Kitchen utensil pictures

Trees sucking on things

2012.07.18 22:58 Trees sucking on things

For all your Trees-sucking-on-things needs.

2011.12.15 06:30 Donnerkatze AskCulinary


2012.09.24 07:26 r/TalesFromYourServer


2024.06.09 11:24 Inevitable-Call-7915 AITAH for cutting off my mother and her dog that my partner and i are attached to?

im making this post on a throwaway account to avoid any family input or what have you. i want to start off by saying the dog i mention in this post has been close to me and my partner since my mother brought him home about 2 years ago and the reason for this is simply because we have been taking care of and raising him like he was ours since she got him because all she wanted him for was so that she could look cute with him on social media (where she basically lives digitally). about a year after she got him problems had arised in the household mainly because of me, i had just got back to her house after spending 2021 back in my hometown three hours from where we lived after she kicked me out of her house for questioning her on account of a current gf i had at the time (who did start the issue and waited until my mom kicked me out to come clean). it was fine with me i took that on the chin because at the end of the day i was wrong for coming at my mom for assuming she didnt like my partner bc she was white. fast forward a year later about early 2022. and we talk about our bond and she says i can come back and get myself together because she knew i was in a fucked up situation financially where i was staying. i come back to her house in 2022 and she had told me before i even came back that she just wanted me to focus on myself and not worry about her bills. i wasnt eager to go with this decision but it was smart considering i was basically starting from scratch with life in general. got a job not too long after i got back and met my current partner (we'll call her beck). beck is white while me and my family are black and trust me this information is important. beck comes into the picture and we hang out more and she starts coming over some days hanging out in my room and i went to her house twice because her mother kept the place in shitty conditions and basically tried to downplay her own daughter right in front of me both times. i could tell beck had issues with being home and she too was in the process of getting her life together without even saying any of this. so i knew being with me in my room at my moms house was her only escape. mom for random reasons started having issues with beck cleaning the house for her while she was at work or taking care of the dog in a way my mother didnt approve. then it graduated to beck "stealing" money from her but her never having the proof or the funds to back it up to begin with. my mothers partner at the time of like 8 or 9 years who we'll call randy was cool as hell but somehow never managed to avoid fighting with her verbally. this went on the whole time i was there and randy ended up leaving and they broke up. problem was randy left right around the time i started fumbling with my jobs and needing to look around. now i wanna say im no saint, i spent my time searching for jobs AND gaming bc im a gamer. problem was i was taking too long this time around and theres no excuse. she started turning the heat on me and my partner once randy left and i started getting fed up because she was now asking for rent money while belittling me and my partner for being "laid up in her house". again, fair point. so my next step was realizing whether i had a job or not this woman was a firestarter no matter what you had going on. getting up early morning to say little slick comments in the morning because she wanted to get a reaction. by this point me and my partner are looking for a new place to live while we figure things out. my mother catches wind of this and starts asking when we'll take the dog after we get the place. now me knowing that she wont take proper care of him, i agree to take him with us and her response is "well hes not going anywhere until i see the house that yall move to. i wanna see everything to make sure its good for my baby"(the dog). i immediately got pissed and told her its not going down like that and that she needs to start considering how she speaks to people mainly me because im not gonna keep dealng with it. she got offended and kicked me and my partner AND THE DOG out of the room mid convo bc she didnt like what i said. me and my partner go back to my room and close the door to which she comes out saying "disrespectful little motherfucker talking to your mother like that" super loud. i let that one get to me and i mistakenly opened my door and started arguing. out of nowhere she hits me with "n***a fuck you" "you wont have to worry about me or the dog because NOW you AINT seeing him how about that" i said "thats fine hes not a bargaining chip". she went back to her room and slammed the door. didnt speak to me for like a week. my birthday comes around after this long week and she working the day of. i didnt expect her to say shit bc i know my mother and shes that petty. what i didnt expect was for her to hop on social media and wish early happy birthdays to two family members that werent me. ok fine thats cool. she gets home that same day and asks my partner if sai(the dog) has been out. my partner says "no we couldnt take him because his leash and collar are in the room and you locked the door. she had been locking the door ever since she started blaming beck for stealing from her. so once she realized the dog hadnt been out because she locked the door, she tells beck to "ask him if he'll take him out" by this point ive been told im not shit and im not needed and the first thing u say to me on my birthday is "can you take him out" i said no. rage ensued as she slammed the bathroom door on her way out of it. this time she kept walking passed my door talking more shit. more of the usual "i gave you life and you treat me like this" i told her to get away from the door with the nonsense and she started a full argument and said we had to go tomorrow. tomorrow rolls around and we wait for her to go to work so we can leave in peace. she normally got home around 9pm but on this day here she comes strolling in at 2pm right in the middle of packing. paces in front of our door talking shit and this time beck responds saying "we're leaving you need to let us be". this woman then told my partner she was going to beat her ass. i immediately shut that down too because i never seen my mother get tough with anybody. and here she is getting tough with the one person who hates confrontation. after i told her she wasnt even that type of person she replies with i'll stab both of yall in yall sleep. said weird stuff like "thats right i forgot i cant throw pussy on you and call you sexy like her im just the mother you dont have to respect". beck calls me sexy every day. its our little corny but cute word between us. anyway after 30 more minutes of bullshit arguing we leave for becks moms house which fucking sucked until my brother offered me a job in California working with him and my dad. throughout the 5 or 6 months of me being there i was making good money and even tho my mom was fucked up to me, i sent her funds when i could. my father found out i was sending funds to my mom AND my sisters (his daughters with other women) and the fuckhead accused me of using him then when i told him save it for after work(we worked the same construction site) the motherfucker sat there next to me and argued with himself bc i started ignoring the "i feel like your playing with me" comments because i told him "im a grown ass man and we are at work. you are not to question me about shit because you wont get an answer you like. i help my family out because its my money. simple" he then grabbed my shirt yelling "who are you talking to" snatched his hand off and he gets in my face saying "DONT FUCKIN TOUCH ME" so i replied calm "dont touch me at all. thats the last free one your gonna get" dude looks around the lot at a crowd and says "you wanna fight or something? yall wouldnt be working here without me" i couldnt help but laugh in his face for trying to cause scene for an audience and went home. packed me and my partner up, came back to new york where im from. stayed with my mom for a month before me and my partner rushed and got into the place we have now. problem was now that we had our own space, my mom pushed sai off on us and dude practically lived with us. barely went forward to like 2 weeks ago. by this point we have our two cat boys cosmo and dexter. they are babies. 4months and some change to be exact. we tried introducing sai to the boys multiple times a day and he kept jumping at them or scaring them. the only option was to let sai sleep in the living room. we kept my mother in the loop with him because by law, hes "her dog". she started her little comments over text to beck immediately "if yall plan on mistreating my baby he dont have to be there" then told beck "im venting if you mention this to my son im gonna cuss you tf out" we let that one slide because now i was building my evidence so when i bugged tf out, i wasnt wrong. next day some old dude on our block got aggressive with beck for walking sai "on his block" she called me to come handle it and i get there and back him off. by this point im pissed. beck calls my mother to tell her sai gotta go home this week hes been with us since we got our place. mother catches a attitude and i again let it go. two days later beck has a goofy moment and brings sai in the room seconds after her, the boys and i just got up. dexter pops sai on the nose for getting too close. beck moves asai then scrunches dex to put him in time out. i got annoyed when she scrunched my furry boy. told her dont do that shit again even tho it supposedly doesn't hurt them, i dont like seeing it especially when it all happened because she was doing too much too early. she had a moment and told my mom he has to go "because your son is getting annoyed". mother responds "he can come today he'll be fine at home by himself. hes favoring those cats over his brother (sai). i immediately got pissed at both of them. called my mother and told her hes going home and hes not coming back because im tired of the comments of neglect when i actively tried to introduce him to the boys with no progress. i mean FUCK i kept the boys stuck in the room in their own home so your dog can fuck our living room and kitchen up. i then got on beck for being a firestarter to which she argued me on. then i told her the relationship was on the verge of being done because your not gonna be sitting around me starting shit. i didnt let up until she realized how petty she was being and how at risk we were because of it. my mother then argued me down telling me im dumb. and then she basically skipped over the fact she didnt reach out to her son to see what happened before coming at me in a side convo with beck. beck brought the convo to my attention which was wat initially set me off but i made sure to get on her ass instigating an issue where there was none. mom then called beck a white trash stealing dirty bitch. we told her to come get her dog. i cut contact soon as she left. a day later i find out she called the women on her side of the family and fabricated the whole story i didnt bother clearing it up or giving her that satisfaction of a response. then 2 days ago she called my phone and i let it ring. haven't spoken since. AITAH here? genuine question
submitted by Inevitable-Call-7915 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:36 renard_chenapan Need advice before I buy expensive stuff

