Searching I got reason is i am getting error is The error TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for : 'type' and 'type' is caused by the use of the int str syntax for type hinting, which is only supported in Python 3.10 and later versions.
I can't change my python version as it is in production so I came across solution monkey patching then i got this article
my file:
def patch_get_api_key(): print("*********************************EXE****************************************") """ Monkey patch for AbstractAPIKeyManager.get_api_key method to replace the type hint. """ from typing import Union def patched_get_api_key(self, pk: Union[int, str]): try: print("Patched get_api_key method") return self.get(pk=pk) except self.model.DoesNotExist: return None print("Before import") import rest_framework_simple_api_key.models as models print("After import") models.AbstractAPIKeyManager.get_api_key = patched_get_api_key 
I added code in my file:
# myapp/ from django.apps import AppConfig class MyCustomAppConfig(AppConfig): default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField' name = 'roomroot' def ready(self): """ Load monkey patching. """ try: from .monkey_patch import patch_get_api_key patch_get_api_key() except ImportError: pass 
and called it in file:
def main(): """Run administrative tasks.""" settings_module = "roomroot.deployment" if "WEBSITEHOSTNAME" in os.environ else "roomroot.settings" os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", settings_module) from roomroot.monkey_patch import patch_get_api_key patch_get_api_key() 
by running command for generating generate_fernet_key i am getting error:
python generate_fernet_key *********************************EXE**************************************** Before import Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\Abha\Room_Reveal\Backend\roomroot\", line 27, in main() File "F:\Abha\Room_Reveal\Backend\roomroot\", line 14, in main patch_get_api_key() File "F:\Abha\Room_Reveal\Backend\roomroot\roomroot\", line 18, in patch_get_api_key from rest_framework_simple_api_key.models import AbstractAPIKeyManager File "C:\Users\DELL\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\rest_framework_simple_api_key\", line 15, in class AbstractAPIKeyManager(models.Manager): File "C:\Users\DELL\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\rest_framework_simple_api_key\", line 16, in AbstractAPIKeyManager def get_api_key(self, pk: int str): TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for : 'type' and 'type'
My question is using patch to do resolve this error is good idea? Also I tried calling my patch_get_api_key() in file still getting type error.
submitted by arknim_genuineultra to djangolearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:56 NaiveDocument3062 Index multiple originals locations Truenas scale with symbolic links

Index multiple originals locations Truenas scale with symbolic links
Truenas Scale Dragonfish-24.04.0
SOLVED: I farted around with a few more symbolic links and after many hours have got it working but not sure which link worked XD I will find out and add it here for the next generation of coding noobs like myself
I have installed photoprism and had everything working perfectly fine for the single original folder location selected on initial configuration. I also was able to backup phone photos via photosync through photoprism to this truenas machine remotely through a cloudflare tunnel. I have not been able to symbolic link that 'originals' folder to other datasets/folders on the same drive as it doesn't show up during indexing in photoprism.
Use case: So I don't have to relocate all my media into one original folder as they are spread over many datasets each belonging to a different family member. ie ct dd pd etc. So that each person can use photosync to backup directly to their own datasets, and then each dataset can have individual control re snapshots etc
Please see dataset configuration in pic 1. appdata is where I have link photoprism originals source. ix-applications is where the containeapp/docker itself lives and needs hosts to be able to access anything outside that ix-application folder.
As per the photo I have added additional storage for ../redset-ct host to be mounted into the app/docker under /photoprism/originals/redset-ct (I dont think this matters? ie: /whatever?). So the photoprism docker app should be able to see it. I did try hosting ../redset-ct directly to /mnt/redset-nas/appdata/photosync/originals directly but nothing.
I then tried symbolic links as I have seen many post stating that it works well. I tried: root@omni[~]# ln -s /mnt/redset-nas/redset-ct /mnt/redset-nas/appdata/photoprism/originals/ root@omnix[/mnt/redset-nas/appdata/photoprism]# ln -s /mnt/redset-nas/redset-ct any many others but they do not seem to show up in photoprism after restarting the app. The links are active as per the photo.
I think my lack of coding/linking knowledge is holding me back. Please let me know if there's something obvious to get this to work and thanks in advance.
submitted by NaiveDocument3062 to photoprism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:38 VolarRecords Thomas Townsend Brown and Nikolai Tesla -- UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion and How to Build a Flying Saucer

