Smoking spice judgement day

I think my mom needs to go to rehab, but I don’t know what to do

2024.06.09 19:35 EmbarrassedWorry4297 I think my mom needs to go to rehab, but I don’t know what to do

My mother, my entire life, has struggled with drinking. During her divorce when I was 8, she drank a lot. It weaned off quite a lot, but I have strong memories of her drinking wine every night during my middle and high school years. Then it was just that- a little bit of wine. Still though, she was herself. She went out with friends, drove all around town, took us and my siblings out, did ballet every winter. She was a person. However, it got worse when COVID hit. Around that time she broke her shoulder and had to get surgery that kept her from driving for 6-8 months. That alongside with the isolation of Covid, made her drink more. Not a ton more, but more. Slowly she became someone else, a hermit. She stopped eating, stopped going out once restrictions were lifted. She lost weight, became paranoid, and drank more. Still, there was a bit of herself left.
Then her father died. We flew to Hawaii immediately to see him before he passed. It was very sudden- he was working at the hospital two days before he was admitted. They found out he had cancer, and it had spread to everything. She was there when he took his last breath, and she hasn’t been the same since. That was a year and a half ago now, and she has stopped eating almost altogether. She is so frail, and all she does all day is drink and smoke. She drinks entire bottles of wine, those huuuuge Kirkland brands, a day. She smokes cigarettes, weed, does mushrooms, all on top of taking antidepressants and anti anxiety meds and sleeping medication. I’ve found her wandering the house naked before, stumbling and not aware of where she is. It’s gotten to the point where I had to leave, and I’ve since moved out. I couldn’t take it, seeing my mother reduced to a pile of skin and bones reeking of wine.
I tried everything before she left to convince her to get help. She refuses it, will attack you if you try and get her to go to a doctor or therapist or anything. She’s killing herself, and no one else will help her. Her sister, who lives nearby, is going through an abusive marriage and divorce so her attention is elsewhere. My brothers don’t care, or don’t have the mental capacity to take her on. Her husband is a narcissist who will say he wants to help, but enables her behaviors and addictions and then ignores her when she’s bad like that.
I’m 24, I stayed living with her for years to try and help her but I eventually had to leave for my own health. It’s weighing on me. My mother is dead, in every sense but physical. I want her back so bad. Rehab is the last thing I haven’t tried yet. They have little money, due to funding my stepsisters life (college tuition, car, gas, groceries, rent, allowance, phone, she pays for nothing herself), and I’m living paycheck to paycheck currently until I get a better job.
How would I get her into rehabs? Should I even? Is it too much money, or is she too far gone? No one in my life will help. I don’t want her to kill herself, but she’s refused help so far. Will she hate me forever for putting her in rehab? Should I even do anything?
submitted by EmbarrassedWorry4297 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:35 baggagehandlr Wagyu Beef Back Ribs Smoking Help

Wagyu Beef Back Ribs Smoking Help
To start: I know I'll get different opinions. I bought racks of Wagyu beef back ribs for Father's Day. I've reviewed posts and recipe books, and still do not feel confident that I know how to cook these without messing them up. New to smoking ribs.
Looking for something like a recipe to follow for temps, time, spray frequency, water pans, wrapping, etc.
I have large green egg and flame boss blower.
Thanks all.
submitted by baggagehandlr to biggreenegg [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:33 StrongBreakfast4812 Day 2 - 720 extra calories….

Hello beautiful people….after 20 years of drinking smoking and more, i am completely sober.
I quit cigs in 2019, thc earlier this year and now its alcohols turn.
I would have 2-3 glasses of wine a night. It seemed so dignified so i never thought of it. Until i hit my 30s and the mornings were not so great anymore. I argued with myself that this was my reward and there is no reason i should quit. But i was simply lying to myself.
Today i decided to measure out what i was drinking. ROUGHLY my wine habit was costing me 720 extra calories a DAY!!!!! Holy crap!!!
720 cals of good healthy food could do wonders for me but 720 cals of toxins…..what was i thinking?
I am so thankful for this subreddit. You are all my inspirations.
submitted by StrongBreakfast4812 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:28 Traditional-Leopard7 You people did this to me!

