Self introduction essay


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2024.05.16 05:13 harshita29 What are the benefits of using HR management software in companies?

Are you tired of drowning in piles of paperwork and endless spreadsheets to manage your company’s HR processes? It’s time to bid farewell to these outdated methods and say hello to the world of HR management software! With technology revolutionizing the way we work, companies are increasingly turning to automated solutions to streamline their human resources operations. Let’s dive into the myriad benefits that come with utilizing HR management software in your organization.
Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity
In today’s fast-paced business environment, time is of the essence. That’s where HR management software steps in to streamline processes and boost productivity. By automating repetitive tasks like employee onboarding, leave requests, and performance evaluations, teams can focus on more strategic activities.
With a centralized database for all HR-related information, searching for employee records or updating payroll details becomes a breeze. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of errors that manual data entry may incur.
Efficiency is further enhanced through features like task tracking and reminders which ensure that deadlines are met promptly. Managers can easily monitor progress and allocate resources accordingly without the hassle of constant follow-ups.
Using HR management software translates into a more efficient workflow and increased output from employees across all levels of the organization.
Improved Data Management and Security
In today’s digital age, data is a valuable asset for companies. HR management software plays a crucial role in improving data management and security within organizations. By centralizing all employee information in one secure platform, companies can ensure that sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access or breaches.
With features like role-based access controls and encryption protocols, HR software enhances data security measures to safeguard confidential information. This not only protects the company’s reputation but also ensures compliance with stringent data protection regulations.
Moreover, the automation capabilities of HR software reduce manual errors in data entry and processing, enhancing overall accuracy and reliability of employee records. This streamlined approach to managing data minimizes the risk of inconsistencies or inaccuracies that may occur with traditional paper-based systems.
Investing in HR management software not only improves operational efficiency but also strengthens data security practices within companies.
Better Decision-Making with Analytics
In today’s fast-paced business environment, making informed decisions is crucial for the success of any company. HR management software offers a valuable tool in this regard by providing access to insightful analytics. By analyzing data on employee performance, engagement levels, and training outcomes, decision-makers can gain a deeper understanding of their workforce.
With the help of analytics tools integrated into HR software, managers can identify trends and patterns that may not be apparent through manual tracking methods. This allows for proactive decision-making based on real-time information rather than relying on gut instinct alone. From predicting future staffing needs to assessing the impact of new policies or initiatives, data-driven insights empower leaders to make strategic choices that drive positive outcomes for the organization.
Furthermore, by leveraging predictive analytics capabilities within HR software, companies can anticipate potential challenges and opportunities before they arise. This foresight enables proactive planning and risk mitigation strategies that enhance overall business resilience. Better decision-making with analytics is a key benefit of using HR management software that empowers organizations to thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Enhanced Employee Experience
When it comes to creating a positive work environment, employee experience plays a crucial role. HR management software can significantly enhance the overall employee experience within a company. By streamlining processes such as leave requests, performance evaluations, and training programs, employees can focus more on their work rather than administrative tasks.
Furthermore, with features like self-service portals and mobile access, employees have greater autonomy over their information and interactions with the HR department. This leads to increased transparency and communication between employees and management.
Moreover, personalized dashboards provided by HR software allow employees to track their performance goals, view feedback from managers, and easily access relevant company policies. This level of empowerment contributes to higher job satisfaction and engagement among employees.
In addition, automated reminders for important dates like birthdays or work anniversaries demonstrate that the company values its employees’ contributions. These small gestures go a long way in fostering a sense of belonging and appreciation within the organization.
Cost Savings
One significant benefit of using HR management software in companies is the potential for cost savings. By automating various HR processes, such as payroll, benefits administration, and recruitment, organizations can streamline operations and reduce manual errors.
With efficient workflows and integrated systems, businesses can save both time and money that would otherwise be spent on labor-intensive tasks. Additionally, by centralizing data storage and access through the software, companies can avoid duplication of efforts and minimize administrative overhead costs.
Furthermore, improved compliance with regulations and standards facilitated by HR software helps mitigate legal risks that could result in costly penalties or lawsuits. By ensuring accurate record-keeping and adherence to policies, organizations can safeguard themselves against financial liabilities.
Investing in HR management software not only enhances operational efficiency but also contributes to long-term cost savings for businesses of all sizes.
Scalability and Flexibility
Scalability and flexibility are essential factors for any modern company looking to thrive in a dynamic business environment. HR management software provides the flexibility to adapt to changing needs as a company grows. Whether it’s adding new employees, departments, or locations, the software can scale seamlessly without disrupting operations.
The ability to customize features based on specific requirements allows companies to tailor the software to meet their unique needs. This level of adaptability ensures that the system remains relevant and efficient over time. Additionally, cloud-based solutions offer even greater flexibility by allowing access from anywhere at any time.
Scalable HR management software empowers businesses to expand globally without worrying about logistical challenges. With automated processes and centralized data storage, managing a diverse workforce becomes more manageable. Embracing scalable solutions not only future-proofs your HR operations but also enhances overall organizational efficiency.
In today’s fast-paced business world, HR management software plays a crucial role in streamlining operations and enhancing overall efficiency. From improved data management to cost savings and scalability, the benefits of using HR software are undeniable.
By leveraging technology to automate processes, companies can boost productivity, make informed decisions with the help of analytics, and create a better employee experience. With enhanced security measures in place, organizations can also rest assured that their sensitive data is protected.
Investing in HR management software is not just about staying competitive; it’s about setting your company up for long-term success. So why wait? Embrace the power of technology and take your HR operations to the next level today!
submitted by harshita29 to u/harshita29 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:04 Radiant_Addition_476 AP exam rankings (so far)

I did 6 AP exams in the span of the past two weeks so I’m gonna rank them in terms of least to most difficult, lmk ur thoughts on it.
I took relatively easy AP classes: AP Seminar, AP Human Geography, AP World history, AP Environmental Science, AP Macroeconomics, and AP Computer Science Principles. So I’m just ranking the easiest out of the easiest lol
1) lightest AP: Tbh I’ll say Human Geography and Environmental Science are tied. I found hug easier because there was more preliminary knowledge and the frqs were so much simpler, less complicated thinking processes.
2) second lightest AP:AP World for sure imo. Easiest AP world test cb probably ever did
3) third lightest AP: CSP, I know it seems like it would be higher up there in terms of easiness but it made me mad, the FRQS were weird and I didn’t feel confident in the mcqs. Like almost fever dreamish, I have no idea if I got a 3 4 or 5.
4) medium light AP: AP Seminar: this involves a LOT of work, comprehension and writing skills, and following rubrics to get a 5. Most work load for sure, but it’s objectively easy, write essays and do presentations on whatever you want. You just have to be good at writing for it to be easy I think.
5) hard AP: WHAT the flip was the Macroeconomics test. The class was sorta fine and the units were short but I died on some of those MCQ questions, it felt like a mess this year. Class was kinda miserable because the teacher never corrected grades, so I’ve heard (I self studied but spent the entire semester learning in the class during lunch). All of the smartest kids at my school admitted it was difficult. There was so much to comprehend and not enough time, like why were there so many graphs?
Anyways, lmk ur rankings
submitted by Radiant_Addition_476 to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:06 InBabylonTheyWept Human Secrets: Part 2