Thomas Townsend Brown and Nikolai Tesla -- UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion and How to Build a Flying Saucer
Just tried posting this on UFOs and aliens and it was taken down because of Reddit's filters.
Last night I posted about Thomas Townsend Brown's research into building UFOs that goes back to the late 1920s right about the same time that Tesla was patenting his own research about UFOs.
I only know about T. Townsend Brown thanks to this Jesse Michels recent doc that a number of you have seen. I watched it twice when it came out and it blew my mind. I'm not a physicist by any means and can't explain shit to anyone. Just trying to pull together some threads.
Jesse Michels actually learned about T. Townsend Brown from his doc on Grusch documenting his time around his hearing last July.
A number of you in the field of mathematics and physics with a huge interest in UFOs chimed in today, and I can't even keep up. It's all pretty brain-breaking stuff. I'm super armchair about all of this but have always been very interested. So in response to a couple of comments, I took the very simple measure of looking into Brown's Wikipedia. Yes, I'm very aware of the whole Guerilla Skeptics thing. I even happened to pass by their office here in LA after going to the sole US press conference on the Nazca Mummies here in Beverly Hills on March 11th.
Here's the u/thegoodtroubleshow episode about the Guerilla Skeptics.
Anyway, hope this stuff doesn't get scrubbed, but here's Brown's Wikipedia page as it stands now. Seems like a lot of you have already done years of research on him, so I doubt much can truly be hidden.
Brown filed a number of patents:
  • GB300311 — A method of and an apparatus or machine for producing force or motion (accepted 1928-11-15)
  • US 1,974,483 — Electrostatic motor (1934-09-25)
  • US 2,949,550 — Electrokinetic apparatus (1960-08-16)
  • US 3,018,394 — Electrokinetic transducer (1962-01-23)
  • US 3,022,430 — Electrokinetic generator (1962-02-20)
  • US 3,187,206 — Electromagnetic apparatus (1965-06-01)
  • US 3,196,296 — Electric generator (1965-07-20)
Here's a website dedicated to him: Maintained by Paul Schatzkin, author of "Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown"
One of the references mentioned on his Wiki page is this, perhaps a book titled "Lost Journals." Here's Chapter Six.
Chapter Six
UFOs and Electrogravity Propulsion
~Did Tesla Discover the Secrets of Antigravity~?
Nikola Tesla has been credited for the creation of much of the technology that we take for granted today. Without the genius of Tesla we would not have radio, television, AC electricity, Tesla coil, fluorescent lighting, neon lighting, radio control devices, robotics, x-rays, radar, microwaves and dozens of other amazing inventions.
Because of this, it is no surprise that Tesla also delved into the world of flight and possibly, antigravity. In fact, his last patent in 1928 (#1,655,114), was for a flying machine that resembled both a helicopter and an airplane. Before he died, Tesla reportedly devised plans for the engine of a spaceship. He called it the anti-electromagnetic field drive or Space Drive.
Here's this article mentioned in that publication by Tesla.
Man's Greatest Achievement by Nikola Tesla
New York American — July 6, 1930
from Rastko'sNetwork Website
Here's more from that link:
~How to Build a Flying Saucer~
Tesla had discovered that the electrostatic emission from the surface of a conductor will always concentrate where the surface curves or even presents an edge. The sharper the curve or edge, the greater the concentration of electron emission. Tesla also observed that an electrostatic charge will flow over the surface of a conductor rather than penetrate it. This is called the Faraday or Skin Effect, discovered by ~Michael Faraday~ many years ago.
This also explains the principles of the Faraday Cage which is used in high voltage research labs to protect humans and electrosensitive equipment from harm. According to eyewitness reports of interiors of UFOs, there is a circular column or channel through the center of the vehicle.
This reportedly serves as a superstructure for the rest of the saucer shaped vehicle, and also carries a high voltage, high frequency coil. It is believed to be a resonant transformer which gives the electrostatic and electromagnetic charge to the craft and establishes polarity.
This coil is relative to what is known as a Tesla coil. The Tesla Coil of course, was invented by Tesla in 1891. This column or channel is approximately two feet in diameter and is hollow. On some vehicles this hollow area has a turbine generator in it.
When the vacuum is created on one hemisphere of the craft, the atmospheric pressure is allowed to rush through the tube to drive a sort of turbine electrical generator. Some reports say the extraterrestrials use this system as stationary power plants for electrical energy on their planets as well.
The eyes of the craft are arranged by electro-optic lenses placed at quadrants or wherever they wish to see from. The screen-like monitors are placed on a console where the navigator can observe all areas around and about the vehicle at the same time. This includes the magnification lenses which are used without changing positions.
There are also windows about elbow level and about one foot through or thick. This distance would have to be in view of the four or more walls or plates of the capacitor hulls making up the major portion of the craft. The windows have an iris type of shutter so that when it is closed, it allows electrostatic charge to flow evenly.
~Dr T. Townsend Brown and Electrogravitics~
The idea of using high voltage electricity as a means of propulsion is not new. Tesla laid the groundwork in the late 19th century which was then continued by such notables as Thomas Townsend Brown, who discovered in 1923 what was later called the Biefeld -Brown Effect.
Thomas Townsend Brown, was a physics student of Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld at the California Institute for Advanced Studies. Brown noticed that when he had two plates carrying high voltages of direct current separated by a dielectric, the negative electrode moved by itself in the direction of the positive plate. In other words, Townsend Brown discovered that it is possible to create an artificial gravity field by charging an electrical capacitor to a high-voltage.
He built a special capacitor which utilized a heavy, high charge-accumulating (high K-factor) dielectric material between its plates and found that when charges with between 70,000 to 300,000 volts, it would move in the direction of its positive pole. When oriented with its positive side up, it would proceed to lose about one percent of it's weight.
He attributed this motion to an electrostatically-induced gravity field acting between the capacitor's oppositely charged plates. By 1958, he had succeeded in developing a 15 inch diameter model saucer that could lift over 110% of its weight. Brown's experiments had launched a new field of investigation which came to be known as Electrogravitics, the technology of controlling gravity through the use of high-voltage electric charge.
As early as 1952, an Air Force major general witnessed a demonstration in which Brown flew a pair of 18 inch disc airfoils suspended from opposite ends of a rota-table arm. When electrified with 50,000 volts, they circuited at a speed of 12 miles per hour.
About a year later, he flew a set of 3 foot diameter saucers for some Air Force officials and representatives from a number of major aircraft companies. When energized with 150,000 volts, the discs sped around the 50 foot diameter course so fast that the subject was immediately classified.
Interavia magazine later reported that the discs could attain speeds of several hundred miles per hour when charged with several hundred thousand volts. Brown's discs were charged with a high positive voltage, on a wire, running along their leading edge and a high negative voltage, on a wire, running along their trailing edge.
As the wires ionized the air around them, a dense cloud of positive ions would form ahead of the craft and corresponding cloud of negative ions would form behind the craft. Brown's research indicated that, like the charged plates of his capacitors, these ion clouds induced a gravitational force directed in the minus to plus direction.
As the disc moved forward in the response to its self generated gravity field, it would carry with it its positive and negative ion clouds and their associated electrogravity gradient. Consequently, the discs would ride their advancing gravity wave much like surfers ride an ocean wave.
Dr. Mason Rose, one of Townsend's colleagues, described the discs principle of operation as follows:

Although skeptics at first thought that the discs were propelled by more mundane effects such as the pressure of negative ions striking the positive electrode. Brown later carried out vacuum chamber tests which proved that a force was present even in the absence of such ion thrust.
He did not offer a theory to explain this unconventional electrogravitic phenomenon; except to say that it was predicted neither by general relativity nor by modern theories of electromagnetism. However, recent advances in theoretical physics provide a rather straightforward explanation of the principle.
According to the novel physics of subquantum kinetics, gravity potential can adopt two polarities, instead of one. Not only can a gravity field exist in the form of a matter-attracting gravity potential well, as standard physics teaches, but it can also exist in the form of a matter repelling gravity potential hill.
Moreover, it predicts that these gravity polarities should be directly matched with electrical polarity; positively charged particles such as protons generating gravity wells and negatively charged particles such as electrons generating gravity hills.
Thus contrary to conventional theory, the electron produces a matter-repelling gravity field. Electrical neutral matter remains gravitationally attractive because of the proton's G-well marginally dominates the electron's G-hill. Consequently, subquantum kinetics predicts that the negative ion cloud behind Brown's disc should form a matter repelling gravity hill while the positive ion cloud ahead of the disc should form a matter attracting gravity well.
As increasing voltage is applied to the disc, the gravity potential hill and well become increasing prominent and the gravity potential gradient between them increasing steep. In Rose's terminology, the craft would find itself on the incline of a gravitational hill. Since gravity force is known to increase in accordance with the steepness of such a gravity potential slope, increased voltage would induce an increasingly strong gravity force on the disc and would act in the direction of the positive ion cloud. The disc would behave as if it was being tugged by a very strong gravitational field emanating from an invisible planet sized mass positioned beyond its positive pole.
Early in 1952 Brown had put together a proposal, code named Project Winterhaven, which suggested that the military developed an antigravity combat saucer with Mach-3 capability. The 1956 intelligence study entitledElectrogravitics Systems - An Explanation of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control, prepared by the private aviation intelligence firm, Aviation Studies International Ltd., indicates that as early as November 1954 the Air Force had begun plans to fund research that would accomplish Project Winterhaven's objectives.
The study, originally classified Confidential, mentions the name of more than ten major aircraft companies which were actively involved in the electrogravitics research in an attempt to duplicate or extend Brown's seminal work. Additional information is to be found in another aviation intelligence report entitled: The Gravitics Situation.
Unfortunately, due to the militaries TOP SECRET classification, Townsend Brown's work has not appeared in any physics or science publications that can be accessed.
submitted by VolarRecords to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:11 faraday_16 Flask giving me Error 404 even though routes are correct

I ran this web app yesterday and it was working fine, The only thing that i did was add code to the TODO section as per the problem sets requirement, When I tried running it, It just won't run
Google and CS50 AI tells me to check the route which I'm pretty sure is correct and i didnt even touch them...
What could be the issue here?
import os from cs50 import SQL from flask import Flask, flash, jsonify, redirect, render_template, request, session from flask_session import Session # Configure application app = Flask(__name__) # Ensure templates are auto-reloaded app.config["TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD"] = True # Configure CS50 Library to use SQLite database db = SQL("sqlite:///birthdays.db") @app.after_request def after_request(response): """Ensure responses aren't cached""" response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" response.headers["Expires"] = 0 response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache" return response @app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def index(): if request.method == "POST": name = request.form.get("name") day = request.form.get("day") month = request.form.get("month") db.execute("INSERT INTO birthdays (name, month, day) VALUES (? , ? , ?)", name, month, day) #TODO: Add the user's entry into the database return redirect("/") else: bdays = db.execute("SELECT * FROM birthdays") #TODO: Display the entries in the database on index.html return render_template("index.html", birthdays = bdays) 
Here's my index.html :


