Long time friend letter sample

Unsent Letters

2011.03.30 16:39 HotDinnerBatman Unsent Letters

A place for the letter you never sent.

2012.02.21 18:58 okayyeah /r/SampleSize: Where your opinions actually matter!

A place for surveys and polls to be posted. Research studies for school purposes are welcome as well as opinion polls We are also a place for people who enjoy responding to surveys to gather and help people obtain responses for their research. Questions about a mild level of statistics or wording of surveys are also permitted.

2016.05.03 00:32 tacobellscannon AskOuija: Get your answers one letter at a time

AskReddit, Ouija-style.

2024.06.09 16:09 Isanakoona How are you TRULY feeling in regard to the Heart break ?

When your heart is broken then actually nothing happens to your heart , it’s the brain which get disrupted. Love doesn’t resides in the heart, it actually has deep roots in brain chemistry.
Much like breaking an addiction, your brain struggles with the sudden loss of emotional reward system due to your addiction for your romantic partner.
This withdrawal can lead to intense feelings of anxiety and sadness, explaining why heartbreak hurt so much.
Heartbreak doesn’t only stem from the loss of romantic love—it also involves grieving the dreams and future you had envisioned with your partner.
When a relationship ends, the plans you made together—weddings, travels, growing old side by side—suddenly vanish, leaving a void that is challenging to fill.
Moreover, the bond between couples often extends beyond romance to deep companionship. Your partner might have been your closest friend, the person you shared your secrets with, and your everyday companion.
When this connection is broken, you lose more than just a romantic interest; you also lose your support system, making the pain of heartbreak even more profound.
However always remember , you’re not alone—many people have walked this path and come out stronger on the other side. With time, support, and self-care, you can find your way to a brighter future.
If you are reading this post with a broken heart then remember you can still live your happiest life by accepting that some people can only be in your life as lessons or memories and nothing more !
submitted by Isanakoona to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:09 rambo9689 Do you believe in signs from the universe, anyone experienced such a thing in your life?

One day I was going to the office, but in the middle of my journey the rain started, I was completely drowned, so I returned to my home. I thought of not going to the office, but later my manager called me to come to the office, so I went to office again. I was new to that office at that time, so I found a cute girl and asked her for directions, I was walking with her, I wanted to talk about something, but I didn't dare to talk, but later she only started the conversation, the conversation really went well, like she asked me how many years of experience I have, where do I live and all, and at last my name as well. I was asking myself, was she interested in me? I know it is weird to think so, but a girl rarely spoke to me in such a way. I am decently good looking, yet a girl has never spoken to me the way, while she was speaking with me she was genuinely smiling, but at one point we parted our ways, I thought of asking her number, but I could not dare to ask her number, Later I didn't find her again in my office. I wondered if rain stopped me from going to the office initially and then I was called by my Manager again to the office and meeting that girl was some kind of sign that the universe gave me to connect to that girl and I completely wasted that chance.
Actually, I met her two months after I met her first again in the office, this time also she spoke really well, but I was in complete shock to see her again, I could not speak much this time since I have a male friend with me at that time and she was with her female friend at that time. I generally hesitate when there is someone around me, and she also told me that she regularly comes to that ODC, so I thought if I go there daily I could meet her, so I didn't ask for her number again, if she was not their with her friend and I was not there with my friend, I would have spoken more with her and asked her number, she said bye, I said bye hesitatingly. After that, next week itself that common ODC was removed and I could not find her again, I am seriously regretting that I didn't take that girl's number. One more thing I realized after meeting her after 2 months was that when I met her the first time, she wrote her Employee ID and name in the register immediately after I had written my name, now I regret that why I didn't get this idea when I met her the first time, if I got that idea first time only, somehow I would have got her id while checking the register on the same day. I am feeling so dumb and regretful.
I have searched for her everywhere on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, but I couldn't find her, because her name is one of the most common names for a Telugu girl. I searched her name in company official directory also, yet I couldn't find her, since most of the girls won't post their face as DP. I have immediately updated my new job in LinkedIn after I met the girl for the first time and placed my photo as DP in teams as well in a hope that she might search for me😂, but my efforts went in vain, because I couldn't find her. It's been almost 6 months since this happened, yet I am unable to forget her.
submitted by rambo9689 to hyderabad [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:08 KateBayx2006 My first Pride Event!

Yesterday I went to a Pride Event for the very first time. It was awsome! Though, I felt a bit lonely since everyone was there with their partner, friend, family ect. And I was the only one walking around on my own. And of course I'm zoo awkward to start a conversation with anyone irl. Anyways, just wanted to share 😁
submitted by KateBayx2006 to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:08 Material-Theme-9478 AIW for telling my friend with a boyfriend that she’s in love with me?

