Soar throat, weakness, headache, body aches

Covid with tummy ache

2024.05.29 04:18 prl321 Covid with tummy ache

I tested positive for Covid this weekend. Had all the Classic symptoms like body aches, headaches, sore throat, runny / blocked nose, cough, loss of taste and smell and absolute exhaustion like I’ve been hit by a truck. Even going to the bathroom is winding me. Now I’m starting to feel a bit better although still exhausted but have the worst stomachaches. And bloated and gassy. Does anyone else have tummy problems too?
submitted by prl321 to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:32 BeefJerky1996 Fear of HIV and Herpes or maybe anxiety

I'm a 26-year-old man, and I recently made a big mistake. On May 16th, around 3 AM, I had unprotected sex with a sex worker (F). She said it was her first time without a condom and assured me she was clean, but I have my doubts.
Later that day, I felt very unwell with body aches but no headache, sore throat, or fever. I thought it's nothing because I walked 30,000 steps in light rain. However, I became very stressed and anxious about possibly having HIV or HSV. I've been experiencing indigestion, and my lower belly felt uncomfortable for a few days. Now, it feels fine, though I never had a fever. Some days I felt better, but then I would feel unwell again.
On May 27th, my uvula felt dry, which worried me, but it hasn't turned into a sore throat, and I don't have pain when swallowing. I've had mild flu-like symptoms without a fever which it goes away after hours, and my penis looks normal (no discharge, no burning, sometimes poke feelings). The only issue is some itching around my anus sometimes, which might be from using a bidet.
Living with the fear of having HIV or HSV has been very tough. I've been obsessively researching symptoms online, and it's driving me crazy. My sleeping schedule is all messed up too. Can I get a full STD test after three weeks? I know it's recommended to wait three months for the most accurate results, but that wait is unbearable. How accurate would a test be if I take it in the third week?
I hope no one experiences what I'm going through. Now I understand how important it is to practice safe sex.
submitted by BeefJerky1996 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:08 cherry_blossoms143 is this a symptom of gastritis

so here are my symptoms. I say more at the bottom cause i’m concerned. please help. i’m terrified. I have a weird discomfort in my upper abdomen (left) and it’s not really painful? it’s just a vague discomfort. under my ribs just feels very very heavy when i stand up. I get really bad heartburn and nausea. I sometimes feel (this is gonna sound weird) bubbles in my stomach almost which scares me. and sometimes my right side hurts a bit but only a little. I also have only at chicken soup twice a day or once a day. so now i feel dizzy as soon as i stand up or weak. I also have back pain when the discomfort is. and now this is gonna me tmi but I had like orange specs in my stool. idk maybe it’s the carrots from the soup i’ve only been eating for literally days. and then I see these black specs in my stool as well but it looks like seeds? or like seasoning? which the sup i’ve been eating does have black seasoning it. it’s not every time I use the bathroom i see it. sometimes it’s normal but especially after i eat the soup its there? anyways here’s more at the bottom.
i’m 19 years old and I was diagnosed with gastritis a week ago. I can’t get an endoscopy because i’m like 3 weeks pregnant. so I have to wait. which scares me because I am so scared I have stomach cancer. mind you last month I thought I had a brain tumor because I had pressure in my head. had a cat scan and it was clear. so for the last month i’ve been having the WORST anxiety about having cancer or an illness. and the doctors say that the gastritis is either from me really stressing my body out (which i am finding it hard to believe that stress can actually cause this) or from the pain meds the last dr put me on for anxiety and headaches. I have really bad health anxiety and my life has been dark now. I am scared of dying. i’m not even excited about my pregnancy cause i’m too scared this is stomach cancer. Everyone is telling me it’s not but when I look up my symptoms it says it is:( I really am new to gastritis if it’s even that. I will say though I am starting to feel better after taking meds for a few days. not fully better but it’s less advanced like it was. so is that a good sign? AND the dr said she would’ve saw stomach cancer on the abdominal ultrasound she did. she also said i’m so young to even be thinking that. idk I lost my step dad 2 years ago to cancer which he always had when i was young and i think that is where my health anxiety comes from. i’m just really scared and stressed out right now. i’m starting to get in a very depressed episode from this and don’t know what to think. someone please explain gastritis to me.
submitted by cherry_blossoms143 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:51 MildlyChatty Third time with Covid!

I'm all up to date on my vaccines, so was hopeful I'd not get Covid again. The last time I had it I ended up in the hospital for a couple days with pneumonia.
This time I had initial symptoms that I didn't think were anything important. Started with some nausea, then I had what I assumed was an allergy flare. But, after a day of sneezing and runny nose I started getting worse. Last night I had a fever, so I decided it was worth testing. And I'm positive. Ugh.
Symptoms now are fever, body aches, watery eyes, headache, sinus congestion, cough, fatigue and loss of smell and taste. I'm hoping I don't end up with a secondary infection like last time. It's not good.
Hard to know for sure where I contracted it, but we were at a huge concert venue in Seattle on Friday, so that could've been it. I know a lot of people don't test anymore. Not sure why not, but we get the tests free, so I figure I may as well know what I'm sick with. I wish there were free at home tests for flu and RSV as well.
submitted by MildlyChatty to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:46 Silver_Cup_2025 How has EDS or illness changed your body?

I'm curious who else has experienced something similar, and what that looked like for you.
I am 27F, diagnosed with hEDS when I was 14y. It was triggered by a shoulder dislocation and then a set of Dr's realizing all my joints are hypermobile. I now have daily dislocations but have been able to control my symptoms enough that I'm dealing with it well.
I've also been subsequently diagnosed with POTS, CCI, Cardio-Inhibitory Syncope, Psoriasis, and some more little things here and there. I have not been diagnosed with, but suspect I have MCAS as well, due to my symptoms lining up nearly perfect with MCAS. I have scheduled further testing to confirm or deny this diagnosis.
Now here's where my question comes into play-
I got the chicken pox vaccine as a kid, and was spared of the disease until last year. I ended up COVERED in pox and had a huge fever for 4 days.
When the pox went away, I was left with itchiness head to toe, horrible bruising from literally any bump or scratch, chest and throat tightness, major psoriasis flares, random allergic reactions to foods, and a huge craving for spicy food. It took about 3 months for all of these symptoms to level out and go away.
Now I have a wildly different palate where I love and crave spicy foods - I used to be a strictly mild sauce and no spice at all kind of person. I also have noticed a significant difference in how severe my cold or flu has gotten in the last year. I used to always get whatever illness was going around work or home, but this last year I have not had that same experience. I had 2 breakthrough illnesses, one cold and one Noro Virus. Both of these left me as weak as ever and I ended up having much longer recovery times and many more symptoms than those around me.
Have you had an illness that just wrecked you and changed how your body works now?
submitted by Silver_Cup_2025 to ehlersdanlos [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:14 JKSJ4567 How do you know when it’s a cold/flu vs a flare

Last night at work I started to feel sick with my throat bothering me to the point where I struggled taking my medicines. Today I woke up with a persistent bad cough and congestion and headache. I feel nauseous and can barely eat and my body is aching in my arms, legs/knees, and feet. I got some medicine to take for the cold/flu with advice from the pharmacist but it only helped temporarily I’m still feeling extremely ill. So my question is how do you know when it’s an actual cold/flu or flare??? I’m a bit worried because I’ve been feeling fatigue and tired all the time since diagnosis and my big flare last September but this also doesn’t feel like a regular cold/flu. I’m worried that I won’t be ready to go to work in one day if I don’t feel better. I just passed my first 90 days this week and I’m worried I’ll get in trouble if I call out but idk what to do. Does anyone also have any advice how to stop some of these symptoms?
submitted by JKSJ4567 to lupus [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:58 superflykyguy99 Questioning again. I'm scared.