Add a Birthday

TODO: Create a form for users to submit a name, a month, and a day

All Birthdays

{% for birthday in birthdays %} TODO: Loop through the database entries to display them in this table {%endfor%}
Name Birthday
{{}} {{birthday.month]}}/{{}}
What i see when i click on the URL after running Flask run
submitted by faraday_16 to cs50 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 08:05 Available-Speaker969 Stay Compliant, Stay Secure: Expert Electrical Shutdown Services

Stay Compliant, Stay Secure: Expert Electrical Shutdown Services
In today's high-speed world, where organizations rely heavily on electrical frameworks for their activities, ensuring their well-being, unwavering quality, and consistency is critical. This is where RES Engineering moves toward offering an exhaustive set-up of electrical shutdown servicing arrangements intended to shield your frameworks, guarantee consistency, and limit free time.
Electrical shutdown servicing
It's important to understand the significance of electrical shutdown servicing.
Electrical shutdown servicing includes a range of urgent exercises aimed at maintaining and improving the presentation of electrical frameworks. From routine support undertakings to consistency checks and security reviews, these administrations assume a fundamental role in keeping organizations moving along as planned and securely.
One of the vital parts of electrical shutdown servicing is guaranteeing compliance with administrative norms and industry rules. In numerous businesses, adherence to guidelines overseeing electrical establishments and tasks isn't simply a lawful necessity but, in addition, a basic figure guaranteeing the well-being of faculty and the respectability of resources. The inability to follow these guidelines can bring about expensive fines, legitimate liabilities, and, surprisingly, devastating mishaps.
The RES Engineering Benefit: Thorough Answers for Electrical Shutdown Servicing
we understand the complexities and challenges of managing electrical frameworks. That is why we offer a variety of custom-made administrations to meet our client's unique requirements.
EMA Electrical Establishment Permit Application: Our master group helps clients apply for the yearly EMA Electrical Establishment Permit, covering establishments going from 400V to 22kV. We smooth out the application cycle, guaranteeing consistency with every administrative necessity.
EMA Supply Establishment Permit Recharging/Application: For clients working impermanent site generators, RES Engineering offers reestablishment and application administrations for EMA Supply Establishment Licenses. We want to limit interruptions and guarantee a continuous power supply.
Lightning Assurance and Earthing Plan/Underwriting: Shielding electrical frameworks from the overwhelming impacts of lightning strikes is foremost. We tailor our lightning assurance and earthing configuration services to each client's specific needs, ensuring optimal protection against lightning-induced damage.
Electrical Site Testing: Thorough testing is critical for identifying expected issues and ensuring the honesty of electrical establishments. Our experienced specialists conduct intensive site testing using advanced hardware and methods, providing clients with significant bits of knowledge to streamline execution and security.
Electrical Preventive and Prescient Support: Proactive upkeep is critical to avoiding the costly personal time and reducing the risk of gear failures. RES Engineering provides preventive and prescient support services designed to identify and resolve expected issues before they arise, keeping frameworks moving forward as planned and productively.
Electrical Framework Study Utilizing ETAP/Vip Code: inside and out investigation of electrical frameworks is fundamental for improving the execution and guaranteeing unwavering quality. Our team employs top-tier programming tools such as ETAP and Vip Code to conduct comprehensive framework reviews, identifying opportunities for improvement and efficiency enhancements.
Electrical Wellbeing Preparation: Appropriate preparation is basic for guaranteeing the security of faculty working with or around electrical frameworks. RES Engineering offers custom-made electrical well-being preparation programs intended to instruct and engage representatives, decreasing the risk of mishaps and wounds.
Electrical QP Administrations: As Qualified People (QPs), we have approved our colleagues to support electrical establishments and certificates, providing clients with the assurance of consistency and quality.
Project LEW: RES Engineering offers exhaustive Venture Authorized Electrical Specialist (LEW) administrations, covering all parts of electrical establishment and upkeep projects.
Preparing for LEW Planning Course: Our LEW arrangement courses furnish trying electrical experts with the information and abilities expected to get LEW confirmation, making them ready for professional success and industry acknowledgment.
Estimating the Halfway Point of Release: Figuring out and controlling the fractional release in electrical systems is important for keeping equipment from breaking down and making sure that the quality is always functional. We provide updated incomplete release estimation administrations to detect and alleviate potential dangers.
Infrared Thermography: Warm imaging is an incredible asset for recognizing expected issues in electrical frameworks, like overheating parts or free associations. Our infrared thermography administrations enable early detection of issues, taking into account proactive support and hazard moderation.
Power Quality and Information Logging: Checking power quality and execution boundaries is fundamental for enhancing productivity and dependability. RES Engineering offers thorough information logging administrations, giving clients significant bits of knowledge to further develop framework execution and limit energy waste.
All in all, electrical shutdown servicing is a basic part of keeping up with protected, dependable, and consistent electrical frameworks. With RES Engineering far-reaching set-up of administrations, clients can have confidence that their electrical foundation is in capable hands. From consistency help to preventive upkeep and security preparation, we are focused on conveying greatness constantly. Choose RES Engineering for all your electrical shutdown servicing needs and unleash the force of genuine serenity.
Call-65 6909 3132
Add-1 Mactaggart Road
#03-01 Invest Ho Building
Singapore 368089
submitted by Available-Speaker969 to u/Available-Speaker969 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:59 Hairy_Country_2553 Pointers needed for systems integration and test role

