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The Simpsons on Reddit! Woo-hoo!

2010.02.08 18:26 roger_ The Simpsons on Reddit! Woo-hoo!

Simpsons TV Show. The /TheSimpsons subreddit is fan base of redditors who love The Simpsons. The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies American culture, society and television.

2019.02.08 10:14 ruckason Discordtexts

A place to send screenshots of funny quotes/misquotes from conversations on discord. Discord Messages Discord quotes Discord dms Funny quotes

2014.06.08 13:04 born_here Saved You a Click: Helping Rid the Internet of Clickbait

Don't click on that, we already did. Fighting clickbait for better journalism.

2024.05.16 09:10 VERONICAMARK44 Confusing feelings & interest

Confusing feelings & interests
I (26M) met this girl (24F) on hinge and things took off quite quickly and intense, we stayed up late to talk for days straight, we talked about everything passionately. She thought i was funny and charming, i thought she was interesting and genuine. She was always busy with work but still made time to reply and stay, i was the same way. The chemistry was unmatched, the sex talk and flirting overwhelmed me constantly in a good way. Everything really seemed better when I think about her, my work was less dull and things I hated suddenly seemed okay. She emphasized her interest in me plenty of times.
But i had to move for work temporarily and we couldn’t set up a date before i left so we were just texting and she even suggested she’d meet me half way, it was no big deal to her. She seemed quite serious about it too, not just a joke. And she kept saying how she liked me a lot and she could feel the feeling was mutual. I agreed.
But as long as i stepped up and tried to arrange a date, i wasn’t asking her to date me, just a casual meet up to see each other. It turned into an argument and then she told me she’s not that into me, and that I’m in this way deeper than she is, and that she’s not ready for a relationship. I mean we joked about dating and nasty stuffs we’d do to each other but i never emphasized that i was serious, just casual texting and flirting, like she was. Her attitude was completely different since i mention the date. Still tried to reply to me, but the way she talked was less flirty and passionate. She said her job is draining and she had family and friends to hang with and stuffs that but she tried her best to respond.
After that night we agreed to be friends for a while. I asked her why the feelings changed she said she thought there’d be romantic feelings towards me, but i didn’t happen, she just saw me as a friend now. I asked why still keep me as friend and make effort to text me everyday then, she said I’m too an interesting person to just let go and that’s just who she is when it comes to treating a friend.
I don’t get it, things were sexually heated before, we talked about things like exes, relationships downturns and deep shit in the past and really bonded. I even said i was with some chicks and she said she wasnt worried cause she knew the feeling is mutual, “i have confidence between us”. Now she “doesn’t feel romantic feelings” for me.
It was all within two weeks. I ended it, told her how i felt and let go. But i never felt this way before, even stronger than my last most serious relationship, struck by lightning type of feeling. She put LTR on her OLD profile and then said turnt out she wasn’t ready for a relationship, but before i brought up the date discussion, i swear she was acting like a gf, the lovey dovey language and names calling and the way she was so excited and reactive about anything i said.
Can someone help me make sense of this? Did i move too fast too intensely and freaked her out? Or is she just exhausted with work and life and can’t handle another relationship? Commitment issues?
TLDR: Met a girl on Hinge, had a thunderstruck type of feeling about her. Feeling was mutual until i mentioned a date. Her attitude changed and said she doesn’t feel a romantic feeling with me, wanna be friends instead. Did i freak her out or she has commitment issue?
submitted by VERONICAMARK44 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:54 ReflectionDear1803 Advice for Potential Problem Player?

So I’ve been running a campaign now for around 4ish months. The party is composed of two veteran players of around 5 years each, and 3 brand new players. As such, there are a lot of debates and moments where we have to slow the game down to explain what each player can do, which I’m all for. I’ve been itching to play DnD for a while, and I love helping people get into fantasy in general.
One of my players in particular, though, has been making a ruckus, for lack of a better term. He’s one of the newer players, so there’s been plenty of moments he wants to do something and I have to explain situations in which he can or can’t do something. Again, that’s no problem. The problem stems more from his innate chaotic nature, especially as it relates to other characters. I’m going to give a few situations that I found weird, and I want to know if I’m being an AH in this situation or if this really does sound crazy. I’ll refer to problem player as J for now.
The players are playing in a world in which humans are a primarily dominant race, and not many other races other than elves or dwarves have even been heard of. He’s playing a gnome, and so there’s been multiple NPCs who have talked to his character like he’s a child, or referred to him as such. Another party member (also a gnome) finds this funny, and has played into it a few times to get more info on things the party has done, such as acting like a child to get info from strangers or discounts for things in shops. All fine and dandy, the party plays into it. J, however, finds this incredibly irritating, and oftentimes starts arguments or physical altercations with NPCs who do this. One time, he started a fight to the death with a group of NPCs, and found that to be okay. Since the rest of the party barring one other person didn’t find it frustrating, I let it slide.
Another situation, one of the other party members finds a secret room in which he finds a pretty valuable gem (around 100gp in value). J hears this out of character, and when the party member finds his way back to the group, he starts interrogating him, and asks to make an insight check. I ask why J wants to do this, and he says “I don’t trust him”. I ask him what he’s done to betray his trust, and he says nothing, so I bring up the concept of metagaming. J’s primary out of character reason for interrogating the guy was because he knew about the gem, and he couldn’t separate that from his character. I say, no harm no foul, I’ll just tell people individually if they find things of value from here on, but he should be mindful of what his character knows. In character, J uses the spell “Locate Object” to find objects near him worth more than 50gp. I tell him that the character who reunited with the party has an item worth more than 50gp, and now he begins to interrogate him. This frustrates me, because there’s no reason that I could think of that doesn’t involve his out of game knowledge of the gem, and I’m still a bit frustrated about it because J holds this grudge over the other character 5 sessions later.
Another situation, J and the party are nearing the end of their first dungeon. As magic isn’t common in the world I’ve made, I wanted to include a decent amount of magical items for them to find near the end. The party works together and finds these magic items, which include 1 magical ring, 2 magical amulets, 2 magical cloaks, and 3 +1 magical weapons (I know it’s a lot, but this dungeon also took 3 sessions to complete). Upon my announcing of these items, J’s character grabs every single item, stuffs them into his Sack of Holding, and says “We’ll talk about trading later.” I ask him why he doesn’t want to give anything to any of the other players, and he just says that he got to them first. Keep in mind, his character is a bard, so while he could use them, I find that some of the items were tailored more towards the barbarian, rogue, and warlock of the party. He has yet to give any of these items up, and has “Raised the price” of the items due to some statements other characters have made about the incident.
This is all in game, of course, but there have been multiple statements and attempted actions that he wants to take where he has, and I quote, “Tried to make you miserable as a DM”. These includes but are not limited to:
I’ve chalked a lot of this up to him being a new player, and have had conversations with him about keeping the game entertaining for all of the party members, which is where I became super conflicted. Most of the party seems to find it fine, which is why I’m conflicted on if I’m right to feel frustrated. On one hand, if the party is okay with this course of action, I’m cool with it. On the other, this seems like it’s quickly becoming a murder- hobo party, which I’m not sure that I want to DM for. I’ve spent 2 years writing and creating this world, its inhabitants, its NPCs, and to see it approached in this way frustrates me. Which is another reason why I think I may just be overreacting, as I’m very attached to what I’ve created.
Is this something I’m overreacting to? Or is this a genuine problem, and what can I do to fix it? I’ve spoken to them a few times, but it only seems to work for a session. If I was to ask him to leave, then every other player would probably also leave, which makes me even more hesitant to do anything.
submitted by ReflectionDear1803 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:31 ForeignAd2455 I have been predicted.

