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2024.05.15 17:41 JamesTillyMatthews Die fortschrittliche Technologie des biophysikalischen Informationstransfers: Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) und Intervention (Synthetische Telepathie: Silent Sounds and Silent Talk) [Akwei vs. NSA und andere]

Die fortschrittliche Technologie des biophysikalischen Informationstransfers: Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) und Intervention (Synthetische Telepathie: Silent Sounds and Silent Talk) [Akwei vs. NSA und andere]
Die fortschrittliche Technologie des biophysikalischen Informationstransfers: Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) und Intervention (Synthetische Telepathie: Silent Sounds and Silent Talk)
Die Technologie des "biophysikalischen Informationstransfers" ist so fortgeschritten, dass sie oft als "außerirdisch" angesehen wird, vgl. Constantine, Alex (1997). Virtual Government. CIA Mind Control Operations in America, Port Townsend: Feral House.. In einer Klage gegen die National Security Agency (NSA) vor einem Bundesgericht im Bezirk Columbia (Zivilverfahren 92-0449) beschrieb ein Privatbürger, John St. Clair Akwei, das ultimative Mittel der elektronischen Überwachung, das sogenannte Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) [John St. Clair Akwei v. National Security Agency, Ft. St. Geroge G. Meade, Maryland, Civil Action 92-044)].
John St. Clair Akwei war Mitarbeiter der NSA und gehörte bis in die 1980er Jahre einer Abteilung in Ft. Mead an, deren Aufgabe die Überwachung und Bewusstseinskontrolle der Bevölkerung war. Selbst zum Opfer dieser Verfolgung geworden, reichte er eine Klage beim Gerichtshof in Washington ein. In seiner knapp und präzise verfassten, achtseitigen Klageschrift gegen die NSA beschreibt er die Organisationsstruktur, technische Ausstattung und Zielsetzungen dieser Einheit zu jener Zeit. Es ist anzunehmen, dass die Technologien und das System seither erheblich weiterentwickelt wurden. Seine Beschreibung stimmt jedoch in den wesentlichen Punkten gut mit den aktuellen Opferberichten überein.
Dieses Gerät, so behauptet Akwei, sendet codierte Signale an den auditorischen Cortex des Gehirns und kommuniziert direkt mit dem Gehirn der Betroffenen, um sie zu schwächen. Dies geschieht, indem es auditive Halluzinationen hervorruft, die für paranoide Schizophrenie charakteristisch sind. Ohne physischen Kontakt mit der Person kann das Remote Neural Monitoring die elektrische Aktivität des visuellen Cortex des Gehirns einer Person auf einem Videomonitor abbilden. NSA-Operative sehen demnach, was die Augen des Überwachungsziels sehen. Auch visuelle Erinnerungen können auf diese Weise überwacht werden. Zudem kann RNM Bilder direkt in den visuellen Cortex senden und dabei die Augen und Sehnerven umgehen. NSA-Operative können dies heimlich nutzen, um Bilder in das Gehirn eines Überwachungsziels zu projizieren, während die Person schläft.
Diese Behauptungen von John St. Clair Akwei in seiner Klage gegen die NSA beinhalten bemerkenswerte und kontroverse Aspekte der modernen Überwachungstechnologie. Die Vorstellung, dass biophysikalische Informationstransfertechnologien so fortgeschritten sind, dass sie wie außerirdische Technologie erscheinen, spiegelt eine tiefgehende Sorge über den Stand der Überwachungstechnologie wider. Es wird behauptet, dass die NSA in der Lage sei, Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) einzusetzen, eine Technik, die ohne physischen Kontakt auditive und visuelle Informationen direkt ins Gehirn übertragen kann.
"Zum ersten Mal ist es einer gefolterten Person gelungen, eine Klage gegen die mutmaßlichen Peiniger anzustrengen. Sollte es der NSA wirklich gelungen sein, Gedanken, Hören, Sehen, Reaktionen und Muskelbefehle durch eine Registrierung, Verstärkung und Dekodierung von Gehirnwellen aufzunehmen und zu beeinflussen, dann könnte früher oder später jeder Mensch ein Opfer dieser Technologie werden, resümieren Helmut und Marion Lammer, und der Wegbereiter für eine globale Cyberlink-Kontrolle der Menschheit ist gelegt." Aus: Die Mikrowelle - eine Waffe mit Zukunft ( ); und: "Die Operatoren, die die Besendungen steuern, müssen geschulte Fachleute aus dem Spektrum Geheim- dienste – Verhaltensklempner à la Pawlow und Skinner mit deutscher Muttersprache, guten Fremdspra- chen- und exzellenten Computerkenntnissen sein, die im 24-Stunden-Schichtdienst an sieben Tagen in der Woche arbeiten." Aus Elektronische Folter – wie wird das gemacht? [o.A., o. J.]
Die Vorstellung, dass codierte Signale direkt an den auditorischen Cortex gesendet werden können, um Halluzinationen zu erzeugen, die denen der paranoiden Schizophrenie ähneln, wirft ernsthafte ethische und psychologische Fragen auf. Solche Technologien könnten nicht nur zur Überwachung, sondern auch zur psychologischen Manipulation und Kontrolle eingesetzt werden. Sollte diese Technologie tatsächlich existieren, würde sie einen gravierenden Eingriff in die Privatsphäre und die persönliche Autonomie darstellen.
Die Möglichkeit, die elektrische Aktivität des visuellen Cortex abzubilden und visuelle Erinnerungen und Wahrnehmungen zu überwachen, ist ein weiteres Beispiel für die invasive Natur dieser Technologie. Szenarien, in denen Bilder direkt in den visuellen Cortex gesendet werden, könnten das Bewusstsein und die Realität der betroffenen Personen manipulieren. Diese Vorstellung berührt tiefgehende Fragen über die Kontrolle des menschlichen Geistes und die Grenzen der Technologie.
Insgesamt deutet diese Klage auf eine beunruhigende Zukunft hin, in der Überwachungstechnologien nicht nur die physischen, sondern auch die mentalen und emotionalen Aspekte des menschlichen Lebens infiltrieren könnten. Die ethischen, rechtlichen und sozialen Implikationen solcher Technologien müssen sorgfältig geprüft und diskutiert werden, um die Rechte und die Würde der Individuen zu schützen.
Aus: o.A., o.J. "Gladio und der Gipfel der Weltverschwörung" Die Geschichte von John St. Clair Akwei und seine Klage gegen die NSA bringen viele Fragen auf, die sich auf Überwachung, Privatsphäre und ethische Grenzen der Technologie beziehen.
Die real vorhandene und eingesetzte Technik des Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) und Intervention (Synthetische Telepathie: Silent Sounds and Silent Talk) in Kombination mit brutalstmöglichen Menschen- und Hetzjagden (wie es rechtsextreme lieben) durch die nationalen Nachrichten- bzw. Geheimdienste ist real und erfordert unsere Wachsamkeit, um zu verhindern, dass unsere Gesellschaft durch eine völlig korrupte Geheimpolizei oder militarisierte und mit allen technisch machbaren Spionagetools ausgestattete Hilfspolizei in ein totalitäres Überwachungsgefängnis verwandelt wird. Die Gewaltspiralen in Wächter-Opfer-Eskalationen sind real und unvorstellbar brutal; es ergeben sich daraus durch die deutschen Geheimdienste bewusst herbeigeführte Eskalationsspiralen an Gruppengewalt gegen unschuldige und unbescholtene, wehrlose Mitmenschen. Jeder kann nächstes Opfer sein, wenn nicht entschieden aufgeklärt und gegen elektromagnetische Mind-Control-Terror vorgegangen wird. Es ist entscheidend, sich aktiv für den Schutz der Privatsphäre und die ethische Nutzung dieser Technologien einzusetzen.
submitted by JamesTillyMatthews to u/JamesTillyMatthews [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:41 ThrowRA-BigBootyJudy I (F26) boyfriends (M29) bad attitude is a deal breaker. How do I distance myself while remaining compassionate to him and myself?