I have an onsite interview with a quantum computing startup. The System integration and test Engineer will be responsible for developing and implementing the methods and techniques to validate and enhance the performance of various electrical, optical and electro-optical subsystems. I have added the job description below. There is a 20-30 min presentation about my skills, expertise and experience followed by 15 mins Q&A. Then there are a bunch of 1:1 interviews focusing on the following topics.
  1. high precision metrology and experimental design
  2. high-speed electro-optic modulator design and test, communicating results
  3. experimental design and control code
  4. algorithm development and software skills , communicating results
  5. electrical RF skills, testing skills and result communication
Can you please provide pointers so that I can do well in the interviews?
Thanks !!
Responsibilities: Experience in design and/or test of electro-optical sub-systems such as line cards used in telecommunications equipment or similar. Review of Sub-system design including integration of optics, electronics, firmware, software and thermal design. Designing and building laboratory setups consisted of light sources, detectors, switches; function generators, oscilloscopes, etc. Developing SW scripts to automatically drive the measurements setups and feed data into a database. Developing SW and algorithms to perform data analysis and extract key performance parameters. Verifying the functionality of complex systems. Experience/Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in engineering or physical science with 4+ years of industry experience. Proficiency in a scripting language such as Python. Understanding scripting to communicate and control instruments, ability to write python code to do the same. 3-4 years of experience validating and testing optical systems. Experience working with optical and/or electrical test equipment such as power meters, optical backscatter reflectometers (OBR), optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), Oscilloscopes, function generators (AWG), vector network analyzer (VNA). Experience developing test methods and optimization, tuning/calibration algorithms. Familiarity with programming CPUs to interface with FPGA's is a plus.
submitted by Hairy_Country_2553 to systems_engineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:55 Porygon-Bot Scarlet and Violet Daily Casual Trade Thread for 16 May 2024

Welcome to the /pokemontrades Scarlet and Violet Daily Casual Trade Thread!

This thread is for competitive/casual trades, and tradebacks, in Scarlet and Violet.
Do not trade, or tradeback, shiny or event Pokémon or event serial codes in this thread.
- - -

Subreddit trading rules do apply!

No trading of hacked, cloned, illegal, or otherwise illegitimate Pokémon will be tolerated under any circumstances. Definitions of these terms are available in the Legitimacy Policy.

Please keep in mind:

- - -

- - -
Stay alert, and happy trading!
submitted by Porygon-Bot to pokemontrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:32 Batwaffel Soundpaint "Majestic Percussion 2.0" 3 20-piece sections of High percussion with snare drums, tambourines, anvils, sticks and slaps, Low Percussion with Toms, Gran Casas, and Timpani, and Metallic percussion ensemble with cymbals, scrapes, tam tams, and gongs for Soundpaint ($15) with code: MAJPERC2
New customers get $15 off with the referral code generated here:
submitted by Batwaffel to AudioProductionDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:24 usernamedregs HEY ST Fire the idiot doing your internet security!

Any day attempting to deal with ST online is always headed for disaster! Have been plagued for weeks now with issues logging in, re setting passwords, and generally just pushing stuff up hills when it should have just worked.. Today's challenge, generate some updated initialization code from a modified CubeMX project.
But wait as of ??? CubeMX currently is unable to login (claims my network is down - every other bit of software on my computer can verify that it is most definitely not), and without that login I can't do automatic update of prerequisite firmware code packages.. OK pain in the backside but lets do it manually, today must have been a good day because I actually managed to initially log in to as confirmed by the greeting in the top right.. but after finding the firmware package required and navigating the BS legal click through for each download am greeted by an option to either LOG IN or download as GUEST - WTF! I just want to update my free-kin pin changes. YOU SUCK
submitted by usernamedregs to stm32 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:12 HelloYork AIAPA - AI Analysis of Products on Amazon v0.1.13

AIAPA - AI Analysis of Products on Amazon

AIAPA is a Gemini-driven Amazon product analysis tool currently in the development stage. Although it still needs to be improved, we welcome any problems or suggestions encountered through issues.
This tool can result in a short soft ban and a permanent ban! Please consider carefully before using it and set a reasonable task volume!
The main function: Use the get command to obtain product data Use the analyze command to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the product generate product report

Quick Start

  1. Install nodejs
  2. Go to Google AI Studio and get an API Key
  3. type in npm install aiapa -g in terminal
  4. type aiapa start and enjoy :)
AIAPA can be started from the command line or through a code interface, and supports passing in parameters, calling commands, listening to events, and more.
start with:
aiapa start 
or chat(beta) with Gemini
aiapa chat 
submitted by HelloYork to u/HelloYork [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:10 Krinkleneck Source Code Help

Where in the source code is the GCode generated in Luban? I want to submit an update to make the bed heat before the head for higher bed temperatures. I have cooked so much filament and clogged the nozzle too many times.
M140 S75
M190 S75 ;Wait for Bed Temperature
M104 S235
M109 S235 ;Wait for Hotend Temperature
This sequence would save a lot of headaches and add at most 5 minutes to any print job.
submitted by Krinkleneck to snapmaker [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:06 TheStartupChime NetBSD bans all commits of AI-generated code

submitted by TheStartupChime to hypeurls [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:01 SE_Ranking SEO News: Local SERP experiment, SGE goes live & other highlights from Google I/O, and GPT-4o release