Need advice before I buy expensive stuff
Front view: the screen would be placed above the arcade and, when unfolded, cover it.
The couch. VP would ideally be in the upper left corner of the picture next to the power outlet
I was entrusted with a mission to set up out home theater. But it's been 15 years since I did that for the last time and I'm not sure what I can do with today's gear.
Room: Our living room is about 4 m long, 3,15 m wide, pretty dark (no windows). it doesn't end with a wall but with an arcade beyond which it's difficult to get rid of the light (dining room has roof windows without shutters).
Screen: My strategy would be to get the biggest, thickest motorized projector screen I can find, so as to protect the room from the light. The screen would even start behind the bookshelves on the left wall. This means that when the screen is down we would have to duck or limbo under it if we want to get something in the kitchen, maybe even roll the screen up a bit.
Projector: The projector would, ideally, be placed in the right corner above the couch; but that supposes some trapezoidal correction of the picture and I don't realize if it's too much. That spot would be about 1,20 m right of the center of the room, at a distance of about 3,50 m from the screen. If absolutely necessary, I was allowed to place the projector in the center, at about 3 m from from the screen; but I'm highly encouraged to put it in the corner, near the outlet that was put there for that purpose.
Sound: my mission orders forbid anything on the floor. It all has to be suspended. I was thinking a stereo amplifier next to the couch and speakers in the corners of the screen, small enough not to be in the picture, + maybe a sound bar above the screen but I doubt it's a good idea at such distance. Personally I'm not a fan of 5.1, stereo's enough, but the sound setup has to be decent enough for pure audio listening (my partner and I both work with sound). Wireless audio would be convenient but I can't believe it'll be in sync with the image, tell me if you know something about that.
Budget: I was thinking not more than €2.000 for the projector, I'm not sure about the rest. I'd like the projector to be as quiet as possible, hence I was thinking laser because I've read that it requires less power. But again the last time I bought a projector was 15 years ago.
  • Do you see anything I'm overseeing? Something stupid I'm doing, something smart I'm not doing?
  • Any ideas or advice about which projector or which sound system we should get?
  • Where should the projector be? Center of offset?
  • In the case of wireless audio, can picture and sound stay in sync if sound goes from projector to amplifier to speakers? How do people usually do nowadays?
  • Can such a big screen not be motorized? I'm concerned that I don't have an outlet close enough.
That's about it. Please tell me if you know something. Thanks!
submitted by renard_chenapan to hometheater [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:59 Sidd007harth Buying kitchen utensils from resellers