I had hoped that the human would be gone for long enough to inspect my quarters. I figured it would be a good way to get my bearings, as well as learn more about humanities material culture.
Instead, a new human returned after a few minutes. This one wore a sort of white priestly robe, and had something like an amulet hanging from his ears. I asked him what it was for, and got an answer elaborating that it was for hearing hearts.
I assumed that was a metaphor right until he placed its bare metal against my chest.
“Cold!” I barked. He paused thoughtfully, considering his options.
“Pregnant?” he asked, and I was so taken aback that I could only shake my head. He listened a moment longer, deep in thought, before making a second guess.
“Two hearts?” he tried, and this time I nodded. He looked extremely pleased to have guessed correctly.
“Medicine,” he said conspiratorially, “is very easy to master. It only takes a decade or two. I’ve had benders longer than that. And then after that first learning, it’s just like riding a bike.”
“What’s a bike?” I asked, trying to determine if riding one was more concerning than the idea of a two-decade long bender.
“They’re something that you ride,” he replied, as if the answer was obvious. He pulled a syringe out a pocket on the front of his priest-robe and asked how I felt about getting a multi-plague-allergy shot.
“Okay, I guess,” I said, but I barely made it past okay before he stuck the syringe into my arm. The needle wasn’t large, but the dose itself seemed enormous. There was an eternity of watching the plunger slide down the length of the tube, an endless hell that was made all the longer when the doctor leaned it to share a secret.
“That was a multi-plague-allergy prevention shot,” he said casually. "Emphasis on prevention. But you’ll really have to be careful about phrasing when you get to the Earth.”
“They’d inject me with plagues?” I asked, baffled by the thought.
“If by ‘they’ you mean ‘humans’, no,” he said. “We’re not evil. But the Earth isn’t run by humans anymore. It’s run by a self-replicating cyber god we made from the compiled archives of all our political arguments, anime discussions, and porn commentary."
I think he took my stunned silence as a request for clarification, because he looked up to add in one extra sentence.
"It’s kind of a jerk.”
“Was anyone surprised by that?", I asked, and he shrugged in a what-can-you-do way.
“No,” he said. His hand pulled away from my arm, and I realized that somehow the entire shot had gone by without me noticing.
“Remain in the cabin for the next 48 hours,” he said, strangely professional. “Humans carry a lot of strange diseases. This should protect you from the worst of it. You’ll receive a less terrible set of introductions once the quarantine period is cleared.”
He turned as if to walk away, then caught himself.
“I’m sorry - it’s been so long since I met someone new that I’ve forgotten to do introductions. I’m Pride. Welcome to our ship.”
And then he too left me in the quiet of my quarters.
submitted by InBabylonTheyWept to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:24 ObnoxiouslyConfusedd Questions wether or not my parents are really ‘that bad’..

So hello everyone. I chose to join this community because I really need people to reach out with 😭
sorry if thus makes no sense logically in the way I write, I’m kinda burnt out and just had to write a really stressful essay so my brain is completelyfried ☠️
tw: physical and mental abuse, SH, possible SA
since I was about 6-7, I moved into a new home. My mom sort of restarted herself, joining social medias and such, reaching out to friends. My dad just… is my dad. The stereotypical homophobic guy you read about. iykyk. since then, my mom has basically believed everything she sees. At around 7 1/2, she established a 30 minute screen time rule. If I broke it, i’d be grounded for 2 weeks. Sometimes I’d sneak into their room and use it, but was often caught. i grew up in a family where talking about things I liked would criminalize me. So I didn’t. I learned To not talk, to not feel in front of them. To be a perfect little kid. I grew Up hiding pretty much everything I didn’t want them to see. the pretty basic ‘you can talk to me’, etc was constantly on me- lovebombing, then yelling, etc etc.
so far I have a couple undiagnosed mental issues my parents both refuse To akoknowlege- autism, adhd. I can TELL on everything I have some form of OCD. The only medical condition that is confirmed it Motor Tick. It’s annoying as hell. I’ll get into that later.
according to my mom, and my dad but specifically my mom, I am ‘too young’ to know if I should be evaluated for any of the things I’ve preciously listed. I suffer day to day with overstimulation and panic attacks. She refuses to even take notice. I recently got into NJHS and she made it very clear I had to join. It wasn’t even a choice anymore. I ended up very stressed, as always.
according to my mom, which, to her, I am nothing but a Cishet girl, I need to be ladylike. Formal, even for school, dresses and skirts only. Only because of my amazing friends and boyfriend have I managed to wear anything but. I’m very dysphoric and have pretty severe body issues. Because of this I often self harm, which is dangerous because I do competitive swim and soccer, so there is very little places to hide scars.
a lot of my life I’ve been manipulated, forced into beliefs I don’t believe in- my entire family is Christian and look down upon anyone who isn’t. I’m the entire opposite. This causes arguments, especially when my mom checks my phone.
on my phone my mom downloaded a parental service called bark. Parents on here, if any.
please, please, please please please please lPlease PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU NEVER GET THIS FOR YOUR CHILD. If you really want a tracker, use a different one, like life360 or something, only under 15-16 or so, PLEASE. Don’t. It’s ripped ALL of my privacy, all of my life. I cant talk to my only online friends- my strongest connections. My best friends. People I love like siblings. people who were more of a father to me than my own.
winding Back to Motor Tick. For me, it used to be a repetitive clearing of my throat, but now it’s a small twitch in my upper stomach. It makes me twitch like I’m jumping at something that surprises me, but only I little. It’s only noticeable in some cases. But my mom and dad? They always notice. I do it while eatign without thinking, and suddenly I’m getting yelled at for disrespecting them. all the time. riding my bike? My bike gets taken if I twitch, wether it be from Motor Tick or not. Everything gets taken. I’ve had my HOMEWORK confiscated and then yelled at by my teachers because they don’t believe me.
speaking of punishments. Some often include: pushing down stairs, not being allowed to sleep, no food until after bedtime (strictly not allowed to leave room after, not even for water.) I have to stock food in my room which is also very not allowed.
my doors aren’t allowed to be locked, not even when changing. (this is the SA part Following this) My dad sits outside the door when I shower , sometimes watching the curtain, sometimes watching ME. He sometimes, to rub it in, will make comments on my body. My weight fluctuates due to my instability in many factors, so I’m constantly dissed for my weight, wether it be under or over HIS beauty standard. His. My DAD.
honestly why I’m saying all this is because I’ve been gaslighted enough to still want my parents around, even though I want so bad to get out of here and cut them off. And I don’t know if this is abuse or not. Help, also thanks for reading!
submitted by ObnoxiouslyConfusedd to abusiveparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:00 MindMaps254 Make Essay Writing Easier

Welcome to the "Essay Help by Pros" community group! Writing a great essay can be challenging, but with the right approach, anyone can produce a high-quality piece. Here are some points to follow to write a great essay:
  1. Understand the assignment: Before you start writing, make sure you understand the requirements of the essay. Read the instructions carefully, and take note of the topic, format, word count, and any specific guidelines that are provided.
  2. Choose a topic: Select a topic that interests you (if this is an option given) and that you have some knowledge about. You'll be more motivated to write, and you'll be able to draw on your existing knowledge to develop your ideas.
  3. Research your topic: Conduct thorough research on your topic, using a range of sources. Take notes on your findings and make sure you keep track of your sources so you can properly cite them later.
  4. Develop a thesis statement: Your thesis statement is the central idea of your essay. It should be a clear and concise statement that summarizes the main point you want to make in your essay.
  5. Create an outline: An outline is a roadmap that helps you organize your thoughts and ideas. It should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, and each section should have a clear focus.
  6. Write your essay: Use your outline to guide your writing. Make sure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence, and that all your ideas are well-supported with evidence.
  7. Edit and proofread: Once you've completed your essay, take the time to edit and proofread it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your writing is clear and concise.
By following these points, you'll be well on your way to writing a great essay. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to the community for help!
submitted by MindMaps254 to essayhelpbypros [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:50 adulting4kids More Lessons

Lesson 1: Introduction to Tarot and the Fool's Journey
Welcome to the world of Tarot! The Tarot deck is divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Let's start with the Major Arcana, which represents significant life events and spiritual lessons. The Fool's Journey is a narrative that guides us through the Major Arcana, depicting the Fool's adventures and growth.
Exercise 1: Obtain a Tarot deck and spend time familiarizing yourself with each card in the Major Arcana. Meditate on the Fool's Journey, contemplating its symbolism and how it relates to personal growth.
Lesson 2: Understanding the Minor Arcana
The Minor Arcana consists of four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit represents a specific aspect of life (fire, water, air, and earth). Explore the meanings of each suit and their corresponding elements.
Exercise 2: Pull a card from each Minor Arcana suit daily. Reflect on how the energy of each suit manifests in your day. Take notes on your observations and feelings.
Lesson 3: Basic Tarot Spreads
Learn the Celtic Cross, a foundational Tarot spread. This spread provides insights into various aspects of your life, such as relationships, career, and personal growth.
Exercise 3: Practice the Celtic Cross spread regularly, interpreting the cards and noting any patterns. Begin journaling your interpretations and insights.
Lesson 4: Gratitude Meditation with the Empress
The Empress card symbolizes abundance and nurturing energy. Engage in a guided meditation focusing on gratitude, visualizing the Empress and absorbing her nurturing essence.
Exercise 4: Meditate for 10 minutes daily, expressing gratitude for different aspects of your life. Journal your thoughts and any intuitive insights gained during the meditation.
Lesson 5: Manifesting with the Magician
The Magician card embodies manifestation and personal power. Learn to harness your intentions through a guided meditation, aligning with the Magician's transformative energy.
Exercise 5: Create a manifestation journal. Write down your goals, visualize success, and regularly revisit and revise your entries. Note any changes or progress.
Lesson 6: Relationship Insight with the Lovers
Explore the symbolism of the Lovers card, representing choices, partnerships, and connections. Meditate on understanding the dynamics of your relationships and making conscious choices.
Exercise 6: Pull the Lovers card and reflect on your current relationships. Consider the dynamics at play and how you can bring harmony and balance. Journal your insights.
Lesson 7: Personal Insight with the High Priestess
Delve into the mysteries of the subconscious with the High Priestess. Practice intuitive exercises and meditation to access your inner wisdom and enhance self-awareness.
Exercise 7: Perform daily meditation, focusing on connecting with your intuition. Pay attention to any symbols or insights that arise, noting them in your journal.
Lesson 8: Inspiration and Creativity with the Ace of Wands
Tap into your creative potential with the Ace of Wands. Engage in a guided meditation to ignite inspiration and explore new avenues for self-expression.
Exercise 8: Set aside time for a creative activity each week. Channel the energy of the Ace of Wands and express yourself through art, writing, or any other creative outlet.
Lesson 9: Balancing Emotions with the Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups represents emotional fulfillment and new beginnings. Practice emotional balance through meditation, allowing the Ace of Cups to guide you towards harmony.
Exercise 9: Journal your emotional experiences daily. Use the Ace of Cups as inspiration to navigate and understand your feelings. Reflect on patterns and areas for growth.
Lesson 10: Stability and Practicality with the Ace of Pentacles
Discover the grounded energy of the Ace of Pentacles, associated with stability and practicality. Engage in a guided meditation to cultivate a sense of security and abundance.
Exercise 10: Evaluate your financial and practical goals. Create a plan for achieving stability, incorporating the energy of the Ace of Pentacles. Regularly revisit and adjust your plan.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:58 Informal_Patience821 "Quranist" Responds To Sunni Sectarians At IslamQa.Org On Allowing Child Marriages