You people did this to me!
THANK YOU ALL! I have always loved them but the amazing variety and quality that you folks have been sharing has definitely expanded my horizons.
submitted by Traditional-Leopard7 to CannedSardines [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 KellyfromLeedsUK Turning back the clocks 80 years: Cigar-smoking Churchill copycat takes part in WWII-themed military motorcade through small village marking D-Day

Turning back the clocks 80 years: Cigar-smoking Churchill copycat takes part in WWII-themed military motorcade through small village marking D-Day submitted by KellyfromLeedsUK to BreakingNews24hr [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:16 EatOutMyGrandma I swear to God Taco Bell stole my idea

The year was 2008. I was 16 years old and spent most of my free time with my friends playing Halo 3 and taking bong rips of cheap North Carolina homegrown weed. Our favorite activity post smoke session was to expirement with different food ideas. No bake cheesecakes with Capn Crunch on top, BBQ chicken nachos, pizza tacos, we were very creative.
One day, we were feeling lazy after baking ourselves into the couch and spending all evening chucking sticky grenades at each other in split screen deathmatches, so we order taco bell. I'm in the middle of double fisting 2 crunchy tacos when I have an epiphany. What if they made this taco shell out of DORITOS? It was genius. My friends were so impressed that they actually discussed tracking down the CEO of taco bells email and pitching the idea. For the next few years, every time we had taco bell, one of us would mention this stroke of brilliance I had. Fast forward a couple of years and what do I see on TV? The Doritos Locos taco. My jaw hit the floor.
Somehow, Taco Bell had gotten word from our little trailer park in Northeastern NC that three stoned burnouts had an idea that would change Taco Bell forever. I felt a mixture of anger and pride. Anger that I didn't get paid for this idea of mine that was now a nationwide hit, and pride that I had an idea that was good enough that it was added to a nationwide fast food menu. We immediately went to taco bell, ordered enough dorito tacos to feed a small village, and proceeded to ingest enough calories to sustain a 7 foot powerlifter.
I still enjoy taco bell, but I don't trust em. I have other menu ideas, but I'll never voice them out loud again. Idk if they were listening through my Xbox, my Obama phone, or my TV, but I won't get caught slipping again
submitted by EatOutMyGrandma to stonerfood [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 retardbae Need Help with Weight Loss and Fitness - 18M, 90kgs, Preparing for Important Exam

Hi everyone,
I'm an 18-year-old male student and I really need your help. My whole life, I've been bullied for my weight. I weigh 90kgs and I'm about 5'9"/5'10". This has affected my confidence and performance in everything I do. My family and cousins often tease me about my looks, calling me "uncle." I've joined the gym several times but never managed to stay consistent for more than a week or two. I have no control over my diet and often feel hopeless. Now, I'm preparing for an exam where my fitness will be tested, and I feel like they'll kick me out just by looking at me.
Recently, I was diagnosed with ADHD and OCD by my psychiatrist, and my mental health isn't very good. I think going to the gym will help me get better. Additionally, I struggle with strong urges to eat junk food and have no idea how to control these cravings. I'm a heavy smoker, smoking 3-4 times a day, and I know it's terrible for my health, but I can't seem to stop. Porn and masturbation are also significant problems for me and I feel like I'm wasting my teenage years on these habits.
This is my last chance to turn things around. My career depends on it. I need practical advice from experienced people on how to get lean and lose fat within this year. What should my daily gym routine look like, especially since I can't go to the gym every day? I need a simple, practical diet plan that doesn't stress my mom with special meals. How much weight should I aim to lose per month, and how do I track my progress daily? Realistically, how long will it take to see significant fat loss?
I’m really committed to making this change and would appreciate any guidance, tips, or personal experiences you can share. Thanks in advance.
submitted by retardbae to Fitness_India [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:14 Icy-Newspaper-9682 Advice for person open to possibility of being a system needed

