Tight jean pic.

The hub for all things underground

2009.08.01 19:00 The hub for all things underground

This is the underground. We are the subculture. We believe in freedom of speech, and we set the trends that everyone else will follow.

2024.06.09 17:12 MarineBiomancer Trying to expand my clothing horizons and I could use some advice.

Traditionally I've been strictly a shorts and T-shirt/short-sleeve henley kind of guy for almost my entire wardrobe, barring some dress clothes. Recently though, I've been wanting to expand into new styles. However, I've been struggling on a number of fronts.
Firstly, I've struggled with the fit on a lot of what I've tried out so far. I'm 6'1" and about 245lb and while I'm down 100lbs from several years ago, I will never have a thin body type (even when I'm in shape I just have a thick frame). So, I find that I struggle a lot getting the right size across the chest and shoulders, without going up another size, which I often ends up looking like I'm swimming in it. The shirts will fit if I stand still, but if I try to move my arms up even a little, it starts feeling super tight across the chest, shoulders, and upper back, and the bottom of the shirt rises with my arms significantly (can't even reach out for a handshake without showing off the bottom of my stomach with some of them 😅). Meanwhile, I have some expensive dress shirts and cheap t-shirts/henleys where it's not a problem at all. So I don't know if it's something I need to be mindful of with the tailoring or what.
Second, I run wicked hot and my body is like a furnace; so any attempts to wear layers, or anything but super light materials leaves me a hot sweaty mess (hence the prior exclusive shorts and short-sleeve shirts haha).
Finally, I just find a lot of men's fashion styles seem really boring or repetitive. It just feels like there's not a lot of varied options out there and it all kinda breaks down into the same groupings: button-ups (plain or with plaid/striped patterns) or polos for tops, and chinos or jeans for bottoms. I feel like women can just have a lot more fun with designing their outfits with the huge variety they have.
submitted by MarineBiomancer to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:37 ThingsICantLetGo New to my size after gastric sleeve, where can I find Gothic clothing?

I like long sleeves, mid sleeves, and tank top,. I'm not a fan of strapless, I don't have the breasts for it. I enjoy dresses, skirts, shorts, leggings. I'm unsure about jeans though. Haven't fit into jeans in 17 years. Tights are nice tol just haven't fit in them in a while....
What shops do you recommend? Most places I've looked don't really have an in between petite and plus size...
submitted by ThingsICantLetGo to Midsizefashion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:35 jimmyhaare BMW driver ran over my pet rat and I am broken, should I confront her face to face?

TLDR; Young one ran over my rat
I know this sounds like a fake story but I am genuinely seeking help on this. I'm distraught and not sure what to do.
So, just to clarify, I'm a 27 year old bloke from Limerick and I beg this has absolutely broken me. I work as a plasterer and the few things I enjoy are playing PC games, gym and looking after my pet rat Ronnie. I am a bit of a lonely lad, I haven't ever really had friends in my life and I actually met Big Ron after I saw a magpie (hate the cunts) smacking the ground like a piledriver. I opened my door to shoo him off, and I saw a wounded rat that couldn't move a muscle. I cleaned him up, tended to the wounds and got the lad fixed. I know this sounds silly, but he's been my best mate ever since and we practically do everything together when I am not at work. I'm cooking and I'll be chatting away to Big Ron. I'm gaming and I'm chatting away to Big Ron (named him that because he's HUGE!) I'm lonely, and I'll be chatting away to Big Ron.
Yesterday, I had a particularly stressful encounter with my boss who accused me of being slow which could not be any further from the truth. I'm the fastest, most productive and pragmatic individual in my job and I never ever cause a problem - my manager just genuinely doesn't like me and I'm not really sure why, but this morning on a five minute break I took (which I seldom take) he had a go at me because I hadn't scraped the walls properly which was a stupid thing to say, because I was just taking a break before I got back to it. So he ended up just telling me off, and my colleagues who already think I'm a weirdo were just laughing at me and joking about me getting sacked. So I come home and I'm fairly frustrated, and I open the door and close it.
A few minutes later, I realize something - the cage door containing Ronnie is open.
And at this point, he's only domesticated for six months, which made me realized in utter dread that he was missing so my anxiety went through the roof. I was looking around and before I know it, I hear some lady crash infront of my house and, embarrassingly enough, I figuratively and literally SHIT myself. I went off to the bathroom to clean myself up as I just hear the doorbell being rung loads, and I fucking swear, no word of a lie, I couldn't find my jeans or anything suitable to wear. After what felt like fucking ages I found some jeans, looked out the window, and saw some very young one run into her BMW. Big Ronnie must have ran out the door after I opened it, before getting ran over.
As soon as I came crashing down back to earth, I immediately got my phone out, took a pic of her reg on her piece of shit BMW and saved it. Not only did she damage my wall to fucking bits, she destroyed the one living soul closer to me than any other on this forsaken planet. I am livid. I am devastated. I am lonely again and my mind is racing with so many things. How the fuck is this stupid cow able to get away with this horrific crime and I'm left with my heart in two. I'm so sorry if this seems out the blue, but what do you recommend I do? I have her reg, I am considering hiring a PI to track her down, and give her a piece of my mind but I dunno if I should go further than that. Either way, a wreckoning is coming. I'm fuming. I am so angry. I am so hurt and miss you Big R.
submitted by jimmyhaare to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:11 Icutsman Looking to hear of similar experiences