Long story short I work with children and I whole heartedly agree they are the most free abundant spirits in that form. So while I was on the playground a group of 5-6 year old girls came over to me and randomly asked me how old I am. Now I’m a sports coach so I don’t have to many interactions with these girls but from time to time we will stand in a little group and have conversations for a few minutes as I believe it’s important to entertain their crazy little zoomie moments hahahah and it is really funny most of the time, they come out with the most unhinged quotes and stories. But this time was creepy so after one of them asked how old I am, this new little girl who doesn’t really join in with these group convos blurts out in a straight face monotone manner, “you’re going to die when you are 24”. Now when I tell you me and the other little girls looked at her like emmmm wth was that haha. BUT I realised I just turned 24 last month. It’s almost as she was taken over by something and the message was delivered. Oh also to add I have never told them my age EVER.
I know it’s just a crazy things kids say but what are your thoughts ?
submitted by ForeignAd2455 to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:31 sohamftwp00 How do I (23 M) deal with this breakup with my ex (22F)? (sorry for the huge post)

So, this is going to be long because context is important. Me and my ex started dating almost 3 years ago and after 2 years and 8 months in the relationship we broke up. During this, we had no problems for over a year and a half and then had some communication issues some of it catalysed by her controlling parents. They were straight up racist after they found out that I was not of the same nationality as them, and without even meeting m, they insinuated to not be in the relationship subliminally or keep her options open.
For context, they are Asian parents who were non-confrontational her whole life and a lot of that showed in her character, She never ever wanted to communicate through a problem, always hung up, always got mad when I brought something up that needed talking about. Her parents are the type to immediately tell her to read the bible if they see her distressed without offering any solace. They don't like when she cried and stuff like that.
I loved her a lot. I went above and beyond for her as per her own confession, no one else had done before. For the first year, I was appreciated for always communicating and just always being straight up with everything. The best way to describe how I was as a bf is that I had boundaries but I respected those same boundaries myself and also I was VERY VERY reassuring of the security of our relationship and I went above and beyond AS MUCH as I could and I really mean that. I was very loving, all I asked was to be reassured as well.
For most of our relationship we were long distance, as we started our relationship in person and I had to go to Uni in another country. I would visit twice a year for a month at a time during which I hung out with her all the time (4-5 times a week). And even in long distance, I structured my schedule and she did as well for the most part to make sure we spent 4 hours + every single day talking and we GENUINELY enjoyed each other's company a lot. For the duration of our relationship we spoke for hours every single day. Chemistry wise, it was undeniable.
Fast forward, So then after my last visit, I noticed she was distant, constantly expressing some sort of negative feelings towards me. I could tell she was distancing and I dealt with that even with support because I asked her why she was feeling a bit distant, she kept saying 'idk' and so I just offered support as she was having exam stress at the time too. To this day I don't know why she distanced. And then finally as she was bringing up stuff that 'she wished could be different' which were all out of my control, I asked her to call it and break up if she valued these things that much, which could be solved all with time, mind you. One was the distance, which weirdly wasn't a problem before and if anything I only had 1 year of uni left. It felt like she was trying to throw reasons like a dart to a wall to see what sticks. And at this point, if we broke up, it would be cordial.
About a month later, we finally broke up while I was back abroad studying, after a fight where she threatened to break up with me and I got sick of her expressing this feeling of not giving a shit about me or us so I said something I shouldn't have and that was it. She called it.
This was all to build up the fact that now she is actively chasing guys 2-3 months later after I regrettably checked her socials (the ones I haven't been blocked on) one way or another I come across it (definitely because I go looking) - Making playlists for a guy subtitled with 'Don't know how else I can make it more obvious' after she blocked me on spotify and this one guy followed her on there. She later changed that playlist name to 'Maybe someday' and then made the playlist private or deleted it. Recently, she tweeted on her public rant page that no one followed other than me when I was with her, after she blocked me on there as well but I had notifs on so I guess it bugged and I could still see it. The tweet read 'I just...want to be appreciated. I JUST WANT TO BE APPRECIATED!!!! I'm so hilarious, why doesn't anyone wanna date me'. She has also never been single for more than 8 months or so since she started dating, has had two exes before me.
Bottomline is, if she came back I would NEVER get back with her. I feel disgusted that I dated a girl like her. I feel like I was lied to about who I was dating - a funny, loving, religious god-fearing woman who had her priorities straight. I feel very very confused that she's like this now and so soon. We did everything together even after our distance, she wouldn't even be able to go to sleep without me being there for her. And now, she pretends I never existed. I know it's normal for her to pretend that I don't exist now, but to pretend I NEVER existed and we never went through what we did? That blows my mind. I know I have to accept it. How do I deal with not having the self control to keep checking some of her socials and stuff or How do I build self control. Like just how do I go about this breakup because another massive detail is that I am studying abroad in a place where it is genuinely impossible to make good quality friends (Berlin, no hate just that the people here are not my type of people) so I am alone with my thoughts a lot. I am trying to get close to God but I keep thinking about all of the stuff that has happened. I don't have the friends back home that would help me just distract myself. And I don't think dating or talking to girls is the answer either? I have hobbies but that doesn't help much I guess. How do I stop thinking about her and deal with this?
submitted by sohamftwp00 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:47 Aggressive_World4566 have I crossed the line?

TW!!! TALK OF ED AND SH DO NOT READ IF SENSITIVE!!!! recently me and my best friend we will call her Cindy had an argument, of course it was over something dumb and she just said how she doesn't want to talk about it anymore. some background I struggle mentally with the idea of how everyone is better than me at everything and Cindy is the kind of person who always has to win an argument. anyways she ends the argument after I make a good point and I'm still upset over this. so I go onto a secret twt account that she went out of her way to find by key word searching a sc of something funny from my twt account. this isn't the first time me has found one of my secret accounts. Cindy just has this thing of constantly being curious and finding ALL of my secret accounts no matter how hard I try to hide them. so anyways I vented about how I was upset that she was doing her usual if I lose the argument I just don't continue it therefore I'm not wrong kind of thing. of course without my knowledge she sometimes checks my secret twt account without my knowledge and she gets upset of my rant. just the other day I was feeling quite depressed and a lot of self hatred and felt jealous of her so I made a rant on how I was jealous of her love life and how throughout our entire 8 year long friendship everyone prefered talking to her than me examples include how when I made something and we showed it to someone and we told that person I made it they would still assume Cindy made it, or for gym class I would always end up getting picked last out of the two of us, or how the popular girls were nice to her and not me and same with the employers at our job. in the tweet I made I commented wondering why people prefered her over me despite us being very similar bc that's why we are such good friends I personally find us similar in interests and all that kind of stuff. I was jealous of her numerous relationships and how my failed one relationship was a long distance rebound. she saw this as well and took me comparing us to each other as me using her life as "pity points" which was absolutely not my intention. on this secret account I do just so happen to be apart of sh and ed twt and I made a quote twt saying how maybe people will like me more if I was thinner. me and her are around the same weight though she is taller and weighs less than me we are pretty close. she took this comment as a dig at her weight even though in my head it never was ment like that. last night she confronted me on the comments I've made and how upset she was that I would say such stuff and yes it's true I absolutely should've vented my frustrations to someone close to me or maybe just journaled it and not posted about it on twt but it was heat of the moment and I forgot I even posted it the next day. but there have been times where she has vented about me to a person we both mutually hated and we both know how that person also dislikes me which is something I never told her I was upset about, I kinda feel like the only reason we have been friends for so long is simply because I have always just been the person to not confront her about the things she does that upsets me just out of fear of her cutting off our friendship. I have told her about the argument thing and all my other problems but I feel she never remembers that I struggle with these issues. Cindy tells me she wants time apart so she can calm down and for me to work on myself and get help for my sh and ed. the sucky thing is idk if I'm willing to get help, I don't want to get fully into it bc this is already so long but am I the asshole? am I fully in the wrong?
TL;DR bff found my secret twt acc and is upset that I vented ab us on there :(
submitted by Aggressive_World4566 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:58 Samantha_K_S_S Random points about my rewrite