I was here not too long ago with a similar worry if not the same, how can you tell if you want to reverse or just be a feminine guy? I feel very confused and stuck. There's things I don't enjoy about both gender roles and things I highly enjoy, I've been trying to present a little more feminine without changing my label or let it be too important to my label but it seems impossible. I keep going back and forth about whether or not this is the end of this journey or if it's another chapter of it. I'm terrified of coming to the terms that what if 3 years of work towards this version of myself was pointless.
I understand "detransitioning" doesn't have to be frowned upon and I wouldn't look at anyone else from our community as weak or a faker if they decided it wasn't for them anymore so I don't know why I'm so annoyed with myself about this.
I think I'm scared of regretting going back later and then I seem even more indecisive and weird if so. I also don't want to give bigots in my family or around me in general the gratitude that they are right at all because THEY AREN'T.
I keep just having this mental war of "do I want to be a sister, daughter, niece etc again?" To "maybe I'm just becoming more comfortable to be feminine." But then I also stare at old picture of myself and my body and it almost seems like I miss it? I don't know. What I do know is this has been really bothering me for a few weeks now and it just keeps getting worse. The mental battles don't shut up at this rate, my headaches are worse and I just wish I knew what to do here. This is sorta a vent but more advice would be greatly appreciated if anyone here has any kind words or similar experiences or maybe you know someone who's detransioned? Seems like I'm in crisis mode 24/7 now.
submitted by superflykyguy99 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:55 rockyivjp I have a cold

I have a cold submitted by rockyivjp to GirlsUndShitposts [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:39 Toasted_Shiba [UR] 5 minute excerpt scene - Young Adult / Teen Drama

Today I wasn’t running for pleasure, it was out self-loathing necessity. I was at least 10 miles from home now. The highway buzzed besides me as the streetlights and cars panned in and out of view. Drizzling rain had muted out the noise of the engines, and had sapped the greenery from the surrounding crops fields.
To hate somebody is one thing, but to be eternally fustrated and dissapointed with your own father is another. His narrcisitic prowess and materialistic self-obsession, the neglect of his role as a father to make space for his glutenous self-indulgence was enough to make me retch. Guarded by a sheild of his own delusions, I knew to tell him the truth, to tell him to start considering me as his daughter - not his social commodity, would be a wasted breath.
I'd had enough. The tightening sphincter that was my throat had nearly asphixiated me by this point, with the kind of pain that burrows into your chest right before you cry. But I was always numb. Only now, as a nobody, an unremarkable jogger on a country road, could I feel the agony that had lay dormant for too, too long. The rage that boiled deep within, the fustration that had welled inside of me for what felt like years.
Oh, how I seethed! How I wanted to tell him everything, to scream it at the top of my rattling lungs, my aching body. Scowls and curses cycled round in an endless loop in my mind. I raced up the hill. It felt as if nothing could stop me.. that was until I reached the top. With the perfect vantage point, I could only now appreciate the vast emptiness around me.. It was beautiful, both the view of the countryside and how I was invisible to the onlookers who only caught a glimpse of me for meagre seconds as they drove by.
I felt my body soften for just a moment, and there was a window of opportunity to finally be able to let it out. I hopped over a fence and saw myself onto a field, crouching down on the ground as I clung to the gate and cried - forcing the tears from inside of me like I was wringing out a damp towel. Soon enough, I didn't have to force them anymore. The tears began to flow like a burst dam, and I wondered how I had possibly gotten this far without shedding a tear. I couldn't do this at home, I couldn't do this anywhere. The presence of others, it's as if it turns my soul to stone at the impasse of feeling anything more than mild discomfort. In the heat of the moment, like warmth from a fire, the familiar on-looking eyes of those around me saps any dampness from my eyes, and clamps my jaw shut - letting out nothing more into the world than said than a deep sigh.
But here, in the emptiness of the countryside and the blissful ignorance of the highway, I was, for a moment. Free. As the tears rolled down my face, the relief felt like esctasy. It wouldn't be long before this feeling passed, the flood gates would eventually close, and I'd go back to being quietly pissed off with a rehearsed smile.
I'd come here again soon, I knew it. I finally found my happy place.
— NOTE: above is a quick excerpt that I’ll likely incorporate into a scene for a teen/young adult fiction I’ve been drafting for some time now! What I want to know, is the narrative to self-righteous or do you think it’s relatable to a young adult / teen audience? Does it provoke anything as a reader, or is it a flat reading experience? —
submitted by Toasted_Shiba to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:14 JustAChillDude057 Help with anion gap and health issues