I have always had really good instincts for ‘chemistry’ or feelings between people.
I have a close friend who used to be in love with me, and I had feelings for her as well, but due to multiple practical concerns (long distance, etc), I turned her down. We maintained sort of a flirty friendship regardless.
Recently, she got a boyfriend, and asked to stay friends, saying that while she still loves me, she doesn’t feel in love with me anymore. I had felt those vibes between her and her boyfriend when they were just ‘friends’.
I told her that being in love with somebody generally doesn’t work that way, it’s not just an on-off switch where you stop loving somebody. It’s possible, but unlikely. Just a few days ago, we were being flirty and playful like normal. So, if she suddenly doesn’t have any romantic feelings for me, it’s most likely 1 of 2 possibilities: 1) she never had any romantic feelings for me of 2) she still does but she’s trying to convince herself she doesn’t.
She admitted that she knew for a fact she did have romantic feelings for me, so I said that honestly I think her not having romantic feelings for me anymore is bullshit. Instead, what’s likely true is that she likes her new boyfriend and genuinely wants it to work with him, so is convincing herself that she has no romantic feelings for me so she can a) believe the relationship will work out and b) not feel guilty about wanting to be friends with me while having a boyfriend.
She got upset and said that I was mansplaining her emotions to her, and I pointed out that she always gets angry and confrontational when faced with truths she doesn’t like.
She thinks I’m wrong. Am I?
submitted by Material-Theme-9478 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:08 Temporary_Honey7052 How do I play my cards?

(TL;DR) Hey guys! I’m going to keep this short and sweet. Me and this girl at work had a thing going for about 8 months and then all of a sudden her (FA) attachment style come to life progressively and rapidly and she basically pushed me very far away. I had an anxious attachment style (being worked on) and things ended really messy. She told me to leave her family alone and her. We were in a label less relationship. She’s recently started therapy and we have been in NC for about a month.
We use the teams app to communicate with people at work and she’s trying to engage with me more and more and join in on my conversations with people.
My question is, is she trying to test the waters to see if I reply back or is she simply trying to be civil.
Long version:
She has a boyfriend who she would constantly slate and the reason she would always talk badly about. We both got attached to eschother and slept with eachother on multiple occasions and told eschother we love eschother. Due to this going on for months I was asking for her to make a desicion and she told me I was pressuring her and she doesn’t feel safe or comfortable around me anymore.
My friend messaged her and attempted to tell her boyfriend everything that had been going on but we both got blocked before we had the chance. She did break my heart with how things were handled.
submitted by Temporary_Honey7052 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:08 Key-Position-1901 Finally quit.

Recent college grad that’s been on the search for a role in the corporate word for months now.. I’ve been working at dollar tree as a HI-PO for the time being until I recently received an offer I’ve been looking for!! Friday was my last day but during my experience with dollar tree they’ve been extremely dishonest and unorganized. It’s like I’m being punished for being a hard worker while all of the lazy people get rewarded store manager postitions for giving people directions(women)
At dollar tree if you’re a guy and work hard they’ll hold out giving you a store manager position as long as possible. If you’re a girl and are lazy meaning you don’t do much besides boss people around they’ll reward you with a store. Seems sexist and backwards but oh well.. Met some great people during my tenure. Did anyone else have this experience?
submitted by Key-Position-1901 to DollarTree [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 Successful_Long_5555 I blocked anyone who doen't have the same values as me

Is this wrong guys .i feel like if i keep doing this i'll be alone . But in the same time i can't be friends with someone believe in جن وشعوذة or look down on women or muslim extremist this people u can't talk abt anything with them cuz they always have an answer god did that ends of discussion. Should i just be friends with these kinda of people nd just avoid talking abt religion nd things that might make us hv disagreement . Idk what to do cuz I don't have atheists friends nor i know some مسلمين كيوت .
submitted by Successful_Long_5555 to ExEgypt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 SelectionOptimal7348 Unlocking Terminal Velocity: The Ultimate Freefall with Our Free Bitcoin QR Code Maker API App

Unlocking Terminal Velocity: The Ultimate Freefall with Our Free Bitcoin QR Code Maker API App
Hey there, thrill-seekers and tech enthusiasts! Ever wondered what it feels like to skydive without leaving your couch? Or better yet, how to accelerate your digital currency game with lightning speed? Buckle up, because we're about to dive headfirst into the exhilarating world of terminal velocity and show you how our Free Bitcoin QR Code Maker API App can take your crypto experience to new heights!

What is Terminal Velocity?

Imagine this: you're skydiving from a plane at 12,000 feet. The wind roars in your ears, the ground rushes up to meet you, and your adrenaline is off the charts. As you hurtle through the sky, you might think, "Just how fast can I go?" This, my friends, is where terminal velocity comes into play.
Terminal velocity is the highest speed an object can reach as it falls through the air. It's the point where the force of gravity pulling you down equals the air resistance pushing you up. For a skydiver in a belly-to-earth position, this speed is around 120 mph (193 km/h). But if you're a daring wingsuit flyer, you can push that up to a mind-boggling 150 mph (241 km/h) or more!

The Science Behind Terminal Velocity

Here's a quick science break: When you first jump out of the plane, gravity pulls you downwards, causing you to accelerate. As you speed up, air resistance increases until it balances the gravitational pull. Once these forces equalize, you stop accelerating and continue to fall at a constant speed - your terminal velocity.
It's not just humans that experience terminal velocity. Raindrops, for instance, reach about 20 mph (32 km/h) before they splatter on your umbrella. Even a penny tossed from the Empire State Building will max out at around 30-50 mph (48-80 km/h) due to air resistance. So, rest easy, a penny won't turn into a deadly missile.