Idk what tag/flair fits the best, I'll fix that later, but I figured I'd let people know of some random points that will happen in the rewrite, but I'll only add the season they'll happen in, and it's based off of when they happen in canon - I won't be following canon to the letter, because then it wouldn't be a rewrite, lol. I'd like feedback for each of the plot points:
• Daphne won't be revived. She'll stay dead (s1, s5)
• Bloom and Roxy will know each other already (s4)
• Bloom will develop stronger Dragon Instincts and then a Dragon Side (s1-s3, Dragon Instincts, Dragon Side, in that order)
• Bloom and Flora will swap places during the test or whatever it's called where half of the Winx had to find the weak spot of the Dragon, because logically, fire and water don't mix, it turns to steam (s5, and yes, I'm basing this particular one on logic).
• Loads of Pokémon references will be made by Bloom for the sole reason of Confusion.
• Faragonda will be called out on withholding information really early by a former teacher (s1).
• Griselda will be stricter (s1-s3, s5-s7, s8 is uncertain).
• Bloom & Stella's friendship won't be on BFF level because Bloom already has a BFF, one she's had since childhood.
• Selina won't betray Eldora, but she will still disappear. (s?).
• Roxy, Selina, and Eldora will be introduced very early on (s1).
• Kiko being able to go through the barrier will be explained (s1).
• Many Earth references, phrases, quotes, etc. will be made by Bloom and it'll be like she used Confusion on anyone within earshot.
• In "The Black-Mud Swamp," Bloom will become very *protective*** of her group, and this very *pissed*** at the Troll. (s1 ep4).
Hope you liked the plot points I have for the rewrite, and I'd really appreciate any feedback you have, or if I should change some of it, just keep in mind that Daphne's storyline will remain the one in Season 1, it won't be changed for season 5, because if Aisha can't have Nabu and Musa can't have her mother, why should Bloom be allowed to have her older sister?
PS. Bloom also has a full family consisting of nothing but adoptions on Earth, and I find that really funny, and it also shows that adoptive families irl doesn't have to be just parent(s) and child(ren), but it can also be siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and nieces, which is what Bloom's entire Earth family will consist of...
I'll have to make a custom Family Tree for the rewrite, now that I think about it. I'll include Bloom's birth parents and Daphne, but that's literally the only Sparksian people I will include, but I'll make sure to state their status as "Missing" for the parents and "death by sacrifice" for Daphne.
Once again, I'd appreciate if you could give feedback on the plot points I've listed, just keep in mind the one about Daphne is non-negotiable.
submitted by Samantha_K_S_S to winxclub [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:44 captainkrol GME MOASS IS THE BLACKHOLE

Listen, this is controversial and you need to be open minded. If you do not know what remote viewing is, there is a great documentary on Youtube about the CIA using it (Third Eye Spies). If you don't believe in such thing, then just see this as a funny coincidence.
Time to go down the rabbit hole 🕳 🐇? That's up to you.
Stay positive and friendly.
The MOASS is inevitable.
Let me end with a quote: "😳💩😿🥜🐸🍦🤢👍👊☠️🥸👀🤩⚡️🎮🚀🍄💥🍏🤨😵‍💫💜🫂👌🤝⛺️😼🎯👀🐶🎤👀🔥💥🍻"
submitted by captainkrol to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:12 SherlockHolmesOff YouTube Pet Peeves

Hi, I’m here to obviously vent. I’d like to call out people who peeve me out on YouTube. So I’m gonna list it out. If you disagree, that is fine. Just going to list things that make me MAD. Get my itches itchy. Make my boots timber. Not directed to anybody except people who do this, if you do this, please take time to realize…Anyway. Obviously don’t go harassing people who do this. This is just my pet peeve.

1 - People who comment first who aren’t actually first and second commenters. Nobody cares that you’re first or second like? Please leave. Why do you feel the need to address the fact that you’re first? Do you want love? Likes? It’s not working, for me at least.

2 - People who thank people…on YouTube for their likes. If this is you, please don’t do this. People who say, ‘MAMA IM FAMOUS’, ‘Thx for the likes!!’, or ‘Never got this many likes before.’ Please stop. I don’t care whether you got that amount before or not! Don’t thank me, thank your humor or people liking what you said. These people genuinely annoy me, if this is you… I’ve already unlike your comment.

3 - People who don’t quote a video correctly. You just watched the video. The person in the video literally said “I like baking eggs and ham” then you’re going to comment with a quote talking about “They really said ‘I like eggs, bacon, and sausage.’ 🤣” Where did you hear that? They did not say that! Are you delusional? Maybe.

4 - People who feel the need to be inspirational. Sir, this is a video for people to vent. We don’t need you, Sherlock, to tell me “it’ll all get better.” IVE BEEN LIKE THIS FOR YEARS. NOT YET IN THERAPY. Plus, people know it’ll get better and if they don’t, oh well, who are you? Can I just have a bad day? Get out, dude.

5 - People who self-censor themselves. They will not always delete your comment. “I don’t give a shitacobeanthethirdonlyfansinthecourtoksoboom about this video.” Please stop. Especially if they do ‘sh#t’. LEAVE.

6 - People who are obviously bots or trying to promote their channel. People who say “I am better than this YouTuber.” Like if you were, I would be watching you, wouldn’t I? Your channel sucks. I’ve watched a lot of your videos and the fact you’re commenting on someone else’s channel to promote yours…how low can you go?

7 - “Don’t read my channel name.” I’ve read it, now what? I read the banner, I’ve read the video, I’ve clicked the link, now I’m in clarity. You’re still not getting a sub, you wreck.

8 - People who obviously copied the comment from somewhere else, using the same joke that everybody in the comment section is using or trying to act original. Those people make me mad. We’ve seen the same people use this same joke. You are not like them. We know it’s stolen, stop trying to be funny with that lame copied joke. Be creative.

9 - People who use ‘Bro’ in their comment, expecting it to be funny because it word for their little brother. No, bro did not think he was flying. It was joke. OR people who correct others grammar.


10 - The WHOOOSH community of YouTube. People who get offended, correct grammar. Like get a load of Mr. Fucking grammar police! Promise to say You’re next time! When you learn to have a laugh, you will be happy.