Looking to hear of similar experiences
Long story short: My doxie (8 years old) was experiencing some lethargy, not wanting to walk, and she lost a lot of weight a few weeks ago. After a few vet diagnostics (including ultrasound), the doc said she looked good for her age but she had some inflammation in her intestines. He ended up prescribing the Prednisone steroid and for the first few days she seemed much more upbeat and she was starting to gain weight again.
A few weeks went by, and now she seems to be having a skin issue where she has little gouges in her skin that bleed. and she is losing hair all over her body. I included pics of her face, tail and back.
We brought it up to the vet but they think she needs to see a specialist. My wife and I want to do that but funds are a bit tight and I hate seeing her like this. Does anyone have a similar experience that could perhaps trigger some discussion points with our vet on next steps?
Thank you very much
submitted by Icutsman to Dachshund [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:35 Comfortable-Mode-972 Did the big four ever make trail/enduro focused 125s?

Did the big four ever make trail/enduro focused 125s?
This may be a stupid question, but in my recent search for a bike for my brother I’ve struggled to find out what 125cc 2 stroke trail bikes exist.
KTM and Husqvarna make it easy to see which trim package is for enduro/trail vs MX.
Did Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Yamaha make trail specific 125cc two strokes or are people taking MX bikes and converting them for trail use?
If they didn’t and I wanted to run one on the trail, what would I need to make it easier on a beginner in the tight stuff? Flywheel weight? Rekluse? Suspension revalve? That bill is adding up real quick.
Pic is for attention. Lmk if I broke any rules, I try not to post unless I have to. Thanks in advance
submitted by Comfortable-Mode-972 to Dirtbikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:22 SweetieAlyona Love tight jeans

Love tight jeans submitted by SweetieAlyona to hotgirlsindenim [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:59 Sad-Tradition9035 MR2 engine lid, from CA to WA

MR2 engine lid, from CA to WA
This was last year, but brought home a supercharger engine lid for my AW11 in the passenger seat of my NA from Sonoma CA to Olympia WA (800+ miles). It was a tight squeeze but it fit without making anything uncomfortable. I'd do it again. (Second pic is the AW11 in question)
submitted by Sad-Tradition9035 to miatalogistics [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:01 AutoModerator ★OFFICIAL DAILY★ SV/NSV Thread: Feats of the Day! June 09, 2024

Celebrating something great?
Scale Victory, Non-Scale Victory, Progress, Milestones -- this is the place! Big or small, please post here and help us focus all of today's awesomeness into an inspiring and informative mega-dose of greatness!
Post it here!
Due to space limitations, this may be a sticky only occasionally. Please find it using the sidebar if needed.
Don't forget to comment and interact with other posters here, let's keep the good vibes going!
Daily Threads
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submitted by AutoModerator to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:49 Lu_Cornish Hair help part 2: Tempted to give up and straighten