Heyy beautiful people!
So im coming here for advice from members of systems after discovering they’re a system.
Tldr: how to be more open to the ‘system possibility’ without feeling like I’m exaggerating or making things up? Like what mindset is the best for possible alters to come out it they’re here. Aaandd how to journal (I’m auDHD so I really need specifics xD)
So I was dx with cPTSD few months ago, I’m in therapy also, I do have dissociative amnesia - for specific periods of time in childhood and teens as well as grey outs and missing chunks of time (like few minutes or hours in high stress situations) in everyday life now, I do dissociate and I’ve been on and off researching dissociative disorders for like a 2-3 years now. And recently I find discovering and naming parts of myself very helpful.
All of this made me quite open and curious if these parts are “just” cPTSD or possible alters in maybe p-DID system. I don’t want to go “oh these are definitely alters” neither “oh these are 100% just parts”. I’m curious and open to each of these possibilities. I want to work with this curiosity without judgement, denial, I just want to know myself as best as I can.
So what advice do hosts in here have, what is the best way to start being more accessible to alters, to not scare them away and fall into denial? What non-host alters remember to be the best approach of their hosts during system discovery, like what was scaring u away, what was helpful in coming out to the host?
Maybe what mindfulness thoughts or excercises was helpful to you? How to approach thoughts of “being silly, exaggerating etc”? I’m thinking about journaling too but idk how to do it. Like I should write everything that comes to my mind? Should I have a template to fill in each day? What is the best way of journaling for you?
What other advices do you maybe have for people that are open to the thought of being a system but not 100% sure they are?
Thanks in advance for your help and reading this post ❤️
submitted by Icy-Newspaper-9682 to OSDD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:11 Sweet-Count2557 Alaika At Maafushi in Maafushi Island, Maldives

Alaika At Maafushi in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Alaika At Maafushi in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Experience the True Maldivian Charm at Alaika At Maafushi: Your Perfect Getaway in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Price Level: $
Hotel Class: take rooms far from it for silence.- Best view from room"
If you're looking for a true Maldivian experience during your holiday, look no further than Alaika At Maafushi in Maafushi Island, Maldives. Situated just 26 km from Male', this hotel is conveniently located only a 30-minute speed boat ride away from Ibrahim Nasir International Airport. At Alaika At Maafushi, we prioritize your comfort and convenience, offering amenities such as free Wi-Fi access, air-conditioned rooms, in-room safe, minibar, flat-screen TV with satellite channels, and free toiletries. Immerse yourself in the local livelihood and indulge in the beauty of the Maldives at Alaika At Maafushi.
Amenities of Alaika At Maafushi in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Alaika At Maafushi in Maafushi Island, Maldives offers a range of amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for its guests. The resort provides free internet access, allowing guests to stay connected throughout their stay. The on-site restaurant offers delicious meals, while airport transportation is available for convenient travel. The resort also offers free WiFi in public areas, ensuring guests can easily stay connected. With air conditioning in all rooms, guests can enjoy a cool and comfortable environment. The family rooms are perfect for those traveling with children, while the flatscreen TV provides entertainment options. The breakfast buffet is included in the stay, ensuring guests start their day off right. Additional amenities include laundry service, room service, and non-smoking rooms. With beach access, guests can enjoy the beautiful surroundings and relax by the ocean.
Contact of Alaika At Maafushi in Maafushi Island, Maldives
+960 992-5252
Bahaaree Hingun Road 26 Km From Male (the Capital City), 08090
Location of Alaika At Maafushi in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Pictures of Alaika At Maafushi in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Tips for Staying in Alaika At Maafushi
  • Choose a room on the second floor as they are new- If you enjoyed their time, make sure to tip the staff!- All prices in the Maldives exclude service charge (10%) and government tax (12%), and also a green tax".- All rooms are equally amazing. Since some noise near reception
Reviews of Alaika At Maafushi in Maafushi Island, Maldives
Book Alaika At Maafushi Now !!!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:10 chunkster1 Shelf stable stuff with preservatives and acidity regulators?

So as the title suggests, lots of stuff I use on the reg and/or in small amounts all contain preservatives and acidity regulators. Stuff like Worcestershire sauce, tinned veggies, tomato sauce, spice pastes etc. I bought some jarred lemongrass the other day which has citric acid added. Lemongrass contains citric acid anyway. So how do you consider these sorts of additions?
Like citric acid, acetic acid, ascorbic acid are found naturally in all kinds of foods that you eat. However sorbic acid and its salts less so. Glycerol occurs naturally in the body. Even some emulsifiers that are considered a "key" signifier for UPF are naturally occuring in a lot of foods e.g E471 (found in plant and animal fats). Even calcium chloride - your body doesn't see the calcium or the chloride differently to the ionised Ca in milk or Cl in table salt, so why do we think it is so bad if we add it to food?
... its easy to get rid of the obvious UPFs from your diet, but sacrificing tinned veggies because of a bit of acidity regulator and your fave condiments that you use a dash or tbsp at a time due to a small amount of preservatives seems a bit rash considering many of them are found naturally elsewhere. So I am interested to see what other people think about these sorts of things 🙂
submitted by chunkster1 to ultraprocessedfood [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:09 trashbagdrifting Looking for Roommate after graduation