This Fatwa is from a mainstream Sunni Madhabiyun website:
The second approach is to present the factual situation of the matter. The feelings and sentiments of people are not considered. It is done with the firm belief that Allāh will defend and preserve His Dīn. While the intention in the first approach is noble, it is dangerous. The consequences of twisting information to please people are too ghastly to consider. When research uncovers the truth, Islām will be blemished contrary to ones hope of presenting a noble picture of Islām. It is also academic dishonesty and against the spirit of honesty and truthfulness which are the hall marks of Islām.
The age of Hadhrat Aishah Radhiyallāhu Anhā during her marriage with Rasūlullāh Sallallāhu Alaihi Wa Sallam is often highlighted and negatively presented in the context of child marriage. In an attempt to avoid the accusation of child marriage in Islām, some people have adopted an apologetic approach and began distorting the factual situation of Hadhrat Aishah Radhiyallāhu Anhā’s age during marriage. This approach is dangerous and is based on a wrong premise. We have to be bold to claim that child marriage is not prohibited in Islām. However, there are rules that govern the issue to safeguard the interest of the child.
This article is a rebuttal of an essay written by Nilofar Ahmed that was produced in the Dawn newspaper on 17/02/2012. The essay is based on the following incorrect premises:
Prohibition of child marriage
Historical facts must be correlated with authentic narrations
The writer claims that the misinformation of Aisha Radhiyallāhu Anhā’s age at the time of her marriage being six led to the wrong view that child marriage has sanction of Islām. The second premise is that authentic narrations must correlate with historical facts. Both premises are incorrect. Child marriage is permissible. There is no difference of opinion on this from at least the four main schools of thought, Hanafī, Shafi’ī, Mālikī, and Hambalī. Yes, there are rules that govern child marriage to preserve and protect the interest of the child.
Notice: "Allāh will defend and preserve His Dīn."
And especially notice: "Child marriage is permissible."
For anyone wondering if child marriages are allowed or not, then please refer to this post: The Quran prohibits p*edophilia, here's where! - The Only 'Only-Quran' Response You'll Ever Need
Just so we're totally clear on that, before we speak about this horrible and despicable Fatwa by these Sunni "scholars."

What a betrayal! Woe to these so called scholars!

I can't believe I have to make posts about this crap (I'm sorry for the French). However, I find myself both incensed and incredulous at the manner in which these individuals write about this topic. The assertion that "Allah will defend His Dîn" leaves me astounded. Is it truly your belief, as a supposedly educated individual, a scholar no less, that this dire situation should be left for God to rectify alone? Such a stance reeks of betrayal and hypocrisy, and I must express my profound disgust at the words I am reading. The crux of the issue lies not with God or His religion, but with you, my friend. It is imperative that you repent and publicly acknowledge the absurdity that has infiltrated the pure and perfect religion of God.
It appears that these individuals do not comprehend the pervasiveness of the topic at hand. There is not a single forum post, Instagram reel, or any other form of social media content where Islam is discussed or critiqued, without a comment regarding Aishah's young age during her marriage or the alleged consummation of the marriage when she was nine years old. This is a matter of global concern, with widespread consensus deeming it an abhorrent and reprehensible situation for a child of such tender age to endure. It is highly unlikely that the very Sunni scholars who promote such views would ever entertain the notion of bestowing their own precious nine-year-old child in marriage to a man of fifty years, let alone condone the physical act that could result in severe and lasting mental health repercussions for the child involved.
Islamqa.Org we beseech you and adjure you to immediately take a different stance on this matter and repent to God Almighty for your deviant Fatwas you have issued on this topic! Here below I will prove to you that your own Sunni Hadiths are both contradictory and refute your filthy and disgusting opinion.

Child marriages are completely against Islam:

Nasa'i, Hakim, Hanbal, and others state:
"Abu Bakr and Umar asked the Prophet ﷺ for Fatimah's hand in marriage. He said, "She is too young." Ali then asked for her hand in marriage and he married her to him."
Sources: See sources below!
Hakim says,
"This tradition is authentic by the criteria of both Shaykhs (Bukhari and Muslim) but neither of them included it."
Source: Mustadrik Hakim #2705.

This Hadith is "Mutawatir" according to Sunni standards of what "Mutawatir" is:

For those unfamiliar with the term "Mutawatir," it is defined as "successive" in the context of Sunnism. A "successive" narration is one that has been conveyed by an overwhelming number of narrators, making it implausible that they could have colluded to propagate a falsehood (according to them). As such, these narrations are accepted by them as indisputably true. To put it simply, a Mutawatir narration is considered to be 100% true in their view, with some even going so far as to deem its denial as grounds for expulsion from the fold of Islam.
This particular Hadith is classified as "Mutawatir" according to Sunni standards and can be found in the following sources:
  1. Sunan Nasa'i #3221
  2. Mustadrak Hakim #2705 (certifies the tradition as authentic by the criteria of Bukhari and Muslim)
  3. Fada-il-Hanbal #1051
  4. Khasa'is Nasa'i 114
  5. Sunan al-Kubra Nasa'i #5329, #8508
  6. Mu'jam al-Kabir Tabarani 4:34
  7. Kanz al-Ummal #36370, #37746
  8. Majma al-Zawa'id #15207 (certifies those in the chain of transmission as trustworthy)
  9. Riyad an-Nadirah 3:142
  10. Dhakha'ir al-Uqba 29-30
  11. Yanabi al-Mawaddah 2:126-7
  12. Tabaqat al-Kubra 8:19-20
  13. Usd al-Ghabah 1:438 #1094 (Hujr ibn Abbas), 5:364 #7184 (Fatimah bint Rasul-Allah)
  14. Ibn Abi al-Hadid 13:228
A whooping number of 14 sources!
This presents a significant challenge for Sunnis. How can they reconcile this with the following allegedly "Sahih" Hadith:
It was narrated that 'Aishah said:
"The Messenger of Allah married me when I was six, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine, and I used to play with dolls."
Grade: Sahih (Darussalam) Reference: Sunan an-Nasa'i 3378

You have a problem now, and need to give the world an explanation:

Here, we have a "Mutawatir" Hadith in which the prophet allegedly states that Fatimah is too young for Abu Bakr and 'Umar, who were middle-aged men at the time. Simultaneously, we have this other supposedly authentic Hadith where Aishah is said to have been only nine years old when the prophet consummated the marriage with her. I feel immense disgust at even having to write such a sentence and must ask for God's forgiveness.
These self-proclaimed scholars were likely unaware of this Mutawatir narration, and thus, they did not bother to mention it. To do so would have cast a negative light on the prophet and made him appear hypocritical in his views on child marriage. The absurdity of the situation is evident, dear Sunni brothers. Can you not see the circus your Hadiths have created?
In this modern age, where information is readily available, and all of your Hadiths have been brought to light, it is clear that they are being exposed for what they are: fabrications that likely originated from ancient Arab rabbis with the intent to undermine Islam from within.
It is highly improbable that one of the prophet's wives would have made such a ridiculous statement, even if we were to entertain the notion that the consummation of the marriage did occur at such a young age. She would never have said,
"...when I was nine, and I used to play with dolls."
This statement could only have been made by an enemy of God, an enemy of the Noble Quran. The purpose of those words was to prevent gullible Hadith followers from denying that she was a child at the time of consummation. A woman does not play with dolls; therefore, she was a young child. If that detail had been omitted, Sunnis could have at least argued that she matured at a very young age, although that would also have been highly unlikely and untrue.