Hair help part 2: Tempted to give up and straighten
I posted here https://www.reddit.com/curlyhais/75JCFRUqOz after coming home upset from haircut.
Now I’d like to know if you with all your hive knowledge think I a) need another cut, will it help my hair look better? b) is it even worth trying to make my ridiculous mixed texture hair look okay naturally? Tempted to give up and just blow dry smooth and use GHDS to add some curls, it’s way quicker and easier.
Background: just realised hair is low porosity. Frizzy AF. Feels dry, itchy, heavy and weighed down after using leave in, gel and mouse. Day two is always a sh*t show. I slept in a silk (not satin) bonnet. Waves are stringy. I have curls around hairline only, rest is a little wavy. So dry. So frizzy. Lots of volume and texture at roots.
More info about cut. I booked in to have a wash and restyle. I am friends with my hairdresser. I think she’s lush. Great reputation. I’ve gone to her the last couple of years. She’s experienced, award winning and has gorgeous wavy hair (similar to my “old hair” (see below). She knows my hair well. I love seeing her. But truly, honestly, I haven’t been happy with the last few cuts or any time she hasn’t smooth blow dried and GHDS to curl and thought for some time that I think my hair stumps her and she isn’t sure what to do with it. I don’t blame her for that. My hair is awful. I have contacted a curl specialist and booked in an online consultation and on the waitlist for a cut with her.l, but don’t know if I wanna waste my money.
So Ive never done anything to my hair. I had ringlets as a child but never took care of them then into my adult life had very long wavy hair. I never did anything with it. Washed with any shampoo and conditioner and let air dry. It always looked wavy, textured and really nice with no effort as long as I had layers in my cut. I was really spoilt.
Two kids later and a major surgery plus extreme weight loss caused my hair to change totally. It went almost straight, but still massive hairline frizz. I had a keratin treatment and I hated it. Didn’t help the frizz but took all the texture out of my hair. So I’ve been growing it out for 18 months. In that time my more curly wavy hair is coming back. It is tight curls underneath and loose waves on top. This cut was to get rid of the keratin treated ends and embrace my natural texture.
I have long taken an interest in curly hair and seen lots of YouTube videos and tutorials in my time. Try something once, it looks rubbish and then give up.
I’ve taken as much advice as I could from the comments of my last post. A lot is contradictory but I guess that’s just the nature of everyone having different hair and I need to try lots of things and stick with them.
General consensus seemed to be first to wash out anything hairdresser used. Condition. Leave in conditioner. Mousse. Gel. Diffuse.
Routine: So I used Aveeno clarifying shampoo. Only curls conditioner (my daughters). I applied it upside down in the shower squishing it in. Brushed with a denman. Rinsed out upside down. Then I applied Aussie work that curl leave in conditioner while my hair was soaking wet and used the bowl method. Then used the umberto giananni curl whip mouse. While hair wet and scrunched it in. Used a t shirt to scrunch out some wetness then used the umberto giannini curly jelly gel. Scrunching it in. Then plopped in a tee for a min or two. Then scrunched a little more moisture out and diffused on lowest heat and speed settings while upside down.
I look like beetlejuice. My hairline is very curly and the top of my hair is much more wavy than it was after leaving hairdressers. Curls are stringy. I’ve had to pin it up as the cut looks insane to be honest. I posted pics to show the results straight on which is okay then as I turn to the side how bad it gets, then lastly with it pinned up at sides.
Goals: it’s deeply uncool to say it BUT I wanna look cool. I’d love a cool 70s textured wavy cub/ wolf cut and a short fringe but I am worried it would look INSANE (in a bad way).
Basically any help and advice on how to make my hair look better, whatever that is. Let me know!
submitted by Lu_Cornish to curlyhair [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:18 WillingnessAlive6683 Is my second lobe piercing ok?

Is my second lobe piercing ok?
Got my second lobe piercing around 8 months ago, and I’ve been cleaning with sterile saline solution 1-2 times a day. It was healing fine but very slow, then a few days ago it started acting up. It was feeling painful and tight, and when I cleaned it, it got swollen and painful and I noticed a bump in the back. Last night it wasn’t painful until I cleaned it, and then it sort of swelled up again, but it’s not painful in the morning. Now the bump in the back has gone down, but I notice a swelling in the front and some discolouration around the piercing site. The jewellery is still the same one I got pierced with, it’s a flat back and the stone was screwed on, only the stone used to be clear but it tuned blue a few weeks ago. I’m now just wondering if it’s infected, or if maybe I’m allergic to the metal or somethings wrong with the piercing? As it’s taking a while to heal and now this has happened
 pics are from the moment I’m writing the post.
submitted by WillingnessAlive6683 to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:54 aPenologist A handful of Taccia inks