TD;DR Newer relationship. Military boyfriend with a pattern of having a dog shit attitude but doesn't think he has a bad attitude. It's become exhausting trying to comfort him and calm him down when he doesn't want to help himself. Gets defensive when I try to shut down his shit talking spiral of negativity. I don't want to be the overly critical nagging girlfriend, so I want to leave while I still don't resent him. He's away for school and I want to wait until he gets back in a couple weeks. We've already talked about this issue a bunch. How to stay kind and compassionate while I wait for him to get back.
I've been with my boyfriend for only 7 months. Overall, it's pretty decent. We treat each other well, laugh a lot, have similar views on children and marriage, he's supportive, the sex is satisfying, and have had some pretty fun times together. It's been pretty drama free. He's active duty military. I am a veteran but have gone on to get my pilots license, work in aviation for a couple years, and now I'm a full time student studying software engineering. With the help of long term therapy, hobbies, and good friends, I would say I'm pretty happy in life right now. In the past though, I've suffered from not being able to regulate my emotions and having severe episodes of depression. Unfortunately, my boyfriend is not very happy in life. I try very hard to be validating, supportive, loving, and try to model healthy coping mechanisms but it's wearing on me. He has no friends. No hobbies. He hates his job. He talks poorly about other people. Everyone suck except for him. Everyone is a pussy except for him. Everything is stupid. The negativity spiral is a constant presence. And I don't like speaking poorly about other people how he does. I've gently encouraged seeking professional help because he has admitted that he might be depressed because his reactions to thing are disproportionate to whatever is triggering him. He has access to both medical and non medical mental health care. I'm exhausted from constantly validating him and trying to calm him down from the far reaching things he will start saying. He's very sensitive to criticism and gets defensive easily. I have to be very gentle with how I phrase things and avoid accusatory statements. It's really the only issue I have with him.
I did a lot of thinking and talk with my therapist and have decided that the negativity is a deal breaker for me. This negativity is exclusively work related. He doesn't treat me poorly, but I am baring the burden of his loneliness by myself. We live close to each other but He's away for a school right now.
First, I communicated that the negativity has become a constant presence, it dominates our conversations, and it's affecting my mood. I suggested that we try to find some balance together. He was cool about it.
A few days later, after he started talking poorly about other people, I set a boundary. I said that I would shut down the conversation once the it reached a certain intensity of negativity or once he started talking needlessly ill about other people. I said that if this seems like it's going to be a recurring thing, I'm going to have to assess if the relationship is healthy for me. He was cool about it.
Next, he talks about how he may have to a take a couple college classes (paid for by the military) to reach a certain goal he has. and then starts saying, "I HATE SCHOOL I HATE SCHOOL I HATE SCHOOL. IM NEVER GOING TO USE COLLEGE ALGEBRA". I said that if he goes into classes with that idea it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. We do stuff we don't want to do to reach the goal we want. I said that he is capable, and even though general education courses aren't the most fun, it's still an opportunity to learn and develop new skills. He got defensive and said that I don't need to lecture him and that he doesn't have a shit attitude just because he said "college algebra isn't useful". The selective hearing is a recurring issue.
There's been a couple other times where he was able to self correct or apologized for getting upset with me when I would ask to change the subject. Most recently, he started calling a group of people cowards and that they shouldn't be in the Army. I tried to shut down the conversation twice but he kept going. I ended up playing into it more and shared my opinion and said that what he is saying is hypocritical because he may also be a part of the group hes talking about. He didn't see what he said as talking shit about other people. I said, "You can have that opinion. Im asking you to not voice it to me anymore". He got very defensive, saying that he isn't allowed to say anything with out having the opposite opinion. That we must disagree on everything.
I explained that I actually do agree with him a lot of the time, I just don't let the shit talking spiral out od control. He went to bed without FaceTiming me that night or saying goodnight. He did say good morning to me today.
I don't want to see myself turn into the overly critical, nagging girlfriend. I realize I am trying to change him. I am trying to fix him and that's not my job. I thought If I modeled better behavior and helped me breathe and relax when he got worked up, I could love him into being a more positive person. I can't. It's exhausting. I may just have to accept that we have different outlooks on the world. As much as I love him, this completely overwhelms his positive qualities. I can't see myself problem solving or raising children with this type of person (he already has one daughter that hes missed out on raising because of the military. He's basically just a fun uncle even though he tries to go home often to see her several time a year.) Sadly, he has no one else except me here and often tells me that he loves spending time with me and I make him so happy.
How can I practice being kind and compassionate towards him while still protecting my own mental well being while I wait for him to get back so I can end the relationship? I don't think he would be responsive to me saying that im thinking of ending the relationship.
submitted by ThrowRA-BigBootyJudy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:41 lazercheesecake Hear me out: Yapping doesn't have to be boring

Hear me out: Yapping doesn't have to be boring
I think we can all agree that this season of Tensura has been extremely yap/meeting heavy and that is negatively impacting the enjoyment of the viewers. Even if you are a big world building fan, 5 episodes of meetings is not exactly what some would call peak entertainment. Now the next episode is where we'll start to get that sweet sweet action we've been craving, but half a season to reach some fights is a long stretch.
However, I argue that meetings don't have to be boring (I mean the ones at my work are, which is why I'm writing this up instead of doing anything productive). The picture I posted is from "Margin Call" which is a phenomenal film about the actions that would precipitate the financial crisis of 2008. It is 90% board room meetings, 99% yapping, and you get one "action" scene during the fire sale. You are on the edge of your seat the entirety of the movie. The tension, the energy, it's all palpable through the screen.
Tensura's meetings have a HUGE problem where the same information is told to the audience multiple times. The example that is most egregious is Archbishop Rayhiem's death. In one episode we are told in a meeting scene what that the plan is ABC because of XYZ, then we have another meeting where diablo gives an update and that builds up Rayhiem and ABC because XYZ, and then we see another meeting with Hinata and Rayhiem doing ABC because of XYZ, and then finally we have another meeting where we see the aftermath of how ABC went wrong because of XYZ. It's too much. As important as that event is for the story, we lost an entire episode's worth of content over that. It's the same problem with Hinata's story, with the Farmenas story, with the Granbell story.
Part of the problem is that the LN and as a result the anime tries to softball foreshadowing to it's audience because lets be honest, Tensura isn't exactly a cerebral experience. It tries to make the audience feel smart by telegraphing the story so that we can say, "I knew that was going to happen." It's fine in LN format where these meetings take a few minutes to chew through and read, but in an AV format, a 1-1 adaptation isn't going to work.
This leads to the second problem which is that everything is told not shown. Even in "Margin Call," the movie uses clever framing, camera shots, pacing, attention, direction to show what is happening. You can turn off the audio for the movie and still follow along. BUT the most important part of showing in "Margin Call" is the telling, the dialog. Kevin Spacey's character (obligatory fuck Kevin Spacey) is clearly not on the best terms with the CEO, Jeremy Irons, but he and the CEO are on a first name basis during the meeting while Irons calls everyone else Mr(s). Last Name. There is another scene where Kevin Spacey simply asks "Are you going to call him?" to Simon Baker's character, who replies "I already have." Who "him" is is not revealed until later, but the way the question is asked and answered reveals a strained history between the two characters without them having to explain to the audience what that history is. When Zachary Quinto's character is being questioned regarding his math for the disastrous forecast, there is a double play where the higher ups are trying to determine if the math is correct but also to shift blame and reward on who found what problem. There are layers.
The last big problem is that these meeting scenes are static and shot straight. There is no cinematic flair with how people are portrayed or how characters are framed. Meeting and yap scenes are when character drama can shine especially hard. In "Margin Call," the CEO is almost always framed with a clean background or against a floor to ceiling window with Manhattan's skyline in plain beautiful view. When we see the peons, they are framed tightly amongst other people or desks, making us feel cramped alongside them. When it's revealed time is of the essence, the movie opens a scene with the camera focusing on Baker's expensive watch, which he never uses, he asks someone for the time. The angle of the shot makes Baker's character less confined and more free as he is the protege of the CEO, despite being much younger than Spacey, who is framed more tightly.
Not all of the yap scenes in Tensura are bad though. Why the fuck do I care how many goblin riders, how many new Kurenai, how many blah blah blah are sent to fight. What's the important part of that scene? It's the promotion of Gobta as a capable military leader. It's the rebirth of the Oni race. It's about the growth and establishment Jura as a militarily capable nation. As clumsy as it is, the military planning of the upcoming fight *is* showing the world building. Hinata yapping with her two sects *is* showing the political tension and powder keg that is Luminism. Some of these meeting scenes *are* necessary.
But most of them are not. When these yap scenes devolve into talking *about* some other action that we could have just seen in person, It's hard to keep interest. How many times do we have to hear about this "mysterious trader" across 3 seasons before we meet the guy in another meeting scene. The dialog is clunky and holds zero subtext regarding anything. The meeting room framing is non existent. The closest we really get is the introductory shot of Gobwa (new bae) where the low shot off center frame helps bolster the image that she is a capable, confident, disciplined upcoming leader.
In truth the source material was never going to get us anywhere close to an actual cinematic story, but damn they could have at least tried to make things interesting instead of dialing it in.
submitted by lazercheesecake to TenseiSlime [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:40 Turbulent_Net_5484 The Spooky Angarita House