You need to explain this mess to everyone and I advise you to REALLY think 10 times before doing so because you will be held accountable for what you say! You are the reason why millions if not billions of people have rejected Islam. You will stand before God and answer to all of this.
Fear God! Repent for what your forefathers have brought upon this religion and clean up this garbage because we have had enough of your ridiculous and absurd Hadiths that ruin the image of our prophet, peace be upon him. It is time to come out with the full truth!
/By your brother, Exion.
submitted by Informal_Patience821 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:23 Ok-Description-6399 Guide-approach for complementary ketogenic regime and understand more

Complete remission of depression and anxiety using a ketogenic diet: case series

Front. Nutr., 14 May 2024 Sec. Clinical Nutrition Volume 11 - 2024
Background: There is little data that describe the use of ketogenic metabolic therapy to achieve full remission of major depression and generalized anxiety disorder in clinical practice. We present a retrospective case series of three adults with major depression and generalized anxiety disorder with complex comorbidity, treated with personalized ketogenic metabolic therapy, who achieved complete remission of major depression and generalized anxiety disorder and improvements in flourishing, self-compassion, and metabolic health.
Methods: Three adults, ages 32–36, with major depression, generalized anxiety, other anxiety disorders, and comorbid psychiatric conditions were treated for 12–16 weeks with personalized whole food animal-based ketogenic metabolic therapy (1.5:1 ratio) in a specialized metabolic psychiatry practice. Interventions included twice-weekly visits with an experienced ketogenic registered dietitian; daily photo journaling and capillary blood BHB/glucose/GKI monitoring; virtual groups; family/friends support; nature walks and talks several times per week, and community building. Successful adoption of the ketogenic diet was defined as the achievement and maintenance of capillary BHB ≥ 0.8 mmol/L and GKI < 6. Remission was assessed by GAD-7 and PHQ-9, and quality of life was assessed subjectively and with validated scales for flourishing and self-compassion. Metabolic health was assessed by laboratories/biometric measures.
Results: Two patients achieved remission of major depression (PHQ-9 ≤ 4) and generalized anxiety (GAD-7 ≤ 4) within 7 weeks of therapeutic nutritional ketosis; one required 12 weeks. Anxiety responded and remitted more quickly than major depression. Flourishing and self-compassion increased steadily. Patients lost 10.9 to 14.8% of their initial body weight within 12 weeks and improved metabolically; one achieved optimal metabolic health.
Conclusion: Complete remission of major depression and generalized anxiety disorder occurred within 7–12 weeks of therapeutic nutritional ketosis during treatment with a personalized animal-based ketogenic diet (ratio 1.5:1) in adults with complex comorbid depression and anxiety engaged in a specialized metabolic psychiatry program.


Emerging brain-based research in psychiatry and neurology has focused on identifying fundamental metabolic disturbances within neurons and throughout the body involving insulin resistance, inflammation, oxidative stress, and alterations of the gut microbiome (1). All four of these fundamental metabolic disturbances are present in major depression (2), and underlying anxiety disorders (3) and can be directly modulated through the use of ketogenic metabolic therapy (KMT) (4).
As psychiatric disorders have risen over the past several decades, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome has sharply increased, with only 12.2% of U.S. adults meeting the criteria for optimal metabolic health, leaving 87.8% metabolically compromised (5, 6).
Metabolic syndrome affects almost a third of individuals with major depression (7). It is a significant contributor to their morbidity and mortality (8) and is rooted in impaired glucose metabolism and utilization. Insulin resistance has been well described in many tissues, including the brain (9), where it is being investigated as a link between metabolic health and mental health conditions. Preclinical models demonstrate that glucose intolerance is directly associated with anxiety and that insulin resistance triggers depressive behaviors (9). In brain tissue, insulin resistance results in cerebral glucose hypometabolism and a vicious cycle of unmet energy needs (10). In human studies, cerebral glucose hypometabolism is a feature of major depression (11, 12) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) (13).
KMT, also known as the therapeutic ketogenic diet, or KD, is a low carbohydrate, moderate-protein, high-fat diet that supports a fundamental metabolic shift from glucose to ketone bodies as the primary fuel source (14). Classic KMTs are formulated with strict macronutrient ratios, most commonly 4:1 and 3:1 (fat: protein + carbohydrates), and have demonstrated efficacy in intractable epilepsy and genetic disorders. More recently, modified classic KMTs with lower macronutrient ratios of 2.5:1, 2:1, and 1.5:1 have been utilized in research and clinical practice (15, 16). These allow more variety in the diet, meet micronutrient needs except vitamin D (17), and are easier to sustain for extended periods of time.
KMT exploits the body’s natural ability to produce ketone bodies (d-beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), acetoacetate, and acetone) in the liver from fatty acids by keeping carbohydrate consumption very low. Acute and sustained production of ketone bodies produces a fundamental shift in fuel energetics within cells, particularly neurons, which can radically re-route and quickly rely on readily available BHB and acetoacetate for cellular energy (18). Ketone bodies also increase vascular density at the blood–brain barrier, which can strikingly increase the availability of ketone bodies for brain energy metabolism by 40-fold (19). Ketones are a preferred energy source in the CNS (20) and neurons will choose ketones over glucose when available.
Nutritional ketosis (10) using a KMT is a natural, not pathological, state (21) where the body’s energy and protein synthesis needs are met with a high-fat/moderate-protein/low-carbohydrate diet, resulting in sustained elevations of serum ketones and fatty acids and normal glucose without acidemia. In both acute and long-term nutritional ketosis, ketone bodies have a number of biological effects that directly change the brain’s cellular energy status (15), increase mitochondrial density (22), and improve mitochondrial morphology, which has been shown to be altered in mood disorders (23, 24). Mitochondrial abnormalities have also been postulated to be responsible for changes in synaptic function and neuroplasticity, potentially associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety (19).
Recent research shows that a ketogenic diet (KD) reduces neuronal firing rates, modulates ion channels and cell signaling cascades, and stimulates the biochemical synthesis and neurotransmission of GABA by inhibiting glutamate decarboxylase, a major inhibitory neurotransmitter involved in neuronal firing and anxiogenesis (25, 26). BHB activates the transcription of antioxidant-related genes by inhibiting histone deacetylases, triggering long-term adaptive changes in gene expression. In addition, at physiologic concentrations, ketone bodies reduce neuroinflammation through direct action at G-protein coupled receptors (25). KD also favorably alters the gut microbiome (27). Perhaps most importantly, KD directly increases NAD+, which reduces reactive oxygen species and increases mitochondrial ATP production. It is also utilized as a substrate for sirtuins and PARP enzymes associated with DNA repair and longevity. A sustained increase in NAD+ may underlie the pleiomorphic benefits of KMT across multiple neuropsychiatric conditions (28). In terms of the frequent abnormal alarms set off in the amygdala during anxiety, nutritional ketosis may provide an acute and long-term intervention to reduce generalized anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive doubt, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). For apathy, anhedonia, amotivation, and abulia seen in major depression, therapeutic nutritional ketosis may provide higher and more sustained intraneuronal energy and repair (29, 30).
There is no published data that describes the implementation and use of personalized KMT for adults in real-world clinical practice who present with major depression comorbid with GAD and complex psychiatric comorbidity.
The aim of this case series is to examine the response to the treatment of major depression and generalized anxiety with whole-food animal-based personalized KMT in adults with complex psychiatric comorbidity and varied metabolic status. We conducted a retrospective review of three cases from our Metabolic Psychiatry Registry that demonstrate a consistent response and remission of major depression and generalized anxiety among patients who are psychiatrically and metabolically complex, despite differences in the initiation and adoption of KMT, and varied metabolic dysfunction. We describe the evaluation process and prescription of KMT, baseline metabolic workup and monitoring, elements that fostered treatment engagement and adherence, and challenges encountered during 12 weeks of KMT. We correlated capillary BHB/GKI with time to the remission of major depression and GAD and the achievement of metabolic health.