A handful of Taccia inks
Two more Taccia inks arrived, Jeans - Dark Navy and Ao (blue) I'd intented to buy Aoguro (blue-black) but it wasn't stocked where I ordered from & I was careless & rushed.
It's a similar story with the photography (if you can call taking snaps with my phone, 'photography') the lighting on my desk is for writing, not for photographing, but I turned it up a bit. Also mostly fine or EF nibs, means the ink qualities don't show up as they might, on both counts. However, the pics come out as a fair representation of how the page looks in person in dull lighting, and the writing with Ao always looks like that. Apologies for requiring a zoom to read much of anything.
As an aside, among the pics included of the 'new' pair of inks are the dates on the back of the boxes. I raised an eyebrow at seeing '2019' stamped on one of them. It seems to be in perfect working order at least. (Dark Navy) The prices were decent but not reduced. Makes me wonder how old some inks are by the time they make it to clearance discounts..
submitted by aPenologist to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:47 Karaoglan43 My Opinion about Marriage

Assalamu akeykum my brothers and sisters in faith. I'm a 23 years old Muslim living in TĂŒrkiye. When I was younger, I remember the wedding ceremonies around my family. Everything were more naive, pure and traditional than now. I attended 3 times meeting event of families to get familiar with each other thanks to my friends. All things talking in there is like how much gold will my daughter have? Do you have a flat or house near to city centre? How much your son earn per month? etc. I'm a man who sometimes misses pray, forget some sunnah etc. But I never kissed a girl before, never touched a girl before. Because if Allah judge in afterlife because of my prays, I will see the consequences of my own, but laying with someone else, hanging out with them without protective zone I can not defend myself when it is happen. On the other hand, I see hijabi girls in TĂŒrkiye have changed so much since last decade. They have hijab on their head but they wear skinny jeans to reveal their as, they dress up tightly to show their b**s to men. When I was in high school, I used to dream about my future life with my future spouse. I don't dream anymore because I don't want to get married. The events my family hear, or directly witness are sometimes so shameful. Hijabi girls cheat their husband with their ex-lovers, with their husband's brother etc. They use drugs, they smoke...
Sometimes I think that the Allah I believe in and they believe in can not be the same. At least when I have a sin, I try to hide it from public because rather than myself, I have to protect the honour of my family. I read the problems in this sub. Sometimes I become shocked. If the people who claim they believe in Allah do these actions , it is normal for non-believers more.
Last week me and my mother we had a small conversation. She asked my opinions about the marriage. I told her that I don't want to get married anymore. She tried to encourage me about it by giving examples of a beautiful wife, children look like me etc. I said to her these are good dreams but whenever I remember the things I see in public, the things I have witnessed so far, the evil side of the marriage murder the good side of it inside of me. Many if my friends are engaged or already got married. My mother is in hurry but even if I want to get married it is still early for me. The ideal age if getting married should be between 26-30 based on my view. Thank you for reading so far. I just wanted to share my opinions marriage. Fiemanillah. May Allah and all his beauty be with you...
submitted by Karaoglan43 to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]


SCOTLAND FOREVER CMON WHERE'S MY FELLOW 42ND BLACK WATCH MAINS?! submitted by Mr_Mushroom46 to gutsandblackpowders [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:36 rightfenix_1 Verillas gunslinger

Verillas gunslinger
I come to the bag enthusiasts with a conundrum. I have always wanted to support the Verillas company for years. Luck had it that I was able to get their gunslinger bag. On the site, it had decent quality metal clips and looks amazing. What I got was something I don’t understand. It’s matte clips that have an unusual way of clipping. The back of the bag is already discoloring from my jeans.
Is what I got basically trash? (Pics attached)
submitted by rightfenix_1 to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:55 GamerMomLifeOfficial đŸŽ¶â€œShe’s got the blue jeans painted on tight. That everybody wants on a Saturday night. She got the mood ring, she’s never the same. She’s 🌞 one minute then she’s pourin’ down đŸŒ§ïž . And she’ll DO wHaTeVeR she wants

đŸŽ¶â€œShe’s got the blue jeans painted on tight. That everybody wants on a Saturday night. She got the mood ring, she’s never the same. She’s 🌞 one minute then she’s pourin’ down đŸŒ§ïž . And she’ll DO wHaTeVeR she wants
And when she MOVES
every jaw’s gonna drop
And I DO, but I don’t want her to stop
I want Whatever She’s Got” đŸŽ¶
submitted by GamerMomLifeOfficial to u/GamerMomLifeOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:55 Colloly Front License Plate Bracket that Fits Snug