Anyhow, that’s it! Good day and if you’re on this list, have the day you deserve.
Tl;Dr: people who feel the need not to read the entire thing. 🫵🏽
submitted by SherlockHolmesOff to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:05 LinkLost380 Possible Matty References in Reputation

I’m so glad this sub exists because I’ve been annoying everyone in my life with my theories about these two … I figured this would be the right place to post my speculation/lyric breakdowns of songs that they may have written about each other, split into different posts for albums for ease of reading.
Starting with Reputation (2017) – I imagine the failed relationship with Matty was still fresh for Taylor during the writing/recording of this album. Her reference to her “longings locked in lowercase inside a vault” definitely made me look back at Rep in a way I hadn’t before (and I do think we’ll see some Matty-coded vault tracks on TV”. That said I don’t want to erase her other relationships, especially with Joe, so I’ll make notes of where I think I’m either stretching for a Matty connection or I think there are multiple muses.
Special mention to “Getaway Car” which feels like another (fictionalized?) response to Robbers but the story she tells is very similar to her fling with Tom, especially given the third man in the song. I usually claim it for the maylors anyway bc who cares about Tom. Let me know what you think.
“...Ready For It?”
Knew he was a killer first time that I saw him / Wonder how many girls he had loved and left haunted / But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom
I can't ignore the connections here to two other songs thought to be written about M - Ghost (2014) and Haunted (2015) by Halsey (I won't bother going into the HalseyMatty lore here but I could in another post...)
"You're a Rolling Stone boy, never-sleep-alone boy / Got a million numbers and they're filling up your phone, boy" (Ghost) "I'm begging you to keep on haunting me" (Haunted) "My ghost / Where'd you go? / I can't find you in the body sleeping next to me" (Ghost)
I can be a phantom holdin' him for ransom / Knew I was a robber first time that he saw me / Stealing hearts and running off and never saying sorry / But if I'm a thief, then he can join the heist / And he can be my jailer
Robbers is one of The 1975’s most famous songs. In the music video two lovers stick up a convenience store - definitely worth a watch if you haven't seen it. In 2014 M dedicated the song to T in Dallas in November 2017 (a week after she attended the concert in LA) here and here
Burton to this Taylor
One of my favorite references that I think reveals a lot about the messy but irresistible relationship M and T seem to have. Here's a link to a great article about the wild love affair between Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.
Every love I've known in comparison is a failure / I forget their names now, I'm so very tame now / Never be the same now
This sentiment is repeated throughout many of the songs I believe are about M. The idea of a life altering love is obviously prevalent across TTPD but also in folklore, evermore, and Midnights. ex. "I'm never gonna love again" (cowboy like me), "I don't remember who I was before you painted all my nights a color I have searched for since" (Question...?), "I felt aglow like this / Never before and never since" (loml)
Also want to mention This Must Be My Dream from 2016, which M has said is about an older gf but may fit: "Let me tell you 'bout this girl / I thought she'd rearrange my world"
No one has to know / In the middle of the night, in my dreams / You should see the things we do, baby
See Guilty as Sin? lol
Baby, let the games begin
Taylor in an interview with Glamour in February 2014:
TS: [Nods. Pauses.] I think everyone should approach relationships from the perspective of playing it straight and giving someone the benefit of the doubt. Until he establishes that this is a game. And if it's a game, you need to win. The best thing to do is just walk away from the table.
CL: Is that winning?
TS: It is when they come back. [Laughs.] And if they don't, then they didn't care enough to begin with.
conclusion: I believe ...Ready For It? is a response to Robbers and reveals M and T's similar romanticism (sometimes toxic but so addicting). The mirrored stylization of ...Ready For It? and Question...? makes me think the latter is a continuation of the former. The mentions of “island breeze” and “we’ll move to an island” have made people believe this song is about Tom Hiddleston but other lyrics, namely “younger than my exes” pretty clearly contradicts that.
"End Game"
I wanna be your end game / I wanna be your first string /I wanna be your A-Team
Funny reading this after The Alchemy and So High School.
Big reputation, big reputation / Ooh, you and me, we got big reputations / And you heard about me / Ooh, you and me would be a big conversation
And they were! Especially because T hadn't been really linked to anyone after Harry, the speculation about her and M came hard and fast. M especially was inundated with questions in the months after the LA and NYC shows.
And I heard about you / You like the bad ones, too
Another possible reference to a Halsey song, this time Hurricane from 2014: "He says, "Oh, baby, beggin' you to save me / Well, lately I like 'em crazy/ Oh, maybe, you could devastate me"
I don't wanna touch you, I don't wanna be / Just another ex-love you don't wanna see / I don't wanna miss you / Like the other girls do
Very reminiscent of The 1975's song Somebody Else, released in 2016, speculated to be about T: "I don't want your body / But I hate to think about you with somebody else"
I hit you like bang, we tried to forget it, but we just couldn't
"Flashbacks waking me up / I get drunk, but it's not enough" (Death By A Thousand Cuts)
And I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put 'em
"I circled you on a map / I haven't come around in so long" (The Alchemy)
Reputation precedes me, they told you I'm crazy
"And they tried to warn you about me" (The Albatross)
And I can't let you go, your hand prints on my soul
"Marked me like a bloodstain" (Cardigan)
It's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold
So many of the songs speculated to be about M reference his eyes but the most relevant (not the starry eyed motif which we'll get to in the future) are: "Eyes like sinking ships on waters / So inviting I almost jump in" (gold rush) and "But your eyes are flying saucers from another planet / Now I'm all for you like Janet" (Snow On The Beach)
"Deep blue, but you painted me golden" (Dancing With Our Hands Tied)
You've been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks / So here's the truth from my red lips
From the same Glamour article, Taylor talking about her 'trick' when dating:
CL: What's the freeze-out?
TS: You don't respond to any of his texts or calls until he does something desperate [like] shows up. Or he calls and leaves a voice mail. Something that makes it very clear to you that he's interested.
disclaimer: I am someone who thinks the Tom relationship was not that serious for T, so this song imo fits what she may have told us about her relationship with M more, though the beach reference does point to Tom in a way.
"Don't Blame Me"
I've been breaking hearts a long time / And toying with them older guys / Just playthings for me to use
See the quotes from the Glamour article above. "Younger than my exes, but he act like such a man, so" (...Ready For It?)
Something happened for the first time / In the darkest little paradise
May refer to the dark concert venue where they met for the first time (see So It Goes... for more)
For you / I would cross the line / I would waste my time / I would lose my mind / They say, "She's gone too far this time."
Sentiment that is repeated throughout TTPD, but most clearly in But Daddy I Love Him
My name is whatever you decide / And I'm just gonna call you mine
Though this could be a stretch, in the spotify storyline for The 1975's Oh Caroline (2022), speculated to be about T, M said "It's an invented character, where the cadence really mattered. It couldn't be "Oh Linda" or "Oh Jane" [or "Oh Taylor"] - you had to have a 3 syllable that really works. I knew what the song was about, I had felt that about someone before and I got to write an episodic, mini movie about the subject"
disclaimer: If about M, this song is very on the nose with the drug references. Generally it's a very vague song and could easily be about Joe or another ex.
"So It Goes..."
See you in the dark / All eyes on you, my magician / All eyes on us / You make everyone disappear
Likely refers to the first time T saw M in person, when she was front row at The 1975's LA show. All eyes were on M then (including T's)
"Once upon a time, the planets and the fates / And all the stars aligned / You and I ended up in the same room / At the same time" (Mastermind)
Tripping, tripping when you're gone
May relate to Don't Blame Me: "Trip of my life / every time you're touching me"
'Cause we breakdown a little / But when you get me alone, it's so simple
Maybe a stretch but M famously had a breakdown on stage in Boston on December 6, 2014. In an interview with the Guardian he said: “There was girl stuff. There was family stuff. There was financial stuff. There was drug stuff. I remember hearing the crowd and having an identity crisis. I thought: ‘If you want to see a show, I’ll give you a fucking show. If you’ve come to see the jester drink himself into a slumber, I’ll give it to you.’ I felt like I’d become an idea as opposed to being a person.”