I wanted to check if there is any downside to buying high priced knifes from 3rd party sellers like meesterslijpers or messenshop? Will the products have same warranty/valid warranty as buying from the manufacturer?
submitted by Sidd007harth to Netherlands [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:57 Intelligent_Debt7555 Danielle

Someone suggested this in a comment, so I'm going to start it. Maybe others will remember and do a daily post counting down to your moving. So, you STAY FOCUSED. GET UP. PACK 2 BOXES A DAY.



All items you don't use on a daily basis. Like soap..I mean clothes.. damn it.. I MEAN..
Big cookware pack it, like big pots, crackpot, instapot or anything like it.
Dishes - pack them all ... but keep out in cabinet- 1 cup, 1 plate, 1 fork, 1 knife, 1 spoon. For daily use till move day. Then put those into that same box.
Winter clothes pack it
Extra lamps, movies, tapes, curtains, towels, just look around.
And anything you'd not want throw it out. Or place on FB marketplace for money for Florida, or wherever you're moving.
Label every box, what it is.
Kitchen- plates, cabinet items, food
Livingroom- dolls, diapers, cat Tower, pictures, TV bubble wrap that really well, and use packing tape.
Bedroom- sheets, pillows, blankets
Personal/bathroom: you know🌹, and anything from the bathroom
Anything you don't plan to take, THROW IT OUT. SELL IT. DONATE IT
submitted by Intelligent_Debt7555 to scissorsistersdrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:56 Abject-Banana-2168 I [26F] have been living with best friend [27F] for 3 years and have started to notice that this relationship is one sided. Should I move out?

TLDR; Working through my trauma has made me realize my relationship with my best friend is one sided and I’m wondering whether to move out.