Free Bitcoin QR Code Maker API App: The Terminal Velocity of Crypto Transactions

Now, let's shift gears and talk about something equally thrilling – our Free Bitcoin QR Code Maker API App. You might be wondering, "How does this connect to terminal velocity?" Think of it this way: just as terminal velocity maximizes your speed in freefall, our app maximizes the efficiency and convenience of your Bitcoin transactions.
Imagine the time and effort you save when generating Bitcoin QR codes in an instant. Whether you're a developer integrating it into your app or a business accepting Bitcoin payments, our API ensures you hit the top speed of transaction ease. No more fumbling with long wallet addresses or worrying about typos. Simply scan, send, and you're good to go!

Why You’ll Love Our Bitcoin QR Code Maker API App

  1. Speed: Just like reaching terminal velocity in a skydive, our app allows for rapid Bitcoin QR code generation. No delays, no waiting around – just instant, reliable results.
  2. Simplicity: Skydiving may look complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it's a breeze. The same goes for our API. It's user-friendly, straightforward, and designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing systems.
  3. Security: Safety first! Just as you'd never skydive without a parachute, our app ensures your transactions are secure. Each QR code is uniquely generated to keep your Bitcoin transfers safe and sound.
  4. Customization: Want to add a personal touch? Customize your QR codes to fit your brand or aesthetic. It's like choosing your own skydiving suit – make it as unique as you are!
  5. Cost-effective: Free falling might cost a pretty penny, but our API won't. It's completely free to use, helping you save money while boosting your transaction efficiency.

How It Works: A Smooth Descent into Crypto Ease

Using our Bitcoin QR Code Maker API is as easy as pulling your parachute cord. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:
  1. Visit the API Page: Head over to our Bitcoin QR Code Maker API and Widgets page.
  2. Generate QR Codes: Follow the simple instructions to generate your Bitcoin QR codes. You can create codes for different amounts, addresses, and even customize their appearance.
  3. Integrate and Use: Integrate the API into your website, app, or platform. Whether you're a developer or a business owner, our documentation makes it a breeze.
  4. Enjoy the Ride: Sit back and enjoy the smooth, efficient, and secure transactions facilitated by your new QR codes.

Terminal Velocity and the Future of Crypto

As we zoom towards the future, the concept of terminal velocity serves as a thrilling metaphor for how fast technology is propelling us forward. Just like skydivers pushing the limits of speed, our Bitcoin QR Code Maker API is pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of digital transactions.
Imagine a world where Bitcoin payments are as common and effortless as swiping a credit card. With tools like our API, we're getting closer to that reality every day. Faster, safer, and more convenient – that's the future we're diving into.

Take the Leap

So, whether you're a crypto novice or a seasoned Bitcoin enthusiast, it's time to take the leap. Embrace the thrill of terminal velocity in both your skydiving dreams and your digital transactions. With our Free Bitcoin QR Code Maker API App, you're not just falling; you're soaring towards a new horizon of financial freedom and efficiency.
Ready to accelerate your Bitcoin game? Visit our Bitcoin QR Code Maker API and Widgets page and dive into the future of crypto transactions today!
Strap in, take a deep breath, and jump. The sky's the limit – and so is your potential with our cutting-edge API. Happy freefalling, and even happier Bitcoin transacting!
submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 DefinitionOld6249 How to deal with my friends anger islamically?

My friend gets mad some times and swears, how should I stop this or resolve this?
submitted by DefinitionOld6249 to islam [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 Space_Strange Spiritual connection?

Bit of a long one here. There’s someone I have crossed paths with in my life over and over again, at varying points. It’s always made me wonder whether, had the timing been right, something would have happened between us.
I first met this person when I was 19 (I’m now 30), in the area I lived. I didn’t know them to talk to but crossed paths with them frequently at a local shop etc. I was always drawn to their energy, we would exchange looks and eventually I began small conversational exchanges with them that weren’t too deep.
I moved houses but continued to run into this person - at events, in bars, in the city etc. I know it’s not unusual to run into someone when you live in the same city, so just to clarify, there’s no one else who I have consistently bumped into and we don’t have a mutual friend or move in the same circles (which would make it likely to run into one another). The only commonality is that we live in the same city.
This happened all through my 20’s. As I got older, I finally decided to approach this person and see if they remembered me from the past. They did and we hung out on a few occasions when we’d randomly run into one another going forward. I expressed to them that I’d always had a bit of a crush on them and they friended me on Facebook. I never really had the guts to message them afterwards.
The next time I ran into them I’d entered a relationship and have since left the city, however, twice on return I have again ran into this person in the street. I haven’t engaged again in conversation.
I’m happy in my relationship, so I’m not asking whether I should be with this person. I just wondered if anyone has shared any similar experiences?
In a way I feel as though life presented this person to me at many different stages, almost like a different path I could have taken. They pop up in my dreams sometimes and I’m almost certain I’ll randomly run into them again when I go home.
It’s hard to know where coincidence ends and fate begins. And it’s wholly possible that this person could have been in my life for reasons other than romantic ones.
I’d love to know if anyone’s had a similar experience.
——- TL;DR
Does the universe present us with people we’re supposed to connect with?
submitted by Space_Strange to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 -SolarBear Looking for daily chats that would potentially lead to a friendship