TL;DR: Can you help me with what I should be getting tested for to help figure out a high anion gap?
Hello, I am turning here after having about 5 years of worsening health issues. There is a lot in my history that I might have a hard time remembering right now because I am not feeling too well. But essentially, I wanted to ask for help in doing more bloodwork on my own to look into a "pure anion gap acidosis" of between 10-20 mEq/L over the past few years in this chart of 5 past blood test dates. I also want to share basic problems I have been having in case this can help. This has happened between the ages of 15 and 20.
Starting with five years ago, I had an extreme episode of stomach pain which got worse after having Ibuprofen (15). It would leave me somewhat bedridden. Later that year, I had a paralysis on the left side of the throat which made it so I couldn't eat for about a month before getting better (they put me on antibiotics). Later that year, I had hyperthyroidism and they put me on a medication, and eventually this went away too (16). Around this time, I also noticed constant sore eyes which made focusing on the computer and books more difficult. I also noticed around this time or in the following months that my eyes didn't look quite right, kinda bulgy. By the next year, I wasn't able to play video games for more than an hour due to the eye pain (18).
Over the next several years, my recurring eye soreness has turned into constant pain where I was learning Braille. It's worst when I am driving or listening to speaker and watching their body language, and I have problems focusing my eyes on the road for more than 30-60 minutes which is highly dangerous (19). I was diagnosed with BVD (Strabismus) a year ago and got prism lenses which seemed to help a lot. Originally, I noticed that I was having major issues with watching my surroundings, bumping into stuff, focusing, and needing to sleep a lot. I was having "warped vision" where my phone or other stuff didn't look right as I wasn't processing depth correctly. I wasn't able to look at the Speedometer before prism lenses because looking back at stuff that was too close was really difficult. It was weird in that it seemed like an "attack" where things got so much worse for a month, but equalized out eventually.
The really annoying thing is being told I don't have any clear health issues, which has made me feel like a crab that is slowly being boiled in a pot by now. In these past months, I am having fatigue issues, the gut pain has been constant but a bit worse. I got tested for allergies again; I originally had none, but at 15 developed 6 new ones when going out of network with an allergist, and we did the same thing ago a month ago and I have 24 new allergies and the original 6 are gone. I have begun a diet eating only stuff I tested negatively for, as a food log seems useless when I am depending largely on items with a +2 rating for allergies and unable to tell what is hurting me, and my eyes seem to feel better and look better, although I am still having major issues with fatigue, now mixed in with huge issues with memory, taking care of myself, mental confusion, studying (when before I was an A+ student no problem), etc.
I am seeing a Neuro-Ophthamologist in a couple weeks, but I am scared that because I tested negatively for Graves disease (which I heavily suspected I had due to these past history) they'll not be able to help me. I linked my blood results, which have a couple elevated things, but the main thing I wanted to focus on was figuring out the high anion gap, which I think may have something to do with it. If there is other stuff I should mention, I can answer questions, I am sort of here as a last resort. I am going to ask them about Orbital Myositis, because even if I don’t have that, it and TED are good references for the symptoms of the eye problems I am having. But once again, in the absence of easy answers, I want to check the anion gap because other abnormalities in the chart I linked can be related to IBS/IBD. Thank you for your time and consideration.
I am 20M, five foot eight, 150 pounds, mixed European/Latino.
Isaiah's Lab Results History Type of LabRange6/20/20198/19/201910/8/201911/21/20196/9/233/22/213/6/244/29/245/14/2024 Glucose85-99 mg/dL 921029652 91 Hemoglobin A1c4.8%-5.6% 5.3 5.4 Uric Acid(F) 3.2-5.5 mg/dL (M) 3.7-6.0 mg/dL 6.6 BUN13-18 mg/dL 13121314 13 Creatine(F) 0.65-0.9 mg/dL (M) 0.85-1.1 mg/dL 0.790.890.990.99 1.02 (if non-African American)eGFR .59 mL/min/1.73 113 108 (if African American)eGFR .59 mL/min/1.73 BUN/Creatine Ratio10-20 1613 14 13 Sodium135-140 mmol/L 139143138139 139 Potassium4.0-4.5 mmol/L 4.0 Chloride100-106 mmol/L 100103102101 102 Carbon Dioxide22-27 mmol/L 24212625 21 Anion Gap7-12 mmol/L 15/19~19/24~10/14~13~18 16/20~ Calcium9.2-10.1 mg/dL 9.7 Phosphorus3.5-4.0 mg/dL 3.4 Magnesium2.0-2.5 mg/dL Total Protein6.9-7.4 g/dL 7.3 Albumin4.0-5.0 g/dL 4.9 Globulin2.4-2.8 g/dL 2.4 A/G Ratio1.5-2.0 2.0 Bilirubin (direct)0.0-0.4 mg/dL Total Bilirubin0.1-1.2 mg/dL 1.0 Alkaline Phosphatase44-90 IU/L 15216074126 90 LDH140-180 IU/L 167 SGOT (AST)10-26 IU/L 22241720 20 SGPT (ALT)10-26 IU/L 15161718 19 GGTP(F) 10-60 IU/L (M) 10-65 IU/L 21 TIBC250-350 ug/dL 319 UIBC150-375 ug/dL 209 Serum Iron80-130 ug/dL 110 Iron Saturation15%-55% 34 Ferritin(premenopause)10-122 ng/mL (postmenopause)10-263 ng/mL (male)33-236 ng/mL 85 Transferrin200-370 mg/dL Cholesterol150-199 mg/dL 181 167 Triglycerides75-100 mg/dL 165 61 HDL55-100 mg/dL 50 49 VLDLAbove Lab Range 12 LDL<99 mg/dL 103 106 Cholesterol/HDL Ratio<3.1 3.6 3.4 CRP (high sensitivity)0-3 mg/L 0.88 Homocysteine<7 umol/L 10.7 TSH1.8-3.0 ulU/mL 0.981.371.641.120.950.831.261.44 T46-12 ug/dL 6.57.9 9.7 T3 Uptake28%-38% 31 FTI1.2-4.9 mg/dL 3.0 T3100-180 ng/dL 123110 95 116 Free T32.0-4.0 pg/mL 43.5 3.3 Reverse T39.2-24.1 ng/dL 29.9 Free T41.0-1.5 ng/dL 1.281.481.43 1.501.401.511.81 Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO), Ab0-34 IU/mL 1210 <9 <9 Thyroglobulin, Ab0.0-0.9 IU/mL <1.0<1.0 <1.0 TBG18-27 ug/mL Thyroid Stim Immunoglobulin <0.10 Calcitriol(1,25 di-OJH Vit D)24.8-81.5 pg/mL 89.4 25-OH Vitamin D332-100 ng/mL 28.1 26.2 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D10-75 pg/mL Fibrinogen Activity193-507 mg/dL 336 WBC5-88.1 5.6 RBC(F) 3.9-4.5 (M) 4.4-4.94.63 4.794.564.995.14.96 4.86 HGB(F) 13.5-14.5 (M) 14-15 g/dL14.2 14.91415.816.215.1 15.1 HCT(F) 37%-44% (M) 39%-55%41.9 44.341.345.147.844.1 45.8 MCV85-92 fL91 939190.49488.9 94 MCH27.7-32 pg30.7 31.130.731.731.831.3 31.1 MCHC32-36 g/dL33.9 33.633.93533.935.1 33.0 RDW11.7%-15%13.3 12.61312.111.912.2 12.6 Platelets155K-379K326 284293302256301 316 Neutrophils40%-60%68 5446 4755.1 50 Lymphocytes25%-40%20 3336 3730.5 34 Monocytes4%-7%12 912 1211.6 12 Eosinophils0%-3%0 35 32 3 Basophils0%-3%0 11 10.8 1 Magnesium, RBC6.5.-6.8 mg/dL 4.5 Immature Granulocytes 0 Immature Grans (Abs) 0.0 Specific Gravity 1.0008 pH 7.0 Urine Color Yellow Appearance Clear WBC Esterase Negative Protein Negative Glucose Negative Ketones Negative Occult Blood Negative Bilirubin Negative Urobilinogen,Semi-Qn0.2-1 mg/dL 0.2 Nitrite, Urine Negative AChR Binding Abs, Serum0.00-0.24 nmol/L0.04 AChR Blocking Abs, Serum0%-25%15 ANA Direct Negative Tryptaseug/L 3.8 Sedimentation Rate-Westergrenmm/hr 52 Endomysial Antibody IgA Negative t-Trasglutaminase (tTG) IgAu/mL <2 Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serummg/dL 137 Ambig Abbrev CMP14 Default results? Calprotectin, Fecalug/g 30 WBC, Stool None H. Pylori Stool, Ag, EIA Negative
submitted by JustAChillDude057 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:52 Aidlin87 I just survived a solo 6hr drive with 3 kids while sick with strep