“And I was 25 and afraid to go outside” (Give Yourself a Try)
And all the pieces fall / Right into place
"I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork / The dominoes cascaded in a line" (Mastermind)
Getting caught up in a moment / Lipstick on your face
"I said, "Don't fall in love with the moment" / She said I've got a lot to learn / Don't fall in love with the moment /And think you're in love with the girl" (She's American)
Come here, dressed in black now
"Yeah, we're dressed in black from head to toe" (Chocolate). Taylor was also wearing all black the night of the LA show.
conclusion: You did a number on me / But, honestly, baby, who's counting? / I did a number on you / But, honestly, baby, who's counting? ( "King of My Heart"
We met a few weeks ago / Now you try on callin' me "baby" like tryin' on clothes
The reason why I don't necessarily think Joe fits. They met at the Met Gala in 2017 and she very quickly started seeing Tom, obviously it could still be him but I wanted to note this.
"Don't call me 'kid,' don't call me 'baby' / Look at this idiotic fool that you made me" (illicit affairs)
And you move to me like I'm a Motown beat
M loves Motown, even sampling a track by The Temptations on Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy). He's also always loved dancing, which you can see in the videos for A Change of Heart and Oh Caroline.
Salute to me I'm your American Queen / Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff
He's English, obviously.
And we rule the kingdom inside my room / With all these nights we're spending / Up on the roof with a school girl crush
Totally speculation but M and T hiding out in her NYC home makes a lot of sense from other pieces she has shared about the relationship “My kingdom come undone” (Hoax)
Late in the night, the city's asleep / Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep
Speculation again but fits with the story of M and T as mostly loving each other in secret (see Dancing With Our Hands Tied and Dress)
Is this the end of all the endings? / My broken bones are mending
As mentioned above, T had seemingly taken a break from dating after the breakup with Harry.
disclaimer: Definitely not 100% sure on this one as there is convincing evidence that it is about J
"Dancing With Our Hands Tied"
I, I loved you in secret / First sight, yeah, we love without reason / Oh, 25 years old
M and T were both born in 1989, M was 25 when they first met and dated and T was turning 25.
My, my love had been frozen / People started talking, putting us through our paces / I knew there was no one in the world who could take it / I loved you in spite of / Deep fears that the world would divide us
“A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground / With no one around to tweet it” (The Lakes)
In an interview with the Guardian Matty said: “The day after she’d been to a show of ours, someone sent me a screenshot of E! News with the headline ‘Who is Matt Healy?’ That freaked me out. I’m not ready to indulge in that world and I’m not ready to be judged by that world.” So sad to read knowing that they dealt with a similar situation nearly a decade later.
Picture of your face in an invisible locket
“Wear you like a necklace” (So It Goes…)
And darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis
“Now you hang from my lips / Like the Gardens of Babylon / With your boots beneath my bed” (cowboy like me)
I'd kiss you as the lights went out / Swaying as the room burned down / I'd hold you as the water rushes in / If I could dance with you again
Reminds me so much of the music video for cardigan, where T slips into a rough ocean and hangs on to a piano. Also from cardigan: “Leaving like a father / Running like water”
Our secret moments in a crowded room / They got no idea about me and you
"Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room / And every single one of your friends was / Making fun of you" (Question...?)
There is an indentation in the shape of you / Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo
M seemingly makes a lasting impression: “Deep blue, but you painted me golden” (Dancing With Our Hands Tied) “The mark they saw on my collarbone” (Maroon) “Marked me like a bloodstain” (cardigan)
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
T often seems to refer to a friendship with M, perhaps they tried it a few times: “We were supposed to be just friends” (Glitch) “Like you were my closest friend” (Maroon) “Just say when, I'd play again / He was my best friend / Down at the sandlot” (My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys)
And if I get burned, at least we were electrified
“I'd kiss you as the lights went out / Swaying as the room burned down” (Dancing With Our Hands Tied)
I'm spilling wine in the bathtub / You kiss my face and we're both drunk
Many of the possible M songs refer to M and T’s love of wine. “And I can see us twisted in bedsheets / August slipped away like a bottle of wine” (august) “The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed your wine into me / And how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was (maroon)” (Maroon)
disclaimer - Obviously most likely about Joe given the reference to the 2017 Met Gala but I think it was worth a mention!
“Call It What You Want”
My baby's fly like a jet stream / High above the whole scene
Probably a double-entendre. M considers himself slightly on the outside of the ‘scene’ but this can come across as self assurance. This also could refer to literally being high on drugs
Loves me like I'm brand new
After T’s clever use of The Starting Line in TTPD I’m convinced she’s referring to the band Brand New. M posted a Brand New album on his ig story in 2020.
All my flowers grew back as thorns
An interesting contrast to “I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy” from Don’t Blame Me
Windows boarded up after the storm
“I look through the windows of this love / Even though we boarded them up” (Death By A Thousand Cuts)
I'm laughing with my lover
“Laughing with my feet in your lap” (Maroon) “Please don't ever become a stranger / Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere” (New Year’s Day)
Making forts under covers
Matty famously built a fort in ATPOAIM 3. “I'll build you a fort on some planet / Where they can all understand it” (Down Bad)
Trust him like a brother
“Like I lost my twin” (Down Bad)
Starry eyes sparking up my darkest night
So many starry eyed references which is terribly romantic and terribly sad. “Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?” (High Infidelity), “Your opal eyes are all I wish to see” (ivy), “Eyes full of stars” (cowboy like me), and “Gazing at me starry-eyed” (The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived)
I want to wear his initial on a chain 'round my neck
“Picture of your face in an invisible locket” (Dancing With Our Hands Tied) “Wear you like a necklace” (So It Goes…)
I recall late November, holding my breath
Late November fits perfectly into the timeline of M and T’s 2014 relationship. Late October to Late DecembeEarly January makes the most sense.
Slowly I said, "You don't need to save me / But would you run away with me?"
“You're mad thinking you could ever save me. Not looking like that.” (A Change of Heart)
disclaimer: Again lots of Joe references in this as well so take this with a grain of salt.
“New Year’s Day”
You and me from the night before, but / Don't read the last page
From Me and You Together Song (2020): “I think the story needs more pages, yes.” The reference to “the last page” also makes this song feel like more of a reminiscence than a song about a current lover.
I want your midnights / But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
Impossible not to reread these lyrics after Midnights was released as a nod to M: “When the morning came we / Were cleaning incense off your / Vinyl shelf ‘cause we lost track of time again” (Maroon)
You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi / I can tell that it's gonna be a long road / I'll be there if you're the toast of the town, babe / Or if you strike out and you're crawling home
Especially after the release of TTPD it seems that both T and M made many promises to each other that they couldn’t keep
Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you / Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you / Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you / And I will hold on to you
The reference to memories here creates a bit of a confusing feeling about the muse for this song. Although T seems to be talking in the present tense I do think these are memories and dreams for a past relationship.
“Hold on and hope that we'll find our way back in the end / Do you think I have forgotten? / Do you think I have forgotten? / Do you think I have forgotten / About you?” (About You)
Please don't ever become a stranger / Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere / Please don't ever become a stranger / Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
Not much to say about this but ow!
You and me forevermore
Again reminds me of Me and You Together Song (which I do buy as a song at least partially about T). And of course links to Evermore.
disclaimer: This could absolutely be about Joe but it does feel almost like a goodbye to M, closing the album. It’s as if she is reading “the last page”
Congrats if you read this lol. I clearly have too much time on my hands
submitted by LinkLost380 to taylorandmatty [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:35 Yaslovesvenus A nerdfighter bio