When I moved into the Angarita House, it felt spooky. The person who sold it said it was great, but it felt strange. At night, I heard weird sounds.
One day, I found a locked door in the basement. I found the key and opened it. Inside, I saw strange signs and a scary altar. A shadowy figure warned me to leave.
I wanted to know more. I read about the Angarita family. They had strange things happen to them. Some people said the house was cursed.
Weird things happened to me too. Things moved on their own, and I heard whispers in empty rooms. It felt like something bad was getting closer.
I found old journals in the attic. They talked about ghosts and trying to make them happy. One journal said there was a hidden room in the basement to keep something bad inside.
Ignoring warnings, I went back to the basement. I needed to face whatever was there.
In the hidden room, I felt cold. Suddenly, a shadow turned into a scary figure. It told me I shouldn't be there. I realized I let something bad out.
I ran away from the figure, through the house and outside. It felt like the night was waiting for something bad to happen. I hid in the attic, hoping to find a way to stop it.
Reading the journals, I learned the way to stop the figure wasn't by fighting, but by understanding it. I went back to the basement, ready to try.
Facing the figure again, I talked to it calmly. It hesitated and started to fade away. With the sun coming up, the house felt peaceful again.
Just when I thought it was over, a voice whispered behind me. I turned to see a friendly face – a spirit from the journals I had read. She thanked me for setting her free from the curse that bound her to the house.
With her help, I realized the true history of the Angarita House: it wasn't cursed, but misunderstood. Together, we vowed to protect it from harm, ensuring its secrets remained safe for generations to come.
Afterward, I made peace with the house. It was still spooky, but I felt better knowing I fixed things. The Angarita House was a reminder to be careful with old places, but also that understanding and kindness can solve scary problems. And with my new spectral friend by my side, I knew I had found a home unlike any other.
submitted by Turbulent_Net_5484 to u/Turbulent_Net_5484 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:40 annepersannd No, I don’t know your password.

Yesterday I learned “going above and beyond” for boomers is officially not my style.
I work at a bank and am often the go to person for our online banking system. I have had many eye roll or dumbfounded moments while working with boomers. But yesterday takes the cake.
Last Friday, a lady came in and stated her app wasn’t working. She’s on Android and though I’m semi familiar with that system, I use Apple and so there’s still some barriers. Thankfully my coworker was able to discover that her mobile data was turned off for our app, so he got her set back up. She then demanded to have her fingerprint set up as that’s how she always logs in. I verified that she had used it before and knows the set up, she agreed.
Well, her phone was not set up for biometrics and so I told her that I can help but that she would have to have a password to get into her phone. I watched her set up a pin password and then register her fingerprint. Though I saw her set it up, i did not care to see what her password was. Also for her own sake and my jobs sake, I chose not to look.
Yesterday she comes in HOT to my bank and points at me and sternly goes “we need to have a talk”. And then shoved her phone in my face and said essentially that I created a password on her phone and she doesn’t know it. With her phone (Samsung Note10) she was able to use her fingerprint for 72hrs before being required to use her pin password. She said after four failed attempts, her phone would do a factory reset and she will lose all her data. She was on her 3rd attempt.
Because I decided to be compassionate and though I knew this wasn’t exactly my fault, I still felt obligated to try to help. I found a few videos and articles to try to troubleshoot. Used the SmartThings app on her husbands phone. Tried going into safe mode and restarting the phone. She said that Verizon told her to essentially pound sand and that I should be able to fix it. What do you know, I couldn’t.
I did have her log into her Google account and log into the SmartThings app and each time she would get flustered and throw her arms about and say “well I don’t know my password!!!” And became super upset. I asked her if she has a password log at home or if she has backed her phone up to her home computer and she said “I don’t need to because my phone has everything on it!” (Do you see the issue here ma’am?).
Her husband then said that the password HAS to be xyz, so I asked the lady if she thinks so too and she said yes, it has to be.
So I typed it and hit ok and what do you know…factory reset in the works. I started to tear up and apologize as I felt fucking guilty. I knew this wasn’t my fault but it still was an unpleasant experience.
Her and her husband stated that they would come back later and after I told them there is literally nothing more I could do and everything that I did do was out of my own free will and my job will not support me in that case. I recommended that she gets a new phone , keep a password log, and back her damn phone up.
They went to a different location and complained that I changed their password and compromised their security. Thankfully I had put incredibly detailed notes in their account and told my manager everything.
I’m just baffled by some boomers.
submitted by annepersannd to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:39 indiecaveman [M4F] 25 Europe/Anywhere – Art, adventure and intellect.

Hey! Springtime is here and it always brings out my spontaneous side. But this time I'd like to share it with someone.
I'm into arts a lot (writing, drawing, playing musical instruments), gaming (on my RPG era, love a good read) and swimming is my favorite sport in order to keep fit.
I'm looking for someone open minded, with whom I can discuss different topics. If we get along well I'd like to meet up someday, as I can pretty much go anywhere on the world. I'm a very calm and non judgemental person, so I believe I can create a safe space for you to be you.
If this meant anything to you, feel free to dm me! I might even share a poem or two with you :)
submitted by indiecaveman to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:39 FloppyBisque The death of Roaring Kitty and the Birth and Journey of Deep Fucking Value.