This is a vent post, because it’s over, I’ve survived. But this weekend, omg.
I drove 6hrs (plus stops) to visit my grandpa who is 93 and who I only get to see once or twice a year. He’s my only connection to any extended family because everyone on the other side of my family has passed or is estranged. This side of the family is big and tight knit except for me and a handful of others that didn’t grow up in this city. But I feel welcomed and at home when I visit so it’s something I really look forward to. It’s also my “break” for the year — I usually just take one kid and grandparents will keep the other two (husband has to work weekends and has very limited PTO) and I don’t have to clean, deal with school morning stress, fighting, etc.
I went solo with my 3 kids, and dropped the two older ones off at my in-laws who live 2hrs from my grandpa. The drive up was fine, I was feeling like supermom because I was making this happen.
I only got to see my grandpa briefly because I ended up coming down with strep on my first full day in town. I then had to drive two hours with an almost 2yo to pick up my other two kids, (stayed overnight at my in laws) then 6 hours home.
I decided to get up at 5am and just get the trip over with. Hoping an early departure would mean the kids would sleep the first part and we’d make good time. Well that did not happen. We left early and there was little sleep. Everyone was in foul overtired moods. The older ones were at each other’s throats, difficult about everything, and my toddler was really fussy. She screamed like a wounded animal the last hour of the drive. I felt like shit. I was so tired, my throat was super swollen to the point of gagging at times, my whole body ached, and I had a low grade fever with hot flashes/cold chills. There were a few points where I thought we were going to need a hotel because I didn’t know if I could keep going.
But it’s over and now I can be miserable in bed instead of the shit show of earlier today.
submitted by Aidlin87 to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:11 Piggly-Giggly What should be my next steps with these lab results and symptoms?

I'm a 38F, 5'2", 188lbs, Caucasian, with chronic pain and elevated WBC for 1.5 years, and I do NOT smoke or drink alcohol. Current DX of PCOS, ADHD, OCD, and depression. I take Adderall XR 25mg and Sertraline 125mg daily.
Symptoms are: FATIGUE. Does not matter if I sleep 8 hours. I will be tired. I still drink coffee on top of Adderall, which I've only been on for the last year. It has helped, but I still marvel at how exhausted I feel. I work for 6 hours daily, come home and NAP for an hour. Sleep 6-8 hours night on average, maybe 8-9 on weekends. My job is not strenuous.
Sweating. I do wake up dripping a lot of the time, but it also happens during the day, even when I'm sitting down.
Feeling feverish... I say "feeling" because it's not always detected on thermometer. I get chills, body aches, weird feeling in the back of my throat and feel like I'm coming down with something, but then will be fine the following morning the majority of the time.
PAIN. I have constant, daily pain in my hands. I can barely grip a pen or my phone without having to stop and rub my hands to get sensation back. The pain and numbness is on the back of my hands and fingers (all but pinky) on both sides. It wakes me up at night and I have to switch positions because my hands randomly go numb. The pain is also in my neck. This causes constant tension headaches, knots in my traps and if I'm having a particularly bad "flare", I can feel it radiate down my upper arm and into my hands. I also get pain in the top of my feet, but it's not as frequent and mild in comparison.
CBC DIFF WBC-- Elevated 6x within the last year, at every lab that was taken (12 to 16 THOU/uL) Everything else within normal ranges, except for Neutrophils (high, 12.82THOU/uL last test) and Monocytes (1.12THOU/uL last test).
So, my question is, what should I ask my doctor to look for as next steps? I was screened in 2022 for SED rate, rheumatoid factor and C reactive protein and the tests were normal, but my symptoms were not as severe then. Should I ask to check again? What should my concerns be with these symptoms and lab?
submitted by Piggly-Giggly to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:06 ocdandimfine Weird emotional dream

I've had increasingly emotionally charged dreams, but the one last night has me feeling really weird, so I wanted to share it here. Apologies for formatting, I'm on a mobile.
It started with me having an interaction with someone that I can only describe as Mr. Doctor. He wore scrubs, but I remember feeling an innate feeling of distrust towards him. I don't really remember anything specific that was said. This is only really important later.
Afterward, a couple old friends from high school that I honestly haven't thought of in years appeared, and one of them was really, really pissed at me, telling me to "lose her number" and such. I followed and was trying to understand what I had done to make her so mad, and to try to fix it if I could. It didn't go anywhere, but I ended up in this room, standing behind a big arm chair, and I remember feeling like I was going to have an emotional breakdown, except then Mr. Doctor showed up and I felt scared and vulnerable so I crouched down behind the chair, trying to hide, and I felt that feeling like when your brain and your body are fighting over whether to cry or not - nausea, lump in the throat, headache, etc - and Mr. Doctor came over and crouched next to me and was talking to me, and I specifically remember hearing him say: "come on, you need to let it out so it doesn't just get stuck in your stomach."
I woke up very shortly after that. Idk why it's sticking with me so much, but it just feels so weird.
I'm not particularly looking for advice or insight, I just wanted to share my weird dream that has my stomach turning in uncomfortable circles.
submitted by ocdandimfine to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:04 Few-Factor3261 My journey (so far)

I’ve always been an active guy who does enjoy downtime often. I live on a ranch (a big one, lol) that my entire immediate family also lives on and we spread the work load, so I’m moderately muscular but not enough to say “that guy pumps weights”, haha. But I DO enjoy my downtime playing with my dogs, hopping on the xbox or just simply sitting outside and drinking on my porch, listening to Baseball. (Backstory concluded).
Earlier this year I was playing xbox on my couch when I noticed a slight twitch in my left index finger, making it slightly annoying to play games. I wrote it off as being tired and decided to take a shower and watch some TV instead. The twitches started popping up EVERYWHERE as I sat there. It felt like I was boiling, almost. I’m not an anxious guy, by any means, but this has changed recently.
When I woke up for work the next morning, my left forearm ached. My left hand had a shake to it that made it difficult to hold my cup of coffee. My right thigh felt tight and no matter what I did, it wouldn’t stretch out. I decided to call off from work and go see the good ole’ doc.
He performed a motor strength test and told me that I had perfect motor function and no loss of strength anywhere, nor atrophy. He told me I had anxiety and pumped me full of prescriptions and sent me on.
Fast forward a month and I started having these symptoms as well. • black dots in vision • perceived loss of strength • trouble sleeping • night sweats • entire body muscle spasms • headaches • trouble grabbing small objects with my left hand • eyelid/tongue began twitching • cramping.
I decided to go see a different doctor who immediately told me I was showing early onset symptoms of ***. I’m 28, and never really considered it to be a possibility. I was devastated and spent the entire time driving home on the phone with my girlfriend freaking out.
I called a neurologist and his assistant actually asked him to talk with me personally over the phone. He said that a regular doctor diagnosing *** was as reliable as Texas weather. He ordered an EMG that he performed himself across my entire body, including my tongue and feet. 90% clean because he discovered the back pain I’ve been ignoring was actually a slipped vertebrae in my back, pinching nerves. No signs of *** or anything else.
He diagnosed me with BFS with cramping. He told me to up my potassium intake, increase my sleep, reduce caffeine, alcohol and nicotine intake and try to watch less TV.
My symptoms are light now almost halfway through the year, but I wanted to share some of the symptoms I have with others so that they can decide to schedule a Neurologist that cares asap.
Don’t go down the rabbit hole. Whether you do or don’t have something terrible, don’t stop living as best you can on its behalf.
submitted by Few-Factor3261 to BFS [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:59 holier-than-now Needs more edits, but sneak peak at my big boy~!