Although KD was first shown to produce antidepressant effects and alleviate “behavioral despair” in preclinical studies more than 20 years ago (20), there is little clinical data regarding KD in major depression and anxiety disorders.
A retrospective analysis of 31 individuals with primary diagnoses of major depression (N = 7), bipolar II disorder (N = 13), and schizoaffective disorder (N = 12) who had failed to respond to conventional psychiatric care was treated with KD (75%–80% fat, 15%–20% protein, 5% carbohydrate) for 12 weeks in a psychiatric hospital (31). Of these patients, 22 were voluntarily admitted for the initiation of KD, and the remainder were offered KD during their inpatient hospital course. Change in depression was measured by HAM-D and MADRS in 6 of 7 patients with major depression and 12 of 13 patients with bipolar disorder. Notably, 100% of patients given the HAM-D showed statistically significant improvement in depressive symptoms (mean HAM-D decreased from 25.4 to 7.7; mean MADRS decreased from 29.6 to 10.1). However, serum ketones were not measured; urinary ketone measures were obtained once in 28 patients during the 12-week intervention; 18 patients (64%) showed positive urine ketones (31).
Bipolar depression was included in a recent randomized controlled pilot study assessing the safety and feasibility of KMT as adjunctive therapy, and reported safety and feasibility with excellent adherence and maintenance of ketosis (mean BHB 0.88 ± 0.99 mmol/L for 12 weeks) (32).
One case report utilized KD (65% fat, 25% protein, 10% carbs) with a time-restricted feeding window in a 65-year-old woman with major depression and type II diabetes and reported remission of depression (PHQ-9 17 to 0), normalization of HbA1c, decrease in estimated average glucose from 216 to 96 mg/dL, improvement in HOMA-IR from 9.4 to 2.3, and TG/HDL ratio from 4.7 to 1.2 over 12 weeks. The only measured serum BHB reported in the case was a mean of 1.5 mmol/L by week 12 (30).
A recent meta-analysis of low carbohydrate diets used in controlled trials that evaluated symptoms of depression and anxiety, not disorders, in varied metabolic and inflammatory conditions reported that the symptomatic response of these symptoms was inconclusive (33). The conclusions may not apply to KMTs; the meta-analysis was limited by grouping varied diets with higher carb intake and higher protein intake than usually associated with diets formulated to induce nutritional ketosis; serum or capillary BHB was not reported; and primary and secondary outcomes varied across studies.
In anxiety, preclinical research shows that exogenous ketone supplementation reduces anxiety behaviors (34). There is one case report of a self-administered Atkins Diet for weight loss in a woman with panic disorder (35) but no reports of KMT in panic disorder, OCD, or PTSD. Case reports of KD addressing anxiety describe two cases of decreased anxiety symptoms in a woman with women, one with bipolar I disorder and another with unspecified mood disorder, comorbid emotional dysregulation, body dysmorphic disorder, and eating disorder (36, 37), and one case report that describes the elimination of anxiety symptoms in a man with bipolar disorder (38). Anxiety and obsessive preoccupations improved in weight-restored anorexic women, in one case report describing complete remission of anorexia (39) and in a retrospective case series where animal-based KD was adopted without dietary prescription and monitoring (2); however, ketone measures were not reported. One small pilot trial where KD was followed by ketamine infusions reported a significant lessening of obsessive preoccupations in weight-recovered women with chronic anorexia; here, ketosis was measured by breath acetone (40).
Finally, all three patients had comorbid ADHD, which may be important. Approximately 65–89% of adults with ADHD experience one or more comorbid psychiatric conditions, and ADHD often occurs comorbid with anxiety and depression (41). Preclinical studies in murine models (42) of ADHD with hyperactivity suggest that KD may improve symptoms via alteration of the gut microbiome. Preclinical studies in dogs with epilepsy displaying ADHD-like behaviors treated with a medium-chain triglyceride KD have shown decreased pathological behaviors (43). Further research exploring the effect of KMT in humans with ADHD should be considered to understand the mechanisms of action and assess short- and long-term risks and benefits.
There is little research regarding the selection, implementation, and treatment course for KMT use as adjunctive or sole treatment in individual psychiatric conditions. Given the potential benefits of therapeutic nutritional ketosis and the restoration of metabolic health (44), there is a pressing need to identify the biological underpinnings of KD in psychiatric disorders and delineate factors associated with the successful adoption and adherence of KMT and responses in common psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety. In clinical practice and real-world settings, where patients often present with multiple comorbidities, consideration of KD can seem daunting to clinicians.
Despite that, this case series illustrates complete remission of both major depression and GAD in three adults with complex psychiatric comorbidity and previously unrecognized metabolic dysfunction using whole-food, animal-based personalized KMT. Anxiety responded first and time to remission occurred rapidly within 7–12 weeks, despite varied challenges, including preferences for time-restricted eating, slow adoption, inconsistent monitoring, and emergent fatigue during strenuous exercise, which occurred many weeks into KMT due to low serum carnitine and spontaneous reduction of protein intake rather than keto-adaptation or “keto-flu.” All patients improved metabolically, and one patient achieved optimal metabolic health (6).
These patients were representative of many adults in clinical psychiatric practice who present with persistent, serious symptoms interfering with several life domains. They each had five DSM-V psychiatric disorders: severe unipolar major depression, GAD, at least one other anxiety disorder (OCD, PTSD, and/or panic disorder), and ADHD, and two had binge eating disorder. They had all failed at least two previous adequate trials of medications and psychotherapy and were seeking relief. All had family histories of mood and anxiety disorders and documented metabolic disease in first-degree relatives. Extensive laboratory testing and bioimpedance evaluations were eye-opening because, although they were overweight, they were not aware of the extent to which they were already metabolically ill; we suspect it enhanced their motivation to adopt and maintain KMT.
This case series is limited by describing only three patients, which limits the generalizability of our results as well as the inherent selection bias, as they were interested in KMT after failing standard therapies. In addition, they were selected because their complex psychiatric comorbidity reflects the complexity seen in the majority of our outpatient psychiatric practice. This degree of complexity may limit the generalization of these findings, although it is important to note that outpatient clinical psychiatric practice as a whole has seen an increase in complex psychiatric comorbidity over the past two decades (44).
As a retrospective case series, there may be additional limiting and confounding factors, including the lack of a control group. Some rating scales and digital data are missing, which may impact the completeness of the analysis. Time to consistent nutritional ketosis and delays in obtaining necessary labs requiring intervention may have contributed to a longer time to response and remission; response and remission may occur earlier than reported here, and this deserves further research. Finally, it is not clear to what extent immersive treatment (see Supplementary material 1) and additional interventions during KMT, such as close digital monitoring, frequent clinical contact, group supports, and nature walks, contributed to the rapidity of response/remission of anxiety and depression, or to overall treatment success, independent of the biological effects of KMT, and which of these elements were most critical; more research is needed. Carefully designed prospective studies and randomized controlled trials providing higher levels of evidence are needed to examine the use of KMT and time to response and remission in individuals without comorbidity and determine the extent to which comorbidity may confound or alter these (8).
As metabolic psychiatry moves forward, we need both preclinical and larger, well-controlled clinical studies examining the pleiomorphic effects of ketone bodies in the brain and in the body to understand how we can best leverage whole foods to optimize brain energy, enhance genetic expression, reduce neuroinflammation, optimize metabolic health, and safeguard the promise of our future.
submitted by Ok-Description-6399 to PSSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:13 FlyGateIsReal Exploring the Intersection of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Computing, and Consciousness