Many apes are asking if DFV is going to start live streaming again because of the Fight Club speech.
I don’t think he will, and here’s why. Our image of the Kitty/DFV right now is exactly what we needed and he knows that. That’s what he’s trying to convey. I think giving us more insight to Keith and his thoughts and theories take away from the power of the mysteriousness. Roaring Kitty (his YouTube stream) was the perfect set up to become DFV.
What I want to do is think about this from his perspective. Forget the fact that he’s a time traveling god (true). Forget that he knows what’s going on (also obviously true) and just think about the ride he’s been on. It’s a classic coming of age story for a hero.
Keith Gill was once just a young husband and dad, trading stocks by day, live streaming by night to his four followers. It was life as an every day man in Boston. He was Roaring Kitty. He was incredibly kind, intelligent, and positive. An absolute gem of a human. He was what any of us could have considered to be a good person and friend. He was also wicked smart and most importantly, right.
But then, like many classic heroes (Luke Skywalker, Katniss Everdeen, Frodo Baggins, Harry Potter) he accidentally found himself centered in this midst of chaos caused by other forces (hedge funds) at a time with lots of unrest (COVID/Politics/Wagrowing income inequality). He did something that the masses saw as bigger than he meant.
The people took Roaring Kitty and we turned him into DFV, this larger than life, always had the answer, could save us type of archetype hero.
Imagine you were in his shoes. Husband, father to a young child, newly a huge millionaire, but the face of a revolution, which you don’t ask for. You were just trading stocks.
Now, in Feb 2021, you have a choice. You have become rich and the power holders are after you. You see all the DD about how rigged the game is and how the rich continue to get richer - do you ride off into the sunset and leave the regular apes that you now know are getting screwed, or do you do something about it?
I think with several of these tweets, he’s been basically saying “I chose to stay”. Specifically, with the Fight Club tweet, Edward Norton’s character is going around town and average people are saying that they inspired him, just like what almost certainly had happened with Roaring Kitty. He’s the perfect example of what we want our heroes to be, and we took Roaring Kitty and turned him into DFV.
And now he’s accepting that. He sees what’s going on, he understands he has the power to change things, he’s willing to put himself at great personal risk to stand with us.
Honestly, when we win, I hope this is the story that’s told and that people understand. Keith didn’t ask for this, we asked for DFV. The masses need a leader, and after 3 years, he’s now saying “look, I’m not doing any of this shit, but I understand why I matter to you. I am here, and answering the call the way I know best. Memes and hype”.
Kitty isn’t a god, he isn’t a time traveler, he isn’t omnipotent, but he is a normal person that has stepped up and that’s why we should admire him. He probably has the same fear that any of us would have, more so than we would have, but he’s telling us he’s with us anyway. I do think He’s very smart and has most importantly, put in the work. I do think he has more info than we do. But honestly, it’s better for us if we don’t get to be part of his brainstorming. He’s gonna get things wrong, and it’s better for us if we don’t see that. The image of DFV is more important than the thoughts of roaring Kitty (at the moment).
One of my favorite moments in a story to illustrate the idea of a reluctant hero, forced into action for the good of the people is when Frodo says to Gandalf “I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.”
And Gandalf responds: “So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
And Keith has decided to be DFV, the ring bearer, the mocking jay, the chosen one, the one who brings balance to the force. I see you and thank you , Keith, Kitty, DFV.
submitted by FloppyBisque to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:38 ToadSageHokage Tips or guide: Manage or Pay off Debts? Save or Invest?

Creating this thread to ask for tips/advice. I get easily pulled in many different directions when researching, and would like tips/advice on what I should do next, financially speaking:
A bit of background:
I understand opportunity cost and inflation, how my mortgage APR is cheaper than inflation rising, paying off mortgage makes it "dead money", and paying off credit cards would technically be the "best" move bc of interest on the cards, etc. etc.
I don't want to work with hypotheticals. I would like to be financially free and be able to pursue other endeavors in life without the need to worry about every nickel and dime to keep a roof over my head or avoid being broke. What should i do?
submitted by ToadSageHokage to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:36 Specialist-Bag8043 Space expert reveals Guinness World Records of the universe

Guinness World Records has been expanded by a space expert in order to showcase some incredible statistics found throughout the rest of the cosmos. In a new video this week, British scientist and BBC TV broadcaster Brian Cox says, "If there was a Guinness World Records 'Universe' book, the records would be remarkable." Cox quickly moves through an extensive list of exciting space-based records, starting with "the most enormous compact object," a supermassive black hole, a picture of which was taken by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope three years ago. The so-called M87 galaxy, which is six billion times more massive than the sun and is located 55 million light-years from Earth.In addition to numerous records, Cox unveils the universe's fastest object as well as its biggest structure and smallest object. The scientist identified Glass-z13 as the farthest distant verified galaxy when asked. "The light's journey from it to the telescope took around 13.4 billion years. We are examining the galaxy as it might have been 200 million or 300 million years after the Big Bang. Glass-z13 has a distance from Earth of little over 33 billion light-years due to the expansion of the universe. The James Webb Space Telescope, the largest telescope of its sort ever constructed, made the discovery of the far-off galaxy. The Webb telescope has been conducting research into deep space and sending stunning images back to Earth since its deployment earlier this year. As Cox points out, recordings of the universe are subject to perpetual change as astronomers and scientists make new discoveries all the time using more potent tools like the Webb telescope.
What reionized the Universe, and when?
When did the transparency of the universe begin? It's a strange but crucial question. The Universe was once opaque, but over time it changed to transparency and is still transparent now. It is literally the reason we can see far-off objects in the sky, and in a more existential sense, that instant of cosmic transparency had an impact on the behaviour of galaxies, the formation of stars, and other things. Answering the question is something that many astronomers want to do because it has significant ramifications for the objects we want to study and because we are here because of it. Astronomers from several countries may have discovered the solution to the puzzle: 12.7 billion years ago, roughly 1.1 billion years after the Big Bang. The fact that this is a few hundred million years later than previous calculations has some intriguing ramifications. Our entire Universe was in a hot, dense condition and all of its matter was ionised immediately after the Big Bang, like minutes after it: Any hydrogen or helium nuclei were free of any electron bonds. When an electron attempted to move, a photon, a particle of light, would strike it and cause it to fall. At the time, all of the light was incredibly high-energy and more than capable of maintaining the ionisation of the environment. As matter is so dense, if you were in this miasma, which in a sense you were since everything in the Universe was, it would appear absolutely opaque to you. An ionisation timeline Gas was cold and neutral in the early Universe (on the left), but as time goes on (on the right), radiation from stars and active black holes rips electrons off hydrogen atoms, illuminating the gas. An ionisation timeline Gas was cold and neutral in the early Universe (on the left), but as time goes on (on the right), radiation from stars and active black holes rips electrons off hydrogen atoms, illuminating the gas. The time interval is roughly one billion years from left to right. Thesan Collaboration, in picture Astonishingly, as the Universe cooled and expanded over the next 400,000 years, the average photon eventually ran out of energy to ionise hydrogen. For the first time, protons and electrons united and remained together to form neutral hydrogen. Recombination is the term used to describe the joining of an electron and a proton, hence this event is referred to as recombination even though it was the first time most atoms had united. Continuing the story Neutral hydrogen is highly good at absorbing visible light, the wavelengths of light humans can see, therefore the universe was still opaque even though the density of the Universe was reducing as it expanded. This period is known as the Dark Ages. That situation would last for a very, very long period until new objects formed that could emit ultraviolet light. When they were created, they ionised the hydrogen in space once more, but this time was different since the Universe had a lower density, allowing photons to go farther without being absorbed. Space became transparent all of a sudden and remained so. We can see a great distance even today because the majority of gas is ionised, or officially called a plasma. Reionization refers to this point in the universe's history. However, when did that occur? A pleasant approach to learn more exists. A blazar, or galaxy containing a supermassive black hole spewing energy, as depicted by an artist. Credit: Science Communication Lab and DESY A blazar, or galaxy containing a supermassive black hole spewing energy, as depicted by an artist. Credit: Science Communication Lab and DESY Image: Science Communication Lab at DESY Huge black holes evolved in the centres of galaxies as they initially emerged from the darkness. These black holes would collect matter as it fell into them, building up in a disc that would become extremely hot and emit high-energy ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays. These galaxies are what astronomers refer to as quasars, and we can view them from a very, very long way. When these quasars' light reaches us, it battles the Universe's expansion, which causes their wavelengths to lengthen—a process known as redshifting. In other words, the redshift reveals the quasar's distance, which in turn reveals how long after the Big Bang we observe it. Due to the fact that light can only move at a certain speed, objects that are further away are redshifted more and appear to us in the past.Because of the quasar's immense strength, even if we observe it before reionization, it will have already ionised the hydrogen immediately around it, allowing light to escape. The light from the quasar will be absorbed if there is a cloud of hydrogen between us and the quasar that is sufficiently removed from it to remain neutral. The redshift of the wavelength gap we detect in the quasar's light indicates how far away the cloud is from us and, more significantly, how far back in time we saw it. Very far distant clouds are neutral and unionised. However, following reionization, we suddenly stop noticing them because they are unable to take in the quasar's light.. So in theory, all we need to do is isolate the light from a collection of distant quasars using really good spectra. Numerous wavelengths will exhibit significant absorption, which will disappear at a sufficiently low redshift. Reionization took place then. This is really difficult to do in real life. You need really brilliant quasars, and even then, they are faint because they are so far away. Additionally, you need very good spectra, which calls for a large telescope and prolonged exposures. Numerous additional factors must also be taken into consideration, such as how the universe was structured back then. However, the astronomy team actually did this. They used archived observations of 42 additional extremely bright quasars from two other observatories in addition to 25 very distant very bright quasars from the XQR-30 survey. They discover that the Universe first became transparent roughly 1.1 billion years after the Big Bang by closely examining the 67 quasar spectra. Illustration of the first stars in the universe illuminating the gas clouds where they originated. Photo: NAOJ Illustration of the first stars in the universe illuminating the gas clouds where they originated. Photo: NAOJ And that's really fascinating! What precisely ionised the universe is unknown. There was enough time for supermassive, extremely hot, luminous stars to form as well, and they could have also blasted out UV light, enough to contribute. It might have been these very quasars. Was it thus stars, quasars, or a combination of both? The timing may be able to focus this. Reionization was previously estimated to have occurred 200 million years earlier, but if the new estimate is accurate, there is plenty of room for many more of these first-generation stars to form and contribute. So, if you'll excuse the pun, it might have been both stars and quasars working together. Around this time, galaxies were developing, and if these stars were incredibly powerful, they could blow gas straight out of the galaxies, altering the evolution of those galaxies. In order to comprehend when these stars existed and what they might have done to their surrounding environments, we need to know when reionization took place. I'll remind you that you reside in a galaxy and on a planet revolving around a star whose lineages may be traced back to this period. Reionization—what it was, when it happened, and how it affected the universe—thus plays a role in our existence. It's clear why we want to know the answer. And it might be here at last. Naturally, more observations are preferable. We may also be able to determine the duration of reionization if we have more exact estimates of this number from models of cosmic structure. 1,000,000 years? 10, fifty, or one hundred? It's almost certain that larger telescopes with better cameras will be used to answer that question. We are among the first species to comprehend precisely how the universe came into being and what occurred to it after that. You can quote me on that, but the Universe took 13.8 billion years to get here, and I think it was worth the wait.
submitted by Specialist-Bag8043 to Mr_scientific [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:35 Question_1234567 CMV: Just because you have a platform does not mean you need to promote the Palestinian cause