Needs more edits, but sneak peak at my big boy~! submitted by holier-than-now to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:43 AustralianChrono Chronologica's Drag Race Season 6: Episode 3- Vegas Showgays

Chronologica's Drag Race Season 6: Episode 3- Vegas Showgays
Animal stalking you at night
Raising her shoulders in the air, a layer of Francesa’s dress drops, revealing a matching set of pants as her eyes look upon the judges, transfixed.
Capture me, my blood is red
HerShe spins around, calling her fake mobile phone as if a scared girl in a horror movie, as Chronologica chuckles.
That's not impossible to do, oh
To the beat of the song, Francesca plays with the heaves and grunts, her chest puffing as she curls her lips around every word, like a witch stalking her prey.
Primeval times with a little stimulation
HerShe is on the floor, crawling across the stage like a sexy model, flicking her hair back with a smirk on her face.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “HerShe giving sexy… wow, what a surprise.”
Tie me to a tree, crawl all over me
Her eyes darting around with manic expression as her words silk through like butter, Francesca trawls through the stage with a strong, fixated energy.
I don't ever wanna be eaten alive
HerShe drops into a death splat, as Francesca rips into her outfit with her long claw like nails, the outfit tearing into two as the song ends.
Chronologica gasps, clapping.
Francesca La Fataliá: “All my outfits are designed for moments like this. They don’t need to know that, though.”

I’ve made my decision.

Francesca La Fataliá, you’re a winner baby.
“Thank you, very much.” Francesca bows.
Condragulations–you’ve won this IMMUNITY POTION!–save it for when you’re at your most thirsty and desperate.
“Noted.” Francesca says.
HerShe, well done this week. You are safe.
“Thank you so much!” HerShe smiles.
Racers, the journey is still ahead. You will all be facing a big battle, now- eliminations begin, and your competitors are out there. So, good luck… and do not fuck it up.
The racers walk in, and see the other 6 racers, all dressed in their best Flannel Drag, staring at the group.
“Oh, should we be scared?!” Carly laughs.
Everyone mean mugs each other. Ethan squats, staring at the others. Lady Gag is filing her nails. Niagara is brushing her hair. Shiseido applies lipstick. Molly stares hungrily at the racers. Lokii is smiling.
Francesca La Fataliá: “Should I be scared?”
Lokii: “It’s like two, shocking, scary racers coming together… and then…”
“HIYA EVERYONE!” Vicki cheers, as the racers all run over to each other.
“Oh I know you, girl!” Lady Gag looks at Shayla. “The big nerd girl from Ft. Lauderdale!”
The others stare at Lady Gag.
Shayla Moon: “Should I be offended by the phrase ‘Big’? No, that’s me. But it’s MEANT as an insult.”
“Excuse me… who are you?” Shayla asks.
Lady Gag looks shocked.
Shayla Moon: “Face crack!” Shayla cackles.
“Lady Gag, Chronologica’s Drag Race, Season 6 Winner.” Lady Gag smirks, extending her hand.
“Where’s the winner, I just see someone doing something already done, less successfully.” Francesca responds.
“OOOOOOHHHH!” Niagara laughs.
Lady Gag scoffs, as Ethan and Shisisedo both nod in appreciation.
“WHO are YOU?” Lady Gag turns, giving a stank face to Francesca.
“Leader of the Fataliá Mafia.” Ethan says, eyeing Francesca.
“Wait, you’re really a crime lord?!” Carly gasps.
Francesca smirks.
Carly looks scared.
“Ethan Angel-Eye. I’ve won the first week.” Ethan extends his hand to Francesca.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “When you see a threat- let alone one that may prove herself, you play the game.”
“I guess I don’t need to introduce myself, beyond adding- I’ve won the second week.” Francesca smirks.
“SO that’s the one I steal the potion from…” Molly whispers under her breath.
“Ooooooh…” Lokii smiles.
Lokii: “She’s cool.”
“Who was your top 2?” HerShe grins, looking around. “HerShe Kiss, former pit crew.” Molly smiles, placing her hand on her heart.
Anne smiles, looking over at Lady Gag, who is ignoring the others. “I love your look.”
“Oh, you’re gorgeous, BABE.” Gag smiles.
“Let’s be friends.” Anne says.
“It was I, Molly Moppit- former San Jose Men’s Correctional Prison attendee.” Molly says, crossing a finger around her neck and making a cutting noise.
“Woah.” Carly gasps.
“She’s fucking lying.” Shisedo responds.
Molly rolls her eyes, before laughing. “I was top 2 though.”
“Well, it feels nice to be here, together.” Vicki smiles, looking around. “Maybe we should hold hands and cheer for a season of fantastic drag?”
“I’m not doing that.” Ethan says.
“Hell no.” Shisiedo responds.
“Gross.” Lady Gag scoffs.
“Eek.” Anne makes a face.
Shiseido laughs. “Declassé.”
Molly looks at Shiseido. “Do you even know what declassé means?”
“I’m not a hand holder.” Francesca responds.
“I’ll join!” Shayla smiles, walking over and extending her hand.
“Oh, I’ll do it.” Nakomis joins.
“Me too.” Lokii gives an awkward smile, joining in.
HerShe holds hands with Lokii.
“Of course!” Carly yells.
Nearly half of the room hold hands, the others looking at each other, as the cast of Season 6 scope out the competition.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “I’m… excited.” Carly smiles.
“To Season 6!” Carly cheers.
“TO SEASON 6!” Half of the room responds.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “The tide is high, the guns are blazing- but you know what? This is exciting.”
“To beating you twelve.” Shisiedo raises her hand, as the other half of the room joins in.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “And you know what? I’M READY, BITCH!”
“Shady, shady…” Vicki clicks her tongue.
Shisiedo shrugs.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “It’s on, like Donkey KONG!”
The next day, the racers all enter the werkroom- Bar Lady Gag, who struts out in a seashell bikini.
“…Are you going to be wearing Lady Gaga every single day, in and out of drag?” Anne smiles, looking at Gag.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “I think I’m in love with Lady Gag.”
“No, last week she wore a bikini!” Molly chuckles.
“Miami, bitch.” Lady Gag puts on a pair of shades.
“Where did she even get those glasses…?” Molly questions, putting on a pair of Ethan’s own sunglasses.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “I sense a kindred spirit. Perhaps, it is also this- I am the actual president, treasurer and secretary of the Luxembourg Lady Gaga fan club.”
“Don’t question it.” Anne puts her hand up.
Lady Gag poses, pursing her lips.
“…I hate this.” Shisiedo mutters.
“As do I.” Francesca stares.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “Either way, we’re becoming fast friends.”
“Can I sit h-“ Niagara starts, before Anne and Gag turn to her.
Niagara looks confused, before nodding. “Okay, werk.”
“Nasty bitches.” Nakomis splutters, inviting Niagara over. “Come sit with us.”
“Not when you’re wearing that ugly shirt.” Niagara makes a face. “Who even is that?”
“It’s my namesake.” Nakomis points to her shirt. “Nakomis.”
“Fugly.” Niagara shakes her head.
You’ve got drag MAIL!
“MAIL!” Molly yells.
When you’re a Showgay, every STEP counts. So watch out for the pearls!
“Acting challenge?” Molly asks.
“Oh, I’d love to act.” HerShe smiles.
“I can see it with the persona you put on.” Anne jokes.
“HAH!” Lady Gag snaps her fingers.
HerShe makes a confused face.
“Guys, let’s not…” Vicki smiles. “It’s-“
Yo yo yo!
Chronologica walks out in a Rugby Jersey, the words ‘Eeels’ splattered across it, ‘Chronologica ’69’ across the back.
“Now, is it ’69 because of your age, or…” Shayla winks.
Chronologica winks back.
Welcome to the first REAL week- because this point onwards, we’re doing eliminations. I’m making a promise, here and now… no fake out eliminations. Each week, until the finale, someone WILL go home.
Lokii: “No safety notes. You do bad one week? You don’t win a lip sync? You’re going home.”
Shayla gulps.
Now, for this week’s maxi challenge, it’s time to put your dance and choreography skills to the TEST. In three teams, you will be putting together a choreographed VEGAS inspired showgay performance- big headpieces, big moves, and… you’ll be making your OWN choreography, to just make it a bit more fun!
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I am a Choreographer, first and foremost. This is an opportunity to continue to deliver, and get another win on the board. I feel satiated.”
“Please no.” Francesca looks at Chronologica.
“Mama Fatal.” Carly looks at Chronologica.
Chronologica nods, clapping her hands, as Francesca does a throat slitting motion at Carly.
“Hey, I did that first-” Molly exclaims, before being shushed by Shayla.
Ethan and Mama Fatal, you two will be the TEAM captains, as winners of the first two challenges. They’ll be a third team, we’ll be calling the… leftovers.
Ethan, as first premiere winner, you get first pick.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “None of these racers seem appetizing. Then, I recall a mentioning… of a certain someone having dance experience.”
“Shayla Moon.” Ethan nods.
Producer: “But Shayla didn’t mention her experience to you at that point.”
Ethan Angel-Eye: “That’s none of your business.”
“Carly.” Francesca utters.
“Mama!” Carly laughs, running over.
“One more time…” Francesca growls.
“…HerShe.” Ethan nods.
“Woo!” HerShe runs over.
HerShe Kiss: “I love a team project. I tend to lead them, but…”
Francesca mulls over her options.
“…She’s taking her TIME.” Molly whispers to Vicki.
“Please-“ Niagara raises her hand. “I have performance skills. I think I’m cunt. I know I’m cunt. Let me prove myself.”
The others look at Niagara.
Niagara Halls: “Like, I was thinking- her drag is kinda gorgeous. I want tips. And I don’t want to not be picked.”
“Okay child, prove yourself.” Francesca gestures for Niagara to come over.
“UGH.” Ethan grumbles.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I hate the choices I am forced with.”
The others look at the displeased Ethan. “Lady Gag.” Ethan says, as Gag joins her team.
“Fabulous.” Lady Gag smiles, looking at Anne. “Good luck.”
“You’ll need it.” Anne says, flicking back her hair.
Ethan Angel-Eye: “Allegedly, she can dance. Best bet, over the clear non performers.”
Gag smiles.
“Nakomis.” Francesca says.
That leaves Molly, Shiseido, Lokii, Vicki and Anne as the leftovers!
Molly Moppit: “Am I offended? YES!”