Hello, so I was thinking about putting up a new bio on my social media accounts and I usually put random quotes or funny sentences or just stuff that are random and I like and I was thinking of putting a nerdfighter related bio this time maybe a quote by Hank or John or just a funny sentence. I thought and thought and nothing came to my mind sooooo I came here to ask for your suggestions. Any idea would be appreciated thank you.
submitted by Yaslovesvenus to nerdfighters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:23 oceandeepoasis Life is long and full of troubles

When I wrote that title I thought I was quoting someone from Game of Thrones and on googling was reminded that the Melisandre quote is "Night is dark and full of terrors". Maybe this is how my brain interpreted that quote? "Life is long and full of troubles." Life can seem endless like the night and troubles often terrorize us to no end. It's funny tho, because if we were to extrapolate these quotes, one could argue that "Night is dark and full of terrors" but then rises the Sun and we start the day anew. But for extending "Life is long and full of troubles" would probably lead to; but then the end eventually comes in the form of death (for most). The rising of the Sun and the ending of life both end the dreadful state that the respective quotes seem to talk about, but symbolize entirely different things. The Sun rising can be a symbol of hope and a brighter future and potential, while death is so final, so cold. On the other hand, some people in the world don't see death this way. They imagine a light beyond it that will free them from the suffering of this world. Oh, how nice it must be to be able to believe that. I wish I had that luxury. But I can't.
This is not what I had come here to write, I don't even remember what I was going to write, but I am satisfied. One might have wished for a positive turn in that paragraph - even if one doesn't believe in any form of life after death, it is okay. It is even more of an impetus to be your OWN light in this life. To see the troubles for what they are and seek happiness. One could argue this in the previous para, but I will not. Not today. Some other day though, for sure.
submitted by oceandeepoasis to bloggingplatform [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:09 lefthandconcerto My Review of The Pinhoe Egg (Spoilers Within!)

About six months ago, in November, I started my journey through the "Chronicles of Chrestomanci," which of course are not really a series as much as a collection of books which all take place in the same set of universes. I read everything in order of publication, posting my thoughts here each time, and with the completion of this book I am now all the way through these wonderful novels. Please forgive my lack of direct quotes this time--having read nothing else for fun besides these books for six months, I found my note-taking capacity to be somewhat diminished. Maybe in the future I'll write a more detailed review.
The Pinhoe Egg is the final Chrestomanci book, whether you're reading them in order of publication or chronologically. I have no doubt Diana Wynne Jones did not intend this to be a "series" with a beginning and end; rather, I assume she simply got several book ideas that took place in this world, and this happened to be the last time before she died. It is sheer luck, then, that this last book is a sort of grand culmination of them both thematically and narratively, and possibly the best of the lot.
We start, typically, with a new protagonist, Marianne Pinhoe, and a new locale, the small rural village of Ulverscote, located a stone's throw from Chrestomanci Castle and Helm St. Mary. I liked that we got a little more background about this area throughout the book. When I go back to reread Charmed Life, I'm looking forward to putting it all into this new context.
Marianne became a favorite character almost instantly, and I was hooked on her storyline right from the beginning. Jones has a typically virtuosic opening sequence, wasting no time in establishing the key characters and launching into a dreadfully funny episode telling of Marianne's grandmother (who is also a kind of matriarch or "Gammer" over all the Pinhoes) apparently abruptly developing dementia and being forcibly removed from her home. There is black comedy galore here, all painfully adjacent to the real experience of making arrangements for a feeble or senile parent, as when Gammer is so averse to leaving her home that she roots herself in the bed, complete with actual roots. Meanwhile, Gammer's brothers and many children squabble over who gets to live in her house and where her belongings will go.
I mentioned before how Jones is always surprising me with the variety of formal structures and writing styles she employs. I thought I had figured out her game here, and was sure it was going to be similar to Conrad's Fate, where a new protagonist gradually makes their way into meeting familiar characters. But of course, Jones neatly sidesteps all reader expectation and switches tracks suddenly a few chapters in, focusing on Cat Chant as a second, equal protagonist, and revealing this book to be, among other things, the true sequel to Charmed Life--published 29 real-life years later. Jones then begins alternating between Cat and Marianne unevenly, and sometimes even from sentence to sentence, as in Witch Week. Her sleight of hand is sly and clever, and the craftsmanship is remarkable. Hats off--each of the seven books in this series reads totally differently. Jack of all trades, master of all, our Diana.
Jones stacks on the themes this time. We of course get some of her usual preoccupations, particularly with that of unreliable families. The Pinhoes may be the worst of the lot, or at least the most upsetting, because while in most of the other books the dysfunction is obvious, things are more insidious here. The reader is actually led (through Marianne's obedient, rule-following perspective) to see Harry, Cecily, Gammer, and most of the uncles and aunts as well-meaning individuals who care for one another. However, as in Charmed Life (and Cat himself draws the comparison), as the book goes on and Marianne becomes more independent, it becomes increasingly difficult for her, and for us, to justify their cruel behavior. It is genuinely devastating when Marianne figures out what's going on halfway through the book, decides to approach the adults in her life about it, and is laughed off or outright punished by all of them. There is a familiar scene at the end of the book: Marianne's and Joe's talents are vindicated by Chrestomanci and they are given the opportunity to nurture their skills in an education apart from parents who hold them back by refusing to understand or accept them. Replace the current Chrestomanci with the previous acting Chrestomanci, Gabriel de Witt, and you have the same scene as the end of Conrad's Fate. The detail that Marianne and Joe still go home and see their parents regularly is brutally realistic, Marianne able to convince her mother to soften on some issues, but ultimately failing to truly connect with her father. This seems to me the ultimate conclusion of the obsession with family dynamics in the Chronicles of Chrestomanci--that your family will always be there, like them or not, whether or not a true understanding can ever be reached. I'm not ashamed to say I cried through the last couple chapters of the book, and found the first line Jones has written that made me audibly sob. This was a feeling from childhood I didn't even know I had forgotten:
[Marianne] was depressed and worried. Dad was never going to understand and never going to forgive her. And Gaffer had still not turned up. On top of that, school started on Monday week. Though look on the bright side, she thought. It'll keep me away from my family, during the daytime at least.
As in Conrad's Fate, the potential toxicity of religion crops up here, in a bigger way than ever. The last act of the book is barely disguised by its magical trappings: what we have here is a group of devout, religious conservatives, being shown the harmful effects of their actions, and blindly rejecting all of the proof and logic in front of them in favor of enforcing rules and laws that keep them comfortable. There is no doubt that the next generation of Pinhoes will be just as subject to the old traditions, in spite of Marianne and Joe breaking free. That the Reverend Pinhoe is portrayed as a hapless and kind man, ignorant to most of the wrongdoing in the village, does little to soften the point of Jones's pencil here. As I said, I was startled by how moved and devastated I was by this final section, recognizing all of the real-world pain in this fantastical setting.
Jones has always been steadfastly protective of those who cannot speak up for themselves, as with the character of Cat who finds it difficult to recognize and verbalize his feelings. This time, borrowing from a kind of Shinto animism, Jones includes the concept of Dwimmer, a magic that is focused on the life force within all creatures and plants. There is no debate where Jones stands on this--her deepest and most profound sympathies lie with Cat, who can't bear to imagine his horse Syracuse chopped into dog meat, who frets over Klartch's wellbeing when out of his sight, and who firmly refuses to apologize for releasing all the goblinlike fairy folk from their bindings. There is no direct intimation of endangered species, global warming, or human-caused environmental destruction in this book, as you might expect in this kind of setup (I suspect Jones was too clever to resort to trite metaphors). However, in a fascinating twist, a plot detail revolves around the Pinhoes and Farleighs erecting a barrier in the forest to contain the magical creatures, making the forest feel empty and incomplete in the process--a magical, but also literal, instance of deforestation. Motives of plants, herbs, and trees, both good and evil, carry through the book as well. Jason and Gaffer Elijah Pinhoe, as well as Cecily, are handy with plants and tend large gardens. The Farleighs' and Pinhoes' spells tend to take the form of small bags of weeds and branches as well. Interestingly, and insightfully, the natural world is portrayed as difficult as well: Gammer grows roots to impede her family's mission, and the vile Gaffer Farleigh morphs into a stubborn, gnarled, immovable petrified oak when Cat works a spell forcing him to assume his true form.
This was one of the most enjoyable books in the Chrestomanci series, and it was bittersweet to close the door on the Pinhoes. I like that the continuity between these books is vague and tenuous, so I'm free to imagine all sort of side goings-on, like what might happen to Marianne and Cat later in life, or whether Conrad and Christopher remained friends, or what Roger and Julia thought when their dad told them all about the events at the academy in Witch Week. Howl's Moving Castle is still the book closest to my heart, and will forever be the Diana Wynne Jones I read over and over, recommending to anyone unfortunate enough to strike up a conversation about books with me, but I am so glad that I found the time to welcome Chrestomanci and all his strange acquaintances into my heart, too.
Here's my personal ranking of the Chronicles of Chrestomanci, but please note I love all of these books and a low ranking does not mean I don't like the book. I have to put that there because there's always someone who doesn't understand that last place doesn't mean bad or worst. I'm not including the short stories individually because it's impossible for me to weigh a short story against a novel, whereas a large collection seems to make sense to me. I also must admit that the top three, especially the top two, were really difficult to place and I more or less love them equally.
  1. Conrad's Fate
  2. The Pinhoe Egg
  3. Charmed Life
  4. Mixed Magics
  5. The Magicians of Caprona
  6. Witch Week
  7. The Lives of Christopher Chant
My next Jones book will be -- drumroll, please -- Archer's Goon, though I'm taking a break for some adult reading during the summer. While I'm in a school semester I can pretty much only manage to read children's fantasy, so I'll see you all come August or September. :) Thanks to those of you who have been reading and following my journey from start to finish. I would love to chat more about this book and this series.
Oh, and finally... ALL SPOILERS ALLOWED!
submitted by lefthandconcerto to dianawynnejones [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:36 readingtheunexpected Friendship advice