I've been following the whole "Ludwig donated 10k and is called a white savior" drama and I'm honestly so baffled at the takes people have. Why are people so obsessed with having every single person with a platform coopt their political movement?
My main issue comes from the obvious bully tactics. "OH you don't want to support our cause? I guess your time on the internet is over. Canceled". Like why are you weaponizing social media against people who haven't even spoken out against Palestine?
I could use the exact same logic and say, "Hey if you don't already know every talking point and political commentary on the Genocide of the Uyghurs happening in China and agree with my opinion as well as denounce China publicly you're a morally bad person and we will ruin your reputation."
The Palestinian and Israeli conflict is COMPLEX and requires alot of political science knowledge to understand exactly what is going on.
Can we as people openly admit that what Israel is doing is fucked up?
Oh course, most people do.
Can we actively not want to participate in a political conversation we know NOTHING about?
That brings me to my second point.
Spreading misinformation kills movements. If you want your movement to be successful you need to EDUCATE, not expect others to already be EDUCATED. I know people have this idea that, "it's not our responsibility to educate others on this topic" then whose is it? The person you just called a cracker after they donated 10k to your cause?
If you just want mindless up votes and mouth pieces then the movement will have no substance and can easily be picked apart by strong right leaning political leaders.
Like, I just don't see a world inwhich aggression towards neutral parties ever has positive outcomes.
Feel free to shit on your opposition that is your right, but stop trying to guilt others into your ideology by threat of cancelation.
submitted by Question_1234567 to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:33 hmmconvenient Now I might be totally oblivious but I was downtown and saw a homeless

Hello all! I am extremely curious about the homeless downtown, I work on 6th street and run/walk for lunch everyday. I am a non binary blue haired person (doesn’t matter) but I have noticed a huge increase in homeless people screaming and totally loosing it. I’ve been working and running downtown for 6 years and never noticed it before because I’m a completely oblivious person who has no sense of my surroundings but now I see them. Are people on new drugs?? Are they mad about security?? Fuck Greg Abbott by the way. Also while I’ve never seen a homeless I feed them every week and wonder why I am seeing more but now I only give free stuff to the guy with a drum. Help I’m hopelessly naive and sheltered in Austin.
submitted by hmmconvenient to austincirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:33 futurestandard94 Would a local supplier / another option for online purchases be helpful?

Hello all,
I am a 23 year old male. As someone who suffers from urinary incontinence 24/7, I find myself frustrated by the lack of choices for getting diapers locally. I live in the Denver / Northern Colorado area. I have called dozens of places and none that I have called have had what I wanted. Most of the time having to wait 3-5 days for diapers to be delivered. I generally wear Abena Abri-Form Plastic L4s or Tena Large ProSkin briefs for situations where discretion is preferred.
Purpose: The purpose of this post is why I feel that starting another store focused on those of us with an actual need would be needed and to get feedback (hopefully from some who live in the Denver / Northern Colorado area).
What would I be intending on offering?:
My plan would be to offer supplies via three purchasing avenues and four fulfillment avenues.
Purchasing Options via in-person, online, and over the phone
  1. In person means in a store front. My hope would be to provide samples for every product sold in the store. Have a few bathrooms for trials and take home samples for trying on products at home. If you decided you like the product I would have a decent on hand quantity at least a few cases of each product for immediate purchase.
  2. Online would be a website. My hope would to be priced at or below competitors but initially I may be the same price as them or higher. Products would be shipped to your address via standard services like FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc. They would be shipped in truly non descriptive plain brown boxes.
  3. Phone ordering. Have a phone number and some staff to take orders via the phone for those who can't order in person or online.
  4. The fourth fulfillment option: this is one that would be available via online or phone orders for residents in the Denver / Northern Colorado area. My hope would be one day to expand past this relatively small area with more locations but this is how I would do it for the first year or more.
    1. You place your order online or over the phone. We would the deliver it to you in as little as 30 minutes. We would also offer the option to schedule the delivery for later. Again in a truly non descriptive plain brown box or boxes. More or less door dash for diapers.
Feedback I am hoping for (Positive and Negative Welcome):
I truly want to be a benefit and a comfort to the community. If you feel that there is already enough choices for these supplies or you wouldn't want to use a new company, feel free to let me know.
The main question of course: Would a local supplier / another option for online purchases be helpful?
Do you live in the Denver / Northern Colorado area?
If you don't live in the area would you be interested in purchasing from such a company?
What supplies would you be interested in purchasing? I have an initial plan for catheters, diapers, wipes, bed / furniture pads (washable / reusable and disposable). I intend on offering both youth and adult supplies for males and females.
Would educational and maybe even support resources be helpful? I know especially when I was younger that this was a scary topic and even today I HATE talking about it. But I am also sick of the stigma and the bullying that occurs because of it. It is not something we can control and I always wished there was a place to go where I could talk with and meet others with incontinence around my age group.
What else could I offer that would be helpful?
A quick note / rant on ABdlr in Englewood (Denver) CO:
I am aware that Denver now has an ABDL store called ABdlr. I refuse to go there. This will sound harsh to some but I can't imagine why anyone would want to wear diapers as a choice (for clarification I choose to wear diapers over a catheter. I had one of those ugly things in me at a hospital a few years back and it HURT. I totally understand that diapers can be more comfortable than catheters for some. I am referring only to the people who CHOOSE diapers when there is nothing wrong with them.) or pretend to be incontinent.
This discussion is not meant to be against the ABDL community. Please do not make it as such. I am simply justifying why I won't use the ABdlr store.
Final Notes / Thoughts:
If you have made it this far thank you for reading. This is something I am truly passionate about and I hope that I can have a positive impact on the community by trying to make my passion a reality.
submitted by futurestandard94 to Incontinence [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:32 TheFunFighter69cox Choosing an endurance saddle.