Front License Plate Bracket that Fits Snug
I bought a 2019 Tahoe Premier from a buyer in a state that does not require front license plates. There is no bracket on the front bumper for the plate.
I've looked online for a bracket, but they are all flat brackets. The Tahoe's front bumper comes to an angled point., so the bracket won't have a tight fit. I'd prefer to have the sides of the bracket not overhang the bumper. What are my options?
submitted by Colloly to ChevyTahoe [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:13 mansplanar 15 tips for dating photography

Looking for love? It should come as no surprise that your dating profile photo can have a huge impact on your chances of finding love—or a hookup, no judgment here.
First impressions are almost always digital these days, and that kind of pressure can make it hard to choose the perfect pic. Of course you want to look good (don’t we all?) but you don’t want to oversell yourself, either.
So how can you look your best while still looking like 
 you? Try these 15 tips to do flattering dating photography that will get you more DMs.
Put some distance between you and the camera
I love a good selfie, but it may not be the most flattering option for your dating profile pic, especially if you’re using the front-facing camera. Who wants to see your arm off to the side in every photo?
Try to put some distance between yourself and the camera. Use a tripod if you have one, or prop your phone up using whatever objects you have available. That might mean using books, boxes, or a shelf to find a flattering angle.
Another option is to ask your friends to take a candid photo of you. You might be surprised at how good they come out! Ask them to take realistic, everyday shots. A candid shot is more unique and will stand out—plus it gives more insight into your personality.
Get the angle right
Your camera should be slightly above eye level—this is the most universally flattering angle. Too high, and it makes your head look small and weird. Too low, and you risk giving yourself the dreaded double chin.
You can also tilt your head forward and down just a little. This brings your forehead a bit closer to the camera and helps accentuate your jawline.
Another thing to keep in mind is that most of us have a “good” side. If you can’t figure out what yours is, it’s probably your left. Studies have shown that people tend to prefer the left side of someone’s face.
P.S. If you aren’t sure which angle looks best, try changing up your dating profile pic to see which image gets you the most matches. It sounds weird, but it will help you find the pics that potential dates love!
Use indirect lighting
I love ring lights, but sometimes their direct light can be a bit much. Go for soft, indirect lighting to do classier dating photography.
Natural lighting is best, so if the weather cooperates, then try heading outside to snap a few shots. The best time of day is either during sunrise or sunset (the “golden hour”), but you can also try taking your pictures on an overcast day or in the shadow of a building.
If you’re taking your photos inside, make sure the room has soft lighting. No one looks good under harsh fluorescent lights. Snap a pic in front of a sunny window covered by a curtain for a softer look.
And whatever you do, avoid using flash on your phone! Not only will it highlight imperfections, but it can also make you look older 
 and not in a good way.
Leave the sunglasses off
Sure, sunglasses are trendy, but people want to see what you really look like. In fact, a study by PhotoFeeler showed that people with sunglasses are perceived as less likable. Ouch.
Potential dates want to be able to see your eyes because it’s an indicator of how trustworthy you are. You might love the look of your Ray-Bans, but trust me: your gorgeous eyes will do all of the talking.
With that said, if you have a photo of yourself rocking sunglasses and you absolutely love it, you can add it to your picture gallery—just don’t use it as your main profile pic.
Relax your eyes
The eyes may be the window to the soul, but people do some crazy stuff with their eyes when they’re getting their picture taken!
The main thing here is to R-E-L-A-X. If you shut your eyes too tightly, it’s going to be hard to gauge your personality.
Some people take squinting too far. You might feel like it makes you look mysterious, but most of the time you just look angry, which is not the look you want for a dating profile pic! It also creates more creases around the eye, which probably isn’t what you’re going for.
Of course, you don’t want to open your eyes too much. The last thing you want is to become the next “Overly Attached Girlfriend” meme. Keep your eyes relaxed; you can squint a little by bringing your lower eyelids up slightly.
Show off those pearly whites
I know smiling for the camera can feel awkward, but a smile can do wonders for your dating life. Smiling makes you look more approachable and friendly, so if you want more folks to swipe right, whip out your 24 karat smile.
When you smile, make sure you show your teeth a bit. A tight-lipped smile just doesn’t look genuine. If you’re self-conscious about your teeth, you can always whiten your teeth in photos with just a click of the button.
Go for some color