Hey everyone. I am posting this with the hopes of finding someone with whom I could potentially form a meaningful and fulfilling friendship one day. Someone who shares similar interests and passions, but not necessarily. I am looking for someone interested in having daily conversations and chats, to form a consistent and long-lasting friendship.
What I'm searching for is someone open to discussing everything, and I mean everything - including our life, our troubles, dreams, goals, etc. I would want to meet a close friend, a respectful person with whom I can learn and share experiences, and grow as a person while trying to create nice memories together.
A little about me, I am in my late twenties and have been described as an interesting character, shy, empathic, and a good listener. I always try to see the best in people and everything around me, and I have a great imagination. In my free time, I enjoy reading, watching movies, meditating, journaling, and getting introspective. Nature is my biggest passion, and I am always trying to improve myself in everyday life.
Currently, I am at a crossroads in my life, and I am hoping to find a close friendship based on genuine interest and care, without any romantic intentions.
If you are interested in forming a similar friendship, please send me a DM with a brief introduction of yourself, and I would be delighted to chat with you.
submitted by -SolarBear to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 Material-Theme-9478 AITA for telling my friend with a boyfriend she’s in love with me?

I have always had really good instincts for ‘chemistry’ or feelings between people.
I have a close friend who used to be in love with me, and I had feelings for her as well, but due to multiple practical concerns (long distance, etc), I turned her down. We maintained sort of a flirty friendship regardless.
Recently, she got a boyfriend, and asked to stay friends, saying that while she still loves me, she doesn’t feel in love with me anymore. I had already felt these vibes between the two of them when they were just ‘friends’, so this didn’t surprise me.
I told her that being in love with somebody generally doesn’t work that way, it’s not just an on-off switch where you stop loving somebody. It’s possible, but unlikely. Just a few days ago, we were being flirty and playful like normal. So, if she suddenly doesn’t have any romantic feelings for me, it’s most likely 1 of 2 possibilities: 1) she never had any romantic feelings for me of 2) she still does but she’s trying to convince herself she doesn’t.
She admitted that she knew for a fact she did have romantic feelings for me, so I said that honestly I think her not having romantic feelings for me anymore is bullshit. Instead, what’s likely true is that she likes her new boyfriend and genuinely wants it to work with him, so is convincing herself that she has no romantic feelings for me so she can a) believe the relationship will work out and b) not feel guilty about wanting to be friends with me while having a boyfriend.
She got upset and said that I was mansplaining her emotions to her, and I pointed out that she always gets angry and confrontational when faced with truths she doesn’t like.
She thinks I’m an AH. AITA?
submitted by Material-Theme-9478 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 ferns-wildflowers decentering men and romantic relationships from your life

hey there 🤍
i'm a 23 year old girl who just "started over" last year after a horrible episode of mental health that lasted four years. i moved cities, changed degrees and started studying my dream degree. i'm doing amazingly well and have gotten honors in some classes. i'm starting to reintroduce myself to the world around me and in a journey of blooming and loving myself again. i know how to be alone, i enjoy my company most of all, i am making new friends and discovering new parts about myself.
but i can't stop feeling like complete and utter shit, and all because i am a virgin. i haven't dated in five years. i haven't met a man since then. i try to feel complete and fulfilled as i am, but i feel like the world is completely obsessed with romantic love and sex and men and having a boyfriend. so even if i try to value myself, i can't help to feel bad. i feel like i am behind in life. this is pathetic, but i cry myself to sleep because i feel incomplete. i feel like all girls around me start having sex when they're teenagers and date ever since, and it makes me feel like an anomaly. i want that too. i don't want to feel like an anomaly. i mourn the years behind me, years i wasted because of mental health, years wasted of not having sex and dating. can you believe that? i feel like shit because i should've pushed myself to have sex when i was a teen. so dumb. i feel like i have missing out on an essential part of life, and i don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
when i watch girls online, like youtubers or such, i begin to think how cool they are on their own, and the bomb always gets dropped one way or another. always a boyfriend. i don't know if i feel jealous because they have a boyfriend or just frustrated because i desperately long to see a single girl like me thriving and happy and feeling complete — maybe because i want to know if it's possible.
i'm tired of everything — of the notion that the only thing that can make us worthy and complete is one man deciding to love us. of the way society is constantly telling us to date and do this and do that. i'm tired of me feeling incomplete, of feeling like a loser and pathetic anomaly just because i don't have a boyfriend or i haven't had sex. are there any thriving single girlies out there? tell me your secrets! i need to stop feeling this way because i am starting to go crazy inside my head.
thanks in advance for having read this whole thing 🤍
submitted by ferns-wildflowers to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 BestButterscotch4632 am I in the wrong for blocking my fussing roommate