Choosing an endurance saddle.
Hello guys, i search for endurance saddles like and english style saddle, but i cannot find somethings that fit my research in my personal budget.
I dont like treeles, minimalist or carbon saddles. I want a saddle that its english looking, and leather. And ajustable gullet.
I consider Wintec Pro Endurance, but its a little bit to heavy and its not smooth leather. My budget its around 2000 euros. If you know some saddles, i would enjoy some suggestions. Thank you.
The saddle in the pic its a StrideFree Endurance Saddle and unfortunely its double my budget.
submitted by TheFunFighter69cox to Equestrian [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:31 Xyphota Suggestions for efficient workflow of taking and inserting photos into documents

At my job I need to take lots of photos for documentation purposes, and then summarize findings in reports etc. Currently I am taking photos with an iphone from within my personal teams chat, and then copying images from that chat on my windows 10 computer and pasting into word documents. For occasional photos, this is quick enough, but I am taking 30+ photos a day so anyway to make this work flow more efficient would be a big time saver for me.
What would you guys recommend? I'm wondering if I should ask for a tablet that could both be used to take the pictures and write the reports. Taking and inserting the photos directly into the document would really be the ideal solution.
submitted by Xyphota to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:31 Reddit_Sword When to introduce Patreon to channel?

Hi! I'm somebody who's interested in youtube as a potential job as it's creatively freeing, specifically content centered around art. writing, and character design. I haven't started posting videos yet but I've got some scripts outlined and assets made for it. I think a Patreon would be a reasonable thing to add to this channel, for various reasons, but I am wondering when you would think it's wise to introduce it?
As I see it I have two options. I can start off the channel with an already implemented patreon, which would let me potentially make more money earlier on as new viewers may be encountering my channel, but could add unnecessary pressure if it doesn't immediately have fans. Especially as it may not be a thing you can easily take down if it doesn't pan out. Or, I wait a bit until the channel gets popular enough, potentially risking loss of early patreon subscribers, but making the implementation a bit more stable.
I want to see your opinion on this, though. Personally I'm leaning towards the latter, as it may be a bit better to ease into something like a patreon, but I'd like secondary opinions! Maybe it's just a bonus with no downside, but who knows. I've seen some brand new longform video creators get it in after just a couple of videos, while some larger channels waited until they were extremely popular to actually get one, so I'd assume the timing depends on the person, or type of content.
submitted by Reddit_Sword to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:29 Usual-Ad-9685 Waiting for the other shoe to drop

I hope you all had a magical MIL free mothers day just like I did!
A couple of months ago I went VLC with my MIL when she lost her ever loving mind at me after I (politely) brought up something that had been bothering me. I've been cordial at family gatherings if I'm forced to see her, but I refuse to put any more effort into trying to maintain a decent relationship with her. I also refuse to encourage a relationship between her and her son, or her grand daughter.
In a very uncharacteristic manor, this woman hasn't had an outburst since. I know she's biding her time, waiting to see if I come around and apologize/see the error of my ways (don't hold your breath). But I know this peace with only last for so long before she lashes out again, playing the woe is me/professional victim card. Especially since her anniversary and mother's day went ignored this year because I didn't facilitate a card/gift for the first time.
Luckily my husband is finally starting to see her for who she is. So when the next outburst comes, which it inevitably will, maybe he'll go LC as well. I know she'll try to punish him, but at this point the only person she's making miserable is herself.
submitted by Usual-Ad-9685 to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:28 CommanderFate Superside AI Virtual Summit

The company I work at are running an amazing virtual summit with experts from Figma, Microsoft, 6Sense, Sana, Zendesk and much more.
I get nothing out of sharing this, been personally enjoying these internally and and helped me improve my AI Design knowledge.
The summit is ofcourse free.
Register here:
We also hire AI and design related roles very frequently and 100% remote:
I hope none of the above is breaking any rules
submitted by CommanderFate to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:28 NoWayItsPanda Worcester State Roomate

I am attending Worcester State University and am looking for a roomate! I am from Connecticut but am currently living in Massachusetts.
I love going out, getting ready, and taking cute pics. I'm a huge concert person and i love playing video games in my free time.
Feel free to reach out to talk about specifics!
insta: _alexmattioli
snap: alexandra90122
submitted by NoWayItsPanda to WorcesterMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:27 bostonmovingcompany How to Stay Calm During a Move

Imagine this: You’re amidst the chaos of packing boxes, coordinating logistics, and saying goodbye to your old home. Amidst it all, you’re struggling to keep your cool. But fear not, because in this article, we’re diving deep into the art of staying calm during a move.
Moving can be a stressful experience, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can navigate it with ease. According to recent studies, moving ranks as one of life’s most stressful events, alongside divorce and starting a new job. However, by implementing proven techniques and maintaining a positive outlook, you can mitigate stress and ensure a smoother transition.

Here are some expert tips to help you stay calm during your move:

  1. Plan Ahead: Begin by creating a detailed moving plan, including timelines, checklists, and tasks to accomplish. By breaking down the process into manageable steps, you’ll feel more organized and in control.
  2. Practice Self-Care: Amidst the hustle and bustle of moving, don’t forget to prioritize self-care. Take breaks when needed, stay hydrated, and make time for activities that help you relax and recharge.
  3. Lean on Support: Don’t hesitate to lean on friends, family, or professional movers like Premium Q Moving and Storage for assistance. Surrounding yourself with a support network can alleviate stress and make the moving process more manageable.
  4. Stay Organized: Keep your belongings organized throughout the moving process to minimize chaos and frustration. Label boxes clearly, pack essential items separately, and create an inventory to track your belongings.
  5. Focus on the Positive: Instead of dwelling on the challenges of moving, focus on the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. Visualize your new home and the memories you’ll create there, keeping your spirits high.
  6. Take Breaks: Moving can be physically and emotionally draining, so it’s essential to take regular breaks to rest and recharge. Schedule downtime into your moving plan to prevent burnout and maintain your well-being.
  7. Embrace Flexibility: Despite your best efforts, unexpected challenges may arise during the moving process. Practice flexibility and adaptability, staying calm in the face of change.
  8. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate each milestone you reach during the moving process, no matter how small. Recognizing your achievements will boost your morale and keep you motivated.

Important tips: Hiring movers or DIY?


In conclusion, moving doesn’t have to be synonymous with stress. By implementing these tips and maintaining a positive mindset, you can navigate the transition with ease. Remember, at Premium Q Moving and Storage, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Because at the end of the day, we move lives, not just things. Stay calm, stay focused, and embrace the journey ahead.
Contact Your Favorite Local Movers
Experience a seamless moving experience with Premium Q Moving and Storage as your favorite local movers. Get your personalized quote:
Unlock a seamless journey to your new home with our unparalleled moving services. From meticulous packing to expert transportation, trust us to elevate your move to new heights. Say hello to stress-free moving and goodbye to hassle with our top-tier solutions.

Listen/Watch Life Beyond Boxes Podcast Episodes Below

Catch the latest episode of the Life Beyond Boxes podcast now! Tune in for captivating conversations and eye-opening insights:
Don’t just exist – thrive! Listen to Life Beyond Boxes podcast now on your favorite podcast platform and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
Subscribe now for a smoother, stress-free move and a brighter new chapter in your life. Let’s go beyond boxes together!
submitted by bostonmovingcompany to u/bostonmovingcompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:27 Maleficent_Mind_5265 Love life advice needed!!!!