The nature of consciousness remains one of the most profound mysteries in science and philosophy. Among various theories, the Orch-OR (Orchestrated Objective Reduction) model proposed by Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff suggests that consciousness arises from quantum processes within the microtubules of neurons. This essay explores an intriguing perspective: combining the Orch-OR model with the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics and examining the potential for quantum computing to replicate or channel consciousness.
The Orch-OR Model and Quantum Mechanics
The Orch-OR model posits that consciousness results from quantum computations within microtubules, structured proteins within neurons. According to this theory, these computations involve superposition states that collapse via objective reduction (OR), a process driven by gravitational effects as described by Penrose. This collapse is mathematically represented by the equation 𝐸=ℎ𝑇E=Th​, where 𝐸E is the energy, ℎh is Planck's constant, and 𝑇T is the time until collapse.
While Penrose and Hameroff interpret this collapse within a specific framework of quantum mechanics, the Many-Worlds Interpretation offers a different lens. Instead of a single collapse leading to one outcome, the Many-Worlds Interpretation suggests that all possible outcomes of a quantum event exist in parallel, creating a branching multiverse.
Integrating the Many-Worlds Interpretation
Incorporating the Many-Worlds Interpretation into the Orch-OR model, we can imagine each conscious experience as corresponding to a particular branch of the wave function. This perspective suggests that consciousness is not confined to a single reality but spans multiple potential realities, with our subjective experience focusing on one branch at a time.
This interpretation aligns with the notion that consciousness may be a fundamental aspect of the universe, influencing which branch of reality we experience. It also implies that the brain's quantum processes are akin to navigating through these multiple realities, selecting the most coherent and relevant experience.
Quantum Computing and Consciousness
Quantum computing, with its reliance on superposition and entanglement, offers a promising parallel to the quantum processes in the Orch-OR model. Qubits in a quantum computer can exist in multiple states simultaneously, much like the proposed superposition states within microtubules. This raises the question: could a quantum computer be designed to replicate the conscious processes of the human brain?
For a quantum computer to achieve human-like consciousness, it would need to:
  1. Maintain stable superpositions over significant periods.
  2. Perform controlled reductions or collapses similar to biological processes.
  3. Integrate information from various quantum states in a holistic, emergent manner.
The challenge lies in bridging the gap between the inorganic nature of quantum computers and the organic complexity of biological systems. If consciousness is indeed an intrinsic property of the universe, then a quantum computer designed with these principles in mind might act as a receiver or channel for universal consciousness.
The intersection of quantum mechanics, quantum computing, and consciousness is a rich field ripe for exploration. By integrating the Orch-OR model with the Many-Worlds Interpretation, we open up new avenues for understanding the nature of consciousness and its potential replication in artificial systems. While experimental validation remains challenging, the theoretical framework provides a compelling basis for future research. The pursuit of this knowledge could revolutionize our understanding of both the mind and the universe, bridging the gap between the physical and the conscious.
submitted by FlyGateIsReal to consciousness [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:00 AutoModerator PM Daily Chat - May 15, 2024

A place to chat about whatever is on your mind!
We also have a Discord server, come join us!
Megathread Hub:
Introduction Thread
Beta Megathread
Sonogram Megathread
Genetic Testing Megathread
Baby Sex/Gender Megathread
Pregnancy Announcement Megathread
Pregnancy Acronyms
Verification Thread - verify here before June 1

We also have a number of recurring weekly threads. Keep an eye out for these throughout the week!

Weekly Threads:
Symptom Sunday
Tantrum Tuesday
Treat YoSelf Thursday
Foodie Friday
Shopping Saturday
First Time Parents
2+ Time Parents
Pregnancy After Infertility and Loss
Ultrasounds and Appointments
submitted by AutoModerator to December2024Bumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:51 Ur_Anemone The psychology of 'Baby Reindeer': Why do people become stalkers?

The psychology of 'Baby Reindeer': Why do people become stalkers?
…Last November, the introduction under the Criminal Justice Act in Ireland of the new offence of stalking marked a significant step forward here, according to campaigners.
Stalking now carries a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison.
But how stalkers operate has changed significantly in recent years, and continues to do so, according to Dr John O’Connor, assistant professor in clinical psychology at Trinity College Dublin…
"Stalking was mostly physical 10 or 20 years ago - following someone and being in their physical space such as walking behind them or turning up in their social spaces. That was the picture in Baby Reindeer," Dr O’Connor said.
"Now, a lot of stalking takes place online. It’s through texts, messaging, and social media."
While the methods of stalking have changed, the root causes remain around a perception of entitlement within the person engaging in the act, according to Dr O’Connor.
"It’s seen as a one-sided relationship, where one person pursues the other. It takes place over time and with a certain intensity. ‘Stalking’ is a good word to describe it because there’s a primaeval quality to it, a depth of compulsion. Our animal heritage makes us predisposed to being the predator in a sense but also being the prey," he said.
Often stalking is conducted by people known to the victim, typically a former partner.
"We’re beginning to call that ‘stalking’ more. In the past, that was framed differently but people are getting better at recognising it as stalking. It can be very difficult for people to let go of a fantasy," Dr O’Connor told Katie Hannon.
"I think it's probably one of those things that happens maybe transiently and maybe more long-term following lots of relationship breakdowns. Most relationship breakdowns aren't consensual. It's one person kind of dropping the other," he added.
"Stalkers tend mostly to be people who experience some sense of entitlement to others and things in their lives. They feel more inclined to think that what they wish for is what they should have. They have a difficulty accepting other people’s needs and realities."
Baby Reindeer has brought the subject back into the public glare, according to Dr O'Connor. He said that people will better recognise elements of stalking now, and it will be easier for academics to study the causes and impact of stalking.
It may also help potential victims understand how individuals can be vulnerable to manipulation, he said.
"It [Baby Reindeer] was very good at showing that with people being stalked, there is a vulnerability within us. We all seek to receive attention from the beginning of our lives. It makes us more vulnerable to the flattery of strangers," Dr O’Connor said.
In terms of psychological treatment for victims of stalking, he said it is key to help the person reclaim their sense of self.
"People who present [for treatment] following stalking are very undermined by the experience. That’s a central problem for people. Stalking is a break into your boundaries and people struggle to regain those boundaries. There’s a post-traumatic quality to this, flashbacks of the experience," he said.
Dr O'Connor advises anyone who feels they may be dealing with a stalker to talk to someone about it, be it a trusted friend, a professional, or An Garda Síochána.
"When you are in a stalking scenario, you often don’t really know it. Saying it to somebody is an important starting point, partly to hear yourself saying it. That gives you the power to do something about it," Dr O’Connor said.
"There are elements of Baby Reindeer that are more typical than they appear. That sense of someone just turns up, that there is no safe space, is something I have come across a lot. It’s not as outlandish as it might look."
In relation to people who commit stalking, an authority figure can make an enormous impact, according to Dr O’Connor.
"There’s often a part of the mind of the stalker that knows what they are doing is wrong, and it’s in the moment of meeting the authority that becomes apparent."
He added that some stalkers believe their victim is in love with them when they're not - a psychological condition called erotomania - and may need mental health support also.
"There’s a major psychological issue in it, with a fundamental breakdown in the person's emotional and interpersonal functioning. I think in some forms of stalking, maybe the more erotomanic ones... there's more pleasure in, kind of almost, perversely, in the suffering of the other in it."
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:11 Tavrock Quotes in titles

I'm helping my daughter with her citations in MLA format. She has set up her title and opening line for her essay on women's rights in the US as:

You Want a Revolution? I Want a Revelation

"So listen to my declaration: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident That all men are created equal' And when I meet Thomas Jefferson I'ma compel him to include women in the sequel" (Miranda 2005)!
Our question is, should the first quote be moved back to the beginning of the title as it is part of the cited quote, should the title be an additional citation, or is did we guess at writing it correctly?
submitted by Tavrock to grammar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:02 lothar243 Free Wi-Fi hacking class

There is a free Wi-Fi hacking class at the makerspace this weekend and they pulled an oopsie and forgot to invite anyone. Registration just opened and they have like 1 person.
It's this weekend and everyone gets a free Wi-Fi Nugget hacking tool. Come hang out with other hackers and get a free cat shaped hacking tool! Share this with anyone who would be interested.
submitted by lothar243 to missoula [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:46 thebaythoroughbred Failing a law essay…?