This is a throw away account so that I can process and figure out what exactly I need to do.
Me and my friend have know each other since we were little kids. There are pictures of me as a baby and her just a little bit older together at parks, at each other’s houses, on trips, etc. We have been through it all. The thing is, as I reflect back on this relationship, I notice that what we had is not really all that I’ve chalked it up to be.
I was recently diagnosed with ptsd and have experienced a lot of abuse growing up that I have not really processed. So has she. We were there for each other in some ways, supportive and caring. However, I have come to notice that for me, it was rather unhealthy. What I mean by this is that I didn’t end my own life so that I would be there for her. I really did not have a sense of identity outside of my friend to the point that I think I’ve neglected a lot of my other relationships, including the relationship with myself, because of it.
Whenever she was in crisis, I was there. I would cancel plans with others, leave work early, do what ever I needed to do to comfort her. So much so that when I got my first ‘adult job’, I took on the expense and used half my paycheck to cover rent and just so I could get her out of her parents home. In a lot of ways, our relationship is incredibly codependent.
But as we continued to live together, I noticed that she does not really seem to care for me. I think deep down I knew this. I have journal entries from years ago that I started rereading that told me she did not make me feel very secure in this relationship. I know a lot of my journal entries are also coming from more extreme places of hurt since I was living at home still but ya know… even when things were “good” they actually weren’t.
There were a lot of plans canceled or forgotten. A lot of times where I was in crisis and really needed to talk to someone, but then she would come home and be too burnt out to listen and would go lay down instead of giving me even a little space to talk. It’s often a, “can we talk later”, just for her to never follow through or ask later. If I needed help, her needs came first, even if it was urgent for me. Even when I was in the ER and she came to visit, she was on her phone most of the time.
Thing is, we only talk about stuff when it starts to impact her. For instance, when I did start pulling away, she noticed that I was cold and that she wanted to talk about how my behavior made her feel. It’s only in moments like these that I am able to express a need. I try and take advantage of this time to tell her what I’m going through. Problem is, there is no follow through. She’s good at saying the right thing in the moment, but her behavior doesn’t change.
Again, I was only recently diagnosed with ptsd and I’m recognizing that not all of my own behaviors were appropriate. I still struggle a lot with regulating but I also have a history of repressing my emotions so it’s been a mess trying to balance the two. I don’t want to suppress, but I don’t want to explode and I think I’ve been so scared that she just won’t be patient with me when I do. (Because I’m all over the place and need some sense of safety to grow while still holding myself accountable for my actions)
I have a lot of expectations of our friendship since I have known her my whole life. My therapist reminded me that I need to work on not personalizing her behavior, but I just really wanted to be loved by this person and I’ve had to keep coming to terms with the fact that might never happen and I have to move on. In a lot of ways, she reminds me of my mom and it has been triggering.
At the end of the day, I know her trauma is also getting in the way of building a solid relationship. Truth is, she hasn’t really put in a lot of work to building that solid foundation of care for herself because I have been doing a lot of the caring and so really it might be best for both of us? I just don’t have the energy to hope that she might change.
Anyways, I know that I have to create distant and just treat her normally. Like a person and not as a best friend. Maybe not even a friend, idk. It’s difficult to do though when you live together. I feel compelled to care for her constantly and fighting off the urge to rush in and help is exhausting. The place we live in is cheap and I don’t know if I can find anything better. But is it worth staying?
I feel shame and guilt for wanting space. From no longer seeing this friendship as viable because so much trust has been lost over the years. On top of that, she is really messy and it gives me anxiety to the point where I cannot cook because the kitchen is a mess. Or go to the bathroom because she clogged the toilet again and left it.
I know we need to talk. Well, I know that I need to talk and share what I’ve been feeling without her taking over… I just don’t know if part of that conversation should be about me potentially moving out too.
submitted by Abject-Banana-2168 to Codependency [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:41 Majestic-Buffalo8727 *fanfic update* I revised some things and added a lot :)

Citron: citrus fan story
Chapter 1:”Limelight”
A loud groan escaped my lips as the shrill notes of nano.RIPE's 'Azalea' reverberated from my electric alarm clock at the ungodly hour of 8:00 am. A familiar voice, that of my mama, Yuzu, cut through the morning haze from the kitchen below. I sat up in bed, my surroundings still blurry with sleep. As my vision slowly cleared, I realized I was in my sprawling and charming bedroom. But hold on! Before we dive further, allow me to introduce myself...
My name is Yumi Aihara, and yes, it's me, the one and only! A fabulous 14-year-old with black hair and piercing purple eyes. My family is…well, unique. My mother, Mei, is a strict, traditional woman, while my other mother, Yuzu, puts her children's needs above everything else. Together, they run the prestigious Aihara Girls Academy. As for me, I have three younger siblings: Joshua-Kai, a brilliant 12-year-old; Emi, an 8-year-old who acts like the boss but is fiercely loyal; and the adorable baby Emi. We might look like a picture-perfect, happy family, but the truth is, it's not that simple, especially for me. I'm destined to inherit Aihara Academy, but it's not my dream.
My ambition is to become a renowned ice skater, captivating audiences with my talent. While I don't aspire to take over the academy, there's another layer to this desire. My mother, Mei, has poured her heart and soul into the school, making it her life's work. It's almost like her child. Since high school, she's dedicated herself to the academy, even becoming the first female chairwoman at 19. This unwavering devotion has meant missing every birthday, Christmas, and countless other important moments in our family's life. The sacrifices she's made have also impacted mama and my younger siblings.
for clarification:
p.s. I'm thinking of doing the chapters as pages, so i have more motivation to write.
submitted by Majestic-Buffalo8727 to CitrusManga [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:15 redpepperparade Witnessed a teleportation miracle today and I’m frustrated because I know nobody will ever believe me…