I live in student housing with about 3 other girls. They rent out the rooms, so it's all individual leases. two of the girls are A and B. The other one I’ve been having a problem with is C.
At first C was fine and generally told us she didn’t want her stuff being used without being asked. Ok fair. One of these things was her air fryer. This is huge for her as apparently her old roommates broke "10 air fryers" from her. I tried abiding by this rule but every so often I forgot as I was running late or in the middle of cooking etc. she would throw a huge fit in the group chat and eventually started messaging me alone asking why I used her airfryer without asking. I apologized and I even suggested to put in my own airfryer as I didn’t have a problem with people using it w/o asking. She said no, and she was keeping her airfryer on the limited counter space we had. I eventually gave up and again kept asking her but I also forgot from time to time.
One time she goes out of town and I come back to no air fryer and all her stuff gone. I put in my airfryer and continue as normal. She comes back and switches my airfryer with her and shoves my airfryer to the side. I thought of this as rude as she expected everyone to give her courtesy when we touch her stuff but multiple times she will move our stuff without warning like a landlord. There’s been multiple times I’ve have no idea where my stuff went because she moved it.
I swapped the air fryers again and she texted me immediately asking I don’t touch her stuff. I rebutted with well you touched my stuff you lost your air fryer position when took your airfryer with you. She then said she only did it because she came back at one point of her trip and accused me saying I used her airfryer and left it dirty (I don’t even remember if I did, as I know the other roommates A or B use it as well. Either way I highly doubt she came back from a hour long round trip just for 3 seconds and then go back and hour again) I gave up and put my own airfryer somewhere else and started using it.
The final straw for me is when she started fussing about me using a garbage disposal as it “stunk”. C has many problems with smells, she has multiple air fresheners around the apartment and an automatic one that goes off every 5 minutes. A and B never complained about the sink smelling. I turn on and clean the garbage disposal. She texted me I need to stop using it entirely and instead throw my waste in the garbage can. I told her she can’t tell me what to do, as it didn’t bother anyone else except her and I clean up after myself as much as possible.
Another one was floors. She expects and fusses if the floors aren’t cleaned every week as it “upsets” her that they’re dirty. This one is where I think idk if I’m the wrong in. I come from an Asian household where we don’t wear shoes in the house. I don’t expect everyone to do this, so I just go to my room and put on my slippers if I need to go to the kitchen. I think A and B go barefoot or also rarely wear shoes in the house.
C and her boyfriend wear shoes in the house.
I don’t use the common spaces as well, just the kitchen. There’s been times where I’ll clean the kitchen floors as I use them, but as for the entire common space I don’t feel like that’s my responsibility as I go straight to my room and stay there. C uses the common spaces and also is the only one who makes a fuss about floors.
I all together stopped cleaning the kitchen floors though as C demanded that I need to clean the floors. I got tired of her and said essentially stop texting me because im moving out at the end of the month and nobody has an issue with the things I do. I also blocked her.
She’s now telling my roommates A and B that I don’t care the messes I leave because I’m moving out at the end of the month. And I’m making her life so much harder as the stress is getting to her.
So am I in the wrong?
submitted by BestButterscotch4632 to badroommates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 Jealous_Surprise_944 Some LDR positivity

I've (30M) been on this page a while even though this is a new account, I've lost my old one in getting a new phone. But I'm back to this page and I'm actually more excited than ever. I've been talking to this girl (33F) I met online in like October last year. We talked occasionally and played games and hung out on solely on discord or in game. But never 1 on 1. Without the juicy filler, it's a longer story and pretty funny but too long for this post. If you want the tea, I'll make another post or just send it to you 😂
Anyways in January we started texting each other, just as friends but this slowly grew more and more and even more to where we are now. It was probably a bit more than a month ago she started sending me cute pictures and gifs and started sharing more about her personal life etc. We got really close and I started liking her more than a friend, I couldn't contain it for long and told her. She told me she's liked me this whole time but was never going to say it. Even though we half joked about getting married at 40 if we were still single.
We call each other pretty much every day and we're basically constantly texting each other. We're such a perfect fit for each other that it almost doesn't seem real.
Before I ramble too much about how amazing I think she is, tonight I booked my flights to meet her for the first time. I'll be there for 4 days and plan to fly somewhat regularly as every 3 weeks I get a 4 day long weekend, I'm on my current long weekend and we decided we should wait just a little longer to actually meet.
We're both super excited to spend real time together and I just can't contain my happiness that she brings to my life. How I described it to my friend. "Since having her in my life, the world seems like it has more colour to it"
Thanks for coming to my TED talk ❤️
submitted by Jealous_Surprise_944 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 Kafkaquette Am I reading too much into my best friend behavior or I am right and something is odd