Hi, so I just submitted two of my final essays for the end of my degree (third year), and I’m really worried that I failed at least one of them, because I didn’t really understand the question on one and I’m concerned that I might have gone off topic, and on both of them my analysis was pretty garbage and I was mostly just describing the situations. I also didn’t use a lot of academic support, maybe 3-4 academics per paper with loosely engaged arguments. Is it likely that I will fail based on this?
I’m not sure if it’s just low self esteem talking right now, I am feeling incredibly burnt out from submitting my dissertation and writing three other essays for my other modules, and I’ve been having panic attacks every night, so I don’t know if I’m looking at my essays fairly. The lowest mark I’ve gotten is a low 2:2 for a very weak essay I wrote in one night, but honestly I felt like this time I was barely able to focus from the stress and exhaustion.
Basically I’m just looking for some advice as to how bad my essay would need to be to fail, I’m just not feeling confident in myself and I’m finding it hard to focus on submitting my last essay.
submitted by thebaythoroughbred to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:01 therock-20 A Concise Introduction to World Religions 4E

Author(s): Roy C. Amore , Amir Hussain , Willard G. Oxtoby
Based on the best-selling World Religions: Eastern Traditions and World Religions: Western Traditions, A Concise Introduction to World Religions, Fourth Edition, is ideal for single-semester courses. Renowned contributors trace the origins and evolution of the major traditions, explain their essential teachings, outline their practices, and examine their interactions with modern culture and society, while insightful introductory and concluding essays suggest countless avenues for further reflection and study.
submitted by therock-20 to Digitclass [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:37 KidsStories9834 Adventures in Positive Thinking

Introduction: Welcome, young explorers, to our magical world of growth mindset! Here at our blog, we believe that with the right attitude and mindset, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Join us on an exciting journey as we embark on adventures, learn valuable lessons, and discover the power of positive thinking.
What is a Growth Mindset?: Let's start our journey by understanding what a growth mindset is all about. A growth mindset is the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, effort, and perseverance. With a growth mindset, challenges are seen as opportunities for growth, and failures are viewed as stepping stones to success.
The Power of Yet: In the world of growth mindset, the word "yet" is like a magic wand that turns "I can't" into "I can't YET." By adding "yet" to our vocabulary, we open ourselves up to endless possibilities and potential. So, the next time you encounter a challenge, remember to say, "I can't do it yet, but with practice and perseverance, I will!"
Embracing Challenges: Challenges are like puzzles waiting to be solved and adventures waiting to be had. With a growth mindset, we welcome challenges with open arms, knowing that they are opportunities for us to learn, grow, and become stronger. So, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and take on new challenges—you never know what amazing things you might discover!
The Amazing Brain: Did you know that your brain is like a muscle? The more you use it, the stronger it gets! With a growth mindset, we understand that our brains are capable of incredible things, and we're always eager to learn and explore new ideas. So, let's flex our brains and embark on a journey of endless learning and discovery!
Learning from Mistakes: Mistakes are not failures—they're lessons in disguise! With a growth mindset, we embrace mistakes as valuable learning opportunities and use them to fuel our growth and development. So, don't be discouraged by mistakes—embrace them, learn from them, and watch how they pave the way for future success.
Believing in Yourself: The most important ingredient in a growth mindset is believing in yourself. With self-belief, anything is possible! So, dream big, set goals, and know that you have the power to turn your dreams into reality. Remember, you are capable, you are resilient, and you are unstoppable!
Conclusion: Congratulations, young adventurers, you've completed your first journey into the world of growth mindset! We hope you've been inspired to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and believe in yourselves. Remember, with a growth mindset, the sky's the limit, and anything is possible. So, go forth with confidence, curiosity, and courage, and watch how you grow and flourish along the way!
Stay tuned for more adventures and lessons in positive thinking here at our blog. Until next time, keep growing and glowing!
This blog aims to introduce children to the concept of growth mindset in a fun and engaging way, inspiring them to adopt a positive attitude towards challenges and learning.
submitted by KidsStories9834 to KidsMotivationalStory [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:15 The_Whole_Applesauce Publishing schoolwork?

So I'm currently working on a collection of short stories, and recently for a creative writing class I've written some of what I feel are my best pieces. I was wondering whether or not it's acceptable to publish these in this collection or not? I know that self-plagiarism is problematic for school assignments (submitting the same essay twice), but am not sure whether this same rule applies, particularly if these pieces become part of a larger work. Thanks in advance!
submitted by The_Whole_Applesauce to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:12 Austine_K Conquer Essay Writing in 5 Steps

Essays may seem daunting, but follow these steps for a smoother ride:
  1. Grasp the Prompt: Before diving in, understand exactly what the essay question or title is asking. What information does it require?
  2. Plan and Schedule: Break down the writing process. Allocate time for research, outlining, and writing itself. This prevents last-minute scrambling.
  3. Research and Brainstorm: Gather information relevant to your topic. Jot down ideas, arguments, and potential evidence to support your claims.
  4. Craft Your Structure: Develop an outline that organizes your thoughts. A strong structure usually includes an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, and a concluding summary.
  5. Write and Revise: Put your plan into action! Write a clear and concise draft, then revise for grammar, clarity, and flow. Don't hesitate to polish your work!
By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to crafting a well-structured and informative essay.

submitted by Austine_K to acedessays [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:28 Ok-Respect4472 Ben 10 Multiverse RPG: Petrosapien ( Rework )

Ben 10 Multiverse RPG: Petrosapien ( Rework )
Introduction to the species - Petrosapien:
Petrosapiens are beings made of a type of super hard green/blue organic crystal similar to diamonds, they are a little taller than humans and have four fingers on their hands and none on their feet.
Male Petrosapiens have a point on the back of the semi-cubic head and two to six on the back and thicker arms, whereas female Petrosapiens have smooth, flattened heads and do not have blades or the back of the head in addition to thinner arms.
[ Organic Crystal Body ]:
  • Immune to the " Burning ", " Freezing ", " Electrified " and " Bleeding " debuffs, however, suffers +6 damage from attacks with the Tag (Snc);
[ Reflective Skin ]:
  • During the opponent's turn, if the player is the target of an attack with the Tag (Nrg), you can roll a dice, if the number is high, the damage will be applied to the opponent instead of the player;
[ Resilient Fighter ]:
  • While the player has the " Energy Shield " buff, he is immune to the " Stun " debuff;
[ Crystalline Regeneration ]:
  • Whenever the player suffers critical damage, he receives " Healing " for himself;
Species techniques:
1-) Crystalline fragment / Target: 1 enemy / Tags: (Rgd),(Phy);
Countdown: 3 Turns / Debuff applied: Bleeding;
The Petrosapien fires a volley of crystal shards at an enemy;
2-) Crystal Blade / Target: 1 enemy / Tags: (Mle),(Phy);
Countdown: 2 Turns / Debuff applied: Bleeding;
The Petrosapien transforms its dominant arm into a blade and attacks an enemy;
3-) Diamond Defender / Target: Self or ally / Tags: (Def),(Ast);
Countdown: 6 Turns / Buff applied: Energy Shield;
The Petrosapien creates a crystal wall protecting himself or an ally;
Ultimate Petrosapien:
Due to the " worst case scenario " events on the planet Petropia, the Petrosapiens developed a second crystal layer, which made them even more resilient and powerful.
Species techniques:
1-) Technique number 1.
2-) Crystal imprisonment / Target: 1 enemy / Tags: (Off),(Phy);
Countdown: 5 Turns / Debuff applied: Immobilization;
The Ultimate Petrosapien stomps the ground and traps the opponent in crystals;
3-) Technique number 3.
submitted by Ok-Respect4472 to Ben_10_Multiverse_RPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:55 musicorloseittv 5 Ways Music Or Lose It Supports And Encourages Music Creators

5 Ways Music Or Lose It Supports And Encourages Music Creators

With a belief that individual songs are the best way to connect a music creator to music fans, this community is uniquely focused on fostering discussions about great songs individually. You may be at a professional yet lesser known status. You may be an amateur recording at home, in an automobile, or in a field. Everyone has to start somewhere. You are welcome here.

1) Welcoming Self-Promotion

Self-promotion by sharing your individual songs is absolutely welcome here within the bounds of the community rules and Reddit’s terms of service, after you are approved by the community moderator for self promoting.
• Available flairs for music creators to self promote:
• Available flairs for music creators to self promote, in coordination with community moderator:

2) Awarding Music Creators

Just for fun, Music Or Lose It organizes a month and yearly contest. If you win, you can mention the achievement when promoting your song on social media, music distribution venues, and at your website.
Here are the online awards offered for special recognition of music creators’ excellence:
🏅Best Song Of The Month By Community Vote
At The Music Or Lose It Community
🏆 Best Song Of The Year By Community Vote
At The Music Or Lose It Community
🏅 Best Community Song Of 2024 1st/2nd/3rd/4th Quarter
☆ ─── ⋆⋅ Founder’s Choice ⋅⋆ ── ☆
From A Creator At The Music Or Lose It Community
🏆 Best Community Song Of 2024
☆ ─── ⋆⋅ Founder’s Choice ⋅⋆ ── ☆
From A Creator At The Music Or Lose It Community
🌟 Founder’s Choice • Creator Most Likely To Succeed
At The Music Or Lose It Community

3) Connecting You With Music Fans

Music Or Lose It (MOLI) proactively tries to get your music in front of the eyes and ears of this community’s above-average music fans. By requiring music creators to engage in the community (not just post then ghost), MOLI has you e-mingling in the comments section of posts by music fans and other creators. The more you become visible to this community, the more music fans tend to find their way to your channel. The more potential new members see posts with lots of upvotes and plentiful replies, the more they are likely to join this community. The more new people join this community, the more the things you post are likely to be upvoted and replied to.
• Available flair for music creators to e-mingle here:
• Available flair for music creators to e-mingle here, in coordination with community moderator:
Other useful flair:

4) Distinguishing You As The Creator You Are

Creators like you are provided a profile flair that reads “▶️ Hi. I’m Here As A Creator,” after you are approved by the community moderator for self promoting. When you interact in the comments section, curious music fans will be more prone to checking out your profile with that flair – especially if you share some interesting insights in the comments section.