Hey, I’m a graduating senior looking to stay near LA during my gap year! I’m looking into the cheaper places lol like Van Nuys, Korea town, etc. I’m looking for female roommates to share a 2 bedroom apartment with!!!
I’m looking for a clean roommate (smoking and drinking ok), pet friendly (I have a cat), someone preferably not weird, and overall someone cool who I can hang out with.
My lease ends sept 1. Also I’m pre med, so I’ll likely be busy during the day. I’m open to having more roommates—my goal is to have super cheap rent so this might help. Please reach out to me if your interested🙏🙏🙏
submitted by trashbagdrifting to ucla [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:09 Prudent-Reindeer-141 [29m/24f] first time meeting someone online, need help navigating this.

Hey Reddit,
I (29M) met a lovely, brilliant young woman (24F) online, and we hit it off about six weeks ago. Our time zones are close, but we are still thousands of miles away from each other. We’ve been texting almost every day, and had a long video call about 2 weeks ago where I showed her around my city.
I’ve never met a romantic interest online, and I’m struggling with how to approach our situation. I prefer face-to-face, in-person interaction. Reading body language and feeling vibrations between myself and others has been the cornerstone of all my successful friendships and relationships so far.
The past week I’ve really been in my head. I have never been this attracted to anyone, ever. So I’m afraid that will cloud my judgement, and that I will sabotage our chance of success. I’ve made myself very open and vulnerable, and I think maybe it’s too early for that. I fear that my enthusiasm may be misinterpreted as eagerness or worse, desperation.
I’ve already started making mistakes that I fear will lead to her losing interest. I find myself trying to fix her problems for her instead of just listening. I send her money (she’s never asked for it) when I hear of her struggling to balance work/life/studies.
Do I need to slow down, or even step away? Are y’all seeing red flags in my story? I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read and respond.
submitted by Prudent-Reindeer-141 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:09 Status-Block2323 I still hate my grandfather (alltho I believe the hatred unconciously is towards my neglectful manipulative single mom) - a little story about my childhood

Trigger warning: child abuse, neglect, alcohol abuse,
My mom got pregnant abroad (my dad from another country started another family at the same time so she came back and raised me by herself ). However she left me with relatives alot when i was baby until i was maybe 12. I hated it. I know she had to work hard and long hours as a single mom, and for that I respect her
But leaving me with her young, immature, trashy, drunk and straight out abusive younger sister who brought me to parties where people took drugs, talked about sex, yealled, woke me up, told me scary stories/ showed me stephen king movies at age 7, Not feeding me breakfast, not giving me medicine abusing me by feeding me food i hated, slept all day while i waited for them to help me get going , getting mad at me if I got sick, poking fun at me and so on. They forgot to give me my thyroid meds too
My narc mother Left me there or at my drunk and inactive grandfathers house to go out and party. Heres the thing: even if I expressed that I wanted her to stay at home with me she didnt care. And when I had an anxiety attack at age 7 bc I had to stay with trashy auntie she got mad at me.
I was 7, I cried from fear, i was shaking. She yelled at me and blamed me then called my aunt but still left me there. No clean place to sleep, no food, dirty disgusting bathroom and kitchen. Cigarette smoke, not even noticing I had allergies.
If my family(mom, her drunk siblings,my grandpa) were having dinner and a holiday party they usually got very drunk, mean, picked on me (they Made me angry from ignoring me and excluding me manipulating me and scaring me). They partied all night and forgot about me, realizing at three in the morning it was time for bed.
Damn I hate all of them
They ( my trash aunt and her boyfriend) exposed me to risks of sexual abuse from drunk friends. They even knew this guy who had kolesterol my friend and downplayed it and invited him when I was there. Their parties were unsafe, loud, physical fighting occurred.
I have chronic illness today and cant work.. Im financially dependent on my mom.. theres no welfare options for me in this country and therapy is too expensive. Im very disregulated from hangig out with my mom for days now (she invited me and my boyfriend to a resort.. my boyfriend cant stand her now either - she has good and generous sides but manipulates and tries to dominate everyone else)..
I dont know how to heal and move on.
She socially isolated me, never helped with homework, never brushed my hair or got me clean clothes (got bullied for that) and never tried to get me a hobby. I was so isolated and to this day have issues understanding people. I have no friends but luckily a great partner.
How do I heal?
submitted by Status-Block2323 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:08 dailydruid I’m trying to stand up for myself. But he’s always insulted.