So I will start by saying -
I have no reason to lie about this happening. I witnessed it with my own eyes as clear as day.
This afternoon I went back to my place before my shift at work to shower and get a snack. I showered, brushed my teeth and then opened my fridge to grab a cold apple.
I distinctly remember reaching into the fridge into a bag of apples with my left hand to grab a cold apple.
I know I grabbed an apple because I remember seeing my beet powder in the fridge and thinking
“Should I also grab beet powder? Nah, I’ll grab one apple and one banana and that should be a good mix, I can eat beet powder after work if I want more of a “blend”.
I shut the fridge.
With the cold apple in my left hand I grabbed ONE of my TWO REMAINING BANANAS of the bunch that were sitting on top of the fridge with my right hand.
I went upstairs, cold apple in my left hand and room-temp banana in my right hand.
One of each.
My phone, wallet and keys I had left on the kitchen counter upstairs after showering so I was heading upstairs to grab those to put in my pocket and head out to my car to go to work.
I get upstairs and I SET THE APPLE AND BANANA BESIDE EACH OTHER ON THE STOVE so I had free hands to grab my keys/wallet/phone.
I touched my phone/wallet/keys to pick them up while staring directly at the apple and banana I had just set down.
I repeat: My apple and banana pair had now become TWO BANANAS in front of my eyes.
It was like a glitch in a video-game. I didn’t even blink. I saw my apple disappear and be replaced by a second banana in real time. It was seamless.
Apple gone and now there are TWO BANANAS on the stove.
I lost my mind. I know what I saw. It happened. The apple poofed seemingly out of existence and became a second banana.
I went outside freaking out to explain what just happened to my roommate, who obviously didn’t believe me…
I then went back upstairs and put my phone wallet keys in my pocket and saw that yes, there were now TWO BANANAS on the stove and no apple to be found…
I had not brought the banana and apple pair anywhere else but upstairs to grab my stuff.
I was an apple-and-banana-paired man on a mission to grab my belongings from the counter.
I chalked it up to a miracle. I know for a fact and would swear on my own and my families life that I went upstairs holding an apple and a banana, not two bananas. I literally had the thought when I grabbed the apple from the fridge-
“If I grab one of each fruit that will be better than two of one type of fruit”
I know I went upstairs with one of each.
I saw the apple DISAPPEAR and be REPLACED by a second banana before my eyes. I know what I saw. I was inches away from the apple as it became a second banana.
I went to my car (now a man with two bananas) and took a picture of the two bananas now sitting beside me. I have a picture of the two bananas (one being the “miracle banana”) but can’t post pictures here apparently.
I ate both bananas one at a time thinking obviously if the universe gave me a miracle banana I better eat it hahaha.
Fast forward to getting home from work and I look on top of the fridge where my last banana of the bunch should be and there is an APPLE SITTING WHERE THE LAST BANANA WAS. (sitting inside the banana bunch wrapper)
So what happened is my apple upstairs and the Final Banana of the bunch on top of the fridge downstairs teleported and replaced eachother from upstairs to downstairs in less than a second.
I cannot explain this beyond a glitch in the matrix/a miracle. I know for a FACT this actually happened.
The only thing that could’ve happened is I grabbed two bananas to begin with, but I wouldn’t have this story if that was the case.
I would’ve had no reason to be surprised and shocked by my apple disappearing and becoming a second banana (that I now know/can only assume was the last banana downstairs)
I have run over this many times in my head since it happened.
This was definitely random teleportation and I feel very frustrated because I know anybody who hears the story will assume I grabbed two bananas and went upstairs thinking I had one of each.
I saw the apple become a second banana and I will go to my grave knowing I witnessed a true glitch in the matrix!
submitted by redpepperparade to Glitch_in_the_Matrix [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:39 nice2bekneaded Hi! I’m new here & had a wonderful Sardine-y Saturday because of you all :)

Hi! I’m new here & had a wonderful Sardine-y Saturday because of you all :)
Hi all! Not sure how I got here, but I’ve been quietly & joyfully following this subreddit for a few months now. I love reading everyone’s tinned fish reviews, recipes, & related adventures.
Today I visited La Española Meats, a Spanish import market in Harbor City, CA to grab bocadillos (sandwiches) & check out their tinned fish selection (pictured). I picked up Agromar Sardine Patê & Albo Sardines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
I also picked up a vintage secretary desk off Facebook marketplace to repurpose as extra kitchen storage for my apartment & as I deep-cleaned the desk, I realized the top section is an ideal place to store & display my small but growing tinned fish collection!
Looking forward to showing my guests my little surprise compartment of tinned fish joy when they come over & I’ll be sure to post more of my tinned fish moments in the coming days.
Thanks for inspiring such a lovely Sardine Saturday!
submitted by nice2bekneaded to CannedSardines [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:35 Nonpareilchocolate Island Style Spam Stew

Island Style Spam Stew
I looked around for a recipe, but couldn't find one. This picture is from Da 9th Island Kitchen, which seem to be a connected group of Polynesian/Hawaiian restaurants/food trucks/ and catering services in Las Vegas. They haven't kept up their FB page and the Yelp reviews are dated.
Oh well. Looks like Spam and veg in a thick broth. I don't know what spices you'd add to make it taste 'island style.' I'd probably just cut up some Spam chunks and cook it with a bit of ramen, minced garlic, and Asian veg in a veggie or chicken broth, with fish sauce, sesame oil, Thai sweet chili paste, and soy sauce. But that's just me.
submitted by Nonpareilchocolate to CannedSpam [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:34 delulu_0 Henna/mehndi artist in Kitchener

Henna/mehndi artist in Kitchener
Hi! I am a henna artist, live in Kitchener south .
I offer : 1.jagua (10$ per 15g cone) 2.henna (3$) Stain pictures are attached below.
Cones are also available for purchase, each cone is 15g in weight and can yeild upto 7 simple designs.
They are made of organic and natural products. The stain lasts upto a week or two depending on water contact.
My charges starts from 10$ per side and up depending on the design.
It’s recommended to get henna done 2-3 days prior to the event as it takes time(24-48 hours) to develop stain.
To book an appointment or to get a rough quote,message me on Instagram or Facebook @henna.vibe
Few henna stencils are available, if you want to diy. And I also sell henna stickers
You can check out my work on 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕞
submitted by delulu_0 to kitchener [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:39 notherthrowaway223 Why can’t I just enjoy my vacation?!