Molly Moppit: “Am I a bad dancer? NO! Gravity just tests me!”
Molly’s eyes dart left to right.
The teams start chatting, as they prepare for the challenge.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “For our maxi challenge this week, we’ll be dancing our asses OFF in a Vegas style dance performance!”
“I think the important query here to ask-“ Francesca looks at the racers. “Who has dance experience? And who has choreography experience?”
“I am certainly a MOVER.” Carly smiles, shimmying.
“So not a choreographer.” Francesca writes a note down.
Carly gasps dramatically, before shrugging. “True.”
“I’ve taught groups, but actively, no.” Francesca says. “I will own up to that.”
“I love to perform, but yeah, same.” Nakomis scoffs.
“Girl, same.” Niagara laughs.
“So I picked poorly.” Francesca says.
“…I mean, we are all performers, right?” Niagara looks around. “I think-“ She pauses at Nakomis.
“Well, you did offer to prove yourself…” Francesca hands Niagara the notepad.
Niagara looks spooked.
Francesca La Fataliá: “I can still lead without actively doing so. I want Niagara to own up and prove herself. I saw a fire. Show it. It’s a team challenge. And I have an immunity potion.”
“Okay…” Niagara cracks her knuckles. “Let’s do this.”

“So, who here is a DANCER?!” Molly smiles.
Nobody raises her hand.
“Why are you acting like a team Captain?” Shisiedo responds.
Lokii and Vicki stare at each other. Anne is oblivious.
“…I was asking a question, Red.” Molly laughs. “Don’t-“
“Don’t call me Red.” Shisiedo puts her hand up.
“Would calling you old nasty grandma bitch be better?” Molly asks.
Anne giggles, as Vicki clicks her tongue.
“No, no, no-“ Vicki shakes her head. “Let’s not swear…”
“Fuck off.” Molly and Shisedo say at the same time.
Vicki frowns.
“...Great, nobody is a dancer.” Anne rolls her eyes.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “I must give my best. Being surrounded by weak links is one good thing- because it means I will not be in the bottom. I’ll help make it clear.”
“I think you should lead, Molly.” Anne puts her hand up.
“Oh…” Molly smiles. “Well- you know what, yes!”
Anne smiles.
Shisiedo looks annoyed.