I’m trying to stand up for myself. But he’s always insulted.
(See previous posts in this subreddit for more context.)
These are texts between my ex boyfriend and I this morning. He broke up with me over two months ago and he keeps texting me.
I don’t have a job and I’ve been working on my mental health so that I can actually keep and hold a job… this isn’t helping.
He started the conversation today, saying that he really missed and loved me. Also saying he felt he couldn’t provide for me and how he was overwhelmed.
Over the past two months he’s been giving me different reasons as to why he broke up with me. First it was because I was making him jealous, then it was because of his own mental health, then it was because I haven’t had a job, now it’s because he’s pissed off at me.
I’m trying to stand up for myself and set some boundaries. After I stated what my boundaries were and basically how I knew why he broke up with me (because he’s jealous of my relationship with my family — which will never change — and the fact that I’ve been making purchases for my needs and wants without having a job) he went on to say that he’s lost all hope for the relationship and that he gives up. Adding on how he was insulted (he always says he’s insulted by everything).
He then goes on to say, “Yeah… that’s not what happened,” and that he was upset that I was buying smokes with the money I’ve made from helping my mom out around the house when he tried his best to provide for me when I needed it. But the thing is, I never needed anything from him but his love. I’ve never asked for anything from him but his love. And he forgets all the times I provided for him when he needed it. I’d always bring groceries when I came over, he needed a ride several times when we were together so I helped him out there too. But I don’t keep track of that stuff because that’s not what you’re supposed to do. You’re supposed to do things out of the kindness of your heart and not expect anything in return.
He always throws it in my face that he’s spent so much time and money on me, which is something I’ve heard before in my past relationships. If he really loved me, time shouldn’t be a question to spend on me. And again, I never asked him to spend any money on me.
I showed him why he first said he broke up with me, because he was angry and jealous. I even highlighted where it said, “jealous,” for him. He of course ignored that… like he always does when he knows I’m right.
He finishes by saying, “I don’t want to end on a bad note. I do love you and care about you. This just obviously wasn’t meant to be.” I just told him, “It’s whatever you want.” Apparently him and his roommate haven’t been getting along either. And his family cut him out of their life. All these people can’t be wrong and him right. As my mom says, “He has diarrhea of the mouth.”
I don’t think I’ve heard the last of him. He’s going to keep bothering me. I definitely need to look into getting a no contact order. As someone said in one of my previous posts about him, “He’s unstable and weird.” And they were 100% right.
I don’t care if I end on a bad note with him. I don’t want to be in his life anymore, especially after this conversation.
submitted by dailydruid to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:08 HurtSoMuch_ I wish I'd just die in my sleep.

I've struggled with severe depression and ADHD my whole life. My family was abusive and I was constantly bullied in school. At age 7 I started hurting myself by scratching, biting, banging my head against the wall and cutting my wrists.
I've went to many therapists over the years, but none of them could really help me. I remember one of them telling me that I was a "hopeless case". I don't know why, but that really hurt me.
3 days before my 14th birthday, I finally decided to run away. After a while I got picked up by CPS and they sent me to a psych ward for two months. When I was there, I somehow managed to make a suicide pact with my roommate, and the evening before we planned to do it, I was curled up in the corner of the room, literally squealing with joy, because I thought I'd finally die.
That's when I realized I could never be fixed. I was just a child, and already so far gone.
Anyways, the staff quickly found out and put us both into different rooms for multiple weeks. I can't express how bad I felt that night.
Right after my release, I moved into a group home where I still live today. I made a lot of friends really quickly. They got me into smoking and drinking which I was thankful for back then, since it really helped me cope at the time.
But a couple months ago, things just changed. Everything got so much worse. Nothing made me happy anymore. I had absolutely zero motivation and energy to do anything. All I could think about was dying.
Pretty soon after this phase started (About 8 months ago) one of my friends got his hands on some weed and offered me a hit from his joint. I thought nothing of it since I was and still am ready to do any and all drugs I come across.
I fell in love with the stuff after the first couple hits. I have no words for the sheer happiness I felt in that moment.
There is nothing that could explain it, but when I'm high, I forget everything. The pain, anger and confusion, my worries and problems, everything is just washed away.
It really fucked me up. Now I'm completely stoned 24/7, and there's absolutely nothing else in my life that still matters to me. When I'm high I enjoy my time, and whenever I'm sober I go out on the streets to panhandle so I can get high again.
Fuck man, I don't even know why I'm writing this shit anymore. I'm just so tired of everything.
submitted by HurtSoMuch_ to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:07 bgirlbes Smokers 😬