My friends and I rented out a cottage on the beach for a few days. We were planning on having fires and spending all day on the beach, but it’s cold and has rained 2 out of the 4 days so far, with no sunshine coming up. All plans completely soiled. It put a damper on the weekend. My friends are annoyed by the rain, but otherwise seemingly having a good time. But I just can’t see the point if it’s not nice out. I just want to go home. Im trying really really hard to “make the best of it”.. but I literally can’t!
Im also struggling being in a new place I don’t know. Dishes are in the “wrong” spots, utensils in a drawer I don’t like, pots and pans are disorganized and hard to take out. Everything in my apartment is organized with easy access. My whole routine is thrown off and I didn’t realize how difficult it would be for me to deal with. I’m also running out of socks.
My body hurts so bad. I have hypermobility and tendinitis in my feet. My tendinitis has been bad lately and affecting my mobility. The amount of stuff we’re doing during the day is exhausting me. I need more breaks but Im not being given them, so I have to tap out really early into the night because Im so overstimulated I feel sick, then I end up missing out.
I feel like a mother. I’m the one planning and organizing everything. I don’t get to turn my brain off and relax. The most relaxing I got on this trip has been the hour I got to watch Hell’s Kitchen. I’m cooking, cleaning, gathering things we need, packing lunches, getting us out the door on time because nice weather before it rains is little.. and if I didn’t do this stuff it wouldn’t get done. Then we would be going to the beach without towels, sandwiches/snacks, hats, sunglasses, sunscreen.. etc. I’m so tired. This is no different than my routine at home. The mental load on top of the physical is draining me.
I just want to relax and have fun! Why is this so easy for NT people to not care and “make the best of a bad situation”? I’m doing the same thing I do when I’m at work to make the time pass faster, i dissociate, but I’m not going to make memories that way. I want to be present but it’s painful to be. But I think the worst part is the lack of understanding from everyone. Maybe a movie night might not be fun for you, but it would be fun for me. Considering that I’m pushing myself through the pain to just walk and shop with you guys. Sand is an actual nightmare but I’m still out there with you guys. I like to see my friends enjoy themselves. So instead of music and drinking with games tonight.. how about a movie? We brought popcorn, it would be fun! Even if it’s just fun for me, it’s one movie. Its not overstimulating, it’s not painful, it’s not tiring. I could turn my brain off and sit with my friends and watch a movie. I could relax on my vacation.
How do I just chill out?
submitted by notherthrowaway223 to AutismTranslated [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:36 billyrain23 I haven’t started therapy so I figured reddit may be a good place to start.