Blacks, grays, and dark blue tones can come across as a bit gloomy or intense, especially if those are the only colors you’re wearing. Pick a few outfits in a variety of colors for your dating profile pics. Jewel tones and pastels can brighten a picture and make you look more lighthearted and fun.
Now, if you really want to catch people’s attention, wear red. Multiple studies have shown that both men and women find people wearing the color red more attractive.
Plus, you’ll stand out from all the other people wearing beige or gray—and there are a lot of them. Tinder analyzed 12,000 photos and found 56% of women and 72% of men wear neutral colors. So go ahead—throw on that cute red top and strut your stuff like the superstar you are.
Crop the photo correctly
Your face is gorgeous, but you probably don’t want your face to fill the entire frame. Ideally, you should take up only 60 - 70% of the frame in any dating profile pic. Try to get your shoulders in the frame and don’t be afraid to throw in one or two full-body pics in your gallery, too.
If you want to use a travel photo because it has some crazy, epic background, you can totally do that. Just make sure you’re still taking up about 20-40% of the picture. Yes, the Grand Canyon is spectacular, but people want to see you!
Be aware of your background
Speaking of backgrounds, you’ll need to pay close attention to that, too. I’m not going to judge your messy room, but potential dates on Tinder might. At the very least, try to pose in front of a clean spot in your apartment.
You can take this a step further and add a few things into the background to hint at your interests. A strategically-placed telescope or a framed painting can give potential dates insight into your personality.
(And for the love of all that is good in this world, avoid bathroom pics. They’re usually not as flattering as you think and they’re definitely clichĂ©.)
Stick to current photos
No matter how much you love that picture of you at the beach from 2016, keep it out of your dating profile. Sure, we all wish we could rewind the clock every now and then, but it’s best to show off the real you. Try your best to stick with photos that are less than a year old.
And in case you need to be reminded: the “you” from today is just as amazing (if not more) than the “you” from years past. I promise.
Use casual pictures
I hate to be the one to say it, but if you’re super dressed up in all of your photos, it could raise your dates’ expectations a bit too much.
And I know what you’re going to say: “But I looked amaaaazing at my friend’s wedding!” I totally get it.
But when it comes to dating photography, you want to make sure you can recreate the look in the pictures that you post. These pics should look like the real, every day you. Save the fancy photos for your social media.
Skip the group photos
A lot of people like to include group photos in their dating profile pictures, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good idea. Sure, group photos can show your social side—and that’s important—but your profile pic isn’t the place to do it.
In the fast-paced dating world of swiping left and right, people simply don’t want to take the time to figure out who you are in the pic. You’ve only got about 1-3 seconds to capture their attention, and a group photo is just too confusing.
Get creative
Do you have any hobbies that define who you are? Don’t be afraid to feature them in your profile pic! If you’re a photographer, hold your camera or wear it slung around your neck. If you’re an artist, playfully wave a paintbrush toward the camera.
When you’re doing something that you truly enjoy, it shows. These fun, casual pictures give people a sneak peek at the real you that goes way beyond a simple headshot.
Just don’t fake it—if your profile pic shows you strumming a guitar, someone will probably ask you to play it at some point. Make sure you can follow through!
Have someone else choose your dating profile pic
Most of the time we’re pretty good at choosing pics for dating photography that showcase our best qualities. But hey, sometimes we get it wrong. We’re just too familiar with our own appearance and personality. This can lead to a bias that someone who’s never met you may not have.
Translation: a picture that you think is perfect might give off a different impression to someone who doesn’t know you. Remember, it only takes a few seconds for a stranger to determine whether they want to get to know you better.
You can always have a trusted friend choose your photo, but if you want honest feedback from someone’s first impression, try using a photo testing site like DATEnhance.
Up your dating game
Following these 15 photography tips for dating will give you plenty of flattering photos to choose from. And don’t be shy about taking lots of pictures—the more, the merrier. You’ll want to settle on 4 - 6 photos with different outfits, looks, and poses to feature in your dating photo gallery.
Remember that the goal isn’t to look perfect—it’s to look perfectly you. The Match Artist is here to help you add the perfect photo to any dating profile.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:37 Brownie5596 Nissan Titan brakes go to the floor after bleeding 4 times

Nissan Titan brakes go to the floor after bleeding 4 times
Before doing anything, the brakes acted as they should on a 2008 Nissan Titan King Cab LE V8 5.6.