I got a year long booking / sublet through Airbnb and the guest smoked cigarettes in the office. I’ve done Ozone remediation and painted the walls and ceiling, replaced all of the furniture and blinds and still some guests are complaining. Any thoughts on additional steps I can take that aren’t insanely expensive? The hosts guarantee paid me out but I had to compete the process in 15 days which was really hard to accomplish and impossible to know long term impacts. Thanks!
submitted by bgirlbes to airbnb_hosts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:05 cyanogen3 PUSH UR T3MPRR

You got exactly what you want
I got exactly what I wanna be
I was inspired not to cut
When you told me that you wanna see
IV tube inside my arm
I've always struggled with my honesty
But now I'm honest like I'm Abe
4am I'm on an odyssey
I got your beat down to the pulse
You're in the red like all the cars I see
Break new ground I blam the blunt
I get clocked like its a job to me
Push your temper
Push your temper
Push your temper
Push your temper
I got a guy and we're best friends, I hopе we get to kill ourselvеs together
Grab me by the hips and flip the switch and lose your temper
People never change but skin will rot in any weather
Come with me lets play pretend I know you'll feel great
Its not cause I don't like you, I don't wanna see your face
Bitch I do not miss you, I miss how you used to taste
Put your cigs out on my tummy smoke three packs a day
I'm just here to push your temper, put me in my grave
Push your temper
Push your temper
Push your temper
submitted by cyanogen3 to u/cyanogen3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:03 BasicallyJustAnIdiot 30[M4F] #SoCal- I have lived in four states yet haven't found a home...

Because home is wherever my favorite person is I have come to find and I don't really have one of those right now. So no matter where I find myself no matter how new and different it seems, that I feel a bit lost and my home isn't quite satisfying or comfortable enough for me.
So I go for a lot of walks and I talk to a lot of people and I hope one day I will find a woman who never shuts up like I do and genuinely wants to ramble on for hours about anything with me.
I am very chatty and hyper and open. Some people would call it over sharing but I simply call it being honest about what I am thinking. I am highly empathetic and can tell how someone feels long before they ever tell me and you won't find many men more emotionally intelligent than me.
But I will leave you giant walls of text and I love getting more of them back and if you don't talk much then I'll probably lose interest honestly. Personality is what I find sexy and while I can not say looks don't matter at all, I am not asking for a model.
Just someone real, and honest, and open. Someone who has been through a lot in life like me and just wants some peace for a change.
I always thought I would make a cool ass dad too so if you're child free we can be friends, but I want children one day and it is a deal breaker for something long term.
Which is all I am interested in. A real, heartfelt relationship that lasts. I don't care for flings or relationships based only on sex. I am very intimate and very much enjoy the sexual side of a relationship, but it is far from the biggest reason I want someone in my life.
I want a real companion and best friend first who just so happens to let me touch her butt too.
I live a simple life and work as a host and a waiter for a living so I basically talk for a living. So I would hope I am decent for one by now.
So if you like the sound of a tall white guy with freckles and an infectious smile, who smokes a bit of weed and loves a good joke as much as he does a dark, serious story, and who is supremely loyal and caring, then we would get along.
I don't think I am amazingly handsome but I wouldn't call myself ugly either and I am in decent shape too because I walk at least 15 miles a day. More if I work and love to get out and do things.
Also I can cook for too so you may as well just already make me your boyfriend.
I'm not in a rush though. I'm just new around here and want to see what my luck is like on here.
Have a lovely day either way.
submitted by BasicallyJustAnIdiot to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:02 Naoswirl Pls help