Hello. Im posting in this subreddit as i have yet to find an answer to my questionable situation. I have this friend which i spent most of my hours at school with, and sometimes even after school, (though rarely). We met roughly a year ago and in very unpleasant circumstances, i was going thru alot as a person and as well as the new kid at the school, he was likewise experiencing an unpleasant amount of nudging from our classmates, (Although not in protest for his new arrival in the school, as hed been there for years) even though he is generarly a good and honest kid. Needless to say, during that first span of few months in the new school (a year ago currently) i went up to him and slowly yet steadily we became very close, we hang out at lunch, at our classes we were desk-mates and we'd walk to the bus stop together... As is evident, we became close friends, and currently i can even talk to him about my deepest concerns in life, though hes not much of a comforting guy, i nevertheless found and still find reassurance just by him allowing me to talk about my problems. Our friendship has gone thru a lot of distortions, friend-group breakups, new friends, but i unfortunately believe our friendship is unable of adjusting to the new person of which i am becoming.
I used to be a very troubled kid, id smoke a lot, drink if given the chance, and i was deep in depression. If i had the chance to be intoxicated i would to it uncontrollably which didn't helped the addiction genes passed on from my family. I used to have no interest in school, no future goals, no literature, or the wellness of myself and body. I used to seek external approval, from my classmates as well as from strangers. I've got a feeling i sound pretentious at the moment, but bear with me. I have now become a completely different person, though i admit i still hold some traits as before, for example, i would smoke or drink but not excessivly as i did before, though undoubtibly its not my biggest worry at the moment. I have now started studying, set up some high goals for the future for which i pleasantly prepare for, i have the dream of becoming a special forces operator in my home-country one day and that is possible starting from a military academy. That academy requires plenty of studying and preparations which i find contentment in doing.
It goes without saying, i am not the same person i was, yet i fear our friendship is stuck in the past. He has started calling me stupid or dumb infront of our friendgroup, and one of them has also picked up on the same habit, though less frequently. I hope my friend expresses it in a joking manner rather than a serious intently-offensive manner (as we usually harmlessly joke around. Now in brainrot mostly from my part), though i fear theres more to that.
I, in real life, do not use such vocabulary, and my way of expression doesn't not align with the one i have in this post, for as i like being and feeling an easy going 'momentum' if not needed otherwise, i slouch and i walk in a relaxed manner, i sometimes act aloof as it brings me a sense of calmness and carelessness. Regardless, as i did not acted in an announcement fully regarding my new way of being, i have shared some goals and ambitions, aswell as frequent training progresses with him and some of our friends. Im not sure whether im taken seriously though, only comments are ''nice'' or ''cool'' , unfortunatly their microaggressions have yet to stop, im usually not taken seriously when speaking in an anything other than aloof manner. And those 'stupid', 'slow', 'dumb' responses to my expressions are exaggerated, spoken loudly with a feeling of exasperation, and that is, to things that just happen to be some silly mistakes, as for when i forgot my book, stuttered at a word, or when speaking slow. I just speak in brainrot (skibidi toilet, munting, jelking and etc), not fully, but in quiet environments in order to spark up a laugh, a few managable words.
i have yet to improve my need for others approval though its in a better state than before. Although, i believe that i want of approval from ones imposingly good friends is not instinctively bad, i used to consider these guys good pals, ones ill want to keep in touch in the future, but as for now, im starting to grow a disinterest and disgust in the way they treat me.
I hate to admit that these comments have impacted me to a level -that i do not find appropriate for my self-progression. I fear that i am the quote on quote 'stupid' friend of the group, which i would not find in any way hurtful if it wasn't for the complete disinterest and indifference when i do not express in their 'biased' and stereotyped self of me, commonly resulting in my progress going undermined and/or completely ignored.
What should i do? I have yet to speak to my friend about this, or our other friend, though i fear if they were to shown compassion, it would be an artificial one, a pity disguised as compassion and understanding. I have now stopped informing my friends about my random funny incidents which, long ago, would bring in a good sincere laugh with no hidden haughtiness from their part.
The reason why i am asking this is because i also have another friend which i do not share the same school with but he has known me longer than the others have, and hes really sweet and supportive, i consider our friendship with that guy from a different school to be sincere and healthy. We can joke around and still indulge in deep conversation from both parts... Comparing these two friendships have put me into a thinking spiral, regarding my perceived self and my actual self, a healthy friendship and ones thats taking a toll on me, making me question my abilities... I hate that their words impact me even the slightest, and im starting to feel a strain on our friendship as i can no longer share meaningful subject with them nor random silly instances as i will be taken with an offensive unseriousness regarding what im speaking of...
To add, ive also recently started receiving comments labeling me as a narc or drug user (referring to their slow nature of speaking and thinking) and even sometimes as homeless, which worsens this situation deeply. The reason as to why i speak in a managable slow pace or i randomly stop talking in order to think is to be sure of what to say so they wont have any chances of labeling me as an idiot, though now, it seems inevitable.
This is too long, what should i do?Cut em out? I dont understand why they are treating me this way.. im too deep in and the year school ends soon, i fear this friendship wont hold after the year's end, as well as the new beginnings arrivals.
submitted by readingtheunexpected to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:19 Dirtbrain_throwaway I don’t know how to get past this