TLDR: Bled brakes 4 times, twice using the pumping brake method, once by a place that only does brakes (Brakes Plus), then did a half assed job at with the Mityvac MV8000. I would read just the bolded and then watch the videos.
Recently we replaced the front driver caliper. There was an attempt to bleed the brakes but didn't get far and decided to wait till the next day. My dad said he did not go below the minimum line on the reservoir. The next day while bleeding the driver rear, the nipple was rusted so badly that it actually broke off. We then replaced the driver rear.
Bleed #1) Next, we started the first full bleeding. We broke the nipple on the driver rear so we replaced the caliper and started the bleeding over. Starting on the passenger rear, I pumped the brakes a few times (3 to 6+times, attempting to get it firm but not working), not pushing down slowly. I held down on the brake pedal, most of the time it was already at on the floor or as far down because of how bad they were. As my dad opened the bleeding valve, I believe some air bubbles came out. We did it until we didn't see anymore bubbles from that wheel. The valve was open when the brake pedal was on the floor pushed down to the max, if that changes anything. Then we repeated all of this going from driver rear, then to passenger front, and then to driver front. At some points it felt like I would pump it and it would get half firm, but then after pumping it again, all that pressure was gone. We went out of order after doing all of that to see if there was any air left. We also did some of it while the car was on and off. Gave it a test drive and brakes went to the floor immediately, similar to what happened in the videos.
Bleed #2) I did some research and 2 hours later we tried again. This time I would pump the brakes and it still didn't get completely stiff. However, the car was off the entire time this bleed and I would not let the brake pedal touch the floor and be maxed out while the valve was open, I don't know if this makes any difference. My dad said he saw some small bubbles at first, about pin heads, and eventually went to very very tiny bubbles that were barely noticeable. We bled each brake until we saw clear fluid with no air bubbles. Also this bleed, my dad opened the valve a small amount compared to the other times, if that has any effects. The car was jacked up maybe less than 6 inches off the ground to be able to get to the nipple without taking off the tires, it was not even. Even after bleeding it this time, very little changed, said that there was a very small improvement, might have been placebo. It still took us about 3 seconds to stop going on a relatively flat paved road going about 25mph.
After these 2 bleeds, I think that the SLIP light came on sometimes.
Bleed #3) Took it to Brakes Plus to have them bleed it because maybe we didn't do it correctly. They couldn't get the brakes to get better. My dad mentioned something about it possibly being in the ABS motor thing even though we didn't let the reservoir get below the minimum, unless we did just a little bit and didn't notice. The guy said something like how it could be in there but didn't have the tools for it.
Next day we decided to take it to a gravel road and get the ABS to activate, it worked. We did it probably 15+ times, activated for an average of 3+ seconds each time. Did not make any difference.
Bleed #4) I then by myself I used a Mityvac MV8000 to bleed the brakes since I was alone. At this point I think I found the service manual for the car, picture of how it says to bleed the brakes. I did it while the car was off and all evenly jacked off the ground about a foot. I went in order that it said (pic below). I disconnected the negative terminal of the battery because I didn't want to unplug the ABS. I attached it to the nipple, which was not easy, and then to the MV8000. Even with the valve closed, it would loose about 1 PSI every 3 seconds. I opened the valve, fluid started to come out but then a bunch of huge air bubbles came out, to the point where more bubbles than fluid came out. I did this one caliper probably like 20+ times and went through about 5+ oz of brake fluid. I thought that maybe I had the valve opened too much so I opened less and instead of huge bubbles, medium bubbles that were about the size of a pin head with that pearl thing on top came out. Opened it less, and smaller ones came out. Opened it a bunch and a bunch came out. I thought it was maybe that caliper so I switched to the driver front, like it says in the service manual, and did it there. The same thing happened. I have a video of me using the MV8000 and then me pumping the brakes, it is till connected to the MV8000 but there is no pressure built up. You can also see that fluid leaks from the threads when I pump the brakes. I don't know if air slipped between the threads when I was using the MV8000. I only did those 2 since the bubbles were coming out nonstop and I felt like there wasn't a point.
If you have questions maybe look at regular text, I tried to be somewhat specific even if it could have a very small impact on what happened.
What is the problem? Can you tell from the last 2 videos?
We are going to get another thing to bleed with that I believe attaches to the reservoir or something and then connects to an air compressor. When we do this one last bleed, is there anything specific we can do to make it better?
Is it a bad master cylinder? no visible leaks on top or near it, can send photos
A line broke at some point? I don't see any lines leaking and brake fluid level doesn't go down from what I can see. Nothing is dripping on the ground.
Still air in the ABS?
Is air getting between threads, if so, what can we use to make it air tight?
Below are 1 picture of the service manual that I found online and 4 videos.
Video 1) Me using the MV8000 and you can see all the bubbles.
Video 2) Pumping the brakes with the MV8000 attached but no pressure
Video 3) Current state of the brakes while off. When I say it isn't getting stiff, I meant that it is resisting but if I wanted to, I could stand up or put more pressure and it would go down further.
Video 4) Current state of brakes while off and on and lights that show up. When I say "It is hard to pump it" once the truck is on, I meant that it is really easy to push down but hard to pump in order to get the brake pedal stiff.
Edit, I had to unfortunately use Youtube links because I could only upload 1 video and 1 picture, or I just can't figure it out.
submitted by Brownie5596 to AskAMechanic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:35 dudea999 [FS][USA] Price drop: Designer MEGA clearout - LV, GC, VLTN, etc