Maybe like 1 year ago or so, I started getting white flashes; they usually happened only once every other day, but recently I got 2 large flashes, then I fainted, my body went freezing cold, and I couldn't get up without a big pain in my side. I also continued getting white flashes, and then they started other day, but recently I got 2 large flashes, then I fainted, my body went freezing cold, and I couldn't get up without a big pain in my side. I also continued getting white flashes, and then couldn't get up without a big pain in my side as well as continues white flashes and then they started to get worse my eye doctor said before that due to the shape of my eye ball my vision Will quickly degrade ( basically going blind) and I can't do anything about it I have seen a doctor and they aren't sure what I have does anyone maybe know anything I'm only 15 and I really don't want my health to go down , I'm 5'2 , female, I don't take medication except iron and vitamin c , of course I don't smoke
submitted by Naoswirl to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:01 Various-Western2592 AITA for telling my bf that I want a break

I'm 19 years old and a woman. I'm having autism, which makes a lot of stuff very hard for me, like understanding other people's emotions, reading faces, knowing when I should talk or not... also a big problem is, that I'm very direct and I often tell my opinion, which I try not to do it as often anymore but it's very hard.
So my boyfriend and me are in a relationship since two years. He and I have a very romantic and a emotional relationship, or at least I think... he doesn't really talk to me about his feelings, emotions or his opinions. At the beginning of our relationship, I've asked him out and if he wants to be my boyfriend. He said yes, after I kissed him. In the next day I went to his apartment because he still lives with his parents and his little brother. At first it was everything alright, but I think his family and he took a lot of me. I was taking antidepressants at this time and I couldn't feel anger or any emotion at all.
They wanted me to clean up every weekend the whole house, doing the kitchen, cooking, walking the dog, making tea, etc. but I didn't say anything at first. I thought that was a normal thing to do because I didn't have a boyfriend before and I could reduce stress for all of them. I wanted to take care of them because I thought that's a normal thing to do.
After a few months, they went on holiday over my 18th birthday. When they came back, I wanted to visit my boyfriend. I came over and he hugged me, kissed me but his mother forced to unpack all the bags, to iron all of the clothes, etc.
My boyfriend didn't speak up for me and when I told him, he didn't realised what I said. I stopped going over there. I got really depressed about that because at the same time I'm going to a really hard school which makes me even more stressed.
Half a year later I went to the clinic to deal with my burnout. I was there for about three months. My boyfriend hat at the time when I was done his final exams. While being in the clinic, he had three weeks spring break. He didn't come and visit me once, without me crying about it. He wouldn't come by his own choice and I asked him, if he wants to meet somewhere else or at the weekend or if I should be with him. But he never said what he want. I mean it was perperation and I understand that he had to take time but three months?
After I got out of there I thought about breaking up because he wasn't there for me when it was hard but I was always there for him, asking him at least how he was. He didn't even knew for what I was there...
So yeah over summer holidays he went again on holidays without texting me. I felt so alone. And then came my birthday in autumn. He kept telling me, how amazing my birthday is gonna be.
I have a little problem on celebrating my birthday. It's during autumn break and no one really comes to my birthday so I have to do it alone every year. So he kept telling me how it will be the best birthday ever but he showed up late to my house and we did nothing the whole day.
I took time to prepare several looks for my day, laid all over my bed. I was so happy because there is finally someone being there for me and celebrating my birthday. But we did nothing. In the evening I decided to go out of my apartement and to get my new glasses, which I've ordered a few days ago. He asked me why I was going out, without telling. How this is not for his plan. I told him, he had the whole day to plan something. I didn't even wanted to look at him because he wouldn't even cuddle me the whole day. He was sitting far away from me and didn't even cared. I asked him many times if we're going to do something. He just said wait for it.
When I asked him what he wanted to do, he said that it was my fault for going to get glasses for my birthday in the evening. He said he couldn't go after his plan because he wanted to go with me to the amusement park. But it was closed???? So I cried so much, I told him how this hurt me, but I don't know if I'm overreacting because he keeps telling me and I am!!!
The next day he did the whole plan, that I told him to do: instead of being lazy and to be far away from me, take the time and celebrate my birthday. But a day after I wasn't even in the mood anymore to celebrate it.
I had a self planned party on the weekend in the same week. Next to me is a bar, I wanted that he is maybe down in the bar so my friends could smoke or drink something. It was btw my first party ever I've organised. At my home they could chill and play with cats. I told my bf to be first at the bar and I could be upstairs and then change the position, because I also wanted to drink and smoke and dance etc.
His mother called me, asking where he was. I said he was with me. I told my bf to call her back but she didn't. She called me 200 times that evening. I stayed upstairs, my bf didn't even hesitate to come up to me to change positions. I was alone almost the whole evening because I had to stay upstairs with my few other guest, which didn't talk to me. Also my Mother is very sick and I always have to be aware that if something happens, I can take care of it.
So yeah, I kind of stopped finding him attractive after that. He promises me so much stuff and then doesn't even care about it. I told his mother to Stop calling me because her son is 20 and she should call him. But she didn't. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
She didn't want to talk to me again and hated me. My bf didn't speak up for me, I understand that it's hard but when I tell him that, all im doing is overreacting.
Since then, so many more situations happened which hurt me even more. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I started arguing with him, why it hurt me, I asked him a dozen of times why because I couldn't get over it for the next month. He said half a year later that he was also feeling depressed but I don't know why he didn't tell me sooner. For me it was just an excuse but I didn't know it back then, he could've told me and I wouldn't be so hurt about his behaviour.
So I figured out, that he might help us out, when I start saying things more often. But this also didn't work.
A few days ago, we went to an all you can eat restaurant with his whole family, because I went to the little brothers musical. I just didn't want to talk with the adults because they all hate me. His brother is severely Overweight and is about to get diabetes soon. His family wanted to surprise me with the all you can eat restaurant, which im very happy for. But I said that it's not good when they take the little brother with.
My bf said what's wrong about that, I told him that it's not good for his brother and that I think it's dumb to take him there.
He said again I'm overreacting and I don't appreciate the gift. But: he and his whole family are also overweight and I just feel bad for them because I want them to be healthy but they don't realise that they're sick. I don't want to bodyshame someone I'm sorry.
I also wanted to make him a birthday party. He's having birthday soon, but his parents want to spend the day with him. I organised almost everything with his friends together and waited for an anwser from his parents but they ignored me for two weeks and someone else took my location. So I don't know what to do either and I told him that, that I think it's disprespectful behaviour from his Parents towards his friends and me. So he said again, I'm overreacting and I'm mentally destroying him but I don't know what I'm doing. He doesn't really tell me what's wrong, I ask him what I can do, what I can change but he doesn't want to tell me.
So I'm asking AITA for wanting to take a break? I'm so scared, that I'm Hurting him mentally even more.
submitted by Various-Western2592 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:58 matthew227796 Does Walmart drug test you in Ohio