This is a long post, sorry.
Trigger warnings: divorce, blood, cancer, post-surgical complications, drugs, drugs gone wrong, self-harm, suicidal thoughts
Alrighty. I (24f) have been put through the wringer these past few years. As you read, you’ll see that it’s obviously not just me, but my whole family. I’m just speaking from my own perspective.
So, we go back to 2022. In May of 22, I graduated from college and moved back home with my mom (legally blind, that’s important later), dad, and brother (27). I was home for maybe 3 weeks when my dad started acting super weird. He was saying how my mom was upset because he wouldn’t wear his wedding ring, and when I told him he should just wear it or buy a silicone one if it didn’t fit, he wouldn’t give me a straight reply. Then his birthday came around and my mother threw him a surprise party. He got mad at me that day because I helped her and told me just before people showed up that he wanted a divorce, and that the part was too little too late. This started a downward spiral for him. From the beginning of June 22- middle of July 22, I barely saw my dad. He would leave, go to a bar, another bar, and then strangers houses and wake up not knowing where he was. I would be out driving around at 3 AM trying to find his trying but with no luck. Mind you, while this is happening, my mother is having a complete nervous breakdown because she gave up her life for this man to leave her 27 years later, seemingly out of the blue. It got to the point where I was the only one taking care of her, and I thought I was going to have to take her to a hospital somewhere to get her help. I also had to take her to the ER with heart attack- like symptoms (thankfully she was okay). July 15, 2022 is when my dad officially filed for divorce. I got a call from my hometown saying they had a position open in my field, so I called, had a phone interview, and thankfully got the job. So, because obviously my mother couldn’t stay there, and my brother and his partner had just moved out into a tiny apartment, my mom and I packed all of our earthly possessions into a uhaul and moved 772 miles away to my hometown where we had to stay with family friends for a month because there was nothing available for us to rent that would work. We finally moved into a house, my grandmother and our dog moved in with us, and that’s how I became the primary caretaker to my blind mother and elderly grandma at the ripe age of 22.
(If you’re squeamish, skip this part) Fast forward to 2023, my mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Thankfully, the doctors caught it super early and they were able to get the tumor out with a radical hysterectomy. My mother was in the hospital for a few days for recovery when we finally get home. She got the okay to take a shower and that’s all she wanted after days in a hospital bed. Not even 15 minutes after getting home, I’m helping her get her bottoms off when I heard what sounded like a bucket of water pouring out. I looked up to see that her incision had seemingly busted and blood pour out of what looked like a 2 inch split, all the way down her leg. We called 911 and my best friend who is a healthcare worker. She got there just after the ambulance did and helped settle my grandma down and cleaned up the blood in my mother’s room. Meanwhile, I’m in the kitchen with my mom where she feels like she’s going to black out, and they get her into the ambulance. They sit in our driveway for 10 minutes before leaving because they didn’t know how to do something in the rig. I follow them to the hospital (no lights or sirens btw), and I go in and sit in the waiting room as they get ready to bring her in. I see her EMT bring her to the check in counter, leave her there in a wheel chair you can’t wheel on your own, and walk away. I run up to her and the people at the counter say there are no doctors and no beds (there were 6-7 rooms open that we could have gone to). So, we waited for 5 hours before being taken back. All they did was clean the blood off of her, give her new bandages, and send us home. We went back to the ER 2 more times that week because her incision kept busting. The final time we went, we showed the check-in nurses a photo of her incision, and they finally said “oh my gosh, give us a minute.” That time, we waited 45 minutes and were taken to a private room. Our nurse was very sweet, but she flat out told us that most of what they hear is BS, so it’s a good thing we brought pictures so they knew it was real. About 5 hours later, a doc came in and added sutures and we were our way home. And now my mom has to warn me if she’s going to fill the dog’s water bowl because the pouring sound is the exact same as when her incision first split.
(TW!!!!!! Suicidal thought/ideation, self harm, drugs) And now, we get june 1-3 of this year. My brother and his partner got married and we were having their reception at my sibling-in-law’s parent’s house. We all have a great time, yada yada yada. Now, to preface, my brother and SIL use psychedelics. They told me and my best friend (we’ll call her Danni), that they had some LSD and we were welcome to some. We both declined. Danni and I go out and get some food that night, and when we got back to their apartment, they tell us that they took the LSD. Cool whatever. We hang and then go to bed. At about 1:30 AM, my brother comes into the living room where we’re sleeping and says “I’m sorry, I love you, but you need to get the fuck out.” He says this over and over, and at some points adds “before I start to make sense.” He tells us he’ll pay us back for the hotel but to get out. So we got a hotel and tried to sleep. At about 6 i get a call and it’s my SIL crying saying they both cut themselves a lot and that they were talking about killing themselves earlier in the night. Thankfully that didn’t happen. But we then didn’t see them june 2 at all, and then june 3 we took my brother to the store to buy first aid items and cleaning supplies. And then come to find out, COVID is spreading at my SIL’s job and they gave it to me and Danni. Thankfully, we’re both vaxed and boosted, but it still sucks. And now I am adamently against psychedelics.
So here I am, quarantining, going stir crazy, and trauma-dumping on reddit. Thanks for reading if you did. Brother if you see this, hi and love you.
PS sorry if there are those, my phone is lagging while I’m typing this out.
submitted by billyrain23 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:48 Available_Maximum985 Are you cooking?

Are you cooking? submitted by Available_Maximum985 to scambait [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:28 Ao3y Varia VS3 in White

Just wanted to show the beautiful cream/ eggshell color of the VS3's powder coating. Notice how it's a different kind of a white from the Hario V60 drip. It almost has a tinge of mauve, and the texture of the paint also gives it this nice, almost ceramic rough feeling. With a white stagg kettle and brighter coffee equipment making my kitchen counter look less dark, I'm a fan.
I personally love the lighter color. Some people might be really irritated by the need to clean it constantly because of coffee oils, but ironically I kind of love it because they make it look even more like a ceramic sculpture.
UPDATE AS IM WRITING What the heck. You can't make this up: as I'm taking a picture I noticed that the powder coating has chipped a tiny piece of paint off the edge of the round magnetic trough the cup sits in 🤦‍♂️
submitted by Ao3y to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:49 falsecompare_ V-Shaped Utensils with Jagged Edge under Cabinet in kitchen

V-Shaped Utensils with Jagged Edge under Cabinet in kitchen submitted by falsecompare_ to whatisthisthing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:45 damienlee69 LED strip extension help needed

LED strip extension help needed
Hi, I'm attempting to run a Kasa LED strip around my sisters kitchen however after cutting and using an extension wire over her stove the next section only lights up the first 3 leds, sometimes we can get it to flash red for a split second. So we know there's power. We've tried flipping and switching the wires, polarity, etc. We unplug before modifying anything and plug back in. The strip we are using is the Kasa KL420L5 model, it has the multizone stuff and it cuttable. Using a four wire extension between sections with connectors. It was cut only on the copper line. In the included pictures we have successfully done this in another part of the kitchen with the same type of light strip by her fridge. The other picture is the strip starting from the right of the stove (which is lit up fine), then it goes above the stove and through the cabinets using extension wire and connectors on the ends should start back up under the cabinets on the left. What are we doing wrong?
submitted by damienlee69 to TPLinkKasa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:38 Wolfking1300 First apartment, wanting assistance