timestamp and tagged photos: https://imgur.com/a/CUgumfx
DESIGNER CLEAROUT, US shipping only, shipping +$15, paypal invoice only, fee +4%
will give HUGE discount if bought bundle (3 or more items)
feel free to compare with retail, the are all at least .9:1. i buy all my reps that are guaranteed the best batches
VLTN pink bomber jacket $90
LV brotherhood turtleneck $60
Palm Angels teddy hoodie $60
Maison Marg1ela side button piece sweater $80
Maison Marg1ela two piece sweater $110
Cel1ne mouth sweater $100
Cel1ne baja shetland pullover $90
GUCC1 dear logo GG jeans $70
Pa1m Ang3ls jogger pants $40
LV jogger pants $50
submitted by dudea999 to RepFashionBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:34 dudea999 [FS][USA] Price drop: Designer MEGA clearout - LV, GC, VLTN, etc

timestamp and tagged photos: https://imgur.com/a/CUgumfx
DESIGNER CLEAROUT, US shipping only, shipping +$15, paypal invoice only, fee +4%
will give HUGE discount if bought bundle (3 or more items)
feel free to compare with retail, the are all at least .9:1. i buy all my reps that are guaranteed the best batches
VLTN pink bomber jacket $90
LV brotherhood turtleneck $60
Palm Angels teddy hoodie $60
Maison Marg1ela side button piece sweater $80
Maison Marg1ela two piece sweater $110
Cel1ne mouth sweater $100
Cel1ne baja shetland pullover $90
GUCC1 dear logo GG jeans $70
Pa1m Ang3ls jogger pants $40
LV jogger pants $50
submitted by dudea999 to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:30 dudea999 [FS][USA] Designer MEGA clearout - LV, GC, VLTN, etc

timestamp and tagged photos: https://imgur.com/a/CUgumfx
DESIGNER CLEAROUT, US shipping only, shipping +$15, paypal invoice only, fee +4%
will give HUGE discount if bought bundle (3 or more items)
feel free to compare with retail, the are all at least .9:1. i buy all my reps that are guaranteed the best batches
VLTN pink bomber jacket $90
LV brotherhood turtleneck $60
Palm Angels teddy hoodie $60 - reon batch, size L, fits tts L-XL, 9/10
Maison Marg1ela side button piece sweater $80
Maison Marg1ela two piece sweater $110
Cel1ne mouth sweater $100
Cel1ne baja shetland pullover $90
GUCC1 dear logo GG jeans $70
Pa1m Ang3ls jogger pants $40
LV jogger pants $50
submitted by dudea999 to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:11 PlaneFaithlessness62 Woke up in the middle of the night with sharp itchy pain on leg?

Hi you guys I am F23 nondrinker or nicotine smoker, I I woke up yesterday before I went into deep sleep and it felt like I had a mosquito bite at first when i touched my lower front calf so I scratched it but it was wet with pus already and burned when I scratched it so I left it alone , went to take a shower this morning and it burned under the soapy water, So I left it alone all day and it was fine except for mild itching and burning. Got home later today (Will add pics below) and now its tight, slightly warm and has a few bumps and scabs as well as being a bright red , im just wondering if this is a run of the mill spider bite and I should be fine or should I keep an eye out for it?
submitted by PlaneFaithlessness62 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