Hi everyone. 21F here, been in a relationship for about 6 months now. I’ve always had a very rocky love life. I’ve struggled to find a stable partner and had a lot of casual sex and ‘situationships’ that end in heartbreak. I yearned for a stable and loving relationship for a long time.
I recently got out of a two year ‘situationship’ with my first love. He was by all means a bad person and treated me horribly. He was my FP, and took advantage of my loyalty and absolutely shattered me over and over again. He would give me hope of a relationship/ proper commitment, and then take it away suddenly. Over and over. It would always boil down to casual sex and ‘I’m not ready for a relationship’. When he finally left me for the last time and blocked me on everything, I was devastated. I’m still not over him, even though I’ve found someone new.
My new boyfriend is very kind and patient, and accepts me for who I am despite my flaws and needs. He has been so gentle and caring with me and is honestly everything I could’ve asked for. However the past couple months have been very rocky for us. He went through some of his own mental health challenges and treated me poorly for a bit because of it - it reminded me of my ex and scared me. Now I find myself wanting to dump him and be single and ‘free’ again. I feel trapped and scared, and for some reason grossed out by him. I miss my old FP even though he was awful to me.
Has anyone else experienced this urge to sabotage a generally healthy relationship in favor of a toxic one? How do I break the hold that my old situationship has over me, and how do I get rid of this urge to dump my current partner?
submitted by Maleficent_Mind_5265 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:27 scriptorpress The Cenacle 124 April 2024 *Just Released*

The Cenacle 124 April 2024 29th Anniversary Issue
[Size = 13.6 MB]
Hello everyone,
Here comes the just-released Cenacle 124 April 2024. Returning to the desired quarterly issue cadence that has been missing for the past couple of years. It was hard doing this issue without the usual many years’ involvement of my dear poet friend, the late Judih Weinstein Haggai, but her poetry features in this issue nonetheless, & will remain so in each issue ever on.
Thus far, 2024 for the human world has been a fairly dark one. The global Pandemic has not ended, though millions risk sickness & death for themselves & others by choosing to join in a kind of mass amnesia about the crisis. Meanwhile, the climate crisis continues to get the same kind of hostile indifference. The genocide in Gaza goes on unabated by any of the many powerful & supposedly democratic nations of the world. And a likely felon has jazzed the US electoral process, its weaknesses & flaws among its many strengths, to be within reach of again taking over &, as he has vowed, taking revenge.
I can’t tell you that this literary journal operates toe to toe on the global scale to oppose these various human catastrophes, but I can say that if we don’t seek Beauty, & Nature, & look beyond the petty fuckeries of the current day, we are much more likely to be lost than if we find a way to do this.
This fine anniversary issue features new poetry by Tamara Miles, Martina Reisz Newberry, Colin James, Sam Knot, Jimmy Heffernan, Judih Weinstein Haggai, & myself.
Also new fiction by Timothy Vilgiate, Algernon Beagle, & myself. And classic fiction from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
And new prose pieces by Nathan D. Horowitz, Charlie Beyer, & myself.
There is also new graphic artwork by AbandonView, Epi Rogan, Louis Staeble, Kassandra Soulard, Sam Knot, Tamara Miles, & Nathan D. Horowitz.
Contents of this new issue include:
From Soulard’s Notebooks [Excerpt]
I find myself leaning back often into 3 questions that I believe most influence human psychology & human culture:
1) Why are we here?
2) Where are we from?
3) What are we supposed to be doing?
* * * * * *
Feedback on Cenacle 123 [Excerpt]
I made it to the first poem by Judih Weinstein Haggai, sank into it, breathed it, needed it, and couldn’t go further into the issue yet. But it’s beautiful. And Kassandra Soulard’s cover photo: wow.
(Tamara Miles)
* * * * * *
From the ElectroLounge Forums:
Selections from Unknot 24, Part 1[Excerpt]
A project that I expect to work on for the rest of my life and never finish is a kind of art project playing with meaning making and the first few layers of knots, so this is all part of that really. I suppose it is a way to give a kind of focus or even kind of “abstract grounding” to some other kind of activity which isn’t necessarily even directly related to or about it.
(Sam Knot)
* * * * * *
Haiku from a Silent Retreat (7/31/2021) [Excerpt]
by Judih Weinstein Haggai
Are you everybody?
I’m not either
* * * * * *
Notes from New England:
Dream Raps, Volume Thirteen [Excerpt]
by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
Now that my friends are gone, the very shy Creatures who sometimes visit my hovel begin to come out, sniffing friendly their hellos. Accept my offer to cluster with me under the blankets, them being cold as ever when outside of the White Woods. White Bunny, Hedgedyhog, Peppermint Bears, Kittees & their Friend Fish. Alvinarah Poesy, & his dear friend Naria Narwhal. Even that cackling little Imp is under there somewhere. They never stay long, but I love them passing through. They’re excited about the Rutabaga Festival & Fleastock in the White Woods, I’m guessing.
* * * * * *
Becoming Archaeology: A Eulogy for Living Moor. (Part Two) [Excerpt]
by Sam Knot
It moves me more than any painting
or poem, seems to encode more meaning,
personal & planetary, than any other art,
this simple offering. This intricate gift.
* * * * * *
Notes Toward Many Musics [Excerpt]
by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
I believe a Narrative should always lead with the best it has, its most potent moment or image or the like. And let this lead set its standard. When I think of the Narrative options for these poems, I come back every time to starting from the start. These poems build on years & years of the work it took to get the six Brother-Heroes reunited rightly, after telling their unique stories as rightly as possible too. I did the best thinking & writing that I could.
* * * * * *
Poetry by Martina Newberry [Excerpt]
Tall on the dirty stage,
from my notebook I conferred
my poems. No time limit,
no faces, noises of shifting
dust and cars out there somewhere,
I read for many minutes,
emoting here and there,
hands rising and falling,
singing through some.
* * * * * *
Rivers of the Mind (A Novel) [Excerpt]
by Timothy Vilgiate
I could not help but fear that he’d attack me as I laid there; I lost count of how many times I got up to check my locks or to peek underneath the bed. I turned over and over, rocking the mattress like an unsteady boat, straining to keep my eyes shut. It was no use. Midnight came, and I was still awake; my hair matted over my irritated face, my blanket clutched in between my hands over my mouth as I tried to stop myself from sobbing. But I couldn’t let it see me cry. I couldn’t let it even see me blink.
* * * * * *
Poetry by Tamara Miles [Excerpt]
A lion’s music—a carnival of sound, beyond the roar of reserve, park, zoo, circus, and
safari, the wild kingdom beyond the definition of safe and unsafe, cruel or kind, in
sub-Saharan Africa, or in India, Gir forest, where the heart beat and drum beat and
incense are heavy.
* * * * * *
The Lagoon of the Air Goblins (Travel Journal) [Excerpt]
by Nathan D. Horowitz
I’m dehydrated from the sun today. I haven’t rehydrated. My hydration’s out of wack. It seems an eternity, maybe two, since I ordered a glass of papaya juice. Inside the café, mysterious café things may be happening, involving blenders and workforce and fruit and power. Time’s ticking by and it sounds like trees falling into a river. I glance at the red and white checkered tablecloth and remember I’ve always hated red and white checkered patterns. Serafín the educator said he would meet me here to tell me about the Secoya cosmovision, and he isn’t showing up.
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Poetry by Colin James [Excerpt]
Episodically craved by adolescents,
Prometheus displays his tats
behind The Dollar Store in Bonita.
The one with the plastic pillars.
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Mad Jack (Prose) [Excerpt]
by Charlie Beyer
We were longhaired teenage criminals. I looked like Jesus and my best buddy had flaming red shoulder-length hair, the devil to rival my divine look. Scott the Red. We were all hair, except Mad Jack (or Bob, as I knew him), who was as shaved as a plastic bag. We all sat in the car outside the 7-11 in the night rain. Blue smoke trickled out of the cracked window. Inside was a haze of marijuana smoke tainted with opium. We were high and crazed.
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Poetry by Jimmy Heffernan [Excerpt]
The moment to which we have access
So Nature can “see” through time
And what is this but awareness?
A tunneling from the immediate future
Back into the present
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Bags End Book #21: What is the Creature Carnival? Part 3 (Fiction) [Excerpt]
by Algernon Beagle
It makes me remember how our teacher Mister Owl in Bags End teached how different places have their different ways of thinking & telling. So if you’re gonna watch a Creature production, whether it’s the Carnival, or a Grand Production, or this time both, you’re gonna be in 4or a good crazy ride.
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The Hound of the Baskervilles (Classic Fiction) [Excerpt]
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Mr. Sherlock Holmes, who was usually very late in the mornings, save upon those not infrequent occasions when he was up all night, was seated at the breakfast table. I stood upon the hearth-rug and picked up the stick which our visitor had left behind him the night before. It was a fine, thick piece of wood, bulbous-headed, of the sort which is known as a “Penang lawyer.” Just under the head was a broad silver band nearly an inch across. “To James Mortimer, M.R.C.S., from his friends of the C.C.H.,” was engraved upon it, with the date “1884.” It was just such a stick as the oldfashioned family practitioner used to carry—dignified, solid, and reassuring.
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Labyrinthine [A New Fixtion] [Excerpt]
by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
I’m distracted just as this strange fellow appears on stage with some kind of tool in his hand. He is very fancily dressed, some kind of home-made tuxedo? Or one sewn from many scraps? And he starts to recite a poem, I think, in a tongue I don’t know, when something distracts me.
Raymond Soulard, Jr.
Scriptor Press New England
submitted by scriptorpress to literaryjournals [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:26 ondobi98 I (29M) have feelings for a coworker (32M), and don't know if they feeling is mutual