21 year old autistic girl here ! I have a best friend (70 male) who I talk to every single morning while drinking coffee , it’s been my routine for a while and I really appreciate routines and him. We have more things in common that one can imagine he is basically my first friend from a long time who gets me very well and I don’t need to mask with.
When I mention he is my best friend he would say thank you but I’ve never heard him saying I am HIS best friend which intimately has indicated me I am probably not and I am ok with it he probably has people he has bonded way longer and better than me because of his age.
I don’t text him too much because he has a family and I get he needs to spend time with them so I refrain from texting first or texting in the middle of the day since I know every single morning we’ll have our coffee over the phone anyways However I’ve noticed some behaviors that are a little strange / out of character and I can’t pinpoint what I probably did wrong
  1. I said I love you so much friends way and he say thanks but never says he loves me back friends way ( emphasis on how I say friends way) i always tell the same thing to all my friends and no one gets uncomfortable except him since I can tell he gets cold after
  2. He gives me a lot of affection / complements and then gets cold when he has to go. I assumed this was a me situation and that I was over thinking but maybe I am not who knows.
  3. Yesterday he sent a message in the early morning his regular good morning of everyday said he was going to work on the floors in his house I say of course and sent him a paragraph of how amazing his friendship was for me ( after watching a friendship movie which he knows I watched so it wasn’t like a random message ) he hasn’t answered me or read it in more than 21 hours but he was on his WhatsApp online most of the day ( we talk in another app most of the time) but of course I didn’t sent anything to his WhatsApp cause I don’t want to insist.
I must say it was him who started the morning tradition so I’ve never bothered him to call me or never have told him to call me or text me I just feel like he is not enjoying my presence anymore :(
submitted by Kafkaquette to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:07 Harvickfan4Life Breaking Bad Creepypasta

Breaking Bad is my favorite tv show of all time. It is about a guy named Walter White Breaking bad after being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. It seems like a friendly wholesome show from the outside, or is it? Yesterday, I went to the thrift shop and I saw a dvd being sold labeled: Breaking Bad Season 4 Episode 5 DO NOT WATCH!!! I did not think much of it and due to my autism, I bought it. The cashier asked me, "Are you sure you want to buy this?" Glancing at the DO NOT WATCH label, I said yeah. After I bought it, I went back home, stroke my dick, and quickly inserted the disk into my player and it started with the intro, but it seemed a bit odd... It was entirely red and I could hear Skyler screaming. It quickly turned black and the episode started with Walt sitting down on his king size bed. He started crying and his tears eventually became bloody tears. After the scene, an image of Skyler White appeared but it seemed a little off. Her eyes were gouged off and her skin was missing. I didn't think much of it and just brushed it off as "Eh, it's the usual Skyler White." The next scene showed Los Pollos Hermanos burning down and Gus and Finger kissing covered in blood. It proceeded to leak my ip address and my coordinates then the episode ended with the sound of a gunshot. This was the point when I became quite concerned about my own safety. I locked all the doors in my house then locked myself in my bedroom. The front door was pounding until it broke open. SOMEONE'S INSIDE MY HOUSE! ARE THEY COMING FOR MY ASS?!? Then, I heard a familiar voice saying, "You're in Mississippi now Ni-" (Sorry it cuts off right there, that's all I could hear, my name's Nick, so i guess he said my name.) Then my locked bedroom door bursted open and finger came in. I tried to run away but Finger said, "No more half measures." Then killed me. I want this story to be a warning for everyone else. DO NOT BUY AND WATCH ANY BREAKING BAD DISKS THAT HAVE THE "DO NOT WATCH" LABEL ON THEM!!! YOU WILL DIE!!!
submitted by Harvickfan4Life to copypasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 TheEmotionalAcc Emotionally drained in relationships

Hi y'all, I don't use this account often but my main one is too exposed for anything too personal, so here I am.
Anyways; lately I've been thinking about my friendships, and a little bit about my romantic relationships too. And I've started feeling like I'm emotionally putting way more into my friendships than the other halves. Sometimes it's not just emotionally but time-wise too. I like offering an ear and trying to be a good friend that some of the people around me never had and I love seeing them flourish. But I feel like after some time, I get reduced to that ear and that my presence gets taken for granted.
I hate using the word complain when it comes to sharing ones thoughts. But I have one INFP friend, that only ever texts me or goes out with me to complain. They always use swear words and say stuff like "gah, I wanna kms" and such but they use these phrases for things like not wanting to learn for an exam. It literally goes like "I don't wanna learn anymooooreee, I hate that teacher, I wanna kms" and these things always get me like a punch in the face.
The teacher in question is actually pretty nice, he just failed them in an exam twice and they started hating him with vigour even though the exam could've been way more difficult if he wanted to; so talking that bad about him doesn't really sit well with me. But if I say that to them, they'll probably take it as me thinking they're dumb for not passing the exam or something because that's one of the things they share with me often, they feel dumb for not getting straight As in their 1st year of uni. They also say that they're not living past 50; I've tried to make them go to therapy but they never do and I always feel down and worry after talking with them.
Outside of all this they are actually very nice, but I'm always the one asking them to hang out and in the end it always completely slumps my own mood and I feel like if I ever needed them, they wouldn't be there for me. I probably never will need them in that way because I don't like sharing deeper personal feelings with friends, but it's the principle of it all. I'm always here, why do I feel like they're not.
My ex was also an INFP and she also always dampened the mood by complaining about anything and everything without thinking about how that'd affect people around her. She had some dark stuff in the past so I was ok with most of it, but when it got down to complaining about going to work with 5 hours if sleep, it became hard to keep being the mood lifter. She once said that she feels bad for not knowing me enough because I don't talk about my feelings as much, but if I allowed myself to do that, we'd only become two depressed potatoes next to each other and that would also help noone. Don't people see this?
I kind of feel like this is a bit selfish. I mean, from my perspective, if I told someone something about my worries and kept being negative in all aspects for months on end while knowing they don't have the power to change anything, wouldn't that only put a burden on them while not lifting my own? Where's the benefit in that? I don't mind carrying that burden for people as long as they at least try to work on lessening it for themselves, but if it's always the same thing without a change or effort being made, then what am I to you.
Well, this was a hell of a rant and I'm still not sure if I conveyed what I wanted. But I wanted to ask you all if you've dealt with something similar? How to feel less like you're the only one trying to do something/ anything?
submitted by TheEmotionalAcc to infj [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 AngelFire01 Why is my doctor so negative?!