I just got my first ever apartment and am super excited to build it into my own place. I feel as if the cabinets and floors clash so it’s leaving me struggling for what direction to go with the rest of the furniture. Any assistance on what route to go with furniture and tables and such would be helpful! I’m not sure what’s better, something that fits the vibe with the cabinets or fits the vibe of the flooring. The pictures attached are first the kitchen, then the living room, a big open space with no walls
submitted by Wolfking1300 to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:27 nos6ix Attachment fitting for water filter

Attachment fitting for water filter
I bought a water filter from Amazon for my office. There was already a separate tap installed when we moved in but the sizes just don't match up and every hardware store I've been to says they can't help me.
This is the link for the filter I bought and some pictures of the hose from the tap. Can anyone tell me what I need? Waterdrop 15UA Under Sink Water Filter System, Reduces Lead, Chlorine, Bad Taste & Odor, Under Counter Water Filter Direct Connect to Kitchen Faucet, NSF/ANSI 42 Certified, 16000 Gallons, USA Tech
submitted by nos6ix to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:25 Tight_Lawfulness3206 Dorms from the 90s and 2000s vs a modern TikTok viral dorm. The obsession with curation, perfection, and having an aesthetic seems to have grown with social media
I’ve noticed this in general with houses and apartments too, but i felt like dorm rooms were a good example because it’s how the youth expresses themselves during their first taste of independence.
Browsing through pictures of old houses and dorm rooms, i see it was about style but also function. People had cute pillows, photos, and decorations here and there.
Nowadays I’ve noticed slowly since the late 2010s with influencer culture, all the sudden i see this obsession with every inch of your room or house being curated. If you’re a vanilla aesthetic person, every inch of your house is beige down to your kitchen tools and pots and pans. Instead of just a cheap pot you got at the store, it has to match your aesthetic. If your aesthetic is kawaii rainbow, your keurig and toaster got to be all rainbow.
Kind of intense honestly. Makes just being “normal” and pretending I’m living in 2004 sometimes feel kind of refreshing.
submitted by Tight_Lawfulness3206 to nosurf [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:21 MostlyInfuriated Moving house in HCMC

I am looking to move houses houses within HCMC, and I am looking for reliable movers and approximate costs.
I live in a 3 bedroom house. All the furniture and white goods are mine (so basically, fridge, washing machine, 2 beds, 2 large tables, a few bookcases, and all the normal household stuff like books, kitchen utensils, TV, etc). I plan to move within the same district, so the distance will be short (2-3km max I assume).
Does anyone have any idea how much a good local mover will cost? Also, does anyone have a recommendation for a good local mover?
submitted by MostlyInfuriated to VietNam [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:14 EuphoriaNails I don't post Pahlish often.

I don't post Pahlish often.
Is there a brand you really can't seem to get behind? Like. This color turned out beautiful in pictures, but in person, I'm kinda meh upclose. When my hands aren't in my face, it looks super good!!! I just can't sort my emotions about this brand. I want to love it. The colors are vibrant, it's just a lot of the selection looks the same. I have 3 polishes from separate sources that look the same (one from the FTLOP box, one from winter mystery, and one from hellahandmade) and it really bums me out. I love them all, but I feel like I can pass them up for the time being.
This is pahlish - chibiusa. I love it but also don't love it lol it's such an emotional wreck for me. 3 photos are indoor sunlight through a window and 1 photo is kitchen light. It's a really pretty pink (that you hardly get to see) and then A LOT of glowy yellow/golden shimmer (I see it all the time!!!)
submitted by EuphoriaNails to RedditLaqueristas [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:00 HusbandWifeRealtors Please help me defeat the final boss

Please help me defeat the final boss
I’ve taken on my first kitchen faucet DIY replacement. I have no stop valves under the sink so I have to turn off the main water supply to the house. It makes things complicated because if I screw up, I’ll be without water until someone competent can come in and fix it. First obstacle was to find the right fittings for the new faucet at a local hardware store. Then due to lack of space I couldn’t remove the mounting nut. I overnighted a large basin wrench. Which was too big for the job so I just used a flat head screwdriver and a hammer which after about 25 minutes loosened it. Then I realized I couldn’t get it through the remaining connection because the still connected mixing line was blocking me. So I tried to use an adjustable wrench on the mixing line (pictures above) while my husband held the faucet in place. I was twisting the bottom portion of the connection with the threads (sorry I don’t know the correct terminology), but we were not able to loosen it. I was even sure if it was loosening anything. We just completely twisted the supply line to a point we can’t untwist it. It was getting late so I threw in the towel, put it back together and turned on the main. I want to make sure this faucet remains intact in case there are any issues with the new set up, I can just put it back in place and turn on water. Please help me figure out how to disconnect the mixing line. 😫
submitted by HusbandWifeRealtors to DIY [link] [comments]