Before I start, this story is long, and I'll repeat myself a lot; my first goal is to get what's inside me out and vent, so please be patient and if you respond be respectful, please.
I (29M) came out of the closet about two years ago, but living in the environment I live in, I couldn't be as open as I would have liked until recently. During that time, I lost a lot of weight and gained confidence in myself, which made it easier for me to open up to the world that interested me. I'm not someone with much experience when it comes to sex, but I've had my adventures, mostly with women, but once I accepted who I am, my experiences shifted towards men. In recent years, I've had fleeting relationships and two relationships that lasted more than four months, but in recent months, I've been puzzled by a situation I've had to live through, and that's why I'm writing this here, to see if the perspective of strangers helps me clarify my thoughts a bit.
I don't consider myself ugly; I can even be attractive, both physically and in personality, but insecurities have affected me since I was very young. This story begins in September of last year when I started working at a new company. The workgroup consists of about 30 colleagues, some of whom I knew from before. But the story focuses on a guy (32M), let's call him Stephen. I must mention that he didn't attract me at first; he's not my physical type. But around November, as I got to know him, I was attracted to his personality, which surprised me because I'm usually a very superficial person (I know I need to work on that), and it's not very common for me to be attracted to someone because of their personality.
Over time, I formed a very close group of friends, who told each other everything that happened in our daily lives, so it was only a matter of time before I mentioned to them that I was attracted to Stephen. The three colleagues, Anna (37F), Violet (36F), and Lily (20F), were happy for me and told me that the interest seemed mutual because they thought the guy was getting very close to me. I liked that because I had already noticed that the jokes or comments I made to him received the same response, or at least he played along.
We reached December, we organized a dinner with some colleagues, and both he and I attended. By then, my colleagues had been pressuring me a lot to tell him something, but since we only had a relationship at work, I didn't dare to take the step; it didn't seem right to me. I also mentioned my situation to my friends, who could give me another point of view, but they all told me that not seeing the relationship we had made it difficult for them to evaluate it. I must mention that all this was happening while I was seeing another guy, John (27M), in a stable relationship for 6 months.
At the dinner and at the after-party, Stephen didn't leave my side. If I went out to smoke, he came out with me even though he doesn't smoke; if I had a drink, he accompanied me to the bar. My colleagues were ecstatic because they saw that this was the night something was going to happen. Well, it didn't. Between my relationship with John and the nerves of the moment, I didn't dare to do anything. But I already saw clearly that with those ideas in my head, the relationship with John was unfeasible; he was no longer my priority. We broke up during the following week.
I was already going all out for Stephen; I was attracted to his personality, to what he could offer me in a relationship. The week before Christmas arrived. We had a one-week break from work, and I didn't want to leave with doubts on vacation. On Tuesday of that week, I went to talk to him about the subject, determined, but when I started talking, I saw that we weren't alone, and I didn't dare to continue. I didn't dare again until Friday; he insisted that I finish saying what I had to tell him, which excited me even more because in my head, what I wanted to tell him seemed obvious.
Friday came, the last day for me to tell him something. When there was an hour left to finish the workday, I saw that we were alone, and I approached him. I was very nervous, I even stuttered, but I practically told him that I found him a very interesting guy and that I would like to get to know him outside of work, to which he responded that he was flattered but that he was not homosexual. It crushed me. I tried to disguise it by saying that he had become a very important support at work and that I wouldn't want this to ruin that relationship; he accepted it.
I left there as quickly as possible, holding back tears as best I could (yes, very teenage everything). I met up with my colleagues and told them what had happened. They supported me, but they kept saying that they didn't believe Stephen, that the relationship we had wasn't just friendship. I didn't give importance to that; at that moment I just wanted to forget what had happened. It was one of the toughest Christmases I've ever had. My family didn't know anything, my friends outside of work didn't understand it, and my work colleagues kept insisting that I needed to clarify things even more with him. My head was spinning.
I decided that I was going to fulfill what I said to Stephen, that the work relationship would continue as it had until that moment. The first week was weird and tough, I won't deny it, but I handled it quite well. I insisted that my colleagues avoid the subject, but it was impossible not to see the looks every time Stephen and I talked. Over time, we've returned to jokes, and although there's attraction on my part, I've come to understand that nothing will ever happen between us. Or so I thought. The last month I've had abrupt changes in my life. My grandmother died, I started dating Parker (33M), I got promoted at work, and I moved out on my own. It's important to mention, I think, that Stephen was my superior, and now, with the promotion, he's my immediate superior, I have to answer to him. So we spend much more time together, and we've come to know each other more intimately. I know about his problems with family, his friends, his plans for the weekend... But he never talks to me about relationships. We have a colleague who lives in the same city as Stephen, who has known him for years, and my colleagues, being the gossips they are, interrogated her about Stephen, and she managed to find out that he has never had a known relationship, nor has he had relationships with anyone, which surprised us all because, even though he's not my type, he's an athletic and quite attractive man.
Meanwhile, physical contact has emerged; he touches my shoulder when speaking, he hugs me when greeting me in the mornings... That was what I was missing. Just when I was rebuilding my life after the Christmas fiasco, to doubt again because of physical contact, once more when I was in a relationship that seemed perfect on the surface. More doubts on the subject. I had been with Parker for three months; I met him at a party with friends, in early February, falling back into the same old mistakes, focusing on the physical and then on the personality, luckily we were compatible, until feelings for Stephen surfaced again. The relationship faded, literally, no sex, no affection, no compatibility. My work colleagues didn't accept Parker, they were still insisting on Stephen. We come to yesterday, I broke up with Parker last week, and I really felt bad because it seemed to me that I was making the same mistakes as with John, obsessing over a relationship that didn't exist, that I had already received rejection for. But I moved to my new house, perfect for me, and liked by everyone, even Stephen. Today I received the comment that led me to speak here. I have organized a dinner next weekend at my house, Stephen is coming, he has asked to stay the night, I only have one bed, he has said we will share with a wink. I got excited, but I don't want to. I couldn't bear another fiasco. My work colleagues are already on cloud nine.
So I ask, do I have reasons to be excited?
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