It's been a while! This week brought us plenty of topics to discuss. Let's dive right in!
The anticipated second wave of the spam update has begun
But it’s a bit of a Schrödinger’s cat situation—it has and hasn’t started at the same time. Google is deliberately not rushing to notify us about anything, even though sites have already started getting penalized.
When asked why the update hasn't been announced on the dashboard, Sullivan replied that only manual actions are currently being issued, while the algorithmic part hasn't begun yet.
On the bright side, there are already cases where manual penalties have been successfully removed from sites, leading to their search visibility being restored.
To recap, this “part” of the Spam Update concerns the Site reputation abuse policy, which Google announced in March along with Scaled content abuse and Expired domain abuse. Another point that must be mentioned is that Google has recently emphasized that Site reputation abuse isn't about linking; it’s about using another domain's reputation for your own benefit.
Product review summary labels
Brief highlights of product features on review cards. Google is now showing these short summaries of reviews by placing a label over the review with one or a few words. So the labels might show "low quality," "compact," "lightweight," "performs well" and so on.
(to come) Number of shoppers next to site
Google plans to display the number of recent shoppers on your site in its search results. We’re talking about labels like "1K shopped here recently," data on which will be pulled from your Merchant Center.
The idea is to "build shopper confidence in your business."
However, many users are unhappy with their sales stats becoming publicly available even in this format. For such users, Google provides an option to opt out. But keep in mind that even then, Google will continue to use your data "to power various annotations and features that benefit your performance."
Local SEO
(test) Only local listing for ‘near me’ queries
In an experiment, Google is showing only GBP listings for “X near me” queries. Not a single traditional snippet leading to websites.
  1. Yesterday’s Google I/O presentation
The search giant has announced their new developments related to AI.
Here’s what stood out: SGE is finally going live this week under the name AI Overviews. For the time being, it will only be available to users in the US “with more countries coming soon”.
Danny Sullivan claims that the feature has almost fully been rolled out. He also mentioned that people use search more when this feature is available, and are ultimately more satisfied with the results. And all of this comes despite SGE’s earlier advice suggesting that users drink urine to treat kidney stones.
Oh, well.. ;)
A number of other new features were announced, which will be available only for the US market in English through Search Labs:
We must mention that OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman decided to steal some of Google’s thunder by releasing a new product that “feels like magic” just a day before the search colossal’s I/O.
Everyone speculated about what it might be—a search engine, a voice assistant... Altman said that the team has been working extra hard on the update, and it turned out to be quite the gem.
2) The super product turned out to be GPT-4o
What makes GPT-4o so gosh darn fantastic?
The big news is that the team over at OpenAI has improved its multimodal voice assistant. Now it clearly understands text, photos, and videos.
Moreover, you can talk to the model in real-time, get it to translate conversations, understand and explain code, share your camera and ask questions about what’s in the view. To boot, I was just blown away by its ability to sing, tell stories with intonation, and keep a conversation going even if I occasionally interrupt it.
The best part? Chat mode will be free for everyone!
Plus, the API will be available at half the cost of Turbo, with five times the usage limits and twice the speed. We'll start getting access to this amazing tool in the coming weeks.
They also hinted at real-time search features, but this wasn't included in the final demo.
3) By the way, Apple is considering a partnership with OpenAI
Their goal is to make ChatGPT available on iPhones, starting with iOS 18, which will open up a whole range of AI-powered possibilities for Apple smartphone device owners.
For context, there have already been discussions that Siri “doesn't measure up” by modern standards and needs a “brain transplant.”
submitted by SE_Ranking to seranking_official [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:00 EchoJobs ✋ May 16 - 98 new Mid Level Software Engineer Jobs