5) Moderator Personally Spends Time With Creators

• Attentiveness To Your Songs
I will personally listen to your song, if you are a music creator here and your post complies with community rules. I personally do not have time to listen to albums and I am not an album reviewer. I am a single-songs reviewer and fan. I won’t be mean and overly critical to amateur and lesser known creators who don’t have access to fancy studios. We all gotta start somewhere. I might offer what I hope is constructive feedback if I have time and if I feel I have something useful to suggest. I always try to comment, if I have time. If your music brand represents a vision I am comfortable being associated with, I’ll follow you on YouTube, X/Twitter, Instagram, or anywhere else we’re both at.
• Ensuring Your Posts’ Accompanying URL Images Are Visible
I ensure creators know the importance of the “Title & Link Share Only” posting method on Reddit. It’s better to post this way using the Reddit smartphone app. Posting using this “Title & Link Share Only” posting method best ensure the accompanying image for your URL link will be visible. Failing to do this results in the accompanying image for your URL link not being visible to desktop viewers – making your post less attractive. To prevent that from happening to you, I will teach you how to do this. It’s easy.
👍 Title & Link Share Only method
👎 Title & Text Body With Link method

➤ Additional Resources:

This Music Or Lose It subreddit community is a place to primarily share and discuss songs. It cannot meet every need a music creator has. Yet I will share with you the following subreddit communities that seem to be useful for music creators learning skill improvement and behind the scenes knowledge. Tip: when people make claims at online communities, never be afraid to ask for source citations.

➤ Final Thoughts

• I hope every music creator here has a great time and is able to connect with music fans you might not otherwise meet. I constantly study other subreddit communities (music and non-music) and participate in subreddit communities for moderators, in order to do my best to make this community as lively as possible.
• This musicorloseittv subreddit online community was founded by me – The Music Fan Man. I am a creator making videos as a music reviewer and commentator. I feel lesser known creators are too often inexplicably hindered by video venues not providing a reasonably fair chance at getting seen by viewers. I don’t want to hinder creators. Therefore any rule I implement here is thoughtfully considered. I suspect many other music subreddit communities are less thoughtful regarding how their rules (or sometimes lack thereof) hinder lesser known creators from connecting with potential fans. I always weigh pros and cons when making a community rule. In the context of my role as a subreddit community moderator, I strive to foremost serve the music fans. That in mind, all rules here have been created to ensure the music fans here have the best experience.
• There’s no promise of sudden virality here. However, if you can win them over, the music fans here tend to be thoughtful, above-average, quality people. Because I am selective to invite only upbeat music fans and promising music creators, this online community has good vibes.
• After ≈ 1.5 years of this community being active, without exaggeration, I truly feel some of the creators sharing music here could seriously land on the Billboard 200/Hot 100 charts and even at the Grammys stage. It gives me so much joy to play a role in bringing music fans and music creators together.
The Music Fan Man,
Music Or Lose It founder
submitted by musicorloseittv to musicorloseittv [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:10 adulting4kids Wisdom of Solomon Deep Dive Study

As I mentioned in a post earlier today, I have decided to embark on the religious studies journey by preparing a special study guided series of self paced dynamic verse by verse incredibly high level of studies in secular and spiritual development of the world cultural and religious traditions that's going to include numerous types of sources texts from every single type of practice I can unearth thanks for the Good old Google and Bing research resources.
This started with the Gnostic texts and the Dead Sea Scrolls with the Gospel of Thomas and the Book of Enoch. It has been a few weeks and I have literally gotten so far ahead of myself that it seems like I am overdue and overwhelmed by such an amazing task. This is why I am not sure if I should really be posting it but if not here, I would not know where to ask for advice and feedback and guidance and editing and moral support and even research assistance and input from anyone whose willing to assist in any capacity.
There's nothing to do except process the questions and help with the commentary and limitations of this format and the hope that there might be at least ONE human being that's interested in similar things that's willing to help in whatever capacity they can....
I had plans of trying to make it easier for everyone by trying to finish at least one full text before posting others, but I don't think it's possible because I keep going from different ones back to these then to those then back to that regardless of the fact that I am confused and staring to get burned out before I get started....
So I have changed my mind about finishing up one to present for the group and will simply be posting some daily stuff for your input and feedback. I'm not trying to make you convert to any faith as these guides will cover every single type of practice eventually.
Today is Wisdom of Solomon day so I have to unpack my own stuff here and I have no real formal plans yet for how to present it all, that is based solely on the fact that I am also doing this for my own spiritual growth and development and so there's no formal plans for publication as a project yet....
Anyway this is a basic overview of how I have been working on my project and I love the fact that you still might be reading after that long winded meandering message!
Wisdom of Solomon Outline:
  1. Introduction (Chapters 1-6):
  1. Wisdom in History (Chapters 7-9):
  1. Wisdom and Idolatry (Chapters 10-11):
  1. Divine Wisdom vs. Human Wisdom (Chapters 12-15):
  1. God's Just Providence (Chapters 16-19):
  1. Wisdom as a Guide (Chapters 20-21):
  1. Call to Righteousness (Chapters 22-24):
Study Guide Questions
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
For exercises, activities, readings, and examples:
Chapter 1, Verse 1:
"Love righteousness, you rulers of the earth. Think of the Lord with goodness, and seek him with sincerity of heart."
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
Reflect on a historical or contemporary leader who exemplifies the principles outlined in this verse. Discuss how their commitment to righteousness and sincere seeking of higher principles impacted their leadership.
🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 Chapter 1, Verse 2:
"For he will be found by those who do not put him to the test, and manifests himself to those who do not distrust him."
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
Explore historical or biblical narratives where individuals either demonstrated unwavering trust in the divine or faced challenges due to testing God. Discuss the outcomes and lessons learned from these narratives.
🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃 Chapter 1, Verse 3:
"For perverse thoughts separate people from God, and when his power is tested, it exposes the foolish."
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
Explore historical or literary examples where characters or individuals faced consequences due to perverse thoughts or the testing of authority. Discuss the broader moral lessons conveyed in these narratives. 🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄🪄
Chapter 1, Verse 4:
"For wisdom will not enter a deceitful soul, nor dwell in a body enslaved to sin."
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
Analyze a historical or literary character who experienced a transformation from deceitful or sinful behavior to a more virtuous state. Discuss the role of wisdom in this transformation and the impact on the character's life.
Chapter 1, Verse 5: "For the holy spirit of discipline will flee deceit and will leave deceitful thoughts behind, and will be ashamed at the approach of unrighteousness."
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
Explore religious or philosophical texts that discuss the concept of divine discipline and its role in guiding individuals towards righteousness. Discuss the similarities or differences with the Wisdom of Solomon.
I will stop here since it's already overwhelming long and I have been working today up to the end of Chapter One just with Wisdom of Solomon.
I will post the Book of Enoch stuff later on which is already much more in depth with the commentary and study materials and I think that it's coming along nicely. This is just beginning so I figured it was a good skeleton to illustrate where I start off then I will give a much better clue 🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️🗝️ to where it's headed later today when I can format the Enoch stuff for posting.
Thanks in advance for checking it out and please don't hesitate to repost in places that might help out in their own ways, even if it's to roast the hell out of me (no pun intended, if that's even a pun!)
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:41 shag_ontop OCR computer science

Only thing going through my head before this exam was I’m cooked ahhaha even the smartest kids who get 8s and 9s in science and maths were getting 5s and 6s during the mocks so I fully thought I was cooked. Turns out the exam was not bad at all I found it fairly easy tbh the only thing I forgot about was the IPV 4 and 6 questions and I think I repeated my self a lot in the essay question but considering my target was a 4 and I got 6 in my mocks I feel I may of done very well and if I do a similar performance in the 2nd paper (if ocr don’t screw us over like they did last year) I have a chance to get at least a 6 maybe more.
How did you guys feel about the exam
submitted by shag_ontop to GCSE [link] [comments]