“Now, I do have choreographer experience. I am the leader.” Ethan looks at the others.
“Ooooh…” HerShe holds her tongue.
HerShe Kiss: “I am a natural leader, I believe I have the skills, the talents, the abilities. It seems to be a default role for me.”
“Does anyone have dance, performance experience?” Ethan asks with a half smirk.
Lady Gag and Shayla raise their hands.
“I am a professional mover.” HerShe smiles.
“Okay, we’re all solid, so we can take hold and fucking deliver. I’m going to expect we all go 110%.” Ethan begins to write notes.
“I’d like to ask something.” Shayla says, putting her hand forward. “I’d love to take lead, front and center.”
“And why do you believe you should be at the front?” Ethan asks.
“You made a fantastic comment the other day, about me being a big girl.” Shayla looks at Lady Gag.
“Oh, yeah.” Lady Gag laughs.
“...I know my body isn’t the standard- Vegas Showgirl. I want to showcase that.” Shayla adjusts herself, stretching in her Death Note crop top. “Big girls can shine too.”
“I love that.” HerShe smiles.
“Werk.” Lady Gag laughs.
Lady Gag: “I’m a fierce bitch, girl- calm down with your big girls can shine too moment.” Lady Gag rolls her eyes.
“Sure.” Ethan nods. “Okay.”
Ethan Angel-Eye: “I will plan and execute this to a T . I know I can perform, and likely win this challenge. But, I’m happy to take a backseat to the conversation right now. Tactically- it works for Shayla- who can lead the show, and allow Lady Gag to get annoyed.” Ethan does a half smile.
The teams all walk onto the main stage for the maxi challenge to rehearse.
Anne Dior Kashaut: “I am excited to watch this chaos. We’re sitting down, and watching all of the other teams… prepare. How much fun.”
“Good luck.” Anne whispers to Lady Gag, as her team gets up.
“Okay…” Ethan holds a clip board, looking at the others. “We’re going to get into the first moment, as Shayla walks out…”
Shayla walks to the front, extends her arms and drops into a split.
“Woah.” Niagara covers her mouth.
Lokii: “She can move. It’s kinda… woah, cool.”
“Okay, then it’s you, Gag-”
Lady Gag flips forward.
“Then HerShe-” Ethan directs, pointing forward.
“I don’t know if my moment works.” HerShe purses her lips. “I’m thinking instead, I should actually strut out-”
“Are you a dancer? Are you leading, or are you third, listening to my instructions?” Ethan responds.
Anne begins to giggle.
Ethan stares at Anne.
“..I think you’re not leading in a democratic style, and it’s not going to work unless this is a collaborative piece.” HerShe adds. “I think perhaps, I can also take the reigns-”
Shayla and Lady Gag look confused, as Ethan gives a blank expression.
Shayla Moon: “Now, I am a control freak- and arguably, yes, my section is working well, but HerShe… huh?”
“This isn’t a Kumbaya scenario. If you can’t do the move, tell me, but it’s my leadership, or I’ll fucking throw you to the wolves in front of the judges.” Ethan growls.
“Jesus.” Vicki utters.
“...Okay.” HerShe nods.

“Your turn, team Mother Fatal.” Anne points.
“That is not yours to say.” Francesca says, getting up.
“Now, I’ve put together some points.” Niagara says, holding up a notepad.
“Wait, Niagara is doing the choreo?” Lady Gag utters to Anne, chuckling.
“Yes, I am.” Niagara smiles, holding the notepad. “Nakomis, you won’t be wearing this, I hope? You have heels to prepare in?”
“...Yes, Niagara.” Nakomis responds.
Nakomis Lotus: “Niagara is leading- she’s trying, but she’s kinda…. Nervous?”
“Nakomis…” Niagara’s eyes burst. “I mean Carly.”
“Oh, yeah girl, okay.” Carly smiles. “Do you want ME to go-”
“YES!” Niagara yells.
Carly looks at Niagara. “We’re one team.”
“Yup, yup…” Niagara exhales. “Let’s do it.”
“You can do this.” Francesca looks at Niagara. “If you don’t, you’ll die.”
Niagara gulps.
“She’s serious, too. I know she is.” Molly adds.
Niagara Halls: “Why did I do this?” Niagara huffs. “Okay, no, wait, I am fierce. I am fierce…”

“Last team, our team..” Anne says, coming up.
“Okay, let’s go.” Molly begins to strut, walking forward, twirling- before tripping her feet.
HerShe makes an awkward face as she watches.
“Can you even-” Shisedo stumbles mid-diss against Molly.
“Is there a curse that has been placed on you all that is making you clumsy?” Shayla asks. “Because I know a practitioner.”
“As do I.” Francesca adds.
“Okay, well lets do it.” Molly says, going through the motions.

Nakomis Lotus: “It’s clear the entire team are struggling. All of them… it is not going good.”
“This choreography is ridiculous. It is both two simple, and two complex- how the hell did you think this was appropriate?” Shiseido splutters.
“Can we not argue, right now?!” Molly puffs.
“If you had something noticeable with your drag, any ability or talent, you’d-”
“Can we just perform.” Vicki sighs.
“Please…” Lokii frowns.
Anne practices the steps, as if ignoring the others.
Nakomis Lotus: “Vicki is struggling a LOT, too- it’s clear. But Shiseido and Molly-”
“You’re an idiot.” Shiesedo starts.
“And you’re OUTDATED!” Molly yells.
“Perform better.” Shiseido looks at Molly.
“Okay, try and actually move, you aged monster.” Molly says, wearing an immunity potion around her neck.
“...Wait a minute.” Vicki stares at Molly. “That’s- she didn’t have that on, only a minute ago…
Nakomis Lotus: “You two in danger, girl.”
The racers get ready for the main stage.
“Does anyone have like, familia rooting for the back home, cheering them on?” Carly says, putting her wig on.
“...Wig glue?” Francesca looks at Carly.
Carly shakes her head. “Nah.”
The others look at fear in Carly.
“You put it down raw?” Shayla gasps, before smirking. “Well…”
“Not the time for sexual jokes!” HerShe sticks her hand out. “Girl. No wig glue?”
“Well, what- it works?” Carly says, pinning down her wig.
“You just pin it down?” HerShe shivers.
“It works!” Carly yells.
“Well, when the wig is cheap…” Shiseido shrugs, looking over. “It’s not a lace front.”
“I ONLY wear lace fronts.” HerShe smiles.
“Not everyone can afford this.” Francesca looks over. “It’s also about how you show case it. I don’t have time to prepare- but perhaps later you can learn a tip.”
“I just..” Carly shrugs. “I kinda have gotten used to coming here, delivering and showcasing myself. It is not just about the look.”
“Well, you’re wrong about that.” Shisedo says, turning over to look at her.
“What do you mean?” Carly says, putting on a tie.
“I think you actively put on this drag persona, you shouldn’t be a pretty girl, who will wear a nice dress and call it a day.” Shisedo starts. “And in fact, as someone who has come here, been in the business for YEARS…”
Molly rolls her eyes.
“What you’re doing is disrespectful.” Shiseido shrugs. “And moreover, it’s just… boring.”
“Look is somewhat important-”
“That’s not what you said.” Shisedo says.
“I-” Carly starts.
“You SAID, you don’t care about the look. And drag has always- yes, it’s had it’s roots in performance, but the 90s? The looks, the style, the performance, the history, the reason I’VE SURVIVED- through being an artist, clearly something you don’t know.” Shiseido spits out.
“That’s a lot of emotion.” Carly says awkwardly. “I was just-”
“No, clearly you don’t get IT!” Shiseido yells, her voice cracking.
“I think you need to calm down.” Ethan looks over, as Shiseido grumbles. “The kid was just painting.”
“Oh, I have a bone to pick with you, too.” Shiseido starts, getting up. “You were the one person I assumed to pick me, and you didn’t. Why?”
“Because clearly, you’re not a dancer.” Ethan says. “Point blank.”
Shiseido purses her lips. “Fine.”