I started seeing a new ob/gyn a little over a month ago, an older doc that has been in his field 30+years, and I've heard nothing but great things about him. At first I absolutely loved him. My first appointment was supposed to be a general first appointment, fill out history, etc, my annual exam, and I wanted to discuss fertility issues with him. His nurse came in, asked a few basic questions, and I told her that, unfortunately dear Aunt Flo showed up a little early the night before. She said they would reschedule my exam so that we didn't risk getting abnormal results due to my period. She asked if I wanted to discuss anything specific with him since I was there. I told her about the fertility questions, and she said she'd let him know.
As soon as he came in the room he put me at ease. He just kinda flopped onto his little stool, leaned against the bed (I was in the chair since we weren't doing an exam) and talked to me so casually, like two old friends just catching up and having a conversation. I told him I had had a chemical pregnancy back in October (and a horrific experience with it with a different hospital) and my partner and I had been trying to conceive since with no luck. We wanted to explore testing to see if there was something wrong/something we could do to increase our odds. I just turned 40 in December, and my partner honestly believes he was infertile (due to personal experiences, not medical testing). We have been together almost 2 years, never used protection, and only the one chemical pregnancy in that time. We went through options, he told me to go home and discuss it with my partner and let him know what we wanted to do when I came back in two weeks for my exam.
I went back, he again was amazing, just so calming since I was nervous about the exam. I know not all docs are created equal when it comes to their gentleness. I barely felt anything. I told him we were willing to do whatever he recommended, since he was the professional. He immediately sent me down the hall for an ultrasound to check me out and scheduled a 21 day progesterone test for me and a semen analysis for my partner. I was scheduled for my follow up a couple of weeks later. During that time I realized my cycle was late. I took a home test the day before my appointment and it came up positive. I told them the next day, his nurse did a test in office to confirm, it also came up positive. He came in, made a joke about scaring my body into doing what we wanted, we laughed, and he scheduled some blood work and a follow up in a week to check my hormone levels. They called me two days later (Thursday) to tell me my progesterone levels were borderline too low, so they started me on a supplement to boost them. They also scheduled my first ultrasound for the day before my next appointment based on my hcg levels.
Sunday night I was at work and started spotting. I immediately freaked out when I saw blood, due to the chemical pregnancy in October. I notified my boss, she sent me home and told me to go get checked out. My partner and I went to the ER at a local women's and children's hospital I knew was open (and amazing). They checked my hormone levels and did an ultrasound. They told me everything looked great and put me at 5w2d, explained that the spotting was most likely implantation bleeding.
Thursday we had our scheduled ultrasound at a different hospital, the hospital my doctor uses. Again, the tech said everything looked great, we were right on track. According to the paperwork they placed me at 6w +/-4 days.
Friday I went in to see my doc for results. He came in, "Well, I don't have great news... I'm not trying to scare you, I just want to prepare you just in case. It may have just been too early, but there was no sign of cardiac activity during your scan.". As he walked me out of his office he patted me on the shoulder, said he was sorry, and to call them or go to the emergency room if I started bleeding or having severe pain, like he thought it was inevitable I would miscarry. He scheduled me for another ultrasound on Tuesday, as well as more blood work, and a follow up again the following Friday for those results. It was an AGONIZING 4 days waiting for that next scan. I cried so much, and kept trying to stop stressing because stress is bad for baby, but OMG. Thank God for an amazing partner and a super supportive circle. Tuesday finally gets there, my partner and I go back in for our scan. Again the tech is wonderful and tells me everything looks great. She measures at 6w1d. I tell her why we're there, she quickly (and easily) finds baby's heartbeat and shows us that it's there, beating at a steady 125.
I go back to my Dr. Friday, his nurse informed me that apparently my hormone levels weren't as great as he would have liked the week before, which was why he was concerned (but he told me they were good), but that they looked better this week, I had jumped from 1257 to 20k. He finally comes in, says, "well, it's better news this week. We have a heartbeat, and your hormones levels are in the ballpark of where they need to be, so just keep taking your meds, and keep the candles burning." (I assume a reference to Catholic faith of lighting candles for prayers.) After my appointment my partner researched levels of HCG at the different weeks. The range for 6weeks is anywhere from 1100 to 56k. I'm right in the middle of that.
I get trying to be cautious and not telling me I'm going to be fine just in case, because obviously no one knows, and I'm still early (7w tomorrow now). But DAMN dude, you added SO MUCH stress to my life last weekend and you're still acting like you're just waiting for me to lose this baby. I need more positivity in my journey, not a Negative Nancy.
Sorry for the long rant, just needed to vent. I should include that his entire staff has been nothing short of wonderful and caring though.
submitted by AngelFire01 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 historio-detective Stonehenge - 5000 Year Old Megalithic Stone Circle