Job Position Salary Locations
Java and JavaScript Software Developer NEW HIRE BONUS ELIGIBLE USD 170k - 185k
Infrastructure Engineer USD 95k - 119k Remote, US
Full Stack Python Software Engineer USD 81k - 146k US, Tucson, AZ
Software Engineer USD 135k - 200k New York, NY, San Francisco, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Remote
DevOps Engineer III Remote USD 115k - 180k US, Remote
Cyber Systems Engineer Python USD 95k - 120k US, Remote
Data Engineer USD 85k - 150k Phoenix, AZ, Remote, US
Engineer USD 70k - 135k Remote, Phoenix, AZ, US
Software Development Engineer USD 184k - 184k San Jose, CA, US
Lead Network Security Engineer USD 218k - 259k San Jose, CA, US
Java Backend Engineer USD 140k - 142k US, San Jose, CA
IT Cloud Resiliency Engineer USD 92k - 131k US, Remote
Principle Cloud Architect Cloud USD 121k - 231k US, Pleasanton, CA
Director, Site Reliability Engineering USD 204k - 421k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Software Engineer II USD 147k - 173k Remote, US
Lead Gameplay Programmer USD 188k - 276k Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, British Columbia
Data Scientist - Product USD 150k - 230k New York, NY
82664P-Site Reliability Engineer 4 USD 102k - 147k Remote, US
Big Data Engineer USD 118k - 171k US, Vancouver, British Columbia
Solution Architect USD 165k - 165k Dallas, TX
Machine Learning Engineer I USD 65k - 80k Remote
Full Stack Developer II USD 80k - 105k Remote
Full Stack Developer I USD 60k - 75k Remote
Data Analyst, Product USD 67k - 118k Remote
Software Development Engineer USD 191k - 345k Remote, US
ML Engineer USD 150k - 284k San Jose, CA, US
Data Engineer USD 108k - 198k San Jose, CA, US
Software Engineer USD 139k - 245k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Software Engineer USD 139k - 245k Remote, Atlanta, GA, US
Cloud Governance Engineer USD 86k - 161k US, Remote
Product Security Engineer USD 70k - 70k Pittsburgh, PA
Engineering Lead USD 316k - 316k US, Remote
Software Engineer USD 153k - 184k US
Site Reliability Engineer USD 120k - 185k Remote, US
Developer Support API Engineer USD 145k - 175k US, Remote
Infrastructure Engineer USD 104k - 165k Remote, US
Embedded Software Stability Engineer USD 104k - 156k San Diego, CA, US, Remote
Software Engineer Allconnect USD 80k - 120k Charlotte, NC
Expert Backend Engineer USD 123k - 182k US, San Mateo, CA
Compliance Data Analyst USD 127k - 149k US, Remote
Lead Server Side Java Engineer USD 109k - 158k US, Remote
Mobile Quality Engineer USD 59k - 84k Remote, US
Software Engineer USD 185k - 245k Toronto, Ontario, Ontario, San Francisco, CA, Los Angeles, CA, New York, NY, Phoenix, AZ, Seattle, WA, Denver, CO
Data Engineer III USD 90k - 180k US
Data Engineer III USD 117k - 234k Sunnyvale, CA, US
Software Engineer III USD 117k - 234k Sunnyvale, CA, US
Software Engineer III USD 117k - 234k Sunnyvale, CA, US
Software Engineer USD 138k - 207k Mountain View, CA
Workflow Engineer Mid USD 110k - 138k US
Data Analyst USD 73k - 126k Remote, US
Software Engineer USD 185k - 225k US, Remote
Embedded API Software Engineer USD 164k - 279k Denver, CO, San Francisco, CA, New York, NY, Seattle, WA
Software Engineer USD 115k - 143k Remote
DevOps Engineer USD 150k - 180k New York, NY, San Francisco, CA
Platform Engineer USD 160k - 225k San Francisco, CA
Backend Engineer USD 145k - 196k New York, NY, Remote
Director, Quality - Digital Systems Team Lead USD 161k - 269k US, New York, NY, Remote
Software Engineer USD 94k - 127k San Francisco, CA, US
Software Engineer USD 133k - 212k Mountain View, CA
Software Engineer USD 125k - 150k Remote, US
Lead Data Scientist USD 120k - 164k US
Research Scientist USD 100k - 720k Los Gatos, CA
Network Architect L5 USD 100k - 600k Remote, US
Director of Technical Program Management USD 310k - 310k Remote, Los Gatos, CA
Cortex Systems Engineer Specialist USD 192k - 264k US, Portland, OR
Cortex Systems Engineer Specialist USD 192k - 264k US, San Francisco, CA
Cortex Systems Engineer Specialist USD 192k - 264k Los Angeles, CA, US
Director, IT Engineering, GTM USD 180k - 291k US, Santa Clara, CA
Site Reliability Engineer USD 150k - 200k Remote, US
Application Security Engineer USD 120k - 145k Remote, US
Entry-Level Software Engineer USD 74k - 101k US, Remote Hybrid
Associate, Mid-level, or Senior Manufacturing Engineer USD 75k - 148k US
Associate, Mid-level, or Senior Manufacturing Engineer USD 75k - 148k US
System Engineering Mid USD 104k - 173k US, Everett, WA
Boeing AvionX Integration and Test Engineer Associate or Mid USD 87k - 141k US, Mountain View, CA
Associate, Mid-Level or Senior Industrial Engineer USD 72k - 139k US
Information Systems Security Engineer ISSE USD 96k - 104k US, San Antonio, TX
Software Engineer II USD 150k - 150k US, Canada
Software Developer USD 92k - 153k US
DevOps Engineer USD 92k - 153k US, Philadelphia, PA, Scottsdale, AZ
Systems Engineer USD 86k - 129k US, Acton, MA
Site Reliability Engineer USD 100k - 110k Columbus, OH
Software Engineer II USD 94k - 198k US, Redmond, WA
Software Engineer USD 81k - 174k US, Redmond, WA
Generative AI Software Engineer USD 117k - 250k Atlanta, GA, US
Software Engineer I USD 81k - 208k US, Atlanta, GA, Reston, VA, Redmond, WA
Software Engineer I USD 81k - 208k US, Atlanta, GA, Reston, VA, Redmond, WA
Technical Support Engineer USD 66k - 148k US
Software Engineering II USD 98k - 208k US, Burlington, MA
Site Reliability Engineer II USD 98k - 208k Redmond, WA, US
Software Engineer II USD 98k - 208k US, Redmond, WA
Finance Director USD 129k - 299k US, Redmond, WA
Software Engineer USD 81k - 174k US, Redmond, WA
Software Engineer II USD 98k - 208k US, Redmond, WA
Software Engineer USD 81k - 174k Atlanta, GA, US
Software Engineer II USD 98k - 208k US, Atlanta, GA, Phoenix, AZ, Redmond, WA, San Antonio, TX
Software Engineer II USD 98k - 208k US
submitted by EchoJobs to CodingJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:50 shinnith I have no idea what this game is but have a gamepass perk for it- anyone in Canada playing on Xbox Series X/S or Xbox One want it?