I am 16 and I tried smoking for the first time a day ago and they just called this morning around 9:00 telling me I got the position I signed up for the position of stocking but they put me in online ordering so basically what I do is shop for other people I guess is the easiest way to put it but will they drug test me because if so I will fail and get I a load of trouble
submitted by matthew227796 to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:58 2Kalimaxis2 24 [M4F] #Arizona #Online Just looking to talk to people and find genuine connections

Reddit can be a place full of interesting personalities. Me? I’m just looking to talk to people and find genuine connections in whatever way they may be. Whether that’s shared experiences, interests, friendship, romance. I have had an online relationship before so I know what works and doesn’t.
About me, I’m 24 Latino (Mexican-American) and 5’8”. For my career I’m an electrical engineer who recently just started his first electrical job. I hope to work and save up some money for a house and to eventually get my masters. I also lean center left politically.
As for hobbies and interest, I love a lot of nerdier stuff such as Star War, Marvel, & other franchises. I’m also an active gamer on PS5. I love to make electronics projects and am currently working on an R2D2 in the concept stage. 3D printing is something I’m also really interested in.
When it comes to other things, I like cooking and baking. A lot of dishes I make are Mexican or Italian since they’re my favorite foods. I also really like barbecue and smoking meats. I should also mention Italian food because how can you leave it out?
My goals in life are to start my own garden and grow my own crops like tomatoes and such. I would also like to be able to buy a home with an acre of land for the garden and anything else I’d like to do. I would also like to have flowers in my garden that I can give to my future wife.
My dad joke of the day is “Why don’t we eat clocks during snack time? Because it’s time consuming”
For those of you wondering for the spicy interests, I enjoy being committed and devoted to one person which is why I lean into femdom. Am I the only one who gets jealous by dogs being called a good boy? I also do enjoy my partner being non-monogamous (while I’m still loyal) which is Hotwife. None of those are a requirement for you. Im just being open about what I like.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. I hope you have a good day and even if it’s a bad day just remember you don’t have to live through it again.
submitted by 2Kalimaxis2 to DatingAfterTwenty [link] [comments]