Stonehenge - 5000 Year Old Megalithic Stone Circle
Located in Wiltshire, England. It consists of an outer ring of vertical sarsen standing stones, each around 13 feet high and weighing around 25 tons. Inside is a ring of smaller blue stones, inside these are free standing trilithons (a pair of upright stones with a lintel stone spanning their top) each upright weighing 35 tons.
The stones are set within earthworks in the middle of the denest complex of neolithic and bronze age monuments in england, including several hundred burial mounds.
The origins of Stonehenge have long been a mystery. Research carried out in 2015 by the University College of London shows that the iconic monument may have started as a stone circle in Wales that was then dismantled and rebuilt 280 kilometres away in Wiltshire.
The purpose of the stones is still unknown and there are many different theories, what do you find most interesting about this site?
The best time to visit is on the summer and winter solstices when they open the site completely in order to celebrate these yearly events. The site is open all year but these are the only times you can get up close to the stones.
submitted by historio-detective to UnwrittenHistory [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 Werthersorigional My boyfriend started dating someone

About two months ago me and my long-distance boyfriend of 10 months told me he wanted a third partner, a “femboy.” I said I would probably be ok with it but not now, probably in the future. Then like OUT OF THE BLUE hes like oh i found someone. And he got super attached and said he couldn’t leave and it was all he wanted. Keep in mind im already having a super hard time mentally and have so much shit going on, but he just fucking pulls this shit. Its been a week and i get no attention unless i ask for it and they are on call all the time. I am truly worried about this person for reasons im not going to share but I think hes gotten himself into something unstable. Im so pissed at him. Im having legit feelings of wanting to break up. We were going to see eachother in 2 months, yet he fucking pulls this shit. He never thinks about anything he does and he is going nowhere in life, he doesn’t listen to me about college and im going to get an associates degree and apply to nursing associates soon. I dont know what to do without fucking this all up.
submitted by Werthersorigional to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:06 missmarie005 Am I in the wrong? What do I do?

What can I do? Am I the bad one in this situation? Me and my best friend (both early 20s) have gotten into an argument. Until early May, I lived with my parents still and she lived with her granny still. Aka we had never been on our own or moved from our guardians homes. Well early May, I had a multiple day argument with my mom and she eventually said I needed to move out of her house. The argument was over her basically saying she didn't like that I went out on the weekends and that I would no longer be able to go out or hang out with friends if I stayed there. (We butted heads alot so it was a long time coming). So I left. I had a two options on where to go. I could go to my best friends house who lives with her granny, or I could go to our mutual male friends house who lives alone. I chose my best friends house. Well I soon realize that this is not a good place for me and I'm very uncomfortable. I have to share a room and bed with her. I have to live out of boxes and bags. Her granny continuously would bust into the room to have conversations with me (no privacy) . I caught the granny going through my belongings. Best friend says her granny steals stuff so I was scared my items were gonna get taken. There's 4 dogs in the house that never get to go outside so they pee on the floors so much that it buckles up. And my best friend let's chickens live in her bathroom freely (pooping on floor, counters, etc.). Now I never said anything about any of this because this is THEIR home and who am I to come in and say "change this stuff so IM more comfortable". My male friend offers me to move into his house. He says he has an empty bedroom. I would have my own space, privacy, and he doesn't have any animals. The issue is that this male friend, me and my best friend both have a "thing" for him. So obviously when I told my best friend that our male friend had offered for me to move in with him, it blew up. She says we had made boundaries that neither of us would hang out alone with this male friend (to prevent jealousy on both our ends since we both like him). So obviously this rule will be broken if I move into his house. I understand me moving in with the man may seem like a betrayal to my best friend and may make her unhappy. But I am unhappy living in her home. So at what point do I choose who's happiness means more? Telling my best friend I was not used to living with many animals using the bathroom on the floor did not go over well. She got extremely offended. And saying I wanted my own space and privacy. What do I do? I'm currently staying at the male friends house while he's away on vacation this week. His home is clean and I can have privacy and space. But at the expense of my best friend potentially never talking to me again. I had asked another friend what they thought of the situation and they basically said I have to put myself and my happiness/comfort first and stop trying to appease everyone else.
submitted by missmarie005 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]