To note: you NEED to be in the same country as the code generated so for me it’s Canada lol- apologies for that. Also it needs to be redeemed by May 26th & is only for the Xbox consoles apparently.
PM me if you want it or leave a comment and I’ll PM you! If I don’t get back to you tonight, I’ll be up by 11 am PST tomorrow!! (First comment gets it lol)
Edit: i promise im not a bot lol just check my karma + profile if worried
submitted by shinnith to vigorgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:39 PydraxAlpta Yes, we *** up using chatgpt generated config and doing code review. Still, it should not be so easy to do it and I feel more people could be affected by that.

submitted by PydraxAlpta to programmingcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:38 fab_space llm awesomeness

just to share a quick journey into llms:
yesterday i was wondering about langflow and similar solutions, testing some flow etcetc, really inspiring. tested using phi3, llama3, groq avail models and ClosedAI models ofc.
then i said myself: just do it, build a simple pipeline to fetch some feeds and rewrite the content based on multiple sources assuming a specific assistant role (ex: a common ugly citizen) but with raw python scripts, no underlying system like langflow, flowise or acrivepieces.
i am not a coder and often I use a custom GPT i tailored for my skills and workflows to build the code. it worked.
in the code i used local llama3 to perform the processing of feeds data and generating what’s needed, it worked!
in less than 24 hours my idea become a working PoC to me :)
to use a closed LLM to build some code and to use open LLm in such code, and such code works like a charm, also the processed data..
is something magic to me 🤣
submitted by fab_space to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:22 pierdr An Arduino compatible Air Quality Sensor

Hello all!
What you are looking at is an Air Quality Sensor (particulate matter), that is designed to be a beautiful object, yet hackable, customizable and Arduino compatible.
STORY Air quality has been top of mind living on the west coast of California, from traffic pollution to wildfires; it has been a frequently discussed topic.
I started tracking the air quality over time, and it almost became a data visualization project. Well, after a lot of tinkering and playing with sensor modules, I started to design a better air quality monitor that I could use daily. The visualization of AQI levels is displayed on the LED dial, and when the AQI levels reaches above 50, a light shows up as a notification. One other characteristic of the sensor is that stores data only locally on the onboard SD Card.
FUN FACTS The project was developed with a lot of creative coding tools. Processing has been used to create a lot of the silkscreen art and helped with positioning the components on the board. There is a web interface that has some cool generative drawings on canvas. And of course most of the code is written in Arduino!
As an independent creator I just launched this sensor on Kickstarter, if you want to learn more feel free to peak into the project page! I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading!
submitted by pierdr to ArduinoProjects [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:17 MysteriousAd3592 Trying to build an Excel-Based Grievance Database with Input Form and PDF Generation

Hello everyone,
I’ve been tasked with a project at work to create a database in Excel to manage all grievances received by our company. However, the requirements are a bit specific and I could use some help from this community to get things right.
Here’s what I need to accomplish:
  1. User-Friendly Input Form: I need to design an input form that allows users to enter data without interacting directly with the cells. This form should take the information and populate the corresponding cells in the database.
  2. PDF Generation: Once the data is entered, I need a way to generate a clean and professional-looking PDF report from the information stored in the Excel rows. The output should be formatted nicely, similar to how invoicing software works, avoiding the raw cell format.
What I’ve Tried:
  1. What’s the best way to create a user-friendly input form in Excel that inputs data into specific cells?
  2. How can I automate the generation of a formatted PDF report from the data entered in Excel?
Any templates, code snippets, or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by MysteriousAd3592 to excel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:14 ampankajsharma Has anyone used DataLab yet?

Datacamp recently launched a new product called Datalab. It is an AI-powered chat interface specifically tailored for data analytics. The steps are simple: attach a data source, ask a question, and iterate your way to the insight you need, just like you would with a technically skilled colleague.
The DataLab’s chat interface looks pretty similar to ChatGPT, and that’s the point! DataLab offers a meticulously crafted user experience for the data exploration use case.
From CSV files and Google Sheets data to Snowflake and BigQuery, it instantly and securely connects to all the data sources.
While Generative AI can make mistakes. DataLab’s AI Assistant writes and runs code one can seamlessly review, tweak, and share. That way, one can fully trust the insights they’re uncovering and avoid switching tools.
It is already used by tens of thousands of users to support their DataCamp learning, to build out their data science portfolio, or to distill insights from their own or their company’s data.
submitted by ampankajsharma to dataengineering [link] [comments]