The room is silent, as the racers look at each other.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “Normally, you see the cast kiki, have fun- but really… it feels like no one here wants to talk to each other. Or feels too.. scared to.”
Shiseido paints, looking pissed.
Carly Shay Jepsen: “Yikes, it’s only week three…”
submitted by AustralianChrono to ChronologicasDragRace [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:40 CryptographerHour38 my list of symptoms. f15

So I though I would share my own symptoms that I've experienced since 2022-2023. I been feeling alone for a long time with them.
  1. Constantly feeling a sick sensation in my stomach and chest daily. Along with stomach or intestine growling. ( I've had this one since 2020. And this was my first symptom i had. And it came on suddenky out of nowhere, during the time i was getting bullied online. And I've had it since then. )
  2. Constant fast heart rate. Even when I'm laying down and not doing anything.
  3. Headaches that would last for days and then suddenly go away.
  4. Feeling a buzzing/tingling feeling at the side of my face/arms/hands/back. Thinking I was having a stroke.
  5. Lack of appetite. ( in both foods and drinks )
  6. Miserable constantly.
  7. Seeing shadow people at the corner of my eyes.
  8. Asking for constant reassurance for my health.
  9. Googling symptoms.
  10. Feeling like food or something was stuck in my throat for weeks and feeling gaggy and gagging from it.
  11. Lack of motivation to Bath. Clean room. Self-care etc.
  12. My heart "skipping" beats or fluttering.
  13. Feeling like I'm gonna gag or throw up. Even though I'm not nauseated or sick.
  14. Thinking that I have a physical illness, or something is wrong with me.
  15. Weird feelings in my body. And it would go away when I was distracted.
  16. Jerking up from my sleep. ( I only experienced it a few times. )
  17. Waking up a couple times from my sleep for no reason.
  18. Being hesitate or scared to eat incase of throwing up. ( i might have emetophobia which sucks. ) Or it getting stuck in my throat so living on yogurts. And soup etc.
  19. Focusing on symptoms 24/7.
20, symptoms changing.
  1. Forgetting stuff and then remembering it again.
  2. Thinking about past actions or past memories. Daily, or making up fake stories or making things up in my head.
  3. Having doubts about my health.
  4. Dry mouth.
  5. Feeling like something bad was gonna happen to me due to my health.
  6. Feeling something in my throat for a few seconds / minutes.
  7. Focusing on my breathing. And then getting light-headed from it.
  8. Asking people if the symptoms are normal, and seeking for other people with your same symptoms.
  9. lack of interest in things.
  10. getting angry / annoyed easily,
  11. a weird feeling in legs or feeling like bricks or something was laying on them.
  12. Stuttering.
so I though I would share my own symptoms that I have experienced. and I also wanted to say that you're not alone with your symptoms.
There's probably more but I probably forgot. But I just want to let you know, that if you experience any of these symptoms or any other symptoms. I just wanted to say that you're not alone. Anxiety sucks.
And I know how hard it is to convince yourself that you're fine and healthy, when you're having 24/7 constant symptoms etc. like you could be completely healthy and fine, but yet anxiety can make you feel horrible and make you think overwise. But your feelings are valid and you're not crazy. You're not alone <33
submitted by CryptographerHour38 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:11 cueballburnsy Prednisone withdrawal

Just a post looking for personsal experience. I know this has probably been posted up here many times before.
I was on 40 mg for about 3 months finally tapered off pred of 2 days ago. But I never have been on it for this long at that dose. I had a flare up not even 6 months ago so it has been a rough year. But idk what it is this time the withdrawal is kicking my ass big time. All the usual symptoms body aches, headaches, and fatigue. The worse is more the mental end of this time I just feel nothing at all. Then when I feel something it's extreme sadness, anger, etc. It's really getting to me. I just want some advice for people that have went through this what kind of stuff helped you other than just time. I realize my body and adrenal system has to balance out again. But anything would be helpful thanks.
submitted by cueballburnsy to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:08 meatloaf_dispenser Strep Throat???

I am 20 years old, about 145 pounds. I had a weird sore throat on and off this past month, but eventually it went away. Then out of nowhere I wake up with a fever. I went to urgent care and the doctor there said I tested positive for strep throat, despite my throat not even hurting. The worst problems were body aches and my fever, which was 104 this morning. If it is strep throat, why does my throat not even hurt?
submitted by meatloaf_dispenser to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:04 Sockular Working while sick is easier and less stressful than taking a day off.

Taking a day off does the following things for me:
1) It pisses off my manager as they have to spend some small amount of effort to reallocate resources.
2) It makes your colleagues resent you, as they will inevitably be asked to work extra time to cover your duties
3) It puts you behind. Whomever covered your shift isn't even going to half ass it, more like quarter ass it. They will cover the bare necessities and then when you come back you will have a massively increased load to catch up on.
This depends on whatever illness is currently ailing you. But in my opinion it should be pretty obvious if you are capable of working or not. I've only had influenza once in my life, at 38 years of age, I immediately recognised it was different from a common cold because my body was aching, shivering and I could barely get off the couch.
But for a common cold it's entirely not a big deal, a couple of tissues, headaches what ever. It's not fun but it's part of life, we all get it and we just have to deal with it and move on.
submitted by Sockular to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:00 cocpal awful dizziness

i’ve posted a lot about this because it’s only getting worse. i’m very worried. i know im physically ok but i just don’t know how my body is going to get through this every time it’s so so uncomfortable.
i’m continually having unbearable dizziness and tingling in my hands and throat, feeling upside down, wobbly, rocking, and weak please help. i’m not sure what to do. laying down doesn’t help ..
i’m not taking salt pills right now because i took it once when i felt this way and it didn’t help. i’m drinking a ton of gatorade. not helping. i’m scared. please respond asap if u have tips. my bp isn’t that low either. i have a ton of adrenaline with all this.
is it true that can all be stress? i don’t feel purposefully stressed like no event or anything
please help. what do i do next
submitted by cocpal to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:00 cocpal awful dizziness

i’ve posted a lot about this because it’s only getting worse. i’m very worried. i know im physically ok but i just don’t know how my body is going to get through this every time it’s so so uncomfortable.
i’m continually having unbearable dizziness and tingling in my hands and throat, feeling upside down, wobbly, rocking, and weak please help. i’m not sure what to do. laying down doesn’t help ..
i’m not taking salt pills right now because i took it once when i felt this way and it didn’t help. i’m drinking a ton of gatorade. not helping. i’m scared. please respond asap if u have tips. my bp isn’t that low either. i have a ton of adrenaline with all this.
is it true that can all be stress? i don’t feel purposefully stressed like no event or anything.
submitted by cocpal to POTS [link] [comments]