I’m probably going to post this to a couple of different subs so please don’t be upset if this isn’t the first time you’re seeing this. I’m going to try and word this the best I can but I’m quite manic currently so it might not make total sense. I just don’t know what to do so any advice is highly welcome. I (22NB) have been with my partner (29M) for a couple months now. I know I’m young but when I love, I love hard. I can’t help it and I am trying to work on it for my own sake and sanity. I’m not expecting or even hoping for him to be perfect. I know he’s human and desires are valid and wholly normal. But I just can’t get over this one stupid thing. He met this other girl off tinder a little less than a year before he met me (also off a dating app). The thing is, she’s literally perfect. I’ve known he’s had feelings for her since he first mentioned her. I don’t know if I can ever compare to her in even the slightest way. She’s amazing. She’s caring, smart, funny, loving, thoughtful, just all around beautiful inside and out. I thought they were just close friends this whole time. I thought they had went on a few dates but nothing ever came from it on her end. I asked him how they met last night and he told me they went on a date and he finally told me they actually had sex already. I don’t know why that was so hard for me to hear. I don’t even know what I expected. People have exes, people have one night stands, people have history, hell I have history. I don’t know why it’s making me so upset. But just hearing that last night made me burst into tears. He didn’t even notice I was crying for a while even though I was right in front of him. I was finally able to tell him a bit about how I was feeling. It’s so hard for me to put things like this into words. This vague sinking feeling inside of me just won’t go away. I want to be okay with it. I want to know he loves me the way he loves her. I want to know I’m not a substitute. I want to know he loves me for me. We’re signing a lease on a house together the three of us and I don’t know if I’m going to make it. I want to be okay. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
submitted by Dirtbrain_throwaway to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:56 Dirtbrain_throwaway How can I get past this

I’m probably going to post this to a couple of different subs so please don’t be upset if this isn’t the first time you’re seeing this. I’m going to try and word this the best I can but I’m quite manic currently so it might not make total sense. I just don’t know what to do so any advice is highly welcome. I (22NB) have been with my partner (29M) for a couple months now. I know I’m young but when I love, I love hard. I can’t help it and I am trying to work on it for my own sake and sanity. I’m not expecting or even hoping for him to be perfect. I know he’s human and desires are valid and wholly normal. But I just can’t get over this one stupid thing. He met this other girl off tinder a little less than a year before he met me (also off a dating app). The thing is, she’s literally perfect. I’ve known he’s had feelings for her since he first mentioned her. I don’t know if I can ever compare to her in even the slightest way. She’s amazing. She’s caring, smart, funny, loving, thoughtful, just all around beautiful inside and out. I thought they were just close friends this whole time. I thought they had went on a few dates but nothing ever came from it on her end. I asked him how they met last night and he told me they went on a date and he finally told me they actually had sex already. I don’t know why that was so hard for me to hear. I don’t even know what I expected. People have exes, people have one night stands, people have history, hell I have history. I don’t know why it’s making me so upset. But just hearing that last night made me burst into tears. He didn’t even notice I was crying for a while even though I was right in front of him. I was finally able to tell him a bit about how I was feeling. It’s so hard for me to put things like this into words. This vague sinking feeling inside of me just won’t go away. I want to be okay with it. I want to know he loves me the way he loves her. I want to know I’m not a substitute. I want to know he loves me for me. We’re signing a lease on a house together the three of us and I don’t know if I’m going to make it. I want to be okay. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
submitted by Dirtbrain_throwaway to offmychest [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:46 SumYazz I am tearing myself apart from my exes addiction..

Oh God where do I begin..
My exes drinking and drug use has become so out of control. We recently had a daughter together and he's just doing nothing to help himself. I have referred him to our drug and alcohol services in the UK but he didn't even stick to the appointment because he didn't have enough money for his phone contract to receive the call. He sold the watch I gifted him for Christmas for more drink, he owes me money from the past that he was supposed to use for taxi fare to see his daughter (he's living with his mum as I couldn't have him living with us). His mum knows he has a problem but I've begged her to have a talk with him and she hasn't. I do realise this is all down to him and him taking the first steps. He begs me for help (i am also an addict but coming up to 3 years sober this year) and asks me what he has to do because there's no way out. He says he's not worthy or deserving. He says he's better off 'removing' himself because we'd all be happier without him - which he could not he more wrong. Every single weekend I exaust myself worrying thinking he's done something bad or drank into the excess again. It feels like I'm the only person worrying as I've begged his family and friends to talk with him and they see it as being funny or 'he's fine' because he seems jovial while he's at the pub. But he comes home crying saying he puts it on because everyone sees him as the 'laugh'.
I know I need to step back for my own mental health and safeguard our daughter. I know I do. But this is so so difficult. I know he can be an amazing person when he's sober. He's extremely compassionate and so very upbeat but when he touches that stuff, my God he's a whole new person. He does things that he would never do and he's admitted he's done things in the past to get his next fix and it's destroyed me.
At this point, he could cheat on me, lie to me, completely tear me apart. I can deal with that. What I can't deal with is (more than likely) hearing his eulogy before he turns 30..
I love him so much.
submitted by SumYazz to AlAnon [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:34 IDidntSayTepid Fail Better is the better Failure podcast

I just listened to the Ben Stiller episode of Fail Better. Sorry Kavkav but this podcast is in fact the better failure podcast. The conversation flows better, David Duchovny has better insight on failing, he actually focuses on his guest, and funny enough even delivers the “success has many fathers” quote better.
It is missing that awkward-cringe-train-wreck-that-you-can’t-look-away-from quality that Ryan Kavanaugh’s (or Harvey Weinstein’s- sorry I need to brush up on the website for clarification) has, but I can say I was able to finish the entire episode and got some laughs and insight from it.
submitted by IDidntSayTepid to h3h3productions [link] [comments]